WCM Cement

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Pacific Business Review International

Volume 6, Issue 1, July 2013

Determinants of Working Capital in Cement IndustryA case study of ACC Ltd.

Dr. S. Vijayalakshmi*
Nikhel Bansal**

*Associate Professor, IBS Hyderabad, Hyderabad,

Andhra Pradesh, India
**Pursuing MBA at IBS Hyderabad, Hyderabad,
Andhra Pradesh, India

Working capital is considered to be the life force of an economic entity
and its efficient management decides the trade off between liquidity
and profitability. There are several factors that determine the working
capital requirement in a firm for ex. growth in sales, performance of
the firm, size of the firm etc.
This paper tries to identify the factors which determine the working
capital requirement in Indian cement industry. A case study is
performed on ACC cements, a company listed on both NSE (National
Stock Exchange) and BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) of India. 12
years data (2000-2012) was considered for this study. A regression
analysis was performed using WCR (working capital requirement) as
dependent variable and growth in sales, size of the firm, performance,
operating cash flow, operating efficiency, debt equity ratio, business
indicator, price of raw materials as independent variables. It was found
that only debt to equity ratio plays a significant role in determining
working capital requirement of the firm.
Keywords: Working capital, ACC, CEMENT etc0

The cement sector notably plays a critical role in the economic growth
of the country and its journey towards conclusive growth. Cement is
vital to the construction sector and all infrastructural projects. The
construction sector alone constitutes 7 per cent of the country's gross
domestic product (GDP). The industry occupies an important place in
the Indian economy because of its strong linkages to other sectors such
as construction, transportation, coal and power.
India is the second largest producer of quality cement in the world. The
cement industry in India comprises 183 large cement plants and over
365 mini cement plants. Currently there are 40 players in the industry
across the country.
The cement industry in India is experiencing a boom on account of
overall growth in the economy. The demand for cement, being a
derived one, depends mainly on the industrial activities, real estate
business, construction activities and investment in the infrastructure

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Pacific Business Review International

The Indian cement industry is involved in production of

several types of cement such as Ordinary Portland Cement
(OPC), Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC), Portland Blast
Furnace Slag Cement (PBFS), Oil Well Cement, Rapid
Hardening Portland Cement, Sulphate Resisting Portland
Cement, White Cement, etc. They are produced strictly as
per the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) specifications and
their quality is comparable with the best in the world.
Indian cement majorsACC Ltd, Shree Cement Ltd and
Ultratechhave signed a cooperation pact to support lowcarbon investments in India. The pact was signed in Geneva
with member companies of the World Business Council
(WBC) for Sustainable Development's Cement
Sustainability Initiative and International Finance
Corporation (IFC). Under the pact, a Low Carbon
Technology Roadmap for the Indian cement industry is to be
launched this year-end. The roadmap will outline a possible
transition path for the cement industry to reduce its direct
emissions by 18 per cent by 2050.
The cement industry of India is expected to add 30-40
million tonnes per annum (MTPA) of capacity in 2013. The
industry has a current capacity of 324 MTPA and operates at
75-80 per cent utilisation.
"It is anticipated that the cement industry players will
continue to increase their annual cement output in coming
years and the country's cement production will grow at a
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 12 per
cent during 2011-12 - 2013-14 to reach 303 million metric
tonne (MMT)," according to a report titled 'Indian Cement
Industry Forecast to 2012', by research firm RNCOS.
The developing economies are generally faced with
inefficient deployment of resources available to them.
Capital is the scare productive resource in such economies
and proper utilization of resource promotes the rate of
growth, cuts down the cost of production, and above all
beefs up the efficiency of the productive system. Hence, the
purposeful harnessing of capital is of paramount importance
in any development policy of economies. The total capital of
a company comprises of fixed capital and working capital.
The emphasis has ever been on the growth and efficiency of
fixed capital. The management of working capital has often
been neglected, resulting in sub-optimal utilization of not
only working capital but also fixed capital. Management of
working capital in a given enterprise has profitability and
liquidity implications. Working capital represented by
current assets, constitutes a dominant and controllable
segment of investment, particularly in manufacturing
enterprises, and efforts to prune it or optimize its size must
promptly enhance the profitability. These efforts would
simultaneously activate the flow of funds through the
enterprise by focusing on dormant inventories and overdue
outstanding and by curbing the long established tendency of


funds to stagnate at different stages in the enterprise

operations. Thus working capital offers a common front for
profitability and liquidity management. Significance of
working capital can further be judged from the fact that
many a time the main cause of the failure of a business
enterprise has been found to be the shortage of current assets
and their mishandling. Inadequate working capital is a
serious handicap in the business. Whereas fixed capital
investment generates production capacity, working capital
makes the utilization of that capacity possible. Competent
administration of current assets solves the problem of
underutilization of capacities. Cement industry, which is
being investigated in the present study, is indeed the
backbone of economic growth in any country. A thick
relationship has been found between the level of economic
growth and the quantum of cement consumption in
developed as well developing countries. Cement industry,
through its forward linkages provides the maximum
stimulus to growth in other industry also. One employee in
cement manufacturing activity supports eight to ten persons
in related activities. In India, since independence, great
emphasis has been laid on the development of cement
industry. It is one of the key basic industries in India. It plays
dominant role in the national economy. Cement industry
ranks second after the Iron and steel industry. Cement is
indispensable in building and construction works. The
production and consumption of cement, to a large extent,
indicates a country's progress. The development of
transport, infrastructure, irrigation and power projects etc.
depends to a very large extent on the availability of the
cement. The per capita consumption level of cement is
regarded as one of the indicators of development and
standard of living in a nation. Keeping in mind the above
importance of the cement industry in the economic
development, it is required to do an in-depth study of the
problems faced by the industry especially in the area of
working capital management. The study aims to analyze the
various factors that play an important role in the working
capital of a firm. The motive is to identify the determinants
of working capital for the Cement Industry of India.
Conceptual Framework
Working capital of a firm refers to the firm's capital which is
used to finance short term or current assets like cash,
inventory, receivables, debtors etc. It is the amount of money
which is required to cover the cost of operating the
Current assets are considered to be one of the important
components of the total assets of the firm. A firm may be
able to reduce its investment in fixed assets by leasing or
renting, but, the same cannot be done with current assets.
Keeping high levels of current assets gives a firm a better
liquidity position. With high level of current assets, a firm is
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Volume 6, Issue 1, July 2013

able to meet its obligations on time and the operations of the

firm are smooth. But, high levels of current asset come at a
cost, namely, profitability. The amount blocked in the
current assets has an opportunity cost. As the amount of
current assets increase, the cost associated with it also
increases and the profitability of the firm decreases.
The factors that influence the working capital requirement
of a firm can be broadly classified into two categories
depending on their relationship with the firm. These
categories are:
1. Endogenous factors: factors which are internal to
the firm and can be controlled to some extent. These
factors include:

Size of the firm.

b. Debt equity ratio.


Operating cash flow.

d. Operating efficiency.

Performance of the firm.

2. Exogenous factors: these are the factors which are

external to the firm and cannot be controlled. These
factors include:

Business environment.

b. Prices of raw materials.


Growth in sales of the firm.

Several studies have been conducted on the working capital

management of the firms, but, very few of them concentrate
on the determinants of working capital requirements of a
The aim of this study is to identify factors that influence the
working capital requirement of firms in the Indian cement
industry. ACC Ltd., a listed company, has been chosen for
the purpose of this study. It is the third largest firm in the
Indian cement industry (by Market Capitalisation) and has
averaged a sales growth of approximately 9% per annum
over the past 12 years.
Literature review
In his paper Liquidity-Profitability Tradeoff: An Empirical
Investigation in an Emerging Market. International Journal
of Commerce and Management, Eljelly (2004) mentioned
that the type of business the company is in and the history of
the company play a vital role in determining the working
capital requirement of the company. The cash gaps of the
company and the working capital required by the company
also differ from industry to industry. It also depends on the
ability of the company to obtain credit form the suppliers.
Some companies which are able to obtain large amount of

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credit from the suppliers maintain negative cash gaps or

short term working capital.
There are several factors which affect the working capital
requirement of a company. But, these factors are not
constant and keep on changing with time.
Hawawini, Viallet andVora (1986) in their study Industry
Influence on Corporate Working Capital Decisions,Sloan
Management Review said that the working capital
requirement is dependent on the industry. That is, the type of
industry determines the working capital requirement of the
firm. They also suggested that working capital management
policies remain stable over a period of time, that is they are
not very volatile and tend to remain more or less constant.
Working capital requirement is also affected by the
inventory level of the firms. Hence the working capital
requirement will differ from industry to industry. Moreover,
since inventory levels are different for firms as well, hence
the working capital requirement will be different from firm
to firm. This can also be observed in the difference in the
working capital requirement of services firms which do not
require any inventory and manufacturing firms which
require huge amounts of inventory.
Filbeck, and Krueger (2005) and Yadav, Kamath and
Manjreka (2009) in their study An Analysis of Working
Capital Management Results Across Industries .Mid
American Journal of said that working capital requirement
of a firm varies with the economic cycles. Hence, during
downturn, the working capital requirement will be low
while, during the upturns, the working capital requirement
will be high. They also concluded that, working capital
policy is dynamic as it will change in accordance with the
economic cycles. Thus, in times of high volatility, the
companies use large amounts of capital and during low
volatility, the firms tend to take an aggressive approach.
Ranjith's (2008) study on Thailand firms namely The Impact
of Firms' Capital Expenditure on Working Capital
Management: An Empirical Study across Industries in
Thailand. International Management View: identifies the
importance of cash flows of a company in relation to the
working capital requirement. If the future cash of a firm are
fluctuating, then the short term cash held by the company
and the short term investment of the company will increase.
This shows that with the increase in the uncertainty of the
future cash flows, the working capital requirement of the
firm increases.
Singh in his study titled Inventory and Working Capital
Management: An Empirical Analysis. The Icfai Journal of
Accounting Research said that it is not just the inventory
which governs the liquidity position of a firm. There are
several other factors which also play an important role in
determining the liquidity position of a firm. He said that


Pacific Business Review International

debtors, loans and advances, cash and bank balance bills

receivable are also important in determining the liquidity of
a firm.

opportunity, firm performance, size of the firm, industry

effect did not have any significant impact on the working
capital requirement of the firm.

Hill, Kelly, and Highfield. (2009) in their study named Net

Operating Working Capital Behavior: A First look
established a negative and a positive relationship between
the various factor and the working capital ratio. It was
established that working capital ratio had a positive
operating cash flow and capital market access. It was also
established that working capital ratio had a negative
relationship with growth in sales, unexpected demand, rate
of interest and financial difficulties.


Pandey and Perera in their study Working Capital

Management in SriLanka, Working Paper No. 1349, studied
the working capital management policies of private sector
manufacturing companies in Sri lanka. Many previous
researches have established that size of a firm plays a vital
role in determining the working capital requirement of a
firm and it acts as one of the most important factors. This
study also established that size of the firm plays a vital role in
determining the working capital approach and policy f the
Padachi in the study Trends in Working Capital
Management and Its Impact on Firms Performance: An
analysis of Mauritian small Manufacturing Firms
conducted on small business firms in Mauritania working
capital is very important for small firms. Working capital
plays an important role for all the firms, whether they be
small firms or large firms, but it becomes even more when
the firm size is small because. This happens because small
firms tend to emphasize more on the working capital, so that
they can increase their returns and improve their
performance by better working capital management.
Chiou and Cheng in their analysis of working capital
determinants in The Determinants of Working Capital
Management analysed factors like measures of liquidity
namely net liquidity balance and working capital ratio along
with other factors like business indicator, growth
opportunity, firm performance, size of the firm, industry
effect. These factors were tested for their impact on capital
structure and working capital management.
It was found that capital structure of the firm had inverse
relationship with net liquid balance and working capital
ratio. While other factors namely business indicator, growth


Sample and data

ACC limited, a company listed on both NSE (National stock
Exchange) and BSE (Bombay stock exchange) was chosen
for study. Study was performed on data of 12 years (20002012). The data was collected from CMIE database.
Independent variable: Shulman and Cox (1985) proposed
that working capital requirement represents the spontaneous
uses and sources of funds over a firm's operating cycle,
which are computed as follows:
WCR (Working Capital requirement) = Accounts
receivables + Inventory Accounts payable other
Dependent variables: all the variables except debt to
equity ratio are used as their first order differences.
1. Performance of the firm: measured as ratio of
profit after tax to total assets.
2. Size of the firm: measured as total assets of the firm.
3. Operating cash flow.
4. Debt equity ratio.
5. Business indicator: the IIP indicator of cement
industry is used as the business indicator.
6. Price of raw materials: the yearly WPI index of
metallic minerals is used to measure the change in
price of raw materials.
7. Operating efficiency of the firm: measured as the
ratio if PBDITA (profit before depreciation interest
and tax) to sales.
8. Growth in sales of the firm (percentage).
OLS regression was performed using the statistical software
SPSS. Alpha value is assumed to be 0.05 for the purpose of

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Volume 6, Issue 1, July 2013

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Pacific Business Review International

From the findings, it can be concluded that not all the factors
play a significant role in determining the working capital
requirement of the firm.
The coefficients of all the exogenous factors are
insignificant. Therefore Prices of raw materials, growth in
sales of the firm and business environment do not play any
significant role.
Of all the endogenous variables, performance of the firm,
size, operating efficiency and operating cash flow do not
play a significant role. Only debt equity ratio plays a
significant role in determining the working capital
requirement of the firm.


Yadav, R., Kamath, V., & Manjreka, P. (2009). Working

Capital Management: A study of Maharashtra's
bulk drugs listed companies. Chemical Business,
Ranjith, B. A. (2008). The Impact of Firms' Capital
Expenditure on Working Capital Management: An
Empirical Study across Industries in Thailand.
International Management View, 4(1), 11-24.
Singh, P. (2008). Inventory and Working Capital
Management: An Empirical Analysis. The Icfai
Journal of Accounting Research, 7(2), 53-73.

Factors determining working capital management in cement

industry: south Asian journal of management.

Hill, M. D., Kelly, G. W., & Highfield, M. J. (2010). Net

Operating Working Capital Behavior: A First look.
Financial Management, 39(2)

The determinants of working capital requirements in

Palestinian Industrial corporations : International
Journal of Economics and Finance; Vol. 5, No. 1;

Pandey, I. M., & Parera, K. L. W. (1977). Working Capital

Management in SriLanka, Working Paper No.
1349.Indian Institute of Management.

Working Capital Requirements and the Determining Factors

in Pakistan.
Shulman and Cox (1985).
Eljelly, A. M. A. (2004). Liquidity-Profitability Tradeoff:
An Empirical Investigation in an Emerging
Market.International Journal of Commerce and
Management, 14(2), 48-61.
Hawawini, G., Viallet, C., & Vora, A. (1986). Industry
Influence on Corporate Working Capital
Decisions,Sloan Management Review, 27(4), 1524.


Filbeck, G., & Krueger, T. M. (2005). An Analysis of

Working Capital Management Results Across
Industries.Mid American Journal of Business, 2(2),

Padachi, K. (2006). Trends in Working Capital Management

and Its Impact on Firms Performance: An analysis
of Mauritian small Manufacturing Firms.
International Review of business Research Papers,
2(2), 45-58.
Howorth, C., & Westhead, A. (2003). The Focus of Working
Capital Management in UK Small Firms.
Management Accounting Research, 14(2), 94-111.
Chiou, J. R., & Cheng, L. (2006). The Determinants of
Working Capital Management. Journal of
American. Academy of Business, 10(1), 149-155.

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