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Sun Storedge 3000 Family Diagnostic Reporter 2.5 User'S Guide

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Sun StorEdge 3000 Family

Diagnostic Reporter 2.5

Users Guide

Sun Microsystems, Inc.


Part No. 817-3338-17

July 2009, Revision A
Submit comments about this document at: http://www.sun.com/hwdocs/feedback

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Parts of the product may be derived from Berkeley BSD systems, licensed from the University of California. UNIX is a registered trademark in
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Installing Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter

What is Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter?

How Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Operates


Using Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter

Setting Up the Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Configuration

To Set Up the Configuration

Host Event Log


To Set Up the Report Tool

To Set Up the Mail Receiver Tool




To Stop and Start Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on a Solaris Host or

Linux Host 18

To Stop and Start Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on a Windows Host


To Stop and Start Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on an HP-UX Host


To Stop and Start Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on an IBM AIX

Host 19



Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Diagnostic Reporter 2.5 Users Guide July 2009

This guide explains how to use Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter as a companion
utility to Sun StorEdge Configuration Service. For information about installing Sun
StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Software
Installation Guide.
Unless otherwise specified, the Sun StorEdge 3120 SCSI array, Sun StorEdge 3310
SCSI array, Sun StorEdge 3320 SCSI array, Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array, and Sun
StorEdge 3511 SATA array are referred to as the array or arrays.
This guide is written for experienced system administrators who are familiar with
Sun hardware and software products.

How This Book Is Organized

This book covers the following topics:
Chapter 1 introduces Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter and provides an overview
about how it operates.
Chapter 2 provides steps on how to set up Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter.

Using UNIX Commands

This document might not contain information on basic UNIX commands and
procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring
devices. Refer to the following for this information:

Software documentation that you received with your system

Solaris operating system documentation, which is at


Shell Prompts


C shell


C shell superuser


Bourne shell and Korn shell

Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser

vi Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Diagnostic Reporter 2.5 Users Guide July 2009

Typographic Conventions




The names of commands, files,

and directories; on-screen
computer output

Edit your.login file.

Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail.


What you type, when contrasted

with on-screen computer output

% su


Book titles, new words or terms,

words to be emphasized.
Replace command-line variables
with real names or values.

Read Chapter 6 in the Users Guide.

These are called class options.
You must be superuser to do this.
To delete a file, type rm filename.

1 The settings on your browser might differ from these settings.

Related Documentation
The following table contains a list of related software documentation. For a complete
list of all related documentation, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Installation,
Operation, and Service Manual for your array.


Part Number

Sun StorEdge 3120 SCSI Array Release Notes


Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI Array Release Notes


Sun StorEdge 3320 SCSI Array Release Notes


Sun StorEdge 3510 FC Array and Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA Array Release Notes


Sun StorEdge 3000 Family 2.5 Software Installation Guide


Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware 4.2x Users Guide


Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Configuration Service 2.5 Users Guide


Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.5 Users Guide




Accessing Sun Documentation

All Sun StorEdge 3000 family documentation is available online in both PDF and
HTML format at the following location:
The following locations are specific for the SCSI, FC, and SATA arrays:
You can view, print, or purchase a broad selection of Sun documentation at:

Contacting Sun Technical Support

For late-breaking news and troubleshooting tips, review the release notes for your
array located at the appropriate link on the following page:
If you have technical questions about this product that are not answered in the
documentation, go to:

viii Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Diagnostic Reporter 2.5 Users Guide July 2009

To initiate or check on a USA-only service request, contact Sun support at:

To obtain international technical support, contact the sales office of each country at:

508 Accessibility Features

The Sun StorEdge documentation is available in Section 508-compliant HTML files
that can be used with assistive technology programs for visually impaired personnel.
These files are provided on the Documentation CD for your product as well as on
the websites identified in the previous Accessing Sun Documentation section.
Additionally, the software and firmware applications provide keyboard navigation
and shortcuts, which are documented in the user's guides.

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and
suggestions. You can submit your comments by going to:
Please include the title and part number of your document with your feedback: Sun
StorEdge 3000 Family Diagnostic Reporter 2.5 Users Guide, part number 817-3338-17.



Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Diagnostic Reporter 2.5 Users Guide July 2009


This chapter introduces Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter. Topics covered in this
chapter include:

Installing Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on page 1

What is Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter? on page 1
How Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Operates on page 3

Installing Sun StorEdge Diagnostic

For installation instructions, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Software Installation

What is Sun StorEdge Diagnostic

Instead of keeping the Sun StorEdge Configuration Service console running in the
foreground, you can use Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter as a companion utility of
Sun StorEdge Configuration Service that runs as a background service that sends
messages when triggered events occur from the hosts and arrays to specified email
addresses. Using Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter, you can:

Define the types of message traps sent

Define the timing of messages sent

Send encrypted messages

Receive messages and decrypt encrypted messages on the Mail Receiver Tool
(which functions as an email viewing program if you do not have a program such
as Microsoft Outlook on the receiving computer)

To use Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter throughout the storage data network,
install it as a service on each computer that has a controlling Sun StorEdge
Configuration Service agent (a controlling agent is the only agent that talks to a
specific array).
One major benefit of installing Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on all host
computers is that it can be configured to ping each computer periodically, and to
send a single-point-of-failure message from a Sun StorEdge Configuration Service
agent to the specified email addresses when a host fails.
Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter includes the following components:

Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter agent (daemon) Operates in background

mode continuously on the computer where it is installed. The daemon can be
installed and used on any computer where Sun StorEdge Configuration Service is

Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Config Tool (UI) A utility that configures the
types of message traps that are sent to the Sun StorEdge Configuration Service
agent and that are sent to a specific email address as an alert or for informational
purposes. Also known as the UI (user interface).

Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Mail Receiver Tool Displays the messages
that are collected. Also known as the POP3 Mail Receiver.

Note To ensure that Sun StorEdge Configuration Service receives email, refer to
the Email and SNMP appendix in the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Configuration
Service Users Guide for information on setting traps.

Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Diagnostic Reporter 2.5 Users Guide July 2009

How Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter

After connecting to a Sun StorEdge Configuration Service agent, Sun StorEdge
Diagnostic Reporter receives any event from the agent; if the event is assigned a trap
condition, then Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter emails the event to the userspecified email address.

Note For the Sun StorEdge 3120 SCSI array, Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter
sends triggered event notification only for environmental failures and hard drive
If Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter cannot connect to any agent or the agent is
offline, it then tries to discover the agent every five minutes. This prevents Sun
StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter from being disconnected from the agent when
network traffic is congested.
In the typical setup shown in FIGURE 1-1, the array hosts (computers #1, #2, and #3)
are used with the array devices (#A, #B, and #C respectively). Each host contains a
Sun StorEdge Configuration Service agent and a Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter
daemon. Each Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter daemon can be configured by the
Config Tool to send event messages to any email address (shown as computer #5,
which uses the Mail Receiver Tool to download the messages).
The Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Config Tool and the Sun StorEdge
Configuration Service console can be located on any computer on the network and
are located on one computer (#4) for convenience only.

Chapter 1


Sun StorEdge
Service agent

Sun StorEdge
Diagnostic Reporter

Sun StorEdge
Service agent

Support host - receives

Sun StorEdge
Diagnostic Reporter messages


Array host
or server

Array #A


Array host

Sun StorEdge
Diagnostic Reporter

Array host
Sun StorEdge
Service agent

Array #B


Sun StorEdge
Diagnostic Reporter

Array host

Sun StorEdge
Diagnostic Reporter
Config Tool

Sun StorEdge
Service console


Array #C


Array host

Array #D

Typical Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Setup

Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Diagnostic Reporter 2.5 Users Guide July 2009



Using Sun StorEdge Diagnostic

This chapter provides steps on using Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter, including
the Report Tool and the Mail Receiver Tool. Topics covered in this chapter include:

Setting Up the Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Configuration on page 5

To Set Up the Configuration on page 6

To Set Up the Report Tool on page 15

To Set Up the Mail Receiver Tool on page 16

Troubleshooting on page 18

Setting Up the Sun StorEdge Diagnostic

Reporter Configuration
Only one instance of the Config utility can be open at a time. The configuration
information is saved in a file named ssdgrpt_cfg.xml. (See Host Event Log on
page 13 for the location of this file.)

Note To implement any configuration change to a service, you must be connected

to a Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter server and you must click Save Configuration
after you have completed the changes.

To Set Up the Configuration

1. Start Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter.

On a Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, or IBM AIX OS, type:

# ssdgrptui

On a Windows 2000 OS, choose Start Programs Sun StorEdge 3000 Family
Diagnostic Reporter Config Tool.
On a Windows 2003 OS, choose Start All Programs Sun StorEdge 3000 Family
Diagnostic Reporter Config Tool.

If you have previously configured and connected to one daemon, the Config Tool
automatically connects to the server that you last used.
2. For the first-time installation, you must first set up a connection between the
Config Tool and a server where a daemon is running.
a. To create a server connection, choose Servers Server List Setup.
b. In the Server List Configuration dialog box, click Add and enter the daemon
server name and IP address.
c. Keep the default port number (which is displayed automatically and is used by
the Config Tool (UI) to communicate with the daemon).
d. Type the ssconfig login password for the server.
This is the same login password that was set when you installed Sun StorEdge
Configuration Service. If this password has not already been set, you must set it
before continuing. Refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Configuration Service
Users Guide for details.
e. Click Apply.

Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Diagnostic Reporter 2.5 Users Guide July 2009

The server Name and IP Address are displayed in the Server List. The Config Tool
can access multiple servers, but can only connect to one server and one service at a
If you do not specify a password for each server, you are asked for a password each
time you reconnect to a server.
3. Click Close.
4. To connect to a server, choose Servers Connect to DR Agent and then select the
desired server from the list that is displayed.

Note The Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter agent must be running in order to
connect to the server. Refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Software Installation Guide
for instructions on starting the agent.

Chapter 2

Using Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter

5. Click the Basic Information tab to enter information used for the email server and
event messages.

System ID and Location Descriptive fields for the server where the service

Customer and Contact Information Provides information to be attached to the

event emails, which is helpful when the event messages are sent to multiple email

SMTP Server The IP address or domain name for the server that Sun StorEdge
Diagnostic Reporter uses to send email. If you enter an incorrect address, Sun
StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter cannot find it and mail messages are not sent. If the
SMTP server needs authorization, you must enter the necessary information to
log in to the SMTP server.

Note Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter uses the host system clock for event time
stamps. The RAID array uses its own clock for event time stamps. These times might
not agree with each other.
6. Configure the From field using the following format:


Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Diagnostic Reporter 2.5 Users Guide July 2009

7. To specify the trap messages to be reported, select the Trap Information tab and
click Add.
In the Add Trap dialog box, select and enter the desired parameters according to the
information in TABLE 2-1.

Chapter 2

Using Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter

As a minimum, select a trap event, enter the minimum interval between mails, and
enter one email address. To enter multiple email addresses, separate each address
with a space, comma, or semicolon.

Trap Information Parameters




Specifies the information to include in the email body. Values:

all/ event /log /report /hosteventlog
If you select an event trap and Minimum interval is 0 or *, the
Content must be Event.
To select periodic trap, Content cannot be Event.

XML Format

Select to generate the email and report in XML format.

Trap type

Select trap type Property of event type trap or Property of periodic


Minimum interval
between mails

For the interval between emails for an event type trap, specify the
desired values:
* - reports all events as they occur
HH:MM - sets a specific time of day in hour:minute format, for
reporting the last event message delivered during the time interval,
using a 24-hour clock. Example: 16:30 = 4:30PM.
Note: Always use the HH:MM format. For example, if you want to
set the time interval to every 24 hours, set it to 24:00. Remember to
include the colon.

Active trap events

An event trap is activated by an event, with a choice of any three

kinds of event.

Periodic trap type

Use crontab format to define when to send emails:

minute (0-59)
hour (0-23)
day of month (1-31)
month (1-12)
day of week (0-6 with 0=Sunday)

Checkbox use

If selected, sends encrypted emails. To encrypt the email sent to Sun,

select use encrypt. The encrypt key is an identifier (optional) that is
displayed when you download event messages.

Checkbox pager

To send mail to a pager-enabled mail address, select this box and

enter the mail subject in Subject for Pager. If you do not want this
mail to include any content, select no content.

Checkbox no
mail to:


Define the email address for mail. You can specify several mail
addresses, separated by , ,, ;.

Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Diagnostic Reporter 2.5 Users Guide July 2009

In the following example, all events are selected and sent to support@sun.com.

8. Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter can connect to multiple Sun StorEdge

Configuration Service agents at the same time.
To connect to one or more Sun StorEdge Configuration Service agents, click the SSCS
Agent Information tab and click Add.

Chapter 2

Using Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter


For each Sun StorEdge Configuration Service agent, specify the Agent Name, Agent
IP Address, Port and Password for the ssconfig user accessing that agent.

Agent Name Name that is included in emails. You can use the real machine host
name or an alias.

Port The Sun StorEdge Configuration Service agent listener port number. Keep
the default value 1270 (other valid values are 1271, 1272, and 1273). If you cannot
connect to the agent, change the value and try again.

Password The password for the ssconfig user. Before the Sun StorEdge
Diagnostic Reporter daemon can connect to the Sun StorEdge Configuration
Service agent, the Service must provide the correct password for the ssconfig

After you have entered the agent parameters, click Discard to cancel changes, or
click Apply to save the configuration. Each agent listed in the agent sends the
specified event messages to the Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Service where this
configuration has been saved.
9. After you create or edit any configuration, click Save Configuration in the main
window to save the configuration to Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter.
Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Service restarts to read the configuration file


Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Diagnostic Reporter 2.5 Users Guide July 2009

10. To see the current status of each agent at a specific moment, click Probe
Configuration Service Agent in the main window.
In the Agent Information window, the colored status buttons indicate if the Sun
StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Service is active with the Sun StorEdge Configuration
Service agent on each agent server.

Red Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter cannot connect to the Sun StorEdge
Configuration Service agent.

Yellow Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter is seeking the Sun StorEdge

Configuration Service agent.

Green Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter is connected to the Sun StorEdge

Configuration Service agent.

None The Sun StorEdge Configuration Service agent information has not been

The color and text of this button can change every 20 seconds.

Host Event Log

When there is a triggered event, Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter attaches the host
event log to the email that is sent. The events are logged into the system log of the
host where the agent is installed. The following table lists the locations where the
events are logged to in each OS.

Event Log Location


Event Log Location

Solaris OS

(Also shown on the console)

Linux OS


Microsoft Windows OS

The application log of the system, which can be

viewed using Event Viewer. You can also read the
event log directly from the file
\Program Files\Sun\sscs\eventlog.txt



Note For an IBM AIX OS, the event logs are not logged by default. Refer to the
Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Configuration Service Users Guide for more information
about writing events to a logfile for an IBM AIX host.

Chapter 2

Using Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter


Because the host can generate a large amount of messages, it is possible to exceed
the mail size limit allowed by some SMTP servers. Sun StorEdge Diagnostic
Reporter limits the size of the host event log to 5 Mbyte. This limit can be changed
by defining the mail size limit attribute of the smtp element in ssdgrpt_cfg.xml.
The following table lists the location of this file for each OS.

ssdgrpt_cfg.xml File Location


ssdgrpt_cfg.xml Location

Solaris, Linux, and HP-UX OS


Microsoft Windows OS

<install path\service\, where the default install path is C:\Program Files\Sun\




For example, to define the host event log size limit to 1 Mbyte (1 Mbyte = 1024 x
1024 = 1048576), define the mail size limit attribute as follows:
<smtp auth=false username= password=XXXX mail_size_limit=
1048576 from=test@sina.com >smtp.sina.com</smtp>

Note If the mail size limit attribute is not defined, Sun StorEdge Diagnostic
Reporter uses the default value of 5 Mbyte.


Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Diagnostic Reporter 2.5 Users Guide July 2009

To Set Up the Report Tool

The report capability enables you to generate a report that contains the configuration
of all locally attached arrays.
The following steps describe how to set up the report tool on UNIX systems.

1. On a UNIX OS, configure the local host to monitor the locally attached arrays.
a. From the main Sun StorEdge Configuration Service window, choose Array
Administration Controller Assignment.
The Assign Server to Manage a RAID Controller window is displayed.
b. Select a server from the Server to manage this controller list and click Apply.
This enables the selected server to manage an array controller. It also disables all
other servers listed from managing the same array.
c. Click Close to close the view.
2. Add the local server to the ssdgrcli.cfg file by typing the following command
from the server that is attached to and managing the array:
# /usr/sbin/ssdgrptd -c -s password@ip address

You are prompted for the ssconfig password.

3. Run the following command to generate the report:

# /usr/sbin/ssdgrptd -r

The default report file name is report.xml. For systems running the Solaris, Linux,
or HP-UX OS, it is saved to /opt/SUNWsscs/ssdiagreporterd. For systems
running the IBM AIX OS, it is saved to /usr/SUNWsscs/ssdiagreporterd.
The following steps describe how to set up the report tool on a Microsoft Windows
1. Change to the directory where ssdgrptd was installed (default C:\Program

Chapter 2

Using Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter


2. Run the following command:

java -cp .\;.\ssdgrptd.jar sscs_daemon -x -x

where xs are c and s to generate the report in xml format, or r and e to generate
the report in txt format.

Note Whether you generate the report as xml or txt, the extension remains xml.
3. Run the following command:

java -cp .\;.\ssdgrptd.jar sscs_daemon -r

The default report file name is report.xml and is saved to the directory where
ssdgrptd was installed.

To Set Up the Mail Receiver Tool

The Mail Receiver Tool is optional and can be used in place of your regular email
application. It can be used to receive and forward unencrypted and encrypted email.

1. Start the Mail Receiver Tool.

On a Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, or IBM AIX OS, type:

# ssdgrptpop


On a Windows 2000 OS, choose Start Programs Sun StorEdge 3000 Family
Diagnostic Reporter Mail Receiver Tool.
On a Windows 2003 OS, choose Start All Programs Sun StorEdge 3000 Family
Diagnostic Reporter Mail Receiver Tool.

Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Diagnostic Reporter 2.5 Users Guide July 2009

2. In the POP3 Mail Client window, identify the UserName, Password, and email
server IP address (POP Server) where the event messages are to be sent.
If needed, specify the appropriate SMTP information.

a. To receive event messages, click Connect.

b. If decryption is necessary, click Decrypt File.
c. For event information or alerts that need to be sent to additional staff, click
Forward All or Forward Selected and specify the destination address(es).

Chapter 2

Using Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter


Note For a list of error messages and prompts, refer to the Error Codes and
Messages appendix in the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Configuration Service Users
If you stop receiving email messages from Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter, it
might need to be stopped and restarted.
(UNIX OS) There are three conditions under which Sun StorEdge Diagnostic
Reporter stops working and does not report its condition.

If the Sun StorEdge Configuration Service agent fails or is stopped and restarted,
Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter stops working.

If the Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Config Tool is running and the daemon is
stopped and restarted, a condition might occur whereby the Config Tool can no
longer communicate with the daemon.

If the Sun StorEdge Configuration Service agent fails or is stopped, the Sun
StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter daemon does not detect it, stops sending email
messages, and continues to show that Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter is still
connected by displaying a green status.

The workaround is to stop and restart Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter as

explained in the following steps.

Note To start and stop the agents (daemons), you must have superuser
(administrator) privileges.

To Stop and Start Sun StorEdge Diagnostic

Reporter on a Solaris Host or Linux Host
# /etc/init.d/ssdgrptd stop
# /etc/init.d/ssdgrptd start


Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Diagnostic Reporter 2.5 Users Guide July 2009

To Stop and Start Sun StorEdge Diagnostic

Reporter on a Windows Host

1. To start the agent software on a Windows 2000 host, choose Start Programs
Administrative Tools Computer Management.
To start the agent software on a Windows 2003 host, choose Start Administrative
Tools Computer Management.
Alternatively, you can right-click My Computer and select Manage.
2. Click Services & Applications.
3. Select the Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Server, and right-click the service
you want to stop or start.

To Stop and Start Sun StorEdge Diagnostic

Reporter on an HP-UX Host
# /sbin/init.d/ssdgrptd stop
# /sbin/init.d/ssdgrptd start

To Stop and Start Sun StorEdge Diagnostic

Reporter on an IBM AIX Host
# /usr/sbin/ssdgrptd stop
# /usr/sbin/ssdgrptd start

Chapter 2

Using Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter



Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Diagnostic Reporter 2.5 Users Guide July 2009

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