North Beach Resort Walking Tour
North Beach Resort Walking Tour
North Beach Resort Walking Tour
This 4-story hotel features a simple rectilinear concrete and stucco frame which
divides the building into 3 bays. The front
entry porch is detailed with mosaic tiles
on the walls and decorative columns with
an abstract design.
Casablanca Hotel
6345 Collins Avenue
Roy France, 1950
Features a 2-level lobby area with an Lshaped tower of guest rooms above,
ribbon windows with continuous eyebrows and corner windows with wrapping eyebrows. This hotel was a landmark in exotic fantasy. It adapted to the
post war automotive age with huge neon
signage and a porte-cochere supported
by four turbaned figures (telamons).
Hotel Rowe
6600 Collins Avenue
David T. Ellis, 1939
In 1956, Carlos Schoeppl designed the
great gabled addition that wedged itself
in the old Hotel Rowe and transformed it
from a Streamline Modern style hotel to a
Post War Modern style motel. The merging of these two different styles of architecture is an interesting example of preserving the past while embracing the
Retail Building
66166638 Collins Avenue
Lester Avery, 1948
Deauville Hotel
6701 Collins Avenue
Melvin Grossman, 1958
Carillon Hotel
6801 Collins Avenue
Norman M. Giller, 1957
One of the first all-inclusive resort hotels
in North Beach. Giller repeated the original folded-plate or accordion design
detail on the roof of the porte-cochere as
well as the front faade of the ballroom
wing. The top of the hotel features neon
signage and four great circular openings
(originally intended for a bell carillon but
never completed).
(Bombay Hotel)