An Endusers Guide To Centrifugal Pump Rotordynamics
An Endusers Guide To Centrifugal Pump Rotordynamics
An Endusers Guide To Centrifugal Pump Rotordynamics
Both fatigue and rubbing wear in pump components are most
commonly caused by excess rotor vibration, typical causes for
which include the rotor being out of balance, the presence of
too great a misalignment between the pump and driver shaft
centerlines, excessive hydraulic force such as from suction
recirculation stall or vane pass pressure pulsations, or large motion
amplified by a natural frequency resonance. Inspection of parts
will often provide clues concerning the nature of the vibration, and
may therefore suggest how to get rid of it. For example, when the
wear is at a single clock position in the casing but around the full
shaft circumference, pump/driver misalignment is the likely direct
cause, although perhaps excessive nozzle loads or improperly
compensated thermal growth of the driver are the true root cause.
On the other hand, if wear is at only one clock location on the shaft
and around 360 degrees of the opposing stator piece (e.g., a bearing
shell or a wear ring), the likely issue is rotor imbalance or shaft
bow. If wear occurs over 360 degrees of both the rotor and the
stator, rotordynamic instability or low flow suction recirculation
should be considered.
If any of this brings to mind a past or present pump problem that
you have experienced, you are in good company. Over 90 percent
of all problems fall into the categories listed above. Addressing
these issues after-the-fact can be costly. Fortunately, there are
certain procedures that can be followed that minimize the chance
for encountering such problems, or that help to determine how to
solve such problems if they occur. These procedures are the subject
of this tutorial.
This tutorial outlines the basics of pump rotordynamics in a
form that is intended to be machinery end user friendly. Key
concepts will be defined in understandable terms, and analysis
and testing options will be presented in summary form. The
presentation will explain the reasoning behind the API 610 (2004)
rotor and structural vibration evaluation requirements, and
will summarize key portions of API 684 (2005) API
Standard Paragraphs Covering Rotordynamics as it applies
to centrifugal pumps.
Pump rotordynamic problems, including the bearing and
seal failure problems that they may cause, are responsible for a
significant amount of the maintenance budget and lost-opportunity
cost at many refineries and electric utilities. This tutorial will
discuss the typical types of pump rotordynamic problems, and how
they can be avoided in most cases by applying the right kinds of
vibration analysis and evaluation criteria during the pump design
and selection/application process. Although end users seldom are
directly involved in designing a pump, it is becoming more typical
that the reliability-conscious end user or his consultant will audit
whether or not the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) has
performed due diligence in the course of his pump design. In the
case of rotordynamics, important issues include where the pump is
operating on its curve (preferably close to best efficiency point
[BEP]), how close the pump rotor critical speeds and rotor-support
structural natural frequencies are to running speed or other forcing
frequencies, how much vibration will occur at bearings or within
close running clearances for expected worst-case imbalance and
During system commissioning, violation of vibration specifications
is a common problem, particularly in variable speed systems where
the chances are greater that an excitation forces frequency will
equal a natural frequency over at least part of the running
speed range. This situation is known as resonance. In vibration
troubleshooting, it is recommended to first investigate imbalance,
then misalignment, and then natural frequency resonance, in that
order, as likely causes, unless the specific vibration versus
frequency plot (the spectrum) or vibration versus time pulsations
indicate other issues (some of these other issues will be discussed
in some detail later). Resonance is illustrated in Figure 1.
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G1.0, and the more practical ISO G2.5. As admitted in API 610
(2004), ISO 1.0 is not practical in most circumstances because in
removing the impeller from the balance arbor it loses this balance
level, which typically requires the center of gravity to remain
centered within several millionths of an inch. For loose-fitting
impellers, no balance requirement is given, but in practice G6.3
(about 20W/N) is used by industry.
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Gyroscopic Effects
Gyroscopic forces are important, and can either effectively
stiffen or destiffen a rotor system. The key factor is the ratio of
polar moment of inertia Ip, the second mass moment taken about
the rotor axis, to transverse moment of inertia It, taken about one
of the two axes through the center of mass and perpendicular to the
rotor axis. This ratio is multiplied times the ratio of the running
speed divided by the orbit or whirl speed. As shown in Figure 8,
the whirl speed is the rate of precession of the rotor, which can be
forward (in the same direction as running speed) or retrograde
or backward (opposite in direction to running speed). The whirl
or precessional speed absolute value is generally less than the
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Annular seals (e.g., wear rings and balance drums) in pumps and
hydraulic turbines can greatly affect dynamics by changing the
rotor support stiffness and therefore the rotor natural frequencies,
thereby either avoiding or inducing possible resonance between
strong forcing frequencies at one and two times the running speed
and one of the lower natural frequencies. Their effect is so strong
for multistage pumps that API 610 Tenth Edition (2004) requires
that they be taken into account for pumps of three or more stages,
and that their clearances be assessed for both the as-new and 2
clearance worn conditions. This provision by API is because the
stiffness portion of this Lomakin effect (first noticed by the
Russian pump researcher Lomakin) is inversely proportional to
radial clearance. It is also directly proportional to the pressure drop
and (roughly) the product of the seal diameter and length. An
illustration of how Lomakin effect sets up is given in Figure 14.
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1/ 2
Fub = Me2 / gc
On the other hand, if the force is independent of impeller motion
(such as certain fluid forces are, approximately) the amount of
vibration displacement expected at the impeller wearing rings due
to force Fex is:
= Fex L3 / (48 EI )
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calculation routines for the bearing and annular seal (e.g., wear
ring and balance drum) stiffness and damping coefficients, critical
speed calculations, forced response (e.g., unbalance response), and
rotor stability calculations. These programs include the effects of
bearing and seal cross-coupled stiffness as discussed earlier.
Accounting for Bearings, Seals, and Couplings
The purpose of bearings is to provide the primary support to
position the rotor and maintain concentricity of the running
clearances within reasonable limits. Pump bearings may be divided
into five types:
1. Plain journal bearings, in which a smooth, ground shaft surface
rotates within a smooth surfaced circular cylinder. The load
bearing effect is provided by a hydrodynamic wedge that builds
between the rotating and stationary parts as rotating fluid flows
through the narrow part of the eccentric gap between the shaft
journal and the cylindrical bearing insert. The eccentricity of the
shaft within the journal is caused by the net radial load on the rotor
forcing it to displace within the fluid gap. The hydrodynamic
wedge provides a reaction force that gets larger as the eccentricity
of the shaft journal increases, similar to the build-up of force in a
spring as it is compressed. This type of bearing has the most
prone to rotordynamic stability issues, due to its inherently high
cross-coupling to damping ratio.
2. Noncircular bore journal bearings, in which the bore shape is
modified to increase the strength and stability of the hydrodynamic
wedge. This includes bore shapes in which:
bearing shell are split and offset from each other, and
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Critical speed and mode shape: What are the natural frequency
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Horizontal pump bearing housings (at least for pumps with drip
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Include the mass of all pump impellers, and attach them to the
pump casing through their bowl bearings and (if impellers are
shrouded) the wear ring Lomakin effect stiffness, both direct and
cross-coupled, and dampening. Also include effective added mass
for fluid inside and around the impellers and lineshafting.
(foundation mass less than 5 the weight of the total weight of the
supported equipment, or foundation stiffness less than 10 that of
the vertical pump discharge head or horizontal pump pedestal)
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shown in Figure 17, and in fact had dropped into the running
speed range. Further testing indicated that this critical speed
appeared to be the sole cause of the pumps reliability problems.
What-if iterations using a test-calibrated rotordynamic
computer model showed that the particular rotor natural
frequency value and rotor mode deflection shape could best be
explained by improper operation of the driven-end bearing. This
was demonstrated by the critical speed map of Figure 17. The
bearing was inspected and found to have a pressure dam
clearance far from the intended value, because of a drafting
mistake, which was not caught when the bearing was repaired or
replaced. Installation of the correctly constructed bearing
resulted in the problem rotor critical speed shifting to close to its
expected value, well out of the operating speed range. The pump
has since run for years without need for overhaul.
API Standard 610, 2004, Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum,
Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industry, Tenth Edition,
American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C.
API Standard 684, 2005, Tutorial on Rotordynamics: Lateral
Critical, Unbalance Response, Stability, Train Torsional and
Rotor Balancing, Second Edition, American Petroleum
Institute, Washington, D.C.
Blevins, R. D., 1984, Formulas for Natural Frequency and Mode
Shape, Malabar, Florida: Robert Krieger Publishing Co.
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The author would like to thank Mechanical Solutions, Inc. for its
support of the author in the construction of this tutorial. In particular, Paul Boyadjis, Matt Gaydon, Rich Cronin, Maki Onari, Chris
Hurrell, and Paul Guthrie contributed portions of the analysis
results. Special thanks to Mike Marscher who authored much of
the computer graphics and to Karen Rizzi for her support in assembling the figures. Many thanks also to the manufacturers and users
of pumps around the world who have employed MSI in the pursuit
of the many interesting design challenges, analyses, and troubleshooting tests that provided valuable background information
and experiences. In addition, the author would like to express his
gratitude to the many key individuals in the pump industry with
whom he has had the pleasure to work with over the years on
various projects.
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