33 Threatened Fungi in Europe

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Strasbourg, 13 June 2001

T-PVS (2001) 34

[Bern\T-PVS 2001\tpvs34e_2001]



Standing Committee

Datasheets of threatened mushrooms

of Europe, candidates for listing
in Appendix I of the Convention

Document established by
The European Council for Conservation of Fungi (ECCF)

This document will not be distributed at the meeting. Please bring this copy.
Ce document ne sera plus distribu en runion. Prire de vous munir de cet exemplaire.


T-PVS (2001) 34

1. Foreword ............................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Scientific coordination committee and draft proposal list ................................................................... 6
3.1. Finland: Heikki Kotiranta ..................................................................................................................... 6
3.2. France: Prof. Regis Courtecuisse .......................................................................................................... 6
3.3. Germany: Peter Otto............................................................................................................................. 6
3.4. Italy: Claudia Perini ............................................................................................................................. 6
3.5. The Netherlands: Eef Arnolds............................................................................................................... 6
3.6. Russian Federation: Prof. Alexander Kovalenko ................................................................................... 6
3.7. Sweden: Anders Bohlin ........................................................................................................................ 6
3.8. Switzerland: Beatrice Senn-Irlet ........................................................................................................... 6
3.9. United Kingdom: Shelley Evans ........................................................................................................... 6
3.10. Consulate partners .............................................................................................................................. 6
4. List of fungi ........................................................................................................................................... 7
4.1. Amanita friabilis .................................................................................................................................. 7
4.2. Amylocystis lapponica.......................................................................................................................... 8
4.3. Antrodia albobrunnea .......................................................................................................................... 9
4.4. Armillaria ectypa ............................................................................................................................... 10
4.5. Boletopsis grisea ................................................................................................................................ 11
4.6. Boletus dupainii ................................................................................................................................. 12
4.7. Bovista paludosa ................................................................................................................................ 13
4.8. Cantharellus melanoxeros .................................................................................................................. 14
4.9. Cortinarius ionochlorus ..................................................................................................................... 15
4.10. Entoloma bloxamii ........................................................................................................................... 16
4.11. Geoglossum atropurpureum ............................................................................................................. 17
4.12. Gomphus clavatus ............................................................................................................................ 18
4.13. Hapalopilus croceus......................................................................................................................... 19
4.14. Hapaloporus odorus......................................................................................................................... 20
4.15. Hericium erinaceum ......................................................................................................................... 21
4.16. Hohenbuehelia culmicola ................................................................................................................. 22
4.17. Hygrocybe calyptriformis ................................................................................................................. 23
4.18. Hygrophorus purpurascens .............................................................................................................. 24
4.19. Laricifomes officinalis ...................................................................................................................... 25
4.20. Leucopaxillus compactus.................................................................................................................. 26
4.21. Lyophyllum favrei............................................................................................................................. 27
4.22. Myriostoma coliforme ...................................................................................................................... 28
4.23. Phylloporus pelletieri ....................................................................................................................... 29
4.24. Podoscypha multizonata................................................................................................................... 30
4.25. Pycnoporellus alboluteus.................................................................................................................. 31
4.26. Sarcodon fuligineoviolaceus............................................................................................................. 32
4.27. Sarcosoma globosum........................................................................................................................ 33
4.28. Sarcosphaera coronaria ................................................................................................................... 34
4.29. Skeletocutis odora ............................................................................................................................ 35
4.30. Suillus sibiricus ................................................................................................................................ 36
4.31. Torrendia pulchella.......................................................................................................................... 37
4.32. Tricholoma colossus......................................................................................................................... 38
4.33. Tulostoma niveum ............................................................................................................................ 39
Appendix ................................................................................................................................................. 40
Picture credit............................................................................................................................................. 40
Survey of consulted red list ....................................................................................................................... 41
List of people who sent support and approval for presentation of the ECCF fact-sheets ............................. 43

T-PVS (2001) 34


1. Foreword
On the 9th September 1997, the French Ministry of Foreign Office gave me an agreement to represent
the J.E.C in the standing committee.
Member of the standing committee O.N.G., I proposed the inclusion of fungi in annexe 1 of Bern
Convention, and in December 1998, I was commissioned to carry out a study on the threatened mushrooms
of Europe, document T-PVS (99) 39, presented in the 19th meeting. The following was the proposal at the
20th meeting in November 2000, to put forward an amendment for inclusion of mushrooms in annexe I in the
21st session 2001.
The French delegate, Mrs Herrenschmidt, and the Sweden delegate, Mr Larsson, were proposed to
present the amendment, and after consultation it was agreed that Mrs Herrenschmidt (with the help of the
expert committee of J.E.C -E.C.C.F ) will present this document to the Bern Convention for the 21st session.
I would like to thank on behalf of fungi all the people who helped me in coordinating this proposal and
especially Mr Eladio Fernndez-Galliano, Head of the Natural Heritage Division, and all the mycologists
mentioned in this document .

Jean-Paul Koune 1
O.N.G. Bern Convention
Vice chair J.E.C.
Delegate E.C.C.F.

For any further information, please contact:

Jean-Paul Koune, 27 Cdt. Franois, 67100 Strasbourg, France
Tel. +33 3 88 39 67 76 E-mail: jean-paul.koune.jec@wanadoo.fr
He is present in the 21st cession 2001 in Strasbourg and can present to the delegation colour documents.


T-PVS (2001) 34

2. Introduction
Fungi are quite often neglected in nature conservation and in the evaluation of habitats. Various reasons
may explain this situation:
1. Fungi are extremely numerous in species, the ratio between fungi and plants in natural habitats ranging
around 6:1.
2. Many species are difficult to determine, especially in the field.
3. Most fungal fruitbodies are ephemeral and species may remain unrecorded for years as a result of
unfavourable fruiting conditions, although they are present and biologically active.
4. Mycological inventories therefore need years of intensive fieldwork so that nature-managers often discard
fungi from their action plans because of technical difficulties.
However, fungi are now recognised to have crucial roles in natural ecosystem functioning:
1. They are involved in a wide range of symbioses : about 85 % of the Earth's vascular plants form
mycorrhizae with fungi; this is the most vital of their ecological roles without fungi, there would be no
forests nor any structured natural habitats.
2 .Fungi are primary agents of organic matter decomposition, allowing nutrient recycling and release of
essential elements back into the ecosystem.
3. Fungi are involved in primary soil formation; they modify soil permeability, aggregation, ionic exchange
and water-retention.
4. They are a source of food for a very wide range of animals, both vertebrate and invertebrate (not to
mention the consumption of wild mushrooms by man).
5. They enhance seed germination through erosion of the seed skin.
Fungi also have crucial roles in human ecosystem functioning, such as
6. Providing key metabolites for industrial applications, especially for pharmaceutical companies (the
discovery of antibiotics caused the major historical revolution in medicine).
7. Being integral to bioremediation through metabolism and accumulation of toxic materials.
8. Taking part in the global economy through the pharmaceutical industry, biotechnological processes,
agriculture, forestry and the food industry.
Because of these important attributes fungi clearly deserve special attention in the conservation process,
the more so since many species are very rare and restricted to special, often threatened habitats. Moreover
many species are decreasing in large parts of their geographical range as a result of habitat destruction,
changing land use and environmental pollution.
In Europe the number of macrofungi, producing large and visible fruitbodies, is about 8,000. Only these
fungi are considered for this proposal. In addition several thousands of microfungi are found in Europe.
Specific mycological activities in Europe have now yielded a good level of knowledge about threats, decline
or regional extinction affecting macrofungi. For 25 years, mycologists from across Europe have formed an
informal but effective network, the European Council for Conservation of Fungi (ECCF), to compare their
results in this field and to elaborate common strategies. For about 10 years, a careful selection of priority
species has been conducted.
The present document is the result of this long-term collaboration between specialists in mycology and
nature conservation. The selection of the proposed species is mainly based on information in the many
available national and regional Red Data Lists of threatened species. A survey of these lists is added as an
appendix to this proposal. Furthermore, only well-defined species with conspicuous, often large fruitbodies
are included, so that monitoring of these species is a realistic option.
The proposed list of 33 species comprises European priority species, for which threat is identified,
management can be efficiently adapted and conservation effort would yield a clear benefit to the concerned
ecosystems. Priority habitats for the proposed species include old-growth forests, forests on very poor soils,
bogs and swampy forests, unfertilised meadows, calcareous grasslands and sand dunes.
The introduction of these species into the Bern Convention Appendix would be a major contribution to
nature conservation and would recognise the crucial value of fungi in the planets ecosystem. However, it
should be stressed that in fact many more species are threatened and in need of protection on a European
scale. Over three thousand species are listed as threatened or susceptible on at least one national Red List in
Europe. A preliminary selection of candidates for a European Red List comprised 284 species. Therefore this
proposal should be regarded as only the first step on a long way to go in order to achieve effective
conservation of biodiversity of fungi and their natural habitats.
Prof. Dr. Rgis Courtecuisse, Chairman ECCF

T-PVS (2001) 34


3. Scientific coordination committee and draft proposal list

3.1. Finland

Dr Heikki Kotiranta
Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki Delegate ECCF

3.2. France

Prof. Dr. Rgis Courtecuisse

Department of Botany, Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, Lille
Chairman ECCF

Jean-Paul Koune
Strasbourg Delegate ECCF ONG Bern Convention Vice-Chairman JOC

3.3. Germany

Dr Peter Otto
University of Leipzig, Botanical Institute, Leipzig Delegate ECCF

3.4. Italy

Dr Claudia Perini
Department of Environmental Science, University, Siena Secretary ECCF

3.5. The Netherlands

Dr Eef Arnolds
Biological Station, Center for Soil Ecology, University, Wageningen Delegate

3.6. Russian Federation

Dr Alexander Kovalenko
Laboratory of Systematics and Geography of Funghy, Komarov Botanical Institute of
the Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg Delegate ECCF

3.7. Sweden

Anders Bohlin
Trollhttan, Member of the Mycological Expert Committee of the Swedish threatened
Species Unit Delegate ECCF

3.8. Switzerland

Dr Batrice Senn-Irlet
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf Delegate ECCF

3.9. United Kingdom

3.10. Consulate partners

3.10.1. Finla nd

Shelley Evans
Myco Services, BMS Conservation Officer, Salisbury Delegate ECCF

Esteri Ohenoja
Botanical Museum, University of Oulu, Oulu Delegate ECCF

3.10.2. Germany

Walter Ptzold
Mycology school, Hamburg

3.10.3. Great Britain

Maurice Rotheroe
Cambrian Institute of Mycology, BMS Deputy Conservation Officer, Lampeter,
Wales, United Kingdom Delegate ECCF

3.10.4. Hungary

Imre Rimczi

3.10.5. Italy

Dr Francesco Bell

University of Horticulture and Food Industry, Dept of Botany, Budapest


3.10.6. Czech Repub l ic

Miroslav Beran
Mycology, Museum South Bohemia, Csk Budjovice

Information covering endangered fungi in 30 European countries can be consulted in the Council of
Europe document T-PVS (99) 39.
Relevant literature on individual species follows each species description, in chronological order.


T-PVS (2001) 34

4. List of fungi
4.1. Amanita friabilis (P. Karst.) Bas
Fr. Amanite friable
Eng. Fragile Amanita
Ger. Erlen-Scheidenstreifling
Short characteristic
A small fly-agaric with grey cap with
ash-grey spots. Stipe with a basal
swelling, and sometimes lacking volva.

Pileus 2-6 cm broad, grey to greyochraceous or sepia, striate at margin,
with minute fugacious, ash-grey flocks
all over or mainly at disk. Lamellae free,
crowded, white. Stipe 4-12 x 0.6-1.5 cm,
slender, bulbous, with a basal volva,
very fragile and often reduced or even lacking, grey to ash-grey. Spore print white.

Distribution and status

Widespread in Europe, from northern Scandinavia southwards to Spain and Italy, eastwards to western Russia, Estonia,
Latvia and Slovakia, but rare everywhere. Not known outside Europe.

Mycorrhizal with alder (Alnus glutinosa, A. incana, A. crispa) in alder-swamps (Alnion, Alno-Padion), also with A.
viridis in the subalpine zone of Central Europe.

Fruiting period
Mainly August-October

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Austria, Estonia, Germany, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

GERMANY: Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rheinland-Pfalz, Schleswig-Holstein, Thringen.

Drainage of wetlands, eutrophication of surface-water, deforestation, planting of other tree species (mainly Populus and

Maintenance or restoration of high groundwater levels; protection of sites against clear-cut and plantation forestry.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Reid, D.A. 1987- New or interesting Records of British Hymenomycetes. VII. Not. Roy. Bot. Garden Edinburgh 44(3): 505;
Fraiture, A. 1993- Les Amanitopsis dEurope. Op. Bot. Belg. 5: 101-103;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.) 1997- Rdlistade svampar i Sverige Artfakta. [Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997]: 21;
Corriol, G. 1999- Deux espces rares des milieux humides dans une rserve biologique domaniale de la fort de Rambouillet. Bull.
Soc. Mycol. Fr. 115(2): 205-208.

T-PVS (2001) 34


4.2. Amylocystis lapponica (Romell) Bondartsev & Singer

Fr. Polypore lapon
Lapplndischer Saftporling
Short characteristic
A medium sized polypore with annual,
soft fruitbodies with a striking odour.

Basidiocarps annual, pileate, margin
sometimes lobed, medium sized,
normally no longer than 15 cm along the
wood and 8 cm across, sappy when fresh
with a pleasant odour of Ledum palustre,
hard when dry. Upper surface at the
beginning cream coloured later more or less spotted with rusty brown areas, hairy. Pore surface at first dirty white, later
brownish especially when bruised, pores very small, 2-3 pro mm.

Distribution and status

Widespread in the taiga-region from Scandinavia and East-Europe to Siberia, Russian Far East (Kamchatka) and the
United States, but rare and localised.

Saprotrophic on old dead logs and trunks of spruce (Picea) in virgin coniferous forests.


Fruiting period

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Czech Republic (also protected by law)/Slovakia, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Poland, Sweden.

The loss of virgin forests caused by forestry.

Protection of old-growth forests against exploitation by forestry.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Kotiranta, H. & Niemel, T. 1996- Uhanalaiset kvt Suomessa (Threatened polypores in Finland): 29-30. Oy Edita Ab, Helsinki;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.) 1997- Rdlistade svampar i Sverige Artfakta. [Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997]: 27. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala.


T-PVS (2001) 34

4.3. Antrodia albobrunnea (Romell) Ryvarden

Fr. Tramte blanc et brun
Ger. Weissbraune Tramete
Short characteristic
A perennial, crust-like polypore, about
hand-sized, corky, with a pleasant smell of
dried apples.

Basidiocarp up to 10 cm broad, resupinate,
1-4 mm thick. Margin at first greyish
white, woolly, later resin coloured or
almost black. Pore surface pale greyish
brown, old parts rusty brown. Subiculum
cottony, dark brown towards the wood,
pale greyish brown towards the pores.
Pores small, about 5 10 pro mm.

Distribution and status

Mainly in northern Europe through Siberia to the western United States. Rare, for instance in European Russia (only in
Karelia 4 records); also recorded from Belarus.

On very old Pinus logs and trunks in old-growth forests on oligotrophic soils.


Fruiting period

In national lists of endangered fungi in

Finland, Norway, Poland, Sweden.

Loss of pine dominated old-growth forests and old trees due to forestry.

Protection of old-growth forests against exploitation by forestry; prevention of air pollution and application of

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Kotiranta, H. & Niemel, T. 1996- Uhanalaiset kvt Suomessa (Threatened polypores in Finland): 59-60. Oy Edita Ab, Helsinki;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar i Sverige Artfakta. [Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997]: 31. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala.

T-PVS (2001) 34

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4.4. Armillaria ectypa (Fr.) Emel

Fr. Armillaire des marais
Eng. Marsh Honey Fungus
Ger. Moor-Hallimash
Short characteristic
A rather large agaric with brown,
squamulose pileus, easily distinguished
from related species by lack of ring,
growth solitary or in loose groups and
occurrence in bogs, usually among

Pileus 3.5-10 cm, convex then applanate,
ochraceous brown to brown, slightly
paler towards the striate margin, centre
Lamellae moderately crowded to distant, adnate or emarginate, pale cream or pinkish. Stipe 7-10 x 0.7-1.3 cm,
subclavate, fistulose, pale brown, minutely pruinose to fibrillose, without veil remnants. Context white. Spore print

Distribution and status

Rare in northern, western and central Europe. Also recorded from Japan.

Probably saprotrophic in mesotrophic peat bogs and fens, usually among living Sphagnum.


Fruiting period

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Austria, Czech Republic (also protected by law)/Slovakia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Sweden,
Switzerland (extinct), The Netherlands

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

GERMANY: Baden-Wrttemberg, Bayern, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rheinland-Pfalz

Changes in groundwater regimes in and around bogs, eutrophication of groundwater, peat digging.

Protection of bogs against peat digging and drainage of surrounding areas.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Termorshuizen, A.J. [in Bas, C. et al. (eds.)] 1995- Flora Agaricina Neerlandica 3: 38-39. Rotterdam, Brookfield;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.) 1997- Rdlistade svampar i Sverige Artfakta. [Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997]: 39. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala.

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T-PVS (2001) 34

4.5. Boletopsis grisea (Peck) Bondartsev & Singer

Ger. Grauer Russporling
Short characteristic
Medium-sized to rather large, terrestrial
polypore with stipitate, annual, fleshy
fruitbodies with grey colours.

Basidiocarps annual, fleshy, with a short,
mostly central stipe. Pileus 5-15 cm
broad, pale greyish, often brownish grey
at centre , only slightly paler than
hymenium, often cracked into indistinct
scales. Pore surface when young pale
greyish white, when bruised or old pale greyish brown with pink hue, pores 3 4 pro mm. Stipe 3-7 x 1-3 cm, central to
excentric, solid, grey to grey-brown, smooth or squamulose. Context white, rather soft at first.

Distribution and status

Widespread in boreal pine forests, but in most regions rare, for instance in European Russia only known from Karelia (2
records). Also rare in mountains of Central Europe and the Canary Islands. It extends its range into boreal Asia and
North America.

Mycorrhizal with Pinus sylvestris in pine dominated forests with lichens or Ericaceae on very poor, acidic soils.

Fruiting period
August until November

In national lists of endangered fungi in

Germany, Norway, Sweden

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

GERMANY: Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Deforestation of oligotrophic pine forests; air pollution, in particular nitrogen deposition; use of fertilisers and liming to
enlarge timber production.

Reduction of air pollution; durable forest management.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Niemel, T. & Saarenoksa, R. 1989- On Fennoscandian polypores 10. Boletopsis leucomelaena and B. grisea described and
illustrated. Karstenia 29: 12-28;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar i Sverige Artfakta. [Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997]: 48. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala.

Taxonomic note
Boletopsis grisea has been confused in the past with the related species B. leucomelaena (Pers.) Fayod. However the
two species are readily distinguished. B. leucomelaena differs in less compact habit; much darker, initially blackish
pileus, strongly contrasting with paler hymenium; soft, easily breaking context and several microscopic characters. B.
leucomelaena grows mostly associated with Picea and has a more southern distribution. See further the references.

T-PVS (2001) 34

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4.6. Boletus dupainii Boudier

Fr. Bolet de Dupain
Eng. Dupains Bolete
Ger. Blutroter Hexenrhrling
Short characteristic
A very striking bolete with smooth,
lively blood-red, as lacquered looking
cap and strongly colour-changing flesh
from pale to blue.

Pileus up to 12 cm, viscid and shiny,
blood-red to scarlet then fading to
ochraceous red. Tubes yellow then olive
greenish, bluing. Pores orange then red
to orange-yellow, bluing. Stipe up to
10 x 5 cm, yellowish and reticulate upwards, reddish or bright red and red dotted elsewhere. Context pale yellow, more
or less bluing.

Distribution and status

Rare in central and southern Europe, thermophilic, mostly in southern France and the Mediterranean area, northwards to
southern Germany, also in Russia in northern Caucasus. Not known outside Europe.

Mycorrhizal with frondose trees in warm, calcareous woods (Castanea, Fagus, Quercus).

Indicated by some authors as edible, by others as suspect or slightly poisonous. In any case not harvested on a large
scale and without commercial value.

Fruiting period

In national lists of endangered fungi in

Austria, Germany, Hungary

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

GERMANY: Bayern, Saarland

Deforestation, coniferous plantations, forest fires.

Adequate protection of thermophilic deciduous forests; management restrictions on sites with this species.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Engel, H., Krieglsteiner, G.J., Dermek, A. & Watling, R. 1983- Dickrhrlinge, Die Gattung Boletus in Europa: 87-90. H. Engel,
Breitenbach, J. & Krnzlin, F. 1991- Pilze der Schweiz 3 : 54, pl. 7. Mykologia, Luzern.

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T-PVS (2001) 34

4.7. Bovista paludosa Lv.

Fr. Boviste des marais
Eng. Fen Bovist
Ger. Moor-Bovist
Short characteristic
A small, pale, subglobose to pyriform
puffball, often more or less stipitate,
characterised by occurrence in bogs.

Basidiocarps subglobose to pyriform or
capitate, 1-3 cm broad, 1.5-6 cm high,
snow-white when young with a more or
less smooth surface. At maturity the
outer surface of the basidiocarp
(exoperidium) turns into thin whitish
patches or appressed warts on a yellowish brown to bronzy blackish brown inner surface (endoperidium). Capillitium
inside of endoperidium olive-brown to brown.

Distribution and status

Widely distributed in northern, western and central Europe but rare, mostly in montane, boreal and subalpine regions,
southwards to northern Italy and Montenegro, eastwards to Carpathians. Absent from the West-European lowland. Also
known from Asia in the Himalaya range and from northern North America.

Saprotrophic amongst mosses in calcareous marshes (fens).

Fruiting period
Late summer and autumn
In the list of endangered fungi of

In national lists of endangered fungi in

Austria, Czech Republic (also protected by law)/Slovakia, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Great Britain (extinct), Norway,
Poland, Sweden, Switzerland.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

GERMANY: Baden-Wrttemberg, Bayern, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Draining of wetlands, peat digging, decreased mowing of fens.

Prevention of drainage and peat digging in fens, maintenance of mineral-rich seepage water and durable management to
prevent invasion of trees.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.
Kreisel, H. 1967- Taxonomisch-pflanzengeographische Monographie der Gattung Bovista. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 25: 1-244;
Pegler, D. N., Laessoe, T. & Spooner, B. 1995- British Puffballs, Earthstars and Stinkhorns: 134-135, figs 101, 102. Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar I Sverige Artfakta. (Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997): 62. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala;
Gminder, A., Krieglsteiner, G.J. & Winterhoff, W. 2000- Die Gropilze Baden-Wrttembergs. Band 2: 128, photograph. Stuttgart.

T-PVS (2001) 34

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4.8. Cantharellus melanoxeros

Fr. Chanterelle noircissante
Eng. Blackening chanterelle
Ger. Schwrzender Pfifferling
Short characteristic
A rather small to medium sized
chanterelle with a yellowish cap and
stipe, contrasting with the pinkish to
violaceous underside; entire fruitbody
blackening when bruised.

Pileus 2-6(-10) cm broad, turbinate at
first then flattened to depressed with
lobed, undulate margin, vividly yellow,
ochre-yellow to yellow-brown, dry.
Hymenium subdecurrent with numerous narrow, blunt ridges, furcate to the margin, lilac-pink to grey-violet. Stipe
3-5 x 0.5-1.8 cm, subcylindrical or tapering downwards, often compressed, solid, usually somewhat deeper yellow than
the pileus, often with pink or lilac tones, glabrous. Context pale cream to pale pink, blackening in age and when
exposed to the air, especially under cortex. All parts of basidiocarp blackening in places when bruised.

Distribution and status

Rare, mainly in central and northern Europe, also in Great Britain and Italy. Not known outside Europe.

Mycorrhizal with Fagus and Quercus in deciduous forests on rich, calcareous soils.

Edible and picked by mushroom hunters as accidental side-harvest. Due to rare occurrence of no commercial value. The
influence of harvesting on the populations is unknown.

Fruiting period
In national lists of endangered fungi in
Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

FRANCE: Haute-Normandie, Nord Pas-de-Calais, Pays-de-la-Loire; GERMANY: Baden-Wrttemberg, Bayern.

Acidification due to air pollution, coniferous plantations.

Management restrictions on sites of this species; reduction of air pollution.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Monthoux, P.O. & Rllin, O. 1978- Cantharellus ianthinoxanthus et melanoxeros, deux espces distinctes. Schw. Zeitschr. Pilzk.
56: 145-149;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar I Sverige Artfakta. (Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997): 76. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala;
Pegler, D.N., Roberts, P.J. & Spooner, B.M. 1997- British chanterelles and tooth fungi: 30-31, figs 17-18. Royal Botanic Gardens,
Neville, P. & Alpago-Novello, L. 1998- Deux taxons souvent confondus tort, Cantharellus melanoxeros Desm. et C.
ianthinoxanthus (Maire) Khner. Bull. Soc. Mycol. Fr. 114: 1-28.

Taxonomic note
This species has been confused in the past with the related C. ianthinoxanthus (R. Maire) Khner. The latter species is
readily distinguished by the non blackening basidiocarps, the colour of the stipe, which is whitish at first and then
pinkish-lilac, and slightly larger spores. See further the references.

4.9. Cortinarius ionochlorus Maire

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T-PVS (2001) 34

Fr. Cortinaire vert et violet

Ger. Violettblttriger Klumpfuss
Short characteristic
A striking, medium sized agaric with
olive green cap and yellow-green stipe
with remains of veil, contrasting with
lilac lamellae, with characteristic odour.

Pileus 5-8 cm, convex then planoconvex, olive green with greenish yellow
margin, shining, darkening from the
centre with age. Lamellae adnexed,
crowded, lilac. Stipe 3-5 x 1-1.5 cm,
cylindrical with marginate bulb, up to 2.5 cm, yellow-green with remains of deeply yellow-green veil. Context greenish
yellow. Smell particular, recalling rubbed leaves of Asarum europaeum. Spore print rusty brown.

Distribution and status

Mainly in south Europe, but northwards to southern Germany, rare.

Mycorrhizal with broad-leaved trees, mainly in thermophilous, undisturbed, evergreen deciduous forests, e.g. with
Quercus ilex on calcareous soil; in Germany with Fagus.

Fruiting period
In national lists of endangered fungi in
In regional lists of endangered fungi in
GERMANY: Bayern, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein.

Nitrogen deposition, acidification, changed land-use, possibly forest fires.

Adequate protection of old, evergreen mediterranean forests; reduction of air pollution.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Courtecuisse, R. & Duhem, B. 1994- Guide des champignons de France et dEurope : 338, fig. 1177. Delachaux et Niestl,
Lausanne, Paris;
Brandrud, T.E., Lindstrm, H., Marklund, H., Melot, J. & Muskos, S. 1998- Cortinarius Flora Photographica. Part 4: D06.
Cortinarius HB, Matfors.

T-PVS (2001) 34

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4.10. Entoloma bloxamii (Berk. & Broome) Sacc.

Important synonym:
Entoloma madidum
sensu auct.
Fr. Entolome de Bloxam
Eng. Bloxams Entoloma
Ger. Blauer Rtling
Short characteristic
A medium sized to rather large agaric,
well-characterised by the blue pileus and
stipe in combination with pink lamellae.

Pileus 3.5-8 cm, conico-convex to
flattened, often with broad umbo, not hygrophanous, deep blue or greyish blue when young, then violaceous blue,
becoming more brownish with age, not translucently striate, dry and smooth to radially fibrillose. Lamellae crowded,
almost free, whitish at first, then salmon pink to flesh colour. Stipe 4-7 x 1-2.5 cm, tapering downwards, solid, steel
blue to violaceous blue, gradually discolouring more brownish, base whitish or yellow. Context firm, white inside.
Smell and taste farinaceous. Spore print brownish pink.

Distribution and status

Widely distributed in Europe but rare, from the lowlands up to montane zone. Also recorded from North-America and

Saprotrophic, mainly in poor, old, unfertilised meadows and hayfields on calcareous, loamy soils; in southern Europe
also in broad-leaved forests.


Fruiting period

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Austria, Denmark, Germany, Great-Britain, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

FRANCE: Haute-Normandie, Nord Pas-de-Calais, Pays-de-la-Loire; GERMANY: Baden-Wrttemberg, Bayern, Hessen,
Niedersachsen, Saarland, Sachsen, Thringen.

Discontinuing maintaining, agricultural improvement, afforestation.

Continued traditional cultivation with grazing or hay-making and no addition of fertilisers or soil disturbance.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Noordeloos, M.E. [in Bas, C. et al. (eds.)] 1988- Flora Agaricina Neerlandica 1: 96-97. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Brookfield;
Breitenbach, J. & Krnzlin, F. 1995- Pilze der Schweiz 4: 56, pl. 12. Mykologia, Luzern;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar I Sverige Artfakta. (Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997): 204. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala.

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4.11. Geoglossum atropurpureum Batsch: Fr.

Important synonym:
Thuemenidium atropurpureum
(Batsch: Fr.) O. Kuntze
Fr. Goglosse pourpre-noir
Eng. Dark Purple Earth Tongue
Ger. Schwarzrote Erdzunge
Short characteristic
A slender, clavate earth-tongue with
purplish black colours.

Ascocarps slenderly clavate to fusiform
or subcylindrical, 3-9.5 cm high, 0.7-1.5
(2) cm broad. Upper part fertile, up to 7 cm long, compressed and usually wrinkled lengthwise, smooth, dry, reddish
brown, purplish brown, purplish black to blackish brown. Stipe up to 3 cm long, 0.2-1 cm broad, not sharply separated
from fertile part, not compressed, smooth to squamulose, concolorous with fertile part.

Distribution and status

Rare, mainly in central, northern and western Europe. Also recorded from Macaronesia and North America.

Saprotrophic in old, unfertilised grasslands and grass-heath communities on acidic to subneutral, sandy and loamy soils,
in pastured as well as mown grasslands; sometimes reported from forests and forest clearings.


Fruiting period

In national lists of endangered fungi in

Finland, Germany, Great-Britain, Hungary, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

BELGIUM: Flanders; GERMANY: Brandenburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thringen.

Discontinuing maintaining, agricultural improvement, afforestation of abandoned grasslands.

Continued management by grazing or mowing with removal of the sward; avoiding of fertiliser application and soil

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Breitenbach, J. & Krnzlin, F. 1984- Pilze der Schweiz 1: 132, pl. 134. Mykologia, Luzern;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar I Sverige Artfakta. (Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997): 236. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala.

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4.12. Gomphus clavatus (Pers.: Fr.) Gray

Fr. Chanterelle violette
Eng. Pigs Ear
Ger. Schweinsohr
Short characteristic
A highly characteristic fungus with fairly large, lilac, club-shaped
fruitbodies with flattened apex.

Basidiocarps 40-100 x 20-70 mm, flattened obconical or clavate to
slightly infundibuliform, usually solid, occasionally split
lengthwise, ear-shaped. Upper side first tomentose, violet then
discolouring yellow-brown with lilac tinge. Hymenium with low,
furcate ridges or wrinkled, lilac-violet to flesh-colour. Context
soft, white. Smell and taste weak. A good edible species, harvested
in many regions.

Distribution and status

In large parts of Europe, but lacking in the western European
lowland; in Russia very rare. Mainly growing in montane to subalpine areas; in some regions, e.g. the Swiss Alps, not
uncommon and fruiting in large quantities in some years. Strongly decreasing in large parts of Central Europe. Also
recorded from Asia and North America.

Mycorrhizal with coniferous trees (Abies, Picea) and with beech (Fagus) in mature coniferous and deciduous forests on
calcareous and subneutral, loamy soils and clay, mainly in the montane and subalpine zones.

The fruitbodies are edible and tasty and often collected by mushroom hunters for private consumption. Without
commercial value.

Fruiting period
August until November

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Sweden.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

FRANCE: Nord Pas-de-Calais (extinct); GERMANY: Baden-Wrttemberg, Bayern, Brandenburg, Hessen, MecklenburgVorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein,

Acidification and eutrophication of forest soils, probably also harvesting.

Reduction of air pollution, limitation or prohibition of harvesting.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Lange, L. 1974- The Distribution of Macromycetes in Europe. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv 30 (1): 1-105;
Breitenbach, J. & Krnzlin F. 1986- Pilze der Schweiz 2: 368, pl. 480. Mykologia, Luzern;
Dhncke, R.M. 1993- 1200 Pilze: 1025. AT Verlag, Aarau;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar I Sverige Artfakta. (Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997): 245. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala;
Otto, P. et al. 1998- Karten zur Pilzverbreitung in Ostdeutschland. 15. Serie: Ausgewhlte Arten der Cantharellales s.l. Gleditschia
26: 105-143.

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4.13. Hapalopilus croceus (Pers.: Fr.) Donk

Important synonym:
Auratioporus croceus (Pers.: Fr.) Murrill
Fr. Polypore safran
Eng. Orange Polypore
Ger. Safrangelber Weichporling
Short characteristic
A large, annual polypore, with striking orange colours and soft flesh.

Basidiocarp broadly attached, up to 20 cm wide, 15 cm long and 6 cm
thick at the base, soft when fresh, brittle when dry. Upper surface pale
orange at first, hairy, then orange-brown and smooth. Tubes
0.5-1.5 cm long, with rather small pores, 2-3 pro mm, reddish orange,
drying orange-brown. Whole basidiocarp becoming cherry-red in
contact with KOH.

Distribution and status

Widespread from Great Britain through central and eastern Europe, northwards up to the oak-limit, southwards to Italy.
Known from seven regions of European Russia, also from Belarus and northern Caucasus. Everywhere very rare. Also
known from North America.

A weak parasite on very old deciduous trees, surviving saprotrophic on dead trunks for many years, in Fennoscandia
and most other regions only growing on Quercus but also known from Castanea and Robinia.


Fruiting period
Early summer until autumn

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Armenia, Austria, Czech Republic/Slovakia, Denmark (extinct), Estonia (also protected by law), Germany, Great
Britain, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland (extinct),Sweden (also protected by law), Switzerland, Yugoslavia.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

GERMANY: Baden-Wrttemberg, Brandenburg, Hessen, Niedersachsen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Sachsen-Anhalt, SchleswigHolstein.

Felling of old oak trees, cutting of old stands of natural, deciduous forests.

Forest reserves including old Quercus stands can secure the survival of this beautiful species.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Jahn, H. 1979- Pilze die an Holz wachsen: 122-123. Baranek & Frost, Herford;
Ryvarden, L. & Gilbertson, R.L. 1993- European Polypores 1: 300-302. Fungiflora, Oslo;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar i Sverige Artfakta. [Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997]: 45. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala.

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4.14. Haploporus odorus (Sommerf.: Fr.) Bondartsev & Singer

Important synonym:
Haploporus suaveolens (L.: Fr.) Donk
[non Trametes suaveolens (Fr.) Fr.]
Fr. Polypore odorant
Eng. Aniseed Polypore
Ger. Wohlriechender-Weidenporling
Short characteristic
A medium sized, thick, perennial, whitish polypore with very strong,
characteristic smell of anise.

Basidiocarp pileate, hoof-shaped, up to 15 cm broad and 7 cm
radius, perennial, corky hard or when old almost woody-hard, sharpedged. Upper surface when young matted, pure white or ivory white,
later becoming dark grey or black in oldest parts. Pore surface white
or creamy white, pores 4 5 pro mm. Context up to 2 cm thick,
whitish, zoned. Taste bitter; smell very pleasant and strong, anise-like.

Distribution and status

Rare in taiga-region in North-Europe through Siberia; for instance known from 4 regions of European Russia; also rare
in North America.

On old, large willows (Salix caprea) in mixed old forests, often close to moist depressions or along small brooks.


Fruiting period

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Armenia, Finland, Norway, Sweden (also protected by law).

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

RUSSIA : Leningrad Region.

Cutting of old Salix caprea trees.

Salix caprea is almost the only host tree and old trees should be protected also in commercially managed forests.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Kotiranta, H. & Niemel, T. 1996- Uhanalaiset kvt Suomessa (Threatened polypores in Finland): 48-49, pl. 13. Oy Edita Ab,
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar i Sverige Artfakta. [Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997]: 251. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala.

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T-PVS (2001) 34

4.15. Hericium erinaceum (Bull.: Fr.) Pers.

Fr. Hydne hrisson
Eng. Monkey Head
Ger. Igel-Stachelbart
Short characteristic
A large to very large tooth fungus, made up of
several layers of long, white spines, growing on old

Basidiocarp sessile or with short stipe, annual, up
to 25 cm across, comprising one or more large,
apileate clusters of long, pendent spines originating from a large, white bulbous tissue. Hymenium of teeth or spines, 14 cm long, white becoming yellowish brown in age. Context soft, fleshy, white, becoming yellowish brown with age.

Distribution and status

Widespread in Europe, from the lowland up to the montane zone, north to southern Scandinavia; generally rare, for
instance in Switzerland (5 records between 220 and 930 m) and Austria (4 records from the Vienna region, altitude
150m). Locally more common, e.g. in southern England and the central part of the Netherlands. Also recorded from
Asia and North America.

Growing as a weak parasite on trunks and thick branches of old, standing deciduous trees, mainly Quercus and Fagus,
often in old wounds, often high above the ground and fruiting many years on the same tree. It occurs in old, deciduous
forests but also on planted trees in parks and along roadsides.

Young fruitbodies are edible and occasionally harvested by mushroom hunters. The species is also cultivated on a small
scale and sold on European markets. Also inoculum is occasionally offered for cultivation at home. The commercial
value is limited.

Fruiting period
Summer until autumn, sometimes persisting through winter.

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Armenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Macedonia, Poland, Sweden (also protected by
law), Switzerland, The Netherlands.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

BELGIUM: Flanders; FRANCE: Haute-Normandie (extinct), Nord Pas-de-Calais, Pays-de-la-Loire; GERMANY: BadenWrttemberg, Bayern, Brandenburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen,
Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thringen.

Intensive forest use (silviculture), cutting of old Fagus and Quercus trees, also along roads and in parks for safety
reasons. The rarity of this species is caused by scarcity of old growth forests in the belt of deciduous trees.

Conservation of old, deciduous woodlands and solitary trees.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Marchand, A. 1976- Champignons du nord et du midi 4: pl. 336. Hachette, Perpignan;
Jahn, H. 1979- Pilze die an Holz wachsen: 78, pl. 42. Baranek & Frost, Herford;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar i Sverige Artfakta. [Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997]: 257. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala;
Pegler, D.N., Roberts, P.J. & Spooner, B.M. 1997- British chanterelles and tooth fungi: 56-57, figs 39-41. Royal Botanic Gardens,

T-PVS (2001) 34

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4.16. Hohenbuehelia culmicola M. Bon

Fr. Pleurote des chaumes
Eng. Marram Oyster
Ger. Halm-Muscheling
Short characteristic
A small agaric with dark cap and eccentric to
lateral stipe, growing on Ammophila culms in
coastal sand dunes.

Pileus 0.5-2.5(-4) cm, kidney-shaped to
flabelliform or circular, ochre to blackish brown,
velvety. Stipe 0.2-2 x 0.2-1 cm, eccentric to
lateral, short, black brown, villose. Lamellae
decurrent, rather distant, whitish with white to
brown edge. Context white, but in pileus with
dark, gelatinous layer under upper surface. Smell
farinaceous when cut; taste farinaceous. Spore print white.

Distribution and status

Rare in coastal areas of Northwest-Europe. Not known outside Europe.

Saprotrophic on the base of culms of Ammophila in coastal dunes.


Fruiting period

In national lists of endangered fungi in

Denmark, Great Britain, The Netherlands.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

FRANCE: Nord Pas-de-Calais; GERMANY: Schleswig-Holstein.

Disturbance of sandy coasts by recreation facilities, coastal management (fixing of natural dynamics).

Protection of natural coastline.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Watling, R. & Gregory, N. 1987- Brit. Fung. Fl. 6 : 42. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew;
Elborne, S. [in Bas, C. et al. (eds.)] 1995- Flora Agaricina Neerlandica 3: 162. Rotterdam, Brookfield.

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4.17. Hygrocybe calyptriformis (Berk. & Broome) Fayod

Fr. Hygrophore en capuchon
Eng. Pink Waxcap
Ger. Rosenroter Saftling
Short characteristic
This agaric is unmistakable by the
medium large, entirely pinkish red
fruitbodies with conical pileus and
thickish lamellae.

Pileus 2.5-6(-7) cm, acutely conical at
first, then conico-convex to campanulate
with acute umbo, margin first involute,
then horizontal to revolute and often
lacerate, entirely pink to reddish pink
with lilac tone, innate-fibrillose, viscid when moist. Lamellae subdistant, thickish, free or adnexed, ventricose,
concolorous with pileus, then discolouring whitish. Stipe 5-10(-12) x 0.5-1 cm, cylindrical, fistulose, pale pink or
whitish, fibrillose striate lengthwise, dry. Context in pileus pink, in stipe whitish, fragile, fibrillose. Smell and taste
weak, not distinctive. Spore print white.

Distribution and status

Widespread in Europe, lacking in the northwestern European lowland, rare everywhere, for instance only one locality
known in Russia (Urals), also recorded from Ukraine, Latvia and Lithuania. Also known from Asia and North-America.

Old, undisturbed, unfertilised meadows and hayfields from the coast up to the alpine zone.

The species is regarded as edible but not tasty. It is rarely harvested by mushroom hunters and without commercial

Fruiting period

In national lists of endangered fungi in

Austria, Denmark, Germany, Great-Britain, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Yugoslavia.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

BELGIUM: Flanders; FRANCE: Haute-Normandie (extinct), Nord Pas-de-Calais, Pays-de-la-Loire; GERMANY: BadenWrttemberg, Bayern, Saarland.

Discontinuing maintaining of grasslands, agricultural improvement, afforestation of abandoned grasslands.

Continued management by grazing or mowing with removal of the sward.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Breitenbach, J. & Krnzlin, F. 1991- Pilze der Schweiz 3: 102, pl. 80. Mykologia, Luzern;
Boertmann, D. 1995- The Genus Hygrocybe: 136-137. Svampetryk, Greve, Denmark.

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4.18. Hygrophorus purpurascens (Alb. & Schw.: Fr.) Fr.

Fr. Hygrophore pourpr
Eng. Purple-red Hygrophorus
Ger. Beschleierter Schneckling
Short characteristic
A rather large agaric with whitish to pinkish
fruitbodies with characteristic purple spots
all-over, the stipe with a fugacious, curtainlike ring.

Pileus 3-10 cm broad, hemispherical to
conico-convex with involute margin, then
plano-convex with umbo, on white to pale
pink background with numerous small purplish or vinaceous spots to somewhat squamulose, slightly viscid. Lamellae
distant, broadly adnate to subdecurrent, cream at first, then purple or reddish spotted, especially along the margin. Stipe
4.5-10 x 1-2.5 cm, cylindrical, solid, white to pale pink, then with purplish spots, initially connected with margin of
pileus with white cortina, leaving a fugacious, fibrillose annulus under the apex. Context firm, white. Smell and taste
weak, not distinctive. Spore print white.

Distribution and status

Very rare in Europe, at present restricted to North Europe and the Central-European mountains. Formerly in a few
places in the West-European lowlands (e.g. The Netherlands). Swiss records are from 1000 to 1600 m in the alpine
cantons and the northern prealps; in northern Italy also at lower altitudes. No recent Austrian records. In European
Russia only known from Kursk region and Urals. Also recorded from Ukraine. A different ecotype (var. cedretorum
Maire) occurs with Cedrus in the Atlas mountains, North-Africa. The species is also reported from Southeastern Asia
and North America.

Mycorrhizal with Picea alba in coniferous forests on limestone, mainly in pastures with scattered trees.


Fruiting period
June until October

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Austria, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands (extinct).

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

GERMANY: Baden-Wrttemberg, Bayern, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland.

Changing land management, especially intensive agriculture on formerly extensive pasture grounds with scattered trees.

Continued traditional management (extensive grazing, hay-making) on the sites; avoiding disturbance of soil and
application of fertilisers.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Galli, R. 1985- Gli igrofori delle nostre regioni: 100. La Tipotecnica, S. Vittore Olona, Italia;
Cetto, B. 1994- I Funghi dal vero 6: 453, pl. 2435. Arti Grafiche Saturnia, Trento;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar I Sverige Artfakta. (Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997): 294. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala.

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T-PVS (2001) 34

4.19. Laricifomes officinalis (Vill.: Fr.) Kotl. & Pouzar

Important synonym:
Fomitopsis officinalis (Vill.: Fr.) Bond & Sing.
Fr. Polypore officinal
Ger. Lrchen-Porling
Short characteristic
A very large polypore with perennial, hoof-shaped fruitbodies, at
first whitish, gradually darker to almost black, with a bitter taste.

Basidiocarp perennial, pileate, hoof-shaped, 5-40(-65) cm high and
up to 20 cm broad, 3-15 cm radius. Upper surface at first creamy
white, smooth, later almost black in oldest parts, deeply cracking.
Very old fruitbodies turn chalky. Pore surface creamy white,
smooth, when vigorously growing with acid guttation droplets, pores 4 5 pro mm, but especially when old difficult to
discern. Tubes 0.5-1 cm long, forming a new layer each year; old tubes in up to 70 layers. Taste very bitter, smell
slightly acid.

Distribution and status

Rare in the native distribution area of Larix, in the Central-European mountains from 950 to 2050 m altitude, for
instance in the subalpine areas of Switzerland and Austria (only three records) and spreading through northern
European Russia (Arkhangelsk Region) into Siberia and Russian Far East (Kamchatka). Also a few records on
introduced larch trees outside the mountains, for instance in The Netherlands. Also recorded from North America.

In Europe a weak parasite on very old trees of Larix decidua, almost exclusively in natural, subalpine forests,
exceptionally in plantations. In Siberia and Russian Far East also on other larch (Larix spp.) species.

Occasionally collected as decorative curiosity and for preparation of traditional medicine. No commercial value.

Fruiting period

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Austria, Germany, Poland, Switzerland (also protected by law), The Netherlands.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

GERMANY: Bayern. RUSSIA : Komi Republic.

Logging of subalpine forests, loss of habitat by constructing ski-runs and other infrastructure for winter sport, collecting
of fruitbodies.

L. officinalis fruits only on very old trunks of larches and areas with such trees should be protected. Prohibition of
collecting of fruitbodies.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Jahn, H. 1979- Pilze die an Holz wachsen: 150, pl. 123. Baranek & Frost, Herford;
Breitenbach, J. & Krnzlin, F. 1986- Pilze der Schweiz 2: 316, pl. 401. Mykologia, Luzern.

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4.20. Leucopaxillus compactus (Fr.) Neuhoff

Important synonym:
Leucopaxillus tricolor (Peck) Khner
Fr. Leucopaxille tricolore
Ger. Dreifarbiger Krempentrichterling
Short characteristic
A very large agaric with a convex, ochreyellow pileus with involute margin and a
very thick stipe.

Pileus 8-15(-20) cm, hemispherical with
strongly involute margin at first, then convex to plano-convex, margin involute, often sulcate, ochre-yellow, often with
greenish tone, tomentose, later with brown spots, cracking in places showing context underneath. Lamellae rather
crowded, adnate to slightly decurrent, often interconnected, green-yellow then ochre-yellow, often with lacerate edge.
Stipe 4-10 x (1-)2-6 cm, clavate to bulbose, solid, whitish with ochre-yellow spots, tomentose. Context compact,
whitish. Smell unpleasant, acidulous-herbaceous. Spore print white.

Distribution and status

Rare in central and northern Europe, including Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Also known from North America.

Saprotrophic, terrestrial in deciduous woods on calcareous ground.


Fruiting period
Summer until autumn

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark (extinct), Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

FRANCE: Haute-Normandie; GERMANY: Baden-Wrttemberg, Bayern, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern,
Niedersachsen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thringen.

Changed land-use, possibly also acidification.

Conservation of known sites, limitation of forestry impact.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Ryman, S. & Holmsen, I. 1984- Svampar. En flthandbok: 309. Interpublishing, Stockholm;
Breitenbach, J. & Krnzlin, F. 1991- Pilze der Schweiz 3: 216, pl. 252. Mykologia, Luzern;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar I Sverige Artfakta. (Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997): 362. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala.

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T-PVS (2001) 34

4.21. Lyophyllum favrei R. Haller Aar.& R. Haller Suhr

Fr. Lyophylle de Favre
Eng. Favres Lyophyllum
Ger. Gelbblttriger Rasling
Short characteristic
A rather large agaric with a remarkable
contrast between the violet-grey pileus
and yellow lamellae.

Pileus 5-10 cm broad, convex with
involute margin then flattened, often
with weak umbo, dark violet-grey,
discolouring paler greyish ochre with
age, surface tomentose. Lamellae
crowded, emarginate-adnate, greenish to
golden yellow, turning reddish then blackish when bruised. Stipe 5-7 x 1-1.5 cm, cylindrical, solid, apex cream colour,
flocculose, downwards brown fibrillose on pale violet-grey background. Context firm, whitish, turning pinkish red, then
brown to black when exposed to the air. Smell not distinctive, taste rancid-farinaceous. Spore print pale cream colour.

Distribution and status

Very rare in Europe, mainly found in Switzerland (20 localities), also in France, Germany and Great Britain. Outside
Europe only known from Caucasus mountains.

Saprotrophic in deciduous forests, mainly under Fagus sylvatica in alluvial forests in river valleys north of the Alps at
rather low altitudes (350 to 600 m).


Fruiting period

In national lists of endangered fungi in

Great Britain, Switzerland (also protected by law).

Loss and change of habitat, also by negative impact of recreational activities. Alluvial forests are threatened by
silviculture and groundwater-drainage.

Conservation of alluvial forests.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Breitenbach, J. & Krnzlin, F. 1991- Pilze der Schweiz 3: 222, pl. 259. Mykoflora, Luzern;
Hahn, C. 1995. Lyophyllum favrei Haller & Haller - Erstnachweis fr Deutschland. Z. Mykologie 61: 39-44.

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4.22. Myriostoma coliforme (With.: Pers.) Corda

Fr. Myriostome
Eng. Pepper pot
Ger. Sieb-Erdstern
Short characteristic
Myriostoma coliforme belongs to the earthstars, a group
of fungi closely related to the puffballs. It is easily
recognised on the central spore-sac (endoperidium) with
several stalks and numerous small pores.

Basidiocarp initially rounded, developing epigeously. At maturity the outer layer (exoperidium) of the fruitbody splits
stellately into 10-18 rays (expanded fruitbody 7-15 cm across), exposing a spherical, usually somewhat depressed
spore-sac (endoperidium; 2-6 cm broad), raised on the inner surface of the exoperidium on several thin and short stalks.
The endoperidium is minutely warted, grey-brown, often with a metallic lustre. It is provided with numerous small
pores through which the mature spores can be dispersed.

Distribution and status

Myriostoma coliforme has a world wide distribution. In Europe it is a rare species showing southern and south-eastern
tendencies in its distribution, including the southern part of European Russia and Ukraine. It reaches its northernmost
outposts in South Sweden. However, it is also present in coastal dunes of western Europe, for instance in The
Netherlands. In northern Europe there are only scattered occurrences.

A thermophilous, saprotrophic species preferring nitrogen-rich sites on well-drained, basic soils in deciduous and mixed
forests, gardens, along hedges and grassy road banks as well as in grazed grasslands.


Fruiting period
Autumn, but since its fruitbodies are very persistent it can be found throughout the year.

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Austria, Armenia, Germany, Great Britain (extinct), Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland
(extinct), The Netherlands.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

FRANCE: Pays-de-la-Loire; GERMANY: Baden-Wrttemberg, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, SachsenAnhalt; RUSSIA: Rostov Region.

Changes in land-use is the main threat to this peculiar earthstar, for instance clear felling of thermophilous forests,
decreased grazing.

Sites with Myriostoma coliforme should be subject to a traditional land-use. Clear felling must be avoided. In grassland
localities grazing must be maintained.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Sunhede, S. 1990- Geastraceae (Basidiomycotina), morphology, ecology and systematics with special emphasis on the North
European species: 468-486. Fungiflora, Oslo;
Jalink, L.M. 1995- De Aardsterren van Nederland en Belgi. Coolia 38 suppl.: 60-61, pl. 14;
Pegler, D. N., Laessoe, T. & Spooner, B. 1995- British Puffballs, Earthstars and Stinkhorns: 112-113, fig. 84. Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar I Sverige Artfakta. [Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997]: 387. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala.

4.23. Phylloporus pelletieri (Lv.) Qul.

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Important synonym:
Phylloporus rhodoxanthus sensu auct. eur.
Fr. Phyllopore
Eng. Golden Gilled Bolete
Ger. Goldblatt
Short characteristic
This medium sized species is a link between boletes
and gilled fungi. It is characterised by its thick,
strongly anastomosing, golden-yellow lamellae.

Pileus 3-8 cm, hemispherical at first, then flattened, surface dull, finely tomentose, red-brown to dark brown. Stipe
2-6 x 0.8-2 cm, central to eccentric, cylindrical to obconical with wider apex and narrower base, yellow-brown,
downwards ochraceous, slightly pruinose. Lamellae deep lemon- to golden-yellow, strongly anastomosing to
rudimentary poroid. Flesh soft, thick, whitish, reddish under the cuticle. Smell and taste weak, not distinctive. Spore
print ochre-yellow.

Distribution and status

Widespread in Europe (very rare in European Russia, also in Ukraine and Moldova), from the lowland up to the
montane zone, sometimes subalpine. In most regions rare, very local and in low numbers, but more widespread in the
Alps, e.g. in Switzerland. Spreading into Asia; in North America a closely related species.

Mycorrhizal, mainly with broad-leaved trees (Quercus, Fagus, Carpinus, Castanea) in old deciduous forests and mixed
forests, in Central Europe also with coniferous trees (Picea, Abies, Pinus), on well-drained, acidic, sandy and loamy

Fruitbodies are edible and occasionally collected by mushroom hunters as side-harvest together with boletes. No
commercial value.

Fruiting period
Summer and Autumn

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Austria, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Sweden, The Netherlands.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

BELGIUM: Flanders; FRANCE: Nord Pas-de-Calais, Pays-de-la-Loire; GERMANY: Bayern, Brandenburg, Hessen,
Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thringen.

Air pollution, in particular nitrogen deposition; intensive forestry.

Reduction of air pollution; management restrictions on localities with this species.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Marchand, A. 1973- Champignons du nord et du midi 2 : pl. 166. Hachette, Perpignan;
Lange, L. 1974- The Distribution of Macromycetes in Europe. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv 30 (1): 1-105;
Breitenbach, J. & Krnzlin, F. 1991- Pilze der Schweiz 3: 74, pl.39. Mykologia, Luzern;
Engel, H. 1996- Schmier- und Filzrhrlinge s.l. in Europa: 152-154, pl. 44. H. Engel, Weidhausen;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar I Sverige Artfakta. (Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997): 426. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala;
Galli, R. 1998- I Boleti. Edinatura, Milano.

4.24. Podoscypha multizonata (Berk. & Broome) Pat.

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Fr. Thlphore zone

Eng. Zoned Podoscypha
Ger. Gezonter Bschelwrzling
Short characteristic
The fruitbodies of this fungus are
remarkable, large rosettes of numerous,
concentrically arranged, erect, brownish,
zoned lobes with smooth surface and

Basidiocarp 5-20 cm broad, in outline
more or less globose, made up of a
rosette of spatulate to fan-shaped, erect
lobes originating from a central, bulbous,
tough root-like structure. Upper surface ochraceous or pinkish with concentric red-brown zones and whitish, undulating
margin, smooth. Hymenium pinkish to ochre-brown or pale grey, smooth. Context thin, tough, leathery.

Distribution and status

Very rare and local in central, southern and western Europe; recorded from Great Britain, France, Italy (Sicilia,
Sardegna, Emilia-Romagna), Czech Republic, Hungary and Germany (only 3 records). Not found in European Russia.
Also in Asia, in Russian Far East and Azerbaijan.

Saprotrophic or possibly a weak parasite on roots, growing at the basis of very old oak trees (Quercus) in old deciduous
forests and parks on rich soils.


Fruiting period
Summer and autumn

In national lists of endangered fungi in


In regional lists of endangered fungi in

FRANCE: Pays-de-la-Loire; GERMANY: Niedersachsen, Schleswig-Holstein.

Exploitation of relics of deciduous old-growth forests; cutting of old oaks, also for safety reasons in parcs.

Protection of remaining old oak forests and individual trees; enlargement of surface of undisturbed woodland in the
zone of deciduous forests.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Reid, D.A. 1965- A monograph of the stipitate stereoid fungi. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 18: 150-290;
Jahn, H. & Mller, K.-H. 1976- Podoscypha multizonata (Berk. & Br.) Pat. bei Dessau (Bezirk Halle, DDR) gefunden. Westf.
Pilzbr. 11: 22-26;
Phillips, R. 1981- Mushrooms and other fungi of Great Britain and Europe: 222 (photograph). Pan Books, London;
Jlich, W. 1984- Die Nichtbltterpilze, Gallertpilze und Bauchpilze: 209-210. Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart, New York.

4.25. Pycnoporellus alboluteus (Ellis & Everhart) Kotl. & Pouzar

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T-PVS (2001) 34

Fr. Polypore blanc et jaune

Ger. Weissgelber Weichporling
Short characteristic
A medium sized to large, annual, soft
polypore, forming long, crust-like strips
on dead logs with remarkably large,
orange pores.

Basidiocarp annual, resupinate, waxy,
medium sized to large, usually 10-30 cm
long, but up to even 2 m along the wood.
Tubes 0.5-3 cm long, whitish to pale
orange. Pores very large, 1-3 mm wide, at first pale orange creamy, later bright orange, turning lilac when treated with a
droplet of KOH.

Distribution and status

Extremely rare in northern Europe and eastern Central-Europe, in Russia only known from one northern locality (Komi
republic). In Asia rare, recorded from the Caucasus, Siberia and Russian Far East (Kamchatka). More common in North

Saprotrophic on very old logs and trunks which are already decayed by Fomitopsis pinicola, in luxuriant virgin
coniferous forests, mostly on spruces (Picea spp.), but also on aspen trees (Populus tremula).


Fruiting period

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Finland, Norway (extinct), Poland, Sweden (also protected by law).

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

RUSSIA: Komi Republic.

Exploitation of old-growth forests by forestry.

The remains of luxuriant, spruce dominated old-growth forests should be protected.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Kotiranta, H. & Niemel, T. 1996- Uhanalaiset kvt Suomessa (Threatened polypores in Finland). Oy Edita Ab,Helsinki;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar I Sverige Artfakta. [Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997]: 451. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala.

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4.26. Sarcodon fuligineoviolaceus (Kalchbr.: Fr.) Pat.

Fr. Hydne gris violac
Eng. Burnt Spine-cap
Ger. Brennender Braunsporstacheling
Short characteristic
A medium sized to large tooth fungus with a violaceous brown pileus,
purple-brown spines, characterised by dark blue-grey to violaceous
context in pileus and acrid taste.

Pileus 3-13 cm broad, convex to flattened with undulating margin,
yellow-brown to olive-brown or reddish brown, with dark blue or
violaceous tones with age, tomentose at first, then fibrillose to scaly.
Spines decurrent, up to 4 mm long, subulate, pinkish brown to purplebrown with paler tips. Stipe 3-6 x 1-3 cm, cylindric or slightly tapering
downwards, concolorous with pileus or purple-brown, sometimes
greenish at base, tomentose to fibrillose. Context pinkish at first, then
dark blue-grey to violaceous in pileus, reddish to vinaceous in stipe.
Smell not distinctive or slightly unpleasant, taste acrid.

Distribution and status

Very rare in northern and central Europe, doubtful in Western France and Great-Britain. Not found in Switzerland
during the last 20 years, also no recent record in Austria and perhaps almost extinct in Central Europe (one locality in
the French Alps). In Russia recorded only from Asian part, Sakhalin Island. Also rare in North America.

Mycorrhizal with coniferous trees (Abies, Picea, Pinus) in coniferous forests on calcareous ground, otherwise poor in

Fruiting period
Late summer and autumn

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Norway, Sweden.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

BELGIUM: Flanders; GERMANY: Baden-Wrttemberg, Niedersachsen, Saarland, Sachsen, Thringen.

Acidification and nitrogen enrichment of forest soils due to air pollution; clear felling of remaining sites.

Reduction of air pollution, protection of sites against forestry.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Maas Geesteranus, R.A. 1975- Die terrestrischen Stachelpilze Europas: 77-78, fig. 56, pl. 38, 39a. North-Holland publ. comp.,
Amsterdam, London;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar I Sverige Artfakta. [Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997]: 473. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala;
Pegler, D.N., Roberts, P.J. & Spooner, B.M. 1997- British chanterelles and tooth fungi: 94-95, figs. 72-73. Royal Botanic Gardens,

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4.27. Sarcosoma globosum (Schmidel: Fr.) Casp.

Fr. Pzize globuleuse
Ger. Dunkle Gallertkugel
Short characteristic
A remarkable, rather large cup fungus
with a thick-set stipe, filled with a
watery, gelatinous substance.

Ascocarps up to 10 cm high, 3-6 cm
broad, egg-shaped to barrel-shaped with
dish-shaped apex. Hymenium wrinkled,
with thick margin, dark brown to
blackish, shiny. Stipe with thick cortex,
wrinkled, pale brown, tomentose, also
with some black hairs. Context jelly-like, very watery, pale grey, translucent.

Distribution and status

Very rare in North Europe, including European Russia, and in Central-European mountains. Also known from North

Probably saprotrophic, terrestrial in old spruce forests, by preference in undisturbed pristine forests.


Fruiting period
Early spring to early summer

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Armenia, Austria, Czech Republic /Slovakia, Estonia, Finland, Germany (extinct), Latvia (extinct), Lithuania, Norway
(extinct), Poland, Russia, Sweden (also protected by law).

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

GERMANY: Bayern, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen, Thringen; RUSSIA: Leningrad Region, Komi Republic; East
Fennoscandia (Finland, parts of Russia).

Rational forestry, in particular clear-cut, removing soil, possibly unknown factors as well.

Conservation of undisturbed spruce forests; restriction of forestry activities on sites.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Lange, L. 1974- The Distribution of Macromycetes in Europe. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv 30 (1): 1-105;
Martinsson, K. & Nitare, J. 1986- Bombmurklan, Sarcosoma globosum, en hotad svamp. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 80: 169-184;
Larsson,K.H. (ed.) 1997- Rdlistade svampar i Sverige Artfakta. [Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997]: 480. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala.

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4.28. Sarcosphaera coronaria (Jacq.) Boud

Important synonym:
Sarcosphaera crassa (Steudel) Pouzar
Fr. Pzize couronne
Eng. Violet Crown-cup
Ger. Kronenbecherling
Short characteristic
A fairly large, vernal cup-fungus with
violaceous to lilac tones, closed and hypogeous
at first, later star-formed opened in 5-10 flaps.

Ascocarps often gregarious, 3-15(-20) cm
wide, sessile, first closed, subglobose, immersed in the soil, then opening at the top with lacerate margin, finally
expanding and more or less star-shaped. Inner surface (hymenium) pale violet then brown-violet. Outer surface
(receptaculum) pale with lilac tone. Context white, fragile.

Distribution and status

North Europe and mountains of Central and South Europe up to 1700 m altitude. In most regions rare but in some
regions more widespread and even numerous in places, for instance in the Swiss Alps and Central Italy. Also recorded
from North America and North Africa.

Saprotrophic or possibly mycorrhizal with coniferous trees, by preference on calcareous ground but also on acidic
bedrock, sometimes along roads and in parks.

Cooked fruitbodies are edible (in raw condition poisonous), but the species is rarely collected by mushroom hunters and
of no commercial value.

Fruiting period

In national lists of endangered fungi in

Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia (also protected by law), Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Norway,
Poland, Sweden.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

FRANCE: Pays-de-la-Loire; GERMANY: Bayern, Brandenburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen,
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein, Thringen.

Clear-cutting and ground damage in forests, acidification of forest soils.

Protecting of habitats and excluding forestry in coniferous woods on calcareous ground; restriction of air pollution.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Breitenbach, J. & Krnzlin, F. 1984- Pilze der Schweiz 1: 66, pl. 34. Mykologia, Luzern;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar i Sverige Artfakta. [Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997]: 481. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala.

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4.29. Skeletocutis odora (Sacc.) Ginns

Important synonym:
Skeletocutis tschulymica (Pilt) Keller
Ger. Sibirischer Knorpelporling
Short characteristic
A rather large, annual, resupinate polypore with
thick, white, gelatinous fruitbodies with a
characteristic sweetish smell.

Basidiocarp annual, medium sized, up to 30 (-50) cm broad, resupinate, fairly thick, sappy when fresh, hard when dry.
Pore surface at first white, later cream coloured, when dry dirty greyish cream, pores 3 5 pro mm. Odour sweetish
sour when fresh.

Distribution and status

Very rare in western Europe, rare from Scandinavia to Siberia and North-America.

Saprotrophic on large, fallen trunks of mainly coniferous trees, in particular spruce (Picea spp.), also on aspen (Populus
tremula) in virgin coniferous forests.


Fruiting period

In national lists of endangered fungi in

Finland, Norway, Poland, Sweden.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

Habitat destruction by logging (forestry).

Habitat destruction by logging (forestry).

This species grows almost exclusively in old-growth spruce dominated forests and protection of such forests is the only
way to protect S. odora.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Kotiranta, H. & Niemel, T. 1996- Uhanalaiset kvt Suomessa (Threatened polypores in Finland): 33. Oy Edita Ab, Helsinki;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar i Sverige Artfakta. [Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997]: 490. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala.

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4.30. Suillus sibiricus Singer ssp. Helveticus Singer

Fr. Bolet Suisse
Ger. Beringter Zirbenrhrling
Schweizerischer Krnchenrhrling
Short characteristic
A medium sized bolete with pale yellow
pileus with darker spots and the margin
fringed with veil and with a stipe with
woolly, white ring; restricted to fiveneedled pines.

Pileus 4-10 cm broad, hemispherical
then plano-convex to flattened, pale
yellow, vividly yellow to yellow-brown with large, darker brown spots, slimy to viscid, margin fringed with whitish
remains of veil at first. Hymenium adnate to decurrent with tubes up to 1 cm long, pale yellow then olive-brown with
concolorous, angular pores up to 2 mm wide. Stipe 3-8 x (0.6-)1-2.5 cm, cylindrical or tapering downwards, solid,
cream-colour to ochre-yellow with many small dots, first whitish, soon brown-red to dark brown, with fugacious,
woolly, white annulus, base with orange mycelium tomentum. Context firm at first, then weak, yellowish, not
discolouring when exposed to the air or turning brown. Smell and taste weak, pleasant. Spore print olive-brown.

Distribution and status

Endemic to Central-European mountains, rare in the subalpine zone, for instance in Switzerland from (580-) 1250 to
2300 m, in Austria one record from Tyrol, in Italy recorded from Lombardino and Piemonte; also known from
Macedonia. In Russia and North America ssp. sibiricus occurs with Pinus sibirica and Pinus monticola. The status of
that taxon is not considered.

Mycorrhizal with Pinus cembra in subalpine forests in the Alps and with Pinus peuce in Macedonia; in Switzerland
scattered in autochthonous stands of Pinus cembra, often with scattered trees in extensively pastured areas.

The fruitbodies are edible but not much appreciated by mushroom hunters. No commercial value.

Fruiting period

In national lists of endangered fungi in

Austria, Germany, Macedonia, Poland, Switzerland.

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

GERMANY: Bayern.

Loss of habitat by constructing ski-runs and other infrastructure for winter sport; intensification of agriculture and
forestry in subalpine regions.

Protection of native stands of Pinus cembra, maintenance of traditional land use.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Breitenbach, J. & Krnzlin, F. 1991- Pilze der Schweiz 3: 82, pl. 50. Mykologia, Luzern;
Engel, H. 1996- Schmier- und Filzrhrlinge s.l. in Europa: 88-90, pl. 24, 25. H. Engel, Weidhausen.

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4.31. Torrendia pulchella Bres.

Fr. Torrendie dlicate
Ger. Weisser Scheidenstubling
Short characteristic
A peculiar, small, stipitate, whitish
fungus with a basal sack (volva), similar
to a little Amanita but pileus not
expanding and underside without

Pileus 0.8-3 cm broad, hemispherical
with thick, involute margin, white. Inside
pileus a gleba, made up of many
roundish cavities with white hymenium.
Stipe 2-5 x 0.2-0.8 m, cylindrical, sometimes curved, white, with a basal thick volva.

Distribution and status

Rare in the western Mediterranean region, recorded from Portugal, Spain, France and Italy (Sardegna). Also in North
Africa (Morocco, Algeria).

Mycorrhizal with Quercus suber, among grass, maccia, garigue.


Fruiting period
Summer and autumn

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in


Destruction of sites by overgrazing, fires.

Protection of sites of this very rare and peculiar species.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Bas, C. 1975- A comparison of Torrendia (Gasteromycetes) with Amanita (Agaricales). Beih. Nova Hedwigia 51: 53-61, pl. 11;
Cetto, B. 1989- I funghi dal vero 6: 618-621, pl. 2540, 2540 bis. Arti Grafiche Saturnia, Trento;
Venturella, G., Perini, C., Barluzzi, C., Pacioni, G., Bernicchia, A., Padovan, F., Quadraccia, L. & Onofri, S. 1997- Towards a Red
Data List of fungi for Italy. Bocconea 5: 867-872.

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4.32. Tricholoma colossus (Fr.) Qul.

Fr. Tricholome colosse
Eng. Giant Tricholoma
Ger. Riesen-Ritterling
Short characteristic
A very large, robust agaric with red
brown pileus, white lamellae and a stipe
with fugacious, fibrillose annulus.

hemispherical to convex with strongly
involute margin, only slightly expanding
with age, beige-brown at first then
reddish brown to brick-red with yellowbrown patches, slightly viscid when
moist. Lamellae emarginate, rather crowded, white at first then yellowish pink to vinaceous, with irregular edge. Stipe
5-22 x 3-8(-10) cm, subcylindrical to subbulbous, solid, when young with woolly-fibrillose annuliform zone which
disappears at age, white above annulus, pale brown with reddish brown fibrils below. Context thick, rather firm, white,
turning reddish when cut. Smell indistinct, taste mild to slightly bitter. Spore print white.

Distribution and status

Scattered over large parts of Europe, but rare, for instance in European Russia only recorded from two northern regions.
Decreasing everywhere.

Mycorrhizal symbiont of Pinus in wood on very oligotrophic, acidic soils, in particular in Cladonio-Pinetum.

The fruitbodies are edible but not much appreciated. Occasionally collected by mushroom hunters but without
commercial value.

Fruiting period
Autumn to late autumn

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Latvia (extinct), Poland, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland
(also protected by law), The Netherlands (extinct).

In regional lists of endangered fungi in

FRANCE: Pays-de-la-Loire (extinct); GERMANY: Baden-Wrttemberg, Bayern, Brandenburg, Niedersachsen, RheinlandPfalz, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein; RUSSIA: Leningrad Region.

Air pollution, in particular nitrogen deposition, use of fertilisers and application of lime in forestry.

Reduction of air pollution; restrictions to forest exploitation on sites of this species; prohibition of harvesting.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Riva, A. 1988- Tricholoma, Fungi Europaei 3: 396-399, pl. 67. Giovanna Biella, Saronno;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar i Sverige Artfakta. [Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997]: 515. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala;
Noordeloos, M.E. [in Bas, C. et al. (ed.)] 1999- Flora Agaricina Neerlandica 4: 131-132, fig. 102. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam,

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4.33. Tulostoma niveum Kers

Fr. Tulostome blanc de neige
Eng. White Stalk-puffball
Ger. Weisser Stielbovist
Short characteristic
A rather small, stipitate, entirely white
puffball with a peculiar habitat on boulders
and cliffs.

Basidiocarp up to 2.5 cm high, consisting of
a globose head (endoperidium) and a stipe.
Endoperidium 0.3-0.9 cm broad, white,
subglobose to onion-shaped, at maturity
with a small, protruding, apical pore for spore dispersal. Content (gleba) pale brown at maturity. Stipe 1-2 x 0.1-0.2 cm,
slender, white or yellowish, deeply immersed in moss.

Distribution and status

Extremely rare. The world wide distribution of T. niveum is confined to three areas in North Europe: South Finland
(2 sites), Southeast Sweden (ca 10 sites) and the Scottish Highlands (1 site).

Tulostoma niveum grows solitary or gregariously in dense moss tussocks on limestone cliffs and boulders.


Fruiting period
Fresh specimens are found in the autumn but since the dry and mature basidiocarps are long-lived, they can be found
throughout the year.

In the list of endangered fungi of


In national lists of endangered fungi in

Finland, Great-Britain, Sweden.

Exploitation (buildings, road constructions etc.) of localities from which Tulostoma niveum is on record. In localities
where it grows on cliffs, trampling by man is a possible threat.

Legal protection of sites as nature reserves.

Proposed measures
Bern Convention and program for inventory and mapping.

Kers, L.E. 1978- Tulostoma niveum sp. nov. (Gasteromycetes), described from Sweden. Botaniska Notiser 131: 411-417;
Pegler, D.N., Laessoe, T. & Spooner, B. 1995- British Puffballs, Earthstars and Stinkhorns: 44-45, figs 22-23. Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew;
Larsson, K.H. (ed.). 1997- Rdlistade svampar i Sverige Artfakta. (Swedish Red Data Book of Fungi 1997): 527. ArtDatabanken,
SLU, Uppsala;
Fleming, L.V., Ing, B. & Scouller, S.E.K. 1998- Current Status and Phenology of Fruiting in Scotland of the Endangered Fungus
Tulostoma niveum. Mycologist 12(3):126-131.

T-PVS (2001) 34

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Picture credit
The pictures used in these fact-sheets are originated from either private collections or published
illustrations. We owe a great debt to both individuals and authors or editors who generously gave us
permission to use these beautiful pictures. We also thank the German Society for Nature Conservation
(NABU) for the help in processing the images.
1 Amanita friabilis (P. Karst.) Bas: F. Mller (Switzerland Langnau). [from Breitenbach J. & Krnzlin F. 1995Champignons de Suisse ; Tome 4 ; Champignons lames, 2me partie. 371 pp. (Ed. Mykologia, Luzern,
2 Amylocystis lapponica (Romell) Bondartsev & Singer: H. Kotiranta (Helsinki - Finland)
3 Antrodia albobrunnea (Romell) Ryvarden: H. Kotiranta (Helsinki - Finland)
4 Armillaria ectypa (Fr.) Emel.: W. Winterhoff (Sandhausen Germany).
5 Boletopsis grisea (Peck) Bondartsev & Singer: H. Kotiranta (Helsinki - Finland)
6 Boletus dupainii Boudier: A. Rocabruna (Spain). [from Societat Catalana de Micologia Bolets de Catalunya. V
7 Bovista paludosa Lv.: A. Bohlin (Trollhttan - Sweden).
8 Cantharellus melanoxeros Desm. : Fr.: Jean-Jacques Wuilbaut (Mons Belgium).
9 Cortinarius ionochlorus Maire: A. Bollmann (Stuttgart Germany).
10 Entoloma bloxamii (Berk. & Broome) Sacc.: M. Wilhelm (Allschwil - Switzerland). [from Breitenbach, J. &
Krnzlin, F. 1995 - Champignons de Suisse ; Tome 4 ; Champignons lames, 2me partie. 371 pp. (Ed.
Mykologia, Luzern, Switzerland)].
11 Geoglossum atropurpureum Batsch : Fr : [from Breitenbach J. & Krnzlin F. 1981- Champignons de Suisse ;
Tome 1 ; Les Ascomyctes. 310 pp. (Ed. Mykologia, Luzern, Switzerland)].
12 Gomphus clavatus (Pers.: Fr.) Gray : A. Bollmann (Stuttgart Germany).
13 Hapalopilus croceus (Pers.: Fr.) Donk: A. Bohlin (Trollhttan - Sweden).
14 Haploporus odorus (Sommerf.: Fr.) Bondartsev & Singer: H. Kotiranta (Helsinki - Finland)
15 Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers.: H. Grner (Leipzig Germany).
16 Hohenbuehelia culmicola M. Bon: Y. Deneyer (Mons Belgium)
17 Hygrocybe calyptriformis (Berk. & Broome) Fayod: G. Martinelli (Switzerland).
18 Hygrophorus purpurascens (Alb.& Schw.: Fr.) Fr.: R. Galli (Milano -Italy) [from Galli, R. - 1985 - Gli igrofori
delle nostre regioni: 100. (Ed. La Tipotecnica, S. Vittore Olona, Italy)]
19 Laricifomes officinalis (Vill.: Fr.) Kotl. & Pouzar: G. Frossard (Switzerland).
20 Leucopaxillus compactus (Fr.) Neuhoff : J. Bchler (Switzerland). [from Breitenbach J. & Krnzlin F. 1991Champignons de Suisse ; Tome 3 ; Bolets et champignons lames, 1me partie. 364 pp. (Ed. Mykologia, Luzern,
21 Lyophyllum favrei Haller & Haller : J. Bchler (Switzerland). [from Breitenbach J. & Krnzlin F. 1991Champignons de Suisse ; Tome 3 ; Bolets et champignons lames, 1me partie. 364 pp. (Ed. Mykologia, Luzern,
22 Myriostoma coliforme (With.: Pers.) Corda: J. M. Vidal (Spain). [from Societat Catalana de Micologia Bolets
de Catalunya. VII collecci].
23 Phylloporus pelletieri (Lv.) Qulet: G. Mller (Germany) [http://www.pilzepilze.de/]
24 Podoscypha multizonata (Berk. & Broome) Pat.: E. Arnolds (Wijster - The Netherlands).
25 Pycnoporellus alboluteus (Ellis & Everhart) Kotl. & Pouzar: H. Kotiranta (Helsinki - Finland)
26 Sarcodon fuligineoviolaceus (Kalchbr.: Fr.) Pat.: P. Renvall (Finland)
27 Sarcosoma globosum (Schmidel: Fr.) Casp.: J. Nitare (Sweden).
28 Sarcosphaera coronaria (Jacq.) Boud.: A. Bollmann (Stuttgart Germany).
29 Skeletocutis odora (Sacc.) Ginns: H. Kotiranta (Helsinki - Finland)
30 Suillus sibiricus ssp. helveticus Singer : J. Breitenbach (Switzerland). [from Breitenbach J. & Krnzlin F.
1991- Champignons de Suisse ; Tome 3 ; Bolets et champignons lames, 1me partie. 364 pp. (Ed. Mykologia,
Luzern, Switzerland)]
31 Torrendia pulchella Bres.: J.M. Vidal (Spain). [from Societat Catalana de Micologia 1991- Bolets de
Catalunya. X collecci].
32 Tricholoma colossus (Fr.) Qul.: E. Gerhardt (Berlin - Germany). [from Gerhardt, E. 1984 - Pilze; Band 1
(Ed. BLV, Mnchen, Germany)]
33 Tulostoma niveum Kers: J. Jeppson (Sweden)

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Survey of consulted Red Lists

National lists (Lists with * are approved by national authorities, e.g. the Ministry of Environment);
*Arnolds, E. & van Ommering G. 1996- Bedreigde en kwetsbare paddestoelen in Nederland. Toelichting op de Rode
Lijst. IKC Natuurbeheer, Wageningen.
*Aronsson, M., Hallingbck T. & Mattson J.-E. (eds) 1995- Rdlistade vxter i Sverige 1995. Artdatabanken, Uppsala.
*Bendiksen, E., Hiland K., Brandrud T.E. & Jordal J.B. 1997- Truete og sarbare sopparter i Norge en kommentert
Rodliste. Direktoratet for Naturforvaltning & Fungiflora, Oslo.
Benkert, D. et al. 1992- Rote Liste der gefhrdeten Grosspilze in Deutschland. Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Mykologie
e.V., Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V. IHW-Verlag, Eching.
*Bondartseva, M.A., Kovalenko A.E. & Nezdoiminogo E.L. 1988- Fungi. In : Golovanov, V.D. et al. (eds), Red Data
Book of the RSFSR, Plants: 539-558. Rosagropromizdat, Moscow.
Calonge, F.D. 1993- Hacia la confeccin de una lista roja de macromycetes (hongos) en la pennsula Ibrica. Boletn
de la Sociedad Micolgica de Madrid 18 : 171-178.
Diamandis, S. 2000- List of threatened macrofungi in Greece. Newsletter European Council for the Conservation of
Fungi 10: 12-14.
Ing, B. 1992- A provisional Red Data List of British Fungi. Mycologist 6: 124-128.
Ing, B. 1993- Towards a Red List of endangered European macrofungi. In: D.N. Pegler, L. Boddy, B. Ing & P.M. Kirk
(eds), Fungi in Europe: Investigation, Recording and Conservation: 231-237. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Ivancevic, B. 1998- A preliminary Red List of the macromycetes of Yugoslavia. In: C. Perini (ed.), Conservation of
fungi in Europe, Proceedings of the 4th meeting of the European Council for Conservation of Fungi: 57-61.
Universit degli Studi di Siena, Dipartimento Biologia Ambientale, Siena, Italy.
Jrva, L., Kalamees L., Kullman B., Parmasto E., Raitviir A., Saar I. & Vaasma M. 1998- Red List of Estonian Fungi.
In: C. Perini (ed.), Conservation of fungi in Europe, Proceedings of the 4th meeting of the European Council for
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Council for the Conservation of Fungi 10: 7-11.
Kotlaba, F. et al. 1995- Cervena kniha ohrozenych a vzacnych druhu rostlin a zivocichu CR a SR 4. Sinice a rasy,
houby, lisejniky, mechorosty (Red data book of threatened and rare plant and animal Species of Czechoslovakia,
vol. 4, Cyanobacteria and algae, Fungi, Lichens, Mosses). Priroda, Bratislava.
Krisai-Greilhuber, I. 1999- Rote Liste gefhrdeter Grosspilze sterreichs. 2. Fassung. In : Niklfeld, H., (Herausg.):
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Kutorga, E., Urbonas V. & Gricius A. 1999- Checklist of macrofungi in Lithuania with evaluation of threat status.
Rassi, P., Alanen A., Kanerva T. & Mannerkoski I. (eds) 2000- The 2000 Red List of Finnish species. Ministery of
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Rimczi, I. 1998- Endangered macrofungi and a provisional Red List in Hungary. In: C. Perini (ed.), Conservation of
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Universit degli Studi di Siena, Dipartimento Biologia Ambientale, Siena, Italy.
Senn-Irlet, B., Bieri C. & Herzig R. 1997- A provisional Red List of the endangered larger fungi in Switzerland.
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Shelyak-Sosonka, Y.R. 1996- Chervona Kniga Ukrainy Roslinniy Svit (Red data book of Ukraine Plant Kingdom).
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Venturella, G., Perini C., Barluzzi C., Pacioni G., Bernicchia A., Padovan F., Quadraccia L. & Onofri S. 1997Towards a Red Data List of fungi for Italy. Bocconea 5: 867-872.
Vesterholt, J. & Knudsen H. 1990- Truede storsvampe i Denmark en rodliste. Foreningen til Svampekundskabens
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Vimba, E. & Piterans A. 1996- Latvijas Sarkana gramata. 1. sejums. Senes un kerpji (Red Data Book of Latvia. Vol.
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Wojewoda, W. & Lawrynowicz M. 1992- Red list of threatened macrofungi in Poland. In: K. Zarzicki, W. Wojewoda
& Z. Heinrich (eds), List of threatened plants in Poland, 2nd ed.: 27-56. Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow.

T-PVS (2001) 34

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Regional lists:
Benkert, D. 1993- Rote Liste Gropilze (Makromyzeten). In: Ministerium fr Umwelt, Naturschutz und Raumordnung
des Landes Brandenburg (ed.), Gefhrdete Farn- und Bltenpflanzen, Algen und Pilze im Land Brandenburg: 107185. Potsdam.
Courtecuisse, R. 1997- Liste rouge des champignons menacs de la rgion Nord Pas-de-Calais. Cryptogamie,
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Drfelt, H. & Tglich U. 1992- Rote Liste der Gropilze des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt. 2. Fassung. Berichte des
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Hardtke, H.-J. & Otto P. 1999- Rote Liste Pilze. Materialien zu Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege 1999. Schsisches
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Hirsch, G. 1993- Rote Liste der Gropilze (Macromycetes) Thringens. 2. Fassung. In: Thringer Landesamt fr
Umwelt Jena (ed.), Rote Listen ausgewhlter Pflanzen- und Tierartengruppen sowie Pflanzengesellschaften des
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Kotiranta, H., Uotila P., Sulkava S. & Peltonen S.-L. (eds.) 1998- Red Data Book of East Fennoscandia. Ministry of
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Helsinki. 351 pp.
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Langer, E. 2000- Rote Liste der Gropilze Hessens. 1. Fassung. Natur in Hessen. Hessisches Ministerium fr Umwelt,
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Schmid, H. 1990- Beitrge zum Artenschutz 14. Rote Liste gefhrdeter Gropilze Bayerns. Schriftenreihe des
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List of people who sent support and approval for presentation of the ECCF
Dr. Vladimir ANTONIN (Czech Republik Natural History Museum, Brno)
Dr. Francesco BELLU (Italy Associazione Micologico G. Bresadola)
Dr. Egil BENDIKSEN (Norway Norwegian Institute for Nature Research)
Michael BRIFFA (Malta Environment Protection Department)
Morten CHRISTENSEN (Denmark Danish Mycological Society Conservation Committee)
Dr. Inita DANIELE (Latvia Riga University)
Dr. Stephanos DIAMANDIS (Greece Forest Research Institute)
Dr. Gudridur Gyda EYJOLFSDOTTIR (Iceland Icelandic Institute of Natural History)
Prof. Valeria FILIPELLO MARCHISIO (Italy Italian Botanical Society ; Mycology Working Group [Coordinator])
Dr. Andr FRAITURE (Belgium Jardin Botanique National de Belgique)
Prof. Hubert FULLER (Ireland Prof. Gilberto GOVI (Italy Unione Micologica Italiana)
Dr. Enric GRACIA [in the name of many Spanish mycologists] (Spain Universitat de Barcelona, Departament de
Biologia Vegetal)
Dr. Melania GYOSHEVA (Bulgaria Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Dr. Tomas HALLINGBCK (Sweden Swedish Threatened Species Unit)
Jacob HEILMANN-CLAUSEN (Denmark Danish Mycological Society Conservation Committee)
Dr. Torleif INGELG (Sweden Swedish Threatened Species Unit [Director])
Dr. Boris IVANCEVIC (Yugoslavia Mycological Society of Serbia [Secretary])
Dr. Leo JALINK (The Netherlands Dutch Mycological Society, Committee for Fungi and Nature Conservation)
Dr. Evangelia KAPSANAKI-GOTSI (Greece University of Athens [Curator Herbarium])
Dr. Mitko KARADELEV (Macedonia Macedonian Mycological Society [President])
Dr. Irmgard KRISAI-GREILHUBER (Austria Austrian Mycological Society / Vienna University, Dept of Botany)
Dr. Thomas LSSE (Denmark Danish Mycological Society Conservation Committee)
Edwin LANFRANCO (Malta University of Malta)
Dr. Christian LANGE (Denmark Danish Mycological Society Conservation Committee)
Neven MATOCEC (Croatia Croatian Mycological Society)
Dr. Diana MEIERE (Latvia Riga University)
Armin MESIC (Croatia Croatian Mycological Society)
Dr. Tonu MOLS (Estonia Estonians Naturalist Society [President])
Dr. Siranush G. NANAGULYAN (Armenia Yerevan State University ; Armenian Botanical Society [Secretary of
Section of Mushrooms Biodiversity])
Dr. Marijke NAUTA (The Netherlands Dutch Mycological Society, Committee for Fungi and Nature Conservation)
Prof. Giovanni PACIONI (Italy lAquila University)
Prof. Erast PARMASTO (Estonia Estonian Commission of the International Biodiversity Observation Year
Dr. Walter PTZOLD (Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Mykologie e.V. ; Journes Europennes du Cortinaire
Dr. Ursula PEINTNER (Austria Institute of Microbiology, Innsbruck [Curator IB])
Dr. Ain RAITVIIR (Estonia Estonian Mycological Society [Chairman])
Erik RALD (Denmark Danish Mycological Society Conservation Committee)
Peter REIL (Germany Verein der Pilzfreunde Stuttgart e.V.)
Dr. Urmas TARTES (Estonia Commission for Nature Conservation of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
Zdenko TKALCEC (Croatia Croatian Mycological Society)
Dr. Milica TORTIC (Croatia Croatian Mycological Society)
Dr. Jan VESTERHOLT (Denmark Danish Mycological Society Conservation Committee)
Dr. George ZERVAKIS (Greece Institute of Kalamata, National Agricultural Research Foundation [Director])

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