Stress Analysis On Crankshaft
Stress Analysis On Crankshaft
Stress Analysis On Crankshaft
e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 10, Issue 1 (Nov. - Dec. 2013), PP 47-51
Abstract : Every vehicle which equipped with internal combustion engine requires connecting rod. In this
paper a static stress analysis of connecting rod made up of SS 304 used in Cummins NTA 885 BC engine is
conducted, using finite element method. After measuring the dimension of connecting rod, model is developed in
CATIA V5 software and imported to ANSYS WORKBENCH 14.0 software. Static analysis is done by fixing the
smaller end and load is applied at bigger end of connecting rod. Stress developed at four different sections is
used for analysis. Maximum stress point and section prone to failure is finding out by this analysis. Graph
between stress and load is plotted at section prone to failure and result of stress analysis is shown with the help
of image.
Keywords: Connecting Rod, Stress Analysis, FEA, ANSYS 14.0
Connecting rod is the important part of an automotive engine. It connects the piston and the crankshaft,
transmitting the piston thrust to the crankshaft so that the reciprocating motion of piston converted in to rotary
motion by crankshaft. Connecting rod undergoes high cyclic load of order 108 to 109, thats why it undergoes
high amount of compressive loading due to combustion as well as tensile loading due to inertia. Due to these
reasons stress analysis become an important factor for selection of material, production process and fatigue
An extensive literature review was undertaken for the work. Mohammed et al [1] describe the cause of
failure of connecting rod by finite element analysis with help of MSC Patran software and also performed
the metallographic study of buckled connected rod. The result shows due to some casting defects porosity, crack
initiated and propagated on the fractured surface. Pathade et al [2] in his study shows stress analysis of
connecting rod at different sections. First connecting rod model is developed in pro/E wildfire 4.0 and FEM
analysis is carried out in ANSYS Workbench 11.0 software. Stresses calculated theoretically as well as
numerically at different sections by application of three loads. By analysis it is found that stresses induced at
smaller end is greater than the bigger end. Failure analysis of connecting rod made up of different material like
carbon steel, mild steel, brass and aluminum are represented in the study of Noor et al [3]. First result has
found out experimentally and verified numerically by FEM. Geometric parameters of big end of connecting
rod is analyzed in the study of Chikalthankar et al [4]. Analysis of connecting rod of light commercial vehicle of
Tata motors analytically and by finite element method is carried out in the study of Doshi and Ingole
[5]. Connecting rod is designed by machine design approach and compared with the actual production drawing.
They also used Pro\E wildfire 4.0 for modeling the connecting rod and ANSYS 11 for static analysis at different
load. Dynamic analysis of the connecting rod is done by Ram Bansal [6]. In his work model of connecting rod
of single cylinder four stroke diesel is modeled in CATIA V5R18 software by measuring the dimensions of the
rod and analysis is done on ANSYS. Boundary conditions are measured by dynamic simulation.
Based on the above literature review and study. Stress analysis of connecting rod of Cummins NTA
885 BC engine is presented in this paper. This paper is organized in four sections. Second section is problem
formulation, which deals with the moleding of connecting rod in CATIA by measuring the dimensions, engine
specifications and load applications. FEM analysis of connecting rod on is done in third section with help of
ANSYS WORKBENCH 14.0 and result is analyzed. The work is concluded in fourth section.
Problem Formulation
For stress analysis two most critical area is considered bigger end and smaller end of connecting rod.
Four different sections are consider of stress calculation as shown in fig-1. Load is applied at bigger end and
smaller end kept fixed. Three different load which are obtained with the help of engine specifications are used
for analysis purpose. First model of connecting rod is created in CATIA V5R18 software.
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4 stroke, 6 cylinder
Stroke, bore
140 X 152 mm
3.32 kg
Swept volume
885 3 or 14 L.
By using engine specification data maximum and minimum normal force acting on the connecting rod is
obtained by using torque and power relation P = (T. ). These results are shown in Table 2.
Revolution (rpm)
Load developed(kN)
For 300 HP @ 2100 rpm 13.26 KN force is obtained, for 290 HP @ 2100 rpm 15.39 KN force is obtained. Third
force is the mean of these two forces is 14.325 KN. All these three forces are used for the static stress analysis.
FEM analysis of a connecting rod is done in ANSYS workbench 14.0 software. First connecting rod
model is imported to the ANSYS by converting the Catia file into .Igs extension file format. After successful
import of model material property is defined. As this connecting rod is made up of SS 304. The property which
is used and necessary for analysis is given in Table 3.
215 MPa
505 MPa
Compressive strength
210 MPa
Poissons ratio
Youngs modulus
193 GPa
After defining the material property meshing is done. Mesh generation is an important phenomena, if mess
generation is finethan stress analysis will be accurate and effective. Finite element mesh is generated
using parabolic tetrahedral element, taking element size to 5mm and minimum edge length as 5.1177e-005 m,
with 55084 nodes and 31815 elements for full model geometry and 36489 nodes and 20705
elements for geometry without cap. The model without cap is used for the stress analysis. Messed geometry is
shown in figure 2.
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The stress distribution at section B-B and C-C is much more than at section A-A and section D-D. loadvs stress
graph is plotted for both the section B-B and C-C is shown in figure 6 and 7
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It is observed that the area close to root of the smaller end is very prone to failure, may be due to higher
crushing load due to gudgeon pin assembly. As the stress value is maximum in this area and stresses are
repetitive in nature so chances of fatigue failure are always higher close to this region
Mohammed et al. Failure Analysis of a Fractured Connecting Rod. Journal of Asian scientific research, 2012, vol. 2 issue 11 ,
Pathade et al. Stress Analysis of I.C Engine Connecting Rod international journal of engineering and innovative technology
(IJEIT), march 2012, Vol. 1,issue 3, pp12-15.
Noor et al. Analysis of connecting rod based on finite element approach Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on
Engineering and Technology, March 2008, pp95-98.
Chikalthankar et al.FEA analysis of geometric parameters of connecting rod big end international journal of engineering sci ence
and technology(IJEST), April 2012 Vol. 4,issue 4, pp1560-67.
Doshi and Ingole Analysis of Connecting Rod Using Analytical and Finite Element International Journal of Modern Engineering
Research (IJMER), Jan-Feb. 2013, Vol.3, Issue.1, pp-65-68
Ram Bansal Dynamic Simulation of a Connecting Rod Made of Aluminum Alloy Using Finite Element Analysis Approach
Method IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), Jan. - Feb. 2013 Vol 5, Issue 2, pp01-05.
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