Oice Ountervoice: Ebola - Should A Worldwide Epidemic Be Proclaimed?

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~ No. 1/15 ~


Ebola should a worldwide epidemic be proclaimed?

In the 1940s there were supposedly hundreds of different studies showing the powerful influence of medical or
scientific diagnoses on the
human soul. This is what Dr.
Peter Yoda writes in his
book Revelations by a Medical Insider. The reason
why diseases can persistently remain and progress, is
first of all that the patient
develops an awareness of
the illness.
According to these studies
the greatest power of death
can come up where a collective awareness of being ill is
present. If a whole group or
a whole people is collectively persuaded that they are
doomed to die, e.g. by an
epidemic or diseases, then
already because of the propagation of this shocking diagnosis more people will die
than because of any really
present biological danger. In
light of these psychologicalmedical lethal effects apparently well known among
experts it is downright irresponsible how the media are
spreading panic among the
population by their headlines about Ebola and other
diseases. The present V&C
is aiming at removing fear
by information and giving
courage for the future. [1]
The editors (clh./ts.)

lw. In order to be able to declare

the swine flu a pandemic in May
2009, the WHO changed the definition of pandemic level six on
their own initiative. The criterion
for a pandemicof a disease having a high mortality rate was simply omitted. Another change of
definition has now been introduced also in the case of Ebola,
according to the renowned vacci-

nation expert Hans Tolzin. One

day before the WHO declared
Ebola to be a pandemic, the
CDC* modified the definition of
an Ebola case: Malaria and other
diseases do not have any more to
be excluded as possible causes
when a blood test for Ebola
which is rather non-specific**
was positive. If this new definition established by the CDC is

widely applied, the numbers of

supposed Ebola cases could drastically rise in the near future. And
this not only in West Africa but
worldwide simply because of a
supposedly positive laboratory
test. [2]
* Center for Disease Control,
US authority
** The test can give a positive result
for 5% of healthy Germans.

The health authorities have fallen victim of a campaign of the pharmaceutical

corporations who just wanted to make money out of the supposed threat (here: swine flu).
Wolf-Dieter Ludwig, professor of medicine and chairman
of the commission for pharmaceuticals of the German physicians society

Ebola virus - fact or fake?

Ebola vaccine How reliable and significant are However to directly prove the curing or lethal?
quick virus tests for proving an
Ebola infection? Dr. Klaus
Koehnlein, author of the book
Virus-Wahn (Virus madness)
compares modern research on viruses to the Yeti myth. He writes:
With both it is claimed that they
exist, although no one has seen
them viruses, which cause sicknesses, on the one hand and on
the other hand, an ape-like creature, supposedly two to three meters tall and weighing about 200
kilograms. Just as with Bigfoot*, where finding and describing a 43 centimeter-long
footprint has to serve as indirect
proof that he exists, in the same
way in virus research indirect
clues have to serve as a substitute
for real images with complete
DNA substance and outer wall.
Bacteria and fungus can be seen
with a common light microscope.

presence of a virus, even an electron-microscope fails. This is

why, over time virus research
moved away from direct proofs
of viruses. Michael Leitner, a
medical journalist wrote concerning this: The question is not
where Ebola originated or was
possibly produced but, if there
are real proofs that the Ebola virus exists. I have not found any
such thing. Michael Leitner
draws the conclusion: This is
the scheme used to spread viruses
today: EVERY epidemic that has
been in the big media headlines
was a TEST epidemic. It is not a
new virus spreading, but a virustest, which supposedly proves the
existence of a terribly dangerous
new disease. [3]

However since reports have been

amassing of cases, in African
countries, where more and
more often due to the injection
of Ebola medication the symptoms of Ebola initially break out
and then patients die, we should
take a reminding look at the numerous similar events from the
In July 2013 the American
CDC - Center for disease control
- admitted that between 1955 and
1963 an estimated number of
about 10 to 30 million Americans received a vaccine against
polio that was contaminated with
a carcinogenic virus.
Swine flu 2009: The vaccine
was implemented early and without sufficient clinical testing.
Verifiably this vaccine caused
*Big-foot: other name for the ape- Narcolepsy in children and rising
like creature
percentages of miscarriages in
vaccinated pregnant women.
Sources: [1] KLA.tv broadcast, German, of Oct. 1, 2014 | [2] http://bewusst.tv/angstmache-um-ebola/ | http://info.kopp- 1990s: By initiative of the
verlag.de/hintergruende/enthuellungen/f-william-engdahl/rechtliche-immunitaet-fuer-die-hersteller-von-schw.html |
www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/schweinegrippe-experte-warnt-vor-viren-hysterie-a-636914.html | WHO, millions of women aged
between 15 and 45 years, in Nica[3] http://www.nzz.ch/wirtschaft/newsticker/roche-draengt-auf-zulassung-ihres-ebola-schnelltests-1.18411750 | Book
Virus-Wahn (Virus Madness) Wie die Medizin-Industrie stndig Seuchen erfindet und auf Kosten der Allgemeinheit
Milliarden-Profite macht, Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Khnlein/Circular mail by Michael Leitner

continued p. 2

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~ No. 1/15 ~

ragua, Mexico and the Philippines are vaccinated against Tetanus. The vaccine contains a
hormone which causes pregnancies to abort and sterilizes women.
1990-1996: A team of Danish
researchers investigated more

Great excitement in the

forest. The
rumor is
the bear has a
death-list !
Here is your

me please,
but is my
name on
that list?

The deer
is struck
fear and
2 days later
he is found

Panic spreads among

the forest animals.
Am I also
on it?

your name
is also on

wild boars
2 days later
it is dead!

than 15,000 women and their babies in Guinea-Bissau, in order to

find out which long-term effects
vaccines have on children. They
came to alarming results. Although the vaccinated children
came from families of higher social level on the average and were
better fed, mortality of the vaccinated was about twice that of the
Mid-1970s: On order of the
CDC, around 50 million Americans had themselves vaccinated

against a predicted swine-plague

epidemic. The early vaccinations
caused dramatic side effects in 20
to 40% of those vaccinated,
amongst others paralysis and
death. The bitter irony was that
only a few cases of swine plague
broke out.
Seeing facts listed here we may
ask what the planned Ebola vaccination is really intended for!

Euros per infusion. So with four

infusions administered, the
health insurance will pay a total
of up to 80,000 Euros for the
treatment of only one patient.
Seen in the economic perspective,
this is very profitable for the physician and the pharma industry.
There are various natural approaches to heal cancer. Because
of missing financial appeal and
the impossibility to patent plants,
these are not investigated, however, but rather suppressed and displayed as not trustworthy, sometimes even as ridiculous. [5]

Spontaneous healing of cancer

The animals in the forest lose heart.

Only a little carefree rabbit dares
to go to the bear.
bear! Am I
also on
your list?

Yes, you

Tell me,
can you cross
me out?
List o



Of course, no

clh. A gynecological assistant

had the task to inform the patients about bad results of their
Pap-smear tests for early screening of cervical cancer. After
some time she started feeling too
bad to tell the poor women that
they were sick. So she began
falsifying the results or made
them disappear. More than six
years later the matter was
brought to light. There were 99
cases in total. All these women

Manifesto by 14 top virologists

of the old guard to the new
generation of researchers.
Science, 2001

Closing Point

Cancer disease - a business?

lw. Nowadays cancer is the second most frequent cause of death
after heart/circulatory-system diseases. Many people have been
programmed by the media in this
way: cancer diagnosed I must
die. As soon as they get such a
diagnosis, they turn to their doctor, filled with fear of death and
ready to undergo almost any therapy, often chemo or radiation
therapy. The problem with this
choice of treatment is: the financial attraction for the physician,
the performing clinic and the
pharmaceutical industry! Chemotherapy can cost up to 20,000

Modern methods of proof

of viruses do not state
anything about how a
virus multiplies (...) or how
it makes people sick. It is
as if one would like to
ascertain if a person has a
bad smell from the mouth
by looking at the
finger prints.

were examined anew. Astonishingly most cancer precursors

had disappeared at the re-examination without any therapy.
The court sentence for this assistant was moderate, and while she
was still in the court room, one
of the healed women thanked
her heartily as she did not have
to undergo cancer therapy. Spontaneous healing due to self-regulation of the body and light hearted mind? [6]

Sources: [4] Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Khnlein: Virus-Wahn Wie die Medizin-Industrie stndig Seuchen erfindet und auf
Kosten der Allgemeinheit Milliarden-Profite macht. | Recht+Freiheit, Nr.3/2013 | www.theorganicprepper.ca/
big-pharma-gives-another-child-narcolepsy-via-the-swine-flu-vax-then-cures-it-with-a-new-miracle-drug-that-costs-over-20k-peryear-01062014 | www.ots.at/presseaussendung/OTS_20010122_OTS0248/ist-impfen-lebensgefaehrlich | www.impfinfo.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=76:impfungen-und-kindersterblichkeitin-der-q3weltq&catid=18:auswirkungen&Itemid=324 | [5] Report from experience of a doctor | http://karfreitagsgrillweckdienst.org/2013/08/10/massenmord-an-nicht-informierten-menschen-durch-zytostatika |
[6] www.channeling.wbs.cz/profil_210.pdf, S. 7

How in the world could

Barack Obama promise to
the Americans and the
whole world, on October
29th, 2014 that Ebola would
in no way spread in the USA
or elsewhere apart from the
typical African countries?
Obama, the prophet? Or can
epidemics by now be controlled by US presidents?
America is not a country to
be directed by fear and it
is important to first of all
fight Ebola in West Africa,
Obama went on. He comforted his people struck with
Ebola panic by the case of
two medical nurses who
were already healed from
Ebola. Interesting, isnt it?
According to current need,
this so far hyper-lethal disease all of a sudden is curable. I didnt trust my ears. In
the same news broadcast by
SRF1 also certain pharmaceutical corporations refused to go on with their
Ebola research as in poor
Africa no lucrative profit
could be expected. I myself
got the firm conviction that
something is definitely
wrong here. This all tastes
like merciless manipulators
and money makers.
Ivo Sasek

The sources were taken from the German edition and may contain German references.

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Sources possibly attacked by hackers or lost in the internet are saved in the V&C archives.
Masthead: 15/01/15
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Every writer, witness or author, everyone giving a reference, is solely
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Ivo Sasek, publisher address: Nord 33, 9428 Walzenhausen, Switzerland



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