Area of Learning: ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grade Band K-2: Big Ideas
Area of Learning: ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grade Band K-2: Big Ideas
Area of Learning: ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grade Band K-2: Big Ideas
Language and literature
help us find meaning
and joy.
Learning Standards
Curricular Competencies
Students will be able to develop the following curricular competencies using oral, written, visual,
and digital texts:
* Note: Grade-by-grade distinction is further articulated through the complexity of the text and the situation.
Language and literature
help us find meaning
and joy.
Learning Standards
Curricular Competencies
Students will be able to develop the following curricular competencies using oral, written, visual, and
digital texts:
Comprehending and Connecting
Develop a variety of reading strategies and critical thinking skills to increase comprehension and construct meaning
Engage actively as readers and listeners to construct meaning and develop thinking and comprehension
Explore a rich variety of texts, including story, to deepen learning and develop a broader understanding of self,
family, community and the world
Appreciate the universal importance of story in Aboriginal and other cultures
Explore the ways language can be manipulated and used for specific purposes and audiences, including to evoke
emotional responses
Think critically about ideas and information to deepen, extend, and transform understanding
Consider different perspectives, beliefs and points of view in Aboriginal, Canadian, and other cultural texts
Develop an understanding of how literary elements, devices, and language features enhance meaning
Evaluate the accuracy, reliability, and relevance of information
Support thinking using evidence, personal connections, and background knowledge
* Note: Grade-by-grade distinction is further articulated through the complexity of the text and the situation.
Language and literature
help us find meaning
and joy.
Learning Standards
Curricular Competencies
Students will be able to develop the following curricular competencies using oral, written, visual,
and digital texts:
Comprehending and Connecting
Apply a variety of reading and critical thinking strategies to increase comprehension and construct meaning
Engage actively as readers and listeners to construct meaning, deepen thinking and comprehension, and promote
Read, view, and listen to a variety of text types and genres, including those of Aboriginal origin
Make meaningful personal connections with a variety of texts to increase understanding of self and others
Recognize and appreciate the power and beauty of language
Appreciate the universal importance of story in Aboriginal, Canadian, and other cultures
Consider multiple perspectives, voices, values, beliefs, and bias in texts from a variety of cultures, including
Aboriginal ones
Examine texts that are representative of various social and historical contexts
Compare ideas and information in a variety of texts and genres to increase understanding and promote inquiry
Examine the ways in which people manipulate language for specific purposes, including to evoke emotional
Think critically about the accuracy, reliability, and relevance of information
Understand how literary elements, devices, and language features enhance meaning
Support thinking using relevant evidence, personal connections, and background knowledge
(continued on next page)
* Note: Grade-by-grade distinction is further articulated through the complexity of the text and the situation.
Explore and express ideas, opinions, and perspectives to communicate clearly through oral language
Use the writing process to improve clarity
Create a variety of personal, informational, and imaginative texts according to purpose and audience
Use language creatively to express ideas, evoke emotion, and create impact
Experiment with point of view, voice, and tone to suit the purpose and audience in oral and written
Use literary devices and techniques to create meaning and achieve purpose
Apply the conventions of language to clarify meaning in written and oral communication
Develop and defend an opinion or point of view with supporting evidence
Assess, adjust, and manipulate language to clarify meaning, create voice, and develop style and artistry
Compare ideas encountered in a variety of texts and genres
Understand the ways in which language changes and evolves
* Note: Grade-by-grade distinction is further articulated through the complexity of the text and the situation.
Language and literature
help us find meaning
and joy.
Learning Standards
Curricular Competencies
Students will be able to develop the following curricular competencies using oral, written, visual,
and digital texts:
Comprehending and Connecting
Use oral language to explore and express ideas, communicate clearly, and evoke emotion
Use the stages of the writing process to improve clarity
Present ideas and information and adjust point of view, voice, and tone for a variety of purposes
Apply the conventions of language to clarify meaning in written and oral communication
Refine form and structure according to purpose, audience, and context
Assess and adjust communication to improve its clarity, effectiveness, and impact
Manipulate language to refine meaning, create voice, develop style, and create artistry
Develop and defend a position with supporting evidence
Create a variety of texts to communicate ideas, create impact, and evoke emotion
Employ stylistic and rhetorical devices to create meaning and achieve purpose
Synthesize ideas encountered within and between various text forms
Understand the ways in which language changes and evolves
* Note: Grade-by-grade distinction is further articulated through the complexity of the text and the situation.