Department of Earth Sciences IIT Roorkee: Concrete and Masonry Dams
Department of Earth Sciences IIT Roorkee: Concrete and Masonry Dams
Department of Earth Sciences IIT Roorkee: Concrete and Masonry Dams
IIT Roorkee
Submitted by:
Submitted to:
Roopak Malik
Prof. Anbalagan
A dam is a barrier built across a stream, river or estuary to hold and control
the flow of water for such uses as drinking water supplies, irrigation, flood
control and hydropower generation etc.
On the basis of STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOUR dams can be classified as: GRAVITY DAM
A Gravity dam has been defined as a structure which is designed in such a way
that its own weight resist the external forces.
Concrete Dam
Masonry dam
Concrete Dam
A concrete dam is a structure designed and built for the purpose of holding back
water that is usually placed across the path of a river.
Concrete Gravity Dams rely on the weight of the concrete of which they are
built to resist the forces (gravity, water pressure, earthquake) to which they
are subjected. A concrete dam is the strongest type of dam built in modern
times and may take several forms. Concrete itself is a building material
made from water, cement, sand and gravel, or aggregate.
In modern times, nearly every dam is made either partially or entirely from
concrete. Concrete is an excellent material for constructing dams because it
is very strong when under compression i.e. when pressed down or pushed
together. Many designs for concrete dams take advantage of this property to
produce extremely large dams, capable of holding back many cubic miles (1
cu. mile = 4.2 cu. kms) of water.
These dams are heavy and massive wall-like structures of concrete in which
the whole weight acts vertically downwards. As the entire load is transmitted
on the small area of foundation, such dams are constructed where rocks are
competent and stable.
thinner. The arch dam may have a single curvature or double curvature in
the vertical plane. Generally, the arch dams of double curvature are more
economical and are used in practice.
The arch dam is one of the most elegant of civil
engineering structures. In cross section, the dam is
narrow in width, but, when viewed from above, it is curved so
arch faces the water and the bowl of the curve looks
downstream. This design uses the properties of
concrete as its strength. Concrete is not strong in
tension (when it is pulled or stretched), but it is very
strong in compression (when it is pushed or
weighed down). The arch dam uses the weight of the
water behind it to push against the concrete and close
any joints; the force of the water is part of the design of the
Arch dams are built across narrow, deep river gorges, but now in recent
years they have been considered even for little wider valleys. C-H ratio
greater than equal to 3 is preferred.
Buttress Dams
These type of dams consists of thin upstream
sloping deck, supported by buttresses. The
name "buttress" dam comes from the
structure of the dam itself. The dam is
supported at intervals by several buttresses,
concrete slabs reinforced with steel, which form
a watertight seal against the river.
Buttress dams are of three types:
Deck type,
Multiple-arch type, and
Massive-head type.
Cupola dam
Temporary panel
supports must be
utilized until
sufficient RCC
strength is developed
at the anchor
Conventional forms
have been used on a
number of projects to
support conventional
concrete facing
mixes. The use of
concrete curbs
involves the placing
of the facing
elements by a slip
form paving
Appurtenant features are designed to minimize their interference with the
continuity of RCC construction. For example, diversion conduits and outlet
works, if possible, should be embedded by conventional concrete in
abutment trenches or below the main dam section.
Advantages of RCC Dams:(A) Dams are a vital, but aging, part of our public works infrastructure. The
challenge is to find cost-effective repair and replacement methods without
sacrificing safety and reliability. RCC has three key properties that make it
uniquely suited for dams: economy, performance, and high-speed
construction. It has the required strength and durability.
(B) It protects dams from over-topping failure, earthquakes, and erosion. It
can be placed quickly and easily with large-volume earth-moving equipment.
Its generally transported by dump trucks, spread by bulldozers, and
compacted by vibratory rollers.
(C) Sections are built lift-by-lift in successive horizontal layers so the
downstream slope resembles a concrete staircase. Once a layer is placed, it
can immediately support the earth-moving equipment to place the next
layer. After RCC is deposited on the lift surface, small dozers typically spread
it in thick layers. Workers also place it with motor graders, spreader boxes,
and paving machines. Older concrete and masonry dams can be buttressed
Masonry dam
Any dam constructed mainly of stone,
brick or concrete blocks jointed with
mortar. A dam having only a masonry
facing should not be referred to as a
masonry dam. Masonry dams differ
from rock-fill dams in that the stone is
hand-placed with mortar resulting in
the entire dam being impermeable.
Structure wise it is similar to that of a
Gravity Dam except that the material
used for the construction of such type
of dams are stone masonry blocks.
Stone masonry blocks can be carved
out of hard massive igneous rocks like
granite, syenite etc. Fine to medium
grained rocks are preferred because
smaller grains have a large surface
area which comes in contact with other grain thus less concentration of
stresses thus preventing the partial melting of the grains, which might
otherwise be the case if coarse grained rocks are used.
Fairly wide to wide valleys are preferred to accommodate the main dam and
appurtenant structures. For this purpose C-H ratio >4 is required. Hard
massive rocks are preferred as foundation rock however we can also manage
with moderately hard rocks also. As maximum load is concentrated on river
bed foundation so it should be taken care of that there should be no faults or
thrusts below the dam i.e. there should be less number of Geological
discontinuities in the foundation rock.