T2 Key Management

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Key Management and Certificates

By the power vested in me I now declare this text

and this bit string name and key. What RSA
has joined, let no man put asunder
Bob Blakley

Key Management
Key management is the hardest part of cryptography
Actually, key management is the Achilles heel of
None of the solutions that we have today work very well

Ignore the crypto and attack the key management

Phishing is the best-known example of this

Key Management Problems

Distributing keys
How do I get Bobs key?
How do I get my key to Bob?

Verifying the shared key

Is this really Bobs key?

Key storage
Where do I safely store Bobs key?

Validity checking
Is the key that I have for Bob still valid?
My keys been compromised, how do I inform Bob?

Key Lifetimes
Two classes of keys
Short-term session keys (sometimes called ephemeral keys)
Generated automatically and invisibly
Used for one message or session and discarded
Long-term keys
Generated explicitly by the user

Long-term keys are used for two purposes

Authentication (including access control, integrity, and nonrepudiation)
Confidentiality (encryption)
Establish session keys
Protect stored data

Key Lifetimes (ctd)

Authentication keys
Public keys may have an extremely long lifetime (decades)
Private keys/conventional keys have shorter lifetimes (a year or

Confidentiality keys
Should have as short a lifetime as possible

Effects of a key compromise

Authentication: Signed documents are rendered invalid unless
Confidentiality: All data encrypted with it is compromised

Key Management Models

Offline mechanisms
Hierarchical certificates (X.509)
Distributed certificates (PGP)

Online mechanisms
On-demand distributions (SSL/TLS, S/MIME)
Key continuity (SSH)

Ad-hoc (fit for a purpose) methods

Too many to list
Standard mechanisms dont work very well, so people create
their own ad-hoc ones

Key Distribution
Alice retains the private key and sends the public key to

Mallet (man-in-the-middle, MITM) intercepts the key and

substitutes his own key



Mallet can decrypt all traffic and generate fake signed


Key Distribution (ctd)

For some mechanisms, almost all of the effort has been
focused on addressing the man-in-the-middle (MITM)
Others address further aspects of the key managt.life cycle

Committee design
Address the MITM problem
No specific goal, so add more and more complexity to the

Application-specific design
Address the actual needs of the application
Need to solve a particular problem, so design a workable
domain-specific solution

Key Use Controls

Very complex topic
The term policy features prominently

Use a smart card/HSM is not the answer

Application = code that does anything an untrusted PC tells
it to
Smart card = device that does anything an untrusted PC tells
it to

Need to actually think about what youre trying to protect,

and protect against

Key Use Controls (ctd)

Example: Low-value key
Standard software protection measures are about the best you
can do
Storage on a USB key creates a ritual in which the user is
required to consciously apply the key
Rituals are very important in real life, e.g. notarised
signatures (see Digital Signature Legislation slides)
In practice, itll stay permanently plugged in, but its the
thought that counts

Key Use Controls (ctd)

Example: High-value (infrequently-used) key
Lock a laptop in a bank vault
Bank is contractually bound to enforce access controls, twoperson control, access auditing, etc
Laptop is configured to only perform the authorised operation,
e.g. CA certificate signing
Insert USB key, enter access code(s), new certificate is
deposited on key, remove key
Goes beyond straight technical security to create a complete
ritual commensurate with the seriousness of the key use

Key Backup/Archival
Need to very carefully balance security vs. backup
Every extra copy of your key is one more failure point
Communications and signature keys never need to be
recovered generating a new key only takes a minute or so
Long-term data storage keys should be backed up

Never give the entire key to someone else

By extension, never use a key given to you by someone else
(e.g. generated for you by a third party)

Key Backup/Archival (ctd)

Use a threshold scheme to handle key backup
Break the key into n shares
Any m of n shares can recover the original
Shares can be reconstructed under certain conditions (e.g. the
death of the owner)

Defeating this setup requires subverting multiple

Key shares are virtually never used in practice
Impossible to render comprehensible to users
Huge amounts of effort
Easier to just generate a new key

Key Destruction
Ensure that all copies of a private key are destroyed
Is every copy really gone?

Public keys may need to survive private keys by quite some

Signature on a 20-year mortgage

Long-term key ownership can be a thorny issue

CA goes bankrupt and auctions off its keys
c.f. bankrupt dot-coms selling user lists after they promised
not to
Only asset the CA had left
Bidding quickly shot up to rather high values
Do you want a third-party CA issuing your corporate certs?

Online Solution: Key Continuity

Continuity = knowing that what youre getting now is what
youve had before/what you were expecting
McDonalds food is the same no matter which country youre in
Coke is Coke no matter what shape bottle (or can) its in, or
what language the label is in

Continuity is more important than third-party attestation

Equivalent to brand loyalty in the real world
Businesses place more trust in established, repeat customers

Use continuity for key management

Verify that the current key is the same as the one that you got

Key Continuity in SSH

First app to standardise its key management this way
On first connect, client software asks the user to verify the key
Done via the key fingerprint, a hash of the key components
Standard feature for PGP, X.509,
On subsequent connects, client software verifies that the
current server key matches the initial one
Warn the user if its changed

Concept was formalised in the resurrecting duckling

security model
Device imprints on the first item that it sees
Device trusts that item for future exchanges

Key Continuity in SIP

Same general model as SSH
First connect exchanges self-signed certificates
Connection is authenticated via voice recognition

Same principle has been used in several secure IP-phone

Users read a hash of the session key over the link

Key Continuity in STARTTLS et al

SMTP/POP/IMAP servers are usually configured by
sysadmins unconcerned about browser warning dialogs
Remember the initial certificate, warn if it changes
Using a self-signed certificate avoids having to pay a CA

The ideal key continuity solution

Automatically generate a self-signed certificate on install
Use key continuity to warn if the certificate changes

Key Continuity in STARTTLS et al (ctd)

Currently still somewhat haphazard
Many open-source implementations support it fully
Some still require tedious manual operations for certificate
Commercial implementations often require CA-issued
certificates, an even more tedious (and expensive) manual

Key Continuity in S/MIME

S/MIME has a built-in mechanism to address the lack of a
Include all signing certificates in every message you send
Lazy-update PKI distributes certificates on an on-demand basis
SSL/TLS does something similar

S/MIME gateways add two further stages

Auto-generate certificates for new users
Perform challenge-response to verify any new certificates that
they encounter (see next slide)

Key Continuity in S/MIME (ctd)


SignR( msg, CertR )
SignL( EncrR( chall ), CertL )
SignR( chall )

Msg0 gets remote certificates to the local server (as

standard S/MIME message)
Msg1 gets local certificates to the remote user
Msg2 proves possession of remote server keys/certificates
(Variants, e.g remote server sends challenge in Msg3)

Key Continuity in S/MIME (ctd)

Provides mutual proof of possession of keys and
certificates to both sides
In practice has a few extra tricks to avoid various attacks, e.g.
using the other side as an oracle
Both parties now have verified keys for the other side
Fully automatic, no human intervention required

Outlook for the future

Invented/reinvented as needed by implementors
Not specified in any formal standard
Standards groups are still waiting for PKI to start working

Present in many apps, but needs standardisation to unify the


Offline Solution: Certificates

Certification authority (CA) solves the MITM problem
Certification Authority




CA signs Alices key to guarantee its authenticity to Bob

Mallet cant substitute his key since the CA wont sign it

Certification Authorities
A certification authority (CA) guarantees the connection
between a key and an end entity
An end entity is

A person
A role (Director of marketing)
An organisation
A pseudonym
A piece of hardware or software
An account (bank or credit card)

Some CAs only allow a subset of these types

Role of a CA
Original intent was to certify that a key really did belong to
a given party
Role was later expanded to certify all sorts of other things

Are they a bona fide business?

Can you trust their web server?
Can you trust the code they write?
Is their account in good standing?
Are they over 18?

When you have a certificate-shaped hammer, everything

looks like a nail

Obtaining a Certificate (X.509)



1. Alice generates a key pair and signs the public key and
identification information with the private key
Proves that Alice holds the private key corresponding to the
public key
Protects the public key and ID information while in transit to
the CA

Obtaining a Certificate (X.509) (ctd)


2. CA verifies Alices signature on the key and ID

information and recovers the original key
Optional: CA verifies Alices ID through out-of-band means
email/phone callback
Business/credit bureau records, in-house records

Obtaining a Certificate (X.509) (ctd)



3. CA signs the public key and ID with the CA key,

creating a certificate
CA has certified the binding between the key and ID

Obtaining a Certificate (X.509) (ctd)




4. Alice verifies the key, ID, and CAs signature

Ensures that the CA didnt alter the key or ID
Protects the certificate in transit

5. Alice and/or the CA publish the certificate

Obtaining a Certificate (X.509) (ctd)

Most of these steps are undefined

How does Alice locate a CA?

How does Alice get the CAs key?
How does Alice get her public key to the CA?
How does the CA verify Alices information?
How does Alice get her certificate back from the CA?

Protocols exist for submitting keys and obtaining the

certificate response (CMP, CMC), but no-one uses them
Too little too late

General practice is to kludge something together with a

combination of Google, HTTP PUT/GET, and cut &
paste from email messages

Obtaining a Certificate (PGP, SSH)

PGP: Generate a key
Enter your name and email address at key generation time

SSH: Generate a key

Certificate History
To understand the X.509 PKI, its necessary to understand
the history behind it
Why does X.509 do otherwise straightforward things in
such a weird way?
[The] standards have been written by little green
monsters from outer space in order to confuse normal
human beings and prepare them for the big invasion
Someone tried to explain public-key-based authentication to
aliens. Their universal translators were broken and they had to
gesture a lot
They were created by the e-commerce division of the Ministry
of Silly Walks

Certificate History (ctd)

Original paper on public-key encryption proposed the
Public File
Public-key white pages
Key present key valid
Communications with users were protected by a signature from
the Public File

Signatures (certificates) were a one-time assertion about

keys in the public file
This key is valid at this instance for this person

Certificate History (ctd)

A very sensible, straightforward approach
We have a Public File, its called the world-wide web
We have a system, it is called the Web, everyone else lost, get
over it

Phillip Hallam-Baker, Chief Scientist, Verisign

However, this wasnt so practical in 1976

Key lookup over X.25?

Adapted for offline operation by Kohnfelder in 1978

Offline CA signs name + key to bind the two in a certificate
Online directory distributes certificates

Certificate History (ctd)

OSI proposed (among many other things) X.500, an allencompassing global directory run by monopoly telcos
Hierarchical database (or data organisation model, or both)
Path through the directory/database to keys is defined by a
series of relative distinguished names (RDNs)
Collection of RDNs form a distinguished name (DN)
Data being looked up is found at the end of the RDN path
X.500 is a bunch of networking types trying to re-invent 1960s
database technology

Lynn Wheeler

The X.500 Directory

The directory contains multiple objects in object classes
defined by schemas
A schema defines
Required attributes
Optional attributes
The parent class


Attribute Value
Attribute Value
Attribute Value

Attributes are type-and-value pairs

Type = CN, value = John Doe
Type may have multiple values associated with it
Collective attributes are attributes shared across multiple
entries (e.g. a company-wide fax number)

The X.500 Directory (ctd)

Each instantiation of an object is a directory entry
Entries are identified by DNs
The DN is comprised of relative distinguished names (RDNs)
that define the path through the directory

Directory entries may have aliases that point to the actual

The entry contains one or more attributes that contain the
actual data

The X.500 Directory (ctd)

Data is accessed by DN and attribute type

X.500 DN Example
Typical DN components

Country C
State or province SP
Locality L
Organisation O
Organisational unit OU
Common name CN

Typical X.500 DN
C=US/L=Area 51/O=Hanger 18/OU=X.500 Standards
Designers/CN=John Doe
When the X.500 revolution comes, your name will be lined
up against the wall and shot

Searching the Directory

Searching is performed by subtree refinement
Base specifies where the search starts in the subtree
Chop specifies how much of the subtree to search
Filter specifies the object class to filter on

Base = C=NZ
Chop = 1 RDN down from the base
Filter = organisation

Typical application is to populate a tree control for

directory browsing

Directory Implementation
The directory is implemented using directory service
agents (DSAs)

Users access the directory via a directory user agent (DUA)

Access requests may be satisfied through referrals or chaining

One or more DSAs are incorporated into a management


Directory Access
Typical directory accesses:

Read attribute or attributes from an entry

Compare supplied value with an attribute of an entry
List DNs of subordinate entries
Search entries using a filter
Filter contains one or more matching rules to apply to
Search returns the attribute or attributes that pass the filter
Add a new leaf entry
Remove a leaf entry
Modify an entry by adding or removing attributes
Move an entry by modifying its DN

Directory Example

O=University of Auckland



OU=Com puter Science


CN=end user

Search key is C=NZ, O=University of Auckland, OU =

Computer Science, CN = foo
Complex way of saying SELECT data WHERE key =

Directory Access Control

Concerns about misuse of the directory
Companies dont like making their internal structure public
Directory for corporate headhunters
Privacy concerns
Directory of single women (then)
Directory of children (now)

X.500 proposed various access control mechanisms

Hashed passwords
Digital signatures

Directory Access Control

For signature-based access control, each portion of the directory has
a certification authority (CA) attached to it
National CA

O=University of Auckland
Organisational CA



OU=Com puter Science

Departm ental CA

CN=end user

Top-level CA is called the root CA, a.k.a. the single point of failure

Directory Access Control

X.509v1 clearly shows these origins
Issuer and subject DN to place a cert in the directory
Validity period
Public key

No indication of
CA vs. end entity certs
Implicit from their position in the directory
Key usage
Only one usage, directory authentication
Cert policy
Only one policy, directory authentication
Any of the other X.509v3 paraphernalia

Directory Access Control

No directories of this type were ever seriously deployed
Weve had to live with the legacy of this approach ever since

X.500 Directory Access Protocol (DAP) adapted for
Internet use
Originally Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, now closer

Provides access to LDAP servers (and hence DSAs) over a

TCP/IP connection

bind and unbind to connect/disconnect

read to retrieve data
add, modify, delete to update entries
search, compare to locate information

LDAP (ctd)
LDAP provides a complex hierarchical directory
containing information categories with sub-categories
containing nested object classes containing entries with
one or more (usually more) attributes containing actual
In one large-scale interop test the use of a directory for cert
storage was found to be the single largest cause of problems

Simplicity made complex

It will scale up into the billions. We have a pilot with 200 users
running already

LDAP (ctd)
Most practical way to use it is as a simple database
SELECT key WHERE name = Bob

LDAP equivalent query


LDAP (ctd)
So far, LDAP has not done a great job of supporting PKI

Steve Kent, PKIX WG chair

The X.500 linkage [] has led to more failed PKI deployments
in my experience than any other. For PKI deployment to
succeed you have to take X.500 and LDAP deployment out of
the critical path

Phillip Hallam-Baker, Chief Scientist, Verisign

If you cant be a good example then at least you can be a horrible

Horowitz Key Protocol (HKP)

PGPs key lookup protocol
Exists as an undocumented student project that requires
reverse-engineering the source code to understand
Handled via a number of well-known servers run by

HTTP-based key search, upload, and download over port

Various extensions hacked on over time

Probably the most successful online key distribution

mechanism (!!)
(Which shows just how dysfunctional the others are)

Offline Key Storage Mechanisms

Keys are typically stored offline in
Flat files
One per key
Multiple keys per file (PGP keyrings, SSH)
Relational databases
Proprietary databases (Netscape/Mozilla)
Windows registry (MSIE)

Problems with Naming/Identity Certificates

The user looks up John Smiths certificate in a directory
Which directory?
Which John Smith?

X.509-style PKI turns a key distribution problem into a

name distribution problem
Cases where multiple people in same O, OU have same first,
middle, and last name
Solved by adding some distinguishing value to DN (e.g. part of
the social security number, SSN)
Creates unique DNs, but theyre useless for name lookups
John Smith 8721 vs. John Smith 1826 vs. John Smith 3504

Problems with X.500 Names

No-one ever managed to figure out how to make DNs work
This is a real diagram
taken from X.521

Problems with X.500 Names (ctd)

No clear plan on how to organise the hierarchy
Attempts were made to define naming schemes, but nothing
really worked

No-one understands X.500 DNs

Locality? Organisational unit? Administrative domain?
Dont fit any real-world domain
Require extensive versing in X.500 theology to comprehend

Hierarchical naming model fits the military and

governments, but doesnt work for businesses or
DNs provide the illusion of order while preserving everyones
God-given Freedom to Build a Muddle

Problems with X.500 Names (ctd)

Simple problem cases

Communal living (jails, boarding schools)

Nomadic peoples
Merchant ships
Quasi-permanent non-continental structures (oil towers)
US APO addresses
LA phone directory contains > 1,000 people called Smith in
a nonexistent 90000 ZIP code
A bogus address is cheaper than an unlisted number
Same thing will happen on a much larger scale if people are
forced to provide information when they dont want to
c.f. cypherpunks login

Problems with X.500 Names (ctd)

For a corporation, is C, SP, L

Location of company?
Location of parent company?
Location of field office?
Location of incorporation?

For a person, is C, SP, L

Place of birth?
Place of residence/domicile?
Dual citizenship
Stateless persons
Place of work?

DNs in Practice
Public CAs typically set
C = CA country or something creative (Internet)
O = CA name
OU = Certificate type / class / legal disclaimer
CN = User name or URI
email = User email address

Some European CAs add oddball components required by

local signature laws
Italy adds IDs like BNFGRB46R69A944C
This is a value thats both impossible for anyone to know while
simultaneously leaking lots of personal data to anyone viewing
a certificate

DNs in Practice (ctd)

Some CAs modify the DN with a nonce to try and
guarantee uniqueness
Armed services CA adds last 4 digits of SSN
Another CA encodes random CA/RA-specific data
The disambiguating factor will be variable length alphanumeric
[] for example: XYZ221234 [] or, for example

GTE Government Systems Federal PKI pilot

Some DNs are deliberately mangled

For educational institutions here in the US, FERPA regulations
apply. The way we do this here at Wisconsin is to only include
a bunch of random gibberish in the DN as an identifier.

Eric Norman on ietf-pkix

DNs in Practice (ctd)

Private CAs (organisations or people signing their own
certificates) typically set any DN fields supported by
their software to whatever makes sense for them
Some software requires that all of { C, O, OU, SP, L, CN } be
Invent random values to fill these boxes in order to
Resulting certificates contain strange or meaningless entries as
people try and guess values, or use dummy values
a bunch of random gibberish in the DN

Solving the DN Problem

Users put whatever they feel like into the DN
The goal of a certificate [identifier] is to identify the holder of the
corresponding private key in a fashion meaningful to relying

Steve Kent, PKIX WG chair

Minimalist DNs
Freds Certificate
My key

Solving the DN Problem (ctd)

In practice only the CN and/or URI matter
Email address
Web server address/name
Internet host address/name

Rest isnt checked (or even displayed) by most PKI-using

SSL/TLS information displayed in browser status bar, address
displayed in email client,

If you must use a DN

General layout for a business-use DN
Country + Organisation + Organisational Unit + Common Name
C = New Zealand
O = Daves Wetaburgers
OU = Procurement
CN = Dave Taylor

General layout for a personal-use DN

Country + State or Province + Locality + Common Name
C = US
SP = California
L = San Francisco
CN = John Doe

Non-DN Names
X.509 v3 added support for other name forms

email addresses
DNS names
IP addresses
EDI and X.400 names
Anything else (type + value pairs)
These add-ons are largely ignored in favour of the DN though

For historical reasons, email addresses are often stuffed

into DNs rather than being specified as actual email

Other Identification Approaches

PGP: Used for email encryption
Identity is name + email address

SPKI: Used for authorisation/access control

Identity is a name meaningful within the domain of application
Account name on a server
Credit card number
Merchant ID

SSH and SSL/TLS: Indentity is implicit

Whatever the server gives me when I connect

All also use the public key as a unique ID

Qualified Certificates
Certificate designed to identify a person with a high level
of assurance
Precisely defines identification information in order to
identify the cert owner in a standardised manner
Defines additional parameters such as key usage, jurisdiction
where the certificate is valid, biometric information, etc
Qualified certificates only apply to natural persons

Some jurisdictions dont allow this type of unique personal

Any government that can issue this type of identifier can create
un-persons by refusing to issue it

Qualified Certificates (ctd)

Allows use of a pseudonym
Pseudonym must be registered, i.e. can be mapped to a real
name via an external lookup
Most implementations assume that every DN contains a CN, so
some approximation to a CN must be supplied even if a
pseudonym is used

Defines personalData, a new subjectAltName subtype

Registration authority for personal data information
Collection of personal data
Full (real, not DN) name, gender
Date and place of birth
Country of residence and/or citizenship
Postal address

Qualified Certificates (ctd)

In practice, qualified certificates are issued to companies
by fudging the issuing process
Issue the certificate to an alias for a company
Use the ability for a QC to contain a pseudonym
Does a complete end-run around the QC legal requirements

Uncertainty as to what demand is actually being met by

Qualified Certificates
Probably a round up twice the usual number of suspects
response to the lack of success of standard certificates
The near-universal response to the lack of success of PKI
standards is to create more standards

PGP Certificates
Certificates are key-based, not identity-based
Keys can have one or more free-form names attached
Key and name(s) are bound through (independent) signatures

Certification model can be hierarchical or based on existing

trust relationships
Parties with existing relationships can use self-signed
Self-signed end entity certificates are a logical paradox in

Authentication keys are used to certify confidentiality keys

Confidentiality keys can be changed at any time, even on a permessage basis

Simple Public Key Infrastructure (SPKI)

Identity certificates bind a key to a name, but require a
parallel infrastructure to make use of the result

SPKI certificates bind a key to an authorisation or


SPKI (ctd)
Certificates may be distributed by direct communications
or via an online distribution mechanism
Each certificate contains the minimum information
required for the job (c.f. X.509 dossier certificates)
Hearkens back to the original Public File one-time assertions

If names are used, they only have to be locally unique

Global uniqueness is guaranteed by the use of the key as an
Certificates may be anonymous (e.g. for balloting)

Authorisation may require m of n consensus among signers

(e.g. any 2 of 3 company directors may sign)

SPKI Certificate Uses

Typical SPKI uses

Signing/purchasing authority
Letter of introduction
Security clearance
Software licensing
Voter registration
Drug prescription
Phone/fare card
Baggage claim check
Reputation certificate (e.g. Better Business Bureau rating)
Access control (e.g. grant of administrator privileges under
certain conditions)

SPKI Certificate Structure

SPKI certificates use collections of assertions expressed as
LISP-like S-expressions of the form ( type value(s) )
( name fred ) Owner name = fred
( name CA_root CA1 CA2 ... CAn leaf_cert ) X.500 DN
( name ( hash sha1 |TLCgPLFlGTzyUbcaYLW8kGTEnUk=| )
fred ) Globally unique name with key ID and locally unique
( ftp ( host ftp.warez.org ) ) Keyholder is allowed FTP access
to an entire site
( ftp ( host ftp.warez.org ) ( dir /pub/warez ) ) Keyholder is
allowed FTP access to only one directory on the site

SPKI Certificate Structure (ctd)

Can even emulate X.509 using an SPKI certificate
( cert
( issuer ( hash sha1 |TLCgPLFlGTzyUbcaYLW8kGTEnUk=|
( subject ( hash sha1 |Ve1L/7MqiJcj+LSa/l10fl3tuTQ=l| ) )
( not-before 1998-03-01_12:42:17 )
( not-after 2012-01-01_00:00:00 )
) X.509 certificate

SPKI Certificate Structure (ctd)

Internally, SPKI certificates are represented as 5-tuples
<Issuer, Subject, Delegation, Authority, Validity>

Issuer, subject are identified via the global key ID

Delegation = Subject has permission to delegate authority
Authority = Authority granted to the certificate subject
Validity = Validity period and/or online validation test

SPKI Trust Evaluation

5-tuples can be automatically processed using a generalpurpose tuple reduction mechanism
<I1, S1, D1, A1, V1> + <I2, S2, D2, A2, V2>
<I1, S2, D2, intersection( A1, A2 ), intersection( V1, V2 )
if S1 = I2 and D1 = true

Eventually some chains of authorisation statements will

reduce to <Trusted Issuer, x, D, A, V>
All others are discarded

SPKI Trust Evaluation (ctd)

Example authorisation chain
A may access resource X. Signed: Service Provider
B may access resource X. Signed: A
Service provider, please allow me to access X. Signed: B

Service provider checks signatures from B A own key
Authorisation loop requires no CA, trusted third party, or
external intervention
Trust management decisions can be justified/explained/verified
How was this decision reached?
What happens if I change this bit?

X.509 has nothing even remotely like this

SPKI Redux
SPKIs greatest feature is that its not X.509
SPKIs greatest flaw is that its not X.509

SPKI was an excellent solution for the authorisation

problem, but because it wasnt X.509 it never made any

CAs and Scaling

The standard certification model involves direct user
interaction with a CA

This doesnt scale well

CA has to verify the details for each user
Processing many users from a similar background (e.g. a single
organisation) results in unnecessary repeated work

Registration authorities offload user processing and
checking from the CA

RA acts as a trusted intermediary

RA has a trusted relationship with the CA
RA has access to user details

RAs (ctd)
Everyone wants to be the CA
Stamps out certificates and collects fees

Someone else has to be the RA

Does all the checking and other work

Rarely used in practice

Certificate Chains
Collection of certificates from a leaf up to a root or trust
Root CA/trust anchor

Intermediate CA(s)

End entity

Certificate Chains (ctd)

All previous problems are multiplied by the length of the

RA Cert



CA Cert
CA Cert


Complexity of certificate checking is proportional to the square

of the depth of the issuance hierarchy

Original X.500-based scheme envisaged a strict hierarchy
rooted at the X.500 directory root
PEM tried (and failed) to apply this to the Internet

Later work had large numbers of hierarchies

Many, many flat hierarchies
Every CA has a set of root certificates used to sign other
certificates in relatively flat trees

What happens when youre in hierarchy A and your trading

partner is in hierarchy B?

Cross-Certification (ctd)
Solution: CAs cross-certify each other
A signs Bs certificate
B signs As certificate

Problem: Each certificate now has two issuers

All of X.509 is based on the fact that theres a unique issuer

Toto, I dont think were in X.509 any more

Cross-Certification (ctd)
With further cross-certification, re-parenting, subordination
of one CA to another, revocation and reissuance/
replacement, the hierarchy of trust

Cross-Certification (ctd)
becomes the spaghetti of doubt

with multiple certificate paths possible

Cross-Certification (ctd)
Different CAs and paths have different validity periods,
constraints, etc etc
Certificate paths can contain loops
Certificate semantics can change on different iterations through
the loop
Are certificate paths Turing-complete?
No software in existence can handle these situations

Cross-certification is the black hole of PKI

All existing laws break down
No-one knows what its like on the other side

Cross-Certification (ctd)
The theory: A well-managed PKI will never end up like
If it does occur, we can handle it via nameConstraints,
policyConstraints, etc etc

The practice: If you give them the means, they will build it
Allow cross-certification and its only a matter of time before
the situation will collapse into chaos
c.f. CA vs. EE certificates
There are at least 5 different ways to differentiate the two
Only one of these was ever envisaged by X.509
Support for name and policy constraints is dubious to
Playing Russian roulette with your security

Cross-Certification in Browsers
CAs are hard-coded into browsers
Implicitly trusted
Totally unknown
CA 1
CA keys have been onsold to third parties
CA 2
when the original CA
went out of business
Moribund web sites
Server certificates
512-bit keys
40-year cert lifetime (!!)
How much would you trust a NO LIABILITY ACCEPTED

Cross-Certification in Browsers (cont)

All CA certificates are trusted equally
Implicit universal cross-certification

Any CA can usurp a certificate issued by any other CA

Certificate from Verisign Class 1 Public Primary Certification
Authority could be issued by Honest Als Used Cars and
Browser trusts Verisign and Honest Al equally

Accepting one single new certificate from a web site can

break the entire browser security model
Im in ur browser forgin ur certs

Cross-Certification in Browsers (cont)

CAs are often presented as trusted third parties
Theyre usually just plain third parties (Scott Rea)
The user has no basis for trusting them
Often, theyre explicitly untrusted third parties
The user has no idea who they are
This must be some strange new use of the word trust with
which I wasnt previously familiar

Arthur Dent (almost)

Overall security is that of the least trustworthy CA

Anyone who selects a public CA on a factor other than price
fails to understand the trust models that underlie todays use
of CAs

Lucky Green

Cross-Certification in Browsers (cont)

Disabling all of these certificates
Netscape 6: ~600 mouse clicks
MSIE 6: ~700 mouse clicks

Why do browsers do this?

Prime directive: Dont expose the users to scary warning
One-size-fits-all browser cant know in advance which entities
the user has a trust relationship with
Need to include as many certificates as possible to minimise
the chances of users getting scary warning dialogs
The ideal user-friendly situation would be to automatically
trust all certificates

Bridge CAs
Attempt to solve the cross-certification chaos by unifying
disparate PKIs with a super-root
Bridge CA

Still has problems

PKIn root has different semantics than bridge root
What if PKI1 = CIA, PKI2 = KGB, PKI3 = Mossad?

PGP Web of Trust

Bob knows B and D who know A and C who know Alice
Bob knows the key came from Alice

Web of trust more closely reflects real-life trust models

In practice it doesnt really deliver though

Certificate Validity Checking

The target: A yes/no response in as close to real time as
Follows the standard credit card model of checking:
accepted, declined

For assorted historical and religious reasons, almost no PKI

actually supports this basic valid/not valid check

X.509 Certificate Usage Model

Relying party wants to verify
a signature
Fetch certificate
Fetch certificate revocation
list (CRL)
Check certificate against
Check signature using

t ch






X.509 Certificate Usage Model (ctd)

X.509 model turns certificates into capabilities
Tickets that can be used for authorisation/access control
Capabilities can be passed around freely
Revocation is very hard

Tried to address revocation with

Replacing the cert with a new one

Notifying the owner by some off-line procedure
Certificate revocation lists (CRLs), a blacklist of revoked certs
Assorted handwaving

Certificate Revocation
Revocation is managed with a certificate revocation list
(CRL), a form of anti-certificate that cancels a certificate
Equivalent to 1970s-era credit card blacklist booklets
Based on even earlier cheque blacklists
Relying parties are expected to check CRLs before using a
This certificate is valid unless you hear somewhere that it

CRL Problems
CRLs mirror credit card blacklist problems
Not issued frequently enough to be effective against an attacker
Expensive to distribute
Vulnerable to simple DoS attacks
Attacker can prevent revocation by blocking delivery of the

Blacklist approach was abandoned by credit card vendors a

quarter of a century ago because it didnt work properly

CRL Problems (ctd)

CRLs add further problems of their own
Can contain retroactive invalidity dates
CRL issued right now can indicate that a cert was invalid last
Checking that something was valid at time t isnt sufficient
to establish validity
Back-dated CRL can appear at any point in the future

Destroys the entire concept of nonrepudiation

CRL Problems (ctd)

Two schools of thought on handling revocation dates in
Accuracy School: Date reflects the time of key compromise
even if its backdated
Consistency School: Date is the date of CRL issue even if its
after the key compromise was detected/reported

PKI standards groups are split roughly 50:50 on this

CRL Problems (ctd)

Why CRLs dont work
Violate the cardinal rule of data-driven programming
Once you have emitted a datum you cant take it back
In transaction processing terms, viewing a certificate as a
PREPARE and a revocation as a COMMIT
No action can be taken between the two without destroying
the ACID properties of the transaction
Allowing for other operations between the PREPARE and
the COMMIT results in nondeterministic behaviour

CRL Problems (ctd)

CA cert revocation is more difficult than end-entity
One interop test found that revoking a CA cert would require a
system rebuild
Replace the current PKI software with updated software
(Reformat and reinstall)
Testing of CA cert revocation was deferred until later

CRL Problems (ctd)

Revoking self-signed certificates is even hairier
Cert revokes itself
Applications may
Accept the CRL as valid and revoke the certificate
Reject the CRL as invalid since it was signed with a
revoked certificate
Computer version of Epimenides paradox All Cretans are
Crashing is an appropriate response

CRL Problems (ctd)

CRL Distribution Problems
CRLs have a fixed validity period
Valid from issue date to expiry date
At expiry date, all relying parties connect to the CA to fetch the
new CRL
Massive peak loads when a CRL expires (DDoS attack)
Issuing CRLs to provide timely revocation exacerbates the
10M clients download a 1 MB CRL issued once a minute =
~150 GB/s traffic
Even per-minute CRLs arent timely enough for high-value
transactions with interest calculated by the minute

CRL Problems (ctd)

Clients are allowed to cache CRLs for efficiency purposes
CA issues a CRL with a 1-hour expiry time
Urgent revocation arrives, CA issues an (unscheduled) forced
CRL before the expiry time
Clients that re-fetch the CRL each time will recognise the cert
as expired
Clients that cache CRLs wont
Users must choose between huge bandwidth consumption/
processing delays or missed revocations

Kludging around CRL Problems

Segment CRLs based on the urgency of revocation
Key compromise issued once a minute
Affiliation changed issued once a day
Possible attacks
Substitute one CRL for another
Attacker can place a key on a low-priority CRL before the
victim can place it on high-priority CRL

Delta CRLs
Short-term CRLs that modify a main CRL
Discussion on PKI mailing lists indicates that use of delta
CRLs will be an interesting experience

Kludging around CRL Problems (ctd)

Stagger CRLs
Over-issue CRLs so that multiple overlapping CRLs exist at
one time
Timeliness guarantees vanish
Plays havoc with CRL semantics
Cert may or may not appear on any of several CRLs valid at
a given time

Kludging around CRL Problems (ctd)

Real problem is that a blacklist approach to validity
checking (in any security context, not just PKI) is
fundamentally broken
Enumerating Badness is classed as the No.2 Dumbest Idea in
Computer Security (Marcus Ranum)
No amount of kludging can fix it

Bypassing CRLs
SET sidesteps CRL problems entirely
End user certificates are revoked by cancelling the credit
Merchant certificates are revoked by marking them as invalid
at the acquiring bank
Payment gateways have short-term certificates that can be
quickly replaced

Account Authority Digital Signatures (AADS/X9.59)

Public key is tied to an existing account
Revocation is handled by removing the key
Matches the 1970s model of certificates: This key is valid at
this instant for this account

Online Revocation Checking

Many applications require prompt revocation
CAs (and X.509) dont really support this
CAs are inherently an offline operation

Requirements for online checks

Should return a simple boolean value Certificate is valid/not
valid right now
Can return additional information such as Not valid because

Historical query support is also useful, Was valid at the time

the signature was generated
Should be lightweight (c.f. CRLs, which can require fetching
and parsing a 10,000 entry CRL to check the status of a single

Online Status Checking

Online Certificate Status Protocol, OCSP




Inquires of the issuing CA whether a given certificate is still

Acts as a simple responder for querying CRLs
Still requires the use of a CA to check validity

Acts as a selective CRL query protocol
Standard CRL process: Send me a CRL for everything youve
OCSP process: Send me a pseudo-CRL/OCSP response for
only these certs
Lightweight pseudo-CRL avoids CRL size problems
Reply is created on the spot in response to the request
Ephemeral pseudo-CRL avoids CRL validity period

OCSP (ctd)
Can be used with an access concentrator to handle chains

Cert chain






Gateway does all the work

Requests can be forwarded to further gateways
User is billed once at the access concentrator

OCSP (ctd)
Returned status values are non-orthogonal
Status = not revoked, revoked, or unknown
Not revoked doesnt mean good, merely not on the CRL
Unknown could be anything from Certificate was never
issued to It was issued but I cant find a CRL for it
If asked Is this a valid cert and fed
A freshly-issued cert, cant say Yes
An MPEG of a cat, cant say No
Compare this with the credit card authorisation model
Response is authorised or declined (with optional

OCSP was designed to be fully bug-compatible with CRLs

OCSP (ctd)
Problems are due in some extent to the CRL-based origins
CRL can only report a negative result
Not revoked doesnt mean that a cert was ever issued
Some OCSP implementations will report I cant find a CRL
as not revoked
Some relying party implementations will assume that
revoked not good, so any other status = good
Much debate among implementors about OCSP semantics

OCSP (ctd)
OCSP has no scalability
Vendors eliminate replay-attack protection in order to get
usable performance
The changes we are making to scale our OCSP responder will
result in the discontinuation of the nonce extension

This breaks OCSPs security (anyone can forge/replay status
responses), but at least you can claim that you have a workable
responder now

Other Online Revocation Protocols

Simple Certificate Validation Protocol (SCVP)
Relying party submits a full chain of certificates
Server indicates whether the chain can be verified
We cant solve the problem here so well hand it off to
someone else

Data Validation and Certification Server Protocols (DVCS)

Provides facilities similar to SCVP disguised as a general thirdparty data validation mechanism

Integrated CA Services Protocol (ICAP)

Real-time Certificate Status Protocol (RCSP)
Web-based Certificate Access Protocol (WebCAP)

Other Online Revocation Protocols (ctd)

Open CRL Distribution Protocol (OpenCDP)
Directory Supported Certificate Status Options (DCS)
Data Certification Server (also DCS)
Delegated Path Validation (DPV)
Offshoot of the SCVP/DVCS debate and an OCSP alternative
called OCSP-X

Many, many more

See earlier comment about fixing the failure of PKI
standards by creating more PKI standards
Protocol debate has been likened to religious sects arguing over
differences in dogma

Cost of Revocation Checking

CAs charge fees to issue a certificate
Most expensive collection of bits in the world

Revocation checks are expected to be free

CA cant tell how often or how many checks will be made
CRLs require
Processor time
Multiple servers (many clients can fetch them)
Network bandwidth (CRLs can get large)
Active disincentive for CAs to provide any real revocation
checking capabilities

Cost of Revocation Checking (ctd)

Example: ActiveX
Relatively cheap cert can sign huge numbers of ActiveX
Controls are deployed across hundreds of millions of Windows
Any kind of useful revocation checking would be
astronomically expensive

Example: email certificate

Must be made cheap (or free) or users wont use them
Revocation handling isnt financially feasible

Cost of Revocation Checking (ctd)

Revocation checking in these cases is, quite literally,
Leave an infrequently-issued CRL at some semi-documented
location and hope few people find it

Charge for revocation checks

Allows certain guarantees to be associated with the check

Identrus charges for every revocation check (i.e. certificate use)
GSA cost was 40$1.20 each time a certificate was used
Sweden charges 0.25 (inspired by the cost of a postage stamp)

Serious user acceptance problems

Why pay a transaction fee for a mostly useless certificate when
other online transactions carry no (obvious) fees?

Status Checking in the Real World

Online protocols place an enormous load on the CA
CA must carefully protect their signing keys
CA must be able to sign x,000 status requests per second
CRL is inherently a batch operation
Once an hour, scan a database table and sign the resulting
Online status protocols have a high processing overhead
For each query, check for a revocation and produce a signed
By their very nature, its not possible to pre-generate
responses, since they must be fresh
Well, except for the OCSP scalability hack

Status Checking in the Real World (ctd)

CA key compromise: Everyone finds out
Sun handled revocation of their CA key via posts to mailing
lists and newsgroups

SSL server key compromise: No-one finds out

Stealing the keys from a typical poorly-secured server isnt
hard (c.f. web page defacements)
Revocation isnt necessary since certificates are included in the
SSL handshake
Just install a new certificate

email key compromise: Who cares?

If necessary, send a copy of your new certificate to everyone in
your address book

Example: SSL Server Certificate

Using the X.509 revocation status codes as usage cases
Key compromise unlikely to be used unless the attacker
helpfully notifies the victim
Affiliation changed handled automatically when the new
certificate for the new name is issued
Superseded as above
Cessation of operation shut down the server

In none of these cases is revocation actually needed, or


Status Checking in the Real World (ctd)

In practice, revocation checking is often turned off in user
Serves no real purpose, and slows everything down a lot

CRLs are useful in special-case situations where there

exists a statutory or contractual obligation to use them
Relying party needs to be able to claim CRL use for due
diligence purposes or to avoid liability

PKI researchers like to tinker with revocation in the same

way that petrol-heads tinker with car engines
Geeks dream problem: No clear solution, no pressure to
produce a result, endless funding is available

Other Revocation Techniques

Self-signed revocation (suicide note)
Used by PGP
Suicide note is created as part of the key generation process
Not possible in X.509 because its something you cant do
without requiring a CA

Certificate of health/warrant of fitness for certificates (antiCRL)

Provides better proof than CRLs
CRL is a negative statement
Anti-CRL is a positive statement
Proving a negative is much harder than proving a positive
c.f. aliens dont exist vs. aliens exist

Other Online Authorisation Checks

Simple Public Key Infrastructure (SPKI)
Prefers online authorisation/validation checks
This is a true online authorisation check, not the OCSP
Cert renewal interval is based on risk analysis of potential
X.509 renewal interval is usually one year, motivated by
billing concerns
Treated like a domain name: Once a year, re-certify the
same key
Provides for one-time renewal
Cert is valid for a single transaction

Closing the Circle

Fetching a cert and then immediately having to perform a
second fetch to determine whether its any good is silly
Fetch a known-good cert (no
revocation check necessary)
Solves the previous revocationchecking problems
Simplify further: Submit a hash of
the certificate on hand
Its good, go ahead and
use it
Its no good, use this one

Cert Server



Closing the Circle (ctd)

All we really care about is the key
Issuer/subject DN, etc are historical artifacts/baggage

Bring me the key of Alfredo Garcia

This operation is already performed locally when the key is
fetched from a certificate store/Windows registry/flat file
Moving from a local to a remote query allows centralised

Closing the Circle (ctd)

Key-fetch is still an unnecessary step
Validation server performs the check directly
Similar to the 1970s Davies and
Price model
Arbitrator provides a dispute
resolution mechanism via a
one-time interactive certificate
for the transaction
Fits the banking/online settlement
transaction model

Setting up a CA
No-one makes money running a CA
You make money by selling CA products and services

Typical cost to set up a proper CA from scratch: $1M

Writing the policy/certificate practice statement (CPS)
requires significant effort
Getting the top-level certificate (root certificate) installed
and trusted by users can be challenging

Bootstrapping a CA
Get your root certificate signed by a known CA
Your CAs certificate is certified by the existing CA
Generally requires becoming a licensee of the existing CA
Your CA is automatically accepted by existing software
But see the section on CA survivability

Bootstrapping a CA (ctd)
Get users to install your CA certificate in their applications
Somewhat cumbersome
for users to do
However, no more
complex than the procedure
for installing an (unsigned)
driver for new hardware
Half the Windows
drivers on the planet
have unsigned drivers
Google for digital signature not found
If users are expecting the certificate install dialog and know
where to click, it works pretty well

Bootstrapping a CA (ctd)
Publish your CA certificate(s) by traditional means
Global Trust Register,

Book containing a register of fingerprints of the worlds most

important public keys
Implements a top-level CA using paper and ink
Requires massive amounts of manual user intervention though

Install custom software containing the certificate on user

Less transparent than manually installing CA certificates

Business Expectations of a CA
Current work follows the if you build it, they will (might)
come model
Industry (particularly governments) make great testbeds for
PKI experimentation
Theyll even pay you for it!

Survey of US businesses revealed that they require CAs to

be insurable
Must be possible to quantify risk reliably enough to make
meaningful warranties
c.f. Verisigns null-semantics certificates

Business Expectations of a CA (ctd)

Two approaches to this problem:
1. Practical solution: CA has only two warranted
1. Ensure that each name is unique
2. Protect the CAs key(s)
Interpreting the certificate is left to the relying party

2. Legal solution: If you do x, the government will

indemnify you
x expands to jump through all the hoops defined in this digital
signature law
Type, size, and number of hoops varies from country to

Finding a Workable Business Model

PKI requires of the user
Certificate management software to be installed and configured
Payment for each certificate
Significant overhead in managing keys and certificates

PKI provides to the user

disclaims any warranties... makes no representation that any
CA or user to which it has issued a digital ID is in fact the
person or organisation it claims to be... makes no assurances of
the accuracy, authenticity, integrity, or reliability of

Finding a Workable Business Model (ctd)

A PKI is not just another IT project
Requires a combined organisational, procedural, and legal
Staffing requires a skilled, multidisciplinary team
Complexity is enormous
Initial PKI efforts vastly underestimated the amount of
work involved
Current work is concentrating on small-scale pilots to avoid
this issue

To be accepted, a PKI must provide perceived value

Failure to do so is what killed SET
No-one has really figured out a PKI business model yet

CA Business Model
Free email certs
No-one will pay for them
Clown suit certificates

SSL certificates run as a protection racket

Buy our certs at US$500/kB/year or your customers
will be scared away
Actual CA advertising:
If you fail to renew your Server ID prior to the expiration date,
operating your Web site will become far riskier than normal []
your Web site visitors will encounter multiple, intimidating warning
messages when trying to conduct secure transactions with your
site. This will likely impact customer trust and could result in lost
business for your site.

CA consulting services

Getting your CA Key into Browsers

Total cost: $0.5M per browser
Netscape: Hand over the cash and a floppy
MSIE: No special charge, but you must pass an SAS70
electronic data security audit
US CPA Statement on Auditing Standards 70
Lengthy (up to 6 months), expensive, and painful
Infrastructure, policy, staff, and auditing costs run to $0.5M

CA keys are bought and sold on the secondary market

Equifaxs certificates are actually owned by Geotrust
Cheaper to buy another CAs HSM than to have your own key
Keep an eye out for CA HSMs on eBay

CA Survivability
Something youll never find in any PKI text: What happens
when your CA fails?
PKI or Bust
The majority of the commercial CAs have failed

Where do their keys end up?

(eBay or equivalent)
Those keys control access to your data and your infrastructure

How is business continuity handled?

Example: Large commercial CA fails
No-one left knows how to issue CRLs

Certifies that a document existed at a certain time
Used for added security on existing signatures
Timestamped countersignature proves that the original
signature was valid at a given time
Even if the original signature key is later compromised, the
timestamp can be used to verify that the signature was created
before the compromise

Requires a data format that can handle multiple signatures

Only PGP keys and S/MIME signed data provide this

PKI Design Guidelines

Use a locally meaningful identifier
User name
email address
Account number
Dont try and do anything with DNs
Treat them as meaningless blobs

PKI Design Guidelines (ctd)

If possible, design your PKI so that revocation isnt required
If that isnt possible, use a mechanism that provides freshness
If that isnt possible, use an online status query mechanism
Valid/not valid responder
If the revocation is of no value, use CRLs

PKI Design Guidelines (ctd)

Any externally-controlled link in the certification chain can
control any assets covered by your PKI
What happens when an external CA goes out of business?
Where do the CAs keys go?
Who issues new certificates?
Who revokes old certificates?

PKI Design Guidelines (ctd)

Application-specific PKIs
PKIs designed to solve a particular problem are easier to work
with than a one-size-(mis)fits all approach
One-size-fits-all approach is only useful to verify well-known
amazon.com et al
Government departments
Application-specific approaches work better for everything else
Use the same channels to verify Bobs key as you use to
verify other transactions with Bob
Third-party CAs merely get in the way

PKI Design Guidelines (ctd)

Application-specific PKIs
Binds a key to an authorisation
X.509 binds a key to an (often irrelevant) identity that must
then somehow be mapped to an authorisation
Designed to secure email
Laissez-faire key management tied to an email address
solves the Which directory and Which John Doe

PKI Design Guidelines (ctd)

In many situations no PKI of any kind is needed
Example: Authority-to-individual communications (e.g. tax
The authority knows who its users/clients are; everyone knows
who the authority is
Obvious solution: S/MIME or PGP
Practical solution: SSL/TLS web server with access control
Revocation = disable user access
Consistently applied
Administered by the organisation involved, not some third

PKI Design Guidelines (ctd)

Example: AADS/X9.59

Ties keys to existing accounts

Handled via standard business mechanisms
Revocation = remove the key/close the account
(US) Business Records Exception allows standard business
records to be treated as evidence (rather than hearsay) in court
Following standard legal precedent is easier than becoming
the test case for PKI

PKI Design Guidelines (ctd)

Example: Business transactions
Ask Citibank about certificate validity
Ask Citibank to authorise the transaction directly
Use an online authorisation
Well-established mechanisms (and much legal precedent) for
online authorisation
Strong consumer protection via Reg.E and Reg.Z
Report loss within 2 days: No liability
Report loss within 2-60 days (time to get a bank statement):
Liability of $50
Enacted when ATM/credit cards were introduced to keep the
banks honest

PKI Design Guidelines (ctd)

Theres nothing that says you have to use X.509 as
anything more than a complex bit-bagging scheme
Provides broad toolkit and crypto token support without tying
you to X.509 peculiarities
Given the complete absence of quality control in X.509
implementations, the only portions that you can rely on are
public-key handling and some form of identifying value
See the X.509 certificate section for more details

If you have a cert management scheme that works, use it

Be careful about holding your business processes hostage to
your PKI (or lack thereof)

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