doi: 10.1590/S1984-46702009005000004
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Laboratrio de Aracnologia, Departamento de Invertebrados, Museu Nacional. Quinta da Boa Vista, So Cristvo,
20940-040 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Laboratrio de Diversidade de Aracndeos, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de
Janeiro. Avenida Carlos Chagas Filho 373, Cidade Universitria, 21941-902 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Corresponding author. E-mail:
ABSTRACT. A revision of the currently known distribution of Onychophora (velvet worms) in Brazil is presented. Twentyfour morphospecies (half of them undescribed) belonging to four genera of the Peripatidae (Peripatus Guilding, 1826,
Epiperipatus Clark, 1913, Macroperipatus Clark, 1913 and Oroperipatus Cockerell, 1908) are recorded. This high number
of unidentified morphospecies is due to three major reasons: the poor quality of the characters used in species-level
identification, the inadequate specimen conservation in ethanol, and, in most cases, the lack of additional specimens for
analysis of intra- and inter-specific variation. The morphological characters currently used to separate Peripatidae species present a large degree of variation and may not be sufficient to allow accurate identification. There are records of
these animals from 16 states, located in four political regions of the country (North, Center-West, Northeast and Southeast). Oroperipatus balzani is recorded for the first time from Brazil. The southernmost record for Onychophora is Itacuru
island, Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro State (E. edwardsii) and the northernmost is Vila Tepequm, Amajari, Roraima State
(Epiperipatus sp. 4). Considering the large territorial area of Brazil and the paucity of localities where Onychophora have
been collected, we may expect a total diversity of these animals much larger than the currently known one.
KEY WORDS. Brazil; distribution; Peripatidae; taxonomy; velvet worm.
from the Central America and the Lesser Antilles to southeastern Brazil (PECK 1975).
The first compilation on velvet worms distribution was
proposed in the seminal work of SEDGWICK (1888). Besides the
many new records of Onychophora, this was the first study to
propose the use of both internal and external characters in the
taxonomy of the group. Regarding the Neotropical species,
Sedgwick cited for the first time unidentified specimens of velvet worms from Brazil, collected in the vicinities of Santarm
and Breves, both cities in the state of Par.
The most important works about Onychophora are the
two monographs published in the beginning of the twentieth
century by BOUVIER (1905, 1907). Most of the knowledge on
taxonomy, biology, anatomy and distribution of Neotropical
velvet worms are still based on those works. Among the 32
species of Peripatidae considered in the first study (BOUVIER
1905), five are species from Brazil: Peripatus ohausi Bouvier,
1900, P. brasiliensis Bouvier, 1899, P. edwardsii, P. simoni Bouvier, 1898 and P. eiseni Wheeler, 1898.
Years later, CLARK (1913) presented a new classification
for the American species of Peripatus. This author proposed three
new subgenera, Plicatoperipatus Clark, 1913, Macroperipatus and
Epiperipatus, and a new genus, Metaperipatus Clark, 1913, to
accommodate the only know Peripatopsidae from the Ameri-
C. Sampaio-Costa et al.
List of Brazilian Onychophora
Figures 1-4. Brazilian velvet worms: (1) Peripatus heloisae, adult; (2) Macroperipatus acacioi, adult; (3) Epiperipatus edwardsii, adult female
and juvenile; (4) Peripatus sp. 2.
Peripatus sp. 1
Specimens examined: BRAZIL, Cear: Pacoti: Macio de
Baturit: 22.X.1998, A. Percequilo leg. (1 specimen, MZSP).
Distribution: Cear State.
Peripatus sp. 4
Specimens examined: B RAZIL , Bahia: Porto Seguro:
Trancoso, 19.VII.2005, A. Chagas Jr, B. Segal & E.G. Vasconcelos
leg. (1 specimen, MNRJ 0017).
Distribution: Bahia State.
Peripatus sp. 3
Peripatus sp. 6
Peripatus sp. 5
C. Sampaio-Costa et al.
Epiperipatus sp. 2
Specimens examined: BRAZIL , Esprito Santo: Cariacica,
Reserva Florestal Duas Bocas, X.2004, A.L.P. Giupponi, M.P
Milleri & T. Souza leg. (1 male and 1 female, MNRJ 0016); Reserva
Florestal Duas Bocas, I.1987, R.L.C. Baptista leg. (1 specimen,
MNRJ 0010).
Distribution: Esprito Santo State.
Epiperipatus sp. 3
Specimens examined: B RAZIL , Amazonas: 1937, A.L.
Carvalho leg. (1 specimen, MNRJ 0024).
Distribution: Amazonas State.
Epiperipatus sp. 4
Specimens examined: B RAZIL , Roraima: Tepequm,
11.XII.1994, E.O.S. Sueliano leg. (1 specimen, MZSP).
Distribution: Roraima State.
Epiperipatus sp. 5
Specimens examined: BRAZIL, Amap: Territrio Federal
do Amap, 18.VI.1966, Froehlich leg. (1 specimen, MZSP);
Ferreira Gomes, Stio Otimari, km 322 da Br. 156, 20.X.2007,
J.F. Cludio & P. Magno leg. (1 male and 7 females, MNRJ 0036);
Porto Grande, Mata do Areal, 21.X.2006, J.F. Cludio & P. Magno
leg. (4 specimens, MNRJ 0037).
Distribution: Amap State.
Figures 5-8. (5) Integument of Brazilian Peripatidae: Peripatus sp. 2, detail of the laterodorsal integument; (6) Epiperipatus sp. 1, dorsal
view of the disposition of PPB and distance among the folds; (7) Epiperipatus sp. 1, detail of the PPB; (8) Epiperipatus sp. 1, the PPB
extent. (PPB) Primary papilla basis.
C. Sampaio-Costa et al.
Macroperipatus sp. 1
Specimens examined: BRAZIL, Pernambuco: Recife, Dois
Irmos, O. Schubart leg. (1 specimen, female, MNRJ 0025)
Distribution: Pernambuco State.
In this study, 24 morphospecies of Onychophora are recorded from Brazil, 12 of them corresponding to described species (see taxonomic list above), distributed in four genera: Peripatus, Epiperipatus, Macroperipatus, and Oroperipatus. Up to now, O.
balzani was known only from Bolivia. It is recorded for the first
time from Brazil in this paper. The Brazilian records of M. geayi,
M. ohausi and O. eiseni are based only on the literature. The other
12 morphospecies are not ascribed to any described species. This
high number of unidentified morphospecies is due to three
major reasons: the poor quality of the characters used in specieslevel identification, the inadequate specimen conservation in
ethanol, and, in most cases, the lack of additional specimens for
analysis of intra- and inter-specific variation.
Since BOUVIERs monograph on Onychophora (1905), few
additional characters have been used in the taxonomy of
Peripatidae. One character used by Bouvier to separate
Peripatidae into two large groups, Peripates andicoles and
Peripates carabes, is the number of papillae in the foot of
the lobopods IV-V. The Peripates andicoles (now included in
Oroperipatus) present four or more papillae in the foot of
lozenges etc.) over and around the median dorsal line. The
pattern of light lozenges over a darker background is found in
at least three Epiperipatus species (E. trinidadensis (Sedgwick,
1888), E. broadwayi (Clark, 1913) and E. edwardsii) and also in
M. acacioi. In contrast, the lozenges are not clearly seen in some
E. edwardsii specimens from Esprito Santo State, and may even
not be noticed at all. Most Brazilian Onychophora have brownish to purple-brown hues, often presenting a darker, thin, stripe
over the median dorsal line. P. heloisae bears a contrasting whitish spot just behind the head.
Among the nine Epiperipatus morphospecies we found,
E. edwardsii and E. brasiliensis are easily identified. We were not
able to examine any E. imthurmi specimen. Regarding the other
Epiperipatus morphospecies, the analysis of the outer morphological characters were not enough to allow an accurate identification. For example, Epiperipatus sp. 5 has the leg number
and irregular papillae disposition found in E. imthurmi, but it
differs in coloration. Epiperipatus sp. 5 is dark purple, whereas
E. imthurmi may present colors varying from orange to brown.
The only unidentified morphospecies of Macroperipatus
seems to be close to M. ohausi, but it is found only in Pernambuco State, northeastern Brazil, while M. ohausi is known only
from Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil. Both species
present jaw blades with an inner accessory tooth and well-developed frontal organs. Macroperipatus sp. 1, though, displays
a row of 11 teeth placed after the accessory tooth of the inner
jaw, absence of secondary papillae placed laterally to the primary ones, and 30 pairs of legs, contrasting to the 10 teeth,
presence of such secondary papillae and 27-28 pairs of legs
found in M. ohausi (after BOUVIER 1905). Summing up, the gap
found in the morphological characters and the distance between localities indicate that M. ohausi and Macroperipatus sp.
1 are probably distinct species.
As shown above, the morphological characters currently
used to separate Peripatidae species present a large degree of
variation and may not be sufficient to allow accurate identification. The use of characters of inner structures, as number of
teeth in the jaws, and SEM may yield good results when applied to Brazilian Onychophora, as has been noticed by READ
(1988 a, b) and MAYER (2007) in other countries.
Most papers on the distribution of Onychophora are
worldwide-based, and do not present detailed records for each
country. Considering Brazilian Onychophora, most records are
restricted to the description of species. Also, many new records
have been presented in abstracts of zoology meetings, including new but invalid scientific names.
During our studies, we examined specimens of velvet
worms from twelve of the thirteen Brazilian states already cited
in the literature (Amazonas, Par, Cear, Pernambuco, Alagoas,
Bahia, Tocantins, Gois, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Esprito
Santo and Rio de Janeiro). The exception is Paraba, as we have
not been able to examine upon any specimen from it. Besides,
we added first-time records for three states (Roraima, Acre and
We thank Ricardo Pinto-da-Rocha (MZSP) and Ivo S. de
Oliveira (MNRJ/UFMG), for loaning specimens used in this study.
Eduardo Vasconcelos, for the precious informations on the
Onychophora from MZSP collection. To Elivaldo de Lima for
SEM operation at the Center for Scanning Electron Microscopy
of Museu Nacional, UFRJ. The establishment of this Center was
made possible by a grant from Cenpes/Petrobras, and is part of
the companys Thematic Network for Marine Environmental
Monitoring. Glauco Machado, Rogrio Bertani, Cleide Mendona
and Antonio Brescovit, for the donation of specimens to the
MNRJ collection. Carlos R.F. Brando (MZSP) for the precious
information on the locality in Petrpolis of M. ohausi and Adriano
C. Sampaio-Costa et al.
Figure 9. Map showing the known distribution of the 24 morphospecies of Onychophora from Brazil.
BOUVIER, E.L. 1905. Monographie des Onychophores 1. Annales
des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie (Srie 9) 2: 1-383.
BOUVIER, E.L. 1907. Monographie des Onychophores 2. Annales
des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie (Srie 9) 5: 61-318.