Daemons of Chaos FAQ 2008-01

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The document contains errata and frequently asked questions for the Daemons of Chaos army book. Key points covered include clarifications on rules for specific units and abilities.

Flamers of Tzeentch, Screamers, and some spells have flaming attacks. However, the spells from Pink Horrors and the Lord of Change do not have flaming attacks.

Insane Courage applies to instability tests for daemons, preventing additional wounds from a double 1. There is no limit to the number of wounds that can be suffered on an instability test based on combat resolution.





The Movement value (M) of Skulltaker is 5

and not 4. His profile (pages 54, 84, 96) will
be amended in reprints.

The Daemonic Legions

Page 61, Flickering Fire of Tzeentch, second

The following should be added to the spell
This is a magic missile with a range of 18,
causing D6+1 Strength D6+1 hits. Flaming
Page 61, Tzeentchs Firestorm, second
The following should be added to the last
sentence of the spell description:
This new unit is worth 50 victory points.
Flaming Attack.

Q. Are the Flamer of Tzeentchs Flames of

Tzeentch ability Flaming attacks?
A. Yes, theyre even given as an example in the
Flaming attacks rule in the Warhammer
Q. Are Screamers slashing attacks flaming?
A. Indeed they are.
Q. Are the spells from the Pink Horrors and
the Lord of Change Flaming attacks?
A. No, the Flaming Attacks rule only covers
close combat and missile attacks.
Q. Can Beasts of Nurgle and Fiends of
Slaanesh enter in buildings?
A. Beasts of Nurgle and Fiends of Slaanesh are
infantry and have Unit Strength 3 and can
enter buildings as normal.

Page 94, Pestilent Mucus, second paragraph.

The first sentence should be changed to:
When this Daemon suffers an unsaved
wound, []

Q. Does Insane Courage apply to an

Instability test?
A. It does indeed, although it should perhaps
be referred to as Insane Stability for clarity
(and because its beautifully self-contradictory).
So, if a daemonic unit rolls a double 1 for its
Break test, it will not suffer any additional
Q. Is the maximum number of wounds that
can be inflicted by a failed Instability test
limited to 10 (a roll of 12 compared to a
Leadership 2)? Or, for purposes of Instability
tests, can the Daemons effective Leadership
value be reduced lower than 2?
A. Remember that combat resolution adds to
the dice roll, rather than being subtracted from
Leadership. As a result, there is no upper limit
on the number of casualties that can be caused

Games Workshop Limited 2008. Games Workshop, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Apocalypse are , TM and/or Games Workshop Limited 2008. All rights reserved.


this way. e.g. a unit of Bloodletters loses a

combat by 12 and rolls a 5 for its Leadership
test. It therefore suffers 10 wounds
5 (dice roll) + 12 (combat resolution modifier)
7 (Leadership) = 10 wounds.
Q. Are the special character Heroes permitted
to join friendly units (for example,
Skulltaker), allowed to join friendly units
with a different mark?
A. The only restrictions of this kind apply to
Heralds. None of the special characters are
Heralds, thusly they can muster wither they
Q. Do Kairos Fateweavers heads count as
different Wizards for the purposes of miscasts
and remains in play effects?
A. Yes, except for damage caused by the
Miscast chart, which of course affects the
whole model.
Q. Do the Necrotic Missiles hurled by KuGath
Plaguefather have a minimum guess range of
12 like normal stone throwers?
A. No the range is replaced by the one given.
Q. Can the Blue Scribes join friendly units?
A. No.
Q. Does the Changeling benefit from a
Herald's Locus of Tzeentch and/or count
towards the number of models used to
determine the unit's magic level? In addition,
does the Changeling count as a unit
champion, character, or simply a unit
A. The Changeling is treated as a unit
champion in all respects.

Q. How does the Changelings Formless

Horror ability interact with enemy models
that have multiple parts, such as characters
riding monstrous mounts, chariots, and
cavalry? Can he choose any stats from the
enemy model that he wants (the best from
each part) or does he have to select a specific
part of the model to swap stats with?
A. The Changeling can steal stats from any
model in base contact (including mounts,
chariots and so on) even if that model is
engaged in a challenge elsewhere, and can
even mix different stats from a model
composed of different parts, such as a ridden
Q. What happens when the Changeling is in
base to base contact with an Empire character
that has Van Horstman's Speculum and the
Speculum bearer is engaged in a challenge
with another model friendly to the
Changeling? In what order is the swapping of
stats resolved in such a situation?
A. The Speculum must be used first, as the
challenge is resolved first.
Q. What is the exact price to add the
Changeling to a unit of Pink Horrors is his
listed price the price to upgrade one model?
Also what is the minimum number of models
in a unit of Pink Horrors including the
A. The Changeling is an upgrade, so he
replaces a Pink Horror and his cost is added to
that of the model he replaces. The minimum
number of models remains the same 10.
Q. Does the result on the Tally of Pestilence
that makes all poison attacks wound
automatically on a 4+ still apply if the model
with poison normally requires a 5+ or 6+
To Hit?
A. No, the attack must still hit for the poison
to take effect.

Games Workshop Limited 2008. Games Workshop, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Apocalypse are , TM and/or Games Workshop Limited 2008. All rights reserved.


Q. If the Masque uses the Dance of Dreaming

to reduce an enemy unit's Leadership, can a
separate effect (such as the Great Icon of
Despair) subsequently reduce that unit's
Leadership below 2?
A. Yes it can.
Q. What is the exact price to add Karanak to
a unit of Flesh Hounds is his listed price the
price to upgrade one model? Also what is the
minimum number of models in a unit of Flesh
Hounds including Karanak?
A. Karanak is an upgrade, so he replaces a
Flesh Hound and his cost is added to that of
the model he replaces. The minimum number
of models remains the same 5.
Q. What is the proper Unit Strength of KuGath
A. Hes US 10 ignore the Palanquins unit
strength in this case.
Daemonic Magic
Q. The spells Shrivelling Pox and Pavane of
Slaanesh are cast at single models. Can these
spells target characters (or champions), which
are usually protected by being attached to a
A. They can indeed a single model within
line of sight (which may be a character).

Q. When a Tzeentch Wizard successfully casts

Glean Magic, does the enemy have the option
of dispelling the spell cast by it? Does this
change if Glean Magic is cast with irresistible
A. Nope. If you want to stop the second spell,
you must stop Glean Magic.
Daemonic Gifts
Q. How does a Daemonic Gift work in
combination with mundane items? For
example, the Balesword with flail would it
combine the +2 Strength bonus with the
effects of the Balesword? Or Armour of Khorne
for a Bloodthirster is it added to his heavy
armour for a 1+ save?
A. Daemonic Gifts are unlike magic items in
that they reflect a particular ability of the
Daemon in question, rather than something
that it carries. This is normally described in a
manner that our weak mortal minds can
comprehend as swords, armour and staves,
for example, but the actual form the gift takes
can vary, often minute by minute, according to
the will of the Chaos Gods. This means that
differing bonuses +2 Strength of the flail and
D6 Wounds of the Balesword stack for a
greater effect. Conversely, where there are two
bonuses of the same type (armour save 5+
and armour save 3+) the Daemon simply
benefits from the more powerful ability.
As a further example:

Q. Does Miasma of Pestilence target the model

casting the spell, or is it targeted at enemy
models in base to base contact with it?
A. It targets the caster.
Q. Can a Tzeentch Wizard use a successful
casting of Glean Magic to cast one of the target
Wizards bound spells (or in the case of Liche
Priests and High Liche Priests their
Incantations)? Does this apply to bound spells
the Wizard may possess from a magic item?
A. Glean Magic affects only the spells a Wizard
knows. It that Wizard has innate bound spells,
Glean Magic can use them. Any spells that are
bound to items may not be used. Incantations
cannot be affected by this as they are not spells
in the conventional sense.

Does a Bloodthirster with both Axe of Khorne

and Firestorm Blade make Strength 7 Flaming
Attacks with Killing Blow special rule?
Yes, he does. He must use all the effects of the
two Gifts and cannot choose not to use one of

Q. Are Daemonic Gifts counted as magical

items, so you can't stack them, or are they
gifts/abilities, and so do stack, in a similar
way to runes?
A. Theres a small paragraph at the start of the
Daemonic Gifts section that clearly states that a
Daemon may not take multiples of the same

gift. In examples where a Daemon could, say,

take two kinds of armour, remember that the
save produced does not stack nowhere does
this happen in Warhammer except when
specified clearly simply use the best save.
Q. Do units Immune to Psychology or
Unbreakable have the option to flee from
Siren Song or must they charge?
A. These units must charge, as they can never
flee. In fact, theyre more likely to succumb to
the songs enraging effects Undead are
snared by the magic, Slayers drawn towards
certain death, and so on
Q. Is Siren Song supposed to read that you
have to charge the Daemon with the Siren
Song ability as per the normal Warhammer
A. Yes, indeed. Remember that the unit must
be able to charge if the target unit cannot
reach because the Siren Song using Daemon is
out of its charge range, the ability does not
work and is wasted. Accordingly, servants of
Slaanesh should be very careful about using
this gift on units with random charge ranges.
Q. Should Daemonic Icons be treated like
magic items?
A. Yes, they are magic items in all respects,
with the caveats listed on page 92. Remember
that gifts may be taken more than once in the
Q. Does the Great Standard of Sundering give
a -2 penalty to Nehekharan Incantations or
Ogre Gut Magic?
A. No, as they are not spell lores in the
conventional manner.
Q. How does the gift Daemonic Robes interact
with hits that wound automatically?
A. Daemonic Robes only works against attacks
that roll to wound. As something that wounds
automatically does not roll to wound, the
Robes offer no protection.

Q. Can a Daemon with Nurgling Infestation

add the Nurgling base to an enemy unit of
A. No the mingling of different squelchy
pusses and secretions would be too disgusting
to even contemplate.
Q. Can an enemy model affected by the
Temptator gift issue a challenge? If so, who
decides if he will do so, and which side will
A. He may neither issue nor accept a challenge
he has other priorities now. In the spirit of
the rules, we should perhaps allow him to
issue a challenge against another character in
his own unit, but this seems a little unfair so
were not going to.
Q. Can a Daemon with Master of Sorcery
choose to use the Lore of Tzeentch and, if so,
does it know all the spells from that lore? Or
must it choose one of the Lores from the
Warhammer rulebook?
A. Lores from the Warhammer rulebook only
Tzeentch does not allow his lesser minions full
knowledge of his own sacred lore.
Q. Is Noxious Vapours a permanent effect? Do
models regain Always Strikes First/lose Always
Strikes Last when they are no longer in base
contact with the Daemon?
A. Once a model is no longer in base contact,
it cannot be affected by Noxious Vapours, just
like it could no longer be struck by the
Daemon with the ability.
Q. Can a unit in base contact with a Daemon
with Enrapturing Gaze take Leadership tests
which are taken by the unit as a whole (such
as Break tests) on their unmodified
Leadership if not all models in the unit are in
base contact with the Daemon?
A. Units take Leadership tests on the best
available Leadership in the unit.

Games Workshop Limited 2008. Games Workshop, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Apocalypse are , TM and/or Games Workshop Limited 2008. All rights reserved.


Q. What is the correct procedure for placing

the breath weapon template on an enemy unit
when a Herald of Nurgle uses the Stream of
Bile gift (or casts the Stream of Corruption
spell)? (Assuming the Herald and target unit
are on the same level).
A. The special rules for breath weapons
includes this sentence, Note that the monster
must be able to see all its potential targets.
Ordinarily this is not a problem because the
unit with the breath weapon is a large target
and can see all the potential targets in the unit.
A Herald of Nurgle is not a large target, but
players should treat him as if he is for the
purposes of these abilities.
Q. Is Iridescent Corona applied before or after
impact hits?
A. This ability should be resolved
simultaneously with impact hits remember
that any wounds caused do count towards
combat resolution.
Q. In a Daemon vs. Daemon battle, does the
Standard of Chaos Glory affect Daemons on
both sides?
A. Yes it affects both sides let Chaos reign!
Q. How does the Great Standard of Sundering
interact with free spells in particular army
books, such as Dispel Magic in the High Elf
book, and Invocation of Nehek in the Vampire
A. For the purposes of the Great Standard of
Sundering, these spells are considered to not
be part of any spell lore, and so therefore
cannot be affected.

1st August 2008

The questions answered in our FAQs have been gathered from
many sources. Some have been submitted by members of the
public, others by representatives of the online gaming
community and more still are the result of face to face meetings
with keen and inquisitive players at a myriad of gaming events.
We are always happy to consider more questions, and aim to
update these FAQs as frequently as is practical. See the ?Contact
Us page of the Games Workshop website for the address to
which you can send your questions. Thanks to all those who
have done so already!

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