MBM 207 QB - Distance

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1. What do you understand by the term "Entrepreneurship"? How does it help in economic
2. Who is an Entrepreneur? Discuss the chief characteristics of an Entrepreneur as propounded
by different authors.
3. What do you understand by the term entrepreneurial competency? How is the term relevant
to Entrepreneurship development?
4. What is Intrapreneurship? Elucidate how intrapreneurial mind can be developed in
5. State the difference between Intrapreneurs and Entrepeneurs.
6. State the advantages and limitations of Intrapreneurship?
7. State how can the intrapreneurial climate be established in organizations?
8. Discuss the types of Entrepreneurs
9. What are the skills that an entrepreneur might needs?
10. What are the motivations to start an enterprise and Entrepreneurial Process?
11. Creativity is a major tool for the survival of an entrepreneur. Discuss
12 How Organizational Creativity and Individual Creativity be enhanced?
13. State the factors and conditions for an Innovative, supportive and enabling environment
14. Innovation is driven by customer needs. Discuss
15. How Creativity and Innovation be encouraged within an organization? Discuss with the help
of examples.
16. State the obstacles to Innovation
17. Explain the methods by which innovation is evaluated
18. What is idea generation? What are the sources of idea generation?
19. What do you understand by opportunity scanning and identification?
20. What are the pitfalls in selecting new venture opportunities?
21. How are ideas evaluated?
Unit III
22. Elucidate the business planning process? Discuss its need?
23. What are the basics of writing a Business Plan?
24. Why is business plan important and what are its contents?
25. State the procedure of starting a small scale Industry in India
26. Discuss the critical issues of environment and industry analysis.
27. Discuss the role of DIC.

28. Mention the steps of marketing research to start a new venture.
29. What is SWOT analysis? Why it is important?
30. Elucidate the need for market assessment for SSE.
31. Explain with an example the critical decisions an entrepreneur has to take regarding
32. Elucidate the steps in preparing the marketing plan.
33. 'Market segmentation is the act of dividing the market into distinctive groups of customers.
34. What is a Product, Product mix and Product attributes?
35. Write short notes on Packaging and Branding.
36. What is Promotion? State the importance of promotion through different media in the present
37. What are the different ownership forms available to an entrepreneur as alternatives? Discuss
each form in brief.
38. State the important distinctions between a private and a public limited company.
39. What are the major advantages that the company form of organization has over other forms?
40. What are the main sources of short and long term financing for a small entrepreneur?
41. Discuss in detail the role of SIDBI as on institution in the context of financing of SME.
42. State the critical issues in financial management to be borne by an entrepreneur in starting a
new venture.
43. What is seed capital? State how it can be raised by an entrepreneur?
44. Briefly explain the importance of preparing cash flow, income statement, and balance sheet.
45. Give your justification of debt vs. equity financing
46. How do management challenges differ over the stages of growth in a small enterprise?
Explain with the help of an example.
47. Describe the various stabilization strategies that can be used by on entrepreneur.
48. Mention the various growth strategies an entrepreneur can adopt.
49. Discuss strategy structure and system of a small business enterprise.
50. Elucidate the social responsibilities of an entrepreneur

------------------------Updated Jan 2012

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