Taiwan and Southeast Asia
Taiwan and Southeast Asia
Taiwan and Southeast Asia
Ming-Hwa Ting
50 亞太研究論壇第三十八期 2007.12
Moreover, Lee Kuan Yew also acknowledged is his memoirs that “No
foreign country other than Britain has had a greater influence on Singapore’s
political development than China, the ancestral homeland of three-quarters
of [Singapore’s population].”(Lee 2000: 573) As a result of the sizeable
presence of ethnic Chinese and their dominant culture in Singapore, it has
thus been perceived by both Malaysia and Indonesia to be an outsider in
Southeast Asia, and this perception has continued to cloud Singapore’s
bilateral relationships with them (Singh 1999: 17).
Due to Singapore’s inverse ethnic ratio in relation to the region,
Singapore has therefore sought to establish and consolidate an identity that
distances it from being viewed as a real or imagined Chinese satellite state
by Malaysia and Indonesia. As early as 1966, Lee Kuan Yew warned of the
political risks Singapore faced if it was perceived to be a Chinese state by
regional states:
from China.
In 1949, the KMT lost the civil war and formed a government-in-exile in
Taiwan. The KMT regime then was dominated by mainland elites who
perceived the KMT to be the legitimate government of both the Republic of
China (ROC) and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). However, as more
and more Taiwanese were born in Taiwan, this demographic development
meant that the islanders became an increasingly significant political force in
the ROC. The islanders perceived themselves to be different from the
mainland Chinese in Taiwan. As a result of this demographic change, the
KMT introduced the bentuhua policy to appeal to the increasing number of
islanders in Taiwan. This is because they have little to no emotional ties with
China, who then perceived the KMT, whose senior ranks were dominated
by Mainlanders, to be less representative of the general population. The
KMT’s fundamental aim of bentuhua therefore, was to find common political
ground among these two groups (Horowitz, Heo and Tan 2007: 9).
Apart from the increasing numbers of islanders, the growth of the
dangwai (黨外) movement was also another catalyst that accelerated the pace
of democratic reform and reorganisation in Taiwan by the KMT. As a result
of the democratisation process, Taiwan began to acquire an overall identity
that became increasingly different from China, so much so that
“Chineseness” is no longer perceived to be the core element of Taiwanese
identity (Wang 2005: 56). Although Taiwanese and mainland Chinese belong
to the same ethnic group, the bentuhua policy has resulted in these two
groups developing significantly divergent political identities over the past
20 years.
In Lee Teng-Hui’s commencement address at Cornell in 1995, he
described Taiwan’s unique political and cultural development over the years
as the “Taiwan Experience.” He elaborated that:
“By the term Taiwan Experience I mean what the people of Taiwan have
accumulated in recent years through successful political reform and
economic development. This experience has already gained widespread
54 亞太研究論壇第三十八期 2007.12
“For various reasons the Chinese in Southeast Asia have become leading
merchants of these countries and in turn, are subject to oppressive
taxation and discrimination in many ways. They naturally turn to China
for protection […]. Hence, this minority group becomes involved in the
eyes of the dominant majority in these countries, a potential fifth column,
to which is added the problem of whether or not the Communist Party
will succeed in organizing these Chinese minorities.” (Rosenau 1967:
3 This term is used repeatedly in the chapter “China: The Dragon with a Long Tail”
was that the Malay majority then viewed ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia
with distrust. The Southeast Asian governments therefore, were worried
about the political loyalties of their ethnic Chinese. More recently, the
Chinese government has also at times referred to overseas ethnic Chinese as
“diaspora.” The term “diaspora” has specific connotations that are at odds
with the present geopolitical realities of nationhood and sovereignty in
Southeast Asia. By referring to the overseas Chinese as “disapora,” it
suggests that the ethnic Chinese regard China, and not the present states
they inhabit in, as their “homeland”. The Chinese government has chosen
terms that indicate that they perceive these overseas Chinese as
pseudo-Chinese nationals who are merely based overseas.
Even though the vast majority of ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia are
now citizens of the various Southeast Asian states, mistrust by the Malay
majority towards the Chinese minority has not been completely eradicated.
Historically, the overseas Chinese were more attached to China. They went
overseas to regions like Southeast Asia just to seek better employment
opportunities and still considered mainland China to be their homeland. As
such, these ethnic Chinese who were based overseas were still deeply
involved with China’s political developments. Hence, they contributed
financial and material resources towards Sun Yat-sen’s efforts during the
1911 Revolution in China.
This historically based national inclination of the overseas Chinese is no
longer applicable now. However, this outdated perspective has yet to be
completely eradicated even in the contemporary context. This is because this
notion provides the [flawed] legitimacy for the various regional
governments to continually discriminate against the ethnic Chinese based on
their potentially suspect political inclinations and allegiances. In a similar
vein, older ethnic Chinese who had received a Chinese education and
therefore have a stronger Chinese cultural background in Singapore are still
sometimes regarded by regional states to be Chinese nationals rather than
Singaporeans (Suryadinata 1985: 18-19). This development is very real. For
專題研究:Taiwan’s Role in the Future of Asia-Pacific Security and Peace 57
instance, Lee Kuan Yew did not mince his words and described the
suspicions regional state have towards Singapore as “visceral,”(Lee 2000:
599) because the indigenous peoples of Southeast Asia will always distrust
the ethnic Chinese among them (Lee 2000: 600).
The real or perceived existence of pan-Chinese sentiments under
China’s aegis give the Malaysian and Indonesian governments due cause to
question the political loyalties of their ethnic Chinese populations. A
corollary development would be for these two states to view Singapore to be
potentially politically suspect since ethnic Chinese constitute the majority of
its population.
4 Lee Kuan Yew asked Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Van Dong why he had
problems with the ethnic Chinese in Vietnam. Pham Van Dong’s “blunt answer was
that, as an ethnic Chinese, [Lee] should know that ethnic Chinese would always
support China all the time, just as Vietnamese would support Vietnam, wherever
they might be.” See Lee (2000: 599).
58 亞太研究論壇第三十八期 2007.12
“I was born a British subject. Before I could even walk, the Japanese
dropped their bombs on Singapore. Soon Singapore fell, and I became, I
suppose a Japanese subject. The Japanese lost the war in 1945. Singapore
was returned to the British, and I became a British subject again. In 1959,
when I was still in school, I became a Singaporean citizen. In 1963, when
I was in the university, I became a Malaysian when Singapore became
part of Malaysia. Two years later, soon after I started work, I reverted to
Singapore citizenship. So, all in all, I have changed nationality five
times!” (Goh 1986)
Even though Goh’s nationality has changed many times before, his
ethnicity is permanent and has not changed. The permanency of ethnicity, in
contrast to the Goh’s implied transient nationality, is the crux of the issue
that sullies Singapore’s bilateral relations with both Malaysia and Indonesia.
Singapore is unable to obscure its Chinese ethnicity and so it cannot afford
to acquire the reputation of being under China’s political sway, which
would prove detrimental to the former’s regional well-being. However,
what Singapore can do is to emphasize the distinction between its political
identity and ethnic identity. This is the area where closer relations with
Taiwan can play an important role.
With the bentuhua policy, Taiwan has managed to successfully establish
and consolidate its own unique identity that is different from China. This
development has the potential to reduce the structural tension Singapore
faces in the region because of historical misperceptions over the political
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counterpart during the Indochina conflict–did not offer much concrete and
substantial material support for Communist parties in Southeast Asia, such
as the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) and the Malayan Communist
Party (MCP). China did still maintain organisational and symbolic links with
its Communist counterparts in Southeast Asia (Suryadinata 1985: 126-131).
Due to China’s continued support for these Communist parties, Chinese
actions were interpreted by Southeast Asian states to be an act of
interference in their domestic politics, which prevented the establishment of
normal ties with China. However, since the late 1970s, China under Deng
Xiaoping’s economic liberalisation policy has remained socialist in name
only, and not in its deeds; more significantly, China under Deng has also
ceased support for Communist parties in Asia.
Although China is no longer an overt political threat, it growing
influence in the region has been a cause of concern for Southeast Asian states.
According to Singapore’s elder statesman Lee Kuan Yew, he said in a recent
interview with the International Herald Tribune that China’s growing
influence in Southeast Asia is made more pressing given the United States’
current preoccupation in the Middle East, which may cause the United
States to possibly neglect developments in Southeast Asia (Mydans and
Arnold 2007). In the same interview, Lee also talks candidly about the Sultan
of Brunei’s visit to China approximately 10 years ago. The Chinese officials
took the Sultan to visit his great-great-grand father’s mausoleum in Nanjing,
who died while presenting tribute to China. To Lee, the Chinese action was
an explicit way of reminding Brunei of both China and Brunei's place within
the Asian hierarchy of states in the past respectively (Apcar, Arnold and
Mydans 2007). The pressing issue confronting Southeast Asian states now is
that with the rapidly growing Chinese economic might, the Middle
Kingdom may yet re-assert its previous dominance in the region in the not
too distant future.
專題研究:Taiwan’s Role in the Future of Asia-Pacific Security and Peace 61
5 For instance, China’s increased activism in the international system can be seen by
its efforts in the Six-Party talks with North Korea and Chinese pressure on Burma
over its recent crackdown on protestors.
62 亞太研究論壇第三十八期 2007.12
With the next Olympics set to be held in China less than a year to go, it
may now be an opportune time for Taiwan to begin its charm offensive in
Southeast Asia, and convince them to balance against China, rather than to
bandwagon with the latter. China wants to minimise any negative publicity
during this period, which presents Taiwan with more political and
diplomatic leeway to court Southeast Asian states. The last Olympics held in
South Korea in 1988 helped to escalate the democratisation process that
ushered in the end of authoritarian rule there. Although it is extremely
unlikely for the same development to take place in China, the Olympics may
yet bring about minute changes that would make China become slightly
more politically liberal (Yardley 2007). For example, there appears to be a
casual link between increased negative international glare transfixed on
China with the publications of articles like “The ‘Genocide Olympics’”(R.
Farrow and M. Farrow 2007) in the Wall Street Journal and China’s
subsequent support for the United Nations (UN) resolution for the
deployment of peacekeepers to Darfur in Sudan. Hence, this theoretical
專題研究:Taiwan’s Role in the Future of Asia-Pacific Security and Peace 63
6 “Budget Aims to Push Economy Forward: PM”, Straits Times, January 16, 2006.
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be admitted that “proxy diplomacy” is not the most effective way for
Taiwan to maintain its involvement in the region (Leifer 2001), nevertheless,
it is arguably the most workable solution that is acceptable to China in the
near future. From this perspective, it is vital for Taiwan to both broaden and
deepen economic relations with Southeast Asian states because the more
economically dependent Southeast Asian states become on Taiwan, the
greater leverage Taiwan has over them (Chen 2002: 89).7
Despite China’s recent meteoric economic rise, Taiwan has a substantial
head start over China in terms of economic investment in these states.
Moreover, in terms of official diplomatic recognition, China’s overall
diplomatic relations are also not as entrenched and developed since it was
only in the early 1990s that the ASEAN-5 officially recognised China. Even
though these five states are not likely to switch official diplomatic
recognition from China to Taiwan, it is still possible for Taiwan to stay
engaged with the region by exploiting and inhabiting the interstices that
exist most notably in the realm of low politics-such as in the economic
2006: 179).
The most effective way at Taiwan’s disposal to accomplish this objective
is through increasing its investment in Southeast Asia; Taiwanese
investment ought to not only “Go West, but also Go South.”(Chen 1996)
Incidentally, this is also the view of Wu Rong-I, president of Taiwan
Institute of Economic Research (TIER), who strongly advocates such an
approach to reduce Taiwan’s dependence on the mainland (Hsueh 2006: 170).
China attracts a lot of Taiwanese capital because China has a vast supply of
cheap labour and a large domestic market. At the same time, Taiwanese
investors do not encounter any language or cultural barriers in China when
they operate in China. More importantly, investing in China allows
Taiwanese enterprises to achieve comparative economic advantages that
may not be fully realised in Southeast Asia. This is because Taiwanese firms
can shift the labour intensive sectors to China and concentrate on the
research and development aspects in Taiwan whereas Southeast Asian states
are now increasingly focusing on capital-intensive rather than
labour-intensive industries. As a result, the current economic conditions in
Southeast Asia are perceived to be less attractive for Taiwanese investment
to those available in China.
Even though economic liberalisation in the past two decades have made
it easier and more attractive for Taiwanese firms to invest in China, it is still
in Taiwan’s interests to continue its strong economic relationship with
Southeast Asia through continued investment in the region. This is because
the over-concentration of investment in the Chinese market may expose
Taiwan to increased risks; diverting investment to Southeast Asia is a way
for Taiwan to spread and reduce the risks that range from cross-Strait issues
to health concerns such as SARS, and to product safety concerns that could
turn volatile very rapidly that Taiwan faces currently (Berger and Lester
2005: 27).
Despite the increased economic interdependence between Taiwan and
China, this development has not necessarily ameliorated the cross-Strait
專題研究:Taiwan’s Role in the Future of Asia-Pacific Security and Peace 69
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