Recirculating Biotower: High Performance Compact

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High Performance


Ideal technology to reduce the organic load and

ensure the secondary treatment of domestic

Minimum footprint required, maximizing land

value. Pre-assembled concrete sections available
for on-site delivery and quick installation.


Easy to operate

Modular system ideal for multi-phase projects.

Kit option available for local assembly.

System fully controlled and monitored

by an automatic control system for easy
operation and maintenance.



Pre-assembled system for minimum on-site

work. Low electrical energy consumption and
maintenance costs.

Robust and permanent system that performs

consistently, even in peak periods.

Superior High Strength Wastewater Treatment

The SegfloTM Recirculating Biotower is a simple, reliable and proven process. It relies on the principle of bacterial segregation which, combined with
efficient oxygenation, provides excellent performance results, reducing BOD5, TSS and fats, oils and grease (FOG) to within or below regulatory standards.

A combination of PVC plastic media and natural oxygenation

The patented snowflake shape of the recycled PVC plastic media offers a large surface contact area designed to ensure the binding of a biological film
necessary for the treatment and evacuation of the excess biomass. The media design and tower configuration provide passive and natural oxygenation
through water trickling and recirculating from one media to another on the entire height of the media. The recirculation ensures high oxygenation and
efficient odor control.
The design of the base section of the tower allows the sedimentation of biological solids having detached from the media. The sludge accumulated at
the bottom of each tower is then periodically pumped back into the septic tank or to a sludge storage tank. The performance is also further optimized
by the addition of a clarifier after the towers.


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1 Primary Treatment
This usually consists of a septic tank providing
a minimal hydraulic retention time (HRT) of
24 to 36 hours depending on the application.
For projects involving food processing, a grease
trap must be installed upstream of the septic

2 Equalization Tank
It must provide a HRT of 12 hours for commercial
projects, based on the design flow. The basin is
equipped with submersible pumps monitored by
a control panel, providing optimum dosing of the
wastewater to the treatment unit.

SegfloTM Recirculating Biotower

The SegfloTM treatment system is composed
of one or more towers containing patented
media. Several models are available depending

A clarifier is required after the SegfloTM for all
types of projects. It captures any suspended
matter that managed to escape from the
recirculating biotowers to ensure constant
effluent quality.

Polishing Unit
An Ecoflo , Ecoflex or any other type of
compact filter (foam, peat, coco, etc.), a sand
filter or a conventional system can be integrated
after the clarifier to obtain an effluent with very
low BOD5 and TSS concentrations, if required.
For more information, please visit our website
or contact our Applied Engineering team.

on daily flow and wastewater characteristics.

A basin with two pumps installed directly
under the media section not only allows the
wastewater to recirculate through the plastic
media, but also favors sludge draw-off toward
the septic tank or sludge storage tank. This
system can be installed outdoors (completely
or partly underground) or, if needed, inside
a temperature-controlled building. It is also
possible to combine more than one biotour
with a common recirculating and sedimentation
basin. Please inquire with our Applied
Engineering team for more details.

The final disposal of the wastewater is done
according to local regulations (infiltration, surface
discharge, watercourse discharge or tertiary
treatment unit with disinfection).

Your projects require:

The reduction of organic load in a commercial business involved in food preparation?
A flexible solution that allows for timely deployment without affecting the treatment performance?
A limited amount of land to install a wastewater treatment system?

Inns and hotels

Health spas
Nursing homes

Retirement homes
Shopping malls

Truck stops

You are looking for a solution that can:

Efficiently reduce heavy organic loads
but still have a small footprint
Minimize energy consumption

Achieve stable and reliable treatment performance

Ensure easy operation and maintenance

Recirculating Biotower

High performance, compact, easy to operate

and ideal for high organic load reduction

Building block design Easy to install

Treatment Performance

Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5)

Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG)

Septic tank effluent (high strength, 1 stage)




Septic tank effluent (high strength, 2 stages)




The Strength of Premier Tech Aqua

Since 1923, Premier Tech has been building its know-how and reputation on the diversity
and technological expertise of its 2 000 team members located all around the world. As one
of Premier Techs business units for over 20 years, Premier Tech Aqua (PTA) has become
an international leader in the field of onsite and decentralized wastewater treatment
technologies for the residential, commercial, community, and industrial sectors. With over
50,000 installations, each coupled with a rigorous inspection, maintenance and documented
follow-up program performed by a large network of partners, PTA is undoubtedly one of the
leaders of its industry. Active in North America, Europe and Asia, PTA is proud of the quality,
performance, and reliability of the solutions it offers.
Over 50,000 Ecoflo installations
Over 100,000 peripheral products sold
Over 950 commercial, community, institutional, municipal and industrial installations
Documented system traceability, inspection, maintenance, and follow-up
More than 2,500 partners
Team of 25 experts entirely dedicated to IR&D
Offices in North America, Europe and Asia
Treatment performance surpassing regulatory requirements


The toolbox for wastewater professionals


The information contained in this document is based upon the latest information available at the time of publication and is designed to provide you with a general
introduction to our products. We make no warranties or representations as to its accuracy. We are continually updating and improving our products and reserve
the right to amend, discontinue, alter or change specifications and prices without prior notice. SegfloTM is a brand of Premier Tech Ltd. The SegfloTM Recirculating
Biotower is protected under patents: USA 5 779 886 and 5 807 484.
Premier Tech lte, 2011

Printed in Canada

Quebec/CAN/UASA 201108

Proud partner of Premier Tech Aqua

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