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The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection

Vol.3, No.1, 1303-0868, 2003, pp. 58-66


Basic concepts on heavy metal soil bioremediation

C. Garbisu1* and I. Alkorta2

Department of Agrosystems and Animal Production, NEIKER, A.B.-Basque Institute of Agricultural Research
and Development, c/ Berreaga, 1; E-48160 Derio, Spain
Unidad de Biofsica, Centro Mixto CSIC-UPV/EHU, P. O. Box 644; E-48080 Bilbao, Spain
Received 30 June 2002; accepted 12 January 2003

The utilization of organisms, primarily microbes, to clean up contaminated soils, aquifers, sludges,
residues, and air, known as bioremediation, is a rapidly changing and expanding area of environmental
biotechnology, that offers a potentially more effective and economical clean-up technique than
conventional physicochemical methods. Although it is certain that up to now the technologies employed
are not technically complex, considerable experience and expertise is required to design and implement a
successful bioremediation program. As a matter of fact, and since bioremediation frequently addresses
multiphasic, heterogenous environments (i.e., soils), successful bioremediation is dependent on an
interdisciplinary approach involving such disciplines as microbiology, engineering, ecology, geology, and
chemistry. The bio-enthusiasm of the early years that followed the initial promising research results and
inspired the creation of many remediation companies has ended in a more realistic and sometimes even
sceptical view of bioremediation since it has now become clear that results obtained in the laboratory do
not necessarily indicate what may happen actually in the field, since it is not possible to simulate all the
changing conditions of a real situation.
Most traditional remediation methods do not provide acceptable solutions for the removal of metals
from soils. Microorganisms that use metals as terminal electron acceptors, or reduce metals as a
detoxification mechanism can be used for the removal of metals from contaminated environments. In some
cases, phytoextraction of metals is a cost-effective approach that uses metal-accumulating plants to clean
up metal polluted soils. 2003 SDU. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Soil; Metals; Bioremediation; Phytoremediation; Environmental

The quality of life on Earth is linked inextricably to the overall quality of the environment. It
is very difficult to define soil quality, as soil composition can vary from place to place. Soil
quality is concerned with more than the soils constituents and composition, but how it
functions in a specific environment. The major functions of a soil are generally recognized to
include the ability to protect water and air quality, the ability to sustain plant and animal
productivity, and the ability to promote human health (Doran and Parkin, 1994; Chen and Mulla,
The release of contaminants into the environment by human activities has increased
enormously over the past several decades. In fact, although a few decades ago, mans greatest
challenge resided in speeding up the industrialization process, today man attempts to find ways
to deal with the growing industrialization and the associated problems (Thassitou and
Arvanitoyannis, 2001). The relatively sudden introduction of pollutants into the recipient
ecosystems has clearly overwhelmed their self-cleaning capacity and, as a consequence,
resulted in the accumulation of pollutants. Soil pollution has recently been attracting
* Corresponding author. E-mail:


C. Garbisu and I. Alkorta / The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection
Vol.3, No.1, 1303-0868, 2003, pp. 58-66

considerable public attention since the magnitude of the problem in our soils calls for immediate
The large-scale production of a variety of chemical compounds, such as organic solvents,
fuels and fuel additives, pesticides, plasticizers, pigments, dyes, plastics and chemical
feedstocks, has caused global deterioration of environmental quality (Garbisu and Alkorta,
1997; Iwamoto and Nasu, 2001).
Contaminated soils are a common environmental problem all over the world. The various
countries confronted with contaminated soil differ considerably in awareness of the problem
and in the policies and the technologies to tackle it (Rulkens et al., 1998). Nonetheless,
intensive exchange of experiences gained with the management and remediation of polluted
soils is taking place among the various countries.
As a matter of fact, increasingly widespread pollution has caused vast areas of land to
become non-arable and hazardous for both wildlife and human populations. Contaminated
lands generally result from past industrial activities when awareness of the health and
environmental effects connected with the production, use, and disposal of hazardous
substances were less well recognized than today (Vidali, 2001). Unfortunately, the enormous
costs associated with the removal of pollutants from soils by means of traditional
physicochemical methods have been encouraging companies to ignore the problem (Alkorta
and Garbisu, 2001).
In addition to minimizing the impact of future incidents by means of controlling soil pollution
input (developing a long-term perspective of pollution amelioration measures that focus on
slowing the rate of pollution increase), it is imperative to deploy innovative technologies which
could economically remediate toxic wastes adversely impacting our environment, thereby
reducing the threat to human health and the environment (Garbisu and Alkorta, 1997).
In the last few years, disquiet among ordinary people has grown and the public is now
strongly demanding clean-up measures to be urgently introduced. In this context, governmental
recognition of the accumulating hazards has resulted in legislative restrictions on uncontrolled
discharges of wastes and actions mandating environmental restoration of hazardous waste
sites. This recent environmental awareness has highlighted the need for new technologies for
the treatment of these wastes.

Traditional physicochemical processes for remediation of soil polluted sites are expensive
and often do not permanently alleviate the pollution hazard. The most common conventional
techniques used for remediation are: (i) excavation and disposal to a landfill, and (ii) to cap and
contain the contaminated areas of a site.
Apart from the fact that it is very difficult and increasingly expensive to find new landfill
sites for the final disposal of the material, the first method simply moves the contamination
elsewhere (with the possibility of creating risks during the excavation, handling, and transport of
hazardous material), while the second is only an interim solution since the contamination
remains on site, requiring monitoring and maintenance of the isolation barriers (Vidali, 2001).
Other methods such as incineration lack public acceptance since they can increase the
exposure to contaminants of both the workers at the site and nearby residents. Some other
techniques that are in various stages of development are the following: extraction of pollutants
with organic solvents or CO2, oxidation of organic pollutants under subcritical or supercritical
conditions, vitrification, electroreclamation, dehalogenation of chlorinated organic compounds
using an alkali polyethylene glycol, chemical reduction or oxidation of contaminants, steam
stripping, plasma torch techniques, microwave heating, solidification/stabilisation, and so on
(Rulkens et al., 1998).
Bioremediation is a general concept that includes all those processes and actions that take
place in order to biotransform an environment, already altered by contaminants, to its original
status. Bioremediation uses primarily microorganisms or microbial processes to degrade and
transform environmental contaminants into harmless or less toxic forms. Although strictly

C. Garbisu and I. Alkorta / The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection
Vol.3, No.1, 1303-0868, 2003, pp. 58-66

speaking, bioremediation is the use of organisms to degrade pollutants, it is mainly concerned

with the use of microorganisms. In this context, phytoremediation, defined as the use of green
plants to remove environmental contaminants or to render them harmless (Cunningham and
Berti, 1993; Raskin et al., 1994, 1997; Salt et al., 1995, 1998), is recently being considered as a
highly promising technology for the remediation of polluted sites. This topic of
phytoremediation has recently been reviewed by the authors in more detail elsewhere (Alkorta
and Garbisu, 2001; Garbisu and Alkorta, 2001; Garbisu et al., 2002).


The term heavy metal is arbitrary and imprecise. Some authors (Raskin et al., 1994), for the
sake of simplicity, defined heavy metal as any element that has metallic properties (ductility,
conductivity, density, stability as cations, ligand specificity, etc.) and an atomic number greater
than 20. A more biologically relevant classification of metals based on ligand-forming
properties has been proposed (Nieboer and Richardson, 1980).
Several metals are essential for biological systems and must be present in a certain
concentration range. In fact, they provide essential cofactors for metalloproteins and enzymes
and, consequently, too low concentrations lead to a decrease in metabolic activity. At high
concentrations, metals can act in a deleterious manner by blocking essential functional groups,
displacing other metal ions, or modifying the active conformation of biological molecules
(Collins and Stotzky, 1989). Besides, they are toxic for both higher organisms and
microorganisms. Nonessential metals are tolerated at very low concentrations and inhibit
metabolic activity at higher concentrations.
As a result of their toxicity, the presence of heavy metals in polluted sites can interfere with
remediation processes. The progressive accumulation of metals may inhibit the degradation of
organic pollutants or of humic substances in the environment. This problem can be solved by an
increase of the heavy metal resistance of the bioremediating system. In this context, when
degradative microbial populations are inoculated in a contaminated site they must possess both
degradative enzymes for the target pollutant(s) as well as resistance to relevant heavy metals
present in the area.
Heavy metals are present in soils and aqueous streams as both natural components or as a
result of human activity (i.e., metal-rich mine tailings, metal smelting, electroplating, gas
exhaust, energy and fuel production, downwash from power lines, intensive agriculture, sludge
dumping, etc.) (Raskin et al., 1994).
Metals are somewhat unique in that they do not undergo either chemically or biologically
induced degradation that can alter or reduce their toxicity over time (Knox et al., 2000).
Microorganisms are not alchemists; no matter how a microorganism acts upon a toxic metal,
the metal is not destroyed (Lovley and Lloyd, 2000). That is to say, heavy metals cannot be
destroyed biologically (no degradation, change in the nuclear structure of the element, occurs)
but are only transformed from one oxidation state or organic complex to another. As a
consequence of the alteration of its oxidation state, the metal may become either: (i) more
water soluble and be removed by leaching, (ii) inherently less toxic, (iii) less water soluble so
that it precipitates and then becomes less bioavailable or removed from the contaminated site,
or (iv) volatilized and removed from the polluted area (Garbisu and Alkorta, 1997).
Metals in soil need to be removed from the matrix by solubilization in a liquid phase.
Afterwards, they can be concentrated in the desolubilization phase (Diels et al., 1999). Many
microorganisms produce siderophores, iron complexing molecules, some of which have high
affinity for heavy metals. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Alcaligenes eutrophus, siderophore
synthesis was also induced by heavy metals in the presence of high iron concentrations (Hfte
et al., 1994; Gilis et al., 1996).
Microorganisms can detoxify metals by valence transformation, extracellular chemical
precipitation, or volatilization. They can enzymatically reduce some metals in metabolic
processes that are not related to metal assimilation (Lovley, 1993). Several bacteria couple the
oxidation of simple organic acids and alcohols, hydrogen, or aromatic compounds, to the

C. Garbisu and I. Alkorta / The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection
Vol.3, No.1, 1303-0868, 2003, pp. 58-66

reduction of Fe(III) or Mn(IV). Bacteria that use U(VI) as a terminal electron acceptor may be
useful for uranium bioremediation (Lovley, 1993). The reduction of the toxic selenate and
selenite to the much less toxic elemental selenium may be exploited for selenium
bioremediation (Garbisu et al., 1995a, b, 1997a, b). Biomethylation to yield volatile derivatives
such as dimethylselenide or trimethylarsine is a well-known phenomenon catalyzed by several
bacteria, algae and fungi (White et al., 1997). Several bacteria have been reported to reduce
hexavalent chromium that is toxic and mutagenic, to its trivalent form that is less toxic (Garbisu
et al., 1997c, 1998; Ishibashi et al., 1990; Wang et al., 1989). Bioprecipitation by sulfatereducing bacteria that convert sulfate to hydrogen sulfide, which, in turn, reacts with heavy
metals to form insoluble metal sulfides such as zinc sulfide and cadmium sulfide has been
reported in some bacteria (White et al., 1998; Iwamoto and Nasu, 2001).
However, the only in situ strategy that employs microorganisms and actually removes a
metal contaminant from soil is microbial reduction of soluble mercuric ion, Hg(II), to volatile
metallic mercury, Hg(0) (Hobman and Brown, 1997). The reduced Hg(0) can then flux out of the
contaminated area and be diluted in the atmosphere (Lovley and Lloyd, 2000). Unfortunately,
microorganisms do not readily volatilize most other toxic metals.
Microorganisms can also enzymatically reduce other metals such as technetium, vanadium,
molybdenum, gold, silver, etc. but these processes have not been studied extensively (Lovley,
Valls et al. (2000) have reported on the addition of specially engineered Ralstonia eutropha,
a natural inhabitant of soil, to sequester metals from polluted soils. Although the toxic metals
remain in the soil, once they are bound to the microorganisms, they become less bioavailable. It
is well known that bacteria can bind metals to their cell surfaces, but, unfortunately, their natural
binding capacity is generally insufficient to significantly mitigate metal contamination. Although
microorganisms have only rarely been found to produce metallothioneins (i.e., small cysteinerich proteins that bind heavy metals) (Stillman, 1995), Valls et al. (2000) found that the mouse
gene encoding metallothionein production could be expressed in R. eutropha. The studies on
the ability of this bacterium to lower the toxicity of cadmium have so far been promising.
The major limitation of these remediation methods is that, although the metals are
concentrated or converted into less toxic forms, they are still present in the soil and need to be
effectively extracted from it. Afterwards, the concentrated product can be dumped in a
controlled way or recycled for metal recovery (Diels et al., 1999). In this context, the
phytoremediation of heavy metals from soils, known as phytoextraction, that uses the uptake
capabilities of plants, represents one of the largest economic opportunities for
phytoremediation. Plants can accumulate metals that are essential for growth and development
(such as Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn, Mo, and possibly Ni) and also some that have no known biological
function (Cd, Cr, Pb, Co, Ag, Se, Hg) (Baker and Brooks, 1989; Brooks, 1998; Raskin et al., 1994).
In this context, plants have been described as solar-driven pumping stations (Cunningham et al.,
1995) which can actually remove these contaminants from the environment.
Most existing physicochemical remediation technologies are meant primarily for intensive in
situ or ex situ treatment of relatively highly polluted sites, and thus are not very suitable for the
remediation of vast, diffusely polluted areas where pollutants occur only at relatively low
concentrations and superficially (Garbisu and Alkorta, 2001; Rulkens et al., 1998).
Phytoremediation is best suited for the remediation of these diffusely polluted areas at much
lower costs than other methods (Garbisu and Alkorta, 2001). Although it is true that this
remediation procedures can take rather long, more and more often, this is not considered a
problem as far as the costs are lower and the risks posed to human populations and ecosystems
are acceptable (Rulkens et al., 1998).
As a general rule, readily bioavailable metals for plant uptake include Cd, Ni, Zn, As, Se, and
Cu. Moderately bioavailable metals are Co, Mn, and Fe; while Pb, Cr, and U are not very
bioavailable (Miller, 1996).
As pointed out in the excellent review by Salt et al. (1998), there are, at present, two
strategies of phytoextraction: (i) continuous phytoextraction, using hyperaccumulators, and (ii)
chelate-assisted or induced phytoextraction. The first strategy of metal phytoextraction
depends on the natural ability of some plants to accumulate, translocate and resist high

C. Garbisu and I. Alkorta / The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection
Vol.3, No.1, 1303-0868, 2003, pp. 58-66

amounts of metals over the complete growth cycle. Hyperaccumulators are the most suitable
plants since they can accumulate 10-500 times higher levels of elements than crops (Chaney
et al., 1997). The Brassicaceae family, to which many hyperaccumulator species belong, is also
interesting because the high content of thyocianates makes this species non-palatable to
animals a characteristic that is likely to reduce the chances of bioaccumulation of metals in
the food chain during phytoextraction programs (Navari-Izzo and Quartacci, 2001). This
possibility of contaminating the food chain is one of the main problems associated with
phytoextraction techniques.
Chelate-assisted or induced phytoextraction is based on the fact that the application of metal
chelates to the soil significantly enhances metal accumulation by plants. Under many
circumstances, in the soil and depending on the metal itself, it is common to find cases of low
bioavailability, preventing the remediation process (a large proportion of many metals remains
sorbed to solid soil constituents).
Fortunately, the discovery that the application of certain chelates to the soil increases the
translocation of heavy metals from soil into the shoots has opened a wide range of possibilities
for this field of metal phytoextraction (Blaylock et al., 1997). However, the application of
synthetic chelates to the soil must be done carefully because of their potential toxicity.
One indication of acceptability of a technique is previous successful applications on similar
sites. Because it is a relatively new technology, phytoremediation does not have a long history
of completed cleanups. In any case, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency reported a list of
180 sites (many of them polluted with heavy metals) where this technology was applied or was
being field-tested (EPA, 2000). Small-scale field trials are demonstrating the feasibility of the
phytoextraction approach.


Bioremediation of polluted sites can reduce clean-up costs since it treats contamination in
place, harnesses natural processes and reduces environmental stresses (Chapelle, 1997). In fact,
most of the cost of conventional physicochemical clean-up technologies is associated with
physically removing and disposing of contaminated soils. Besides, at some sites, natural
processes can remove or contain contaminants without human intervention and this natural
attenuation leads to substantial cost savings. Likewise, and since bioremediation methods
minimize site disturbance compared with conventional clean-up technologies, post-clean-up
costs can be substantially reduced.
Remediation costs can be minimized, without jeopardizing effectiveness, by gaining a better
understanding of remediation procedures and the various options available at the different
stages in the process (Tripp, 1996). The first step is the proper analysis and identification of the
contamination problem, both its exact nature and extent. The more complete this initial analysis
the less likely that costly surprises will surface at a later stage. The next step is the
development of a remediation plan which includes a feasibility analysis. This feasibility analysis
should include such factors as type of soils, contaminated location, nature of contamination,
amount of contaminated material, time required to remediate the site, time of year, use of
remediation specialists, and so on.
In relation to phytoremediation, most likely the best choice for polluted soils containing
relatively low concentrations of metals, it is important to emphasize that phytoremediation is an
emerging technology and thus standard cost information is not readily available. In any case,
Glass (1988) estimated that total system costs for some phytoremediation applications will be
50 to 80% lower than alternatives. Each application of plants will yield a separate performance
evaluation including rate and extent of clean-up and cost.
The ability to develop cost comparisons and to estimate project costs needs to be
determined on a site-specific basis. Two considerations influence the economics of
phytoremediation: the potential for application and the cost comparison to conventional
treatments (EPA, 2000). Whole system costs should include, among others, design costs (site
characterization, work plan, report preparation, treatability and pilot testing), installation costs

C. Garbisu and I. Alkorta / The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection
Vol.3, No.1, 1303-0868, 2003, pp. 58-66

(site preparation, soil preparation, infrastructure, planting) and operating costs (maintenance and
Blaylock et al. (1997) reported the estimated cost of cleaning up 1-acre of lead polluted soil.
While for a conventional treatment such as excavate and landfill, the estimated costs were
$500 (460), for phytoremediation (extraction, harvest and disposal) the costs were $150-250
(140-230) (50-65% savings).
Hypothetical cost comparisons have been carried out based on laboratory and pilot scale
work and tend to reflect projected total project costs. Cunningham (1996) reported that the
estimated 30-year costs for remediating a 12-acre lead site were $12,000,000 (11,100,000)
for excavating and disposal, $6,300,000 (5,833,000) for soil washing, $600,000 (555,000)
for a soil cap, and $200,000 (185,000) for phytoextraction.
Costs were estimated to be $60,000 (55,000) to $100,000 (92,500) using phytoextraction
for remediation of 1-acre of 20-in-thick sandy loam compared to a minimum of $400,000
(370,000) for just excavation and storage of this soil (Salt et al., 1995).


Our current knowledge of changes in microbial communities during a bioremediation
process is very limited and, consequently, the microbial community is still treated as a black
box (Iwamoto and Nasu, 2001). This is mostly due to the fact that many environmental
bacteria cannot yet be cultured by conventional laboratory techniques (Kogure et al., 1979;
Olsen and Bakken, 1987). Because of this limitation, the bioremediation often faces the
difficulty of identifying the cause and developing measures in the case of failure remediation
from a microbiological standpoint.
Fortunately, the recent advances in the field of molecular biological methods are helping us
to study the structure and dynamics of microbial communities without bias introduced by
cultivation. These molecular biological techniques are frequently used in microbial ecological
Very briefly, since this paper does not intend to deal with this topic in detail, the molecular
methods that can be used to study an in situ bioremediation process for the detection and
monitoring of target bacteria are the following: (i) fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with
rRNA targeted oligonucleotide probes (Hahn et al., 1992), and (ii) in situ PCR (Hodson et al.,
1995). Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR-amplified 16S rDNA fragments
has emerged as a powerful technique for monitoring changes in bacterial diversity (Muyzer et
al., 1993). Another method for the study of microbial community diversity is terminal restriction
fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) (Liu et al., 1997).
Thanks to all these novel techniques, microbiologists have now realized that natural
microbial populations, including pollutant-degrading microorganisms, are much more diverse
than those expected from the catalog of isolated microorganisms (Watanabe, 2001). Recent
studies have applied molecular tools to the analysis of bacterial (Brim et al., 1999; Sandaa et al.,
1999a) and archaeal populations (Sandaa et al., 1999b) that are capable of surviving in metalcontaminated environments. The detoxification machineries that some of these organisms may
have are considered useful for metal bioremediation.

Bioremediation is still an immature technology and needs to define its boundaries between
promise and reality. It frequently addresses multiphasic, heterogenous environments (i.e., soils),
and so successful bioremediation is dependent on an interdisciplinary approach involving such
disciplines as microbiology, engineering, ecology, geology, and chemistry. The interdisciplinary
approach is also required because of the complexity encountered in the type and extent of
contamination and the social and legal issues relevant to most contaminated sites.


C. Garbisu and I. Alkorta / The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection
Vol.3, No.1, 1303-0868, 2003, pp. 58-66

Through improved understanding of the ecology, physiology, evolution, biochemistry, and

genetics of microorganisms, the prospect for successfully stimulating and exploiting microbial
metabolism for environmental purposes appears very promising. Despite its limitations, the
future of bioremediation appears bright as the advances in the diverse disciples that shape
bioremediation are accelerating.
Progress in developing strategies for in situ microbial approaches to metals remediation has
clearly lagged significantly behind the development of in situ bioremediation of organics.
However, and since funding opportunities for research on in situ bioremediation of metals has
increased dramatically in recent years, it seems likely that novel advances in this area will be
Small-scale field trials are demonstrating the feasibility of the phytoextraction approach. As
a matter of fact, phytoextraction appears a very promising technology for the removal of metal
pollutants from the environment and may be, at present, approaching comercialization.
Phytoremediation methods are well suited for use at very large field sites where other methods
of remediation are not cost effective or practicable.

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