Proper Use of The Rebound Hammer

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CEMEX USA - Technical Bulletin


Proper use of the Rebound Hammer

The Rebound Hammer has been around since the late 1940s and today is a commonly used
method for estimating the compressive strength of in-place concrete. Developed in 1948 by a
Swiss engineer named Ernst Schmidt, the device measures the hardness of concrete surfaces
using the rebound principle. The device is often referred to as a Swiss Hammer.

How does it work?

ASTM C 805, Standard Test Method for Rebound Number of Hardened Concrete, summarizes
the procedure as A steel hammer impacts, with a predetermined amount of energy, a steel
plunger in contact with a surface of concrete, and the distance that the hammer rebounds is
The device consists of a plunger rod and an internal spring loaded steel hammer and a latching
mechanism. When the extended plunger rod is pushed against a hard surface, the spring
connecting the hammer is stretched and when pushed to an internal limit, the latch is released
causing the energy stored in the stretched spring to propel the hammer against the plunger tip.
The hammer strikes the shoulder of the plunger rod and rebounds a certain distance. On the
outside of the unit is a slide indicator that records the distance traveled during the rebound. This
indication is known as the rebound number. By pressing the button on the side of the unit, the
plunger is then locked in the retracted position and the rebound number (R-number) can be
read from the graduated scale. The higher the R-number, the greater the hardness of the
concrete surface is.
The tests can be performed in horizontal, vertically upward, vertically downward or any
intermediate angled positions in relation to the surface. The devices are furnished with
correlation curves by the manufacturer. However, to obtain greater accuracy of test results, it is
recommended that the user develop a correlation for the device on each concrete mix design to
be tested and at the intended test angle.

What is the significance and use of this test?

ASTM C 805 states that this method is applicable for the following uses:
To assess the in-place uniformity of concrete
To delineate regions in a structure of poor quality or deteriorated concrete
To estimate in-place strength development
The ASTM standard then states that to use the device to estimate in-place strength, a
relationship between strength and rebound number needs to be established for the specific
concrete mix design(s) of interest. Different rebound hammers of the same design and
manufacture may give rebound numbers differing from 1 to 3 units, therefore, the relationship
development should use the same device intended for measurements. If multiple devices are
going to be used, they should be measured against each other on a range of typical concrete
surfaces to determine the extent of differences expected.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Publication No. FHWA-SA-97-105, Guide to
Nondestructive Testing of Concrete, provides a laboratory calibration procedure to be followed:

Compressive Strength (psi)

1. Prepare fifteen 6x12-in. concrete cylinders whose strengths will cover the expected strength
range to be encountered on the job site. Use the same cement, aggregates, admixtures and
mix design that are to be used on the job. Cure cylinders under standard moist curing
conditions. Test 3 cylinders at each of the following test ages: 1, 3, 7, 14, and 28 days.
2. After capping, place the cylinder in a compression-testing machine and apply an initial load
of approximately 15 percent of anticipated ultimate load to restrain the specimen. Ensure
that all cylinders are tested in a saturated surface-dry condition.
3. Take 15 rebound hammer readings, 5 on each of 3 vertical lines 120 apart, against the
side surface in the middle two-thirds of each cylinder. Avoid testing the same spot twice.
4. Average all of the readings, and then use the discard criteria given in ASTM C 805 to
determine the rebound number for the cylinder being tested.
5. Repeat steps two through four for all of the cylinders.
6. Test each cylinder to failure in compression and plot the average rebound numbers at each
age against the compressive strengths on a graph.
7. Fit a curve or line to data using the least squares approximation method.


R2 = 0.9683







Rebound Number

Fig. 1 - Example of a calibration chart for a rebound hammer


ASTM C 805 also states that if desired to estimate the strength of concrete in an existing
structure, the relationship should be established by correlating rebound numbers measured on
the structure with the strengths of cores taken from corresponding locations. ACI 228.1 R is also
recommended for reference on additional information on developing the relationship and using it
to estimate in-place strength.

What factors affect the test results?

Surface Smoothness The surface texture significantly
affects the R-number obtained. Tests performed on a
rough-textured finish will typically result in crushing of the
surface paste, resulting in a lower number. Alternately,
tests performed on the same concrete that has a hard,
smooth texture will typically result in a higher R-number.
Therefore, it is recommended that test areas with a rough
surface be ground to a uniform smoothness. This can be
achieved easily with a Carborundum stone or similar
abrasive stone. The FHWA Guide states that research has
shown that troweled surfaces and surfaces formed by
metal forms yield rebound numbers 5% - 25% higher than
surfaces cast against wooden forms. It also states that
troweled surfaces give a higher scatter of results, which
lower confidence in the estimated strengths. ASTM C 805
states that where formed surfaces were ground, increases
in rebound number of 2.1 for plywood formed surfaces and
0.4 for high-density plywood formed surfaces have been
Age of Concrete The majority of concrete surface hardness is developed in the first 7 days.
However, the concrete will typically continue to gain significant strength with cement hydration.
Testing of concrete less than 3 days old or concrete with expected strengths less than 1000 psi
is not recommended, because the R-numbers will be too low for an accurate reading and will be
more destructive to the concrete surface. Concrete continuing to develop strength with age is
again reason for the development of data relating rebound numbers and the compressive
strength of the concrete mixture or cores from the structure.
Moisture Content This has a profound effect on the test results. Dry concrete surfaces result in
higher rebound numbers than wet surfaces. The FHWA Guide references a study where
saturated surface-dry (SSD) specimens were left in a room at 70F and air-dried. The
specimens gained 3 units in 3 days and 5 units in 7 days. It is recommended that to achieve the
most accurate results where the actual moisture condition is unknown, the surface should be
pre-saturated with water several hours prior to testing and use the correlation developed for
SSD specimens.
Surface Carbonation With greater amounts of surface carbonation, higher rebound numbers
will be obtained. Rebound numbers on a carbonated surface can be as much as 50 % higher
than non-carbonated surfaces. Older concrete surfaces may have much deeper amounts of
surface carbonation than younger concrete. ASTM states that the effects of moisture content
and carbonation can be reduced by thoroughly wetting the surface for 24 hours before testing,
and that where a thick layer of carbonation is present, it may be necessary to use a power
grinder to remove the carbonated concrete and obtain more accurate data.

Aggregate, air voids, and steel reinforcement The presence of

materials in the immediate area where the plunger comes into
contact with the concrete will have an obviously profound effect as
well. If the test is performed over a hard aggregate particle or a
section of steel reinforcement, the result may be an unusually high
rebound number. ASTM C 805 states that tests directly over
reinforcing bars with cover less than 0.75 inches should not be
conducted. The use of a pachometer or similar device is
recommended for determining the location and cover in
structurally reinforced concrete. Likewise, if the test is performed
over a very soft aggregate particle or an air void, an unusually low
rebound number may result. The FHWA guide reported that for
equal compressive strengths, concrete made with crushed
limestone resulted in rebound numbers approximately 7 units
higher than concrete made with gravel, representing a difference
of approximately 1000 psi compressive strength estimation.
Because of the factors mentioned above, ASTM C 805 requires that for each test area, ten
readings be obtained with no two tests being closer to one another than one inch. Readings
differing from the average of the ten readings by more than six units should be discarded. Also,
if two readings differ from the average by six units or more, the operator should discard the
entire set of readings and take ten new readings within the test area.
Temperature Tests should not be performed on frozen concrete surfaces. Wet concrete at
temperatures of 32F or less may result in higher rebound numbers. Also, the temperature of
the Swiss Hammer itself in extreme cold (0F) may result in rebound numbers reduced by as
much as two or three units.
Calibration of the Rebound Hammer The device itself should be serviced and verified annually
or whenever there is a reason to doubt proper performance. Verification of proper performance
of the device includes the use of a test anvil. The required dimensions and steel hardness is
listed in ASTM C 805. Impacting the proper test anvil with a properly functioning device will
typically result in rebound numbers of 80 2. If the device is believed to not be functioning
properly, it is recommended to send it back to the manufacturer or experienced facility for
repairs and re-verification.

How to interpret the test results?

There is an advantage to use of the rebound hammer as a means of evaluating concrete for
assessing the in-place uniformity, delineating regions in a structure of poor quality or
deteriorated concrete, and estimating in-place strength development. The unit is easy to use
and a large number of readings can be obtained in a relatively short amount of time. The
method is for the most part non-destructive and typically more economical than other methods.
However, with these advantages come some disadvantages related to limitations on accuracy
and the need for the specific calibration procedures mentioned previously.

There is a large variance in opinions as to the accuracy of determining an estimation of

compressive strength with the use of the rebound hammer. The accuracy of these estimations
can be increased significantly by developing the correlation curves with the device to be used
on the specific concrete mixture designs or on core specimens. The FHWA Guide states that for
a properly calibrated device, the accuracy is 15 to 20 percent for test specimens cast, cured,
and tested under lab conditions and that the accuracy of the rebound hammer for estimating inplace compressive strength in the field is approximately 30 to 40 percent.
The rebound hammer can be a valuable tool for evaluating the uniformity of concrete in the field
provided that the concrete is under the same conditions related to age, moisture content,
surface carbonation, and temperature. It should not be used as a substitute for performing
normal specified quality control procedures.

ASTM C 805-02, Standard Test Method for Rebound Number of Hardened Concrete,
American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA
FHWA Publication No. FHWA-SA-97-105, Guide to Nondestructive Testing of Concrete, U.S.
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC
ACI Committee 228, In-Place Methods to Estimate Concrete Strength (ACI 228.1R-03),
American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI

For questions on this bulletin or any other technical issues, please contact us or visit our web
site at

2008 CEMEX

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