Sol 400 Faq

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SOL 400 can perform both linear and nonlinear analysis and encapsulates other MSC Nastran solution sequences like SOL 101, SOL 103, etc. It is designed to be a complete solution tool.

SOL 400 supports linear, nonlinear, modal, buckling and transient structural analysis along with thermal analysis capabilities.

Contact bodies can be automatically generated based on groups/materials/properties. Specifying friction coefficients allows inclusion of friction. Contact can also be included by default without friction.

Chapter 1: Introduction 37

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

This section is intended to answer questions you might have about SOL 400.

General Questions on SOL 400 Analysis

Q1: Is SOL 400 only for nonlinear analysis, or can I also do linear analysis?
SOL 400 can do linear, nonlinear, modal, buckling, and transient structural analysis along with a host of other analysis
types (see ANALYSIS case control entry documentation in the QRG for a complete list). SOL 400 is designed to be the
only solution sequence you need.

Will I get the same results from a SOL 400 linear analysis as I do from a SOL 101 analysis?

SOL 400 has additional capabilities that require controls not available in SOL 101.What this means is that the
additional controls must be set in the same way for a SOL 400 analysis as they are for a SOL 101 analysis. Having said
that, in general SOL 400 control defaults are set in such a way that you should get the same results from a SOL 400
analysis that you do from a SOL 101 analysis.

Will I get the same results from a SOL 400 nonlinear analysis as I do from a SOL 106 static or SOL 129
transient nonlinear analysis?

Again, there are additional capabilities and additional controls in SOL 400 that must be set in the same way as they are
for SOL 106 or 129 in order to get the same results. Also, SOL 400 has a complete set of, large strain elements that
make it unlikely that you will get the same solution unless you are performing a small deformation analysis. However,
if you set your analysis up to use the same elements as the SOL 106 or 129 solution, and you limit the conditions
applied to the model you should get the same results as a SOL 106 or 129 analysis.

Will I get the same results from a SOL 400 linear, modal, buckling, or nonlinear analysis as I will from a
SOL 101, 103, 105, and 106 analysis?

In general, SOL 400 encapsulates those solution sequences and should be able to reproduce their results. Again, getting
the same answers requires equivalence in element types, analysis control settings, and procedures.

Is it possible to use the same model for linear and nonlinear analysis, if so what is the best way to add the
additional input required for the nonlinear solution to an existing linear model?

Yes, it is absolutely possible to use the same model for linear and nonlinear analysis. SOL 400 has been designed to
allow users to do this very thing. The best way to accomplish this purpose is to take the linear model, read it into a
graphical pre-and post processor like Patran, add the additional model attributes required such as contact, and make
sure to specify the proper nonlinear analysis control parameters and let the graphical pre- postprocessor write out the
correct input.

Is it possible to take an existing MSC Nastran model and convert it into a SOL 400 model? If so what is
the best way to do this?

Similar to the previous answer, the best way to accomplish this purpose is to take the existing MSC Nastran model,
read it into a graphical pre-and post processor like Patran or SimXpert, add the additional model attributes required
such as contact or nonlinear materials properties, make sure to specify the proper nonlinear analysis control parameters
and let the graphical pre- postprocessor write out the correct input. See Chapter 6: Setting Up, Monitoring, and

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38 Nonlinear Users Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Debugging the Analysis for an example of the process required to convert a SOL 101 model to a SOL 400 model.

Is it possible to take an existing Abaqus model and convert it into a SOL 400 model? If so what is the best
way to do this? Will I get the same answer?

Beginning with the 2014 release, there is a translator that can be used to convert an Abaqus input file into an MSC
Nastran input file. Prior to that, the best strategy is to read the file into Patran, change the preference to MSC Nastran,
and add the additional data.
Getting the same answer depends on a lot of factors, including the compatibility of the element types selected, the
analysis capabilities and algorithms (such as contact algorithms), and the analysis procedures and controls selected. In
particular, characterization of contact interactions may affect the results.

Does Patran support SOL 400?

While Patran does not support 100% of SOL 400 capabilities, it provides fairly complete support of the most
commonly used features of SOL 400 including nonlinear materials, contact, composites, and multi
stepping/perturbation analysis. MSC is continuing to develop Patran to support new SOL 400 capabilities.

Does SimXpert support SOL 400?

The answer to the previous question also applies to SimXpert.

Q10: If I am new to SOL 400 what's the best way to learn it?
The MSC documentation system has a complete set of solved SOL 400 problems in a document called the MSC
Nastran Demonstration Problems. The input files from these solved problems are included in the documentation
system. Also, Patran has a set of demo problems that can be found under the Analysis menu, under the "Run a Demo"
tab. Once these demos are run, Patran can be used to interrogate the model and investigate how the models are set up.
Finally, the SimCompanion website has a knowledge base with answers to commonly asked questions, as well as links
to the MSC training courses on SOL 400.
Q11: Where can I find example input files for SOL 400 demo problems?
Example problems can be found in the MSC Nastran Demonstration Problems Manual. These example problems also
include input files. There is also a whole test suite of example input files in the MSC Nastran test problem library. Also,
the "Run a Demo" problems in Patran will leave the input files that were used to run the example.
Q12: What kind of results are supported in the op2, xdb, and/or dball/master?
While you can request SOL 400 output in any valid MSC Nastran output format, only the MASTER/DBALL and new
OP2 (PARAM,POST,1) formats will contain all of the results data blocks of SOL 400. Specifically, the nonlinear
stress/strain and contact results data blocks will be missing if any other format is requested. Thus, MSC strongly
recommends that you use MASTER/DBALL or new OP2 output formats for SOL 400 solutions.
Q13: What do I do if I run the analysis and do not get a solution? What if it does not converge?
The first thing to do is to check the solution files (*.f06, *.log, *.f04) to look for error messages. Typically there
will be a message telling why the solution did not converge.
There are a couple of answers to this question depending on why the analysis did not get a solution. Reasons why an
analysis does not result in a solution can be grouped into two categories. The first group relates to having a correctly

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Chapter 1: Introduction 39
Frequently Asked Questions

formatted input file. These tend to be the most common, and also the easiest to fix. The second group relates to having
what might be called a well-posed problem. This means that our problem does not violate any of the laws of physics,
and that there actually is a valid numerical solution to the problem we are trying to solve. A typical example of this
type of error would be trying to come up with a static solution to a problem that is not statically determinate. There
are methods used to determine if a model is properly constrained, such as running a modal analysis to look for
unconstrained rigid body modes.
Q14: How do I know if I NEED to do a nonlinear analysis?
While this is not an exact answer as loading conditions will affect this, in general, if your strains are approaching 5%,
or the deflection of any node in your model approaches 5% of the smallest dimension, you should do a nonlinear
Q15: How do I know if linear contact will give me the right answer, or if I need to do a nonlinear analysis?
The terms linear and contact are almost an oxymoron. The very nature of contact problems are that finite deformation
of the nodes must be tracked to determine if the notes are in contact or not in contact. This deformation is almost always
large enough to invalidate linear contact solutions. The best use for linear contact is to use it to connect dissimilar
meshes or full assembly modeling where no separation occurs.
Q16: What is the difference between linear buckling analysis and nonlinear buckling analysis?
A linear buckling analysis is based on the un-deformed configuration of the structure. A nonlinear buckling analysis
is based on a deformed shape of the structure. The deformation and stresses make the structure stiffer (if in tension)
and cause the natural frequencies to increase. This is why it is often necessary to do a nonlinear buckling analysis to
get accurate mode shapes and frequencies.
Q17: What is a "stress stiffened model " analysis?
Before extracting the eigen-values from the structural system, the model may be pre-loaded prior to the modal
extraction. Initial stress effects are then included in the stiffness which tend to raise the eigenvalues. This effect tends
to affect the eigenvalues more than the eigenvectors (mode shapes).
Q18: Will RBE's rotate with the rest of the model?
If a large displacement, nonlinear analysis is performed, then yes, the RBEs rotates with the model. In a linear analysis,
the displacement and rotation of the nodes is assumed to be infinitesimally small.
Q19: What are Marc elements; also called Advanced nonlinear elements or large strain elements? When would
I use them? How do I activate them? Is there any penalty for always using Marc elements instead of MSC
Nastran elements?
Most MSC Nastran elements were originally formulated for linear analysis. At some point, some of those original
elements were modified for use in nonlinear analysis (SOLs 106 and 129), but certainly not all of them. Rather than
develop new elements and capabilities from scratch for SOL 400 MSC Nastran decided to copy the well-proven,
robust, mature large deformation/large strain analysis procedures and element formulations from Marc. Rather than
develop new nonlinear element designations, which would've made it a lot of work to convert a linear SOL 101 model
to a SOL 400 nonlinear model, MSC Nastran decided to use the same element designations and simply allow you to
control the formulation used through secondary property entries such as PBEMN1, PSHLN1, PSHNL2, and PSLDN1.
While this method gives you direct control over the element formulation, it should be noted that SOL 400 automatically

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40 Nonlinear Users Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

selects the proper formulation for the problem. This means that if the problem is a large deformation, large strain
problem, SOL 400 automatically uses the large strain element formulation. Thus, unless you want to directly control
the formulation (such as use reduced integration or some other special formulation), you are best off allowing MSC
Nastran to select the formulation used, which also means no additional input is required.
Q20: Do shell and beam offsets rotate with the model?
Q21: Will CBAR elements rotate with the model?
Yes, if CBAR is converted to a CBEAM.
Q22: Will CGAP elements rotate with the model?
No. Contact bodies should always be used for contact involving large deformations.
Q23: Will CBEAM pin flags rotate with the model?
Q24: What is the difference between the Stress Tensor and the Nonlinear Stress Tensor quantities I see listed
in my Patran results?
There is no difference. The label "stress tensor" was used for linear analysis, and the label "nonlinear stress tensor" for
nonlinear analysis. But in fact, they should be same
Q25: Which stress quantity does MSC Nastran use when it looks up the stress/strain curve I provided?
For small strain elements (traditional MSC Nastran elements), engineering stress/strain is used, but for large strain
nonlinear element (new Marc elements), Cauchy stress is used.
Q26: Will the force I apply rotate with the model?
These are referred to as "follower forces" and they will be included if: 1) a nonlinear analysis procedure is used; 2) a
FORCE1 or FORCE2 entry is used for loading; and 3) and appropriate PARAM,LGDISP value is used. Only Follower
Forces applied by FORCE1, FORCE2, MOMENT1, MOMENT2 will rotate with model. Forces applied by RFORCE
will rotate according to the specified angular velocity/acceleration rules.
Q27: What if I don't want the force to rotate with the model?
Short answer: use the static force FORCE bulk data entry.
Q28: Will the pressure I apply to a surface rotate with the model?
Only Follower Pressure applied by PLOAD, PLOAD2, and PLOAD4 will rotate with model. See follower force
notes under the PLOAD and PLOAD4 entries in the QRG for more details.
Q29: Is it possible to create the input such that the pressure I apply to a surface will not rotate with the model?
Yes. With PLOAD4, if the load direction is given, the pressure applied will be fixed in the given direction and not rotate
with model. See remark 2 of PLOAD4 in the QRG:

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Chapter 1: Introduction 41
Frequently Asked Questions

Remark 2. The continuation entry is optional. If fields 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the continuation entry are blank, the load is

assumed to be a pressure acting normal to the face. If these fields are not blank, the load acts in the direction defined
in these fields. Note that if CID is a curvilinear coordinate system, the direction of loading may vary over the surface
of the element. The load intensity is the load per unit of surface area, not the load per unit of area normal to the direction
of loading.
Q30: If I am familiar with running linear MSC Nastran analyses but have never run a nonlinear SOL 400
analysis, how can I learn what I need to do differently?
Many important features and concepts in this book are illustrated with examples. As you read this guide, it is highly
recommended that you run the example problems and make variations of these problems. When learning a new MSC
Nastran feature, engineers all too often generate a large problem using several hundred or several thousand degrees of
freedom as a test case. This practice has become the norm in recent years with the advent of graphics preprocessors
and automatic meshing. Rarely is such a large model necessary to learn a new feature; in most cases, it just adds
unnecessary complexity. For this reason most of the examples in this book are small generally less than 100 degrees
of freedom. To facilitate the use of these example problems, example problems referenced in this guide are delivered
with MSC Nastran system under the Install_dir/mscxxxx/doc/linstat with the extensions of .dat. It is recommended
you copy any example problem to your local directory, so you can see the files created, and you don't inadvertently
create files in the delivery directory.
Q31: How can I see a plot of load vs deflection for the rigid body that loaded my model?
Only available for load controlled rigid bodies, you can plot the results of the control grid of the rigid body.
Q32: How can I monitor the nonlinear solution to see if it is progressing toward convergence?
See Chapter 6: Setting Up, Monitoring, and Debugging the Analysis for more details, but the short answer is: monitor
the jobname.sts file with a text editor that automatically updates. As each load increment converges a new line
with relevant information will appear in the .sts file.
Q33: Is it possible to see the results of any of the intermediate loading steps before the analysis is complete?
Yes. It is possible to have MSC Nastran write out the results of converged increments to intermediate OP2 files. See
the INTERM option of the OUTCTRL parameter under the NLOPRM entry in the QRG.
Q34: How can I find out what the normal and frictional forces or stresses are between the contact bodies?
Use the BOUTPUT case control output request and these values will be in the MASTER/DBALL or new OP2 files along
with the other output requested.
Q35: Is an RBE spider the best way to fix a surface of my structure?
It depends on the constraints on the surface. If all the grids on the surface have the same behavior in some direction,
an RBE is easy to use. It is also easy to "glue" the area to a rigid surface and use the rigid surface controls. You may
also use SPC/SPC1.
Q36: What are alternatives to an RBE spider for displacement control of part of my structure?
SPC/SPC1/SPCD/SPCR may be combined together for any complicated displacement control. As mentioned in the
previous question, glueing the area to a rigid surface and using the rigid surface controls is also easy.

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42 Nonlinear Users Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Q37: Will I get the same answer if I apply my loads and constraints using a glued-on rigid surface as I would
using an RBE spider or displacement constraint?
Yes, if both loading methods are done correctly you will get the same results.
Q38: How do a simulate a complex sequence of loading, such as the process of an engine head going through
the sequence of bolt tightening, then heating up?
Break the loading up into discrete loadcases. For more information on this process, see Chapter 3: Nonlinearity and
Analysis Types in this manual for more information on this topic.
Q39: How do I know if Patran supports a certain type of modeling process or feature?
The MSC Nastran Preference Guide for Patran describes all of the entities (including elements, materials, properties,
loads and constraints) that Patran support for use in MSC Nastran SOL 400.
Q40: What is the simplest way to include contact in my model?
If you simply create contact bodies (Patran has a tool under Tools - Modeling that automatically creates contact bodies
based on groups, materials, properties, etc.) and runs a SOL 400 nonlinear analysis, the contact interaction is included
by default, but does not include friction between the components. To include friction, you need to specify the friction
model and friction coefficients (you can specify a global model value, a value for each contact body, or for each contact
pair the most localized value, in the most general to most specific order just provided, will be used)
Q41: What Thermal Solutions are supported in SOL 400?
SOL 400 supports steady state and transient thermal analysis procedures (ANALYSIS = HSTAT and HTRAN),
updated to include thermal contact and coupled thermal-structural interaction, plus the Sinda RC network approach.
Chapter 3: Nonlinearity and Analysis Types has a description of the SOL 400 thermal analysis capabilities, plus a
description of the coupled multi-physics capabilities that are supported.
Q42: How do the RCNS & RCNT RC Network analysis options in SOL 400 work?
These RC analysis options run a subset of MSC's Sinda Solver. Standalone Sinda is a modern equivalent of
traditional Resistor-Capacitor type solver. Also called Finite Difference Lumped Parameter Network Solver.
Simulation can include various aspects of conduction, convection, radiation and with optional Fortran access
predefined or custom loading function can be specified. Using Patran with Sinda preference, or in this case from MSC
Nastran, an RC network is generated from traditional shaped elements. MSC Nastran implementation does not include
the Fortran access nor standard/custom loading function. Loading must be manually defined but the same effect can
be achieved. Additionally, MSC Nastran implementation does include automated radiation refinement techniques
available in Sinda.

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