JBM 2 059
JBM 2 059
JBM 2 059
open access to scientific and medical research
Emeka Kesieme 1
Chinenye Kesieme 2
Nze Jebbin 3
Eshiobo Irekpita 1
Andrew Dongo 1
Department of Surgery, Irrua
Specialist Teaching Hospital, Irrua,
Nigeria; 2Department of Paediatrics,
Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital,
Irrua, Nigeria; 3Department of
Surgery, University of Port Harcourt
Teaching Hospital, Port-Harcourt,
Background: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is the formation of blood clots (thrombi) in the
deep veins. It commonly affects the deep leg veins (such as the calf veins, femoral vein, or
popliteal vein) or the deep veins of the pelvis. It is a potentially dangerous condition that can
lead to preventable morbidity and mortality.
Aim: To present an update on the causes and management of DVT.
Methods: A review of publications obtained from Medline search, medical libraries, and
Results: DVT affects 0.1% of persons per year. It is predominantly a disease of the elderly and
has a slight male preponderance. The approach to making a diagnosis currently involves an algorithm combining pretest probability, D-dimer testing, and compression ultrasonography. This will
guide further investigations if necessary. Prophylaxis is both mechanical and pharmacological.
The goals of treatment are to prevent extension of thrombi, pulmonary embolism, recurrence
of thrombi, and the development of complications such as pulmonary hypertension and postthrombotic syndrome.
Conclusion: DVT is a potentially dangerous condition with a myriad of risk factors. Prophylaxis
is very important and can be mechanical and pharmacological. The mainstay of treatment is
anticoagulant therapy. Low-molecular-weight heparin, unfractionated heparin, and vitamin K
antagonists have been the treatment of choice. Currently anticoagulants specifically targeting
components of the common pathway have been recommended for prophylaxis. These include
fondaparinux, a selective indirect factor Xa inhibitor and the new oral selective direct thrombin
inhibitors (dabigatran) and selective factor Xa inhibitors (rivaroxaban and apixaban). Others
are currently undergoing trials. Thrombolytics and vena caval filters are very rarely indicated
in special circumstances.
Keywords: deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, venous thromboembolism, prophylaxis,
DOI: 10.2147/JBM.S19009
The term thrombosis refers to the formation, from constituents of blood, of an abnormal
mass within the vascular system of a living animal. When this process occurs within
the deep veins, it is referred to as deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
An accurate diagnosis of DVT is extremely important to prevent potentially fatal
acute complication of pulmonary embolism (PE) and long-term complications of
postphlebitis syndrome and pulmonary hypertension. It is also important to avoid
unjustified therapy with anticoagulants with associated high risk of bleeding in patients
misdiagnosed with the condition.1
Kesieme et al
A literature review of DVT was done from 1970 to date using
a manual library search, journal publications on the subject,
and Medline. Full texts of the materials, including those of
relevant references were collected and studied. Information
relating to the epidemiology, pathology, clinical presentation,
investigations, prophylaxis, treatment, and complications was
extracted from the materials.
DVT is a major and a common preventable cause of death
worldwide. It affects approximately 0.1% of persons per
year. The overall average age- and sex-adjusted annual
incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) is 117 per
100,000 (DVT, 48 per 100,000; PE, 69 per 100,000), with
higher age-adjusted rates among males than females (130
vs 110 per 100,000, respectively).2 Both sexes are equally
afflicted by a first VTE, men having a higher risk of recurrent
thrombosis.3,4 DVT is predominantly a disease of the elderly
with an incidence that rises markedly with age.2
A study by Keenan and White revealed that AfricanAmerican patients are the highest risk group for first-time
VTE. Hispanic patients risk is about half that of Caucasians.
The risk of recurrence in Caucasians is lower than that of
African-Americans and Hispanics.5
The incidence of VTE is low in children. Annual incidences of 0.07 to 0.14 per 10,000 children and 5.3 per
10,000 hospital admissions have been reported in Caucasian studies.6,7 This low incidence may be due to decreased
capacity to generate thrombin, increased capacity of
alpha-2-macroglobulin to inhibit thrombin, and enhanced
antithrombin potential of vessel walls. The highest incidence
in childhood is during the neonatal period, followed by
another peak in adolescence.8 The incidence rate is comparatively higher in adolescent females because of pregnancy and
use of oral contraceptive agents.9
Pregnant women have a much higher risk of VTE than
nonpregnant women of similar age and the risk has been
shown to be higher after cesarian section than after vaginal
delivery.10 In a study conducted in an African population, the
documented rate was 48 DVT per 100,000 births per year.11
Thrombus formation preferentially starts in the valve pockets
of the veins of the calf and extends proximally. This is especially true for those that occur following surgery.16 Though
most thrombi begin intraoperatively, some start a few days,
weeks, or months after surgery. Lending its support to the
origin of thrombus in valve pockets is a recent hypothesis
of an increased expression of endothelial protein C receptor
(EPCR) and thrombomodulin (TM) and a decreased expression of Von Willebrand factor (vWF) noted in valve sinus
endothelium compared with vein luminal endothelium. This
means an upregulation of anticoagulants (EPCR, TM) and
a downregulation of procoagulant (vWF) properties of the
valvular sinus endothelium.17
Thrombus is composed predominantly of fibrin and red
cells (red or static thrombus). Venous thrombus must be
differentiated from postmortem clot at autopsy. Postmortem
clots are gelatinous and have a dark red dependent portion
(formed by red cells that have settled by gravity and a yellow
chicken fat supernatant resembling melted and clotted
chicken fat). They are usually not attached to the underlying wall. This is in contrast to the venous thrombi which are
firmer. They almost always have a point of attachment to
the wall and transection reveals vague strands of pale gray
DVT in the lower limb can be classified as a) proximal,
when the popliteal vein or thigh veins are involved or b)
distal, when the calf veins are involved. Clinically, proximal
vein thrombosis is of greater importance and is associated
with serious chronic diseases such as active cancer, congestive cardiac failure, respiratory insufficiency, or age above
75 years, whereas distal thrombosis is more often associated
with risk factors such as recent surgery and immobilization.
Fatal PE is far more likely to result from proximal DVT.19
Post-thrombotic syndrome, a chronic, potentially disabling
Clinical features
History and clinical examination are not reliable ways of
diagnosing DVT.21 Lower extremity DVT can be symptomatic
or asymptomatic. Patients with lower extremity DVT often
do not present with erythema, pain, warmth, swelling, or
tenderness. Symptomatic patients with proximal DVT may
present with lower extremity pain, calf tenderness, and lower
extremity swelling.22,23 Homans sign may be demonstrable in
DVT. Most of these features lack specificity; hence clinical
evaluation usually implies the need for further evaluation.
The left leg is the commonest site for venous thrombosis in
pregnancy11 and in acute massive venous thrombosis. This
may be due to compression of the left iliac vein by the right
iliac artery (MayThurner syndrome).24
Phlegmasia alba dolens is characterized by edema, pain,
and blanching without cyanosis while phlegmasia cerulea
dolens is characterized by these features in addition to
cyanosis, which characteristically progresses from distal to
proximal areas and bleb/bulla formation.
Risk factors
Rudolph Virchow described three conditions that predispose
to thrombus, the so-called Virchows triad. This triad includes
endothelial injury, stasis or turbulence of blood flow, and
blood hypercoagulability.
Stasis and endothelial injury are important in DVT
following trauma or surgery while hypercoagulability is
responsible for most cases of spontaneous DVT. At least
96% of patients treated for VTE have been shown to have
at least one risk factor.25
Risk can be classified as acquired or genetic. When
genetic defects are combined with one or more acquired risk
factors, or in combined genetic defects or combination of two
acquired defects, it results in a risk of VTE that exceeds the
separate effects of a single factor.26
Kesieme et al
D-dimer assay
D-dimer is a degradation product of cross-linked fibrin that
is formed immediately after thrombin-generated fibrin clots
are degraded by plasmin. It reflects a global activation of
blood coagulation and fibrinolysis.38 It is the best recognized
biomarker for the initial assessment of suspected VTE. The
combination of clinical risk stratification and a D-dimer test
can exclude VTE in more than 25% of patients presenting
with symptoms suggestive of VTE without the need for
additional investigations.39 Even in patients with clinically
suspected recurrent DVT, this combination (clinical evaluation and D-dimer) has proved to be useful for excluding
DVT, especially in patients included in the lower clinical
pretest probability group.40
Levels of D-dimer can be popularly measured using three
types of assay:
Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Latex agglutination assay.
Red blood cell whole blood agglutination assay
These assays differ in sensitivity, specificity, likelihood
ratio, and variability among patients with suspected VTE.
ELISAs dominate the comparative ranking among D-dimer
assays for sensitivity and negative likelihood ratio.
D-dimer assays are highly sensitive (values up to 95%),
but have poor specificity to prove VTE. The negative predictive value for patients with a negative D-dimer blood test is
nearly 100%. Hence a negative value of D-dimer may safely
rule out both DVT and PE. False positive D-dimer results
have been noted in inflammation,41 pregnancy,42 malignancy,43
and the elderly.44 Clinical usefulness of the measurement of
D-dimer has been shown to decrease with age.45 The use
of age-dependent cut-off values of D-dimer assays is still a
matter of controversy. Several studies have shown that the
levels of D-dimer assays increase with gestational age and
in complicated pregnancies as observed in preterm labor,
Venous ultrasonography
Venous ultrasonography is the investigation of choice in
patients stratified as DVT likely.50 It is noninvasive, safe,
available, and relatively inexpensive. There are three types
of venous ultrasonography: compression ultrasound (B-mode
imaging only), duplex ultrasound (B-mode imaging and
Doppler waveform analysis), and color Doppler imaging
alone. In duplex ultrasonography, blood flow in normal vein
is spontaneous, phasic with respiration, and can be augmented
by manual pressure. In color flow sonography, pulsed Doppler
signal is used to produce images.51 Compression ultrasound is
typically performed on the proximal deep veins, specifically
the common femoral, femoral, and popliteal veins, whereas
a combination of duplex ultrasound and color duplex is more
often used to investigate the calf and iliac veins.52
The major ultrasonographic criterion for detecting venous
thrombosis is failure to compress the vein lumen under gentle
probe pressure. Other criteria for ultrasonographic diagnosis
of venous thrombosis include loss of phasic pattern in which
flow is defined as continuous, response to valsava or augmentation (Duplex ultrasound), and complete absence of spectral
or color Doppler signals from the vein lumen.53
The other advantages of venous ultrasound are its ability to
diagnose other pathologies (Bakers cysts, superficial or intramuscular hematomas, lymphadenopathy, femoral aneurysm,
superficial thrombophlebitis, and abscess), and the fact that
there is no risk of exposure to irradiation, while its major limitation is its reduced ability to diagnose distal thrombus.22 Venous
compressibility may be limited by a patients characteristics
such as obesity, edema, and tenderness as well as by casts or
immobilization devices that limit access to the extremity. Compression B-mode ultrasonography with or without color Duplex
imaging has a sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 96% for
diagnosing symptomatic, proximal DVT.54 For DVT in the calf
vein, the sensitivity of venous ultrasound is only 73%.55
Repeat or serial venous ultrasound examination is
indicated for initial negative examination in symptomatic
patients who are highly suspicious for DVT and in whom
Contrast venography
Venography is the definitive diagnostic test for DVT, but it
is rarely done because the noninvasive tests (D-dimer and
venous ultrasound) are more appropriate and accurate to
perform in acute DVT episodes. It involves cannulation of
a pedal vein with injection of a contrast medium, usually
noniodinated, eg, Omnipaque. A large volume of Omnipaque
diluted with normal saline results in better deep venous filling
and improved image quality.56
The most reliable cardinal sign for the diagnosis of
phlebothrombosis using venogram is a constant intraluminal
filling defect evident in two or more views.56 Another reliable
criterion is an abrupt cutoff of a deep vein, a sign difficult to
interpret in patients with previous DVT.57 It is highly sensitive
especially in identifying the location, extent and attachment
of a clot and also highly specific.
Being invasive and painful remains its major setback. The
patient is exposed to irradiation and there is also an additional
risk of allergic reaction and renal dysfunction. Occasionally
a new DVT may be induced by venography,58 probably due
to venous wall irritation and endothelial damage. The use of
nonionic contrast medium has reduced considerably risks of
anaphylactic reaction and thrombogenecity or may have even
eliminated them.59,60
Impedance plethysmography
The technique is based on measurement of the rate of change
in impedance between two electrodes on the calf when a
venous occlusion cuff is deflated. Free outflow of venous
blood produces a rapid change in impedance while delay in
outflow, in the presence of a DVT, leads to a more gradual
change.61 It is portable, safe, and noninvasive but its main
drawback remains an apparent insensitivity to calf thrombi
and small, nonobstructing proximal vein thrombi.
Kesieme et al
Unfractionated heparin (UFH), low-molecular-weight
heparins (LMWH), fondaparinux, and the new oral direct
selective thrombin inhibitors and factor Xa inhibitors are
DVT unlikely
(probability score 1)
DVT likely
(probability score 2)
D-dimer assay
Venous USS
DVT excluded
Venous USS
D-dimer assay
DVD diagnose/treat
DVT excluded
DVT excluded
Figure 1 Algorithm for diagnosing DVT using clinical assessment, D-dimer testing, and venous ultrasonography.
Abbreviation: USS, ultrasound.
The goal of therapy for DVT is to prevent the extension
of thrombus, acute PE, recurrence of thrombosis, and the
Kesieme et al
Thrombolytic therapy
This is rarely indicated. The risk of major bleeding, including
intracranial hemorrhage, should be weighed against the
benefits of a complete and rapid lysis of thrombi. It is indicated in massive DVT which leads to phlegmasia cerulean
dolens and threatened limb loss. The available thrombolytic
agents include tissue plasminogen activator, streptokinase,
and urokinase.
Endovascular thrombolytic methods have evolved considerably in recent years. Catheter-directed thrombolysis (CDT)
can be used to treat DVTs as an adjunct to medical therapy.106
Current evidence suggests that CDT can reduce clot burden
and DVT recurrence and consequently prevent the formation of
post-thrombotic syndrome compared with systemic anticoagulation.106 Pharmacomechanical CDT is now routinely used in
some centers for the treatment of acute iliofemoral DVT.107
Appropriate indications may include younger individuals
with acute proximal thromboses, a long life expectancy, and
relatively few comorbidities. Limb-threatening thromboses
may also be treated with CDT, although the subsequent mortality remains high.106 A number of randomized controlled
trials are currently underway comparing the longer-term
outcomes of CDT compared with anticoagulation alone.
DVT is a potentially dangerous clinical condition that can lead
to preventable morbidity and mortality. A diagnostic pathway
involving pretest probability, D-dimer assay, and venous
The authors report no conflicts of interest and did not request
or receive any form of financial support for this project.
Kesieme et al
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