SA Primary 2014 Final

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Starting primary school in

Southwark 2015/16
Applications close 15 January 2015
Apply online at

Apply online

Apply online
If your child is due to start primary school in
September 2015 you must apply online
from September 2014 and submit your application
before the closing date of 15 January 2015.

Please note you will be issued with a

reference number once you have submitted
your online appication which will be similar
to this: 210-2015-09-E-002100. If you do not
receive a reference number it means your
application has not been received and you
will need to resubmit your application.

Need to know
n It is quick and easy to do

Keep a record of your unique user name,

password and application number which
you will use for your application.

n You will get an email confirmation that your

application has been received

It is important to keep this information

safe so that you can log in and look at
your application. You will also need this
information to view the results of your
application when they become available
online during the evening of 16 April 2015.

n The system is accurate and helps you by checking

for errors
n There is no risk that your application will get lost
in the post
n You can make changes to your application up
until the closing date without having to complete
another form
n The system has a number of security
procedures to protect your privacy
n Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
up until the closing date of 15 January 2015
n During the evening of 16 April 2015 you will
receive an email informing you of your childs
offer of a primary school place.

For any further school admissions

information or advice please contact
the school admissions team by email at
or by phone on 020 7525 5337.



Foreword from Cllr Victoria Mills, Cabinet
Member for Children and Schools

Townsend Primary School

Victory Primary School

Academy, voluntary aided, foundation and

free primary schools
Non community schools at a glance
ARK Globe Academy
Dulwich Hamlet Junior School
Goose Green Primary School
Harris Primary Academy, Peckham Park
John Donne Primary School
Redriff Primary School
Boutcher Church of England Primary School
The Cathedral School of St Saviour and St Mary Overie
Dulwich Village C of E Infants School
Peter Hills with St Marys and St Pauls C of E
Primary School
St Georges C of E Primary School
St James C of E Primary School
St Johns and St Clements C of E Primary School
St Johns Walworth C of E Primary School
St Judes C of E Primary School
St Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School
St Pauls C of E Primary School
St Peters C of E Primary School
English Martyrs Catholic Primary School
Saint Josephs Catholic Primary School, The Borough
St Anthonys Catholic Primary School
St Francesca Cabrini Primary School
St Francis Catholic Primary School
St Georges Cathedral Catholic Primary School
St James the Great Catholic Primary School
St Johns Catholic Primary School
St Josephs Catholic Infants School
St Josephs Catholic Junior School
St Josephs Catholic Primary School, George Row
St Josephs Catholic Primary School, Gomm Road
Charlotte Sharman Primary School
Friars Primary Foundation School
Surrey Square Primary School
Harris Primary Academy East Dulwich
Harris Primary Free School Peckham
Judith Kerr Primary School
Southwark Free School
The Belham Primary School

Key dates
Finding the right school for your child
Applying for a reception place
How to apply
What happens after the closing date?
Southwark Information, Advice and Support Team 14
The schools
Oversubscription criteria for community schools
Breakdown of reception places allocated at
Southwark community schools
Community primary schools
Albion Primary School
Alfred Salter Primary School
Bellenden Primary School
Bessemer Grange Primary School
Brunswick Park Primary School
Camelot Primary School
Charles Dickens Primary School
Cobourg Primary School
Comber Grove Primary School
Crampton Primary School
Crawford Primary School
Dog Kennel Hill Primary School
Dulwich Wood Primary School
Gloucester Primary School
Goodrich Primary School
Grange Primary School
Heber Primary School
Hollydale Primary School
Ilderton Primary School
Ivydale Primary School
John Ruskin Primary School
Keyworth Primary School
Lyndhurst Primary School
Michael Faraday Primary School
Oliver Goldsmith Primary School
Phoenix Primary School
Pilgrims Way Primary School
Riverside Primary School
Robert Browning Primary School
Rotherhithe Primary school
Rye Oak Primary School
Snowsfields Primary School
Southwark Park School
Tower Bridge Primary School



Further information
In year admissions and how to apply
Early help service
Pupil benefits: a quick guide
Useful contacts
Map of primary schools in Southwark



A message from the cabinet member for Children and Schools
at Southwark Council
Dear parents and carers
Starting primary school is a huge milestone for you and your child. If your child is due to start primary school
in 2015, I hope that this brochure will help to clarify the process of deciding which school is right for your
child by providing useful information about the different types of primary schools in Southwark. I regularly
visit our primary schools, and I can assure you that by choosing to send your child to a Southwark school,
your child will go to a school that maintains some of the highest standards in the country.
Our primary schools have significantly improved levels of achievement in English and maths and 80 percent of
primary schools have been judged good or outstanding by Ofsted, which is in the top quartile of performance
nationally. We are also working with our popular local primary schools to guarantee a local primary school place
for every child. Through our Primary Investment Strategy we will create a further 675 new primary school places
over the next three years, having already created over 1,000 new places over the last four years.
As well as maintaining high academic standards, I am pleased that we are also currently delivering our Fairer
Future promises by offering free healthy schools meals to all primary school children. Many of our primary
schools will also start delivering our promise of free fruit as a morning snack during 2014/15.
Applications for our primary school places will only be accepted online. To access an online application form
please go to If you dont have access to the internet, or feel
you need assistance in completing an application, please go to one of our Southwark libraries or My
Southwark customer service points where someone would be more than happy to help you. Last year, parents
found our apply online sessions very helpful, so please go along to one of these sessions held at various
Southwark schools if you need help with applying online.
Its important that when you select the six preferred schools youd like your child to attend, that you read
through this brochure carefully so that you understand what each school offers. I would also advise you to
attend one of the open days so that you can tour the school and meet the teachers. That way you know you
are selecting a school for your child where they will thrive and meet their full potential.
Please let me know if you have any questions about primary education in Southwark. You can contact me by
emailing or calling 020 7525 1969.
I wish you and your child the very best.

Victoria Mills
Cabinet member for Children and Schools, Southwark Council


Key dates

Key dates
Application to reception class for September 2015 intake


What should parents/carers look out for?

1 September 2014 to
Thursday 15 January 2015

n The admissions process starts.

n Contact schools for a copy of their prospectus and details of
when you can visit for open days/evenings. We strongly advise
parents to visit schools before naming them as a preference on
the application form.
n Apply for primary schools by completing an online application
form. To apply online visit
n You must complete (and return directly to the school) the
supplementary information form (SIF) if the school you have listed as
one of your preferences requires this. Please contact the school to
check their individual closing date.

Thursday 15 January 2015,

23.59 hours

n Closing date for submitting online applications.

n You must ensure that we have received your online application
alongside any additional supporting information by this date.

Thursday 16 April 2015

n Offer letters will be posted by first class to all parents/carers

who have applied on time.
n Online applicants will be able to view their offer details in
the evening at

Thursday 30 April 2015

n Should you wish to reject the offer of a school place allocated to

your child, you must complete and return the notification slip
attached to your offer letter by this date.
n No action is required if you want to accept the school offered to
your child and you are a Southwark resident.

June to July 2015

n Appeal hearings for Southwark community schools are held.

These are important deadlines which you will need to keep in mind. If you miss these dates,
your chances of being offered a place at a preferred school will be reduced.

Finding the right school for your child

Finding the right school for your child

Start finding out about schools now

Visit as many schools as possible

n Before you decide which schools to apply for and

your order of preference, we strongly advise that
you read the guidance in this brochure.

n Parents and carers are strongly encouraged to

visit schools to see what each has to offer.
n If you are interested in applying for a school, look
at their oversubscription criteria in detail before
completing the common application form and
listing it as a preference. If your child meets some
or most of a schools criteria, then they will have
a greater chance of being offered a place over
another child who doesnt meet the criteria.

n You will find information about schools in

Southwark either within this brochure, from
the schools directly, online or by contacting
Southwark Councils school admissions team
on 020 7525 5337.
n You can also talk to teachers and other
parents/carers whilst thinking about what is
important to you and your child.

Look at the most recent Ofsted reports

n All schools in Southwark are inspected regularly
by the Office for Standards in Education
(Ofsted). Ofsteds main aim is to help improve
the quality and standard of education and
childcare through independent inspection.
You can check the latest report for any school
by asking the school for a copy or by visiting the
Ofsted website

Look at school brochures/websites

n All schools produce their own brochures, which
contain far more information about the school
than we can provide in this brochure.
n Many schools also have their own website which
can be a valuable source of information. School
websites are included on the individual schools
page within this brochure.
n To help you research which schools are right
for your child, all Southwark Council libraries
offer free access to the internet with staff on
hand to help. To find your local library contact
Southwark Councils customer service centre
on 020 7525 5000.

Extra help
n Help and advice is always available from Southwark Councils school admissions team. We can answer any
questions you may have about the admissions process. Email
or you can phone us on 020 7525 5337.
n Contact Southwarks school preference adviser who can give you independent and impartial advice about
the admissions process email or you can phone them on 020 7525 5211.


When can my child start primary school?

Different types of primary schools

in Southwark

n If your child was born between 1 September

2010 and 31 August 2011, your child is due to
start primary school in September 2015. You
must start applying from September 2014 and
submit your application before the closing
date on Thursday 15 January 2015.

There are five types of mainstream primary schools in

Southwark. All schools follow the national curriculum
and are regularly inspected by the Office for Standards
in Education (Ofsted). For children starting school in
Southwark there are 74 primary schools to choose from.
Community schools There are 36 community schools
in Southwark. Southwark Council is responsible for the
arrangements for admitting children.

n The Southwark school admissions team will

provide for the admission of children into the
reception year group in the September following
their fourth birthday. However, a child is not
required to start school until they have reached
compulsory school age.

Voluntary aided schools There are 12 Church

of England and 12 Catholic primary schools in
Southwark. The schools governing body is
responsible for school admissions and decides
how pupils are admitted.

n Compulsory school age is set out in section 8

of the Education Act 1996 and The Education
(Start of Compulsory School Age) Order 1998.
A child reaches compulsory school age on the
prescribed day following his/her fifth birthday
(or on his/her fifth birthday if it falls on a
prescribed day). The prescribed days are 31
December, 31 March and 31 August.

Academies There are six primary academies

(including one all through academy for children aged
three to 18) in Southwark. The Academy
Trust is responsible for school admissions and decides
how pupils are admitted.
Foundation schools There are three primary
foundation schools in Southwark. The schools
governing body is responsible for school admissions
and decides how pupils are admitted.

n Families can request that their childs entry to

school is deferred until later in the same
academic year or until the child reaches
compulsory school age.

Non community schools, (academies, voluntary aided,

foundation and free schools) are their own admissions
authority responsible for setting their own admission
arrangements. Southwark Councils school admissions
team coordinates admission applications to all schools.
In cases where a decision not to offer a place has been
made, parents/carers will need to contact each non
community school for further details.

n Families can also request that their child take

up the place part time until the child reaches
compulsory school age.
n Where entry is deferred, the childs school place will
be held and not offered to another child. Families
will not however be able to defer their childs entry
into reception beyond the academic year for which
the original application was accepted.

Admission authorities are responsible for ensuring that their

arrangements are fair, clear and compliant with current
regulations. If you have a query about a particular
arrangement, you must raise it directly with the relevant
admission authority. If your query remains unresolved
and it relates to a Southwark school, please contact our
admissions compliance officer by email on

For further information and advice

regarding deferred entry, please email
the school admissions team at
or call the team on 020 7525 5337

You may also raise any objections to admission arrangements

with the Office of the Schools Adjudicator by 30 June. Please
see page 72 for details on how to contact them.

Applying for a reception place

Applying for a reception place

How to apply

How to apply
both the forms have been fully completed and
received at the correct addresses by the closing
dates. Please note that you will also need to sign
the SIF before sending it to the school.

Information about applying

Before you start applying there are a few things you
need to know.
n If you are a Southwark resident you must apply
online by visiting

When can I start applying online?

n You can start applying online from
1 September 2014 at

n If you live in another borough you must complete

the admission application for the borough in
which you live, even if you would like to apply for
a school in Southwark.

n If you do not have a computer at home or do

not have internet access, Southwark councils
libraries and My Southwark customer service
points offer free access to the internet with staff
on hand to help. To find your local library or My
Southwark customer service point, contact
Southwark Councils customer service centre
on 020 7525 5000.

n When applying for a school place you may

express a preference for up to six schools whether
they are in Southwark or in another borough.
n Some schools need to collect information that
is not included on the admission application. They
request this information using a supplementary
information form (SIF). The school will use the
information you provide by comparing it against
their published admissions criteria. For example,
a faith school will require evidence of church

How do I apply online?

Online school admission applications are quick and
easy to do. All you will need is an email address to
register with, which
should take approximately five minutes. Dont worry
if you do not have an email address. You can sign
up for a free email account by reading our leaflet
Registering for an email account which can be
requested from the school admissions team by
calling 020 7525 5337.

n You must complete a SIF if the school you have

listed as one of your preferences requires this.
Please view the individual schools page within
this brochure to check if a SIF is required.
n The SIF will be available from the school and must
be completed and returned directly to the school.
Please check the individual deadline date for
returning the SIF with each school.

Follow the steps below and youre ready to

start your childs online application.

n The online application will not be valid unless it

is submitted by 23:59 hours on 15 January 2015.
You will then receive an application reference
number by email confirming that your application
has been submitted successfully. If you do not
receive this email please submit your application
again as it will not have been submitted

Step 1
n To apply online go to
n Click on

n Where a SIF is also required alongside an

admission application your application may be
invalid or your chance of a place reduced unless

n You will be taken to the eAdmissions webpage.


n If you wish to change any of your personal details

e.g. your address, email or phone numbers please
click on Edit your details. You can then make
the necessary changes but you must ensure you
click Save and continue.

This is the first time I am applying online using

eAdmissions. What should I do?
n If this is the first time you are applying for a school
place on the eAdmissions website, you must
register to apply online. It is important that the
person registering has parental responsibility for the
child and that they both live at the same address
that has been stated on the online application.

n If you have forgotten your user name and

password you must contact the technical support
team by telephone on 020 8255 5555 (option 1)
who will be able to assist you.

n You will need to click on Register to apply

online. Once you have registered, you will be sent
an email with your user name and instructions.
Follow these instructions and you will be sent
another email with your password.

Step 3 Completing the application

n Each page on your screen will explain what you
need to do as clearly as possible with a Help
button at the top of the page which you can click
on if you need further guidance.

n The email will also contain a web link which will

take you to the eAdmissions log in page to start
your application.

n It is your responsibility to check that the online

application is fully completed and that you enter
the details correctly. Failure to tick certain boxes,
e.g. the sibling box, will mean that the sibling
criteria will not be considered when your
application is being processed.

I have applied online before using eAdmissions.

What should I do?
n If you have used the eAdmissions website before to
apply for a school place for any of your children you
do not need to register again. You will need to click
on Login to an existing account or User login
and log in with the same user name and password
that you used when you previously applied online.

n You must ensure that you click Save and continue

each time you complete a page of the application.

How to apply

Step 2 Registering to apply online

How to apply

These will be held during the autumn term at

schools and libraries across Southwark and our
school admission officers will be available to give
you one to one advice.

When and how do I submit the

n When you have completed your application
you must submit it by the closing date of
15 January 2015.

For any further school admissions information

or advice, please email the school admissions
team at
or call the team on 020 7525 5337.

n Use the Submit Application button to submit

your application. Once you have submitted your
online application the system will show as
Submitted and show the date, time and
version number of the submitted application.

Important information
n You must complete a supplementary
information form (SIF) if the school you
have listed as one of your preferences
requires this. Please view the individual
schools page from page 25 onwards to
check if a SIF is required. The SIF will be
available from the schools and must be
completed and returned directly to the
school. Please check the individual deadline
date for returning the SIF with each school.

n You will also receive an email confirming details

of your application and will be given a unique
application reference number similar to this:
210-2015-09-E-002100. If you do not receive
such a number it means your application was
not submitted successfully and you must try
submitting it again as the school admissions
team will not have received it.
Southwark Council cannot accept
responsibility for applications which are
not received by the closing date.

n If you are providing additional information

to support your application such as a
medical letter make sure you submit these
by post to the school admissions team
before the closing date of 15 January 2015.
Please see the back of this brochure for the
school admissions postal address.

Can I change my preferences once I

have submitted my application?
n If you have submitted your online application
before the closing date you are still able to make
changes to it. If you do go back and make further
changes you must save and submit your
application again before the closing date.

n It is important that you keep a copy of your

final completed application and note down
the reference number as you will need it to
get the results of your application when they
become available online during the evening
of 16 April 2015.

n After the closing date Southwark Councils

school admissions team will accept the last
submitted version of your application.

n If you experience any technical difficulties

or have any questions regarding the
eAdmissions website you can contact the
London Grid for Learning, which administers
the website on 020 8255 5555 and select
option one.

If you feel you may need further help and advice

in completing an online application why not come
along to our Apply online information sessions?



How the decision to offer a school

place is made

n Your child will only receive one offer of a

school place.
n If your child is a Southwark resident and it is not
possible to offer him/her a school you have listed
as a preference, we will offer an alternative
place at a school with capacity. This is likely to
be the nearest Southwark school to the childs
home which has a vacancy.

n The schools listed as preferences on your

application are considered individually.
n If you have listed any schools outside of
Southwark, we will send your preference/s to
those boroughs electronically.
n Once all applications have been received the
admissions authority for the school will consider
them all and if more applications have been
received than there are places available, the
schools admissions criteria will be applied to
all applicants.

Offer of a school place

n You will be able to view the results of your
application on the eAdmissions website during
the evening of 16 April 2015. You will also be
sent a letter by first class post on 16 April 2015
which will provide more information regarding
the decision and what to do next.

n Depending on the type of school you have

applied to the decision to offer a school place
will be made by:
Community school Southwark Councils
school admissions team apply their admission
criteria (see page 16) and prioritise the order
of offers.

n Application results will not be provided over

the telephone.
n Please note that the offer of a school place is
conditional until proof of address has been
confirmed by the school.

Academies, voluntary aided, foundation and

free schools the governing body of the school
apply their admission criteria and decide on
which applicants receive a school place. To view
each schools admissions arrangements please
see page 25 onwards.

n Original copies of the following will be required:

Child benefit documentation or if you are no
longer eligible to receive child benefit, a letter
from HMRC confirming that you were
previously in receipt of child benefit.

n Once all schools have prioritised applications

based on their admission criteria, they will
provide a ranked list to Southwark Councils
schools admissions team.

Council tax bill

One other proof of address, for example bank
statement, TV licence, credit card or store
card statement.

n Where a child can be offered more than one

school they have applied for, the ranked order
will be used to offer the child the highest of the
possible offers.
Important information

If the council has reason to suspect that a family does not live at the address stated, we will
carry out an investigation. Should we discover that a parent is making a fraudulent claim the
offer of a place will be withdrawn.


What happens after the closing date?

What happens after the closing date?

What happens after the closing date?

ensures that if a vacancy arises at a school at

any time, the admissions criteria is used to
determine which child is offered a place from the
waiting list.

Respond to your offer of a school place

n If you wish to accept your childs offer of a school
place you do not need to inform us. Your offer will
be automatically accepted if you are a Southwark
resident and forwarded to the allocated school
after 30 April 2015.

n If a conditional offer made from a waiting list is

not accepted within five working days it will be
withdrawn and offered to the next child on the list.

n If you are rejecting your childs offer of a school

place, you must complete the slip attached to your
offer letter and return it to Southwark Councils
school admissions team by 30 April 2015 so that
other children may be offered the place. You must
also inform us in writing of any other alternative
suitable arrangement for education that has been
made for your child.

n If you change address whilst on a waiting list,

evidence of the new address will be required
when measuring for the home to school
distance criterion.
n You can appeal against the decision not to offer
your child a place at a preferred school. Please see
below for further information on how to appeal.

n If you do not notify us of an alternative arrangement

for your childs education by 30 April 2015 we will
forward their name to the school that has been
offered/allocated in his/her offer letter.

Community schools

If you are not offered a school of

your preference

n If you were unsuccessful in being offered a place

for your child at one of the Southwark community
schools and would like to appeal, you will need to
complete and return the infant class size appeal
form by the set date.

Waiting lists
n If it was not possible to offer a place at one of
your preferred Southwark schools and we have
allocated an alternative school, your childs name
will automatically be put on to the waiting lists
of schools which were named as a higher
preference on your application.

n Your offer letter will give you information about

how and when to appeal.
n Independent appeal panels will consider all
appeals and the hearing will be clerked by an
independent appeal clerk. You will be able to
attend the hearing.

n Southwark Councils school admissions team hold

waiting lists for all Southwark schools and do so
until 31 August 2015.

n Appeals are heard in June/July. This is to allow for

movement after the offer date.

n You may also ask for your childs name to be

added to the waiting list of any out of borough
schools listed on your application form.

Southwark non community primary schools

n The school admissions code requires admission

authorities to hold their waiting list strictly in
order of the priorities of their admissions criteria.
Please note, if your child's name is added to a
school's waiting list, their position may go up or
down the list depending on whether any late
applicants have been added and how the
admissions criteria applies to these children
(i.e. if a late applicant meets a higher admissions
criterion than others already on the list, they will
be given a higher waiting list position). This then

n If you were unsuccessful in being offered a

place for your child at one of the Southwark
non community schools you must contact the
school/s directly as they administer their own
appeal hearings.
n They should then be able to give you further
information about how to appeal and send you
a copy of their own appeal form.



Late applications

The School Standards and Framework Act 1998

(SSFA) limits the circumstances in which an
independent appeal panel can uphold an appeal. If
the admission of your child would exceed the class
size limit of 30 children an appeal can only be
upheld if the panel is satisfied that:

n Applications received after 15 January 2015

will not be considered for a place until after the
initial offer of places on 16 April 2015.
n However, under exceptional circumstances
Southwark Councils school admissions team
can accept a late application where it considers
there are exceptional circumstances. For
example, if you have moved into Southwark
between 15 January 2015 and 13 February 2015
your application may be accepted subject to valid
proof. Confirmation of the move including the
date will be required.

1 The admission of additional children would not

breach the infant class size limit; or
2. The admission arrangements did not comply with
admissions law or were not correctly and impartially
applied and would have been offered a place at the
school had they been applied correctly and
impartially; or

If you are submitting a late application you will

need to complete a paper form as the online
application system will not be available after the
closing date. You can download the form at
You can also request the form from the school
admissions team by calling on 020 7525 5337.

3. The decision to refuse admission was not one

which a reasonable admission authority would have
made in the circumstances of the case. When
considering whether the school acted unreasonably,
the panel must consider if the decision was perverse
in light of the admission arrangements and/or not
based on the facts that were reasonably available to
them at the time the decision was made.

n All other late applications received after

15 January 2015 will not be considered for a
school place until after the initial offer of places
on 16 April 2015.

You will need to give reasons for your appeal

1. Why you believe the admission arrangements were
not properly implemented in your childs case, or

Change of address after you have

submitted your application form

2. Why you believe the arrangements were contrary

to the School Admission Code and the SSFA; or

n If your childs home address has changed after

you have submitted your application and before
an offer of a place has been made, you must
notify Southwark Councils schools admissions
team immediately.

3. Why you believe that the admission decision was

unreasonable based on the information provided at
the time of making the application for a place at the
preferred school.

n The school will then need to process your

childs application again in order to apply their
admission criteria.

More detailed information about the appeal process

can be found by contacting Southwark Councils
schools admissions team on 020 7525 5337 or by
obtaining a copy of the School Admission Appeals
Code from the Department for Education (DfE), see
contact details on page 72.


What happens after the closing date?

Before submitting an infant class size appeal

please note the following:

Southwark Information, Advice and Support Team

Southwark Information, Advice and

Support Team
Special Educational Needs and Disability and School Preference Adviser
The role of this team is to give parents access to
confidential and impartial information, advice and
support so parents and young people can make
informed decisions about their childs education.
This is achieved by working in partnership with
parents and young people, providing information,
services and training, working with relevant agencies
and ensuring parents and young peoples views
influence local policy and practice.

Southwark Information, Advice and

Support Team
This service is free to all parents and young
people who live in Southwark and have a child
aged 0 to 25 years with special educational
needs and disabilities.
020 7525 2866

What you can expect from the team:

School preference adviser
This service is free to all parents who live in
Southwark and need advice and support with
the school application process for both
secondary and primary. The school preference
adviser will also take referrals from professionals
working with parents who feel that they need
more support with the process.

n A response to enquiries by phone, email or

letter within five working days.
n The team telephone line will be open between
9am and 5pm, or if the phone is busy you will be
able to leave a message on the confidential
answer phone.
n Regular sessions held during term time where
parents can make an appointment or drop in
to meet them to discuss education issues.

020 7525 5211

n Information sessions held for parents and

young people.
n Advice and support for parents and young
people with admission appeals for primary and
secondary school.

Special educational needs team

Further information on the admissions process
for children with statements of special
educational needs can be obtained by contacting
Southwark Councils special educational needs
team directly. You can also request a copy of our
brochure Special schools, resource bases and
units in Southwark for further information.
020 7525 4278



The schools


Oversubscription criteria for community schools

Oversubscription criteria for

community schools
Siblings attending the nursery or in Year 6 who will
be transferring to secondary school will not be
regarded as a sibling under this criterion.

Oversubscription criteria
(for all years excluding nursery)
In the event of there being more applications than
places available, places will be allocated in the
following order of priority:

(c) Supporting evidence to substantiate that the child

or their family has a medical, social or psychological
need must be provided at the time of application. The
evidence must be in a written format and should set
out the reasons why, in their view, a particular school
is the most suitable and the difficulties that would be
caused if the child had to attend another school.

1) Children in public care (Looked After Children)

and children who were looked after but ceased to
be so because they were adopted (or became
subject to a residence order or special guardianship
order) [see note (a)]

This evidence must be current and either from the

child's registered general practitioner or any another
relevant qualified professional that the child has been
referred to and/or who is providing direct
care/support/treatment to the child on an ongoing
basis in their professional capacity e.g. a child or
educational psychologist, a child psychiatrist, an
orthopaedic consultant or a social worker.

2) Children with siblings who are already on roll at

the school and will still be on roll at their date of
entry [see note b]
3) Children with exceptional medical, social or
psychological needs, where it is agreed by the Local
Authority [LA] and the headteacher that these can
best be addressed at a particular school [see note c]
4) Children living nearest to the school as measured
by a straight line from the childs home to the main
school gate [see note d]

(d) The LA uses the eastings and northings linked to

an applicants address to calculate a straight line as
the crow flies distance measurement to all of our
community schools in Southwark which is
generated by our Capita pupil database.

(a) A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the
care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with
accommodation by a local authority in the exercise
of their social services functions (see definition in
Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time
of making an application to a school.

If a child lives in a block of flats where a communal

entrance is used, the LA will use the grid references
for the block, not for the individual flat. When
dealing with multiple applications from a block of
flats to the same community school, lower door
numbers will take priority.

(b) Sibling includes full, half, step, foster and

adopted brother or sister living in the same family
unit and at the same home address as the child.

(e) Tie break -Where a school becomes

oversubscribed once all the criteria have been
applied, places will be offered to children living
nearest to the school measured by a straight line as
described under criterion 4. If however there is a tie
break lots will be drawn to decide which child is
offered a place.

The home address is where the parent/carer lives

and the child permanently resides unless otherwise
directed by a Court Order. This will also apply to
informal care arrangements. Where a child spends
time with both parents/carers in separate homes
and both have parental responsibility, the school will
need to establish where the majority of school
nights (Sunday to Thursday) are spent. This will then
be treated as the home address.

(f) A childs attendance at a co-located nursery class

does not guarantee admission to the school for
primary education. A separate application must be
made for transfer from nursery to primary school.



Oversubscription criteria for community schools

(g) Multiple births if only one place is available at

the school and the next child who qualifies for a
place is one of multiple birth siblings, Southwark
community schools will admit all qualifying siblings
as excepted pupils by going over their published
admission number.

Important information
Parents are advised that websites such as will not give an accurate
measurement and cannot be relied on for school admissions purposes. Also the school finder
facility on Southwark Councils website gives approximate distances to schools based on postcodes
alone and cannot be relied on to identify the school which is the closest to an actual address.
Southwark Council has experienced an increase in demand for places. This growth is forecast to
continue and will require an increase to the number of forms of entry provided in Southwarks
primary schools. It is our aim to have finalised the locations of additional forms of entry for
September 2015 later in 2014. We will publicise these on our website (
schooladmissions) and in our libraries.


Breakdown of reception places allocated at Southwark community schools

Breakdown of reception places allocated

at Southwark community schools
Number of SEN LAC Siblings Social/ Distance Furthest distance Appeals Successful
(metres) offered
received for
a school place
2014/15 preferences 1-6
Alfred Salter
Bessemer Grange
Brunswick Park
***** All ontime applicants offered a place *****
Charles Dickens
***** All ontime applicants offered a place *****
Comber Grove
Dog Kennel Hill
Dulwich Wood
***** All ontime applicants offered a place *****
***** All ontime applicants offered a place *****
***** All ontime applicants offered a place *****
***** All ontime applicants offered a place *****
John Donne
John Ruskin & Unit
***** All ontime applicants offered a place *****
Michael Faraday
Oliver Goldsmith
Pilgrim's Way
***** All ontime applicants offered a place *****
Robert Browning
Rye Oak
Snowsfields & Unit
Southwark Park
***** All ontime applicants offered a place *****
Tower Bridge
Name of school

SEN - Special educational needs

LAC - Looked after children/previously looked after children
* Additional 30 places for 2014/15 intake only
** Additional 15 places for 2014/15 intake only
*** School has a designated ASD base with places reserved for children with autism who have a statement of SEN



Please note, the published admission numbers (PAN) stated below relate to the 2015/16 academic
year and are correct at the time of publication. However, the PANs may be subject to change due
to pressure on primary school places.

Albion Primary School

Bessemer Grange Primary School

Headteacher: Ms Penny White

Albion Street, SE16 7JD
020 7237 3738
limited wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 60
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2003

Headteacher: Ms Sarah Beard

Dylways, SE5 8HP
020 7274 2520
total wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 90
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2856

Alfred Salter Primary School

Brunswick Park Primary School

Headteacher: Mr Stuart Hayter

Quebec Way, SE16 7LP
020 7252 3676
total wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 60
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2853

Headteacher: Mrs Susannah Bellingham

Picton Street, SE5 7QH
020 7525 9033
partial wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 75*
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2858

Bellenden Primary School

Camelot Primary School

Headteacher: Mr Stevan Borthwick

Reedham Street, SE15 4PF
020 7732 7107
total wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 30
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2038

Headteacher: Mr Stephen Forder

Bird in Bush Road, SE15 1QP
020 7639 0431
partial wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 75
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2085


Community primary schools

Community primary schools

Community primary schools

Charles Dickens Primary School

Crawford Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs Cassie Buchanan

Toulmin Street, SE1 1AF
020 7407 1769
limited wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 60
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2100

Headteacher: Mrs Laleh Laverick

Crawford Road, SE5 9NF
020 7274 1046
partial wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 90
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2142

Cobourg Primary School

Dog Kennel Hill Primary School

Headteacher: Ms Jacqui Louis

Cobourg Road, SE5 0JD
020 7703 2583
limited wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 60
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2116

Executive headteacher: Galiema Amien-Cloete

Head of school: Mr Wayne Cooper
Dog Kennel Hill, SE22 8AB
020 7274 1829
total wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 60
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2161

Comber Grove Primary School

Dulwich Wood Primary School

Headteacher: Mr Richard Dax

Comber Grove, SE5 0LQ
020 7703 4168
limited wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 45
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2123

Headteacher: Mr Colin Lavelle

Bowen Drive, Dulwich, SE21 8NS
020 8670 5470
partial wheelchair access
Age range: 4 to 11
Primary admission limit: 60
DfE number: 210/2365

Crampton Primary School

Gloucester Primary School

Headteacher: Miss Marian Kennedy

Iliffe Street, SE17 3LE
020 7735 2219
partial wheelchair access
Age range: 4 to 11
Primary admission limit: 30
Nursery places available: no

Headteacher: Mr Simon Elledge

Burcher Gale Grove, SE15 6FL
020 7703 3125
limited wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 90
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2255

DfE number: 210/2138



Hollydale Primary School

Headteacher: Mr Craig Voller

Dunstans Road, SE22 0EP
020 8693 1050
partial wheelchair access
Age range: 4 to 11
Primary admissions limit: 90
Nursery places available: yes
DfE: 210/2257

Headteacher: Ms Reema Reid

Hollydale Road, SE15 2AR
020 7639 2562
limited wheelchair access
Age range: 4 to 11
Primary admission limit: 45
Nursery: no
DfE number: 210/2308

Grange Primary School

Ilderton Primary School

Headteacher: Ms Maddy Webb

Webb Street, SE1 4RP
020 7771 6121
limited wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 60
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2263

Executive headteacher: Sir Craig Tunstall

Head of school: Mr Dean Brewer
Varcoe Road, SE16 3LA
020 7237 3980
limited wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 60
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2323

Heber Primary School

Ivydale Primary School

Headteacher: Mr David Block

Heber Road, SE22 9LA
020 8693 2075
partial wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 60
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2293

Headteacher: Ms Helen Ingham

Ivydale Road, SE15 3BU
020 7639 2702
partial wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 60
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2328


Community primary schools

Goodrich Primary School

Community primary schools

John Ruskin Primary School and Language Classes

Michael Faraday Primary School

John Ruskin has a specialist unit for specific speech

and language impairment. For further details
contact Southwark Councils special educational
needs team on 020 7525 4278.

Headteacher: Ms Karen Fowler

Portland Street, SE17 2HR
020 7703 5806
total wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 60
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2411

Headteacher: Mrs Linda Dickinson

John Ruskin Street, SE5 0PQ
020 7703 5800
limited wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 58
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2339

Oliver Goldsmith Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs Anita Asumadu
Peckham Road, SE5 8UH
020 7703 4894 / 2520
total wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 60
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2855

Keyworth Primary School

Headteacher: Susi Whittome
Faunce Street, SE17 3TR
020 7735 1701
limited wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 90
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2351

Phoenix Primary School

Executive headteacher: Sir Craig Tunstall
Head of school: Simon Assig
Marlborough Grove, SE1 5JT
020 7231 8622
total wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 120
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2848

Lyndhurst Primary School

Headteacher: Mr Nicholas Hammill
Denmark House, Grove Lane, SE5 8SN
020 7703 3046
partial wheelchair access
Age range: 5 to 11
Primary admission limit: 60
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2392



Rotherhithe Primary School

Headteacher: Mr Gregory Doey

Tustin Estate, Manor Grove, SE15 1EF
020 7639 1995
total wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 30
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2852

Executive headteacher: Ms Galiema Amien-Cloete

Head of school: Mr Jonathan Blackburne
Rotherhithe New Road, SE16 2PL
020 7237 1586
total wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 60
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2526

Riverside Primary School

Headteacher: Jose Lewis
Janeway Street, SE16 4PS
020 7237 3227
limited wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 45
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2514

Rye Oak Primary School

Headteacher: Manda George
Whorlton Road, SE15 3PD
020 7639 3914
total wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 60*
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/3670

Robert Browning Primary School

Headteacher: Ms Karen McBride
King and Queen Street, SE17 1DQ
020 7708 3456
partial wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 45
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2516

Snowsfields Primary School

Executive headteacher: Kate Wooder
Acting head of school: Sarah Manley
Kirby Grove, SE1 3TD
020 7525 9065
limited wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 28* (2 places reserved for the ASD Base)
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2560


Community primary schools

Pilgrims Way Primary School

Community primary schools

Southwark Park Primary School

Townsend Primary School

Headteacher: Ms C Pellicci
Galleywall Road, SE16 3PB
020 7237 1180
limited wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 60
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2562

Headteacher: Mrs Anne Stonell

Townsend Street, SE17 1HJ
020 7703 2672
limited wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 30
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2609

Tower Bridge Primary School

Victory Primary School

Executive headteacher: Kate Wooder

Fair Street, SE1 2AE
020 7407 2959
limited wheelchair access
Age range: 3 to 11
Primary admission limit: 30
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2607

Headteacher: Mrs Makeda Williams-Pinnock

Rodney Road, SE17 1PT
020 7703 5722
partial wheelchair access
Age range: 4 to 11
Primary admission limit: 30
Nursery places available: yes
DfE number: 210/2621

*Please note that these schools have a designated ASD base. Places at the base are reserved for
children with autism who have a statement of special educational needs, but who may benefit
from inclusion in a mainstream school. These places are allocated by Southwark Councils SEN
team through a panel and is separate to the normal round of admissions.
For further details contact Southwark Councils special educational needs team on 020 7525 4278



Please note, the published admission numbers (PAN) stated on each schools page relate to the
2015/16 academic year and are correct at the time of publication. However, the PANs may be
subject to change due to pressure on primary school places.


Academy, voluntary aided, foundation and free primary

schools admission policies

Academy, voluntary aided,

foundation and free primary
schools admission policies

Non community schools at a glance

Non community schools at a glance

Name of school


DfE code

Primary intake
in 2014/15

Total applications received Supplementary

form required
for September 2014

ARK Globe Academy






Church of England




Charlotte Sharman





Dulwich Hamlet Junior





Dulwich Village Infants

Church of England




English Martyrs










Goose Green





Harris Primary Academy,

Peckham Park





Harris Primary Academy,

East Dulwich

Free school





Harris Primary Free

School Peckham

Free school




John Donne






Judith Kerr

Free school




Peter Hills with

St Marys and St Pauls

Church of England









Saint Josephs, Borough





Southwark Free School

Free school




St Anthonys





St Francesca Cabrini





St Francis





St Georges

Church of England




St Georges Cathedral





St James

Church of England




St James the Great





St Josephs Infants





St Johns





St Johns and St Clements Church of England




St Johns Walworth

Church of England




St Josephs Junior





St Josephs, George Row





St Josephs, Gomm Road





St Judes

Church of England




St Mary Magdalene

Church of England




St Pauls

Church of England




St Peters

Church of England




Surrey Square





The Belham

Free school





The Cathedral School of

St Saviour and St Mary

Church of England






(*foundation place applicants only)



DfE number: 210/6912

Principal: Mr Matthew Jones

Age range: 3 to 11

Primary Headteacher: Ms Samantha Colburn

Primary admission limit: 60

Supplementary information form required: no

Harper Road, SE1 6AG

020 7407 6877
partial wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact academy for full criteria

5. Distance measurement by straight line route. A

childs home will be the address at which the child
normally resides and which has been notified to the
academy and other relevant agencies as being the
childs normal place of residence.

After the admission of pupils with statements of

special educational needs where the academy is
named on the statement, the remaining places will
then be offered in the following order of priority:

Pupils in the ARK Globe Academy lower school have

an automatic place in the secondary school if they
wish to transfer.

1. Looked after children and previously looked after

children who ceased to be so because they were
adopted (or became subject to a child arrangement/
residence or special guardianship order).
2. Children of staff at the school where there is a
demonstrable skill shortage.
3. Children who have a sibling who already attends
the school and who will continue to do so on the
date of admission (for this purpose sibling means a
whole, half or step brother or step sister resident at
the same address).
4. Children of staff in the school where there is no
demonstrable skill shortage, priority must be given
where the academy is oversubscribed to a child of a
person who will have been employed in the
academy for two or more years at the time the
application is made.


ARK Globe Academy

ARK Globe Academy

Dulwich Hamlet Junior School

Dulwich Hamlet Junior School


DfE number: 210/2169

Headteacher: Mrs Sonia Case

Age range: 7 to 11

Dulwich Village, SE21 7AL

Primary admission limit: 90

020 7525 9188/9

Supplementary information form required: no
total wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria
1. Looked after children and children who were
looked after but ceased to be so because they were
adopted (or became subject to a child arrangement/
residence/special guardianship order).
2. Children who have brothers or sisters attending
the school at the time of entry.
3. Children who have a specific social/medical or
psychological need which the school is best placed
to meet (backed up by professional advice from the
relevant professionals as to why the school is
necessary, and agreed by the headteacher).
4. Children living nearest to the school using
straight line measurement from the main entrance
of the school to the main entrance of the childs
home (as the crow flies).




DfE number: 210/2859

Headteacher: Mrs S T Marland

Age range: 3 to 11

Tintagel Crescent, East Dulwich, SE22 8HG

Primary admission limit: 60

020 8693 3568

Supplementary information form required: no
limited wheelchair access (ground floor only)

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria
If the academy is oversubscribed, priority will be
given to children with a statement of special
educational needs, where the academy is named on
the statement. The remaining places will then be
offered in the following order of priority.
1. Looked after children and children who were
looked after but ceased to be so because they were
adopted (or became subject to a child arrangement/
residence/special guardianship order).
2. Children who will have brothers or sisters
attending the school at their time of entry, including
half/step/adopted brothers and sisters who share
the same home.
3. Where professional evidence indicates that there
are particular psychological, medical or social needs
which the governing body and headteacher agree
can best be addressed at the school.
4. Children living closest to the school, using as the
crow flies from the main entrance to the academy
to the main entrance of the childs home. If a child
lives in a block of flats the communal entrance will
be used and lower door numbers will take priority.

Tie break
Once the criteria has been applied, places will be
offered to children living nearest the school.


Goose Green Primary and Nursery School

Goose Green Primary and Nursery School

Harris Primary Academy, Peckham Park

Harris Primary Academy, Peckham Park


DfE number: 210/2857

Headteacher: Ms Ann-Marie Strachan

Age range: 3 to 11

Marmont Road, SE15 5TD

Primary admission limit: 60

020 7639 6091

Supplementary information form required: no
limited wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria
After the admission of pupils with statements of
special educational needs where the academy is
named on the statement, the criteria will be applied
in the order in which they are set out below:
1. Children in public care (looked after children) and
children who were looked after but ceased to be so
because they were adopted (or became subject to a
child arrangement/residence order or special
guardianship order).
2. Children who will have brothers or sisters
attending the academy at their time of entry
(brothers and sisters includes half brothers and
sisters, step brothers and sisters and adopted and
foster brothers and sisters who share the same
3. Nearness to the academy, as calculated by
straight line distance from the main gate.




DfE number: 210/2335

Headteachers: Ms Evelyn Holdsworth/Mr Nick Tildesley

Age range: 3 to 11

Woods Road, SE15 2SW

Primary admission limit: 60

020 7639 0594

Supplementary information form required: no
partial wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria
In the event of there being more applications than
available places and after the admission of children
with statements of special education needs where
the academy is named on the statement, places will
be allocated against the criteria set out below:
1. Children in public care (looked after children)
or children who were looked after but ceased to be
so because they were adopted (or became subject
to a child arrangement/residence/special
guardianship order).
2. Children with siblings who are already on roll at
the school and will still be on roll at their date of
3. Children with exceptional medical, social or
psychological needs, where it is agreed by the
headteacher that these can be best addressed at
the school.
4. Children living nearest to the school as measured
by a straight line from the childs home to the main
school gate.


John Donne Primary School

John Donne Primary School

Redriff Primary School

Redriff Primary School


DfE number: 210/2500

Headteacher: Mickey Kelly

Age range: 3 to 11

Associate headteacher: Sheila Cohring

Primary admission limit: 60*

Supplementary information form required: no

Salter Road, SE16 5LQ

020 7237 4272
total wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

*The school has a designated ASD base.

Places at the base are reserved for children
with autism who have a statement of special
educational needs, but who may benefit
from inclusion in a mainstream school.

In the event of there being more applications than

available places and after the admission of children
with statements of special education needs where
the academy is named on the statement, places will
be allocated against the criteria set out below:

For further details contact Southwark

Councils special educational needs team on
020 7525 4278.

1. Children in public care (looked after children)

or children who were looked after but ceased to be
so because they were adopted (or became subject
to a child arrangement/residence/special
guardianship order).
2. Children with siblings who are already on roll
at the school and will still be on the roll at their date
of entry.
3. Children with exceptional medical, social or
psychological needs, where it is agreed by the local
authority and the headteacher that these can be
best addressed at the school.
4. Children living nearest to the school as measured
by a straight line from the childs home to the main
school gate.



Church of England voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3313

Headteacher: Mrs Eilidh Verhoeven

Age range: 5 to 11

93 Grange Road, SE1 3BW

Primary admission limit: 30

020 7237 2149

Supplementary information form required: yes
limited wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

5. Children living within the area defined above.

6. Other children in order of nearness to the school.
Where there is an oversubscription for places and it
is necessary to distinguish between children within
any category of the policy then priority will be given
to children living the shortest walking distance from
home to the school gate.

The following criteria will be applied by the

governors to determine which applicants are to
be admitted.
1. Looked after children and previously looked after
children who ceased to be so because they were
adopted (or became subject to a child arrangement/
residence/special guardianship order).
2. Children whose parents are active in the life of
the church and worship in the parishes of St Mary
Magdalene, St Annes and St Augustines and St
3. Children having brothers and sisters already at
the school and attending on the day of entry.
4. Children whose parents are active in the work and
worship of these other churches for a minimum of
three years in the parishes of St Mary Magdalene, St
Annes and St Augustines and St Philips. Methodist
Central Hall MissionHaddon Hall Baptist Church,
Ebenezer Baptist Church and other churches within
the defined area that are full members of the
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and who live
in the area bounded by Tooley Street to the west,
Bermondsey Street, Long Lane, Weston Street,
Hunter Close and Old Kent Road to the south, and St
James Road, Southwark Park Road, Yalding Road,
Rouel Road, Spa Road, Neckinger and Sweeny
Crescent to the east.


Boutcher C of E Primary School

Boutcher C of E Primary School

The Cathedral School of St Saviour and St Mary Overie

The Cathedral School of St Saviour and St Mary Overie

Church of England voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3593

Headteacher: Filiz Scott

Age range: 3 to 11

Redcross Way, SE1 1HG

Primary admission limit: 30

020 7407 2600

Supplementary information form required: yes
total wheelchair access

foundation places will be considered for any

open places remaining unfilled at the end of the
allocation procedure.

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria
Foundation places
The governing body has designated 15 places to be
offered to pupils whose families (i.e. parents/carers
and child) worship regularly at Southwark Cathedral
or St Hughs Bermondsey. Written evidence of
applicants commitment to their place of worship (in
the form of a clergy reference) will be required at the
time of application to fulfil the application criteria for
a foundation place. If there are more than 15
applicants, places will be allocated according to the
following criteria.

Open places
The governors have designated 15 places each year
as open places, to be offered to pupils who do not
qualify for a foundation place but whose parent(s)
or guardian(s) have chosen the school for the type
of education it provides. Parent(s) or guardian(s)
applying for an open place do so knowing that the
school aims to provide an education based on
Christian principles, and therefore the governors
hope that all pupils will take part in the Christian
worship of the school and will attend religious
education lessons. If there are more than 15
applicants, places will be allocated according
to the following criteria. These are stated in order
of priority:

These are stated in order of priority:

1. Looked after children and children who were
looked after but ceased to be so because they were
adopted (or became subject to a child arrangement/
residence or special guardianship order).

1. Looked after children and previously looked after

children who ceased to be so because they were
adopted (or became subject to a residence or special
guardianship order).

2. Children with an exceptional and professionally

supported medical or social need for a place at
this school.
3. Children who have a brother or sister at the
school at the time of admission.

2. Children with an exceptionally and professionally

supported medical or social need for a place at this

4. Children in the order of the nearness of the home

to the school as measured by a straight line.

3. Children who have a brother or sister at the

school at the time of admission.

If there are fewer than 15 qualified applicants for

foundation places, any unfilled places will become
additional open places. Unsuccessful applicants for

4. Children in the order of the nearness of the home

to the school as measured by a straight line.



Church of England voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3337

Headteachers: Mrs Helen Poyton and Mrs Jess Mills

Age range: 5 to 7

Dulwich Village, SE21 7AL

Primary admission limit: 90

020 7525 9233

Supplementary Information form required: yes

(for foundation place only)
total wheelchair access

6. Children of faithful and regular worshippers

of other Christian churches for whom this is the
nearest C of E School.

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria
Foundation places
The governing body has designated 45 places to be
offered to pupils whose parents or carers (at least
one) are faithful and regular worshippers of Christian
churches. Within this definition, priority will be
given to members of St Barnabas Church, Dulwich.

For all applications for foundation places, the

governors will seek evidence of faithful and regular
worship from the clergy named on the supplementary
form. If the applicants parent/carer has worshipped
at their current church for less than the two years,
details of the previous clergy will be required.

In the event that two or more applicants have equal

right to a place under any of the criteria, the place
will be offered to those living nearest the school.
Foundation places will be allocated according to
the following criteria, stated in order of priority:

Open places
The governing body has designated 45 places to
be offered to applicants who have not applied for
a foundation place.

1. Looked after children or previously looked after

children of faithful and regular worshippers at
St Barnabas Church or other Christian churches.

Open places will be allocated according to the

following criteria. In the event that two or more
applicants have equal right to a place under any of
the criteria, the place will be offered to those living
nearest the school. In the event that two or more
applicants live equidistant from the school and there
are insufficient places to admit all applicants, the
remaining places will be allocated by drawing lots.

2. Children of faithful and regular worshippers at

St Barnabas Church or other Christian churches
with known special medical or social needs, for
whom this is the only appropriate school.
3. Children of faithful and regular worshippers at
St Barnabas Church, who will have a sibling at the
school at time of entry and for whom this is the
nearest C of E School.

1. Looked after children or previously looked after


4. Children of faithful and regular worshippers of

other Christian churches who will have a sibling at
the school at time of entry and for whom this is the
nearest C of E school.

2. Children with known special medical or social

needs, for whom this is the only appropriate school.
3. Children who will have a sibling at the school at
time of entry.

5. Children of faithful and regular worshippers at

St Barnabas Church for whom this is the nearest
Church of England School.

4. Children who live nearest to the school using the

shortest straight line route.


Dulwich Village C of E Infants School

Dulwich Village C of E Infants School

Peter Hills with St Marys and St Pauls C of E Primary School

Peter Hills with St Marys and St Pauls C of E Primary School

Church of England voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3516

Headteacher: Mrs Kate Owbridge

Age range: 3 to 11

2 Beatson Walk, SE16 5ED

Primary admission limit: 30

020 7237 2654

Supplementary information form required: yes
partial wheelchair access

Admissions criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

5. Children who at the point of admission have

brothers, sisters, step/half brothers or sisters,
fostered/adopted brothers or sisters already in
the school.

1. Looked after children and previously looked

after children who ceased to be so because they
were adopted or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/special guardianship order.

6. At the time of application children who are

attending the nursery class and are applying for
a reception place.

2. Children with an exceptional and professionally

supported medical or social need for a place at this
school. This must be supported by written evidence
at the time of application e.g. from a specialist
health professional, social worker or other care
professional. The evidence must set out the reasons
why this school is the most suitable school and the
difficulties that would be caused if the child has to
attend another school (see note b).

7. Any remaining places will be allocated in order

of nearness of home by straight line to the school
entrance gate in Beatson Walk.

Each of the criteria is given points as follows:

Criteria 1 = 20 points
Criteria 2 = 8 points

3. Children whose parent or carer attends regular

worship either weekly, or at least twice per month
in the past year at one of the three contributory
parish churches. A signed supporting statement is
required from the parish priest, please ask the
school for a supplementary form.

Criteria 3 = 4 points
Criteria 4 = 3 points
Criteria 5 = 2 points
Criteria 6 = 2 points

4. Children whose parent or carer attend regular

worship either weekly or at least twice per month
in the past year at a church or chapel of a Christian
denomination affiliated to Churches Together in
England, or at any of the Scandinavian Churches,
who live within the parish. A signed supporting
statement is required from the minister, please ask
the school for a supplementary form.

If after this procedure, several children have been

allocated the same number of points the final criteria
of the nearest home to the school will be used.



Church of England voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3445

Headteacher: Mrs Teresa Nouri

Age range: 4 to 11

Coleman Road, SE5 7TF

Primary admission limit: 30

020 7703 4772

Supplementary information form required: yes
partial wheelchair access

3. The child, or the childs parent or legal guardian,

is currently a worshipper at a church having
worshipped regularly there for at least one year
(this must be supported by a letter from their church
minister) see note (a). Definition of church, any
religious organisation who are members or who have
observer status at the World Council of Churches.
NB Priests who make recommendations will not sit
on the admissions subcommittee.

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria
In each criterion first priority is given to looked after
and previously looked after children who have since
been adopted or become subject to a child
arrangement/residence/special guardianship order.
Governors take account of an individual looked
after childs or previously looked after childs
circumstances which might have prevented regular
church attendance. Children are admitted to the
school according to the following criteria:

4. A child for whom St Georges School is their

nearest school by walking distance (c). Distance is
measured along the safest walking route to the
school. In the case of multi storey blocks the
entrance to the lift shaft or staircase is treated as
the front door. In event of any criterion becoming
oversubscribed, priority is given to those children
living nearest to the school. Governors reserve
four open places for children who do not
attend church (using criterion four).

1. The child or the childs parent or legal guardian is

currently a worshipper and has worshipped there
regularly for at least one year at:
n St Georges C.E. Church Camberwell
n St Lukes C.E. Church Camberwell
n St Giles C.E. Church Camberwell
(Families who have recently moved into the
neighbourhood and who now worship at St
Georges/St Lukes, or St Giles C.E. Camberwell, and
who can provide a letter of support from the
minister of their previous church to show that they
fulfilled these requirements in that church, will also
be included in this criterion). (a) Regular attendance
at church is to be defined as once a month
accompanied by one or both parents.
2. The child has a sibling already attending St
Georges School. (b) Siblings are defined as blood
relatives, stepsiblings, half siblings, adopted and
foster siblings living at the same address.
NB Siblings must still be in school at the time the
new sibling is admitted.


St Georges C of E Primary School

St Georges C of E Primary School

St James C of E Primary School

St James C of E Primary School

Church of England voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3452

Headteacher: Mrs Karen Willis

Age range: Rising 5 to 11

Please see note below

Primary admission limit: 60

020 7237 3111

Supplementary information form required: yes
limited wheelchair access

Please note:
St James C of E Primary School operates across
two sites.
Reception, Years 1 and 2
Old Jamaica Road, SE16 4SU
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
Alexis Street, SE16 3XF

C) Children whose parents or guardians are regular

worshipping and committed members of St James'
Church, Bermondsey and who are resident in the
school area defined above.
D) Children whose parents or guardian are regular
worshipping and committed members of another
Anglican parish church, or of another Christian
Church affiliated to "Churches Together In
England", within the school area defined above and
who are resident in the same area.

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria
School area: The school serves the area bounded by
the River Thames, Hays Lane, Tooley Street, Tower
Bridge Road, Grange Road, Dunton Road, Lynton
Road, St James Road, Catlin Street, Rotherhithe
New Road, Galleywall Road, Southwark Park Road,
Jamaica Road and Cathay Street. This is the
school area for the purposes of criteria c) to g)
below. Priority is given to applicants resident in this
area, but other applicants are welcome to apply.

E) Children who will have a brother or sister in the

school at the date of entry.
F) Children whose main residence is within the
school area described above.
G) Children who attend St James School Nursery
and resident within the school area.
H) Children for whom the school is the nearest
Church of England school.

The school has two sites, known as the Old

Jamaica Road site and the Alexis Street site.
Where the school is oversubscribed, children are
admitted in accordance with the following criteria
listed in order of priority:

Tie breaker
In the event that two or more applicants have
equal right to a place under any of the above
criteria c) to h), priority will be given to children
living nearest to the school measured by a straight
line distance from the childs home postcode to the
postcode of the nearer of the school sites. If
applicants live equidistant from the school the
governing body will draw lots to decide between

A) Looked after children or previously looked after

B) Children with an exceptional and professionally
supported medical, pastoral or social need for a
place at this school. This must be supported by
written evidence at the time of application, e.g.
from a specialist health professional, social worker
or other care professional.


Church of England voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3460

Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Alexander

Age range: 5 to 11

Adys Road, SE15 4DY

Primary admission limit: 60

020 7525 9210

Supplementary information form required: yes
partial wheelchair access

2. Children with known medical or social needs

for whom this is the most appropriate school.
Written supporting evidence must be provided at
the time of application.

Places for hearing impaired pupils

The school is resourced for hearing impairment and
two places are reserved each year for pupils who are
known to Southwark Councils hearing support
service as children who would benefit from
attending this school. Parents of hearing impaired
children who do not have a statement of special
educational needs should attach supporting
documentation from a doctor, social worker or
other appropriate professional to their common
application form. Parents of hearing impaired
children who have a statement of special
educational needs should contact Southwark
Councils special educational needs team on
020 7525 4278.

3. Children whose parents/carers are faithful and

regular worshippers at the churches of St John the
Evangelist, Goose Green, or St Clements with St
Peters, Friern Road.
4. Children who will have a sibling on roll in the
school at the time of admission.
5. Children whose parents/carers are faithful
and regular worshippers of an Anglican church,
another Christian denomination, as recognised by
the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or the
Evangelical Alliance, or an Affinity Church.

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

In the event that two or more applicants have

equal right to a place under any of the above
criteria, the governing body will use nearness to
school to prioritise these applications.

Foundation places
35 places will be allocated to pupils whose families
are faithful and regular worshippers of a Christian
denomination. Written evidence of applicants
commitment to their place of worship will be
required at the time of application.

If applicants live equidistant from the school,

the governing body will draw lots to decide
between applicants.
If there are less than 35 qualified applicants for
foundation places, any unfilled places will become
additional open places. Unsuccessful applicants for
foundation places will be considered for any open
places remaining unfilled at the end of the
allocation procedure.

If there are more than 35 applicants, places will be

offered according to the following priority order:
1. Looked after children and previously looked after
children who ceased to be so because they were
adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/special guardianship order).


St Johns and St Clements C of E Primary School

St Johns and St Clements C of E Primary School

St Johns and St Clements C of E Primary School

Open places
23 places will be allocated as open places and
offered to pupils who do not qualify for a
foundation place, but whose parents have chosen
the school for the type of education it provides.
Parents applying for an open place do so knowing
that the school aims to provide an education
based on the Christian principles and involving
Christian worship.
If there are more than 23 applicants, places
will be allocated according to the following
priority order:
1. Looked after children or previously looked after
children who have since been adopted (or became
subject to a child arrangement/residence/special
guardianship order).
2. Children with known medical or social needs
for whom this is the most appropriate school.
Written supporting evidence must be attached
to the common application form at the time of
application stating why this is the most suitable
school for the child, from a relevant professional,
such as paediatrician, social worker or
educational psychologist.
3. Children who have a sibling on roll in the school
at the time of admission.
4. The nearness of the home to school, measured
using the shortest straight line route to the schools
main gate.
If two or more applicants have equal right to a
place under any of the above criteria, the governing
body will use nearness to the school to prioritise
these applications. If applicants live equidistant from
the school, the governing body will draw lots to
decide between applicants.



Church of England voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3468

Headteacher: Mr Keith Fox

Age range: 4 to 11

Larcom Street, SE17 1NQ

Primary admission limit: 30

020 7703 4920

Supplementary information form required: yes
partial wheelchair access

5. Children who have siblings already attending St

Johns Walworth CE Primary School (including half
brothers or sisters and adopted brothers or sisters)
who share the same home address.

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria
1. Looked after children or children who were
looked after but ceased to be so because they have
been adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/ special guardianship order).

6. Children who live near to St Johns Walworth CE

Primary School. Priority is given to those living
nearest to the school (shortest safe walking distance
from the childs home address to the main entrance
lobby doors on Larcom Street).

2. Children who are baptised and whose families

are members of St Johns Walworth Church who
provide a written reference from the priest of St
Johns Walworth Church or his nominated
representative in his absence.
3. Children who are sons, daughters or are legally
guarded by families who are members and
attendees of St Johns Walworth Church, but are
not baptised who provide a written reference from
the priest of St Johns Walworth Church, or his
nominated representative in his absence.
4. Children who are sons, daughters or are legally
guarded by families who are members and
attendees of other Anglican parishes or of a different
denomination recognised by Churches Together in
Britain and Ireland, and who provide a written
reference from the priest (or his nominated
representative in his absence) of that church.
Priority is given to those living nearest to the school
(shortest safe walking distance from the childs
home address to the main entrance lobby doors on
Larcom Street).


St Johns Walworth C of E Primary School

St Johns Walworth C of E Primary School

St Judes C of E Primary School

St Judes C of E Primary School

Church of England voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3492

Headteacher: Ms Fay Bucknall

Age range: 5 to 11

Colnbrook Street, SE1 6HA

Primary admission limit: 30

020 7928 5484

Supplementary information form required: yes

(for foundation applicants only)
limited wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

Ireland or The Evangelical Alliance, and for whom

this is the nearest Church of England school.

Foundation places
20 places are allocated to families who are faithful
and regular worshippers in an Anglican or other
Christian church. Places are allocated according to
the following priority order:

7. The nearness of the home to the school, measured

in miles as the crow flies.
Unsuccessful applicants for foundation places will
be considered for any open places remaining
unfilled at the end of the application procedure.
Unfilled foundation places may also be offered to
those applying for an open place.

1. Looked after children and children who were

looked after but ceased to be so because they have
been adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/ special guardianship order).

Open places
10 open places are allocated to families who do not
qualify for a foundation place, but whose parents
have chosen the school for the type of education it
provides. Parents applying for an open place do so
knowing that the school aims to provide education
based on Christian principles. Therefore the
governors hope that all pupils will take part in the
Christian worship of the school and participate in
religious education lessons.

2. Children with particular educational, medical or

social needs, for whom this is the most, appropriate
school. This must be supported by written evidence
(e.g. from a relevant professional, such as a doctor,
social worker or educational psychologist) which
sets out the reasons why St Judes is the most
suitable school and the difficulties that would be
caused if the child had to attend another school.
3. Children whose families are faithful and regular
worshippers at the church of St George the Martyr,
Borough High Street.

Open places will be allocated in the following priority

order 1, 2, 5, and 7 as per the schools admission
criteria 2015 (summary) detailed above.

4. Children whose families are faithful and regular

worshippers at another local Anglican church, for
whom this is the nearest Church of England school.
5. Children who have a brother or sister on the school
roll at the time the applicant would enter the school.
6. Children whose families are faithful and regular
worshippers of another Christian denomination, as
recognised by the Churches Together in Britain and



Church of England voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3508

Headteacher: Mrs Jennifer Parris

Age range: 4 to 11

48 Brayards Road, SE15 3RA

Primary admission limit: 30

020 7639 1724

Supplementary information form required: yes
total wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

5. Children living nearest to the school measured by

a straight line route from home to the main school
gate in Brayards Road.

Foundation places
20 places will be offered to pupils whose families are
faithful and regular worshippers at any Anglican
church or other Christian denomination, as
recognised by Churches Together in England or the
Evangelical Alliance or Affinity. Written evidence of
the parent/carers commitment to their place of
worship in the form of a ministers reference will be
required. If there are more than 20 applicants, places
will be allocated in the following priority order:

Open places
Ten places will be offered to pupils who do not
qualify for a foundation place, but whose
parents/carers have chosen the school for the type
of education it provides.
If there are more than ten applicants, places will
be allocated in the following priority order
1, 3, 4, and 5 as per the schools admission criteria
2015 (summary) detailed above.

1. Looked after children and children who were

looked after but ceased to be so because they have
been adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/special guardianship order).

Tie breaker
If two or more applicants have an equal right to a
place and there are insufficient places to admit all
applicants, the governors will draw lots to decide
between applicants. This will be overseen by a
person independent of the admissions process.

2. Children whose parents are faithful and regular

worshippers at St. Mary Magdalene Church.
3. Children who have siblings at the school at the
time of admission.
4. Children with known special medical or social
needs. Written supporting evidence should be
supplied, at the time of application, from a
relevant professional, e.g. a child or educational
psychologist, a child psychiatrist, a general
practitioner, an orthopaedic consultant or social
worker which sets out why St Mary Magdalene
Primary School is the most suitable school and the
difficulties that would be caused if the child had to
attend another school.


St Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School

St Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School

St Pauls C of E Primary School

St Pauls C of E Primary School

Church of England voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3573

Headteacher: Mrs Margaret Brady

Age range: 3 to 11

Penrose Street, SE17 3DT

Primary admission limit: 45

020 7703 4896

Supplementary information form required: yes
limited wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

5. Children for whom St. Pauls is the nearest school

measured along the shortest safe walking route
from their home to the schools main gate.

The following criteria will be applied by the

governors to determine which applicants are to
be admitted:

In the event that two or more applicants have

equal right to a place under any of the above
criteria, the governing body will apply the same
subsequent criteria in order of priority to these
applicants, if applicants live equal distance from the
school the governing body will draw lots to decide
between applicants.

1. Looked after children and children who were

looked after but ceased to be so because they have
been adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/ special guardianship order).
2. Children with an exceptional and professionally
supported medical or social need for a place at this
school. This must be supported by written evidence
at the time of application, e.g. from a specialist
health professional, social worker or other care
professional. The evidence must set out the reasons
why this school is the most suitable school and the
difficulties that would be caused if the child had to
attend another school.
3. Children or parents/carers who are regular
worshippers (i.e. attendance at church twice a
month for a year) and live within the Parish of
St. Pauls, St. Marys and St. Agnes Churches (letters
of support from a minister will be required).
4. Children who will have siblings on the roll of
St. Pauls at the time of admission (including half
siblings and adopted or fostered siblings sharing
the same home address at the time of application)
and remain living within the Parish of St. Pauls,
St. Marys and St. Agnes Churches.



Church of England voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3586

Headteacher: Mrs Josephine Copeland

Age range: 3 to 11

Liverpool Grove, SE17 2HH

Primary admission limit: 30

020 7703 4881

Supplementary information form required: yes
partial wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

6. Children for whom this is the nearest primary

school, measured by the shortest safe walking
route between the pupils front door and the pupils
entrance gate in Liverpool Grove, SE17.

When there are more applications than there are

places available, the governors will admit pupils
according to the following criteria, in order of
priority below:

7. Children whose parents are faithful and regular*

worshippers in those churches which are full members
of the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and/or
the Evangelical Alliance, who live within the parish,
and who submit a supplementary form signed by their
pastor or minister confirming regular* attendance.

1. Looked after children and children who were

looked after but ceased to be so because they have
been adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/ special guardianship order).

8. Children of other religious faiths, who live within

the parish and whose parents would like them to
attend this school because of its religious tradition
and who submit a supplementary form signed by
their faith leader confirming regular* attendance.

2. Children with an exceptional and professionally

supported medical or social need for a place at this
school. This must be supported by written evidence,
e.g. from a specialist health professional, social
worker, or other care professional.

9. If applicants do not fall into categories one to

eight above their applications will be placed in
category nine and if any places remain unfilled,
priority will go to children who live closest to St.
Peters Primary School, measured by the shortest
safe walking route between home and the pupils
entrance gate in Liverpool Grove, SE17.

3. Children whose parents are faithful and regular*

worshippers in St. Peters Church, Walworth and who
submit a supplementary form signed by a member of
the clergy, confirming regular* attendance.
4. Children whose parents are faithful and regular
worshippers in one of the following churches; St
Christophers, Tatum St; St Johns, Larcom Street; St
Pauls, Lorrimore Sq, for whom this is the nearest
church school and who submit a supplementary
form signed by a member of the clergy from their
stated church, confirming regular* attendance.

Tie break
a) Twins or triplet scenarios in this event, the place
will be offered to one child and the parents
advised that the other child or children will go to
the top of the waiting list

5. Children who have siblings who are blood

relatives, step siblings, fostered and adopted
children living at the same address already
attending the school on the date of admission
and who live within the parish.

b) Equidistant applicants in the event that two or

more applicants live equidistant from the school
the governing body will draw lots to decide
between applicants


St Peters C of E Primary School

St Peters C of E Primary School

English Martyrs Catholic Primary School

English Martyrs Catholic Primary School

Catholic voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3341

Headteacher: Mrs H Appah

Age range: 3 to 11

Flint Street, SE17 1QD

Primary admission limit: 60

020 7703 4726

Supplementary information form required: yes
partial wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

6. Children of families who are committed members

of other Christian denominations. Evidence of
Baptism (or dedication), and of religious
commitment provided by a priest or minister where
the family regularly worship, will be required.

Where there are more applications than the number

of places available, places will be offered in the
following order of priority:
1. Looked after children and children who were
looked after but ceased to be so because they have
been adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/ special guardianship order),
from Catholic families.

7. Any other children.

Catechumens and members of an Eastern Christian
church are to be given priority next after baptised
Catholics in each of the categories. A certificate of
baptism or reception will normally evidence this.
The attendance of a brother or sister, step, foster,
and adopted siblings at the school at the time of
enrolment will increase the priority of an application
within each category. The governing body may
increase the priority of an application within a
category where evidence is provided at the time
of application of an exceptional social, medical,
pastoral or other need of the child, which can be
most appropriately met at this school.

2. Baptised Catholic children from practising

Catholic families who are resident in the parish(es)
of English Martyrs and St Wilfreds who practice at
English Martyrs, at a chaplaincy for their home
language, or at a church recognised as being in
union with the Catholic church. Applications will be
ranked in the order shown on the supplementary
form. Firstly those who attend mass weekly,
secondly those who attend most weeks, thirdly
monthly, fourthly several times a year, fifthly never.

Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any

of the categories listed above would still lead to
oversubscription, places will be offered to those
living nearest to the school (measured by the
shortest straight line route).

3. Other baptised Catholic children who are resident

in and practise in other parishes.
4. Other looked after children who are not Catholic.
5. Children who are members of Eastern Christian
churches including the Orthodox church. Evidence
of baptism (or dedication), and of religious
commitment provided by a priest or minister where
the family regularly worship, will be required.

Supplementary application forms must be submitted

to the school by the due date and the following
documentation will be required: a) Baptismal
certificate b) Catholicity form signed by the parish
priest c) proof of address.



Catholic voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3484

Headteacher: Mrs Sue Barber

Age range: 3 to 11

Little Dorrit Court, Redcross Way, SE1 1NJ

Primary admission limit: 30

020 7407 2642

Supplementary information form required: yes
partial wheelchair access

Admissions criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

7. Children of other faiths. Evidence of religious

commitment provided by a priest, minister or
religious leader where the family regularly worship,
will be required.

Where there are more applications for places than

the number of places available, places will be
offered according to the following order of priority:

8. Any other children.

Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any
of the categories listed would lead to oversubscription,
the following provisions will be applied:
a) The attendance of a sibling at the school at the
time of admission will increase the priority of an
application within each category.
b) For categories 2, 3 and 5 the evidence of
commitment to the faith as demonstrated by the
priests reference will increase the priority of an
application within each category. This evidence
must be provided by the parents or guardians and
can be endorsed by a priest at the church where the
family normally worship.
c) For categories 6 and 7, the evidence of
commitment to the faith as witnessed by the
minister will increase the priority of an application
within each category. This evidence must be
provided by the parents or guardians and can be
endorsed by a priest or minister from the place
where the family normally worships.
d) The governing body may increase the priority
of an application within a category where evidence
is provided at the time of application of an
exceptional social, medical, or pastoral need of the
child which makes the school particularly suitable
for the child in question.
e) The distance from the childs home (measured by
the shortest available route) to the school gate.
Evidence of residence may be required.

1. Baptised Catholic looked after children or looked

after children in the care of Catholic families. This
includes children who were looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or become
subject to a child arrangement/residence/special
guardianship order).
2. Baptised Catholic children and children enrolled
in the catechumenate who are resident in the
Parishes of Church of The Precious Blood or Our
Lady of Salette.
3. Baptised Catholic children and children enrolled in
the catechumenate from families who are resident in
other parishes.
4. Other looked after children. This includes children
who were looked after but ceased to be so because
they were adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/special guardianship order).
5. Children who are members of Eastern Christian
churches including Orthodox churches. Evidence of
baptism or reception from the authorities of that
church will be required.
6. Children of families who are committed members
of other Christian denominations. Evidence of
baptism (or dedication) and of religious
commitment provided by a priest or minister where
the family regularly worship, will be required.


Saint Josephs Catholic Primary School, The Borough

Saint Josephs Catholic Primary School, The Borough

St Anthonys Catholic Primary School

St Anthonys Catholic Primary School

Catholic voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/5201

Headteacher: Mrs Jane Day

Age range: 3 to 11

Etherow Street, SE22 0LA

Primary admission limit: 60

020 8693 6852

Supplementary information form required: yes
total wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

7. Children of other faiths. Evidence of religious

commitment provided by a priest, minister or
religious leader where the family regularly worship
will be required.

Where the number of applications exceeds the

number of places available, governors will offer
places in the order stated below:

8. Any other children.

1. Catholic looked after children or children looked
after by a Catholic family. This includes children who
were looked after but ceased to be so because they
were adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/special guardianship order).
2. Baptised Catholic children or children enrolled in
the catechumenate. Evidence of baptism or
catechumenate will be required.
3. Other baptised Catholic children or children
enrolled in the catechumenate. Evidence of baptism
or catechumenate will be required.
4. Looked after children who are not Catholic. This
includes children who were looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became
subject to a child arrangement/residence/special
guardianship order).
5. Children who are members of Eastern Orthodox
Churches. Evidence of baptism will be required.
6. Children of families who are committed members
of other Christian denominations. Evidence of
baptism (or dedication) and of religious
commitment provided by a priest or minister where
the family regularly worship will be required.



Catholic voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/5200

Headteacher: Mrs Jacintha M Martin

Age range: 3 to 11

Forest Hill Road, SE23 3LE

Primary admission limit: 60

020 8699 8862

Supplementary information form required: yes
partial wheelchair access

6. Looked after children of other or no faith. This

includes children who were looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became
subject to a child arrangement/residence/special
guardianship order).

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria
If more than 60 applications are received the
governors will apply the following oversubscription
criteria in the sequence shown. It should be noted
that children with statements of special educational
needs, where St Francesca Cabrini is named in such
statement and where it can meet the needs of that
child, will be admitted prior to the oversubscription
criteria being applied to all other applicants.

7. Children who do not fall within 1 to 6 who have a

sibling attending the school at the time of admission.
8. Children of other faiths whose parents attend their
church frequently (equivalent evidence as set out in 4
is required)

1. Looked after children from Catholic families or

non Catholic looked after children in the care of
Catholic families. This includes children who were
looked after but ceased to be so because they were
adopted (or became subject to a child arrangement/
residence/special guardianship order).

9. Other children. If the number of applications

requires the governors to distinguish between
applicants within priorities 7 to 9 inclusive then those
living nearest to the school (measured by the local
authority mapping system) will be given priority.

2. Children with known medical or social needs from

Catholic families for whom this is the most
appropriate school.

Tie break: If there are more than 60 applicants falling

within priorities 3 to 6 the tie break tests will be
siblings first then those who live nearest to the school
(as measured by the local authority mapping system).

3. Children who have been baptised in the Catholic

faith and whose parents attend weekly mass at one
of the following parishes St. James, Peckham Rye; St
Matthews, West Norwood; St Thomas the Apostle,
Nunhead; St William of York, Forest Hill.
4. Children who have been baptised in the Catholic
faith and whose parents attend weekly mass in
parishes other than those shown in 3.
5. Children who have been baptised into the
Catholic faith whose parents attend a Catholic
church less frequently.


St Francesca Cabrini Primary School

St Francesca Cabrini Primary School

St Francis Catholic Primary School

St Francis Catholic Primary School

Catholic voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3435

Headteacher: Mrs Ros Atkinson / Mrs Carol Molloy

Age range: 3 to 11

Friary Road, SE15 1RQ

Primary admission limit: 60

020 7639 0187

Supplementary information form required: yes
total wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

7. Children of other faiths. Evidence of membership

should be provided by the leader of a designated
place of worship.

Places will be offered in accordance with the

following order of priorities:

8. Any other children.

1. Looked after baptised Catholic children or

looked after baptised children in the care of
Catholic families. This includes children who were
looked after but ceased to be so because they were
adopted (or became subject to a child arrangement/
residence/special guardianship order).

*Please contact the school for the full list of

members of Churches Together in England.

2. Baptised Catholic children. Evidence of baptism

will be required.
3. Children enrolled in the catechumenate. Evidence
of enrolment in the catechumenate will be required.
4. Looked after children who are not Catholic. This
includes children who were looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became
subject to a child arrangement/residence/special
guardianship order).
5. Children who are members of Eastern Orthodox
churches. Evidence of baptism will be required.
6. Children who are members of non catholic
Christian denominations that are part of Churches
Together in England*. Evidence of membership of
the church should be provided e.g. baptism
endorsed by a minister at the church where the
family usually worship.



Catholic voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3447

Headteacher: Mrs Ann E Higgs

Age range: 3 to 11

33 Westminster Bridge Road, SE1 7JB

Primary admission limit: 60

020 7525 9250

Supplementary information form required: yes
partial wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

If there is oversubscription in any of the categories,

the governing body will allocate places in
accordance with the following criteria:

Places will be allocated in accordance with the

following criteria in the order of priority set out below:

a) The attendance of a sibling at the school at the

time of admission will increase the priority of an
application within each category.

1. Baptised Catholic looked after children or looked

after children in the care of Catholic families. This
includes children who were looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became
subject to a child arrangement/residence/special
guardianship order).

b) For categories 2 and 4, the strength of evidence

of commitment to the faith as demonstrated by the
level of the familys Mass attendance on Sundays
will increase the priority of an application within
each category. This evidence must be provided by
the parent/guardian and be able to be endorsed
by a priest, at the church where the family worship.

2. Baptised Catholic children and children enrolled

in the catechumenate.
3. Other looked after children. This includes children
who were looked after but ceased to be so because
they were adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/special guardianship order).

c) For categories 5 and 6, the strength of evidence

of commitment to the faith as demonstrated by
the level of the familys attendance at services will
increase the priority of an application within each
category. This evidence must be provided by the
parent/guardian and be able to be endorsed by a
priest minister or religious leader from the place
where the family normally worships.

4. Children who are members of Eastern Christian

churches, including Orthodox churches. Evidence of
baptism or reception, from the authorities of those
churches will be required.
5. Children of families who are committed members
of other Christian denominations that are part of
Churches Together in England. Evidence of baptism
(or dedication) and of religious commitment
provided by a priest or minister where the family
regularly worships will be required.

d) The governing body may increase the priority of

an application within a category where evidence is
provided at the time of application of an exceptional
social, medical or pastoral need of the child, which
makes the school particularly suitable for the child
in question. Written verification by the appropriate
authority (e.g. medical practitioner, educational
welfare officer, social worker, and priest) will be
required at time of the application.

6. Children of other faiths. Evidence of religious

commitment provided by a priest minister or
religious leader where the family regularly worships
will be required.

e) The distance from home to school measured by

the shortest safe walking route, from the childs
home to the main school entrance in Lambeth Road.

7. Any other children.


St Georges Cathedral Catholic Primary School

St Georges Cathedral Catholic Primary School

St James the Great Catholic Primary School

St James the Great Catholic Primary School

Catholic voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3399

Executive Headteacher: Ms Janice Babb

Age range: 3 to 11

Peckham Road, SE15 5LP

Primary admission limit: 30

020 7703 5870

Supplementary information form required: yes
partial wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

three above, who are baptised in the orthodox

rites. Commitment to their faith must be verified by
their priest.

Places will be offered in accordance with the

following order of priorities:

6. Baptised children of other Christian

denominations as recognised by the British Council
of Churches. Commitment to their faith must be
verified by priest or minister.

1. Baptised Catholic looked after children and

children who were looked after but ceased to be so
because they were adopted (or became subject
to a child arrangement/residence/special
guardianship order).

7. Any other applicants.

The following order of priorities will be applied when
applications within any of the categories above
exceed places and it is necessary to decide between
them. a) The presence of a brother or sister, or
step/half brother or sister or adopted sibling in the
school at the time of admission. b) For categories
two, three and four the strength of evidence of
commitment to the faith as demonstrated by the
familys mass attendance will increase the priority of
an applicant within each category. This evidence
must be provided by the parents or guardians and
endorsed by a priest or minister from the place
where the family normally worships. c) Medical or
social grounds which make the school more suitable
for the child than any other local school. Verification
by an appropriate authority (e.g. medical
practitioner, education welfare officer, social
worker) would be required, and an explanation of
the difficulties that would be caused if their child
had to attend another school. d) Distance from
front door of home to main school gate on
Peckham Road, measured by the shortest walking
route using public highways.

2. Baptised children of committed Catholic parents

or carers who are resident in the parish of St James
the Great, Peckham. Commitment to catholicity in
the first four priorities must be verified on the form
supplied by the parish priest of the parish where the
family regularly worships. This must be sent by the
parish priest to the school. It indicates four levels of
verification. i. Regular attendance at mass
ii. Occasional attendance at mass. iii. Irregular
attendance at mass. iv. No previous knowledge of
attendance at mass.
3. Baptised children of committed Catholic parents/
carers who are resident in other parishes.
Commitment to catholicity must be verified by the
parish priest of the parish where the family regularly
worship on the form supplied.
4. Other looked after children and children who
were looked after but ceased to be so because they
were adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/ special guardianship order).
5. Children of parents who are adherents to the
Christian Orthodox church, not included in one to



Catholic voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3669

Headteacher: Ms Janice Babb

Age range: 3 to 11

St Elmos Road, SE16 6SD

Primary admission limit: 30

020 7252 1859

Supplementary information form required: yes
partial wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

7. Children of other faiths. Evidence of religious

commitment provided by a priest, minister or
religious leader of a designated place of worship will
be required.

Whenever there are more applications than places

available, priority will always be given to Catholic
applicants in accordance with the oversubscription
criteria listed below:

8. Any other children.

1. Looked after Catholic children or looked after

children in the care of Catholic families. This
includes children who were looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became
subject to a child arrangement/residence/special
guardianship order).

Where the offer of places to all the applicants

in any of the categories listed above would lead
to oversubscription the following provisions will
be applied:
a) For category 2 the strength of evidence of
commitment to the faith as demonstrated by the
level of the familys mass attendance on Sundays
will increase the priority of an application within
each category. This evidence must be provided
by the parents or guardians and be able to be
endorsed by a priest, at the church where the family
normally worship.

2. Baptised Catholic children. Evidence of baptism

will be required.
3. Children enrolled in the catechumenate. Evidence
of enrolment in the catechumenate will be required.
4. Other looked after children. This includes children
who were looked after but ceased to be so because
they were adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/special guardianship order).

b) A brother or sister on roll at the time of admission.

Evidence of the relationship may be required.
c) Social and medical needs which make the school
particularly suitable for the child in question. Strong
and relevant evidence must be provided by an
appropriate professional authority (e.g. qualified
medical practitioner.

5. Children who are members of Eastern Orthodox

Churches. Evidence of baptism will be required.
6. Children of families who are committed members
of other Christian denominations that are part of
Churches Together in England. Evidence of baptism
(or dedication) provided by a priest or minister of a
designated place of worship will be required.


St Johns Catholic Primary School

St Johns Catholic Primary School

St Josephs Catholic Infants School

St Josephs Catholic Infants School

Catholic voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/5204

Acting Executive Headteacher: Anita Gallagher

Age range: 5 to 7

Pitman Street, SE5 0TS

Primary admission limit: 60

020 7703 9264

Supplementary information form required: yes
total wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

7. Other looked after children and children who

were looked after but ceased to be so because they
have been adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/ special guardianship order).

Where the number of applications on behalf of

children exceeds 60, the governors will offer places,
in the order stated, using the following criteria:

8. Children who are members of Eastern Orthodox

churches. Evidence of baptism will be required.

1. Catholic looked after children and children who

were looked after but ceased to be so because they
have been adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/special guardianship order).

9. Children of families who are committed members

of other Christian denominations. Evidence of
baptism (or dedication) and of religious
commitment provided by a priest or minister where
the family regularly worships will be required.

2. Baptised practising Catholic children and children

enrolled in the catechumenate, who reside in the
Sacred Heart Parish. Evidence of baptism or
catechumenate will be required.

10. Children of other faiths. Evidence of religious

commitment provided by a priest, minister or
religious leader where the family regularly worship
will be required.

3. Baptised practising Catholic children and children

enrolled in the catechumenate, who reside in the
St. Wilfrids or St. Philip and St. James parishes.
Evidence of baptism or catechumenate will be

11. Any other children.

The following order of priorities will be applied
when applications within any of the categories
detailed exceed the places available and it is
necessary to decide between applications.

4. Baptised practising Catholic children and children

enrolled in the catechumenate, who reside in other
parishes. Evidence of baptism or catechumenate will
be required.

a) For category two, three and four, the strength

of evidence of commitment to the faith as
demonstrated by the level of the familys mass
attendance on Sundays. This evidence must be
provided by the parents or guardians and be
endorsed by a priest at the church(es) where the
family normally worship.

5. Baptised Catholic children, evidence of baptism

or catechumenate will be required.
6. Children enrolled in the catechumenate. Evidence
of enrolment in the catechumenate will be required.



St Josephs Catholic Infants School

b) For category 5, 7, 8 and 9, the strength

of evidence of commitment to the faith as
demonstrated by the level of the familys
attendance at services. This evidence must
be provided by the parents or guardians and
be endorsed by a priest or minister at the
church(s) where the family normally worship.
c) A brother or sister on the school roll at the
time of admission. Evidence of the relationship
may be required.
d) A brother or sister on the school roll of St.
Josephs Junior School at the time of admission.
Evidence of the relationship may be required.
e) Medical, social or pastoral grounds which make
the school particularly suitable for the child in
question. Strong and relevant evidence must be
provided by an appropriate professional authority
(e.g. qualified medical practitioner, education
welfare officer, social worker, and priest).
f) Distance from home to school (measured by a
straight line route, taking into account the safety
of the child and the availability of public transport).
Evidence of residence may be required.


St Josephs Catholic Junior School

St Josephs Catholic Junior School

Catholic voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/5203

Acting Executive Headteacher: Anita Gallagher

Age range: 7 to 11

Pitman Street, SE5 0TS

Primary admission limit: 60

020 7703 3455

Supplementary information form required: yes
total wheelchair access

10. Children of other faiths. Evidence of religious

membership provided by a priest, minister or religious
leader of a designated place of worship will be required.

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria
1. Looked after Catholic children or looked after
children in the care of Catholic families. This
includes children who were looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became
subject to a child arrangement/residence/special
guardianship order).

11. Any other children.

The following order of priorities will be applied when
applications within any of the above categories
exceed the places available and it is necessary to
decide between applications.
a) For category 2, 3 and 4 the strength of evidence
of commitment to the faith as demonstrated by the
level of the familys mass attendance on Sundays
using the frequency of mass attendance asked for
on the supplementary form. Applications will be
ranked in the order shown on the supplementary
form. Firstly those who attend mass weekly, then
those who attend once or twice a month etc. This
evidence should be provided by the parents or carers
and be endorsed by a priest at the church(es) where
the family normally worship.
b) The presence of a brother or sister on the school
roll at the time of admission. Evidence of the
relationship may be required.
c) The presence of a brother or sister attending St
Josephs Catholic Infant School Camberwell, at the
time of admission.
d) Medical or social/pastoral grounds which make the
school particularly suitable for the child in question.
Strong and relevant evidence must be provided by
an appropriate professional authority (e.g. qualified
medical practitioner, education welfare officer, social
worker or priest).
e) Distance from home to school as measured in a
straight line from the front entrance of the pupils
home to the pupil entrance gate of the school.
Evidence of residence may be required.

2. Baptised practising Catholic children who reside

in the Sacred Heart Parish Camberwell. Evidence of
baptism will be required.
3. Baptised practising Catholic children who reside
in the St Wilfreds or St Phillip and James parishes.
Evidence of baptism will be required.
4. Baptised practising Catholic children who reside in
other parishes. Evidence of baptism will be required.
5. Baptised Catholic children. Evidence of baptism
will be required.
6. Children enrolled in the catechumenate. Evidence
of enrolment in the catechumenate will be required.
7. Other looked after children. This includes children
who were looked after but ceased to be so because
they were adopted (or become subject to a child
arrangement/residence/special guardianship order).
8. Children who are members of Eastern Orthodox
Churches. Evidence of baptism will be required.
9. Children who are members of other Christian
denominations. Evidence of membership of the
church provided by a priest or minister where the
family regularly worship will be required.



Catholic voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3475

Headteacher: Mr Macauley

Age range: 3 to 11

George Row, SE16 4UP

Primary admission limit: 45

020 7237 4267

Supplementary information form required: yes
total wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

If there is oversubscription in any of the above

categories, the governing body will allocate places
in accordance with the following criteria:

Where there are more applications for places than

the number of places available, the Governors will
offer places using the following criteria in the
order stated:

a) For Category 2 above the strength of evidence

of commitment to the faith as demonstrated by
the level of the familys mass attendance on
Sundays. This evidence must be provided by the
parents/carers and be endorsed by a priest at the
church(es) where the family normally worship.
Applications will be ranked in the order shown on
the supplementary form; firstly those who attend
mass weekly, then once or twice a month etc.

1. Looked after Catholic children or looked after

children in the care of Catholic families. This
includes children who were looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became
subject to a child arrangement/residence/special
guardianship order).

b) A brother or sister on the school roll at the time

of admission. Evidence of the relationship may be

2. Baptised Catholic children, evidence of baptism

will be required.
3. Children enrolled in the catechumenate. Evidence
of enrolment in the catechumenate will be required.

c) Social, pastoral and medical needs which make

the school a particularly suitable for the child in
question. Strong and relevant evidence must be
provided by an appropriate professional authority
(e.g. qualified medical practitioner, education
welfare officer, social worker or priest).

4. Other looked after children. This includes children

who were looked after but ceased to be so because
they were adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/special guardianship order).
5. Children who are members of Eastern Orthodox.
Evidence of Baptism will be required.

d) Proximity to the school from the applicants home

address, the distance measured in a straight line
from the school entrance. Evidence of residence may
be required. Where the last remaining space is to be
allocated and two or more children are deemed to
live at the same distance from the school, the place
will be decided by the drawing of lots.

6. Children of families who are members of other

Christian denominations that are part of Churches
Together in England. Evidence of Baptism (or
dedication) provided by a priest or minister of a
designated place of worship will be required.
7. Children who are members of other faiths.
Evidence of membership of the faith provided by a
priest, minister or religious leader of the designated
place of worship will be required.
8. Any other children.


St Josephs Catholic Primary School, George Row

St Josephs Catholic Primary School, George Row

St Josephs Catholic Primary School, Gomm Road

St Josephs Catholic Primary School, Gomm Road

Catholic voluntary aided

DfE number: 210/3476

Headteacher: Mr Christopher Wilcocks

Age range: 3 to 11

Gomm Road, SE16 2TY

Primary admission limit: 30

020 7237 4036

Supplementary information form required: yes
total wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

8. Children of other faiths whose parents are in

sympathy with the aims and ethos of the school and
whose application is supported by a religious leader.

1. Looked after children from Catholic families. This

includes children who were looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became
subject to a child arrangement/residence/special
guardianship order).

9. Any other applicants whose parents are in

sympathy with the aims and ethos of the school.

*Families who habitually worship at mass on a

regular basis, verified by a reference from a priest in
the standard format laid down by the diocese.

2. Baptised Catholic children from practising

Catholic families* who are resident in the parishes
of St Peters and the Guardian Angels Rotherhithe
and St Gertrudes South Bermondsey.

The attendance of a brother or sister at the time of

enrolment will increase the priority of an application
within each category.

3. Other baptised Catholic children from practising

Catholic families who are resident in the parishes of
Holy Trinity Church, Dockhead and Our Lady of the
Immaculate Conception, Surrey Docks for whom St
Josephs is the nearest Catholic school.

The governing body may increase the priority of an

application within a category where evidence is
provided at the time of application of an exceptional
social, medical or pastoral need of the child that can
be most appropriately met at this school.

4. Other baptised Catholic children.

5. Catechumens and members of an Eastern
Christian Church.
6. Other looked after children. This includes children
who were looked after but ceased to be so because
they were adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/special guardianship order).
7. Christians of other denominations whose parents
are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the
school and whose application is supported by a
minister of religion.



Foundation school

DfE number: 210/5207

Headteacher: Emma Morrogh-Ryan

Age range: 3 to 11

West Square, SE11 4SN

Primary admission limit: 60

020 7735 5598

Supplementary information form required: yes
partial wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria
All places are allocated in the following
priority order:
1. Looked after children and children who were
looked after but ceased to be so because they have
been adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/ special guardianship order).
2. Children with siblings attending the school at the
time of admittance.
3. Children who have special educational, social or
medical needs declared to the school as soon as
diagnosed, along with written evidence from a
relevant professional such as a doctor, social worker
or educational psychologist.
4. Nearness to the school as defined by zones,
which are measured in diameter from a central
point of the school building working outwards
forming equal circles numbered one to seven (one
being the nearest) around the building as shown on
the map displayed in the school office. If two
children live in the same zone, the distance will then
be measured from their home to the school main
gate as the crow flies.


Charlotte Sharman Primary School

Charlotte Sharman Primary School

Friars Primary Foundation School

Friars Primary Foundation School

Foundation school

DfE number: 210/5205

Headteacher: Mr Justin Burtt

Age range: 3 to 11

Webber Street, SE1 0RF

Primary admission limit: 30

020 7207 1807

Supplementary information form required: yes
partial wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

Tie breaker
1. If there is a tie of one or more children for a place
allocated under either of criterion one to three
(normally occurring only for in year vacancies),
it will be resolved by the application of criterion
four to the competing applicants. If there remains a
tie, the tie break given at point two should be used
(see below).

In the event of the school having more applicants

than places, either in the normal admissions
round or for casual vacancies, places will be
allocated in the following priority order, with one as
highest priority:
1. Looked after children and children who were
looked after but ceased to be so because they have
been adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/ special guardianship order).

2. If in any circumstances, after the application of

all criteria, and, if applicable, the tie breaker given at
point one above, a tie between two or more
children has to be resolved, the place will be
allocated randomly between those children by the
drawing of names unseen from a hat.

2. Siblings of children attending the school at the

time of admission
3. Children with special needs for whom this is the
nearest school to their home address or whose
needs this school is particularly able to meet
4. Other applicants, children who live nearest to the
school measured as the crow flies



Foundation school

DfE number: 210/5209

Headteachers: Liz Robinson and Nicola Noble

Age range: 3 to 11

Surrey Square, SE17 2JY

Primary admission limit: 60

020 7703 3049

Supplementary information form required: no
total wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria
If there are too many applicants, the following
criteria are considered. These are stated in order
of priority:
1. Looked after children and children who were
looked after but ceased to be so because they have
been adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/ special guardianship order).
2. Children with a sibling already attending Surrey
Square Primary School.
3. Children with known medical or social needs.
Written supporting evidence must be supplied at
the time of application stating why this is the most
appropriate school for the child, from a relevant
professional, such as a paediatrician or educational
4. Pupils attending Surrey Square Primary School
nursery class.
5. The distance from home to school. This is the
route that would be taken for children walking to
school bearing in mind their safety and age.
Please note that children attending our nursery class
are not automatically given a place in reception.


Surrey Square Primary School

Surrey Square Primary School

Harris Primary Academy East Dulwich

Harris Primary Academy East Dulwich

Free school

DfE number: 210/2004

Headteacher: Mr Leroy Hoyte

Age range: 4 to 11

Homestall Road, SE22 0NR*

Primary admission limit: 60

020 8253 7777

Supplementary information form required: no

*Please note the school will be moving to a

permanent address at 173-183 Lordship Lane, SE22
8HA once the new building is complete.
Partial (temporary site)

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria

Tie breaker
Random allocation will be used as a tie break in
categories 3-4, to decide who has the highest
priority for admission.

When the academy is oversubscribed, priority for

admission will be given to those children in priority
order below:
1. Looked after children and children who were
looked after but ceased to be so because they have
been adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence or special guardianship order).
2. Children who the Harris Academy Trust accepts
have an exceptional medical or social need for a
place at the school.
3. Children with a sibling already attending the
school and who will still be attending on the date
of admission.
4. Admission of pupils on the basis of proximity to
the school using straight line measurement from the
main entrance of the school to the main entrance of
the childs home.



Free school

DfE number: 210/2001

Executive principal: Carol-Anne Alcock

Age range: 4 to 11

112 Peckham Road, SE15 5DZ

Primary admission limit: 60

020 7394 5700

Supplementary information form required: no
total wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria
Where the number of applications for admission is
greater than the published admission number,
applications will be considered against the criteria
set out below. After the admission of pupils with
statements of special educational needs where the
Harris Primary Free School Peckham is named on the
statement, the criteria will be applied in the order in
which they are set out below:
1. Children in public care and children who were
looked after but ceased to be so because they have
been adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/special guardianship order).
2. Brothers or sisters of pupils attending the Harris
Primary Free School Peckham and Harris Academy
Peckham and who will still be in attendance on the
date of admission. (Brothers and sisters include half
brothers and sisters, and step brothers and sisters
who share the same home. It also includes adopted
brothers and sisters who share the same home). If
there are more sibling applicants than places available
priority will be given to siblings who live closest to the
school on the basis of proximity to the school using
straight line measurement from the main entrance of
the school to the main entrance to the childs home.
3. Admission of pupils on the basis of proximity to
the school using straight line measurement from the
main entrance of the school to the main entrance to
the childs home.


Harris Primary Free School Peckham

Harris Primary Free School Peckham

Judith Kerr Primary School

Judith Kerr Primary School

Free school

DfE number: 210/2002

Headteacher: Claire Eskelson

Age range: 4 to 11

62-68 Half Moon Lane, SE24 9JE

Primary admission limit: 50

020 7738 6481

Supplementary information form required: no
total wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria
If there are more applications than places, places
will be offered in accordance with the following
criteria in order of priority:
1. Looked after children or children who were
looked after but ceased to be so because they have
been adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/special guardianship order).
2. Children of founders of the school as approved
by the Secretary of State for Education.
3. Children who have a brother or sister or step
brother or step-sister who have one or more parents
in common, or any other child for whom the parent
has parental responsibility, living at the same
address, who is already at the school when the
applicant will enter the school.
4. 50% of the remaining places will be allocated to
children who live closest to the school, measured as
a straight line distance from the school gates to the
front door of the childs home.
5. Remaining places will be allocated using random



Free school
DfE number: 210/2000

Headteacher: Mrs Elizabeth Marriott

Ledbury Hall, Pencraig Way, SE15 1SH

Age range: 4 to 11

020 7635 4256

Primary admission limit: 60

Supplementary information form required: no
limited wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria
If the school receives more applications than there
are places available, the following criteria will apply:
1. Looked after children, previously looked after
children who ceased to be so because they were
adopted (or became subject to a child arrangement/
residence/special guardianship order).
2. Children with exceptional medical, social or
psychological needs. Written supportive evidence
must be supplied from a relevant professional (a
paediatrician or educational psychologist) at the
time of application stating why this is the most
appropriate school for the child.
3. Children with siblings who are already on roll at
the school and will still be on roll at their date of
entry. This includes half, step and foster
4. Children living nearest to the school as measured
by a straight line.


Southwark Free School

Southwark Free School

The Belham Primary School

The Belham Primary School

Free school

DfE number: to be confirmed

Executive Headteacher: Mrs Sonia Case

Age range: 4 to 11

165 Bellenden Road, SE15 4DG*

Primary admission limit: 60

020 7525 9188/9

Supplementary information form

required: no

*Temporary postal address: Dulwich Hamlet

Junior School, Dulwich Village, SE21 7AL
total wheelchair access

Admission criteria 2015 (summary)

contact school for full criteria
The Belham Primary School will be accepting
Expressions of Interest from parents from 1
September 2014. If you are interested in your child
attending the school from September 2015, please
contact the school by email at
1. Looked after children and children who were
looked after but ceased to be so because they were
adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangement/residence/special guardianship order).
2. Children who have brothers or sisters attending
the school at the time of entry.**
3. Children who have a specific social/medical or
psychological need which the school is best placed
to meet (backed up by professional advice from the
relevant professionals as to why the school is
necessary, and agreed by the Headteacher).
4. Children living nearest to the school using
straight line measurement from the main entrance
of the school to the main entrance of the childs
home (as the crow flies).

**Reception places will be allocated first, followed

by Year 1 places, with priority given to children with
a sibling who has an allocated Reception place.




In year admissions and how to apply

In year admissions and how to apply

The in year form is available to download at
Alternatively, you can request the form by calling
020 7525 5337.

In year applications are places applied for

outside of the secondary transfer process and
starting reception class.
Families applying for a place in Southwark schools
must complete the Southwark in year application
form. Completed forms are to be returned to:
School admissions team (4th floor), childrens
services, Southwark Council, PO Box 64529,
London SE1P 5LX or by email to

Families who are applying for a voluntary aided

(church) school, academy, foundation or free school,
must contact the school directly to ask if they
require families to complete a supplementary
information form (SIF). All completed SIFs must be
returned directly to the school of application.
For further information about in year admissions
please visit

However, Southwark families applying to transfer

their child from one Southwark school to another
Southwark school must return their completed form
directly to the school they are applying to.
Families applying for a school place outside of
Southwark are to contact the relevant local
authority to enquire about applying for places in
their area.



In order for young people to get the best out

of their education it is important that they
attend school regularly, they arrive on time,
and that they get the right support to help
them reach their potential. The early help
support service is available through your
school to provide some of this support.

Child employment

School attendance

Safeguarding your child

The early help service monitors school attendance and

exclusions and helps schools and parents meet their
legal responsibilities. Our officers work closely with
schools to improve levels of attendance and
behaviour, and will always try to work in partnership
with parents to resolve any difficulties.

Schools and Southwark Council have a legal duty to

safeguard pupils and promote their welfare and
wellbeing through effective links with parents and
carers and child protection procedures. They must
consider reporting any unexplained injuries; unusual
behaviour or worrying things said by or about the
child and will not take risks with the safety or
welfare of your child.

National regulations and local bylaws protect

children from harm and exploitation through
unsuitable employment. For advice and applications
for work permits and chaperone licenses, please
contact Southwark Councils child employment
officer on 020 7525 2702.

If your child is too unwell to attend school, you

should contact the school straight away and tell the
school when you expect them to return.

n Good communication is very important between

home and school about any accidents, illness or
upset that might be affecting your child

The council and government expect that parents

will not disrupt childrens education by taking
them on holiday during the school term.
Headteachers may authorise up to ten days of
absence in exceptional circumstances.

n If you cannot collect your child from school on time,

you must contact the school as soon as possible
n You must give your childs school your contact
details and details of a relative or friend who is
willing to act as an emergency contact

If permission is not given and a family goes on

holiday they risk a penalty notice and a fine of 60
per parent.

n A referral to childrens social care will not

normally be made without discussing this with
you first but please make sure that the school
knows how to contact you

In addition, if your child is absent for more than ten

days without the headteachers agreement, you may
risk losing the school place. Please speak to the
school before making your travel arrangements.

n If you are looking after a child who is not a close

relative for more than 28 days, you will need to
register this as a private fostering arrangement so
that you and the child can be properly supported

You can contact Southwark Councils early help

service direct by contacting the duty desk on 020
7525 2714 between 9am and 1pm, Monday to
Friday, where you will be able to arrange an
appointment to see an officer or have a telephone

n If you think that your child is being bullied by

other children (including upsetting text messages
or via the Internet) you must report this to their
teacher, head of year, form tutor or class teacher.


Early help service

Early help service

Early help service


Education when away from school

A headteacher may exclude a child in response to

serious breaches of the schools disciplinary
procedures. Advice for parents regarding exclusions
is available from Southwark Councils pupil inclusion
coordinator (exclusions) on 020 7525 7190/2699.

Schools have to provide continued education for any

pupil who is unable to attend school for a period of
up to 15 school days. Your childs school will make
arrangements for setting and marking school work
to do at home. However, you must first contact the
school to put these arrangements in place.
If your child is likely to be out of school for more
than 15 school days, tuition will need to be
provided in your home. The school or parent must
inform Southwark Council in writing as soon as it is
known that the absence is likely to be more than 15
days. Evidence relating to the childs absence must
also be supplied from the childs GP, consultant, or
social worker confirming that the pupil is unable to
attend school.

Private fostering
If you are looking after a child or young person who
is not a close relative for 28 days or more you must
inform Southwark Council on 020 7525 1921. They
will make sure that you and the child are given
support and will also be able to tell you about other
services which might be helpful.

Education psychology
Educational psychologists have been specially trained
in how children develop and learn and they have a
detailed understanding of the school environment.
They can work with children, parents and teaching
staff to help resolve problems that can affect
learning. If your child would benefit from support
from an educational psychologist the school will
request this from the early help service.



Southwark Councils pupil benefits team

process applications for the following services
on behalf of residents whose children attend
Southwark primary schools.

For further information and to view our

school travel assistance policy visit:
to request a copy.

Free school meals

All children under 16 (and under 18 in full time
education) can travel for free on London buses.
Contact Transport for London for more
information on free travel on London buses for
under 16s on:

All pupils in Southwark primary schools are currently

offered free, healthy school meals. However, those
children entitled to a statutory free school meal and
in receipt of one of the following benefits will need
to complete an application form. Please contact
your childs school for further information.

0343 222 1234

n Income support
n Jobseekers allowance (income based)

For information, contact Southwark Councils

pupil benefits team on:

n Child tax credit provided you are not entitled to

working tax credit

020 7525 5051

n State pension this benefit must be your sole

source of income
n Employment Support Allowance (ESA)
n Support under Part IV of the Immigration and
Asylum Act 1999
We aim to process your claim within three weeks of
receipt of your application. Our busy periods are the
first three weeks of September, January and April.

Free travel
All pupils attending Southwark schools will be eligible
to travel on London buses free of charge, some may
choose to walk or cycle to and from school.
If you have accepted a place at the nearest school
available to you and none of these travel options are
reasonable or you meet one of the criteria set out in
our school travel assistance policy, we may consider
additional travel support.


Pupil benefits: a quick reference guide

Pupil benefits: a quick reference guide

Useful contacts

Useful contacts
School preference adviser (SPA)
The SPA is based in the parent partnership service
and can give you impartial, independent advice
about the school applications process for all children
020 7525 5211

Customer service centre

020 7525 5000
Early help service
020 7525 4780/2714

Southwark Information, Advice and

Support Team
020 7525 2866 or 020 7525 2886

Education psychology
020 7525 2714/4780

Special education needs team

020 7525 4278

Family Information Service

For a full listing of after school clubs and services
0800 013 0639

Other organisations
020 7525 2000
Pupil benefits team
020 7525 5051

Advisory Centre for Education (ACE)

Advice on exclusion, bullying, special educational
needs and appeals etc
72 Durnsford Road
London N11 2EJ
0300 0115 142

School admissions team (4th floor)

Childrens services
Southwark Council
PO Box 64529
London SE1P 5LX
020 7525 5337

Department for Education (DfE)

National government information on education
(correspondence address)
Picadilly Gate
Stone Street
Manchester, M1 2WD
0370 000 2288
Direct Gov
Public services all in one place



Local Government Ombudsmen

If you have a complaint about the council
(Correspondence address)
PO Box 4771
Coventry CV4 0EH
0300 061 0614

For further information about schools in other

boroughs please contact them directly using the
list below.
London borough admissions teams
telephone numbers
Kensington and Chelsea
Tower Hamlets

Southwark Diocesan Board of Education

(Church of England)
48 Union Street
London SE1 1TD
020 7234 9200
Southwark Schools Commission
(Roman Catholic)
St Edwards House
St Pauls Wood Hill
Orpington BR5 2SR
0168 982 9331
The Office of the Schools Adjudicator
For complaints/concerns with admission arrangements
Mowden Hall
Staindrop Road,
Darlington DL3 9BG
01325 735303
Transport for London
Information on transport
0343 222 1234


020 8303 7777 option 2

020 8313 4044
020 7974 1625
020 8726 6400 option 3
020 8921 8043
020 8820 7401
020 7527 5515
020 7745 6432
020 7926 9503 option 2
020 8314 8282
020 8274 4906
020 8430 2000
020 7364 5006 option 2
020 8871 7316
020 7745 6433

Useful contacts

Schools outside of Southwark

You must always complete the application form for
the borough in which you live. You can apply for up to
six schools (excluding independent schools) whether
they are in Southwark or in another borough.

Independent Schools Council

Promotes choice, diversity and excellence in education
020 7766 7070




Map of primary schools in Southwark

Map of primary schools in Southwark

















29 55











63 64












74 3













Albion Primary School

Alfred Salter Primary School
Bellenden Primary School
Bessemer Grange Primary School
Brunswick Park Primary School
Camelot Primary School
Charles Dickens Primary School
Cobourg Primary School
Comber Grove Primary School
Crampton Primary School
Crawford Primary School
Dog Kennel Hill Primary School
Dulwich Wood Primary School
Gloucester Primary School
Goodrich Primary School
Grange Primary School
Heber Primary School
Hollydale Primary School
Ilderton Primary School
Ivydale Primary School
John Ruskin Primary School
Keyworth Primary School
Lyndhurst Primary School
Michael Faraday Primary School
Oliver Goldsmith Primary School
Phoenix Primary School
Pilgrims Way Primary School
Riverside Primary School
Robert Browning Primary School
Rotherhithe Primary school
Rye Oak Primary School
Snowsfields Primary School
Southwark Park School
Tower Bridge Primary School
Townsend Primary School
Victory Primary School

Voluntary aided schools

43 Boutcher Church of England Primary School
44 The Cathedral School of St Saviour and St Mary Overie
45 Dulwich Village C of E Infants School
46 Peter Hills with St Marys and St Pauls C of E Primary School
47 St Georges C of E Primary School
48 St James C of E Primary School
49 St Johns and St Clements C of E Primary School
50 St Johns Walworth C of E Primary School
51 St Judes C of E Primary School
52 St Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School
53 St Pauls C of E Primary School

54 St Peters Walworth C of E Primary School

55 English Martyrs Catholic Primary School
56 Saint Josephs Catholic Primary School, The Borough
57 St Anthonys Catholic Primary School
58 St Francesca Cabrini Primary School
59 St Francis Catholic Primary School

60 St Georges Cathedral Catholic Primary School

61 St James the Great Catholic Primary School
62 St Johns Catholic Primary School
63 St Josephs Catholic Infants School
64 St Josephs Catholic Junior School
65 St Josephs Catholic Primary School, George Row
66 St Josephs Catholic Primary School, Gomm Road

Foundation schools
67 Charlotte Sharman Primary School
68 Friars Primary Foundation School
69 Surrey Square Primary School

Free schools
70 Harris Primary Academy East Dulwich
71 Harris Primary Free School Peckham
72 Judith Kerr Free School
73 Southwark Free School
74 The Belham Primary School

37 ARK Globe Academy
38 Dulwich Hamlet Junior School
39 Goose Green Primary School
40 Harris Primary Academy, Peckham Park
41 John Donne Primary School
42 Redriff Primary School


Map of primary schools in Southwark

Community primary schools

School admissions team (4th floor)

Childrens and Adults Services
Southwark Council
PO Box 64529
London SE1P 5LX
020 7525 5337

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