Potato Storage

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The University of California

Vegetable Research and Information Center


The authors are: R. E. Voss, Extension Vegetable Specialist, Davis; K. G. Baghott, Farm Advisor, Modoc-Siskiyou
Counties; and H. Timm, Specialist, Department, of Vegetable Crops, Davis.

suberin layer (similar to a scab on animals)

develops in 3 to 5 days. Cell regeneration, or
complete wound healing, can take place
beneath this suberin within 10 to 20 days,
depending on the condition of the potatoes.

The two critical environmental factors

involved in properly storing potatoes are
temperature and humidity. Adequate and
unrestricted air movement is also necessary
to maintain constant temperature and
humidity throughout the storage pile, and to
prevent excessive shrinkage from moisture
loss and decay.

When potatoes are placed in storage, rapid

cooling can result in more rot forming
organisms in the tuber because the entry
points remain unhealed. Rapid cooling,
particularly in the absence of adequate air,
can also result in black spot and other potato

Several factors can influence temperature
management for stored potatoes. These
include: whether the potatoes are to be
marketed for processing, as fresh table
stock, or as seed; the temperature of the
tubers at the time they are placed in storage;
the length of time the tubers are to be stored;
the extent of tuber damage at harvest; and
the presence of disease organisms.

Disease Growth and Infection

Most disease organisms logarithmically
increase their population growth at
temperatures ranging from 40 to 80 F.
Lower temperatures lessen the possibility of
disease incidence during storage.

The storage temperature affects the curing

and wound healing processes, disease spread
and severity, the sugar-starch relationships,
and respiration. Respiration, in turn,
influences dormancy or sprouting, and
weight loss.

Since many of the common storage diseases

naturally occur in the soil, they are
transported into storage with the tubers. It is
essential, therefore, not only to heal the
exposed wound areas to minimize pathogen
penetration, but also to lower the
temperature as soon as possible after storing
to minimize disease spread within infected
tubers as well as from infected to sound
This fact emphasizes the importance of
careful harvesting and handling techniques
to minimize bruising, skinning, and cutting.
If late blight, other diseases, or field frost
damage are evident in tubers, rapid lowering
of temperatures, even without the healing

Wound Healing and Curing

Tubers are often bruised and cut during
harvesting and pre-storage handling.
Regardless of how the stored potatoes are to
be marketed, wound healing is essential to
minimize the entry areas for ever present
disease organisms. Healing proceeds most
rapidly at temperatures of 60 to 65 F. At
this temperature and with a high humidity, a

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The University of California

Vegetable Research and Information Center

optimum wound healing during the curing

period. It is also essential during the entire
storage period to minimize tuber weight
loss; weight loss rapidly increases at relative
humidity levels below 90 percent.

and curing period, may be necessary to

prevent breakdown. However, do not store
these damaged potatoes for long periods of
Respiration and Sprouting

The potato tuber reacts like any living
organism; respiration increases with
respiration increases so does the tuber
weight loss. Since lower temperatures also
maintain dormancy, keep temperatures as
low as possible without otherwise
decreasing quality (e.g., sugar buildup in
processing potatoes). For long storage
periods of 3 to 5 months, depending on the
variety, a sprout inhibitor is practical for
potatoes other than those to be used for seed.

Air movement may not be necessary during

the curing period because the heat and
moisture generated by the potatoes may
provide an environment that is favorable for
wound healing.
Do not allow free moisture (condensation) to
form during storage. If that does occur, air
circulation may be necessary. Thereafter, air
movement may be required to maintain the
throughout the storage pile. This may also
require passing humidified air and/or heated
or refrigerated air through the pile.

Sugar-Starch Conversions
Low temperatures (45 F. or lower) enhance
sugar formation. If the storage temperature
is maintained below 45 F. for a long time,
accumulated sugars in the tuber do not
readily reconvert to starch (recondition).
High-reducing sugar concentrations result in
undesirably darkened potato chips and fries.
Some varieties recondition better from low
temperatures than others. Norchip, for
example, reconditions better from 45 F.
storage temperatures than does Kennebec.

From 10 to 20 cfm (cubic feet per minute) of

air per ton of potatoes is usually optimum,
but the exact amount depends on the
temperature of the outside air being brought
in--warmer temperatures make more air
necessary. The primary function of air
movement is to maintain a uniform
temperature and humidity. Therefore,
continuous air movement is not necessary
since intermittent air movement can
accomplish this goal.

In general, the optimum, long-term storage

temperature for processing potatoes is
approximately 45 F. For fresh market
potatoes, a temperature of 40 F. is
recommended. Seed potatoes may be stored
at slightly lower temperatures (38 to 40 F.)
for better weight loss and sprout control.

Dirt and clods are a problem that can

seriously affect air movement through the
storage pile. They tend to form a solid
barrier that slows down air movement and
prevents air from reaching some areas of the



Maintain a 95 percent relative humidity at

all times. High humidity is essential for

Cold potatoes are brittle and may easily

bruise or shatter during handling. Before

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The University of California

Vegetable Research and Information Center

Wound healing occurs most rapidly

at 60 to 65 F., with 95 percent
humidity, and requires from 5 to 20

removing the tubers from storage, raise the

temperature to 50 to 55 F. This can
sometimes be accomplished by removing
ventilation, which allows the heat from tuber
respiration to accumulate. More frequently,
however, heaters and/or forced ventilation of
warm air is necessary.

If blight, other diseases, or frost

damage is already present, it may be
necessary to minimize or bypass the
curing period.

The holding period requires low

temperatures of 45 F., 40 F., or 38
F. for processing, fresh market, or
seed potatoes, respectively. Maintain
95 percent relative humidity.

Removal period: raise temperature to

50 to, 55 F. by discontinuing
ventilation, or by using heaters
and/or ventilating with warm air.


Minimize bruising, skinning, and

cutting during harvesting and
performing the entire operation.

Remove clods and dirt before putting

the potatoes into storage.

A wound healing or curing period is

necessary to prevent entry of rot
organisms and to reduce water loss.

The University of Californians Cooperative Extension programs are available to all, without
regard to race, color, or national origin.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in
cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. James B. Kendrick, Jr., Director,
Cooperative Extension, University of California.

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