Asthma Resp Acr Did Soap Note

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Clinical Performance Evaluation Asthma ACR-DID

DO 2017 - 1/15/2015

Student Name:


Complete a written note in the SOAP note form in the space provided. Write in the box only.

S CC: "I've been coughing"

HPI: 22-year-old girl presents to the clinic with complaints of cough and dyspnea for the past 3 months. Onset seemed
to begin when she started smoking and has never happened before. She admits to a steady progession of her symptoms
that are now present with nocturnal cough and chest tightness up to 3 times per week. Cough is described as dry and
wheezing. Dypsnea worsens with moderate activity (such as fast walking) and when she or her friends smoke
cigarettes. Symptoms improve when she rests and gets fresh air. Denies any recent sick contacts or travel. There is no
associated pain with the episodes of coughing. She denies any mucus production, fevers, rhinorrhea, epistaxis, or
Allergies: none
Meds: OCP PO qd for birth control.
PMHx: None
PSHx: None
FmHx: mother and father healthy; brother has asthma
SocHx: EtOH-never; Drugs-never; Tobacco-1 pack/wk for 3 months. Diet- balanced and "healthy"; Does not exercise
frequently. Lives with roommate, attends local community college. Sexually active with boyfriend, uses OCP.
GEN: No fever, No recent wt loss
CV: No palpitations, no chest pain.
EXT: No arthralgias, no stiffness
PSYCH: Denies anxiety or depression
T: 98.7 F P 70 RR: 16 BP: 120/80 O2: 98% on room air BMI: 21 kg/m3
GEN: WDWN, NAD. Appears stated age.
Eyes: No conjunctival injection. Sclera white and clear b/l.
Nose: septum midline, nasal mucosa moist and pink. Maxillary and frontal sinuses NT to palpation.
Throat: oral mucosa without abnormalities
Neck: supple with no masses. No LAD.
CV: RRR. S1 and S2 present. Dorsalis pedis and radial pulses equal and present b/l.
RESP: Auscultation reveals fine end-expiratory wheezing with scattered rhonchi throughout lungs b/l.
Percussion is resonant in all lobes b/l. Chest wall expansion is adequate. Vocal fremitis and egophony within
normal limits B/L.
EXT: No cyanosis or clubbing, no edema in LEs B/L
OMM: TART changes noted b/l T2-T7.

Working Dx) Asthma

Ddx) Bronchitis, Hypersensitivity pneumonitis,
emphysema, PNA

Test: PFTs, Spirometry, Metacholine challenge test

Prescribe SABAinhaler PRN and LABA and ICS:
Salmeterol and Beclomethasone inhaler qd

Lifestyle: Nicotine Dependency; sedentary


Follow-Up: 1 week or if symptoms worsen/persist

with medications

OMM: SD at T2-T57

Pt Ed: When to use LABA and ICS, avoidance of

triggers, smoking cessation

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