Management Practice in Beximco Pharma

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What Is Management :
Management is the art of making effective use of resources to achieve goals. It
concerns planning, coordinating and implementing all aspects of an organizations
operation in a manner which fulfils the organizations aims. In other words, once a
museum identifies its purpose, good management helps to achieve it. As different
processes are needed to achieve various aims, we tend to discuss management practices
in terms of particular functions.
Why an organization should practice management:
Management is the sole of an organization. An organization cant run without
management. Management is necessary in every steps of an organization. Management
Practice is using managerial process to run an organization. Every organization has a goal
& objective, management set this goal and it says how an organization can achieve this
goal. The basic operations of an organization (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading
and Controlling) are performed by different levels of managers. So we can say that every
organization should practice management in proper way.

Here we discuss about the management practice of Beximco Pharmaceuticals



Profile of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited

Company Name: Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited (BPL)
Date of Establishment: 1976 (Start operation in 1980)
Organization Structure: Tall Structure
Address: 19 Dhanmondi R/A, Road No. 7, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh.
Vision: We Are Building a Healthier Tomorrow
Mother Company: Beximco Group

Data Interpretation of BPL:

Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd (BPL) is a leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical

formulations and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) in Bangladesh. The company
is the largest exporter of pharmaceuticals in the country and its state-of-the-art
manufacturing facilities are certified by global regulatory bodies of Australia, Gulf
nations, Brazil, among others. The company is consistently building upon its portfolio
and currently producing more than 400 products in different dosage forms covering
broader therapeutic categories which include antibiotics, antihypertensive, anti-diabetics,
anti asthma inhalers etc, among many others.
BPL decades of contract manufacturing experience with global MNCs, skilled
manpower and proven formulation capabilities, the company has been building a visible


and growing presence across the continents offering high quality generics at the most
affordable cost.
Ensuring access to quality medicines is the powerful aspiration that
motivates more than 3000 employees of the organization, and each of them is guided by
the same moral and social responsibilities the company values most.


Organization Structure of BPL:












Director, Int.







Different Duties Performed by the Executives of BPL:

Different jobs are performed by different groups of people. One cant do every
thing. We know there are different skills in different level of management. These skills
Technical Skill
Human Skill
Conceptual Skill
Design Skill
Technical skill is very essential for operation level executives. The director of
manufacturing should have some technical skills. S/he should know about the raw
chemicals, the production process and other things related to production. The other top
executives also have some technical skills, but it is too low.
Human skill is very important for the middle and first level managers. The Int.
Marketing Director, Sales Director, GM, Senior Managers should have this skill. These
people are always working with field officers, different clients and some time with
workers. So they should have the ability to communicate with people.
Conceptual skill is important for top and middle level managers. It means the
ability to see the Big Picture. Top level people should able to see future. In future what
is the position of BPL is set by the Directors, CEO and GM of this company.
Design skill is very essential for top management. The Chairman, Vice-chairman,
Directors and CEO can able to solve the problems without hampering any group. They


can take have the skill that prevent the problems. This group of management must have
a skill of good design engineering in working out a practical solution to a problem.

The Planning Process of Beximco

Pharmaceuticals Limited
Different types of planning sets by BPL:
Every organization must have a plan and this plan is created through a process.
BPL also has many plans for their different operation. BPL divides its plans in different
Purpose or mission
Objectives & goals
Different time period of planning
The purpose or mission is the basic task of BPL. The main mission of BPL is
making profit by producing pharmaceutical formulations and Active Pharmaceutical
Ingredients (APIs). So they set plans to accomplish their main mission.
The objective & goal of BPL is accomplished their mission and doing the other
tasks like staffing, organizing leading & controlling. For this reasons they set their plans
to gain their objectives.


BPL set its plan by determining its strategies. How much resources they have and
how they use it properly is a big issue for planning. So they evaluating their resources
and its allocation before set a plan.
Every organization has a policy. BPL set its plan by maintaining its policies. They
make their policies that how a plan can create, who can create a plan or what is the range
of planning.
Budget is the biggest issue for planning. Before setting plans BPL check its
budget. They always try to make balance between budget and plans.
BPL divides its plans in different time period. They make short term, mid term
and long term plans. For different tasks BPL takes these different plans. Their short term
plans took one day to one year, mid term plans took one year to five or ten years and long
term plans take ten to twenty years.
The steps in planning followed by BPL:
Aware of opportunities
Establishing objectives
Developing Premises
Determining alternative courses
Evaluating alternative courses
Selecting a course
Formulating derivative plans
Numerating plans
There is so many opportunities are come when a plan want to set. So BPL should


always aware about these opportunities. It can evaluate the opportunities and select the
best one.
After that BPL establish its objectives. It declares the objectives to the employees
of this whole enterprise. The employees are mentally prepared for achieve the objectives
set by the top management of BPL.
Then BPL is determining the alternative courses. They examine the alternative
ideas from many other opportunities, specially the plans those not immediately apparent.
Every plan has more than one alternative, if the plan has no alternative it is wrong.
After determining alternatives, BPL evaluating the alternatives. Here BPL
examines their strong and the weak points. Then match it with the alternatives and their
objectives. They evaluate these alternatives in a logical process.
After evaluating BPL select the best idea as a plan. It is the point of real decision
making for the management of BPL. Here they examine their opportunities, threats,
weakness and strength, then make a final decision.
After making a decision BPL design some plans that support the basic plan. Here
they evaluate the characteristics the basic plan and make decisions that fulfil the error of
the main plan and make it more logical & practical.


The Objectives of Beximco Pharmaceuticals

Every organization has an objective that the achievement the goals, set by the top
level management of the organization. There are different sub objectives that are
accomplished by the different level of management.
A Hierarchy of Objective of BPL:

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Socio economics

Chairman, Vice-chairman,

CEO, CFO & other top
level managers
Overall objectives
of the organization
More specific
overall objectives

GM, Director: Marketing,

Director: Sales, Director:
Manufacturing, COO

Department & unit

Senior managers &

other lower level

The Objective Setting Process of BPL:

There are two types of objectives. One is verifiable and other is non-verifiable.
BPL always use verifiable objective. In verifiable objective all plans are very specified by
the management. BPL uses this method because it can create a clear concept about the
decision to the employee and they can prepare themselves to fulfil the objectives.

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MBO is a comprehensive managerial system that integrates many key managerial

activities in a systematic manner and that is consciously directed towards the effective
and efficient achievement of organization and individual objective. So BPL always tries
to perform their managerial activities through objectives, means they set objectives first
and then practically apply it through managerial activities.

The Strategies & Policies of Beximco

Pharmaceuticals Limited
Strategies & polices are very essential for planning. A plan is depending on the
strategies & policies of an enterprise. So BPL set its strategies & policies very carefully.

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BPL thinks strategies are determining the purpose and basic ling run objectives and the
adoption of course of action and allocation of resources necessary to achieve its aims.
Policies are general statement or understanding that guides the managers of BPL in
decision making purposes.
The Strategic Planning Process Followed by BPL:
Industry analysis
Enterprise profile
Orientation of top managers
Purpose and major objectives
External environment
Internal environment
Development of alternative strategies
Evaluation & choice of strategies
Medium and short range planning, implementation & control
Consistency and contingency

In strategic planning process the first thing is input. Here BPL inputs different raw
data like the basic goals & objectives, their mission, vision and the basic aim of BPL.
Here BPL also inputs the organization structure.

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The next step for strategic planning process is industry analysis. In this step BPL
segment the market in different parts. Then they evaluate the each segments
attractiveness. Then they analysis the different threads and opportunities. They try to
gather information about the potential buyers, suppliers, substitute product and
competitive firms. In a word in this step BPL analyse the whole industry whether it will
perfect for them or not.
After analysing industry BPL make their enterprise profile. In this profile they
show their mission, vision & objectives.
The enterprise profile is shaped by the executives. So they must know how to get
the success, what kind of task they should do, how to do and when to do. For these
reasons top management gives some instructions to the executives.
Then BPL sets the purpose and major objectives. It is the end points toward which
the activities of BPL are directed.
Here BPL evaluates the external environment that they shall face in future and
now. The external environments are economic, social political, legal, demographic,
geographic and so on. The present and external future environment must be assessed in
term of threats and opportunities.
Like external environment BPL also evaluates the internal environment that they
shall face in future and present. The external environments are human resource, financial
sources, production level, product or service quality, cost of raw materials, availability of
raw materials etc.

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Then BPL develops the alternative strategies. They set these alternative strategies
by evaluating the internal and external environments. They evaluate the threats,
opportunities, strong and weak points of the environments.
After that BPL carefully evaluate various strategies then select one or more
strategy for this organization. The strategic choice must be considered in light of the risks
involved in a particular decision.
Then BPL makes sure the implementation and control of medium and short range
planning. For this reason they consider the all phases of the process.
The last key aspect of BPL strategic planning process is consistency and
contingency. During all phases of strategic planning process consistency testing is
essential for BPL.

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