Adiposestem Schwann
Adiposestem Schwann
Adiposestem Schwann
Blond McIndoe Research Laboratories, The University of Manchester, Room 3.106 Stopford Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PT, UK
Departments of Surgical and Perioperative Science (Handsurgery) and Integrative Medical Biology (Anatomy), Umea University, Sweden
Received 31 March 2007; revised 11 June 2007; accepted 29 June 2007
Available online 2 August 2007
Experimentally, peripheral nerve repair can be enhanced by Schwann cell transplantation but the clinical application is limited by donor site
morbidity and the inability to generate a sufficient number of cells quickly. We have investigated whether adult stem cells, isolated from adipose
tissue, can be differentiated into functional Schwann cells. Rat visceral fat was enzymatically digested to yield rapidly proliferating fibroblast-like
cells, a proportion of which expressed the mesenchymal stem cell marker, stro-1, and nestin, a neural progenitor protein. Cells treated with a
mixture of glial growth factors (GGF-2, bFGF, PDGF and forskolin) adopted a spindle-like morphology similar to Schwann cells.
Immunocytochemical staining and western blotting indicated that the treated cells expressed the glial markers, GFAP, S100 and p75, indicative of
differentiation. When co-cultured with NG108-15 motor neuron-like cells, the differentiated stem cells enhanced the number of NG108-15 cells
expressing neurites, the number of neurites per cell and the mean length of the longest neurite extended. Schwann cells evoked a similar response
whilst undifferentiated stem cells had no effect. These results indicate adipose tissue contains a pool of regenerative stem cells which can be
differentiated to a Schwann cell phenotype and may be of benefit for treatment of peripheral nerve injuries.
2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Adult stem cell; Axon; Glia; Peripheral nerve; Regeneration; Schwann cell
Peripheral nerve injuries are a common occurrence and
represent a major economic burden for society (Wiberg and
Terenghi, 2003). Treatment usually involves direct endend
surgical repair of the damaged nerves for minor defects whereas
autologous nerve grafts are required for longer gaps (Lundborg,
2000). Despite good surgical advances, functional recovery is
often poor. Tissue engineering techniques which enhance the
beneficial endogenous responses to nerve injury could provide
an alternative repair strategy.
Schwann cells play a pivotal role in peripheral nerve
regeneration (Ide, 1996) and are thus an attractive therapeutic
target. Nerve injury disrupts the normal Schwann cellaxon
Corresponding author. Fax: +44 161 275 1814.
E-mail address: (P.J. Kingham).
0014-4886/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Fig. 1. Proliferation of cells isolated from adipose tissue and bone marrow. An
MTT assay was used to determine the growth rate of cells obtained from adipose
tissue () and bone ( ) plated at passage 1 (A) and passage 5 (B). Data are
expressed as the mean % increase S.E.M. in absorbance (570 nm). P b 0.05
significantly higher in adipose tissue derived cultures compared with those from
Characterisation of stem cell cultures
Rat visceral adipose tissue was enzymatically digested and
then centrifuged to isolate the stromal cell fraction from mature
adipocytes. After approximately 1 week in culture, cells from
the stromal fraction formed confluent fibroblast-like monolayers on 75-cm2 flasks. Cells were then trypsinised and plated
for MTT proliferation assays (Fig. 1). There was an apparent lag
phase in growth of cells up to 48 h after which time the rate of
proliferation expanded more rapidly. Cells isolated from
Fig. 2. Adipose tissue-derived cells exhibit properties of stem cells. (A) Cultures
were treated with agents to induce differentiation to cells of mesoderm origin.
Alizarin red-stained and toluidine blue-stained cells indicate cells of osteogenic
and chondrogenic lineages, respectively. Scale bar = 40 m. (B) Adipose tissuederived cells at passage 1 were stained with anti-stro-1 and anti-nestin antibodies
and CY3-conjugated secondary antibody (red). DAPI staining (blue) indicates
the total number of cells in the field and it was used to quantify the percentage of
cells positive for each antigen. Scale bar = 40 m. (C) Data are expressed as the
mean % positive S.E.M. P b 0.01 significantly higher levels of nestinpositive cells in adipose tissue-derived cultures compared with those from bone.
neurites and the number of neurites expressed per cell. For each
experiment neurite data were ordered according to length (m).
The longest neurite in each experiment was thus identified and
the mean of these calculated from 5 independent experiments.
An average of one hundred NG108-15 cell bodies was analysed
for each condition in each experiment.
Statistical analysis
Data are presented as mean S.E.M. from 4 to 5 independent
cell cultures. KruskalWallis one way ANOVA with Dunn's
comparison test was used to determine the statistical significance between data, p b 0.05; p b 0.01.
S100 and p75 proteins were also detected in dADSC but were
absent in uADSC.
Functional properties of differentiated cells
The ability of ADSC to promote neurite outgrowth was
determined by examining their interaction with NG108-15 cells, a
motor neuron-like cell line (Jiang et al., 2003). uADSC and
dADSC were plated on slide flasks to form monolayers and then
NG108-15 cells were added (Fig. 5A). Computerised image
analysis of co-cultures after 24 h was used to quantify three
separate parameters: percentage of cells extending neurites,
number of neurites per cell and length of longest neurite (Fig. 5B).
Comparisons were made with control cultures of NG108-15 cells
grown alone and NG108-15 cells seeded with Schwann cells. A
small fraction (22.0 2.5%) of control NG108-15 cells extended
neurites which was significantly increased to 69.1 4.1%
(P b 0.05) and 57.6 5.3% (P b 0.05) in the presence of dADSC
and Schwann cells respectively. uADSC had no significant effect.
Likewise the number of neurites extended per cell was significantly (P b 0.05) increased in co-cultures of NG108-15 cells
with dADSC or Schwann cells, when compared with NG108-15
cells grown alone. The mean longest neurite extended by control
cultures of NG108-15 cells was 67.5 7.5 m and in co-culture
with uADSC it was 74.3 9.7 m. In contrast, dADSC evoked a
significant (P b 0.01) increase in neurite length to 205.2 2.7 m
and Schwann cells stimulated an increase to 309.8 31.5 m
(P b 0.01).
We have recently shown that MSC derived from bone
marrow can undergo differentiation to a Schwann cell phenotype
(Caddick et al., 2006; Tohill et al., 2004). Given the clinical
advantages of adipose tissue as an alternative source of stem
cells (Gimble and Guilak, 2003; Strem et al., 2005), we have
now investigated whether it is also possible to derive Schwann
cells from adipose tissue. We found that rat ADSC treated with a
mixture of glial growth factors expressed GFAP, S100 and p75
proteins and enhanced neurite outgrowth in vitro, suggesting
transition to a Schwann cell phenotype.
As part of an initial characterisation of our cultures, we
compared the growth rate of cells isolated from adipose tissue and
bone marrow. We found that ADSC proliferated significantly faster
than bone MSC. This is consistent with a recent study comparing
various sources of rat MSC (Yoshimura et al., 2007) and if
translated to human studies could mean a reduction in the time
required to generate a therapeutically useful stock of cells. In order
to determine the stem-ness of our cells we investigated the
expression of stro-1. In contrast to the study by Ning et al. (2006)
which identified all ADSC as stro-1 positive, only a small fraction
of our cultures expressed this marker. This apparent discrepancy
has also been reported by different groups examining human
ADSC (De Ugarte et al., 2003a,b; Gronthos et al., 2001) and might
reflect a difference in the region from which the tissue was obtained.
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