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List of approved projects

First ordinary call

Priority 1. Economic, social and institutional cooperation .

Priority 2. Natural and Cultural Resources and Risk Prevention


. pag. 5

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Shape 167 2.1

Archeo.S 193 2.2
MedPaths 321 2.2
SEA-R 187 2.3
Powered 87 2.3
AHVN 04 2.4
TUR.GRATE 49 2.4
KEY Q 137 2.4
Adristorical Lands 207 2.4

Priority 3. Accessibility and Networks


Metris Plus code 112 1.1

Cluster Club code 189 1.1
Zoone code 124 1.1
Agronet code 204 1.2
GRCOPQ-SEWAM code 93 1.3
SLID code 325 1.3
Bessy code 195 1.3
Future Medicine code 149 1.1
B.W.S. code 314 1.4
Youth Adrianet code 32 1.4
Delmvet code 283 1.4
S.I.M.P.L.E. code 309 1.4

Air Net 130 3.1

A3-NET 246 3.1
Adriatic Mos 29 3.2
Adria.MOVE IT! 315 3.2
APC 111 3.2
Adri-Seaplanes 82 3.2
Pitagora 46 3.3
AdriaMuse 15 3.3
F.L.A. 151 3.3
S.T.A.R. 219 3.3

Priority 1
Economic, social
and institutional

Project METRIS Plus code 112 1.1

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

IDA-Istrian Developement
Agency ltd


METRIS Plus project idea was elaborated under the leadership of the Istrian development
agency (IDA) by five different Adriatic cross-border partner regions as the follow-up
initiative of the previous project that was successfully implemented by IDA and
partners within Phare 2006 - New Adriatic Neighbourghood Programme. Within
project IDA and its partners set up research centre for metal industry in Istrian region
and equipped it with essential scientific equipment and tools for base metal research and
development activities. When exploring possible research development solutions for the
named centre, some preliminary analyses were made on the international level. These
analyses were related to problems and needs of research sector in the cross-border area
and it brought to light that one of the main problems to be addressed is the lack of
joint research and innovation initiatives between different relevant stakeholders in the
involved territories and quality complete solutions. Basically it was established that the
strategicvalue for the project is mainly to be found in the need to identify new solutions
in the sector of environmental research and the correlated eco-innovations. In order
to achieve this, the project summarizes and analyses joint problems and fosters the
cooperation and networking among research, public, private and academic sector in the
cross-border area. During the preliminary analyses phase IDA as lead beneficiary collected
support letters to the project proposal, issued by local public companies dealing with
environmental technologies, thus giving an added value to the project idea and ensuring
successful project implementation.

Project Cluster Club code 189 1.1

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Association of Chambers
of Commerce of Veneto


The Cluster Club project aims to improve the innovations possibility of territorial and
productive system through cooperation, business opportunities and market research. It
aims also to accelerate the creation and reinforcing of clusters system, in particular the
creation of SMEs network, Public Administration, public and private institutes of research,
consumers and potential products and services purchasers and related associations of
the Adriatic Basin. Through the partnership composed by different institutions: Chambers
of Commerce and Chambers of Economy, Regional Development Agencies from Croatia,
Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Greece and Serbia, the project intends to valorize the different
information of the development skills of clusters in a strategic cross-border integrated
framework. The project is based on the analysis of the existing clusters to the nautical
sector and shipbuilding through a mapping and identification of the merchandising sector
connected to the productive chain with particular attention to wood, mechanic, plastic,
rubber, metal and textile of the project area, through the exchange of best practices
and experience of entrepreneurship cooperation, business scouting actions and match
making events. The elaboration and creation of common methodology will support the
participating Countries to establish new links between SMEs and business institutions with
aim of supporting the promotion of new financial and innovation instruments. The involved
partners have an important role for the identification and selection of firms to be involved
in the survey, by exploiting institutional databases, lists of SMEs accessing institutional
services related to internationalization and previous institutional relations. During the
implementation of the project, partners will prepare contact lists and support to the
diffusion of the questionnaires, also by providing translation into the Country languages.

Project ZOONE code 124 1.1

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Marche Region Agriculture,

Forestry and Fishing


ZOONE background is represented by successful results achieved and CBC networks

created in the previous programming project (Marcbal cod.276)concerning sustainable
development of agro-zootechnical sector in Western Balkans, by the relevance of
agriculture and husbandry in rural areas of Adriatic Countries as source of employment and
profitability. Sprung from the realization that Adriatic Countries rural and marginal areas
are affected by similar costrains, joint cross-border cooperation and innovation transfer in
the of agro zoo technical sector can play a fundamental role in order to harmonize related
policies and quality issues to fill the existing economic, institutional and social gaps among
Adriatic Countries. ZOONE aims to strengthen innovation capacity both at researchers/
technicians and institutional level to create a favorable environment and specific support
to zootechnical enterprises. Building a shared innovative scientific and institutional
baseline is the requirement to develop innovative entrepreneurial frame. ZOONE aims
to promote innovative joint research activities and scientific-institutional cooperation
networks(reinforcing and widening the existing cbc network)to strengthen Adriatic rural
areas economies and consolidate/develop shared institutional framework and policies
forMS/CC/PCC modernization, ensuring environmental, economic and social sustainability
for a knowledge and innovation based zootechny. Starting from the awareness of innovative
and sustainable cattle breeding systems as economic investment for Adriatic Areas, the
project overall strategy focuses on the first levels of the production chain, considering that
a proper reproduction and breeding sector management is essential requirement for ensure
quality of production both at producers and consumers level.Projec

Project AGRONET code 204 1.2

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Finest SPA


The sector of distribution and logistics of agricultural and food products in the Adriatic area
lacks institutional and economic governance such as to make it possible to establish an
Adriatic transnational economic cooperation system capable of balancing and harmonizing
technical, managerial, financial and innovation service (certification) issues among the two
Adriatic coasts (eastern and western) with an exchange of best practices supporting the
internationalization of the system and enterprises. The project is a permanent network
of logistic, distribution and service infrastructures in food production lines in the Adriatic
area, aiming to develop transnational economic cooperation by developing the following
activities: 1. enhancement of cooperation in the distribution of agricultural and food products,
enhancement of small- and medium-size enterprises and logistics, with a work group which
will provide: - information and stimulation to cooperation between SMEs and Institutions;support to an entrepreneurial development of production lines. 2. establishment of a
permanent network of distribution infrastructures and services in food products production
lines in the Adriatic area: - identifying local distribution structures and infrastructures; implementing strategies, measures and transnational territorial development projects in the
field of distribution of food products, logistics and SME reference;- by sharing experiences.3.
identification of suitable financial services for developing network structures and the SME
system by means of: - implementation of suitable financial tools for developing the network
structures identified (specific credit lines); - promotion and use of joint ventures among
economic subjects in different areas or countries, as well as guarantees;4. improvement of
managerial and financial knowledge of the enterprises 5. Sharing and developing innovative
technologies and network connections. A common management software programme was
identified for distribution platforms in the partnership, capable of connecting the various
facilities and the SME system by using modern TLCs to promote commercial exchanges.
6. Definition and development of a harmonized operating system guaranteeing quality of
processes, hygiene and safety of food products along the whole production line, by drafting
guidelines implementing the EU regulations applicable to products/companies/production
lines 7. Definition of shared rules for certifying companies and products- Creation of a
joint transnational network of certification bodies and development of a series of pilot
certifications in areas lacking harmonization.8. Creation of a web portal for products and
certified companies, as a tool to simplify connections between products and companies 9.
Promotion of the network by spreading the results achieved by using innovative technologies,


spreading information on technical assistance in the field of innovation, in order to increase

companies competitiveness. 10. Definition of the conditions for establishing a reference
European group for transnational cooperation (GECT) for governance in the agricultural
and food sector and related logistic platforms. The GECT designs its actions in order to give
momentum to the development of a target area and guarantees medium- and long-term


Project GRCOPQ-SEWAM code 93 1.3

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Indipendent Forum for the

Albania Women


Gender Resources Centers for Orientation and Professional Qualification of socially

excluded women in Albania and Montenegro (GRCOPQ-SEWAM), is a concrete action,
which contributes to the women social cohesion in Albania and Montenegro, by using two
work methodologies. The first one is based on creating professional training employment
of the Albanian and Montenegrin women, in Durres District (Albania) and Ulcinj District
(Montenegro). This process will be done by providing professional skills through professional
orientation to the project target groups. On the other side the project intends to help these
women, increasing their knowledge with regards to their role and status within the society,
gender balances, equal opportunities, constitutional rights, reproductive rights, civil, social
and other fundamental rights for women in Albania and Montenegro. The project aims to
improve women economic situation, as one of the key factors of women empowerment.
This will be done by increasing the professional skills of marginalized category of women,
in order for them to respond to the market needs of employment, andmake the necessary
efforts to offer direct opportunity of work to them (employee about 600 women in Albania
and about 300 women in Montenegro), decreasing the number of unemployment in Durres
and Ulcinj districts. By this, the project intends to reinforce gender situation in this 2 regions,
where the actual situation represents ; Albania - unemployment rate ; 13.8% with woman
representing more than 30 % of it, and in Montenegro where the female employment rate
falls well behind the male employment rate of 48%. A part from the professional training
courses, the project will realize strong sessions of consulting for women with social
difficulties, delivering information on civil political.


Project SLID code 325 1.3

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Split-Dalmatia County


Social and Labour Integration of the Disabled (SLID) is an 11-partner project designed to
contribute to the quality of life of over 250.000 persons with disabilities who live in project
target areas of the Adriatic basin including Croatia, Italy, BiH, Montenegro and Albania. This will
be done through development of effective, innovative and integrated cross-border cooperation
paths of intervention for their social and labour integration. The specific objectives of the
Proposed Project are:1. To raise public awareness and stimulate information dissemination
and mainstreaming about issues related to people with disabilities and the social model of
intervention in order to create the most favourable conditions to their full integration.2. To
build, reinforce and sustain the innovative networking and cooperation between the targeted
Adriatic territories, among public bodies and private actors; service providers, disability
associations and employers.3. To design, promote and sustain a Lifelong Learning System
Initiatives, VET (Vocational Education Training), able to facilitate the access of the disabled
to VET and labour opportunities, thus increasing their employability and competitiveness in
the open labour market; 4. To analyse, verify and improve the employability conditions of
the disabled in the target Adriatic territories, through promotion of a concerted paths of
interventions able to establish and sustain networks promoting the access to work for the
disabled; 5. To stimulate and facilitate the exchange of technical, scientific and managerial
expertise among the stakeholders relevant to social and labour integration of the disabled in
the target Adriatic territories and to facilitate the exchange of good practices between local
government, public institutions, civil society organisations and employers.


Project BESSY code 195 1.3

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Local Health Authority n. 10

Veneto Orientale


The Blood Ethical good for Social capital and SafetY project aims to establish a sustainable
network in the Adriatic cross-border area of Policy Makers, NGOs and Heatlh Care Providers
involved in blood donation in order to give an effective common answer to the problems
of scarcity and safety of donated blood, respecting autonomies and single identities, and
promoting blood as an ethical good for social capital and safety. The countries participating in
the development and implementation of BESSY project are as follows: Italy, Croatia, Slovenia
and Albania. The project will be implemented both at the institutional level (Ministry of Health,
Regions) and at the NGOs-Blood Transfusion Organizations level (Red Cross organisations,
blood transfusion centres, promotion and recruitment organisations), in order to arrange an
adequate policiy context and, at the same time, to support sanitary structures and NGOs to
reach high performance levels with regard to the blood donation. The project will involve
in all the partner countries collection of information regarding the blood donation issues,
communication and training activities, analysis of methods and approaches in the promotion
activities and management of Voluntary Non Remunerated Blood Donors (VNRBDs), as well
as health promotion in general. The project will also produce printed and digital materials
targeting the professionals that operate this field.


Project FUTURE MEDICINE code 149 1.3

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Abruzzo Region


The FUTURE MEDICINE project is in fact the synthesis and further development of two
projects that have already received EU-funding under the INTERREG IIIA Programme,
Futuro Donna and Adriatic Telemed, whose objectives included the acknowledgement
by health operators of the patients right to self-determination, putting emphasis on
health as a collective good, and making medical care more humane. All this was achieved
through constant training of different teams of doctors specialized in the field concerned,
which involved holding very frequent meetings as well as clinical meetings at some of
Italys best professional centers. The actions foreseen will be implemented in the same
areas covered by the two previous projects, namely: Regione Abruzzo (LAquila), Regione
Puglia (Bari) as well as four territories in the Balkan Region: Croatia (Rijeka) Montenegro
(Cetjn), Bosnia Herzegovina (Sarajevo), Albania (Tirana). This will make it possible to take
advantage of the participants professional skills. The project is structured in such a way
that the knowhow gained so far and the cultural and scientific knowledge acquired by
participants in the previous projects mentioned above will not be lost. This remarkable
deal of knowledge will be fully put to use and expose its value when the Centers are set
up. The Excellence Centers to be established under this project will comply with all EU
requirements applying to facilities, equipment and staff used in the provision of medically
assisted reproduction services. Medically assisted reproduction techniques include both
first level and third level techniques. The potential offered by such techniques also allows
for work in the field of stem cells, with a view to developing treatment capabilities in the
area of so-called Regenerative Medicine. This activity will necessarily make use of cell
breeding methods typically used at RM centers so as to use solely adult somatic cells
instead of embryonic cells.


Project B.W.S code 314 1.4

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Municipality of Bushat


In order to minimize environmental impacts & pave the way for a sustainable development,
integrated and specific actions need to be adopted and implemented. The core is promoting
innovative services to the citizenry through the exchange of technical and government
expertise, and exchange of best practice between governments & local authorities. The
AIM of the project is to disseminate existing knowledge and know-how to various target
groups (competent authorities, industries, decision makers, NGOs, scientific community
and public) in the field of innovative techniques for the integrated solid waste management.
The MAIN OBJECTIVE of the present proposal is promoting innovative services through the
exchange of technical and government expertise and best practice between governments &
WASTE MANAGEMENT, acronym BWS, will test a pilot project for a disposal system of
solid waste management in Albania & Montenegro. In both countries (municipalities of
Bushat and Kamez in Albania & Bar in Montenegro) will realize an integrated plan for waste
management, that will respond to 20 communes and municipalities inhabited by around
500.000 people. The SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES of the project will be: identification and/
or rehabilitation of the disposal sites to function as properly designed regional landfills;
provision of modern collection equipment; initiation of a pilot recycling campaign. The project
includes enforcement of reviewed by-laws, fee collection, monitoring &evaluation systems,
private sector linkages & start-up machinery for pilot project in Albania & Montenegro. The
project will also stimulate & strengthen associations of waste collection groups: cross border
workshops &conferences will be use for practice exchange; will make use of a web site for
the activities promotion and it will publish best practices book. The project will promote
Environmental Education(EE) for pupils & teachers and public campaigns.


Project YOUTH ADRIANET code 32 1.4

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Province of Gorizia


YOUTH ADRINET project intends to promote actions finalized to the increase of the
European identity and the active participation in the social life of young people in the
multi-cultural and multi-ethnical framework of the Adriatic area. In the last decades
the young population has progressively lost confidence in the existing decision-making
system and has showed a growing lack of interest in the traditional forms of participation
in the associative public life; since young people represent the future European ruling
class, it is necessary to set up with them new strategies that will foster their commitment
in the public life and more particularly in the life of the European society. Starting from
the analyses and suggestions coming from several documents and communications on
Youth Policies drawn by the European Commission and already taken in by some national
and local entities involved in the project, YOUTH ADRINET proposes to foster the mutual
acquaintance, the development of joined methodologies and the setting up of new job
opportunities in a vast area context, in order to increase the youth active participation in
the public life. The project main goals are thus the setting up in the Adriatic basin area of:
institutional cooperation actions among political actors in charge for the management of
Youth Policies; a model where the principle of an active citizen ship for young people finds
the right place where to develop and where some concrete actions of social integration
can take place; an advanced methodological approach that includes both a local and
a transnational dimension; a professional couching and training process focused on the
creation of new possibilities for the employment of the young. The milestones of the
project are: the analysis of the existing laws and policies addressed to young people
in the Adriatic basin area; the creation of political boards for the direct and continuous
involvement of the decision-makers in all the processes


Project DELMVET code 283 1.4

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Regional Council of Durres


States belonging to the Adriatic Region have been experimenting for about one decade
intense streams of labour force. If the mobility of such labour force develops an important
cultural exchange and economic relationships within the geographical region, it doesnt
seem to be supported by wider strategies at institutional levels, by concerted and agreed
policies for education and professional training. The Adriatic Macro-region, within the VET
system perspective, shows problems of mobility due to the lack of shared professional
qualifications and consequently the lack of opportunities for citizens to transfer their own
competences from a system to the other. The Albanian Region of Durres in particular
is characterized by low economic and social development, high unemployment rate,
very high migration rate which doubled its population, and great difficulty to adopt the
drastic structural changes during the political and economic transition that has drastically
changed the labour market status in terms of qualifications and skills. The actual Vocational
Education and Training system has not been able to adapt itself to the demands imposed
by these changes. Post-secondary VET system is not yet developed. Thus, there are
little possibilities to increase employment opportunities in the Region. The know-how
exchanges in this field with other Adriatic Region countries are nearly inexistent. There
is a significant need for the establishment of an active Regional VET Network, studies on
the local labour market needs, and reforming local VET system. For the above reasons,
the Regional Council of Durres, in association with other local and national organisations
and public bodies from Italy, Serbia and BiH as partners agreed to undertake an innovative
initiative for reforming of the regional VET system focused on post secondary VET.


Project S.I.M.P.L.E code 309 1.4

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Region of Istria


Ethno-culture and State boundaries seldom overlap (OSCE 2008). Ethnic minorities
themselves transcend State frontiers. Their bridging role is the key to develop an
integrated, harmonious and sustainable socio-economic Adriatic Space. Such role however
is not yet predictable and the quest for the satisfaction of ethnic minorities rights may
cause political tension, socio-economic marginalization or even radicalization processes.
Ethnicity is now defined mainly in cultural and political terms rather than by race, and its
definition is open to changing social attitudes and values. Following the New Ethnicity
approach, the term new minorities is used to denote minority groups resulting from the
labour migrations (EUMC 2005). The Adriatic ethnic landscape includes historical minority
groups, national communities and large new minorities. However, such distinctions are
often blurred and it is possible to picture a homogeneous framework of criticisms: high risk
of poverty, unequal access to public services and labour market, low level of integration at
school, discrimination attitudes and prejudices - also in Media , womens high exposition
to violence, and low representation in civil society. All IPA Countries have constitutional
and legal provisions that protect minority rights, but these rights are not appropriately
monitored or implemented. Also, several States are still quite far from including minorities
in the respect of diversity. Overcoming such social exclusion is a matter of fairness, of
social solidarity and, consequently, of democracy, as is, at the same time, a basic lever to
promote the Adriatic socio-economic sustainable development. SIMPLE aims to achieve
social cohesion among Adriatic Countries through the strengthening of cultural diversity
values, in order to improve the life quality and the attractiveness of the Adriatic Region.
It is an unprecedented and innovative institutional cooperation and capacity building
project, showing possible governance systems to address locally the minority issues by
a wide area strategy. The cross-border multilevel Partners (including Public Authorities,
minority and Third sector organizations from Croatia, Italy, Montenegro, Albania, Slovenia)
will develop jointly a comprehensive strategy (Adriatic Action Plan for strengthening
minority groups cultural identity) aiming at:
- Addressing minority-specific problems by targeted governance solutions: SIMPLE
tackles the 5 main minority exclusion issues (service accessibility; labour; education;
information; womens social protection), through targeted governance models showing
feasible governance options (guidelines), developing intensive capacity building actions
for professionals (cross-border intensive training and workshops) and actual testing of


innovative supporting services to enhance the

multi-ethnic dimension of public and private
citizens governance (pilot actions).
- Increasing the ethno-cultural sensitivity:
SIMPLE promotes the multi-culturalism, mutual
respect based on the recognition of diversity
and the strengthening of minority identity as
factors of socio-economic development. The
mainstreaming plan follows 2 directions: the
dissemination of governance models and tools
in Adriatic Countries (mainstreaming workshops
and conferences); an innovative communication
directed to people, young in particular, through
traditional and web-based Media (online
monthly magazine, fair news broadcast, Adriatic
journalist award, school and national media
campaign). The establishment of the annual
Adriatic Intercultural Day will be the symbolic
event to give wider visibility to cultural diversity
and non-discrimination within the Adriatic
society. The Adriatic Permanent Observatory
on Minority Communities established in Istria
will provide the Adriatic Area with effective
monitoring on minority policies as well as an
important tool for the pro-active institutional
promotion of minority issues.




Priority 2
Natural and Cultural
Resources and Risk



Project SHAPE 167 2.1

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Emilia-Romagna Region
General Direction for
Environment and for Soil and
Coast Protection


The strategic objective is the development of a multilevel and cross-sector governance

system, based on an holistic approach and aiming to the integrated management of
the natural resources, risks prevention and the resolution of the conflicts among uses
and users. Coast and sea are strategic for the well-being and prosperity of the Adriatic
Countries: a big value, both economic and ecological, as trade routes, climatic regulators,
food and energy source, sites for residence and recreation. On the other hand, coastal and
marine areas are subject to growing pressures, as human activities (fishing, aquaculture,
shipping and marinas, energy, harbours facilities, tourism) tend to develop together coming
into conflict with each other and with protection needs of habitats and landscapes. Also
global challenges as climate change strongly affect coastal areas and sea, with effects
often going beyond national or regional boundaries. The partners involved recognize the
Adriatic Sea as a single water body (same approach is also envisaged in the EU Marine
Strategy Framework Directive) because of its sensitivities and simultaneously growing
pressures from human activities. To face local and global threats in a comprehensive
way, to embrace several issues on a marine basin scale, to coordinate individual actions
towards joint objectives, to create synergies and strengthen the cooperation, Shape
project is proposed involving 6 Adriatic Countries in a 3 years period. In line with EU
horizontal/vertical policies and in the frame of programmes strategy, the project will
promote the strengthening of the institutional capacity to preserve and manage natural
and cultural resources and risks prevention, assuring the rational use of the Adriatic Sea
and its resources and enabling to solve conflicts among different uses. The focus is on
Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Maritime Spatial Planning. Project activities
will promote the application and successful implementation of the ICZM Protocol in the
Mediterranean and the Roadmap for MSP in the Adriatic region. The project is built on a
various and sound partnership, involving 13 partners from 6 countries of the IPA Adriatic
cooperation area (Italy, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro)
in order to develop an overall view and implement multilevel activities to embed the
totality of the Adriatic basin. Projects activities will lead to ensure a concrete coordination
among institutions and authorities responsible for coastal and sea management upgrading
existing governance structures for better integration and cooperation, to enhance the
stakeholders involvement and to strengthen the links among actors and key institutions,


to improve the public participation process in the projects issues and to increase the
public awareness through open workshops and an effective communication plan. Finally,
SHAPE will help partners in sharing data and experience as a common base of knowledge
allowing the coherent and conscious governance of the coastal and marine environment
and will lead to the creation of innovative and common tools supporting ICZM and MSP.


Project ARCHEO.S 193 2.2

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Public Apulian Theatre



In the territories involved in the project, there are cultural heritage sites of remarkable
importance under the historical viewpoint, which are often not sufficiently promoted. The
ARCHEO.S project aims at overcoming the problems concerning the promotion of cultural
heritage and at improving the cultural policies and the development of the territory,
located around the Adriatic Sea. The first task of Archeo.S is to found and constitute an
official Partnership Agreement between the Beneficiaries and the cultural heritage sites
involved in the project. The aim of the Partnership Agreement is to enact a system
capable of carrying out the project, by deploying the different characteristics of the
Beneficiaries (powerful Local Authorities, large culture producers, networks of cultural
distribution, and Local Authorities) so as to allow a real promotion and valorization of
the cultural heritage within the Adriatic Area. At the end of the project, the Beneficiaries
will be already committed to the continuation of the activities and will have the objective
to involve other Institutions present in the area. The promotion of the cultural heritage
will be achieved through the realization of several cultural and artistic activities hosted
in the cultural areas of the Beneficiaries Countries. The valorization will be achieved by
providing, with technical facilities for public events, the sites where all the activities will
be realized.
The project aims also at encouraging the local policy makers to develop innovative
ways of governance for a better management of cultural heritage, by promoting
the acknowledgement of cultural activities as instruments for the promotion and
enhancement of sites, and in general, for the sustainable development of the territory;
encouraging the transnational circulation of cultural and artistic outputs and expertise,
fostering cross-cultural dialogue; planning strategies that allow the promotion and the
preservation of the natural and cultural heritage; organization of a cooperative network,
i.e. a system between the different areas able to develop and to undertake a strategy
of long term through the Partnership Agreement; incrementing and fostering longlasting opportunities of cooperation in the field of live arts in the Adriatic area. ACTIONS:
constitution of Partnership Agreement between cultural heritage sites, which is capable
of developing and undertaking a long-term strategy. The network will allow the transfer
of skills and know-how of each Beneficiary Country, the development of partnerships
at public, private, local and cross-national levels as well as the practical testing of new
methodological approaches in the governance of cultural sites.


Project AOGRPSL 245 2.2

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Ionian University


Among the common features of the Adriatic landscape is the olive grove, on which for
centuries have relied the economic and cultural activities of the local populations. The
shaping of that landscape is locally transformed, due to its recent history, changes in
traditional ways of human intervention as far as models and techniques of oil production
are concerned, the olive tree varieties and productivity, the economic efficiency of the
olive grove in specific areas. In particular Adriatic areas olive grove faces problems due to
economic, technological, environmental, legal etc. factors, while its efficient exploitation
is far from being homogeneous. Inefficient growing and management, abuse of pesticides
and low quality of the end product, waste of olive pressing, constitute threats transforming
a traditionally important source of economic and cultural resources into a problem for
local economies and societies. Such problems bear the risk of devaluation of that Adriatic
common feature, which could lead to its degradation and distancing of the residents from
a multifaceted and perennial culture related to everyday life, professions, skills, diet, social
events, art and literature. Considering that in the past, actions to face such problems
have been inefficient, in order to prevent such risks, it is necessary to promote innovated
practices enhancing efficient attitudes not only among producers, but also among local
societies. Such a change can be promoted by means of actions enhancing innovative
practices and sensitivities of the general population (young people, professionals of other
economic fields, for example tourist operators etc). By making evident the total spectrum
of the olive grove development possibilities, a broader interest on the prevention of the
above mentioned risks could emerge for the reversal of the degradation and rational
exploitation of the olive grove in areas where the problems are acute. In this framework,
the resolution of the problems on the basis of scientific knowledge, but also the exchange
of experience among the participating diverse areas of the Adriatic may play a significant
role. Through the project in which the Universities of the Ionian and Tirana and Province
of Rimini join as beneficiaries, it is aimed to collect data on the olive grove of the relevant
areas and exchange information, initially on a research level, which finally will enrich the
experience of target groups of these areas on matters such as prevention of natural and
technological risks of this so significant and quantitative potential of the natural and
cultural resources.


Project MedPaths 321 2.2

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Regional Development
Agency of Split- Dalmatia


Regions Molise, Abruzzo in Italy and Split Dalmatia County in Croatia are well known
Mediterranean tourist destinations in Adriatic area with recognized cultural and natural
heritage. Both cultural and natural sites in coastal areas are more or less preserved and
protected as well as almost fully utilized in all 3 regions while hinterland is not. This rich
cultural and natural heritage exists in hinterland areas but sites are scattered, divided,
poorly managed without proper protection. There is a danger of misled management of
cultural and natural resources and therefore possibility of wild and non-standardized
cultural and natural sites that could be misused both by local population and visitors due
to lack of information, knowledge and coordination. As a result these areas with its natural
and cultural heritage could be further destroyed and depopulated. The areas are facing
same problems and share of the concern and need for unified methodology which could
serve as a best practice example and could be applied to similar Mediterranean zones
and its hinterland and by that influence the whole Adriatic area. Regions have history of
communication and cooperation while Molise have strong traditionally Croatian minority
(Molisian Croats) taking roots from Split Dalmatia County. Creating project that can use the
opportunities of landscape and Cultural Heritage that can be enhanced with interventions
of environmental prequalification and cooperation for preservation we believe these
problems can be reduced. Strategy built by this project will combine several approaches
in order to interlink experience of Italy and Croatia hinterland in specific Mediterranean
zones and create best practice examples and set up sustainable models that can be
duplicated and used. Specific objective: development and standardization of usability and
management of local heritage in specifically detected Mediterranean zones of Adriatic
Sea hinterland. Overall objective: to contribute to protection and revitalization of local
heritage (cultural and natural) along the Adriatic coast Creating clear protected areas
and securing institutional sustainability for the solutions found by this project detected
Mediterranean zones will be both well managed and protected from future distortion by
which natural and technological risks are mitigated as much as possible.


Project SEA-R 187 2.3

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Municipality of Pesaro


As stressed by the IPA Operational Programme, the socio-economical development of

the territories involved in SEA-R implies an increasing energy demand. At the same time
these regions must adopt more environmentally-friendly energy models due to increasing
oil prices, global warming, high-consuming patterns of transport, industrial and tourism
development, outmoded heating systems. SEA-R identifies three main sources from
which sustainable energies for Adriatic can derive; SUN; SEA; KNOWLEDGE. Sun and
Sea are distinguishing characteristics of the region, which can be effectively and better
exploited for friendly energies; Knowledge is a strategic fuel for their diffusion, as it
provides operators and users with BAT (Best Available Technologies) options to foster
investments. The general objective is the promotion of investment-oriented knowledge
on sustainable and competitive energy patterns (in terms both of energy saving and
renewable sources) in the Adriatic regions. In that perspective, the project is composed by
three main sub-projects, concerning the three identified energy source, and consequently
by the following specific objectives:
Adriatic region has at its disposal a strategic natural source for renewable energy, the
sun. Despite that, diffusion of solar energy (thermal and photovoltaic) is quite limited,
with differences among territories. In Italy, large scale applications are already a reality,
but a need is felt related to the integration of those applications to urban planning. In
Slovenia, adequate potential for low intensity solar energy has been identified, but the use
of solar thermal energy is limited, and photovoltaic applications are at an experimental
level (according to PV Eurobarometer 2008, SI ranges 15 out of 27 in PV capacity installed,
while Italy ranges 3rd). In Albania also, only some application in solar thermal energy is
registered. The project aims at creating instruments and tools to map the buildings whose
characteristics are consistent with the possibility to implement solar energy. The action
will start with energy saving measures (following the principle first do not dissipate);
then, it will put in place instruments and pilot applications on photovoltaics.
Sea is a great economical resource for Adriatic, but it can also be a source of negative
impacts. Seaweeds proliferation, for instance, affects coastal zones of highly tourist sites of


Italian and Western Balkan countries (e.g. Albania and Ferrara), causing a problem which
is difficult and expensive to manage: this problem could be turned into an opportunity
for biogas producing. The objective is to analyse the feasibility to economically valorise
this waste material within an environmental perspective. The possibilities to produce biogas from seaweeds will be tested in a pilot plant to be established in Ferrara, and hence
addressed in an industrial business plan.
A cross topic, common to all the territories involved, is the need to involve the business
sector to adopt sustainable energy models, and more in general to sensitize a civic
participation as regards energy saving and RES. In Bosnia, despite the availability of
several renewable sources, a low level of knowledge is common, relation between public
authorities and private sector is feeble, and no incentives are foreseen for sustainable
energy implementation. Knowledge has a double value: on the one hand, it serves to be
at the top of the actual technological solutions. Secondly, knowledge is a strategic fuel
in view of promoting wide investments on that field, as operators (public/private) need
to get familiar with new energy opportunities. The objective will be to create Sustainable
Energy Demonstrative and Informative Points able to offer information, consultancy,and
practical demonstration on RES application possibilities. The objective will be further
developed through Energy Road Shows around Adriatic.


Project POWERED 87 2.3

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Abruzzo Region Directorate

for Bureau Affairs,
Legislative and EC Policies


POWERED aims to define a set of strategies and shared methods for the development of
the off-shore wind energy in all the Countries overlooking the Adriatic Sea. Such energetic
choice could allow a rapid increase of installations, thanks to the reduction of the problems
related to landscape topic that are frequently the main obstacles to the creation of wind
parks in high density population territories or in areas with high historical or landscape
value. Also the problems related to the transport of the wind turbines of big size should be
reduced, especially in Countries like Italy in which the problem of connection between the
main and the suburban roads is important, because of the small dimension of the roadway.
Industrial ports that overlooking the Adriatic Sea could be assume a decisive role in the
development process, becoming a marshalling but also productive areas of the technological
components. The main objective of the project is drafting guide lines for the realization of offshore wind parks in the Adriatic Sea compatible with the planning and conservation policy
shared among the project partners. In parallel will be identified development Sea basins for
the energetic technology above mentioned. It will allow the defining of the characteristics
for a project of electric submarine connection network that will enormously facilitate the
exchange of energy power between Countries. The achievement of the projects objectives
will be possible thanks to the study concerning the wind resources on the Adriatic Basin,
the study will be developed through numerical process and will be validated through testing
method. Such validation will be possible thanks to the installation of a network of coastal
weather stations and of, at least, ones marine. Such network, at the end of the project, will
be functioning and will support weather forecast services.


Project AHVN 04 2.4

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

School of Economics and

Business in Sarajevo


Medical (health) tourism is an important economic niche, which can contribute to the
growth of sustainable tourism in the Adriatic region. The region all the way from Slovenia
to Montenegro can offer trusted European standards of healthcare, with sophisticated
European flavor, rich historical and cultural heritage, as well as high quality, healthful
options for gastronomy and comfortable accommodations. Adriatic medical tourism will
encompass conventional healthcare, spa tourism, retirement communities, alternative
health services, healthy lifestyle tourism with outdoor nature-based activities, cultural
activities, and gastronomy.
Specific medical tourism services were already assessed in selected Adriatic regions
(e.g. dental tourism in B-H, general medical check-ups in Slovenia). However, some key
challenges remain. Medical tourism providers are lacking strategic focus, in general the
level of marketing and management skills is low, they are not well networked in domestic
and international market, and they do not offer a range of service packages necessary to
attract tourists. Though the quality and price of medical/health services are competitive,
it is necessary for them to collaborate in networks and thus integrate their offer into
attractive, high quality health and vitality tourist experience.
Other challenges are: short, highly concentrated tourist season, concentration of tourism
in seaside areas, poor tourism infrastructure in inland areas, lack of diversity, creativity
and quality in package offerings, low level of co-operative marketing, generally low level
of service sensitivity, lack of connectivity between tourism operators and academic
institutions.The AHVN project integrates beneficiaries from private and public sector.


Project TUR.GRATE 49 2.4

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Municipality of Mesagne


The project TUR.GRATE 2, in compliance with the Communication of European

Commission (COM/134/06/CE) of 17 March 2006 on a renewed EU Tourism Policy,
aims at improving promotion, valorisation and best fruition of cultural, agro-food and
natural cross-border resources and, consequently, at reinforcing, in a sustainable way, the
competitiveness of the involved Adriatic tourist destinations, belonging to the different
areas of Italian, Albanian, Montenegrin and Greek Countries. In order to purchase its goals,
the projects, schedules the implementation of the following activities:
- realization of several animation meeting, both at cross-border and at territorial level, to
involve all operators of tourist chain for the creation of a tourist product management
cross-border integrated system both on public and private bases;
- preparation and start up of 7 service centres , which will be able to provide different
qualified tourist services to enhance the living standard of the communities involved and
start up of new ones in the new project areas;- planning and consequent placement of
tourist signs to individualize and promote local and cross-border resources and services;
- implementation of common tools to improve agro-food and handmade products,
with attention to the chain of typical production in target areas These tools will be: an
analysis of cross-border typical productions and information-exchange among partners;
redefinition of typical products pannier connoting target territories; elaboration of a Life
Cycle Assessment (LCA) study for each selected product; completion of management
procedure of cross-border collective trademark for selected products (agro-food and
handmade typical products);
- identification of pilot receptivity structures to be accompanied in an Ecolabel/Emas
registration/ certification process;
- programming an innovative software system in order to rationalize and qualify tourist
public services network;
- concrete actions for the protection of cultural (rural, artistic and archaeological) resources
and heritage;
- creation and promotion of new lternative thematic tourist products;
- accomplishment of a cultural events Programme (art galleries with contextual restore
laboratories, dance and music representations, cultural exchange events to promote
historical origins and traditions);
- implementation of information, communication and capitalization measures intended to


arouse the interest of public opinion and stakeholders in cultural and natural values and to
make them aware of the importance of actions to safeguard cultural identities.
TURGRATE2 intends to overcome the local dimension of territorial tourist development
policies and to make possible the creation of international cooperation network for
developing a joint methodological approach to manage cultural and natural heritage. The
both cross-border and territorial proposed approach, will allow to achieve the following
results: tourist promotion and best practices exchange and routes for shared tourist
development; joint management in international promotion of typical products (this
approach couldnt be realized only in local autonomy and it becomes a pilot action to be
replicated in the future on other products in Adriatic area); one-policy on qualification and
innovation of tourist offer both by the side of private companies and public organizations;
one-policy on cultural goods, thank to creation of a sustainable management and
maintenance program, the application of it in different realities and the insertion of already
identifying goods in circuits, itineraries, area products which could make good to exploit
their potential appeal in other areas.


Project KEY Q 137 2.4

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

AZRRI_ Agency for Rural

Development of Istria Ltd


The project has a complex general objective aiming to promote an integrated and sustainable
development of the Adriatic area by the valorization, from the tourism point of view, of
typical products and agro-food resources in terms of environmental and cultural heritage
(gastronomic culture and exploitation of typical products); human capital (competences and
employment) and citizens education to aware food consumption and quality products. The
aware development of high quality diffuse tourism can help local economies, without negative
environmental impacts on natural resources, contributing to social stability and balance in the
relations between urban and rural areas, coastal and inland territories, and between countries
sharing the same high level natural and cultural richness. The project goal is to support the
exchange of experiences, competences, expertise, and professionals, as like as the mobility
of workers and students for the development of an integrated tourist offer among territories
based on quality agro-food products and catering. The project is expected to realize:
a good and participated management and coordination;
an efficient monitoring and a participated decision based evaluation process (producing
intermediate and final reports);
effective promotion and communication: project web site, blog area; a kick off meeting;
cross-border promotion seminar, international gastronomic fair;
a set of training resources, including infrastructures, human resources, training modules
and educational materials:
* a fully equipped cross-border didactic kitchen;
*an international team of specialized trainers for the valorization of typical local products;
*5 common training modules for the qualification of human resources in the in the field
of agro-food and typical products exploitation (modules are addressed to different target
groups: teachers/trainers, students, citizens in general, economic stakeholders such as
professional cooks, entrepreneurs and managers from restaurant and agro-tourist subjects;
new training curricula are tested by a total number of around 330 people for the whole
*common educational materials (materials are addressed to different target groups: young
and adult citizens, economic actors from the agro-food and catering sectors; they are
distributed to about 7 schools/vocational training centers in the programme area.



Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Molise Region Department

Cooperation and Planning


The project promotes the utilization of existing cultural values and tourist potential of
target territories creating local identities having as references both promotion and tourism
management based on the appeal factor of historical villages, walled cities, castles and
cultural sites comprised in the these territories. These factors contribute to the development
of the economic potentials of the local economy assuring the highest employment rates and
improved living conditions for the population of the target territories. The project supports
both the preservation of these areas and the use of historical and cultural determinants
in order to promote sustainable tourism as an essential factor in developing urban areas
together with their surrounding rural areas.
The envisaged activities include:
The promotion of the historical villages, fortified cities, cultural sites and cultural itineraries
in the target territories.
The sensitization of the target area stakeholders and local policymakers/operators to the
economic and social advantages that can be derived from creating a network of common
experience and by the affiliation to the to-be constituted network of cross-border centers
with a high tourist appeal.
The management of pilot projects regarding particular territories and itineraries.
The development of a institutional training and promotion shared network among crossborder centers with a high tourist appeal.
The creation of a series of promotional and educational activities together with media
representatives and tour operators.
The main goal is to strengthen the bond of common origin among Adriatic cities through
territorial cooperation, the aim being to create and to put into practice a common crossborder strategy emphasizing local history and heritage, cultural tourism and other factors
essential for the economic rebirth of historical centers.



Priority 3
Accessibility and



Project AIR .NET 130 3.1

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Apulian Airports


The connectivity and mobility of people and goods between modern countries constitute
the basis for economic growth, social and cultural cohesion and facilitate in a significant way
the development of cooperation relationships between different countries or regions. The
air transport, by giving the possibility of rapid and direct connections, is seen as a principal
generator of economic prosperity. In the Adriatic area the main problems regarding the
communication issues are represented by the insufficient physical connections between
two sea coasts. The AIR.NET project copes the problem by supporting the establishment of
direct air connections along the east-west Adriatic coasts in order to improve accessibility
and mobility of the area. The project partnership is mainly based on the Adriatic regional
airports that constitute an important engine for the socio-economic development of local
societies. AIR.NET has a particular attention to those areas which have relevant economic
potentials but are in development delay due to the existence of communication barriers
like for example inland or peripheral territories which economic growth is imposed by the
insufficient transport infrastructure. The establishment of new air routes connecting the
regional airports involved in the project will notably improve the economic situation of their
territories by generating new possibilities for business and investments, especially in the
tourism sector through travel time savings ensured by the new air flights. The definition of
new routes development scheme, including destinations and timing schedules as well as
selection of air carrier and the whole start-up process, is planned through detailed SWOT
analysis consisted of market, territorial and legal studies in order to ensure the concrete
basis for the development of feasibility and business plans to open new air services across
Adriatic sea.
The project activities foresee elaboration of the marketing strategy tailored to support new
routes launching process and assured their performance for one year, within the project
duration. It is important to underline that the economic activities of regional airports
involved in the AIR.NET project, constitute a service of general economic interest for the
whole region and comply with the conditions established by the European Commission in
the communication entitled Community guidelines on financing of airports and start-up
aid to airlines departing from regional airports (COM 2005/C 312/01). AIR.NET activities,
regarding the support for new routes from the peripheral regions (including air services
to neighbouring non-member countries), in view of the significant difficulties which result
from launching a new connection, are in line with above-mentioned Guidelines and do


not distort competition or affect trade to an extent contrary to the common interest.
Furthermore AIR.NET endeavours to improve the accessibility of regional airports involved
in the project, by design of regional mobility plans in order to develop and promote
co-modality, the integration and collaboration of the transport modes in accordance
to the Action plan for airport capacity, efficiency and safety in Europe (COM(2006)
819 final) and provide efficient and direct public connections between airports and main
business/tourist locations. Therefore the AIR.NET project aims, through the establishment
of new permanent air connections between two Adriatic coasts, to enhance accessibility
and communication which are of key importance to strengthening regional economies
and improving the cross-border social, economic, political and cultural cooperation and
relationships in the Adriatic region.


Project A3-NET 246 3.1

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Municipality of Bovec


The main issue of the project is relatively poor accessibility and connection among regions
in Adriatic. In the past, each country has developed separate transport system, because
of that the cross-border traffic is insufficient and undeveloped. In a modern society
connectivity is the basis for economic competitiveness, social and regional cohesion and
cultural development. Consequently, not only do the economic and commercial needs of
globalization drive the growing demand for air transport, but the demand for air travel is
also boosted by evolving societal and cultural needs. In the area there are some smaller
airports, which normally don`t have regular air lines. Though they serve for the purposes of
touristic traffic, their primary function is to provide needed infrastructure for the purposes
of protection and rescue; on the other hand they also satisfy the needs of sport aviation.
These airports are not sufficiently equipped and don`t have the needed infrastructure to
provide long scale fluctuation of people and goods. Project is coincident with the Measure
3.1, physical infrastructure, because the first step will be to upgrade five small airports, so
they can provide modern and safe air traffic services to their customers. Specific

of the project is to upgrade airports facilities (airport Bovec, airport Nikic, airport
heliport on island Rab), prepare conditions for upgrading of airport Lisicji Jarak and
airport Rab, to increase air traffic in Adriatic area and to improve accessibility of involved
regions. To ensure that we should modernize airport infrastructure and airport services
which are necessary for the modern air traffic. With this is related next objective of the
A3 NET project, which is establishing conditions for new tourist products with the aim
to accelerate the creation of a common tourist and economic space.


Project ADRIATIC MOS 29 3.2

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Rete autostrade
Mediterranee (RAM)


The creation of a Motorways of the Sea Master (MoS) Plan in the Adriatic, connecting
Europe with the southeast edge of the European Union, Cyprus, and the neighbouring
regions, through a trans-European multimodal transport system, offers an opportunity
for further development of short sea shipping and intermodality in the region. The overall
objective of the project is to develop the MoS in the Adriatic as an integral part of East
Mediterranean MoS transport system, through the creation, development and elaboration
of a Master Plan. When MoS in Adriatic area will be developed at sufficient level, it will
positively influence to high share of modal shift from road to intermodality, thus to reducing
road congestions, benefit to environmental protection and, at the end, to sustainable
growth of economy in the region. Development and implementation of complex transport
systems, such as MoS, have to be detailed planed combining multidisciplinary science
methods and real experience. Our Master Plan will be developed based on that approach.
Main objectives of the project/Master Plan are:
- to define viable MoS in the Adriatic area and their connections to EU member states in
East and West Mediterranean, as well as their extensions to other regions
- to define quality and security requirements for the identified MoS services,
- to perform an analysis of the transport needs in the region
- to forecast the future demand of the MoS and identify bottlenecks and missing links,
infrastructure and services needs,
- to identify and evaluate (Cost-Benefit Analysis and Environmental Impacts Assessment)
alternative scenarios of the Master Plan elaboration,
- to provide investment and time planning and identify funding sources, and,
- to provide guidance of coordinated actions for implementation of MoS
- to produce a sound communication system with all regions concerned to the enhancement
of MoS, as well as to promote the involvement of the interested stakeholders.
AdriaticMoS is a common project of Ministry of Transport of all Adriatic countries with the
aim of creation of unique and common strategic development document for development
of Motorways of the Sea system. Adriatic MoS Master Plan is a regional segment of
East Mediterranean MoS Master Plan which is a strategic document of the European
Commission and guideline for future development activities. All Adriatic countries will, by
the implementation of this project, get, for the first time, common development strategy
in the transport. By encouraging and implementing MoS system in the region, modal shift


from road to intermodality is maximally stimulated, which has, as a consequence, decrease

in pollution, road traffic load and development of economy. This is, in the end, a specific
result of this project. Furthermore, as a result of the project, network of experts and
authorities (MoT and Faculties) which will be formed through this innovative approach in
common project implementation and which will in the future be the generator of common
collaboration and coordination in Adriatic transport, will have additional benefits.


Project Adria.MOVE IT! 315 3.2

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

City of Dubrovnik


Adriatic coastal cities face similar issues when it comes to mobility due to specific spatial
and historical circumstances. Congested traffic is the result of the historical heritage
of compact cities at unique spatial location which were not designed for car use, and
tremendous increase of population in peak tourist season. With transfer of best practices
and joint solutions on sustainable mobility transfer of good practice among similar
cities will be ensured and money will be more effectively spent. On the basis of this, the
City of Dubrovnik (Croatia), Municipality of Piran (Slovenia) and Municipality of Kotor
(Montenegro) initiated preparation of a project nicknamed Adria.MOVE IT! that was joined
by the Cities of Umag and Novigrad and Municipality of Lopar (all Croatia). The general
objective of this project is to promote sustainable mobility for improvement of quality of
life in the Adriatic area and greater efficiency and safety of traffic. The specific objectives
are improvement of mobility and accessibility through more sustainable transport solutions
and increased quality and attractiveness of public transport.
The key activities will result in preparation of Local Sustainable Mobility Plans: first, a
transport stakeholder assessment will be made, followed by an analysis of current situation
and scenario building. Scenarios will be built on different assumptions and on the objectives
of the beneficiaries and as a result a transport model will be defined. On the basis of that
the model Mobility Plans will be defined for each Beneficiary. This is a complex process
that will involve intensive data search, analysis of land use and development plans and
potential organization of public transport and infrastructure for non-motorized mobility. A
feasibility study and a strategic environmental assessment will be undertaken in order to
check for environmental as well as financial and socio-economic impacts of the selected
transportation model and mobility plan.


Project ADRIMOB 34 3.2

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Province of Ravenna


ADRIMOB involves the main ports of Adriatic cross-border area. Venice, Ravenna,
Rimini, Cesenatico, Pesaro-Urbino, Pescara, Brindisi, Bari, Rovinj, Rab, Spalit, Durres,
Bar, Igoumenitsa and the main ports of Slovenian area. The involved partners gathered
their efforts with the purpose of defining a project generating concrete solutions to real
problems: improvement and upgrade the accessibility in the Adriatic area, infrastructures
and transport inter-operability networks. Adriatic sea has been considered for long
time as an obstacle to EU integration; in reality it represents a big opportunity for the
development and the competitiveness of the Adriatic area. The project is defined taking
into consideration the specific problems identified starting from the general overview on
EU politics in the field of sustainable mobility, the analysis of the mobility situation in the
Adriatic area, down to the specific state of art and problems raised by the partners in such
field. Taking into account cooperation area, and the real constant increase of business and
tourism activities between the Adriatic sides, it is necessary to make an effort toward the
sustainable mobility, thus to make a concrete break through to define and structure an
efficient and less polluting mobility system both for goods and passengers. This means to
focus on specific issues such as: public transport, ports, multimodal centres, bike facilities
and so on. The need is to plan an integrated strategy of sustainable transport to favour the
sustainable movement of the increasing number of people travelling for different reason:
work, tourism, business, etc. This will be achieved by strengthening and integrating
existing infrastructure networks, with the development and upgrade of transport and
communication services. ADRIMOB is in line with the Priority 3, Measure 3.2 of the IPA
Programme: it is aimed at favouring the development of sustainable transport system
along and between the Adriatic coasts as well as their inlands.


Project APC 111 3.2

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Venice Port Authority


The ports of the Adriatic area represent one of the main gates linking Continental Europe
towards Asia and Southern Mediterranean regions and these ports need to increase port
efficiency and productivity rates. A real better performance can be achieved by introducing
a better organisation of the port operations and smart ICT systems capable to smoothing
the interfaces between modes and operators.Another priority area of intervention to
achieve a better efficiency appear to be the administrative treatment of ships.
The European Commission has expressed in different documents its support to the single
window systems, in order to manage tasks as the clearance of documents and controls
by the relevant administrations. The improvement of the ship-shore communications,
contacts with the previous port of call and port-logistics software involving both public
and private stakeholders will allow for the development of port integrated systems.They
will improve clearance of goods, better planning, faster transfer to inland transport, reduce
pressure on port space, and be a key tool for seafarers, ship, port services and planning
(Communication on a European Ports Policy COM(2007)616).
The APC project will develop a system based on the principle of the Single Window,namely
a facility that allows parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized
information and documents with a single entry point to fulfil all import, export, and
transit-related regulatory requirements.The project aims at improving the effectiveness
of the procedures for the clearance of freight flows in port areas, through the design,
development and testing of a support instrument for ship arrival and departure, customs
clearance and cargo logistic.


Project ADRI-SEAPLANES 82 3.2

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Province of Teramo


ADRI-SEAPLANES aim is to create the best conditions for the set up of stable connections
through a common seaplane system. The Adriatic areas of Italy, Greece, Albania, Croatia
and Montenegro, in fact, even if very closed in terms of nautical miles, are linked only
through the maritime system and not by direct air connections. This condition allows only
the reach of the countries involved with a lack of time, situation that affect the establishment
of stable economic relations. The maritime routes, in fact, are covered only through the
commercial relations between the main international Adriatic ports through RO/PAX
vessels with a period of travel, sometimes, more than ten hours. Seaplane transport is very
common and used in some area of the world, and thde Adriatic basin offer an important
network, constituted by its Ports in order to introduce a new seaplane system. Through
the project, in fact, partners intends to develop an alternative and faster way of transport
through the set up of a stable seaplane connection, through the following steps:
1) harmonization of the conditions at normative, operational and structural level in order
to facilitate investments from all the European countries;
2) give ports the small infrastructural level, supported by the mandatory investments
related to security in order to obtain the status of water airports
3) involvement of the private sector in the activities, as indirect beneficiaries of project
4) Support at political, instritutional and operational level of the newly established seaplane
system through the set up of an Adriatic seaplane Steering Committee, whose aim is also
to enlarge the network of seaplane also to other Adriatic Ports.


Project PITAGORA 46 3.3

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

SIPRO County Board for

Development (Ferrara)


PITAGORA project was born in the effort of answering to the need of the Adriatic area,
accelerating ICT penetration, raising awareness among Public Authorities and SMEs about
the advantages of ICT services. Digitalisation is a process developed with big disparities
in Adriatic regions, where some areas already have defined some good practices and
others need a strong transfer of know how, mainly into daily practices. In addition
global competition requires an improved use of ICT within enterprises, including good
infrastructure networks, the adoption of e-business solutions, and also the enhancement
of Public Administrations performances, adopting new ICT applications. Starting with the
model-making of some good practices, such as Plonegov, PEOPLE platforms (re-use of
e-governmental solutions) and WI-FE infrastructure, PITAGORA aims at adapting it to the
partners frameworks thus transferring it. Moreover the cross border activities will enable
the uptake of an Adriatic ICT platform, resulting from the agreed and tested services/
methodologies concerning 3 strands of activities:
1)ICT/TLC infrastructures in Adriatic area;
2) Enterprises needs in terms of ICT;
3) ICT applications for Public Administrations. The key aspect is linked to the
complementarity of the 3 strands, designed to be a sort of overall umbrella, called
PITAGORA TABLE-Toolkit. The operative character of the Toolkit is given by the elaboration
of templates, facsimile of all the documents required as operative steps (e.g. agreements
for PA, protocols for the policies implementation,contracts for experts and so on) as well
as a training programme for the project staff, based on speed-dating and seminars with
ICT experts. In this way the project will enable to educate professional figures within the
Institutions involved, therefore keeping in the area the acquired know how.
The PITAGORA partnership is made of different stakeholders, representing the whole
scenario of partners which might be involved in digitalisation process: Public Authorities
(Municipalities,Chambers of Commerce, Regional Authorities,Counties), intermediaries
between public and private actors (Development Agencies, Regional technical Board)
and private organization. All over Adriatic area several initiatives have been launched to
meet EU request in terms of ICT, in view of the accession or potential accession to EU,
foreseing funds or identifying information society as a priority. In Italy the regions are
working at their own telecommunication Plans, without negleting each territory but giving
to each Province the responsability of developing it. In Croatia ICT is growing fast, but the


disparities are very strong, as shown by the 3 Croatian partners representing the 3 actors
of the process (private, public and intermediary body). Albania is trying to define concrete
governmental support to ICT, while Montenegro needs strong transfer of know how and
in Bosnia-Herzegovina some areas are defining Regional Strategical Paper, such as Zenica
Doboj Canton.
Considering ICT as a demanding process, the project deals with it thanks to the
participation of nearly all the Adriatic areas, in the effort of beinga gateway to these
territories contributing in general to ICT sensibilization and improving the quality of the
services provided. Besides representing a gluing factor, PITAGORA witnesses the will of
managing in a coordinated way the ICT development of bordering regions.


Project AdriaMuse 15 3.3

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Province of Rimini


The AdriaMuse project aims to strengthen the relationships among its partners in the
Member, Candidate & Pre-Candidate countries by pooling information on cultural tourism
offer in the Adriatic area via an extended use of existing and new information networks.
The project will create new tools and services, supported by ICT, able to help tourism
players, museums and cultural bodies in implementing innovative ways of attracting
audience interested in exhibitions.
In the 32 months of the project, EU partners will supply some innovative IT systems and
tools they are developing, to share them with the CC & PCC partners. All the AdriaMuse
partners will then set up a communication infrastructure, to mutually support the partner
areas in their efforts for increasing accessibility to their own cultural tourism offers. In
parallel new branded exhibitions/cultural events will be designed in conjunction with
other running pertinent events, such as fairs, sport competitions, cultural and other events
specific of the partner areas. This will increase the number of events where heritage is
shown to typologies of target users not used to visit museums.
These actions will be organised according to a common methodology, relying on the
specificities of the partner areas and adopting international standards to raise the service
quality. In this way, AdriaMuse will not simply transfer competences and technology from
some countries to the other ones, but rather create the basis for new sustainable initiatives,
providing direct tangible benefits to all the partner areas, through an effective information
network where the partners will be able to share resources and plan joint strategies and
events. The project takes its origins from the consideration that more and more museums
are playing an important role in the offer of cultural tourism services. Over the last years,
the Province of Rimini and the other partners have developed several initiatives to identify
and promote special tourist segments corresponding to specific spheres of interest
(vocational communities, i.e. groups of tourists sharing a common interest).
They identified cultural tourism as one of the most interesting directions for further
exploitations, with the objective to define a common cultural and tourism marketing
strategy of the Adriatica regions. In parallel, a major information network has been
created among the top EU museums, with the objective to provide an unique access point
giving accurate information on major exhibitions and permanent collections in European
museums, to raise accessibility to information (please see
Through, information on each museum, available in the native language and


in English, is made available to develop a wider pan-European data-collection based on

public sector information, immediately re-useable by different actors in the cultural and
tourism fields. Starting from these two main assets, the AdriaMuse project will:
- improve the access to information on museum collections, exhibitions and events
organised in the partner areas;
- extend the service created by to the Balkan cultural institutions, in a
multilingual context including all the languages of the partner countries using Web 2.0 tools;
- develop new concepts of cultural tourism, diversifying the typology of visitors and
extending the activities of museums beyond their physical walls;
- organise pilot actions in the partner areas, to test methodology and tools created for the
Cultural tourism can be indeed one of the winning assets of the area, where its potential
is not yet fully developed. A major use of IT will provide the partners with a strong
advantage in the competition with other international tourism destinations, also reducing
the disparities of tourist flows in the different seasons, which still is a major problem for
several Adriatic countries.


Project F.L.A. 151 3.3

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Italian Institute for Foreign



The project aims at creating a communication system capable of facilitating the development
and coordination of the different companies operating inside the entire wood supply chain
present in the Adriatic Basin, supporting the clustering and planned development of the
entire sector. This activity will be achieved by creating a common networking system,
i.e. a permanent network that is capable of coordinating and managing the relationships
between the entities belonging to the supply chain. It will start by boosting the efficiency
of raw material supplies and improving the logistics, and finish off by providing incentives
for trade and contacts between the countries involved. Therefore, it will strengthen and
create, if they are missing, Permanent International Centres of coordination, management
and clustering focused on providing shared and well-defined projects and solutions for
restructuring the wood supply chain in order to strengthen the supply and transportation
logistics of the raw materials, cross-border trading and work activities. The Permanent
international Centres will stimulate and provide project support to develop business
opportunities, supply consortiums and work groups for projects focusing on product and
process innovation. This will be achieved by placing this network at the disposal of the
districts of the wood supply chain, as well as local institutions, the Chamber of Commerce,
businesses operating in the supply chain, research centres and Universities (target group).
At the same time, the goal is to improve environmental efficiency in the supply of wood to
IPA areas, with special focus on the fundamental factors sanctioned by the Kyoto Protocol
(management of areas, reforestation, reuse of waste for developing biomass energy, etc).
Strategically, the project aims at laying the foundations so that the network can develop
itself beyond its duration, also in legal terms (e.g. creation of a Crossborder District),
and be able to act in the trading scheme for CO2 emissions (2003/87/EC Directive on
Emission Trading Scheme). This possibility should derive from efficient management of
the forests and good production and transportation practices. The proposed system will
allow promoting the Adriatic wood supply chain on the international market as a single,
compact and highly competitive industry. The activity also aims at favouring the analysis
and use of eco-compatible technologies inside the various work phases, leading to an
improvement in product quality. In particular, the network will use and promote the Life
Cycle Assessment (LCA), an analytical methodology which assesses the interactions that
a product or service has with the environment, taking into consideration its entire lifecycle, including the pre-production phases (such as forestation/deforestation), and its


production, distribution, use, recycling and final disposal. This methodology is currently
used in furniture production (a phase downstream of the wood supply chain) and is
recognised internationally by some ISO regulations. Special importance must be given
to promoting and supporting the recognised international standards for the control/
certification/traceability of the raw materials. The creation of the network, the clustering,
adoption and promotion of international standards (LCA) are strategic for increasing
productivity in the Adriatic wood supply chain. Finally, to facilitate the coordination
actions, new information technologies will be used for fine-tuning a management tool or
software specifically defined and shared by all the partners.


Project S.T.A.R. 219 3.3

Lead Beneficiary

Programme Contribution

Emilia-Romagna Region
Directorate General for
Industrial Production, Trade
and Tourism


S.T.A.R. is a comprehensive project aiming to create a shared knowledge in the Adriatic

tourist area, where the combination of ICT and tourist information can be the key for
innovation and support for better and more efficient and sustainable tourism policies
within the Adriatic Area. In the present economic crisis governments need to define
new economic policies and ways to cooperate with one-another, in order to identify
innovative, low impact strategies for social cohesion and economic growth. The creation
of communication networks in tourism can improve relations and create new, useful forms
of integration for the sustainable growth of the Adriatic economy. In this contest, S.T.A.R.
objective is to integrate existing communication and information networks, with new
functionalities developed through a common methodological approach. This will allow
to gain access to tourist information and develop new common e-services, exchange
statistical data and reports. Specifically, STAR will improve the collection and management
of the tourist data and the existing web applications creating a Tourism Portal of the
Adriatic Area containing them. Thanks to STAR project, Public Administrations and
tourism firms will have a higher quality information set (demand/supply, environmental,
labour force, customer satisfaction), easier and more effective tools for data transmission,
a less statistical burden and a greater cost savings in data management. Citizens, students,
researchers will access to periodic tourism reports, geo-referencing of accommodations
and services. The project is build jointly from 10 Partners from 5 countries of the IPA
Adriatic cooperation area (Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Greece, Croatia) under
the leadership of the Emilia-Romagna Region and will last 30 months. Projects activities
will be implemented through a concrete collaboration among all Beneficiaries and
involving, from its start, all the relevant stakeholders (enterprises, business organizations,
institutions etc.) through seminars, dissemination activities and promotional materials
(website, brochures, e-newsletters, CD). Agreements will be signed with key bodies (i.e.
EUROSTAT). Demonstration actions will be implemented including training materials and
courses for firms, business organizations and Public Administrations in order to allow a
concrete and durable effective use of web applications and e-services.




Joint Technical Secretariat
Via Salaria Antica Est, n. 27 - 67100 LAquila - Italy
Tel: +39 0862 411383
Fax: +39 0862 22520
Managing Authority
Abruzzo Region
International Activities Services
Via Salaria Antica Est, n. 27 - 67100 LAquila - Italy
Tel: +39 0862 364285
Fax: +39 0862 364204


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