An Alternative To The Current Literature Research Model OF

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THE slae univerlitylraditionallyseNesto presclveand
encouragelearningin rhe nany fields of inlelledual
endeavorinto which it dividesour culture'sknowledse,
and in returnfor supportby taxpayers
it conlributesro
Belt! Jean Crarye
the intellecrual,
and economicwelfa.eoi
oursociety.In the hrmanities,ideallt it is the homeol contributioneitherlo our rechnological
the jntellisentsia,who enjoyunscbeduled
lime 1othink or 10 our underskndingof the cosmosand of our
and write in exchangefor teaching.Charsedwith the
selecrionand maintenance
oilhe bes!facultywhom lhe
But !h concnlration
on narrowlirerarytopicssccnN
statecan afford, and whom the tdpayers expecl!o be to lead awayfrom knowledge!ha! is valuableto our
then inlelleclualIeade6,the universilyrecruilslhose cullure or 10 ou. studenls,as it leadsa*ay from lhe
deemedmostcapableof fulfiUingils nission,encouraes developmentol broad synthesizinsidcas.The objects
productivityvithin the inslitulion, and then provesits oi tbe two inquniesdiffe.: scienlis$nudy phenomf dc Lh) dc .o m p h .h m c nro
and literaryscholarsstudystructure!
r rh ep u b l L .l r\ bunne- i , enologicalevents,
knowledgerhal beneiils th cuhur,and we literary ofvords, wordspul togetherby writen who belonsto
scholarsbavea par! to plat
di ' terenr(o..eri e.and sro d,. nr(rercJ 1 (\prc. .ne
Bul do our discipline's
humanrealily.Ihe textsrhat
ofseekingand s.tfully theirieelingsabout
p.eservingknowledgeleadus into a.easof real interest we leachand analyzeare laluable Io us becauserhey
1oour cuhure?Doesthe modelgoverningour research sbowus how we think and ho* we ha! rhought.Ii we
promotethe hardthinkinsaboulawid are to convinceour socielyof their value.we must adand scholarship
raneeof humanconcernsthal hisloricallyhasbeenthe d,e.' rhe qre\r.on.ot $h) trc bel i e\eo,r' en e p i \e
la, lor r heh u h d n i ' r' l h e m o d e l $ e $ o rl s l l hmdefi nci
Y e o ' pendri merl 1s abourtl - . ql en.ul ,. ro
our culturalcontributionby our productivityand then
definesour producrivilyby our rateo I publication,the taketime awayfrom aciiviriesthar helpour care.!. (ru.
ilect ol which is to cncouraeespecializalion.Does discovery!ha! we must publishearly and rcguladyIo
speialialion prcmolelhe developnent
ofideasvaluable demonstrate
our researchtalentsforcesDsro lidi! our
r o r h. "\ oc iey rta r \u p p o rr.u \, h a e i v e \u , rl ' e
iield ofinquiry, and whareversucce$
*e mayhavedoes
' i me
to lhink in hopesthe invesrment
will be culturallyprof- notalwaysgiveusrhecontidence
to expandou. horizons
itable?Perhapswe shouldexamineour aclivitiesto see later.So we do lhe besl we canr we shapour profee
sup- sional dvelopmerraccording!o lhe scienlilicrno.iel
port them, and wbat resullsve can expectfrom them. becausewe wanl 1o contribute inrellectually1o ouf
Wilh its qpeclation of specialization,continlous cuhure,and th; model sovernsour possibilities.
publication,exrernalevaluarionof research,and paF
In narowire our focus,however,
we isolateouselves
ticipationin conferences,
our research
and scbolarship lrom the culrurethat supportsus, that expeclsus as
model closely resemblesthe model followed by the humaniststo use our time and intellicencero con
We engagein thesepractices10 demonstrate iemplatea wide rangeof human anisric and concepsciences.
our research
in a periodof intensecompeti' 1u3laclivily.Weisolateourselves
aen hom one another
tion for universityposilionstbal requireresearch,
and shen weno loneerdiscuss
to provideth visibilily our univeFitiesdesirein lheir we carnot wrile only bools with broad synihenThg
comperitionwirh oneanotberThe modelisdiificulr tbr ideas,and whenve do srile suchbooks,*e recosnrze
us ro avoid,because
il suppliesa convenient,
apparent ftevalu ofspecializedstudies.But whats-roursork,
ly objectivest of criteria for us to use in matrersof *e should asli ourselvesvhat relation it has to our
and p.omotion,Bul weareno!scientis$.and discipline'sdd our culrure'scenrralconcenx in order
we may not be doing ou. best thinking when we ro a\oi d.pendi nsour l i kri mc onb pro\i npou i n
we are caughtin !h doublc bind of haljnc 10 p.o
Doinsresedchto advaneknowledge
in a narow iield
. eem rappro p ri a l e o ..i e n e l h ei ro n l i e ' 'o f1 \now l edC educescholanbipon a regularschedule,
sincewe areaceeso remorefrom thegroundsharedbysciendsts
wilhin counhbletor our research
timeto our instilulions,which
a djsciplinlhat nany musrspecialize
io salherthe data
thai a fewlatersynlhesize.
thus The outhat is Pro:fesorol Canparutire Litcraluro al the
s h o ,e l a l u ec d b e .d l .u l aed bJ ,r,
lead. lno w l e d g e


C' 2
accounkblero la\paters,and findingthal \re facuhy facingstudentquestionnaires
for delelopnrgideasva[rab1eIo re.esity ro nake rhe da$roon an cnjoyablcplaccand
our cuhureand our taxpa!es. Thc pfoblcmis rhal all order our counesaccordinslr:
re. 1 l -e J1; rL1. r. dr'
pa.tiesarc doinglheir besr.The taxpayers
{ant to sup
np o' .9
froL"bl \
po. r an i n n i tu ri o no fh i g h c rl e a .n i n sth at* i l l ptuduce nudenrs'education!er! hrle by our syndns ofevalua
eood ideas, Dor only in sciencebur aho nr rhe rioDaDdreward.for mostofus {ould likelo lclch well
hunr an i l i e sl hi e u n i \e s i l y s a n ts to j u sl i i i l arpayer' any*ay. What we must do, I believe,is ro addres the
s LDpo rt
b y h a \i n ea l a c u l l yth a ti s p ro d u cti ve
andrhar qtreslionof what se are leachjng,rathcr than horvs.
is in fact berler0noreproducri\e)Iha. the ia.ultiesof are teachjng,and if we can dirtinish rhe distarcebe
ot heru n i l e rs i l i e si i rc u h )p ro \c th c i r p r odufi ni tyby tsccn \rhal \rc wrilc aboul and whal *c leach.wc can
equarcdwjrh brins lo the cla$roon drc kno\llcdsc$c acquircin ou.
But sr mustescape
the nodelthal no\yshapes
srealer(no.e) publicaljon.
our da$ preparationnon
The acceptancc
oi thc scienliiicmodel has afiecled ou. thinkins,that sepa.ates
pusun!. Il our pusui t ofknoN l edge
our prolessionalaclivitiesas well. At acadcmiccoD our schol ady
ierencesnos( ot us as5umethal by rcadinelwenty our preparaliorfor our advaDced
courseslere to have
minulepapersro oneanodrerwear erchangins
scholaF the 5amesoal, !hat of knosledseof somebroad field,
ly n'lornation, critical vrcss, and ideas.In nredrcDe we could proceed$irh enthusiain in bolh endeavos,
and mcdical and w e w oul d benefi l by enj oyi ns even our
]carnnc* Irealmenls
lor disease,
and in orhundc.graduale
surveycourss. In an idcalsir!ation,ou!
s.ienrificdiscipliresthcy allo$ ior lhe qchanseof n$! curiosjty,jntelligence,
and dcsirelo kno$ moreand to
knowledse.tsurparti.ipalionin conlirencessccms1c$ conlnuricale what we know all of which rhe un,ve.
rorlhwhile iD literarysludies,perhapsin parl becausc sily secksin a facuhy Nould lcad us toNardmakire
Ne arc no1oftcn concerned{ith new disco!.iesthat c dl -dbl ei nrdl (..ual .Jnu,b' .i ' n
u r .Ji , Ie, in
must be connunicaled inmcdiarely.Weare,or should botlr our rsearch and our reachins.
be, ftore conccrncdwilh ideas,ideasthar can usuaut
Thesethen,afedreproblemswelilerdy scholarshave
be expressed
morc co8entlyin *rning than in speech. rvith our model.llxpayersqanl a sood uniresil,vwirh
good laculty doing good teaching. Universily adMosI lireraryscholaAfind the tventy minutcoral for
mal inadequatefor elaboraringan ideaof interestto a nrinistratonjdenlity good facultyby producli!il) and
djverseaudienceand so wendros our focus,sonennes re$ardproduclivil! and good teachjngmonetarily.\\'e
to one aspectot ! singleliterary workj in order to b J i \.Iobepru,l ..rj .cb) Lmi r.nsJ r i ' (U ut' nq . ir )
able to sly somclhinene*, and then se Iinit our !u
so thal we can write somethingnw lairly Irequenuy,
dieDcero lhose who may halc read rhe work. Thus and wc slriveto bcsood reachesby makinsour clases
and tbe practjceofgiving papersar con exciting,evcnlhoughre nay nol therebyprofit profes
venuonssupporreachorher And laxess!pport borh. sionally.Yetwhenweatenpt !o proveour worth to our
jou.nah, cuhurc by erhibilnrs our research,we somerideser,
aho sivesriseIo specialized
nany ol which obtain thejr articles dosr from the pericnccthe snawincfear that ve ha\e nor contributed
uDlen u re sd h, o i n tu rn d e p c n do n th ej o urnahto pro
very much. we havedone our besl, and we havehad
vidc rhem*irh rhe requisirepublication.The resulroi
our nodel's expectarionof specialjzation,
mo.enmeto thrnk?
measurabre Whal can$! do 1lrgivcourselves
productivifi andpublicationis the p.oliienlionoisho
wha! can we do lo makea rorthwhile conlributionto
artjcles,many originauydesicnedas talks,on limired our cDlrure?\\t would probablyaereerhat a universr
Who.eadsrheseturicles?who hastime even Iy\ soal should be Io eslablishan excellentlacully
ro radalllh aniclsin onCslield unle$ onedefines capablcoi providinga goodeducationfor nudents,and
one\ field very narosly?
se would probablyaereerhar rhe iaculty owe intellecAnd doesthe adivny olwritins sho.trcsearch
repo.ts tual leade^hiplo our culture.we day dnasreeabour
useup limc that we would berterenploy in hardrhink- rhe techniqus lor acbievingrhis idea1.
ine? Or in tachins?Here $ come to the tdpaters'
A rao, r,ron.,b ;r) o' rh- rel u ed' ..ufv n d
o, l' ere \o e . a i o o t " n J reL n r\e rn .Jcooo
reJ-ni ne. resear.hunivesny {and rot all srareinstnurionsof
we havclone beentrying ro decidewhal goodteachjns hieher learningsbould be researchuniveAitiet h ro
is. Many ofour sta1eunjversities
haveattemptedro en- represent
our socjelyin selectingscholarsolr l.lxpayers
couragegood tcachingth.oush awardsdd salary1n- will supportto do
Tbroughrhc promotionpro
on lhe a$umptionlhat suchincenrileswillmake cedurea universityredistrjbutestalentthroughoulour
us try harder as il we *ould make]itlle effort other collesesand univesniesby offerincsone scholaspeF
wiseto do wUin the clasroom- Again, all pa(jes are manentposilionsto do rcsedchin addilion1()teaching
its obliga- and by relcasinsothes sho may not finally be intrested
lion ro prolide goodteachingiso it esrablishes
methods i n o, capdblol
e J ,.nctncrc.earch
rhe-ni ' (, i i Je'ir e'
lb. faculty evaluarionand prizesfor !h oulsEnd'ng; to derotethenselvesto fulltine teachinsor to orher


/ ' , ^ ) l- ?
acljvjties.In a perlecrsorld, rheunjvrsitydiscovers
the tual contri buti ons
ro our di sci pl i ne.
Thi s ..qual i ryo i
tururehard thjnkc.sofrhe countryin rhis sa! For ttie ri rd
{oLl d re\eJl.rfl . In \r' ' en ror\. .n .opr! \
model presenllyoperarinsin literaturedeparrmenisj under (udr, in rhe originality and imporranceof
hoscver, hard rhinkins is evidencedby pubtrsneo rrgu rrnt\. j 1 md. d) ot ded. Jnd i rroraa i or, I n
research,and thus we chaDnelour thinkins inro areas maturlty of merhods of research,in breadtr or
r n s h' c h w e c a n p u b l i s h .
knowhdge.and in clariryoistyle. rr would reveatjrseli
I would suggense beeinour escapeirom this moqer in candidates'teaching:
in theabilityto a.ticularegcneral
by cxamrningour p.onrorionprocedures.
The AAUP problemsorally,ro engagea classin jnrereninEdscue
, pr L. r uide fu ' e u c .e .rrh o rs e .h o o ,e L h crl errori Lc sionsof literaryquesrionsand side{ansiDg idels, ro
an asisrant prolisor ienurewithin sevenyearsoi firsr relateliteraryle\ts ro oneanothefand !o orherierls and
cmploymentat a universir'',
andweusuallydecidceanrer evenhrn hsrorx and io gradcfairtrl A1l thcsequalitics
r o allos ad e q u a te
ti m c fo r n o ri l i c a ri o o
n f d i smi ssat
i i we should be able to judce in our colteasues.
d'at shouldbe lecessary.
Sinceour goal is cenerattylo
S ucha reorj enrari soul
on d enrai l shi fti ns
rhebul kof
acquneproducrirescholarslor our permanenrfacuhy. rhe r-._.r i b.Lrr\ro' JU oqren, .sId l o.e h.!, ,c
wc evaluatethe candidate's
productivity,assunjngdrar quai ntedw i th rhe candi dal es
* ork $i rhi n hi s or her
earlyproductiviryis predicti!ofa schotatsliferime,a,c. univerlttr Wc\ould not solicirelatLrarions
fton theen,
To avoid po$ible discriminarioD,.onsciousor un
di datc' s col l eaE U cs
ouLsi derhe uni versi ry;otren
qcser up synemswhereby*e ofteneraruare nominatedby thccandidarcfor rhe.equesr,
a candidater scholarly abiliry only on ..objecrivc" be unlikcly ro olier aDyrhingbut praistor a scirorar
elidencc, ch as fubljcation of a.ticl.s. books, and (lriend) with the sane sp.ciahy.The pra.rice is apbook reviewsjparii.iparion in conferences;
evaluarion propnate ro rhe in rhesedhciplinesthe
of the'sresea.chby oursidelcholaB iI rhe lalidiry of reserrchneedsto be verified by speciatjsrs,
samefieldj and iinauy evaluarions
by comniueessirh and the scienrjsrs
wjthin a candidale'sdeparlmert,ray
somemembesliorn orherdeparinenrs.
our presuppo$ not be ablero makea properelaluationjbut ir is rnaprion is that claluaiionexclusively
within !hedepanmenr proprialeto lhe humanilies
would be "5ubjective"and Frhaps unfair
mentalcolleaguesshould b abteto judge his or her
The crilflia of objectivnyand publicationaremuluaf qork. I would arguethat ifa literarysdrolats research
ry supporuveas lne govcrnmentprssure on us lo be
so specializcdrhar depanmenralcoUeaeues
nondi!criminarorynakes us seekconc.eteevideDce
oi undcrsrand
it, thcnperhapsir is not ofgrcar imtorrance
a caDdidalc's
acadeni. succe$,and olr proic$ioDhas to literarysrudies.(Of.ou6e rhereare exceplioDs,
acccpted publi.ation as videnceot a'!s rn lhosr thc candidalessliould be ablero e{plain rhen
qualificarionsior the posirion.In our honesreiior6 Lo ideasto rhei. .olleasue!.)
be nondiscrimjnatoryw hesirarcro make even the
l l r..o.i 3_.e .\i r,.oLr J !re o do t-( e\rtua.i .S
dis c r im nr a ti o(i
n sn th co ri s i n a l n e a n j n o
s i rhe sord
ouB el ves,
w eshoul dannoLrnce
rhatrhepubti cari on
''distinctions") we once madejudgins someresearch anrclesor booksdoesnot
cuaranieea can.lidarcspro
prolectsbctter wrilren or broaderin scope,or more mofi on.sucha guo-d eeonl j
C i F. rrc cd oh o' l or..
rmaeinatirerhanodrers.wc dklike evenmoreto mak nrl . Jrd nub l ou.e. a .o e rp' ono ron
^' .
rharmighrrrsull i. our selecting
a .andidare proce$.Innead{eshould conscienriously
*ho has publkhed liule ovcr a candidarewho .as didatCspublishedand urpublishcd$o.k (pcrhapsappublishedmuch. To make thcse pointingsubcornmitrces
cofirposedof rhosectosesrro
wouldbaveto do our own rhinkins,our own e\aluauns, the candidate's
field)to delerdineif rhequaliryofmind
and I nle o rr.o L
c n d ro .e l FJ ..1
rhereis vhar thcuniversirys?Dtsfor irs prr
by consjderinea plaintiffs concrerequaliiications,{e
nr ' enr ta.ul v.dnose roL d pretrnroJr un,
shy away fionr this respoDsibililr
rn wnting. \ve are thc oneswho knop whar kind of
ll, hoseve(we rvercto aCreerh.oughoutour profe-s laculty tre rvant for ou. univesity, and qe oucclves
sion that what se want in a faculryof lileraryscbolan should makeihose diificuh pe6onneldecisions
is not a neady ratc of publicalion,which we call pru
If we wereto requestsrarenenrsfrom candidares
ductiliry, buLrather a rhoughrfutconlriburionro our desribingrhei.resear.h,rheirgoah,rherclarionof trrer.
dn. ' plindsi n te U e c ru
a l ,e v e n i frh a rc o n rri buri ondi dtalks,articles,
l i fc
and booksrooneanorhe.andto anylong
not manitesiirself in g.earnumbe6 of prinredpaees, range projecrsj rhe rmporranceof seemingtyoler
r ' r p|r e $o l d e i n o u i .\ ,r' ' .l l ' r o r\rE.d l o. oote. specialized
or lechnicalrerarch, Be wouldelininarerne
tilily in evahalion.$'eeould makcourremreand pro Jdn" ero rFJnd-r,a1drneo n.d^cni ) di . 1r..i rs
notion decisionsin an adoiltedly subjecrivenranner, candidaies'projects,and we could ber(e.p.edici rhen
t hal is ,ac c o rd i n g to o ubr e s te n i ma te
o frh e qual i tyof tuturecontributions
ro ourcuhurc.Thn kind oiryidcrce
candidarelminds as$ nay judsei.on iheir reachine of a candidate'squaliry of mind woutd give inr'orma
and qrnnre (in eharcverquanriryrhar mishr be)-and Ii on not onl t to thosei n\ol l cdj n naki ng tenuredecr
ac.o.d'ng ro our erpeclationsof rhen futurc irleltec sionsbul also ro rhoscin orher specializedtictds

rn ths
Ii *e all changedour proootior procedures
Ne woulderaduallychangethe modelof our whole
(n .o u rperoIngd i '
enr c r p r" e .$ ' s u rd
tanr professorsro seek rapjd publicationand earlv
visibilily by specializinsin esorericficlds becausewc
would judge rhemon their abilily 1olake on bis que!
tions, to broadendtir knosledse and to beginlonc_
rcrmprojectslhal couldbeiniponamto usall ln sele.r
iig our tenuredlacultr by thesecritcria,rvewouldd'rcct
our dilciplindsthinking1o*ardour culture\major con
ccrns,to$ardi$ues thai pcrhap!arenol stricdylilerarv
bnr ralbe. inierdisciplinaryor evenpolitical.
onc (o r.e q re n .c' r rl a .rro ns l l b PJ red cr' or
nr rhc nudber ol highly lpecializedjournalsand snrau
supponednow primarily by assstanrpro
fessorsnruggling to say somethjng Anothcr consequercemay be the esrablishmnt
ot morejoumals and
conferences!ppealiDg lo the inrelligenrsiaof manv
jouniah in whichwelilerarv
scholarsmay spcaknol only to otc anotherbul alsoto
i.lelliBent people lhroughout our culture,and inter
dis.iplinary conferencestbat will acquaint us *nh
Ihinkc.sin iieldsolher than our own. Manv oi us ad_
o l d c a demiree
c i ng'
m r o " rh d rr' .rri n d D \c l u
i! serrins togetherpilh other academicsrarher lhan
lisreninc to nventyminute lalks. By removing the
on the unrenuredlo gile thesetalks,*e would

New York UniversityCertiticate in


i- ' 1

probably reducethe nudbe. ol resion.i conierences

A mcel rnB .andd4el opmore'oDiL_
rrodel eoonrne\41
for thinken in a vafielv
offields to meetfor thoughrfulcxplorationofdiliicult
Finally, when we tell our younsc!, unrenuredcol
that $ evaluatctheirqualityof ni.d in our ex
aminalionsottheir teachincand resear.h,we shallfree
themto do themostimponantwork tbeycan.and Nen
tuallys shalldaelop a bodyofscholaBwho w.i1eles
(bur wrile for the benefil oi all) and contibute more
ThrouChthis mallchange ir promotionprocedu!cs,
we indirectlyreorienlour *holc disciplineawav[.onl
specializarionand to*ard a new kind ot inforned
srudies.when we iind encouragement
trom one another and iiom our admrnistralorsto our .rh r' t' i l rel l,l l e,der. b) l ea r r 'ng,
reachins,and writins aboutbroadpbilosophicalnsues,
literary molements,idcolosies,major riguresand 'n
and therelationof literatureto othe.discourss
in a pani.uldperiod of our cullure,thenwe shallprob_
ably enjoy our teachinsand our researchmuch ftore
lhan we do now. And when we find thal *e have
somethingto say!o one anothe.andto lhe cullurthat
supporlsus, lhen we shall bavethe time to *rite sell
about rhingsthat mattei


Purpaseand eligibilit!. The Nalional Humanities

The Schooloi Contiruing EducationaI Ne! York
ceDIersupportsadvancedstudyin historx philosophy,
a lewccrtilicaleprograminrann
Unile6ity announces
Its iellows,
lation, beginningfall 198:1.Thi! noncredit,postbac liremture,and otherfieldsoilhe hDmanities.
researchand writ
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Slrpends.The anolnt of fello*ship stipendis based
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salary.Many lellowshave
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the center
from othc! sources
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Deadli e. 15 Oct. 1984(NoIc chanseoi appiication
or rcchnicaltields is often esdrlial. The studenrmay
includingthesunmer deadlineiron previousyea6.)For informationand ap_
in anysemester
callJohn C Millcr. plicarionmate.ialrvriteKenrMullikin, AssistanrDirec
For lirther information
Dircclor, ForeienLansuaseProgram,NYU, SCE, 2 to., Narional HumanitiesCenter,7 AlexanderDrive,
T.ianslePark, h\C 21709.
Uni!sity Placc,Roon 56, New York, NY 10003itel. Research
212J 9 8 3 3 ,1 6 .

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