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Course of Slovenian Language

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Teacher: Lara Pient
Duration: 40 academic hours (2 x 90 minutes per week)
Coursebook: Markovi Andreja et al.: Slovenska beseda v ivo 1a (textbook and
workbook). Ljubljana: Znanstvena zaloba Filozofske fakultete, 2012.

Additional materials:
1. M. uk, M. Miheli, G. Vuga: Odkrivajmo slovenino. Ljubljana: Filozofska
fakulteta, Seminar slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture, 1996.
2. Slovenian grammar in Lithuanian language on-line: Jelena Konickaja: Praktin
slovn kalbos gramatika:
3. Web corpora, lexicons and tools:

Dictionary of Standard Slovenian: http://bos.zrc-sazu.si/sskj_en.html

Slovene spelling rules: http://bos.zrc-sazu.si/sp2001.html
Slovenian morphological lexicon: http://www.slovenscina.eu/sloleks
Corpuses of Slovenian language: http://eng.slovenscina.eu/korpusi

Course annotation:
The main aim of the course is to develop basic communication in Slovenian
language. Students will learn basic social conversation: how to introduce
themselves, talk about their life (family, hobbies and interests), express opinions
and feelings, orientate themselves in different places, search and ask for
essential information etc. They also get to know Slovenian culture and habits.
Students will conquer fundamental grammar of Slovene language: the Slovenian
alphabet, pronunciation rules, basic grammar rules and word order.

Description of the lessons:

Lesson 1: sLOVEnina je romantina sLOVEne is romantic!
Introduction of Slovenian language: alphabet and pronunciation rules. Slovenian
language is one of the rarest languages in the world which has dual therefore is a
language of love: with dual there can be no misunderstandings there are only
the two of you!

Lesson 2: Dober dan! Hello!

Greetings and introducing: giving information about yourself (identity,
nationality, languages etc.). Grammar: verb to be, personal pronouns,
grammatical number and gender.
Lesson 3: Razumem, ne razumem ... I understand, I don't understand ...
Introduction into the conversation: expressions, contexts, use of formal and
courtesy phrases and forms. Numbers. Grammar: verbs infinitive form and
present tense.
Lesson 4: Kaj je to? Kdo je to? What is this? Who is this?
Things and people around us, professions, countries and inhabitants. Revision of
numbers, expressing age and date of birth. Slovenia in numbers. Grammar:
negative form of the verbs in present tense, question forms and answer
Lesson 5: Moja ulica My street
Orientation in different places: in the city, on the street, in the building and
understanding basic information about the directions. My favourite place in
Vilnius. Grammar: nominative case.
Lesson 6: "Zrcalce, zrcalce na steni povej, katera najlepa v deeli je tej?" "Magic
Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?"
Description of people and things. Grammar: adjectives of quality, antonymes of
the adjectives, questions for adjectives.
Lesson 7: Mmm kava! Mmm coffee!
Invitation to have coffee, ordering in the restaurant, excepting and declining an
invitation, asking for the price. Grammar: accusative case, verbs requiring the
accusative case.
Lesson 8: "Laen si ful drugaen!" - "Youre not you when youre hungry!"
Food and drinks. Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner. A bit of Slovenian slang
expressions. Grammar: irregular verbs, adjectives of type.
Lesson 9: Danes je moj dan Today is my day
Describing a regular day at school, work and home. Parts of the day and the
question When? Expressions of time. Grammar: nominative and accusative case
of the nouns and adjectives.
Lesson 10: Revision
Vocabulary: introduction, basic conversation, invitation, things and people,
professions, orientation in places, food and drinks, parts of the day, expressions
of time. Grammar: nominative and accusative case of the nouns and adjectives,

present tense, irregular verbs, adjectives of quality and type, questions. Revision
Lesson 11: Moji narti My plans
Expressions of time, clock. Description of plans. Grammar: verbs for direction,
prepositions, word order.
Lesson 12: Kakno je vreme? What's the weather?
Describing the weather and seasons. Sports and hobbies. Grammar: personal
pronouns for the accusative case.
Lesson 13: Druinski album Family album
Family tree, describing the family. Grammar: expression I like and it's
grammatical rules.
Lesson 14: Vabim te ... In invite you ...
Writing, excepting and declining an invitation. Expressing congratulations.
Grammar: question Whose, personal pronouns and possessive adjectives.
Lesson 15: Kariera ali ...? Career or ...?
Revising of the professions. Expressing positive and negative sides of study and
work. Grammar: past tense.
Lesson 16: Moja sanjska sluba ... My ideal job
Describing past events. Discussing the ideal job and stereotypes in different
countries. Grammar: paste tense, locative case.
Lesson 17: Kje si in kam gre? Where are you and where are you going?
Expressing and describing the location and places. Grammar: locative case,
prepositions which require locative case.
Lesson 18: Revision
Vocabulary: expressions of time and place, describing the weather, describing
plans, past events and wishes. Grammar: nominative, accusative and locative
case of the nouns and adjectives, present and past tense, negative forms of the
verbs, irregular verbs, personal pronouns, adjectives of quality and type,
Lesson 19: Exam.
Lesson 20: Se vidimo! See you!
Revision of the exam: discussing the problems that students had while writing
the exam, correcting mistakes, improving their speaking and writing skills.

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