Phytochemical Screening of Coriander Sativum Linn

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Volume 9, Issue 2, July August 2011; Article-027

ISSN 0976 044X

Research Article

Nimish l. Pathak* , Dr. Sanjay B. Kasture . Nayna M. Bhatt

1. Jaipur National University, Jaipur, India.
2. Sanjivani College of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Kopargaon, Maharast, India.
3. C.U. Shah College of Pharmacy and Research, Wadhavan. Dist. Surendranagar. (Guj.) India.

Accepted on: 20-04-2011; Finalized on: 25-07-2011.

Coriander sativum is an important Ayurvedic drug. Phytochemical investigation of fresh, powdered and anatomical sections of
fruit of Coriander Sativum were carried out to determine its micro morphological and physical evaluation profiles. Various extract
of Coriander Sativum were subjected to various Qualitative chemical examination & carried out Preparative thin layer
chromatography study on its basis GCMS of Methanolic extract was performed and active constituents like linalool, linayl acetate,
cymene, triterpene were identified. These findings will be useful in the identification of the plant and the drug but also contribute
towards establishing pharmacopoeial standards towards.
Keywords: Coriander Sativum, Thin layer chromatography, Phytochemical, GCMS.

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) fruit Apiaceae
(Umbeliferae) is an annual herb originating from the
Mediterranean countries, and is nowadays mostly grown
in Italy, India, Morocco, and Eastern Europe, Latin
America Africa and Southeast Asian cuisine. Coriander,
also known as cilantro, cilantrillo, Arab parsley, Chinese
parsley, Mexican parsley, Dhanya and Yuen sai1, 2. Its use
is recommended in urethritis, cystitis, urinary tract
infection, urticaria, rash, burns, sore throat, vomiting,
indigestion, nosebleed, cough, allergies, hay fever,
dizziness and amoebic dysentery. All parts of the plant are
edible, but the fresh leaves and the dried seeds are the
most common parts used in cooking. In the Indian
traditional medicine, coriander is used in the disorders of
digestive, respiratory and urinary systems, as it has
diaphoretic, diuretic, carminative and stimulant
activity3,4,5.In Iranian traditional medicine, Coriander has
been indicated for a number of medical problems such as
dyspeptic complaints, loss of appetite, convulsion,
insomnia and anxiety4-7. Pharmacological studies have
9, 10
demonstrated the Hypoglycemic Hypolipidemic
Antimutagenic , Antihypertensive , Antioxidant
Antimicrobial and postcoital antifertility activity of
Coriander sativum. It has also been used in heavy metal
detoxication . Pharmacognostical investigation with
microscopic analysis and macerate details
GCMS studies on the fruits of C. Sativum which help in
the identification of crude drug.
Samples of coriander sativum were collected from C. U.
SHAH College Of Pharmacy And Research and
authenticated by Botanical Scientist of Dr. Hitesh A.
Solanki Dept. of Botany Gujarat University, of India.

1. Evaluation of Microscopical characters

Pharmacognostic evaluation including Anatomical
sections and powder studies were carried out. The
vernacular names are provided Photomicrographs were
obtained by observing free hand sections of drug
under compound binocular microscope with built in
analogue and computer images were captured.
Measurements of cells and tissues were carried out
using Micro Image Lite Image Analysis Software17-19.
2. Qualitative investigation (Evaluation of standard
Qualitative Investigation of coriander sativum like
moisture content, ash value and extractive values of the
powdered fruits samples carried out as describe below
2.1 Determination of Moisture content20-24.
Weight about 1.5 gm of the powder drug in to a weighted
flat and thin porcelain dish. Dry in the oven 100oc. Cool in
a desiccator and watch. The loss in weight is usually
recorded as moisture.
2.2 Determination of Ash values
Determination of total ash: Weight accurately 3 gm of
the air dried crude drug in the tared crucible and
incinerate at a temperature about 500-600 C until free
from carbon (Become whitish grey in colour), cool and
weigh. Calculate the percentage of ash with reference to
air-dried drug20-24.
Determination of Acid Insoluble ash: Boil the ash with
25ml of 2M HCl for 5 minutes, collect the insoluble matter
in a Gooch crucible or on an ash less filter paper, wash
with hot water, ignite, cool in a desiccator and weigh.
Calculate the percentage of acid-insoluble ash with
reference to the air dried drug20-24.

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ISSN 0976 044X

Determination of water soluble ash: To the crucible

containing the total ash, add 25ml of water and boil for 5
minutes. Collect the insoluble matter in a sintered glass
crucible or on an ash less filter paper. Wash with hot
water and ignite in a crucible for 5 min. at a temperature
not exceeding 450oC. Weigh the residue in mg. Calculate
the content of water soluble as in mg/g of the air-dried

mL H2SO4. The color changed from violet to blue or green

in samples indicated presence of steroid.

2.3 Determination of solvent extractive values: 5 gm of

the air dried drug, coarsely powdered have to be
macerated with 100ml of water closed flask for 24hr,
shaking frequently during the first 6 hr. and allowing
standing for 18 hr. There after filter rapidly, and
evaporate the whole content in a previously tarred
porcelain dish. After evaporation of all the solvent, again
weight the content and calculate the percentage of
water-soluble extractive with reference to the air-dried
drug have to be calculated. As such, perform the alcohol
soluble extractive and also petroleum ether extractive
values 20-24.

Test for saponin

3. Preliminary phytochemical investigation

The fruits of Coriander Sativum were dried under shade
and powdered with a mechanical grinder. Dried material
was Successively extracted with
Petroleum ether,
Methanol (90% v/v), Ethyl acetate and Water in Soxhlet
apparatus and after complete extraction (50 hr), the
solvent was removed by distillation under reduced
pressure and resulting semisolid mass was vacuum dried.
Extracts of Coriander Sativum were subjected to
preliminary phytochemical screening for the detection of
various plants constituent. The preliminary phytochemical
investigations were done by the standard chemical tests

Test for alkaloids

The small portion extracts were stored separately with a
few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid and filtered. The
filtrate was tested with various alkaloidal agents, such as
Mayers reagent (cream precipitate) and Dragendorffs
reagent (orange brown precipitate).
Test for carbohydrates and glycosides
Small quantity of extracts were dissolved separately in 5
mL of distilled water and filtered. The filtrate was
subjected to Molischs test to detect the carbohydrates.
Another small portion of extract was hydrolyzed with
dilute hydrochloric acid for few hours in a water bath and
was subjected to Liebermann-Burchards, legal and
Borntragers test to detect different glycosides. (Pink to
red color indicates presence of glycosides).
Test for flavonoids
5 mL of dilute ammonia solution were added to a portion
of aqueous filtrate of plant extract followed by addition of
concentrated H2SO4. A yellow coloration observed in
extract indicated presence of flavonoids. Test for steroids
2 mL acetic anhydride was added to 0.5 g extracts with 2

Test for terpenoids (Salkowski test)

Five mL of extracts were mixed in 2 mL of chloroform, and
then concentrated H2SO4 (3 mL), was carefully added to
form a layer. A reddish brown coloration formed at the
interface indicated presence of terpenoids.

About 1 mL of extract were diluted with distilled water to

20 mL and shaken in graduated cylinder for 15 minutes.
One cm layer of foam indicated presence of saponin.
Test for tannin
When extract were treated with vanillin-hydrochloric acid
reagent, pink or red color was formed due to formation of
Test for protein
Mellons reaction: Millions reagent (mercuric nitrate in
nitric acid containing a trace of nitrous acid) usually yields
a white precipitate on addition to a protein solution,
which turns red on heating.
Test for volatile oil or essential oil
A thick section of extract was placed on a glass slide. A
drop of Sudan red reagent was added and after two
minutes, it was washed with 50% alcohol mount in
4. Preparative thin layer chromatography of Methanolic
extract of coriander Sativum
Ordinarily, microgram quantities of mixture of organic
compounds are separated by analytical TLC. It is possible
to scale up the quantities to milligram amount (10-50 mg)
by using thicker layer (0.5-2.0 mm thickness) of the
support material and by the use of larger plates (20 x 20
cm or 20 x 40 cm). Multiple developments also bring
about better resolution. Preparative TLC for the isolation
of marker compound from the Methanolic extract of
Coriander Sativum fruits was performed by using solvent
system toluene: ethyl acetate (93: 7).
Detection of active constituent by spraying of Vanillinsulphuric acid reagent. It is composition of solution 1 (1%
Ethanolic vanillin), and solution 2 (10% Ethanolic sulphuric
The plate is sprayed with 10 ml (solution 1), followed
immediately by (solution 2). After heating at 110C for 510 min under observation, the plate is evaluated in visual
GC-MS Study Methanolic extract of coriander Sativum
The GCMS analysis was performed in Agilent 6890 series
equipped with MSD 19091S-433 system. It is known that
there is a selective loss of low boiling terpenoids by
conventional hydro-distillation technique. Head space-gc

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Volume 9, Issue 2, July August 2011; Article-027

is therefore more suitable for quantification of highly
volatile compounds than conventional hydro distillation
technique. For the Dynamic Headspace, 1.0 gm of sample
was taken in 20 ml headspace vial. Headspace is created
and these vapours are injected in GC equipped with MSD.
Headspace components were identified by matching their
mass spectra with those in NIST 05 MS library search and
by comparing with literature reports and GC retention
indices (RI)26.
As shown in fig 1(a) & fig 1(b) Transverse section of fruit
shows pericarp with outer epidermis (Epicarps), middle
layer of sclerenchymatous cell and inner layer of
endosperm and endocarp. Epicarps which present with
slightly thickened anticlinal wall it is Single layer,
thickened, polygonal tabular cells. Few cells contain
calcium oxalate crystals; covered by smooth cuticles.
Mesocarp is dividing into three layers (fig 1C) first Outer
layer which is poorly arranged tangentially elongated
non-lignified parenchyma. Second layer which is Fusiform,
lignified. Third Inner layer which contain large, irregular,
hexagonal, lignified parenchyma which is divided in to
endocarp and endosperm Endocarp is inner pericarp
shows typical parquetry arrangement of the cells.
Endosperm is Thick walled, polygonal cellulosic
parenchyma containing fixed oil aleurone grains and
micro rosette of calcium oxalate.
As shown in figure 2 powder characteristic of coriander
sativum shows Epicarps Endocarp, Endosperm, Vittae and
Sclerenchymatous cell. Endocarp [Fig 2 (a)] is parquetry
arrangement of thin walled lignified cells with polygonal
cells of mesocarp. Endosperm [Fig 2 (b)] is polygonal

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parenchyma with aleurone grain and oil globules.
Microrosette crystals of calcium oxalate in the cells.
Vittae [Fig 2(c)] are few yellowish brown fragments.
Slclerenchymatous layer [Fig 2 (d)] is groups of fusiform
fibers running wavy: crossing each other, lignified.
Fragment of Epicarps [Fig 2 (e)] is in surface view with
stomata and small prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate.
While Fig 2 (f) describes Endo sperm cells with microsette
crystals of calcium oxalate.
Qualitative analysis like Moisture content, Total ash value,
Water soluble ash, Acid soluble ash, Water soluble
extractive value and Alcohol soluble extractive value,
Volatile oil content are describe in Table 1.
Table 1: describe evaluation of pharmacognostic
standards of the powdered fruits of Coriander sativum
Evaluation parameter
Value (%w/w)
Moisture content
8.9 0.2
Total ash value
2.0 0.9
Water soluble Ash value
1.0 0.5
Acid-insoluble ash value
0.2 0.1
Water soluble extractive value
Alchol soluble extractive value
16 0.6
Volatile oil
3.0 0.3
Preliminary phytochemical investigation (table 2) indicate
presence of carbohydrate reducing sugar, triterpenoids,
protein and volatile oil are present in coriander sativum.
Preparative thin layer chromatography (fig 3) of
Methanolic extract indicate presence of linalool which
further helps for performing GC-MS Study (fig 4) which
indicate presence of cymene, terpinone, linalool like

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Table 2: Describes preliminary phytochemical investigation of various extracts of fruits of Coriander sativum
Test for active constituents
Reducing sugars
Amino acids
Volatile oil or Essential oil


The Pharmacognostic and phytochemical studies of fruits
of coriander sativum were carried out. Pharmacognostic
studies are help full for identification of herbal drugs.
While preliminary phytochemical analysis revealed
presence of carbohydrates, glycoside, protein amino acid
terpenoids were present. Methanolic extracts of
coriander sativum shows presence of linalool, a-pinenen,
cymene, tepene etc compounds.
Acknowledgement: The authors Mr. Nimish L. Pathak,
Ms. Nayna M. Bhatt and Dr. Sanjay B. Kasture are thankful
to Dr. H.A Solanki Department of Botany, Gujarat
university, Gujarat.


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About Corresponding Author: Mr. Nimish L. Pathak

Mr. Nimish L. Pathak completes his graduation in pharmacy from South Gujarat University,
Gujarat, India. He completes his post graduation in pharmacology from Ganapat University,
kherava, Gujarat India. Currently doing Ph.d in pharmacology from Jaipur National
University, Rajasthan, India.

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