The Real Original Sin of Modern European Civilization?: Centre For Society and Religion, Colombo, Sri Lanka
The Real Original Sin of Modern European Civilization?: Centre For Society and Religion, Colombo, Sri Lanka
The Real Original Sin of Modern European Civilization?: Centre For Society and Religion, Colombo, Sri Lanka
the colonized countries to suit their needs. The process of this European
expansion was blessed by the Christian churches, whether Catholic and
Latin, Orthodox and Slav or Protestant and Anglo Saxon.
During the period around 1500 with the entry of the mariners
compass, the printing press, the use of gunpowder and the big galleons
for trans oceanic navigation, when scientific development was advancing
rapidly it was the Europeans peoples who were adventurous and spreading . Those who traveled to and settled down in the new continents
were Christians. Meanwhile other world religions were confined to more
restricted areas; Muslims mainly in the Middle East, North Africa, South
East Asia; the Hindus in India and the Buddhists in Asia.
In this situation the 35% of the human race who were Christians
had possession of nearly 56-60% of the land surface of the earth. They
also controlled migration and settlement in these vast new expanses. This
gave the countries in which the European Christians reside control over
vast resources not only of agricultural land but also of minerals and a
considerable quantity of the worlds oil that was required for industrial
development. Of the 35% of the human race who are Christians many are
in Africa and Asia. So the descendants of the European peoples who may
constitute less than 25% of the world population have effective control of
about the 55to 60% of the land.
Combined with the technological advancement and skills of the
European peoples these countries have made the most advances in economic development in the last few centuries a total of about 115 million people have control over 31.5 million sq km out of the 135 million
sq km of the world and about 2% of the world population have control
over 23 % of the land area.
Siberia with 30 million people control ten million sq km and
Canada with about 30 million people 9,958.319 sq km
Australia with 18,3 million people control 7.682.000 sq km
New Zealand with 3,6 million people 270.000 sq km
and wealth and territorial conquest? Has not the aggression and military
exploits of the European peoples been encouraged by the traditional theology of Christian churches which interpreted the faith as giving a mission to the baptized to convert others to Christianity even by the forcible
expansion of European powers?
This 500-year process of global domination has so impacted the
world that the conquest of the world by Europeans can be regarded as
the real original sin of European civilization.
The Mythical Original Sin
The first expression and interpretation of the so called Primordial
original sin was expressed and interpreted by the Christian West so as
to place all humanity in a condition of sin and alienation; and distancing
from God. Salvation had to come through Jesus Christ and the Church;
outside of which there was said to be no salvation. On this assumption,
authoritatively defined by church leaders, made it the duty and right of
Christians to spread their faith to the rest of the world, even to invade
other countries to bring to other peoples the gift of salvation by conversion. Consequently other peoples were subject to imperial domination by
European peoples; and that with a holy conviction that they were bringing salvation to these indigenous peoples who were said be less loved
and deficiently endowed by God in regard to their own eternal salvation
along with the gifts of development, and civilization, [Unam Sanctam
1302; Dominus Jesus, CDF 2000]
The traditional Augustinian and Tridentine concept of original sin
is that it is a fall from a presumed state of original justice, due to the sin
of the first parents. In this perspective, Jesus Christ redeems humanity by
paying the price of atonement to the offended God the Father. Original
sin is inherited by the rest of humanity and can be removed by the sacrament of baptism. There was a collective sinfulness or environment of sin
in the world; and Christian mission was considered as one of presenting
the message and means of salvation to all humanity. The Church was
the bearer of the salvific message; and had the duty of mission and the
right to preach this message. The Christian missionaries, including the
religious orders perceived their spirituality in their endeavor to build the
church and save souls in relation to ascetical and mystical union with
God. They were ardently devoted to the mission of spreading the gospel.
And this was linked to the colonial enterprise of Christian peoples, who
were mainly Europeans. Consequently there was a subordination of the
demands of social justice and peace to the need and obligation to redeem
souls . Since other religions were in error they could claim no rights to
freedom and tolerance. It was argued that there is no freedom for error.
other European peoples till even recent times. It is possible that in 1492
the average European may not have known the mechanisms of global
exploitation; they were themselves subject to feudal unjust rulers, and to
social exploitation and domination. Even today many are relatively ignorant of their past; and feel unable to bring about change. It is not easy to
give up the unfair advantages they are born to. As Jesus taught, it is more
difficult for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God than for a camel
to go through the eye of a needle.
The geography of the nation states and their present frontiers is
thought as just and righteous without looking at their violent origins.
European powers have been mainly responsible for drawing of the political and economic map of the world. Africa was divided up artificially
among European countries in 1885 at the Council of Berlin. The laws and
regulations regarding migration favor the whites who are still in control
of a disproportionate share of the worlds land and resources; the world
is more welcoming and open to those born white than to peoples of
other races. The needs of the deprived peoples do not really count; and
they have no power to enforce a more egalitarian norm. The international
structures of global governance, in so far as they exist, take for granted
that the present world system is just and lawful.
Foundational Injustice of the World System
Such imbalance of population to land, coming down from the
colonial period is in a sense the foundational injustice of the present
world system. It was consolidated after World War II with the setting up
of the UNO and the Security Council. It preserves this distribution as a
just world order; and its preservation is called the maintenance of peace
and law in the world.
Between 1960 and 2000 there have been very substantial changes
in the world population distribution.
A reflection on it would give some of its characteristics:
it is based on might is right where victors have consolidated their
victories in terms of territorial frontiers; and which has been passed from
generation to generation
a) it is a result of violence, consolidated by the victors in terms of
territorial frontiers and carried on from generation to generation. It is
based on might is right;
b) it leads to defensive militarism born of fear of displaced races
by the victors and is racist to an extreme degree
c) it is based on inequality and deprivation from which flow further
inequalities such as those in income wealth and resources
ing dominant world order, and the need for reparation for the plunder on
which is based the current European domination of the world.
The teaching and research in the world-wide faculties of Christian,
especially Catholic and Protestant, theology would accordingly have to
consider how their program of studies might need to be revised. Not to
consider the present consequences of this real original sin of the world
system would be a profound short coming in the study of the basic
causes of the present world disorder.
This would also change the way in which the sacrament of Penance
would have to regarded and administered. Certainly few Christians would
wish to be conscious or unconscious beneficiaries of colossal long term
robbery on which the present capitalized wealth of their countries is in
some measure based.
For the Sacrament of the Eucharist this would also be a serious
challenge. The Eucharist is a (symbolic) sharing of the bread of life
among all humans. give us today our daily bread is repeated as often
as the Eucharist is celebrated through the world. But this is far from
being realized in our world today, in large measure due to the unfair and
unequal distribution of land particularly arable land among the worlds
population, especially among the worlds farmers.
The prayers and hymns of the Eucharistic service refer to the
redemptive role of the passion and death of Jesus in atoning for the sin
of Adam and Eve the supposed to be first parents of all humankind and
the universal fall from.
Christian theologians and faculties of theology could ask themselves how and why they have so long neglected this dimension of structural sin, in the context of the existing world order world. Were not the
churches and Christians very much implicated in this?
A significant phenomenon in the development of the modern global movements for peace and global justice very much based in Europe
is that they are sponsored by groups that do not generally claim church
linkages. Such networks are developing on a secular basis. As in earlier
periods the movements for equality, democracy and gender emerged
from secular trends such as the Enlightenment. Christian theology needs
to ask itself whether it has been missing the main concerns of an evolving
humanity. Part of the cause could be because of the anthropology of the
originating original sin and its implications for human salvation and the
mission of the church. Would not the genuine liberation of the European
people be through a remedying of the unjust world order set up by their
real original sin?