E Book Public Affair Undip
E Book Public Affair Undip
E Book Public Affair Undip
Media, and Government
and Managing Effective Communication Programs
Second Edition
A Relational Approach to the Study and Practice of Public Relations
Otto Lerbinger
Boston University
Contents in Brief
I: Introduction
Leader Communication
9 Direct Lobbying
10 Grassroots Lobbying
11 Electoral Activities
12 Litigation Communication
Author Index
Subject Index
I: Introduction
Leader Communication
9 Direct Lobbying
10 Grassroots Lobbying
Why Grassroots Activities Have Become Important
Changes in Political Structure 252
Effective Technology 252
Elements of Grassroots Lobbying 253
Constituency Building 254
Constituency Communication 258
11 Electoral Activities
Political Campaign Contributions 274
Sources of Campaign Financing 274
Specific Sources of Financing 275
Campaign Finance Laws 281
Issue Advocacy Advertising 283
Ads Financing by 527s and Other Nonprofit Groups
Effectiveness of Campaign Ads 288
How Effective Are Political Contributions?
Helping a Candidate Win 289
Supporting Lobbying Efforts 290
Helpful Conditions 292
Other Political Assistance and Cyberpolitics
Merging Political Assistance With Public Affairs
Getting Out the Vote Programs 295
Voter Education Programs 295
Whether to Engage in Partisan Communications
Cyberpolitics 297
Conclusions 298
Appendix 299
Endnotes 301
12 Litigation Communication
Judgeships Are Often Elective Offices
Power of the Judicial Branch of Government
Growth of Litigation Public Relations 313
Total War Against Corporations
Corporate Scandals Increase Vulnerability
Author Index
Subject Index
current situation. In part, therefore, this book serves as a manual of corporate public affairs
strategies and tactics
Readers can view each part of the book from several angles: as dynamic
forces in a corporations sociopolitical environment, as stages in a public
affairs campaign, and as major modes of communication: opinion leader
litigation communication. Following the life cycle concept of issues management (discussed in chap. 1), a professional can decide which stage is
appropriate for a particular situation (e.g., an emerging issue or one already on the legislative agenda). The strategies and techniques associated
with a particular stage can then be examined and applied.
The book frequently refers to the model of a political marketplace:
the stage on which the players interact. The demand side is represented
by corporations and interest groups, as well as the public; that is, citizens with their voting power a parallel to consumers purchasing
power. The supply side is represented by legislative and regulatory
bodies that sell public policies and a variety of favors, such as tax benefits, subsidies, and tariff protection to the buyers. Using the metaphor
of the political marketplace has several advantages. One is a reminder to
management that success in this marketplace is often of equal importance to success in the marketplace for goods and services. As corporations, following their markets, become more global, they also subject
themselves to the laws and agreements of other governments and international bodies.
A second advantage of the political marketplace metaphor is that it
reminds us of the need to be competitive and to use marketing tools
while considering the long-term requirement of maintaining a competitive system. Profit maximization guides business behavior in the competitive marketplace; similarly, the quest to attain preeminent power is
the motivation behind a corporations dealings with others. However,
just as some corporations temper profit maximization with concerns of
social responsibility, their penchant to win in the political marketplace
shows concern for continuing corporate legitimacy and survival of the
free enterprise system. Public affairs professionals must take responsibility for this concern, or they will unwittingly erode corporate reputation and jeopardize public confidence in business.
Part I of the book, consisting of chapter 1, provides an overview of the
corporate public affairs function. Of special importance is a review of
activities engaged in by public affairs professionals and an inventory of
available political resources. The chapter also summarizes the tool of issues management and one of its key concepts, the life cycle of an issue,
which involves four stages: when an issue first emerges, when the public becomes involved, when lawmakers and regulators ponder and initiate
Subsequent parts of the book are organized according to these stages:
interest group strategies, media strategies, legislative strategies, and litigation strategies.
of the strategies and techniques used are harmful to themselves and society in the long run. Chapter 14 prescribes reforms required in corporate policies and behavior, as well as in the role of government, to
achieve the norm of a competitive political system. Chapter 15 asserts
that corporations must heed the public interest by recognizing the double bottom line of profits and social responsibility. After reviewing five
levels of corporate social responsibility, the importance of engaging in
interest in corporate governance is discussed. It also recognizes another
scoreboard: corporate reputation, which is largely determined by the
CEOs reputation.
metaphor, the
recommends that the healthiest state of affairs is continued competition
among all legitimate contenders of power.
Many professionals, colleagues, alumni, and students have contributed
to this book. Kenneth Kansas, Frank LeBart, James Morakis, and Mary
Ann Pires have shared their knowledge with me and my Corporate Public Affairs classes. Wes Pederson and his colleagues at the Public Affairs
Council have generously provided reports on the latest developments in
their field. Members of the Corporate Section and Public Affairs and
Government Section of the Public Relations Society of America have
contributed information about their programs and campaigns. Several
graduate assistantsLauren Knebel, Lillian Oben, MinJung Sung, and
Sara Kemphave helped with research and editorial improvements. I
thank my colleague, Joyce Marcario, who applied her graphic design
skills to the books figures. My wife, Beth, has endured my unavailability for many events and served as my social conscience.
Otto Lerbinger
Part I sets the stage for exploring specific public affairs strategies for attaining power. A corporations external environment must be mapped
out in a manner that selects its most important aspects and simplifies
them. Just as accountants observe money transactions and engineers
and scientists concentrate on technological changes, public affairs professionals focus on the public issues, trends, and public policies that can
affect a corporation. Like public relations people, they are mainly concerned with an organizations sociopolitical environment.
Public affairs professionals monitor the environment for issues and
trends that affect their organizations. In a process called issues management, described in chapter 1, they then analyze issues and trends for the
purpose of participating in a corporations and societys public policy
its policy position, it plans and executes campaigns and programs to influence government and other participants. The main purpose of this
book is to help professionals choose the most effective influence strategies and techniques to accomplish those tasks within ethical limits and
with a consideration for maintaining existing relationships.
Figure I.1 lists the functions involved in this public affairs process together with their interrelationships. The functions are arranged on
three occupational levels: executive, professional, and technical. The executive level is where responsibility is lodged; the professional, where
knowledge resides; and the technical, where skills predominate. The
public affairs professional, centered in the middle professional level,
serves as a counselor to management and a public affairs manager of
the technical staff, in addition to exercising professional judgment on
the two functions. Two loops connect the sociopolitical environment
(shown on the bottom) with the corporation (shown on the top). The
upward loop (on the left) describes the preliminary steps of issues man1
1. James E. Grunig, editor, Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management (Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992), p. 4.
2. Ibid., pp. 5-6.
3. One source of this definition is in the popular textbook, Scott M. Cutlip, Allen
H. Center, and Glen M. Broom, Effective Public Relations, 6th edition (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
Prentice-Hall, 1985), p. 4.
An Overview
of Corporate Public Affairs
officers (CEOs) and other top-line managers have become personally involved and all line managers are expected to assume some responsibility.
In the academic world, corporate political activity was recognized by Edwin Epstein in his
1969 book, The Corporation in American Politics.15 He refers to John Kenneth
Galbraiths The New Industrial State,16 in which the author not only perceived a
symbiotic relationship between the industrial system and the state but predicted that the
previously sacrosanct line between publicness and privateness would become less and less
Mapping the Sociopolitical Environment
Public relations professionals have long found it practical to view the relationship of their company to society by listing the publics who are in
some way connected with the corporation. A minimum list includes investors, employees, customers, community citizens and groups, and
government, as shown in the wheel diagram in Fig. 1.1.
A useful way of visualizing the public affairs function is to map a
mapping recognizes the major forces that exert pressure on the corporation. This essential information enables a public affairs professional
to analyze a situation, problem, or crisis faced by a corporation. For
public affairs purposes, the stakeholders shown in Fig. 1.2 can be listed
in a column and next to each additional columns can show the following
information: (a) the basis of the relationship (e.g., investors provide capital); (b) attitude
toward the company, whether cooperative, antagonistic, or neutral; (c) issues important to
it; (d) its stand on each issue; and (e) the kind and amount of power possessed by it.
A more complete list of publics appears in a management book, Organization Theory and Design, by Richard L. Daft. He refers to sectors:
Financial resources.
Industry (e.g., competitors).
Raw Materials (e.g., suppliers).
Human resources.18
In addition to maintaining a core list of stakeholders, a company can
add supplementary items to the list for specific situations or campaigns.
For example, in dealing with a crisis, a list might include all the public
officials and other stakeholders who should be notified when a crisis oc-
curs; in a lobbying campaign in support of a trade agreement, another list might include
those groups for or against it.
A more sophisticated and practical representation of an organizations stakeholdersthis term, rather than publics, is favored in almost
all management literatureand sociopolitical environment is John F.
Mahons extended organizational chart. It depicts three circles around a
developed by Microsoft to influence government when its president Bill Gates belatedly
realized that it had to enter the political arena.
Converting Economic Resources Into Political Power.
Because corporations, especially large ones, have more economic resources than
other groups in society, a core public affairs function is to convert economic resources into political power, for example, using money to purchase media space and time, sponsor surveys, and hire well-connected
and expert lobbyists.
The corporations economic role enables them to gain political clout
through patronage, which Edwin Epstein defines as the dependency of
other businesses and social groups on the activities of the corporation,
such as providing jobs. Furthermore, financial and other economic resources enable a company to make political contributions that help it to
gain access, if not outright influence (see chap. 11). Corporate philanthropic contributions, rather than being purely altruistic, may also be
intended to influence nonprofit organizations and social action groups.
As Richard Eells has convincingly stated in his Corporate Giving in a Free
Society, corporations may engage in a philanthropic design that seeks
to strengthen and preserve the many nonprofits in the private sector of
society, thereby lessening the potential growth of the government sector.24 His rationale is consistent with the modern approach of strategic
corporate philanthropy, which is discussed in chapter 15.
Human and Other Relational Resources.
A corporations human
resources and relationships with various stakeholders are a further
political strength.
technostructure with expertise in such politically significant areas as public
relations, lobbying, and law. When a company, or coalition of companies, imbues employees with a common sense of purpose, it can mobilize them to write letters and engage in other forms of grassroots
lobbying. The impact is enhanced when a company employs large
numbers of employees who are geographically distributed in many
congressional districts. When employees are willing to do volunteer
community and
companys reputation for public service is strengthened, and this may be translated into
political gain. Companies can extend and fortify their relationships
suppliers, dealers, and others.
The high organizational and social status of the CEO and other top
managers is a special human resource because it provides easier access
to political figures and possible influence. Prominent executives may be
on newspaper advisory boards and even on boards of directors. Furthermore, because of the wide acceptance of marketplace economics and the
free enterprise system, corporations enjoy considerable legitimacy as
long as they produce valued products and services. Legitimacy might be
reflected in public goodwill stemming from a favorable corporate image, which would be
lost, at least temporarily, by public outrage against questionable or outright unethical and
illegal behavior by a corporation. A companys legitimacy is further reinforced when it
has an impressive history and a corporate culture that commands respect and when it
espouses policies that win public support.
Public Affairs Activities
Public affairs managers face the formidable task of mobilizing corporate political resources
for the purpose of influencing other participants in the public policy process. This is
ever-enlarging variety of public affairs activities. The core activity has long been government
relations. In fact, before the term public affairs was more widely used, the list of
activities would simply refer to the three levels of government relations: federal, state, and
Today, however, public affairs is more than government relations, as
is evident in the 1999-2000 survey of 1,087 companies by the Foundation for Public Affairs. 25 Based on 223 companies that had a formalized
government relations program, the report listed 25 functions within a
public affairs department. Only three specifically refer to government
affairsmight be embraced by the term. The complete list is as follows:
Federal government relations (87%)
Business/trade association memberships (84%) Issues management
State government relations (83%)
Grassroots/grasstops lobbying (81%)
Local government relations (79%)
Political action committee (75%)
Direct corporate contributions (73%)
Public policy group relations (70%)
Community relations (61%)
Public interest group relations (58%)
Regulatory affairs (55%)
Media relations (54%)
Employee communications (49%)
International public affairs (43%)
Employee volunteer programs (40%) Internet (38%)
Corporate foundation (35%)
relations (35%) Advertising (28%)
Stockholder relations (18%)
Public affairs communication supports the public affairs function as practiced by large
corporations, government, and public interest groups. Some basic knowledge of public
affairsincluding the related concepts of public policy process and issues managementis
helpful in understanding the role of communication. Readers who already possess this
knowledge can quickly scan this overview; others may want to study this background
more carefully.
Public affairs communication possesses three characteristics: (a) It follows the steps of
strategic campaign management; (b) it uses the process of issues management; and (c) it
chooses media appropriate to the life cycle stage of an issue.
Strategic Campaign Management
management, which, in turn, relates to the broader concept of strategic planning or management. It is considered a critical characteristic of excellent
public relations departments. 29 The basic idea is that everything an organization does must in some way relate to its goals. Thus, Richard Daft
defines strategy as a current set of plans, decisions, and objectives that
have been adopted to achieve the organizations goals. 30 The relationship between goals and strategy is that goals define where an organization wants to go; strategy defines how it will get there. As Robert
Dilenschneider, a public relations consultant, states, the central question in strategic thinking is, Why are we doing this? 31 In other words,
goals must be considered, as well as their relationship to the organizations stated mission, or its basic purpose.
Besides reference to goals, strategic planning recognizes the growing
Environmental scanning and monitoring not only identifies issues but also analyzes an organizations strengths and weaknesses in meeting the
opportunities and threats in the environmentthis is called SWOT
analysis. This information helps public affairs professionals to find or
correct the fit between external opportunities and internal strengths.
Communication activities are a major part of strategic campaign
channels to other elements of an overall campaign must therefore be understood. The central focus of a campaign is its objectives, best defined as
expected results. In public affairs, results pertain to the quality and
agreeableness of public policies that are formulated. These policies appear in the form of government legislation and regulation or in agree-
citizens, and any other group that affects the success or failure of the
company. In general terms, public affairs is effective when it enhances
a companys power to shape events and the environment in which it
must operate.
Strategic campaign management is implemented by designing a
campaign, which uses some type of problem-solving process. In public
relations, John E. Marstons RACE formulawhich includes the stages
of research, action, communication, and evaluationcontinues to be
one of the better known problem-solving processes. 32 Another version
is that of Scott M. Cutlip, Allen H. Center, and Glen M. Broom, which
lists four basic steps to solving problems: (a) defining the problem, (b)
planning and programming, (c) taking action and communicating,
and (d) evaluating the program. 33
A public affairs campaign implements the problem-solving process, which, like other communication
campaigns, includes the following minimum components: 34
1. Statement and analysis of the situation.
2. Objectives.
3. Strategy.
4. Target audiences.
5. Message.
6. Media/channels.
7. Timing.
8. Budget.
9. Evaluation.
The strategy component is especially important in public affairs because it establishes fundamental orientations. One element is how to
view other participants in the public policy process: whether to play it
alone or form coalitions, and whether to fight opponents or try to negotiate. Another is what organizational resources to employ, for example,
whether to rely exclusively on expert lobbyists or to use other tools,
such as grassroots lobbying and advocacy advertising.
Most other components refer to elements of a communication model: who says what
(message), to whom (target audiences), through what channels (media/channels), and with
what effects (evaluation). Timing and budget are additional variables.
Process of Issues Management
Public affairs communication uses the process of issues management, which is a powerful
tool used by public affairs professionals to identify and evaluate governmental and societal
issues that could significantly impact their organization.35
industry, and trade associations. Another is to scan the literature relevant to ones
industry, sometimes using the research technique of content analysis.
A further useful technique is scenario planning, especially relevant
when ones environment is highly volatile and looking into the future
is important. As two authorities on scenario writing said, You cant
predict the future, but you can put together a process that takes a
pretty good shot at it in an uncertain world. 36
Scenarios are described by the Global Business Network as tools for ordering ones
perceptions about alternative future environments in which todays
decisions might be played out.37
Scenario planning is different from forecasting because instead of
extrapolating current trends from the present, scenarios present alternative images, some of which may be sharply discontinuous
from known ones. The basic technique is to create a set of stories,
written or spoken, built around carefully constructed plots. These
stories can express multiple perspectives and give meaning to the
complex events that stories present. Although there is no single
standard for scenario writing, one approach is to present stylized
narratives, much in the manner of a screenplay or novel. Each has a
plot and contains a sequence of plausible, interrelated, connected
events. More than one scenario is typically written; they usually
come in sets of three, showing a trend progressing from the present
to the future.
2. Issue prioritization. This process is used to select the top issues
for attention. After compiling a list of 50 issues, for example, one
company selected 10 for attention during the following year. Three
criteria apply:
Imminence of action: Concentrate on issues that have the highest chance of occurring, particularly in the near future.
Impact on the organization: Focus on issues that have strategic
importance and the greatest impact on the company activities in
terms of profits, costs, and reputation.
Actionability: Choose issues that you can do something about
either alone or with allies.
3. Issue analysis. Once an issue has been identified and assigned a
high priority by a company, it is analyzed so that an effective strategy can be formulated. A blend of professional judgment, practical
experience, and research competence is needed for a clear understanding of an issue and the appropriate response to it. Analysis requires
an examination of 5 aspects of an issue: the nature of an issue; its life
cycle stage; identification of political participants; importance of
public opinion; amount and kind of media coverage; and its legal,
regulatory, and constitutional context.
Regarding the nature of an issue, one of the most useful classifications was developed by Peter F. Bartha, research and analysis man-
and involve such tactics as total resistance, bargaining, or capitulating. With coping
strategies, a company decides to take substantive action to change its behavior.39
5. Implementation. The overall plan is designed and executed, following the outline
of strategic campaign management described earlier. This outline includes evaluation as
an essential component. The actual results of a public affairs campaign or ongoing
activities are checked against stated objectives.
Aside from the strategic question of whether to pursue activities
alone or with a coalition of other corporations or associations, a further implementation decision is whether to use internal corporate resources or contract out to specialized intermediaries such as
lobbyists, public affairs and relations offices, pollsters, law firms, and
so forth. As companies expanded beyond government relations to
full-fledged public affairs, they realized that a larger array of activities would be required beyond old-fashioned lobbying and campaign
contributions. Firms realized that they could not perform many activities themselves or that it would be more efficient to have them
performed by others (i.e., agents).40 This realization led scholars like
Barry M. Mitnick to view the central problem of politics as agency,
saying he saw democracy itself as a system of competition over
whose agents will govern, and which goals of which principals those
agents will seek to advance.41
Public Affairs Campaign Based on an Issues Life Cycle
The practical value of analyzing an issue in terms of its stage in the life
cycle is that it allows public affairs strategists to select the most appropriate and effective media for a public affairs campaign. Parts II through
IV of this book are organized by the major stages of an issue life cycle:
opinion leader communication (dealing with interest groups), public
communication (dealing with judicial aspects of the government).
Each of these life cycle stages is characterized by specific communication media and
strategies and activities:
Stage 1: Opinion Leader Communication.
These are mostly interpersonal
and speeches to reach individuals and small audiencesand such smallaudience vehicles already familiar with it and not inadvertently to help
the opposition by disseminating the issue to larger audiences, which
would tend to promote it to the next life cycle stage of public involvement. The reasoning is this: Why help the opposition move the issue to
the next stage by attracting public media attention?
achieve greater news coverage. Speeches can also be distributed to lawmakers, regulators,
and opinion leaders.
In supporting various life cycle stages, public affairs strategists choose from the
entire range of medianot just the mass media but also interpersonal media and computer
technology (e.g., the Internet). Furthermore, supplementary strategies and activities are
employed, such as mediation and negotiation in Stage 1, holding the media accountable and
bypassing the mass media in Stage 2, electoral activities in Stage 3, and campaigning
against junk science in Stage 4.
This overview of corporate public affairs explains how corporations
have responded to the increasing complexity and turbulence of the
sociopolitical environment in which they do business. They have created
new public affairs departments (sometimes
from existing
relations departments) and given them the assignment of making this environment more manageabletrying to control it to preserve maximum
management autonomy.
To control the major forces in their external environment, public affairs devises strategies and tactics that draw on the enormous political
campaigns center around controversial
that arise among contending forces. This is the reason why the management tool of issues
management has made such a major contribution to public affairs. The
four stages of a life cycle used to analyze issues are also used in this volume as the basis of selecting the audiences and communication strategies and tactics most appropriate to each stage: (a) opinion leaders of
interest groups, (b) media reporters and editors, (c) government
lawmakers and administrators, and (d) judicial bodies.
1. See Roger W. Cobb and Charles D. Elder, Communication and Public Policy,
in Handbook of Political Communication, ed. Dan D. Nimmo and Keith R.
Sanders (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1981), pp. 391-416.
2. Jarol B. Manheim, The Death of a Thousand Cuts: Corporate Campaigns and the
Attack on the Corporation (Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
2001), p. 17.
3. Bernard C. Hennessy, Public Opinion (Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1965), p. 25.
4. Harold Brayman, speech on The Importance and Impact of Communications
in Our Modern Society, October 13, 1964.
5. John W. Hill, The Making of a Public Relations Man (New York: David McKay &
Co., 1963), p. 264.
6. Ibid., p. 20.
7. James E. Grunig, Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management (Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992), pp. 125-126.
8. Foundation for Public Affairs, Corporate Public Affairs: The State of Corporate
Public Affairs Survey Final Report 1999-2000 (Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Council, 1999), p. 3.
9. Douglas G. Pinkham, Todays Key Task for Public Affairs, in Public Affairs
Council 45! Sapphire Anniversary Report (Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs
Council, 1999), p. 6.
10. John F. Mahon, Shaping Issues/Manufacturing Agents: Corporate Political
Sculpting, in Corporate Political Agency: The Construction of Competition in
Public Affairs, ed. Barry M. Mitnick (Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage, 1993), p.
11. See James E. Post, et al., Business and Society: Corporate Strategy, Public Policy,
Ethics, 10th edition (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002).
12. See Rogene A. Buchholz, Business Environment and Public Policy: Implications
for Management, 5th edition (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1995).
13. See George A. Steiner and John F. Steiner, Business, Government, and Society: A
Managerial Perspective (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997).
14. J. J. Wuerthner, Jr., The Businessmans Guide to Practical Politics (Chicago:
Regnery, 1959), p. xiii.
15. E. M. Epstein, The Corporation in American Politics (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
Prentice-Hall, 1969).
Galbraith, The New Industrial State
Mifflin, 1967).
17. Epstein, op. cit., p. 2.
18. Richard L. Daft, Organization Theory and Design, 3rd edition (New York: West
Publishing, 1989), p. 46.
19. John F. Mahon, Managing the Extended Enterprise: The New Stakeholder
View, California Management Review, Vol. 45, Fall 2002, p. 10.
20. Richard Eells, Corporate Giving in a Free Society (New York: Harper & Brothers,
1956), p. 6. He says, Business enterprise has a direct interest in promoting
the strength of private sectors because it is itself a private sector. For this reason, business must maintain the barriers against progressive absorption of
these sectors into state-controlled areas. Corporate philanthropy can and
should aid the weak and private sectors in maintaining their autonomy
(pp. 103-104).
21. Dan Carney, with Amy Borrus and Jay Greene, Microsofts All-Out Counterattack, BusinessWeek, May 15, 2000, pp. 103-106. Also most of the resources listed are from ibid., pp. 103-106. Also Stanley Holmes, Microsoft
Ad Aims to Boost Image, Los Angeles Times, April 29, 2000, p. C-2.
22. Mike France, Commentary: The Unseemly Campaign of Mr. Microsoft,
Business Week, April 24, 2000, p. 53.
23. A survey conducted by Harris Interactive for the Wall Street Journal, based
on 3,830 computer-using respondents found the following::
Nearly half said they disagreed with the governments proposal for breaking up Microsoft; about 605 said Microsoft should remain one company.
More than half agreed that Gates is a positive role model.
Only 29% believed the government is being fair in its treatment of Microsoft.
42% agreed that the company is a monopolist.
Only 23% said it treats its competitors fairly.
Rececca Buckman, Looking Through Microsofts Window, Wall Street Journal, May 1,
2000, p. B1.
24. Stuein L. Hwang, A Predatory Monopolist Tries the Old Soft Sell, Wall
Street Journal, April 21, 2000, p. B1.
25. Foundation for Public Affairs, op. cit. The previous survey was James E. Post
and Jennifer J. Griffin, 1996 Survey: The State of Corporate Public Affairs
(Washington, D.C.: Foundation for Public Affairs, 1997).
26. Foundation for Public Affairs, op. cit., pp. 15-16.
27. Steven Greenhouse, Accord to Combat Sweatshop Labor Faces Obstacles,
New York Times, April 13, 1997, p. A1.
28. For further discussion of the concept see Buchholz, op. cit., The Public Policy Process, pp. 119-149.
29. Grunig, op. cit., pp. 17, 81.
30. Daft, op. cit., p. 491.
31. Robert L. Dilenschneider, editor, Dartnells Public Relations Handbook (Chicago: The Dartnell Corporation, 1996), p. 339.
32. See John E. Marston, Modern Public Relations (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1979),
pp. 185-203.
33. Scott M. Cutlip, Allen H. Center and Glen M. Broom, Effective Public Relations,
6th edition (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1985), pp. 199-201.
34. Two excellent books describing campaign strategies and management are
Robert Kendall, Public Relations Campaign Strategies; Planning for Implementation, 2nd edition (New York: HarperCollins College, 1996); and Robert E.
Simmons, Communication Campaign Management: A Systems Approach (New
York: Longman, 1990).
35. For an overview of issues management, see Rogene A. Buchholz, Public Issues Management, in Essentials of Public Policy for Management, 2nd edition
(Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1990), pp. 180-215. For a comprehensive review see R. L. Heath and Associates, Strategic Issues Management:
How Organizations Influence and Respond to Public Interests and Policies (San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1988).
36. Steven Schnaars and Paschalina Ziamou, The Essentials of Scenario Writing, Business Horizons, Vol. 44, July-August 2001, pp. 25-32.
37. See http://www.gbn.org/public/gbnstory/scenarios.
38. Peter F. Bartha, Managing Corporate External Issues: An Analytical Framework, Business Quarterly, Vol. 47, October 1982, pp. 78-90.
39. See John F. Mahon, Corporate Political Strategy, Business in the Contemporary World, Vol. 2, Autumn 1989, pp. 50-62.
40. Allen M. Kaufman, Ernest J. Englander, and Alfred A. Marcus, Selecting an
Organizational Structure for Implementing Issues Management, in
Mitnick, op. cit., p. 153.
41. Mitnick, op. cit., p. 1.
Interest Group Strategies
Interest groups constitute one of the three major forces in a corporations sociopolitical environment, and they are the starting point for
public affairs communication. In his The Interest Group Society, first
published in 1989, Jeffrey M. Berry states that we are truly an interest
group society and that the role of interest groups in the policymaking
process has expanded. They are an enduring part of American political
life and today have more resources, represent more constituencies,
and do more lobbying than ever before. 1 On the simplest level, says
Barry, when we speak of an interest group we are referring to an organization that tries to influence government. 2
They serve several
functions: (a) as a primary link between citizens and their government, forming a channel of access through which members voice their
opinions to those who govern them; (b) as an opportunity for people
to participate in the political process; (c) as a means of educating the
American public about political issues; (d) bringing an issue to light
and agenda building; and (e) program monitoring.3
Many issues that later appear in the news media or on legislative
agendas begin their life cycle when interest groups champion them.
Corporations are among these groups, but most often they resist disturbing the status quo rather than initiating issues, such as deregulation. The opportunity to do so, however, remains an important
corporate public affairs strategy. In this book the term interest group is
restricted to nonbusiness groups unless otherwise indicated. Part II,
therefore, discusses how thought leaders originate issues or how interest group leaders respond to social tensions created when the expectations and demands of discontented people are not met. Some social
tensions and resultant issues are traceable to the gap between these public expectations and corporate performance.
The two prominent issues that gave rise to public affairsconsumerism and environmentalismresulted from public dissatisfactions in the
Nader popularized the consumerism movement with his book Unsafe at
Any Speed, and Rachel Carson inaugurated the environmental movement with her Silent Spring. Other social movements followed: womens
rights, gay and lesbian rights, animal rights groups, and a host of others. Their variety is reflected in Public Interest Profiles, a manual of the
Foundation of Public Affairs, which classifies 250 of the most influential
public interest groups in such areas as civil and human rights, community improvements, consumer and health, corporate and governmental
accountability, the economic system, energy and environment, and
public policy.4
movementwere preceded by the labor movement, which is represented by
hundreds of labor unions, most of which fall under the umbrella of the
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
(AFL-CIO). Although union membership has fallen sharply over the last
the AFL-CIOs
unionorganizing drives to win more members and launched lobbying and
electoral campaigns to advance legislative interests. 5
He has also supported new strategies, notably the corporate campaign, which adds to
the traditional union tactics of strikes, pickets, and boycotts. 6
Interest groups play a vital role in society. The labor movement
and community organizing are indispensable to a democracy, says
Mike Miller, editor of Social Policy. They are civil society, mediating
institutions, or intermediate structure that stand between the individual
communities and individuals against corporate or government excess. They
also serve as incubators for new ideas about how we should live together in society.7 Viewed collectively, interest groups, along with the
news media, serve as societys watchdogs; they initiate issues of concern to a variety of constituents; and they apply pressure on corporations, as well as government, to consider the needs of society in their
decision making.
Each decade the number of interest groups grows, as reflected in the
number of entries in the Encyclopedia of Associations. (See Box II.1 for
categories of such interest groups.) In the mid-1950s, it listed just under
5,000 associations. By 1990, the number was 22,000, and, although
growth slowed, the number reached 23,000 in 1997. Estimates of the
number of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), from the smallest
neighborhood association to huge international relief agencies such as
CARE, suggest that the United States alone has about 2 million NGOs.
Growth in recent decades has been enormous, as 70% of them are less
than 30 years old. Growth in membership of environmental groups has
been especially vigorous: The Sierra Club now has 572,000 members,
up from 181,000 in 1980; and the Worldwide Fund for Nature has
around 5 million members, up from 570,000 in 1980. 8 The Natural Resources Defense
Council now has 550,000 members.9
Among interest groups of greatest concern to corporations is the
large category of social action groupsthe myriad activist groups
that represent individuals with grievances or espoused causes. They
are part of what Theodore Levitt called the third sector, whose traditional role has been to care for the casualties of society that are neglected by government and business sectors. Even these traditional
increasingly engage in advocacy activities to promote their mission.
The social action groups described by Levitt are best known for actively, and sometimes very aggressively, advocating and pursuing
social reforms. In addition to persuasion and pull, they believe in
publicity and push. Its tools are loud, insistent, assertive, impatient,
and sometimes violent.10 In the 1980s and 1990s, these third-sector activists preferred
to take direct action against corporations rather than wait for government to act.11
The term NGO is widely used in the international sphere, where these organizations deal with governments and speak out on many high-profile
issues. Among the top five issues are environment, conservation and
ecology, labor conditions and human rights, trade policies, and wages
and working conditions. They are recognized by the United Nations
(U.N.) at certain important international meetings and the U.N. uses
them for such purposes as dispensing aid. Since The Battle of Seattle,
which targeted the World Trade Organization, NGOs have gained more
media coverage. Some, such as Amnesty International and Greenpeace,
have become superbrands.
NGOs are highly effective because they: (a) play the offensive all the
time, (b) know how to simplify complex issues, (c) form unusual coalitions (e.g., with labor unions and youth groups), (d) have a clear
agenda, (e) move at Internet speed, and (f) know how to feed on the media. They hit where it works: a companys customers, legislators and
regulators, the media, and, now becoming more important, financial
markets and institutions (e.g., the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund).12
The entire nonprofit sector of society accounts for a formidable part
of the economy. It represented 5.9% of all organizations in the United
States in 1998 and had a 6.7% share of national income. The Independent Sector reports that it employs 10.9 million workers and that 74% of
adult volunteers worked in nonprofit sector organizations. As the demand for their services increased, the number of charitable organizations increased at an annual rate of 5.1% between 1987 and 1997
more than double the growth rate of the business sector.13
Advantages Possessed by Noncorporate Groups
It takes a professional staff and an adequate budget to apply the sophisticated media relations strategies and techniques that are available to
every group in society. Besides corporations, some large nonprofits,
such as the Sierra Club, can also afford professional media relations
staffs. Although less wealthy activist groups often resign themselves to
their relative weakness in media relations and thus shun the mass media, many are beginning to change their attitude. Instead of relying only
on the strength of their own communication channels with members,
they realize the importance of enlisting the support of public opinion
and of democratizing the media. This is the view of Charlotte Ryan in
Prime Time Activism: Our society is heavily media-dependent and if we
ignore mainstream media, we abandon audiences with little or no access to alternative and
opposition media.14
Media Power.
More important, activist groups have some advantages over business. One is they are able to attract media attention when
they confront visible corporations. Such events become newsworthy
because conflict and crises play into the medias definition of news.
Newsworthiness is further enhanced because social action groups can
use a wider repertoire of tactics than business. They can engage in colorful
themselves to trees, lying in front of bulldozers, and occupying a building. It is mostly the tactics of activists, not the underlying issues, however, that tend to gain prominent media attention. Even when issues are
mentioned, they are usually not analyzed in depth. In a labor dispute,
strike actions, not the reasons underlying the strike, dominate the news.
Social injustice and grievances are covered lightly because the mainstream news media are basically conservative.
People Power.
Noncorporate interest groups have the great advantage of people power relative to corporations, even though the latter
have relationships with many stakeholder groups, such as employees
and stockholders. The pluralistic feature of American democracy is that
it includes tens of thousands of public interest and other social groups.
Even Carl Boggs, a critic of corporate America who believes the corporate stranglehold over social and political life shows no signs of weakening, acknowledges that civil society in the United States does remain
surprisingly fluid and resilientwitness the capacity of thousands of
local organizations and movements to sustain a grassroots presence
that, while now scattered and largely impotent, could provide the basis
of a more unified oppositional politics.15
Social groups focus of power is the local level, where community
groups can mobilize people power to counteract corporate money
power, says Pennsylvania State University sociologist Ed Walsh, author
of Dont Burn It Here: Grassroots Challengers to Trash Incinerators.16 He
states, Ordinary people increasingly confront large bureaucracies over
which they feel they have little or no control. Our evidence shows, however, that corporate power is more fragile than many citizens imagine.17 He urges people to organize and to draw support from outside by
mobilizing politically; for example, by going door to door to place issues
on a referendum or to elect certain legislators. 18 People will do this only,
however, when an issue becomes important enough to engage their
interest and involvement.
It is this strong identification by citizens with the causes and visions
of specific public interest groups that gives them an advantage over corporate relationships with their stakeholders. These groups have the
great ideological advantage that their members are motivated by broad
Credibility Power.
NGOs, such as Greenpeace and Amnesty International, are generally more trusted and respected than governments, media, and corporations. This contention was supported by a survey of 500
respondents aged 34 to 64 in several countries (United States, France,
Germany, Australia, and the United Kingdom) conducted by the Strategy
One unit of Edelman PR Worldwide. Steve Lombardo, president of Strategy One, said, These [respondents] are two to three times more likely to
trust an NGO to do what is right compared to a large company because
they are seen as being motivated by morals rather than just profit. Overall, 64% said the influence of NGOs has increased significantly over the
decade, with 80% saying Greenpeace is highly effective and 78% saying
the same of Amnesty International. Only 11% saw governments or corporations making the world a better place. In the United Kingdom, 65% of
respondents rated the World Wildlife Fund favorably, as did 50% for
Greenpeace, 29% for British Airways, and 13% for Exxon-Esso. 25
Tactics Used by Social Action Groups
Over a quarter of Americans belong to cause organizations, according
to the Times Mirror Center for People and the Press. 26 The actions taken
by these members vary widely. Some engage in traditional lobbying efforts, whereas others take direct action through the use of protests,
boycotts, and shareholder resolutions. A 1994 Gallup poll reveals some
relatively conservative political actions by Americans: 25% have worn
a campaign button or displayed a campaign poster, 25% have asked
someone to vote for your candidate, 22% have gone to a political
meeting to hear a candidate speak, and 14% have worked for a political party or candidate.27
An international study classified political activist groups into five
types: inactive, conformists, reformists, activists, and protesters. The
repertory of direct actions taken by them increases with each type. Inactives might do no more than glance at political news and sign a petition if asked; reformists might engage in moderate levels of protest,
such as lawful demonstrations and boycotts; and protesters would
shun any conventional involvement in favor of aggressive protest
methods, including violence. 28
Philip Lesly, a public relations consultant, devised an equally useful
range of categories for opposition groups along with strategies to deal
with each:
Advocates: Propose something they believe in; for example, business proposes lower taxes to help the economy. Use the strategy of
Dissidents: Against something, or many things, because its their
character to be sour on things as they are. They use logic and selected emotions.
11. John M. Holcomb, Citizen Groups, Public Policy, and Corporate Responses,
in Practical Public Affairs in an Era of Change: A Communications Guide for
Business, Government, and College, ed. Lloyd B. Dennis. (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1996), p. 209.
12. Based on comment by Michael McDermott and Jonathan Wootliff in a session on Building Relationships with Non-Government Organizations, at
Public Relations Society of America Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, October
2001; also see pr reporter, November 5, 2001.
13. Yvonne Lo, editor, A Public Relations Guide to Nonprofits (Exeter, NH: PR Publishing Company, 2003), p. vii.
14. Charlotte Ryan, Prime Time Activism: Media Strategies for Grassroots Organizing (Boston, Mass.: South End Press, 1991), p. 29. Another source of information about the media practices of nonprofits and activists is Jason
Salzman, Making the News: A Guide for Nonprofits and Activists (Boulder, CO:
Westview Press, 1998). This handbook is based on interviews with mediasavvy activists and 25 professional journalists.
15. Carl Boggs, The End of Politics: Corporate Power and the Decline of the Public
Sphere (New York: Guilford, 2000), p. 258.
16. Groups with large geographically dispersed memberships, however, can duplicate and multiply the power of community groups. Members can
strongly identify with the often single-cause political and social goals of
their chosen organizations, especially in times of conflict with corporations
or government.
17. Doug Nurse, Professor Fertilizes Grassroots; Sociologist Has studied Community Activism for a Quarter of a Century, Atlanta Journal, November
27, 1997, p. 22E.
18. Activist groups devote a lot of their efforts to organizing their members. In
his recent book, Corporations Are Gonna Get Your Mama (Monroe, Maine:
Common Courage Press, 1996), Kevin Danaher, an activist, proclaims, Demystify the system and teach ourselves how to organize alternatives (p.
199). He cites several training sources that provide help, among which are
the Center for Third World Organizing, ACORN (Association of Community
Organizations for Reform Now), and the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF).
Stating the goal of developing ways to control the behavior of corporations, Danaher says that Government and citizens movements have been
pushing on many fronts to codify rules on how corporations can treat
their workers, customers, and the environment. Extending his reach internationally, he credits the National Labor Committee in New York for succeeding in forcing The Gap to improve working conditions in its El
Salvador factories. NLC had generated widespread publicity about dismal
working conditions of girls as young as 13 who toil in Central American
sweatshops up to seventy hours a week earning less than 60 cents an
hour. The Gap signed an agreement with (NLC) on December 15, 1995,
that establishes new standards for health and safety and protection of human rights, subject to independent monitoring of its contractors. Gayle
Liles, The U.S.-Salvador Gap, op. cit., p. 177.
19. See How a PR Firm Executed the Alar Scare, Wall Street Journal, October 3,
1989, p. A22.
20. Ibid., p. 9.
21. Ibid., p. 11.
22. Edward Harris, Web Becomes a Cybertool for Political Activists, Wall Street
Journal, August 5, 1999, p. B11.
Societal issues are rooted in peoples dissatisfaction with their experience as consumers, employees, members of cause organizations, or victims of dislocation or crises. In addition, some people in the activist
third-sector groups have deeper resentments and want to change the
status quo. In both cases, people in these groups form interest groups,
or, alternatively, existing groups may take up their dissatisfactions. Societal issues also arise from the initiative of so-called public interest
groups whose thought leaders and opinion leaders conceive and develop
issues for which they seek public support. In both situations, the life cycle of an issue begins with an emerging issue.
As with all ideas and issues, months and usually years are needed for
them to become widely accepted and adopted. Furthermore, when ideas
concern public policy, they are, because of their controversial nature,
contested by a variety of political participants. Thus, the proponents of
an issue face an uphill struggle to build up enough social energy
enough highly motivated peopleto convince the public that their issue
deserves priority.1
An emerging issue goes through several life cycle
stages, as shown in Fig. 2.1.
Corporations practicing modern public affairs begin the issues management
environments for early warning signals of emerging issues initiated by
interest groups that might affect them. They thus begin the issues
management process. After identifying, prioritizing, and analyzing an
issue, a company engages in strategy formulation to decide what actions to take or not take.
FIG. 2.1. Build-up of social energy: four stages in life cycle of an issue.
As part of their political strategies, corporations can also be the initiators of issues of concern to them. Regulations that deal with price, entry, and trade practices have often been sought by business because
they provide industry with such benefits as stability and protection
against competitors. Much uncertainty, disliked by business, is thus
reduced.2 Therefore some companies may seek new laws and regulations or a change in existing ones; for example, Enron Corporation lobbied hard for deregulation in the energy industry. For many years the
federal regulation of transportation through the Interstate Commerce
Commission (ICC) was actively supported by the regulated industries.
There was no stronger protector of the ICC against threats of deregulation than the trucking industry.3 Support or opposition to regulations
is one way a public affairs strategy contributes to a firms marketing
strategy. The main thrust of this chapter, however, is to examine the
strategies used by corporations in response to initiatives taken by nonbusiness interest groups.
In recent decades, nonbusiness interest groups have developed sophisticated strategies and tactics to confront corporations. Borrowing some
ideas from the Far Left (e.g., from Saul Alinskys Rules for Radicals4) and
several social movements, labor unions developed the strategy of the
corporate campaign. In his The Death of a Thousand Cuts, Jarol B.
example of such classic, albeit crude, unlawful labor practices. 9 Besides declaring a
national boycott on a scale greater than that ever undertaken by the American labor
movement, the union began the campaign in earnest in 1976 by employing the strategy of
embarrassing the officers of the company or of the banks it did business withas well as
using the economic power of pension funds.10
The campaign was partly designed and organized with the help of
Roy Rogers, a new type of consultant who takes credit for developing
the concept of the corporate campaign. In effect, Rogers began by identifying all of the key stakeholder relationships of the target company,
assessing the strengths and weaknesses of each, and devising ways to
exploit the weaknesses. 11 For example, one tactic was to force the resignation of some of J. P. Stevenss directors. Among them were James
Finley, Stevenss chairman, who resigned from the board of New York
Life, and the chairman of Avon Products, who resigned from both the
Manufacturers Hanover board and the board of Stevens. Another tactic
was the use of shareholder resolutions and demonstrating at Stevenss
annual meeting.
Anticorporate Campaigns
Labor unions were not the only adversaries of corporations. As Manheim documents,
nonlabor entities launched 29 anticorporate campaigns between 1989 and 1999. Some
better known ones are these:
boycotts held in 1990 alone and reviews such confrontations as the Natural Resources Defense Councils crusade against McDonalds use of
hard-to-recycle plastic foam food containers and the long-lasting boycott of South Africa during the apartheid era. Case studies include the
PUSH (People United to Save Humanity) boycott of Nike for not doing
more to help the African American community and the classic demand
from FIGHT (Freedom, Integration, God, HonorToday) of Eastman
Kodak to train and hire more African Americans. 13
When a corporation is targeted by a labor union or social action group, it has two
major choices: (a) seek to contain the issue, which is the traditional approach; and (b) seek
to engage the challenging group, an option that is gaining in acceptance.
The most compelling strategy for a company facing an emerging issue is
to contain itto prevent it from building up social energy and progressing to the next life cycle stage where it receives media and public support. To contain or resolve an issue, a company limits its target to
individuals and groups that present or promote an idea, or air a grievance and press demands. To use mass communication media would be
counterproductive because the public would become aware of the issue
in question and support for it would thereby grow. If this were to occur,
the issue would have reached the second stage of the life cyclethe stage
of public involvementand be on the public agenda.
This containment strategy is analogous to the handling of a rumor.
Assuming that a rumor is not widespread, efforts to counter it are restricted to people who presumably already have heard it. To hold a news
conference, send out news releases, or place an advocacy ad would simply spread the rumor further and do even more damage. Thus, when
McDonalds heard a rumor that it ground red worms into its hamburger meat, the company limited its response to the store where the
rumor started. It took out an ad in the local paper, saying only that McDonalds hamburgers are made of 100% beef, implying that worms
could not possibly be part of that 100% beef product. 14
In a rumor situation, the mass media should be avoided entirely.
This may not be possible, however, if a local newspaper or broadcast
station has reported the rumor. In such an eventuality, factual information should be supplied only to those specific media. Management
runs the risk, of course, that the wire services or alert national media
may pick up the story. A prudent organization will, therefore, prepare
a news release for such a contingency but not send the news release or
hold a news conference. The case study in Box 2.1 adapted from the
Harvard Business Review illustrates the factors that must be considered
in such a situation.
Both judgment and research are required to determine whether a containment strategy will succeed. Reporters and editors, as well as public re-
these suits. Their targets are generally not radicals, such as extreme environmentalists,
their local environment or other problems. What started as a tactic
against small targets, however, has expanded to national groups, according to Al Meyerhoff, a senior attorney with the Natural Resources
Defense Council.17
Each year thousands of Americans are sued for speaking out against
governments and corporations, states Sharon Beder, who wrote a chapter on SLAPP suits.18 Individuals and groups are sued for such acts as
circulating petitions, writing to public officials, speaking at, or even
just attending, public meetings, organizing a boycott and engaging in
peaceful demonstrations. 19 These actions are all legal and protected by
First Amendment rights. Nevertheless, plaintiffs who file suits claim
conspiracy, nuisance, and interference with business.
SLAPP suits typically have the intended effect of silencing opponents.
Defendants must often spend years entangled in the court system. Lawsuits distract antagonists from the main controversy by using up their
time, energy, and money in the courtroom. Although most of the suits
are eventually dismissed or dropped, they nevertheless have a chilling
effect, making antagonists and their supporters cautious in speaking
out. That was the intention of McDonalds when it filed a libel suit
against two unemployed members of London Green Peace (no connection with Greenpeace International) who engaged in a smear campaign
against the company (see Box 2.2).
Weaken Antagonists
A corporation can weaken the power base of an opposition group in at least two ways: (a)
remove funding sources and (b) create obstacles to membership drives.
Remove Funding.
When a utility publication ran an article called
Where Do the Antis Get Their Money? it pointed to Carter administration
programs that were creating, training, and funding so-called public interest groups critical of business. 20
Government funding started in 1977
when the director of the independent federal agency ACTION started
granting millions of tax dollars to groups such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), which, according to its
preamble, sought to gain neighborhood control of the private sector by
including workers on all corporate boards. 21 This practice was continued
by former Nader associate Michael Pertschuk after he became chairman of
the Federal Trade Commission. He granted more than $150,000 to various
Nader and other antinuclear groups, such as the Union of Concerned Sci-
entists, Friends of the Earth, the Sierra Club, the Environmental Defense Fund, and the
National Resources Defense Council.
Some businesspeople have accused their brethren of financing the
antis. David Packard, a cofounder of Hewlett-Packard, stated that it
was foolish to support institutions, such as Harvard University, that
produce so many anti-business proponents. His view found expression
when Central Michigan University came under fire from Dow Chemical
following an antibusiness speech given by Jane Fonda. Central Michigan
University received about $70,000 a year in direct cash grants from
nearby Dow.28 Although the announced title of the talk was Politics in
Film and she was expected to speak on womens issues, Fonda lambasted multinational corporations and criticized the lack of economic
freedom in America. She specifically mentioned Dow Chemical by quoting from the chairmans book Global Reach: I have long dreamed of
buying an island owned by no nation, and of establishing the World
Headquarters of the Dow Company on the truly neutral ground of such
an island beholden to no nation or society. 29
Angered by Fondas speech, Dow Chemical threatened to suspend its support for the
university. In a letter to the university president, Dow Chemicals president wrote,
While inviting Ms. Fonda to your campus is your prerogative, I consider it
our prerogative and obligation to make certain our funds are never again
used to support people intent upon destruction of freedom. Therefore, effective immediately, support of any kind from the Dow Chemical Company
to Central Michigan University has been stopped, and will not [be] resumed
until we are convinced our dollars are not expended to supporting those
who would destroy us.30
Philip H. Knight, CEO of athletic shoe and apparel maker Nike, Inc.,
followed the same reasoning as Dow when on April 24, 2000, he announced that he would no longer donate money to the University of
Oregon, his alma mater. The reason: A few days earlier, the university
announced that it would join the Worker Rights Consortium, supported
by students and several U.S.-based labor unions, to fight for higher
wages and better working conditions in Nikes overseas manufacturing
operations. Knight preferred that the university choose the less threatening Fair Labor Association, which had grown out of President
Clintons Apparel Industry Partnership initiative and was vigorously
backed by Nike. Knight broke off tentative plans to make the companys
biggest donation ever to renovate the football stadium. He said, For me
personally, there will be no further donations of any kind to the University of Oregon. At this time, this is not a situation that can be resolved.
The bonds of trust, which allowed me to give at a high level, have been
Another example of undermining an opposition groups source of
funding is the campaign by business to prevent unions from using dues
for political purposes. After the AFL-CIO spent $35 million in the 1996
companys attitude: Where associates [which is how Wal-Mart designates employees] feel
free to communicate openly with their management, why would they need a third party
to represent them?37 To discourage unionization, employers, like Wal-Mart, play
hardball in these ways, as summarized by BusinessWeek:
Hold mandatory antiunion meetings with workers (92%).
Direct supervisors to meet one-on-one with workers (78%).
Hire an antiunion consultant (75%).
Mail antiunion letters to workers at home (70%).
Fire union activists (25%).38
Foster Offsetting Interest Groups
Instead of weakening opposition groups, a corporation can offset them
by fostering probusiness groups and forming coalitions with existing
interest groups on specific issues. Why leave the designation of a public
interest group only to others? Some probusiness interest groups already
exist. Citizens for a Sound Economy, for example, seeks to return decision-making to citizens by reducing government interference in the
economy.39 Many think tanks that support business or its ideology receive corporate financial support.
Ethical lines are sometimes crossed when business establishes a front
organization that reflects its interests. A company may create or use
the name of an organization that has the ring of an independent and unbiased group while serving the undisclosed interests of the company organizing
and funding its activities.
For example, a company may
establish a citizens task force for the purpose of opposing an environmental bill that negatively affects the company. 40 Instead of looking for
develop true, formidable grassroots support by mobilizing stakeholders
who share economic interests with theminvestors, employees, local
communities, and sometimes customers. The opportunity is greatest
with employees, who are a companys largest natural constituency. A
company can use its own channels of organizational communication to
reach employees. If a unity of interest exists between company and employee interests, the likelihood of employee support is high. Chances are
further enhanced when companies have excellent human resources policies that build employee cohesiveness, a feeling of belonging, and
dedication to the corporate culture. This approach merges with engagement strategies.
In contrast to containment strategies, a company can deal
groups by recognizing their legitimacy and working with them in a mu-
with interest groups and the stakeholders they represent. Although aspects of power and influence, as in containment strategies, are involved,
the usual goal is to understand the concerns of an interest group and the
more ambitious goal is to involve it in the decision-making process.
Unilateral Strategies
With engagement strategies, monitoring activities associated with issues
management are focused on the concerns and demands of specific interest
groups. Through formal opinion research, focus groups, and informal
contact, an organization seeks to understand the perceptions of a target
group: what aspects of organizational policy and actions it criticizes,
what reasons underlie this evaluation, and what it plans to do to change
the organizations behavior. This information enables an organization to
determine whether a groups perceptions are accurate in terms of the reality of corporate performance. A company can go a step further and also
consider its goal of how it wants to be seen by the public.
These three reference pointsthe perception, the actual facts, and the organizations ideal
self-imageare summarized in so-called gap analysis as illustrated in Fig. 2.2.41
This diagram of how an organization relates to a target audience suggests two strategies, used singly or in combination: (a) a communication strategy to address the perception gap, and (b) a performance
strategy to reduce the gap between current performance and that
sought by the organization. These strategies are often confused with engagement strategies, but they shouldnt be because they do not require
involvement with a target audience. Unilateral action is not collaboration. Nevertheless, they are discussed here because they are often a precursor to engagement.
that the old social contract of providing lifetime jobs is no longer feasible. Changing peoples expectations is a difficult task that requires
much long-term effort. When a crisis occurs, however, such as the
prospect of job loss, the task is easier because peoples frame of reference is different.
Performance Strategy.
The performance strategy is an alternative
suggested by gap analysis. If a company decides that its actual performancethe factis truly short of meeting its desired goal or the legitimate interest groups expectations, it can narrow the performance gap
by taking concrete actions, such as removing human rights violations,
reducing pollution, or improving employee and community safety.
In Engagement with Integrity, Michael A. Santoro discusses public
of the
corporations.42 He states that most business executives believe they have no particular responsibility for human rights. However, public attention to the
issue has led some business groups to issue statements. On the international
the American
(AmCham) made a strong and direct pledge to refuse to do business
with firms which employ forced labor, or treat their workers in inhumane or unsafe ways.43 It subscribed to the author s fair share theory,
which states that business bears some but not all responsibility to undertake the burden of advancing human rights. It proposed that a
corporation has these responsibilities:
participation. This process was discussed in a landmark Public Participation
Benchmarking Conference, held in October 1997 and organized by Gary
Pitchford, director of Communications of the Argonne National Laboratorys Chicago Operations Office.49 Martha Crosland, Acting Director of
the Department of Energys (DOE) Office of Intergovernmental and
Public Accountability, described public participation as open, ongoing,
stakeholders and the DEO.50 She stated that DOEs three major goals were:
The DOE discovered that access to information is an important factor affecting public
trust and confidence, which is crucial to accomplishment of its mission. Donald Beck,
senior project director of the Gallup Organization, stated that trust in government leads
to a more ready public acceptance of decisions, especially difficult ones involving risk
estimates and hazard policies. 52 Giving the public access to information is highly important
in creating such trust.
Public participation involves a shift away from wholesale to retail,
said Jim Creighton, president of Creighton & Creighton, Inc. Instead of a
tendency to invite everyone to every issue, the retail approach moves toward targeting the most interested groups and individuals. Creighton
advises organizations to avoid large public forums for issues in which
risk is a significant factor, because such public meetings tend to exaggerate the differences among different positions and generally wont
bear the process of consensus building. 53 Furthermore, he draws a distinction
resolution and negotiation, which is discussed in the next chapter.
Community Involvement Programs.
The private sector has applied
the principles of public participation to community relations, often using the term community involvement. This approach is fostered because
of the proximity of local interest groups to a specific organization. Business has learned that it can gain greater freedom in finding ways to cut
pollution by engaging in dialogue with government officials and environmental groups. The Presidents Council on Sustainable Development
(PCSD), consisting of top executives from Dow Chemical and Chevron,
government officials from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
and DOE, and heads of organizations like the Sierra Club and the National Wildlife Federation, recommended greater use of dialogue to resolve problems. The PCSD report further states: For their part,
businesses need to build the practice and skills of dialogue with communities and citizens, participating in community decision-making and
opening their own values, strategies and performance to their community and society. David Guzzelli, vice president and corporate director
at Dow Chemical, stated: We believe that consensus will move America
forward both faster and further than confrontation. 54
Community involvement programs have often been developed in response to crises. After the gas leakage in Union Carbides Bhopal, India,
plant in 1984, which killed more than 2,500 people, Congress passed Title III, the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act.
The act gave the EPA authority to mandate the formation of local emergency planning committees across the nation. Although they were primarily intended to plan for emergencies, they were also designed to
serve as forums where citizens could request information and voice
concerns.55 One example of this process is that in the early 1990s, the
Council) advised members to form community advisory panels (CAPs)
as part of its Responsible Care program. CAPs were intended to serve as
forums for public dialogue over risk identification, assessment, and
Public participation is facilitated by a variety of mechanisms: advisory councils consisting of community leaders, ambassador and envoy
programs that allow an organizations members to listen to and involve
community members, and a variety of outreach programs that attract
community citizens to an organizations activities. Box 2.4 describes the
experience of Brookhaven National Laboratory and the programs it developed to regain public trust and confidence through its public participation program. Key features are its Community Advisory Council and
its envoy program. The latter serve as the eyes and ears for the lab. At
one time 45 envoys were actively engaged, reaching out to external
organizations and bringing back feedback. Box 2.5 lists suggestions
from the International Association for Public Participation to facilitate
the practice of public participation.
Public Participation Beyond the CommunityThe World Bank.
the next chapter describes, public participation has been a means of conflict resolution with environmental groups, used by corporations as
well as government (e.g., the EPA). It has also been used by international
institutions. After facing protests at its meetings, the World Bank
learned that it is better to deal with civil society by shifting from confrontation to engagement.
Instead of treating criticism as a matter of wrong perceptions, the bank
introduced forms of collaboration and a more open information policy
with protest groups. This approach was started when James Wolfensohn
became the banks president in 1995. The five strands in the banks new
strategy were described as follows by John Clark, the banks principal
social-development specialist:
involvement by civil society in project design.
Engage civil society by discussing strategies within each country.
Adopt a new disclosure policy of making a wider array of information public.
Establish a regular dialogue on big policy issues, such as environment and debt relief, replacing more informal consultations.
Use the banks influence over governments that borrow from the
bank to encourage greater tolerance of civil groups. 56
The purpose of the World Bank is compatible with the process of public participation in dealing with civil society, including interest groups
that have demonstrated against it. The bank, which is one of the worlds
employees in community activities; (d) the Envoy program that builds on relationships
employees already have with community organizations; (e) outreach and community
programs, such as Summer
Sunday; and (f) a speakers bureau.
The lab sought community participation to deal with a difficult environmental crisis: Plumes of volatile organic compounds were discovered off site in 1996 and in 1997 an on-site plume of groundwater
contaminated with radioactive tritium was discovered. After receiving
extensive community input, the DOE and Brookhaven are reviewing
alternative options for cleaning up contaminated sediment in the site
and neighboring communities Peconic River. Says a community activist, Their interest and willingness in getting involved in public participation is still new. The journey is hardly over. Brookhaven National
Laboratory would agree, realizing that relationship building is an ongoing process and not just a way to deal with crises.
groups in society.57
In theory, individual citizens function primarily
through these interest groups, which promote group goals when appropriate and necessary. A fundamental characteristic of the public policy process is that these groups select and formulate goals as well as
initiate specific actions. If all groups engage in this process, policymakers would ultimately recognize all individual interests. 58
A corporation engages in opinion leader communication as a way of
gaining some control over the political process. It does so by targeting
specific individuals and small groups that introduce new ideas, some of
which become emerging issues. By getting involved at an early stage, corporations have the greatest chance of influencing the outcome of an issue.
One way a corporation can directly affect an issues outcome is to arrest its development
by resolving the issue with the leaders of the relevant interest group or groups before it
becomes a full-blown legislative matter. Determining when it is practical to do this and how
conflicts can be resolved before they proceed to the public involvement and legislative stages
are issues discussed in chapter 3.
Interpersonal communication skills are essential to opinion leader
communication. One rule in such endeavors is that communication
must be two-way. A company must be willing to listen to those who
seek change, and be prepared to amend its own thinking and action. As
communication theorists point out, such responsiveness is particularly
necessary when dealing with people who espouse strong views on an issue or who may not consider messages from an opposing organization
to be credible. Also, whenever an organization deals with an unfriendly
or opposing audience, both sides of an issue should be presented. Preferably, the audiences views should be mentioned first before presenting
ones own.
Saying that communication should be two-way, however, does not
adequately describe the willingness to allow audience members to participate in decision making. Increasingly people demand a voice in decisions that affect them. Forms of public participationsometimes
required by lawand collaborative planning go far beyond the simple
model of two-way communication. The views of participants become
integrated into the decision making of an organization. A corporations
quest to have its way may be restrained at this stage in return for an
issues resolution.
Overall, therefore, the objectives of opinion leader communication are several: (a) open a
communication link with persons who hold differing views and values, (b) provide new
information for their consideration, (c) attempt to enlarge their perspective, (d) change their
perceptions, and (e) bring about a meeting of minds.
range from face-to-face communication between two persons or a
small group to speeches made to larger audiences. With smaller numbers, it is possible to engage in a dialogue in which information and
views are exchanged with the aim of discovering areas of agreement as
Many social and political problems are caused by misunderstandings among different groups. They hold stereotyped views of one another and operate on the basis of partial and inaccurate information.
As a community participant said to management representatives at a
consumer roundtable held by a utility company: I used to believe that
capitalists are people who dont have feelings that they run
money-making machines. Now I know you have feelings. 66 At these
same roundtables, the utility was asked about affirmative action criteria in hiring. The participants were uninformed of the facts because the
local media had not reported such information. Through the dialogue
of the consumer roundtables, the human resources manager was able
to explain the utilitys policy and the extent to which minority group
persons (e.g., of Hispanic and Chinese descent) had been hired. The utility was also able to point out that union contracts made it impossible
for it to move faster in meeting affirmative action goals.
Creating a Neutral Zone.
Carlton Spitzer, a public relations counselor who is a leading proponent of dialogue communications, explains that some kind of neutral zone must be discovered or
invented. It is needed to give us time to consider, to relate, to sort out
the trade-offs, to articulate national and local priorities in a democratic
but nonthreatening
atmosphere. 67 Although
of reference was the turbulent era of the 1960s and 1970s, which wrought
riots, demonstrations, and confrontations in the nation, his ideas apply to any time or situation when an organization faces new issues and
demands. The neutral zone, says Spitzer, is in the mind: It is the willingness of people having different interests to come together to draw a
montage on the wall; to identify gaps and misconceptions; to compromise in order to gain consensus toward the achievement of larger purposes in which all people have a stake. 68 Spitzer maintains that the
nation needs brokers and matchmakers who will bring adversaries together on common ground.
must be put aside so that people with different interests can come together and achieve a candid exchange of ideas, the cooling of tempers,
and the resolution of basic misunderstanding. 69 One of Spitzers examples is the rumor disseminated by the media that during the Iranian
revolution, ARCO and other oil companies had tankers, loaded with oil,
sitting offshore to create an oil shortage and a corresponding jump in
prices. To correct this media inaccuracy, Anthony Hatch, then ARCOs
manager of corporate media relations, took a group of oil executives
on the road to meet with reporters and editors in on-the-record informal discussions.
You reach suburban women and senior citizens who hate inflation and write to legislators.
You reach the legislative aides who keep track of what the newspapers back home are printing about the issue.
You reach hometown political leaders and contributors to whom
legislators turn for guidance and support. 78
Make News as Well as Speeches. A speech can be viewed as a newsworthy
special event, rather than empty rhetoric that is unrelated to the philosophy, policies, and
actions of a company. Speeches are opportunities to enunciate policy for the benefit of
specific groups, including the companys own employees.
Speeches by CEOs have newsworthy potential because leaders of organizations have the power to institute policy changes. Sometimes it is
the speechwriter, however, who serves as a catalyst for policy changes.
Aram Bakahian, a speechwriter for former president Richard Nixon,
notes that when existing policy is vague, speechwriters play an important role in clarifying stands as well as creating new policies. 79
Although this example applies to Stage 2 communications, speeches to
select groups in Stage 1 communication can serve the purpose of announcing a change in organizational policy that accommodates the
needs of the group.
CEO speeches are prepared in various ways. One survey of the nations
top 1,000 companies showed that just over one third of CEOs say they
write their own speeches, either a draft or a final version; about a quarter
tell their public relations directors what to write, and seldom change their
drafts; and about another quarter ask for drafts from a number of executives.80 Although busy executives can use help, there are good arguments
why they should write major speeches themselves: Their thoughts and
beliefs are clarified by the discipline of choosing the right words for clarity
of expression; delivery is apt to be more natural, direct, and convincing;
and valuable practice is obtained in talking extemporaneously. In an article titled Corporate Speechmaking: Its Not Like Selling Soap, Norman
Wasserman, a former Ruder-Finn vice president, insisted that Speeches
by corporate officers should bear their own imprimaturs and convey
their own personal, incisive corporate viewpoints. 81
For purposes of opinion leader communication, news dissemination
of speeches should be contained within membership groups or within a
receptive to speeches about local issues. For Stage 2 communication, however, speeches could be used as a basis for a national news release to
support company goals.
Apply Techniques of Persuasion in Speeches.Because public affairs speeches are intended to persuade an audience to adopt a certain
point of view, they must contain a variety of types of evidence. Mary
Jane Genova, a communications consultant for Fortune 500 executives,
lists these: statistics (from research studies and opinion surveys); scientific evidence and statements by experts; history, case histories, and organizational
visuals. 82
She suggests that at the conclusion to the speech, the speaker should ask
the audience to do something: think a certain way about a problem,
write a letter to a representative, and take personal action.
Communication theorists suggest applying some of the following principles of
persuasion in a speech before a group of people who are likely to disagree with a
corporate position:
1. Build a bridge of common values. Try to overcome the
outlook by referring to common values and goals.
2. Use a two-sided approach. Start by demonstrating your understanding of their position and indicate where you are in agreement. Then talk about other points of view, including your own. In
this way you are again establishing a bridge between you and
3. Allow for a Q & A session, but make sure you are prepared in at
least two ways: (a) Know what your corporate policies are (these
should be thought out very carefully), and (b) anticipate questions
that will be asked, and have prepared answers.
2. On this point, see Barry M. Nitnick, editor, The Strategic Uses of Regulationand Deregulation, Corporate Political Agency: The Construction of Competition in Public Affairs (Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage, 1993), p. 73.
3. Ibid., p. 74. Also see pp. 75-76 for other examples.
4. Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals
(New York: Vintage Books, 1971).
5. Jarol B. Manheim, The Death of a Thousand Cuts (Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, 2001), p. vii.
6. Ibid., pp. 91-92.
7. The Farah Manufacturing Company case is included in Frederick D.
Sturdivant and Larry M. Robinson, The Corporate Social Challenge: Cases and
Commentaries (Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, 1977), pp. 71-81.
8. Ibid., p. 79.
9. James E. Stacey and Frederick S. Sturdivant, J. P. Stevens & Co., Inc., The Corporate Social Challenge: Cases and Commentaries (Boston, Mass.: Irwin, 1994),
p. 294.
10. Manheim, op. cit., p. 55.
11. Ibid., p. 54.
12. Ibid. See Appendix B, pp. 341-346.
13. Otto Lerbinger, The Crisis Manager: Facing Risk and Responsibility (Mahwah,
N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997), pp. 112-143.
14. Ibid., pp. 147, 170.
15. See Sandi Sonnenfeld, Media PolicyWhat Media Policy, Harvard Business
Review, Vol. 72, July/August 1994, pp. 18-32.
16. Penelope Canan and George W. Pring, Strategic Lawsuits Against Public
Participation, Social Problems, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 506-519.
17. Catherine Dodd, SLAPP Back, Buzzworm: The Environmental Journal, Vol.
4, No. 4, p. 36.
18. See an excellent review of SLAPPS in Sharon Beder, Lawsuits Against Public
Participation, in Global Spin: The Corporate Assault on Environmentalism
(White River Junction, Vt.: Chelsea Green Publishing, 1997), pp. 63-74.
19. Ibid., p. 63.
20. H. A. Cavanaugh, The Management Report: Where Do the Antis Get Their
Money? Parts 1 and 2, Electrical World, April 15, 1980, pp. 51-54; May 1,
1980, pp. 25-29.
21. Ibid., April 15, 1980, p. 53. Stopping such blatant support of what was perceived as anticorporate groups was one of the goals of Dr. H. Peter Metzger,
manager of public affairs planning at Public Service Co. of Colorado, in a
speech given at the 47th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Electric Exchange.
22. Emma Wilkins, McDonalds Turned Private Investigators on Fastfood Critics,
Times, June 29, 1994, Home News section. Also see Jackie Kemp, McDonalds
Suffers From Court Grilling, Scotland on Sunday, June 25, 1995, p. 4.
23. James Erlichman, McLibel 2 Bite Into Court Fight With Burger Chain, The
Guardian, March 15, 1994, Home Page, p. 7.
24. Beder, op. cit., p. 68.
25. Beth Karlin, McDonalds Has Big Beef With Vegetarian Critics; Burger Giant
Suing Unemployed Pair for Libel in London, Rocky Mountain News, August
14, 1995, p. 43A.
26. Ibid.
27. George A. Steiner and John F. Steiner, Casebook for Business, Government, and
Society (New York: Random House, 1980), pp. 27-37.
28. Ibid.
29. Ibid., p. 29.
30. Ibid., p. 31.
31. See case study: Nikes Dispute With the University of Oregon, in James E.
Post, Anne T. Lawrence, and James Weber, Business and Society: Corporate
Strategy, Public Policy, Ethics, 10th edition (New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin,
2002), pp. 570-580.
32. Orrin Baird, Labor s Right to Speak Under Attack, Legal Times, May 18,
1998, p. S34.
33. Aaron Bernstein and Steven V. Brull, Labor and the GOP: A Shootout in California, BusinessWeek, February 16, 1998, p. 44.
34. Aaron Bernstein, Commentary: Alls Not Fair in Labor Wars,
BusinessWeek, July 19, 1999, p. 43.
35. Tough Love for Labor, BusinessWeek, October 16, 2000, p. 120.
36. Ann Zimmerman, Wal-Mart Plans Changes to Wages, Labor Practices,
Wall Street Journal, June 7, 2004, p. B3.
37. Wendy Zellner, How Wal-Mart Keeps Unions at Bay, BusinessWeek, October 28, 2002, p. 94.
38. Ibid., p. 96.
39. Foundation for Public Affairs, Public Interest Profiles 1998-1989 (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1988), p. 58.
40. This example and explanation appears as an ethical dilemma in Dennis L.
Wilcox, Phillip H. Ault, and Warren K. Agee, Public Relations Strategies and
Tactics, 3rd edition (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1992), p. 120. Reference is also made to the Public Relations Society of Americas Code of Professional Standards for the Practice of Public Relations, Paragraph 8, which
states: A member shall not use any individual or organization professing to
serve or represent an announced cause, or professing to be independent or
unbiased but actually serving another of undisclosed interest (p. 122).
41. Adapted from Andrew B. Gollner, Social Change and Corporate Strategy (Issue
Action Publications, 1984), p. 153; also Corporate Public Issues, Vol. 16, September 1, 1991, p. 103.
42. Michael A. Santoro, Engagement with Integrity: What We Should Expect
Multinational Firms to Do About Human Rights in China, Business & the
Contemporary World, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1998, pp. 25-54.
43. Ibid., p. 30.
44. Ibid., summarized in Appendix A.
45. Post et al., op. cit., p. 575.
46. Ibid., pp. 575-576.
47. James Grunig is credited for developing four models of public relations: (a)
press agentry/publicity, (b) public information, (c) two-way asymmetric,
and (d) two-way symmetric. See James E. Grunig and Todd Hunt, Managing
Public Relations (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1984), pp. 21-43.
Also see James E. Grunig and Larissa A. Grunig, Models of Public Relations
and Communication, in James Grunig, editor, Excellence in Public Relations
and Communication Management (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992), pp. 285-325.
48. Citizen Participation (Washington, D.C.: The Community Services Administration, 1978).
49. Argonne National Laboratory,
Benchmarking Conference, October 23, 1997.
50. Ibid., p. 11.
Conflict Resolution:
Mediation and Negotiation
A further confirmation of wide interest in conflict resolution methods is the spectacular success of the book Getting to Yes: Negotiating
Agreement Without Giving In by Roger Fisher and William Ury, who have
been associated with the Program on Negotiation. 4 The book has sold
more than 3 million copies worldwide and has been translated into several languages.
As suggested by brochures and literature on conflict resolution, many
types of problems and situations are amenable to the processes of mediation and negotiation and the associated processes of consensus building and collaborative planning. Several are discussed here: alternative
environmental disputes, engaging in collaborative planning in a nuclear power dispute,
Alternative Dispute Resolution
As an alternative to litigation, businesses have turned to conflict resolution methods. The increasing use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
demonstrates an effort to avoid costly litigation and crowded court
dockets. ADRs general purpose is to link disputants with a neutral third
party experienced in using these methods. More than 500 corporations
have signed ADR corporate policy statements, according to Catherine
Cronin-Harris, vice president of research and publications at the Center
for Public Resources. Among the companies are Bank of America, Abbott
pledge to try ADR in disputes with companies that have made the same
pledge.5 One company, General Mills, goes a step further by refusing to
sign a contract with another company unless it agrees that disputes will
be settled through ADR.
The Internet is helping the ADR movement by changing the art of legal negotiating. Cybersettle.com, formed in 1998, is the worlds top
claim settlement site. It facilitates high-speed, confidential claim settlements by matching offers and demands through a blind-bidding, patented, secure website. It is the official and exclusive online settlement
tool of the Association of Trial Lawyers and the Canadian Bar Association. Both the plaintiff and the defendant, who get confidential passwords, enter bids over encrypted software. If an insurer wants to settle,
it enters three confidential offers. Cybersettle.com then contacts the
plaintiff s lawyer and asks for three offers that will be acceptable. The
computer compares them and automatically settles the case if they fall
within $5,000 or 30% of each other. As of June 2003, Cybersettle has
processed approximately 75,000 claims. The smallest claim ever settled
was $500, but most settlements fall within the range of $5,000 to
$50,000. In June 2003, it announced its largest cyber-settlement ever: $12.5 million.6
ADR is also recommended in labor disputes by the Commission on the
Commission, formed in 1993. These disputes are about dismissals under the
other regulatory matters.7
Resolving Environmental Disputes
Conflict resolution
as well as dialoguehave
disputes. These methods were started in the mid-1970s as one answer to
the age of confrontation. One of the earliest successes came in 1974. Two
mediators helped settle a flood-control dam dispute between the Army
Corps of Engineers and local conservationists on the Snoqualmie River
near Seattle. By early 1983, about 40 environmental wars were settled
through mediation and another 40 were cooled off. The Conservation
Foundation actively encouraged the use of mediation. 8
Vermonts Deer River Reservoir.
New England Electric System used
stakeholder negotiations to solve a decade-long dispute on how water
from the huge Deerfield River reservoir in Vermont should be shared by
companies, fishermen, and local communities. Key to the successful agreement
was the skillful negotiating role of Kenneth O. Kimball, director of research for the Appalachian Mountain Club. A Wall Street Journal article
commented, The surprise is that this one [dispute] is ending amicably,
others sensitivities.9
As in many other mediation and negotiation situations, certain pressures in the sociopolitical environment prodded the parties into action.
In this case the incentive for the power company to negotiate was the
expiration in 1993 of its federal license to operate the Deerfield Projects
eight dams. Furthermore, the Electric Consumer Power Act of 1986 requires the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to balance electricpower generation with the concerns of other stakeholders, including
wildlife, recreation,
quality, and
Corps of Engineers Misstep. The
conflict, with the Corps of Engineers, was quite different because no effort was made to listen to community citizens and learn what was on
their minds. The Corps of Engineers decided to build a second dam in rural North Dakota to cure the area of flooding. Believing it had the support of opinion leaders, the Corps drew up a plan and prepared to
present it at a public hearing.
After spending large sums to complete the plan, the Corps of Engineers learned strong local opposition could be expected. Nevertheless, it
decided to go ahead on the decide, announce, defend principle. Had the
engineers visited the dam site to gain local feedback on the problems
real cause, or even to observe for themselves, they would have learned
what the community really wanted: not a new dam, but managing the
old one differently so that the river below the dam would not freeze
solid, causing floods in the spring. The well-organized local opposition
eventually killed the new dam project.10
McDonalds Packaging Decision.
Another highly publicized use of consensus
building was the McDonalds decision to phase out foam packaging in its then more than
8,500 restaurants, which was hailed as an environmental touchdown.11 Actually, it
demonstrates both the triumph of consensus building and some hazards.
McDonalds formed an alliance with the Environmental Defense
Fund in the summer of 1990 in a joint task force to study ways to deal
with the solid waste generated by the restaurant chain. The outcome
was the replacement of the foam clamshell with a paper-based wrapper, which has the advantage of coming from a renewable resource.
Although a confrontation was avoided and McDonalds can call itself
green, the decision was based on public perception, not science, Ed
Rensi, president of McDonalds USA admits: Although some scientific
studies indicate that foam packaging is environmentally sound, our
customers just dont feel good about it. So were changing. 12 Obviously
the manufacturer of the clamshells thinks the decision was faulty.
Thomas Kornegay, western regional director for the issues management
department at Amoco Foam Products, says, We firmly believe that
He conceded, however, McDonalds is in the business of selling hamburgers, not packaging.13 A decision should be scientifically sound as
well as agreeable to its stakeholders. What went wrong is that somebody failed to educate the public about the relative merits of polystyrene
and paper. Consensus building requires an aware and educated public
and participants.
Collaborative Planning
Citizen groups are increasingly invited to participate in corporate planning or decision making. The public relations model of two-way communication is expanded in that the input of citizens or stakeholders is an
integral part of the decision-making process. Often this occurs in the absence of conflict, such as in consumer advisory panels (CAPs), issue
councils, and product panels. However, as mentioned by two professionals, Kenneth D. Kearns and Anna L. West, collaborative planning can
be used to develop public policy recommendations; make siting deci-
sions; develop facility operational plans; develop strategic plans; develop community
actions plans; and lots more. 14
Collaborative planning, however, is more like short-circuiting the often lengthy public policy process by taking private initiative. It helps
parties, often with divergent views, solve problems, reach goals, resolve
differences, satisfy needs, or complete tasks to the mutual benefit of the
participants.15 Bringing together all interested and affected parties improves the quality of final decisions, in addition to building support for
them. Kearns and West therefore view collaborative planning as dispute
avoidance and distinguish it from mediation and arbitration, which are
used to resolve existing disputes.
Companies engage in collaborative planning when other methods of
coping with a problem are unsuccessful. Portland General Electric,
whose Trojan nuclear power plant faced technical problems and social
opposition, realized this fact after exhausting traditional approaches.
Although licensed to operate until the year 2011, the plant had been beset with technical problems since its opening. Its performance was
among the worst in the nation. It soon was targeted by antinuclear
groups, including the Coalition for Safe Power, Dont Waste Oregon, and
Physicians for Social Responsibility.
One of the groups, Dont Waste Oregon, sponsored a referendum on
the November 1990 ballot to shut down the plant. A representative of
the group said, Everybody wins if this measure passes. Nobody gets
killed, nobody lives in fear. Nobody raises their child in the shadow of a
cooling tower.
Were the referendum to pass, Northwest power customers would
have paid an additional $800 million to $2.2 billion over the ensuing 20
years, so Portland General Electric conducted a fierce campaign, spending $3.5 million to defeat the measure. The vote was 40.6% in favor and
59.4% against the shutdown, even though early polls indicated about
65% of voters favored the initiative. A similar attempt failed in 1986. 16
Despite the utilitys victory, the plant had to be closed in March 1991 when cracks and
other defects were discovered inside the pressurized tubes that carry superheated water to
the plants generators. Repairs had to be made, and the utility faced the alternative of
replacingnot just repairingfour defective steam generators within 10 years at a cost
of between $125 million and $200 million. 17
Preferring neither the option of mothballing the plant nor that of spending up to
$200 million on replacement parts, the utility was receptive to the concept of
collaborative planning. The question then became whether some third alternative could be
Kearns and West undertook collaborative planning efforts, as described in the
1. Identify stakeholders: Discover who has an interest in the outcome
and, after obtaining balanced representation, conduct research to
learn about their history, issues, and concerns.
General Electric would not have to invest in an expensive replacement program and
antinuclear groups had a guarantee the plant would be closed in a reasonable amount of
Resolving Public Disputes: The Mutual Gains Approach
The broadest application of mediation and negotiation is in resolving
public issues. This application is the subject of Lawrence Susskind and
Patrick Fields book, Dealing With an Angry Public: The Mutual Gains Approach to Resolving Disputes, which reflects the ideas and approach of the
MIT-Harvard Public Disputes Program.19 The books aim is to help business and government leaders negotiate, rather than fight, with their
critics. The core method is the mutual gains approach, the gist of which
is to think of the interaction with the public as a multiparty, multi-issue negotiation.20
This approach is based on six key principles:
1. Look at the needs and concerns of the other side instead of demonizing or ridiculing others. Dont get stuck in a zero-sum bargaining game.
2. Open the doors wide and engage in fact finding together. Remember that your best possible information may not be convincing
to others.
3. If you promise that something will not happen, be ready to promise a contingent offer of compensation.
4. Accept responsibility but admit mistakes when made, and be willing to share power with others who have a stake.
5. Act in a trustworthy fashion at all times. Dont conceal intentions,
sugarcoat the truth, or spin the story to make it sound better.
6. Focus on building long-term relationships if you care about your
reputation and credibility.21
Susskind and Field comment, In one respect, this book is about public relations. How to interact with the public in a way that will minimize
harm to and maximize gain for [government] agencies and organizations.22
This idealized version of public relations, however, is not always realized. Thus, they add another aspect to the book: It is about
honesty, accountability, reputation, and integrity. It is about qualities
we value above and beyond their ability to generate profits or votes. 23
These values, which are attributes of leaders, are exposed during controversies that typically require quick thinking and rapid response.
Susskind and Field apply the mutual gains approach to three major
categories: accidents (the Exxon Valdez oil spill and the Three-Mile Island nuclear accident), risks (the breast implant controversy and the
New Bedford Harbor Superfund Forum), and value conflicts (the clashing cultures of Hydro-Quebec and the Cree, and the animal rights dis-
pute). Of these three, value conflicts are the most difficult because
values are not the same as interests, which are central to most negotiations. Different positions or packages can be invented to accommodate a variety of interests. However, with values, which are strongly
held beliefs, a dispute translates into who we are, our very identity and,
perhaps, existence.24
The Hydro-Quebec dispute with native peoples over the flooding of ancestral lands in
northern Quebec for the purpose of creating more hydroelectric power dramatically
illustrates the consequences of not using a mutual gains approach (see appendix).
In mediation, a neutral party intervenes between conflicting parties to
promote reconciliation, settlement, or compromise. He or she listens to
evidence and helps negotiate a settlement but does not have the power to
make a binding decision. Gerald W. Cormick, executive director of the
mediation as a device for facilitating the negotiation process. He defines
mediation as a voluntary process in which those involved in a dispute
jointly explore and reconcile their differences. He adds: The mediator
has no authority to impose a settlement. His or her strength lies in the
ability to assist the parties in settling their own differences. The mediated dispute is settled when the parties themselves reach what they consider a workable solution.25
Cormick distinguishes mediation, which is used in conflict resolution, from dialogue and consensus building. Policy dialogues, he says,
are intended to identify joint positions which can be advocated in the
public policy arena by interest groups that are normally opposed to one
another. Consensus building emphasizes the common interests of disputants in jointly defining and solving problems. 26 An outside
mediator facilitates such discussions.
In negotiation, however, contending parties confer with one another
directly in an effort to reach an agreement. Negotiation depends on
communication and persuasion in which each party seeks to gain something that requires the cooperation of the other party. Both sides engage
in a sequential process whereby each alternately presents demands or
proposals, and offers counterproposals. 27 As stated by Gerard I.
Nierenberg in The Complete Negotiator, Whenever people exchange ideas
with the intention of changing relationships, whenever they confer for
agreement, they are negotiating. 28
Each party has to feel it has won
something, however. As Nierenberg reminds us, The objective should
be to achieve agreement, not total victory. 29
Negotiation is a very common and important process, not only in settling disputes but also in handling all kinds of exchanges between different persons and organizations when neither has formal power or
authority over the other. Certain conditions must be present, however, for negotiation to
work. Furthermore, there are limits to what negotiation can accomplish.
The limits to negotiation listed in Box 3.2 are recognized by Lawrence
Susskind and Alan Weinstein in environmental disputes where sophisticated scientific and technical evidence clashes with social and political
arguments. They recognize that when contending parties hold extreme
ideological views and do not acknowledge the legitimacy of one another s concerns, mediation and negotiation are not possible. 30
Cormick also recognizes that mediators are better off if theyre not
technical experts because of the danger of leading the parties. But they
must be conversant with the issues in dispute and understand the legislative, legal, and organizational environment in which they occur.
Some Useful Competencies
Negotiation has become a specialized field requiring considerable training. Several skills are commonly recognized as important in all kinds of
to reveal or not reveal, and learning to be creative and flexible.
Understanding Human Needs.
A negotiator must understand the
interests and needs of the other party. Roger Fisher and William Ury list
four features of successful negotiations: (a) the separation of people
from problems; (b) a focus on interests, not positions; (c) the invention
of options for mutual gain; and (d) the use of objective criteria. 31
Their second feature is particularly important because too often negotiations focus on the position taken by the other, without realizing
that for every interest there are several positions that could satisfy it. 32
Asking the other person why a certain position is taken is a way to explore the interests behind it. 33 Negotiators who have an understanding
of human needs may obtain additional insight. This is the reason books
on negotiation pay a lot of attention to lists of human needs. 34
Revealing the Right Kind of Information.
ress, both parties must have information about
pectations, and acceptable solutions. Just how
oneself is a tactical matter. Ideally, each party
kinds of information about the other, which define the utility
A level of aspiration, which is the agreement each prefers; for example, the buyer to obtain a sales price of $100,000 and the seller
to obtain $150,000.38
The strategy of negotiating lies between the poles of cooperating and fighting. Hence a
negotiator is faced with such questions as Am I pressing too hard? or Was my concession
too early or too big?
Although each party wants to withhold information for fear of having
to make concessions, too much reticence renders effective negotiation impossible. Negotiating skill requires careful handling of what Willem F. G.
Mastenbroek calls the information dilemmaa skill that consists of carefully bringing about a step-by-step exchange of information that gradually gives shape to realistic expectations on both sides. 39
Mastenbroek warns of two related dilemmas. One is credibility. This
reminds a negotiator that, at one extreme, trusting the opponent without reservation results in a bad deal, whereas mistrusting might seriously undermine the likelihood of an agreement. If, for example, a
negotiator is caught lying, his or her credibility is lost and the relationship between the parties is seriously worsened. The second dilemma is
self-presentationthe identity or image the bargainers present to their
adversaries. They must appear tough but also be flexible and fair. They
must attempt to be conciliatory but not transmit the image of an appeaser. Their concern about losing credibility is one reason they restrain
themselves from bluffing or using deceit or coercion to gain their
Being Creative.
Negotiation is a problem-solving situation where
the goal is to find solutions that solve not only your own problem, but
also that of the other side. To do this, flexibility and creativity are required. Fisher accordingly advises negotiators to avoid (a) premature
judgment, (b) looking for the single best answer, (c) assuming there is a
fixed pie, and (d) thinking that solving the other sides problem is their
problem (and not also yours).40
Media Usage During the Consensus-Building Process
The Hydro-Quebec case described in the Appendix, as well as others, requires that a delicate
balance be maintained between keeping the affected public informed about ongoing
dialogue and not, through such public communication, undermining that dialogue.
Susskind and Field present two common ground rules and a third that is sometimes added.
Participants must agree on the following:
1. Statements may be made to the press about ones own concerns
and reactions to meetings, but no statements or views should be
attributed to other participants.
a wilderness the size of France. (Cree leaders said they meant to say an ecosystem
approximately the size of France would be affected by both the Great Whale and the
already built Grande River project.)
In April 1990 the Cree and Inuit Indians achieved a publicity success
by paddling a native vessel called an odeyak, half-canoe and half-kayak,
down the Hudson River to New York City where the 50 paddlers arrived
just in time for Earth Day celebrations at Times Square. Furthermore,
Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, and the National Audubon Society sponsored a full page in the New York Times that showed pictures of dead caribou in an area previously flooded by Hydro, questioning Hydros
contract with New York State.
demonstrating that the utilitys traditional ways of resolving confrontations
were outmoded. Susskind and Field point out several errors in the behavior of Hydro and the Province of Quebec. One is that they stonewalled over the disclosure of a secret sweetheart deal with multinational
aluminum-smelting plants whereby power costing 2.4 cents per kilowatt-hour to produce was sold at 1.5 cents. 44 The company convinced
the provincial government to support it by forbidding the Quebec press
to make mention of this deal.
Another error is that by ignoring or belittling the opposition, the utility
criticism.45 For example, responding to the oppositions ad, Robert Bourassa,
then the Quebec provincial leader, asked, How can you seriously consider those ads in the New York Times? He also commented, Seven million Quebecois cant be wrong; this was seen as an insult to the Cree
nation.46 Hydro should have considered the evidence the Cree had submitted, by following this prescription: Keep an open mind, be open to
reason, and consider carefully that you might be wrong.47
Hydro also refused to listen to other critics. When a New York legislative
committee met to review the states $17 billion contract with HydroQuebec, the company refused to attend the meeting, with one company
spokesperson saying, The contention that Canada cant conduct its own
economic review is not only insulting, but it has no basis in fact. 48
The impact of the project on indigenous peoples was not given
enough weight. Massive damming of their hunting and fishing territories and disturbance of their way of life deteriorated their health. Cases
of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, previously almost unknown, increased. Various social problems also rose dramatically: alcohol and
drug abuse, spouse abuse, unemployment, and teenage suicide. Typifying Hydros attitude was that when the native population complained
that high mercury levels put their eating of fish at risk, the general secretary of the utility said, All they have to do is change some of their
fishing habits for a while.49
To sum up, perhaps Mercredi, the chief of the First Nations Assembly,
said it best: The problem with this province [and presumably HydroQuebec] is that there is no debate, there is no dialogue. 50 As Susskind
and Field emphasize, the mutual gains approach asks that one talk with,
not at, the other. One of the prescriptions they advocate in this approach
is: Search for shared or overarching principles on which to base a continuing dialogue.51 When a package is agreed on by the stakeholder negotiators, the entire community should have a final say by means of a
vote, referendum, or similar means of approval. 52 Everyone must, however, be informed about the voting process and the arguments for and
against the package.
1. Program on Negotiation at the Harvard Law School, Dealing with an Angry
Public, 1987. The 1997 brochure refers to strategies for resolving conflicts
and disputes with dissatisfied customers, potential litigants, and concerned
interest groups.
2. For example, in 1972, David Finn, chairman of Ruder & Finn, explained that
his job was to get people in disagreement to talk together constructively, as
never before, to find the solutions which will enable us to save our society.
Speaking about the role of the public relations counselor, Finn said, He is no
longer primarily a communicator: he is a sort of moderator whose job it is to
try to prevent the crisis from getting out of hand. From a monograph,
Modifying Opinions in the New Human Climate.
3. Pilot Program Teaches How to Negotiate, PRSA News, May 1989, p. 1.
4. Roger Fisher and William Ury, with Bruce Patton, editor, Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving in (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1981).
5. Deborah L. Jacobs, Controlling Litigation Costs With a Neutral Third Party,
New York Times, September 23, 1990, p. F12. Several organizations provide
ADR. services. A partial list is issued each year by the Bureau of National Affairs. The following qualifications should be considered before retaining an
ADR provider:
1. Number of cases it has handled, and percentage of cases resolved
through ADR. Ask for a client list.
2. Ability to offer neutral parties nationwide.
3. Ability to provide ADR training for managers.
4. Provides a fee structure. (The American Arbitration Association bases
its fee on the amount at issue and charges between one tenth of 1%
and 3% of that sum, depending on the size of the case.)
6. Ann Davis, For Dueling Lawyers, the Internet Is Unlikely Referee, Wall Street
Journal, May 12, 1999, p. B1. Also see Cybersettles press release, June 20,
2003 on its website, Cybersettle.com.
7. Walter J. Gershenfeld, Presidential Address: Future Industrial Relations:
Guide for the Perplexed, in Industrial Relations Research Association Series,
Proceedings of the Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting, ed. Paula B. Voos, January
5-7, 1996 (Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin, Industrial Relations Research Association), pp. 4-5.
8. Lawrence Mosher, EPA, Looking for Better Way to Settle Rules Disputes, Tries
Some Mediation, National Journal, March 5, 1983, p. 504. The mediators
were financed by a Ford Foundation grant.
9. Neil Ulman, Unlikely Allies: Pact for River s Use Unites Conservationists and
a Power Company, Wall Street Journal, May 20, 1996, p. A9.
Media Strategies
media serve the surveillance function of warning the public of dangers, malfunctions, and
social transgressions. Stephan Lesher s Media Unbound describes how modern
journalism for three hundred years the peoples gadfly, gossip, town crier, court jester,
and sometimes championhad assimilated sinister power.7 Lesher states, America has
become media-minded, believing and acting on journalistic information more than any
other source or institution.8
Most public relations campaigns and other public communication campaigns rely heavily on the mass media, on the assumption that they are effective in reaching the general public. This reliance was demonstrated
when the PRSA announced the 1994 winners of the prestigious Silver Anvil
Awards. The awards chairman, Jim Roop, observed that central to almost
all the programs was extensive media coverage and support, belying the
criticism that public relations is media soft. 9
Elaborating on this statement, he said, There has been some criticism that the industry is moving
away from its traditional roots in publicity and going with more controlled media. The fact that so many of the Silver Anvil programs were
based on publicity campaigns suggests its not a correct assessment. 10
That statement remains valid a decade later. For example, in awarding the
2004 Bronze Anvil Awards for outstanding achievement in public relations tactics, the public relations firm of Jackson Spalding was praised for
its effort in generating more than 16.5 million media impressions, with
more than 2,200 positive stories and coverage on major television affiliates
throughout the United States for its clients consumer campaign. 11 Bacons
MediaSource, as well as other publicity reference services, remain an essential part of most public relations offices.
In believing that the mass media continue to be highly effective, Roop
referred to the Silver Anvil entry on Pepsis syringe crisis in which some
customers complained that they found syringes and needles in Pepsi
He commented, Through mass media Pepsi alleviated fears,
bringing people back to buy its product. In a second reference, to CAREs
Somalia effort, he said, People contributed as a result of CAREs effort to
raise awareness about the problems in that country and the need for
food and clothing there.13
Roop, however, does not limit the medias power to crisis situations
that are fanned by the media in the first place. By saying that the mass
media can be effective in raising peoples awareness of tragedies in the
world and prompting them to be generous, he implies that the mass media can be effective in motivating peoples behavior. He thus believes
that the media are effective on all four levels of the hierarchy of effects:
influencing behavior. This success is rarely achieved.
Interest Groups Use the Mass Media Too
Besides corporations and government, labor unions and
groups recognize the importance of the news media. Although ques-
tioning the impartiality of the media and therefore relying on their own
communication channels with members, these groups realize it is important to enlist the support of public opinion and to democratize the
media. Charlotte Ryan supports this view in Prime Time Activism: But
our society is heavily media-dependent and if we ignore mainstream
media, we abandon audiences with little or no access to alternative and
opposition media.14 She helps challengers understand how to make
their causes and activities newsworthy. She describes how Local 26, in
seeking a new master contract with 14 large Boston hotels, at first despaired of not being able to get media coverage for its cause, but learned
how to play the game.15
In serving their watchdog function, the news media also set the agenda for society. As
described by Donald L. Shaw and Maxwell E. McCombs, The mass media may not be
successful in telling us what to think, but they are stunningly successful in telling us
what to think about.16 However, the medias effectiveness goes beyond this modest function
of agenda setting. There is mounting evidence that the modern mass media shape how people
think about an event or issue.
The media influence how people think about a topic by framing it: drawing attention to
certain features of an issue while minimizing attention to others. As described by Joseph N.
Cappella and Kathleen Hall Jamieson, The act of framing determines what is included
and excluded, what is salient and what is unimportant. It focuses the viewer s attention
on its subjects in specific ways. 17 The act of framing thus shifts the focus from what is said
to how it is said.
This process is illustrated by an analysis of U.S. newspaper coverage
of the merger of the automobile manufacturers Daimler-Benz and
Chrysler in 1998. A major public relations effort created the mythic
frames of marriageestablishing an equilibrium of two partners
and birth. In this way the global relevance of the merger and the oligopolistic tendencies of the car industry, as well as other divisive issues,
were avoided. The PR departments were successful mythmakers who
established the overall frame of reference for the coverage. Unlike the familiar agenda-setting dictum, public relations told the journalists what
to think about and how to think about it. 18
In addition to framing, journalists engage in priming, which refers to
the frequency with which they refer to a story. When a political issue receives more news attention than other issues, people assign greater
weight to that issue when judging politicians who had some direct responsibility for it.19
Priming thereby serves to establish criteria for
Framing techniques are routinely used by television news commentators and newspaper reporters, as described in Dirty Politics by
Kathleen Hall Jamieson. 20 By using a script or story form schema, reporters condition audiences to see a political campaign as a game or
war between a front runner and an underdog in which each candidates goal is winning.21 She adds, Schemas influence how we perceive new information, how we remember old information, and how
we relate the old and new. 22 By using a horse race analogy, reporters
in effect define policy issues, or substance, as lying outside the orbit of
real news.
Because framing labels events and issues, corporate public affairs professionals must pay attention to its impact. For example, public perceptions are more severe when an accidental spill of toxic chemicals into a
river is called an environmental disaster rather than an incident. Framing
also judges events: Does the collapse of scaffolding at a construction site
indicate criminal negligence by a construction company? Is a payment to
a foreign political figure a sign that a company is corrupt?
How words influence choices is illustrated in an experiment in which
audiences were asked about the desirability of military intervention by
the United States in defending a hypothetical foreign country from invasion by one of its neighbors. The first scenario reminded readers of the
Vietnam War by mentioning chinook helicopters and briefings taking
place in Dean Rusk Hall. A second scenario, which indirectly cued
memories of World War II, used phrases such as blitzkrieg invasion
and briefings in Winston Churchill Hall. The second scenario resulted
in greater support for intervention than did the first. As the example
suggests, the words used invoke different inferences and arouse
well-established knowledge structures. 23
Arbiter Function of the Media
Louis Banks, a respected journalist whose editorial career with Time,
Inc., spanned nearly 30 years, summarized this expanded role of the
media. He said the media are not only conveyers of news, but arbiters of
its content as well: The news industrytelevision, radio, magazines,
newspaperstands as the principal arbiter of social attitudes toward
business (and all institutions). His view was, Broadly speaking, mass
media news selection and interpretation feeds the publics suspicions
about corporate practice and interprets corporate affairs with a negative bias.24
Because of the power of the media, Banks advises that a businesss basic media relations strategy must be to compete in the marketplace of
ideas. Warning against merely being reactive to media inquiries, he
urges business to systematically, factually, and carefully engage in intellectual debates such as those that were previously lost by default. His
thesis is that not only is an issues campaign the soundest long-range
strategy for business-media relationships, but also that the effort involved is intricately connected with the future of the freedom of large
corporations to operate as centers of independent managerial decision
Banks reminds businesspeople that although
the news industry
stands as the principal arbiter of social attitudes toward business, today the thoughtful elements of the media are willing to listen to corporate arguments on specific issuesif they are rational, and shown to be
in the public interest. 26 He says what a corporation or an industry can
offer the media is its technical know-how, its experience or point of view
on a particular issue. Business, in other words, possesses valuable
information that the media need.
Despite this advantage, business executives have been hesitant to follow Bankss advice to
engage in the marketplace of ideas, because of fear of media hostility. Having seen what
damage the media can inflict on companies such as Exxon and Dow Corning, some
companies simply prefer to avoid talking to journalists.27
When businesses recognized the shortcomings of the news media and
growing public hostility toward them, they and other organizations developed a multipronged strategy to guide their media relations. They
have also, as discussed in chapter 8, become defensive and feel that the
best strategy is to operate under-the-radar of media attention and go
directly to their audiences.28
Figure III.1 depicts the major public communication strategies that businesses use. The
horizontal boxes show the central role of the news media as the intermediary between an
organization and the general public. The news media are the main channels through which
information and views are disseminated.
The circles in the diagram indicate the three major ways an organization deals with the news media: (a) proactive media relations, (b) broadcast appearances, and (c) advocacy advertising. It should be noted that
the arrows stemming from the circles have different penetration distances. These reflect the degree of control the organization can exercise
over the media. The proactive media relations circle merely touches the
news media box, and the broken line below the box indicates that the
message may or may not reach the general public; if it does, it may appear in a distorted form. In this type of situation the media are classified
as uncontrolled. Chapter 4 examines proactive media relations as a
means of seizing the initiative and exerting countervailing pressure on
the media.
The arrow from the broadcast appearances circle penetrates halfway
through the news media box, indicating semicontrol over the media.
Chapter 5 examines this special opportunity. When spokespersons rep-
fraud. The intended message to the media is Youre being watched, be careful about what
you say.
As depicted by the broken line on the right of the figure, a corporation
may decide to bypass the news media and communicate directly with
relevant segments of the general public. Several traditional means of bypassing the media are available, such as direct mail and the use of private media in various constituency communications to employees,
shareholders, customers, and other groups. The new medium of the
Internet increasingly provides another vehicle to reach audiences. In
2001 more than 475 million people worldwide had Internet access at
home. In the United States, 55% of American households (174 million)
had an Internet connection, of which about 60% were active users
each month. Internet users spent an average of 17 hours a month online
in December 2001.29
1. Strong Opposition to Media Cross-Ownership Emerges, The State of the
News Media 2004, Pew Research Center for People & the Press, http://peoplepress.org/reports/display.
2. Robert Frank et al., Scandal Scoreboard, Wall Street Journal, October 3,
2003, p. B1.
3. Lewis M. Simons, Follow the Money, American Journalism Review, Vol. 21,
November 1999, p. 55.
4. David Lieberman, TVs New Look: All Business, All the Time, USA Today,
January 14, 2000, pp. 1A, 2A.
5. Elfriede Fursich, Nation, Capitalism, Myth: Covering News of Economic
Globalization, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Vol. 70, Summer 2002, p. 356.
6. Business Coverage Impacted by Reports of Corporate Scandal, Public Relations Tactics, January 2003, p. 7.
7. Stephan Lesher, Media Unbound: The Impact of Television Journalism on the Public (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1982), p. 4.
8. Ibid., p. 6.
9. PRSA Cmte Chair Asks, `Is Public Relations Media Soft, pr reporter, Vol. 37,
May 16, 1994, p. 3.
10. Ibid.
11. From June 11, 2004 news release of pr newswire. See http://www.prnewswire.com.
12. For more information, see Otto Lerbinger, The Crisis Manager: Facing Risk
and Responsibility (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997), pp.
13. Ibid.
14. Charlotte Ryan, Prime Time Activism: Media Strategies for Grassroots Organizing (Boston, Mass.: South End Press, 1991), p. 29.
15. Ibid. The local union bought ads in four consecutive issues of the Sunday
Boston Globe Magazine, each centering on a single employee, who described
his or her job and economic plight; took out an ad on WBZ radio; organized
several union members to call local radio talk shows; and obtained television coverage through a chance encounter with a TV reporter. It also held
a union rally that filled Bostons historic Arlington Street Church to over-
flowing (which made for good TV coverage). Local leaders and national figures such as Cesar Chavez led the crowd in songs, one of which was
expressly written for the union by a local musician, reiterating social justice
themes: Were Bostons hotel workers and were fighting for our rights. We
want justice, we want dignity, and we want respect (p. 39).
Ryan alerts the reader to the typical biases of the news media once the obstacle of being considered unnewsworthy is overcome. One is their tendency
to lump all labor issues together as unrest, blaming unions for disrupting
orderly life (a value strongly held by the media). Typically the main union
activities that get coverage are picket lines, sit-ins, and large events with
good visuals. The theme of social injustice tends to be ignored (p. 44).
16. Donald L. Shaw and Maxwell E. McCombs, The Agenda-Setting Function of
Mass Media, Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 36, Summer 1972, pp. 176-187.
17. Joseph N. Cappella and Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Spiral of Cynicism: The Press
and the Public Good (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997), pp. 38,
18. Fursich, op. cit., p. 367.
19. Ibid., p. 52.
20. Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Dirty Politics: Deception, Distraction, and Democracy
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1992).
21. Ibid., pp. 163-164.
22. Ibid., p. 166.
23. Ibid., pp. 42-43.
24. Louis Banks, Taking on the Hostile Media, Harvard Business Review, Vol.
56, March-April 1978, pp. 123-130.
25. Ibid.
26. Ibid., p. 129.
27. Brian Moskal, Why Companies Avoid the Limelight, Industry Week, Vol.
206, July 21, 1980, p. 56.
28. Even Media Pros Now Question Validity of Current News; Another Reason
to Go Under-the-Radar Directly to Publics, pr reporter, Vol. 37, March 21,
1994, p. 1.
29. Leslie Miller, Web Growth Slows, But Time Online Rises, USA Today, March
28, 2002, p. 3D.
When a company engages in proactive media relations, it not only responds to media inquiries but also seizes the initiative to convey its messages to the public. The goal of proactive media relations is to gain
maximum control over the media so that organizational objectives,
such as promoting its public issues agenda, can be achieved. Proactive
media relations requires a company to take an aggressive, high-profile
approach in dealing with the media. However, such a strategy often
conflicts with a corporations deeply held preference to maintain a low
profile with the media and with the public: It does not hold news conferences or send out news releases; instead it limits its activity to warily responding to telephone calls by journalists.
Disney follows this low-profile approach, says Steve Crescenzo, a
writer who tried to get the company to respond to criticism about various controversies, such as boycotts by different religious groups, animated movies that offend some groups, and the proposed theme park 4
miles from the Manassas National Battlefield and near Bull Run. Disney
would several Disney beat reporters at major California outlets who
were afraid they would jeopardize their access to the company. Said one
anonymous agency person, They feel that because theyre so big, and
nobody else does what they do, that they can ignore all the bad press and
just keep churning out this positive image of the company. When one
of the two people in charge of corporate public relations did return a call
to Crescenzo, he was bluntly told that answering his questionshe had
submitted a list of themisnt something we do. We just dont talk
about what we do. Sorry. Click went the phone. 1 Disney was using a
high-profile approach for its entertainment news but a low one on other
company matters.
story, they were successful in doing that. 15 The broadcast was in fact the highest rated
that night among women ages 18 to 49. Furthermore, the website attracted more than 1
million users in its first 15 hours, according to publicist Sitrick. 16
media and public attention. Elliss side of the story was better known
through the website, and despite its denials, ABC perhaps took greater
care to make the segment balanced and fair. However, Ellis faced two
risks: More people would know of the possible side effects of the diet pill,
and embarrassing personal information would be revealed, namely,
that in 1988 he was charged with illegally making methamphetamine,
or speed. Now the dynamite idea, as Ellis called it, of drawing millions
of visitors so that people can make up their own mind would be tested.
His lucrative business, which claims to sell 225,000 of its diet capsules
an hour and was expected to yield revenues of $900 million in 1999,
was at stake.17
Preemptive communication can also be employed when a
company expects an emerging issue to escalate and move to the next
stage of public communication. Regular monitoring of an issue, including the use of public opinion surveys that track changes over time, is required to determine when an issue progresses in its life cycle.
The survey approach was used by the Edison Electric Institute when
learned from
a 1993 Cambridge
survey that the percentage of people who were aware of electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) suddenly jumped 18 percentage points to a 63%
awareness level. Previously the increase had averaged about 4 or 5 percentage points a year.18 For some utilities, that jump was a signal to begin a public communication program. Although most utilities preferred
to communicate with only their own stakeholders, others sent news releases to the media in an attempt to interest them in the EMF issue. Their
strategy was to preempt the issue by publicizing their side of the story
before opposition groups presented their own side.
Similar jumps in news coverage can be monitored through another
method: computer tracking of issues and sources of news. Brent Baker,
former dean
of Boston
Universitys College of Communication,
illustrates how a system, which he calls frame mapping, works.19 By analyzing the frequency of stories (about animal rights) appearing in
three sourcesprint media, television, and the Internethe was able
to plot frequency distribution curves for each. He discovered that the
Internet curve peaked several days before the curves of the print and
television media. This information can thus serve as a leading indicator that allows an organization affected by an issue to take proactive
measures. Because an increasing number of journalists visit websites,
one of these measures could be to participate in newsgroups covering
the issue. A 1996 survey by Successful Marketing Strategists (Berke-
ley, California) lends support to this approach because it found that 51% of journalists
believed that Web pages today offer more news value than in past years.20
Correct the News
In an ideal business world, a company could review stories prior to publication or broadcast. Thus, if a story is judged false or distorted, it can
attempt to correct it. With the advent of computer monitoring of wire
service stories and stories written in foreign countries before they reach
the United States, the possibility of refining inaccurate stories is
greatly enhanced.21
As more newspapers first publish online versions of a story before
hard-copy ones, some companies assign staff members in a 24-hour cycle
to monitor stories about them. When inaccuracies, half-truths, and misinformation are spotted, specific reporters and editors are immediately
sent fact sheets, corrected quotes, and counterstories on the Internet.
Monitor and Respond to Internet Attacks.
Recognizing the potential danger of negative stories on the Web, companies are monitoring
what people do or say on the Web and respond. Middleberg Interactive
Communications in New York launched a computer monitoring service,
called M-3 (the 3 stands for monitoring, analysis, and response), that
scans the Internet daily for online complaints about its clients products.22
As stated by Steve Ulfelder: The downside [of the Internet] is
that anyone can run a smear campaign full of libelous information that
reaches millions of people in seconds. There are no editors or safeguards
ensuring that net information is fair and factual. 23
Another monitoring service is Cybersleuth, a product from Dallasbased eWatch sold through the Edelman Interactive Solutions public relations agency and PR Newswire. We can neutralize the information
uncomplimentary postings and rogue websites, says the companys online promo
material. Its objective: To stop the spread of incorrect information and
to ensure that what has already spread is eliminated, eWatch says. For
example, if someone is spreading phony tips about XYZ stock on an online financial forum, XYZ could work with an Internet service provider to erase the comments from the site. 24 Northwest Airlines Corp.
used this service to help it identify employees who organized a sickout
that nearly halted flights over a Christmas holiday (see Box 4.2).
The danger in such a tough approach is that people will fear saying anything critical
about a company online, whether factual or not. An employee could no longer share his
or her opinion about a company online without worrying that the company would find
out about it. Even if no legal action is taken, a person may become the target of a
company reeducation campaign (e.g., an e-mail trying to change the employees mind).
Free speech is endangered.
Companies must decide how to respond to Internet-monitoring reports about customers as well as employees. The Ford Motor Company
is one company that failed to respond to Internet smearing. After
watching his Ford Ranger pickup burn on his driveway, Ed Goldgehn
of Marietta, Georgia, and his wife opened a website they named
www.flamingfords.com. The New York Times and CNN credited the Web
page as one of the catalysts for a recall, which eventually added up to
8.7 million vehicles estimated to have cost Ford $200 million to $300 million. Ford never
went online to combat the website. Ford spokeswoman Joy Wolfe explained, Anything
wed do on our own [corporate] site would validate what these people are saying; this
reflects the rather old-fashioned attitude of not recognizing an opponent. 25
In contrast to Ford, the Tommy Hilfiger Corporation, a publicly
traded clothing manufacturer, took action when it fell victim to a rumor
that spread like wildfire. The rumor asserted Hilfiger, a designer, appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and made racist comments about several groups, after which he was tossed off the set by Winfrey. After the
rumor was a year old, it hit Usenet in the spring of 1997 and consequently spread so rapidly and generated so much controversy among
customers and potential customers
responded. Company spokeswoman Ruth Pachman said, As soon as the misinformation
was brought to our attention, the company posted a statement to the
appropriate newsgroups denying the allegations, a step that produced
immediate results.26
Companies are advised to familiarize themselves with newsgroups, mailing lists, chat
rooms, and websites. When misinformation is found, these rules should be followed:
1. Go to the source of the attack and try to establish a dialogue, making sure to document everything. For example, Shell International
bought banner advertising on the Mother Jones website after the
magazine repeatedly ran articles on its website critical of the companys environmental and human rights policies. The ads led readers of the magazine to Shells site, which included a forum area
where users were invited to engage in a dialogue with the company about the issues the magazine had raised. 27
2. Try to avoid the phone because it may seem like a ham-fisted
threat and will be immediately described and mocked on the net.
3. Prepare a contingency website that provides information that reinforces your position.
4. Muzzle your lawyers; they should be used as a last resort. Nothing raises the hackles of the net faster than a legal threat. 28
Influence Reporting
with reporters who cover them on their beat, thereby lessening the reporters independence. In one example, President Lyndon Johnson
hired Robert E. Kintner, former NBC News president, as a White House
special assistant in communications. Kintner revealed in a memorandum to the president he was willing to use his former connections. He
stated he would do some work with the news chiefs of ABC, NBC,
and CBS with reference to the Civil Rights portion of your State of the
Union address.29 In another example, Ronald Reagan hired columnist
George Will to coach him in preparation for his debates with incumbent Jimmy Carter in 1980. After one of the debates, Will went on television and, exercising his role as a journalist, commented favorably on
Reagans performance.30 This practice raises the ethical question of a
conflict of interest.
Speaker s fees may be paid to journalists as another way of influencing reporting. The National Speakers Forum, representing about 50
print and electronic journalists, says fees range from $3,000 to
$30,000. ABCs Sam Donaldson reportedly receives the top sum of
$30,000 for a speech. When David Gergen was editor-at-large at U.S.
News & World Report, he earned $466,625 for giving 121 speeches in
Cokie Roberts accepted a $35,000 fee to speak at a Junior
money coming
Florida Toyota distributor.32 Although the giver of an honorarium may
have the intention of influencing news stories, a reporter may not even
know the source of his or her honorarium.
Kaiser s rebuttal was aired on the premiere of the new show. 45 However,
Geraldo Rivera, ABCs correspondent on 20/20, was on hand to respond
to the rebuttal. In answer to Kaiser s objection to Riveras final words,
Rivera said it would have destroyed the responsibility of responsible
journalists.46 Besides
Rhody assembled arguments to show that adversarial interviews and
one-sided reporting are damaging to the concept of a free press. 47
Set Conditions for Cooperation
During the Reagan administration, officials harnessed the broadcast media by setting
their own terms for appearances. Lesley Stahl said she could not get Secretary of State
George Schultz on CBSs Face the Nation unless she guaranteed him two thirds of the
airtime and promised that no unfriendly foreign spokesman would appear.48
Companies have also set the conditions for cooperation. Former
Celanese (now Hoechst) vice president of corporate communications,
Dorothy Gregg, said she would not permit television interviews unless
the station agreed to show the company the final edited film in advance.
When asked about possible press antagonism to these rules, she replied,
New York media think youre a dummy unless you take these precautions.49 She did not, however, demand to see final copies of print media
articles, even to check for factual accuracy.
Set Strict Guidelines. Following this pattern, Johns-Manville (now called the
Manville Corporation) established some strict press guidelines when, as the leading
producer of asbestos in the United States, it had to defend itself against charges that it
knew about the link between asbestos and cancer. The companys Reserved Cooperative
Approach in working with the media stated:
1. If a reporter calls and deadline is too short to lay out companys case
effectively, [respond with] no comment or uncooperate. Do not
help legitimize story as objective.
2. If a PR person detects by reporters questions that story is already
written, refuse to cooperate. Chastise reporter for lack of objectivity and fairness.
3. For TV programs, learn about the number of people to be on show, and
who they are, before committing to appear. J-M will not participate if
more than 3 people [are present] because there wont be enough time
to present companys story. Medium is surfacy anyway.
4. When a medium runs a story which is totally unbalanced and unfair, respond to it promptly with letter or phone call.
5. Sales force and other non-media sources act as early warning system,
alert corporate relations to local media questions. PR responds by
initiating call to press instead of waiting to see what develops.
In conclusion, Chandler said, Youll know what it is about. Be prepared for hard
questions, he advised, and you better have answers. If you dont know, were going to
show it.61
The Behavior Research Institute followed the example of Illinois Power when CBS
asked for its cooperation with Eye to Eye with Connie Chung. Its experience is
described in Box 4.4.
Impose a News Boycott or Freeze-Out
Imposing a news boycott is an extreme response to perceived
treatment by the media. When the Electric Boat Division of General
Box 4.4 Behavior Research Institute Does Not See Eye to Eye
With Connie Chung62
The Behavior Research Institute (BRI) reluctantly decided to allow an investigation of its services by CBSs Eye to Eye With Connie Chung. The
Providence, Rhode Island, institute feared that Connie Chung was already predisposed to accept allegations against it and to discredit it.
The institute felt that its residential treatment center was vulnerable because it treats mentally retarded and autistic individuals with extreme
behavior disorders, some of whom have been classified as hopeless.
Some individuals are prone to self-abuse to the point of gouging out
their own eyes, ripping out pieces of their throats, or banging their
heads on the floor. Therapy is consequently severe and can take the
form of an electric shock applied to a patients arm or leg.
So the institute faced a difficult challenge: How does an organization defend itself against false accusations from the press? Its decision was to take on Eye to Eye and CBS by telling others in the
pressconvincing them that the show was a one-sided, prefabricated story meant to do little more than win ratings points.
BRI took several actions. First, the institute invited more than 40
parents (who volunteered to be interviewed and insisted on being
present during the shows filming) to participate in the videotaping.
Next, BRI declined to allow videotaping of patients receiving therapy
on the grounds of protecting patients privacy, but offered its own tape
of treatments instead. CBS responded by hiring a plant who filmed
the treatments with a hidden camera. The institute also wisely declined CBSs request that BRIs legal counsel be seated next to Matthew Israel, BRIs executive director, while he was being interviewed.
BRI knew the attorneys presence would imply guilt on the part of the
executive director. BRI took two final steps. It hired its own video crew
to tape the interview so that it would have a complete and accurate record of what was said prior to the March 3, 1994, broadcast, and it
sent copies of these tapes to 300 media critics across the country.
Dynamics was angered by what it considered biased and unbalanced reporting by the Day, the local newspaper, the company cut off the news
flow to the paper, even though its 18,500 Groton, Connecticut, employees read the Day. General Dynamics excluded the paper from access to
any information about its activities (except the launching of submarines because U.S. Navy regulations required such notification), refused
to send news releases that were sent to other papers and broadcasters,
shut it out of news conferences open to other publications, and refused
to return phone calls or answer questions posed by Day reporters.63
Mobil is another company that imposed a news boycott. Angered by
a story that the chairmans son-in-law would benefit financially from
the companys construction of a tower in Chicago, Mobil announced it
would no longer have anything to do with the Wall Street Journal.64 It
would no longer answer any of its reporters questions or give them any
In the field of investor relations, the freeze-out is a version of a news
boycott imposed by a company when analysts have written something
negative about it (see Box 4.5). Basically, its managements way of
punishing an analyst who is not part of the cheering squad, says
Jullianne C. Iwerson-Niemann, senior vice president of equity research
and portfolio management at Huntleigh Securities. What happens is
your phone calls are not returned. Youre relegated to junior people.
Youre the last on the fax list. You basically become Zachary Zilch, the
last person in the phonebook to get the message on anything. And
sometimes you have to resort to talking to other people to find out
whats going on.66 Christopher McFadden, a Goldman Sachs Group analyst, experienced the same big chillafter he downgraded some stocks,
such as Cardinal Health and McKesson. He claims that the companies
executives pointedly didnt take questions from him during conference
calls. Larry Kurtz, head of investor relations for McKesson, denies this
treatment, saying, We talk to everyone who calls us, regardless. Thats
our ethic here.67
The risk of freeze-outs and news boycotts is that analysts and reporters have a long memory for things like that and will seek to punish the
company. Its the worst thing to do, says Eugene P. Beard, vice chairman
of finance and operations at Interpublic Group of Companies, an advertising conglomerate. Companies that do that will find it coming back to
haunt them.68
Get tough tactics, such as a boycott or freeze-out, should be used
prudently not only because some violate journalistic tradition but also
because they can backfire. For example, when the Day complained to the
National News Council about General Dynamics boycott, the council
sided with the newspaper, saying, When public funds and the public interest are involved to such an extent in a company that employs a quarter of all the workers in southeastern Connecticut, the community is
ill-served by an arbitrary decision on the companys part to withhold all
information from the chief newspaper directly serving the region. 69
Rate Reporters
Rating reporters is a common, informal practice. It helps a company select which reporters to avoid and which to favor. To rate reporters, a media relations person typically reads some articles written by a reporter
or calls colleagues for their opinions. Several actions might then be
taken: Send news releases to favorably rated reporters and not to others,
select cities for a media tour where reporters in local media are friendly
toward your company and industry, or meet with low-rated reporters
to provide them with more information and, hopefully, make their stories more balanced. Despite the acceptance of this practice, however,
government agencies must exercise caution. The U.S. DOE took some
heat in 1995 when the Wall Street Journal disclosed that the agency
spent $43,500 to hire a firm that ranked reporters on how favorably
they wrote about it.72
The growth of electronic databases containing reporters stories and
the emergence of an entrepreneurial group of former journalists willing
to report on their ex-colleagues has fostered a new media evaluation industry. The giant is Carma International (Computer-Aided Research &
Media Analysis) in Washington, DC, which charges $500 to $15,000 for
1 months analysis, depending on the number of reporters and variables
shows on health care (being careful to avoid controversial health issues); and Boeing
Corporation funded a PBS program on the presidents plane, Air Force One, Boeings own
Companies can indirectly threaten to drop advertising through their
advertising agencies. According to Hollywood Reporter, an entertainment
industry paper, General Motors warned its advertising agencies to avoid
two episodes of the syndicated Donahue talk show that dealt with the
movie Roger & Me. The film was critical of General Motors and its chairman, Roger B. Smith.79
Require Advance Notice of Upcoming Articles
Some advertisers and retail chains demand advance notice about upcoming articles. In January 1996, Chrysler s advertising agency sent a
letter to more than 100 magazines saying, In an effort to avoid potential conflicts, it is required that Chrysler Corporation be alerted in advance of any and all editorial content that encompasses sexual, political,
social issues or any editorial that might be construed as provocative or
offensive.80 In response, the Magazine Publishers of America and
American Society of Magazine Editors accused the company of practicing a form of censorship. They issued a strong statement urging magazines not to submit tables of contents, text or photos from upcoming
issues to advertisers for prior review. In October 1997, Chrysler, which
is the nations fifth-largest magazine advertiser, dropped its controversial policy; but it also said, In the end, we reserve the right to decide
where and when to place advertising.81
Some big retail stores, such as Winn-Dixie supermarkets and WalMart Stores, regularly demand advance copies of publications suspected
of containing material that might be objectionable to many of its customers. The concerns involve nudity or lewd language and such controversial subjects as abortion, homosexuality, and religion. We serve a
broad spectrum of customers, and we dont want to offend them, explains G. E. Clerc, Jr., a spokesman for Winn-Dixie, based in Jacksonville, Florida.82 For example, a possible objection to
March 1997 issue was that its cover headline included the words His &
Her Orgasms.
Supermarket and big discount chains have enormous power over
magazines because they control 55% of single-copy sales of U.S. magazines. Wal-Mart is the biggest seller, with about 9% of single-copy sales.
If an outlet judges an issue to be offensive, it might simply not carry a
specific issue or, as Dana Sacher, circulation director of Vibe, warns, If
you dont let them know in advance, they will delist the title and never
carry it again.83
Frank Lalli, president of the American Society of Magazine Editors,
believes publishers should not give previews to retailers. When you
give them a look, there is the potential that people outside the magazine
will say, I have a solution. Drop that cover. Change the story. He says
editors are deeply concerned about this trend, and worries that some
advertisers may mistake an early warning from a magazine as an
open invitation to pressure the publisher or editor to alter, or even kill,
warns of establishing a dangerous precedent: When you start giving
advance looks to either advertisers or retailers you are creating opportunities for censorship.84
Exercise Restraint: Procter & Gambles Excessive Zeal
Several other kinds of get tough tactics are not discussed here because they are blatantly unethical or unwise. For example, Procter &
Gambles (P&Gs) effort to hunt down the source of a leak to the Wall
Street Journal85 earned the company one of Fortunes 10 Biggest Business Goofs mentions.86
Several articles had appeared that revealed
possible changes in top management and some troubles with its
failed to identify the leak, P&G asked Cincinnatis fraud division to look
into what was regarded as a violation of a state criminal law that bars
anyone from giving away articles representing trade secrets. 87 Using
subpoena powers, the court ordered Cincinnati Bell to identify all 513
area code numbers that dialed the office or home phone number of
Wall Street Journal reporter Alecia Swasy [the author of the articles]
between March 1 and June 1, 1991. The privacy of some 655,297
home and business telephone lines was violated as at least 35 million
toll calls made in that period were searched. 88 To the press, this was an
indirect way of seeking to identify a news source, which in Ohio and
many other states is illegal. P&Gs CEO Edwin L. Artzt finally conceded, We made an error in judgment we regret it we were just
plain wrong.89
But veteran columnist William Safire observes that
while Artzt admitted to a public relations blunder, he still did not understand the ethical violation of peoples rights to privacy.
News can be made so attractive to journalists and editors that they cant resist. Two basic
ways of getting a story published are: (a) making a story newsworthy, and (b) subsidizing
the media.
Create Newsworthy Stories
News is timely information of interest to many people. 90 Perhaps the essence of news is contained in the comment by a former New York Sun editor who said, When a dog bites a man, thats not news. But if a man
bites a dog, that is news. 91 From a media relations viewpoint, news is
what a reporter and editor will accept. Unfortunately, too many corporate executives have a house organ mentality, thinking a story written
for employees would also be interesting to outsiders. Thus, as a survey of Fortune 500
companies shows, business would like journalists to be more interested in stories about the
following topics:
Corporate social responsibility programs.
Environmental achievements and the need for trade-offs.
Human side of corporate life and personal
Research, technical achievements, and innovations.
Positions on legislative or regulatory matters.
Employee recognition.92
Some of these in-house themes may, indeed, be of interest to journalists if implications for the broader community and society are drawn. A
company should tap its information resources, including insights of
corporate executives and other employees. A good media relations professional tries to keep an inventory of the special facts and perspectives
that a company is able to provide and thus become known as a valuable
source of industry information. Of course, she or he knows that the
story must be well written, meaning the five Wswhat, where, when,
who, and whyare covered and that the style and level of difficulty
meet the readability requirements of the intended audience. 93
Subsidize the Media
Subsidies to the media help make a submitted story irresistible. In Beyond Agenda Setting, Oscar H. Gandy, Jr. explained that the idea behind a
media subsidy is to reduce the costs of access to self-serving information.94
On a very basic level, a well-written news release or feature
story is in itself a subsidy to a newspaper, magazine, or broadcast station because the story would otherwise have to be produced with the
mediums personnel and other resources. Without the public relations
departments of thousands of organizations, the news media would
have to increase their staffs drastically. However, Gandy gives media
subsidies a sinister twist by saying it is most often the public relations
specialist who delivers the undercover subsidy, where the source and
the sources self-interest is skillfully hidden from view. 95 Also revealing, he feels, is that press releases follow the advice of publicists to interpret the significance of a story in case the editors and writers miss it.
Public relations professionals have used the following imaginative
ways to subsidize the media: (a) distributing voluminous press kits, (b)
using media distribution service companies, (c) providing video news releases, (d) sponsoring and citing public policy polls, and (e) creating a
website on the Internet.
Distribute Press Kits.
Press kits, often enclosed in a folder or portfolio, are collections of background materials that aid a journalist in
writing a story. This information is now typically provided on an organizations website. The usual materials include photographs (of
company facilities, personnel, and products), biographies of persons
mentioned in a news release, speeches by executives, the annual report,
and other organizational data. Box 4.6 describes some of the advantages in distributing press kits.
Use Media Distribution Services. North
Syndicate, Inc. (NAPS) provides releases to 1,500 dailies and 10,000 newspapers in all. NAPS CDs allow top dailies, Sunday, and feature editors to fill
whole pages and special sections. The radio release goes on CDs with
scripts to NAPS contacts at 6,500 stations. A Video Feature Release provides broadcasters with 1-minute features. 96 Gandy describes how the
Business Roundtable hired this syndicate to distribute hundreds of editorials, cartoons, and feature stories to help defeat the establishment of
the Consumer Product Safety Commission. 97
According to Gandy, the
syndicate guarantees a 10% success rate for each mailing. 98
Box 4.6 Advantage in Distributing Press Kits
A study about news coverage of the environment by two journalism
professors shows that press kits and news conferences result in
greater acceptance of the sources angle.99 (They also studied whether
news selection and bias were caused by the nature of a report titled
Toxic Clusters: Patterns of Pollution in the Midwest, prepared by the
New York-based nonprofit environmental research group Inform, Inc.
The report was based on information provided by the EPA on the
amount of hazardous chemicals manufacturers have released into the
environment. Manufacturers annually report this information to the
EPA, as required by the 1986 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act.
A week prior to holding a news conference, Inform sent press kits to about 200 media
outlets in the seven-state region of the Midwest. These kits served as an information
subsidy to the media and encouraged coverage of the story. The kit also persuaded
newspapers with larger staffs to assign reporters to the story.
The use of press kits is justified by the finding that those media receiving press kits were fairer to business in their treatment of the pollution data than were those that did not receive them. Of 373 daily
Midwestern newspapers analyzed, the papers tended either not to
cover the storyeven though coverage was most likely in communities where manufacturing was at least of medium importance in their
economiesor to give more lenient headline treatment.100 Furthermore, little was said about the health risks resulting from local toxic
Box 4.7
A VNR, America Responds to AIDS (ARTA), produced by the governments Centers for Disease Control (CDC), suggests the extent to
which television news directors use VNRs. Findings are based on a
survey and content analysis of 47 air checks of television news stories from 42 television news organizations (39 local broadcasters, ABC
World News Tonight, Cable News Network, and USA Today). The key
findings were:
No station used the entire VNR package.
85% of the air checks contained only half or less of the packaged
video; the same held true for the script.
Of seven key story elements, an average of 21% appeared in the air
Sound bites from officials were used infrequently. Celebrity James
Masons sound bite from the Washington press conference was
mentioned the most (by 25%), and one by Louis Sullivan (10%).
The source, CDC, was mentioned in only 8% of the stories. Instead,
stations cited such general sources as the federal government.
75% of the stories focused on the AIDS Prevention Guide. In this
context, the CDC was mentioned in 17 of the 35 stories focusing
on the guide; 22 mentioned Health and Human Services. 106
average, a VNR will get a median of 18 usages from a possible 700 outlets, says Nick Peters, Medialinks vice president of operations. 110
Corporate use of VNRs has the advantage of making a message more memorable to a
news audience, largely because of the credibility as-signed to television news
programming.111 No claim can be made, how-ever, that attitudes are influenced, at least not
by a single exposure.
To increase the acceptance of VNRs, public relations practitioners are advised to send the
traditional pitch letter with story angles, accompa-nied by press conference footage, sound
bites, and raw footage. Sending some printed materials in advance of a story is not only more
cost effec-tive but also helps journalists view the public relations practitioner as more of a
partner and less of a manipulator in the news process. 112
Media relations practitioners should also avoid making some mis-takes that discourage
TV stations from airing VNRs. Media Relations In-side, a newsletter, gives this advice:
Approach the story like a reporter. Douglas Simon, president and
CEO of New Yorks D.S. Simon Productions, said to focus on whats
news to the public, not to your own organization. USA Today, he
says, does this by covering stories of interest to people nationwide
and writing to the lay person. Try to make the VNR fit the style of a
local newscast, which can be achieved by hiring producers and
crews with broadcast news backgrounds who understand the need
to tell a good story with creative visuals and no industry jargon.
Dont go over 90 seconds.
Use highly credentialed experts with broad knowledge. Sally
Jewett, president of Los Angeles-based On the Scene Productions,
advises securing independent endorsements from credible spokespeople who are willing to appear on the video.
Understand the distribution format your contacts want. Sending
out a VNR by satellite might be a good idea for time-sensitive videos. Some outlets, however, like CNN, only accept videos on tapes.
The Internet has become another outlet for VNRs. 113
Many TV stations prefer to use the background materials of a VNR
but not the supplied commentary. It is advisable, therefore, to send a
B-roll, the supplementary or backup material. It generally follows the
primary material on the same cassette in which alternate scenes are arranged on two reels, an A-roll and a B-roll, and then assembled. 114
Sponsor and Cite Public Policy Polls. Newspapers,
and broadcasters seem eager to use poll findings. In 1990, after the first
in-house poll of the Detroit Free Press in the mid-1960s, 82% of national
newspapers (with circulation of 100,000 and over) and about half of the
television stations were engaged in polling, according to a study conducted by the Roper Center.115 The New York Times has been among the
Mervin Field feared the trend of using public policy polls would result in confusion, suspicion, and a negative image of survey research
methods. Whats wrong is not their use, he said, but how polls are conducted and publicized (see Box 4.8). Any organization has the right to
sponsor an opinion survey to demonstrate to politicians and the public
that public opinion is on their sideespecially when the contrary is
claimed by the media or opponents. In a democracy public opinion is
supposed to count.
Corporate websites.
Because reporter use of online resources is
now common practice and with the advent of real-time news cycles and
online scoops, corporations are advised to open websites and keep them
as accurate and up-to-date as possible. According to a 2001 study of
Fortune 500 company websites, only a little over a third of them (195)
provide clearly labeled press room site areas focused on assisting journalists. The most commonly used label was News Room (60 compa-
nies), followed by Press Room (40 companies). Companies ranking higher on the
Fortune 500 are more likely to have press rooms than companies ranking lower. The study
also suggested that press rooms be linked from the home page, which nearly two thirds of
sites with press rooms included as a key public.127
To be of value, press rooms must contain relevant content. The most
extensive press room contained 16 items, but the average number was
only 6.5.128 The 12 items most frequently included in all company websites were as follows:
Press/news releases: 96.9%% of companies.
Executive bios/profiles: 51.3% of companies.
Executive photographs: 48.7% of companies.
Company fact sheets: 35.4% of companies.
Annual reportsfinancial: 33.8% of companies.
Company history: 31.8% of companies.
News alert service for media: 30.8% of companies.
Company staff speeches and presentations: 29.7% of companies.
Product or company-in-action photos: 28.2% of companies.
Press release search engine: 25.6% of companies.
Company logos for use in publication: 22.6% of companies.
Media kits: 21.0% of companies. 129
Ideally, according to Los Angeles Times Syndicate columnist Larry
Migid, what is really wanted is one-stop shopping for an array of media
materials.130 Also desirable is the listing of a practitioner by name as a
media contact, which more than half of all press rooms did. Corporations should also endeavor to be listed prominently with the major
search engines because journalists first turn to them and directories
such as Yahoo! and Alta Vista to locate information.
Corporate sources are warned, however, that the credibility of their information is not
assured. Business sources face greater resistance because findings show that 59% of
journalists are likely to use free online information from nonprofits versus 50% from
Public affairs communicators looking for outlets for their messages are
no longer limited to the traditional news media of local television news,
television news,
newspapers, radio news, and news
magazines. As the Economist reported in 1998: Until two years ago, Americans had three evening news shows, one cable news network and a
couple of weekly news-magazine programmes. Now it has three evening news programmes, ten weekly hour-long news-magazine shows,
three cable news networks, three cable business news networks, two
sports news networks and three new websites furnished with video. 132
Communicators could take advantage of an enlarged media menu. They are advised to do so,
because as Herb B. Berkowitz and Edwin J. Feulner, Jr. observed, a handful of elite news
organizations no longer controls the agenda and defines the terms of the debate. 133
Changes in Regular Viewership and Readership
CNN was heralded as the major entry into the news media a decade ago.
While serving as the Navys chief of information, Rear Admiral Brent
Baker said, I believe CNN is the dominant factor in the news media today. Clearly we must all understand that in the 1990s CNN has arrived
with the technological and editorial ability to reach out instantaneously
and globally.134 Baker later envisioned that tomorrows crisis will be
covered by a new group of international multimedia giantssuch as
the Microsoft-NBC cable television and cyberspace network and the new
Global Fox News Channel. 135
Its reporters would be computer savvy
and multimedia trained. They would be less dependent on government
news releases because they could go directly into government records
with computer-assisted research methods. 136
They would be better
cyberspace gear and therefore less dependent on government communications gear or blessing. 137 He warns all playersgovernment leaders,
military leaders, journalists, and media ownershad better realize no
one is in control of information as they were in the good old days of the
early 1990s.138
By 2001, CNN, the original 24-hour cable news network, which was
started in 1980, became a division of media giant AOL Time Warner and
faced competition from Fox and MSNBC. The number of viewers watching CNN dropped 2% in 2000 as Fox News grew by 62% and MSNBC by
25%. CNNs rescue plan called for greater efficiency by cutting 400 CNN
staff from its 42 foreign bureaus and 1,000 overseas staff. It also sought
to make shows more dynamic, and to this end it hired Andrea Thompson, an actress from NYPD Blue, a cop series, as one of its Headline News
By the beginning of 2002, cable was the top overall source of news for
Americans. Kohut states, The public has come to believe that if you
want national news you go to cable. The audience for network news
dropped by 50% in the last 10 years. Their coverage has also dropped as
they got rid of expensive foreign bureaus and switched to cheaper lifestyle and celebrity news, says Tom Rosenstiel, director of the Project for
Excellence in Journalism. CNN spokeswoman Christa Robinson listed
the following size audiences for the three top cable news channels: CNN,
86 million homes; Fox News, 77 million; MSNBC, 73 million. 140
The Pew Research Centers biennial news survey, conducted among
slightly more than 3,000 adults shows that viewership of nightly network news has declined sharply, from 60% in 1993 to 32% in 2002, as
shown in Box 4.9. In April 2000, however, viewership was only 30%, indicating that the steady erosion of this audience may have abated.
Newspaper readership continues to inch downward, with a large portion of this decline occurring in the 35- to 49-year-old age category. Less
time per day is spent reading a newspaper, down from 19 minutes a day
in 1994 to 15 minutes in 2002.
Alternative Media
The traditional media of newspapers, network news, and local TV news have been joined by
cable TV news, TV news magazines, network morning news, call-in radio shows, and online
news. Some loosely call these newer media and formats the alternative media. To this
category are added such grocery store tabloids as the National Enquirer, niche
magazines, and a variety of program formats.
Audiences can now turn to mainstream talk radio, cable and directsatellite
newspapers and periodicals. Radio talk shows have multiplied and increased
their impact, as have television magazine programs such as 911, A Current Affair, and Hard Copy.141
Use of computer media, such as the
Internet and online services, is also expected to grow.142
Searching for alternative media for its political messages, the Bush
administration recently used niche magazines: President Bush appeared
in Runners World, a magazine he has been a fan of; White House lobbyist Nicholas E. Calio appeared in Wine Spectator; national security advisor Condoleezza Rice appeared in Vogue; and White House Spokesman
Ari Fleischer was on the cover of the alumni magazine of his alma mater.
The advantages of these niche magazines are several:
Box 4.9 Trends in Regular News Consumption
Local TV news
Cable TV news
Nightly network news
Network TV magazines
Network morning news
Call-in radio shows
National Public Radio
Online news
May 1993
April 1998
April 2002
Steve Crescenzo, Disneys Cheesey Public Relations, The Strategist, Vol. 3,
Fall 1987, pp. 17-21.
2. Richard Turner, Disney Hopes Retreat Is Better Part of Public Relations, Wall
Street Journal, September 30, 1994, p. B4. Also see background: Linda
Feldmann, Disney Theme Park Sparks New Civil War in Virginia, Christian
Science Monitor, June 28, 1994, p. 10; and Katharine Q. Seelye, A New Battle of
Manassas Is Under Way in the Senate, New York Times, June 22, 1994, p. A16.
3. Hunting Disney, Economist, February 14, 2004, p. 9.
4. Robert L. Dilenschneider, Forming a Distinctive Company Image, in
Dartnells Public Relations Handbook (Chicago: The Dartnell Corporation, 1996), p. 376.
5. Hedrick Smith, The Power Game: How Washington Works (New York: Ballantine,
1988), p. 401.
6. Ibid., pp. 402-409.
7. Alicia Mundy, Is the Press Any Match for Powerhouse PR? Business and Society Review, Vol. 87, Fall 1993, p. 34.
8. Ibid.
9. Lawrence K. Altman, The Doctor s World; Some Authors in Medical Journals
May Be Paid by Spin Doctors, New York Times, October 4, 1994, p. C3.
10. Ibid.
11. Emily Friedman, Medical World News, May 1991, pp. 16-18, as reported by
pr reporter, October 11, 1991.
12. Bill Carter, Anxious Pill Maker Puts ABC Interview of Its Chief on the Web,
New York Times, October 7, 1999, p. A23.
13. Ibid.
14. Howard Kurtz, Over-the-Counter Strategy; Preemptive Interview a Coup
for Metabolife, Washington Post, October 25, 1999, p. C1.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid.
17. Jamie Reno and John Leland, with Anne Underwood and Ana Figueroa,
Heavy Meddling, Newsweek, October 18, 1999, p. 56.
18. Otto Lerbinger, The Crisis Manager: Facing Risk and Responsibility (Mahwah,
N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997), p. 325.
19. Dean Brent Baker, interview by author, December 19, 1996.
20. Reporters Rate Web Pages, Public Relations Tactics, Vol. 3, August 1996, p. 19.
21. Melvin J. Thompson of Clarke & Company, a major Boston public relations
firm, gives the example of a story about a client filed with the wire services
by a Boston Globe writer. The firms computerized real time news monitoring, which it calls InfoAdvantage, spotted the story, and an immediate
critical review of it showed that it contained inaccuracies that were damaging to the client. There was time to call the writer and ask him to make a correction, which he was willing to do. Thompson explains that the firms
InfoAdvantage system works well for clients who receive much news coverage. When a client is facing a crisis, the computer printout is checked at least
every hour. One of the firms computers is dedicated to this service. Searches
are made for stories about both organizations and subject matter. Melvin J.
Thompson, vice president for interactive communication, telephone conversation with author on December 20, 1996.
22. Beth Snyder, Bad Rap: Companies Patrol Internet for Online Abuse, The
Freedom Forum Online, June 22, 1998.
23. Steve Ulfelder, Lies, Damn Lies, and the Internet Computerworld, July 14,
1998, p. 75. Among the companies that have been targeted are Sears,
Roebuck and Co., General Electric (the message was, Beware of GE Microwaves), AT&T (Deceptive PracticesKnow the Facts!), MCI Communications, Kmart, and Wal-Mart Stores (Best Buy is Consumer Unfriendly! and
Wal-Mart too!).
24. Marcia Stepanek, You Called Our Widget a What? Business Week, September 25, 2000, p. 188.
25. Ibid.
26. Ibid.
27. Shel Holtz, Public Relations on the Net, 2nd edition (New York: AMACOM,
2002), pp. 286-287.
28. Ibid.
29. Gary C. Woodward, Perspectives on American Political Media (Boston: Allyn &
Bacon, 1997), p. 40.
30. Ibid., p. 41. Woodward quotes Jack W. Germond and Jules Witcover, Whose
Broad Stripes and Bright Stars? The Trivial Pursuit of the Presidency, 1988 (New
York: Warner, 1989), p. 428.
31. Alicia C. Shepard, Talk Is Expensive, American Journalism Review, Vol. 16,
May 1994, pp. 20-27.
32. See Alicia Shepard, Take the Money and Talk, American Journalism Review,
Vol. 17, June 1995, pp. 18-25.
33. Allen H. Center and Frank E. Walsh, Chrysler/Consumers Union Square
Off, in Public Relations Practices: Managerial Case Studies and Problems, 3rd
edition (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1985), pp. 234-241.
34. Richard S. Dunham, book review by Howard Kurtz, Spin CycleInside the
Clinton Propaganda Machine (New York: Free Press, 1998), Business Week,
March 30, 1998, p. 17.
35. Herb Schmertz with William Novak, Good-Bye to the Low Profile: The Art of
Creative Confrontation (Boston: Little, Brown, 1986), p. 8.
36. Ibid.
37. The study was conducted by Florida International University (Miami) public
relations students. See pr reporter, December 3, 2001, p. 4.
38. Ibid., p. 102.
39. Ibid., p. 79.
40. Mundy, op. cit., p. 34.
41. See Watchdog Watch, American Journalism Review, Vol. 15, April 1993, pp.
32-34; Andrew Randolph, An Expensive Rebuttal, Editor & Publisher,
March 30, 1985, p. 13, in connection with Three Mile Island, showing a
double page ad by General Public Utilities in the Philadelphia Inquirer to protest the newspaper s stories on the companys safety procedures in cleaning
up the reactor.
42. The case is described in Taking the Offensive Against Trial by Television
, pr reporter, Vol. 25, February 23, 1981, p. 1.
43. The ad, titled Good News, is from a Kaiser Aluminum press kit.
44. Taking the Offensive Against Trial by Television, op. cit.
45. Kaiser at Last Gets Equal Time, pr reporter, Vol. 24, August 17, 1981, p. 2.
46. Stephan Lesher, Media Unbound (Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1982), p. 163.
47. Taking the Offensive Against Trial by Television, op. cit.
48. Smith, op. cit., p. 425.
49. Celaneses Hard-Line Media Strategy, pr reporter, Vol. 22, November 19,
1979, p. 3.
71. Kate Kelly, One Analyst Learns Candor Doesnt Pay, Wall Street Journal,
February 5, 2003, p. C1.
72. Michael Moss, Reverse Gocha: Companies Are Paying Big Fees to Get News
About Beat Reporters, Wall Street Journal, November 10, 1995, p. A1.
73. Ibid, p. A4.
74. Ibid.
75. Tedd Rodman, Technology in Public Relations Today, term paper (Corporate Public Affairs, Boston University, College of Communication, May 5,
76. Woodward, op. cit., p. 41.
77. Steve Singer, Auto Dealers Muscle the Newsroom, Washington Journalism
Review, Vol. 13, September 1991, pp. 24-28.
78. Ibid., p. 42.
79. Those who contend that this tactic is unwise can point to the fact that this
threat made matters worse for GM because host Phil Donahue disclosed the
attempt and publicized filmmaker Michael Moores charge that big U.S.
companies, and GM in particular, were selling out U.S. workers for profit.
Joseph B. White, GM Seeks to Keep Ads off Talk Show About Roger & Me,
Wall Street Journal, February 1, 1990, p. A6.
80. Russ Baker, The Squeeze, Columbia Journalism Review, 36, September-October 1997, p. 30. Also see G. Bruce Knecht, Hard Copy: Magazine Advertisers Demand Prior Notice of Offensive Articles, Wall Street Journal, April
30, 1997, p. A1.
81. Dave Phillips, Chrysler Drops Censorship Policy, Detroit News, October
14, 1997, p. B1.
82. G. Bruce Knecht, No Offense: Big Retail Chains Get Special Advance Looks at
Magazine Contents, Wall Street Journal, October 22, 1997, p. A1.
83. Ibid.
84. Ibid., p. A13.
85. For an excellent summary of this case, see P&G, News Leaks, and The Wall
Street Journal, Parts (A) and (B), in Raymond Simon and Frank Winston
Wylie, Cases in Public Relations Management (Lincolnwood, Ill.: NTC Business
Books, 1994), pp. 11-23.
86. Peter Foster, Anticorporate Crusader, Canadian Business, January 1994, p.
87. James S. Hirsch and Mil Geyelin, P&G Says Inquiry on Leak to Journal Was
Done Properly, Wall Street Journal, August 13, 1991, p. A3.
88. James S. Hirsch, P&G Search for News Leak Led to Sweep of Phone System
Wider Than Thought, Wall Street Journal, August 15, 1991, p. A3.
89. Simon and Wylie, op. cit., p. 22.
90. A simple definition in a high school text, Norman B. Moyes, Journalism
(Lexington, Mass.: Ginn & Company, 1984), p. 5. He adds that news usually
concerns events that have just occurred or are about to occur.
91. Carole M. Howard and Wilma K. Mathews, On Deadline: Managing Media Relations, 2nd edition (Prospect Heights, Ill.: Waveland Press, 1994), p. 15.
92. Bernard Rubin and Associates, Big Business and the Mass Media (Lexington,
Mass.: Lexington Books, 1977), p. 77.
93. Technical formulas are used to measure readability. See Dennis L. Wilcox and
Lawrence W. Nolte, Public Relations Writing and Media Techniques (New York:
Harper & Row, 1990), p. 446.
94. Oscar H. Gandy, Jr., Beyond Agenda Setting: Information Subsidies and Public
Policy (Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 1982), p. ix.
Media: Broadcast Appearances
This attribute of visual communication is exploited in negative political advertising. Jamieson describes the Bush campaigns famous Willie
Horton ad, which dramatized the message that George Bush was tough
on crime and Michael Dukakis was soft on crime. A bright picture of a
smiling Bush says, Bush supports the death penalty for first-degree
murderers. A dark photo of Dukakis (in which his hair is unkempt)
then appears and a voice says, Dukakis not only opposes the death penalty, he allows first-degree murderers to have weekend passes from
prison.10 The emotional words kidnapping, stabbing, and raping
appear on the screen with Hortons picture, and the announcer adds,
Horton fled, kidnaping a young couple, stabbing the man and repeatedly
showed a bleak prison scene and then cut to a procession of convicts
circling through a revolving gate and marching toward the nations living rooms.11
for judging political discourseare absent in this political ad. An assertion made in a 30-second ad is not the same as argument, which is
backed up by facts and logical reasoning intended to demonstrate the
truth or legitimacy of a proposition. Argument takes more time than a
sound bite allows.12
Gone, however, are the hour-long speeches typical of the 19th century, which allowed the advancement of the argument. In 1988, an
average stump speech was under 17 minutes, answers in debates between 1 and 2 minutes, candidate sound bites on CBS, ABC, and NBC
evening news programs 9.8 seconds, and presidential campaign ads 30
Candidates have learned to speak in sound bites. Even
low-key Walter Mondale, in a debate with Gary Hart in 1984, skewered his opponent by saying, When I hear your new ideas, Im reminded of that ad, Wheres the beef?14 Because political debates do
not allow sufficient time for in-depth arguments, beef is in short
supply. The criterion of engagementa process of comparison that
enables audiences to determine which argument has the greater
forcewas thus violated.15
At least accountability was present because the audience heard words spoken by the actual candidates and
not some faceless announcer as in the Willie Horton ads.
If corporations were allowed to present advocacy ads on television,
the marketplace of ideas would be in jeopardy of deteriorating into
the kind of abbreviated sound bites characteristic of political advertising. In broadcast appearances by corporate executives and other employees, however, accountability is at least assured, and depending on
the professionalism of the interviewer, arguments may be demanded.
On programs such as the Lehrer News Hour, where both sides of an issue
are typically presented, engagement is also possible. However, as participants in broadcast appearances become increasingly sophisticated,
the pressure to win an argument drives them to copy the methods of political
campaigning, as a subsequent section on learning how to speak TV will demonstrate.
With increased opportunities to appear on radio and television talk
shows, executives and spokespersons, such as scientists, are learning to
take advantage of the semicontrol they can exercise through these access media. The challenges in dealing with these media are (a) to select
those that best reach desired audiences and (b) to enlarge the semicontrol aspect in your favor.
There is no lack of broadcast stations in the United States. As of September 2002, there
were 1,714 television stations and 13,296 radio stations.16 Network television talk shows
include Good Morning America, The Today Show, CBS This Morning, The
Tonight Show With Jay Leno, Larry King Live, Late Show With David
Letterman, and Sunday Today. Syndicated shows include Geraldo, Oprah, Regis and
Kelly, Maury Povich, Sally Jesse Raphael, and Jenny Jones.17
Talk radio has also flourished, as these facts show:
right questions and not remembering their objective. She suggests that once a
question is asked, acknowledge it and then bridge to the answer that furthers
your objective.)47
Focus on what you want to tell. Dont be afraid to cover something. Dont feel compelled to respond to every question if its not
in your interest.48
Remember the advice of Paul Bender, Boeings public relations director: You can control any interview.
Learning How to Speak TV
Because television is a mass medium, many people who appear forget
that theyre having a conversation, not making a speech or a statement, says Clarence Jones in How to Speak TV.49 You have to think of
the TV audience as one or two people sitting in their living room
about 6 or 7 feet away. Talk to the camera, but if youre being interviewed, people expect you to look at the reporter who asked the question and not at them.
More than 10,000 people are interviewed each day for television news, says Jones. If
you are one of them, he offers these formulas for improving your performance:
1. Condense, condense, condense. Dealing with electronic journalism requires a completely different mind-set than dealing with print
media. Time is the master. Most stories run 30 seconds or less and a
major story only 90 seconds. Story forms are dictated by findings
that the attention span of most adults is 20 to 30 seconds. One exercise, therefore, is to try to say in one sentence everything you feel or
know about a difficult subject. Then pad it out to make 20 or 30 seconds. One-liners are guaranteed to air!
2. Apply the FACE formula. F is for feels. When youre on camera,
reciting facts or figures is out. Tell it with graphs and charts instead.
Or use analogies such as The money we spend treating this disease
would buy everybody in the state a new Cadillac this year. What
television is interested in is having you say how something feels. But
beware: Dont lose your temper on camera, particularly with a
young reporter or employee. People expect leaders to be patient.
A is for analysis. Youre the expert, so give people your opinion on a subject., but do it
in short, simple sentences. Avoid parenthetical thoughts and phrases (e.g., As I said
earlier ) that make a sentence too long for television.
C is for revolving your story around one of six broad categoriesthe
Cs: catastrophe, crisis, conflict, crime, corruption, and color (the television term for human interest). For example,
a school board member might say at a budget hearing, Looks to me
like the school superintendent has sold out [corruption] to the real-
tors who are fighting this tax increase [conflict]. If this tax is not approved, we may have to shut down some of our schools [crisis].
E is for energy. You must project that you truly believe what youre saying.50
Keeping a message simple and attention getting is key. Hannaford
tells us to avoid the jargon of your own business or profession. For example, dont, as an educator once did, use the term primarily modular
learning environment when what is really meant is classroom. 51 In the
preparation of statements for broadcast, Michael M. Klepper teaches
how to rephrase statements into an abbreviated, attention-grabbing
opening. Instead of saying, George Ellis, chairman of the XYZ Plastics
Corporation, has just returned from Europe where, he says, plastics are
easily burned in clean, modern incinerators, he suggests saying, Plastics! How can we dispose of them? Some say we cant. George Ellis says
we can.52
Looking Your Best on TV
Hannaford and others give the following advice about looking your best on television:
Wear blues, grays, and pastels. Avoid wearing anything black or
white; bright reds may also be a problem. Other solids or clothing
with small patterns are safest; herringbone patterns, plaids,
checks, or stripes create a lot of visual activity in the scene.
Wear socks that are long enough to reach under your pants.
Women should wear simple, small pieces of jewelry and should
avoid wearing sparkling, glittery jewelry or noisy bracelets. Also
avoid dangling earrings that distract the audience. Men should
avoid giant, glistening gold tie clasps.
Men should use a little powder or natural base makeup to cover the
blue outline of their beards. Women should use normal makeup but
avoid dark reds or maroons because they are accented by the camera.
When sitting in a chair in television appearances, sit in the front
part of the chair and lean forward because this shows involvement
and interest.
Dont look too slick; audiences respond to someone they can relate to.
Use hands to gesture, up to a point. Avoid such body language and
habits as wriggling in your seat or putting hands in your pocket.
Maintain eye contact with the interviewer; do not look at the camera. Looking at another guest who is speaking is permissible, but
afterward look at the interviewer.
Smile whenever possible, except when it would be considered insensitive.53
By observing the techniques of successful
broadcast appearances, corporate executives can greatly enhance the amount of control they have
in conveying their messages to radio and television audiences. Semicontrol is an apt term for this process. There is never complete control,
but a skilled communicator can operate somewhere in the range of 50%
to 80% percent control.
1. Larry King, with Mark Stencel, On the Line: The New Road to the White House
(New York: Harcourt Brace, 1993), p. 147.
2. Ibid., p. 96.
3. Ibid., p. 73.
4. John A. Bace, Broadcast Media Relations, in The Handbook of Strategic Public
Relations & Integrated Communications, ed. Clarke L. Caywood (New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1977), p. 78.
5. James E. Grunig and Todd Hunt, Managing Public Relations (New York: Holt,
Rinehart & Winston, 1984), p. 149. The authors credit Herbert E. Krugman
for this concept. See The Impact of Television Advertising: Learning Without
Involvement, Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 29, 1965, pp. 349-345, and,
with Eugene L. Hartley, Passive Learning From Television, Public Opinion
Quarterly, Vol. 34, 1970, pp. 184-190.
6. Robert Kubrey and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Television Addiction Is No Mere
Metaphor, Scientific American, No. 286, February 2002, pp. 74-80.
7. Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Dirty Politics: Deception, Distraction, and Democracy
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), pp. 9-10.
8. Ibid., p. 60.
9. Ibid., p. 53.
10. Ibid., p. 17.
11. Ibid., pp. 18-19.
12. Ibid., p. 216.
13. Ibid., p. 206.
14. Ibid., p. 209.
15. Ibid., p. 216.
Broadcast Station Total as of September 30, 2002, November 6, 2002.
17. Rene A. Henry, Jr., Marketing Public Relations: The Hows That Make It Work
(Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1995), p. 104.
18. Timothy Egan, Triumph Leaves No Targets for Conservative Talk Shows,
New York Times, January 1, 1995, p. 1.
19. Rebecca Pirto, Why Radio Thrives, American Demographics, Vol. 16, May
1994, p. 42.
20. Egan, op. cit., p. 1.
21. Of All Media, the Most Powerful Are Talk Show Hosts Because Theyre the
Most Personal, pr reporter, Vol. 35, June 8, 1992, p. 3.
22. Egan, op. cit., p. 1.
23. Ibid., p. 22.
24. Joe Conason, Big Lies: The Right-Wing Propaganda Machine and How It Distorts the Truth (New York: St. Martins, 2003), p. 47.
25. Mark Preston, On the Air in 04: A Liberal Voice, Roll Call, October 27,
2003. Internet.
26. Howard Fineman, The Power of Talk, Newsweek, February 8, 1993, p. 24.
27. Allen R. Myerson, Are Fallen Barons Victims of Their Press Clippings? New
York Times, February, 7, 1993, p. F7.
28. Ibid.
29. Timothy Egan, Talk Radio or Hate Radio? Critics Assail Some Hosts, New
York Times, January 1, 1995, p. 22.
30. Ibid.
31. The study was conducted by Richard Manville, Inc., for Brouillard Communications, a division of J. Walter Thompson Company, 420 Lexington Ave.,
New York, NY 10017. See news release dated October 5, 1981. The very
largest companiesthose with $1 billion or more in annual salesshowed
the highest rate (74%) of participation. Seventy-two percent favored using
broadcast interviews to communicate company policy; only 15% were opposed. More than 60 companies moved to this proactive policy during the
preceding 5 years.
32. Retail PeopleMedia Training, Retail Week, November 9, 2002, p. 43.
33. Ibid.
34. From an announcement of an April 11 and 12, 1994, event by the National
Media Relations Forum, P.O. Box 2189, Berkely, Calif. 94702.
35. Virgil Scudder, Media TrainingGetting It Right, Public Relations Tactics,
May 2003, p. 14.
36. Ibid.
37. The Media Training Mavens, PR Week, April 5, 2000, p. 21.
38. Edith Terry and Bradley Hitchings, Learning to Shine in the Limelight,
BusinessWeek, July 18, 1986, p. 88.
39. Based on a report by Karen Carney in a crisis communication class at Boston
Universitys College of Communication, October 5, 1999
40. Associated Press, Pakistani Child Labor Used on UNICEF Tools, CBS Says,
Seattle Post-Intelligencer [Online], April 6, 1995.
41. Herb Schmertz, with William Novak, Good-Bye to the Low Profile: The Art of
Creative Confrontation (Boston: Little, Brown, 1986), pp. 102-117.
42. Herb Schmertz, Talking Back to Mike Ambush and Harry Reasonable,
Across the Board, Vol. 23, June 1986, pp. 60-66. Also see Edith Terry and
Bradley Hitching, Learning to Shine in the Limelight, BusinessWeek, July 7,
1986, pp. 88-89.
43. Lori Robertson, The Art of Self-Defense, American Journalism Review, Vol.
24, April 2002, pp. 46-51.
44. Marshall McLuhan, Media Hot and Cold, in Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man (New York: New American Library, 1964), pp. 36-45.
45. Peter Hannaford, Talking Back to the Media (New York: Facts on File, 1986),
pp. 46-47.
46. Ibid., p. 59.
47. Ibid., p. 60.
48. There Are Only 2 Reasons to Meet the Press, pr reporter, Vol. 32, January
23, 1989, p. 4.
49. Clarence Jones, How to Speak TV (Marathon, Fla.: Video Consultants, 1983),
p. 22.
50. Ibid., pp. 23-25.
public goodwill and enhance its reputation. Product advertising is not included in
corporate advertising.
Political issue advertising should be distinguished from advocacy
advertising, although the line between them is not always clear. A clear
but narrow definition of issue advertising in politics is that it supports
the election of a candidate or political party. However, issue advertising may be used by business, labor, and other interest groups to influence public opinion positions that are espoused by particular
pharmaceutical giant Pfizer
broadcast its own issue advertisement on prescription drug affordability in
seven congressional battleground states. It did so up front rather than
working through various organizations. 4 Anytime an ongoing public
policy issue, such as privatization of Social Security, becomes a campaign issue, the line between advocacy advertising and political issue
advertising becomes muddied.
30-second advertisement, prepared by the Bush administration, assuring
Medicare beneficiaries that the new Medicare prescription drug law
passed in 2003 would not affect them in any way except to provide
more benefits. The government planned to spend $9.5 million to run
the ad on national network and cable programs over 6 weeks. Democratic members of Congress and some liberal advocacy groups, however, complained, saying the ad amounted to a taxpayer-subsidized
political commercial for the administration. CBS consequently stopped
running the ads while the accuracy of the ad was investigated by Congresss General Accounting Office.5
When the tobacco industry runs an ad to oppose a congressional
antismoking bill, that is an advocacy ad intended to influence congressional votes. However, when an antismoking bill ad appears in the context of political campaigning and, as occurred during the spring and
summer of 1998, the ad shows a voter who pledges to remember this
fall what the politicians do this summer, the ad crosses over into a political ad. This and other ads were shown in five markets of choice, including Atlanta, Denver, and St. Louis, which happen to be markets
where Republican senators who opposed the bill were up for election.
Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) told his fellow Republican colleagues
that the industry would advertise to support those who voted against
the bill.6 Issue advertising of this kind is no longer clear advocacy advertising but crosses the line to political issue advertising, a controversial
subject discussed in chapter 11.
In 2002 various organizations spent a total of $645 million on
ads, up from $520 million the year before, according to TNS
telligence/CMR.7 Much of this money is spent in the nations capital.
Media in-
The Annenberg School study, Print and Television Legislative Issue Advertising in the Nations Capital in 2001, states that more than $45 million
was spent by about 375 advocacy groups on ads designed to influence
federal policymakers. About half of it was spent to purchase print or
television issue ads in the Washington, DC, media market. 8 This is certainly a growing niche, said Linda Dove, senior vice president at the
Washington office of the American Association of Advertising Agencies.
Many of the largest public relations firms maintain advocacy practices
in the Washington, DC, area, as well as a slew of political shops that specialize in the practice. Among the large firms are WPP Groups BursonMarsteller,
and independent Edelman.9
Corporations and business interest groups are the major sponsors of
advocacy ads. Their superiority in economic resources gives them a
relative advantage over nonbusiness interest groups in being able to
afford such ads. Energy and power, education, telecommunications,
and health care issues lead in the capital area, accounting for 61% of
the total spending there. The top spender in 2001 was Balanced Energy
Choices, which spent more than $5 million on ads promoting coal as
affordable, clean, efficient and reliable. 10
As shown by the Annenberg study, of the $15.4 million spent on issues relating to national energy policy, about 94% ($14.5 million) came
from energy and business interests; environmental interests accounted
for a mere 6%. The largest spender promoting the presidents policy was
the Alliance for Energy and Economic Growth, whose members include
the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the American Gas Association, the
American Petroleum Institute, BP, Chevron Texaco, and other energy
firms and associations. In contrast to the $1 million spent by them, the
environmental coalition Save Our Environment, the largest spender in
opposition, spent only about $40,000. The spending pattern was reversed, however, on the issue of the Arctic National Wildlife Preserve
with ads opposing its development beating out those in favor of drilling
with 53% of total spending, led by the National Audubon Society.11
Although most interest groups find the cost of ads prohibitive and
save their dollars for public relations activities, in a recent trend some
interest groups are willing to budget for ads supporting their views because they recognize the effectiveness of advocacy advertising. People
for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) was an early adopter of corporate advertising techniques. Grassroots flavor and moral weight can
no longer compete with the polished, engaging tone of consumer advertising, said Dan Mathews, PETAs vice president for campaigns. PETA
learned over a decade ago in its antifur campaign that an ad showing
models posing in the buff was much more effective than showing animals writhing in leg-hold traps. Once upon a time, when hippies ruled
the earth, you wanted to avoid looking too slick, said Mathews, Nowadays, slick is the only thing that much of the masses understand. 12
Further impetus may have been given to interest group advertising by
CNN follows a similar policy. It refused to air a pair of 30-second announcements from two Jewish groups, saying, CNN does not take international advocacy ads concerning regions in conflict. This is the same
policy we applied when turning down ads that dealt with Egypt, Qatar,
UAE and Saudi Arabia. The ad read: America is Israels only real ally in
the Middle East. Israel is a democracy that respects the rights of individuals and gives all citizens a right to vote. All peopleChristians, Muslims, and Jewsenjoy freedom of religion, press and speech.
Disagreeing with CNN, The American Jewish Committee and Israel 21
said the TV spots stress common values between America and Israel and
should not be classified as issue advocacy.18
Fortunately for users of advocacy advertising, these network policies
have not been forced on local television stations, nor does cable television follow them. These outlets are often willing, and even eager, to accept advocacy ads. For example, only 3 of 14 television stations in
Michigan rejected the Right to Life adoption reform ads. One reason
broadcasters give for viewing advocacy advertising more positively is
that it looks tame and is less likely to upset viewers compared with the
trend toward below-the-belt political advertising.
Although a common explanation for rejection of ads is that controversial issues are best handled in regular news programs where balanced treatment can be provided, it is clear broadcasters accept or reject
ads on the basis of a mixture of economic and political considerations.
For example, when WNBC in 1990 rejected a 30-second ad from Neighbor to Neighbor, a national group that favors ending U.S. investments
in El Salvador, David Vacheron, standards and license manager for
WNBC, explained, There was no proof for the ads claim that American
aid was used to murder four Jesuit priests and 40,000 other innocent civilians in El Salvador. 19 Another factor may have been the fear of offending Procter & Gamble. The network had good grounds for this fear:
when WHDH in Boston ran a Neighbor to Neighbor spot in which consumers were urged to boycott P&Gs Folgers coffee, the company canceled approximately $750,000 in annual advertising at the station. 20
Print Media More Hospitable Toward Advocacy Ads
In contrast to television, free-speech protection allows the print media
to accept all kinds of politically and socially controversial ads following
the argument that pages are readily available, whereas broadcast frequencies are limited relative to the many who wish to use them. Nevertheless, because advocacy ads are attacked by those who feel offended, a
newspaper may also restrict such advertising. For example, on
Thanksgiving Day in 1991, Minneapolis Star Tribune published an ad
by the Citizens Committee to Stop the Northwest Airlines Loan, asking
readers to voice their dissent regarding government loans. Northwest
Airlines was outraged, but the newspaper pointed out it could not limit
its ads to those with which the paper agrees.21
having a single concept and long-term focus. Judgment and skill are ob viously required to
translate these attributes into the design and composition of an ad.
Additional variables are described in an academic study conducted in a
classroom. Students were asked to contact their congresspersons to help
defeat impending legislation that would ban saccharin. The study found
that students considered a message in an advocacy ad more interesting
and informative, and hence more persuasive, than a news story. This
finding refutes the general belief that a news story about a controversial
subject is more effective than a similar message in a paid advertisement
because the source of the latter is assumed to be biased. Furthermore,
what can make an ad more effective is its superior formatlayout, larger
type size, and straightforward presentation. The study also refuted the
premise that a corporate source has lower credibility. For example, ads by
Pepsi were as effective in inducing written correspondence to congresspersons as ads attributed to the American Cancer Society.61
Two cases, those of Allstate Insurance and W. R. Grace & Company,
suggest circumstances when advocacy advertising can affect behavior.
Ray Ewing, former director of Allstates issues management effort, reported that a 1971 ad headlined New York State Supports Auto
Thieves influenced one key person at the time: Governor Nelson
Rockefeller. Reporting on the ad to the governor, his staff interpreted it
as implying the insurance industry might oppose his upcoming bid for
reelection. After the ad was run, Rockefeller announced that although
he would not include a title law in his legislative package, he would not
oppose one either. The law was passed that session. 62
In the second case, W. R. Graces Disincentivization of America campaign, the then director of advertising, Stephen Elliott, concluded,
While many other factors were at work regarding this issue, Grace believes the campaign was an influential contributor to the congressional
action which reduced the capital gains tax to 20 percent instead of the
proposed increase to 52 percent. 63
be noted of this
4-month campaign is advocacy advertising was coordinated with press
relations and with formal and informal contacts with congressmen and
senators. Each ad was keyed to specific issues debated in Congress at the
time. Readers were asked to write to their member of Congress on the
capital gains tax issue. Direct mail, which included ad reprints and a
supplemented the newspaper ads. The targets of direct mail were U.S. congressmen and senators, chief executives of Fortune 1000 companies, and
editors of 665 U.S. newspapers. A by-product of the campaign was
widespread publicity.64
Conditions That Enhance Effectiveness
A fair conclusion to the debate over the effectiveness of
tising is that it can be effectiveeven to the point of influencing atti-
tudes and behaviorif carefully designed and under special conditions, such as the
1. The ad is part of a larger public affairs campaign and thus supplemented by such activities as proactive media relations, grassroots
lobbying, and political action committee (PAC) contributions. As
stated by Joseph Klapper in the early literature of communication
theory, mass communication is a contributory agent, but not the
sole cause in producing attitudinal and behavioral changes. 65
2. The advertiser has high source credibility. Often this means the
company has a history of public communication and does not try
to reach the public only during a crisis. Recognizing they have to
build credibility slowly, some companies begin by talking about
things of interest to their audiences and with which they can agree.
3. The ad is based on facts and persuasive reasoning, not flag-waving, posturing, and preaching. One reason the Harry and Louise
ads were so effective is that of the $15 million the Health Insurance
Association of America (HIAA) spent on the campaign, between
$300,000 and $400,000 went for survey research. The aim was to
find message themes that bridged the concerns of HIAA with those
of the public. Focus groups tested the wording of the message and
the setting; for example, Harry and Louise were found to be more
persuasive when seated at their kitchen table than on a sofa in their
living room.66
4. The ad creates interest and involvement by talking in
audiences own life and the things that are important to them.
5. Present both sides of an issue. Because the less attractive facts
about your firm or industry are likely already known, critics can
be defused by the ads admitting these.67
6. Initiate layout innovations and develop a signature style. 68
7. Use targeted messages and media whenever possible. For example,
DuPont began running Voice of the American Farm ads on television, on radio, in major newspapers, and in farming publications
that focus mainly on farm issues, problems, and solutions. 69
A review of political campaign ads (see chap. 11) suggests other ways in which advocacy
ads can be effective.
Some trends in advocacy advertising also affect image advertising, which is a major
part of overall corporate advertising. Image advertising is about the character of a
corporation. Its objectives are to increase public familiarity with a company, improve
attitudes toward it, and associate favorable personality traits with it. Image advertising
supports advocacy advertising when favorable attitudes toward a company increase the
credibility of its issue messages.
Image ads can also be used to influence regulatory decisions while not
explicitly advocating legislation. In 1998 several utility companies with
expiring licences to operate nuclear plants were seeking 40-year license
To help them, the Nuclear Energy Institute launched an
image campaign that positioned nuclear power as a safe and environment- friendly energy source. Ads were targeted at influentials through
publications such as The New York Times, Washington Post, the Economist,
New Republic, and Atlantic Monthly. The ads tagline is Nuclear: More
Than You Ever Imagined. The ads promote nuclear power as safe, efficient, and clean. Radio spots were also used on popular radio shows
such as Don Imus.71
Corporate Branding
A fundamental change in the nature of corporate ads during the 1990s
holds implications for both image and advocacy advertising. There is
more corporate branding than corporate image, says James R. Gregory, a consultant hired by the Association of National Advertisers. Corporate branding is more marketing-oriented, much more aggressive,
much more savvy. In contrast, image ads are viewed as fluff and not really valuable, except for self-gratification. That type of corporate advertising is eyewash and people dont pay attention to it. Furthermore,
says Gregory, corporate image ads are the chairman of the company and
the 100th anniversary of the company; theyre past tense. What people are interested in is the future, the companys vision. 72
Branding is also distinguished from identity, which is concerned
with defining and shaping the entity behind the brand. Identity concentrates on management and leadership as opposed to marketing. In
other words, the difference between branding and identity, as in the
corporate context, is who is doing the talking as opposed to what they
are talking about. With corporate identity, public image both inside
and outside of an organization is of great importance as well. For instance, Philip Morris has yet to shake Philip Morris, tobacco company. To remove this stigma placed on it by the public, Philip Morris
has come up with a new nameAltria (meaning higher in Latin). The
logo accompanying the new name is a mosaicinspired by a compartmented shelf in the Philip Morris corporate reception area that features packages sold by its several companies. The new symbol is both
appropriate and fun, with its splashes of color representing the multiplicity and diversity of Altria.73
Schmertz says fundamental changes in the marketplace dictate a more
compelling response than companies have been making; the public wants
to know more about a company than just the quality of its goods and services. People want to know who the company is, what it stands for, and
how it differs from the competition. They also want to know why the
company is relevant to them. 74 A corporation must speak with a clear, coherent, and distinctive voice. It can spring from a powerful corporate
Advocacy advertising provides corporations with another way to gain
control over the mass mediaby buying space or time to disseminate
chosen messages to the general public or a selective audience. Although
most organizations have this privilege, only those who can pay can use
it. Large corporations, with their considerable wealth, have a comparative advantage over others. Even if a corporation is willing to pay for an
adversarys reply, as Mobil has done, it has the upper hand because it
sets the agenda.
Although advocacy advertisings ability to influence attitudes and
behavior on a particular issue is questionable, it does more than simply
attract attention to an issue. Together with other forms of corporate advertising, such as image advertising, it keeps the public aware of the corporate presence in society. This awareness can serve the function of
legitimizing an individual corporation, an industry, and the business
system as a whole. Whether it succeeds depends on the public acceptability of its messages. Too often the public is told what the corporation
is against but not for what the corporation stands.
Marc Rosenberg, The Power of Advocacy Advertising in Newspapers, Editor
& Publisher, February 11, 1995, p. 48.
2. S. Prakash Sethi, Advocacy Advertising and Large Corporations: Social Conflict,
Big business Image, the News Media, and Public Policy (Lexington, Mass:
Lexington Books, 1977), p. 7.
3. Stuart Elliott, The Media Business: Advertising, New York Times, January
18, 1995, p. D5.
4. Jonathan Weisman, Adopting Union Tactics, Firms Dive More Deeply Into
Politics; Employees Targeted With Voter Guides, Turnout Efforts, Washington Post, October 24, 2002, p. A08.
Robert Pear, CBS Pulls Advertisement on Medicare Prepared by Administration, New York Times, February 14, 2004, p. A20.
6. Jeffrey Taylor, Is Tobacco Industry Playing Politics With Issue Ads?, Wall
Street Journal, September 1, 1998, p. A20.
7. Lisa van der Pool, Ad Units of PR Shops Seek More Advocacy Work, Marsteller
Adds Specialist in D.C. to Chase Growing Niche, Ad Week, October 6, 2003, p. 9.
8. Peter Roff, Study: $45m Spent on Issue Ads in D.C., United Press International, January 7, 2003. The study was conducted by the Annenberg Center
at the University of Pennsylvania. To be included in the study, the ads had to
run in 2001 in the Washington Times, Washington Post, The Hill, Congress Daily
AM, or Roll Call, all of which are Washington publications read by significant
numbers of legislators, federal officials, and others who have an influence on
public policy formulation.
9. Van der Pool, op. cit.
10. Roff, op. cit.
11. Study Finds Energy Issues Account for Most Policy Advertising, Oil Daily
[Online], June 19, 2003.
12. Ibid.
13. Lucia Moses, Advocacy-Ad Dollars Flow, Editor & Publisher Magazine,
March 3, 2003, p. 4.
14. Nat Ives, The Media Business: Advertising; Unions and Advocacy Groups
Are Putting a Madison Avenue Finesse on Their Protest Ads, New York Times,
December 26, 2002, p. C3.
15. Joann S. Lublin, TV Networks Gingerly Lift Prohibition on Issue Ads,
Wall Street Journal, January 15, 1990, p. B1.
16. Pear, op. cit. Also see CBS Statement on Advocacy Advertising, PR Newswire, January 28, 2004.
17. Anti-Bush Ads Rejected by CBS Are Slated to Air on CNN During Super
Bowl, Knight Ridder Tribune Business News, January 30, 2004, p. 1. Also
see Danna Harman, Advertising or Advocating?, Christian Science Monitor,
February 20, 2004, p. 11.
18. Jennifer Harper, CNN Rejects Ads by Jewish Groups, The Washington Times,
September 20, 2002, p. AO8.
19. Lublin, op. cit.
20. Ibid.
21. James A. Diazi and Carol VanOrnum, Star Tribune Cannot Limit Ads to
Those It Agrees With, Star Tribune, December 5, 1991, p. 25A.
22. Sethi, op. cit.
23. Herbert Schmertz, letter to editor of pr reporter, January 3, 1978.
24. Ibid.
25. Irwin Ross, Public Relations Isnt Kid-Glove Stuff at Mobil, Fortune, September 1976, pp. 106-111, 196-202.
26. Mobil A Case History, Brochure, No. PR1102, prepared by Time, 1976.
27. Top Line, Madison Avenue, Vol. 25, February 8, 1983, p. 32.
28. Ibid.
29. Ibid., p. 36.
30. Wall Street Journal, November 12, 1999, p. C24.
31. Ibid., p. 34.
32. Donald S. Stroetzel, Why Mobil Uses Advocacy Advertising, Public Affairs
Review, Vol. 3, 1982, pp. 32-33.
33. Ross, op. cit.
34. Nuclear Industry Seeks to Activate Silent Supporters, ODwyers Report,
Vol. 12, September 1998, pp. 1, 49.
A long-term corporate strategy is gradually to change the behavior of journalists and news
organizations by exerting various kinds of pressures on them, with the aim of reforming
their policies and practices. This strategy extends the short-term options already discussed
taking full advantage of current media practices, outsmarting the media, and buying
time and space in the media.
The new strategy is to hold the media accountable to their own journalistic standards and the same laws and standards of society the media
expect others to uphold. Unfortunately, many reporters reflect the attitude attributed to them by William Greider at a seminar: Are the news
media responsible to their audience? Are they responsible for what their
audience knows and understands? A dozen reporters and TV types
said, Hell no, thats not what we do. We do news. 1
Greider s cynical comment overlooks a major development in the
past decade: a significant increase in media reporting and media criticism. In Media Ethics & Accountability Systems, 2 Claude-Jean Bertrand
considers these forms of self-regulation as part of larger media
accountability systems, which he defines as any non-State means of
making media responsibility towards the public. 3
Included among
these systems are press councils, codes of ethics, journalism reviews,
media issues. He urges media owners, media professionals, and media
consumers to hold the news media accountable.
Some of these systems flourished in the late 1960s and early 1970s
when social unrest grew. During this time and after, however, media
criticism languished because the news media turned blind eyes on the
failings of colleagues. That changed in the mid-1990s when there was
an absolute explosion of the genre of media reporting and media criticism in the United States. 4 The New York Times, the Washington Post, the
Boston Globe, and other leading newspapers now regularly report on
media behavior. Magazines like Time and The New Yorker and broadcast
media like CNNs Reliable Sources and National Public Radios weekly On
the Media. also engage in media criticism. 5 As stated by the Washington
Posts Howard Kurtz, the essence of his job was to hold journalists
and news organizations accountable.6
Media self-criticism has become more urgent as several major newspapers admitted that their reporters violated journalistic standards. To
its great embarrassment, the prestigious New York Times faced a scandal
over years of journalistic fraud committed by its reporter Jayson Blair.
On May 11, 2003, the paper published a long article describing his
widespread fabrication and plagiarism in at least 36 of 73 articles
written since he started writing national news stories. These stories included the Washington-area sniper shootings and stories about the
families of U.S. military personnel serving in Iraq. While he was in New
York, his stories contained datelines from elsewhere. The management
style of its top editors and the paper s internal processes were also at
fault. Intent on pushing affirmative action, Howell Raines, the paper s
an African American,
encouragement and support. A culture had evolved at the New York Times that
failed to respond to reported suspicions by staff members about Blair s
reporting. Taking responsibility, Raines and Gerald M. Boyd, the managing editor, resigned after 5 weeks of furor over the Blair affair. Raines
gets credit, however, for the paper s winning of eight Pulitzer Prizes
during the 2 years he was in charge of the newsroom.7
A similar problem of story fabrications occurred at USA Today, where
one of the newspapers star reporters, foreign correspondent Jack
Kelley, was found to have dishonestly reported dozens of articles between 1991 and 2003 and having stolen at least 100 passages from
other publications, some word for word. It was another case of the
Golden Boy syndrome: executives coddling a charming and charismatic star performer and ignoring repeated warnings about the reliability of his work from outsiders and insiders. The held perception in the
newsroom was that Kelley was untouchable, partly because a careerism culture at the paper led some editors to put career concerns above
the integrity of the news report. 8
Other publications had also reported failures of journalistic ethics.
Stephen Glass, who was associate editor at the New Republic, invented
27 of the 41 articles he wrote; Mike Barnicle, a veteran Boston Globe columnist, resigned after he was charged with plagiarism and fabrication;
Patricia Smith, another Boston Globe columnist, was asked to resign after admitting she invented people and quotations; and CNN producers
April Oliver and Jack Smith were fired after reporting an unsupportable
two-part special accusing the Pentagon of using nerve gas against U.S.
Army defectors in Laos in 1970.9
Finally, the vaunted CBS, once considered the nations top broadcast
news division, suffered an embarrassing lapse of professional journalism. In his September 8, 2004, report For the Record, Dan Rather
claimed on CBSs 60 Minutes that memos proved that President Bush
shirked his National Guard Service duty. The story had special significance because it was aired in the heat of the presidential election. Within
hours of the broadcast, the CBS report was attacked, starting with conservative websites that pointed to suspect typography (suggesting that
the typing was by a modern printer). Rather stood by the story and
CBS brushed aside criticism.10 Finally, after 12 days, CBS said the use
of the documents was a mistake and Dan Rather admitted that CBS
could no longer vouch for the authenticity of the news. He apologized,
I want to say personally and directly, Im sorry for the story. The
source of the documents, Bill Burkett, a retired and disgruntled National
Guard lieutenant colonel, who confessed he misled the network about
where he had obtained the documents but wouldnt say where they
came from.11
A subsequent scathing 224-page report from an independent review
panel held Mary Mapes, an award-winning producer, mainly responsible. It said that carelessness and myopic zeal tainted the CBS production. In her zeal to defend the story, the report said, she ignored or
brushed aside legitimate concerns about the story regarding how thoroughly she personally vetted the documents and their source. Bob Steele
of the Poynter Institute for Media Studies cited other failures: heavy reliance on Burkett, who had written scathing online commentaries about
Bush, and failure to uphold its ethical responsibility to interview key
people, such as the secretary of the supposed writer of the documents,
before rushing to air.12 After the reports release, CBS fired Mapes and
asked three senior news executives to resign. Dan Rather escaped punitive action; he had previously announced plans to retire from the Evening News in March 2005. In blunt terms, the review panel outlines
how the news division repeatedly failed to carry out basic journalistic
steps to ensure accurate and fair reporting.
The business community is not wholly depending on media self-regulation to achieve accountability. They are also pursuing other strategies to protect themselves: (a) using media monitoring and oversight
groups, (b) launching a media blitz against misrepresentation, (c) acquiring media ownership and membership on media boards of directors, (d)
and (e)
organizations that engage in libel or defamation or that use illegal
means to obtain news.
Two major types of organizations monitor the treatment of news by the
media and judge complaints made about them: media watchdogs and
news councils.
Media Watchdogs
Corporations are helped by organizations that monitor and report on
the performance of the news media. Although they reflect varying political persuasions, most
conservative. Among media watchdog organizations are Accuracy in Media, Center for Media and Public Affairs,
Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting, the Institute for Media Analysis, and
the Media Research Center.13 The largest is the Media Research Center,
launched in 1987 by L. Brent Bozell, III, with the mission of promoting
balance in the liberal media. In 1993 it had a staff of 24 who logged
and indexed every network, CNN, and PBS newscast and talk show. It
also reviewed 50 magazines, five major dailies, and the wire services. Its
public reporting was conducted mainly through Notable Quotables, a
twice-monthly collection of quotes intended to reflect reporters liberal
biases, and a monthly newsletter, MediaWatch, with a circulation of
27,000. In 1990 it published a book, And Thats the Way It Isnt: A Reference Guide to Media Bias.14
Dan Rather has become very aware of conservative media activists
like the Media Research Centers Bozell, noting they are all over your
telephones, all over your e-mail, all over your mail, and it creates an
undertow in which you say to yourself you know, I think were right
on this story, I think weve got it in the right context, I think weve got it
in the right perspective, but we better pick another day. 15
Jennings expressed this apprehension by saying he sensed a degree of
anxiety in the newsroom, and I think it comes in part from the corporate suite.16 And Tom Brokaw likened the pressures created by Bozells
pressing a button to a kind of tsunami. Hes well organized, hes
got a constituency, hes got a newsletter, he can hit a button and well
hear from him.17 Robert McNeil warns against pressure turning into a
culture of animosity in which motives are attacked, morals are attacked and even patriotism is questioned.18
Occasionally these watchdogs try to apply pressure on the media;
e.g., Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting took out a quarter-page op-ed ad
in the Sunday edition of the New York Times carrying the headline, Is
Bigotry a Disney Family Value? 19 Addressed to Mr. Michael D. Eisner,
chairman and CEO of The Walt Disney Co., the ad attacked the racist
comments of host Bob Grant on New York Citys WABC Radio. Because
Disney owns WABC, the offending station, the ad asked Disney to make
its policies clear.
1991 Media Guide illustrates how this is done.20
It reviewed more than
700 journalists and 50 publications in North America, including a commentary on the years major news stories, broadcast news, and the Canadian press. Its publishers say its primary purpose is to promote quality
in journalism. The guide assigns half- to four-star ratings to a list of the
101 highest rated journalists of 1991, followed by roughly half-page
analyses of what each said. (See Box 7.1 for an example of contents.)
News Councils
News councils serve as informal juries to adjudicate complaints by aggrieved parties about distorted media coverage. These councils provide
a public hearing without necessitating the cost and time required for
legal suits.
National News Council.
A prototype is the former National News
Council, an independent body set up in 1973 to review the performance of the national media and to judge specific complaints about
news coverage.23
Both Shell Oil and Exxon used this council to complain about
NBC-TVs unfair coverage of the oil industry during the Arab oil crisis,
which was aired in a five-part nightly news series in the fall of 1979.
Shells complaint was leveled at the first broadcast, Fly Now, Freeze
Later, which contended some big oil companies were emphasizing the
sale of jet fuel rather than home heating oil. The National News Council
agreed with Shell and reported, Contrary to the impression that the
NBC report clearly intended to convey, Shell acted in a responsible and
careful manner when it withdrew from the home heating oil market
in the Northeast.24
Exxon took issue with the second segment, Dirty Oil and Dirty Air, which linked the
deterioration of air quality in southern Florida to the firms decision to cut low-sulfur
fuel shipments to Florida Power & Light. The council agreed with Exxon that the broadcast
was marked by factual error, the selective use of information, lack of perspective, and the
building of effect through innuendo. 25
The council closed its doors in April 1984 because it felt impotent.
The public doesnt seem to know were here, lamented Richard Salant,
former president of CBS News, who served as council president during
its last 10 months. And worse yet, the press just didnt think we were
very useful. In fact, when the council dissolved itself, Creed Black, president of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, summed up the
view held by his colleagues: An editor is accountable to his readers, not
some self-appointed group. 26
Despite this disappointment, Salant
called the News Council a valid idea whose time has not yet come, but
will in the near future.27
As summarized in the American Journalism Review, newspaper publishers such as The New York Times, Washington Post, and the Boston Globe
have opposed the very idea of news councils for these reasons: (a) they
create another obstacle to hard-hitting stories, and some journalists opt
not to write a story for fear they will be unfairly targeted; (b) they substitute the judgment of people who dont fully understand the field for
the judgment of trained journalists; (c) they are the first step toward
government regulation and perhaps censorship; and (c) one could not be
sure to find impartial members who would be fair to the media. 28
Mike Wallace unsuccessfully sought to rekindle the national news
council discussion after the bitter experience of defending himself in a
suit by General William C. Westmoreland against CBS for a 60 Minutes
segment. In it Wallace alleged the general deliberately deceived his superiors
sued, not because he wanted money, but because he wanted to vindicate himself.
Public hostility and cynicism toward the media have persuaded other
media people to join Wallace in reconsidering the idea. He helped bring
together NBC, CNN, CBS News, and the editors of the Detroit News and
the Louisville Courier-Journal, as well as 10 other representatives of the
media and foundations, at a Ford Foundation meeting on February 26,
1997, to discuss improving the medias credibility and the possibility of
reviving a national news council. One of those attending, Charles
Eisendrath, director of the Michigan Journalism Fellows program at the
University of Michigan, however, favored calling it a Committee on
Professional Standards, not only to express how he perceived the prob-
lem, but also to avoid reviving past negative attitudes toward the old news council.29
Minnesota News Council.
Mike Wallaces support of some kind of
national news council was favorably influenced by his observation of
how the Minnesota News Council, one of the two existing state-level
councils (the other is in Hawaii), handled the high-profile complaint
brought by Northwest Airlines against WCCO-TV for a three-part series
shown in spring 1996.
The Minnesota News Council consists of a balanced body of 12 journalists and 12 community representatives, with a state supreme court
justice presiding over its public hearings. Its mission is to exert a moral
influence on media behavior.30 As explained in its literature, The News
Council serves, most of all, an idea: Fairness. We do not describe ourselves, or function, as a watchdog. We are a facilitator. Because the
power of the press is so great, we work to create a level playing field, by
getting a news outlet to come to the table as an equal with a member of
the public who wants to air a complaint. 31
To qualify for a hearing, a complainant must agree not to sue regardless of the outcome. The councils decision carries no legal weight, but
the verdict can embarrass the medium in question. Over its 25-year history, 2,000 complaints have been filed with the council. Of these, most
were dropped or settled after council-initiated discussion. Of the 116
that went to hearings, close to half were decided in the medias favor.
The case Mike Wallace heard, Northwest Airlines vs. WCCO-TV, is
described in Box 7.2.
the Mob by one of its book subsidiaries, Little, Brown. The publisher was already in its
final round of prerelease publicity for this expos that linked some U.S. corporations to
organized crime. One of the companies named was Time. This reference, some believe, was
the probable cause for the books late rejection.46
General Electrics Ownership of NBC. When
corporations extend their ownership empire to include media enterprises, the
specter of corporate editorial interference with
news operations is
raised. After General Electrics (GEs) December 1995 deal to acquire RCA
and, thereby, NBC, an editorial/opinion column in The Arizona Republic
raised the question: What happens if General Electric commits fraud on
the Pentagon and NBC has to report it? Morton Mintz claims that in
1989 officials of NBC News deleted three sentences critical of GE from a
segment of a five-part Today show series on the use of bogus and substandard materials in American industry.47
An article in the Humanist also suggests that the pattern of ownership affects how news and commentary are manufactured. The reference was not only to GE but also to major stockholders of other broadcast networks, such as Chase Manhattan, J. P. Morgan, and Citibank,
and to Merrill Lynch as the prime stockholder of the Associated Press. 48
One illustration of possible corporate influence, says the article, is that
the concerns of labor are regularly downplayed. A study analyzing all
reports dealing with workers issuesincluding child
care and
minimum wagecarried by the ABC, CBS, and NBC evening news broadcasts during 1989 found that coverage amounted to only 2.3% of the
total coverage.49
Although no solid evidence exists that GE interferes with the news,
cranny of NBC News. Grossman charges that GEs internal environment emphasizes profits over public service or community responsibility. He recalls that in one of GE Chairman Jack Welchs first meetings
with NBC News, he asked why authors, book publishers, and movie
companies are not charged for the interviews and feature time they receive on the Today show.50
Most vociferous in his denunciation of the
profit-making motive, Andrew Jay Schwartzman, executive director of
the Media Access Project, said, They dont think about the impact of the
little cheap, sleazy incremental budget cutting they do. 51
Disneys Ownership of ABC. Whats
we know it? asked Bob Harper, Fox marketing president, when he was
told by Walt Disneys ABC television network that it would not broadcast ads for Foxs holiday animated film Anastasia or any other animated movie during a 7 p.m. Sunday slot that featured a revival of the
Wonderful World of Disney franchise.52
This incident shows network
ownership can get in the way of the kind of advertising it will carry.
ABCs advertising sales representatives blamed higher-ups at Disney for
the decision. Fox was told ads for live-action family films during the
same time period would be considered only on a case-by-case basis.
From Disneys perspective, such control justifies its purchase of Capital Cities/ABC for $19 billion in 1995.53 Executives say the company has
in essence opted to make ABC part of Disneys film distribution chain.
Plans are to air three or four of its recent animated theatrical releases on
Sunday evenings, making them a part of the revival of The Wonderful
World of Disney series.54 The opportunity to cross-promote Disney and
ABC brands was a key attraction of the merger, but some at ABC were
surprised at how blatant such promotions have been. 55 Furthermore,
ABC managers were surprised at the level of Disneys scrutiny of their
operations and the vastly different corporate cultures.
Yet, what Disney did to ABC is what Disney fears about AOLs acquisition of Time Warner. Disney worries that the television stations owned
by Disneys ABC network on Time Warner Cable systems in several
markets might be excluded. A number of other entertainment and media companies also expressed concern that the merger would squeeze
them out of AOLs online distribution vehicles. For example, without
equal access, consumers signing on to AOL could be directed to Warner
Music artists. Although AOLs CEO Steve Case and Time Warner chairman Gerald Levin pledged that the merged companies would carry a diversity of content on their systems, they also stated that they would
distribute Time Warner s own content as widely as possible. 56
Interconnections among business and media organizations are another possible means of ownership influence. Mintz raises the question
of whether CBS might go easy on the insurance company CNN in reporting the harmful effects of smoking, because Laurence Tisch not only
is CBSs chairman but also heads the Loews Corporation, which, in
turn, owns CNN and Lorillard, a major cigarette manufacturer.57
Even the Public Broadcast System (PBS) is underwritten by GE, GM, Metropolitan Life,
Pepsico, Paine Webber, and, contributing more than 70%, four giant oil companies. An
article insinuates that this sponsorship is one reason, according to a media watchdog,
corporate representatives constitute 44% of the sources interviewed about the economy
whereas activists accounted for only 3% and labor virtually none. Furthermore, most PBS
documentaries are considered politically nondescript or centrist. Deadly Deception, an Academy Award-winning critique of GE and
the nuclear arms industry, was, with a few local exceptions, denied
broadcast rights on both commercial and public television. 58
Board Membership
Many corporate heads are on the boards of newspapers, observes
Mintz. On Katharine Grahams board at the Washington Post are James
Burke, retired chairman and CEO of Johnson & Johnson; Nicholas
Katzenback, who for many years was senior vice president and general
counsel of IBM; and George Gillespie, a long-time partner in Cravath, Swaine & Moore,
which Mintz considers to be the nations premiere corporate law firm.59
Mintz suggests that this board membership pattern may be related to
why the press failed to report on drug-related deaths revealed at congressional hearings or in court cases where pharmaceutical companies
are sued by the victims or their relatives. For example, although three
drug companies were convicted and fined for withholding information
from the Food and Drug Administration on foreign deaths, press coverage was inadequate. The companies were Hoechst AG, a German-based
multinational, on its drug Merital; Smith Kline on Selacryn; and Eli Lilly
on Oraflex. Mintz considered the matter a significant national and international story, deserving of full news status, but it drew only five
paragraphs on page B3 of the Wall Street Journal and two paragraphs at
the bottom of page D4 in The New York Times.60
Because media companies are becoming aware of public distrust of the
reform through public
journalism projects. The basic idea is to encourage newspeople to create discourse by
convening public forums, seeking out the views of ordinary citizens,
giving readers more voice in news and on editorial pages, and actively
enlisting citizens in a search for solutions to societys problems. 61 Guido
H. Stempel, III, author of several journalism articles, says, The focus of
civic journalism is on finding solutions rather than just pointing out
These efforts are called public journalism or civic journalism because
their broader goal is to strengthen civic life in America by reengaging in
public discourse people who have dropped out of public life. Readers are
encouraged to participate in the political process and improve government institutions.63
The Pew Charitable Trusts, with $3.8 billion in
assets, since 1994 have helped to fund projects at 30 American newspapers. For example, in San Jose, California, citizens who are readers of the
Mercury News drafted a statement of accountability and asked lawmakers and candidates to sign it. 64
Jay Rosen, a New York University journalism professor who has been
promoting the concept of public journalism, laments the lack of mature
judgment by the public. He blames the media for reporting too much of
the process and minutiae in politics, with too many dueling experts. He
sees public journalism as helping the community come to public judgment. The journalist focuses on readers and viewers rather than on experts. The public is helped to work through a problem, which is done
by providing information and helping people understand that there are
some choices to be made; that these choices involve tradeoffs; and that
there are consequences to choosing. 65
Although public journalism is now practiced by nearly 200 news organizations, critics fear journalisms traditional objectivity is sacrificed.
Washington Post editor Leonard D. Downie Jr. reflected this view when
he said, No matter how strongly I feel about something thats going on
out there, my job is not to try to influence the outcome. 66 Some journalists fear civic journalism will turn newspapers into advocates and
discourage reporters from exposing wrongdoing and failures. 67
Has public journalism increased public interest in elections and the
political process? A 1997 study of the Record, a Hackensack, New Jersey,
newspaper, that showed 9 weeks and 54 full pages of issues-based coverage in the 1996 New Jersey Senate race failed to interest readers and
increase their knowledge of candidates or issues. Only one in five readers
said they even noticed the special Campaign Central pages, which appeared every day but Saturday inside the paper s front section.
After listening to focus group discussions, editors felt stunned and
somewhat shaken. The study showed that the frames through which
respondents viewed the campaigns seemed to have been shaped mostly
by the candidates commercials. Indeed, 44% of the newspapers readers
said television was their most important source of campaign news. 68 The
candidates had spent more than $17 million on television commercials. 69
The newspapers public-style election coverage hardly made any impact on North Jersey voters. In addition, the effort cost the paper about
$100,000 in additional newsprint and required almost a dozen reporters
and editors to be shifted temporarily from their regular assignments.
One lesson learned applies to journalism in general: Journalists cant
reconnect citizens with democratic institutions solely by altering the
way they write their stories. Readers best remembered charts, such as a
side-by-side grid comparing the environmental positions of the candidates. Charts were significantly easier than prose to understand, and
they were more believable. Charts in the Voter s Guide were especially
useful and noticed.
Another lesson is that newspapers have to back up their rhetoric
about public-style election coverage with concrete activities of public
involvement. The Record did conduct a poll to identify issues of public interest. It also conducted a series of town hall meetingsopen to anyone who returned a coupon published on the page. However, these
instruments of public empowerment may have been too weak. The only
description of the public forums is that one session gave citizens the opportunity to discuss the issues they felt the campaigns should address
(thus duplicating the purpose of the poll) and that other forums featured
between the
rather than a panel of reporters, asking the questions. All the sessions
were recorded for telecast on cable, and excerpts from transcripts were
published in the newspaper.70
Finally, some obstacles may impede journalisms effectiveness: the publics
disenchantment with politics, the lack of dynamic political leaders, and loss of public
confidence in the press itself.
chased had been scratched before it was sold to him. The court considered the ratio of
500 to 1 excessive. Likewise in the Food Lion case, the ratio of the $1,402 in actual damages
to the $5.5 million in punitive damages is about 3,900 to 1. 91
Careless News-Gathering. Deception is sometimes mixed with carelessness in the
news-gathering process. The following are some prominent cases.
U.S. Army General William C. Westmoreland sued CBS and several
individuals for more than $100 million because, in a January 1982
broadcast, The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception, he was accused of being part of a conspiracy to underestimate enemy strength
in the Vietnam War. Litigation lasted more than two years, and legal
costs were estimated at $113 million. He dropped his case, however, before it went to the jury. Many people agreed CBS was unfair in using the
loaded word conspiracy and stacking the decks against the general.
Israeli General Ariel Sharon sued Time, Inc., for $50 million,
charging the magazine with blood libel for implying he had encouraged the massacre of Palestinians at the Sabra and Shatila Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut, Lebanon. The story claimed Sharon
had discussed revenge with the Lebanese Phalangists just before the
massacre. Although the jury agreed the story was false, he lost his
case because the jury did not find Time guilty of the other two elements of a successful libel suit: that the story was defamatory and
that it was written with actual malice. Time was embarrassed when
testimony revealed that the cover story was based on a damning
paragraph from an interoffice memorandum written by an Israeli
reporter, David Halevy, in
Times Jerusalem bureau. On cross-examination, Halevy admitted he had no basis for his accusation other than
an inference based on my 43 years of living in Israel.
Paul Engler s beef against Oprah. Illustrating the trend to sue
the media is the $6.7 million suit by cattleman Paul Engler against
Oprah Winfrey and others because of losses incurred when, on her
show in April 1996, she referred to Englands recent mad-cow disease
outbreak as the biggest health crisis since Chernobyl. Worse yet, after her guest, a food safety activist, opined that mad cow posed a dire
threat to America as well, Winfrey exclaimed, It has just stopped me
from eating another burger.92
Attesting to the power of some television shows, the prices of cattle
and cattle futures plunged on the day of the television show, resulting
in a loss of $6.7 million for Engler, who runs a big cattle-feeding operation and ranch. The legal basis for his suit is that Texas, where the
suit was filed, is one of 12 states that has a False Disparagement of
Perishable Food Products lawpassed after the U.S. apple industry
was pummeled by the Alar scare. The law states a critic of agricultural products can be held liable if the criticism isnt based on reliable
The 1999 movie The Insider dramatizes the way the CBS program
handled the report on the tobacco industry in 1995. Don Hewitt, executive producer of 60 Minutes, criticized Lowell Bergman, who consulted
on the film and was portrayed as a principled reporter who eventually
quit his job over CBSs handling of the report. Mr. Hewitt was cast as
more concerned with CBSs stock price than the truth. Hewitt said that
by turning himself into a hero and portraying Hewitt as a toady, Bergman lied, destroying his credibility as a journalist. 97
In a substitute program, 60 Minutes reported on the lengths to which
the tobacco industry has gone to muzzle its critics. In a personal note at
the close of the program, Mike Wallace said the programs staff had been
dismayed that the management of CBS had seen fit to give in to perceived threats of legal action. He added, We lost outonly to some degreeon this one, but we havent the slightest doubt that well be able
to continue the 60 Minutes tradition of reporting such pieces in the future, without fear or favor. 98 On hearing Wallaces statement, Richard
Campbell, author of a book on 60 Minutes, quipped, Unless it involves
the tobacco industry. He added, But I think the end result was pretty
weak-kneed, and noted the programs failure to mention the management decision came as CBS stockholders were considering a merger with
the Westinghouse Electric Company.99 The New York Timess comment on
the cancellation of the original program was that In so doing, in the
eyes of some journalism analysts, the program risked its twentyseven-year reputation for taking on any subject, no matter how large or
powerful.100 Said Marvin Kalb: I think what happened here is proof of
the primacy of lawyers over editors.101
Small dailies and weeklies particularly have felt the chilling effect the
proliferation of libel suits has had on aggressive reporting. They lack the
size, money, and resources to fight them and are often unduly influenced by social and financial pressures in their local communities. These
factors, rather than the fear of losing libel cases, have caused editors to
become more cautious in their approach to investigative stories and
even routine but controversial reporting about public figures. 102
The threat of suits has helped to improve journalistic accuracy. Reporters are more apt to double-check their facts rather than prove a preconceived story. Editors and publishers are also likely to be more
responsible by checking for factual accuracy and moving away from the
use of unnamed sources.
The media may also be learning better manners. A study by Gilbert
Cranberg of the Iowa Libel Research Project found that unsatisfactory
postpublication experiences with the press influenced most of the 164
interviewed libel plaintiffs to file libel suits. 103
They complained that
when they called the newspaper, they were bounced from one person to
another. When they did reach someone, they often received such discourteous responses as, Well, thats just the way we do it, buddy!
Thats our policy, or even worse: Fuck you, youre full of shit. 104 Instead of cooling them down, calls to the press made the aggrieved parties
angrier, and
methods to
On November 17, 1993, a 15-minute segment on Dateline NBC showed
how a GM pickup truck with a side-mounted gasoline tank exploded
and burst into flames when another vehicle struck the tank side of the
truck. Viewers were led to believe what some motorists and the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) were claiming, that
the 10 million pickup trucks built between 1973 and 19874.7 million
of which were still on the roadwere unsafe. 106
GM had insisted the
trucks were safe and posed no greater risk of postcollision fire than Ford
and Dodge full-size pickups. NBCs Waiting to Explode show seemed
to undermine GMs position.
Not only was GMs reputation at stake; it also faced 30 separate class
action suits. In a major defeat in February 1993, GM was struck with a
whopping $105.2 million verdict in an Atlanta court in the highly publicized case of 17-year-old Shannon Moseley, who, in 1989, was killed
in a crash of a GM pickup truck. 107
Secretary Federico F. Pena of the
NHTSA stated GM appears to have made a decision favoring sales over
safety, and asked for a recall of the trucks. 108 GM could have faced $1
billion in costs, plus lost sales.
Good luck, followed by careful investigation, exposed the fact that
the NBC reporter had placed incendiary devices under the GM truck,
overfilled the gas tank, and left the gas cap loose so the truck would explode and burst into flames. The break for GM came when the editor of
Popular Hot Rodding magazine received a call from a reader telling him of
a firefighter who was on the scene of the staged crash and videotaped
the whole test, saying he thought the explosion had been rigged. After
investigators checked 22 junkyards, they found the trucks used in the
test and discovered a spent model rocket engine in the bed of one of the
pickups. (It was later disclosed the rocket engines had been detonated by
remote control.)109
Using this evidence, GM general counsel Harold J. Pearce held a news conference in
Detroit and, after revealing the facts, called NBCs news program an outrageous
misrepresentation and conscious deception.110 The two-hour news conference was
telecast to GM offices, factories, and dealers throughout the country.111
Although in January GM had sent a letter outlining some of its findings to Dateline producer Robert Read, he did not inform NBC News
president Michael Gartner. The latter learned about GMs letter only after a second letter, dated February 1, was copied and sent to him and to
NBC president Robert Wright.112 After NBC held its crisis meeting, Gartner sent a letter to GM asserting three separate times that the NBC story
was entirely accurate: NBC does not believe that any statements made
were either false or misleading. The Dateline report was and remains completely factual and accurate. 113 However, after NBC officials
watched the GM news conference, they decided on a settlement. Jane
Pauley, the anchor, apologized on the air the next day.114
Mounting criticism from the journalism establishment and concerns
by NBC affiliate stations about withdrawal of advertising by GM dealerships helped convince NBC the settlement was desirable. Marvin Kalb, a
former network news correspondent, commented that a television journalist would have been fired for pulling such a stunt in years past; he lamented, But so radically have journalistic news standards changed
over the last 20 to 30 years that a network can now do this kind of simulationand then argue that it pursued a proper journalistic course. I
find it rather astounding. 115 CBSs 60 Minutes executive producer Don
Hewitt stated, There was no reason to do that. They had a pretty good
story up to that point. You cant ever play fast and loose with the people
who watch you, or you lose them.116
1. Donald K. Baldwin, editor, Making Sense of the News (St. Petersburg, FL: Modern Media Institute, 1981), p. 6.
2. Claude-Jean Bertrand, Media Ethics & Accountability Systems (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 2000), p. 149.
3. Susanne Fengler, Holding the News Media Accountable: A Study of Media Reporters and Media Critics in the United States, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Vol. 80, Winter 2003, p. 818.
4. Ibid., p. 819. Refers to Bertrand, op. cit., p. l32.
5. Ibid., pp. 819-820.
6. Ibid., p. 826.
7. Editorial, Leadership at The Times, New York Times, June 6, 2003, p. A32.
8. Jame Bandler, Report Cites Virus of Fear at USA Today, Wall Street Journal,
April 23, 2004, p. B1.
9. See Jonathan Chait, Bad Press, The New Republic, Vol. 229, November 10,
2003, pp. 20-23.
10. Brooks Barnes and Joe Flint, Four to Leave CBS News in Wake of 60 Minutes Probe, Wall Street Journal, January 11, 2005, p. B1. Also see James
Rainey and Scott Gold, Los Angeles Times, January 16, 2005, p. A1.
11. Joe Flint and Greg Hitt, Rather Retreats, Calling Report A Mistake, Wall
Street Journal, September 21, 2004, p. B1.
12. Ibid., p. B4.
13. See Bob Davis, Self-Styled Media Critic Dissects TV Coverage to Expose Perceived Liberal Bias at Networks, Wall Street Journal, August 15, 1996, p.
14. Watchdog Watch, American Journalism Review, Vol. 5, April 1993, pp.
15. Eric Altman, Anchors Aweigh: The Refs Are Working, The Nation, November 1, 2004, p. 12.
16. Ibid.
17. Ibid.
18. Said on The Connection, a WBUR program in Boston, January 18, 2005.
19. Ad appeared March 31, 1996, p. E15.
20. Jude Wanniski, 1991 Media Guide, 6th annual edition (Morristown, NJ:
Polyconomics, 1991).
21. Charlene J. Brow, Trevor R. Brown, and William L. Rivers, The Media and the
People (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1978), pp. 395-396.
22. Ibid., p. 232.
23. Ibid., p. 172.
24. Blowing the Whistle, Industry Week, July 21, 1980, p. 42.
25. Ibid.
26. William Rivers, Backtalk: Press Councils in America (San Francisco: Canfield
Press, 1972), p. 115.
27. Thomas Griffith, Watchdog Without a Bite, Time, April 9, 1984, p. 103.
28. Alicia C. Shepard, Going Public, American Journalism Review, Vol. 19, April
1997, p. 29.
29. Ibid., p. 28.
87. Ibid., p. 42, which refers to Doing Ethics in Journalism, a handbook by the Society of Professional Journalists.
88. Scott Andron, Message to Journalists More About Trust than Law, Quill,
Vol. 85, September 1997, p. 15.
89. Barry Meier, ABC Held Liable for Fraud in Reporting on Store Chain, New
York Times, December 21, 1996, p. 8.
90. Peter Johnson, Walters: Viewers Dont Care About News Purity, USA Today, October 14, 1997, p. 3D.
91. Scott Andron, Scratched Car Saves ABC, Quill, Vol. 85, September 1997, p. 14.
92. Laura Jereski, Oprah Knocks Beef, and a Big Rancher in Texas Has a Cow,
Wall Street Journal, June 3, 1997, p. A1.
93. Ibid.
94. Ibid., p. A8.
95. Sue Anne Pressley, Oprah Winfrey Wins Case Filed by Cattlemen, Washington Post, February 27, 1998, p. A3.
96. Katherine Evans, Declarations of Victory, New York Times Book Review, April
5, 1987, p. 13.
97. Alex Berenson, 60 Minutes Producer Aims Bitter Blast at Ex-Colleague,
New York Times, June 4, 2000, p. NE26.
98. Ibid.
99. Ibid.
100. Bill Carter, CBS Executives Killed Story, 60 Minutes Broadcast Says, New
York Times, November 13, 1995, p. B8.
101. Ibid.
102. In small towns, politicians and businesspeople often gang up on editors
and bombard them with lawsuit threats. The size of awards, besides the expenses, intimidates editors. Even libel insurance does not help small papers
because they may not be able to afford the deductible and insurance does
not cover the time, energy, and loss of morale involved in lengthy court
battles. Observers see a danger as small papers pull out of investigative reporting and leave large papers the responsibility to speak out. Try to
imagine a world in which the only available outlets for communication are
the huge institutional media. A lawyer for the Libel Defense Resource Center in New York warns that there are certain officials who dont accept the
fact that theres supposed to be a give and take in public issues. They dont
believe there should be criticism. David Zucchino, Publish and Perish; Libel and the Little Publication, Washington Journalism Review, Vol. 7, July
1985, pp. 28-35.
103. Gilbert Cranberg, The Libel Alternative, Columbia Journalism Review, Vol.
24, January-February 1986, p. 39.
104. Ibid., p. 40.
105. Ibid., pp. 39-41.
106. Douglas Lavin, GM Plans a Public Relations Battle After Punitive Award in
Pickup Trial, Wall Street Journal, February 8, 1993, p. A4.
107. Douglas Lavin, GM Emerges Victorious as Court Overturns Truck-Safety
Verdict, Wall Street Journal, June 14, 1994, p. B10.
108. Douglas Lavin and Daniel Pearl, GM Trucks Had Fuel-Tank Flaw, Regulators Find, Wall Street Journal, October 18, 1994, p. A3.
109. Elizabeth Jensen, Douglas Lavin, and Neal Templin, Tale of the Tape: How
GM One-Upped an Embarrassed NBC on Staged News Event, Wall Street
Journal, February 11, 1993, p. A1.
110. Douglas Lavin, GM Accuses NBC of Rigging Test Crash of Pickup Truck on
Dateline Program, Wall Street Journal, February 9, 1993, p. A3.
111. Jensen, Lavin, and Templin, op. cit., p. A7.
112. Ibid.
113. Ibid.
114. James B. Treece et al., Now, the Court of Public Opinion Has GM Worried,
BusinessWeek, February 22, 1993, pp. 38-39.
115. Elizabeth Jensen, Some Journalists Join GM in Criticizing NBCs Treatment of Truck-Crash Story, Wall Street Journal, February 10, 1993, p. B1. 116. Ibid.
117. Elizabeth Jensen, Off the Air: NBC News President, Burned by Staged Fire
and GM, Will Resign, Wall Street Journal, March 2, 1993, p. A1.
The most drastic way business can reduce the medias power is to break
its monopoly as the sole deliverer of news to the public. Companies can
bypass the mass media and reach target audiences directly. Traditionally, companies communicate with the public by sending news releases
to the mediaincreasingly electronically by using Business Wire and
other electronic news delivery servicesand, if the news is sufficiently
important, by holding a news conference. This process places the news
at the mercy of reporters, editors, producers, and hosts of the mass media who serve as gatekeepers. They decide what stories or segments will
be used and what slant each will be given.
This control by the media over what messages reach the public is
analogous to labor union control over management communication
with unionized employees in the 1940s, which was prescribed by the
National Labor Relations Act of 1935. When the Taft-Hartley Act of
1947 finally broke this supposed monopoly of the unions, companies
were again allowed to communicate directly with their employees. In
the same spirit, companies now want to communicate with their important audiences directly through private or alternative channels, taking advantage of new communication technologies.
Some companies are also rebelling against what they see as the news
medias perversion of the traditional reportorial role of objectivity and
devotion to news values. Companies in trouble seek other options when
they see themselves being served up as the days or weeks entertainment for the masses by media desperately trying to survive and politicians desperately trying to divert attention from their wholesale
failure, says pr reporter. The new corporate strategy is to adopt a low
profile, concentrate their energies directly on key stakeholders, avoid
search Center concludes that today the public considers the news media
less professional, less accurate, less moral, less helpful to democracy,
more sensational, more likely to cover up mistakes, and more biased.
The larger problem, he says, is a disconnection between the public and
the news media over motive: Journalists believe they are working in
the public interest and are trying to be fair and independent in that
cause, but the public thinks these journalists are either lying or deluding
themselves. The public believes that news organizations are operating
largely to make money and that the journalists who work for these organizations
are primarily motivated by professional ambition and
A 1996 survey of 3,000 respondents by the Center for Media and
Public Affairs showed that a majority of Americans believe special interests, such as corporate media owners and advertisers, as well as pressure for profits, improperly influence the way news is gathered and
presented.5 Perhaps for this reason, this survey also reports that 53%
support licensing of journalists and 70% favor court-imposed fines for
inaccurate or biased reporting. 6
Other findings reveal that the media
have a negative impact on society:
73% of the American public blame the news media for making
them dissatisfied with the way things are going in this country
with 43% saying they are dissatisfied a lot and 30% saying
48% believe that the media make things sound worse than they
really are.
62% (another survey says 71%) feel the news media get in the way
of solving the countrys problems.7
Researchers and critics have interpreted these survey results in worrisome terms. Kohut says the 1996 survey amounts to a sweeping indictment by a public that appreciates the medias watchdog role but hates
the way they practice their craft. He adds that most of the anger is directed at the mainstream media, especially television, which is seen as
drifting toward a tabloid mentality that blurs the line between news and
entertainment.8 The late social critic Christopher Lasch worried about
the steady decline in Americans knowledge of public affairs even while
they are drowning in information.
Concerns about the failings of journalism were voiced and elaborated
on in a 2-day discussion by a panel of journalists and nonjournalists
moderated by Hodding Carter III. The panel concluded that journalism
has been corrupted and that there exists no mechanism of accountability that fosters trust in the media. Journalism is corrupt in several
ways, said the panel: (a) journalistic arrogance, which is manifested
when journalists spend more time talking with one another than with
people in their communities; (b) too close identification of journalists
with their sources to protect their celebrity status, and sacrificing the
ability to obtain truthful news; (c) insufficient understanding by journalists of the subjects they write about, or they know the truth before
they get the facts; and (d) corporatization of the media, which has replaced locally owned newspapers, a trend that allows profits to be
placed ahead of such goals as informing citizens and protecting their
freedoms. In some instances, community attitudes have become so negative that many communities consider newspapers irrelevant.
Because of these failings, business and conservatives see bias entering
the treatment of such economic issues as inflation by blaming wage and
price hikes on the private sector while government policies, such as creating too much money, are exonerated. 9 Their slant on many stories reflects their obsession with the need to write about conflict. Said another
critic, Adam Gopnik, the media can be faulted for its tone of highminded moral indignation which is intended to suggest the medias
superiority, for example, to a public figure under discussion. 10
The view that the media have sacrificed their news values is widely
held by Americans, confirms James Fallows, Washington editor of the
Atlantic Monthly, in his book Breaking the News: Americans believe that
the news media have become too arrogant, cynical, scandal-minded,
and destructive.11 A Harvard Business Review article on books that tell
business managers how to think about the media extends the indictment. It charges that the U.S. media is corrupt. It fails to do what it
claims to do, what it should do, and what society expects it to do, says
Peter Vanderwicken, the reviewer.12
Liberal Bias
A major cause of disenchantment with the news media among business
and conservative politicians has been the belief that the media harbors a
liberal bias. They point to a poll released in April 1996 by the Freedom
Forum Media Studies Center and the Roper Center for Opinion Research
that shows 89% of journalists voted for Bill Clinton in 1992, compared
with only 43% of the popular vote in the election. 13 Another continuing
study, A Measure of Media Bias, by Tim Groseclose of the University of
California and Jeff Milyo of the University of Chicago, finds that the liberal inclination is pronounced. The test was that liberal national media,
such as Newsweek, The New York Times, Time magazine, the CBS Evening
News, USA Today, and NBC Nightly News overwhelmingly cite left-leaning think tanks in their stories. Only Fox News Special Report cited conservative ones.14
These studies appear to confirm the findings of a major study, The Media Elite,
published in 1986. The study asserted that the typical leading journalists from major
newspapers, magazines, and TV networks have a liberal bias. They fantasize about the
abuse of power and are more likely than businessmen to uphold social underdogs and
criticize authorities (see Box 8.1 for more details).
and identity.25 Woodward also cites examples of how financial interests may dictate not getting involved in reporting on issues affecting another business owned by the parent company, or avoiding negative
comment and reporting on the actions of an important advertiser. 26
Other sources of pressure may be political. In Inside Congress, Ronald
Kessler tells how ABC officials, out of fear of Congress, allegedly shelved
a story about allegations of sexual harassment against Representative
Sonny Bono (R-Calif.) and of sexual activities by other unnamed lawmakers. ABC News producers spoke of a new conservatism under ABC
News chairman Roone Arledge and ABC News president David Westin.
As one producer rationalized, Westin is a former corporate lawyer
from Washington, and Disney, ABCs parent company, has regulatory
issues pending before Congress. Theres fear here that this piece was
killed because the network didnt want to take on Congress. 27 Although
he realizes the mass media industries must remain profitable and attractive to their investors, Woodward fears their role as agents of social
and political interaction is being weakened.
Disenchantment with the media also occurs when they run ads that
are found to be blatantly false. The commercial need to increase advertising revenue seemingly overrides social responsibility concerns. Media
outlets protest that they cant possibly have any level of responsibility
for ads because it is unduly burdensome and impractical to require them
to compare the products against claims made in advertising. Furthermore, First Amendment rights are threatened when the FTC asks the
media to reject false ads. Says FTC Chairman Timothy Muris, Reputable publications should be doing a better job screening them. When
they dont, the FTC threatens enforcement action. For example, it settled
a case with Blue Stuff Inc.s advertisements on national cable TV for its
emu-oil-based gel, priced at $60 for 8 ounces, which claims to relieve
severe pain. Muris is pressing for self-regulation, however, because he
realizes the First Amendment implications of FTC regulation. John
Kimball, marketing director for the Newspaper Association of America,
believes that the ultimate decision on what appears in a newspaper
rests with the publisher, not with any other entity. 28
Although most journalists complain about pressures to cater to the
commercial organizational demands, some are themselves driven by rewards in the form of prestige, popularity, and financial gain. Receiving
special attention is the questionable practice by journalists of accepting
speaker s fees. This raises questions about journalists credibility and
possible conflicts of interest, especially when they accept honoraria
from the same organizations they criticize for trying to buy influence
on Capitol Hill. Fueling further cynicism about the media is that many
of these journalist speakers resist disclosure of their sources and the
amounts of their lecture fees. Sixty-eight percent of readers of the Washington Journalism Review (renamed American Journalism Review) in a
1991 poll favored reform in this area. When Bernard Kalb, moderator of
CNNs Reliable Sources, asked columnist Robert Novak to reveal his out-
side income, the latter answered, Its none of the publics business. Im a private citizen.
If Kalb were asked the same question, his answer would probably be, I dont listen to
my own questions.
Entertainment Values and Tabloid Journalism Crowd Out News Values.
One consequence of the dominance of business values over news values
is that the press is under mounting pressure to provide entertainment-oriented news.29 National Public Radio host Scott Simon reflected
this concern in his Weekend Edition essay: Over the past few years, so
much of the American news industry has invested so much effort to
spotlight sensational superficialities and celebrity inanities, that by the
time we wanted to throw light on something truly and tragically serious (genocide in Bosnia), our audience no longer took us seriously. 30
The same is true in the treatment of health news. James Fallows cites the
example of Newsweek as preaching the journalism of big ideas by hyping Prozac one minute and playing it down the next, in a way that
trivializes important issues.31 He points out how a cynical and superficial press has shattered faith in public institutions.
Ben Bagdikian, author of The Media Monopoly, noted that as the marketplace, not journalistic values, sets the standards, the line between
tabloid and mainstream media fades. All the media, from The New York
Times to the evening news, are infected by the tabloid approach. Los Angeles Times TV critic Howard Rosenberg commented about the incestuous media process whereby a sleazy paper or program carries some
scandalous item, then the so-called respectable media fall in behind
themsquandering themselves on relative minutia but also diverting
the publics eye from the truly significant issues of the day. 32 The practice of tabloid laundering was dramatically illustrated by coverage of
Princess Dianas death, as described in Box 8.2.
shows. Don Hewitt, 60 Minutes creator, devoted the inaugural William
S. Paley Lecture at the Museum of TV & Radio to denouncing the networks compulsion to
produce them:
In the rush to put more [of them] on the air taste and integrity and all the
intangibles that made [TV news] respected the world over get lost. Americans television sets [get loaded] with the same garbage that weighs down
supermarket checkout counters. Theres a line that separates the news
business from show business and I think its being crossed all the time
now. The Hard Copies, Current Affairs and Inside Editions do all the
things we would never even flirt with. 33
Times Mirror Company, gave priority to business interests. This occurred when Los Angeles Times editor Michael Parks and publisher
Kathryn Downing made an unwise decision to engage in a profit-sharing deal between the papers magazine and its subject, the Staples Center sports arena, and not disclose it publicly until the issue came to
light in other publications. The October 10 issue of the Times magazine
had been entirely devoted to the Staples Center. Profits from the magazine issue were shared by the Times Mirror Company, which is a sponsor of the arena, and the arenas owners.
Embarrassed by disclosure of this agreement, the Los Angeles Times
took the unusual step of investigating itself and publishing a 14-page
special section, which called its arrangement a tangled tale of ignorance and arrogance.34 The section was written by longtime Times media reporter David Shaw and was not shown to Parks or Downing before
publication. Shaw wrote, Times journalists now fear that the very essence of their workthe bond of trust between them and their readers
has been jeopardized. The two senior news executives also apologized
in Sundays Times. Parks told Shaw, Clearly, I underestimated the impact of the Staples
arrangement on our credibility, on the journalistic ethos that we foster, on our standing in
the community and in the profession.35 As executive producer of the CBS Evening News,
Erik Sorensen noted, the wall that has long separated the business from the editorial side
of the paper is being breached.
To avoid the gatekeeping function of the mass media, organizations
have been addressing their target audiences directly by means of alternative
that eliminates the filter of the mass media, and the Internet.
Use of Alternative Media by Politicians
Reference has already been made to structural changes in the media. Chapter 4 suggested
that companies and politicians take advantage of the enlarged media menu beyond the
traditional mass media. Lessons in using alternative media and direct methods of reaching
desired audiences can be learned from politicians.
In the realm of politics, audiences as well as politicians have been
seeking a way around the press, traditionally described as the snide,
frenzy-driven trivializers who were contributing to the erosion of their
Interactive shows such as Larry King Live have allowed
viewers to serve as remote-control reporters, in that they can interview newsmakers themselves by telephoning in and commenting on
events as they watch them. 37
When presidential candidates appeared,
the public felt it had direct access to political leaders. With the advent of
C-SPAN, which allows the audience to see press conferences live, viewers
became critical of national networks reports, saying, Thats not what I
saw today. Why are these guys saying this? 38
Politicians and others who consider using the alternative media
must, however, be cautious and prudent in their selection. When Paul
Tsongas was a presidential candidate, he was asked whether he would
consider hosting Saturday Night Live, which was an opportunity to gain
attention. He declined because he felt it was not in his best interest as a
candidate. I was trying to present myself as a serious truth teller, he
said.39 For similar reasons both Walter F. Mondale in 1984 and Michael
S. Dukakis in 1988 declined invitations to appear on Donahue, even
though they were trailing in the polls. Donahues reaction was: While
it is true our program has always suffered from the daytime tabloid,
were-not-quite-the-news attitude, I thought this is an awful lot of pretense to be summoning to deny yourself this free television time. 40
Candidate Bill Clinton welcomed the opportunity to appear on alternative media and accepted an invitation from the Arsenio Hall Show,
where he played his saxophone. Many political consultants and reporters were fearful such an appearance would demean Clinton. Said Tom
Wicker of The New York Times, When two other candidates are making
such a point of traditional family values, whatever they are, for a guy to
appear on television playing jazz with dark shades on, on the Arsenio
Hall Show after midnight, I dont think that enhances his standing on
Grunwald, saw matters differently. She said it would explain to people
who Bill Clinton was, what his life was about, what he was about, what
he was about in personal terms. We had a strategic mandate to do
that.42 Her strategy was to go to nontraditional news sources because
were trying
convey biography
news.43 As election results showed, the appearance likely helped Clinton,
especially among the young. Just under half of first-time votersabout
5.5 millionsupported Clinton, which accounted for nearly all of Clintons 5.8
million vote margin.44
Private Communication Systems
Private communication systems consist of two types: (a) constituency
communications, such as an organizations communications with its
stakeholders, and (b) privately financed cable channels. Communication
electronic communications is most common. The writers and editors of
these internal media are represented by the International Association of
Business Communicators with its more than 16,000 members. Besides
have the opportunity to communicate with their employees through
one-on-one communications with supervisors and through a variety of
group meetings.
Motorola went directly to its employees with mass-media-related
news with the aim of taking the sting out of impending bad press or
other issue-related matters. One way was to place sandwich boards at
exits, which alerted employees at the end of the workday to expect television coverage that evening and criticisms or investigations and headlines the following morning. The company also used its cleaning staff to
distribute red alert messages so employees would immediately see them
on their desks or workstations when they report to work. Message
sheets carry a special logo to identify their urgency.45 Private channels
can also be used to target other stakeholders of an organization.
Public relations textbooks and handbooks are replete with examples of communication
programs that can be used with an organizations multiple stakeholders, as illustrated by
the following:
Investors can be reached through annual reports, interim reports,
and annual meetings (reports of which are sometimes made available in video format, on CDs, or on websites).
In his book on the direct marketing of politics, One Billion Dollars of Influence, R.
Kenneth Godwin reported more than 200 million direct mailings are typically sent each
year to generate resources for political action. 53 Some examples are the following:
The Center for Resource Economics, a public interest group that
monitors corporations, used the Freedom of Information Act to identify and communicate with companies that threaten food supplies or
the environment.54
Philip Morris started a glossy new magazine in October 1996
called Unlimited: Action, Adventure, Good Times to reach close to 2 million male smokers between the ages of 21 and 29. Barred from broadcast advertising and facing possible new restrictions on billboards,
black-and-white, text-only ads in any magazine with substantial
youth readership), this private magazine intends to reinforce loyalty
to the brand and to provide added value, says a Philip Morris spokeswoman.55 This is not the first magazine Philip Morris published for its
smokers. In the mid-1980s, it published the Philip Morris Magazine,
which dealt with such controversial subjects as smokers rights. It
reached a circulation of 12 million people six times a year but was discontinued in 1992.
Videos as well as direct mail print material can be used in direct marketing. When Oliver North, the ex-Marine colonel, ran for the Republican nomination for a Senate seat in Virginia, he sent party regulars an
offline as well as online: 77% vote, 55% sign petitions, 48% e-mail government agencies, 47% e-mail congressmen or senators, and 40% serve
on committees of local organizations. Companies, as well as communities and special interest groups can tap the power of e-fluentials and enlist their support. Users of online services insist that messages are brief,
simply stated, and contain essential information, because they have
limited time, either because of restrictions or because they are billed for
the time used. They want to browse rapidly and will reject a message
that wastes their time.
The clearest way to reach people directly, without mass media interference,
is through e-mail. When the audience is one individual, this new channel simply imitates
personal correspondence. Special conventions, called netiquette should, however, be
observed in using e-mail. As recommended by Nadine Udall Fischer of NADIA, The
Professional Speaking Company (Lawrenceville, NJ):
1. Use e-mail for urgent, time-sensitive matters.
2. Be brief, action-oriented, and direct. Make your point
seconds of the readers time.
3. Be sensitive. Avoid hiding behind e-mail to say something you
would not want to say face-to-face. Write in upper- and lowercase
letters because writing in all caps is the e-mail equivalent of hollering. Avoid slam-o-gramsnegative, curt e-mail messages. 66
relations has
others. These
public. The
comreviews of
routinely pro-
sus peoples privacy rights. As the Supreme Court said in 1951 in response to solicitors of magazine subscriptions, the First Amendment
didnt give companies free rein to invade the living rights of others to
privacy and repose.82 Because 79.1% of spam messages are claimed to
originate in North America, the European Union is asking for stronger
measures, such as an opt-in system rather than the new laws
opt-out provision. The powerful Direct Marketing Association has
opposed a blanket opt-in rule and instead wants harsher penalties for
the worst offenders.83
Use of Web Pages During a Crisis. 84 The
and availability make the Internet an ideal tool for a company to provide the media and others with information about a crisis. In todays
24/7 environment, word of a crisis is quickly broadcast by the news
media, even as the crisis unfolds and before details are available. To obtain balanced treatment from the media, a company can offer three
types of websites: the company site; a special site dedicated to the crisis; and the sites of supporters, advocates, and allies. 85 The Internet can
also take a companys message directly to stakeholders, such as vendors, franchisees, customers, and employees. Thus, a new role for public relations practitioners is that of content provider, a role that
eliminates the filter. The Internets multimedia capability makes
possible the exciting prospect of broadcasting visual images directly to
a companys stakeholders. Box 8.4 describes how Odwalla effectively
used a dedicated website when its apple juice was implicated in several
cases of E. coli poisoning.
When customers dislike a product, they find a substitute. The same is
true for corporations that have depended on the mass media to disseminate their messages. When trust in the news media is low, companies
may bypass them entirely or supplement the medias version with their
own through various forms of direct communication with their audiences. Trust has been undermined as evidence mounts that the media are
failing in their mission of objective and fair reporting. Charges abound
of a liberal media bias and commercial values that favor sensationalism
and entertainment over journalistic values. Fortunately for business,
alternatives to the traditional news media are growingin the form of
channels, and the Internet.
1. Strategy 92 & Beyond , pr reporter, Vol. 35, March 2, 1992, pp. 1-2.
In the News: Prepared Testimony of Dr. Jay Black Before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Federal News Service, December 19, 1996.
3. The State of the News Media 2004, Pew Research Center for People & the
Press. www.stateofthenewsmedia.org/narrative_overview_conclusions
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. From Roper Center, Public Opinion Online. Also see Rita Beamish, Voters Rate
the Coverage by News Media as Mediocre, Los Angeles Times, November 27,
1994, p. A-19; Reginald Stuart, A Year of Sizzle Boosts Audiences, Arms Our
Critics; Sensationalism in Journalism to Erode Public Confidence in Media,
Quill, Vol. 82, November 1994, p. 56.
8. Steve Berg, Gingrich Joins Chorus of Media Critics, Star Tribune, January
18, 1995, p. 6A.
9. Ibid.
10. Ibid.
11. James Fallows, Breaking the News: How the Media Undermine American Democracy (New York: Pantheon, 1996), p. 3.
12. Peter Vanderwicken, Why the News Is Not the Truth, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 73, May-June 1995, pp. 144-152.
13. Bruce Nussbaum, The Myth of the Liberal Media, BusinessWeek, November
11, 1996, p. 34. The poll, however, is criticized for including only 139 Washington journalists.
14. Robert J. Barro, The Liberal Media: Its No Myth, BusinessWeek, June 14,
2004, p. 28
15. S. Robert Lichter, Stanley Rothman, and Linda S. Lichter, The Media Elite:
Americas New Powerbrokers (Bethesda, Md: Adler & Adler, 1986).
16. Ibid., p. 294.
17. Ibid., pp. 20-23.
18. Ibid., p. 86.
19. Ibid., pp. 294-295.
20. Nussbaum, op. cit., p. 35.
21. Lichter, Rothman and Lichter, op. cit., p. 150.
22. Watchdog Watch, American Journalism Review, Vol. 5 , April 1993, pp.
23. Lichter, Rothman, and Lichter, op. cit., pp. 294-295.
24. New York Times, March 20, 2001, pp. C1, C6.
25. Gary C. Woodward, Perspectives on American Political Media (Boston: Allyn &
Bacon, 1997), p. 46. Also see p. 48.
26. Ibid., p. 49.
27. Jane Hall, ABC Pulls Story on Misdeeds in Congress, Los Angeles Times, May
17, 1997, p. A15.
28. John R. Wilke, FTC Asks Media to Reject False Ads, Wall Street Journal, November 20, 2002, p. A3.
29. Jacqueline Sharkey, The Diana Aftermath, American Journalism Review,
Vol. 19, November, 1997, p. 22.
30. Even Media Pros Now Question Validity of Current News; Another Reason
to Go Under-the-Radar Directly to Publics, pr reporter, Vol. 37, March 21,
1994, p. 1.
31. Michael Elliott, Blunt Arrows Miss the Mark, Guardian, April 8, 1996, p. T16.
32. Ed Siegel, The Tabloid Approach Takes Hold; News Analysis, Boston Globe,
December 23, 1993, p. 1.
33. Television Newsmagazine Shows Called TrashYet Rate Highest; Watch for
Local Television Reporting to Turn Uglier, pr reporter, Vol. 36, August 23,
1993, p. 3.
34. Lisa Bannon, In Special Section, Los Angeles Times Raps Executives Role in
Tangled Tale, Wall Street Journal, December 21, 1999, p. B10.
35. Ibid.
36. Larry King, with Mark Stencel, On the Line: The New Road to the White House
(New York: Harcourt Brace, 1993), p. 6.
37. Ibid., p. 60.
38. Ibid.
39. Ibid., p. 160.
40. Ibid., p. 16.
41. Ibid., p. 36.
42. Ibid., p. 161.
43. Ibid., p. 32.
44. Ibid., p. 155. He cites the Congressional Quarterly Almanac, 102nd Session,
1992 (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1993), p. 6-A.
45. Natural Communications Methods Work Best; Some Examples, pr reporter,
Vol. 38, June 26, 1995, p. 2.
46. One More Reason for Going Around the Media to Publics, pr reporter, Vol.
38, June 5, 1995, pp. 2-3.
47. Ibid.
48. Bill Vlasic, Douglas Harbrecht, and Mary Beth Regan, The GOP Way Is the
Amway Way, BusinessWeek, August 12, 1996, pp. 28-29.
49. Database PR: Opinion Leader List Overpowers Media List, pr reporter, Vol.
36, February 1, 1993, p. 1.
50. Ibid.
51. Ibid.
52. Database Marketing Could Be Threat to PR, or an Ally, pr reporter, Vol. 36,
January 18, 1993, p. 1.
53. R. Kenneth Godwin, One Billion Dollars of Influence (Chatham, N.J.: Chatham
House, 1988), p. 1.
Technology, The CPSR Newsletter, Vol. 13, Summer 1995, pp. 9-10.
55. Sally Goll Beatty, Philip Morris Starts Lifestyle Magazine, Wall Street Journal, September 16, 1996, p. B1.
56. Andy Meisler, From Your Mailbox to Your VCR: More Ads, New York Times,
October 16, 1994, p. E6.
57. Ibid.
58. For an excellent review of the subject see Daniel S. Janal, Public Relations:
Influencing Editors and Your Target Market, in Online Marketing Handbook
(New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1955), pp. 287-333.
59. John V. Pavlik, New Media Technology: Cultural and Commercial Perspectives
(Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1996), p. 170.
60. Shel Holtz, Public Relations on the Net, 2nd edition (New York: AMACOM,
61. Ibid., p. 345.
62. Ibid., p. 225.
63. Chris Casey, The Hill on the Net: Congress Enters the Information Age (Boston:
AP Professional, 1996), p. 84.
64. Ibid.
65. See www.efluentials.com.
Whats Proper & Whats Not in the Use of E-Mail? Channels (monthly
newsletter published by PR Publishing Co., Exeter, N.H.), p. 7.
67. Holtz, op. cit., p. 125.
68. 1-Way Patrol: E-Mail: Signed, Sealed, Deleted, BusinessWeek, November
11, 2002, p. 14.
69. Casey, op. cit., pp. 77-78.
70. 44 Percent of American Internet Users Have Contributed Their Thoughts,
Digital Content to Online World, Ascribe Newswire, February 26, 2004.
71. Ken Deutsch, Blogging Bids to Become the New Tool of Choice for Influencing Public Policy, Impact, May 2004, p. 1.
72. Ibid., pp. 1-3.
73. Walter S. Mossberg, Personal Technology: Push Technology Sometimes
Pushes News You Cant Use, Wall Street Journal, March 27, 1997, p. B1.
74. Holtz, op. cit., p. 123.
75. Ibid. PointCast has been replaced by Entrypoint, owned by Launchpad Technologies. This service displays information in an on-screen toolbar that enables users to link to shopping, financial, and news sites of their own choice.
Laurie J. Flynn, Compressed Data; Push Technology Returns in a Form
That Is More Polite, New York Times, March 13, 2000, p. C4.
76. Ibid.
77. Stephen Baker, The Taming of the Internet, BusinessWeek, December 15,
2003, pp. 78-81.
78. Stephen Baker, From Open Doors to Gated Communities, BusinessWeek,
September 8, 2003, p. 36.
79. Mentioned in a professional paper by Marinos Papadopoulos, who references the Direct Marketing Association (www.the-dma.org). An early infamous case is the green card lawyer who, in April 1994, sent an
advertisement to more than 5,500 Usenet newsgroups without any regard
for the groups topic of discussion. The sender was consequently vilified
across the Internet. The lawyers violated the rule, or netiquette, that messages should only be posted to newsgroups appropriate to the subject of the
message. Casey, op. cit., p. 57.
80. Ibid., p. 55.
81. Baker, The Taming of the Internet, op. cit.
Commentary: Will the
Right to
BusinessWeek, November 10, 2003, p. 73.
83. Brandon Mitchener, Europe Blames Weaker U.S. Law for Spam Surge,
Wall Street Journal, February 3, 2004, p. B1.
84. The crisis story is based on a press kit by Edelman Public Relations Worldwide and the following: Take Control, PRs Magazine of Reputation Management, November-December 1997, pp. 48-50; Richard Rapaport, PR
Finds a Cool New Tool, Forbes ASAP, October 6, 1997, pp. 101-108.
85. Suggested by Holtz, op. cit., p. 336.
Governmental Strategies
Businesses operate within the parameters of what government allows.
Government regulations can define what products or services are legal,
as the banning of alcoholic beverages during the prohibition era demonstrates.
which a product may be sold, as with the distribution of prescription
drugs through licensed pharmacists. Regulations can also restrict how a
product may be advertised, such as banning cigarette ads on television.
Not surprisingly, one of the favorite charts in business-government
books shows the precipitous rise in the number of regulations during
the 1960s and 1970s. Murray L. Weidenbaums book, Business, Government, and the Public, shows a mildly rising curve in the number of federal consumer protection laws passed between 1890 and 1972. The
curve rises sharply, however, in the mid-1960s and the author notes
that legislation shows little sign of diminishing. 1 Furthermore, some of
the newer regulations are across the board and apply to all industries
regulations on the environment, affirmative action, and occupational health and safety). Traditional regulations were industry specific
and therefore relatively more acceptable because regulators might actually understand how a regulation would impact a particular industry.
Although corporations emphasize the onerous aspects of government regulations in
their public statements, many are equally interested in these other functions of
Promoter of business (e.g., tax credits, tariffs, subsidies).
Guarantor of business (e.g., the Chrysler & Lockheed bailouts).
Buyers of goods and services from the private sector.
Manager of the economy through monetary and fiscal policy.
Owner of enterprises (e.g., the Tennessee Valley Authority).
Planner of economic growth and prosperity.2
Some of these functions hold the promise of government contracts,
subsidies, and loan guarantees. With a worldwide movement toward
of enterprises
converted into business potential through the process of outsourcing and
privatization. Besides maintaining a stable and growing economy, business and the public expect government to strengthen the countrys infrastructure, which now focuses not only on better roads, but the
building of an information infrastructure. The subject of what public
goods the government should provide will always remain highly
Interest Groups
Interest groups exert enormous power in legislative and regulatory decision making because all of them are potential lobbyists. (Their role in
originating and disseminating issues has already been discussed in the
introduction to Part II.) Jonathan Rauch, national correspondent for the
National Journal, believes the reason for the inability of Congress and
the White House to achieve their sometimes lofty goals is that real control lies with these pivotal groups. 3
As economist Mancur Olson wrote, the more parochial a lobby is, the
more likely it is to form and thrive. Rauch further explains, Lobbies exist to secure some favorable measures for themselves. Each group cares
much more about keeping its little piece of the pie than anyone else cares
about taking it away. 4 These lobbies can be beaten only by mobilizing
broad public opinion against them, but that happens only in response to
a crisis or when a bipartisan elite spends months or years seeking to do
so. Sometimes, however, a corporation can form a coalition with some
interest groups, recognizing that some normally opposed to business
might join it in support of specific issues.
Public Opinion
Public opinion comprises what is on the minds of the general public, and
a variety of writers have recognized its importance. Public relations
counselor Edward L. Bernays wrote in his classic, Crystallizing Public
Perhaps the most significant social, political and industrial fact about the
present century is the increased attention that is paid to public opinion, not
only by individuals, groups or movements that are dependent on public
support for their success, but also by men and organizations which until
very recently stood aloof from the general public and were able to say, The
public be damned.5
Public opinion surveys serve several purposes related to public affairs: They are a useful way of monitoring what issues Americans are
concerned about, what their stand is on specific issues, and what their
mood is; for example, whether the country is on the right track. Many
pertinent survey findings are reported in subsequent chapters.
Leo Bogart, former vice president of marketing planning and research
at the Bureau of Advertising, said, in a Harvard Business Review article, the
main purpose of opinion research is to inform management on the general climate of opinion, to point out public relations issues with which the
company may be faced.6
And Robert O. Carlson, a former opinion researcher for the then Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, said large corporations wanted to evaluate their place in the publics mind. 7
Direct Lobbying
The right to lobby is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution, which states, Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble and to petition the government for redress of grievances. People can also make demands and advocate specific public policy. Oneon-one contact with lawmakers or governmental officials is called direct lobbying and today is routinely conducted by paid professionals
groups. Although lobbyists come in all political persuasions, many are
lobbyists for hire by those who can afford them.
Millions of dollars in lobbying fees and political contributions were
spent by industry and opposing groups in the summer of 2003 to influence the FCCs ruling to relax limits on media ownership. The Center for
Responsive Politics reported that media companies spent more than $82
million on federal lobbying efforts between 1999 and 2002 and another
$26 million on political contributions. The biggest spenders were the
most famous names in broadcasting: AOL Time Warner spent $15.77
million on lobbying and $6.2 million in political contributions; Disney
spent $16 million on lobbying and $2.8 million on contributions; the
Hearst Corporation spent $394,000 on lobbying and contributed
$180,000 to candidates and PACs. Lobbying intensified in the months
leading up to the vote and Clear Channel, owner of more than 1,200 radio stations and 36 television stations, which barely had a presence in
Washington 2 years earlier, hired four additional lobbying firms and set
up its own Washington office.1
The use of professionals has evolved because of a highly specialized
society that requires representation by interest groups as well as individual citizens. As the eminent political scientist V. O. Key, Jr. stated,
The study of politics must rest on an analysis of the objectives and
composition of the interest groups within a society. 2 Whether the influence of pressure
groups has gone too far, however, is subject to much debate. Many believe we now live in an
era of single interest groups that neglect the good of society as a whole.
By all measures, the lobbying industry has been growing rapidly and is
commensurate with the growing role of government in business affairs.
Nearly $2 billion was spent for Washington lobbying in 2003. Health care
issues accounted for the single biggest share, about $297 million, partly
because Congress was considering Medicare prescription drug coverage.
Finance and insurance lobbying was next, with at least $259 million spent;
and lobbying on communications and technology issues third, with about
$248 million.3 The New York Times reported, Lobbying has turned into a
well-ordered global business, with the influence game taking on a decidedly corporate look.4 As of March 2004, the number of registered lobbyists was about 25,000, up from the 14,946 registered on September 30,
1997.5 In all there were more than 38 registered lobbyists and $2.7 million
in lobbying expenditures for every member of Congress. 6
Official figures include only those who register under the requirements of the law. Under the old Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act of
1946, anyone who solicited or accepted contributions for lobbying purposes had to keep accounts, present receipts and statements to the Clerk
of the U.S. House of Representatives, and register with the Clerk of the
House and the Secretary of the Senate. The new Lobbying Disclosure Act
of 1995 lawand the Lobbying Disclosure Technical Amendments Act
of 1997provides more information about interest groups activities
and more accuracy in reporting their spending. 7
Grassroots lobbying
groups, however, are not required to register.8 Unofficially, the number
of lobbyists is much higher than official figures because many fall outside the legal requirements or simply do not register. Ken Silverstein, in a
blistering book on Beltway lobbying, Washington on $10 Million a Day:
How Lobbyists Plunder the Nation, places the actual figure between
40,000 and 80,000, roughly 75 for each member of Congress, even at
the lower figure.9
Washington correspondents Michael Kilian and Arnold Sawislak said
that lobbying was the fourth largest DC industryafter government,
printing, and tourism.10 Because they play a large legislative role, lobbyists
are often called the third House of Congress. They are also known as the
fifth branch of government (after the media, which serves as the fourth).
Who Hires Lobbyists?
Industries most affected by government regulation, especially by impending legislation,
are most likely to be active in lobbying. In 2000 the top five spenders by industry group
Cassidy & Associates
Patton, Boggs
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld
Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson & Hand
Greenberg Traurig
Van Scoyoc Associates
Barbour Griffith & Rogers
Washington Council Ernst & Young
Williams & Jensen
this consolidation is that these public affairs firms are more profitable than public
Corporations also hire accounting firm lobbyists, largely because tax
are becoming
complex. As
Birnbaum: the hottest tactic in lobbying these days pits corporate technicians-for-hire, like those
at Price Waterhouse, against
governments own technicians. And increasingly, the government is simply
outmatched.31 When top government tax staffers decide to leave government, they often turn to Price Waterhouse. Two former staff directors of the Joint Tax Committee, Congresss repository of tax
information and analysis, started the trend when they joined the accounting firms, which by 1990 employed 123 professionals, compared
with 45 at the Joint Tax Committee.32
Direct lobbying requires three resources: access, information, and
tually beneficial relationship. A lobbyist must also possess the
sive skills of being an excellent listener, communicator, and negotiator.
a mupersua-
Personal access to legislative and regulatory decision makers is a prerequisite for lobbying. As stated by Edwin Epstein, the chance to get a
hearing and the opportunity to make ones case at crucial times and
places is a key political resource. 33
For this reason, former senators,
representatives, legislative aides, White House cabinet members, press
secretaries, and anyone else in a high position who has contacts are
eagerly sought out as lobbyists. Being a member of a politicians family
presumably enhances access. Linda Daschle, a powerful lobbyist for
American Airlines, is the wife of Tom Daschle. According to Arianna
Huffington, author of Pigs at the Trough, she was instrumental in the
passage of the $15 billion bailout of the airline industry after 9/11. Chet
Lott, Trent Lotts son, went from running a pizza joint to being a powerful Washington lobbyist. Huffington asks, How can these things be
legal? Why should they be allowed to be lobbyists and members of the
families of politicians who make these key decisions? 34
Staff Directories.
Several available directories enable individuals
and groups without preexisting personal contacts to least easily identify
members of the legislative and executive branches of government.
Congressional Staff Directory lists members of the Senate and
House, as well as officers and staffs and their legislative specialties. 35
Every member page contains addresses, telephone and fax numbers,
e-mail and web addresses; expanded member biographies, photo-
graphs; a state map with district highlighted; staff members with titles and legislative responsibilities; all district offices with address,
subcommittees and caucuses.
Federal Staff Directory lists 44,000 decision makers in the executive branch of the federal government and contains more than 2,600
The directory provides information on the Executive
Office of the Presidentwhich pinpoints senior officials and top aides
working directly with the President and Vice Presidentcabinet departments, and independent and quasi-official agencies.
Leadership Directories comprise 14 yellow books. Those most
useful for lobbying purposes include the Congressional Yellow Book
(members of Congress, including committees and key staff), the Federal Yellow Book (key personnel in federal departments and agencies),
the State Yellow Book (elected and appointed officials in the executive
branch, as well as state legislators and their committees), the Judicial
Yellow Book (covers federal and higher state courts), the Municipal Yellow Book (leading city and county governments and local authorities,
and Foreign Representatives in the U.S. (information on thousands of
business and government decision makers in the United States). The
Internet provides daily changes in the Leadership Library.37
Michael K. Deaver, a lobbyist with a long history of lobbying in the
nations capital, shows how he exploited his former employment in the
White House by obtaining access to it for personal gain (see Box 9.5).
Former Senator Bob Packwood (R-Oreg.) is another public official who
used the revolving door to become a lobbyist. In November 1996, he
filed papers to incorporate his new lobbying firm, just 11 days after the
legal 1-year moratorium on lobbying expired. He will benefit from the
knowledge acquired in government services because he will be lobbying
for a business coalition on estate tax issues, a subject he oversaw as
chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. 38 When their terms were up
in January 2005, well-connected Senators John Breaux and Don
Nickles planned to join the private sector as lobbyists. According to Political-MoneyLine.com,
registered to lobby since 1995, a trend abhored by critics. Many lawmakers
stay in office only until they can cash in on their positions, says Larry
Noble, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics. Then
they use their special contacts on the Hill to benefit paying clients. 39
The revolving door also applies to some civilian administrators. The
case of the Air Forces Darleen Druyun, who for three decades had negotiated
when in January 2003 she accepted a job with Boeing. For about a year
it was known that she was talking about job opportunities with three of
the nations largest defense contractors: Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and
Raytheon. Both Michael Sears, Boeings chief financial officer, and
Druyun were fired a year later for unethical conduct. Pentagon inves-
tigators and the Justice Department were probing into whether she
shared a rival companys information with Boeing and pushed a controversial $21-billion plan to have the government lease and later buy
100 Boeing-made airplanes while she worked as a government acquisition officer.40
Officers of major corporations have easy access to government decision makers because they and their companies possess the following political resources:
Corporate managers have continual contact with government officials in their performance of important public functions.
Businesses make political contributions, and public officials wish
not to offend them. They at least give them an audience.
Government agencies are sometimes required by law to consult
groups affected by their regulations.
Dinners between business leaders and top officials in the federal
government are sometimes arranged for purposes of dialogue.
As industrial statesmen and leaders of industry, CEOs of the
largest corporations are accorded the status of semiofficial spokespersons for the business community. This is one of the strengths of
the Business Roundtable, mentioned earlier.
As managers of the most important economic enterprises in the
country, whose cooperation and assistance are critical to the na-
tional interest, business leaders have served in official capacities, for example, on toplevel presidential public-service commissions and as consultants.
On an informal basis, top executives rank high in social status. As
social elites, they are thrown into contact with other notables, including leaders in politics and government.
Also informally, the similarity of their socioeconomic background to that of a significant number of independently wealthy
senators facilitates contact between them and contributes to understanding.41
Access Through Travel Gifts. Industry
professional and trade associations pay for the travel of regulators to conventions and conferences where they not only speak on panels but have a
chance for cocktail conversations
about policy
Cable companies, radio and television broadcasters, high-tech businesses, and the
telephone industry, for example, have paid for scores of trips by FCC
members and staff. Over the past 3 years, FCC members accepted more
than $725,000 worth of airfare, hotel rooms, meals, and expenses from
the industries they regulate, with smaller amounts provided by international agencies and few public groups and universities.
The National Association of Broadcasters, the largest trade group for
the radio and TV broadcasters, spent more than $75,000 flying commissioners and more than a dozen staff members to its yearly convention in
Las Vegas. Another group, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association, which represents about 200 member companies, also invites
FCC members to its annual convention, attended by about 90,000 people.
Thats probably the best opportunity to help people, both the FCC and
staff, really understand how our business works, said Rob Stoddard,
spokesman for the association. Individual companies, such as Viacom,
owner of CBS, Infinity Broadcasting, Paramount Pictures, and Showtime,
have also funded trips.42
Coincidence of Personal and Legislative Interests. The
access to a member of Congress is diminished when a legislator s personal interests coincide with a corporations because of stock ownership
(see Box 9.6). There is no law or congressional rule that requires members of Congress to excuse themselves from legislation or subcommittees that could directly affect their major stock holdings.
Information and Knowledge
Although nailing the right Congressman and influencing the right
vote is the essence of lobbying, such contact must be backed up with
superior informationat the right time, says Philip Lesly, a veteran
public relations consultant. 43 Access alone, therefore, is insufficient for
political influence; a lobbyist must be credible and knowledgeable. He or
she must be able to assemble expert information and present a credible analysis of the pros
and cons of specific issues.
Providing the best researched and best developed factual report on a
legislative subject is an important and neglected means of assuring favorable legislation and regulation, says Lesly. Such information must be
unimpeachably objective. It must also enter the pipeline of consideration at the right time; namely, when bills are still in the formative stage
and officials are looking into the subject. Often the best studies made by
business, think tanks, and other groups arrive after the sifting process
has gone too far to undo many hours of work by many people.
When Michael Deaver was accused of flaunting his access to the
White House for his client, the Canadian government, he defended him-
self by defining his function in knowledge terms: working in the advisory field.44 His role, he said, was to advise the Canadian government
on how to deal with the United States. The reason foreign governments
buy his services, he said, is that he helps them develop strategies about
what their objectives should be and how to achieve them. 45
Think Tanks.
The formation of think tanks by business interests
has greatly facilitated the formulation of free-market policy proposals
and the creation of data and knowledge to support lobbying activities,
including material for news releases. From fewer than 70 in 1969, the
number of think tanks grew to more than 300 by the late 1990s, with
further growth expected.46 The original purpose of think tanks, as envisioned by political scientists such as Charles Merriam, Harold Lasswell,
and John Kingdon, was to provide important background voices that
bring rational, reasoned analysis to long-term policy discourse based on
the best evidence available.47 However, as the political environment became
posed an effective challenge to the status quo, conservative think tanks
found an increasingly engaged, attentive, and receptive audience among
policymakers. These conservative think tanks outnumbered liberal ones
by a ratio of two to one.48
Consistently the most helpful to the most conservative groups has
been the Heritage Foundation, according to Andrew Rich, author of
Think Tanks, Public Policy, and the Politics of Expertise.49 Unlike earlier
think tanks, like the centrist Brookings Institution, the Heritage Foundation aggressively markets its policy views by formatting and promoting its expertisethrough short and accessible products, such as
Backgrounders.50 By the late 1990s, the Heritage Foundation became
the largest and best known of the new generation of ideologically conservative think tanks and rated as most influential among think tanks
generally.51 It was ahead of two other influential conservative think
tanks, the American Enterprise Institute and the Cato Institute. 52 In
1997 it was also ahead of the centrist Brookings Institution, which
was the most influential think tank in 1993. (Andrew Rich measured
influence by the frequency of providing congressional testimony and
newspaper citations.)
The future influence of think tanks is likely to diminish, says Rich,
based on his analysis of 135 in-depth interviews with officials at think
tanks and those in the policymaking and funding organizations that
draw on and support their work. The reason is that instead of providing
scholarly analysis of issues, think tanks now tend to produce research
that is little more than polemical commentary. 53
Experts have been
turned into advocates as the once-real boundaries between experts and
advocates in American policymaking have become blurred. Between the
mid-1960s and the mid-1990s, the proportion of think tanks with identifiable ideologies grew from less than one quarter to more than half.
Direct lobbying conforms to the traditional meaning that allows persons to petition government. All interest groups, and especially corporations, do so. Corporations have special advantages of access because
of the dominance of economic institutions and the high status of business executives in our society. Lobbying is no longer a folksy affair,
however; it has become a highly skilled business run chiefly by professionals, many of whom are for hire by those who can afford them. They
have considerable knowledge and other political resources. Direct lobbying is fortified with grassroots and fund-raising activities, as discussed in the following two chapters.
Charles Pope, Media Groups Spent Millions Lobbying the FCC, Seattle
Post-Intelligencer, June 3, 2003, p. C2.
2. V. O. Key, Jr., Politics, Parties, and Pressure Groups, 3rd edition (New York:
Thomas Y. Crowell, 1953), p. 24.
3. Sharon Theimer, Spending on 2003 D.C. Lobbying Near $2B, Associated
Press, June 1, 2004. For details on the communications industry, see Paying
to Play: $100 Million to Influence Communications Policy, January-June 2003
by Communication Daily. Press release, March 10, 2004.
4. Impact, op. cit., p. 1.
5. Masters of Access: How the Best Lobbyists Line Up, The Hill, March 24,
2004, p. 16.
6. Influence, Inc.: Summary; Lobbyists Spending in Washington (1999 edition), Center for Responsive Politics.
7. Susan Watkins Greenfield, Interest Groups and Lobbyists: Sources of Information, CRS Report for Congress (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research
Service, July 18, 2002 update), p. CRS-1.
8. Francesca Contiguglia, GAO Finds That Lobbyist Registration Has Soared,
Roll Call, May 14, 1998. Internet.
9. Ken Silverstein, Washington on $10 Million a Day (Monroe, Me.: Common
Courage Press, 1998), p. 18.
10. Michael Kilian and Arnold Sawislak, Who Runs Washington? (New York: St.
Martins, 1982), p. 142.
11. Lobbyists Database, op. cit.
12. Ibid.
13. Money in Politics Alert: Microsoft Antitrust Case: An Update on the Companys Lobbying and Campaign Contributions, Center for Responsive Politics; based on FEC data downloaded June 1, 2000.
14. Jim VandeHei and Juliet Eilperin, Targeting Lobbyists Pays off for GOP;
Party Earns More Funds, Influence, Washington Post, June 26, 2003, p.
15. Influence, Inc.: Lobbyists Spending in Washington (1999 edition), Center
for Responsive Politics.
16. Neil A. Lewis, Spheres of Influence Grow in Washington: Once the Enclave
of a Few Old Hands, Lobbying Is Corporate and Fast-Merging, New York
Times, November 16, 1999, p. C-1.
17. Brody Mullins, A Record Year for K St. in 02, Roll Call, April 21, 2003.
18. Murray L. Weidenbaum, Business, Government, and the Public (Englewood
Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1977), pp. 244-252.
19. For Trade Association, Politics Is the New Focus, BusinessWeek, April 17,
1978, p. 107.
20. Figures provided by the ASAE, October 24, 2003.
21. Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, The Lobbyists: How Influence Peddlers Get Their Way in
Washington (New York: Times Books, 1992), p. 7.
22. See Joseph F. Bradley, The Role of Trade Associations and Professional Societies
in America (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1965).
23. Kim McQuaid, The Roundtable: Getting Results in Washington, Harvard
Business Review, Vol. 59, May-June, 1981, p. 115.
24. Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, The Fallen Giant, Fortune, December 8, 1997, pp.
25. Glenn R. Simpson, Lobbying for Net Firms Gets Boost From Adhocracy,
Wall Street Journal, December 21, 1999, p. A24.
26. Kilian and Sawislak, op. cit., p. 195.
27. Ibid., pp. 188-189.
28. Lewis, op. cit. The source of information is ODwyer s Directory of Public Relations Firms.
29. Ibid.
30. Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, Big Firms Gobble up Lobbying Interest: Consolidation
Is the Trend in Influence Industry, Washington Post, April 27, 2004, p. E1.
31. Accounting Concerns Assume Burgeoning Role as Lobbyists; Often Outshoot Federal `Bureaucrats, Wall Street Journal, March 7, 1989, p. A26.
32. Birnbaum, op. cit., p. 217.
33. Epstein, op. cit., p. 197.
34. Tavis Smiley, Arianna Huffington Discusses How Corporate Greed and Political Corruption Are Undermining America, National Public Radio, February 19, 2003.
35. Published by CQ Staff Directories, Inc., 815 Slaters Lane, Alexandria, VA
22314. It is published three times each year, in the spring, summer, and fall.
36. Published by CQ Staff Directories, Inc.; see previous note.
37. See www.leadershipdirectories.com.
38. Associated Press, Packwood, the Lobbyist, Among Many Ex-Colleagues,
Boston Sunday Globe, November 17, 1996, p. A9.
39. Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, More Lawmakers See Lobbying as Next Job, Boston
Globe, June 28, 2004, p. A8.
40. Anne Marie Squeo and J. Lynn Lunsford, Missed Connections: How Two
Officials Got Caught by Pentagons Revolving Door, Wall Street Journal, December 18, 2003, p. A1.
41. Epstein, op. cit., pp. 197-203.
42. Anne C. Mulkern, Industry-Paid Junkets Raise Ethics Issues for the FCC, The
Denver Post, March 9, 2003, p. A-01.
43. Managing the Human Climate, no. 512, September/October, 1978, p. 2. Also
see Margery Kraus, Government Relations in the 90s and Beyond, in Practical Public Affairs in an Era of Change: A Communications Guide for Business,
Government, and College, ed. Lloyd B. Dennis (Lanham, Md.: University Press
of America, 1996), p. 95.
44. Martin Tolchin, Aide Said Canada Could Use Deaver, New York Times, May
11, 1986, p. 1.
Burt Solomon, Hawking Access, National Journal, Vol. 18, May 3, 1986,
pp. 1048-1053.
46. Andrew Rich, Think Tanks, Public Policy, and the Politics of Expertise (Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press, 2004), p. 204.
47. Ibid., p. 2.
48. Ibid., pp. 205-206.
49. Ibid., p. 216.
50. Ibid., p. 206.
51. Ibid., p. 53.
52. Ibid., p. 81.
53. Ibid., p. 220.
54. Dan H. Fenn Jr., Donald Grunewald, and Robert N. Katz, Business Decision
Making and Government Policy: Cases in Business and Government (Englewood
Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1966).
55. See How to Work With Congressional Committees, Iron Age, April 11,
1977, p. 154.
56. Rexnord/Public Affairs, Governmental ContactTestifying Before Congressional Committees, supplementary materials to Fraser/Associates,
Getting the Most From Grassroots Programs in the 1980s (Washington, D.C.:
Public Affairs Council, 1980).
57. Tips & Tactics, supplement of pr reporter, Vol. 17, August 6, 1979.
Grassroots Lobbying
Grassroots lobbying is pressure from the bottom up. The folks back
home tell a legislator what is on their minds, and these voices are important because more than anything else legislators want to get reelected. Because grassroots pressure seldom arises spontaneously, it
must be organized by those seeking to become lawmakers. Thus grassroots advocacy has become an essential strategic tool in lobbying Congress and the state legislatures. Over the past 20 years, grassroots
programs have grown in number and many corporations and associations have established positions and sometimes entire units devoted to
grassroots.1 Between 1993 and 1994, organizations spent $790 million
on it at the federal, state, and local levels. 2
A 1997 Fortune magazine survey that lists the Power 25Washingtons most important and powerful interest groups, labor unions,
grassroots lobbying. Leading the list were the American Association of
Retired Persons, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the
AFL-CIO, the National Federation of Independent Business, and the Association of Trial Lawyers of America. The Power 25 wield enormous
political clout, not only because they have money but also because
they are able to mobilize support from actual voters back home. They
can point to large numbers of geographically dispersed, politically active members with narrow interests. This, said Fortune, is the New
Focusing on the issue of health policy, researcher Michael T. Heaney
found that grassroots strength mainly accounts for the high ranking in
the newest list of the 25 organizations with the most influence on
Capitol Hill. Based on interviews with 95 congressional staffers, these
were the American Medical Association, AARP (formerly the American
The Internet, says Engardio, has ushered in the new social phenomenon of virtual
organizations: unstructured ad hoc clusters of people who perhaps never met but who
share a common passiona concern for environmental issues, an ethnic identity, or
simply a sense of struggle. But they can be rapidly mobilized for political action. 11
The Internet is changing the rules of the game, states a Foundation
for Public Affairs report on the impact of the Internet on public policymaking.12 It lowers the barriers to entering the game. 13 Former Christian Coalition executive director Ralph Reed says the Internet is the latest
in a series of technologies that are democratizing the political process,
making it possible [for activist groups] to bypass gatekeepers and the
traditional print and broadcast media to communicate directly with
their constituents.14 The importance of the Internet will grow as more
people use it, as more than half (55%) of U.S. adults were doing by
Corporations, however, have lagged behind activist groups in their
use of the Internet. Concern about security has made corporations shy
about posting information on the Web, says Faye Gorman-Graul, director of Dow Cornings government relations office in Washington. Look
at company websites and you rarely see public policy positions. Even if
companies are gun shy, they can use the Internet to monitor activists,
says Matthew Benson, senior director at the Bivings Woodell public affairs consulting firm: It has the potential to be a great place for early
warning on emerging issues. 16 Ronald Budzik, vice president for government affairs at Mead, adds, You can easily get the data that flows
across the environmental groups. Go to a website and get any information that comes off of it. All it takes is an e-mail address to sign up for
many activist groups e-mail alerts.17
From a public affairs viewpoint, grassroots lobbying is the mobilization
of constituents to demonstrate public support for an organizations position. Raymond Hoewing, former president of the Public Affairs Council, defines grassroots programs as organized efforts by a company or
organization to recruit and deploy political power from constituencies
in and out of the organization. 18 Edward A. Grefe, chief political consultant to Legislative Demographic Services, emphasizes, Grassroots is
one-on-one communications reaching out to individuals to seek their
support and to recruit their participation. 19 It is also a two-way process that is based on the assumption that those most affected by an issue
will respond to an invitation to become involved in any deliberation
over its future.
recognize the opportunity as well as the necessity to look beyond traditional political structures to the people. 20 As stated by Jack Bonner, a
prominent grassroots specialist, grassroots works best when you activate politically
important home district constituents who can demonstrate they understand both sides of
an issue and can explain in their own words how this issue will impact their district. 21
Grassroots lobbying consists of three essential steps: (a)
constituency building, (b) constituency communication, and (c) constituency
Constituency Building
Constituency building is the process of identifying and recruiting people
who are willing to become politically active on behalf of an organization. It is the attempt to harness the self-interest of individuals who
have some kind of a relationship or common interest with an organization. The aim is to motivate them to join the company in its political
programs and campaigns.
For organizations with sound existing public relations programs,
constituency building is already well on its way. Established relationships with such stakeholders as employees, stockholders, and community citizens can be directed toward political support. If relationships are
weak, however, support from these stakeholders is less likely and preliminary efforts have to be made to win their confidence.
Constituency building begins when an organization identifies those
individuals or groups among its stakeholders who are most likely to become politically active. The composition of this collection of persons and
groups is not constant but varies with different types of issues. Stockholders, for example, are more likely to be interested in issues dealing
with corporate governance and taxation; employees in the automotive
industry are interested in the issue of protective tariffs and quotas.
are an
of an organizations constituents because they do much of the work of grassroots lobbying. The National Rifle Association (NRA) has one of the most effective groups of
volunteers. It expends a significant amount of time and resources in recruiting,
legislative and political campaigns. For this purpose the NRA has a Grassroots
Division with a full-time staff of 12. Box 10.1 describes these activities
and how they were applied to a political campaign. 22
Strategies for Selecting Constituents.
selecting constituents:
Ad hoc: Changing with circumstances and each issue. Circumstances, such as having to respond to an immediate legislative need or
threat, may dictate this approach, in which the choice of constituents
varies with each issue. For example, stockholders are an appropriate
constituent group for issues dealing with corporate governance and
taxation; employees in the automotive industry would be appropriate for the issue of
protective tariffs and quotas.
distributors, suppliers, and other constituencies. The ABA used this
approach when it appealed to the general public to oppose the inclusion of a 10% tax on interest and dividends in a tax reform package by
Congress. Bankers feared the public would blame bankers once the
withholding began. The ABA placed an ad titled Congress Wants a
Piece of Your Savings. What They Need Is a Piece of Your Mind in
many U.S. newspapers. More important, the ABA prepared a media
and support kit that was sent to its 14,000 member banks. For media
relations purposes, the kit contained two sample letters to the editor,
one by a banker and one by a citizen. To reach other specific audiences, the kits included a Q&A sheet with specific answers to questions by employees, customers, and the media. The kit also provided a
sample postcard/ballot that customers could fill out and drop into a
ballot box in the bank lobby, which the bank would then mail to
Congress. To further encourage grassroots activity, the kits contained
three sample letters to Congressfrom a banker, a consumer, and a
senior citizen.23
Key-contact: Using a cadre of line managers who are able and
willing to meet one-on-one with senators and representatives on issues important to the company. It is a more formalized approach favored by several companies, such as Merck and Scott Paper.
Third-party advocacy: Soliciting support from outsiders who are credible
sources. Because they are outsiders, they generally have weaker interest in and
commitment to the issue, a fact that lawmakers often recognize by according them
higher credibility.
God Bless America approach: Bringing people into the political process
because its the right thing to do.24
Two additional approaches have been added: grasstops and astroturf.
In the grasstops approach, persons are sought who are likely to gain access to, or have influence with, a member of Congress, perhaps because
they were once close to him or her. They are prominent, influential
people in the area who agree to weigh in with a lawmaker on behalf of
your issue.25 They are higher up the political food chain, so more lawmakers want to interact directly with them. Such persons may also enjoy clout because of their expertise on an issue or assistance they have
provided during political campaigns. They include elected officials,
opinion leaders, party leaders, campaign advisers, local association officers, community leaders, academics, and other policy analysts. 26 Used
in key influential or key influencer campaigns, the grasstops strategy is
best used as a supplement to a broader program.
The astroturf approach has been made possible by the help of modern
information technology, which easily allows the creation of databases
of potential constituents, which appear as apparent grassroots supporters. For example, when Bonner sought to identify groups that would be
predisposed to oppose an amendment that would require the Big Three
auto makers to build smaller, more fuel-efficient cars, he chose the elderly and the physically handicapped; they, he reasoned, would have a
hard time getting into smaller cars with walkers, wheelchairs, and other
special equipment.27 As recognized by Ron Faucheux, such lists of potential supporters can be used for the instant manufacturing of public
support for a point of view in which either uninformed activists are recruited or means of deception are used to recruit them. 28
Such manufactured support is a artificial and temporarynot to be
confused with solid, lasting grassroots support from established relationships. The real difference between grassroots and astroturf, says
Elizabeth J. Welsh, president of Executive Communications, is in the
level of understanding, belief, commitment and personal stake that advocates
legislators. 29
Lawmakers have a growing suspicion of astroturf campaigns, causing
nature of the industry. Companies in the tobacco industry use catalogs not only to market directly to customers but also to mobilize
customers as a political force. For example, when Philip Morriss
Benson & Hedges catalog offers customers a Mikasa crystal set in exchange for 300 proofs of purchase, the responses enable the company
to build a database of its smokers, which can be used to drum up support for its legislative and other political goals. It also publishes a
magazine, Unlimited, to reach its Marlboro smokers.34
3. Outside constituencies. Outside constituencies, drawn from the
general public, do not have an economic link with a company; they
may, however, identify with its issue and causes. Such groups, often
considered third-party advocates, are important when a corporation
or association has no constituent presence in key legislative districts. 35
The challenge is to find a way to identify these potential supporters.
The Health Insurance Industry of America (HIAA) identified and
recruited outside constituencies by using paid ads to fight the Clinton
administrations health care reform proposal. Its much publicized
and highly successful Harry and Louise spots demonstrated the value
of this approach. A vital feature of the $15-million spots was a
toll-free telephone number. It generated more than 350,000 phone
calls, which enabled the HIAA to send information packets to callers.
The HIAA recruited 40,000 activist volunteers from the respondents,
who are credited with producing 200,000 contacts with members of
Constituency Communication
When time permits, recruitment of constituents can be followed up by
regular communication about pertinent political issues and stressing
the importance of constituent involvement in the political process. As
stated by Pamela Jones-Lee, president of National Grassroots & Communications, Clients need to take time to educate their constituencies
so the constituency is still there after they leave. 37 The New York Power
Authority has done this with its Ambassador Program, which is intended to establish two-way communications with more than 4,000
contacts statewide who appear on its computerized mailing list. One aspect of the program is a questionnaire asking these people about their
involvement in the community, the level at which they would participate (e.g., letter writing, making phone calls), and the issues in which
they would be interested.38
constituencies of employees and stockholders is essentially an extension of existing public relations, employee communication, and investor relations
programsassuming they exist.
a company provides employees not only with company news and social activities, but also information about economic and political issues facing the company and,
district, personally written letters from heads of groups in the district or from company
officials with a job presence in the district, and phone calls from constituents.50
Between 60% and 69% of the members of Congress pay attention
to phone calls from heads of groups in their district; 20% to 25% to
postcards and mailgrams from the district; and 19% or less to issue
papers, form letters from constituents and company officials, editorials, CEO visits from a company without a district job presence,
and advertisements.51
Other studies also show that letters or telephone calls from constituents, if they are perceived as personal and spontaneous rather than orchestrated, are given the most weight. The most effective method is to
allow constituents to communicate in their own words to their elected
officials, a method frequently used on the state and local level. Special
events can be used to facilitate constituent contact with legislators; the
IIAA, for example, established an interactive kiosk at a trade gathering.
A 1999 study of the effectiveness of constituent communications
ranks fax and e-mail below the personal media previously mentioned,
but ahead of a petition or mass mailing. When members of Congress
see theres an unorchestrated, honest grassroots interest in an issue,
they tend to pay attention. 52 However, overzealousness in grassroots
lobbying must
be watched. Congressional staffers have become
disconcerting interpreters of grassroots communications. As one said, When
it comes in bunches you can recognize it as Astroturf. Its not taken
very seriously.53
What also gets little or no attention from members of Congress are issue
papers; editorials; visits from CEOs and officials of firms affected by an issue but without significant job presence in the home district; and newspaper, radio, or TV issue ads in Washington, DC, or in the home district.
letters and personal conversations with members of Congress through visits or phones calls are supplemented with e-mail, faxes, and other
stimulated and manipulated through organized efforts by corporations
and interest groups.
The tools already mentioned merge with a broader list of services public affairs consulting firms provide for grassroots lobbying. The following
list by Leslie J. Gianelli, vice president at Powell Tate, shows the overlap
with direct lobbying and traditional public relations and marketing:
Coalition building and grassroots outreach.
Grasstops recruitment and mobilization.
Database development and maintenance.
highly controversial and should never be used, says Hansbrough. On
the other hand, Peck Young of Austin, Texas-based Emory, Young &
Associates, says phone banks are now applied to persuasion calls.
To contact 40,000 voters with a persuasive ID call and a GOTV
call may cost $50,000 says Tony Feather. Bob Corn, vice president
of Alexandria, Virginia-based Landmark Strategies, estimates that
the typical budget allocates 40% to 45% to ID calls, 30% to 35% to
GOTV calls, and 20% to 25% to persuasion. Phone banks are highly
cost-effective, as suggested in fund-raising applications, especially
when used in combination with direct mail, television, radio, print,
and other fund-raising media. Each medium reinforces the other,
creating a powerful message, says Ellinger. Because phone calls increase donor awareness and motivation, he states response rates
with current donors are three to five times that of direct mail, and
with lapsed and nondonor audiences, response rates of 10 times or
more are common.
Using paid telephone banks has several advantages besides the
ability to reach a high volume of voters in a short period of time. Because professional operators are used, they can get reliable identification because they are unbiased. The enthusiasm of volunteers is
likely to create a bias, although this motivation would not be harmful
in persuasion or GOTV calls. It is essential, however, that phone
bank operators be well-trained, prepared to handle questions and are accent neutral with
acceptable diction, says Linda Cherry, president of Cherry Communications, a Republican
firm based in Tallahassee, Florida. She says that there is a wide range of quality,
accuracy, and reliability within the industry.
Professionally trained operators can also take greater advantage of the targeting of calls to
desired voters, who can be identified by improved voter lists, polling information, and
demographic data. Data collected from previous phone conversations are also useful. In
persuasion calls, operators can present tailored scripts to different segments of voters in a
single advocacy program.
speed modems provide the capacity to track data in almost real time.
Better desktop analysis allows for more detailed statistical information
so that trends can quickly be spotted and adjustments made to messages
where necessary.62
Computer Technology Enhances Grassroots Effectiveness
Modern information technology that combines such hardware as fast
computers with vast storage capacity, software, and databases has
greatly facilitated and enhanced the effectiveness of grassroots lobbying. State-of-the-art information systems support all of the elements of
communication, and constituency activation. The latter capability is particularly
important because sudden legislative developments place a premium on
capacity and speed.
Computer technology is used for the following purposes:.
1. Maintain membership lists in databases. One of the oldest uses
of information technology is the creation and maintenance of membership lists, such as files of employees, stockholders, community
allow easy updating and immediate access. An example of strategic
use of databases is the National Association of Life Underwriters,
which built a network of more than 10,000 members who serve as
contacts in 521 of the nations 538 congressional districts. Local coordinators routinely meet with each member of Congress three or
four times a year.63
2. Classify and sort constituents. The computer can sort a constituent database into categories relevant to a specific campaign, provide
connections with
printers, telephones, and
broadcast faxes. Through the use of available software, it is now
easy to sort and mobilize constituents in a variety of ways:
By congressional or legislative districts. One specialized software is the Congressional District and State District Identifier System. Another is
Rocliff Associates
of Delavan,
Wisconsin, that enables an organization to identify the legislative
constituencies reside. If grassroots action is needed in particular districts, an organization can target those constituents, inform them,
and ask them to take action. Anheuser-Busch used this software
system in an effort to oppose an additional federal excise tax on
beer. Using its file of 40,000 employees, 40,000 stockholders, 200
major suppliers, and 960 wholesalers, the company was able to
target constituents in the districts of 22 key members of the House
Ways and Means Committee. Anheuser-Busch also sent its 200
major suppliers information packages consisting of a letter ex-
Clear Skies plan. Members of the association were urged to participate in the industry outreach effort to mobilize employees, retirees
that it would roll back deadlines for meeting public health standards
features a general advocacy page, talking points that members of each
group can use to write their Congressional representatives, and letters for members of each group to send to Congress. 69
The campaign also asked industry executives to travel to Capitol Hill in
support of the plan.
A deficiency of many websites is that they provide little opportunity
for interaction and therefore cant capitalize on the motivation that is
focusing on social responsibility issues, this failing was noted in a
study of 100 websites of Fortune 500 companies by S. L. Esrock and G.
B. Leichty.70 On the one hand, they found that 88% had websites, and
80% of them dealt with at least one social responsibility issue. For example,
Avon its Breast Cancer Awareness crusade. What the sites lacked, however,
exchange of information and views between a company and its
publics. (The websites in the Esrock and Leichty study were aimed at
employees [68%], and customers and customer service [51%].)
Interaction is encouraged with such features as explicitly inviting
users to return to the site, including links to other websites, providing
a constantly updated calendar of events, and inviting users to voice
their opinions on issues. (See chap. 2 for how interest groups are
learning to incorporate these features.) The Esrock and Leichty study
showed that companies were at least making their sites more inviting. For example, three out of four prominently displayed icons or
links for site maps or search engines on the front page.
Some websites already permit a highly interactive way of disseminating information through a kind of coffee-shop exchange that can
provide dialog, give-and-take, a depth of background and kinds of
information that are impossible, or at least rarely seen, in traditional
One format allows each candidate to pose a tough policy
question to the other; by the next day, each would have responded to
that question at length and posed another. The process, which would
then be repeated, has two
advantages: Relatively long written
responses would be provided and appeals to emotion would be limited.
The written responses could also be retained in an archive. 72
4. Mobilize immediate support. Grassroots lobbying technology,
specific legislative events. For example, Bonner & Associates sent farmers, senior citizens, and small-business owners predrafted e-mail
field operatives to help organize campaigns in key states; (b) the San
calls to its members and allows them to patch calls through to their
Members of Congress; and (c) Elizabeth Sauer, a grassroots specialist
who formerly worked for the public relations firm of Fleishman Hillard.
CSE uses a variety of tactics to achieve its political goals, including
advertising, bumper stickers, and demonstrations. To help sway key
senators on the balanced budget amendment, it took out ads in several
states. It spent about $50,000 in Delaware, where Democrat Joseph R.
Biden, Jr. was a late convert to the bill; and about $15,000 in North Dakota in an unsuccessful effort to persuade Democrats Kent Conrad and
Byron L. Dorgan. Its spending on negative ads in the 1994 campaign approached $1 billion. It was the season of sleaze, as judged by a Ketchum
newspaper ad deploring the excesses of negative advertising. 77
the Clinton
administrations health
proposals, CSE distributed bumper stickers and buttons to its members. It also
coordinated a series of demonstrations to counter the bus tour the administration organized to promote its health care proposal.
Grassroots lobbying achieves its true purpose when it withdraws from astroturf techniques
and draws on the true opinions, feelings, and goals of the electorate. It is unrealistic,
however, to expect average persons to take the initiative in advancing even their own
goals. Leadership is needed. Sometimes a spontaneous leader emerges, and often enough, a
public interest group provides a leadership role.
Businesses can also legitimately provide leadership if their goals are
consonant with those of the public; this public opinion surveys can determine. If public opinion is not yet sufficiently advanced, a company
can choose to influence it. Part of the strategy of Glaxo Wellcomes
Civic Action Network, for example, is to educate the public with such
messages as that it takes 15 years to fund and develop a new life-saving drug.78
This effort is part of constituency communication, discussed
communication and strategic media relations should be used both before and during grassroots lobbying efforts. As stated by Margery
Kraus, president and CEO of APCO Associates, Popularizing your
cause through talk radio and engaging the public through a variety of
media actions have never been more useful tools for the government
relations professional.79
1. Edward A. Grefe, An Introduction to Grassroots, in Winning at the Grassroots:
A Comprehensive Manual for Corporations and Associations, by Tony Kramer
with Wes Pedersen (Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Council, 2000), p. 8.
Ron Faucheux, The Grassroots Explosion, Campaigns & Elections, Vol. 16,
No. 1, December 1994-January 1995, p. 20.
3. Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, Washingtons Power 25, Fortune, December 8, 1997,
pp. 144-158.
4. Wes Pedersen, The Power of Grassroots Is Demonstrated Via a Study of Its
Impact on Congressional Staffers, Impact, October 2003, pp. 1, 3.
5. Hjalma Johnson, Team 21: Future of Grassroots Lobbying, ABA Banking
Journal, Vol. 92, May 2000, p. 17.
6. Michael D. Lord, Grassroots Strategy and Tactics: What Works, What Doesnt,
and Why, in Kramer, op. cit., pp. 238-239.
7. Ibid., p. 239.
8. See Gerry Keim, Corporate Grassroots Programs in the 1980s, California
Management Review, Vol. 28, Fall 1985, pp. 110-123.
9. Chris Casey, The Hill on the Net: Congress Enters the Information Age (Boston:
AP Professional, 1996), p. 223.
10. Pete Engardio, Activists Without Borders, BusinessWeek, October 4, 1999,
p. 144.
11. Ibid., pp. 144-145.
12. Tom Price, Creating a Digital Democracy: The Impact of the Internet on
Public Policy-Making (Washington, D.C.: Foundation for Public Affairs,
1999), p. 2.
13. Ibid., p. 15.
14. Ibid., p. 9.
15. Ibid., p. 5.
16. Ibid., pp. 12-13.
17. Ibid., p. 13.
18. Wesley Pedersen, Winning at the Grassroots (Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs
Council, 1989).
19. Grefe, op. cit., p. 4.
20. Fraser/Associates, Getting the Most From Grassroots Programs in the 1980s
(Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Council, 1980), p. 15.
21. Faucheux, op. cit., p. 24.
22. Glen Caroline, Maximizing Campaign Volunteers: The NRA Way,
Campaigns & Elections, Vol. 24 , April 2003, pp. 26-29.
23. See Jerry A. Hendrix, Public Relations Cases (Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth,
1988), pp. 236-243.
24. See Michael E. Dunn, Developing an Effective Grassroots Program: Templates for Success, in Kramer, op. cit., pp. 17-19; also see Pedersen, op. cit.
25. Dunn, op. cit., p. 13.
26. Dunn, The Future of Grassroots, op. cit., p. 226.
27. Ken Silverstein, Washington on $10 Million a Day (Monroe, Me.: Common
Courage Press, 1998), p. 94.
28. Faucheux, op. cit., p. 22.
29. Elizabeth J. Welsh, Grassroots Activation and Mobilization: Tools and Technologies, in Kramer, op. cit., p. 119.
30. Michael E. Dunn, The Future of Grassroots, in Kramer, op. cit., p. 279.
31. Digging up the AstroTurf, Ragans Media Relations Report, February 17,
2003, p. 3.
32. Paul Cordasco, Corporate Giants Call on Shareholders in Support of Bush
Tax Plan, PR Week (US), April 7, 2003, p. 1.
33. Bailout LobbyHow Chrysler Corp. Orchestrates Support of Bid for Federal Aid, Wall Street Journal, September 6, 1979, p. 1.
Sally Goll Beatty, Philip Morris Boosts Marketing via Catalog, Wall Street
Journal, November 4, 1996, p. 5.
35. Dunn, op. cit., p. 13.
36. Faucheux, op. cit., pp. 25, 53.
37. Ibid., p. 24.
38. Rick Chase and Stephen M. Ramsey, Second Chances: Lessons Learned and
Mid-Course Corrections, in Kramer, op. cit., p. 43.
39. Ibid.
40. Ken Deutsch and Mark Reilly, Using the Internet for Grassroots Effectiveness, in Kramer, op. cit., p. 143.
41. Ibid., p. 140.
42. Engardio, op. cit., p. 148.
43. Interview by Mary Clare Jalonick, Grassroots Lobbying: Trends and Techniques; Consultant Q&A, Campaigns & Elections, February 2003, p. 45.
44. Ibid., p. 22.
45. Ibid., p. 22.
46. Jalonick, op. cit.
47. Ibid.
48. Silverstein, op. cit.
49. Richard Alan Nelson, Activist Groups and New Technologies: Influencing
the Public Affairs Agenda, in Practical Public Affairs in an Era of Change: A
Communications Guide for Business, Government, and College, ed. Lloyd B.
Dennis (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1996), p. 416. Also see
Silverstein, op. cit., pp. 212-220.
50. Faucheux, op. cit., pp. 53-54.
51. Ibid.
52. Price, op. cit, pp. 15, 19. The author of the study is P. Michael Lord, Babcock
Graduate School of Management.
53. Silverstein, op. cit., p. 95.
54. Leslie J. Gianelli, Maximizing Consultant Relationships: Hiring, Managing
and Assessing Your Consultants, in Kramer, op. cit., p. 51.
55. Grassroots Lobbying & Issue Advocacy Services Buyer s Guide, Campaigns
& Elections, February 2003, p. 44.
56. Ibid., p. 20.
57. Wally Clinton was one of eight consultants and vendors specializing in
telemarketing services whose answers to questions were solicited for an article, Telephones as Strategic Tools, Campaigns & Elections, Vol. 18, August
1997, p. 22.
58. Telephones as Strategic Tools, ibid. p. 23. Stated by Tony Feather of New
York-based Campaign Tel, Inc.
59. Ibid., p. 22. Stated by Clinton.
60. Ibid., p. 23. Stated by Powell.
61. Ibid., p. 23. Stated by Hansbrough.
62. Ibid., pp. 21-22. Stated by Feather.
63. Faucheux, op. cit., p. 23.
64. Pedersen, op. cit., p. 107.
65. Faucheux, op. cit., p. 21.
66. Pederson, op. cit., p. 107.
67. However, in retrospect, the association didnt want this message to be
public, so it pulled the description of its lobbying efforts from public
68. Kenneth Pins, Foes Make Pitches on World Wide Web, Des Moines Register,
June 10, 1996, p. 5.
69. Sarah Bouchard, Electric Utilities Power up Push for Clear Skies Bill, Roll
Call, July 9, 2003. Internet.
70. S. L. Esrock and G. B. Leichty, Corporate World Wide Web Pages: Serving the
News Media and Other Publics, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Vol. 76, No. 3, 1999, pp. 456-467; also their Organization of Corporate Web Pages: Publics and Functions, Public Relations Review, Vol. 26, Fall
2001, pp. 327-344.
71. Ibid.
72. Ibid.
73. Birnbaum, op. cit., p. l52.
74. Ibid., p. 13.
75. Nelson, op. cit., p. 416.
76. Peter H. Stone, Grass-Roots Group Rakes in the Green, The National Journal, Vol. 27, March 11, 1995, p. 621.
77. See Can It Be Controlled? Ad Men Decry Sleaze in Political Promos, but See
Even More in 96, Impact, December 1994, pp. 1-2. Impact is a monthly
newsletter of the Public Affairs Council.
78. Mike Morris, Glaxo Wellcomes Civic Action Network: Case Study of a
Broad-Based Grassroots Program, in Kramer, op. cit., p. 34.
79. Margery Kraus, Government Relations in the 90s and Beyond, in Dennis,
op. cit., p. 97.
Electoral Activities
Electoral activities are political actions intended to influence election outcomes and agendas of political parties, legislative bodies (particularly the
House and Senate), and presidential and gubernatorial contests. Indirectly, electoral activities support lobbying activities by enhancing access
to, and influence on, lawmakers. 1 As stated by Charles S. Mack, president
and CEO of the Business-Industry Political Action Committee, Political
action tries to affect the outcome of elections to produce political decision
makers favorably inclined to the views of particular interest groupseither by involving their members directly in the political process or by providing financial support to friendly candidates.2
The common denominator of most electoral activities is money: PAC
money, independent expenditures, soft money, and other money used
for issue advertising. Money is so important that, as Republican political
leader Mark Hanna once quipped, there are two things important in
politics. The first is money and I cant remember the second. 3 Money is
provided by private financing of congressional campaigns, which is
consistent with Americans belief in capitalism. Consequently, wealthy
society, such
corporations and labor unions, have disproportionate political access.
Candidates recognize that more and more money is needed to run for
office. In the costliest campaign in history, the 2004 presidential and
congressional elections cost nearly $4 billion, compared with $3 billion
in 2000, $2.2 billion in 1996, and $1.8 billion in 1992. 4 The five most
expensive Senate races in the 2004 elections cost more than $20 million
each, headed by the South Dakota Senate race costing slightly over $33
million. The most expensive House race was in Texas District 32, costing
over $8.4 million.5 Because of the precipitous rise in political campaign
costs, elected officials increasingly depend on financial contributions
and other resources to run for, or remain in, office.
(In Millions)
$3.9 billion
Repbl %
Steve Forbes in the 1995-1996 election cycle, followed by Ross Perot with $8.2 million. As
Scott Fitzgerald said, The super-rich are different from you and me. They can become U.S.
Soft Money and 527s. 527s,
accounted for a slightly higher source of spending in the 2004 elections,
$386 million, than PACs with $384 million, as shown in Box 11.1. 33 Soft
money refers to unregulated donations to political parties by individuals, corporations, and unions. The use of soft money in federal campaigns has been a highly controversial issue because its rising use
circumvented the goals of campaign finance laws, one of which was to
remove the influence of big money. However, as soft money contributions to national parties in the 2002 election cycle shows, 724 organizations gave $100,000 or more. Thirteen gave $3 million or more, with
Saban Capital Group leading the list with $9.3 million. Eight gave $2
million or more, with government-sensitive companies Philip Morris
giving $2.9 million and Microsoft giving $2.7 million. 34
Soft money was intended to be used for supposedly generic partybuilding activities, such as get-out-the-vote drives, bumper stickers,
yard signs, and generic TV ads that say Vote Democratic or Vote Republican. Such donations, which the Supreme Court in its 1976 Buckley
v. Valeo ruling declared legal,35 had no limit, in contrast to hard money.
The only conditions that had to be met were those of not coordinating
efforts with a candidate and not constructing a political message that
refers to a particular candidate. The Republican and Democratic national party committees, however, learned to circumvent these restrictions. They financed television ad campaigns that attacked or promoted
congressional candidates by name, rationalizing that the law was not
broken because the ads were issue ads that did not explicitly say vote
for or vote against a particular candidate. In practice, therefore, soft
money was often used to benefit specific federal candidates, thus becoming a major vehicle for skirting the limitations and restrictions of federal
law, says the Center for Responsive Politics. 36
In the 1996 elections, the record growth of soft money contributions
became the big story and led to sharp criticism from several sources:
Fred Wertheimer, former president of Common Cause, said,
This past election will go down as the worst in modern times, if not
in our history as a nation. 37
He asserted that a record-shattering
$200 million in contributions were made outside the federal law. Although saying most of it came from business interests, he also attacked the AFL-CIO for running its $20-million-plus television and
radio ad campaign with the stated purpose of defeating Republicans
in selected House districts. 38
Donald J. Simon, executive vice-president of Common Cause, said, Theres complete lawlessness out
there.39 A new country club has taken root: a club of wealthy, high
powered donors who help set the political agenda, impact the outcomes and, in many
ways, run the country.40
Paul S. Herrnson, professor of government and politics at the
University of Maryland and author of many books on politics and
campaigning, concluded that most soft money contributions were
little more
than subterfuges that enable wealthy individuals, organizations,
to skirt
finance statutes.41
The result, he said, is that there is no public
black market economy of campaign finance. 42 (Soft money contributions were sought and made in many ways. As highly publicized
in the press, the president and members of Congress offered to meet
large contributors, whose gifts were unregulated. For example,
$50,000 brought an invitation to coffee with President Bill Clinton.
Further disclosures, such as the easy access to the White House and
Congress by Enron officers and lobbyists during the Bush administration helped create the momentum for reform. The media portrayed Kenneth Lay, Enrons former chairman, as having benefitted
from writing big checks to political partiesand aggressively urging other top officers and employees to make contributions.)
Darrell M. West titled his book about our system of government Checkbook
Democracy, describing it as a form of government in which money has hijacked the
campaign process.43
Some corporations also joined the backlash to soft money, saying
that executives were tired of endless appeals for funds that may not
serve their interests.44 Two thirds (68%) of the 400 top executives who
responded to a BusinessWeek/Harris Poll conducted in mid-March 1997
money contributions
parties by corporations and other interests. 45 Said General Motors vicechairman Harry J. Pearce, Theres no way to tell how the money is really being used.46
The argument for campaign finance reform was
to give soft money because they felt they had to were let off the hook
after the reform bill was passed. 47 At the urging of the Committee for
trying to pick up soft money in the 2004 elections. 48 Not a single top corporate political donor in 2000 gave to them in the 2004 elections,
partly because they felt they had even less control over them. 49
After the McCain-Feingold reform bill outlawed old-fashioned soft
money contributions to national parties, the fast-proliferating 527
groups quickly became the new recipients of soft money contributions. From January 2003 through March 2004, they raised $146.4
million for federal elections compared to the $212.4 million in soft
money the national political parties raised over the same period during the 2002 election
cycle.50 They have not yet caught up with previous soft money donations to national
party committees.
Named after section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code, 527 groups
are tax-exempt and allowed to raise money for political activities, including voter mobilization efforts, issue advocacy advertising, and the
like. They are supposed to be independent from the parties and the candidates. In reality, however, the groups overlap in many ways and the
consultants and
lawyers. Bush
campaign consultant Tom Synhorst, for example, was also founder of Progress for
America, the largest pro-Bush 527.51
As with previous soft money contributors, the circle of major donors
to 527 groups is small. Of the more than $290 million raised by those
groups in the 2004 elections, 44% came from just 25 people. As of September 2004, billionaire investor George Soros gave $13 million to
Democratic groups, insurance man Peter Lewis gave $15 million, and
Hollywood producer Stephen Bing nearly $7 million. 52 Among the recipients, seven organizations spent two thirds of the money: Three
groups ran television ads for Republicans, and four ran ads and assisted
with voter turnout for Democrats. The most prominent recipients were
America Coming Togther (ACT)largely the brainchild of Steve
Rosenthal, former political director of the AFL-CIOwhich spent $72
million; The Media Fund, $51 million; MoveOn.org, $12 million; and
New Democratic Network, $11 million. They were doing the advertising and voter mobilization work traditionally done by the Democratic
National Committee.53
The Republicans got a late start with 527s in the 2004 elections because they sought to pressure the FEC to rein in Democratic operations.
However, when the FEC failed to act, Republican-leaning 527s received
funding and ended up having the greatest impact, said Fred Wertheimer,
a veteran of campaign finance overhaul. 54 Texas developer Bob J. Perry
led Republican donors with his $8 million to pro-Bush groups. Other
major donors were Texas energy magnate T. Boone Pickens; $5 million
from Alex Spanos, owner of the National Football Leagues San Diego
Chargers; and $4.2 million from Jerry Perenchio, chairman of the Hispanic television network Univision. The major recipients were Progress
for America, receiving $38 million; Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for
Truth, $12 million; and Club for Growth, $8 million. 55
Understandably, Senator John McCain, one of the reform bills sponsors, feared that with their billionaire backers and nasty, negative television ads the 527 groups threaten to bring politics to a new low. 56 He
sees nothing wrong with 527s when used to fund get-out-the-vote efforts and educate voters about issues. However, he considers their activities illegal, plain and simple when used by unscrupulous operatives
on both sides to run political smear campaigns against George Bush
and John Kerry.57
He vows to correct this abuse in future campaign
finance reform legislation.
An unintended consequence of 527s is that the stabilizing role of political parties will be further weakened. Large donors will write checks
to state parties instead, and these are likely to be more ideologically extreme, resulting in more partisanship in Washington. National parties
will also have to spend more time and money eliciting small donations
from individuals.58
Although candidates and political parties can use
PAC money for issue advocacy advertising, most ad campaigns are paid
for by money raised by nonprofit groups that claim no connection to
candidates or political parties, and use their funds to run issue ads. 59
Financing Conventions and Inaugurals.
At least 29 companies donated to the conventions of both parties in 2004. Big corporations and
their lobbyists host receptions, dinners, and baseball outings and help to
underwrite the costs of the convention itself, allowed by a loophole in
the campaign finance law. The FEC concluded that such donors are
motivated. 60
individuals have been contributing to
Bushs Presidential
Inaugural Committee. According to BusinessWeeks analysis, at least 28 defense
contractors, energy giants, financial firms, Big Tobacco, technology,
and health care companies have contributed $100,000 or more. Among
those giving the maximum of a quarter-million dollars were ExxonMobil,
Technologies, Sallie Mae, and Altria.61
Campaign Finance Laws
After the Watergate scandal, which revealed large contributions to
Nixons reelection campaign, Congress passed the Federal Election Campaign Practices Act of 1971 to prevent candidates and their committees
from soliciting large donations from individuals and organizations that
might corrupt the political process. Only money from PACs raised and
spent according to the requirements and restrictions of this law could be
used in connection with an election for federal office. The law prohibited
corporations and labor unions from making direct contributions from
their treasuries to political candidates. In its place, the 1974 amendments to the Act authorized the establishment of PACs for corporations
and labor unions, as well as for trade and professional associations.
McCain-Feingold Bill. The reform bill that was on the political
agenda the longest is the McCain-Feingold bill. It seeks a ban on soft
money to the national parties, restricts corporate and union spending
on campaign advertising, and provides for greater disclosure of contributions.62
Senator John McCain made a drastic overhaul of the campaign finance system the centerpiece of his campaign for the
presidential candidacy of the Republican party in 1999 and he vowed to
keep the issue alive. His stated aim was to give the government of this
country back to its citizens and take it back from the big money and special interests.63
The bill was repeatedly introduced in Congress but
killed in 1997 and again in 1998 and 1999. 64 Finally, his perseverence
was rewarded on March 27, 2002, after the consequences of checkbook
democracy were exposed by the Enron scandal. Congress had to bow to
public pressure and pass the McCain-Feingold bill, formally known as
the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, and President Bush signed
it. The law went into effect on November 6, 2002.
The laws main provisions are as follows:
Soft money. Bars unlimited donations to national party committees by individuals, companies, and labor unions. Donations to state
and local party committees are permitted but are limited to $10,000
per year and money cannot be spent on federal elections. (State parties donations are capped at $10,000 if used to impact federal elections.)
Hard money (PACs). Doubles cap on regulated donations, allowing individuals to give up to $2,000 per primary and general election
for both House and Senate candidates. Individual contributions to
state party committees are limited to $10,000 a year and those to national
$25,000. The
amounts that an individual donor may give per 2-year election cycle
are $37,500 to candidates; $57,500 for all other contributions, of
which not more than $37,500 may be to committees other than national party committees (i.e., federal PACs and federal accounts of
state party committees). The limit to federal candidates and national
parties over the 2-year election cycle is $95,000.
PACs may give up to $5,000 per candidate per election. A multicandidate PAC may contribute up to $5,000 to a candidate, per election; $5,000 to another PAC, per calendar year; and $15,000 to a
national party committee, per calendar year. No annual aggregate
limit applies.
Advocacy advertising and other public communications. Bars corporations and labor unions from financing radio or TV ads for a federal candidate within 60 days of a general, special, or runoff election
or within 30 days of a primary, unless ads are entirely paid for with
hard money (i.e., PACs). Any person who spends $10,000 for such
electioneering communication must file a disclosure statement with
the FEC within 24 hours and again for each subsequent $10,000 of
A public communication that supports or opposes a clearly identified federal candidate must be paid entirely (100%) out of hard
money, regardless of whether it contains express advocacy. State candidates and officeholders may not spend soft money on public communications that promote or attack a clearly identified candidate for
federal office.65
Disclosure and penalties. Toughens reporting requirements for those who pay
for political advertising, requires faster public notices by the FEC, and extends the statute
of limitations for criminal violations to 2 years for violations less than $25,000 and 5
years for violations involving $25,000 or more. 66
Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) strenuously objected to the McCainFeingold bill and filed a lawsuit that questioned its constitutionality on
the basis that political fund raising and spending are protected by the
free-speech clauses of the First Amendment. However, in December
2003, the Supreme Court, in a close 5-4 decision, rejected this claim,
thereby leaving intact the restrictions on soft money. In a jointly
authored opinion, Justices Stevens and OConnor stated that previous
rulings have made clear that the prevention of corruption or its appearance constitutes a sufficiently important interest to justify political
contribution limits.67 (See chap. 14 for further information.)
Have Campaign Finance Reforms Worked? Views
about the success of the reform bill. Newsday called the law a qualified
success, noting that the candidates were forced to swear off unregulated soft money.68 Taking an opposite view, Larry Sabato, director of
the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, called the law an utter failure. He blames 527s for undermining the reform legislation and
laments that Those who wrote (the law) promised that the system will
be more open and there will be less money spent on elections. Of course,
we have never seen an election with so much money. 69
The McCain-Feingold bill was intended to reduce the excesses of soft
money, which was largely used by national parties for issue advocacy advertising, and the undue influence of big contributions by corporations,
unions, and wealthy individuals. The soft money goal was not achieved
in that soft money contributions were simply diverted from national parties to 527 groups. Wealthy individuals accounted for a large share of
these 527 contributions. The amount of soft money contributions, however, was lower than previous donations to national party committees. 70
The use of issue advocacy advertising was thus largely kept intact. What
the reform bill bans is the financing of radio or television advertising by
corporations and labor unions within 60 days of a general election or 30
days of a primary. The reform bill confirms what cynics have said: Plug
one loophole, and a dozen others will open up.
Attacks on soft money and 527s have largely centered on the use of
funds for issue advocacy advertising. Its use in political campaigns represents an increasingly prominent source of communication in the U.S.
political system.71 It refers to ad campaigns paid for by money raised
it receives some financing from the drug industrys major trade group,
the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. (It was
but the new name, which adds the word research, improves its image.) The ad praises lawmakers for supporting legislation to provide
prescription drug benefits to the elderly. Charles W. Jarvis, chairman of
the group, says the ad is simply trying to spur a civil debate in the public square on an important issue, asserting it has no campaign considerations in mind, given its 501(c)(4) tax status. The Wisconsin
Advertising Project at the University of Wisconsin said a conservative
estimate of the ads cost was $9 million at the time. 79
On the state level, advertisements by Citizens for a Strong Senate, one
of only a few 527 committees that focused on Congressional races in
2004, raised almost $11 million and unleashed more than 7,000 commercials to help Democrats in six states, including Colorado, where Peter
Coors, chairman of the beer company that bears his familys name, was
defeated. Three quarters of the money came from Herbert and Marion
Sandler, large Democratic donors who run a California financial services
company. Another group, Americans for Job Security, a business trade
association, formed a 501(c) group that ran more than 5,000 television
ads in at least five states before the election, all without having to disclose
the source of its money.80
One advantage of 501(c) groups is secrecy. Whereas beginning late in the 2000 cycle, 527s were required to file detailed financial reports with the Internal Revenue Service, 501(c) groups were not required
to disclose their contributions or expenditures. For example, when at the
behest of Representative J. C. Watt (R-Okla.), a nonprofit group was created that planned to raise and spend as much as $1.5 million to help Republicans keep control of Congress, neither the expenditures nor the
donors were disclosed.81 This feature is troublesome. Karl Sandstrom, a
member of the FEC, explained, When office holders can maintain secret
accounts, the opportunity for corruption is immense. 82 Another critic of
the practice, Fred Wertheimer of proreform group Democracy 21, asserts,
The most dangerous money in American politics is the unlimited, secret
contribution. Thats the door opened here.83
Occasionally, however, givers of issue advertising money do appear on
media radar screens. For example, the media revealed that Vance
Opperman, whose company, West Publishing, was involved in a highstakes merger and had sensitive dealings with the Justice Department,
gave $100,000 to Democracy 21. Opperman and his family also gave
$300,000 to Democratic state parties. The merger subsequently went
through. Furthermore, West Publishing won a $14-million contract with
the Justice Department for online legal research. Because of such media
revelations, some groups, such as Citizens for Reform and Citizens for the
Republic Education Fund, have switched their tax status away from social welfare to a tax status that clearly allows political participation. 84
In a study of ads appearing in the 2000 election cycle, nonprofit advocacy organizations accounted for 85% of the ads. The other ads were
sponsored by Democrats (9%) and Republicans (6%). Ad sponsors include Citizens for Better Medicare, the AFL-CIO, Planned Parenthood,
the Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable, the League of Conservation Voters, Americans for Job Security, Emilys List, and the Coalition to Protect Americas Healthcare. 85
Prior to 2000, conservative
organization support.86
for example, have
sometimes decided
contributions into attack ads of their own devising, a shift they consider more
cost-effective. Accordingly, the League of Conservation Voters
its PAC contributions to congressional candidates from $1.1 million in
1994 to about $150,000 in 1996. The League then launched a $1.5-million Dirty Dozen campaign in July 1996 to fund radio and television
ads aimed at ousting 12 House members. President Deb Callahan reasoned, Giving PAC contributions to a candidate wasnt really saving
our environmental heroes from defeat. Now, she says, were making a
fundamental shift in the kind of political power were exerting. 87
The clever way in which these ads avoid the restriction of not advocating that viewers vote or not vote for a particular candidate is demonstrated in the ad by the Christian Action Network on Clintons Vision
for a Better America. Innuendos, subtle associations, and various visual and auditory techniques are used, some bordering on subliminal
perception techniques. Box 11.3 describes the campaign and the
techniques used.
The number of issue ads typically grows with the approach of an
election day. A week before the end of Campaign 2000, the Annenberg
Center logged 861 such ads compared to only 104 earlier ads. The number of groups and party committees paying for them had similarly
jumpedfrom 27 to 150. 88 Most of the ads were sponsored by organizations other than the two major parties. In a study of ads appearing in
organizations, some of which are tax-exemptaccounted for 85% of the ads,
whereas Democrats sponsored only 9% and Republicans only 6%. Aside
from the two political parties, the ad sponsors include such nonprofits
as Citizens for Better Medicare, the AFL-CIO, Planned Parenthood, the
Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable, the League of Conservation Voters, Americans for Job Security, Emilys List, and the Coalition to Protect Americas Healthcare.89
Following the example of the Christian Coalition, which pioneered issue ads, a small number of tax-exempt groups (supported by several
conservative multibillionaires) poured hundreds of thousands of dollars
into last-minute advertising blitzes to offset labor union advertising
campaigns at the end of the 1996 campaign. 90 Corporations and business associations also engaged in last-minute preelection advertising.
form bills restrictions on advertising 30 or 60 days prior to an election are intended to limit
such last-minute advertising.
Effectiveness of Campaign Ads
Like corporate advocacy advertising discussed in chapter 6, the effectiveness of political issue ads and other campaign ads cannot be
assumed. According to Joshua Green, a senior editor of The Atlantic,
campaign commercials are Dumb and Dumber. Most people, he
says, would agree that televised political ads, almost without exception, are remorselessly bad.93 They lag in quality and imagination. They still mainly follow the formats originated in the 1950s,
such as the biographical ad, the negative attack, and the practice of
using an opponents words against him. Green not surprisingly
Viewers need about 20 exposures before they can remember an adin
contrast to around five or six viewings for consumer ads, which in
contrast, prize originality.94
People tend to avoid ads with which they disagree, but because political ads fill the airwaves, its almost impossible to shut them out completely, says Lynda Lee Kaid of the University of Florida. 95
In 2002,
1,497,386 spots aired in the nations top 100 markets, according to the
Campaign Media Analysis Group, a private firm that tracks televised
political ads. Besides the number of ads, more information is crowded
into them. For example, William Benoit found that from 1952 to 1996
the average number of issues covered in Republican ads rose by 115%,
and in Democratic ads by 519%.96
are most likely to be influenced by campaign ads. Other factors count,
too. Ads sponsored by a candidate serve to bolster the viewers perception of the candidates character. There is also broad agreement that
negative ads are more persuasive than positive ones, despite widespread
public distaste for them. Their incidence grew from around 11% to 43%
between the 1960 and 1996 elections. 97 They are more likely to be noticed and actively processed; they contribute to more learning and provide superior recall; and they produce a larger effect on opinion
formation than positive ads. There is also some evidence that they suppress voter turnout. Whether negative or positive, however, issue ads
are inferior to candidate-sponsored ads in producing awareness or
As with advocacy ads in general, quality and creativity count. Green
is optimistic that as the Internet becomes the hot new medium for political ads, more imagination will be fostered. For example, when the
liberal organization MoveOn.org held a contest to design the best
anti-Bush ad, more than 1,000 submissions were made and the best
ones aired on television.99
credibility. He not only purchased commercials, he purchased the party machinery and the people who run it. 104 Corzine could make a virtue of his
self-financed effort. I wont owe anything to anyone but you, he declared to voters. In his primary campaign he bombarded the airwaves
with 12 weeks of unrelenting audiovisual persuasion and financed at
5,000 workers in
an unprecedented get-out-the-vote (GOTV) operation. He spent $15 million on television time aired over a 2-month
period leading up to the general election.
In roughly 9 out of 10 House races and three quarters of all Senate races in which
incumbents seek reelection, the incumbent wins. 105 In the 2002 elections, 98% of House
incumbents were reelected, as were 85% of incumbent senators.106 Challengers have a fighting
chance mainly when the incumbent is implicated in a scandal, has roll call votes that are out
of sync with voters, or possesses other liabilities.
Money alone, however, does not buy elections for incumbents and
certainly not for challengers, against whom the odds are so heavily
stacked. An attractive candidate who has a coherent message and comes
from a district whose voters are ideologically not too far from the candidate is needed. Among the losers have been some candidates who spent
their own money in the 1998 election. Mark Warner, a Virginia Democrat, lost after spending more than $10 million; Guy Millner, a Georgia
Republican, lost after spending $6.4 million. 107
In Californias June
1998 primary, Republican candidate Al Checchi spent at least $37 million of his own money, and candidate Harmon spent $11.6 million. Both
lost to Democratic candidate Lieutenant Governor Gray Davis. 108 In the
1998 election, the top Senate spender, Senator Alfonse M. DAmato
(R-N.Y.) lost to the Democratic challenger, Representative Charles E.
Schumer (D-N.Y.).
More detailed analyses of election results demonstrate money is
chiefly important in open-seat races. The amount of money a candidate
spends on campaign communications significantly affects the outcome.
The impact of spending is especially important because elections for
seats are usually
won by
margins than
incumbent-challenger races.109 A strong challenger, however, may be able to
win if he or she can obtain campaign financing and assemble an effective
campaign organization. Certain additional factors help: a contested primary, media support, campaigning on position issues, and group-based
targeting.110 Party support is also important.
Supporting Lobbying Efforts
Lobbyists want to reach the most influential decision makers. This contention is supported by a study by the Center for Public Integrity of the
personal campaign contributions of more than 1,000 federally registered lobbyists from 1999 through September 2004. The study shows
that they gave $2.9 million to Senate incumbents and their challengers
The value of contributions in support of lobbying objectives is illustrated by Enron and Arthur Andersen, described in the Appendix.
Among the many other examples is Archer Daniels Midland (ADM),
which continues to received tax breaks for producing ethanol, a subsidy
that was intended to serve as a friendly incentive to reduce Americas dependence on foreign oil. However, this tax break is often cited as an egregious example of corporate welfare. 117
Another example is Glaxo
Wellcome, which benefitted by winning a patent extension on two drug
patents for 19 months, which some analysts believe earned it at least an
extra $1 billion in sales. 118 The Glaxo Wellcome PAC received contributions from 1,537 employees. Through its Civic Action Network, consisting of 1,800 employees across the country, Glaxo motivates rank-andfile employees to telephone members of Congress and asks them to
support the company.
Helpful Conditions
PAC money buys congressional votes but only under certain conditions, which should assuage the fear that PACs are creating a special interest state. As clarified by Larry J. Sabato, PAC contributions do, on
some occasions, make a difference, but those occasions are not nearly as
frequent as critics charge. His evidence is based on more than 60 interviews with PAC and party leaders, a mail survey of 399 PACs, and a review of available studies.119
Sabato concludes that PACs work best in influencing congressional votes under these
1. Visibility. When issues lack headline status, they do not draw the
attention of constituencies. The Senate vote on deregulation of the
trucking industry in 1980 illustrates this principle. There was a
strong linkage between congressional votes and PAC money, much
stronger than the relationship between votes and party, ideology,
and constituency. The linkage was even stronger for the senators
nearest to an election.
2. Specialization and lack of opposition. PAC gifts are not likely to be
decisive on broad national issues, such as policy on El Salvador or
the MX missile systems, where opposition is weak and unorganized.
3. Alliance. When large PACs or groups of PACs (e.g., business and labor PACs) are allied, they garner more attention. A congressman
might dismiss $5,000 from a single PAC (the maximum gift), but
$20,000 or more from a group fills a significant part of reelection
campaign needs.
4. Strong lobbies. When PAC gifts are coordinated with direct or grassroots lobbying, they are more likely to influence congressional
votes. Members of Congress are rewarded not for their political philosophy but for how they vote on an issue of concern to a PAC. 120
political contributions, direct campaign involvement, and such miscellanea as honoraria for
Making Full Use of PACs.
Kennerdell reminds public affairs professionals that raising funds for politicians is not the only function of PACs.
More important, they are vehicles for educating, motivating and mobilizing employees in politics. 127 His handbook stresses that PACs should
be part of an overall public affairs program and that broad-based grassroots efforts should be integrated with employee political education.
One way business and other interest groups can help candidates on
the local level is by printing stories about a candidate in PAC newsletters
and other publications. Professional journalists who are engaged in socalled PAC communications turn out highly professional products that
play an important part in building employee involvement, says A. John
Adams, president of a Washington public affairs consulting firm bearing his name. He describes one oil company that set up a series of area
committees, which report on their activities in their own quarterly
newsletters. These area newsletters supplement the regular PAC
monthly newsletter (see Box 11.4) on the writing of a PAC newsletter),
which deals with political developments affecting the company. The
area committees also organize local events, such as backyard barbecues,
to which candidates for public office are invited. 128
Box 11.4 Writing a PAC Newsletter
PAC communications should be objective and professionally written.
Adams says it is important to de-Washingtonize PAC communications, which are written in quite different language from that used
elsewhere in the company. In explaining company concerns to employees, companies must get on the same wavelength as the employees. It is not enough to make an ideological statement that an
opponent is liberal or anti-business. 129 The purpose of Washington
Window, a professionally written PAC newsletter distributed by the
Corning Employees Political Action Committee (COREPAC), as explained by John R. Blizard, government affairs manager of the Corning Glass Works, is to educate people who are eligible to participate
in COREPAC and to correct preconceived notions of whats happening
in Washington, D.C. The newsletter was published quarterly and distributed to approximately 1,800 exempt salaried employees. 130
The company followed two simple guidelines in deciding what issues
to cover: Corning must have taken a stand on them, and they must
have a bearing on the company. Qualifying issues have been energy
problems, clean air, toxic substances, foreign trade, and labor reform.
The topics should also easily evoke employee interest; for example, the
Clean Air Act affects jobs in Cornings New York automotive plant,
where ceramic substrates are produced for catalytic converters.
sity of New York. Seven issues were covered: the federal budget deficit, the defense of the
United States, foreign trade, employment, industrial policy, education in America, and the
environment. The company did not, however, endorse a particular candidate.
Programs on the Free Enterprise System.
Many companies believe
teaching employees the fundamentals of the free enterprise system is an
important way to influence how they make political judgments. When
economic education flourished in the late 1970s, Dart Industries initiated a 20-week program at its West Bend Division. The first 10 weeks
dealt with general economics, and the second 10 weeks with information relating the principles to the West Bend Division. It used a variety of
media and techniques: posters, payroll stuffers, articles in the house organ, discussions between managers and line employees, and economic
quizzes with prizes of $10 each awarded to outstanding employees.
However, when the Dart program was evaluated at the end of the 20
weeks, the results were declared unsatisfactory. Although employees
knowledge of facts improved, the key result, a change in their attitudes,
was not apparent. Their attitudes were described as still not fully favorable to big business. Hoping to improve results, the company subsequently worked on another program covering the six major theme
areas of profits, inflation, government and taxation, productivity, general business information, and social responsibility.137
Public relations counselor Philip Lesly succinctly explains why formal programs such as Darts are doomed to fail. He cites the following
key faulty assumptions and practices: (a) the assumption that education will take if facts alone are exposed to the public, (b) continued insistence of business on formulating a gospel and projecting it at the
audience to be swallowed whole, (c) failure to recognize the drastic
change in the way influence is disseminated, (d) the assumption that the
audience has the same interests and aspirations as the company, (e) use
of the wrong semantics, such as the reference to the free enterprise system, and (f) lack of clear objectives.138
To avoid the error of developing programs that are too abstract or
ideological, Standard Oil of Californias overall philosophy was to address specific economic questions as they arise, relating them to the individual as much as possible.139
The ingredients of such programs are
several: Make economics an integral part of the regular flow of information in the employee communication system. Use employee publications, videotaped company newscasts, employee jobholder meetings,
employee annual reports, and other media. Relate economics to daily
business operations, and tap the experiences and interests of employees.
When discussing public issues, demonstrate a unity of interest between the company and employees. A further way to make economic
education effective is to combine it with political action programs.
Although formal economic education programs have fallen into disuse, the subject matter of economics is integrated into a variety of sto-
recession of the early 1980s, when auto and other manufacturing companies faced economic hardships, employees were told about the realities of global competition, to convince them of the need for givebacks
about sales won or lost, the need for restructuring, the reasons for acquisitions or mergers, plans for capital improvements, and reasons for
plant closings. Some companies also informed employees about political
issues affecting them and their industries, for example, the need for free
trade or the need for a cap on insurance liability.
Whether to Engage in Partisan Communications
activities. Legally, however, a company may engage in partisan activities if
they do not go beyond the restricted class of high-level executives and
administrative officers and their families, and stockholders and their
families. Thus companies are allowed to sponsor a candidate or party appearances, invite a candidate to address the restricted class, produce and
distribute printed materials of a very partisan nature, endorse candidates, and conduct very partisan voter registration and GOTV drives. 140
A company may have a special reason for engaging in partisan communications. Duquesne Light
Company, serving
two counties in
southwestern Pennsylvania, including the city of Pittsburgh, decided
to do so because the utility became an issue in several elections. After
deciding to support one of the three candidates, we wrote letters to all
our employees and shareholders who live in the state senatorial district, telling them what was being said, explaining when they make
their decision on voting day, they keep in mind the facts about our relationship with the state house member, explained Jean F. Grogan, director of public service programs. 141
Grogan realizes the risks of
offending some PAC members who support the other side. Thus she
recommends caution in using partisan communications: Be very selective about the races in which to get involved and be extremely careful
about language used in letters to employees. 142
The Internet has become a new method of political campaigning, as well
as fund raising, proliferating more rapidly that anyone anticipated. A
new term, cyberpolitics, now recognizes the Internet as a mainstream,
multipurpose political tool. 143
It has unleashed a new cadre of campaign workers who normally dont have time to man a phone bank and
it is a marvelous tool for building networks, mobilizing supporters, and
raising campaign funds.144
Howard Deans success as a Democratic
presidential candidate in the early months of the 2004 election cycle
showed what a mighty political tool the Web has become. He adopted
the newly formed Internet service Meetup.comwhich facilitates the gathering of people
who share common interestsas his primary grassroots organization tool. By the end
of May 2003 his campaign claimed to have 25,000 supporters on Meetup and twice that
number of contributors or volunteers.145
Dean also paid attention to blogspersonal online journalsand
treated relatively unknown
as a critical opinion-making
constituency. By some estimates, 750,000 people blogged in 2003, with the
number growing daily.146 Dean took advantage of the blog craze after
9/11 when people wanted to know what other Americans were thinking and feeling about the terrorist act. It gave each person his or her own
voice. Journalists, too, became bloggers as they commented on the
news, often in rudely clever tones. Some of the most popular blogs
come from big-name journalists and former editors. 147 Deans impact
on political campaigning is enduring. As BusinessWeek noted, Dean has
nudged American politics further into the Internet Age. Campaign Blogs
and supporter meet-ups have joined the political lexicon, online fundraising has become ever more important, and the Internet has become a
vital organizing tool.148
of Deans Internet
politicians in both parties to revamp their tech operations. Consequently,
Senator John F. Kerry raised an average of $1 million a day online in the
10 days following the Super Tuesday primaries. 149 The Bush team used
GeorgeWBush.com as a political organizing tool, using the advantage
that the Republicans had a head start because of their 3-to-1 edge in
e-mail addresses. Also using the Internet as an organizing tool, the liberal advocacy group MoveOn.org organized one of the largest antiwar
rallies in history in 2003, with some 10 million protesters around the
globe. It had 2 million e-mail members and in early 2004 ran a $10-million TV ad campaign against President George W. Bush. Besides raising
money from small donors, MoveOn.org obtained a $10 million to $75
million pledge for a GOTV campaign called Americans Coming Together
from George Soros, the billionaire financier and avowed Bush critic. He
is also providing $1 million a year for 3 years to the Center for American
Progress, a new think tank headed by John Podesta, White House chief
of staff during the Clinton administration. 150
companys lobbying objectives and overall public affairs goals. At stake is
who gets elected and what issues the candidates will support. Donors
generally expect that PAC, soft money, issue advocacy advertising, and
other contributions will provide them with access and influence in the
political system. Business has a special advantage over other interest
groups because it has more economic resources. Proving a connection
between money and voting results, however, is not an exact science.
The role of money in politics is itself a political issue resulting in regulationsmost recently by the McCain-Feingold reform bill. However,
even as contribution restrictions are
observed, political actors constantly explore ways of circumventing them. Contributions to 527
groups by a variety of special interest groups have particularly been
questioned and efforts are contemplated further to tighten campaign
finance rules.
Many corporations are engaging in other forms of electoral involvement besides making financial contributions. These include voter registration drives, voter education programs, and more basic economic and
political education programs. In the future, corporations may be building
nonpartisan policy of business.
Enron also targeted Congress and the White House to change the
rules governing the energy industry. The corporation and its executives
contributed almost $5.88 million to political war chests since 1989, including $1.9 million in soft money to both parties. Republicans received
73%.154 Kenneth Lay, Enrons chairman and former CEO, and other executives
Bushs presidential
campaign and donated more money to the inaugural and the campaigns
legal effort in Florida during the disputed 2000 election vote count. 155
Enron was the top corporate donor in the 1999-2000 election cycle,
having given $1.3 million to Bush, the Republican National Committee,
and the Inaugural Fund.156
Money was used for other purposes too. Nationally, Enron collected
visible people: pundits, journalists, and politicians were given lucrative
retainers in return for chatting about current events with executives at
Enrons Houston headquarters. Lay called them his advisory council,
saying to them in December 2000, These are exciting times, and we
need all the ideas we can get. One of the group, William Kristol, editor
of the Weekly Standard, received a $50,000 annual retainer. He said he
saw no conflict in collecting such money from Enron, simply likening it
to a regular and generous honorarium for speaking before a trade association.157
The main strategic goal behind all of these efforts was to keep regulators away. Enron was highly successful. As summarized by Albert R.
Hunt of the Wall Street Journal, Few special interests got more access or
results than Enron: legislative favors, a lax oversight of its risky financial derivatives, tax breaks, unsurpassed input into the Cheney energy
legislation drafting process and most of what it wanted, and reportedly
even veto authority over regulatory appointees. 158
Case 2: Arthur Andersen
Enrons auditing firm, Arthur Andersen, and the other Big Five accounting firms were also major players in the political arena that expected to
influence political decisions. Like Enron, these firms sought independence from government regulation and oversight, and they didnt hesitate to use their formidable political clout, largely gained by being a
major contributor of PAC money to politicians and soft money to political parties. Senator Christopher Dodd, the influential Connecticut Democrat, had accepted nearly $500,000 in contributions from the
accounting industry between 1989 and 2001. 159 The industrys major
objectives were: (a) to stop Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)
regulations and possible new legislation prohibiting accounting firms
from also performing consulting services to their auditing clients; (b) to
Financial Accounting Standards
independent, private-sector body, from imposing their standards on accounting
firms; and (c) to stop moves that would require stock options to be
shown as an expense in company earnings statements.
32. Ibid.
33. An update on December 8, 2004, showed that 527 groups raised a higher
amount, $409 million. See Political MoneyLine, www.tray.com.
34. Soft Money to National Parties, www.opensecrets.org.
35. Mary Beth Regan, Campaign Finance 96: It Doesnt Get Much Sleazier
Than This, BusinessWeek, October 28, 1996, p. 59.
36. Coming to Terms: A Money-in-Politics Glossary, Center for Responsive
Politics, www.crp.org/pubs/glossary/contents.htm.
37. Fred Wertheimer, The Dirtiest Election Ever; The Spending Abuses of 1996
Should Shame Us Into Reform, The Washington Post, November 3, 1996, p.
38. Ibid.
39. Regan, op. cit. A notorious example is the acceptance by the Democratic National Committee of an illegal $250,000 donation from Cheong Am America, a South Korean company. The committee returned the donation after
the Los Angeles Times exposed it as a violation of laws barring contributions
from foreign firms. See Glenn R. Simpson and Jill Abramson, Foreign Exchange: Legal Loopholes Let Overseas Contributors Fill Democrats Coffers,
Wall Street Journal, October 8, 1996, p. A1.
40. Vicki Kemper, Deborah Lutterbeck, and Christin Davilas, The Country
Club, Common Cause, Vol. 22, Spring/Summer 1996, pp. 16-17.
41. Ibid., p. 238.
42. Ibid., p. 236.
43. Darrell M. West, Checkbook Democracy: How Money Corrupts Political Campaigns (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2000), p. 7.
44. Amy Borrus and Mary Beth Regan, The Backlash Against Soft Money,
BusinessWeek, March 31, 1997, p. 33.
45. Ibid., p. 36.
46. Lisa Zagaroli, GM Puts Brakes on Soft Money contributions, Detroit
News, June 1, 1997, p. A1.
47. Alan Murray, Corporate America Sits Mostly on Side During This Election,
Wall Street Journal, July 27, 2004, p. A6.
48. Ibid.
49. Jeanne Cummings, op. cit., p. A1.
50. 527s Not Filling Soft Money Gap, June 25, 2004 press release,
51. Mark Hosenball, Michael Isikoff, and Holly Baily, The Secret Money War,
Newsweek, September 20, 2004, pp. 24, 26.
52. Hosenball, et al., op. cit., p. 25.
53. Jeanne Cummings, Political Money Flows Faster in 04, Wall Street Journal, April 5, 2004, p. A6. They budgeted $95 million for the 2004 campaign
to hire thousands of canvassers to sign up voters in 17 swing states. The Media Fund plans to use its $50 million budget to run issue ads in the same 17
54. Jeanne Cummings, Those 527 Fund-Raisers Prove Resilient, Wall Street
Journal, December 6, 2004, p. A4.
55. Ibid.
56. John McCain, Plugging the Loophole, Newsweek, September 20, 2004, p.
57. Ibid.
58. Lorraine Woellert and Lee Walczak, Campaign Reforms Dangerous Aftershocks, BusinessWeek, April 8, 2002, p. 42.
opposing campaigns: the senior citizens lobby AARPs $4 million issue ads
and the AFL-CIOs $1.5 million campaign. Greg Hitt, Drug Makers Pour Ad
Money Into Final Days of Campaign, Wall Street Journal, November 4,
2002, pp. A1, A4.
80. Glen Justice, Concerns Grow About Role in Interest Groups in Elections,
New York Times, March 9, 2005, p. A20.
81. Greg Hitt, Political Groups Swarm to Campaign-Finance Loophole, Wall
Street Journal, March 20, 2000, p. A36.
82. Hitt, 527 Groups Use Tax Loopholes , op. cit.
83. Dwyer, op. cit., p. 154.
84. Ibid.
85. These organizations were identified in the Annenberg Center s examination
of television ad spending after Super Tuesday (from March 8-November 7,
2000). See Annenberg press release.
86. A review by the Wall Street Journal indicates that Democrats and moderate
Republicans are receiving support from newly approved tax-exempt organizations. Among the new groups approved by the IRS in 1997 are the American Civil Rights Coalition, the Foundation for Responsible Government,
Americans for Clean Energy, the American Small Business Alliance, and
Americans for Job Security. The last is a trade association backed mainly by
the insurance industry; its founder is Robert Vagley, president of the American Insurance Association. Cummings, op. cit. These groups and individuals
were sometimes helped by Triad Management Services, a private consulting
firm that helps conservative Republicans funnel money to tax-exempt
groups and advises wealthy GOP clients on where to donate money. (Triad
stands for Tactical Resources in American Democracy.) The firm used two
affiliated nonprofits to take in $3 million in unpublished donations, and it
helped Citizens for the Republic and another nonprofit organization spend
millions of dollars in 1996 to influence congressional races.
87. Timothy Noah, Environmentalists Take Leaf From Book of Right and Target
Enemies, Allies in Issue Campaigns, Wall Street Journal, July 19, 1996, p. A14.
88. Editorial: The Rise of the Non-Candidate, Washington Post, November 5,
2000, p. B06.
89. These organizations were identified in the Annenberg Center s examination
of television ad spending after Super Tuesday (from March 8-November 7,
2000). See Annenberg press release.
90. Jeanne Cummings, Issue-Advocacy Groups to Play Bigger Role, Wall Street
Journal, March 6, 1998, p. A16.
91. Greg Hitt, Drug Makers Pour Ad Money Into Final Days of Campaign, Wall
Street Journal, November 4, 2002, p. A1.
92. Jeanne Cummings, Robert S. Greenberger and Tom Hamburger, Supreme
Court Upholds Key Parts of New Campaign-Finance Law, Wall Street Journal, December 11, 2003, p. A1.
93. Joshua Green, Dumb and Dumber, Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 294, July-August 2004, pp. 83-86.
94. Ibid., p. 86.
95. Green, op. cit., p. 86.
96. Based on paper by William Benoit in Advertising & Society; ibid., pp. 84-85.
97. Based on documentation by Roderick P. Hart, a professor at the University of
Texas; Green, ibid., p. 85.
98. Michael Pfau, R. Lance Holbert, Erin Alison Szabo, and Kelly Kaminski, Issue-Advocacy Versus Candidate Advertising: Effects on Candidate Prefer-
ence and Democratic Process, Journal of Communication, Vol. 52, June 2002, p. 301.
99. Green, op. cit., p. 86.
100. Joseph J. Fanelli, PAC Overview, in Clair, op. cit., p. 27.
101. Campaign Finance: How to Fix a Rigged System, BusinessWeek, June 14,
2004, p. 74.
103. David M. Halbfinger, Deep Pockets: How Corzine Spent $35 Million in a
Primary, New York Times, September 17, 2000, p. WK5.
104. David Beiler, Jon Corzine and the Power of Money, Campaigns & Elections,
Vol. 22, April 2001, pp. 22-36.
105. Ibid., p. 201.
107. Center for Responsive Politics.
108. Janet Hook, Decision 98: Big Spenders Can Be Losers in Campaigns; Despite Wealth, Checchi, Harman, Issa and Others Came up Short in Political
Wars, Los Angeles Times, June 5, 1998, p. A1.
109. Herrnson, op. cit., pp. 210-211. The first $100,000 spent adds 16.37% to
the candidates vote share; $200,000 adds 18.83%; $500,000 adds 22.09%.
Spending by the opponent, however, decreases vote shares by only slightly
less than the benefits cited for candidate spending.
110. Ibid., pp. 108, 206-208.
111. Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, Lobbyists Rain Largess on Senate Incumbents,
Washington Post, November 2, 2004, p. A05.
112. Jill Abramson, Political Memo: 1996 Campaign Left Finance Laws in
Shreds, New York Times, November 2, 1997, p. 1.
113. BusinessWeek/Harris Executive Poll: Look Who Wants to Change the System, BusinessWeek, March 31, 1997, p. 36.
114. Robert J. Wager, Toward an Effective PAC: What to Do and How to Do It,
in Clair, op. cit., p. 160.
115. Ibid., p. 164.
116. Tom Hamburger, Laurie McGinley, and David S. Cloud, Influence Market:
Industries That Backed Bush Are Now Seeking Return on Investment,
Wall Street Journal, March 6, 2001, p. A1.
117. Zachery Coile, Senators Rap Ethanol Mandate; Energy Bill Provisions
Called Corporate Welfare for Midwest Producers, San Francisco Chronicle,
April 12, 2002, p. A4.
118. Chris OBrien, How Glaxo Sells Itself to Congress, The News and Observer,
February 23, 1997, p. A1.
119. Larry J. Sabato, PAC-Man Goes to Washington, Across the Board, Vol. 21,
October 1984, p. 18. Also see his PAC Power: Inside the World of Political Action Committees (New York: Norton, 1984). The strength of Sabatos assessment is his contention that findings associating PAC money with desired
congressional votes are based on correlational studies that, although
suggestive, are not conclusive. He cites the fallacy of the Common Cause
argument that the defeat of President Carter s Hospital Cost Containment
Act of 1977 illustrates the effectiveness of the American Medical Associations AMPAC. It gave $1.65 million during the 1976 and 1978 campaigns
to 202 of the 234 House members who voted for a crippling amendment.
But the correlation that those favoring the AMA amendment received more
than $8,100 on average compared with the $2,300 received by the 122
members who voted against the amendment is not sufficient proof the PAC
payments influenced the vote. In proving that a correlation does not prove
causation, Sabato examines studies based on more sophisticated statistical
techniques that hold steady such variables as the party, ideology, and
past voting record of a congressman. He gives the historical example of the
1975 congressional vote for milk price supports, which, he argues, was
only slightly influenced by 1974 dairy PAC contributions. More relevant
was how important dairy production was in each legislator s home district
as well as his or her ideology and party affiliation. Ibid., p. 22. 120. Ibid., p. 23.
121. Ibid., p. 25.
122. Jeanne Cummings, Closing the Spigot: In New Laws Wake, Companies
Slash Their Political Donations, op. cit., p. A4.
123. Jonathan Weisman, Adopting Union Tactics, Firms Dive More Deeply Into
Politics; Employees Targeted With Voter Guides, Turnout Efforts, Washington Post, October 24, 2002, p. A8.
124. Raymond L. Hoewing, The State of Public Affairs: A Profession Reinventing Itself, in Dennis, op. cit., p. 37.
125. Jeanne Cummings, Political Contributors Step Up to the Plate, Wall Street
Journal, July 29, 2004, p. A4.
126. Peter B. Kennerdell, Managing the Business-Employee PAC (Washington,
D.C.: Public Affairs Council, 1992), pp. 8-9.
127. Kennerdell, op. cit., p. 14.
128. A. John Adams, Communications and Political Action Committees, in
Clair, op. cit., p. 178.
129. Baker, op. cit., p. 279.
130. Case Study: Cornings PAC Publishes Newsletter; Potent but Possibly Divisive Public Affairs Tool, pr reporter, Vol. 21, June 26, 1978, p. 3.
131. Owen Ullmann, Unions: Laboring Mightily to Avert a Nightmare in November, BusinessWeek, October 19, 1998, p. 53.
132. Glenn Burkins, AFL-CIO to Raise at Least $26 Million to Support Democrats, GOP Moderates, Wall Street Journal, February 18, 1999, p. A24. 133. Ibid.
134. Jeanne Cummings, Closing the Spigot: In New Laws Wake, Companies
Slash Their Political Donations,op. cit., p. A1.
135. Murray, op. cit. Also see Cummings, ibid.
136. Raymond A. Hay in preface to The Candidates (Reagan vs. Mondale) Where
They Stand (Dallas: The LTV Corp., 1985). The booklet was provided by H.
J. (Jerry) Dalton, Jr., manager of corporate communications.
137. Phyllis S. McGrath, Action Plans for Public Affairs (New York: The Conference Board, 1977), p. 43. The outcome of the new approach was not reported.
138. Philip Lesly, Why Economic Education Is Failing, Management Review,
Vol. 65, October 1976, pp. 17-23.
139. Myron Emanuel, Curtis L. Snodgrass, Joyce Gildea, and Karn Rosenberg,
Corporate Economic Education Programs: An Evaluation and Appraisal (Financial Executives Research Foundation, 1979), p. 303. This is the most
complete source of information on economic education programs used in
the 1970s.
140. Lee Ann Elliott, The Dos and Donts of Corporate Political Activity, in
Kennerdell, op. cit.
Litigation Communication
Since the 1960s and 1970s, American society has continuously become
more litigious. Those were the decades when consumer and environmental
with an avalanche of regulations. Books and films such as A Civil Action, Erin Brockovich, and The Rainmaker have popularized the role of
lawyers in society and reinforced the culture of a litigious society. Litigation became one of the favorite tactics used against corporations by
consumer, environmental, and other public interest groups. For example, seven environmental and public health groups filed a lawsuit in
the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to block industry-backed rules from
the U.S. EPA that would weaken pollution monitoring standards and
lead to increased emissions of mercury.1 One of the groups, the Natural
Resources Defense Council, has become known as one of the most effective litigating groups on U.S. environmental issues. Almost a quarter of the staff are lawyers.2
In the context of issues management, litigation communication is
the fourth stage in the life cycle of an issue. 3 After laws are passed, relevant government agencies promulgate and enforce regulations. Laws
are seldom, if ever, sufficiently complete and clear on such matters as
enforcement standards and timetables for meeting legal requirements.
If a business disagrees with a government regulation, it may file a
challenging lawsuit. More likely, government, a public interest group,
or an aggrieved party will sue when its interpretation of a law or regulation suggests lack of compliance. Business has seen the need, therefore, to extend its activities beyond legislation and into the judicial
branch of government in the form of litigation communication.
nalism Review article revealed that, over the previous 12 years, seven Supreme Court Justices had enjoyed first-class, all-expense-paid winter
trips to luxury resorts where they gathered to select the winner of a
$15,000 prize awarded annually by West Publishing for Distinguished
Service to Justice. Cases involving the company were heard by the justices during those years; all of the cases were decided in favor of West. 9
Other approaches are also used to influence the judicial system. Koch
Industries, an oil, natural gas, minerals and agribusiness giant, is the
corporations, law firms, and foundations, to a University of Kansas foundation
that offers small groups of hand-picked state judges a two-part Economics Institutes for State Judges seminar, usually at resort hotels.
They are taught hard-nosed, market-based economics. For example,
one course talks about the costs of overdeterrence by judges who punish companies for harming people or the environment. The institutes
syllabus for this session states, Many potentially hazardous activities
offer great benefits to society. At another session, judges were told that
they let too much junk sciences into cases involving damage claims
against companies and that the rules of the federal Environmental Protection Agency and the Labor Departments Occupational Safety and
Health Administration are enormously expensive and often ineffective.
Since 1995, 550 judges have attended these seminars. Koch has also
launched a rating system for judges that grades them on how their decisions affect the business community. 10
The enormous power of the judicial branch of government is increasingly recognized. A book review of Kenneth W. Starr s First Among
Equals: The Supreme Court in American Life, reflects this fact. Starr s view
is, The judiciary is not merely first among three equal branches of government. Theres nothing equal about it: The Supreme Court reigns supreme.11 A major reason why issues management extends to a fourth
stage is that the courts have not restricted themselves to their traditional role of ruling on legislative matters; too often the courts appear
intent on usurping the rights of the legislative branch of government. In
recent Supreme Court cases, justices have repeatedly reversed judges
who had read new rights into the Constitution or expanded their own
authority to resolve disputes.12
As a sign of business concern about the power of the Supreme Court,
business is now focusing on replacements for the three soon-to-retire
Supreme Court justices: Justice John Paul Stevens, Chief Justice William
H. Rehnquist, and Justice Sandra Day OConnor. More than ideological
conservatism is sought because, as Robin S. Conrad, senior vice-president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerces National Litigation Center, observed, Being a conservative is not the same as being pro-business. For
example, conservative justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas have consistently
voted against efforts to restrain punitive damages, a top business priority. Judicial
conservatives defend federalism by being generally unwilling to preempt state laws that
place higher standards on companies than overlapping federal statutes.13
Lawsuits concern corporations because they have a dual impact: on reputation and the
line. When plaintiffsgovernment, other businesses,
corporations face the prospect that the case will receive widespread publicity. In fact, public interest groups file lawsuits as a way to raise public
consciousness about an issue and to demonstrate the interest groups
activity and effectiveness. In this process, however, corporate reputations may be tarnished. Media coverage of a court battle can damage a
companys reputation, destroy a product market, and shake up the confidence and morale of shareholders, managers, and other employees,
wrote Christopher P. A. Komisarjevsky in 1983, then a senior vice president of the public relations firm Hill & Knowlton and recently the president and CEO of Burson-Marsteller Worldwide. 14
As for their bottom lines, the tobacco companies have been most af fected by litigation. A
recent verdict against Philip Morris USA, the largest tobacco company, was for $10.1
billion. Plaintiffs accused the company of deceiving smokers that low tar, light,
ultralight, and mild cigarettes were less risky than other cigarettes. Altria, the parent
company, faced a court order to post a $12 billion bond to appeal the Illi nois verdict, and the
cigarette division faced the possibility of being forced to file for bankruptcy-court
Companies that previously shunned the political arena have sometimes scrambled to catch up after facing judicial problems. When Judge
Thomas Penfield Jackson ruled on April 3, 2000, that Microsoft was stifling innovation and on April 30 proposed a breakup of the company
into two entities, Microsofts chief lobbyist, Jack Krumholtz, launched a
vigorous campaign with the aim to convince official Washington that
Justices attempt to split the company up is misguided. Audiences included members of Congress, federal judges, and a future president. 16
Microsoft used its apparently bottomless store of money to convert it
into virtually all the political resources available to a corporation (see
Box 1.1).
This expensive, high-powered campaign, intended to influence the
court system, possibly including the Supreme Court, did not go unchallenged. Microsofts enormous presence in the capital, according to Ed
Black, president of the Computer Communication Industry Association,
amounted to intimidation: It is an outrageously blatant attempt to try
to nullify a judicial and law enforcement proceeding by leveraging their
parently agreeing with corporate general counsels, Acting Justice Harold J. Rothwax of
the New York State Supreme Court commented, Lawyers now feel it is the essence of
their function to try their case in the public media. Its no longer courtroom based its a
whole new ethic that has to be looked at carefully. 27 Ways must be found to deal with
publicity surrounding a case.
Corporate Scandals Increase Vulnerability
The Enron and ensuing scandals of 2002 have made matters worse. A
first-of-its-kind survey of potential jurors released in October 2002 by
DecisionQuest, a Los Angeles trial consultancy, showed that 75% or
more distrust corporations on a variety of counts; the historical level
was 50%. The survey consisted of telephone interviews of 1,000 people
eligible for jury service. Large majorities of those surveyed cited greedy
executives, crooked accountants, and shredded documents. They were
also critical of corporations in other areas; for example, 85% answered
that they believe companies hide dangers associated with their products
and their waste until the government or a lawsuit forces them to tell the
truth. Attitudes toward managers and executives were particularly critical, with 71% of the respondents believing that those at the top are
more likely to lie than lower level employees or expert witnesses. Placing
top officials on the stand could thus prove risky. Moreover, says Stephen
L. Hill, Jr., who delivered the news in a speech to a group of financial officers, pat, legalistic-sounding defenses that lack explanations for a
companys actions just arent going to cut it anymore. The survey supposedly sent shivers through boardrooms and executive offices. 28
Antibusiness biases are also likely to affect jurors, according to defense lawyers who asked 50 prospective jurors about their reaction to
this statement: Corporate executives will lie to increase their profits.
More than half agreed. When asked about the statement, A representative of a company will say whatever it takes to keep the company out of
trouble, 72% agreed, with 22% of these agreeing strongly.
When companies are silent or evasive in the face of litigation, the
public is inclined to find them guilty, according to a Hill & Knowlton/
Opinion Research survey about public attitudes of corporate defendants. Unfortunately, this finding is likely to be reinforced because corporations are still mainly guided by a bunker mentality. Harlan Loeb,
U.S. director of Hill & Knowltons litigation services practice, advises
that the same savvy thinking and strategic fiber that sets apart a company in a spirited marketplace must be cut and pasted to the litigation
communications domain.29
Thus the need for litigation public relations services is recognized.
Companies need an action plan that provides an organizational mandate
to anticipate and control the public dimensions of litigation, says Loeb.
The corporate brand must be protected by devising an integrated strategy
to preempt audience attitudes before a complaint is in the field. The opportunity aspect of litigation should also be recognized. When the spotlight is on the company, brand building is possible (e.g., by reaching out
to tuned-in customers and other audiences). 30 Komisarjevsky advises the
public relations staff and legal staff of companies to develop a
close-working, mutually respectful, and trusting relationship. 31
Litigation Public Relations Gains Recognition 32
Within the last decade, the importance of litigation public relations has
been recognized by books and articles on the subject and the addition of
this service in law and public relations firms. An early book (1995) is
Susanne A. Roschwalb and Richard A. Stacks Litigation Public Relations:
Courting Public Opinion; a later one (2003) is James F. Haggertys In the
Court of Public Opinion: Winning Your Case With Public Relations. A typical
law journal article is Deborah A. Lillanthals Litigation Public Relations: The Provisional Remedy of the Communications World. 33 One of
the main points made by this literature is exemplified by Haggertys
statement, Communication is now central to the management of modern litigation. It can mean communicating to external audiences such as
the media, or to internal audiences like employees, investors, shareholders, and others with a vested interest in the organization. 34 Confirming
the acceptance of litigation public relations, a recent survey of the top
200 corporate law departments in the United States found that nearly
50% regularly use public relations techniques in litigation and 23% said
they do so often or always. 35
Companies fighting costly legal battles now recognize the need to
sway public opinion as well as the courts, and accordingly, they turn to
public relations. Whether its cameras in the courtroom or reporters on
the courthouse steps, a media strategy to protect, enhance and bolster
your litigation strategy is almost always a necessity, says Sheila Tate,
president of Powell Tate.36
Martha Stewart, the high-profile celebrity and founder of Martha
Stewart Living Omnimedia, accused of lying about an insider trading
deal of Imclone stock, illustrates the complexity of litigation public relations. In the pretrial period, her defense team chose media appearances
wisely and well, according to Judy Leon of DecisionQuest. She appeared
on both the Barbara Walters and Larry King shows, which were safe
media venues in which Stewart could remind the public that she is, after all, a human being, not a punch line, a person who has suffered intense public humiliation and immense financial loss months before the
first day of her trial, and an American citizen facing a fundamental
threat to her personal liberty. 37
Her courtroom performance apparently lacked public relations sensitivity. She and her defense team decided not to have Martha Stewart testify on her own behalf, which ran
counter to jury and public expectations formed by TV law-and-order
shows. Parading an array of celebrities through the courtroom to show support for Stewart
was a bad idea, according to Alan M. Dershowitz, a well-known and outspoken professor
of law at Harvard: It made almost no impression. If anything, we may have taken it as a
little bit of an insult.38 Stewart lost the case.
Another person who turned to public relations is Richard M. Scrushy,
who was ousted in March 2003 as HealthSouths chairman and CEO after being charged for his alleged role in a $2.7 billion accounting fraud at
company. When
Scrushys lawyers boiled over, the latter held a news conference on the
courthouse steps alleging that prosecutors concealed evidence that
proved Scrushys innocence. Furthermore, one of Scrushys attorneys
appeared on a local radio shows on which he accused the government of
witness tampering and manufacturing evidence. 39 The attorneys as well
as Scrushy and his wife also appeared on their own television show.
Scrushy and federal prosecutors agreed to a court order restricting public comments about his upcoming fraud trial, scheduled for September
2004.40 Known to curry favor with the local community, Scrushy was
recasting his persona from someone known for partying in Hollywood
with his girl band 3rd Faze to that of a humble man from the south
whose faith will help him weather the current storm. 41
Recognizing the role played by public opinion, the general counsels
from the large corporations realized that they needed to involve their
communications or public affairs people. William G. Paul, former general counsel of Phillips Petroleum, referred to the companys really fine
communications team who are skilled at dealing with the press
much more skilled than I or any of the lawyers internally and much
more skilled than outside counsel. He added, Those people work
closely with lawyers. They know the case; they know the issues; they
dont talk to the press until they are fully informed. 42
Exxon also relies on specialists in the public affairs group to handle
the news media. Charles W. Matthews, Jr., the companys general counsel, added that on occasion the lead trial attorney might become an integral part of the process as long as the outside counsel understands the
business, the problems, the needs, whatever concerns we have.
Wallingford cautioned that trial lawyers tend to pop off too much and
theyre not trained.43 Referring to a south Texas situation, he said he
prefers to let a community affairs specialist develop strategy and serve
as company spokesperson in dealing with external matters.
What these corporate general counsels alluded to was the emergence
of litigation public relations: the attempt to control the publicity surrounding a lawsuit, with the intention of influencing public opinion as
well as the dispositions of juries and judges. The judicial branch of government, which traditionally has been treated as off limits to parties
wanting to influence it beyond the courtroom, was now to be treated as
another important audience by lawyers and public affairs professionals. As stated by Mary Gottschall, a legal affairs correspondent for The
New York Times: This [litigation public relations] has emerged as an increasing trend, especially where major litigation is involved. The idea is
that the case might be tried in the court of public opinion as well as before a jury.44
Growth as a Professional Service.
Many public relations and legal
firms are now offering litigation public relations services, often in the
context of crisis management.45 Among the major players are public relations giants Burson-Marsteller and Hill & Knowlton, as well as others,
such as Ketchum, the seventh largest global public relations firm. Based
confirmed the importance of litigation public relations by hiring a leading figure in the field in 2003, Rose Marshall. She had run her own firm,
Legal PR, for 10 years and represented such clients as Monsanto, the
American Trucking Association, and the Product Liability Advisory
Council. Another prominent player in the field is The Lukaszewski
Group, whose flyer, describing members as management advisors in
and ethical situations arise that threaten organizational reputation and
credibility. Its not a game! Its principal, James E. Lukaszewski, favors active public relations participation in litigation matters on the
premise that news media treatment of a case may affect legal judgments
and undoubtedly affects corporate reputation, both in the short and in
the long term.46
Public relations and other communications counselors have been
hampered in giving advice to clients because they dont enjoy the same
attorney-client privilege protection as lawyers. Richard E. Nicolazzo,
president of Nicolazzo & Associates, has strongly stated that communications counsel must be accorded the same protection. He states that clients must be ably represented in the court of public opinion and the
court of law.47 For example, in a case involving secret grand jury testimony about possible crimes committed
by a well-known businessperson, identified in the lawsuit only as Target, prosecutors subpoenaed a
public relations consultant hired by the clients attorney. When the consultant refused to appear or to supply records, the prosecutors moved to
compel compliance. The judge in the case, Lewis A. Kaplan, sided with
the consultant, saying,
This court is persuaded that the ability of lawyers to perform some of their
most fundamental client functions would be undermined seriously if
lawyers were not able to engage in frank discussion of facts and strategies
with the lawyers public relations consultants. For example, lawyers may
need skilled advice as to whether and how possible statements to the
would likely be reported in order to advise a client as to whether the making
of particular statements would be in the clients legal interest.
The courts have increasingly become outlets for individuals who feel they have been
victimized. Suits dealing with defective products, racial or sexual discrimination, sexual
harassment, environmental pollution, and other matters have become commonplace. Of
these, product liability cases have loomed largest in both number and cost.
Growth in Product Liability Cases
The Rand Corporations Institute for Civil Justice reported that 17,000
U.S. companies were lead defendants in product liability lawsuits between 1974 and 1986.52 Between 1974 and 1990, product liability case
filings in U.S. federal courts increased by over 1,100%. 53 More recent records show that between 1985 and 1991, 107,000 personal injury
suits, 48,000 asbestos liability suits, and almost 3,000 other product liability suits were filed in the United States. In 1991 alone, 1,500 product
liability suits were brought in federal district courts against Fortune
1000 companies, 95% of which were personal injury cases. 54 The cost of
liability suits, says business, displaces funding for research and development, increases insurance costs, and ultimately raises the price of consumer products and services. 55 The costs of some notable lawsuits are
shown in Box 12.2.
Ominously, more class-action lawsuits are forecast. An insurance
publication writes, the next wave of mass tort cases threatens to engulf
the nations businesses and, in turn, their insurance carriers. 56
number of plaintiffs will grow and the legal issues will be complex and
wide in scope. Besides manufacturers and sellers, those affected will be
authorities. Other battles include construction products defects, intellectual
Box 12.2 Notable Lawsuits
Lawsuits brought against some of the biggest U.S. corporations have
resulted in billion-dollar judgments against them. Manville Corporation
(formerly Johns-Manville) faced product liability suits stemming from
asbestos-related deaths and illnesses estimated to cost over $2.5 billion; A. H. Robins, maker of the Dalkon Shield, was ordered to set
aside $2.48 billion to pay claimants; Exxon was ordered to pay $5 billion to 34,000 fishermen and other Alaskans who said they were
harmed by the Exxon Valdez oil spill; and Dow Corning and other silicone breast implant makers proposed a $4.75 billion settlement to
handle the claims of thousands of lawsuits. A feature of these lawsuits
is that they started with individual claims but ended up as class actions, which some companies agree are the most efficient way to deal
with the thousands of suits.
Groups of Asbestos Victims, reveal the new aggressiveness of lawyers.67 The Internet has made it easier for lawyers to broaden the base of
class-action suits, largely because it allows lawyers to establish a website and recruit additional litigants. Furthermore, the Internet makes
much more information and many more documents available, enabling
lawyers to press claims. It allows people to look for manufacturers vulnerabilities instead of reactively waiting for something to happen. 68
A BusinessWeek article, The Litigation Machine, outlines how the
Internet is giving plaintiffs lawyers a field day.69 It outlines five steps:
1. Find a victim. Dont wait for customers to come to you. Advertise
on television or use a national referral network, such as
USinjurylawyer.com. (See Box 12.3 for how one lawyer runs his
law business.)
2. Get a litigation packet. Generally costing less that $200, these
packets provide how-to guides for suits against a variety of industries: the Firestone tire tread separation, Lambert diabetes drug
Rezulin, and others such as handgun maker and tobacco companies.
3. Find an expert. They can be found on websites such as
DepoConnect.com, at attorneys conventions where professional
experts rent booths, or in advertisements in legal trade journals.
Chicagos Defense Research Institute, which is also used by corporate attorneys, offers an online library containing files on 50,000
expert witnesses.
4. Get money. Although cash advancesoften required because
courts move slowlycome at a high price, they are available from
litigation-finance specialists such as Expert Funding.com in exchange for a stake in litigation. In a 12-month period it made
about 500 advances, ranging in size from a few thousand dollars
to more than $500,000.
5. Obtain hot documents. To get the internal corporate documents
they need to win over a judge and jury, plaintiff lawyers can access
the Attorneys Information Exchange Group (AIEG) in Birmingham, Alabama) and ATLA Exchange, which serve as warehouses of
information. In 2001, the AIEG, a nonprofit group, which is an
arm of the American Trial Lawyers Association, served 600 members who paid a $1,000 initiation fee, plus annual dues of $500.
The AIEG had accumulated 400,000 pages of materials on the
Ford-Firestone suits.
Ever since the June 1977 U.S. Supreme Court decision permitting
lawyers to advertise, some lawyers have used their free-speech rights to
pitch their services in newspapers, on television and radio, and by direct
mail and other means.70 In 1982 an ad with the headline Did you use
this IUD? ran in Ohio newspapers. It was sponsored by Philip Q.
Zauderer and other lawyers who were offering to represent women trou-
Tort Reform
Incensed by the number and cost, as well as the outrageousness, of
some product liability lawsuits, business has lobbied for a national
tort reform law that would limit liability and preempt state product liability
Business formed a
Liability Coordinating
Committee (PLCC) with a membership of 700,000 small and large
companies and organizations to support a reform movement. PLCC
advocated the following:
Raise the standard of evidence used for punitive damage awards to clear
and convincing; confine punitive damages to cases where the manufacturers showed conscious, flagrant indifference to public safety; have
each defendant in a multiple suit pay noneconomic damages (e.g., pain
and suffering) only in proportion to his or her responsibility; do not award
from the FDA or FAA in good faith; waive litigation for injuries involving
capital goods more than 25 years old; reduce damage awards when
product misuse or alteration causes the injury; and exempt manufacturers from paying damages for injuries resulting from a persons intoxication or use of illegal drugs.78
Over the past few years, tort reform efforts have been stepped up.
Tens of millions of dollars have poured into efforts by the Institute for
Legal Reform, an arm of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, launched in
1997. In 2003 it planned to raise upward of $40 million from a broad
list of companies and trade groups, including Aetna, the American
Council of Life Insurers, the Business Roundtable, Ford, General Electric,
Johnson & Johnson, the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM),
and other members of the institutes class-action coalition. At least a
dozen companies gave a $1 million each. In 2002 it spent more than $23
million on its inside-the-Beltway lobbying and state political efforts to
elect business-friendly attorneys general in state elections and state Supreme Court justices. With the backing of senior presidential adviser
Karl Rove, chances were greatly improved for passage of a bill. 79
Outrageous Punitive Damages. Limits to punitive damages have been a major
target of tort reform legislation, as some outrageous lawsuits have illustrated. One is an
award of $4 million to a doctor in Birmingham, Alabama, who charged that BMW did
not tell him it had partly repainted his purchased sedan to touch up damage. The Supreme
Court, however, ultimately sent the case back to an Alabama court, which reduced the
award to $50,000.80
Another high-profile case was the jury award against McDonalds of
$2.7 million in punitive damages (and $160,000 in compensatory damages) to an 81-year-old woman from Albuquerque, New Mexico, who
was scalded by a cup of carry-out coffee she spilled on her lap. She suf-
fered third-degree burns of the groin, inner thighs, and buttocks. The
coffee was 180 to 190 degrees when it was poured. The McDonalds
training manual does state that its coffee must be brewed at 195 to 205
degrees and held at 180 to 190 degrees for optimal taste. A National Coffee Association spokesperson said McDonalds coffee conforms
to industry temperature standards. A state court later reduced the punitive
award to $480,000, which, together with the $160,000 award for compensatory damages, reduced the total award to $640,000. 81 During the
previous decade, McDonalds had received at least 700 reports of coffee
burns and had settled other claims arising from scalding injuries for
more than $500,000.82
Another case is the suit against the CSX Corporation (see Box 12.4),
which shows that plaintiff lawyers target those companies with deep
pockets rather than those most responsible for injuries and damage.
Reform Campaigns.
According to Ken Silverstein, two Washington
groups have been particularly active in waging lobbying campaigns in
support of product liability legislation. The leading group is the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA), which is supported by insurance
pharmaceutical firms.83 Another is Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE), described in
chapter 10. CSE used its resources to run television and radio advertisements supporting tort reform legislation in about 60 congressional districts.84 Its efforts have been supported by the Pharmaceutical Research
and Manufacturers of America, oil interests such as the American Petroleum Institute and Exxon, pesticide makers such as Dow, chemical companies such as Union Carbide, and insurers such as Allstate, all of which
have been at the forefront of the tort reform movement. 85
In 1996, Congress passed, but President Clinton vetoed, a product liability bill that was broadly supported by practically all of the nations
business establishment, the insurance industry, the medical profession
(concerned about malpractice judgments), and various groups of educators and public officials. Those opposed were personal injury lawyers,
labor unions, and consumer and environmental groups. Both sides lobbied strenuously and spent heavily on public relations and advertising.
The Insurance Information Institute wanted the bill framed as a lawsuit crisis because it was sensitive to the bills reference to an insurance crisis.86 The law would have capped damages at $250,000, even in
cases where a company had lied about the dangers posed by its product;
included a loser pays provision that would discourage plaintiffs from
initiating a case; and contained a statute of repose that would bar
lawsuits 15 years after the date of delivery of the product involved to
its first purchaser.87
Congress again attempted a limited product liability reform in 1998.
Among the provisions were a $250,000 cap on punitive damages, but
just for companies with less than $5 million in revenue and fewer than
25 employees; other provisions were a limited liability exposure for
Pacific immediately housed and fed the more than 200 families who
were evacuated. Company representatives met with the families and
participated in community meetings where safety concerns were
vented. The company placed an ad in the San Bernardino Sun headlined Our Deepest Sympathy to the People of San Bernardino.
CSXs community relations failure and previous unwillingness to listen
to community grievances led a juror to say, We just wanted to send
them a message that you just cant ignore people. We felt if we hit
them a good, big chop, theyll do somethingtheyll stop parking
those toxic chemical cars in the residential areas.
those who market defective goods and the barring of some product defect suits altogether. However, the bill was formally opposed by Fortune
100 companies and many considered the bill unnecessary and unhelpful.88 In 2002, the House passed a tort reform bill that would, among
other things, allow federal courts to hear more class-action suits. Federal courts are generally friendlier to business than state courts and
would hinder plaintiffs lawyers from shopping for state courts that
have track records of ruling against business. 89 The plaintiffs favorite
court is in Jefferson County, Mississippi, with a population of less than
10,000, but where from 1995 to 2000 more than 21,000 people filed
This problem was remedied in February 2005 when Congress
passed the Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA) containing a key provision
that shifts most large, class-action suits from state courts to federal
courts. Other aspects of tort reform, however, have yet to be completed:
Asbestos litigation, medical malpractice, and fast-food liability, such as
obesity claims.91
As an alternative to major reconstruction of the civil justice system,
business lobbyists are now trying a new strategy of incremental successes. Among them are: (a) making political contributions, where state
laws allows, to business-friendly judges; (b) slipping targeted measures
into larger bills, as attempted with the controversial Eli Lilly rider on the
Homeland Security Act that would shield the company from liability for
a vaccine ingredient; (c) lobbying for restricted access to e-mail, which
has incriminated some companies; and (d) pushing to make jury duty
mandatory, so that well-heeled citizens more likely to be sympathetic to
business dont get out of serving.92
The Bush White House has placed a high priority on tort reform and
it has been receiving support from the NAM, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and others. The new chairman of the NAM, Archie Dunham,
stressed the problem: We have the most expensive tort system in the
worldmore than double the average cost of other industrialized nations. It drains billions of dollars from our productive capacity and does
not make us appreciably safer. Its time to do something about it. 93
Pointing to asbestos litigation, he stated, To date, over 2,000 companies have been dragged
into asbestos litigation. More than 60 of these companies have been driven into bankruptcy.
Over 138,000 jobs have been lost as a consequence.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerces contribution to tort reform was the
of a multimillion-dollar television advertising
against liability lawsuits, aimed at speeding a Senate vote on the Class
Action Fairness Act, passed by the House in 2001 but stalled in the Senate. Two 30-second spots, which ran in five states (Texas, Michigan, Alabama, South Carolina, and New Mexico), focused on hidden costs a
typical family pays to cover product lawsuits: $500 for a new car, $3.12
per week for groceries, and 70 cents on an average pair of blue jeans.94
Although success on the national level is still lacking, the ATRA has
scored victories in more than a dozen states. Along with its allies, which
include several tobacco companies such as Philip Morris, Brown & Williamson, and Universal Leaf & Tobacco, ATRA succeeded in pushing
through the Civil Liability Reform Act in California in 1987. The law immunizes products customers know to be unsafe. Tobacco companies,
whose product is deliberately not mentioned in the law, are major beneficiaries. As stated by Jim Fyock, a spokesman for R. J. Reynolds Co.,
When there are risks associated with the products and they are wellknown to the community, people who freely use these products should
not be able to collect money damages. 95
Consumer and several other advocacy groups oppose reform legislation, contending lawsuits are the most effective system of checks and
balances for safeguarding consumer welfare in an open market system.
They point out that some of the most infamous injuries have been exposed and remedied mainly through lawsuits, not regulatory action. 96
Some conservative voices believe that the right for consumers to sue ultimately helps business because it removes the need for much consumer
The principles and techniques of litigation public relations combine those of issues
management and crisis management with those of law, as summarized here:
1. Recognize the legitimate function of our system of justice as administered by courts. A trial by jury is a constitutional right of citizens. Consisting of a group of laypersons, a jury hears witnesses and
decides the facts. The choice of jury members is obviously an important determinant of the verdict. In exercising their right to reject jurors for cause and the right to a number of peremptory challenges
that do not require a reason, lawyers for the plaintiff and defendant
increasingly use social science insights to select the most favorable ju-
rors. Some consultants help in searching jury background by examining occupations, other
demographic information, psychographics, and opinion surveys.
Jurors are ordered to decide only on the evidence and arguments
presented in court. However, news media reports about a case and its
participants may contaminate jury judgment. In criminal cases, the
First Amendment rights of the news media may be subordinated to
the Sixth Amendment rights of an individual to a fair trial. The Sixth
Amendment reads, In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall
enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the
State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed. 97 To
assure such fairness, judges sometimes apply gag orders (which are,
however, typically overturned) and restrictions on media presence in
the courtroom.
Much of the controversy over pretrial publicity revolves around
the goal of assuring justice, not only in criminal cases, but also in civil
cases dealing with various rights. For this reason, Gorney worries
that trial lawyers and plaintiffs are pre-empting the role of the courts
process. 98
however, is that media and public viewing of the courts is necessary
to preserve public acceptance of the legal system.
2. Synchronize your strategy with lawyers and become an equal partner.99 At all times,
maintain an overview of legal cases before your organization or industry. Take initiative
with legal counsel in discussing those you believe may have major public relations
implications (e.g., AIDS, OSHA, equal pay, toxic waste). Do your homework on legal
language and procedures. Knowledge of law, lawyer behavior, and legal institutions is
A study involving charges of sexual harassment indicates that although
decision-making process, public implications of statements made during such a
crisis are of critical importance. A collaborative approach between legal and public relations professionals is recommended. 100
3. Recognize the differences in values, disclosure policies, and
ways of thinking between lawyers and public relations counselors. 101
Lawyers value winning a case in court. Although winning may not
be everything, it is especially important to outside law firms that are
trained in the adversarial mode and whose fees may depend on the
size of an award. To legal counsel, stakes may also include a winning reputation, which helps secure future cases.
relationships. As stated by Lloyd Newman, public relations counsel
brings long-term perspective to strategy decisions: What counts is
investors, and other important publicsand not only winning in
court. Senior public relations counselor John Budd states, PR has a
legitimate role in assessing the long-term impact of perceived guilt on
onstrated. Unlike most lawyers who have no training in public relations, O. J. Simpsons
attorneys appeared to be well-schooled in its use. In dealing with television, not only
is the content critical, but how its said, where its said, and your appearance are equally
important, said defense attorney Robert Shapiro at a meeting of the National
Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Further revealing his sensitivity to public
relations, he elaborated:
There is no way to avoid having your clients picture on television.
Therefore, do everything you can to have yourself and your client appear in the most favorable light. I always instruct my clients upon arrival at the courthouse to get out in a normal manner; to walk next to
me in a slow and deliberate way; to have a look of confidence and acknowledge with a nod those who are familiar and supportive. Although the reporters will be shouting questions from all directions,
answer no questions at this time. I simply tell the press a statement will
be given at the end of the court day.113
As Fen-Phen and Redux diet class-action suits mount against American Home Products and its Wyeth-Ayerst division, the company is also
invoking junk science arguments. The company is claiming that allegations the drugs are linked to heart-valve damage and a rare, but fatal,
lung disease are unsupported by scientific proof. It is launching its own
studies and standing by its warnings to consumers of the risks of these
pills.122 Furthermore, American
class-action deals.
Suppression of Public Information
The discovery process in judicial proceedings obliges plaintiffs and defendants to provide information to each other. Because some of the information provided by a corporation might damage its reputation and
make it more vulnerable to future lawsuits, a company is often willing
to settle a case out of court, provided the court records are sealed. As
some corporate lawyers have said, Opening up evidence discovered in
one case to everyone would allow plaintiffs lawyers to piggy-back lawsuit after lawsuit against corporations.123
Secrecy Clauses in Settlements.
Dow Corning, one of the silicone
gel manufacturers, agreed to a settlement in a 1984 case in which part
of a secrecy clause that sealed court files was a significant condition.
This occurred after the company appealed a San Francisco federal court
jury award of $1.7 million to Maria Stern ($1.5 million of which was in
punitive damages) for having committed fraud by marketing breast implants as safe. Not even the FDA could examine the evidence, and medical experts who had studied the companys data were prohibited from
discussing them publicly. Robert T. Rylee, Dow Cornings health care
general manager, defended his companys action, saying, Secrecy is
crucial to guard proprietary data that could benefit competitors. We
do not want to be overeducating plaintiffs lawyers. 124
How much information courts should keep secret has become a controversial public policy issue. In 1990 Florida and Texas enacted laws
barring secrecy in settlements that involve possible threats to public
health and safety. The New Jersey legislature also considered bills that
would bar confidentiality agreements that have the purpose or effect of
concealing a public hazard, defined as any device, instrument, procedure or product that has caused or is likely to cause injury. 125 On the
basis of this kind of thinking, federal district court judge H. Lee Sarokin,
who once routinely signed orders sealing documents when requested to
do so by both sides in a dispute, no longer does. He refused to seal information obtained through the discovery process in a case brought
against the tobacco industry accusing it of producing a cancer-causing
product. An appeals court subsequently modified his ruling, allowing
access to lawyers but not the press.126
As might be expected, trial lawyers generally disagree with secrecy clauses. A lawyer
who represents plaintiffs in civil suits against corporations said that corporations payment
of settlements in return for secrecy is tantamount to hush money. 127
Gagging the Media.
Another litigation strategy is to obtain a court
gag order against the media, forbidding a newspaper, magazine, or
broadcaster to disseminate specified information. A judge issues a gag
order to prevent privileged information attorneys obtained during the
pretrial discovery period from being publicly disclosed. Gag orders protect litigants privacy rights to trade secrets, proprietary information,
or other information that might be damaging to them (see Box 12.7 for
two examples).
Box 12.7 Examples of Gag Orders
In the DuPont Benlate DF case, ornamental-plant growers blamed
DuPonts fungicide for killing or damaging their plants. DuPont extended the protective policy to keep internal documents from surfacing
and, when they were revealed in a lawsuit, to ask the judge to cover
them by a protective order to protect possible trade and other secrets.
The plaintiffs legal counsel accused DuPont of seeking privacy rights
for more than 1 million documents, including research journals, diaries,
lab notebooks, and computer tapes. Information was withheld from
customers and the government, namely, that its fungicide Benlate allegedly causes crop damage, particularly in ornamental plants.
After ornamental-plant growers filed more than 400 damage suits
against DuPont, a judge issued a gag order prohibiting both the plaintiff
and defendant from discussing matters publicly. When a gag order occurs, companies that eventually speak out often find the medias presentation of their views truncated, distorted, or weakly positioned.
Furthermore, scientific documentation by a faceless firm can hardly
compete with the emotional, sentimental story of a plaintiff. Thus, truthful or not, negative portrayals are used by juries to justify punitive damages or aid the plaintiffs in forcing lucrative out-of-court settlements
In another case, GM sought to extend information protection by
seeking to prevent a former disgruntled employee from helping plaintiffs. The employee, Ronald E. Elwell, spent 15 of his 30 years at GM
studying cars that were involved in product liability cases. As part of an
employment dispute settlement, he had agreed not to help plaintiffs
without GMs consent. The Supreme Court, however, decreed Elwell
could testify in courts other than those in Michigan. As a result, Elwell
served as a witness in a Missouri product liability lawsuit against GM in
which the jury returned an $11.3 million verdict. The federal appeals
court later, however, reversed the decision and ordered a new trial
without Elwells testimony.
tation for the other side to pick up and pick upon, the more you will have to explain.132
Seeking Sanctions Against Opponents
Corporations are fighting back in the courts against plaintiff lawyers
who file spurious class-action lawsuits. We want to send a message so
that lawyers will give pause before filing baseless claims, said Lewis
Goldfarb, Chrysler s assistant general counsel. 133 Accordingly, Chrysler
sought sanctions and other relief against five lawyers who brought
class actions against the company. In one instance a group headed by Seattle attorney Steve Berman, who won more than $1 billion in class-action settlements over the past decade, was accused of inventing the
lawsuit because Berman filed a case without obtaining the consent of
the named plaintiff in the case. Similarly, John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance sued two class-action lawyers who had filed a suit alleging deceptive sales practices and then withdrew it. John Hancock said its
purpose was to generate publicity for a future action. 134
Chrysler was successful in at least one case against lawyers. Two lawyers, John Carey and Joseph Danis (who operate as Carey & Danis), owe
Chrysler more than $850,000 because of a jury award that accused
them of legal malpractice for filing class-action suits against the automaker. Chrysler had sought that amount as damages for what it spent
defending class-action suitsalleging defects in Chrysler s antilock
brake systemfiled against them by Carey and Danis. However, Chrysler won the case on legal technicalities: Carey and Danis had confidential
information about the automaker s defense strategy that they failed to
disclose. U.S. District Judge Catherine D. Perry sided with the company
by throwing out the lawyers defense in Chrysler s suit against them. 135
Public relations involvement in court deliberations is likely to intensify
as the news media expand their coverage of big cases that involve public
health and safety or otherwise have emotional appeal. Many of the
techniques of proactive media relations are applicable, but their use
must be carefully coordinated with a corporations legal team and tempered by judicial gag orders.
Lawyers can learn some lessons from public relations practice. One is
that winning or losing in the courtroom is not everything. This shortterm result must be placed in the context of what happens to a companys reputation in the long run. General public opinion counts, especially when government considers actions against a corporation. More
stakeholdersespecially those of its customers, stockholders, employees, and community
citizensmust be taken into account.
38. Alan M. Dershowitz, With Lawyers Like These , Wall Street Journal,
March 8, 2004, p. A16.
to Argue Against
HealthSouth Case, Wall Street Journal, April 9, 2004, p. C3.
40. Bloomberg News, Scrushy, U.S. Will Restrict Comments About Trial, Los
Angeles Trial, April 10, 2004, p. C3.
41. Betty Liu, From High-Flier to Humble Churchgoer , Financial Times, May
18, 2004, p. 26.
42. A Total War Against the Corporation, op. cit.
43. Ibid.
44. Dirk C. Gibson, Litigation Public Relations: Fundamental Assumptions,
Public Relations Quarterly, Vol. 43, Spring 1998, p. 19.
45. In Washington, DC, some legal firms are expanding into the field. One example is Weber/Ryan McGinn of Arlington, Virginia, which recently recruited
Regina Blakely, a former CBS News correspondent and a lawyer, to head up
its litigation PR efforts. Another is Cassidy Cos., Inc., which acquired Bork &
Associates Litigation Communications. Moore, op. cit. Also see Jodie Morse,
Media People, National Journal, Vol. 30, February 14, 1998, p. 360.
46. See James E. Lukaszewskis comprehensive chapter, The Newest Discipline:
Managing Legally-Driven Issues, in Practical Public Affairs in an Era of
ChangeA Communications Guide for Business, Government, and College, ed.
Lloyd Dennis (Lanham, Md.; University Press of America, 1996), pp.
47. From a letter, dated July 16, 2003, to the author, which also presents the
opinion of Judge Lewis A. Kaplan. Nicolazzo & Associates is a strategic communications management firm located in Boston, Massachusetts.
48. Carole Gorney, Fatal Attraction: Journalists and Lawyers; Litigation Journalism, Current, July 1994, and MediaCritic, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1994. Also see
her The New Rules of Litigation Public Relations, The Public Relations Strategist, Vol. 1, Spring 1995, pp. 23-29.
49. See Wall Street Journal, May 5, 1995, p. A5.
50. Rick Wartzman and Kathleen A. Hughes, Northrops Image Ads, Televised
on Trials Eve, Spark U.S. Objection, But Appeals Court Lifts Ban, Wall
Street Journal, February 20, 1990, p. A26.
51. Ibid.
52. Cited in David W. Stewart and Ingrid M. Martin, Intended and Unintended
Consequences of Warning Messages: A Review and Synthesis of Empirical
Research, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Vol. 13, Spring 1994, pp. 1,
53. William Fay, The Case for Products Liability Reform, Risk Management,
Vol. 39, July 1992, p. 26.
54. Mentioned in Lawrence Susskind and Patrick Field, Dealing With an Angry
Public: The Mutual Gains Approach to Resolving Disputes (New York: Free
Press, 1996), p. 3.
55. See Fay, op. cit.; also Robert Kuttner, Dont Make It Harder to Sue, Washington Post, June 24, 1994, p. A27.
56. Barbara Bowers, The Next Big Risks, Bests ReviewP/C, Vol. 99, May
1998, p. 36.
57. Ibid., pp. 37-40. For latex glove cases, also see Joseph Weber and Mike
France, The Gloves Come off Over Latex, BusinessWeek, June 16, 1997, pp.
58. Mil Geyelin, Tort Bar s Scourge: Star of Legal Reform Kindles Controversy
But Collects Critics, Wall Street Journal, October 16, 1992, p. A1. Peter
Huber has written two influential books on the subject: Liability: The Legal
Revolution and Its Consequences, and Galileos Revenge: Junk Science in the
59. Estimates by the Rand Institute for Civil Justice and Tillinghast, an insurance industry and business consulting firm. Ibid., p. A6.
60. Peter H. Stone, Trial Lawyers on Trial, National Journal, July 12, 2003, p.
61. Ibid. Also see Stephen Wermiel, Courting Disaster: The Costs of Lawsuits,
Growing Ever Larger, Disrupt the Economy, Wall Street Journal, May 16,
1986, p. 1.
62. Jonathan Rauch, The Parasite Economy, National Journal, Vol. 24, April
25, 1992, pp. 980-985.
63. Fay, op. cit.
64. William S. Stavroupoulos, Tort Reform: Excessive Litigation by Trial Lawyers, Vital Speeches, Vol. 64, April 1, 1998, pp. 362-365.
65. In another industry, three English law firms, in the aftermath of the U.S.
McDonalds hot coffee suit, are readying lawsuits against McDonalds for
bloodcurdling burns suffered by around half a dozen customers. See Dissent Under the Golden Arches, Lawyer, February 24, 1998, p. 15.
66. Heidi Dawley, And Now, Mad Plaintiff Disease, BusinessWeek, November
10, 1997, pp. 66, E16.
67. Bill Richards and Barry Meier, Widening Horizons: Lawyers Lead Hunt for
New Groups of Asbestos Victims, Wall Street Journal, February 18, 1987, p.
68. Bowers, op. cit.
69. Mike France, The Litigation Machine, BusinessWeek, January 29, 2001, pp.
70. See Stuart Auerbach, Views of Lawyer Advertising Argued Before Md. High
Court, Washington Post, December 2, 1977, p. C1.
71. Daniel B. Moskowitz, Lawyers Learn the Hard Selland Companies Shudder, BusinessWeek, June 10, 1985, p. 70.
72. Ibid.
73. Ibid., p. 71.
74. Richard B. Schmitt, Thinning the Ranks: Diet-Pill Litigation Finds Courts
Frowning on Mass Settlements, Wall Street Journal, January 8, 1998, p.
75. Richard B. Schmitt, Feeding Frenzy: Trial Lawyers Rush to Turn Diet-Pill Ills
Into Money in the Bank, Wall Street Journal, October 24, 1997, p. A6.
76. Ibid.
77. Ibid.
78. Fay, op. cit.
79. Stone, op. cit., pp. 2250-2252.
80. Mentioned in Carol Marie Cropper, Jury in CSX Case Sent Angry Message
with a $3.4 Billion Stamp, New York Times, September 15, 1997, p. D1.
81. John M. Broder, Stares of Lawyerly Disbelief at a Huge Civil Award, New
York Times, September 10, 1997, p. 1.
82. See Andrea Gerlin, A Matter of Degree: How a Jury Decided That a Coffee
Spill Is Worth $2.9 Million, Wall Street Journal, September 1, 1994, p. A1.
Also, McDonalds Coffee Award Reduced 75% by Judge, Wall Street Journal, September 15, 1994, p. A4.
83. Ken Silverstein, Washington on $10 Million a Day (Monroe, Me: Common
Courage Press, 1998), p. 103.
84. Peter H. Stone, Grass-Roots Group Rakes in the Green, National Journal,
Vol. 27, March 11, 1995, p. 621.
85. Stone, op. cit. Also Silverstein, op. cit., pp. 103-126.
86. Brooks Jackson, Proposals to Curb Damage Awards in Lawsuits Lead to
Flood of Lobbying Efforts on Both Sides, Wall Street Journal, April 9, 1986,
p. 64.
87. Ibid., p. 113.
88. Thomas B. Edwsull, Unwise Product Liability Reform, Los Angeles Times,
July 7, 1998, p. B6.
Barely, Wall Street Journal, March 14, 2002, p. A20.
90. Tort Reform: A Little Here, A Little There, BusinessWeek, January 20, 2003,
p. 60.
91. Mike France, How to Fix the Tort System, BusinessWeek, March 14, 2005,
pp. 70-78.
92. Ibid.
93. Tort Reform, Impact, the newsletter of the Public Affairs Council, January
2003, p. 2.
94. Christine B. Whelan, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Takes Tort-Overhaul
Campaign to TV, Wall Street Journal, August 27, 2002, p. A4.
95. Gregory L. Burden, Up in Smoke, ABA Journal, June 1989, News Section,
n.p. Also see Silverstein, op. cit., p. 113.
96. Robert Kuttner, Phony Litigation Crisis Washington Post, June 24, 1994,
p. A27. Also see Robert Kuttner, Dont Make It Harder to Sue, Washington Post, June 24,
1994, p. A27. Nexis. The $4 billion figure includes all insurance premiums paid by business to
cover possible damages and actual damages collected by injured consumers and all legal fees.
97. See Press Coverage of the Administration of Justice in chapter 10, The First
Amendment and the Fourth Estate, 6th edition, by T. Barton Carter, Marc A.
Franklin, and Jay B. Wright (Westbury, N.Y.: The Foundation Press, 1994),
pp. 474-516.
98. Budd, op. cit.
99. This principle is emphatically stated by John Budd who says, There has to
be recognition of the absolute need for intimate synchronization with the
lawyers heretofore considered adversaries.
100. See Kathy R. Fitzpatrick and Maureen Shubow Rubin, Public Relations vs.
Legal Strategies in Organizational Crisis Decisions, Public Relations Review,
Vol. 21, Spring 1995, pp. 21-33.
101. Discussed in Lukaszewski, op. cit., pp. 371-393. 102. Budd, op. cit.
103. Lerbinger, op. cit., pp. 188-190.
104. Lukaszewski, op. cit., p. 381.
105. Ibid., p. 383.
106. Ibid., op. cit., pp. 380-384. 107. Budd, op. cit.
108. Ibid.
109. See Lerbinger, op. cit., p. 277.
110. A Total War Against the Corporation, op. cit. 111. Budd, op. cit.
112. These reminders are mentioned by Komisarjevsky, op. cit., pp. 38-39.
Dominance Versus
All the public affairs strategies to produce a favorable sociopolitical environment for business must be assessed from two perspectives: (a) Has
corporate power relative to government, interest groups, and the media
given corporations the upper hand? (b) Are there long-term unintended
consequences in the amassing of this power corporate power?
Chapter 13 examines corporate power strategies from the first perspective and asks such questions as these: Are corporations gaining
dominance over government? How much vitality do countervailing interest groups possess? Are the media still able to serve as societys
watchdog? The model of the economic marketplace is applied to the political arena by asking to what extent competition exists and whether
significant information is available to allow citizens to make rational
and wise decisions.
The inherent danger in the exercise of corporate public affairs campaigns is that victory is always sought. Every effort is made to win a
battle. Winning becomes an addiction, and, like all addictions, there is
blindness to long-term consequencesover whether the war is also
won. Grand strategies may be talked about, such as reducing the role of
government in the economy and society. However, the real war should
be to preserve a market economy and democratic society. People must
feel that their standard of living is rising and that freedom is promoted.
Talking about maximizing profits, increasing the rate of return on investments, and improving the price-earnings ratio is fine for investors
but doesnt inspire public support for our free enterprise system.
A survey of crises over the two decades shows an alarming rise in
crises of management failure. The number has risen so rapidly that a
book, The Crisis Manager, found it necessary to divide these crises into
three subcategories: crises of skewed values, crises of deception, and crises of misconduct.1 Enron and other corporate scandals illustrate each
of these types of scandals. They also demonstrate the need to distinguish
between a free market economy and laissez-faire. There must be a role
for government, as well as professional societies and the institutions of
society. The excesses of unbridled capitalism must be avoided
Chapter 14 ventures into the controversial question of how corporate
behavior can be modified to increase the chances for sustainable capitalism and the long-term viability of our economic and political system. Some answers are found by applying the economic model of
competition to the political marketplace. For example, it is argued that
the very interest groups that so often represent the opposition should,
with few exceptions, be kept alive.
Chapter 15 examines ways in which corporations can help to advance the public interest. By accepting corporate social responsibility
and moving up in the pyramid of social responsibility the new expectations of Americans and citizens all over the world can better be satisfied.
Making reforms in corporate governance structure and practices is another way to address the public interest; for example, by adding a concern for more stakeholders beyond the often singular concern with
relationships can further promote the formation of socially conscious organizations. Adopting these changes may restore public confidence in
business and enhance the reputation of business.
Renewed corporate concern for their reputations is a healthy trend
that shows promise. It extends thinking beyond the narrow bottom line
and considers the larger force of public opinion, which summarizes the
feelings and thoughts of corporate stakeholders and society at large.
Much of the focus is on the behavior of CEOs because their reputation
accounts for 50% of their corporations public standing.
1. Otto Lerbinger, The Crisis Manager: Facing Risk and Responsibility (Mahwah,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997).
The grand strategy of business has been to curb the growth in power of
three challenging forces: interest groups, media, and government. Foremost, business has sought to get government off our backs. To accomplish that paramount goal, business has also had to arrest the growth of
consumer, environmental,
successfully achieved legislative gains, as the steep rise in regulations in the
1960s and 1970s shows. Because of the pervasive influence of the media
on public opinion and political decision makers, business has endeavored to tame the news media.
environment so they can pursue their mission of producing products and services at a profit. They invoke the economists caterus paribuslet all
other things remain constantwhen they want to concentrate on
business problems and opportunities. However, during the turbulent
1960s and 1970s, these other things have moved dynamically, upsetting comfortable assumptions and routines. Some semblance of equilibrium had to be reestablished.
To accomplish this goal, top management assigned public affairs
managers the responsibility to regain control over the sociopolitical environment. To this end, public affairs managers designed new methodologies to scan and monitor the external environment. They formulated
of issues
monitoring into issue analysis, strategy formulation, and issue implementation. They developed new ways of dealing with interest groups, the
media, and all three branches of government, especially legislative. This
book has catalogued the resultant strategies and tactics. However, the
impact of corporate success in achieving power must be assessed
whether public opinion is becoming more anxious about corporate
power and whether anger will lead to pressures for extreme reforms.
trict of Columbia Circuit unanimously rejected the suit and ordered a lower court to
dismiss the case.
The theme of excessive corporate power is increasingly reflected in recent literature. Atlantic Monthly senior editor Jack Beatty contends in
his Colossus: How the Corporation Changed America, that the corporation
has evolved into the dominant institution in the United States, arguing
that most scholars have vastly understated its role in shaping the economy and society.7 Another book, Kevin Danaher and Jason Marks Citizen Challenges to Corporate
ominously states: A new
rebelliousness haunts the world. With each day, more and more people
are challenging the institutions that exert control over our lives. The
new rebels have set their sights on that force which during the last generation has nearly supplanted the nation-state as the possessor of true
power: the transnational corporation.8
That corporate influence had gone too far was brought to public attention in December 2001 when the bankruptcy of Enron implicated the
Bush administration. Jonathan Chait wrote in The New Republic, Put
simply, the administration is subservient to economic pressure groups
to an extent that surpasses any administration in modern history. 9 Another critic of corporate power, Kevin Phillips, accused Republicans as
being too friendly to corporations, too inclined to give them a regulatory pass, too likely to be permissive to their misdeeds. 10
Four Dangers of Corporate Dominance Exposed by Scandals
Public disclosures about Enrons false financial reporting and executive
misdeeds were soon followed by a torrent of reports about other corporate scandals, all of which added to the impression that corporate dominance was becoming a reality. USA Today published a rogues gallery of
The 5 Biggest companies whose executives were facing or had settled
charges in financial scandals in 2001. Besides Enron, it listed Imclones
Internationals Dennis Kozlowski, and WorldComs Scott Sullivan. 11
The list
grew. In 2002, some 250 American public companies restated their
earnings, compared with only 92 in 1997 and 3 in 1981. 12
The growing number of corporations that were emboldened to engage in unethical and
often illegal conduct, exemplified by Enron, demonstrated the symptoms and dangers of
corporate dominance: (a) enormous political influence, (b) economic power to
manipulate some energy markets, and (c) control over financial disclosure, and (d)
selfenrichment by a small group of company insiders.
Blatant decepscandal-ridden
government intervention, they had no choice because the public demanded action.
Public Opinion Sours.
Public opinion survey findings conducted in
July 2002, after disclosures of Enron and other corporate scandals,
show how seriously public confidence in business was shaken:
One third of Americans said they had hardly any confidence in
big-company executivesthe highest proportion in more than
three decades.21 This finding shows a decline from a June 1999
Gallup survey, which reported 74% of respondents as having confidence in business.22
57% said they dont trust corporate executives or brokerage firms
to give them honest information. 23
71% of Americans believe that profit-hungry businesses cut corners on service and overcharge customers, a finding that also affects faith in the marketplace.24 An earlier November1997 survey
showed the more positive view that 45% of Americans believed
business tries to strike a fair balance between profits and the interests of the public.25 At the time, this finding was a triumph for
business because in 1977 only 15% held this viewdown from a
high of 70% in 1968.
Two thirds think that big business has too much influence on the
Bush administration.26 In a further blow, pluralities of Americans
now disapproved of the presence of prominent former executives
in the administration.27
42% feel things are generally going in the wrong direction in this
These post-Enron surveys give credence to the significant and disturbing BusinessWeek/Harris poll finding, released in August 2000, that
74% of Americans believe big companies have too much political influence over government policy, politicians, and policymakers in Washington. Furthermore, 72% of Americans say business has too much power
over too many aspects of American life. 29
Rarely, said BusinessWeek,
have business and its leaders been held in such low esteem. 30 In answer
to its cover story title Too Much Corporate Power? in the September
11, 2000 issue, BusinessWeek appeared to answer yes. It is well to heed
its editorial commentthat although there has been the triumph of
the market over the state, there is an uneasiness with the powerful
institution of the corporation.
President Bush attempted to downplay the significance of the scandals by arguing that only a few bad apples were responsible for the
corporate crises. To dramatize this contention, the Justice Department
made a few high-profile arrests of top corporate executives. Television
viewers could see the 78-year-old former Adelphia CEO John Rigas es-
corted from his home in handcuffs at 6 a.m. A Wall Street Journal editorial called such scenes useful public theater. 31
However, Americans
were not necessarily buying the President Bushs few bad apples argument and instead were agreeing more with economist Paul Krugman of
Princeton University, who believes the problems in business were systemic: Executives seemed to have lost the sense that there are rules
that there are things you dont do. SEC settlements with offenders
havent even required an admission of guilt, a practice the SEC is reconsidering because it wants its settlements to include a degree of punishment serious enough to serve as a deterrent against future violations. 32
Public Tolerance.
Americans confidence in business has eroded,
but despite this attitude, Americans have been amazingly tolerant of
corporate abuses. One likely reason is that they, too, were caught in the
wave of get-rich mentality that pervaded the 1990s. Over 50 million
Americans were shareholders who saw the value of their securities, including 401(k) retirement funds, soar. High executive salaries were tolerated, if not condoned, because millions of people shared in high stock
values and someone was always known who became a millionaire.
The media seemed to cheer as the stock market reached new heights, and
they gave CEOs due credit, elevating some into celebrity status, which
seemingly entitled executives to high rewards similar to those accorded
to Hollywood stars and sports stars.
Another reason for public tolerance is that Americans are generally
satisfied with businesss economic performance: 68% of Americans rate
large U.S. companies favorably in making good products and competing in a global economy, 33 and the same percentage agree that American business should be given most of the credit for the prosperity that
has prevailed during most of the 1990s. 34 When the economy performs
well, positive attitudes dominate over the negative ones.
One critical test of whether the corporate scandals would affect the
course of political and economic events came in the November 2002
elections when Republicans won majorities in both houses of Congress.
Similarly, little reference to corporate scandals was made by the candidates in the Democratic primaries in 2004. Corporations must not become too sanguine, however, for a souring of the economy could erase
public tolerance and crystallize latent negative attitudes against them.
Big business must remind itself of BusinessWeeks conclusion that it
lacks deep public support and is vulnerable on a number of specific issues, as reflected in responses to a question about how well corporations
do in caring about their stakeholders.
When business overreaches in its quest to increase its political powerand,
perhaps, even achieve dominanceit generates opposing forces. Corporate power is
balanced or contained by government, as well as by the countervailing power of interest
groups and the watchdog function of the news media.
In the United States, there have been fewer government assets to transfer. One of the most prominent public corporations, created in 1933, is
the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). It was authorized to develop and
control the Tennessee River and its tributaries for several purposes: flood
control, the improvement of navigation, the generation of electric
power, and the creation of recreational opportunities. 43 Some members
of Congress would now like to see the TVA privatized. A more recent
operations. To facilitate this possibility, Congress turned the agency that
ran the operation into an independent government-owned corporation,
called U.S. Enrichment Corporation. 44
Another form of privatization is when government subcontracts government services to private companies. For example, in the United States
73% of local governments use private janitorial services and 54% use private garbage collectors. Prisons have been built and run by private companies; for example, in 1998 roughly 1 in 20 federal inmates was in a
for-profit prison.45
The Internal Revenue Service has also started to
outsource debt collection to private firms, which it is authorized to do under the American Jobs Creation Act passed in October 2004. When fully
running, private collectors will handle an estimated 2.6 million cases a
year. Critics foresee two problems: that call-center workers will not know
the law as well as IRS personnel and that they might overstep their
bounds by suggesting they have enforcement powers. 46
The subcontracting that has recently received the most attention is
the Pentagon policy of freeing troops for purely military missions,
which has triggered a boom in the outsourcing of work to private contractors. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld argues that the Army
should focus on what it does best and contract out the rest. Private contractors have become a permanent part of the military machine, doing
everything from providing food services to guarding top U.S., Iraqi, and
Afghan officials.47
P. W. Singer, a fellow at the Brookings Institution and author of Corporate Warriors:
The Rise of the Privatized Military Industry, estimates that privatized military
services constitute a $100 billion industry with several hundred companies operating in
more than 100 countries. In the United States, the big five private military contractors
are Kellogg Brown & Root (Haliburton), Fluor, Parsons, WashingtonGroup International,
and Perini. The extent of privatization is difficult to assess because no central registry of
contracts exists.48
Singer estimates that private military contractors provide as much as
30% of the militarys services in Iraqincluding reconstruction. Besides
feeding and housing troops, to which there is little objection, they employ about 20,000 security workers; they train American troops; they
restore Iraqi policing; and they recruit police, pilots, and bodyguards for
overseas work funded by the U.S. government, including the guarding
of Afghan president Hamid Karzai. DynCorp International, a Texas
company with a $1 billion contract, is the largest security provider. The
mentalists are winning some arguments, even among some business executives.57
Environmentalists have also prevailed thus far in preventing drilling in the Arctic National
Wildlife Preserve.
became considerably more favorable to business. The aim has been to find
ways to ease what the administration considers excessive regulatory
burdens on business. Utilities, and their allies the coal producers, fared
exceedingly well. A Wall Street Journal article, Mercury Issue Takes
Wing, describes how the Clinton administrations costly directive to
sharply reduce mercury emissions by requiring expensive equipment at
each of the nations 1,100 largest power plants was replaced by a more
modest plan. Mercury would no longer be regulated as a hazardous pollutant. The plan would require smaller reductions in emissions over a
longer period of time. It would also call for a market-based system that
would allow dirtier utilities to buy pollution credits from cleaner ones.
New appointees, all of whom worked in cases defending business
against EPA regulations, helped produce this change. Jeffrey Holmstead,
who represented GE in its legal battle with the EPA on the cleanup of the
Hudson River, became the top official in the EPAs air-policy office. One
of his aides was James Connaughton, who headed the White House
Council on Environmental Quality under the first president Bush and
was on the legal staff of Latham & Watkins, a firm that represents corporations in environmental disputes.58
Environmentalists also lost out to other industries during the Bush
administration. In 2002, the automobile industry successfully fought
off the environmentalists objective of raising the Corporate Average
Fuel Economy standards (CAF). The timber industry also gained a victory when the Bush administration decided to widen its planned overhaul of a Clinton-era timber plan protecting millions of acres of Pacific
Northwest forests. No longer would federal land managers have to take
into account certain impacts on threatened fish habitat when they considered timber sales.59
In November 2003, BusinessWeek gave this scoreboard on the Bush administrations
environmental record:
Air quality: The Bush plan will result in cleaner airbut not as
clean as the greens would like.
Water: A big chunk of the nations wetlands, streams, and rivers
could be threatened. But little has happened yet.
Public lands: The cumulative impact will be much less land. It
could literally change the landscape.
Climate: Fred Krupp, president of Environmental Defense, is
quoted: Looking forward, whether or not the President remains
in denial on global warming will have a dramatic impact on health
of the planet, on how the world views America, and on how environmentalists view Bush.60
Environmental groups, especially large ones like Greenpeace and the Natural Resources
Defense Council, remain viable contestants in determining public policy in political arena.
Along with corporations, they remain active in lobbying and electoral activities.
Corporate Practices.
Equally important to political successes and
failures has been the growing influence of environmental groups on
business practices. One of the most remarkable changes in company attitude is by the countrys top coal-burning utility, American Electric
Power. Whereas it once fought the idea of combating climate change, in
the late 1990s, the then-CEO E. Linn Draper, Jr. convinced the company
that instead of denying that global warming existed, it would prepare
for limits. Besides trying to accumulate credits for cutting CO 2, it has
been exploring ways to burn coal more cleanly, investing in renewable
energy projects in Chile and retrofitting school buildings in Bulgaria for
greater efficiency. Scores of other companies have also been taking action and seeing big benefits. Among them are DuPont, which has cut its
greenhouse-gas emissions by 65% since the 1990s; Alcoa, which is aiming at a 25% cut by 2010; and GE, which is spending millions to develop
hydrogen-powered cars that dont emit. 61 GEs strategy is to dominate
the market for renewable-energy technologies. Its new $52 million research center near Munich, Germany, will work on hydrogen fuel cells,
wind turbines, biomass fuels, and photovoltaics based on polymers. 62
A PricewaterhouseCoopers survey of 140 large U.S. companies finds that the vast
majority are moving to adopt environmentally cleaner and sustainable business practices.
Box 13.1 describes some of them, even though 72% of the respondents say intentions are
not yet followed through in a systematic manner.63
These business initiatives show that the environmental message is
getting through. However, collaboration has its limits. GM, which cooperated with CERES in reducing pollution at some of its factoriesand
saved on energy costs and precluded expensive government-mandated
standards that a Senate proposal sought to raise. Gas-guzzling SUVs and
pickups were simply too profitable to give up because of environmental
concerns. As Elizabeth Lowery, the companys vice president for environment and energy stated, We make cars and trucks, and we run a
Despite disagreements when economics and environment
increasingly working directly with big corporations.
undoubtedly continue in both the political arena and in confrontations or
collaboration between specific groups and specific industries and corporations. Some corporations may seek dominance over environmental
groups but there is a rising realization that the consequences of environmental decisions are too great to be left to any notion of victory over
opponents. Consensus is growing among scientists, government, and
13.1 Examples
1. ForestEthics, a San Francisco environmental group, was active in a campaign to turn Home
Depot and Lowes into supporters for
so-called green forest practices. These lumber retailers had been carrying wood from
ecologically rich ancient forest.
Home Depot, the nations largest wood retailer, which sells more
than $5 billion of lumber, plywood, doors, and windows a year, vowed
to stop selling wood from environmentally sensitive forests by the end
of 2002. On January 2, 2003, it delivered a report to more than 20 environmental and government entities detailing its efforts. Rainforest
Action, a San Francisco-based group that led protests at Home Depot
stores 3 years previously, gave the company a solid B. The group
wants Home Depot to push their top suppliers out of the old-growth
wood trade.
ForestEthics next targeted paper retailers like Staples. One accomplishment: Staples distributed a letter to store customers that states,
We work closely with our vendors to insure they do not sell Staples any
products made from old-growth forest. The company, however, admits, we have to take on good faith from our suppliers that theyve responded accurately. ForestEthics contends that Staples will carry
papers that include wood fiber from three old-growth forest regions:
the Canadian boreal forest, the interior of British Columbia, and Indonesia. Paper firms are gearing up for a public relations battle as activists
continue to exert pressure to place certain areas off-limits to logging.
2. Business has warmed up to the idea that factory waste water can be
reduced and made clean enough to drink and that toxic-free products
can be manufactured. Ford CEO William Clay Ford, Jr. hired a leading
guru of green growth, Bill McDonough, to lead a $2 billion renovation
of its Ford Rouge plant outside Detroit. Ford looked at it as sound
business rather than environmental philanthropy. Another company, Steelcase, hired McDonough and his partner Michael Braungart,
a top European chemist and a founder of Germanys Green Party, to
make an ecologically safe fabric for its subsidiary Designtex. They
managed to create a fabric that is so free of toxins that you can eat it!
(But showing business reluctance to deviate from past practices, the
only chemical company out of 60 invited to join the project was
Ciba-Geigy.) Nike is another convert. It makes sneakers virtually free
of PVCs and is developing one that can biodegrade safely into soil,
reports BusinessWeek. McDonough believes companies can in such
ways innovate their way out of regulation. In their book, Cradle to Cradle, McDonough and Braungart say that their eco-effective strategies
can take the sting out of such new regulations as the European Unions end-of-life legislation, which requires auto makers to recycle or
reuse at least 80% of their old cars by 2006.
shortcomings: internal
corruption and
autocracy by top leaders, lack of a compelling social agenda, perception that
unions are a monopolistic special interest group, outmoded methods
and philosophies for todays new workforce and economy, and profound image problems.71
Some labor experts says that unless the labor movement is able to
transform itself, it will have to contend with a smaller role in society. As
stated by Thomas A. Kochan, codirector of the Institute for Work and
Employment Research at M.I.T.s Sloan School of Management, there is
a mismatch between todays workforce and workplace and the institutions and policies that support and govern them. 72 This view is endorsed
by Peter Hoier, a labor counselor at the Royal Danish Embassy, Washington, DC, who states, the national trade unions have not yet adapted
to the new global economy. He suggests that with the globalization of
the economy and still bigger and more powerful corporations there is an
Furthermore, he believes that the way the unions are run today probably needs
coworkers, providing access to computer facilities, and introducing insurance schemes.73 By providing a wider range of services, unions hope to
attract more members.
Efforts to Revitalize Unions. When
AFL-CIO John J. Sweeney took office in 1995 he sought to revitalize a
fossilized bureaucracy with the aim of making the labor movement
more unified and focused. He filled key posts with reformers with a history of activism and he established several new offices: a department of
corporate affairs, a center for strategic research, and a center for worker
ownership and governance.74
Henceforth, the national office would
play a greater role in setting an agenda for all its state and local affiliates.75
Sweeney also opened the Organizing Institute with the aim of
training some 1,000 fresh union organizers in 2 years. 76 However, his
reorganization and rejuvenation efforts over 9 years largely failed, with
union membership falling 2% under his tenure, the same rate of decline
that occurred under the previous president, Lane Kirkland. 77
New union leadership offers some hope and a few unions have been
able to increase membership. Sweeney is being challenged by Andrew L.
International Union (SEIU). Stern charges that the AFL-CIO has become an antiquated structure that divides workers strength. He says that the
federations 60 unions are too many and proposes to replace them with
15 or 20 powerful mega-unions that would focus on building membership density, or share of the labor market, in specific industries. This
would give unions more clout to match heightened corporate power.
Stern, along with the heads of the carpenters, the laborers, the needletrades, and the hotel workers union merged in the summer of 2004 to
form the New Unity Partnership (NUP).78 Another merger was an-
nounced in January 2005: the United Steelworkers and the Paper, Allied Industrial, Chemical
and Energy Workers International Union (PACE). These two of North Americas largest
industrial unions will comprise an 850,000-member union. It will be the largest in the
manufacturing sector and the sixth largest within the AFL-CIO.79
The SEIU and a few other labor unions are among the few that have
succeeded in increasing membership. During Sweeneys tenure, SEIU
doubled its membership. Another union, the Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees (UNITE), which had lost more than
200,000 members through the late 1990s, largely because of offshore
competition, also increased its membership. J. Bruce Raynor, who became UNITEs president in 2001, concentrated his efforts on low-wage
industries such as retail distribution. Workers there are mostly nonwhite immigrants who earn $8 an hour. Raynor launched a major drive
in commercial laundry, knowing that it couldnt be moved offshore. 80
The UAW showed that even basic U.S. industries could be targets for
membership drives. It started to reunionize the U.S. auto parts industry
so that by mid-2004, 25% of the industrys 570,000 workers were union members, up from 23% in 1999. It achieved this result by using new
wholesale organizing methods. Instead of trying to organize workers
from the bottom up, which was costly and achieved poor results, it organized from the top down by organizing employers, not employees. 81
The union leaned on their Detroit car makers to persuade their parts
suppliers to remain neutral when UAW recruiters arrived. When a majority of a plants workers signed union-recognition cardsa process
known as card checkthe company voluntarily recognized the union.
The big three car makersGM, Ford, and DaimlerChryslerbenefitted
from labor peace and the parts makers benefitted by getting more work
from the car makers.82
Beyond the collective bargaining arena, unions are learning to exert
power over corporations through their huge $3-trillion-plus pension
assets. The key instrument is the right of stockholders meeting minimum ownership requirements to file shareholder proxies on a wide
range of issues, as long as they do not deal with ordinary business matters. Although they exclude all collective bargaining issues, certain social policy issues may be raised. These have included compliance with
opportunity, human rights, and maquiladoras.83 By getting together and saying
no to a particular company, unions have had a great impact on individual stock prices.84 In the 2002 proxy season, labor submitted 28% of all
shareholder resolutions versus 18% in 2001, which is more than any
other institutional investor.85 Even before the Enron debacle, big labor
led the charge for corporate governance reforms, such as auditor
In the political arena, Sweeney plunged the labor movement into
politics as never before. He pledged to spend $35 million educating vot-
ers and getting out the vote in the 2000 election. Changing its vocabulary and broadening its appeal, the AFL-CIO speaks about job safety
and raising wages for all working families, not just union members. 86
Steve Rosenthal became the unions new political director and architect
of the federations return to politics, which at times was highly successful. One of his most effective efforts was to switch from leaflets endorsing candidates to voter guides that compare the candidates
positions without endorsing anyone. 87 Together with Stern, Rosenthal
helped found the Democratic partys most successful 527 political
committee (see chap. 11), America Coming Together. In 2004, Stern
was building separate political muscle by allocating $65 million to
elect John Kerry with the aim of making the political atmosphere more
receptive to a labor comeback.88
The success of the labor movement depends heavily on which political party is in power. Democrats generally favor labor and Republicans
oppose labor. A watershed event was when President Ronald Reagan
fired more than 11,000 air traffic controllers who belonged to the Professional Air Traffic Controllers
them from future federal employment. PATCO leadership had assumed
that no political authority could stand up to its power to call a strike.
Reagans bold move, although it slowed air traffic, heralded a new era
that seriously compromised labors main weapon of the strike. 89
Similarly, Bushs election in 2000 has been bad news for labor unions. A minor incident reflected the tenor of the new relationship.
When AFL-CIO president John J. Sweeney left a message congratulating George W. Bush on winning the presidency, he didnt get a return
call, because he was confused with another Sweeney of upstate New
York. In other words, the labor leader was barely recognized. Most of
the bad news, however, came during the first 2 months of the Bush administration, through a series of executive orders and legislative
blitzkriegs, all of which were aimed at defanging unions. In seeking a
compromise on campaign finance reform, it sought to force unions to
get members permission before spending dues on political activities. 90
Among other actions, Bush signed legislation that repealed workplace
ergonomics standards aimed at preventing repetitive motion injury
and took a tough line against labor amid contentious contract negotiations between several major airlines and their unions. 91 In the summer
of 2004, the administration announced new rules for overtime payment. The Republican dominated National Labor Relations Board is
also reviewing the legality of the card check system for union recognition, which would severely hamper union organizing drives.
Although union membership has seriously eroded over several decades and unions are
facing fierce resistance in organizing drives, business cannot dismiss the power of labor
unions. New leadership and new strategies may belatedly help unions to overcome their
weaknesses and convert themselves into a more viable force in society.
dia. The group relegated Italy to 53rd on world press freedom ranking
in 2003. The so-called Gasparri laws purpose was also to lift a ban on
cross-ownership of media and would allow one person to own more
than two national broadcasting stations, thus enabling Berlusconi to retain ownership of his three national channels. 96
On nonmedia issues,
Berlusconi has pushed laws through Parliament that are specifically designed to shield the prime minister from charges of corruption and to
favor his business interests. He had been indicted numerous times for
fraud and corruption, but most charges were dropped due to the statue
of limitations.97
The example of Italy raises the specter that excessive media concentration gives the media inordinate power, especially when used by powerful individuals or institutions. No media owner in the United States
has yet succeeded becoming president, but some have succeeded in running for state offices, or, like William Randolph Hearst, becoming a
House representative. However, there is a potential danger that as the
media become more politicized, they may unfairly seek to influence the
outcome of elections.
Sinclair Broadcasting Episode. The
was illustrated by partisan actions by Sinclair Broadcasting Group, the
nations largest owner of television stations. It ordered its 62 television
stations nationwide to preempt regular programming days before the
November 2, 2004, election day to air Stolen Honor: Wounds That
Never Heal, a highly charged documentary critical of Senator John
Kerry, the democratic candidate. Six months previously, the right-wing
broadcaster took the extraordinary step of banning its ABC affiliates
from showing a special edition of Nightline in which anchor Ted Koppel
read the names of U.S. soldiers kill in Iraq. Its partisanship had already
been evidenced by its daily running of right-wing commentaries dubbed
The Point and delivered by Sinclair s vice president of corporate relations Mark Hyman.98
Fortunately for the preservation of a free press, the backlash to the
proposed showing of the Kerry documentary was intense. Michael
Copps, a Democratic FCC commission, blasted Sinclair, saying, This is
an abuse of the public trust, and it is proof positive of media consolidation run amok.99
Former Federal Communications Commission
chairman Reed Hundt called it ordering stations to carry propaganda
and said it was absolutely off the charts. He said, Sinclairs acting
more like a cable channel. Broadcasters are given spectrum for free
with a quid pro quo to serve the public interest. Bob Zelnick, chairman of the Department of Journalism at Boston University, calls
Sinclairs decision an unfortunate precedent that runs counter to
good journalism and is not what network news ought to be about.
He added, Whether youre liberal or conservative, if you have roots in
the journalism profession, there are core values that transcend and
need to survive election to election. You avoid airing, very close to elec-
tion, highly charged, partisan material that takes the guise of a documentary.100
them to pull their business or face consumer boycotts. And most important
underperforming (it had fallen 53% in 2004), declined even further.101
Bowing to pressure, Sinclair later announced that it would not broadcast the entire film and planned to use segments in a special news program, A POW Story,on 40 of its 62 stations.102
Telecommunications Act of 1996
The ability of the media to control public debate was illustrated in the
television coverage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which deregulated many parts of broadcasting. The stated purpose of this legislation was to enhance market competition among rival communication
firms which, in turn, would stimulate technological innovation and improve services and public access. One aspect of the bill was the handing
out of new channels for digital television, which was worth an estimated fair market auction price of $70 billion. Some observers consider
this act, which gave each existing broadcaster an additional six megahertz of spectrum, one of the greatest gifts of public property in history.103
Strenuous lobbying by the industry is credited for the acts
provision that the new channelsa piece of the digital spectrumbe
given to existing broadcasters. The decision-making process involved no
input from consumers, labor, or community groups. According to Patricia Aufderheides Communications Policy and the Public Interest, It
makes the American public, and public life itself, a derivative of the vigor
and appetites of large business. 104
Particularly significant is that the media did not want to discuss
what it was doing, according to Charles Lewis, director of the Center
for Public Integrity, who appeared in the Moyers program. The major
networks devoted a combined 19 minutes of coverage to 9 months of
congressional debate, suggesting the media conglomerates do indeed
control TV news concerning their own conduct. Moyers warned that
the treatment of the Telecommunications Act by the networks is only
the beginning when six corporations control everything on U.S. network television.105
The FCCs attempt at further deregulation of media-ownership rules
was restricted by Congress in December 2003 and then halted entirely
by the courts in June 2004. Despite his media-rules upset, Powell maintained that he was right but too early. 106 As new types of media, e.g.,
satellite radio and digital technology, proliferate, existing rules are
likely to be challenged in the future, increasing the prospects of further
media concentration.
Loss of News about Local Issues.
A study released by the Project
of Excellence in Journalism in February 2003 concluded that larger TV
few critics of corporations and is unlikely to take hold in the public mind
precisely because few programs like Moyerss are publicly disseminated.
Media Ownership Rule Changes.
Media concentration is likely to
grow in the future because Michael K. Powell, chairman of the FCC, is
seeking to remove restrictions on media ownership. 114 He has proposed to:
fluence over the media may lead to a backlash. The public is already
leery about big business influence. In answer to the Roper Center question How much of the time do you think news reporting on television,
newspapers and radio is improperly influenced by big business, 49%
said often and an additional 38% said sometimes. (Only 10% said
rarely and 2% said never.) One of the experts presented in the Moyers
program thought that the relationship between big money and free
speech would be the top issue of the 21st century.129
Such attitudes could lead to future congressional action. A little over
20 years ago, two congressmen sought legislative action against business on grounds their communications threatened to deprive citizens of
full and accurate information about social and political issues. In 1978,
Aborezk (D-S.D.) proposed an investigation into corporate advertising
practices, charging big business was brainwashing the American public.
The Association of National Advertisers took this charge so seriously it
responded by conducting a major study of corporate communications
on public issues. Its findings contradicted the charge. 130 This historical
attention by legislators to the perceived dangers of excessive business
control over the media should serve as a warning of possible future
legislative action.
In contrast to business, interest groups, except for large ones like the
Natural Resources Defense Council and AARP, receive little media coverage. AARPs position on an issue like Medicare drug benefits are reported
upon but receive considerably less attention compared to the Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America and its key members. The
media generally ignore labor union views on issues beyond strikes and
specifics like minimum wages.
The government is a major news source and enjoys more coverage
than business. However, it does not own media outlets, as is true in several European countries (e.g., Italy as described earlier). The press in the
United States enjoys the protection of the First Amendment free speech
rights. Broadcasters must conform to the
ownership restrictions imposed by the FCC but these may be further loosened. Content is not regulated except for decency standards, as illustrated by the Janet Jackson
exposure. The Fairness Doctrine that required broadcasters to air opposing views was rescinded in 1987 by the FCC. Furthermore, the governments use of advertising has been highly limited and its use of other
payments to the media and reporters has not been a significant problem.
A recent exception was the payment of $240,000 by the U.S. Department of Education to conservative columnist Armstrong Williams to
promote the administrations No Child Left Behind law. The Government Accountability Office criticized the administration for an illegal
covert propaganda campaign and congressional Democrats leapt on
the Williams incident as an abuse of White House power. 131
In some
other countries, such as Brazil, government advertising expenditures
are huge and the resulting media dependency on the government can be
construed as indirect government control. 132 A free press must guard against influence
based on government financial support.
Business Constraint Needed.
Since the muckraking period in the
late 19th century, corporations have complained about media bias
against them and hired public relations people, most of whom were
ex-journalists, to balance media treatment of them. As the chapters in
Part III indicated, the tools of proactive media relations, along with getting greater control over the media through broadcast appearances,
have enabled business to seize the initiative. Furthermore, by buying
media space in the form of advocacy advertising, business could use the
pages and broadcast time of the media to promote its agenda and views.
Advances have also been made in making the media more accountable
and, in extreme cases, to intimidate the media by suing objectionable
newspapers and broadcasters. As a final tool, business is increasingly
able to bypass the mass media and reach target audiences directly
through direct mail and a variety of private media, especially the
Although tamed, and sometimes manipulated by business, the mass
media can act independently when it suits their own corporate interests.
Hence they remain a potential menace to the general corporate community. As PR Watch comments, the media have become so ratings-conscious and sensationalistic they are literally out of control and willing
to run stories with popular appeal, even when they present big business
interests in an unfavorable light. 133 This happens especially when crises
occur, as
Exxon, Dow-Corning,
Insurance can attest. Furthermore, business is not a monolithic entity. When
media conglomerates find it in their business self-interest to disclose
corporationsthey often do so. The media still have a penchant for sensationalizing
business. There is no unbreakable bond between media corporations
and nonmedia corporations, except when they are one and the same.
For this reason, the greatest potential danger of corporate dominance
of the media is the outright ownership of the news media by nonmedia
companies. GE and Disney have crossed that line, leading to accusations
of interference with editorial judgments. As an example given in the
Moyers program Free Speech for Sale, NBCs Saturday Night Live once
presented a cartoon sketch about the wide corporate interests of big media owners, including GE, and mentioned the increasing partnerships
between companies that ostensibly are competitors. The latter mention,
however, was missing in a repeat of the NBC program. 134 The increasing
concentration of ownership of newspapers and broadcasting stations
and their emphasis on profits over public service makes the media more
vulnerable to public criticism.
Part II presented and explained the strategies that corporations can
use to gain fair treatment by the media. Many of the same strategies are
also used to win people over to their viewpoints. Richard Vigueri, co-author of Americas Right Turn: How Conservatives Use New and Alternative
Media to Take Power, boasts we won and sees nothing wrong when his
political view dominates the news media. He believes, journalism is all
opinion anyway, disagreeing with objective journalists who believe
that too many views masquerade as news. The liberal media had their
day and now the conservative media will have theirs. But concentration
of opinions is a serious threat to democracy and, potentially to business
and other interest groups. When a big media chain like Sinclair can determine that its viewers will be exposed to one particular political view,
those who agree with that viewpoint can feel victorious. But they have
to consider that at some future time an antithetical viewpoint may be
presented. Rather than play the win-lose game, all groups in society
must have confidence that the public will be exposed to a wide spectrum
of views, with none predominating.
Media concentration aggravates the danger of dominance by one
group in society. Those in control can exercise too much power, especially when the FCC is lax in demanding that broadcasters observe the
public interest in exchange for their license to broadcast. Journalists are
under increasing pressure to conform to the wishes of their managers.
When these wishes reflect commercial interest and promote a particular
point of view, this pressure undermines the concept of a free press that
serves as societys watchdog. Journalists cannot march lockstep with
whatever political view dominates at a particular time. They have become careless in checking out facts and asking tough questions at press
conferences, as The New York Times acknowledged when it admitted that
it let the Pentagon dominate its view about the Iraq war.
Corporations have had to enter politics and build up their power to
achieve a balance with government and opposing interest groups. However, by continuing to seek and exercise more power, some leading corporations engaged in unethical and illegal actions that fomented public
opposition. As a result, public attitudes toward corporate America have
worsened, causing a new round of government regulation. The BusinessWeek/Harris survey reinforces the need for business to change its beliefs
and behavior. A BusinessWeek editorial, recognizing the triumph of the
market over the state, warns that there is an uneasiness with the powerful institution of the corporation. Its advice to corporate America is threefold: Get out of politics by embracing the McCain-Feingold campaign
finance reform legislation; take responsibility for overseas factories; and
spread the wealth.135 Depending on public satisfaction with corporate reform and such other factors as economic recovery, corporations can either continue to become more powerful or face growing opposition from
government, interest groups, and the media.
1. Scott R. Bowman, The Modern Corporation and American Political Thought
(University Park, Penna.: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996), p.
2. David Vogel, Fluctuating Fortunes (New York: Basic Books, 1989), p. 237. 3. Global Spin:
The Corporate Assault on Environmentalism, Publishers
Weekly, January 26, 1998, Vol. 245, No. 4, p. 82.
4. Sharon Beder, Global Spin: The Corporate Assault on Environmentalism (White
River Junction, Vt.: Green Books & Chelsea Green Publishing Company,
1997), p. 15.
5. John J. Fialka and Jeanne Cummings, Energy Documents Show Different
Levels of Access, Wall Street Journal, March 27, 2002, p. A4.
6. Robert S. Greenberger, Court to Rule on Energy Task Force, Wall Street Journal, December 16, 2003, p. A2. Cheney Energy Panel Wins Court Ruling,
Wall Street Journal, May 11, 2005, p. A4.
7. See book review by Christopher Farrell, A Nation Shaped in the Image of Big
Business, BusinessWeek, April 30, 2001, p. 20.
8. Robert Weissman, Insurrection: Taking on Corporate Power, a book review.
Multinational Monitor, Vol. 25, January-February 2004, pp. 40-41.
9. Special K: Why the Bush Administration Is Worse Than DiLulio Said, The
New Republic, December 30, 2002, p. 16.
10. Anthony Mason (anchor), Corporate Wrongdoing Can Have Widespread
Effect, Sunday Morning show, July 7, 2002, CBS News Transcript.
11. Funny Numbers, USA Today, October 21, 2002, p. 3B.
12. Corporate Americas Woes, Continued, Economist, November 30, 2002, p. 59.
Richard S. Dunham, et al., The Fallout for Bush and Congress,
BusinessWeek, January 28, 2002, p. 43.
14. Carla Marinucci, Group Tallies Enrons Contributions, Lobbying, San
Francisco Chronicle, January 30, 2002, p. A10.
15. Albert R. Hunt, Enrons One Good Return: Political Investments, Wall
Street Journal, January 31, 2002, p. A19.
16. Rebecca Smith and Alexei Barrionuevo, Dynergy Ex-Trader Is Indicted on
Criminal-Fraud Charges, Wall Street Journal, January 28, 2003, p. A6.
17. Anita Raghavan, Kathryn Kranhold, and Alexei Barrionuevo, Full Speed
Ahead: How Enron Bosses Created a Culture of Pushing Limits, Wall Street
Journal, August 26, 2002, p. A1.
18. Brad Foss, The Year of the Corporate Scandal, Toronto Star, December 26,
2002, p. J02.
19. Kevin Phillips, Wealth and Democracy (New York: Broadway Books, 2002), p.
20. Editorial: Enron Justice, Wall Street Journal, January 15, 2004, p. A14.
21. Gerald F. Seib and John Harwood, Rising Anxiety: What Could Bring
1930s-Style Reform of U.S. Business? Wall Street Journal, July 24, 2002,
pp. A1, A8.
22. Accession No. 0331489, Question No. 014, June 1999. Roper Center at University of Connecticut, Public Opinion Online.
23. John Harwood, Americans Distrust Institutions in Poll, Wall Street Journal, June 13, 2002, p. A4.
24. Seib and Harwood, op. cit., p. 8.
25. Roper Center at University of Connecticut, Public Opinion Online, Accession
No. 0335858, Question No. 010, November 1997.
106. Face Value: Beyond Janet Jacksons Breast, Economist, January 22, 2005,
p. 64.
107. Robert W. McChesney, The Problem of the Media: U.S. Communication Politics
in the 21st Century (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2004), pp. 276-277.
He refers to Catherine Yang, The News Biz: Is Bigger Better? BusinessWeek,
March 3, 2003, p. 97.
108. Ibid.
109. David Lieberman, TVs New Look: All Business, All the Time, USA Today,
January 14, 2000, pp. 1A, 2A.
110. Will Harper, Rethinking the Media Monopoly, East Bay Express (California), July 7, 2004, in news and features section.
111. William Safire, The Great Media Gulp, New York Times, May 22, 2003, p.
112. Editorial: Media: The Dangers of Concentration, BusinessWeek, July 8,
2002, p. 118.
113. Carl Boggs, The End of Politics: Corporate Power and the Decline of the Public
Sphere (New York: Guilford, 2000), p. 9.
114. Relaxing Rules Raises Concerns About Diverse Media Voices, USA Today,
January 16, 2003, p. 1B.
115. As summarized in Yochi J. Dreazen and Joe Flint, FCC Eases Media-Ownership Caps, Clearing Way for New Mergers, Wall Street Journal, June 3,
2002, p. A1.
116. Beware Media Consolidation, BusinessWeek, May 26, 2003, p. 126.
117. William Safire, Merged Media Giants Have Us at Their Mercy, The International Herald Tribune, January 22, 2003, p. 9.
118. Neil Hickey, Power Shift: As the FCC Prepares to Alter the Media Map, Battle
Lines Are Drawn, Columbia Journalism Review, March/April 2003, p. 26. 119. Yochi J.
Dreazen and Joe Flint, Court Rejects Curbs on Media Ownership,
Wall Street Journal, February 20, 2002, p. A3.
120. Hickey, op. cit.
121. Bauman states that positive corporation images can also be conveyed effectively on television through product endorsements. Smiling faces, high
production values, and a corporate logo can also shape attitudes, especially
those of a new generation. p. 150 Also: Bauman: Corporate individualism continues to be the most important ideological weapon in the arsenal
of corporate power. Through modern methods of advertisingespecially
television commercialsthe corporate persona regularly advises, entertains, and indoctrinates a captive audience. Bauman contends that The
selling of corporate America takes many forms in which commercial and
political advertising often become indistinguishable. This is witnessed
when the sales pitch fades into the background in what appears to be public-service announcements or self-congratulatory commercials lauding
corporate good deeds and praising the American way. Public responsibility becomes increasingly important as corporate power transforms social
relationships. To succeed in the long term, corporate leaders must take into
account social and political realities. See Bauman, op. cit., pp. 182-183. 122. Ibid., p. 33.
123. This criticism is similar to discussions about advertising as an unfair
method of competition. Vernon A. Mund states that this occurs when advertising is false and when used excessively. He states, The very fact of being able to employ large-scale advertising gives an advantage to a few
producers which is not equally available to smaller but perhaps just as effi-
cient firms. See his Government and Business (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1950), p. 305.
124. Roland Marchand, Creating the Corporate Soul: The Rise of Public Relations
and Corporate Imagery in American Big Business (Berkeley, Calif.: University
of California Press, 1998).
125. Ibid., p. 204.
126. Ibid., p. 161.
127. See book review by Susan G. Davis, Corporate Affairs; Big Business Uses
PR as a Tool and a Club, The San Diego Union-Tribune, January 31, 1999, p.
129. Ibid.
130. Press release dated October 27, 1978, from ANA, Public Issues & Corporate Constituents: Highlight of A.N.A.-Business Week Survey on Businesss Understanding of Public Issues.
131. Christopher Cooper and Brian Steinberg, Bush Draws Fire Over Fee Paid to
Columnist to Promote Policy, Wall Street Journal, January 10, 2005, p.
132. Melvin L. Sharpe and Roberto P. Simoes, Public Relations Performance in
South and Central America, in Hugh M. Culbertson and Ni Chen, editors,
International Public Relations: A Comparative Analysis (Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1996), p. 287.
133. Theyre Rich, Theyre Powerful and Theyre Running Scared, PR Watch,
Vol. 4, First Quarter 1997, pp. 1-3.
134. Feran, op. cit.
135. Editorials: New Economy, New Social Contract, BusinessWeek, September
11, 2000, p. 182.
Corporations can mitigate fears of excessive corporate power, if not outright dominance, by accepting the model of a political marketplace and
constructing ways to implement it. Its fundamental requirement is the
maintenance of competition among societys myriad of interests. Just
as the economic marketplace requires vigorous competition to work
properly and protect the public interest, so does the political marketplace.1 When competition exists everybody can pursue their economic
interests and express their personal viewpoints because, as Adam Smith
stated, the invisible hand of the marketplace allows people to work for
their own self-interest and still produce a desirable social outcome. 2 In
the economic marketplace, the existence of competition with many
buyers and sellers prevents the domination by any one of them because
the price is set by the market. Similarly, in the political marketplace
competition among a diversity of interest groups enables people to promote their position on issues and compete in influencing public policy.
Competition in the economic marketplace is protected by rules of the
game established by business and supplemented by laws that seek to
preserve a competitive structure. The most important laws are the
Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 and the Clayton Act of 1914. Just as the
Sherman Act forbade the combination of economic entities that would
restrain commerce, the rules of the political marketplace would prevent
the excessive building up of power blocs. These understandings about
the requirements of competition are required in both marketplaces to
avoid, in the words of the Sherman Act, a ruthless, savage war to the
death, waged without rules of fairness or reasonableness, and legitimate as long as it promotes the interest of the person practicing it. 3 Just
as the Clayton Act curbed the use of unfair methods of competition, the
the public interest in the political marketplace safeguarded by competition among citizens and a variety of interest groups. The model of a
pluralistic society represents this state of affairs where citizens are all
well informed, all share and treasure core public values, all care about
what their government does, and all participate in their collective governance through advocacy, voting, and the other avenues of the democratic process.8
However, population growth and the formation of a myriad of interest groups have required that this town hall model be replaced by a
more complex one: the pluralist democratic elite theory in which a diverse and competing group of elite leaders replace ordinary citizens.
Democratic ideals are thereby sacrificed because this system of elites
functions more like a protected market with high entry barriers than a
system of free and open competition. 9
Furthermore, it is likely that
disproportionate power. Andrew Hacker s metaphor is often cited: When General Electric, American Telephone and Telegraph, and Standard Oil of
New Jersey enter the pluralist arena we have elephants dancing among
the chickens.10 To avoid gross inequality of power and maintain a competitive political marketplace, attempts should be undertaken to provide
equivalent opportunities for all political participants. 11
Encourage Diversity of Interest Groups
To build and maintain competition in the political marketplace, the existence of a large number and wide assortment of interest groups to represent various businesses and social institutions is desirable. This feature
provides a large source and reservoir of political and social ideas. Some
of these ideas gradually work their way through the issues management process and result in changes in the political agendas of Democrats, Republicans, and, possibly, politicians of other parties. Corporate
policymakers also have the option of acting on some issues independently or resolving them with others in the private sector instead of waiting for ideas to percolate through government.
To maintain competition in the political marketplace it is important
that the voices of interest groups not be eliminated or muted, tempting
as this strategy is in short-term campaigns. Some controversial examples are as follows:
1. SLAPP suits, which intimidate individuals and small groups from speaking out
against some business interests. Speaking for consumer groups, Ralph Nader attacked
these suits as blatant attempts by corporations to bully citizens into silence.12
2. Questionable and sometimes outright illegal antiunion tactics
by employers. The Taft-Hartley Act corrected the prolabor bias of the
1935 Wagner Act by giving employers the right to tell their employ-
ees why they should not join a union. However, when employers
threaten to close facilities if a union wins, that is a violation. Firing
union supporters during elections is also illegal, which, however, a
third of companies in an NLRB study admitted doing (up from 8% in
the 1960s). Requiring workers to meet one-on-one with supervisors
on a union issue is, at best, questionable. 13 George Schultz, the former
secretary of state who was also once an industrial relations expert,
believes a system of collective bargaining should survive. He fears we
are now looking at megacorporations and microlabor as we enter the
21st century.14
3. Seeking restrictions on political spending by unions. On this
highly partisan issue, business supported California Proposition 226,
which would require unions to obtain permission from individual
members to use dues in political campaigns. (As some legal experts
believe, such a prohibition might also require employers who take deductions on employees behalf to get annual permission from each
worker.)15 Serious consideration has to be given to the argument that
unions should be treated the same as other voluntary associations.
Members have the right to participate in the governance of that association, but the majority rules.16
4. Depriving legitimate groups of financial support when they
speak out against corporations. A distinction should be made between the so-called Packard Doctrine, which advises companies not
to give financial support to their critics, and efforts to disqualify
501(c) nonprofit groups from exercising their advocacy role.
5. Asking the courts to treat corporate free speech as commercial speech is equally
repressive to the expression of viewpoints, as argued in the Nike v. Kasky case.
It may appear unrealistic and self-defeating from a short-term viewpoint to ask corporations to mitigate or abandon these strategies, because doing so conflicts with the public affairs spirit of fighting to
win. However, in the long run the preservation of viable opposing interest groups is part of the system of checks and balances needed to preserve the democratic foundations of marketplace economics.
Recognize the Legitimate Function of Government
Ideological faith in free enterprise does not rule out a legitimate role of
government in making sure that at least the rules of the game in the
marketplace are observed. This requirement was the minimum prescription of Adam Smith, the ideological godfather of the free enterprise
system. The basic economic function of government is to create and operate a system of institutions that allows for the conduct of business activity. These include the right to private property, freedom of contract,
money and credit, weights and measures, and a system of civil law for
adjudicating the private disputes of individuals. 17
Other functions of government have been added that, to various degrees, are controversial: (a) to promote the maximum production of
goods and services in the conduct of business activitywhich would be
assured where freedom of competition existsand (b) to provide for a
determination of prices and incomes that are in harmony with the public welfare. Few would disagree that government must regulate prices
where monopoly exists, as has been done with public utilities. Greater
disagreement exists over government interference with income, such as
the setting of minimum wages or limiting executive salaries.
The underlying political issue in the United States is whether people
want more or less government. President Reagan believed that government is the root of social and economic evil, so that once government is
off the peoples backs, problems can more easily be solved through the
automatic functioning of the marketplace. Some measures, however,
like deregulation, have gone too far. If the Enron and other corporate
scandals have taught any lesson, it is that the unbridled pursuit of profit
results in periodical excesses that trigger public outrage and greater
government regulation.
Few would argue against the idea that government has a basic regulatory function to perform. This lesson was reinforced by the widespread U.S. power outage in the summer of 2003. Secretary of Energy
Spencer Abraham said that voluntary compliance with standards that
ensure reliability are inadequate and that enforceable standards are required to lessen the risk of further power failures. 18
A U.S.-Canadian
task force report warned that there was little reason to believe the electric system was hardier at the beginning of 2004 than it was in 2003. 19
A few conservatives have warned against demonizing government.
William J. Bennett and John J. Dilulio, Jr. note that some of their fellow
conservatives believe so strongly in antigovernment ideology, they
come perilously close to delegitimating the idea of government itself. 20
Furthermore, says Bennett, Unbridled capitalism is a problem for
that whole dimension of things we call the realm of values and human
relationships.21 If there are limits to capitalism, government must play
a role. Whether social justice and democratic ideals are thereby achieved
is a question that the competitive system can only partly answer.
Political parties provide voters with some choices about social ideals
in that they differ among themselves on the principles that guide their
interpretation of the national interest. As defined by Joseph A.
Schumpeter, members of political parties propose to act in concert in
the competitive struggle for political power. 22
When considering the
wide range of political ideologies that have existedranging from communism
Republican political parties are distinctly procorporate, believing in free
markets, free trade, deregulation, and welfare reform. Nevertheless,
they differ on some major issues of concern to environmental and labor
groups; for example, the extent to which oil and gas development
should be allowed in western wildlands, and whether to allow the card
check system for recognizing a union. Other differences, however, revolve around such
narrow issues as the size of tax cuts, the degree of privatization of Social Security,
whether patient rights should include the right to sue, and new prescription drug benefits.
Avoid Gross Disparities in Political Purchasing Power
Laws governing the political marketplace barely exist. The Constitution
of the United States says nothing about political parties. Laws prohibit
only a few unfair practices by political parties. The most specific but
limited law is the Hatch Act (referring to two federal statutes, the 1939
act and the 1940 act), which restricts the permissible political activity of
most federal employees. More general and of broader impact are laws
about campaign fund raising that specify the size and type of contributions interest groups and citizens may make and how this money may
be used. Campaign financing thus essentially determines the existence
and manner of competition in the political marketplace.
As in the economic marketplace, money largely determines how
much purchasing power each group on the demand side of the political
labor unions, and wealthy individuals have much more influence in the
political marketplace than do most other groups. To preserve democratic values, however, the gap between those with large political funds
and those with few or no funds must not become analogous to the
well-publicized inequality between the top 10% and bottom 10% of
peoples income and wealth.
Campaign Finance Laws. The
Campaign Act amendments of 1974, as discussed in chapter 11, was to
curb the influence of big money by setting limits to allowable campaign contributions by individuals, labor unions, and corporations.
The overall objective of the act is congruent with the goal of increasing
political competitiveness, namely, to increase the competitiveness of
congressional elections so a greater number and variety of candidates
can run for office.23 However, by taking advantage of unlimited soft
intention, with the result that money continued to play a much too significant role in elections.
Passage of the McCain-Feingold bill severely restricted soft money
contributions to national political parties, but it has not stemmed the
flow of money from the usual sources. A BusinessWeek article, The New
Fat Cats, reports record fund-raising and record-shattering influence
by the same special interests that the reforms sought to stifle. 24 It particularly refers to super fat cats like Peter B. Lewis and George Soros,
who write megamillion-dollar checks to liberal 527 groups like America
Coming Together and the Media Fund. Equally important are the bundlers, who are high-powered executives and lobbyists who open up the
taps at Wall Street firms, health care companies, manufacturers, and oil and gas companies.
President Bush, for example, has 188 Rangers who have brought in upwards of
$200,000 each, followed by 270 Pioneers who have raised at least $100,000.25 Thus the
impact of the law is limited because some of the new special interest groups, especially 527
groups, are new vehicles for political contributions and have simply become surrogates
for political parties.
As campaigning in the 2004 elections confirms, controversy over political money will continue and new campaign finance proposals will be
made, especially the controversial proposal to provide candidates with
broadcast opportunities. For example, Paul S. Herrnson proposed that
broadcasters be required to make free or discounted television time
available, using the argument that airwaves are a public resource. 26
Even the conservative magazine The Economist recommended reducing
the cost of television timethe most burdensome component of campaignsby requiring broadcasters to offer free time as a condition of
getting a license.27 Agreeing with these views, Senator John McCain,
speaking before the National Press Club in November 2002, said he
would require
radio and
candidate-centered programs before elections, provide vouchers for free political advertising for political candidates, and ensure that air time is
available to candidates at a reasonable rate. 28 The powerful National
Association of Broadcasters, however, would never stand for it and,
even if passed, it is believed candidates would go on spending the same
amount of time raising the same amount of money they did before. 29
A more radical proposal is public financing of congressional candidates.30 In addition to broadcasting time, Herrnson proposes that government provide vouchers and free postage for candidates, or at least for
parties. These
incumbents now enjoy of using franking privileges. Incumbents already have
the other advantages of inertia, seniority, name recognition, pork,
perks, and patronage.
Unless there are further major scandals or political upheavals, these
more radical campaign finance proposals are unlikely to gain acceptance. Differences in financial resources among political participants
will continue to give some voices advantage over others. However, competition can still flourish when interest groups mobilize people power
and use the power of the Internet to communicate with others and
mobilize for action.
on the availability and accuracy of relevant information, known as
material facts in the world of finance. The availability and disclosure
of full and timely information establishes the trust needed in our eco nomic transactions.
That trust was undermined by the corporate scandals and continuing news reports of
manipulation of accounting records to hide losses and inflate earnings.
Scandals Expose
Cries for transparency have been loud and clear. Support has grown for
the SECs requirements for full and timely disclosure. On one level this
involves improved communications between a corporation and its investors. However, in todays complex financial
marketplace, many professional
information. Their role is reflected in what can be called the financial information infrastructure. It comprises seven components: (a) corporate
accountants, (b) auditors, (c) lawyers, (d) boards of directors, (e) security analysts and investment bankers, (f) stock exchanges, and (g) the
SEC. An examination of recent corporate scandals reveals how the failures of each component of the financial information infrastructure contributed to the corruption of information.
Corporate Accountants.
They record business transactions in corporate journals and ledgers and prepare periodic and annual financial
statements showing the health of the business. These accountants generally report to the chief financial officer (CFO). Together they start the
supply chain of financial information. Unfortunately, the CFOs in the
scandalized companies were more interested in strategic maneuvers to
give the impression of profitable operations and growth than in the accuracy of information. In fact, most CFOs have backgrounds in strategic
management rather than accountancy.
When accountants discover questionable entries, they are supposed
to bring them to the attention of higher management. However, out of
concern for keeping their jobs and being loyal to their employer, most
accountants often fail to follow up on discrepancies. Some have been coopted, as Enron demonstrated. Although Sherron Watkins, an Enron accountant, was chosen by Time Magazine as the Person of The Year, as
one of a trio of whistle-blowersalong with Coleen Rowley, an FBI staff
attorney, and Cynthia Cooper, an accountant at WorldComher actual
behavior was less heroic.31 Long before she wrote her now-famous letter
to Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay in 2001 warning him of the impending
scandal, she had observed questionable accounting and business ethics
but remained silent.32
Businesses are required by law to hire certified public accountants to certify that the information provided by company accountants is correct. The big five accounting firmsnow four with
Some directors just dont want to know. They might have to do something about it.42
Corporate governance has become a major subject in the post-Enron era. It is discussed in
chapter 15.
Security Analysts and Investment Bankers. Working for brokerage firms and
other buyers and sellers of stocks and bonds, security analysts are supposed to provide
investors with impartial, objective advice about a company. Instead, they misled small
investors by hyping research on companies that were also investment banking clients. By
becoming allies of investment banks and promoters of securities, they subverted their
role in the financial infrastructure.
Jack Grubman, telecom expert at Salomon Smith Barneys, a unit of
Citibank, became Exhibit A. He gave the seal of approval to WorldCom
and, later, AT&T, whose stocks and bonds were being sold by the investment bank unit of Citibank. The fiction of firewallsthat analysts
would not talk to the investment bankers whose stock they were evaluatingwas exposed when Grubman became part of the team that
inconsistent with his true views, as exposed by his e-mails. 43 He became an adjunct to marketing and by so doing allowed the investment bank to
make a mint while sacrificing the interests of ordinary investors. In response to this conflict of interest, Citibank proposed splitting research
and investment banking.44
Some investment banks share the blame for the corporate scandals.
For example, Citibank helped Enron disguise financing as trades to avoid
booking it as debt. This unusual financing technique enabled the company to appear rich in cash rather than saddled with debt. 45
abuse associated with the investment companies, where many security
analysts work, has been the improper doling out of coveted shares in
initial public offerings to corporate executives to win their banking
business, a practice of Citigroups Salomon Smith Barney and Credit
Suisse Groups Credit Suisse First Boston. William Donaldson, chairman
of the SEC, commented, I am profoundly saddenedand angry
about the conduct thats alleged in our complaints. There is absolutely
no place for it in our marketplace and it cannot be tolerated. 46 He also
said, These cases reflect a sad chapter in the history of American businessa chapter in which those who reaped enormous benefits from the
trust of investors profoundly betrayed that trust. Reflecting this sentiment, Paul Sarbanes (D-Md.) wondered, How is it possible that the regulators could have missed for so long the supervisory problems at all ten
of the nations top investment firms?
Accordingly, it was not the SEC but New York Attorney General Eliot
Spitzer who has been the prime mover in exposing deception and other
abuses of investors by Wall Street firms. In May 2002, he obtained a
$100 million settlement from Merrill Lynch over conflicts of interest
that affected its research analysts. Without acknowledging guilt,
Merrill settled to place its operations above suspicion. 47 The following
year, the SEC and several Wall Street firms agreed on a broader settlement which the SEC
called a pact that could change the face of Wall Street. In it 10 of the nations largest
securities firms agreed to pay a record $1.4 billion to settle government charges involving
abuse of investors during the stock market boom of the 1990s.
The agreement sets new rules regarding the handling of research.
Some security analysts at investment banks had presented positive reports about certain companies to the public while privately thinking
otherwise. The purpose of issuing routine overly optimistic, if not deceptive, stock research to investors was to win investment bank business. The settlement now requires securities firms to have separate
reporting and supervisory structure for their research and banking operations. Analysts compensation is to be tied to the quality and accuracy of their research. Furthermore, analysts will no longer be allowed
pitches to clients.48
Stock Exchanges.
Attention focused on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) which handles the daily purchases and sales of major
companies securities. It is essentially a private club of members who hold
a seat on the exchange, but the SEC also allows it to regulate the behavior
of its floor traders and member firms, such as the specialists who manage
the trading of the exchanges listed stocks. Its board failed in the latter
duty, as the scandal of the exorbitant pay ($140 million) of its chairman
Richard A. Grasso and cozy relations with directors revealed. 49
The NYSE was insufficiently transparent and failed to act on phony
research. Its insensitivity to its public responsibility was evidenced
when it invited discredited Sanford I. Sandy Weill, chairman and CEO
of Citigroup, to represent the public on its board. 50 Its chairman, John S.
Reed, also a former Citigroup chairman, is undertaking a drastic overhaul of the governing structure, but critics, including the SEC, say more
is needed.51
His plan doesnt separate the Exchanges regulatory and
commercial functions, and it doesnt include a public pension fund (major users of the Exchange) representative on the board, nor does it consider replacing the specialist system in favor of an electronic trading
model embraced by most other exchanges. 52 Specialists are accused of
routinely placing their own trades ahead of those of customers. 53
member of CALpers, the countrys largest pension fund, says that the
Reed proposal merely reorganizes rather than truly reforms, the Big
Securities & Exchange Commission.
The nations rule maker and
enforcer of securities and exchange regulations failed in its oversight
function. Even as corporate scandals unfolded, former SEC chairman
Harvey Pitt seemed more interested in protecting the interests of his
former law clients in the accounting field than regulating them. For
example, he held a private meeting with KPMG, his former law client,
which was under SEC investigation. 55 His insensitivity to the requirements of the SEC was further revealed when he proposed William Webster, former FBI director, to head the new Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board. Pitt failed to reveal that Webster had served on the
audit committee of a firm, U.S. Technologies, facing fraud charges. 56
Take on the Street, written by Arthur Levitt, Jr., former SEC chairman,
and Paula Dwyer describe how the accounting professions power in
Congress stymied his efforts at enforcement and reform. 57
Kuttner, who writes a column for BusinessWeek, observed that in the
past two decades, free-market ideologues and self-interested Wall
Street insiders had dismantled securities regulations. The nub of the
problem, he says, is that Wall Street and its regulators remain far too
Fortunately, new
chairman, William
Donaldson, although a former Wall Streeter, has been getting high marks for reforming the SEC.
The Sarbanes-Oxley
The main effort to rid the financial system of unethical practices and repair the badly battered financial information infrastructure is the
officially called the Public Company Accounting Reform Investor Protection
Act of 2002. Recognizing that an economic system cannot survive when
people no longer trust basic information, Congress passed this reform
legislation on July 25, 2002, by an overwhelming majority (423-3 in
the House and 99-0 in the Senate). Although initially opposed by most
Republicans, fear of voter backlash in the coming November election left
no alternative. There was a rising tide of opinion that free markets and
property rights require the rule of law to function.
The act gets to the heart of the accuracy of financial reporting by establishing
independent five-member Public Company Accounting Oversight Board under
the jurisdiction of the SEC has the power to set auditing standards and to
investigate and discipline auditors. The act also addresses the conflict of
interest by an auditing firm that often makes more money providing
consulting than auditing services. CEOs and CFOs are given the responsibility of certifying the authenticity of financial statements. Adding to
safeguards, lawyers are required to report serious violations of securities laws. Box 14.1 outlines these and other provisions of the act.
Certified public accountants and their professional association, the AICPA, both of
whom had steadfastly opposed reform, lost heavily with passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
By favoring consulting and other services, the AICPA failed to defend the integrity of audits
and financial statements, the very underpinning of the profession. 59
and appropriate manner possible, he changed his mind and said that
Fastow had betrayed his trust. He added that to the extent that I did
not know what he was doing then indeed, I cannot take responsibility.72 As John Budd, a veteran public relations counselor, noted, If an
executive hailed as a brilliant leader, with a PhD in economics can be so
easily duped what does it portend for mere mortal CEOs? 73 The plausible deniability defense has become routine among CEOs. Also calling
this legal tactic the 30,000 foot defense, the notion is that a chief executive cant possibly be held responsible for all the goings on so far below him.74
In other big scandal cases, indictments and imprisonments are moving
slowly. In March 2004, the federal government indited Bernard J. Ebbers,
WorldComs CEO, after Scott Sullivan, the companys former CFO,
Kozlowski were on trial in a New York state court on charges of looting
the company of $600 million in unauthorized compensation and illicit
stock sales; and two HealthSouth executives agreed to plead guilty and
former CEO Richard Scrushy went on trial in August 2004. 75 In March
2004, a jury found Martha Stewart guilty on all counts facing her, but
after appealing the verdict, she decided to report to prison as soon as possible to reclaim her life.76 Remorse by corporate leaders appears to be absent or rare, which doesnt bode well for a change in corporate culture.
Wall Street
Lawmakers examining the settlement by the SEC and several Wall Street
firms alleged that the high-profile agreement with the SEC doesnt go
far enough to punish wrongdoers. They said the pact hasnt done anything to change the culture of Wall Street and prevent future abuses.
Without holding executives and CEOs personally accountable for the
wrongdoing that occurred under their watch, I do not believe that Wall
Street will change its ways or that investors confidence will be restored, said Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), chairman of the Senate Banking
Committee. Doubt was also expressed about the adequacy of the present
self-regulatory system to police the industry and enforce the new rules
of the settlement. The SECs regulatory commitment was weak, as was
Donaldsons statement that his agency was committed to vigilance in
enforcing the terms of the settlement and issuing new rules to prevent a
recurrence of the problems.77
The SEC, however, has been reluctant to regulate Wall Street. It was
only after an investigation by Spitzer that the SEC (along with the New
York Stock Exchange and the NASD) took action. As former SEC chairman Arthur Levitt reported in his memoir, Take the Street, the SEC was
often stymied by Wall Streets allies in Congress. Robert Kuttner, who
writes a column for Business Week, observed that in the past two decades, free-market ideologues and self-interested Wall Street insiders
4. The Clayton Act reinforces the Sherman Act by curbing the use of unfair methods of competition: Competition must be made an orderly, regulated process,
conducted according to rules of fair play, for otherwise it will not perform its
social purpose of providing more and better goods at lower prices.
5. Alfred Marshall, the well-known classical economist, gives this definition of a
market: the whole of any region in which buyers and sellers are in such free
intercourse with one another that the price of the same goods tend to equality easily and quickly. See his Principles of Economics, 8th edition (London:
Macmillan, 1947), p. 324.
6. Unless one takes the cynical view that lawmakers extract a price for choosing and processing a public policy demanded by some voters and their interest groups, in which case those who propose a law would have to decide how
much they are willing to bid to obtain legislative action. The rise in soft
money contributions supports this view.
7. The intensity of public opinion can be seen as the equivalent of the elasticity of
demand; for example, people who feel strongly about an issue would be more
fervent supporters of a public policy.
8. Barry M. Mitnick, editor, Corporate Political Agency: The Construction of Competition in Public Affairs (Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage, 1993), p. 24.
9. Ibid., p. 25.
10. Ibid., p. 32. Quoted by Mitnick as appearing in Andrew Hacker, Introduction: Corporate America, in Andrew Hacker, editor, The Corporation
Take-Over (New York: Harper & Row, 1964), pp. 7-8.
11. Mitnick calls such a system one of contestable competitionwhereby all
participants have the resources that enable them to compete effectively in
the political process; op. cit., pp. 12, 24.
12. Stephanie Simon, Nader Suits up to Strike Back Against Slapps, Wall
Street Journal, July 9, 1991, p. B1.
13. Aaron Bernstein, Alls Not Fair in Labor War, BusinessWeek, July 19, 1999,
p. 43.
14. Harley Shaiken, Labor s Decline Has Meant Wages Decline, Los Angles
Times, March 8, 1998, p. M5.
15. Aaron Bernstein, A Shot in the Foot?, BusinessWeek, May 4, 1998, p. 52.
16. An argument made by Orrin Baird, Labor s Right to Speak Under Attack,
Legal Times, May 18, 1998, p. S34.
17. Vernon A. Mund, Government and Business (New York: Harper, 1950), p. 7.
18. Stated on Lehrer Newshour, November 19, 2003.
19. Rebecca Smith, Blackout Could Have Been Avoided, Wall Street Journal,
April 6, 2004, p. A6.
20. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Government Isnt the Root of All Evil, Wall Street
Journal, January 30, 1998, p. A14.
21. Paul Starobin, Rethinking Capitalism, National Journal, Vol. 29, January
18, 1997, p. 106.
22. Jay M. Shafritz, The Dorsey Dictionary of American Government and Politics
(Chicago: The Dorsey Press, 1988), p. 417.
23. Herrnson includes the further objectives of improving the accountability of
the electoral process, enhancing representation in Congress, and endeavoring to increase the legitimacy of the election system in the eyes of citizens;
op. cit., p. 234.
24. Paula Dwyer, Robert D. Hof, Jim Kerstetter, and Ronald Grover, The New Fat
Cats, BusinessWeek, April 12, 2004, p. 32.
25. Ibid., p. 34.
26. Paul S. Herrnson, Congressional Elections: Campaigning at Home and in Washington, 2nd edition (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press,
1998), pp. 190-195.
27. Goodbye, Soft Money, Economist, April 7, 2001, p. 22.
28. Campaign Finance Reform, Federal News Service, November 14, 2002.
29. Ellen Miller and Nick Penniman, The Road to Nowhere; Thirty Years of
Campaign-Finance Reform Yield Precious Little, The American Prospect, August 12, 2002, p. 14.
30. Eliza Newlin Carney, The Soft-Money Battle Turns Bitter, National Journal, Vol. 34, July 6, 2002, pp. 2028-2029.
31. Dan Ackman, Whistleblower? Wall Street Journal, December 24, 2002, p.
32. Wendy Zellner, An Insider s Tale of Enrons Toxic Culture, BusinessWeek,
March 31, 2003, p. 16.
33. David Wessel, Capital: When Standards Are Unacceptable, Wall Street Journal, February 7, 2002, p. A1.
34. David Henry and Mike McNamee, Bloodied and Bowed, BusinessWeek, January 20, 2003, pp. 56-57.
35. David Henry, Commentary: An End Run Around Accounting Reform,
BusinessWeek, April 28, 2003, p. 85.
36. Wall Street Journal, April 2, 2003, p. A5.
37. See ad, A mandate or a smart business practice, in Wall Street Journal, February 24, 2003, p. A15.
38. Enron: The Case Against Skilling, BusinessWeek, March 1, 2004, p. 35.
39. Kurt Eichenwald, Andersen Guilty in Effort to Block Inquiry on Enron, New
York Times, June 16, 2002, p. YNE-1; Michael Schroeder and Tom Hamburger, Congressional Panel Investigates Andersens, Wall Street Journal,
January 14, 2002, p. 3.
40. John Gibeaut, Fear and Loathing in Corporation America, ABA Journal,
January 2003.
41. Kurt Eichenwald, In String of Corporate Troubles, Critics Focus on Boards
Failings, New York Times, September 21, 2003, p. 1.
42. John A. Byrne, Fall from Grace, BusinessWeek, August 12, 2002, pp. 50-56.
43. Charles Gasparino, Analyst Pack Is Held up by Words, Wall Street Journal,
January 16, 2003, p. C1.
44. Charles Gasparino, Susan Pulliam and Randall Smith, Citigroup Proposes
Pact Splitting Research and Investment Banking, Wall Street Journal, September 27, 2002, p. A1.
45. Jathon Sapsford and Paul Beckett, Citigroup Deals Helped Enron Disguise
Its Debts as Trades, Wall Street Journal, July 22, 2002, p. A1.
46. Randall Smith, Susanne Craig, and Deborah Solomon, Wall Street Firms to
Pay $1.4 Billion to End Inquiry, Wall Street Journal, April 29, 2003, p. A1.
47. Wall Street: Merrill Settles, Economist, May 25, 2002, p. 72.
48. Smith, Craig, and Solomon, op. cit., p. A6.
49. See Gary Weiss, The $140,000,000 Man, BusinessWeek, September 15, 2003,
p. 84.
Paula Dwyer, Commentary: Why the Market Cant Police Itself,
BusinessWeek, June 2, 2003, p. 84.
51. Gary Weiss, NYSE: How Deep Will Reform Run? BusinessWeek, November
10, 2003, p. 48. Also see Deborah Solomon and Susanne Craig, Market Discipline: SEC Blasts Big Board Oversight of Specialist Trading Firms, Wall
Street Journal, November 3, 2003, p. A1.
52. Paula Dwyer, et al., The Big Boards Blueprint: Done Deal? BusinessWeek,
November 24, 2003, pp. 45-46.
53. Solomon and Craig, op. cit.
54. Susanne Craig and Ianthe Jeanne Dugan, NYSE Begins Its Huge Overhaul,
Wall Street Journal, November 9, 2003, p. C11.
55. Scot J. Paltrow, Concerns About SEC Chairman Mount, Wall Street Journal,
May 6, 2002, p. C1.
56. Michael Schroeder, Regulator Under Fire: As Pitt Launches SEC Probe of
Himself, Criticism Mounts, Wall Street Journal, November 1, 2002, p. A1.
57. See a book excerpt, Arthur Levitts Crusade, BusinessWeek, September 30,
2002, p. 74.
58. Robert Kuttner, Wake Up, Wall Street: Eliot Spitzer Is a Hero, BusinessWeek,
May 19, 2003, p. 24.
59. Henry and McNamee, op. cit.
60. Paul Dwyer, with Mike McNamee, Emily Thornton and Nanette Byrnes,
Will It Matter? Business Week, May 12, 2003, p. 31.
61. Wes Pedersen, As Election 04 Nears, New Calls for an Examination of the
Corporate Soul, Public Affairs Review, annual report, 2004, p. 4.
62. Paul Nowell, Execs Talk Corporate Integrity at Forum, Associated Press
Online, March 2003.
63. John A. Byrne, Restoring Trust in Corporate America, BusinessWeek, June
24, 2002, p. 31.
64. Ads in Wall Street Journal, July 8, 2002, p. A5, and July 9, 2002, p. A11.
65. Jerry Useem, From Heroes to Goats and Back Again? How Corporate Leaders Lost Our Trust, Fortune, November 18, 2002, p. 48.
66. Seymour Trachimovsky, Sarbanes Oxley and Canadian Counterparts: Any
Prospects for Improved Corporate Ethics, Management Ethics, Fall 2003, pp.
67. Editorial, Enron Justice, Wall Street Journal, January 15, 2004, p. A14.
68. John R. Emshwiller, Ex-Treasurer Is First Enron Officer to Go to Prison,
Wall Street Journal, September 11, 2003, p. A3.
69. John R. Emshwiller and Alexei Barrionnevo, U.S. Prosecutors File Indictment Against Skilling, Wall Street Journal, February 20, 2004, p. A1.
70. Ibid., p. A13.
71. John R. Rmshwiller et al., Lay Strikes Back as Indictment Cites Narrow Role
in Enron Fraud, Wall Street Journal, July 9, 2004, p. A1.
72. Alan Murray, CEO Responsibility Might Be Right Cure for Corporate
World, Wall Street Journal, July 13, 2004, p. A4.
73. Lay Pleads Ignorance: CEOs Shudder, Observations, a news
74. Susan Pulliam, The It Wasnt Me Defense, Wall Street Journal, July 9,
2004, p. B1.
75. Susan Pulliam, Almar Latour and Ken Brown, Reaching the Top: U.S. Indicts WorldCom Chief Ebbers, Wall Street Journal, March 3, 2004, p. A1.
76. Keith Naughton and Barney Gimbel, Marthas Fall, Newsweek, March 15,
2004, pp. 28-37. James Bandler, Kara Scannell, and Suzanne Vranica,
Martha Opts for Jail Now, Wall Street Journal, September 16, 2004, p. B6.
77. Deborah Solomon and Randall Smith, Wall Streets Deal Comes Under
Fire, Wall Street Journal, May 8, 2003, p. C1.
78. Robert Kuttner, Wake up, Wall Street: Eliot Spitzer Is a Hero, BusinessWeek,
May 19, 2003, p. 24.
79. Deborah Solomon, Morgan Stanley Remarks Draw Criticism by SEC,
Wall Street Journal, May 2, 2003, p. C8; Amy Borrus and Mike McNamee,
Commentary: Go Ahead, Make the SECs Day, BusinessWeek, June 2, 2003, p. 27.
Ann Davis, Bear Stearns Used Analyst to Tout IPO Despite Pact With Regulators, Wall Street Journal, May 12, 2003, p. A1.
81. Greg Ip, Greenspan Issues Hopeful Outlook as Stocks Sink, Wall Street
Journal, July 17, 2002, p. A1.
82. A Survey of Capitalism and Democracy, Economist, June 28, 2003, p. 16.
Public policy and social issues are no longer adjuncts to business planning and management.
They are in the mainstream of it. The concern must be pervasive in companies today, from
boardroom to factory floor. Management must be measured for performance in noneconomic and
economic areas alike. And top management must lead.
Porter of the Harvard Business School. He says that true strategic giving
targeting areas of competitive context where the company and society both
benefit because the firm brings unique assets and expertise. 10
cause-related marketing lacks strategic intent, he says, because it is essentially a form of strategic philanthropy used to improve the reputation of a company by linking its identity with the admired qualities of a
chosen non-profit partner or a popular cause. 11 Porter s more focused
approach acknowledges the importance of CSR and anticipates some of
the criteria a company should use in applying it. The larger significance
of modern strategic philanthropy is that CSR has been reconnected to
overall management decision making.
Climbing the Pyramid of CSR
Many approaches have been taken to describe the specifics of CSR. For
example, in his Corporate Social Responsibility, Chris Marsden lists these
safely, legally, and
effectively; (b) minimizing adverse impact on community and society (i.e.,
do no harm); and (c) do good by addressing those social issues that impact the corporations activity, are within the corporations competence
to influence, and offer opportunities for mutual benefit. 12 Expanding on
this scheme, the pyramid of CSR, as shown in Box 15.1, places the
meanings of CSR on five levels of corporate involvement, ranging from a
minimum level of simply performing its basic economic function to
heeding the public interest in the fullest sense.
Each step up the pyramid represents an advance in corporate social responsiveness to the surrounding environment. As Robert W. Ackerman
and Raymond A. Bauer recognized, it takes many years for management
to recognize a problem, formulate new policies, engage in specialized and
administrative learning, and, finally, change the organization. 13
Level 1: Perform Basic Economic Function. Forty years ago,
There is one and only one social responsibility of businessto use its
resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long
as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open
and free competition, without deception or fraud. 14 Making as much
money for their stockholders was the sole objective of business; doing
more was a fundamental subversive doctrine. This exceedingly limited
view of social responsibility does not even recognize societys expectations of business, namely, to provide goods and services.
Perhaps his ideal model of a CEO would be Albert J. Dunlap, a former parachuter, who
symbolized the benefits and perils of a fixation on the bottom line and stockholder value
(see Box 15.2).
The 1980s mistakenly extended Friedmans singular corporate goal
of making money for stockholders into a greed is good ideology. For-
gotten was Friedmans condition that the rules of the game be followed,
without deception or fraud. Freedom from moral constraints led to a
national scandal of the savings-and-loan industry in the mid-1980s,
causing the biggest financial mess in U.S. history. 15 Loose morality also
led to deceptive practices by some well-known companies, such as Prudential Insurance of America, the nations biggest insurer, and Metropolitan Life Insurance, the nations second biggest life insurer. These
insurance company scandals revealed how agents allegedly defrauded
their policyholders through a practice called churning, whereby agents
persuade customers who have old policies with built-up cash value to
take out new, bigger policies on the false promise that the added coverage will cost little, if anything. 16
One of the basic meanings of social
responsibility was violated: not doing harm to others.
Level 2: Minimize Social Costs.
Business can usually make higher
profits by ignoring the harm done to others and to the environment as it
obtains resources and engages in manufacturing. The concept of social
costs considers the social consequences of corporate products and actions, such as the impact of a product on the health of people or the impact of excessive sex and violence in movies and television on social
morality and stability. Mostly, however, the emphasis has been on environmental damage.
In the early days of the Industrial Revolution, plant location was often decided on the basis of cheap ways of disposing of the wastes of production and little if any thought was given to the depletion of natural
resources. As the authors of Natural Capitalism point out, Humankind
has inherited a 3.8-billion-year store of natural capital. At the present
rates of use and degradation, there will be little left by the end of the next
century.17 Their concept of natural capitalism states that the environment is not a minor factor of production but rather is an envelope containing, provisioning, and sustaining the entire economy. 18
A companys responsibility to address environmental damage was
recognized by British Petroleum group chief executive Lord John
Browne in a speech given at Stanford University on May 19, 1997. In
addressing the global warming issue, he remarked, It is a moment for
responsibility. Although
acknowledging that the scientific evidence about the link between greenhouse gas emissions and an increase in temperature is inconclusive, he
said the risk was great enough to take precautionary action and that
under his watch, British Petroleum would help take responsibility for
the future of the planet.19
Level 3: Help Solve Social Problems.
Societys social problems are
numerous and tenacious. They include such problems as drug and alcohol
discrimination, inadequate housing, crime, poor transportation, and deficiencies
in the educational system. One use of issues management is to identify urgent social
problems. Under the old division of labor in society, these problems were assigned to
government and nonprofit organizations. However, this approach is inadequate for three
reasons: (a) business is sometimes the cause of some social problems, (b) it is affected by
some of them, and (c) it can help address some of them.
A particular company must determine which problems to address alone and which
require a partnership with other companies and with government and nonprofits.
Companies have developed guidelines to help them choose the social problems that are
most relevant to them and thatby virtue of their line of business, resources, and
competenciesthey are best equipped to handle.
Level 4: Make Social Investments.
Social investments refer to programs that replenish and strengthen the communitys and societys infrastructure; that is, the external resources that business depends on to
conduct business. Included are physical resources like roads and other
transportation facilities, water and other utilities, a sound educational
system that provides a pool of labor, housing, medical facilities, and social services. The meaning of infrastructure has expanded over the
years, so that it includes such assets as cultural amenities that improve
the quality of life.
Responsibility for major infrastructure, such as roads, falls mainly
on government because of the huge funds required and the nature of
public goods; that is, they are available to all and would be difficult to
charge for. Oil and mining companies know, however, that when they
must locate in remote regions where resources are found, the responsibility for all infrastructure is theirs. In underdeveloped areas, companies may also bear some costs for infrastructure they need. After
discovering oil in the sub-Saharan country of Chad, an ExxonMobil-led
consortium spent $3.5 billion to build an entire community and a
663-mile pipeline from Kome, Chad, to a port in neighboring Cameroon.20 In China, a high-tech company agreed with a local mayor to pave
roads and build bridges because the community could not afford these
Business can help build societys infrastructure. The life and health
insurance industry, for example, has for many years followed the social
policy of setting aside some funds to be used for what they explicitly call
social investments. These were defined as those which would not otherwise be made under the companys customary lending standards, or
those in which social considerations played a substantial part in the investment decisions. These funds were made available at lower than
market rates. Projects included an inner-city health center that provides
families; and preservation and restoration of a historic marketplace. 22
Other examples of social investments are described in Box 15.3.
The loftiest and most controversial view of this fifth level of social responsibility is that corporations should aspire to build a just society. It is
the societal equivalent of the highest level on Maslows hierarchy of needs,
namely, self-achievement. This view was expressed by well-known public
relations counselor David Finn in his The Corporate Oligarch:
But there is no reason why the primary goal of management cannot eventually be defined as the utilization of corporate resources for the service of
public interests in every way possible. This will require putting the old maxims of profit, growth and corporate benefit where they truly belong, in the
junkyard of outmoded symbols, and in their place, raising a new standard
which will make it clear that the corporate oligarchs mission is to build a
just society capable of fulfilling the potentialities of its citizens. 26
tion can climb will depend not only on a corporations philosophy but on the sociopolitical, as
well as economic, pressures that surround it.
Growing Support for CSR and Ethics Programs
Some major public relations agencies and ethics centers are advising
corporate clients on CSR and the related subject of ethics. One of them is
Burson-Marsteller, which created a CSR unit in its London office with a
Another public relations counselor is Robert L. Dilenschneider,
head of the Dilenschneider group and former head of the giant public relations firm of Hill & Knowlton. In writing about the challenges facing
business in the new millennium, he stated, But the bigger challenge will
be mustering the courage to insist that all organizations adopt a
broader, more
socially conscious view of their companys responsibilities to their employees, their customers, and the communities in which
they operate.28
Ethics programs in business are also enjoying a boom. The subject is
suddenly all the rage, reports the Economist.29 Aside from restoring public confidence, companies are motivated to act ethically for many reasons: ethical investors demand it; employees feel better working for
socially responsible companies; bad behavior might stir up a public fuss
and lead to unwanted legislation; and, finally, companies need to command a reputation for trust in dealing with customers and partners.
These pressures help explain why the Ethics Officer Association, formed
in the United States in 1992, today has 650 members and why more
books are being written about ethics. 30 One is Lynn W. Paines new book,
Value Shift, which argues that companies cant consider themselves
amoral or apart from society any more and that the relationship between companies and society at large necessitates bringing a moral dimension to decision making.31
Michael Hoffman, executive director of the Center for Business Ethics
at Bentley College, saw Enrons collapse as a success story for the importance of business ethics. He observed that Enrons four stated company
code of ethics, were words, with no substance. 32 Nevertheless, business has crafted more words. In December 2002, leaders from about
two dozen U.S. companies announced the formation of a group to set
ethical guidelines for the American business world. Called The Open
Compliance and Ethics Group, the group will create a suggested blueprint
standards. 33
Hopefully, plans will be translated into action.
The need to develop and strengthen relationships with
tions primary stakeholdersinvestors, employees, community citi-
relationships contribute to goodwill, that accounting term included under intangible assets in a firms balance sheet. In the new economy, these
assets are often more important than physical assets in determining a
companys market value. A 1997 study by Ernst & Young titled Measures That Matter found that up to 65% of the investment decisions made
by mutual fund managers were based on these intangible assets as compared to company financial information.
Corporations that build relationships are more likely to succeed.
Samuel B. Graves and Sandra A. Waddock call them visionary companies and built-to-last companies and say that they focus on more
than profits by treating their multiple stakeholders generously. They refer to a study that shows that these companies outperform others both
financially and in the ways they treat other primary stakeholdersemployees, customers, and community membersas well as showing a
concern for the environment.34 Graves and Waddock say that having an
ideology, while
also stimulating progress
with audacious goals that change over time, is the essence of a visionary company.
This core ideology consists of end values, such as integrity, service,
helping humanity, meritocracy, valuing people, improving the quality
of life, making contributions, and alleviating pain and disease. Additional core values are reflected in the description of 18 visionary companies listed in the study (e.g, 3Ms innovation and integrity, Johnson and
Johnsons hierarchy of responsibilities to a range of stakeholders, and
Mercks preserving and improving human life.
The claim that stakeholder relations results in better financial performance in terms of return on equity, return on assets, and return on sales
can be extended to include an increase in the intangible asset of goodwill.
A firms public standingits reputationis enhanced when it is perceived as operating in the interests of multiple stakeholders, and not
only its investors.
Subscribing to the Managerial Creed
The idea of balancing the interests of a wide range of stakeholders is a
business ideology called the managerial creed, which asks that management serve as a trustee for all of a corporations stakeholders. This creed
differs from the opposing classical creed, which states that managements responsibility is solely to investors; that is, to maximize shareholder value. This was the prevailing creed during the ebullient 1990s.
Although supporters of the classical creed conveniently assume that the
interests of other stakeholders are automatically satisfied by the marketplace, this has not happened. The extreme example is Chainsaw Al,
previously described in Box 15.2.
Acceptance of the managerial creed is likely to grow because public
opinion surveys show that Americans do not support the classical creed.
They reject the notion that U.S. corporations should have only one
purposeto make the most profit for their shareholdersand their
pursuit of that goal will be best for America in the long run. Only 4% of
Americans subscribe to this ideology. What the overwhelming 95% say
is: U.S. corporations should have more than one purpose. They also
owe something to their workers and the communities in which they operate, and they should sometimes sacrifice some profit for the sake of
making things better for their workers and communities. 35
The deluge of corporate scandals has shown that CEOs and other corporate insiders didnt even subscribe to the classical creed of raising
shareholder value; their concern was self-enrichment. The public interest was in no way heeded. Support for the free enterprise system cannot
endure if the public sees corporate leaders as selfish and exploitive in
their relationship with others in society. The lesson learned from corporate scandals is that trust in the political as well as economic marketplace will erode unless corporate managers consciously incorporate
concern for the public interest in their decision making.
When an organization applies the managerial creed and achieves mutually satisfying relationships with its stakeholders, it is likely advancing the public interest. Thus employees feel they are paid fair wages and
benefits and that other personal needs are cared for; investors feel that
the dividends or interest received is satisfactory; the community is satisfied with the jobs provided, taxes paid, and other benefits received from
an organization; and customers are pleased with the variety, quality,
and price of products and services purchased. The aggregate of these
satisfied stakeholders can be summed up by saying that the public interest has been served. As suggested by the managerial creed, however, a
balancing of different stakeholder interests is needed because their interests are not necessarily compatible. For example, paying high wages to
employees may lead to higher prices, and satisfying investors desire for
higher returns may lead to smaller philanthropic contributions to the
community or recklessness with environmental goals. The concept of
the public interest requires that all stakeholders recognize the need for
compromises among them.
An expression of the managerial creed is the willingness of corporations
opposing groups.
example, Jerry
Choate, recently retired chairman and CEO of Allstate Insurance, 36 said
the need to engage employees has become more important in light of the
recent increase in mergers and acquisitions. Business has gone too far in
absolving itself of social responsibility. It should at least attempt to provide employment security. To this end, the Collective Bargaining Forum,
a group of key U.S. business and labor leaders, agreed on this principle:
acceptance by corporations of employment security, the continuity of
employment for its workforce, as a major policy objective that will figure as importantly in the planning process as product development,
marketing, and capital requirements. 37 Labor was also assigned responsibilities. In a related statement, the Forum states, All parties to an en-
terprise should support strategies and practices necessary to secure and maintain a
competitive market position while enhancing the employment security and marketability
of the workforce.38
Identifying Stakeholders
A corporation is more than what appears on a formal organizational
chart, with the board of directors on the top and its chain of command
headed by the CEO. As Chester Barnard observed in his classic Functions
of the Executive, outside groups like customers are essential parts of an
organization and form the extended organizational chart. The field of
public relations is based on the recognition that an organization must
identify all of the publics that can affect an organizations welfare.
This requirement is well-stated by James E. Grunig, a professor at the
University of Maryland and editor of the influential book Excellence in
Public Relations and Communication Management: The first step in
strategic management of public relations, therefore, is to make a list of
the people who are linked to or have a stake in the organization. 39
These people are called publics, stakeholders, or constituents, terms
that are often used interchangeably. Several authors classify and describe an organizations strategic stakeholders. In their Managing Public Relations, Grunig and co-author Todd Hunt, list and describe some
of them in the context of four key linkages that are critical for an organization to survive:
Functional linkages: Inputs from employees, unions, and suppliers, and outputs to consumers, industrial purchasers, users of services, and employers of graduates.
government regulators, boards of directors, and community leaders.
professional societies.
students, voters, minorities, women, media, and other publics. 40
The same idea of identifying and categorizing an organizations strategic publics appears
in the management literature. James E. Post, Lee E. Preston, and Sybille Sachs list three
components of what they call the extended enterprise in the framework of three
customers, and users).
authorities, unions, and joint venture partners and alliances).
communities, and citizens).41
The report reflects the application of the relationship model, especially the importance
of making trust a board-level precept. This is in keeping with new corporate governance
Each director must visit two GE businesses a year without representatives of corporate management, which is not required by federal law or the NYSE.
GE senior managers must hold a specified amount of company
stock as part of their salaries and hold for at least a year any GE
shares they acquire through stock options, neither of which is required by federal law or the NYSE.56
Most of the post-Enron discussions about corporate governance have
focused on the need for greater transparency, greater responsibility by
boards, and their restructuring (e.g., more independent directors). With
all the attention going to financial reforms, little has been said about the
broader issue of improving corporate responsibility to society and acting in the public interest. These are concerns of public affairs and public
relations. As stated by Douglas A. Pinkham, president of the Public Affairs Council, Many business leaders claim to understand how their
few embrace all of the public relations and public affairs tools available
to them.57 Wes Pederson, editor of the Public Affairs Review, reinforces
this view by reminding business executives, Sadly, business lagged for
years in its understanding of the political effects of corporate governance despite the pleas of savvy CEOs and public affairs professionals
for corporate transparency and ethical orthodoxy. 58
To integrate public interest considerations in corporate governance, three promising
approaches have been discussed: (a) forming a public interest committee, (b) expanding the
composition of the board, and (c) conducting social audits and publishing social reports
Form a Public Interest Committee
The formation of a public interest committeealso labeled public policy, corporate responsibility, or social responsibility committeeis a
useful structural addition to corporate governance. Such a group could
educate board members on significant happenings in the larger society
and introduce new ideas on how to relate to this larger world. An excellent example is Dow Chemical, whose corporate governance structure
includes a Public Interest Committee:
The Public Interest Committee shall have oversight responsibility and shall
advise the Board on matters impacting corporate social responsibility and
the Companys public reputation. The Committees focus includes the
management. Recognizing that positive perceptions of the Companys policies
and practices are valuable assets, the Committee will monitor these perceptions and will make recommendations to the Board and management
to continually enhance the Companys public standing. 59
Such board committees are reminiscent of the 1970s when they were
seen as a response to the social issues and concurrent public pressures
that arose in the 1960s. Top management recognized that a full board
often cannot devote enough time and consideration to social issues. Nor
do board members feel they have sufficient specialization in this area, a
fact recognized by Milton Friedman. One of the first companies to establish a public policy committee was GM in 1970 as a response to Ralph
Nader s proxy resolution, Campaign GM. The then GM chairman,
Richard C. Gerstenberg, described its purpose as follows:
The purpose of the Committee is to give matters of broad national concern a permanent and
prominent place at the highest level of management and I emphasize at the highest level of
managementon the board of directors which ought to be the first to perceive change and the
first to grasp the opportunity of responding to it.
The Committees mandate is to inquire into every phase of the corporations business activities that relates to matters of public policy, and to
recommend any changes it feels appropriate to management or the full
board of directors. The Public Policy Committee assures us that broad
national concerns are considered in the major policy decisions of the corporation.60
These are typical concerns of public affairs and public relations specialists who can provide staff support to public interest committees.
Every large public corporation should have an office that represents
the interests and concerns of its extended organization, which includes
all of its stakeholders. Public affairs and public relations professionals
can identify issues and trends affecting the corporation, analyze them,
function exceeds the stereotypical PR function of serving as unthinking conduit to the media, and of being responsible for polishing the
corporate image.65
corporations consider such broad-scope executive vice president titles as public
diplomacy, corporate public policy, or advisor to the CEO on public policy.66 In revamping its corporate governance, Tyco, which suffered
through a scandal, created another kind of position: that of a corporate
ombudsman. This person, along with the companys senior vice president of corporate governance and the vice president, corporate audit, reports directly to the board of directors. At least some of the information
a public interest committee would normally report directly to the board
could be conveyed by the ombudsman.67
Expand Composition of Board Membership
Another way to introduce social and political considerations into board
deliberations is to expand the composition of board membership. More
is required than including more women on the board. Catalyst, the organization that advances women in business, reported in its 2003 annual census that women held 13.6% of all board seats in the Fortune 500
companies, an increase from 12.4% in 2001. The top 100 companies
have at least one woman director and have the highest percentage of
women directors, at 16.0%. Women of color hold 3.0% of board seats in
415 companies for which Catalyst has data. 68 From the perspective of
reflecting the public interest, however, consideration must be given to
special interest directors beyond the question of gender or race.
The proposal that boards should include public directors is highly
controversial and presents practical problems of implementation. 69 One
problem is knowing where to draw the line on what interests should be
represented and whether their loyalty would be to the corporation or
their interest group. The dominant view is that the basic legal responsi-
bility of the board is to manage the company in the interests of the stockholders.70
Special interest directors, therefore, have appeared only under special
conditions. A BusinessWeek editorial in 1987 stated that it would be a
good idea for unionsand employees generallyto be represented on
where workers own
amount of stock.71 When employees represent a major cost factor or
their unions are deemed to have significant political influence, boards
may be motivated to include labor representatives. A notable past example is Chrysler, which during its effort to obtain a government bailout
invited the president of the United Auto Workers to join the board. 72
Other examples of a labor voice on boards are United Steel Workers retired chief economist at CF&I Steel, retired president of Flight Engineers
at Pan American Airlines, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor of industrial relations at PIE Nationwide, and former NLRB chairman and former director of the Federal Mediation Service at Transcon. 73
In Germany the concept of worker representative democracy has a
long history and has taken the form of codetermination. A 1951 law
gave workers and union leaders in the larger mining and steel companies almost equal representation (5 of 11 members) with shareholders
on corporate boards. A law passed in 1976 applies codetermination to
most large German corporations. 74
In practice, a study by A. E.
concludes that
workers representatives
have really been interested only in decisions that affect workers directly, such
as personnel and welfare.75
Some corporations have nominated special interest directors in response to proxy resolutions. An early example is GMs appointment in
1971 of Reverend Leon Sullivan, a black urban affairs leader, in response
to Ralph Nader s Campaign GM proxy resolution. The resolution demanded the inclusion of three public directors. Illustrating the problem of conflict of interest, Sullivan claimed he represented the interests
of blacks, not stockholders. He was able to increase advertising in black
publications and increase the purchase of parts and supplies from black
manufacturers.76 Another example, is Exxons appointment of Dr. John
M. Steel, a scientist from the Woodshole Oceanographic Institute, to represent
environmental interests.
The idea of public directors was pursued by Robert Townsend, former
head of Avis Corporation, who in 1973 made the extreme proposal that
all manufacturing companies with more than $1 billion in assets should
be required to have public directors. This idea raises many basic questions. The major one is how such an individual would be selected and to
what extent government would become involved. The meaning of the
free enterprise system would be undermined. Would this be a role of
members of corporate accountability groups, such as the Committee for
Independent Sector, or the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility? One of
the duties of such a director would be to call at least two press confer-
ences a year to report on the companys progress or lack thereof on issues of public
There is no indication that corporations will institute public directorships, but their
purpose can to at least a small degree be achieved through social audits and social
Conduct Social Audit and Publish Social Report
In 1953, Howard R. Bowen, an economist, made a bold proposal that
Just as businesses subject themselves to audits of their accounts by independent public account firms, they might also subject themselves to
periodic examination by independent outside
who would evaluate the performance of the business from the social point of view. 78 The
resulting social audit can thus be seen as performing part of the function of a public director. Although one consulting firm, Abt Associates,
experimented with the idea of a social audit, and even publishing a social
balance sheet, corporations rejected the idea. As one vice president of
public relations of a large firm said, there are two problems with the
concept: The word social connotes socialism and the word audit conjures up government intrusion.
The stated purpose of a social reportalso called public report,
sustainability report, and corporate citizenship reportis to inform
stakeholders and the general public about a companys social performance in selected areas, such as its handling of environmental issues,
governance, workplace issues, and ethics. The need to regain public confidence after disclosures of corporate deception and wrongdoing have
made an increasing number of corporations eager to provide greater
transparency in the social as well as financial arena, according to a
study by the Public Relations Society of America and Business for Social
Responsibility.79 Supporting this finding, the Public Affairs Council reports that more than 200 CSR practitioners and communication professionals signed in to express their opinions when an online discussion of
CSR reports was held by the London-based Institute of Public Relations
and the British version of PR Week.80
These discussions recommended that social reports should go beyond
journalistic efforts to describe laudable corporate programs in a seeming effort to demonstrate compliance with the increasing public demands and government regulations. Because the gap between what
companies do and what they say remains wide, the opportunity
should be seized for corporations to be open and honest with themselves, their employees, their customers, and the community about
what they are doing.81 Some suggestions:
A company
achieve them.
A two-way dialogue should be developed with stakeholders, giving them an opportunity to influence corporate decisions.
Standardssuch as ISO 14000, CERES, or the Sullivan Principles
should be employed.
Ultimately reports should be verified by an external reviewer,
which 35% of the companies in the PRSA study did (30% used an
NGO, 30% a consultant, and 20% a for-profit accounting or auditing firm).
These aspects of social reports suggest that they should primarily be
Business strategy increasingly recognizes the value investors and others
place on a companys intangible assets, including human capital and
social capital. To be recognized as the other part of the double bottom
line, social responsibility must be integrated into a companys policies
and actions. Social reports can help communicate this information.
considerations in deliberations will go a long way to reestablish public confidence in business. This will be reflected in improved corporate
reputations, which is a major concern of corporate CEOs. They know
that it matters whenever people can punish a company by buying products elsewhere, working elsewhere, and filing lawsuits. Whenever the
option of not dealing with a company exists, or just the opposite, attacking a company through social activism or lobbying government for
PRWeek/BursonMarsteller CEO Survey 2003 shows that 81% of CEOs are concerned
about their companys reputation, with 34% very concerned and 47%
somewhat concerned.82
differ, however, about what
constitutes s
companys reputation and how it is measured. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current
English provides a good beginning by defining reputation as what is
generally said or believed about a persons or things character. When
Harris Interactive and the Reputation Institute, a New York-based research firm, report the reputation of many of the best known companies, they ask people to name the companies they currently believe have
the best and the worst reputations. This is followed up by a second survey of 22,000 online respondents that asks them about 20 attributes of
the most nominated companies. An overall rating of each company is
then made.83
Fortunes Americas Most Admired Companies is probably the longest running and most highly visible of all reputation studies.
Its typical sample of about 5,000 comprises industry insiders: financial analysts, senior executives, and outside directors of the industries
As recognized by Komisarjevsky: We are the ones who devote our careers to studying human behavior, anticipating reactions and, in some
cases, knowing better than anyone else what the implications will be. 93
Komisarjevsky also believes that public relations managers are the
guardians of integrity by identifying issues during their earliest stages
and before they grow into a crisis. We play a very important role in
shaping organizational values and behavior. One of these is in the establishment and expression of CSR as described earlier in this chapter. He
says, The covenants between the individual and the community, the
employee and company, and the company and its unions are unalterably
BursonMarsteller, on the relationship between public relations and CSR: I do
not believe there is a relationship between the two. They are not cousins
or even siblings. They are even closer than identical twins. They are one
and the same.94
CSR in the broad sense of managing a company for the benefit of all of its stakeholders is
one way to sustain a companys reputation and public confidence in business. Improving
transparency and reforming corporate governance are other essential measures.
The growing disquietude of the public with corporate behavior reflects
the need to place economic activity in the framework of society. From
this perspective, the basic purpose of the economic system is to provide
the goods and services wanted by consumers and the public goods required by society. A chart of this relationship would show these major
outputs of the economy balanced by societys inputs of capital, labor,
and other factors of production. The implication is that the economic
system does not exist for the sole purpose of allowing managers and entrepreneurs to make money, even though profit maximization is the
guiding motivator of every business.
Corporations must stay attuned to changing public standards of CSR.
By achieving the double bottom line of profits and social responsibility,
corporations have less to fear from government and social action
groups.95 Corporations have learned that they can reduce the extent of
government involvement by looking beyond the bottom line and considering their relationship to society. To reflect the added corporate goal,
some corporations have examined and even practiced the changes in
corporate governance discussed earlier.
By adopting the broader managerial creed in preference to the narrowly focused classical creed and by accepting the goal of a double bottom line, corporations become better integrated with society. Changing
the composition of boards of directors and adding the public interest to
their concerns helps to institutionalize the enlightened approach to societal expectations. Furthermore, new approaches in stakeholder man-
Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins, Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution (Boston: Little, Brown, 1999), p. 3.
18. Ibid., p. 9.
19. Gaines-Ross, op. cit., p. 180.
20. Roger Thurow and Susan Warren, Pump Priming: In War on Poverty, Chads
Pipeline Plays Unusual Role, Wall Street Journal, June 24, 2003, p. A1.
21. Chun-ju Flora Hung, The Interplays of Relationship Types, Relationship Cultivation, and Relationship Outcomes (Doctoral dissertation, University of
Maryland, 2002).
22. See Response, a publication of the Center for Corporate Public Involvement,
for examples.
23. Alex Frangos, Here Comes the Sun, Wall Street Journal, November 12,
2003, p. B1.
24. Michael A. Santoro, Engagement With Integrity: What We Should Expect
Multinational Firms to Do About Human Rights in China, Business & the
Contemporary World, Vol. X, No. 1, 1998, p. 30.
25. Ibid., pp. 34-45.
26. David Finn, The Corporate Oligarch (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1969), p.
27. Erin White, PR Firms Advise Corporations on Social-Responsibility Issues,
Wall Street Journal, November 13, 2002, p. B10.
28. Robert L. Dilenschneider, Public Relations for the New Millennium: Back to
Social Responsibility, Public Relations Strategist, Vol. 5, Spring 1999, p. 12.
29. Ibid.
30. Ibid.
31. Lynn W. Paine, Value Shift: Why Companies Must Merge Social and Financial
Imperatives to Achieve Superior Performance (New York: McGraw Hill, 2002).
32. Companys Collapse Shows System Works, CBS News, Vol. 10, Issue 1,
2002, p. 6.
33. USA Today, December 10, 2002, p. 1B.
34. B. Graves and Sandra A. Waddock, Beyond Built to Last Stakeholder Relations in Built-to-Last Companies, Business and Society Review, Vol. 105,
No. 4, 2001, pp. 393-418.
35. Aaron Bernstein, Too Much Corporate Power? BusinessWeek, September
11, 2000, p. 149.
36. Melissa Berman, Research Roundup: Boss Issues, Across the Board, Vol. 36,
July-August 1999, pp. 55-56.
37. Principles for New Employment Relationships: The Collective Bargaining
Forum, Perspectives on Work, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1999, p. 33.
38. Ibid., p. 34.
39. James E. Grunig and Fred C. Repper, Strategic Management, Publics, and Issues, in James E. Grunig, editor, Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management (Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992), p.
40. James E. Grunig and Todd Hunt, Managing Public Relations (New York: Holt,
Rinehart & Winston, l984); see chart on p. 141.
41. James E. Post, Lee E. Preston, and Sybille Sachs, Managing the Extended Enterprise: The New Stakeholder View, California Management Review, Vol. 45,
Fall 2002, p. 10.
42. A brief summary is James R. Emshoff and R. Edward Freeman, Whos Butting Into Your Business? Wharton Magazine, Vol. 4, Fall 1979, pp. 44-59.
Corporate Responses to Public and Social Pressures, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 55,
May-June 1977, pp. 40-41.
65. James Lichtenberg, Corporate Governance: Can the Firm Reach Its Public?
Journal of Contemporary Business, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1979, p. 119.
66. John F. Budd, Jr., Public Relations Is the Architect of Its Future: Counsel or
Courtier? Pros Offer Opinions, Public Relations Review, Vol. 29, November
2003, p. 382.
67. Eric M. Pillmore, How Were Fixing Up Tyco, Harvard Business Review, Vol.
81, December 2003, p. 101.
68. Catalyst, Perspective, January 2004. See www.catalystwomen.org.
69. Buchholz, op. cit., pp. 116-117.
70. Mintzberg, op cit., p. 68.
71. Editorial, Why Workers Belong in the Boardroom, BusinessWeek, December 14, 1987, p. 146.
72. The bailout is described in Buchholz, op. cit., pp. 134-137.
73. Move Over Boone, Carl, and IrvHere Comes Labor, BusinessWeek, December 14, 1987, p. 128.
74. Mintzberg, op. cit., p. 553.
75. A. E. Bergmann, Industrial Democracy in GermanyThe Battle for Power,
Journal of General Management, Summer 1975, pp. 20-29.
76. Buchholz, op. cit., p. 116.
77. Robert Townsend, A Modest Proposal: The Public Direct, in Corporate Power
in America, Ralph Nader and Mark J. Greens, editors (New York: Grossman
Publishers, 1973), pp. 157-259. Mentioned and discussed in Buchwald, op.
cit., and Mintzberg, op. cit., p. 550.
78. Bowen, op cit., p. 155.
79. pr reporter, Vol. 47, January 5, 2004, p. 1.
80. Alastair Ray, CSR: Altruistic Policy or Cover for Corporate Gaffes? Join the
Debate, Impact, January 2004, p. 1.
81. Ibid., p. 4.
82. PRWeek/Burson-Marsteller CEO Survey 2003, Wrestling With Rules and
Reputations, PR Week, November 10, 2003, p. 17. The survey was based on
a national study of nearly 200 American CEOs, conducted in October 2003
by Impulse Research. Written questionnaire were sent to CEOs at Fortune
1000 companies and their subsidiaries. See www.prweek.com for complete
survey results.
83. Ronald Alsop, Corporate Scandals Hit Home, Wall Street Journal, February
19, 2004, p. B1.
84. Jeffries-Fox Associates, Toward a Shared Understanding of Corporate Reputation and Related Concepts; Phase II: Measurement Systems Analysis, prepared
for The Council of Public Relations Firms, March 24, 2000, Appendix B, pp.
85. Gaines-Ross, op. cit., pp. 11-12.
86. Announced in WorldComs full-page ad, Wall Street Journal, December 6,
2002, p. A7.
87. Shane McLaughlin, A New Era: Managing CEO Successions in Tumultuous
Times, The Strategist, Vol. 7, 2001, p. 9.
88. Leslie Gaines-Ross, CEOs Stranded in Wonderland, Journal of Business
Strategy, Vol. 23, March-April 2002, p. 18.
89. Del Jones and Gary Strauss, CEOs Are Going, Going, Gone, USA Today,
June 10, 2002, p. 1B.
Author Index
Abramson, J., 304, 307 Ackerman, R.
W., 407, 429 Ackman, D., 401
Adams, A. J., 246, 294, 308 Adkins, L.,
Agee, W. K., 69
Alexander, J. B., 433 Alicia, M.,
Alinsky, S., 38, 68 Alsop, R.,
Altman, E., 194
Altman, L. K., 130
Andron, S., 197
Angwin, J., 309
Ante, S. E., 376
Aubry, J., 88
Auerbach, S., 342
Aufderheide, P., 368, 378 Ault, P. H.,
Bakahian, A., 65
Baker, B., 103, 127, 135 Baker, R.,
Baker, S., 221, 303, 308, 309 Bace, J. W.,
Bagdikian, B., 206 Baird, O.,
Baldwin, D. K., 194
Callison, C. 135
Cameron, G., 134
Canan, P., 68
Cappella, J. N., 92, 97
Carey, J., 377
Carley, W. M., 196
Carlson, R. O., 225, 227
Carlton, J., 377
Carney, D., 25, 195, 340
Carney, E. N., 401
Carney, K., 149
Caroline, G., 270
Carroll, A. B., 429
Carson, R., 28
Carter, B., 343
Carter, B., 130, 196, 197, 378
Casey, C., 212, 220, 221, 270
Cavanaugh, H. A., 68
Center, A. H., 18, 131
Chait, J., 194, 350
Chapel, G. W., 70
Chase, R., 271
Chase, W. H., 399
Chen, K., 195, 378
Chomsky, N., 378
Chung, J., 305
Clark, P. F., 377
Clear, R. 141
Clinton, W., 263
Cloud, D. S., 307, 376
Cobb, R. W., 24
Coakley, D., 170
Coe, B. J., 169, 170
Coe, S., 134
Cohen, D., 302
Coile, Z. 307
Conason, J., 149
Conte, C., 196
Conrad, R. S., 312, 334
Conway, M., 32
Contiguglia, F., 247
Cooper, M., 370
Cordasco, P., 270
Cormick, G. W., 79, 80, 87
Craig, S., 401
Cranberg, G., 191,197, 228
Creighton, J., 54
Crescenzo, S., 99, 130
Crock, S., 376
Crosland, M., 53, 326
Crossen, C., 70
Csikszentmihalyi, M., 148
Cummings, J., 303, 304, 305, 306,
308, 375, 376
Cutlip, S. M., 18
Daft, R. L., 9, 17
Danaher, K., 35, 349
Davis, A., 86, 403
Davis, B., 194
Davis, G., 290, 299
Davis, K., 406, 429
Dawlely, H., 342
Dawson, P., 344
Delaney, J. T., 377
Dennis, L. B., 248, 271
Dershowitz, A. M., 317, 341
Deutsch, K., 221, 259, 271
Diazi, J. A., 168
Dilenschneider, R. L., 17, 100, 130,
413, 430
Dodd, C., 68
Draper, E. L., Jr., 360
Drreeazen, Y. J., 379
Drucker, P., 419, 431
Duffy, J., 83
Dugan, J., 402
Dunham, R. S., 131, 305, 309, 375,
Dunn, M. E., 270, 271
Dunwoody, S., 134
Dwyer, P., 378, 400, 402
Edsall, T. B., 303
Edwsull, T. B., 343
Eells, R., 11, 25
Egan, T., 148, 149
Eichenwald, K., 401
Eilperin, J., 247, 303
Elder, C. E., 24
Elder, J., 376
Elliott, L. A., 308
Elliott, M., 219
Elliott, S., 167, 170
Ellis, M., 102
Elsasser, J., 431
Elson, C., 390
Emanuel, M., 308
Emshoff, J. R., 417, 430
Emshwiller, J. R., 402
Engardio, P., 36, 252, 270, 271, 426
Englander, E. J., 26
Fallows, J., 202, 206, 219
Fanelli, J. J., 289, 307
Faucheux, R., 260, 270, 271
Farrell, C., 375
Fay, W., 341, 342
Feldmann, L., 130
Felsenthal, E., 340
Fengler, S., 194
Fenn, D. H., 249
Feran, T., 378, 380
Feulner, E. J., Jr., 127, 135
Fialka, J. J., 340, 375
Field, M. D., 123, 134
Field, P., 78, 86, 88, 341
Fields, G., 376
Fineman, H., 149
Finn, D., 412, 430
Fisher, R., 73, 80, 86, 87
Fitzpatrick, K. R., 343
Flint, J., 194, 378, 379
Flynn, L. J., 221
Form, W. H., 377
Foss, B., 375
Foster, P., 133
France, M., 25, 314, 339, 340, 342,
Frankgos, A., 430
Frank, R., 96
Franklin, M. A., 343
Freeman, R. E., 417
Friedman, E., 130, 430
Friedman, M., 407, 409, 421
Friesel, J., 275
Frost, A. C., 377
Fursich, E., 96, 97
Gaines-Ross, L., 426, 429, 430, 432
Galbraith, J. K., 8, 25
Gandy, O. H., Jr., 118, 133, 134
Gannon, E., 220
Gartner, M., 200
Genest, C. M., 433
Genova, M. J., 66, 71 Gerlin, A.,
Gerstenberg, R. C., 421
Geyelin, M., 133, 196, 342 Gialka, J.
J., 377
Gianelli, L. J., 271 Gibeaut, J.,
340, 401 Gibson, R., 132
Golden, P., 70
Gollner, A. B., 69
Goodman, M. B., 433 Goodwin, R.
K., 211, 220 Goozner, M., 285
Gordon, M. R., l35
Gorney, C., 319, 329, 341 Graham,
K., 195
Graves, S. B., 414, 430
Green, J., 288, 306, 307
Greenberger, R. S., 305, 375 Greenfield,
S. W., 247
Greenhouse, S., 378 Greens,
M., 432
Grefe, E. A., 253, 269, 270 Greg, I.,
Gregory, J. R., 166
Griffin, J. J., 26
Griffin, R. J., 134
Griffith, T., 194
Groseclose, T., 303
Grossman, L., 180, 195 Grover, R.,
Grunig, J. E., 3, 4, 6, 24, 69, 148,
416, 430, 431
Grunig, L. A., 69
Haggerty, J. F., 316
Halbfinger, D. M., 307
Hwang, S. L., 25
Ide, R. W., III, 314 Ives, N.,
Jaffe, G., 376
Jalonick, M. C., 271
Jamieson, K. H., 92, 93, 97,
138-139, 148, 158
Jarvis, C. W., 285
Jensen, E., 195, 196, 197, 198 Jereski, L.,
Johnson, H., 270 Johnson, P.,
197 Jones, C., 146, 149 Jones,
D., 432
Jowers, K. L., 305
Kaminski, K., 306 Kaplan, L.
A., 318 Kaplan, S., 339
Karlin, B., 68
Karrh, J. A., l34
Kaufman, A. M., 26
Kaufman, B. E., 377
Kearn, K. D., 75
Kearns, K. D., 75, 87
Keim, G., 270
Keller, A., 376
Kelly, K., 132, 133
Kemper, V., 304
Kendall, R., 26
Kennerdel, P., 293, 294, 308 Kent, M.
L., 71
Kearns, K. D., 75
Kennerdell, P., 293, 308 Kerstetter,
J., 400
Key, V. O., Jr., 229, 247, 256 Kilian, M.,
230, 247, 248
Kimball, K. O., 74
King, T. R., 195
Lalli, F., 116
Landro, L., 195, 376 Latouor,
A., 402
Lavin, D., 197, 198 Lawrence,
A. T., 69 Lee, J., 70
Leichty, G. B., 267, 272 Leland, J.,
Lerbinger, O., 68, 70, 130, 343, 346,
Lesher, S., 91, 93, 131, 132 Lesly, P.,
33, 240, 296, 308 Levitt, A., Jr., 301,
309, 402 Levitt, T., 29, 34
Lewin, D., 377
Lewis, N. A., 247, 248
Lichtenberg, J., 432 Lichter, S. R.,
Lichter, L., 219
Lieberman, D., 96, 379 Linke, C.,
Liu, Y., 215, 341 Lizza, R.,
Lo, Y., 35
Loeb, H., 340
Lord, M. D., 270
Lovins, A., 430
Lublin, J. S., 168
Lukaszewski, J. E., 318,
Lunsford, J. L., 248
Mach, C. W., 273, 301 MacLeish, R.
L., 132 Magnusson, P., 305 Maher,
K., 377
Mahon, J. F., 7, 10, 21, 25, 26, 106
Manheim, J. R., 5, 34, 39, 40, 68,
377, 378
Marcus, A. A., 26
Marchand, R., 371, 380 Mark, J.,
Marinucci, C., 309, 375 Mark, J. 349
Marsden, C., 407
Marston, J. E., 18, 26 Martin, I.
M., 341
Mason, R. S., 64, 70
Mastenbroek, W. F. G., 82, 87 Mathews, J.,
Matthews, D. W., Jr., 317 Matthews, D.
W., Jr., 314 Matthews, W. K., 133
McCain, J., 304
McCaul, M., 277
McCartney, S., 431
McChesney, R. W., 379 McCombs, M.
E., 92, 97 McCoy, K., 309
McDonough, B., 361
McGinley, L., 169, 307
McGrath, P. S., 308, 431 McLaughlin,
S., 432
McLuhan, M., 145, 149
McNamee, M., 401, 402, 403 McQuaid, K.,
235, 248
McTeer, R. D., Jr., 399
Meisler, A., 220
Meyer, P., 124, 135
Nader, R., 28, 232, 383, 421, 432 Naughton,
K., 403
Nelson, R. A., 271, 272 Nicolazzo,
R. E., 318
Nierenberg, G. I., 79, 87 Noble, L.,
Nolte, L. W., 133
Novak, W., 131, 132, 149 Nowell, P.,
Nurse, D., 335
Nussbaum, B., 203, 219
OBrien, C., 307
OConnell, V., 340
ODwyer, C., 340
ONeill, H. W. W., 337
Paine, L. S., 413, 430
Pakuszek, J. L., 227
Paltrow, S. J., 402
Parenti, M., 195
Pataki, G., 263
Patterson, J. L., 277
Patton, B., 86
Patton, B., 233
Pakerik, S., 431
Paterno, S., 196
Pavlik, J. F., l35, 220
Paxon, B., 231
Pear, R., 168
Pearl, D., 197
Pearlstine, N., 117
Pedersen, W., 270, 271,395, 395,
402, 420, 431
Peers, M., 195, 376
Penniman, N., 302, 401
Peterson, C., 47
Pfau, M., 306
Phillips, D., 133
Phillips, K., 52, 274, 349, 375, 378
Pilletts, J., 289
Pinkham, D. G., 7, 9, 25, 420, 431
Pins, K., 272
Pires, M. A., 63, 70
Pillimore, E. M., 432
Pinkham, D. A., 7, 420, 431
Pires, M. A., 63
Pirto, R., 148
Pitchford, G., 53
Plissner, M., 134
Papadopoulos, M., 221
Poggoli, S., 378
Pope, C., 247
Pope, K., 196
Porter, M., 406, 407, 429
Posner, M., 376
Post, J., 25, 26, 69, 416, 430
Potter, T., 305
Preston, L., 416, 430
Preston, M., 149
Price, T., 270, 271
Primo, D., 303
Pring, G. W., 68
Pulliam, S., 401, 402
Rabinowitz, D., 196
Ragan, B., 279, 304
Raghavan, A., 375
Raine, H., 174
Ramsey, S. M., 271
Randolph, A., 131
Rapaport, R., 221
Rauch, J., 225, 227
Ray, A., 432
Read, R., 200
Regan, M. B., 220, 304, 305
Reich, R., 354, 376
Reilly, M., 259, 271
Reno, J., 130
Rensi, E., 427
Repper, F. C., 430
Rhody, R., 108
Rich, A., 242, 249
Richards, B., 342
Rivers, W. L., 194
Robinson, C. 127
Robinson, D., 127
Robertson, L., 123, 134, 149
Rodman, T., 133
Roff, P., 168
Rogers, R., 40
Roloff, M. E., 87
Rogers, D., 305
Roop, J., 91
Roper, J. E., 196
Roschwalb, S. A., 316, 340, 344
Rose, R. L., 34, 377
Rosenberg. K., 308
Rosenberg, M., 151, 167, 169
Rosenfeld, P., 87
Ross, I., 168
Rothman, S., 219
Rubenstein, B., 344
Rubin, B., 133
Rubin, M. S., 343
Ryan, C., 30, 35, 92, 96, 378
Rylee, R. T., 335
Rymer, P., 319
Sabato, L., 283, 292, 307
Sachs, S., 416
Safire, W., 369, 379
Salmon, C. T., 170
Tanoute, E., 344
Taylor, J., 168
Taylor, M., 71
Tedesco, R., 305
Tedeschi, J. T., 87 Templin, N.,
17 Terry, E., 149
Thompson, K., 60
Thompson, M. J., 104
Toner, R., 305
Townsend, R., 423, 432 Trachimovsky,
S., 396, 402 Treece, J. B., 198
Treverton, N. H., 431 Truman,
D., 70
Turner, R., 130
Ulfelder, S., 104, 131 Ulman, N.,
Ullmann, O., 308 Unz, R.,
Ury, W., 73, 80, 87, 157
Useem, J., 396, 402, 429
Vacheron, D., 155
VanBruggen, G. H., 169 VandeHei, J.,
169, 247, 343 Van der Pool, L., 168
Vanderwicken, P., 202, 219 VanOrnum,
C., 168
VanRiel, C. B. M., 169 Victor, K.,
Vlasic, B., 220
Vogel, D., 348, 375, 376 Vranica, S.,
Waddock, S. A., 414, 430 Wager, R.,
291, 307
Walczak, L., 304
Wallingford, R., 314
Wanniski, J., 174, 194 Walsh, E.,
Walsh, F. E., 131
Ware, J. P., 87
Warren, S., 430
Wartzman, R., 341 Wasserman,
N., 65, 71 Watt, J. C., 285
Wayne, L., 309
Weber, J., 69, 195
Weiner, R., 134
Weidenbaum, M. L., 224, 227, 248 Weinstein,
A., 80, 87
Weisman, J., 167, 308 Weissman,
R., 375
Weiss, S., 303
Welch, D., 377, 378 Wellington,
R. G., 331 Wells, R., 376
Welsh, E. J., 256, 270 Werle, C.,
Wermiel, S., 342
Wertheimer, F., 278, 280, 285, 304 Wessel, D.,
376, 401
West, D. M., 279, 304 West, A.
L., 75, 87
Westmoreland, W. C., 200, 224 Whelan, C.
B., 343
White, E., 430
White, J, B., 133, 334 White, W.
J., 71
Wicker, T., 211
Wilcox, D. L., 69, 133 Wilke, J.
R., 219, 340 Wilkins, E., 68
Wilson, I., 431
Wilson, J., 398, 403 Wingfield, N.,
195, 376 Wittenburg, B., 114
Woellert, L., 221, 304, 339 Woolard,
E. S., 412
Woodward, G. C., 131, 133, 195,
204, 339
Wylie, F. W., 133
Yang, C., 195
Young, P., 264, 279
Zagaroli, L., 304
Zauderer, P. W., 322
Zellner, W., 69, 401, 431 Zelnick, B.,
Ziamou, P., 26
Zimmerman, A., 69
Zucchino, D., 197
Subject Index
AARP, 250
uses issue ads, 285
Abbott Laboratories, 73
ABC, 106, 139, 203, 205, 210
Nightline episode, 368
ABC News, 121
harassment story,207
lawyer appearance on 20/20, 332 sued by
Florida banker, 216
Aborezk, James, 372
Abraham, Spencer, 348
on 2003 power outage, 385 Abu
Ghraib, 357
key lobbying resource, 237
Accountants (see also Corporate accountants), 397
Accuracy in Media, 174
Ackerman, Robert W., 407 ACORN, 44
ACTION, 44 Activists
five categories, 33
supported by websites, 32
Ad hoc strategy for selecting constituencies, 254
Adelphia Communications, 350 Adidas
labor practices in Pakistan, 143
Advertising (see also Advocacy advertising)
below-the-belt, 155
America, 154
Network, 154
lawyers, 323
by People for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals (PETA), 153
issue, 160
Mobils Hatchet Job, 156
restrictions imposed by reform
bill, 282
Advisory councils, 55
Advocacy advertising, 41, 108, 151,
156, 157
agenda setting, 372
advertising, 163
Business Roundtable ad, 395
conditions that enhance effectiveness, 164
dangers of abbreviated
soundbites, 139
advertising, 152
dropping, 115
effectiveness, 160
evaluation by Jamison, 158
factors affecting effectiveness,162 HydroQuebec, 85
PriceWaterhouseCoopers ad, 389 Print media
more hospitable, 155 use grows, 152
Aetna, 324
AFL-CIO, 46, 159, 250
expenditures in 1996 elections, 46 issue ad
sponsor, 286
sponsor of issue ad, 286
TV and radio campaign, 278
Agenda setting
function of news media, 92 Agent
Orange crisis, 331
A. H. Robins
Dalkon Shield, 320, 323
Public Accountants
failed to defend integrity of
audits, 389
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld,
group, 160
Alaskan Airlines, 215 Albright,
Madeline, 102 Alinsky, Saul, 38
Alliance for Energy and Economic
Growth, 153
Allstate, 164, 325, 415 Alta Vista,
(ADR), 73
Alternative media
use by politicians, 208
Altria, 166, 313
America (ACWA)
268, 325
Executives, 234
American Society of Magazine Editors
on requiring advance notice, 116
American Society of Newspaper Editors, 200
(ATRA), 325, 328
American Trial Lawyers Assn., 322
American Trucking Associations,
Americans for Job Security, 286 Americans for
Lawsuit Reform, 268 Americans for Tax
Reform, 47 Amoco Foam Products, 75
Amway, 212
And Thats the Way It Isnt: A Reference Guide to Media Bias,
Anheuser-Busch, 265 Animal
rights, 78
Annenberg School
expenditures, 153
Anti-business biases, 315
Anticorporate campaigns, 40
AOL (see also America Online)
merger with Time Warner, 220,
AOL Time Warner
lobbying expenditures, 229 Associated
Press, 110
APCO Associates, 302
Apparel Industry Partnership, 46 Arbiter
function of media, 93
Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), 114,
ARCO, 62
(ANWR), 359
issue ad on ANWR by National
Audubon Society, 153
Arctic Power
ad campaign on ANWR, 160 Arizona
Republic, 181
Argonne National Laboratory, 53
B-2 Stealth bomber campaign, 260 BackWeb
Technologies, 216
Bagdikian, Ben, 206
commercial trend of media, 208 Bakahian,
Nixon speechwriter, 65 Baker,
computer tracking of issues, 103 new media
environment, 127
Balanced Energy Choices, 153 Ballmer,
Steve, 12
Bank of America, 73
Bargaining range in negotiations, 80 Barnicle,
Mike, 174
Bartels, John, 244
C-SPAN, 208
Cable channels, 209 Cable
news, 128
interrogated prisoners, 357 CAFE
standards, 360
Proposition 13, 140
Proposition 226, 47, 384
Association, 159
Calio, Nicholas E., 128 Callahan,
League of Conservative voters
shift from PAC contributions, 285-286
Calnev Pipeline, 326
survey on EMFs, 103 Camisea
website, 212 Campaign
other forms, 293
1999-2000 election cycle, 273 laws
governing financing, 386 management,
Campaign Finance Laws, 281, 386
McCain-Feingold bill, 281
Campaign financing
2004 election expenditures, 273 big picture
in 2004, 274
candidate self-financing, 277
contributions, 291
individual contributions, 275
most expensive campaigns, 273
proposal for free or discounted
TV time, 387
public financing, 387 Campaign
GM, 421
Campaign Media Analysis Group
tracks TV political ads, 288
Canadian Bar Association, 73
Canadian government, 241 Capellas,
Michael D., 426 Capital Cities/ABC,
Car dealers, 115
value of mass media, 91 Carey,
John, 338
Carma International, 114 Carter,
Hodding III
panel criticizes press, 203 Carter,
Jimmy, 145
Carty, Donald J.
of confidence, 418
Case, Steve
pledge of diversity of content, 182 Casey,
Greg, 277
Cassidy & Associates, 233, 236 Catalyst,
Caterpillar, 212
Cato Institute, 242
Cause-related marketing, 407 Cavalcade
of America, 371
CBS, 106, 139, 200, 203, 204, 368
sloppy reporting, 173
CBS News uses in-house polls, 123 CBS This
Morning, 140
news program airs child labor in
Pakistan, 51
Celanese, 109
Cellular phone, 141
Center for American Progress, 298 Center for
Business Ethics, 413
Democracy, 370
Center for Media and Public Affairs,
90, 174
Center for Politics, 283
Center for Public Integrity, 290, 368 Center for
Public Resources., 73
Center for Resource Economics, 213
Chief financial officer, 388 Child Play
ad, 154
Chiquita, 186
voice mail invaded by reporter,
Choate, Jerry D.
comments on need to engage employees, 415
Christian Coalition, 253
pioneer of issue ads, 286
Chrysler, 107, 116
bailout, 257
merger with Daimler-Benz AG, 355 Plymouth
Horizon crisis, 107
Chung, Connie, 112, 202,
Ciampi, Carolo Azeglio, 367 CIGNA,
73, 268
Cincinnati Enquirer
reporter invades voice mail of
Chiquita, 188
Cisco Systems, 411 Citibank,
Citicorp, 355
Citigroup, 231
Citizens for a Sound Economy
integrated lobbying campaign,
product liability legislation, 325 reducing
govt. interference, 48 supports tort reform,
Citizens for Better Medicare, 284, 286 Citizens for
Reform, 285
Citizens for the Republic Education
Civil Action (A)
film popularizes role of lawyers,
Civic Action Network, 292
Civic journalism, 183 (see also Public
need to engage employees, 415
Collaborative Planning, 75, 83
five steps in process, 76
Collective Bargaining, 415
Columbia/HCA, 241
Comcast, 231
media, 204
Commission on the Future of
Worker-Management Relations
public director role, 423 Common
Cause, 358
broad meaning in public affairs, 6
elements of communication campaign, 18
management, 50
theory explains role of opinion
leaders, 58
America, 154
Community advisory council (see
Advisory council)
booklet on public participation,
Association, 313
Computer scanners used to identify
constituents, 260
Computer technology,
helps inform citizens, 266
helps mobilize immediate support, 267
used to classify and sort constituents, 265
uses in grassroots lobbying, 265 Conason,
Joe, 141
at Texaco, 63
Ann Pires, 63
Consumer advocacy groups
opposition to product liability reform, 328
Choice, 263
Consumer Federation of America
loss of local news coverage, 369
gave rise to public affairs, 28
Consumer Product Safety Commission, 119
Consumer roundtable, 62 Consumers
on safety of Plymouth Horizon,
Containment strategies, 41
Contingency, 41
Contract with America, 358 Control
financing, 281
Conway, Margaret, 32 Cooper,
Mark, 370
Coors, 145
Coping, as public affairs strategy, 22 Copps,
blasts Sinclair, 367 Core
businesss lack of, 32
Corporate accountants
infrastructure, 388
Corporate advertising, 165
helps maximize corporate power,
Standards (CAFE), 359
Corporate branding, 166 Corporate
by labor unions, 28
new labor union strategy, 38 Corporate
directors, 40
DC offices, 233
four dangers of dominance, 349
leaders silent about scandals, 395
ombudsman position established
by Tyco, 422
reputationCEOs role, 425
response preferences: interactive
and proactive, 16
areas, 419
stakeholders, 48
websites used by journalists, 125,
Corporate governance
Corporate Governance, 491
incorporating public interest, 419 unions
push for reforms, 364
Corporate Responsibility Division
established by Nike, 52 corporate
litigation, 315
loss of public confidence, 351
Corporate social responsibility
(CSR), 118, 406
pyramid, 407-408
as initiators of issues, 38
lagged in use of Internet, 253
Corps of Engineers
errs in North Dakota, 74
failed to listen to citizens, 74
Corzine, Jon S.
big self-financier, 277
biggest spender in 2000 Senate
races, 289
Cosmopolitans, 116
public director role, 423
Courtroom, 331
Covington & Burling, comment on
litigation, 314
Cowboy culture at Enron, 351
Cravath, Swaine & Moore, 212
Creative confrontation with media,
Creativity in negotiations, 82 Credibility
ads, 165
in negotiations, 82
doles out IPOs, 391
response to accusatory media
story, 331
rise in crises of management failure, 345
use of websites, 219
Crisis communication, 331 Crisis of
caused by corporate scandals, 418
Crisis Preparation & Response (CPR),
Cromer Group
media, 284
Cronin-Harris, Catherine, 73 Cronkite,
Walter, 123
participation, 53
CSX, 326
Culture of Wall Street, 395 Customer
Respect.com, 213 Cutler, Stephen, 398
Cyber$ettle.com, 73 Cyberpolitics,
293, 297 Cybersleuth, 104
Daewoo Corporation, 239 Daily
News, 156
Daimler-Benz AG, 92, 355 Dal Col,
Bill, 160
Dalkon Shield, 320, 323 Danis,
Joseph, 338
Dart Industries
Dart, Justin, 274
Daschle, Linda, 237
Daschle, Thomas A., 291 Databases,
Database Marketing, 213
allow s bypassing of media,
Dateline NBC, 192
Daubert v. Merrill, 334
Davis, Gray, 290, 299
e-advocates, Cyberlobby firm, 259 efluentials, 212
E-The People, 32
Eastman Kodak, 41
Ebbers, Bernard J.,397, 426
Economic marketplace, 381
Economics Institutes for State
Economist (The), 126, 158
Edelman Interactive Solutions, 104 Edelman
PR Worldwide, 236
hired by Microsoft, 232
hires corporate governance expert, 419
helps in Odwalla crisis, 220
Edison Electric Institute, 103, 266 Edmonds,
Tom, 212
Effectiveness of campaign ads, 288 Eisendrath,
Charles, 176
Eisner, Michaels, 100 El Paso,
Electoral activities, 273
Electric Consumer Power Act, 74
Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs),
Electronic Activist website, 32 Eli Lilly,
163, 327
Elliot, Tims, 160
Elliott, Stephen,164
Ellis, Michael, 102
Elson, Charles, 390
Community Right-to-Know Act,
Title III, 54
Emerging issue life cycle stage, 19,
37, 58
Emilys List, 286
Emory, Young & Associates, 264
education programs, 297
a natural constituency, 48 e-mail
exposed, 104
Encyclopedia of Associations, 28 Energy,
Engagement strategies, 139
as two-way, symmetrical process,
in interacting with interest groups,
unilateral strategies, 49 Engler,
Paul, 224
Enlarged media menu, 126 (see also
Alternative media)
Enquirer, 188 Enron
bankruptcy, 349
case study of lobbying support,
collected visible people, 300 corporate
scandal, 315
infrastructure, 351
administration, 279
growth, 350
its stated company values were a
sham, 413
lobbied for deregulation, 38 mystique
created by media, 351 political influence,
resolution, 74
practices, 361
issue gave rise to public affairs, 28 news
coverage of, 119
54, 75
119, 235, 312
Environmental Working Group, 266 Erin
Brockovich, 306
Ernst & Young
Face the Nation, 109
Face-to-face communication, 60 Factors of
Fair Labor Association, 46 Fair share
in dealing with human rights, 51 Fairness &
Accuracy in Reporting,
Fairness Doctrine, 154, 373
False Disparagement of Perishable
Food Products Act, 189
Farah Manufacturing
ACWAs organizing campaign, 39 Fastow,
filled with weening ambition, 351 Lay blames
CFO, 396
Faucheux, Ron, 260
Enhancement Act of 1995, 241
Kaiser files complaints, 108 media
ownership, 229
members receive travel gifts, 240 seeks
further media consolidation, 179
Act, 281, 386
1974 amendments, 276
fails to act on 527 groups, 280
PAC giving, 277
Commission, 74
Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act
of 1946, 230
Federal Staff Directory, 238
Federal Trade Commission, 44
approves AOL purchase of Time
Warner, 180
Federal Yellow Book, 238 Fen-Phen
junk science arguments, 335 litigation
group, 323
Field Research Corp., 123 Fielding,
Pam, 259
Board, 389
corrupted by Enron, 350
seven components of, 388 Financial
companies, 349
Finley, James, 40
First Amendment, 90, 205, 229 First
Amendment Center, 332 First Chicago, 212
First Nations Assembly, 85 Fish and
Wildlife, 218
Fitzgerald, Scott, 278
big government, 226
Americans, 33
members, 260
trust in government, 54 Ganske,
Greg, 266
Garrett, Paul, 371
Gartner, Michael, 200 Gasparri
law, 367
Gates, Bill, 12, 232
GE v. Joiner, 334
General Dynamics, 112, 113 General
Electric, 370
hires former govt officials, 231
leader in corporate governance
changes, 419
ownership of NBC, 181
ownership of news media, 374
supports tort reform, 324
General Electric v Joiners, 334
General Mills, 73
General Motors, 116, 141, 266
appoints black urban affairs
leader to board, 423
cooperates with CERES, 360
established public policy committee, 421
fuel tank explosion suit, 177,
192, 314, 330
seeks to muzzle former employee,
Gerstenberg, Richard C.
committee, 421
Get-rich mentality of 1990s, 353
Getting Out the Vote programs
(GOTV), 264, 295 Glass,
Stephen, 172
Glaxo Wellcome, 292
Glazer, George, on body language,
Global 2000, 40
Global Business Network, 20 Global Fox
News Channel, 127 Global warming, 409
Goldfarb, Lewis, 338 Gomez,
Ron, 326
Good Morning America, 140 Goodwill,
Gore, Al,
TV camera like X-ray, 137 GormanGraul, Faye, 253
Government, 223
advertising by, 372
basic economic function, 384 big govt
biggest threat, 354 enforces rules of the
game, 384 judicial branch, 226
more or less of it as basic issue,
responsibility, 411
regulations, 224
support of as 5th level of social
responsibility, 411
Governmental strategies, 223
Hannity, Sean, 141
Hansbrough, Mac, 263
Hard money, 276, 281 (see also PACs)
reform bill provisions, 282
Harris, Jay T., 204
Harris Interactive, 425
Harry and Louise TV ads, 158, 162,
Hart, Gary, 139
Hart, Peter D., 232
Hartford Courant, 115
Harvard Business Review, 41, 202
IBM, 183, 212
Ide, R. William III, 314 Identity
distinguished from branding, 166 Illinois
Commerce Committee, 110 Illinois Power, 110111
Imclone scandal, 349
management, 22
importance on TV, 145 Integrity,
Interest groups
corporations, 38
fostering probusiness groups, 48 incubators
for new ideas, 28
role in policymaking process, 27 In These
Times, 174
Incumbents, 289
America, 259
Independent Sector, 423 Infinity
Broadcasting, 240 Inform, 119
dilemma, 82
disclosure in negotiation, 80 lobbying
resource, 240
Information technologies
Inside Congress, 207
J. P. Morgan, 181
K Street Project, 281 Kaid, Lynda
Lee, 293 Kaiser Aluminum, 108
Kalb, Marvin
60 Minutes tobacco report, 228 comments
on GM pickup truck
story, 200
Kaplan, Lewis A.
judge sides with PR consultant, 324 Kaplan,
Madge, 42
Karzai, Hamid, 357
Los Angeles Times, 110 Labor
expenditures, 47
loss of public appeal, 362
membership decline, 28, 362 power
eroding, 362
competitive market position, 415
seldom consulted by media, 372
Lalli, Frank, 116
Larry King, 137, 140, 141, 208,
Lasswell, Harold, 242
Late Show With David Letterman,
Lawmakers 259 Lawsuits
cost of, 321
discovery process, 335 notable
ones, 320
called hucksters, 323
lawyers, 338
difference in values from PR, 320 trial
lawyers talk too much,317 number in U.S.,
infrastructure, 390
Chrysler, 338
PR as equal partner, 329
right to advertise, 322
systematic approach, 330 Lay,
contributes to Bush campaign, 300 filled with
weening ambition, 351 indicted, 397
commissions, 350
political contributions, 279 selfenrichment, 352
Leadership directories, 238
League of Conservation Voters, 285,
Leahy, Patrick J., 232 Leaves of
absence, 293 Legal PR, 318
Legal process, 333
Legal talent employed by Microsoft,
activities of, 226
M-3, 104
Mack, Charles S., 273
Magazine Publishers of America and
American Society of Magazine, 116
Magee, Stephen, 321 Mailing
lists, 106
Making news irresistible, 117
Management by objectives (MBO),
Managerial creed, 414-415
Managing the Business-Employee
PAC, 293
Manassas National Battlefield, 99 Manville,
109, 320
Mapes, Mary, 176
Marburger, John, 56
Marchand, Roland, 372
Market power
Marketplace of ideas, 93 Marshall,
Rose, 318
Mashe, Carol, 129
Mason, Ken, 246
Mass media, 371
Mathews, Dan, 153
Matthews, Charles W., Jr., 314, 317 MBNA, 291
McCain, John
free political advertising for candidates, 387
fundraising on Internet, 275
vouchers for free political advertising, 387
wary of 527 groups, 280
Reform Bill
evaluation, 283
history and main provisions, 282 limited
effect, 386
McCaul, Michael, 277
McConnell, Mitch, 152, 283
McCormack, John W., 235 McDonalds,
conducts social audit, 52 files libel suit
in London, 44 foam packaging decision,
75 hot coffee suit, 324
plastic-foam food containers, 41 protest in
France, 50
strategy of setting the record
straight, 50
McDonough, Bill, 361
McGoldrick, John L., 334
Mead government affairs, 253 Mederios,
Farah boycott, 39
right to scrutinize internal affairs
of business, 39
Media, 41, 65
accountability, 174
function, 93 bias, 202-203
blitz, 173, 202
New York Times, 110
Nader, Ralph, 28, 32, 232
Campaign GM, 421 SLAPP
suits, 383
NADIA, 213
opposes free political advertising,
provide travel gifts to govt officials, 240
Defense Lawyers, 332
Underwriters, 265
Manufacturers (NAM), 324
National Association of Radio Talk
Show Hosts, 129
National business groups, 234
National Cable & Telecommunications Association, 240
National Federation of Independent
identifies audiences by activism
Communications, 266
Administration, 192
National Institute on Money in State
Policies, 299
National Journal, 161
National Labor Relations Act, 199
National Labor Relations Board, 368
National News Council, 113, 176
sides with Shell and Exxon, 194 The Day
files complaint, 113
O. J. Simpson case, 332 OConnor,
Sandra Day, 323 ONeill, Harry W., 337
Oak Industries, 314
ineffective rules, 312
new type of social legislation, 235 Odwalla,
Ogilvy PR Worldwide, 236 Olin, 267
Olson, Mancur, 225
Omnicom Group Inc., 236
One-way, asymmetrical approach
a communications strategy, 52 Online
Systems, 212-214
spamming, 214 sysop, 214
Op-eds, 158
Open Compliance & Ethics Group, 413 Open
system, 16
Opinion leaders, 37, 74
important target audience for
corporations, 58
members, 34
study, 163
Organizational chart
extended version, 10
Organizational communication, 48 Outside
constituencies, 257, 258 OConnor, Sandra
Day, 312
Overholser, Geneva, 204
PACs, 165, 243, 273, 292, 294, 295 PAC
newsletters, 294
Pachman, Ruth
handling of Internet rumor, 105 Packard
Doctrine, 46, 384
Packwood, Bob, 238 PACs, 276
contribution limits, 275
effectiveness, 292
money raised in 2000 election
cycle, 276
Page, Arthur W., 418 Pakistan
child labor involving Nike, 51 Panel
discussions, 200
Paramount Pictures, 240 Parsons,
Partisan communications, 297 Pataki,
George, 263
Patterson, Jeanne L., 277 Patton,
Boggs, 233
Paul, William G., 317 Paulson,
Kenneth A, 332 Paxon, Bill, 231
Pearce, Harold J.,177, 193, 279 Pennzoil
Co., 311
nerve gas story by CNN, 174 papers,
People for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals (PETA) adopts corp.
advertising. techniques, 153 People
powers, 31
Pepsi, 164
Pepsi Cola, 121
syringe crisis, 91
Perception management, 50
Committee, 324
Program on Negotiation at the Harvard Law School, 72, 320
Progress for America, 280
Project of Excellence in Journalism
Proposition 226, 47
Prudential Insurance Co. of America,
374, 409
PR Watch, 373
survey 2003, 425
Pryce, Deborah, 274 Public
basing campaign on issue life
cycle, 22
list of stakeholders, 8 defined, 7
function, 347 hiring,
list of 25 functions, 13 modern
function, 7
overview, 17
staff support to public interest
committees, 422
Public affairs communication, 17 Public
Affairs Council, 7
defines grassroots lobbying, 253 importance
of ethical guidelines,405
survey of 200 CSR practitioners,
list of 25 functions, 13
Public Affairs Foundation
forms of political assistance, 293 Public
affairs strategies, 21
Public agenda, 41
Public Broadcast System (PBS), 116,
143, 174, 203
corporate underwriters, 212 Public
communication, 23
used in public involvement life
cycle stage, 22
Oversight Board established by
Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 393
Investor Protection Act of
2002 (see also
Sarbanes-Oxley Act), 393 Public
confidence in business
eroded by corporate scandals, 351 Public
goods, 405
Public interest
attempts to define, 404 groups,
related to CSR, 411
Public interest committee of board
of directors, 420
membership criteria, 421 Public
Interest Profiles, 28 Public involvement,
life cycle stage, 19
media strategies, 89
Public issues agenda, 99
Public journalism, 176, 213-214 Public
Policy Group, 77, 517
Public policy polls, 122 Public
about Microsoft, 232
advice in reporting on, 124
public support lessened by scandals, 352, 354
factor in CSX suit, 326
function of surveys, 226
importance in ligitation, 316
importance in public affairs, 225
government is biggest threat, 354
likened to role of price in marketplace, 382
need for lawyers to sway, 316 negative views
toward media, 202 on profits, 414
environment, 5
polls and surveys, 202
polls funded by Microsoft, 12 public
opinion survey
public policy polls, 118 Public
participation, 59
an engagement strategy, 53
as shift from wholesale to retail,
core values and practices, 57 in
government, 53
mechanism used, 55
Conference, 53
Public perception
importance in litigation PR, 331 Public
policy decisions
guided by public interest, 405 Public
policy group relations
as public affairs function, 14 Public
policy process, 14, 59
government action, 15
related to public affairs, 14, 17 role of
interest groups, 59
Public policy publicity, 120 Public
writers, 257
assistance in speech writing and
media relations, 427
dealing with an angry public, 78 differing
values from lawyers, 329 had ear of CEOs,
importance of negotiation skills, 72 listing of
publics, 8
reliance on mass media, 91
staff support to public interest
committees, 422
urged to take initiative with legal
counsel, 329
uses relationship model, 417 Public
Relations Coalition
Restoring Trust in Business, 418
Public relations firms in D.C., 236
Public Relations Society of America
Silver Anvil Awards, 91
supports greater transparency, 424 Public
Response Group, 263
Publics, 6, 8
Purcell, Philip, 399
PUSH (People United to Save Humanity), 41
Push technology, 2215
Pulic relations firms in D.C., 236 Public
Response Group, 263
Publicity to improve company reputation, 427 Publics, 6,
Purcell, Philip, 399
PUSH (People United to Save Humanity) boycott of Nike, 41
Quaker Oats Company, 246 Quayle,
Dan, 321
Qwest Communications Intl., 399
RACE formula in PR, 18 Radio, 140
Raine, Howell, 174
Rainforest Action Network, 40 Rainmaker
(The), film, 306
Rand Corporation
Institute for Civil Justice survey,
special purpose entity of Enron,
Rating of reporters, 114 Rather,
Bush national guard story, 173
comments on media activists,
Raynor, J. Bruce, 364 RCA, 210
Read, Robert
GM pickup truck story, 193 Readership,
decline of, 129
Reagan administration, 348 Reagan,
Ronald, 106
debate with Carter, 145
impression management, 145
the camera doesnt lie, 137
getting government off peoples
backs, 385
Redux, 335
Reebok, 15
Reed, John S., 392
Reed, Ralph, 12, 253
Registered Traveler program, 358 Regulations
rise in 1960s and 1970s, 224
sometimes sought by business, 38
Rehnquist, William H., 312
experts, 334
Sacher, Dana,
on advance notice, 116 Safe Drinking
Water Act, 266 Salant, Richard, 176
Salomon Smith Barney, 391 Sanders,
Joseph, 333
Sandstrom, Karl, 285, 288 Sanger,
Stephen W., 395
Sarah Scaife Foundation, 268 Sarbanes,
on lax regulators, 391
Congressional passage, 393
main provisions, 394 Sarokin, H.
Lee, 335
Sauer, Elizabeth, 302
Save Our Environment, 153
Saving and loan industry scandal,
Scalia, Antonin, 313
Scandals reveal extent of corporate
dominance, 350
Scenario planning, 20, 330 Schmertz,
advice on TV appearances, 143
interview with Bill Moyers, 167
rejects fourth-estate status of
media, 107
about a company, 166
Schorr, Daniel, 188 Schultz,
Sherman Antitrust Act, 381 Showtime,
Siebel, Thomas, 274
Sierra Club, 30, 46, 54, 263, 348
membership growth, 28
used 527 loophole, 284 Simon,
Donald J., 278
Sinclair Broadcasting
election, 366
film, 367
Singer, P. W., 356
Sitrick, Michael, 102
Sixth Amendment, 329
Skilling, Jeffrey, 350
filled with weening ambition, 351 pleaded
guilty, 396, 397
testifies on deregulation, 299 Skip,
Andrew, 211
Sloan, Alfred P., Jr.
goal of GM is to make money,
Small group meetings, 61 Small
publications, 66
Smith Kline, 183
Smith, Adam, 381, 384 Smith,
Patricia, 172
Smith, Randy, 102
Snoqualmie River, 74
Snyder, James M., Jr., 277 Social
action groups, 31 Social audit, 52
defined, 424
used by Nike, McDonalds & The
Body Shop, 52
Social costs
2nd level of social responsibility
pyramid, 409
applied to CSR, 409 Social
stages in build-up, 37 Social
4th level of social responsibility,
by Cisco Systems and Pfizer, 411 Social
related to CSR, 409
Steelcase, 361
Stern, Andrew, 363 Stevens, J.
P., 39
Stevens, John Paul, 312
Stewart, Martha, 316, 397
objective of advocacy advertising, 158
Stock exchanges
infrastructure, 392
Stoddard, Rob, 240
Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never
Heal, 368
Stories neglected by news media. 118 Strategic
campaign management,
17, 22
Strategic philanthropy, 406 Strategy
formulation, 21 Streep, Meryl, 32
Streusand, Benjamin Earl, 277 Stroetzel,
Donald S., 158
Subcontracting of government
svces., 356
Subsidies to media, 118
Successful Marketing Strategists, 103 Suing the
media, 185
Sullivan, Leon, 423 Sullivan,
Scott, 349 Sun (The), 207
Sun Oil, 257
distribution, 116
destroying records, 337
in judicial proceedings, 335 Supreme
Survival International, 154 Sustainable
capitalism, 428 Swartz, Mark, 397
Swasy, Alecia
implicated in P&G probe, 117 Sweeney,
John, 28, 47
Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for
recipient of 527 funds, 280 SWOT
analysis, 17
Synhorst, Tom, 280
Tabloid laundering, 205
Taft-Hartley Act, 199, 383
section 8 (c), 47
Talk show hosts, 129 Tamraz,
Roger, 291 Tate, Sheila
Tax Relief Coalition, 160
Technical Advisory Group, 77 Technology
effectiveness, 265
technology summit set up by
President Clinton, 12
Teeter, Robert M., 232
intense lobbying for, 368
programs, 142
TeleMark, 263 Telephones
use in grassroots lobbying, 262 surveys, 43
ads featuring Bill Gates, 12
gets largest chunk of political advertising, 284
how to speak TV, 146
helping rules in interviews, 145 looking
ones best, 147
like drug habit, 138
major source of news, 138
power illustrated by politics, 138 stations
engage in polling, 122 viewership, 138
Tennessee Valley Authority, 42, 356 TermRights,
committee, 244
Texaco, 63, 311
Thatcher, Margaret, 356
Think tanks, 12, 48, 174, 242 Third
jump-starting news, 101 Thirdparty advocacy
programs, 262
constituencies, 256
support in crises, 331 Third
sector, 29, 37
Understanding Media, 145
Union Carbide, 54, 324, 325
Union of Concerned Scientists, 44 United
Auto Workers, 363
United Nations
recognizes NGOs, 30
United Parcel Service, 276
United Seniors Association, 284 Universal
Leaf & Tobacco, 325 University of Oregon,
Univision, 280
Unlimited, 258
Times, 211
USA Today, 121, 161, 207, 426
Jack Kelley affair, 174
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 234, 251
ad campaign for tort reform, 328
Change, 287
Computer-driven phone banks, 268 junk
science in courts, 334
member of Alliance for Energy
and Econ. Growth, 153 seeks
lawsuit reform, 268
U.S. Department of Education
hires Armstrong Williams, 372
U.S. Department of Energy, 54, 114
Public Participation
Benchmarking Conference, 53
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
controversial VNR, 120
enrichment Corporation, 356
lobbied by Ford and GM, 266
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), 306
U.S. Information Agency, 83
U.S. News & World Report, 106, 203 Usenet,
Utne Reader, 194
Vacheron, Davidon ad re
Value conflicts, 78 Verizon,
Wager, Robert J., 291
Wagoner, Rick, 257
Waksal, Samuel, 350
Wal-Mart, 116, 276
union avoidance, 47-48
Wall Street firms slow in changing
culture, 395, 397-398
Wall Street Journal, 74, 156, 205
Mobil imposes news boycott, 113
Wallace, Mike, 176-177, 191
idea, 200
Wallingford, Rufus, 314 Walsh, Ed
fragility of corporate power, 31 Walt
Disney, 10, 181
Warner, Mark, 290
Washington Post, 107, 115, 158,
200, 203, 212
Washington Window, 294
WashingtonGroup International
military contractor, 357 Washingtonian
Magazine, 100 Watkins, Sherron, 388
Watt, J. C., 285
Weaken antagonists
a containment strategy, 44
Websites, 106
interaction, 267
network, 12
most popular items on corporate
sites, 126
Webster, William, 393
weening ambition of Lay and
Skilling, 351
Weill, Sanford I., 392
Governance, 390
Wellington, Ralph G., 331 Welsh,
Elizabeth J., 256 Werle, Chuck, 115
Wertheimer, Fred, 285
criticizes 527 groups, 285 criticism of
soft money, 278 on impact of 527s, 280
West Publishing,
dealings with Justice Dept., 285
sponsors trips for Supreme Court
Justices, 312
uses advocacy ad to influence
Justice Dept, 159
Westin, David, 205
strategy, 100
Wicker, Tom, 209
Wigand, Jeffrey, 157 Will,
George, 106
Williams, Armstrong, 373 Willie
Horton ad, 139
Wilson, Pete, 47
Winfrey, Oprah, 224
Winn-Dixie supermarkets, 116 Wisconsin
Advertising Project, 285 Wolfensohn, James,
Woods, Mike, 42
Woodward, Bob, 89
Woolard, Edgar S., 412
reactions, 93
Worker Rights Consortium, 46 World
Bank, 55
Yahoo, 126
Young, Andrew, 52
Young, Peck, 264
Zauderer, Phililp Q., Dalkon Shield
lawyer, 322
Zelnick, Bob
declares Sinclair decision unfortunate, 368