The Real Original Sin of Modern European Civilization?: Centre For Society and Religion, Colombo, Sri Lanka

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The Real Original Sin

of Modern European Civilization?

Centre for Society and Religion,

Colombo, Sri Lanka

In the formulation of a Constitution for the European Union some

Christians, with the Papacy in the lead, would want the acknowledgment
of the Christian heritage of Europe. It may lead to a formal recognition
of Christianity as having influenced the development of Europe. This may
include the mention of great personalities, the spiritual teachings, the
intellectual treasures, the art, culture, literature, monuments and other
significant aspects of the European Christian tradition. European civilization has reached great heights of achievement in almost every line of
human endeavor due to the combination of native European genius and
enterprise and the spirit of Christianity. At the same time this reference to
a Christian heritage would seem to ignore acknowledgement of the positive Muslim and Jewish influences in European history.
While admiring all those positive aspects this short article seeks
to underline a basic deficiency in modern European history and culture
that gives the Continent a flavor and heritage that is far from the spirit
of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I refer to the colonial enterprise of Europe
since 1492 and its impact on determining the global structure of the world
since then. The modern world has basically been designed by the imperial
conquests of European peoples. The map of the world has been virtually
drawn by Europeans of both the West and the East. Cf. Occupation of a
lot of land of North East Asia by White Russians from Europe. This occupation carried out over a period of centuries has now been consolidated
as Russia.
Europe has shaped the modern world structure by its military invasions, cultural domination, extermination of millions of natives, forced
population movements, and so reshaping the society and economy of


the colonized countries to suit their needs. The process of this European
expansion was blessed by the Christian churches, whether Catholic and
Latin, Orthodox and Slav or Protestant and Anglo Saxon.
During the period around 1500 with the entry of the mariners
compass, the printing press, the use of gunpowder and the big galleons
for trans oceanic navigation, when scientific development was advancing
rapidly it was the Europeans peoples who were adventurous and spreading . Those who traveled to and settled down in the new continents
were Christians. Meanwhile other world religions were confined to more
restricted areas; Muslims mainly in the Middle East, North Africa, South
East Asia; the Hindus in India and the Buddhists in Asia.
In this situation the 35% of the human race who were Christians
had possession of nearly 56-60% of the land surface of the earth. They
also controlled migration and settlement in these vast new expanses. This
gave the countries in which the European Christians reside control over
vast resources not only of agricultural land but also of minerals and a
considerable quantity of the worlds oil that was required for industrial
development. Of the 35% of the human race who are Christians many are
in Africa and Asia. So the descendants of the European peoples who may
constitute less than 25% of the world population have effective control of
about the 55to 60% of the land.
Combined with the technological advancement and skills of the
European peoples these countries have made the most advances in economic development in the last few centuries a total of about 115 million people have control over 31.5 million sq km out of the 135 million
sq km of the world and about 2% of the world population have control
over 23 % of the land area.
Siberia with 30 million people control ten million sq km and
Canada with about 30 million people 9,958.319 sq km
Australia with 18,3 million people control 7.682.000 sq km
New Zealand with 3,6 million people 270.000 sq km

These nations that have strong regulations on immigration are

ruled by Christian peoples who favor migrants from European countries
and consequently limit migrants of other religions. In addition while
much of the potential of the colonized lands has not been developed their
rich resources have been used to enrich the colonizers and even for an
armaments industry.
What has been the overriding motivation in setting up the Europe
dominated world system in the past 500 years. Can it be claimed to be
fruit of the gospel of Jesus Christ? Or are not such trends in the historical
formation of Europe diametrically opposed to the spirit of Jesus Christ
and his gospel? What indeed has been the impact of the greed for power

The Real Original Sin of Modern European Civilization? 215

and wealth and territorial conquest? Has not the aggression and military
exploits of the European peoples been encouraged by the traditional theology of Christian churches which interpreted the faith as giving a mission to the baptized to convert others to Christianity even by the forcible
expansion of European powers?
This 500-year process of global domination has so impacted the
world that the conquest of the world by Europeans can be regarded as
the real original sin of European civilization.
The Mythical Original Sin
The first expression and interpretation of the so called Primordial
original sin was expressed and interpreted by the Christian West so as
to place all humanity in a condition of sin and alienation; and distancing
from God. Salvation had to come through Jesus Christ and the Church;
outside of which there was said to be no salvation. On this assumption,
authoritatively defined by church leaders, made it the duty and right of
Christians to spread their faith to the rest of the world, even to invade
other countries to bring to other peoples the gift of salvation by conversion. Consequently other peoples were subject to imperial domination by
European peoples; and that with a holy conviction that they were bringing salvation to these indigenous peoples who were said be less loved
and deficiently endowed by God in regard to their own eternal salvation
along with the gifts of development, and civilization, [Unam Sanctam
1302; Dominus Jesus, CDF 2000]
The traditional Augustinian and Tridentine concept of original sin
is that it is a fall from a presumed state of original justice, due to the sin
of the first parents. In this perspective, Jesus Christ redeems humanity by
paying the price of atonement to the offended God the Father. Original
sin is inherited by the rest of humanity and can be removed by the sacrament of baptism. There was a collective sinfulness or environment of sin
in the world; and Christian mission was considered as one of presenting
the message and means of salvation to all humanity. The Church was
the bearer of the salvific message; and had the duty of mission and the
right to preach this message. The Christian missionaries, including the
religious orders perceived their spirituality in their endeavor to build the
church and save souls in relation to ascetical and mystical union with
God. They were ardently devoted to the mission of spreading the gospel.
And this was linked to the colonial enterprise of Christian peoples, who
were mainly Europeans. Consequently there was a subordination of the
demands of social justice and peace to the need and obligation to redeem
souls . Since other religions were in error they could claim no rights to
freedom and tolerance. It was argued that there is no freedom for error.


A Distortion of Jesus Teaching

This was a tragic distortion of the mission of Jesus disciples. The
peoples who systematically robbed others were supposed to convert to
the religion of their oppressors, the materially deprived, the culturally
downgraded and despised, and spiritually disadvantaged; and to worship the God who was said to disfavor them and their ancestors. The
missionaries communicated the message of Jesus as understood by them
with great dedication. But, very few of them were critical of colonial
exploitation and of the unjust world system so even today, in the early
21st century the official social teaching of Churches Catholic, Orthodox
and Protestant (even the Charismatics and Pentecostalists) does not stress
or even recognize the serious injustice of the prevailing world system as
The Christian mission was diverted from one of justice and genuine love, to one of conversion to the Church, and often understood in
relation to the sacramental life. As a result of the belief in mythical biblical original sin, Christians are taught that they can be liberated almost
automatically through the sacraments of the Church beginning with
baptism. (ex opere operato). Conversion was consequently related to an
external rite.
The Real Original Sin of Modern Europe
Accordingly, the real original sin of modern European civilization is
that the European people or the Whites are born in an advantaged situation; and do not acknowledge that de facto they are living, even partly,
on the violent plunder of their ancestors. They are conditioned by the
culture of their countries to consider themselves as the benefactors of the
rest of humanity. Most of them have a higher standard of living than the
overwhelming majority of humanity. They are conditioned congenitally
and unconsciously conditioned themselves as superior materially even
Europe has shaped the modern world structure by its military invasions and cultural domination; exterminating millions of natives, inducing
population movements, and reshaping the society and economy of colonized countries to suit their needs. European countries including their
settlements as for instance in North America and Oceania are regarded
as developed countries.
Such European original sin is not personal sin. Individuals are born
in that situation; strongly inclined to take advantage of the centennial sin
and its structures. And continue so unless they reject the false values of
the prevailing world system and go through a deep conversion. Some
European peoples, for instance the Belgians, were subject to the rule of

The Real Original Sin of Modern European Civilization? 217

other European peoples till even recent times. It is possible that in 1492
the average European may not have known the mechanisms of global
exploitation; they were themselves subject to feudal unjust rulers, and to
social exploitation and domination. Even today many are relatively ignorant of their past; and feel unable to bring about change. It is not easy to
give up the unfair advantages they are born to. As Jesus taught, it is more
difficult for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God than for a camel
to go through the eye of a needle.
The geography of the nation states and their present frontiers is
thought as just and righteous without looking at their violent origins.
European powers have been mainly responsible for drawing of the political and economic map of the world. Africa was divided up artificially
among European countries in 1885 at the Council of Berlin. The laws and
regulations regarding migration favor the whites who are still in control
of a disproportionate share of the worlds land and resources; the world
is more welcoming and open to those born white than to peoples of
other races. The needs of the deprived peoples do not really count; and
they have no power to enforce a more egalitarian norm. The international
structures of global governance, in so far as they exist, take for granted
that the present world system is just and lawful.
Foundational Injustice of the World System
Such imbalance of population to land, coming down from the
colonial period is in a sense the foundational injustice of the present
world system. It was consolidated after World War II with the setting up
of the UNO and the Security Council. It preserves this distribution as a
just world order; and its preservation is called the maintenance of peace
and law in the world.
Between 1960 and 2000 there have been very substantial changes
in the world population distribution.
A reflection on it would give some of its characteristics:
it is based on might is right where victors have consolidated their
victories in terms of territorial frontiers; and which has been passed from
generation to generation
a) it is a result of violence, consolidated by the victors in terms of
territorial frontiers and carried on from generation to generation. It is
based on might is right;
b) it leads to defensive militarism born of fear of displaced races
by the victors and is racist to an extreme degree
c) it is based on inequality and deprivation from which flow further
inequalities such as those in income wealth and resources


d) it deprives people in need of the opportunities of work, food

and livelihood;
e). it causes economic depression by decreasing production of
f) it leads to waste of resources by neglect, by non cultivation, and
perhaps even over fertilization;
g) it is maintained by unjust immigration laws, which in turn leads
to illegal immigration and to conflicts; it is a basic cause of social conflicts
in the countries, and contributes to the expenditure on arms;
h) it helps increase land, water and air pollution;
i) it is against the principle of the free market and of liberal values
that would exalt freedom of movement of people .
j) it is the result of western land grab of the past 500 years;
k) ) it makes people insensitive to the needs of others and to the
evils of the past;
l) it is a centennial form of injustice for which no adequate solution
is in sight, for it influences the mind sets of the dominant;
m) it goes against the core values of the religions which advocate
the whole earth to be available to all humankind and teaches sharing to
be a principal virtue;
n) it is a basic problem for the liberation of the elite, challenging
them to respond to the advantages that are from birth.
These issues are neglected by most economists, political scientists,
politicians, planners, international lawyers and theologians; they are
hardly studied by universities and international foundations. Neither do
they fall within the scope of religions even Christianity. Demographic
data indicate a worsening situation in the course of the 21st century; and
this is a challenge for the youth of today to participate in making the
world more just by bringing about changes in mindsets as well as global
structure. Most solutions presently discussed for development, justice
and peace are piecemeal and reformist, keeping the foundational system
intact. And this may be termed the original sin of the modern world.
The (so-called) free market is said to bring about an equilibrium
resulting in the greatest happiness of the greatest number. In reality this
free market does not bring about an equitable distribution of wealth
and incomes. The market operates on the basis of effective demand;
which in reality is means demand exercised by peoples incomes and
wealth. The market does not rectify the grave inequalities of incomes
and resource distribution in the world. Nor has it resolved the problem
of large scale unemployment even in the rich or developed countries.

The Real Original Sin of Modern European Civilization? 219

Dominant economic theory disregards the need for a global ethic,

that requires that the goods of the earth be used equitably by all of
human kind. The European peoples do not generally see themselves as
obliged make reparations for the aggression of the past; nor for the unfair
terms of trade of the present. Trade in commodities that are the main
products of developing countries are subject to fluctuating and unfavorable terms of trade, unlike the terms of trade for exports of the industrialized countries many of whom are Westerners. Powerful multinational
corporations control much of global production, distribution, finance and
the means of communication and are owned by the super rich of the
West; in alliance with the elites in the more affluent countries like Japan,
Hong Kong and Singapore. There are of course many poor and deprived
among the Western white peoples.
Prevailing international law legitimates the existing world order.
Some states defend their territory by waging what they term preventive
wars. They claim the right to defend their land holdings even though
the majority of humanity is in a state of deprivation and dire need. This
is an inversion of the understanding of human rights. The whites today,
in particular the upper classes in what is called the Western world, are
born into a situation in which they have relatively greater advantages and
potentialities than the peoples of other races. Though this generation is
not responsible for the origin of this system, they however benefit from
its injustices. They are subtly indoctrinated to think that the system is due
to the industry and goodness of their ancestors. It is not easy for them to
give up their accustomed life style and inherited relative privileges.
A spiritual Apartheid?
The Europeans are challenged to liberate themselves from this
unjust system. Their enlightenment needs them to be conscious of the
depth of injustice of the system. They are called not to take advantage of
it They have to try to see how much their religion and educational disciplines and processes have been influenced by the conscious or unconscious defense of the prevailing order.; and to work for its peaceful and
just transformation.
The real original sin of modern Europe is in that the centuries
of brutal colonial expansion since 1492 constituted a world order that
is gravely unjust. It is a collective situation of benefiting from a global
structure of sinfulness. Due to initial inequity flowing from historical processes, the sinful reality is bequeathed from generation to generation and
the material and cultural advantages remain with the European peoples,
though not all Europeans benefit equally from this sinful history. There
are different layers of beneficiaries, corresponding to differences of class,
gender, and ethnicity. In the world as a whole however the European


peoples are the main constructors, beneficiaries and defenders of this

sinful system.
The driving inspiration of the present world order set up mainly by
European expansion is not Jesus Christ and his teachings. It is rather the
quest for wealth and power that is its main motivator and guiding force.
The gold brought from the new world of the Americas, and slaves, mainly
from Africa gave the European peoples a head start in modern capitalistic
economic growth. The sinful world structure has got consolidated by the
power of armaments, and legitimized by the norms of international law
that have been historically put in place after the wars of conquest and the
world wars of previous centuries.
Unfortunately the mission of the church was thought of in relation
to the traditional notion of original sin, and not of redemption/correction
of this historical sinfulness.
The remedy for the real original sin of the European expansion,
cannot be realized without remedying the injustices in the actual world.
It needs effective action for world justice, the liberation of the oppressed,
and the end of the dominance of the powerful over the weak. This is a
very difficult task and needs conscious knowledge of the real historical
and actual situation. There is a tendency to forget the historical past, a
convenient amnesia of the sinful origins of modern European generated
world (dis)order. A truly Christian Europe would mean a deep transformation of the world system.
For a genuinely Christian European Union
The formation of the European Union after World War II was
certainly a great achievement. From the point of view of the peoples of
Europe, it ensured the development of Europe in a competitive world
and counter balanced other superpowers. In so far as the values that orient EU policy are the enrichment of themselves, despite the cost to the
rest of the world, the impact of their policies is far from being Christian.
For the EU to have a truly Christian image Europeans have to reconsider
impact on global justice. Present day Europeans have to undertake a
radical transformation of the world order set up by their ancestors. They
must reduce their own demands on the world system. For this they need
to reform their life style and attempt to correct the historical injustices
coming down from the 16th century.
The peoples of the EU could profitably think of the goal and
impact of their policies in different fields as:
Agriculture with subsidies being given to cows more than to
humans in need elsewhere,

The Real Original Sin of Modern European Civilization? 221

Refugees and migration,

Foreign debt and foreign aid to poor countries
Compensation and reparation due for past exploitation of former
The control over the resources of other countries, including the
present search for control over the worlds oil resources
The operations of international agencies over which the
Europeans have much influence such as the UN Security Council, the IMF,
WB, WTO, the International Court of Justice,
The complicity with the USA in issues such as the war against
terrorism, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
To be a truly Christian heritage, the EU would have to transform
itself to serve and not to be served, to liberate the oppressed, to see
that the worlds hungry have food, and the thirsty have clean water
Mt. 25, 31. This is the need of the poor, the call of the Christian mission
and the real challenge to the European Union, fast becoming the worlds
superpower. If the EU changes meaningfully according to the Christian
vision, the world will be a much happier place.
A theology relevant to Europe would have to liberate them from
the consequences of being willing or unwilling inheritors of the greatest
genocide and plunder in human history. Their spirituality should include
efforts to undo the damage of a sinful history on the rest of the world. It
would be relevant to study the books of moral theology and spirituality to
see how far the canonized saints and treatises of spirituality take account
of the Jesus teaching of the need to liberate the oppressed (Luke 4.18).
The Churches in Europe have to reflect on this global situation,.
They went their way as the priest and the Levite did in the same parable
without attending to the poor victim of robbers. Have not the Churches
had a theology and spirituality that have by and large neglected the poor
victimized peoples of the colonized world over the centuries? Today, if
the Churches are concerned with the Christian image and heritage of
Europe, should not one of their priorities be urgent needs such as food
for the hungry, clean water for the thirsty and medicines for the millions
affected by HIV/AIDS? The Pope, in his concern for the Christian heritage
of Europe, can give a lead in this situation.
The teaching of Theology
In this global historical situation the teaching of Christian theology
has communicated from generation to generation a concept of Christian
anthropology that is unfair to humans as well as to the goodness of God.
Indeed the teaching of theology has not studied the evils of the prevail-


ing dominant world order, and the need for reparation for the plunder on
which is based the current European domination of the world.
The teaching and research in the world-wide faculties of Christian,
especially Catholic and Protestant, theology would accordingly have to
consider how their program of studies might need to be revised. Not to
consider the present consequences of this real original sin of the world
system would be a profound short coming in the study of the basic
causes of the present world disorder.
This would also change the way in which the sacrament of Penance
would have to regarded and administered. Certainly few Christians would
wish to be conscious or unconscious beneficiaries of colossal long term
robbery on which the present capitalized wealth of their countries is in
some measure based.
For the Sacrament of the Eucharist this would also be a serious
challenge. The Eucharist is a (symbolic) sharing of the bread of life
among all humans. give us today our daily bread is repeated as often
as the Eucharist is celebrated through the world. But this is far from
being realized in our world today, in large measure due to the unfair and
unequal distribution of land particularly arable land among the worlds
population, especially among the worlds farmers.
The prayers and hymns of the Eucharistic service refer to the
redemptive role of the passion and death of Jesus in atoning for the sin
of Adam and Eve the supposed to be first parents of all humankind and
the universal fall from.
Christian theologians and faculties of theology could ask themselves how and why they have so long neglected this dimension of structural sin, in the context of the existing world order world. Were not the
churches and Christians very much implicated in this?
A significant phenomenon in the development of the modern global movements for peace and global justice very much based in Europe
is that they are sponsored by groups that do not generally claim church
linkages. Such networks are developing on a secular basis. As in earlier
periods the movements for equality, democracy and gender emerged
from secular trends such as the Enlightenment. Christian theology needs
to ask itself whether it has been missing the main concerns of an evolving
humanity. Part of the cause could be because of the anthropology of the
originating original sin and its implications for human salvation and the
mission of the church. Would not the genuine liberation of the European
people be through a remedying of the unjust world order set up by their
real original sin?

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