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Terrorism Preparedness Manual

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Preparing Your Home, Family, and Business for

Some Common Sense Suggestions on Getting Ready

U.S. Representative Robert Pittenger

Chairman of the Congressional Taskforce on
Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare

Importance of Preparation......................................................................2
Possible Attacks........................................................................................3
Manual Overview......................................................................................4
Terrorist Hazards......................................................................................5
Biological Hazards....................................................................................7
Chemical Hazards.....................................................................................8
Cyber Attacks....................................................................................10-11
Nuclear Blasts..........................................................................................12
Electromagnetic Pulse...........................................................................13
Radiological Dispersion Device...........................................................14
Hazardous Materials........................................................................15-17
Nuclear Power Plant Accident..............................................................18
Radiological Hazards.............................................................................19
Family Emergency Plan..................................................................21-22
Emergency Kit..................................................................................23-25

This booklet was started long before the threat of ISIS
became imminent, the concern over thousands of terrorists
with Western passports was realized, or the threat of an
Ebola outbreak reached American shores. What those
concerns impressed upon us though, was the importance
of being calm and prepared for some of the unexpected or
unanticipated twists and turns in life. People are much less
likely to panic in a crisis if they have a plan and are prepared
ahead of time so that everyone knows what they need to do.
The Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, and FBI
Director James Comey have both conveyed their concerns
regarding threats inside the United States and towards
American citizens. Comey stated, Ultimately, an American
citizen, unless their passport is revoked, is entitled to come
back. So, if someone whos fought with ISIL, with American
passport wants to come back, we will track them very
carefully. Secretary Johnson added: There are a number
of individuals we are tracking very carefully who have
either attempted to go to Syria and have been interdicted or
arrested, those who have gone for various reasons and some
who have come back. Law enforcement does an excellent job
of tracking these individuals. Theres obviously an unknown
factor there, but we have systems in place to track these
individuals as they come and go. Increasingly, emergency
preparedness is a key issue affecting our Nations future
and impact on our economy and citizens. This booklet is
intended to assist our citizens in responding to terrorist
threats, natural disasters and other crises.
This booklet is a beginners handbook for dealing with
sudden, unwelcome changes in our day-to-day lives. By no
means is this a comprehensive guide with answers to any
and all emergencies, but can be a good place to start. There
are several websites listed throughout and at the end of the
booklet offering great places to go for further information
on the topics we are discussing as well as other related
issues. An informed and prepared public can and will
reduce the serious impact any city or state incurs when there
is an emergency. Having as many people as possible able to
sustain themselves for several days will allow the emergency
personnel to direct their efforts to those in the most critical
need of help. If you remember the chaos we all saw in the
aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Super-Storm Sandy or
the Boston bombing, you can appreciate the need to be
prepared even more.

As a precaution, we want to remind you we are not

recommending any particular product or service and you
should never begin taking medicine without fully discussing
these with your doctor. Preparation has a way of allaying fear
of the unknown. The one comment emphasized by everyone
threatened by nature or man-made terror is to not give into the
scare tactics and continue to engage life in a normal manner. We
hope this information helps.

U.S. Representative Robert Pittenger

North Carolinas 9th District
Chairman, Congressional Taskforce on Terrorism and
Unconventional Warfare
America faces serious and multiplying challenges from
our adversaries, including Islamist extremists and terrorist
sponsoring nations. Our nation must also contend with natural
disasters and the globalized threat of pandemic disease. As we
face these threats to our security and safety, thoughtful and
prudent preparation is the key to protecting our families and
- The Honorable Michael Chertoff, Secretary, U.S. Department
of Homeland Security
ISIS, Iran, al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations are
focused on destroying our way of life. We should recognize
their unrelenting focus and determined intent to attack
America. Making common sense preparations for a possible
attack on our Homeland should be a consideration of all
- Ambassador R. James Woolsey, Director, Central Intelligence
Agency, Former Undersecretary of the Navy

1. Why is Preparing for Terrorist Attacks Important?
We need to prepare and to protect our family in times of attacks. From explosives to
biological and chemical weapons, these emergencies and others demand that we plan
and prepare our families to know how to react and determine the resources necessary to
make our plans practical.
This publication will help you prepare your family to respond to possible attacks!
2. Knowing how you will respond to an attack at home, school or work will help you remain
calm, think clearly and react well. It also lowers the workload of firefighters, police and
emergency medical workers.
3. This booklet is a guide to help you and your family deal with sudden, unwelcome changes
in your day-to-day lives and routines. Procedures for dealing with emergency events such
as hazardous materials accidents, civil unrest or even intentional attacks using explosives,
chemical or biological agents, include steps applicable during most emergency situations.

A Word on What Could Happen

As weve learned from previous events, the following things can happen after a terrorist attack:
There can be significant numbers of casualties and/or damage to buildings and the
infrastructure. So employers need up-to-date information about any medical needs you may
have and on how to contact your designated beneficiaries.
Heavy law enforcement involvement at local, state and federal levels follows a terrorist attack due
to the events criminal nature.
Health and mental health resources in the affected communities can be strained to their limits,
maybe even overwhelmed.
Extensive media coverage, strong public fear and international implications and consequences
can continue for a prolonged period.
Workplaces and schools may be closed, and there may be restrictions on domestic and
international travel.
You and your family or household may have to evacuate an area, avoiding roads blocked for your
Clean-up may take many months.

Source: Ready.gov and Red Cross

What type of terrorist attacks do
we need to be ready for?

Ready Bag Contents

Terrorist Attacks
Toxic industrial chemical/
Classical war agents
Local attack

1 gallon of water per person, per day (at least)

Waterproof matches
Duct Tape
Flashlight with extra
Clothing with long sleeves
and pants
3 day supply of any medications taken regularly
Manual can opener
Cartridge and filter masks
Cyber attacks
Knife or scissors
ID Theft
Personal finances
Extensive financial disrup- Extra cash
tioncould lead to civil
Radio with extra batteries
or portable hand-cranked
Pandemic diseases (communica- radio
ble, widespread, possibly leading Hand sanitizer
to serious impairment or death) Hand tools (hammer, etc.)
Plastic garbage bags with
ties (for human refuse and
other garbage)
Yellow Fever
First Aid Kit
Chicken Pox
Protein bars

Games for children

Canned fruits
Shelf stable milk
Canned soup or pasta
Energy bars
Poncho or rain gear
Hat or cap
Feminine hygiene supplies
Lysol or Clorox sprays
Paper towels and toilet
Signal flare
Sturdy gloves
Blanket, pillows, or
sleeping bags
Copies of important
family documents such
as insurance policies, ID
and bank account records;
store in a waterproof,
portable container
List of doctors and relatives to be notified if you
are injured

Source: Ready.gov

With the heightened concerns for our familys safety as a result of growing instability around
the world, every time a terrorist attack occurs somewhere overseas or a severe weather event
breaks out, we all feel concerned and a little vulnerable. We all ask ourselves, What can I do
to protect my family a little better? In this packet we have accumulated information and
tips in hopes of providing you with common sense actions recognized by safety experts to
better prepare you and your family for an event we truly hope never happens.
Prior to September 11, 2001, Americans had been fortunate to never have had to incorporate
the threat of a possible terrorist attack into our daily routines. Hopefully, it does not happen
to you, however you should consider what to think about should a terrorist attack occur in
your area, or when a warning indicates that an attack is imminent. The good news is we
have had some expert planning done on our part by our state and federal officials and have
a nationally recognized plan in place to help protect us. For example, each state is part of an
active bioterrorism surveillance system which will give us advanced warning of a disease
outbreak in our area.
For more information on what you can do to prepare yourself and your family, or for more
information on my work as the Chairman of the Congressional Taskforce on Terrorism and
Unconventional Warfare, please email me at Pittenger@mail.house.gov or contact one of my
Congressional offices at: Washington D.C. (202) 225-1976, Charlotte, NC - (704) 3621060
or Mooresville, NC (704) 6968188.

Listed below are seven recurring ways terrorists conduct attacks against their enemies. In order to reduce stress, we
must familiarize ourselves with the proper procedures should an attack occur. You can find information regarding
all attacks in this manual.attack was to occur. You can find information regarding all attacks in this manual.

Explosions: Explosive devices are typically the most common and most accessible due to readily available
information and how easily they can be detonated from remote locations.

Biological Threats: Biological threats are not always as noticeable in comparison to other attacks. Signs of these

particular attacks usually correspond with patterns of unusual illness or waves of people seeking emergency attention. Many
have extended incubation periods before they manifest themselves as diseases or sickness in individuals.

Chemical Threats: Chemical threats can have an immediate effect on people, animals or plants. Many

chemical threats may be odorless and tasteless and have the ability to dissipate rapidly. Signs of a chemical attack
include difficulty breathing, experiencing eye irritation, losing coordination, becoming nauseated, or having a
burning sensation in the nose, throat and lungs.

Cyber Attack: Cyber threats do not give major signs of an attack and are often times difficult to identify.
Cybercrime, state-sponsored hackers, and cyber espionage can pose national security risks to our country.
They are extremely dangerous, and can be detrimental to businesses, government and personal privacy.

Nuclear Blast: Nuclear blasts carry intense light and heat, a damaging pressure wave and widespread

radioactive material that has the potential to contaminate the air, water and ground surfaces for miles around.

Electromagnetic Pulse: An EMP acts like a stroke of lightning, but instead of striking a point effects a

broad geographic area, potentially the entire continental U.S., and is much stronger than lightning. An EMP can
be much faster and shorter or much slower and longer than lightning, depending upon how the EMP is generated.

Radiological Dispersion Device (RDD): RDDs are far more likely to be used than a nuclear

weapon due to the lack of technical knowledge they take to build and deploy. Most often called dirty bombs,
RDDs are designed to scatter dangerous and sub-lethal amounts of radioactive material over a general area.

Source: Ready.gov

Be Prepared Have the following in place for you and your family:
Copies of prescription medications and medical supplies.
Bedding and clothing, including sleeping bags and pillows.
Copies of important documents: drivers license, Social Security card, proof of residence, insurance policies, wills, deeds, birth and marriage certificates, tax records, etc.
Make a Family Emergency Plan. Your family may not be together when disaster strikes, so it is
important to know how you will contact one another, how you will get back together and what
you will do in case of an emergency. Plan places where your family will meet, both within and
outside of your immediate neighborhood. Ensure family members have access to plans and
phone numbers, and rehearse the plans if possible.
It may be easier to make a long-distance phone call than to call across town, so an out-of-town
contact may be in a better position to communicate among separated family members.
You may also want to inquire about emergency plans at places where your family spends time:
work, daycare and school. If no plan exists, consider volunteering to help create one.
Know your communitys warning systems and disaster plans, including evacuation routes.
Notify caregivers and babysitters about your plan.
Make plans for your pets.

Source: CDC and Ready.gov

Biological agents are organisms or toxins that
can kill or incapacitate people, livestock and
crops. A biological attack is the deliberate
release of germs or other biological substances
that can make you sick. However, in nature
there are many items that can prove to be
harmful and in some cases these can be seeded
by terrorists. These include but are not limited

Various strains of Influenza

Yellow Fever
Chicken Pox

Actions to Take:
Take vaccinations that may be offered.
If you are unsure as to your status check
with your doctor to ensure all required or
suggested immunizations are up to date.
Children and older adults are particularly
vulnerable to biological agents.
At all times one should maintain a high
level of personal hygene. This is especially
critical before, during, or following a
biological attack. Wash hands frequently,
shower, clean surfaces using sanitary wipes,
be aware of your surroundings and distance
yourself from individuals coughing,
sneezing, or secreting other bodily fluids.
Avoid large and small animals such as mice
and wildlife, insects (mosquitoes, ticks,

etc.), birds, especially bats, and unknown

domestic pets (cats and dogs, etc.).
If you believe you have been exposed to
a biological agent, take off and bag your
clothes and other personal items. Wash,
wear a facemask, or if not available, make a
mask out of two or three layers of material.
Most biological agents can be filtered using
home HEPA (High Efficiency, Particulate
Air) filters in the air intakes. These filters
are capable of filtering most biological
agents that are typically larger than 3
In a declared biological emergency or
developing epidemic, there may be reason
to stay away from crowds where others may
be infected.
Since biological agents and diseases
exhibit varying incubation periods, usually
measured in days or even weeks, biological
agent attacks are not as noticeable initially.
The more serious phases of the disease will
occur several days after the disease has been
It is important that you only seek medical
attention when you are certain you are ill.
It is likely that the medical care system
will be overwhelmed and the worried
well will exacerbate that problem if they
seek care when they do not need it. Your
local medical experts will inform you of
the symptoms that indicate you may be ill.
Many symptoms do overlap, so ensure you
dont seek care until you need it.

Source: CDC and Ready.gov

What you should do in a chemical attack:
Quickly try to define the impacted area or where the chemical is coming from, if possible.
Take immediate action to get away from that area. Try to get upwind from the source of the
If the chemical is inside a building where you are, get out of the building without passing
through the contaminated area if possible.
If you cant get out of the building or find clean air without passing through the area where
you see signs of a chemical attack, it may be better to move as far away as possible.

Chemical and Nerve Agents






Sarin, Tabun,

None - to
Vicks Vapo

Colorless to
amber liquid,
changing to
a gas

to 18 hours



Colorless gas
or liquid


Runny nose; small

pupils; difficulty
breathing; sudden
loss of consciousness;
convulsions; drooling;
no breathing
Skin, eyes, Will sink Coughing; swelling;
to low
chest tightness; burning
pain in mouth/throat;
tearing; intestinal pain;
nausea; vomiting

Bitter almond, Colorless gas

Peach kernels


Weight of
Will sink
to low
breathing, ground

Signs and Symptoms*

Skin, nose, Will rise


Skin and lips turn red;

rapid breathing; rapid
heart rate and pain;
weakness in fingers
& toes; dim vision;
dizziness; vomiting;
loss of consciousness;
convulsions; heart and
lung failure

*Not all symptoms may be present in every exposure instance. Symptoms are dependent on
agent concentration and length of exposure.

Source: CDC and Ready.gov

Signs and Possible Precautions for

Biological Exposure

Communicable? Incubation Duration

1-6 days
3-5 days;
Fatal if

Pneumonic High

2-3 days

1-6 days;



2 weeks
or more



2-10 days;
avg. 3-5
7-10 days

Viral Hem- Moderate

Fever (Ebola)





Signs and Symptoms

Fever; fatigue; cough; chest discomfort
which leads to high fever severe breathing difficulty; bluish tint to skin; sweating; shock and death if untreated
Fever; headache; chills; sweating; joint
pain; weakness leading to difficulty
breathing; high-pitched breathing
sounds; and bluish tint to skin
Sudden fever; chills; muscle ache; joint
pain; dry cough; weakness

4 weeks

High fever (above 101 degrees); chills;

stiffness; body/back ache; leading to
puss-filled blisters that crust and scab
4 -21 days Death
Fever; fatigue; loss of color to face and
between chest; dizziness; loss of strength; exhaus7-16 days tion; cough; nausea; vomiting; diarrhea;
constipation; abdominal pain; sensitivity
to light; leading to bleeding under the
skin; bleeding of internal organs; bleeding from eyes, mouth, and ears; shock;
confusion; seizures; coma
1-5 days
Double/blurred vision; drooping eyelids;
in 24-72 slurred speech; difficulty swallowing; dry
mouth; leading to: muscle weakness that
will last
begins with shoulders and moves downweeks if
ward; respiratory failure
not fatal
18-24 hours Days Sudden fever; cough; chest tightness;
nausea; aching muscles; leading to:
within 10- throat and lungs become severely swol12 days if len; fluid builds up in lungs; difficulty in
ingested breathing; skin turns blue

Source: CDC and Ready.gov

You can increase your chances of avoiding cyber risks by setting up the proper controls. The
following are things you can do to protect yourself, your family, and your property before a
cyber-incident occurs.
Only connect to the Internet over secure,
password-protected networks.
Do not click on links or pop-ups, open
attachments, or respond to emails from
Always enter an URL by hand instead of
following links if you are unsure of the
Do not respond to online requests for Personally Identifiable Information (PII); most
organizations banks, universities, companies, etc. do not ask for your personal
information over the Internet.
Limit who you are sharing information with
by reviewing the privacy settings on your
social media accounts.
Trust your instincts; if you think an offer is
too good to be true, it probably is.
Password protect all devices that connect to
the Internet and user accounts.
Do not use the same password twice;
choose a password that means something
to you and you only; CHANGE YOUR
If you see something suspicious, report it to
the proper authorities. http://www.dhs.gov/
The extent, nature, and timing of cyber
incidents are impossible to predict. There
may or may not be any warning. Some
cyber incidents take a long time (weeks,
months or years) to be discovered and

identified. Familiarize yourself with the

types of threats and protective measures
you can take by:
Signing up for the United States Computer
Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT)
https://www.us-cert.gov/mailing list to
receive the latest cyber security information
directly to your inbox. Written for home
and business users, alerts provide timely
information about current security issues
and vulnerabilities.
Becoming a Friend of the Department of
Homeland Securitys Stop. Think. Connect.
Campaign and receive a monthly newsletter
with cyber security current events and tips.

Immediate Actions
Make sure the software on all of your systems is up-to-date.
Run a scan to make sure your system is not
infected or acting suspiciously.
If you find a problem, disconnect your
device from the Internet and perform a full
system restore.

At Home
Disconnect your device (computer, gaming
system, tablet, etc.) from the Internet. By
removing the Internet connection, you
prevent an attacker or virus from being


Source: Ready.gov

able to access your computer and perform
tasks such as locating personal data,
Date of birth
manipulating or deleting files, or using your
Place of birth
device to attack others.
Drivers License Number
Purchase and install virus protection
Vehicle registration plate number
software, update the virus definitions
Credit card numbers
(if possible), and perform a manual
Physical appearance
scan of your entire system. Install all of
Gender or race
the appropriate patches to fix known
If you believe your PII is compromised:

At Work

Immediately change all passwords; financial

passwords first. If you used the same pass If you have access to an IT department,
word for multiple resources, make sure to
contact them immediately. The sooner they
change it for each account, and do not use
can investigate and clean your computer,
that password in the future.
the less damage to your computer and other If you believe the compromise was caused
computers on the network.
by malicious code, disconnect your com If you believe you might have revealed senputer from the Internet.
sitive information about your organization, Restart your computer in safe mode and
report it to the appropriate people within
perform a full system restore.
the organization, including network admin- Contact companies, including banks, where
istrators. They can be alert for any suspiyou have accounts as well as credit reportcious or unusual activity.
ing companies.
Close any accounts that may have been
compromised. Watch for any unauthorized
Public Place
charges to your accounts.
Immediately inform a librarian, teacher, or
manager in charge. If they have access to an
IT department, contact them immediately.
PII is information that can be used to
uniquely identify, contact, or locate a single
person. PII includes but is not limited to:
Full Name
Social Security number


Source: Ready.gov

In advance of any emergency it is imperative that local shelters be identified. Find out from
officials if any public buildings in your community have been designated as fallout shelters.
If none have been designated, make your own list of potential shelters near your home,
workplace and school. These places would include basements or the windowless center area
of middle floors in high-rise buildings, as well as subways and tunnels.
If you live in an apartment building or high-rise, talk to the manager about the safest place in
the building for sheltering until it is safe to go out.
Before or during periods of heightened threats, increase your disaster supplies to be adequate
for up to two weeks*.
Taking shelter during a nuclear blast is absolutely necessary. Shelters offer protection from
blast/overpressure, initial and residual radiation, heat and fire. However, even a blast shelter
cannot withstand a direct hit. After the attack it is advisable to remain in the shelter until
officials have determined the danger from radiation, fires, etc. has dissipated. Safety from
residual radiation exposure can be provided by any area if the walls and roof are intact, and if
possible, thick and dense enough to absorb gamma radiation.
While there is no imminent concern of a nuclear attack from terrorists or terrorist nation
states, we should recognize that this could be an intent, and include this outcome in our
assessment and planning.
*See emergency kit on page 22


Source: Ready.gov

An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) could result naturally, or be manmade through both nuclear
and nonnuclear weapons creating a high-density electrical field. Nonnuclear EMP weapons,
more commonly known as radio frequency weapons, can generate an EMP having very short
wavelengths that could damage or destroy even small electronic devices in a localized area,
usually out to a range of 1 kilometer or less.
An EMP acts like a stroke of lightning but is stronger, faster, and shorter. An EMP can
seriously damage electronic devices connected to power sources or antennas. This includes
communication systems, computers, electrical appliances, and automobile or aircraft ignition
systems and possibly the electric grid. The electric grid is susceptible to cyber-attack by
computer viruses and hacking. The EMP Commission recommended that by protecting the
electric grid and other critical infrastructures from nuclear EMP, all lesser threats could be
mitigated, including cyber-attacks, sabotage, non-nuclear EMP, natural EMP, and severe
While some officials hold that the threats of an EMP, hard attack, or cyber attack on the
electric grid are not imminent threats at this time, others contend the possibility is more
likely. In either case being aware and knowledgeable of the possibilities is important.
See Emergency Kit on page 22.


RDD- Also known as dirty bombs, consist of radioactive material combined with
conventional explosives and are designed to scatter dangerous amounts of radioactive
material over specific areas. The purpose of using an RDD is to cause psychological fear
and economic disruption. The size of the affected area would depend on factors such as
sophistication and size of the bomb, materials used, and meteorological conditions such as
wind and precipitation.
In advance of any emergency, it is imperative that local shelters be identified. Find out from
officials if any public buildings in your community have been designated as fallout shelters. If
none have been designated, make your own list of potential shelters near your home, workplace, and school. These places would include basements or the windowless center area of
middle floors in high-rise buildings, as well as subways and tunnels.
Plan places where your family will meet, both within and outside of your immediate neighborhood.
It may be easier to make a long-distance phone call than to call across town, so an out-oftown contact may be in a better position to communicate among separated family members.
You may also want to inquire about emergency plans at places where your family spends
time: work, daycare and school. If no plan exists, consider volunteering to help create one.
Know your communitys warning systems and disaster plans.
Notify caregivers and babysitters about your plan.
Make plans for your pets.
Choose an internal room to shelter, preferably one without windows.
If you live in an apartment building or high-rise, talk to the manager about the safest place
in the building for sheltering and about providing for building occupants until it is safe to go
See emergency kit on page 22.


Source: Ready.gov

Hazardous Materials, Toxic industrial chemicals
or materials: (Note: These measures would also
be applicable in the event of a chemical attack.)
Determine if there are potentially dangerous
chemicals or materials that are stored,
processed or frequently transit your area
(e.g. train track or main highways). Also
determine if there are emergency plans
addressing the release of other emergencies
involving these materials.
If asked to evacuate, do so immediately.
Stay tuned to a radio or television for
information on evacuation routes, temporary
shelters, and procedures.
Follow the routes recommended by the
authorities--shortcuts may not be safe. Leave
at once.
If you have time, minimize contamination in
the house by closing all windows, shutting all
vents, and turning off all fans.
Take pre-assembled disaster supplies.
Remember to help your neighbors who may
require special assistance--infants, elderly
people and people with access and functional
Stay upstream, uphill, and upwind! In
general, try to go at least one-half mile
(usually 8-10 city blocks) from the danger
area. Move away from the accident scene and
help keep others away. Remain at the highest
location possible. Chemical clouds tend to
pool in low places like valleys, basements
and the like.
Do not walk into or touch any spilled liquids,
airborne mists, or condensed solid chemical
deposits. Try not to inhale gases, fumes and


smoke. If possible, cover mouth with a cloth

while leaving the area.
Stay away from accident victims until the
hazardous material has been identified.
If in a motor vehicle, Stop and seek shelter in
a permanent building. If you must remain in
your car, keep car windows and vents closed
and shut off the air conditioner and heater.
If asked to shelter in place, e.g., stay inside.
Bring pets inside.
Close and lock all exterior doors and
windows. Close vents, fireplace dampers, and
as many interior doors as possible.
Turn off air conditioners and ventilation
systems. In large buildings, set ventilation
systems to 100 percent recirculation so that
no outside air is drawn into the building.
If this is not possible, ventilation systems
should be turned off.
Go into the pre-selected shelter room. This
room should be above ground and have the
fewest openings to the outside.
Seal gaps under doorways and windows with
wet towels or plastic sheeting and duct tape.
Seal gaps around window and air
conditioning units, bathroom and kitchen
exhaust fans, and stove and dryer vents with
duct tape and plastic sheeting, wax paper or
aluminum wrap.
Use material to fill cracks and holes in the
room, such as those around pipes.
If gas or vapors could have entered the
building, take shallow breaths through a
cloth or a towel. Avoid eating or drinking any
food or water that may be contaminated.
See emergency kit on page 22.

Source: Ready.gov

Some general information on chemical-biological agents:

Biological agents can be dispersed by an aerosol spray which must be inhaled. However,
these agents can also be used to contaminate food, water and other products. Attention
to basic food hygiene when traveling abroad is very important.
Some chemical agents may be volatile - evaporating rapidly to form clouds of agent.
Others may be persistent. These agents may act directly on the skin, lungs, eyes,
respiratory tract or be absorbed through your skin and lungs causing injury. Choking
and nerve agents damage the soft tissue in these organs.
When properly used, appropriate masks are effective protection to prevent the inhalation
of either biological or chemical agents; however this assumes an adequate warning.
Gas masks alone do not protect against agents that act through skin absorption. Those
who wish to acquire protective equipment for personal use should contact commercial
There is an incubation period after exposure to biological agents. It is essential that you
seek appropriate care for illnesses acquired while traveling abroad to assure prompt diagnosis and treatment.
One of the biological agents is Anthrax, an acute infectious disease. It should be noted,
however, that effective dispersal of the Anthrax bacteria is difficult. Anthrax is treatable
if that treatment is initiated promptly after exposure. The post-exposure treatment
consists of certain antibiotics such as Cipro.
For additional information, please consult your health care provider or local health


Source: Ready.gov

Suggested Antidotes for Chemical and
Biological Poisoning
Chemical Agent

Nitrogen Oxide
Blood agents (e.g. cyanide)

Suggested Antidote

Nerve agents (e.g. sarin)

Sodium Nitrate
Sodium Thiosulfate
Pralidoxime and Atropine

Biological Agent

Suggested Antidote

Plague (contagious)
Smallpox (contagious)
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers (Ebola)

Botulism Antitoxin (equine)
Gentamicin and Doxyclicine
Gentamicin and Doxycycline
Doxyclicine and Ciprofloxacin

Many of these antidotes may be available from officials, especially in areas that may be
threatened by emergencies, or in the event attacks with the indicated agent becomes the norm.


Source: Ready.gov


If an accident at a nuclear power plant were to release radiation in your area, local authorities
would activate warning sirens or another approved alert method. They also would instruct
you through the Emergency Alert System (EAS) on local television and radio stations on how
to protect yourself.
Follow the EAS instructions carefully. If you have been told to evacuate to a shelter or you feel
it is unsafe to remain in your home and you should go to a shelter, Text SHELTER + your ZIP
code to 43362 (4FEMA) to find the nearest shelter in your area (example: shelter 12345).
Minimize your exposure by increasing the distance between you and the source of the radiation. This could be evacuation or remaining indoors to minimize exposure.
If you are told to evacuate, keep car windows and vents closed; use re-circulating air.
If you are advised to remain indoors, close doors, turn off the air conditioner, ventilation
fans, furnace and other air intakes.
Shield yourself by placing heavy, dense material between you and the radiation source. Go to
a basement or other underground area, if possible.
Do not use the telephone/cell phone unless absolutely necessary.
Stay out of the incident zone. Most radiation loses its strength fairly quickly.
Seek shelter in an internal room and take your disaster supply kit.
Seal the room with duct tape and plastic sheeting.
Listen to your radio for instructions from authorities.

If you are caught in or near a contaminated area, you should:

Move away immediately in a direction upwind of the source.
Find shelter as quickly as possible.
If you are outside, quickly decide the fastest way to find clean air. Consider if you can get out
of the area or if you should go inside the closest building and shelter-in-place.


Source: Ready.gov

While a nuclear blast will be immediately
obvious, the presence of radiation, for example
a radiological dispersal device, or an accident
at a facility using radiological elements for dayto-day work, will not be known until trained
personnel with specialized equipment arrive on
scene. Whether you are indoors or outdoors,
home or at work, be extra cautious. It would
be safer to assume radiological contamination
has occurred - particularly in an urban setting
or near other likely terrorist targets - and take
the proper precautions. As with any radiation,
you want to avoid or limit exposure. This is
particularly true of inhaling radioactive dust that
results from an explosion. As you seek shelter
from any location (indoors or outdoors) and
there is visual dust or other contaminants in the
air, breathe though the cloth of your shirt or coat
to limit your exposure. If you manage to avoid
breathing radioactive dust, your proximity to
the radioactive particles may still result in some
radiation exposure.
Taking shelter during the deployment of a
Radiological Dispersion Device (RDD) event
is absolutely necessary. There are two kinds
of shelters - blast and fallout. The following
describes the two kinds of shelters:
1. Blast shelters are specifically constructed to
offer some protection against blast pressure,
initial radiation, heat, and fire. But even a
blast shelter cannot withstand a direct hit
from a nuclear explosion.
2. Fallout shelters do not need to be specially
constructed for protecting against fallout.
They can be any protected space, provided
that the walls and roof are thick and dense


enough to absorb the radiation given off by

fallout particles.
Tape around doors and windows and
turn off air intakes. If the air intakes
must be on for respiration, ensure there
are filters in the air stream of the air
entering your shelter area. Leave the area
only when told it is safe to do so.
If you are outdoors, seek shelter indoors
immediately in the nearest undamaged
If appropriate shelter is not available,
cover your nose and mouth and move
as rapidly as is safe upwind, away from
the location of the RDD blast area.
Then, seek appropriate shelter as soon as
If indoors and you have time, turn off
ventilation and heating systems, close
windows, vents, fireplace dampers,
exhaust fans, and clothes dryer vents.
Retrieve your disaster supplies kit and a
battery-powered radio and take them to
your shelter room.
Seek shelter immediately, preferably
underground or in an interior room of a
building, placing as much distance and
dense shielding as possible between you
and the outdoors.
Seal windows and external doors that do
not fit snugly with duct tape to reduce
infiltration of radioactive particles.
Plastic sheeting does not provide
shielding from radioactivity or blast
effects of a nearby explosion.

Source: Ready.gov

If you find yourself in an emergency situation,
knowledge of basic first aid can be an asset.
The following tips can help you tend to injured
parties. However, you may also find it useful
to take a course in first aid and/or CPR. You
can contact your local hospital or Red Cross
chapter for information about what courses
they offer.
While it is impossible to gauge what sort of
injuries you may encounter during a disaster,
you will want to remember to stay calm and
to tend to any injuries you may have before
assisting others. If you are physically able to
help those in need, first check the surrounding
area for any signs that you might put yourself
in further danger then offer assistance.
If possible, you will want to use rubber gloves
when tending to the injured so that you can
avoid contact with blood and/or other bodily
fluids. Also be sure to wash your hands with
an antibacterial soap each time you administer
any form of first aid and always remember
that if you feel the victim has life-threatening
injuries, your first priority should be to call for

level of their heart if at all possible. Once the

bleeding appears to be under control, cover
the dressing with an elastic bandage to secure
it. Be sure to check the wound frequently to
ensure there is no further blood loss. You will
also want to monitor the victim for any signs
of shock.

Broken Bones

In the event of a broken arm or leg, attempt

to immobilize the break and the joints above
and below the break. This will help to reduce
the pain and lessen the risk of furthering the
injury. Once the break or fracture is secure,
have the person minimize their movements
and stay as still as possible while you apply ice
to prevent and reduce swelling and to keep the
pain at a minimum.


Begin treatment by dousing the affected area

with water and continue to do so until the
burning sensation has passed. Cover the
burn with a gauze pad which can be secured
with either medical tape or cloth. Change the
dressing as needed.


Elevate the legs of the victim 12 inches off the

ground. Try to prevent changes in their body
temperature that may worsen their condition
and avoid giving them food or water.


Apply firm pressure to the wound to try

and slow blood loss then clean the area with
antiseptic and cover it with sterile dressing. If
the bleeding does not appear to be slowing,
have the victim raise the wound above the


Source: Ready.gov


Make a family emergency plan today,
before the unexpected happens.
Comprehensive family emergency planning
will provide elements that will be effective
in most all situations. There are specific
considerations for certain circumstances.
However, you may want to include these
measures in your basic plan. For example, if
you normally enter your home through the
garage, you may want to consider carrying a
house key in the event a power outage prevents
access through the garage.

For all emergencies, your plan should


Mold your plan to fit your familys needs.

Think about creating a group of neighbors,
friends or family to help each other in
emergencies. Discuss how that group can help
each other connect, care for children, pets,
disabled individuals or other needs.
Because your family may not be together when
a disaster strikes, it is important to create a
plan in advance. Even if your family is together,
planning what to do will make reacting to
various situations less stressful and potentially
lifesaving. It is also essential to have a disaster
supply kit that includes basic items from your
home that you may need in case of emergency.

Once you have put together your plan, gather

your family, sit down and decide how you will
Phone numbers of a pre-assigned contact
person for family members to call and other get in contact with each other, where you will
go and what you will do in an emergency.
communication requirements.
How to be safe if you stay in your home
The first thing you will want to know during an
during an emergency.
emergency is where family members are and
What to do with your pets.
if they are safe. Cell phone networks are likely
Thoughts about any older adults or those
to be inundated. During the 9/11 disasters,
with functional needs in the home.
communications by cell phone took as long
Information for babysitters or caregivers
as 9-10 hours after the attacks before the
so they can implement plan elements if
network traffic was somewhat back to normal.
How you will get to a safe place.
How you will contact each another.
or the other is in the direct emergency area.
Designate an emergency contact who will
In addition to a primary communications
likely be out of the disaster area.
How you will get back together.
COMMUNICATIONS should be considered.
What you will do in different types of


Source: Ready.gov


Specific communication techniques:

Other organizations in the region that

can help. Who, where, what they do,
and points of contact:

Identify a contact such as a friend or relative who lives out-of-state for household
members to notify they are safe. It may be
easier to make a long-distance phone call
than to call across town, so an out-of-town
contact may be in a better position to communicate among separated family members.

Be sure every member of your family knows

the phone number of the emergency contact and has a cell phone, coins or prepaid
phone card to call the emergency contact. If
you have a cell phone, program that person(s) as ICE (In Case of Emergency)
in your phone. If you are in an accident,
emergency personnel will often check your
ICE listings in order to get in contact with
someone you know. Make sure to tell your
family and friends that youve listed them as
emergency contacts.
Subscribe to local alert services. Many
communities now have systems that
will send instant text alerts or e-mails to
let you know about bad weather, road
closings, local emergencies, etc. Sign up
by visiting your local Office of Emergency
Management web site, http://www.fema.
gov/. Local TV and radio stations will also
broadcast emergency alerts for a myriad
of emergencies. You have probably seen or
heard weather alerts, missing child or adult
alerts and the monthly system test.


CERT - www.fema.gov/cert
DHS - www.dhs.gov
Local Police, Fire and EMS- 911
American Red Cross www.redcross.org
Center for Disease Control and Preventionwww.cdc.gov
U.S. Department of Homeland Security www.ready.gov
National Poison Control Center - 1-800222-1222
American Academy of Pediatrics - www.
Disaster News Network - www.
Disaster Relief - www.disasterassistance.gov
Emergency Service Professionals - www.
Federal Emergency Management Agency www.fema.gov
National Securities Institute - www.nsi.org
Weather Channel www.weather.com
Memorial Institute for the Prevention of
Terrorism - www.mipt.org
Citizen Corps - www.citizencorps.gov
U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services - www.pandemicflu.gov

Source: Ready.gov

Every family should have an emergency kit
that can be readily accessed in the event of an
emergency. This kit should include food, water,
medications and other medical items, miscellaneous comfort items, repair kits and the like.
There are items which can be used for specified
emergencies, and there are some items that are
purely optional.
The basic emergency kit should contain the
following items:
Water, one gallon of water per person per
day for at least three days, for drinking and
Food, at least a three-day supply of
non-perishable food
Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a
NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and
extra batteries for both
Flashlight and extra batteries
First aid kit
Whistle to signal for help
Dust mask to help filter contaminated air
and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place
Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic
ties for personal sanitation
Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
Manual can opener for food
Local maps
Cell phone with chargers, inverter or solar

Once you have gathered the supplies for a basic

emergency kit, you may want to consider adding the following items:


Prescription medications and glasses

Infant formula and diapers
Pet food and extra water for your pet
Cash or travelers checks and change
Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and
bank account records in a waterproof, portable container. You can use the Emergency Financial First Aid Kit - EFFAK (PDF
- 977Kb) developed by Operation Hope,
FEMA and Citizen Corps to help you organize your information
Emergency reference material such as a first
aid book or free information from this web
site. (See Publications)
Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person. Consider additional bedding if you live
in a cold-weather climate
Complete change of clothing including a
long sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy
shoes. Consider additional clothing if you
live in a cold-weather climate
Household chlorine bleach and medicine
dropper when diluted, nine parts water to
one part bleach used as a disinfectant.Or in
an emergency, you can use it to treat water
by using 16 drops of regular household liquid bleach per gallon of water. Do not use
scented, color safe or bleaches with added
Fire extinguisher
Sturdy, wide tape to tape windows and
Source: Ready.gov


doors if necessary
Plastic sheeting to cover windows or doors
as necessary
Basic tool kit, with non-powered hand
tools, screwdrivers, razor knife, tape
measure, hammer, drill. Basic fasteners
such as nails, screws, staples, nuts and bolts,
Matches in a waterproof container
Feminine supplies and personal hygiene
Mess kits, paper cups, plates, paper towels
and plastic utensils
Paper and pencil
Books, games, puzzles or other activities for

Prescription medications you take every day
such as insulin, heart medicine and asthma
inhalers. Ask your doctor about storing prescription medications such as heart and high
blood pressure medication, insulin and other
prescription drugs. You should periodically rotate medicines to account for expiration dates.
Prescribed medical supplies such as glucose
and blood pressure monitoring equipment and

Non-prescription drugs:
Aspirin or non-aspirin pain reliever
Anti-diarrhea medication
In any emergency you or a family member may Laxative
suffer an injury. If you have these basic first aid Other first aid supplies:
supplies you are better prepared to help your
loved ones when they are hurt. Knowing how
to treat minor injuries can make a difference
Tube of petroleum jelly or other
in an emergency. You may consider taking a
first aid class, but simply having the following
things can help you stop bleeding, prevent
Remember the unique needs of your family
infection and assist in decontamination.
members, including growing children, when
making your emergency supply kit and family
Two pairs of latex or other sterile gloves if
emergency plan.
you are allergic to latex
Sterile dressings to stop bleeding
Cleansing agent/soap and antibiotic towels
Antibiotic ointment
Burn ointment
Adhesive bandages in a variety of sizes
Eye wash solution to flush the eyes or as
general decontaminant


Source: Ready.gov

For Baby:

Powdered milk
Moist towelettes
Diaper rash ointment

For more information about the care and feeding of infants and young children during an
emergency, visit the California Dept. of Public
Health website: www.cdph.ca.gov
For Adults:

Denture needs
Contact lenses and supplies
Extra eye glasses

If you live in a cold climate, you must think

about warmth. It is possible that you will not
have heat. Think about your clothing and
bedding supplies. Be sure to include one complete change of clothing and shoes per person,
Jacket or coat
Long pants
Long sleeve shirt


Source: Ready.gov

In preparing this Emergency Manual, I would like to acknowledge the following individuals
for their expertise and cooperation throughout the process. This manual would not be possible
without their help.

Mr. Stephen Billy - Office of Congressman Pittenger

Mr. Graham Long - Office of Congressman Pittenger
Mr. Chas Thomas - Office of Congressman Pittenger
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Ready.gov, Emergency preparedness
guidance from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Advisory Committee
The Honorable Michael Chertoff - Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Ambassador R. James Woolsey - Director, Central Intelligence Agency, Former
Undersecretary of the Navy
Dr. Steve Bucci - Served for 30 years as an Army Special Forces officer and top Pentagon
Mr. Stan Campbell - Government Affairs Consultant
Mr. Richard D. Cantwell, PE, U.S. Army (Ret) - Special Operations Engineer
Mr. Robert Fisher - Security Expert
Mr. Jeremy Gilbert - Emergency Preparedness Expert
Mr. Eric Korsvall - Foreign and National Security Expert
Dr. Peter Pry - Former CIA and leading expert on EMP/grid security
Mr. Michael S. Smith, II - Anti-Terrorism Expert
Mr. Bob Steele, LTC, USA (Ret)
Ms. Vickie L. Walker - Research Consultant
Mr. John Walsh - Cyber Expert


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