Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Tandem Photoelectrochemical
Cells for Water Splitting
Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique
Federale de Lausanne, 1015-Lausanne, Switzerland
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Chapter 4
(an absorption wavelength cut-o of 1008 nm) could be eective. Based on the
standard AM1.5 G solar spectrum (1000 W m2), a semiconductor with such a
band-gap would operate at maximum overall solar-to-hydrogen conversion
eciency, ZSTH, of 47.4% assuming a unity quantum conversion eciency
(fconv 1) and no other losses.2
However, signicant loss processes are involved and are unavoidable in any
energy conversion process. Figure 4.1 shows an electron energy scheme of S2
PEC water splitting using a photoanode and highlights these loss processes.
Firstly, there is an entropic energy loss resulting from the amount of work
that must be done to extract the excited states. The chemical potential of the
excited state, Dmex, represents the maximum amount of energy available to do
work,3 and is necessarily signicantly less than Eg. The dierence between these
quantities depends on the band-gap of the semiconductor and the illumination
intensity; it has been calculated by Bolton et al.4 to be about Eg/4 for a typical
semiconductor at terrestrial solar intensities, meaning that DmexE0.75 Eg. In
addition, kinetic overpotentials, Zox and Zred, exist at both electrodes resulting
from the energies of the intermediate species involved in the complex water
reduction and oxidation reaction mechanisms. Even using the best catalysts,5
the overpotential of the water oxidation reaction, Zox, is notoriously large
(0.20.4 eV) for reasonable current densities (ca. 10 mA cm2) as a consequence
of the four-electron nature of the oxygen evolution reaction (OER)
These loss processes imply that a semiconductor with Eg much greater than
1.23 eV must be used to realize S2 PEC water splitting. This is clearly illustrated
in Figure 4.1. Since a semiconductor can only harvest photons with energy
greater than Eg, the requirement to use a material with a larger band-gap
implies a lower possible ZSTH. Indeed, while the ideal (Schottky-Queisser) solar
Figure 4.1
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energy conversion limit using one absorber material is 34% for AM1.5G
irradiation, Weber and Dignam2 followed by Bolton et al.6 analyzed the upper
limit for ZSTH using S2 water splitting with realistic losses and reported
maximum values of 11.6% (using Eg 2.2) and 17% (using Eg 2.03),
respectively. The latter report additionally considered photon absorption and
collection losses and estimated that 10% should be entirely feasible with an S2
approach. In reality, the realization of a S2 PEC water splitting device with
ZSTH 10% is clearly a dicult task. A review by Walter et al.5 in 2010 summarizes decades of progress on using either a photocathode or a photoanode
for S2 water splitting. While many promising S2 photocathodes exist (e.g. GaP
and InP), their cost and stability in aqueous environments remain critical
limitations. Semiconductor oxide photoanodes oer unmatched stability for
water splitting, but, due to the large energy loss processes discussed above,
materials with band-gaps greater than 3.0 eV (e.g. SrTiO3 and KTaO3) must be
employed, limiting ZSTH to less than 2%.
It remains possible that a single semiconductor material that possesses the
optimum band-gap, conduction and valence band levels, stability and availability will be identied, and a device exploiting the S2 approach will realize
over 10% ZSTH. However, the failure to do so after decades of work has led
researchers to consider alternative approaches. This chapter introduces an
approach to PEC water splitting that increases system complexity but also
energy conversion eciency. By employing multiple light absorbers in tandem,
PEC systems can both harvest a signicant portion of the solar spectrum and
provide enough Dmex to aord water splitting at high ZSTH. In the next sections,
various approaches using multi-absorber systems will be presented, analyzed,
and discussed using examples from literature. In addition, since the primary
goal of PEC research is to develop a system that balances system complexity,
cost, and eciency, particular attention will be given to these aspects.
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Chapter 4
Figure 4.2
Electron energy scheme of a generic tri-level tandem cell for solar energy
conversion. Here three semiconductors (Eg13) are employed as pnjunctions and connected by transparent ohmic contacts to give a nal
photopotential of Vcell.
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where DG0H2 represents the standard free energy of the hydrogen produced
(lower heating value, 2.46 eV per molecule of H2), Zfarad is the Faradaic eciency for the water splitting reactions, q is the elementary charge
(1.60221019 C 1 eV V1), and ES represents the power ux from the sun
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Chapter 4
incident on the tandem cell. For standard conditions (AM1.5G), this latter
value is 1000 W m2. The factor of 2 in the denominator represents the stoichiometric relation between one molecule of H2 and the number of electrons
needed to produce it electrochemically from H2O. Finally, jmin represents the
photocurrent density (A m2) of the D4 tandem device (i.e. the electrical current
that is owing between the two cells), which is zero if there is not sucient Dmex
generated by the tandem cell and is otherwise limited by the individual cell
producing the least amount of photocurrent, as the cells are assumed be connected in series:
minj1; j2 ;
Here, Dmex is equal to the sum of the free energies produced by each
cell, Dmex1 Dmex2. The individual current densities produced by each cell, j1
and j2, can be expressed with respect to the known spectral irradiance from the
sun13 as a function of photon wavelength (W m2 nm1), ES(l), and the wavelength cut-os for each semiconductor (li hc/Egi, i 1,2, again setting
Eg14Eg2) as
ES ljconv;i l
dl; for i 1; 2
where fconv,i(l) represents the quantum conversion eciency for each semiconductor as a function of wavelength (i.e. the ratio of photocurrent density
and absorbed photon ux), and l0 represents the smallest wavelength for which
there is an appreciable photon ux from the sun (ca. 300 nm for AM1.5G solar
For simplicity, the above formalisms assume that each semiconductor absorbs all photons with energy hn4Eg and transmits all photons with energy
hnoEg. No reection or scattering losses are included for this ideal case. Thus
values for j1 and j2 calculated in this way represent upper bounds for real
systems. In real tandem systems, reection and scattering losses exist, but can
be addressed with device engineering. Also, in real systems, both Dmex and fconv
are complicated functions of the light intensity and the semiconductor properties. Moreover, the overpotentials for the oxidation and reduction reactions,
Zox and Zred, are related to jmin by the Tafel relation. Thus, additional
assumptions are needed to obtain reasonable values for ZSTH. In principle, fconv
can be made very close to unity even in real systems,3 so fconv 1 will be used to
evaluate equation (4.3). If we also assume that no corrosion or undesirable side
reactions occur then Zfarad 1. Bolton selected some values for the remaining
loss processes based on reasonable assumptions regarding the overpotentials
and the free energy.6 The minimum reasonable value for the energy loss,
Uloss Eg1 Eg2 Dmex Zox Zred, was chosen to be 1.2 eV (or 0.6 eV for each
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Figure 4.3
(Top) Contour plot (thick grey lines) showing the maximum reasonable
ZSTH with AM 1.5G incident radiation (1000 W m2) and an total loss,
Uloss, set at 1.4 eV as it depends on the chosen semiconductor cut-o
wavelengths, l1 and l2 where (li hc/Egi, i 1,2, with Eg14Eg2). The
maximum ZSTH as it depends on the choice of the wider band-gap
absorber (l1) is also shown (thin black line). See text for full explanation.
(Bottom) The AM 1.5 G solar photon ux as a function of wavelength.
The optimum values of li are indicated and the areas corresponding to the
photons harvested by each absorber layer are shaded.
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Figure 4.4
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islands of Pt and RuO2 were used as a reduction and oxidation catalysts, and
the device was directly submerged into aqueous electrolyte.24 Since the bandgap of the a-Si was the same for each nip-junction, the layer thicknesses were
optimized so each layer produced the same photocurrent (i.e. the top two layers
were thin enough to transmit some photons with energy hn4Eg). This concept
was later extended to increase the eciency for electricity production by mixing
some Ge in with the Si to modify the Eg of the bottom two layers.25 Using these
devices for water splitting, an ZSTH of 7.8% under AM1.5 (100 mW cm2) illumination was achieved in 1 M KOH electrolyte with CoMo (reduction) and
NiFeyOx (oxidation) catalysts.26 The stability of these devices was improved to
greater than 31 days while maintaining 56% ZSTH using a uorine-doped SnO2
protection layer on the cathode.27 More recent eorts with these devices have
also shown that operation at near neutral pH is possible with ZSTH 4.7%.28
While these a-Si based devices are presumably less expensive than III-V
semiconductor based tandem cells, their fabrication still requires relatively
expensive vacuum processing. Despite this, at the time of this writing, the mass
production by several companies of triple junction a-Si device modules for
photovoltaic energy conversion is beginning. It is not yet clear what the price
per kg H2 would be if these cells were used for water splitting. Furthermore, the
open-circuit voltages produced by such triple junction a-Si cells are around
2.4 V much higher than is needed for water electrolysis. The optimization of
this class of devices specically for solar water splitting has yet to be
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Chapter 4
orbitals, thus it does not change appreciably from a potential around 2.53.0 V
vs. NHE when changing the metal.31 In addition, the band-edge energies
typically exhibit a Nertsian pH response. Thus, for a transition metal oxide to
have a small enough Eg for adequate solar light harvesting its CB energy must
be well below the water reduction potential. This excludes them from being
used in a S2 water splitting scheme but essentially makes them ideal for use as
photoanodes in a D4 tandem cell. Moreover, the diculty in identifying a
stable p-type cathode makes a photoanode/PV tandem device a good compromise, with device complexity and stability.
Since there are several examples of this type of tandem cell, it is useful to illustrate general device function. The operation conditions of a photoanode/PV
tandem device can be predicted by comparing the current density-voltage characteristics of each individual cell under the actual illumination conditions of that
separate part (given its position in the particular tandem conguration).2
Figure 4.5 shows the current density with respect to the applied potential for a
realistic but arbitrary photovoltaic cell (solid black curve) and a photoanode
(solid grey curve) under the appropriate illumination conditions. The operating
potential Uop is dened as the potential measured at a common node between the
PV and the PEC cell (i.e. where the curves overlap). The current density at this
point, jop, can be used directly in equation (4.1) as jmin to predict the ZSTH of the
tandem cell. In this way the properties of the individual cell can be independently
varied to maximize jop and, accordingly, the ZSTH of the device.
Figure 4.5
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It should be noted that, in a real device, the maximum jop is not necessarily
jmin as expressed in equation (4.2). That is to say that the maximum jop is not
found by merely maximizing the current output from each cell (denoted as the
short circuit current density, jsc, for the PV cell and the plateau photocurrent
density, jpl, for the photoanode). Uloss (as dened in section 4.2.3) and other
device non-idealities (such as high series and low shunt resistances) necessitate
that the characteristic cell potentials (denoted as the open circuit photopotential, Uoc, and the photocurrent onset potential, Uon, for the PV and the
photoanode, respectively) be also considered in device optimization.
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Figure 4.6
The layouts of three architectures for water splitting tandem cells using a
n-type photoanode and two dye sensitized solar cells in series. (a) the
conventional back DSSC conguration, (b) a trilevel conguration,
and (c) the front DSSC conguration.
Reprinted with permission from J. Brillet, et al., J. Mater. Res., 2010, 25,
1724. Copyright 2010 Materials Research Society.
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Chapter 4
transparent conducting glass and an inexpensive metal foil support could instead be used.
Brillet et al. determined how these two new photoanode/DSC tandem concepts performed compared to standard architecture using state-of-the-art
nanostructured hematite47 photoanodes. The tri-level tandem architecture
(photoanode/DSSC-squaraine dye/DSSC-panchromatic dye) produced the
highest operating current density and thus the highest expected solarto-hydrogen eciency of 1.36%. The conventional photoanode/2DSSC
architecture gave an eciency of 1.16% and the front DSSC conguration
0.76%. It should be noted that these values were far below the expected 3.3%
that should have been possible with the nanostructured hematite photoanodes
used. Evidently, reduced light harvesting caused by scattering and reection
were limiting the overall conversion eciency. This is illustrated by the optical
and electronic characteristics of the tri-level tandem cell presented in Figure 4.7.
Here it is shown that while the hematite photoanode only produces photocurrent for l4600 nm, the light transmitted to the middle and back cells is
severely attenuated by scattering and reection losses. This causes the DSSC
photocurrent to limit the overall performance of the tandem cell. While device
engineering should improve the operating current density by reducing reection, scattering and resistive losses, DSSCs with higher Uocs would enable
construction of a true D4 photoanode/DSSC water splitting tandem cell.
Indeed, in 2012, a specically designed cobalt redox couple combined with an
all-organic dye (coded Y123) gave DSSCs with Uoc41.0 V at 1 sun conditions.48 This breakthrough allowed the rst demonstration of a D4 photoanode/DSSC water splitting tandem cell.49 Devices were assembled with both
nanostructured WO3 and Fe2O3 photoanodes, and jop was measured to give
ZSTH values of 3.10% and 1.17% with the WO3/DSSC and Fe2O3/DSSC
combinations, respectively. An optical analysis also compared the predicted
photocurrent from the integration of IPCE measurements and the actual j-U
behavior of the device measured in situ. This optical analysis and the j-U curves
for each device are shown in Figure 4.8. In the case of the Fe2O3/DSSC tandem
cell, the jop is far from the plateau region of the hematite electrode photocurrent. This results in a performance far from the maximum obtainable. The
limitation of this system is clearly the late onset of the photocurrent in the
photoelectrode, despite the use of state-of-the-art strategies to shift the onset of
the photocurrent to less positive potentials by means of surface catalysis and
passivation. However, in the case of the WO3/DSSC tandem cell, the photocurrent onset is not a limitation and the jop is very close to the plateau region of
the photoanode (approx. 1000 mV). The limiting factor in this case is the low
photocurrent obtainable by the photoanode due to less than ideal absorption
capability of tungsten trioxide in the visible region of the solar spectrum.
Despite this, the Fe2O3/DSSC device still exhibited a near unity faradaic eciency and good stability over an eight-hour testing period. Overall this work
suggests that the low ZSTH of the D4 hematite/DSSC tandem cell oers the
larger room for improvement, in particular, further reduction of the overpotential for water oxidation.
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Figure 4.7
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Figure 4.8
Chapter 4
Spectral response study of the (a) WO3 (light grey)/DSC (dark grey) and
(c) Fe2O3 (light grey)/DSC (dark grey) D4 tandem cells. The transmittance
of the photoanode (dashed lines) convoluted to the photon ux on the
photoanode (thin black line) allows the calculation of the photon ux on
the DSC (thin grey line). The shaded areas represent the electron density
calculated from the IPCE (solid lines) convoluted to the photon ux on
each device. j-U curves of (b) WO3 (light grey)/DSC (dark grey) and (d)
Fe2O3 (light grey)/DSC (dark grey) tandem cells under AM 1.5 G irradiation. The solid lines refer to the linear voltage sweep predicted from the
IPCE integration and the triangles refer to in situ measurements.
Reprinted from reference 49.
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(Eg 2.26 eV) gave a tandem cell that was found to evolve both hydrogen and
oxygen without an applied potential. A high internal resistance limited the
conversion eciency of the cell for H2 evolution, which was calculated to be
0.25% at zero bias (based on a total electrode area of 1.9 cm2 and 85 mW cm2
of net incident simulated sunlight). An oxide layer forming on the surface of the
p-GaP was the likely cause of the device instability.61
Very little research attention was given to constructing photoanode/photocathode tandem devices for many years after this seminal demonstration. More
recently, following the advances in oxide photoanode performance, additional
demonstrations of photoanode/photocathode tandem devices have appeared.
For example, while also known to be unstable in aqueous systems,23 GaInP2
(Eg 1.83 eV) photocathodes have been combined with either WO350 or
Fe2O362 photoanodes by Wang and Turner. Under intense white light
illumination (4200 mW cm2) the WO3/GaInP2 combination produced a
detectable photocurrent that rose linearly with light intensity to reach
jop 20 mA cm2 at 1000 mW cm2. Due to the insucient potential dierence,
the system did not function at illumination intensities below 200 mW/cm2 (recall that the minority carrier quasi Fermi level and thus the Dmex of each
electrode should change proportionally with the logarithm of the illumination
intensity). For the case of Fe2O3/GaInP2, negligible photocurrent was observed
even at 10 sun illumination due to the mismatch of the conduction band
minimum of the spray-pyrolyzed Fe2O3 thin lm and the valence band maximum in the GaInP2. Employing surface dipoles to raise the conduction band63
of Fe2O3 may be useful for this combination of materials, which is clearly not
ideal. Moreover the limited availability of indium in the earths crust prevents
the application of this material on a global scale.
A more novel p-type material made from abundant elements, CaFe2O4
(Eg 1.9 eV), has been paired with n-TiO2 (in a side-by-side conguration) to
give a device operating at jop 110 mA cm2 in 0.1 M NaOH with the light from
a 500 W Xe lamp.64 However, the Faradaic eciency for water splitting was
found to be only 12%, and Fe and Ca were detected in the electrolyte after the
device test.
Nanostructuring techniques have also been employed to enhance the performance of inexpensive electrode materials for photoanode/photocathode
tandem cells. Grimes and co-workers used an anodization technique to oxidize
Cu-Ti lms to obtain p-type nanotubular Cu-Ti-O lms (1000 nm length, 65 nm
pore diameter, 35 nm wall thickness).65 The lms were primarily CuO
(Eg 1.4 eV) with a Cu4Ti3 impurity phase detected. These lms (on transparent F:SnO2 substrates) were placed in tandem with nanotubular TiO2 to
give a working tandem device (see Figure 4.9). A jop 0.25 mA cm2 (ZSTH
around 0.30%) under standard illumination conditions and a reasonable
stability in the minutes time scale were observed (however, photocurrent was
negligible after 5 hours). It should be noted that the TiO2 was exposed to 1 M
KOH while the Cu-Ti-O was exposed to 0.1 M Na2HPO4 and the electrolyte
compartments were connected by a salt bridge. The dissimilar pH values lead to
a favourable chemical bias equivalent to about 0.4 V in this case. Exposing the
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Figure 4.9
Chapter 4
Cu-Ti-O to the KOH caused the rapid decay of photocurrent as the CuO was
reduced to copper. Recent eorts to stabilize p-type photocathodes using
overlayers deposited via atomic layer deposition may improve the performance
of this and many other photocathode materials.66
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Figure 4.10
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Chapter 4
force. At large latitudes (north or south), this would allow for near optimal
illumination during the whole day while also permitting the gravity collection
of the gases. Since the illumination direction near the equator is parallel to the
gravitational force, the cells should be oriented at with respect to the earths
surface to maximize insolation. This leads to diculties with bubble accumulation at the surface of the bottom cell which would reduce the performance of
the tandem cell by lowering the surface area of the electrode exposed to the
Relying on gravity to separate the evolved gases from the electrolyte also
requires the bubbles to reach a certain size before buoyancy forces become
larger than surface forces and they detach from the photoelectrode surface in
any orientation. Thus to overcome any potential losses in the large scale implementation of the tandem cell, a trough-type ow design has been proposed
(Figure 4.10b). Here two glass frits (or membranes) are used to prevent mixing
of the two electrolyte compartments, and the electrolyte is pumped though the
two compartments.68 The owing electrolyte adds an extra force to shear the
bubbles o the surface, which are then carried along with the electrolyte to
separating tanks where the gases are collected at ambient pressure. This type of
system would allow the tandem cell to be at any angle, enabling the optimum
insolation at any latitude or by using solar tracking without any concern of
bubbles masking the active area of either electrode.
In addition to these relatively simple methods of tandem cell device implementation, many other systems have been proposed for dierent operation
scales, and even with concentrated sunlight.68,69 A common issue addressed in
tandem cell device design is implementing separate functional layers for catalysis or protection. Of course these layers increase the cost of the system, but
they are necessary when employing unstable materials or those with large
overpotentials. The potential cost of producing the tandem device and its
longevity are equally important as its overall solar-to-hydrogen eciency. Is
has been estimated that a device lifetime of 10 years, a cost of 100 US$ m2, and
a ZSTH 10% are necessary to produce hydrogen by PEC at a cost comparable
to that of steam reforming of methanol (H2 at a price of about 5 US$ kg1).70
Thus reducing device complexity and employing inexpensive fabrication
methods while employing stable materials are the main issues for the practical
implementation of the solar water splitting tandem cell.
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The authors acknowledge the Swiss Federal Oce of Energy (Project number
102326, PECHouse) for supporting our research and development of the PEC
tandem cell.
1. N. R. C. Committee on Alternatives and Strategies for Future Hydrogen
Production and Use, National Academy of Engineering, The Hydrogen
Economy:Opportunities, Costs, Barriers, and R&D Needs, National Academies Press, Washington, 2004.
2. M. F. Weber and M. J. Dignam, J. Electrochem. Soc., 1984, 131, 1258
3. J. R. Bolton, Solar Energy, 1996, 57, 3750.
4. J. R. Bolton, A. F. Haught and R. T. Ross, in Photoelectrochemical
Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy, J S Connolly, Academic New York,
1981, pp. 297339.
5. M. G. Walter, E. L. Warren, J. R. McKone, S. W. Boettcher, Q. Mi, E. A.
Santori and N. S. Lewis, Chem. Rev. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 2010, 110,
6. J. R. Bolton, S. J. Strickler and J. S. Connolly, Nature, 1985, 316, 495500.
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