Cybersecurity Guide For Developing Countries: Release 2009 Enlarged Edition
Cybersecurity Guide For Developing Countries: Release 2009 Enlarged Edition
Cybersecurity Guide For Developing Countries: Release 2009 Enlarged Edition
ITU 2009
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means
without written permission from ITU.
Denominations and classifications employed in this publication do not imply any opinion concerning
the legal or other status of any territory or any endorsement or acceptance of any boundary. Where the
designation "country" appears in this publication, it covers countries and territories.
References to specific countries, companies, products, initiatives or guidelines do not in any way
imply that ITU endorses or recommends the countries, companies, products, intitiatives and guidelines
in question over other similar ones which may not be mentioned.
Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not engage ITU.
This guide, Cybersecurity Guide for developing countries, was prepared by professor Solange
Ghernaouti-Hlie, (University of Lausanne Faculty of Business and Economics, Switzerland).
The author would like to thank, for this specific 2009 enlarged edition, Mr. Marco Obiso, ICT
Applications and Cybersecurity Advisor, ITU-D and Mr. Igli Tashi, research and teaching assistant
from the University of Lausanne.
For the previous editions (2006, 2007), the author would like to thanks Mr Alexander Ntoko, Head of
the E-strategies Unit of BDT.
The preparation of this handbook would not have been possible without the excellent cooperation of
the members of ITU-D in particular Marco Obiso and previously Alexander Ntoko. We also wish to
express our appreciation to ITU Publication Composition Service team for their work in producing
the Cybersecurity Guide.
The Cybersecurity Guide for Developing Countries is a project of the ITU Telecommunication
Development Sectors ICT Applications and Cybersecurity Division. It is part of a broad range of
activities promoting cybersecurity.
The Telecommunication Development Bureau of ITU wishes express its gratitude to professor S.
Ghernaouti-Hlie for her contributions towards a more secure and safer information society.
The latest version of the Cybersecurity Guide for Developing Countries is available at:
This cybersecurity guide for developing countries has been prepared for facilitating the exchange of
information on best practices, related to cybersecurity issues and to meet the stated goal of the Global
Cybersecuriry Agenda (GCA) to "enhance security and build confidence in the use of information
and communication technologies (ICT)".
The guide is intended to give developing countries a tool allowing them to better understand the
economical, political, managerial, technical and legal cybersecurity related issues in the spirit of the
Global Cybersecurity Agenda. The purpose of it is to help countries get prepared to face issues linked
to ICT deployment, uses, vulnerabilities and misuses.
The content of the guide has been selected to meet the needs of developing and, in particular, leastdeveloped countries, in terms of the use of information and communication technologies for the
provision of basic services in different sectors, while remaining committed to developing local
potential and increasing awareness among all of the stakeholders.
The guide is not intended as an exhaustive document or report on the subject, but rather as a summary
of the principal issues currently encountered in countries wishing to take advantage of the benefits of
the information infrastructures in order to build an inclusive information society.
This guide provides them with examples of solutions that other countries have put in place in order to
deal with cybersecurity problems. It also refers to other publications giving further, specific
information on cybersecurity. In order to avoid any duplication in the treatment of these subjects, the
work already accomplished within the framework of ITU-SG, ITU-T, ITU-D and ITU-R were duly
taken into account in elaborating the content of this publication, as were the other existing studies and
publications in this area.
Summary of contents
The Cybersecurity Guide for Developing Countries is structured in five independent parts that can be
read either in sequence or separately.
Part I identifies the context, stakes and challenges of cybersecurity. The purposes of this part are to:
Indicate some information society considerations and changes implied by the use of
information and communication infrastructures;
Identify the stakes, challenges and issues related to cybersecurity for developing countries;
Present the fundamentals of a global cybersecurity approach and the ITU Global
Cybersecurity Agenda initiative.
Part II presents cyberthreats, cyberattacks and cybercrime issues in order to be able to answer the
following questions:
What is cybercrime?
Examples of misues of ICT and different expressions and examples of computer-related crime
and cybercrime. Most cybercrimes are illustrated by real cases of attacks, in order to better
understand what cybercrime is. These examples of cybercrime cases, taken mostly from
developing countries where the Internet is already widely used and this type of crime is well
reported, have been anonymized.
Part III proposes legal, justice and police approaches related to cybersecurity and cybercrime issues.
This part demonstrates the fundamental role of forensic computer techniques in cybercrime
investigation and identifies some legal issues related to cybercrime and international cooperation that
contribute to preventing, deterring and fighting cybercrime.
The Convention on Cybercrime (Council of Europe) is presented as an example of identifying areas of
law to be addressed when dealing with e-activities. In addition, several legal aspects of cybersecurity
which contribute to building a safer information society are analyzed. A discussion on privacy issues
in the information society concludes part III.
Part IV introduces a technical approach to cybersecurity, presents the most relevant principles of
computer security, and specifies the domains of application of cybersecurity. To ensure the
availability, integrity, confidentiality, and non-repudiation of resources and services in networked
environment, relevant security technologies are explained; some e-mail and e-commerce risks issues
are discussed and security solutions given.
The importance of technical security measures to decrease the number and impacts of cyberattacks is
presented. The need is identified for a complementary technical, procedural and managerial security
approach towards the control and prevention of informational risks, and towards improving the
efficiency of security solutions.
The managerial approach of this guide - Part V focuses on managing risks and security in a context of
business intelligence. It contributes to understanding how to build a cybersecurity strategy, define a
cybersecurity policy, and implement security measures.
The objectives of this part are to:
Present a global approach for controlling information technology risks & security governance;
Define security measures with a special focus on protection against system intrusion, crisis
management, and disaster recovery plans;
Indicate the principal criteria for auditing and evaluating security levels.
At the end of the Cybersecurity Guide the reader will find a glossary of cybercrime and cybersecurity
terms and an array of relevant references.
Table of Contents
PART I ................................................................................................................................................................... 1
TECHNICAL APPROACH..................................................................................................................... 86
Table of Figures
Figure I.1: Digital information ................................................................................................... 2
Figure I.2: Cybersecurity for an inclusive society ..................................................................... 6
Figure I.3:Building blocks of cybersecurity culture................................................................. 11
Figure I.4:The Internet infrastructure and the many origins of problems ................................ 13
Figure I.5: Several dimensions of a cybersecurity approach ................................................... 15
Figure I.6: OECD principles for information security (July 2002).......................................... 19
Figure I.7: Basic ICT security criteria...................................................................................... 20
Figure II.1: Accessing the Internet........................................................................................... 27
Figure II.2: Internet intranet extranet ................................................................................. 28
Figure II.3: DNS server tree structure...................................................................................... 30
Figure II.4: Internet communication protocols ........................................................................ 32
Figure II.5: Sources of vulnerability for the Internet ............................................................... 33
Figure II.6: Passive and active attacks ..................................................................................... 34
Figure II.7: Denial-of-service attack ........................................................................................ 34
Figure II.8: Spyware attack ...................................................................................................... 41
Figure II.9: Phishing attack ...................................................................................................... 45
Figure II.10: Cyberattack methodology .................................................................................. 49
Figure II.11: Targets of cyberattacks ....................................................................................... 50
Figure II.12: The nature of computer related crime .............................................................. 52
Figure III.1: Overview of a crime resolution process .............................................................. 61
Figure III.2: Computer crime investigation methodology ....................................................... 67
Figure III.3: Some computer and data related offences ........................................................... 72
Figure IV.1: Security criteria and system capacity .................................................................. 86
Figure IV.2: Computer Security Domains ............................................................................... 87
Figure IV.3: Logical Security................................................................................................... 88
Figure IV.4: Symmetric encryption ......................................................................................... 92
Figure IV.5: Assymetric encryption......................................................................................... 93
Figure IV.6: Public key infrastructure...................................................................................... 95
Figure IV.7: Digital signature .................................................................................................. 96
Figure IV.8: Digital fingerprint................................................................................................ 97
Figure IV.9: Fighting against viruses....................................................................................... 98
Figure IV.10: Basic components of logical control ............................................................... 100
Figure IV.11: Biometric access control.................................................................................. 102
Figure IV.12: Establishment of a VPN using an IPSec communication channel .................. 107
Figure IV.13: Functional structure of a firewall .................................................................... 109
Figure IV.14: Protocols secuirty levels .................................................................................. 113
Figure IV.15: Different aspects of security architecture ........................................................ 117
Figure V.1: Main cybersecurity objectives ............................................................................ 119
Figure V.2:Complementarily of security and quality approaches.......................................... 119
Figure V.3: Security: an endless process requiring several capabilities ................................ 120
Figure V.4: Security: a necessary compromise ...................................................................... 121
Figure V.5: Strategic, tactical and operational security aspects............................................. 122
Figure V.6: Risk and security in a dynamic context .............................................................. 123
Figure V.7: Security measures ............................................................................................... 125
Figure V.8: From risk analysis to adapted security services.................................................. 127
Figure V.9: Risks and the security process ............................................................................ 128
Figure V.10: Information Security Management System ...................................................... 130
Part I identifies the context, stakes and challenges of cybersecurity. The purposes of this part are to:
Indicate some information society considerations and changes implied by the use of
information and communication infrastructures;
Identify the stakes, challenges and issues related to cybersecurity for developing countries;
Present the fundamentals of a global cybersecurity approach and the ITU Global
Cybersecurity Agenda initiative.
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are transforming the way we think about and
do almost everything in our lives. They are bringing about important structural changes, by allowing
us to model objects of all kinds in the form of information, and hence, manipulate them electronically.
Digitization creates a digital image of something real, i.e. a virtual version of the object. All
information whether it takes the form of voice, data, or image can be digitized and represented in
some standardized manner.
The real technology revolution was brought about by the digitization of information, and its
consequences go far beyond the world of telecommunication. Digitized information becomes
disembodied, that is, it is no longer tied to the medium in which it is represented and stored. The value
is the information itself (content) and do not provide from its physical medium (Figure I.1).
Data can be localized and processed in several places at once. The possibility of perfect duplication ad
infinitum imperils the notion of "original" data, with potentially troubling implications for the concept
of copyright protection.
Digital technology has made it possible to construct a continuous digital information chain, because it
has standardized data production, processing and transfer (digital convergence). Controlling the digital
information chain, i.e., the infrastructure and the content, has become the major challenge of the 21st
century. The new market, open to all, is characterized by the unprecedented mobilization of all players
on a global level: telecommunication operators, cable operators, hardware and software manufacturers,
service providers, television broadcasters, multimedia industry, etc. Unrestrained competition and the
reorganization of roles and activities have created the new economic challenges for today's
When Gutenberg created the printing press, he had no way of imagining the repercussions that his
invention would have on the future of industry. There was no way that he could have foreseen that his
invention was the first step on the road to industrial automation. Something similar happened at the
end of the 1960s. Universities and military users, each motivated by their own objectives, have set up
a communication network that would eventually become the Internet. Like their predecessors of the
15th Century, they had no way of predicting the broader consequences of their creation. Today, ICTs
and the cyberspace herald the transition of societies to the information age.
The information revolution profoundly alters the way information is processed and stored. It changes
the way organizations, and indeed society as a whole, function. It is not the only technical innovation
of this era, but it stands out because of its impact on the processing of information, and hence, of
knowledge. The information revolution can be viewed as the wellspring of future innovation, because
it affects the mechanisms by which knowledge is created and shared.
The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) leads to a genuine evolution of the
way politic, economic, social and cultural exchanges can be done, through a telecommunication
network, in which the security of the flow of information needs to be ensured. No form of economic
activity can exist without exchanges and interaction between the participants; no exchange of
information is possible without some basic security guarantees; and no service can be planned without
taking into account the need for quality of service. However, the success of a communication depends
on the ability of the parties involved to deal with the technical constraints and manage the customs that
any exchange of information involves.
Security in mind
The transformation of societies into an information society, made possible by the integration of
information and communication technologies in every sphere of activity and every type of
infrastructure, increases the dependence of individuals, organizations and countries on information
infrastructures. This is a major source of risks, which must also be treated as well as those linked to
cyberthreats, as a security risk. With the growing utilization of ICT, the existence of a global and
interdependent information technology infrastructure, and the emergence of new threats, mastering
operational computer risks is nowadays fundamental.
There is a danger that developing countries will put too few of their resources into security
infrastructure as they attempt to join the information society. As a consequence, the digital divide
could give rise to a security divide. There is also the danger that developing countries may become
overly dependent on the entities that provide their means of cybersecurity 1.
The dictionary tells us that security is the protection against something bad that might happen in the
future. Based on this basic definition, the concept of cybersecurity applied to the protection of any
material or immaterial ICT resources against potential danger. A danger or a threat is the possibility
of something happening (attack, error, dysfunction, natural catastrophe, ) that will injure, damage or
destroy an ICT resource. The threat could have a criminal origin or not, could be intentional or not.
The telecommunication infrastructures and the services and activities that they make possible have to
be conceived, designed, set up and managed with security in mind. Security is the cornerstone of any
telecommunication activity; it should be viewed as a service that makes it possible to create other
services and generate value (e.g. e-government, e-health, e-learning, ). It is not a matter of
technology alone 2. Until now, however, the basic communication tools that have become available
have not included the resources that are both necessary and sufficient to provide or to guarantee a
minimum level of security.
1 S. Ghernaouti-Hlie: "From digital divide to digital unsecurity: challenges to develop and deploy an unified e-security
framework in a multidimensional context", in International Cooperation and the Information Society, section of the Swiss
development policy directory, IUED publications. Geneva, November 2003.
2 A. Ntoko: "Mandate and activities in cybersecurity ITU-D". WSIS thematic meeting on cybersecurity. ITU, Geneva
28 June-1 July 2005.
Organizations and countries need to focus on the capacity to innovate and adapt rapidly. They must be
backed up by a powerful and secure information and communication infrastructures, if they wish to
survive and assert themselves as long-term players in the new competitive environment.
New areas of activity are being opened up by the diversification of telecommunication and the
possibilities created by extended information technology, the benefits of which should accrue to the
developing countries, too.
The technological and economic improvements made possible by the deployment of reliable ICT
infrastructures holds great promise for ordinary people. At the same time, however, they introduce an
unprecedented degree of technological and management complexity. The associated significant risks
must be kept under control, to avoid vitiating the very notion of progress. With technological risk,
e.g. a failure of information processing and communication systems, brought about by a malfunction
of accidental or malicious origin, comes an informational risk, liable to undermine an organization's
ability to make use of information.
While access to ICTs is widespread and growing, a far from negligible part of the population remains
excluded from the information revolution. The reasons for this include cultural and financial factors,
and, in some cases, basic difficulties such as lake of resources, competencies or illiteracy. More than
in any other domain, training and education are crucial to democratizing ICT and combating infoexclusion. The communication interfaces will also need to be thought anew so as to serve the
population better and respect the diversity of cultural contexts.
ICTs, like all technologies, emerge and operate in a particular historical and geographical context.
The responsibility of policymakers is to support the information revolution with the tools, procedures,
laws and culture needed to deal with security and meet the expectations and needs of a given society.
Developments in ICT and the way people use them have outpaced the regulations that govern them.
There is therefore a need for an appropriate legal framework to be put in place to address such issues
as for example: the aterritorial nature of the Internet, the problems of responsibility, consumer and
children protection or the protection of privacy and of property rights.
Technological evolution needs to be paralleled by an evolution of the social, political and legal order.
This cursory consideration already gives an idea of the importance of the challenges created by the
information age, the crucial role of telecommunication in meeting them, and the importance of dealing
with security issues before they become a hindrance to development.
The transition to the information age reveals the importance of information technology and makes it
clear that the technology needs to be mastered. Considering the new dimensions that ICT creates, in
technical and socio-economic terms, cybersecurity has become a fundamental need. It highlights the
strategic and critical nature of what is at stake in planning and implementing cybersecurity, for
countries, for organizations, and for individuals.
The ability to provide security for information, processes, systems and infrastructure is crucial to the
success of a given economy. In particular, it is essential for the developing countries to build off of the
experience acquired in the developed countries. It is essential to ensure that cybersecurity does not
become another dividing line between the haves and the have-nots.
It is not enough to set up points of access to telecommunication networks. It is necessary to deploy
ICT infrastructures and cyber services that are reliable, maintainable, robust and secure, while
respecting basic human rights and the rights of states. The need to protect systems and valuable
information has to coexist and be harmonized with the parallel protection of the rights and privacy of
Digital divide should not be double by a security divide. Security needs should be answered at the
same time than ICT development. Any ICT infrastructure should integrate basic security services. At
this condition developing countries could take advantage of the information society. Avoiding
becoming a digital paradise or the weak link of the international security chain, contributes to be an
important economic development actor.
Each actor dealing with information and communication device, tool or service, for professional
and/or private issues is concerning by the cybersecurity issue. It concerns: governmental institutions,
big or small organisations and individuals. It should be noted that a security approach is often limited
to the installation of risk reduction measures to protect information technologies resources of large
organizations. However, the security approach must also meet the security needs of small and medium
organizations and of individuals.
Any comprehensive approach toward cybersecurity must grapple with such imposing issues as states
sovereignty, national security, the cultural heritage of nations, and the protection of critical
infrastructure, systems, networks, goods and values and the safety of individuals.
The security answer should satisfy particular protection and defence levels requirements, in regards of
the actors need. Because humans are the weakest link of the security chain and because human is the
final consumer of ICT service, infrastructures and of cybersecurity, any security solution should also
take into consideration social and societal needs. The individual should be at the heart of any ICT
security question, to help realize a conscious and inclusive information society (Figure I.2).
Cybersecurity includes topics related to cybercrime issues and to potential ICT or security misuse, but
cybersecurity is not only fighting against cybercrime. Cybersecurity deals also with the fact that
technologies should be less vulnerable.
Cybersecurity also concerns:
The development of a reliable and safe behaviour in regard of the use of ICT;
It is illusory to think that technological or legal solutions will compensate for design or management
errors whether they occur at strategic, tactical, or operational levels.
The legal and technological worlds must be in harmony. Technology is not neutral, nor is the law.
Let us make it such that their development follows economic development, and that they become a
driving force for the economy of nations.
For developing countries as for others, carrying out activities over the Internet presupposes that four
major issues have been resolved, namely:
First, network infrastructure should exist with if possible; high-speed data transfer capabilities and
quality of services. The cost of use should be affordable and in correlation with the performances and
quality of service obtained. That implies having a valid underpinning economic model and an effective
cost management process.
Second, contents and services should meet users needs in term of pertinence, quality, flexibility and
accessibility. As previously stated, cost must be effective.
Third, e-services should be reliable and trustworthy, integrity, confidentiality, authenticity and
availability security criteria have to be guaranteed. Furthermore, traceability and proof must be
possible for third party control.
Security and trust are relative notions but they are critical factors of success and business enablers for
developing the information society. The underlying problem is to be found at the level of security and
confidence offered and guaranteed through access, services as well as by information and
communication technologies providers. That could be summed up by the question Who controls
infrastructures, access, use, services, content and security?
Just as we trust in air transportation we must have confidence into information and communication
technologies. This is only possible by implementing tight and rigorous control processes and by
ensuring that security measures are implemented in total transparency.
Fourth, an enforceable legal framework should exist and laws should be updated to adequately cover
extensive use of data processing and telecommunications. Procedural standards should be defined to
allow governments access to stored or transmitted data, while taking privacy protection, civil liberties
and public safety into balance. In addition, justice system representatives, the police force,
investigators and lawyers must be trained to deal with acquisition, preservation, analysis and
interpretation of digital evidence. Nowadays there seems to still be a general lack of coordination and
harmonization of legal frameworks.
The real challenge for developing countries is to keep security handling simple and cost-effective.
Security mechanisms and tools should be:
Readily understood;
Designed with the right balance between efficiency, configurability, usability and costs;
Managing information risks through cybersecurity could help to strengthen confidence in the
electronic marketplace of emerging countries, but at the same time cyber security should not become
an obstacle to the entrance of emerging economies onto the cybermarket.
There is no real technical obstacle to further development of cybersecurity but the scope of
deployment of effective local and international security services is very complex and technical and
management costs are not minor. Private and public partnership is desirable, at national and
international levels, to integrate security into infrastructure and to promote a security culture,
behaviour and tools. Business, financial and organizational models are to be found to support effective
deployment of security that could be of benefit to everyone.
ITU (International Telecommunication Union) was entrusted to take the lead as sole facilitator for
Action Line C5, Building confidence and security in the use of information and communication
technologies (ICTs) at the second phase of the WSIS in Tunis in 2005.
ITU Membership has been calling for a greater role to be played by ITU in matters relating to
Cybersecurity through various Resolutions, Decisions, Programs and Recommendations Together with
partners from governments, industry, academic and research institutions, regional and international
organizations as well as individual experts all over the world.
For that, ITU has established a global framework for international cooperation in cybersecurity: The
Global Cybersecurity Agenda - ITU GCA 3
The five domains of Global Cybersecurity Agenda are: Legal Measures; Technical and Procedural
Measures; Organizational Structures; Capacity Building and International Cooperation. Theses
domains constitute the five chapters of the global strategic report A framework for international
cooperation in cybersecurity 4 available since November 2008.
Work as started October 2007 by setting achievable goals in order to contribute to elaborate global
strategies for:
The creation of appropriate national and regional organizational structures and policies on
The establishment of security criteria and accreditation schemes for software applications and
The creation of a global framework for watch, warning and incident response;
The creation and endorsement of a generic and universal digital identity system;
The global information society and knowledge economy are constrained by the development and
overall acceptance of an international cybersecurity framework. The validity of such a framework or
model requires a challenging multidimensional cybersecurity approach for everyone from
individuals to organizations and states.
It is fundamental that the international community, including developing countries:
Develop public awareness of cybercrime and cyber security challenges (economic and
management issues, political issues, social issues, technical issues, legal and law enforcement
Promote a cyber security culture (information on stakes and risks, dissemination of simple
recommendations, such as: use secure systems, reduce vulnerability by avoiding dangerous
situations or behaviour, etc.);
Train and inform on information and communication technologies and on security issues,
and relevant legal provisions;
Create regional alert points for the provision of technical information and assistance
regarding security risks and cybercrime;
4 See the report:
Create effective cybercrime laws that are enforceable at national and international levels
(global and harmonized legal framework taking into account the right to privacy (Protection of
public safety, with protection of privacy and civil liberties));
Redefine law enforcement and legal framework in order to bring cybercrime perpetrators to
Establish effective cooperation and promote cooperation and coordination at national and
international levels;
Force information technology and content providers to improve the security of their products
and services. Products or services must integrate, in native, simple and flexible security
measures and mechanisms. Products should be well-documented and comprehensible and
security mechanisms should be readily understood and configured easily by untrained users.
Security must be integrated at the beginning of information technologies infrastructure
development life cycles.
Capacity building contributes to the creation of an enabling environment with appropriate policy and
legal frameworks, institutional development, including community participation, human resources
development and strengthening of managerial systems.
Capacity building includes:
Human resource development, the process of equipping individuals with the understanding,
skills and access to information, knowledge and training that enables them to perform
Institutional and legal framework development, making legal and regulatory changes to enable
organizations, institutions and agencies at all levels and in all sectors to enhance their
Within the context of the Global Cybersecurity Agenda 5, the main goal related to capacity building
is: Development of a global strategy to facilitate human and institutional capacity-building to
enhance knowledge and know-how across sectors and in all the above-mentioned areas.
The main components of the capacity building in cyber security are various awareness raising
initiatives, resource building and training.
Capacity building measures goes far beyond awareness and requires specific resources (financial,
technical, human resources), know how sharing and international cooperation. Economical models
have to be developed to support cybersecurity capacity building actions as well as to support
improvement of existing capacities. Developing and least-developed countries could need helps to
build cybersecurtiy capacities.
Educational efforts and investments need to be made to educate and train all the members of the
information society: from decision makers to citizens. Specific actions should be taken at a national
level, to raise or build cybersecurity capacities of various actors in order to be able to deal with
national and international cybersecurity issues. Awareness-raising, as well as specific education
programs, is difficult to achieve and is costly. As capacity building activities take place at national
level, appropriate resources should be found consequently. For that, financial, technical, organizational
and human resources should exist. In some specific contexts, developed countries should benefit from
international cooperation. At the same time, awareness is not enough to empower the end-user in a
way that he or she would be able to adopt a safe and responsible behaviour when dealing with ICT
technologies. Specific educational programmes should be effective and available for each kind of
stakeholder (policy makers, justice and police professionals, managers, information technology
professionals and end-users. At the very beginning of these programmes, cybersecurity training
courses should be integrated into different levels of educational courses, from school to university, and
including education in the legal, scientific and social science fields.
Developing interdisciplinary training of cybersecurity will be a real added value activity, permitting
people to deal with a large range of cybersecurity issues. Continuous training should not be omitted,
in order to prepare professionals to face the evolving and dynamic context of technology and threats.
Effective Capacity building measures should also contribute to help to create a more difficult digital
environment to attack by decreasing the number of vulnerabilities of potential targets.
Capacity building measures are pro-active actions and rely upon:
A good understanding of the role of cybersecuritys actors (including their motivation, their
correlation, their tools, mode of action) and of ICT related risks;
Protecting the information is a crucial issue to take into consideration in developing the information
society. At the crossroads of technological, legal, sociological, economic, and political fields,
cybersecurity is an interdisciplinary domain by nature. Depending on the country, a national
cybersecurity approach must reflect the vision, the culture and the civilization of a nation as well as
meeting the specific security needs of the local context in which it is introduced.
Because cybersecurity has a global dimension and deals with a large range of issues as:
Technical measures;
it is important to develop a general cybersecurity culture in order to raise the level of understanding of
each member of the cybersecurity chain.
A cybersecurity culture deals with key economic, legal, and social issues related to information
security in order to contribute to helping countries get prepared to face issues and challenges linked to
information and communication technologies (ICT) deployment, uses and misuses. 6
Figure I.3 points out the main building blocks needed to successfully promote a culture of
6S. Ghernaouti-Hlie - Information Security for Economic and Social Development UNESCAP 2008
Answering a global challenge by a local answer: the ICT level of penetration or Internet uses can
vary from country to country, and even if cybersecurity problems are similar, the way to deal with
those problems will depend, for example, on local culture, contexts, and national legal frameworks.
But even if each country is different, some countries at a regional level might have the same level of
Internet penetration and have similar cybersecurity needs. So sometimes, having a regional answer
could be appropriate in specific contexts. Any global strategy to develop a cybersecurity culture has
to be adapted to local needs.
When developing cybersecurity culture, one of the main challenges is to identify correctly what are the
global and international issues and what are the local specific needs for a cybersecurity culture.
International standards can only contribute to identifying the global and generic main issues related to
a cybersecurity culture because cultures rely upon local and temporal factors. A unique and exclusive
cybersecurity culture could be prejudicial to specific information society environments and visions. It
could fail to respond adequately to the multitude of end-user backgrounds, points of views, and needs.
Promoting a culture of cybersecurity that will touch the entire population needs to rely upon an
appropriate political vision and will and efficient private and public partnerships. It is too soon yet, to
assess the long term effects of the several existing awareness and educational initiatives. There are no
real theories or methodologies related to how to design, to communicate, to validate or to control the
adequacy of a cybersecurity culture. Evaluating the effectiveness of cybersecurity culture, from
policies and guidelines to practice, is very difficult. But at the same time we know that if the public
and private sectors do not support such initiatives together as soon as possible, there will be a long
term negative effect on economic development and the ability to ensure the security of goods and
Let us remember the following guidelines from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development; OECDs 2002 guidelines for the security of information systems and networks
Towards a culture of security 7, which are a starting point for examining security issues. The first
two points mentioned are:
Awareness: Participants should be aware of the need for securing information systems and
networks and what can be done to enhance security;
Responsibility: All participants are responsible for the security of information systems and
There is a global responsibility to provide citizens with the appropriate information related to
cybersecurity issues. Sufficient awareness and education will contribute to that and to prevent
incompetent or incorrect behaviours. It will also assist the development of trust and confidence in ICT
infrastructures, services, security mechanisms and controls. It will also avoid building security based
on fear. Fear is a selling argument when dealing with security issues but is not always rational and
does not lead to the best investments and efficiency in security. It can, however, be synonymous with
excessive control that will impact the preservation of human rights and privacy.
People should be able to develop their own approach to, and informed assessment of, how they should
behave in respect of cybersecurity and the use of ICT. It is everyones responsibility to promote a safe
and reliable cyberspace environment in the context of an emerging information society.
Every citizen should:
Understand the cyberthreats for the end-user (viruses, spam, identity theft, fraud, swindle,
privacy offence, etc) and their impacts;
Understand how to adopt a security behaviour for a safe use of ICT resources;
There is a global responsibility to contribute: (i) to help developing countries find their own good
practices by transferring knowledge and skills; and (ii) to equip developing countries with the means
for developing an economy of service. For developing countries, the information society could be an
unprecedented opportunity to provide an alternative to the exploitation of their natural resources.
So to empower human resource in a global perspective, a general, modular and flexible educational
framework in cybersecurity should exist to answer the needs of increased public awareness and
provide a deeper education for particular professionals. This concerns both well-developed countries
and less developed ones.
Because education is a key factor to strengthen competitiveness, employment and social cohesion,
education is the key factor in becoming an actor in the information society and it constitutes the
cornerstone of a knowledge-based society. Therefore, to enhance confidence and security in the use of
ICT and cybersecurity, education should not be considered merely as an option. Education contributes
to developing a layer of defence in deep security approach and is the cornerstone of the information
society. Education constitutes a real human capacity challenge that governments have to face.
Promoting a culture of cybersecurity contributes to building a safe and inclusive information society.
Considering cybersecurity education is a long-term approach which is efficient for a sustainable
information society.
Cybersecurity objectives
Mastery of digital information wealth, distributing intangible goods, adding value to content, and
bridging the digital divide are all problems of an economic and social nature, which call for something
more than a one-dimensional, strictly technological approach to cybersecurity.
The ultimate objective of cybersecurity is to ensure that no lasting harm is done to the individual, the
organization or to the state. This consists of the following: (i) protecting values (ii) reducing the
likelihood that a threat materializes; (iii) limiting the damage or malfunction resulting from an
incident; and (iv) ensuring that, following an incident, normal operations can be restored within an
acceptable time-frame and at an acceptable cost.
The cybersecurity process involves the whole of society - every individual is concerned by its
implementation. It can be strengthened by developing a cyber code of conduct and a genuine national
cybersecurity policy.
Cyber-insecurity exists!
The security deficit in ICTs is a reflection of the nature of information technologies and of cyberspace.
The fact that users move in a virtual world, acting remotely and relatively anonymously, compounds
the difficulties of designing, implementing, managing and controlling this technology. When one adds
failures, malfunctions, errors, mistakes, inconsistencies and even natural disasters into the equation,
the result, not surprisingly, is an aura of insecurity that haunts the ICT infrastructure (see Figure I.4).
In this environment, there are many ways in which a malicious attacker may exploit vulnerabilities 8.
The list of these types of attacks is long. It includes identity theft, system spoofing, intrusion, resource
hijacking, infection, deterioration, destruction, tampering, breach of confidentiality, denial of service,
theft, and extortion. The proliferation of such attacks illustrates the limitations of current security
strategies, but also, paradoxically, shows that the infrastructures have certain robustness.
Whatever the motivations of individual computer criminals may be, the results always include a far
from trivial economic impact. Cybercrime is fast turning into an international hydra-headed monster.
Security strategy is often limited to a purely technological approach of setting up mechanisms to
reduce the risks to which the organization's information assets are exposed. A more effective approach
8 Cybercrime, cyberattacks and cyberoffences are discussed in depth in Part II.
is to take into account all the dimensions of the problem and address the security needs of individuals,
especially the protection of privacy and basic rights. Cybersecurity should cover everyone, and it
should extend protection to data of a personal nature.
Security solutions do exist, but they are never definitive, and generally represent no more than a
response to a particular problem in a specific context. In many cases they are purely technological in
nature, addressing a particular problem in a specific context - and, like all technology, they are fallible
and can be circumvented. Usually they merely displace the security problem and shift responsibility to
another part of the system they are supposed to protect. Furthermore, they are themselves in need of
protection and secure management. At best, they represent a tentative attempt to deal with a dynamic
reality of fluid technology, shifting targets, evolving hacker skills, and mutating threats and risks.
There is no guarantee that a particular approach to security will provide lasting protection, or a return
on the investment it requires. Another problem is that the proliferation of heterogeneous solutions may
harm the overall coherence of the security strategy. Clearly, technology alone will not suffice; it must
be integrated within a broader managerial approach.
Overall security strategy coherence is complicated by the wide range of different entities and
individuals involved. This includes engineers, developers, auditors, systems engineers, legal experts,
investigators, clients, suppliers, and users. It is complicated too by the broad array of interests, visions,
environments, and languages. The digital economy will only be secure if there is a unified, systemic
grasp of security risks and measures, and a recognition of the respective responsibilities of all parties
Social issues, the economy, public policy, human issues: whichever way one looks at it, and whether
one calls it computer or telecom security, cybersecurity touches on the security of the digital wealth of
people, organizations and countries (Figure I.5). The challenges involved are complex, and meeting
them requires the political will to devise and implement an overall strategy for the development of
information infrastructures that includes a coherent and effective cybersecurity strategy. A strong
response to the human, legal, economic and technological dimensions of information infrastructure
security needs can build confidence and generate welcome economic growth benefiting all of society.
Political dimension
Because Cybersecurity and cybercrime issues are governmental issues, and national security issues,
government people should understand:
Links between social and economic development with crime and security issues in a
connected society with interrelated infrastructures;
ICT related threats and risks for states, organizations and citizens including privacy and
economic crime issues;
The role of all relevant stakeholders and relationships between private and public sectors;
To define general measures to be taken to obtain a satisfying level of ICT security and
protection assets (including privacy issues);
These are some conditions among others, without forgot the necessary budget to be made available to
sustain security measures and organizational structure.
The state possesses considerable responsibility for making digital security a reality. This is
particularly true for the definition of an appropriate legal framework - one that is unified and practical.
It should also promote a security culture and demand compliance with security standards, while
strengthening law enforcement in respect to cybercrime. This raises the question of the underlying
financial model and public-private partnership for national and international action plans.
At the strategic level, it is necessary to:
Deter cybercrime;
Encourage cooperation among several stakeholders and between private and public sectors.
However, security and deterrent measures are not enough. It is also essential for the state to provide
education, information, and training in information processing and communication technologies.
Building awareness of security issues should not be limited to the promotion of a particular security
culture and cyber code of conduct. The security culture must be underpinned, upstream, by an IT
The state must give the different players the means by which to learn to manage the technological,
operational and information risks that threaten them in connection with the use of new technologies. In
this context, the state must also encourage the reporting of instances of cybercrime. It must ensure that
there is trust between the various players of the economic world and the legal and law-enforcement
Those authorities, along with the civil-defence authorities, emergency services, armed forces and
security forces, have a tactical and operational role to play regarding the protection, prosecution and
reparation of cybercrime. The state must ensure that organizational structures as surveillance,
detection or information centres for ICT and criminal risks exit and are made operational.
It is up to each state: (i) to define a development policy for the information society reflecting its own
particular values; and (ii) to provide the resources necessary to make it a reality, including the means
for protection.
To contain cybercrime in a global, centralized and coordinated manner, states need to have a response
at the political, economic, legal, and technological levels - a single response that can be adopted by all
of the players in the digital chain as fellow partners in security.
The desire for simplicity and effectiveness in security is at odds with the complexity of needs and
environments. This makes the outsourcing of services and system and information security to
specialized providers more attractive. The tendency to outsource creates a high, or in some cases, total
degree of dependence. This is a major risk for state sovereignty. States must beware of becoming
dependent for the strategic, tactical and operational management of their cybersecurity on external
entities that are beyond their control.
The Internet is on the way toward becoming a necessity of the information society. It could be viewed
as a critical infrastructure, as essential as the electric distribution systems. The capacity of companies
to produce and carry out services is increasingly related to technologies and services provided by the
Internet. The concept of criticality associated with information or, more generally with an
infrastructure, relies on its importance level and determines the survival of those whom depend on it.
However, the data processing and telecom infrastructures belong only partially to those who depend
on them. Even the so-called "public" infrastructures belong to a large extent to private companies, so
public and private partnerships should be well defined.
In this context of dependence and interdependence of telecommunication and electric infrastructures,
the protection of critical infrastructures including information infrastructures, is important for any
national economy.
Availability, reliability, confidentiality, integrity, quality and confidence seem to be criteria that one
wishes to be able to associate with any type of electronic services whether in the context of the cyberadministration, e-government or in that of the trade and finance. Information security is the essential
basis of the success of Internet for the use of states, organizations, and citizens.
Policymakers also need to implement legal measures that are harmonized with the mechanisms of
security models. Those legal measures are essential to prevent and deter criminal behaviour that: (i)
uses pervasive networks as a target of crime (new technology new crimes); or (ii) uses pervasive
networks as a means to realize a crime (old crime with new technology). The legal dimension of
cybersecurity should be viewed as a global business enabler that will contribute to minimizing
criminal opportunities.
Considering cybersecurity from organizations points of view, executive managers of any size
organization (including small and medium enterprises) should understand basic principles in ICT
security management, in particular on the following topics:
Produce effective security process and master ICT related risks and security costs;
It may appear relatively straightforward to estimate what cybersecurity costs - associated budgets, cost
of security products, training, etc. Assessing the profitability of security is more difficult. Taking a
subjective approach, one might suppose that security measures intrinsically possess a passive form of
effectiveness that prevents certain potential losses. Nonetheless, it is difficult to weigh the cost of
security and the costs associated with losses due to accidents, errors or malicious acts. The cost of
security depends on the assets that the organization needs to protect, and the cost of damage resulting
from insufficient security. There is no ready answer to the following questions: What is the economic
value of security? What is the return on investment of security?
The economic value of security must be conceived in the broadest social sense, taking into account the
impact of new technologies on individuals, organizations and nations. It cannot be reduced to the costs
of installation and maintenance of security tools.
A number of bodies of national law and international conventions legally bind organizations to put
into place security measures. Those laws create obligations on the part of managers of organizations
and their security administrators, to implement security measures (but not an obligation in terms of
results). An entity that is guilty of a security lapse leading to an infraction may have a responsibility of
a criminal, civil or administrative nature. Whether or not such responsibility is established will, of
course, have no bearing on the criminal responsibility of the individuals who are guilty of the
The need to integrate a legal dimension relating to data processing is being increasingly felt by
organizations. This relates to data conservation, responsibility of technical staff, management of
personal data, cyber monitoring of employees, intellectual property, ICT contracts, E-commerce, etc.
and regulatory compliance
The legal conformity aspect of information systems is a new dimension that must be taken into
account by persons in charge of data processing. Thorough knowledge of new technology-related laws
becomes a necessity, and the law must be borne in mind when installing security solutions. Legislation
indeed becomes an endogenous factor when considering security.
In the developed countries, omnipresent legislation in information systems governance can become a
strategic asset for organizations that manage them, and legal intelligence constitutes a key factor of
success for companies strategies. Thus, persons in charge of security for organizations must be
sensitized to the constraints of police investigation (minimal documentation relating to incident,
conservation of traces, etc.). This measure makes sense only when incidents are reported to the police.
A country must support reporting cybercrimes and build confidence among the various actors of the
economic world, the justice system and the police.
Appropriate legislation on data processing makes it possible to strengthen the economic partners'
confidence in the national infrastructure. These laws help to create a favourable context for data
exchange based on compliance with the law. They encourage the general public to adopt information
and communication-based services. Legislation and security may be viewed as two levers of the
national economy. Cybersecurity conceived in terms of confidence and quality, lays the foundations
for the development of a sound service economy.
States and organizations must take steps: (i) to foster a culture of prudence regarding ICT usage; and
(ii) to develop a multidisciplinary approach toward cybersecurity. They need to control the risk that
ICTs will be used to criminal ends.
Legal dimension
Just as there are tax shelters, so there are legal safe havens. The proliferation of computer-related
crime is not necessarily a sign that there are not enough laws. Existing laws already cover many of the
activities of ICT criminals. Policymakers need to create new legislation to complement existing laws,
which, of course, also apply in cyberspace.
It is not enough to strengthen legislation, if the means to apply it are not there. A law is of little use if
law enforcement is not up to the task of gathering and analyzing evidence, and identifying and
prosecuting the perpetrators of criminal acts. If a malevolent is confident that he/her will escape
punishment, this is a strong indication that the law is ineffective.
Taking into account the legal dimension and specific needs for justice and police professionals, Global
understanding of legal issues related to ICT technologies and misuses should well understand by
professionals in the field of justice and police. Depending on their activities they should know for
Competent professionals should be able to define a legal framework with appropriate cyber laws
enforceable at national level and compatible at the international level. Measures to fight against
cybercrime should be developed, keeping in mind the international cooperation need.
Delinquents adapt to any new environment and take advantage of it to carry out their traditional
activities. There is legitimate cause for alarm that these individuals can be so perversely creative when
it comes to inventing insidious new uses for these technologies.
It would be dangerous for the police forces to postpone achieving competencies and resources to
investigate computer crime. It would have a severe, direct financial cost - in the form of investment in
new infrastructures. Even worse would be the social cost due to the increase of organized crime and
other destructive activities with destabilizing effects.
However, a colossal increase of police presence on the network is not necessarily the best solution.
It is essential to preserve bedrock democratic principles throughout the cyber world.
Effectively combating cybercrime requires a legal framework that has been harmonized at the
international level and that can be applied effectively. It also requires true international cooperation at
the level of the police and justice authorities. It is important that this legal framework respect
individuals' rights to digital privacy, while strengthening efforts to combat cybercrime.
The principal objective of the struggle against cybercrime must be the protection of individuals,
organizations and countries, bearing in mind the fundamental principles of democracy.
The tools used to combat cybercrime are potentially inimical to human rights, and may undermine the
privacy of personal information. Security requires surveillance, verification and profiling. Checks and
balances are essential if: (i) abuses of power and of position are to be prevented; (ii) the temptation of
totalitarian methods resisted; and (iii) respect of basic rights guaranteed. Those basic rights include the
right to cyberprivacy and the protection of confidential personal information.
The political will to deal with cybercrime exists at the international level. The problem is not always
the absence of laws or guidelines, such as those promulgated by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) with its "OECD Guidelines for the Security of Information
Systems and Networks Towards a Culture of Security 2002 9" (Figure I.6). Rather, it is the
difficulty and complexity of the task, and the resources necessary to effectively combat, not only
cybercrime, but also organized crime and terrorism, that results in the Internet being exploited for
malicious purposes.
It is important to ensure that all internet stakeholders are: (i) aware of the importance of the security
issues involved; and (ii) aware of the basic measures that, if effectively implemented, can strengthen
user confidence in data processing and communication technologies. The Internet should be an asset
for everyone and not a haven for ubiquitous criminal activity.
Technological dimension
Define, design, produce, and implement efficient security tools and measures of protection
and reaction to support availability, integrity and confidentiality of ICT infrastructures and
The private sector has a major role to play by providing users with security technologies that should be
cost effective, user friendly, transparent, auditable and third party controllable.
Security solutions must satisfy basic security criteria such as availability, integrity and
confidentiality (the AIC criteria) (Figure 1.7). Other criteria that are often cited in this context are:
(i) authentication, which makes it possible to verify the identity of an entity; (ii) non-repudiation;
and (iii) imputability, which make it possible to verify that actions or events have taken place and to
attest who is responsible for them.
To ensure the availability of services, systems and data, the components of the infrastructure systems
must be appropriately sized and possess the necessary redundancy. In addition, operational
management of resources and services must be provided.
Availability is measured over the period of time during which the service provided is operational. The
potential volume of work that can be handled during the period of availability of the service
determines the capacity of the resource (a server or network, for example). The availability of a
resource is closely linked to its accessibility.
Preserving the integrity of data, processing or services means protecting them against accidental and
intentional modification, tampering and destruction. This is needed to ensure they remain correct and
reliable. To prevent tampering, there needs to be a way of certifying that they have not been modified
during storage or transfer.
Data integrity can only be guaranteed if data are protected from active tapping techniques that can be
used to modify the intercepted information. This type of protection can be provided with security
mechanisms such as:
Data encryption;
In some circumstances, it is necessary to verify that an event or transaction has taken place. Nonrepudiation is associated with the concepts of accountability, imputability, traceability and, in
some cases, auditability.
Establishing responsibility presupposes the existence of mechanisms for authenticating individuals
and attributing their actions. The possibility of recording information to make it possible to trace the
performance of an action becomes important when there is a need to reconstitute the sequence of
events. This is particularly important for performing computer investigations to find a system address
used to, for example, send data. The investigators need to be able to save the information that is to be
used to conduct subsequent analysis for system auditing purposes (information logging). This is called
system auditability.
Social dimension
The state needs to ensure that all participants in the Internet are aware of the basic steps required to
strengthen the level of security. It needs to implement information campaigns and civic education for
a responsible information society, covering the challenges, the risks and the preventive and deterrent
security measures. The security culture must be embedded within an ICT culture.
From a citizen point of view, cybersecurity issues should focus on: (i) the protection of individuals;
(ii) the protection of private data; (iii) the respect of basic human rights; (iv) the quality e-services; (v)
the confidence into ICT infrastructures and applications. From the individual point of view,
cybersecurity should not be restricted to homeland security. Nowadays, a trend is emerging
concerning the evolution of the way to apprehend the concept of information security or cybersecurity.
This trend is towards a much more badly defined and complex terminology relating to critical
information infrastructures protection. This modification of terminology without a real definition,
introduces more complexity, and could lead to an overemphasis in cybersecurity on critical
information infrastructure protection and homeland security.
Any citizen should:
Understand threats for the end-user (virus, spam, identity usurpation, fraud, swindle, privacy
offence, etc) and their impacts;
Understand how to adopt a security behaviour for a safe use of ICT resources;
Understand how to build a global cybersecurity culture based on well recognized international
standards and recommendations, involving several kinds of stakeholders.
So many open questions remain concerning ICT security. These questions go beyond the purely
technological dimension of Internet and its security. Transparent and controllable security solutions
associated with universal know-how will contribute toward building an inclusive information society
in regard to democratic principles, basic human rights, and the sovereignty of states. The Internet
should be made into a commons open to all, without taking excessive security risks. Collectively, all
players in cyberspace need to develop, consent to, and respect a uniform code of security ethics.
The virtual nature of the Internet, and its recreational aspects, can blind users - especially young
persons and novices - to its considerable capacity to do harm. The consequences can be devastating for
organizations and individuals who fall prey. Controlling technological risks means more than hunting
down hackers or setting up technological barriers. The most serious consequences are sometimes due
to: (i) sheer negligence resulting from incompetence; (ii) misconceived or poorly implemented
technology; (iii) excessive authority for system administrators; or (iv) mismanagement.
Part II presents cyberthreats, cyberattacks and cybercrime issues in order to be able to answer the
following questions:
What is cybercrime?
Examples of misues of ICT and different expressions and examples of computer-related crime
and cybercrime. Most cybercrimes are illustrated by real cases of attacks, in order to better
understand what cybercrime is. These examples of cybercrime cases, taken mostly from
developing countries where the Internet is already widely used and this type of crime is well
reported, have been anonymized.
Most cybercrimes are illustrated by real cases of attacks, in order to better understand what cybercrime
is. Examples are not exhaustive and do not intend to point out any weaknesses or denunciate those that
have been victims of cybercrime and do not constitute an incitation to commit such crime. Based on
real cybercrime cases, taken mostly from developing countries where the Internet is already widely
used and this type of crime is well reported. Examples have been transformed to become anonymous.
This does not mean that other countries are not subject to cybercrime, or that other examples do not
exist. Examples have been written with the collaboration of Mrs Amlie Magnin.
Standardized digital internetworking (voice, data, and image) of a defined set of basic services
that are easy to set up and maintain. They must supply the requisite geographical national and
international coverage within the framework of a total-quality approach and optimum
cybersecurity. This means a sustainable, stable and granular offering that can be altered at
little technical and economic cost.
Technical and commercial harmonization and protection against possible cartelization. This
means a harmonious development of infrastructures and services, with a guarantee of active
regulation of abuses of dominant positions.
10 A network's topology is the pattern of links connecting its different elements or nodes.
11 A wide area network or WAN is one that connects computers spread over a relatively large geographical territory
(10 km). A metropolitan area network (MAN) is one that interconnects local networks that may belong to different
entities, having a geographical coverage of up to 100 km. Telecommunication specialists are coining new terms to identify
different types of networked resources or to depict specific application domains. For example, the following acronyms are
encountered in specialized texts: (i) HAN (home area network), a network interconnecting remotely controllable
equipment such as an oven, VCR, or lighting and heating equipment within a house; (ii) CAN (car area network); (iii)
SAN (storage area network); etc.
13 TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol.
A network interface, resolves connectivity issues. It adjusts the signal transmitted or received by the
computer so that it can be transmitted over a specific medium and network. An example of a network
interface between a computer and a transmission medium is a modem (modulator/demodulator). In
theory, any electronic component can be connected to the network insofar as it has an appropriate
hardware and software connection interface.
A networks transport infrastructure consists of, (i) user systems that serve to access a network, (ii)
computers that manage and process applications (data hosts and servers), and (iii) communication
processors. The latter are computers that carry out one or more functions required to manage and set
up telecommunications. Those functions include, (i) resource optimization and sharing, (ii) routing of
data, (iii) management of addresses and names, and (iv) interconnection. Examples of communication
processors are routers, multiplexers, concentrators, switches, and interconnection gateways.
In order for communication to take place, information must be transmitted reliably according to
exchange arrangements that are satisfactory for the correspondents. Systems interconnected over
telecommunication networks are a priori different. In order to be able to dialogue, they must use the
same frame of reference for communication. In other words, they must speak the same language and
follow common exchange rules. Networked computers must comply with identical communication
protocols and follow the same dialogue rules in order to be able to communicate. These protocols are
integrated in the communication software.
A de facto standard is one that unofficially becomes a market reference due to wide-spread common
use. For example, all the protocols stemming from the Internet community are de facto standards.
Frequently, a de facto standard will eventually receive official sanction from a universally recognized
Internet designates the whole of the communication infrastructure made available to the public in
order to communicate. When an organization wishes to use this infrastructure privately and
restrictively, it can establish a virtual private network (VPN) over the Internet. For internal needs, it
may use Internet technologies to construct a private network or intranet. When the intranet is also
open to a number of partners (customers, suppliers, etc.), it is called an extranet (Figure II.2).
Together with e-mail, the World Wide Web (or "web", for short) is the most important Internet
application. A multitude of services have been developed on the basis of web navigation. It is possible
to navigate throughout the web, thanks to client software (browser), which is installed in the user's
workstation. The browser allows remote access to web servers. It can be used to search, consult or
transmit information, or even to run programs. The notion of browsing or surfing the web stems from
the fact that documents (hyperdocuments) have been designed, structured and formatted so as to be
read in a non-sequential manner, using tags and navigation links that were inserted when they were
created. Activating a link takes the reader to another part of the document or to a different document,
possibly located on a remote computer. One surfs from site to site by activating these hyperlinks.
The Web (World Wide Web, W3), along with electronic mail, is the Internets most significant
application. The number of services developed on web navigation facility is infinite.
The Internet is used for private and professional issues, from the simple exchange of data to strategic
business or governmental applications.
expressed in its decimal form. It is comprised of four decimal numbers separated by marks (point). For example, the
address corresponds to the binary value 10000000.00001010.00000010.00011110.
called top-level domains (TLD). These primarily identify countries, indicated by two letters (.dz for
Algeria; .ke for Kenya; .pe for Peru; .pk for Pakistan; .zw for Zimbabwe; etc.). Functional domains
such as .int are used to identify international entities (; .com identifies commercial
organizations; .org identifies organizations; and .biz identifies the business world. The following are
examples of functional domains:
.museum for establishments in which collections of objects are kept and classified for
conservation and exhibiting to the public;
for individuals;
for cooperatives;
Within these broad domain designations, there are sub-domains, corresponding to large corporations
or important institutions.
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names And Numbers (ICANN) 15 is responsible for allocating
names and addresses and must ensure that they are all unique. This responsibility for managing names
may be delegated to a sub-domain that is hierarchically under its authority. For example, in the case of
France, the registration authority (accredited registrar directory) accredited by ICANN is AFNIC 16.
According to ICANN: "The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is an
internationally organized, non-profit corporation that has responsibility for internet protocol (IP)
address space allocation, protocol identifier assignment, generic (gTLD) and country code (ccTLD)
top-level domain name system management, and root server system management functions. These
services were originally performed under U.S. Government contract by the Internet Assigned
Numbers Authority (IANA) 17 and other entities. ICANN now performs the IANA function."
The authority for the allocation and management of addresses was entrusted exclusively to an
American association, on American territory, operating under American law.
ICANN, is a not-for-profit, multi-stakeholder organization, based in California, dedicated to
coordinating the Internet's addressing system, has now taken over the IANA function in 1998, where
US representation remains overwhelmingly dominant. By its function, ICANN potentially controls
access to the Internet. This poses for any Internet actor a genuine problem of dependency.
The Internet Governance Forum (IGF), an international forum for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue
(founded in 2006 following WSIS-Tunis commitment 18) addresses the need for more international
participation in discussion for Internet governance issues 19.
Organizations cannot control or govern the criterion of security in terms of the availability of
infrastructures, services, and data, in cyberspace because they depend, for their access to the Internet,
on the allocation of IP addresses and domain names - hence, on outside entities.
It is vital that the addresses, processes and systems involved in the management of names and
addresses, and the routing of data, should be characterized by availability, integrity, reliability and
security. It is the responsibility of the entities in charge of transport infrastructures to protect and
effectively manage their communication environments.
The domain name directories can be seen as databases managed by DNS servers. ICANN coordinates
some fifteen DNS root servers, the vast majority of which are located in North America. ICANN
manages the top-level domain names and IP addresses. This includes all of the domains referred to
above (.org, .com, etc.), as well as the 244 domain names for the different countries (.cn China, .ga
Gabon, .lk Sri Lanka, .pf French Polynesia, etc.). Local DNS servers called resolvers keep a copy
of the information contained in the root servers. These resolvers, frequently associated with strategic
network access points or linked to Internet Service Providers, serve to answer user queries regarding
the translation of a domain name into an IP address (Figure II.3) 20.
The IP protocol offers an unreliable IP packet delivery service. It operates in so-called "best effort"
mode. In other words, it does its best under the circumstances and does not guarantee packet delivery.
In fact, it does not guarantee any quality of service whatsoever, and there is no error recovery. Thus, a
packet can be lost, altered, duplicated, fabricated (forged) or delivered out of sequence without the
sender's or recipient's knowledge. Because no prior logical relationship is set up between sender and
recipient, this means that the sender sends his packets without informing the recipient and they can get
lost, take different routes, or arrive in the wrong order.
To counter this lack of quality of service, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is installed in
end systems. TCP offers a reliable transport service in connection-oriented mode. However, the TCP
protocol does not offer any security service in the true sense of the word.
On this transport TCP/IP communication protocol infrastructure, application protocols have been
implemented to support distributed applications. Various communication protocols have been
established, primarily to meet communication needs. These include: (i) SMTP (Simple Mall
Transfer Protocol) for e-mail services; (ii) FTP (File Transfer Protocol) for the transmission of
files; and (iii) HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) for Internet navigation (Figure II.4). None of
them support or offer security services in native mode.
TCP: RFC 0793 UDP: RFC 0768 FTP: RFC 0959 HTTP version 1.1: RFC 2616 Telnet: RFC 0854
Intern et techno
lo gyy aspects
Public, open technology
Version history
Security mechanism not built
Best -effort technology design
Availability of tools for network
administration, traffic analysis, audit and
Availability of attack tools
System aspects
Attractive systems
Management deficiencies
Piecemeal approach to
Characteristics of
the legal system
Multiple jurisdictions
Digital safe havens
Ch aracteristicsof
cyberw orld
Trend to cyber -everything
asp ects
Extended connectivity
Component growth and
No overall control
Inadequate performance
User aspects
Different categories
Large and growing number
Varying levels of training and expertise
Unsuitable behavior
Uncertain ethical integrity
Inadequate use of security tools
Poor security management
The technical specifications and operating modes of the Internet belong to the public domain. Anyone
can adopt these network technologies to perform communication services - or divert them for
malevolent purposes. In addition, most Internet protocols have been designed without integrating
security mechanisms. The best example is the protocol that is the cornerstone of the Internet
infrastructure: IPv4. All TCP/IP protocols and Internet services can be corrupted and used for
malicious acts, such as service disruption, data and resource theft, modification, and destruction.
DoS tools are designed to send many request packets to a targeted Internet server - usually a web,
FTP, or mail server - in order to flood the servers resources and thus render the system unusable. One
form of a DoS attack is called e-mail bombing. This is done by flooding a users inbox with
messages. Any resources connected to the Internet are vulnerable to DoS attacks.
A hacker attacked an authentication server of a National Pharmacists Association, resulting in
downtime of all services. Five thousand users were no longer able to access the website, and
medicine Internet trading services were interrupted. The hacker launched a DoS attack that
consisted of bombarding the authentication server with many unauthorized attempts. The
hacker used the Internet to find hacking tools as cracker software, through forums and hacking
sites. He intercepted the password of the administrator of the National Pharmacists
Association. The hacker used this stolen identification to gain access to protected documents
that contained confidential information. In addition, the fraudster found 80 other
identifications and installed a password cracker tool directly on the server to find users
passwords. This new attack caused more disruption of service, with bad financial
consequences for the association.
There are three basic ways to attempt a DoS attack: (i) by the consumption of all resources, such as
bandwidth, preventing legitimate traffic; (ii) by the destruction or alteration of configuration
information; and (iii) by the disruption of physical network components to deny access to a service.
The consumption of scarce resources is a tool often used to launch DoS attacks. The main goal of
attackers is often to disrupt the network connectivity in order to prevent hosts from communicating.
For example, in the SYN 22 flooding attack, the attacker sends a large number of requests to open a
TCP connection. Upon receiving the SYN packet, the server allocates the necessary memory for the
connection and enters it in a queue of half-open connections. The attacker will never answer and the
server can no longer accept new, legitimate connections once the queue overflows. Therefore, the
network connectivity is disrupted. Moreover, the attacker can remain anonymous - he does not wish in
any case to open authentic connections. Indeed, he can forge the source address of his SYN packets to
hide his identity.
Bandwidth is also viewed as a scarce resource. An attacker can consume bandwidth by generating a
large number of packets directed to the network. This method, called a smurf attack, aims to drown
the target with the help of traffic amplifiers 23. The disruption of configuration systems relies on the
possibility that a computer is badly configured. One example would be for the change of the routing
information in the routers to lead to the networks breakdown.
An organization has to secure all network components physically. Access to computers, routers, power
stations and critical elements should be restricted to legitimate persons. The destruction of cooling
stations can result in the overheating of some electronic devices and the disruption of a whole
A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack uses a large number of computers infected by a worm
or a Trojan horse to launch simultaneous attacks on a target in a very short time. A remotely controlled
infected computer is called a zombie . Zombie computers can for example, bombard the system with
thousands of e-mails, causing denial-of-service at the mail server - and thereby deny the service to
legitimate users.
22 SYN: Synchronization
23 The attacker sends a large amount of ICMP echo-request (ping) to IP broadcast addresses, with the target address as the
source address. The network then serves as a smurf amplifier. The pinged machines send their response to the intended
victim. On a multi-access broadcast network, hundreds of machines might reply to each request. The use of spoofed
broadcast ping messages floods the target system.
A national police force caught a young boy and charged him with launching for sport DDoS
attacks on websites managed by a particular company. The hacker took advantage of his
administrative position on an online music forum to hide malicious code in the website. Users
of the music forum unknowingly downloaded the malicious software, which subsequently
gathered information about the users. The hacker used these infected computers as zombie
relays, to launch DoS cyberattacks.
DoS and DDoS attacks are intended to cripple system resources. They typically operate by
overloading a server with requests for the ordinary services it is designed to provide routinely, thereby
preventing it from delivering the service to regular users. These requests resemble ordinary requests. It
is the sheer volume of requests that overwhelms the system. This makes it so that a DoS or DDoS
attack is very difficult to identify and to prevent.
II.4.3 Defacement attacks
A defacement attack is carried out by replacing the victims web page with a forgery, where the
content of the forged page (e.g. pornographic, political), will depend on the criminals motives.
One variation of this type of attack involves redirecting users to a decoy website that looks exactly the
same as the one they were accessing. Once those users have entered the phoney site they are asked to
disclose sensitive information such as a credit card number. This approach is used in phishing
There have been a number of cases in which fraudulent websites imitated legitimate websites
of well-known banking institutions. These websites would use a domain name such as They would claim that the website was operated by a company with a
name such as TrustedBankForCountryQ. They would claim that this company offered
various banking services in a well-known financial place. But, in truth, this TrustedBank
would be a completely fraudulent entity.
A criminal can deface the content of websites for purposes of disinformation. Its motivation might
be: (i) to influence events; (ii) to manipulate the stock exchange; (iii) to spread uncertainty or fear; or
(iv) to manipulate public opinion. These can be viewed as semantic attacks. They subvert the
meaning of the information content, and fall into the category of infowar.
An attacker can gain access to a web server indeed, to the whole private network - by exploiting
vulnerabilities in web application or technical and managerial errors. If they are not well protected,
Web-based applications are vulnerable and expose the whole information system of an organization to
cyber attacks.
II.4.4 Malware attacks
A malicious code (or malware) is any program that can deliberately and unexpectedly interfere with
the normal operation of a computer. Usually, malware programs have been designed to obtain
financial gain.
The number of malware attacks continues to grow has become veritable pandemics. They have
become ubiquitous, affecting anyone in any sector of activity. No system, whether it is a desktop,
laptop or a mobile phone, is immune. No hardware or software platform is immune and malicious
code for mobile devices also exist. New mobile phones contain a great deal of user-installable
software, this represents new sources of vulnerability and therefore, new opportunities to install
programs that can have a negative impact on security.
The mechanisms used to propagate malware from one system to another vary. Different vectors used
to spread malicious codes are: (i) peer-to-peer file-sharing networks; (ii) remotely exploitable
vulnerabilities; (iii) IRC (Internet Chat Relay), and (iv) IM (Instant Messaging). Any action such as
downloading files with viruses from peer-to-peer networks, opening an e-mail with a worm
attachment, or surfing on a website dropping a Trojan, can lead to infection by and propagation of the
Malware includes the following kinds of software:
Downloaders, which are used to download and install data and programs remotely;
Keyloggers, which monitor which keystrokes the user enters; there are also hardware
keyloggers, invisible at the software level, that record data;
Zombies or bots (short for robots), which are programs that allow the system to be
controlled remotely for the purpose of building a hidden army of computers. They are used for
spamming purposes, phishing attacks, or for the distribution of adware:
Viruses and related products, such as worms, Trojan horses, and logic bombs.
The generic term virus is used to designate any harmful computer program capable of reproducing
and propagating itself. A virus can cause infection, destruction, or misappropriation of resources.
Viruses can be distinguished on the basis of their signature, behavior, how they replicate and spread,
or the types of malfunctions they induce. The purpose of a computer virus, like that of its biological
counterpart, is to reproduce and propagate itself from computer to computer. The damage that viruses
cause to the integrity of the contaminated information resources may range from mild annoyances to
major destruction, with an impact on system availability and confidentiality. The main effects are loss
of data, loss of working time, loss of public image, and loss of confidentiality.
A virus hits a country Stock Exchange system and causes a complete disruption of service.
The virus first infects a computer connected to the trading testing system and launches a DoS
attack. It generates a large amount of false traffic, causing an overload of the routers and
finally disrupting communication services. All data being entered in the system is not taken
into consideration. The investigation claims that no data has been stolen. However, the
damage may not be limited to the service disruption of the markets, as this sort of accident can
also harm the credibility of the institutions attacked.
Most often viruses exploit security holes in operating system platforms and are installed in a system
without the users knowledge and the computer is infected as soon as a system platform runs the
malicious code. A virus attacks its environment and contaminates other environments with which it
comes into contact. The normal way for viruses to propagate and execute is to await inadvertent
activation by the user - for example, by the user starting an infected program. Most viruses are
propagated via e-mail attachments. Clicking on the file icon or downloading the file commonly
activates them. The means by which malware of various sorts is propagated include the following: free
and demonstration software, pornographic websites, games, e-mail, spam and discussion groups. Virus
can also be present on material such as CD, diskette or USB key...
Many users have installed anti-virus software on their computers that can detect and eliminate known
viruses. In reaction to this, criminals have created new kinds of viruses that try to trick the anti-virus
software - two examples are stealth viruses and polymorphic viruses. A stealth virus hides itself
from the anti-virus software by compressing the original file and creating an infected file of the same
size. Stealth viruses can now be detected with modern anti-virus software that scans ordinary
programs to find virus patterns. Polymorphic viruses modify their code after each infection, making
their detection by signature quite difficult. One part of the virus is encrypted with a different key each
time, leading to a different variant of the virus.
Today, the principle objective associated with viruses is no longer gratuitous large-scale data
destruction. They are usually designed to make money. Their inherent characteristics facilitate their
use for fraud. Thus, viruses have become highly lucrative tools for organized criminals engaged in
financial crime.
The following are generic common countermeasures to prevent virus infection and damages: (i)
Resolve software security holes; (ii) Conduct virus scans regularly; (iii) update the virus signatures of
anti-virus software; (iv) Do not open the attachment file to suspicious e-mail; (v) Check HTML source
before updating web contents.
A worm is an independent program that is similar to a virus. A worm can also destroy files, but it does
not need the help of a program to propagate itself through e-mail or Internet Chat Relay. Generally,
worms compromise a networks capacity to perform by consuming bandwidth.
A worm causes the slowdown of the Internet services of a specific country. Internet users
complain heavily of a slowdown in logging services, e-mail services, downloading foreign
website homepages, and other online transmissions. Major websites, such as those of online
services and banks, are disrupted. Once emergency measures start, it takes several hours
before the malicious code is under control. The total damages are difficult to estimate
precisely, but the incident does have a serious impact on the economic life of the country.
A worm can corrupt documents frequently used by users, businesses and governments on all hard
drives connected to an infected PC. It can even affect external data-storage devices. Worms are
propagated through e-mails often when attached to messages attracting recipients with subject lines
such as hot movie for example. Once the recipient opens the attachment, a program disabling the
anti-virus software can be launched. The malicious code may not necessarily aim to install backdoor 24
or keystroke loggers. Instead, it may aim to destroy all-important files on the computer. In order to
accomplish this feat, the worm injects file-deletion instructions onto servers.
Worms can also infect mobile phones through Bluetooth for example. Once the worm is installed in
the memory, it begins scanning for Bluetooth devices. This activity makes the phone unstable.
A Trojan horse presents itself as a useful or legitimate program, but it contains a malicious program
that a computer automatically executes. Most often, malicious functions are spying functions, such as
packet sniffers, keyloggers, or backdoors. These allow the attacker to gain remote access to the
computer by bypassing normal authentication procedures. From there the hacker can spread malware,
perform a DDoS attack, or erase data.
An attacker sends e-mails that hide a Trojan horse. As soon as the Trojan horse is installed on
the users computer, the attacker gathers the users confidential information, steals the users
identity, and subsequently removes money from the users bank accounts.
The Trojan horse does not have the capability to spread by itself. Most often, Trojans are used to
delude victims into running the program themselves. The effectiveness of a Trojan depends on the
capacity to mislead the user while appearing to be a useful program.
An attacker sends spoofed e-mails claiming to come from a well-known software company to
lure victims by offering a new version of a specific software. In order to download it freely,
the recipient has to click on an URL provided, which redirects the user to a phishing website
to run a Trojan horse. Most often, malicious code are designed to steal banking or private
Using an attack "tool kit" available on the Internet, offensive codes can be implemented into popular
websites, such as those of governments, hotels, and museums. These codes download a keylogger onto
the computer of anyone accessing those sites, which allows the hacker to control the end-user system
24 A backdoor or trapdoor usually refers to a portion of code incorporated into software that allows unauthorized entities
(information gathering, activities monitoring, etc.). Many users are vulnerable to this kind of attack
without realising it. Identity and confidential information theft by Trojan attacks is becoming a real
epidemic. Trojan horses are often the source that allows other forms of cybercrime. Tracking down the
perpetrators of those crimes can be very difficult - prosecuting them, even more so.
Most viruses have a direct effect. Some have a delayed payload. Some wreak their damage while
executing a specific action - this is called a logic bomb. Some wreak their damage on a specific date this is called a time bomb. Logic bombs are viruses that are activated on a particular event, such as a
birthday, to attack a system. None of these kinds of viruses should be confused with computer bugs,
which are programming errors, or more generally, design flaws that show up as functional problems.
A keylogger (Keystroke logger) is a program that monitors the keys typed by the user, and then
either stores the information gathered on the computer or sends it directly back to a server. A
keylogger is often installed on a computer through a Trojan horse, a virus or a worm. For example,
one Trojan horse activates the keylogger as soon as some specific words like credit card, account,
and social security number appear in a browser. The malicious program will then record everything
typed by the user during a legitimate transaction and send the recorded information to the
cybercriminal. Keyloggers are also widely distributed through phishing e-mails or spyware - and
thereby often skirt anti-virus protection. Malicious websites intended to exploit web browser
vulnerabilities are a widely used vector of propagation. Keystroke loggers are a very powerful
cybertool. Worldwide keylogging attacks can be launched in few seconds on hundreds of computers,
gathering confidential and personal data in order to commit large-scale financial crimes.
Many malicious programs are disguised as helpful add-ons for navigation, connection, or
customization of services when in fact they are designed to perpetrate criminal activity. That criminal
activity includes: (i) carrying out surveillance, such as information theft, password theft, and traffic
surveillance: (ii) using computer resources; (iii) perpetrating attacks; and (iv) disseminating and
controlling tools used for DDoS attacks. Thousands of these programs are in circulation. Their
principal objective is financial gain.
Bots are programs (generally executable files) that are installed on a computer in order to
automatically run a set of functions and to allow an illegitimate user to gain remote control through a
communication channel. These infected computers, which run automated tasks for cybercriminals, are
commonly named Zombies. The geographical location of the zombie machines stretches around the
Bots never work alone. They are part of a big network of infected computers called a botnet, which
stands for bot network. In every bot, a backdoor has been installed to be able to listen for commands.
An Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel or peer-to-peer network allows the cybercriminal to centrally
control the zombies and to launch coordinated and simultaneous attacks.
Attackers mainly target computers that have broadband access to Internet and a low level of security.
The main vectors of infection are the placement of an executable code downloaded: (i) by a Trojan
horse; (ii) through e-mails; or (iii) via a malicious website. Bots also propagate by mass scanning to
find vulnerabilities in services.
Cybercriminals control bots through communication channels. The most common control channel is
the Internet Chat Relay (IRC): (i) because it is a popular protocol well adapted to run on different
machines in a distributed way; and (ii) because it allows hackers to hide their illegal activities behind
legitimate IRC traffic. Once a computer has been infected, it means that the hacker has established
outbound connections to an IRC network, to a predetermined IRC server and with a specific channel
to listen for commands from the master. Once the link is made, the cybercriminal has control of the
bot - it is ready to receive commands and to launch attacks. The use of one central communication
channel makes the bot system pretty vulnerable, since blocking specific TCP ports or taking down the
IRC server immediately cuts the communication between bots and master. To get around this type of
protection, attackers use communication methods like peer-to-peer networks or VoIP.
Some bots can use their own peer-to-peer networks to establish encrypted communication using
random network ports. To evade detection and disjuncture, instead of using a central communication
channel, these bots maintain a list of compromised IP addresses. Therefore, the communication system
is no longer centralized with only one checkpoint, and removing a peer from the network has no
impact on the rest of the botnet.
Attackers use web-based controllers, such as the protocol HTTP, to control botnets and instant
message controllers. VoIP can be a new and powerful communication channel for attackers and seems
to be a better way for attackers to control their zombies, erase their tracks and cover up their attacks.
Botnets owners either launch attacks themselves or rent their zombie computers network to anyone
who wants to launch a large intrusion and attack. Bot-networks are thus a real threat to all Internetconnected systems and have a central role in the cybercriminal world. Various attacks can be
performed by cybercriminals using bots and botnets. This includes:
Extortion, by threatening organizations with the launch of a DoS attack if they do not pay a
certain amount of money;
Hosting illegal data and installing malware such as a backdoor to maintain access after the
Any potential criminal can have at his disposal thousands of zombie computers ready to
simultaneously launch an attack on one or several targets. In addition to being victims of attacks
launched by botnets, organizations and users can run into serious problems with the law if it is proven
that their computers have participated in a cyberattack.
Crimeware is another word to describe malicious software designed: (i) to perform illegal acts; (ii) to
steal personal information; or (iii) to automate financial crime. Crimeware can include spyware,
keystroke loggers and bots. Most often crimeware: (i) gathers confidential information, such as
passwords or credit card numbers; or (ii) takes control of a computer and executes remote commands.
A spyware program watches users activities, without their knowledge, gathers information such as
online activities, confidential and personal information, and transmits this information back to the
spywares owner. Spyware represents a threat to privacy. It is used for identity theft, data corruption
and personal profiling (Figure II.8). Usually, criminals use spyware to gather personal information,
such as identity, passwords, and bank account numbers, to impersonate bank customers or to
perpetrate illegal action in another name.
Another effect of a spyware attack is reduced computer system performance while spyware is working
in the background and is connected to remote servers to upload the collected information. This creates
the following concrete threats: (i) loss of network bandwidth; (ii) increased remote access costs; and
(iii) frequent network crashes. Furthermore, firewalls cannot intercept spyware programs, because the
program is downloaded at the will of the user, or through antivirus software that is not malicious by
In 2006, a plague of online identity theft hit online gamers of a particular country. The
perpetrators created almost a quarter of a million fake famous Lineage game accounts using
stolen identities. This mass identity theft contributed to an important black market run by
gaming farms.
Criminals could steal thousands of names and ID numbers from online gamers via malware hidden in
malicious websites. This is called mass identity theft. Generally, the player needs to enter his ID
number to create an online account. Many websites require unnecessary personal registration, so they
represent a big identity database from which pharmers can steal real login names, passwords and ID
numbers. A pharmer is a person who perpetrates a pharming attack and redirects a websites traffic
to another (bogus) website.
Statistics show that the average Internet user is a member of several websites, most of which request
personal information. Usually, identification numbers reveal important information about their
owners, such as gender, and place and date of birth. Therefore, a criminal can use stolen resident
registration numbers to commit financial fraud and other damage.
Normally, spyware is bundled with another desirable program or downloaded in a peer-to-peer
network. Spyware consists of two separate pieces of software: the core functionality and the
information-gathering functionality. The core functionality is visible and attractive in order to draw
the user into installing the program. The information-gathering functionality monitors the users
behavior and gathers information.
Spyware programs include an End User License Agreement (EULA). Before downloading the
software, the user has to accept the license and state the purpose for which the software will be used.
However, users often do not read this information. Often they find that the EULA contains so much
information that either: (i) they do not know what to look out for; or (ii) they do not clearly
comprehend the meaning.
The best ways to overcome these problems is: (i) to educate users about these threats; and (ii) to
assign to an organization the task of defining policy rules regarding the downloading of software.
Far too often, users often do not realize the possible presence of a malicious program hidden in
attractive software. The installation of anti-spyware programs is useful to block and remove spyware.
This type of software combats spyware in two ways: (I) it prevents the installation of spyware using
real-time protection by scanning incoming data and disk files at the time they are downloaded; and (ii)
it tries to detect installed spyware and then remove it from the infected computer. A final precaution is
to block unexpected requests for outgoing communications.
An attack may include a step involving the explicit or tacit approval of the user (in an adware attack,
but never of a spyware attack). Whatever the means used to infiltrate, once it is installed, malware is
turned to illicit use. Most commonly, a malware attack is executed without the consent of the user.
Clandestinely, it collects and transmits data - for example, on websurfing habits, which are of interest
for targeted advertising. It can act as a drone for illegal activities such as spam and phishing attacks,
effectively working for the controllers financial gain. Detecting and uninstalling such software is not
always straightforward. Frequently, users lack the skills and tools necessary to control these risks.
II.4.5 Cyber intrusion
Malevolent can attack a system by appropriating legitimate user identification and connection
parameters such as passwords, or through deception and exploitation of vulnerabilities.
The main methods used to obtain the connection parameters of legitimate users to gain access to
systems are:
Guessing: The password is so obvious - such as the users name, spouse or child, or a birthday
- that the account is essentially unprotected. The user may also quite simply give out the
password to the wrong person.
Deception (social engineering): The attacker poses for example, as an administrator and asks
for the password under some technical pretext. In a surprisingly large number of cases, users
will reveal their data. The malevolent person can delude by telephone or electronic messaging.
Some malevolent individuals are not computer geniuses, but simply crooks who maliciously
obtain keys corresponding to the system locks they want to penetrate.
Listening to traffic: The attacker intercepts or listens to unencrypted data transmitted over the
network through communication protocols (sniffing, passive monitoring). Traffic analysis
software for passive monitoring is generally delivered as a standard with various operating
systems, while others are delivered as freeware on the network. They operate on any PC by
sniffing and analyzing the data in transit on the lines, and then extracting passwords that are
transmitted unencrypted by the user during connection. If fraudsters cannot rely on complicity
from inside the organization in order to obtain passwords directly, they can electronically
intercept from communication protocols or access files containing all the passwords.
Introducing a Trojan horse or specific malicious spying program (spyware) onto the users
workstation to clandestinely record the parameters used to connect to remote systems. A
Troyan is a small program that generally substitutes itself for the login code that requests the
users identification and password. The user supplies this information in the belief that he is in
his normal operating environment. The password is immediately picked up and memorized by
the Trojan horse, which then transmits it to the anonymous message server of the fraud. In the
meantime, the real user would not have been able to connect since the real login program had
not been executed. The user would probably have seen an incorrect password error type
message and would think that an error had been made in keying in and would re-log, again
giving identification and a password which would be treated by the real login program. One
means of protection is to cipher the passwords so that if they are diverted, they are no longer
directly exploitable. The delinquent must then break the previously captured cipher passwords
in order to use them.
For an authentication system to function, all user passwords have to be stored on a server.
Accessing the file that stores all the encrypted user passwords makes it possible to recover
them. All that needs to be done is to gain access and apply decryption software - utilities
are available, in particular on the network, for this purpose.
Cracking encrypted passwords. If the malevolent person (or cracker) knows the cipher
algorithm, he could test all the permutations that could possibly constitute the key for
deciphering passwords. This is called a brute force attack. An alternative is to use a
dictionary to find the encrypted password. This is called a dictionary attack. By successive
comparisons of ciphered passwords contained in dictionaries, a criminal could guess the
encrypted password used.
Spying on users to record their connection parameters by using spyware or specific device,
software or the user multimedia equipment (video camera and microphone that can be used to
monitor the users behaviour and spy on him), allows malevolent to capture confidential
information, such as passwords to access protected systems.
Once in possession of the access key necessary to get into a system - the combination of user name
and password - it is easy to penetrate the system and carry out all sorts of read and write operations.
The challenge for the criminal is to avoid being detected and to leave no trace of his presence in the
systems accessed. This may, in fact, be very simple for a capable of accessing a system that was
supposed to be protected, he in all likelihood should has the capacity to delete or modify such
potential traps as traceability audit files.
Whatever the mode of interception of the passwords, the users are unaware that their logical keys have
been recorded by entities not entitled to do so in order to realize system intrusions. This is a threat for
organizations as well as for individuals. They may be accused of perpetrating malicious incidents that
were, in fact, carried out by someone else who usurped the users account.
The following make it easier for malevolent to decrypt encrypted passwords rapidly: (i) the choice of
obvious passwords; (ii) the power of PCs; and (iii) the common existence of password cracking
software. The high number of passwords that can be decrypted in a second makes this activity open to
virtually anyone.
On the server side, it is imperative to protect the access to the passwords file. No anonymous
access should be permitted to this server The TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) facility, which
allows access to files without authentication control, must be deactivated.
The following recommendations make password cracking more difficult:
Include a mixture of special characters (<,>,#,&, %, *,!, etc.), numbers, upper-case and lowercase letters;
Use a shadow password file, if this is made possible by the operating system.
In theory, users should take these considerations into account when they choose their passwords. In
practice, this poses the painful problem of password memorization. Software exists that can be used to
test a passwords robustness.
The individual in charge of security must test the level of effectiveness of users passwords on a
regular basis. This can be done by using mechanisms identical to those that the malevolent person
used to obtain and decipher the passwords.
A sniffer is a passive entity that listens to and records the data (as passwords for example) that crosses
it without modifying the data. For this reason, its presence in a network is very difficult to detect. One
method of restricting the sphere of activities of a sniffer, is to strongly segment the network by
bridges, routers or switches. This makes it so that the sniffer is effectively active only on one segment
of the network. This type of security measure, which relates to the network architecture, is called
Usually, network and system administrators use these peripherals and techniques of monitoring to
monitor network activities. The same tool or technology can be utilized in different contexts, and with
contrasting purposes: to improve the quality of network services, or to attack systems.
The only method that offers a reasonable protection from password theft is the one based on singleusage passwords (one-time passwords). These are widely used for financial transactions.
A method can be implemented through smart cards and ad hoc devices that generate unique
passwords. This dispenses with the need for the user to memorize and enter passwords that are too
long or complex. However, all systems have a weak spot, and this type of authentication is no
exception. This authentication procedure is based on synchronization between the users device and
the remote authentication server. A hacker could capture a password and reuse it immediately
following the de-synchronization of the systems, which the hacker has provoked by modifying the
system clocks.
Identification can also be carried out using a physical characteristic of the person, such as a
fingerprint. This is called biometrics. It is not yet widespread enough for access control mechanisms.
The physical characteristics of individuals must be captured and converted into a reference sample for
storage in a database in order to, identify them and validate their identification, As it is digitized, the
data becomes fragile - and hence modifiable - and must therefore be provided with the best possible
protection. For each access request, the users biometric data must be captured. This raises the
possibility that the user will object to the capture method. The feeling of intrusion makes this method
unwelcome to users.
II.4.6 Spam and phishing
Spam is the bulk sending of unsolicited e-mail: (i) for commercial or publicity purposes; or (ii) for
purposes of introducing malicious software, such as malware and crimeware, into the system. At its
worst, spam resembles an e-mail bombing attack, with overloaded mail servers, full user mailboxes,
and the attendant inconveniences.
Previously, spam was regarded primarily as a nuisance, but nowadays spam e-mail represents a real
threat. It has become the privileged vector for the propagation of viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware
and phishing attempts. The coordination of spam and botnets (robot networks) is an ideal tool to
commit DoS attacks by flooding servers with thousands of e-mails.
Spam not only decreases user productivity; it also increases storage and bandwidth costs for
The term phishing refers to an attack using mail programs to trick or coax web users into revealing
sensitive information that can then be exploited for criminal purposes, such as fraud or embezzlement
(Figure II.9).
In general, criminals conduct phishing attacks by using e-mail messages that are forged to appear as
though they come from a genuine institution with which the user may have dealings (e.g. the post
office, a bank, a dealer, or an online auction site). Attackers may also use a telephone call, instant
messaging (IM) or cell phone text messages. They may even approach victims in person.
Customers of a bank receive a spoofed e-mail explaining that the bank is doing upgrades and
that they have to confirm their account details. Customers are then asked to click on a link that
directs them to a forged website. Several variations of this scheme exist based on a scammed
e-mail luring a banks customers to a spoofed website.
A hacker sets up a phishing site imitating the website of a particular bank. He sends e-mails to
bank customers warning them of the closing of their bank account if they did not update
personal information. He lures his victims to a fake website, and induces them into entering
their account number and password. The hacker makes sure that he sends the scam e-mail
from an address that looks as legitimate as possible he designs the website link, and the fake
website itself so that they look as authentic as possible.
Phishing attacks rely on social engineering and technical practices. They aim to gather confidential
information by luring the user with a message that is supposed to come from a legitimate organization.
Most often, the motivation is financial gain. Phishers either commit fraudulent acts with the
information they collect, or they sell that information online.
Spam is the main tool used to reach a maximum number of potential phishing victims. The phisher can
use spammers databases that contain a large number of e-mail addresses in order to send them
e-mails that look as much as possible like legitimate requests - e-mails bearing the logo and colors of
a company with which the user is very familiar. Phishers use botnets in order to simultaneously launch
a large number of phishing attacks. The most common lure is an e-mail asking the user to update his
account or change his password for security reasons. Cybercriminals know that organizations are now
aware of these attacks and have taken preventive security measures against them. Those criminals
keep making their own adjustments they keep inventing new methods to circumvent detection tools.
A hacker targets a phishing attack at taxpayers. He sends users a fake e-mail that claims to
come from the national tax authority. The scam e-mail claims that the recipient has either
submitted an incomplete tax declaration or has not completed one at all. Users are requested to
click on the link provided in order to correct the mistake. The fake website hides a malicious
code, and as soon as the user opens the website, a Trojan horse and keylogger is downloaded
on the customers computer.
The use of instant messaging as a propagation vector of malware and lures is on the rise. Phishing
attacks are particularly insidious, because the lure messages sent by the phishers appear to the user to
come from someone on the contact list. A victim is less likely to suspect an instant message from a
friend than an e-mail from some organization. Generally, phishers try to reach as many potential
victims as possible, but a new trend exists: spear phishing. These attacks are more targeted than lure
phishing: the attacker has to collect or steal inside information to increase the feeling of legitimacy.
This has given rise to a growing new trend called vishing. This is a phishing attack that involves Voice
over IP (VoIP) hence, vishing. The criminal sends an e-mail that contains a telephone number
reachable by VoIP technology. The message claims to come from a legitimate source and requires the
recipient to call the number. In other words, it unfolds just like any other phishing attack, except that
the victim is asked to make contact via a VoIP number instead of by clicking on a link. The victim
calls the number, and the attacker asks the victim to give out personal information directly over the
Phishing attacks can be divided into the following categories:
Malware attacks;
DNS-based attacks that rely on the alteration of the lookup of host names to redirect the user
to a fraudulent server;
Content-injection attacks.
Deceptive phishing is the most common phishing attack. A deceptive phisher impersonates the sender
by spoofing the source e-mail using known flaws in SMTP, the common mail server protocol. The
deceptive e-mail will always ask the user to click on some link in order to fix a problem quickly and
safely. To increase the probability that a user will believe the message is genuine; attackers may use
various techniques. These include: (i) employing IP addresses (numerical addresses) instead of domain
names in hyperlinks for the fake website; (ii) using cousin domains by registering similar DNS
domains with minor URL changes; and (iii) using HTML-based e-mail in order to mask the websites
Malware-based phishing is on the rise. These attacks rely on social engineering practices: They lure
the user into opening an e-mail attachment or downloading some interesting software that contains
malware. These attacks also rely on technical vulnerabilities that allow the malware to propagate itself
by taking advantage of security vulnerabilities.
DNS-based phishing is another increasingly popular method. These attacks draw the user to a
malicious website embedding malicious content. This malware is mostly comprised of: (i) Trojans or
keyloggers that gather credentials by recording keystrokes; (ii) screenloggers that monitor screenshots
from the computer; and (iii) redirectors. Once installed on the computer, redirectors are useful tools
for luring victims to an unwanted location. The malware is used to install a malicious Browser Helper
Object. The latter is designed to control the Internet Explorer web browser and redirects HTTP traffic
to illegitimate sites. Malware can also be used: (i) to manipulate the host files that are used to maintain
a mapping between DNS addresses and IP addresses; and (ii) to manipulate other DNS-specific
information on the targeted PC. As soon as the malware has inserted a fake DNS entry, the user will
not notice that the web browser is connecting to a phoney website instead of the legitimate one.
A more advanced DNS-based attack is called pharming. This relies on a DNS spoofing method that
compromises the integrity of the lookup process for domain names. These attacks poison the DNS
cache, so that it will redirect users to a phishing website. It accomplishes this by inserting false IP
addresses for key domain names. Pharming does not rely on a social engineering impact to lure
victims to fake websites. DNS spoofing represents a real threat to misconfigured legitimate or
privately controlled DNS servers.
Content-injection phishing makes use of code insertion into a legitimate site. Once the hacker has
inserted the code, he can either use the malicious content to redirect the victim to unexpected websites,
or install malware on the victims computer. Hackers often inject malicious content into a site through
cross-site scripting vulnerability, which is the result of poor development processes. The malicious
content then becomes part of the data stored on the legitimate site.
Because of all the options they provide to criminals, phishing attacks have become one of the most
significant online security threats. They aim: (i) to steal confidential information for financial crimes
or identity theft; and (ii) to install malware and extend zombie networks causing substantial financial
losses and personal damage.
II.4.7 Some communication protocols misuse
A TCP spoofing attack relies upon the fact that the TCP protocol establishes a logical connection
between two end-systems in order to support data exchange.
Logical identifiers (port numbers) are used to establish a TCP connection. Some port numbers are
fixed and well-known - reserved for particular programs. Others are allocated dynamically during the
connection, according to a specific algorithm. A TCP port number attack involves guessing or
predicting the next port numbers that will be allocated for data exchange in order to use those numbers
instead of the legitimate user - effectively hijacking them. This makes it possible to pass through
firewalls and establish a secure connection between two entities - the hacker and the target.
Meanwhile, the legitimate remote users access to the facility is of course blocked, but it is simple
enough for the hacker to send a message saying that the requested system is inactive.
In order to prevent this sort of incident, the firewall must be configured correctly, so as to disallow the
passage of IP packets possessing an internal IP address arriving at external communication ports. The
firewalls authentication procedure should not be based solely on an IP address - it should utilize
additional encryption functions.
User datagram protocol (UDP) is a connectionless transport protocol. It is an alternative to TCP for
the rapid transfer of a small volume of data. UDP communications are not subject to any control
mechanisms, so there are no checks for identification, flow or error. As a result, anyone can use the IP
address of an authorized system user in order to penetrate it. An attacker can perpetrate a UDP session
theft without the application servers even being aware of it (UDP attack).
Knowledge of Internet protocol operational modes and weaknesses can make it easy for criminals: (i)
to mystify systems in order to modify packet routing and delivery by usurping IP addresses (IP
spoofing); or (ii) to lure systems and get control of them.
Attackers can easily redirect packets towards a destination of their choice by using certain optional IP
features that serve to define the route. They can specify the addresses of the intermediary systems
through which the packet must pass, and then falsify those addresses.
Attacks at routing level are based on hoaxing routers, gateways and destination stations by providing
false addressing information that enables the data to be re-routed. A criminal can easily set up the
routing mechanics so that packets will be redirected to illegitimate destinations. He does this by
exploiting optional features of Internet protocol that enable the route to be defined: Those optional
features are called strict source routing and loose source routing. In other words, the criminal rigs
the system by falsifying the addresses of the intermediate systems through which a packet passes
(source route falsification attack).
An attack perpetrated by preying on the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is an example of router
mystification. In the context of normal usage, RIP protocol contributes globally to a correct routing
process. A hacker can corrupt it so that it will re-route communications and prevent them from
reaching their intended destinations. All that is required is to send false routing information to the
gateways and the target station, by simulating an authorized sender. The victim uses the IP address
provided by the hacker in the RIP packet to transmit data to the destination of the supposed emitter,
who is in fact none other than the hacker himself (RIP protocol attack).
Internet data packets contain user data as well as the source and destination IP addresses. Routers use
these addresses to execute their routing function. Internet protocol exclusively contributes to
elementary functions relating to the routing of data, and in no way checks the manner in which the
routing is performed and executed. Consequently, there is a need for a routing control protocol. ICMP
(Internet Control Message Protocol) was developed to fill this role. Its purpose is to create control
messages that are transferred by the Internet protocol. Thus, if a router detects a routing problem, it
informs the emitter by sending an ICMP message.
Once a hacker knows the operating mode of this public protocol, it is easy to perpetrate an ICMP
attack by generating false ICMP messages. A massive number of such messages can overload the
network. Flooding the network with false ICMP messages can render it unusable.
Consequently, there is a need for security relating to the availability of the network and service denial.
Hackers know very well how to use ICMP to do the following:
Paralyse the network by redirecting IP packets to a false destination, such as their own
Substantially increase the load on systems by making them pointlessly process a large number
of ICMP messages;
Stop an emitter from sending data by exploiting the packet emission flow control feature
provided by ICMP. This also has consequences for the traffic supported by the network and
damages its performance (reliability, operational dependency).
Nothing can really be done to prevent this kind of attack, apart from configuring routers so as to stop
them from generating more than a certain number of ICMP messages during a given time period. The
supervision function in network administration systems can be used to detect an unreasonable number
of ICMP messages and to generate an alarm when an abnormal number is detected.
Attackers know how to exploit not only operational features of communications protocols, but also the
characteristics of the various operating systems and the ways in which they work. Thus, by
overloading certain buffers (buffer overflow attack), it is possible to provoke a serious malfunction
or system crash. The targets of this type of attack are, of course, those systems that provide an
important service, either for data transfer or for name and address management. Most attacks on
websites exploit flaws in the operating system in order to shut them down, thereby making them
A buffer overflow attack damages computers and applications by exploiting their internal operational
characteristics - in particular, those of the operating system. One way is for the hacker to subject those
internal operational characteristics to a capacity exceeding certain buffer zones 25. This leads to serious
dysfunction - it can cause a system to crash. As discussed earlier, the law considers the type of attack
that causes a denial of service to be a criminal act. The following are ways to decrease the risk of
dysfunction: (i) using secure operating systems; using non-permissive configuration; and (iii) having
an effective management plan.
II.4.8 Cyberattack methodology
The process of committing a cyberattack consists of collecting and searching for the vulnerabilities of
the target systems and exploiting them.
Figure II.10 illustrates the different phases of a cyberattack. During the first phase, the attacker gathers
information and searches for potential vulnerabilities within the target system, in order to gain a
maximum of information for future exploitation. He studies the mechanisms and levels of security
used for identification, authentication, access control, encryption and surveillance. He identifies
technical, organizational and human weaknesses of the targeted environment. Frequently, the attacker
will attempt to coax nave or credulous users into revealing information that he can use to design an
attack. This is called social engineering.
Criminals also look for and exploit security vulnerabilities that have been identified, but have not yet
been repaired (patched). They use whatever means are available such as attack libraries or attack
toolkits to infiltrate the system. During the retreat phase, the attacker tries to cover up the traces of
the attack, or to ensure that whatever traces are left cannot be linked to him. Criminals increase their
anonymity by using aliases, usurping legitimate users identities, or covering their tracks by means of
multiple intermediate (relay) systems.
The conditions for a successful attack are:
Knowledge of the target system, including its function, service, configuration, security policy
and tools, and administration;
Efficient use of programs that automatically exploit vulnerabilities for breaking into a
computer these programs are called exploits;
Capacity of the aggressor to cover his tracks, in order to avoid being detected and
Rapidity of the attack the faster the attack, the more likely that the security measures will
take effect too late.
If the attacker does not know the target well (phase 1 of the attack is inadequate), the risk of being
tracked down increases.
A system that has no link to security measures, services or functions, such as a workstation or
a web server.
The type of system targeted determines: (i) the degree of difficulty involved in carrying out the attack;
(ii) the speed with which the attack can be detected; and (iii) the level of destruction caused by the
In any case, the computer attacker exploits the weaknesses of the target system. Because computer
systems are complex by nature, they are always vulnerable. Even security systems are both vulnerable
and fallible. Some systems are easy to attack; others are much less so. There is no method of security
that can guarantee full protection.
In order for an organization to react effectively to an attack, it needs to identify the visible objective of
the attack and the means used to carry it out. The following questions must be adequately answered in
order to improve incident management and adapt reactions: (i) What phase is the attack process
currently in? (ii) What damage has been caused by the attack? (iii) Who is the attacker?
An organization needs to make in depth documentations of any incidents in order to effectively adapt
its security policy to the new post-crisis context. It also needs to monitor its information system
daily, particularly its network, in order to identify attacks as rapidly as possible so that those attacks
can be countered efficiently.
II.5.1 Definitions
The vulnerabilities of digital technologies and inadequate control of them combine to create an
environment of insecurity. Criminals naturally take advantage of this state of affairs. Criminals can
potentially exploit every technology for illegal purposes; the Internet is no exception, as the criminal
presence in cyberspace amply demonstrates.
In 1983, OECD 26 defined computer-related crime as any illegal, unethical or unauthorized
behaviour involving the transmission or automatic processing of data.
A computer-related crime is one in which the computer system is either the object of the crime; the
means of committing the crime; or both. It is a crime connected to digital technology - a subset of
white-collar crime. Cybercrime is a form of computer-related crime committed using Internet
technology - it covers all crimes committed in cyberspace.
In the virtual world, crime can be automated. This means that a hacker could launch a large-scale
cyber-epidemic remotely via a network, with the possibility of delayed action. This frees the criminal
from the usual constraints of time and space (Figure II.12).
Internet technology facilitates a wide range of infractions. These include for examples:
Information sabotage;
Copyright infractions;
Digital privacy;
Intellectual property;
Anti-competitive attacks;
Industrial espionage;
Trademark infringements;
Denial of service;
Cybercrime is the natural extension of ordinary criminal activities. Today, criminal acts are
committed across cyberspace, using non-conventional means in a manner that is complementary to
ordinary crime.
A computer-related crime can be expressed through different expressions. These include:
White collar crime - most often this term is associated with financial or economic crime, and
could involves organized crime;
26 OCDE: Organisation for economic co-operation and development - For a better world economy -
Digital crime;
Electronic crime;
Whatever it is called, a computer-related crime is complex. It can be committed: (i) by force, such as
breaking into a computer system or telecommunication line; or (ii) by fraud or deception, such as
scams and cons.
The Internet not only provides ideal conditions for new illegal projects and activities, but also opens
up the opportunity for new variations on old crimes, such as fraud. The Internet makes it easy to find
and exploit new means of making money. Naturally, this empowering feature is not lost on the
criminal world. By embracing information technologies, criminals hope to increase their profits while
minimizing their exposure to risk.
The Organized crime situation report 2005 by the Council of Europe 27 divides cybercrime into the
following types of offences:
Computer related traditional crimes: frauds, manipulations, abuse of credit cards, forgery,
online grooming of children, search for victims, attacks on public safety through manipulation
of flight control systems or hospital computers;
These categories of offences correspond to the categories defined in the Convention on Cybercrime
(ETS 185) and the Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime(ETS 189) 28 . related to
criminal acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems
29 This section is adapted from S. Ghernaouti-Hlie's publication "Information Security for Economic and social
The following sectors can be considered as critical infrastructures: (i) communication; (ii) energy,
water, and transportation: (iii) financial; (iv) medical services; and (v) government services.
The vulnerability of the essential infrastructures of a country is increased as the use of ICTs takes root.
Critical infrastructures are currently controlled or accessed via information and communication
infrastructures that mostly belong to private or foreign actors and are administrated by the private
sector. Some examples are producers and distributors of electricity, and telecom operators.
Cybercrime can take on a terrorist dimension when the systems targeted are part of a critical
Adversaries to states or organizations can attack systems or infrastructures in order to profit from
them, destroy them, or find material for blackmail. Vulnerabilities of ICTs can be exploited in pursuit
of political goals.
According to the Center for Security Studies in Zurich: Threats or risks in the field of critical
infrastructures are variable concerning the type of infrastructure considered. Reducing the risks to
critical infrastructures requires an effort to counter or disrupt the sources of threats through education,
civil action, criminal prosecution, or intelligence education 30.
Particular emphasis needs to be placed on the electrical power generation and distribution systems,
which are essential to the operation of most infrastructures. One of the key objectives of
cyberterrorists appears to be the control of critical infrastructure elements. This is demonstrated by the
increase in the number of scans (probing for vulnerabilities that can be used to penetrate the system at
a future date) targeting the computers of infrastructure operators.
At the present time, there is no universal definition of what constitutes cyberterrorism. The simplest
way to look at it would be terrorism applied to cyberspace. Terrorism is generally understood to mean
the systematic use of violence to achieve political aims. By extension, cyberterrorism could be defined
as the systematic use of violence in cyberspace to achieve political aims. Or better yet, the systematic
attempt to cause debilitating destruction (or debilitating disfunction) in cyberspace, in order to achieve
political aims. One key question is whether cyberterrorism will be defined to refer exclusively to
terrorism carried out at least in part through virtual means, or will it include the physical destruction
such as by a bombing of physical infrastructure that underpins cyberspace. If it is the latter, then
cyberterrorism might be defined as the systematic use of any kind of violence that is intended to
debilitate the cyberworld, in order to achieve political aims.
It is entirely legitimate to ask whether the breakdown of the Internet, or a portion of it, as a result of
malicious acts, might not sow terror within the community of web users, some groups of economic
players, and the general public. Contrarily, we may be dealing in the main with instances of economic
terrorism, aimed at damaging organizations that use the Internet for their activities.
The term cyberterrorism, which has come into vogue since the September 11 attacks, should be used
with discretion. It should not be forgotten that the very first widely publicized Denial of Service
(DOS) attacks, on February 10, 2000, were the work of a fifteen-year-old who went by the nickname
of "Mafia Boy". The youth was identified and apprehended several months later. Although the reasons
for his actions remain unknown, it is highly unlikely that they were political in nature. If the same
attack had been carried out after the events of September 11, it might have immediately been classified
as cyberterrorism. In the absence of something concrete, such as a claim of having perpetrated the
attack, or a piece of physical evidence that can be linked to a terrorist organization, it is difficult to
attribute an attack to cyberterrorism.
The term cyberterrorism covers a fairly vague catalogue of new threats, and it is difficult to speculate
what the motivation or aims of an unknown attacker or group of attackers might be. When the only
thing known is the target of the attack, it is very dubious to conjecture on what may have been the
motivation behind a cyberattack. Was it sport, terrorism, mercenary, activism, material gain, personal
or group vendetta? Without something concrete to go on, who knows?
30 International Critical Information Infrastructure Protection, vol.II, p.63 Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich.
Nowadays, terrorists use ICTs to perform hostile actions for political objectives. They use the Internet
as a means of recruiting new adherents - websites can contain photos, interviews and training videos).
Terrorists use ICTs to incite, recruit, train, finance, and gather information, all for the purpose of
subsequently carrying out attacks outside of cyberspace.
Cyberterrorism constitutes an extremely menacing new threat, whether it takes the form of
destabilizing economies, threatening critical infrastructures, spreading ideology, or manipulating
information. Apart from its threat to information systems and the cyberworld in general, it can
endanger human life by creating an indirect menace to life and limb.
II.6.5 Crimes against persons
Cybercrimes against persons can be divided into the following categories: (i) pornography; (ii) libel;
(iii) dissemination of offensive material; (iv) cyberstalking; and (v) incitement to commit crime.
The Internet makes it possible for clandestine virtual communities to form around practices that are
subject to legal sanction. This may involve pornography, pedophilia, or so-called snuff movies - films
showing scenes of violence and torture on real life victims that can sometimes result in their death.
This type of crime is commonly linked to human trafficking, which most often involves women and
children. The Internet allows perpetrators to share films and photos with greatly reduced risk of police
detection. The servers are frequently located in countries where law enforcement is absent or
ineffectual. Criminals can operate more freely due to the following Internet options: (i) private internet
relay chat (IRC) services that can be used for very limited periods of time; and (ii) peer-to-peer (P2P)
The Internet is a means through which cybercriminals can produce and distribute child pornography.
Pedophiles may use the Internet to contact children in order to lure them into situations where those
children become victims of sexual abuse. Crimes specifically against minors include the dissemination
of pornographic messages that may be seen by minors.
There are a wide variety of national laws from one country to another that ban sexual abuse and child
sexual abuse. The age of sexual consent varies from country to country. Child abuse criminals can
profit from this fact by storing child pornography on servers in countries that are especially lax in this
area of the law.
Other examples of crimes against persons include: (i) violation of privacy; (ii) defamation of
character; (iii) betrayal of professional confidentiality; and (iv) hate speech.
Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet for stalking purposes resulting in online harassment or abuse.
The following behaviours in cyberspace are linked to cyberstalking or cyberbullying: (i) transmitting
threatening messages; (ii) spying on an individuals activities; (iii) violating an individuals privacy;
and (iv) subjecting an individual to fear or emotional distress. These behaviors may be carried out by
means of unsolicited e-mails, viruses, or unwanted electronic communications. They may take the
form of defamatory or derogatory statements or negative rumors on web pages, forums, bulletin
boards, or chat rooms.
Cyberbullying is the use of strength or power through e-mail, instant messaging, text messages,
websites, or blogs to intimidate, annoy, frighten, or hurt an individual, or compel that individual to
engage in some unwanted activity. Other communication devices, such as pagers or mobile phones,
can achieve digital bullying.
II.6.6 Security incidents and cybercrime have to be reported
The number of security incidents reported to CERT 31 has been growing steadily since the start of the
current century, as has the number of attacks reported to the legal authorities. This has contributed to a
better understanding and accounting of computer crime. Large-scale police operations conducted in
several countries have demonstrated that the authorities are reacting and adapting to the new criminal
context. The arrest and conviction of several virus authors and spammers testify to the determination
of law enforcement officials to deal with these new types of nuisance. However, the number of
convictions remains comparatively low, when considered in light of the sheer volume of spam and
viruses circulating on a daily basis.
Few statistics have yet to be compiled regarding cybercrime - most incidents go unreported.
Infractions tend to cut across borders criminal legislation tends to be national. It is difficult for
authorities to compile statistics on crimes, because those crimes are defined differently from one
country to another. Take, for example, the case of a computer system that is used to carry out a
fraudulent financial transaction using a stolen user identity. This could be classified as either a
computer-related crime or a financial crime.
The percentage of cybercrime that is actually reported is difficult to estimate. According to the
Computer Crime Research Center, it may be less than 12% 32 in 2004. In 2008, some experts estimate
cybercrime report around 20%. It is difficult to obtain a realistic inventory of computer-related crime.
This is a serious obstacle to attempts to analyze the phenomenon and determine its magnitude.
The absence of official statistics is partly due to the fact that organizations:
May be unaware that they have been the victims of cybercrime, particularly in the case of
passive attacks, such as the transparent hijacking of data, disrupting of traffic, passive
listening, and undetected intrusion. They may also not learn of the attack until much later,
when there is no longer any point in reacting;
The precision, sophistication and potency of attacks and attack toolkits are constantly increasing. The
quantity of attacks also continues to grow. The ever-increasing complexity resulting from this
dynamic trend is difficult to handle. There is an urgent need for strong political will and a sense of
responsibility among all participants at the international level, and effective partnerships between the
private and public sectors. Otherwise, any security measures, whether of a technical or legislative
nature, will wind up being inadequate, piecemeal, and ineffective.
More than ever, public authorities are called upon to play their traditional role of prosecuting and
preventing fraud and crime. They also need to become active in educating and building awareness
among the general public. In particular, it would be useful for public authorities to make available
reference information on protecting persons and property during Internet use.
The protection and defence of an organization's assets needs to be organized, taking into account the
risk of crime when defining the security strategy. It can be difficult to identify cybercriminals not
enough is known of their methods of action and their motivations. However, criminal organizations
generally behave in an opportunistic manner, and tend to attack the most vulnerable targets. An
organization can take steps to ensure that it is not an attractive target for cybercrime, by protecting its
computer infrastructure better than its competitors, rather than contenting themselves with remaining
on the same level of security.
By contrast, an organization that criminals view as a lucrative potential victim or an important symbol
to destroy will inevitably draw targeted attacks. In the latter case, the threat of destruction by terrorist
acts becomes a real possibility, which makes it essential to put an appropriate protection and defence
strategy into place. However, conventional insurance and risk management tools are of limited
effectiveness in dealing with the criminal risk. The only way to avoid certain risks would be to avoid
connecting to the Internet altogether.
32 Vladimir Gobulev, "Computer crime typology" published on 9 January 2004 by the Computer Crime Research Center:
Cybercrime has a global dimension one that affects organizations at all levels, including
shareholders, executives, staff, and production facilities. Therefore, organizations must learn to
safeguard their integrity in response to the risk of cybercrime, as they have learned to do with the risk
of corruption. In order to remain profitable, they must compensate for the opportunity cost caused by
cybercrime risk and the cost of measures put in place to manage it. Economists need to design an
effective economic model that accounts for the costs of protecting infrastructure and providing
security for systems, networks, data and services.
Conventional security measures based on a prevention-protection-defense approach regarding
information assets and critical resources will be reinforced by using:
High-quality products with a minimum level of security. Safe products should provide a
manageable and verifiable level of security;
In this context, security should not be the exclusive responsibility of users. All stakeholders have a
security responsibility.
International authorities are faced with synergies and convergence in organized crime, economic crime
and cybercrime. In light of that fact, they need to develop a comprehensive, multilateral and global
response geared toward strengthening economic players' confidence in ICT and reducing the
opportunities for crime.
This response must meet the imperative of ensuring the security of nations, organizations, and
individuals. It must hold cybercrime down to an acceptable level; it must strengthen confidence in the
digital world; and it should minimize the threat of corruption and destruction to the cyber world.
Part III proposes legal, justice and police approaches related to cybersecurity and cybercrime issues.
This part demonstrates the fundamental role of forensic computer techniques in cybercrime
investigation and identifies some legal issues related to cybercrime and international cooperation that
contribute to preventing, deterring and fighting cybercrime.
The Convention on Cybercrime (Council of Europe) is presented as an example of identifying areas of
law to be addressed when dealing with e-activities. In addition, several legal aspects of cybersecurity
which contribute to building a safer information society are analyzed. A discussion on privacy issues
in the information society concludes part III.
The reasons for conducting a computer investigation should not be forgotten; the investigator must
have knowledge of and respect legal procedures for handling evidence. If this were not the case, the
results of the investigation could be compromised and thrown out by the court because of an
insufficient or incorrect evidence-gathering process. It is not enough to be a good computer
technician; one must know the legal framework and constraints in order to perform a useful computer
On a computer crime scene, police investigators and legal intermediaries must have received specific
training. A common vocabulary between police force, justice and laboratory should exist. Procedures
and strict rules for data-processing expertise should be set up in order to increase computer
investigation performance and reliability. The resulting investigation report should be easily
comprehensible and must describe in detail all the operations performed and procedures followed in
order to gather digital evidence.
Investigators with a solid understanding of information technologies and the Internet, who use
cybercrime investigation methodology in conjunction with effective international cooperation, could
be able to uncover the criminals identity. In most cases at present, the police and legal authorities rely
on conventional investigation methods used for ordinary crime in order to identify, arrest and
prosecute cybercriminals.
Digital information can help to validate or dismiss an alibi or a witness statement, to prove that a
specific action was performed at a given time, to determine how a crime was committed, to reveal
links between an offender and a victim, etc.
Which kind of information and where it can be found in the system and network, is mandatory
knowledge for digital investigators? It means that they must understand how computers and networks
work and be able to rely on appropriate methods and tools. But at the same time, a good computer
technician is not necessary a good ICT investigator.
Any computer systems information and communication device (electronic components, memory
devices, hard discs, USB sticks, etc.) or information it contains, are potential targets or instruments of
crime. Any devices are sources of digital evidence. Each software or data execution or transaction
leaves digital traces in various components. For example, the traces left on a router can enable the
remote system from which an attack was launched to be identified.
Digital evidence is even more difficult to obtain when it is scattered across systems located in
different countries. In such cases, success depends entirely on the effectiveness of international
cooperation between legal authorities and the speed with which action is taken. Effective use of such
evidence to identify individuals depends on the velocity with which requests are treated: if the
treatment is slow, identification is next to impossible. One of the most important features is the
duration during which Internet Service Providers (ISP) keep information concerning user subscriptions
and activities (IP addresses, connection data, etc.). The retention period, during which data is available
in order to retrieve someones identity from his IP address, varies from one country to another and can
be decided by national law.
Legal systems must give law enforcement agencies the appropriate authority to access traffic data. The
legal constraint of recording connection data for a certain amount of time (six months is a minimum,
given the speed of international legal assistance procedures) obliges ISPs to provide adequate facilities
to store and retrieve information when ordered. Countries should improve international cooperation
and be able to share critical information quickly, otherwise digital evidence may disappear.
For Instant Messaging services and Peer-to-Peer or Internet Relay Chat facilities, logs and historical
content of communications are kept for only a few days, when they are kept at all. In fact, there is no
guarantee that logs or user records exist or are conserved. Digital traces are volatile and rapidly
removed from servers, and anyone can run an Internet relay chat server, for example.
An IP address identifies a computer, not a person and criminals use false or stolen identities. It is
always very difficult to establish the identity of a person on the basis of an IP address, email or web
addresses or a digital trace. How can particular digital information be linked to its physical
author? Once the IP address of a system involved in a criminal activity has been identified, the next
step is to answer the question Who was using the computer?
III.1.2 Searching and collecting evidence
A trace is a mark, object or sign, not always visible to the naked eye, or a vestige of a presence or an
action at place. Whatever the nature of the trace, one must ask the following questions when
investigating a crime: How was the trace made? Why is it present? Does its presence reveal an action
that concerns the investigation?
Within the context of cybercrime, digital traces may be seen as outwardly immaterial; nevertheless
digital traces reside on a material reality a particular state of memory (CD-ROM, etc.). Therefore, a
digital trace is very similar to a traditional material one. Any trace is fragile and susceptible to
deterioration; some may even be invisible or inaccessible. Consequently, the investigation of a crime
scene comprising digital traces, requires a series of operations aiming at ensuring their potential
quality as evidence. Intervening in a data-processing crime scene environment, necessarily implies
applying the same general principles as on a traditional crime scene, such as the protection of places
and documentation, selective research, etc. for example.
When searching for digital evidence, many problems arise, including these:
Which elements may contain pertinent information for the case being investigated?
How to proceed?
How can data be safeguarded and proof, how it was collected, be established, so that it can be
analyzed later on by other people?
How can digital data be preserved as evidence for a potential hearing, knowing that the
storage medium from which the evidence was recovered is not infallible (date-time
information being treated differently from one computer system to another) and subject to
How can data be copied from its support to another one in order to analyse it without
modifying it?
How can it be guaranteed that the process of copying the data did not modify it?
How can an IP address that identifies a system in a network and an individual be associated?
How can primary binary data be transformed into significant comprehensible information?
To answer these questions, some computer forensic tools and procedures exist. They should be used
by trained and competent experts. In the past few years, some evidence processing tools have been
developed and commercialized, and their standardization is also an issue currently being taken into
On the other hand, criminals could be tracked by active communication monitoring and live
surveillance. Telephone, e-mail or instant messaging eavesdropping is possible to collect information
related to communication content or non-content such as e-mail headers or IP addresses. In fact,
criminals can also be identified through undercover investigation when investigators join instant
messaging (IM) services, peer-to-peer networks (P2P), Internet relay chat (IRC), newsgroups, etc. to
lure criminals.
The chain of custody is a very important concept when dealing with investigation, forensic science,
evidence and the execution of law. It helps to preserve the integrity of evidence in order to avoid that a
legal representative of the defence can successfully argue that the evidence has been corrupted.
Like any material trace, a digital trace must satisfy certain criteria that make it possible to ensure its
validity as a means of proof (authenticity, integrity). These criteria mainly include documentation of
the trace and the history of the trace handling.
In a well documented report, the process of preserving integrity of evidence, or the way in which the
custody chain is executed, must answer the following questions:
Who handled the evidence? From whom did he receive it? To whom was the evidence
How is the evidence kept safe? How is it authenticated? How is it locked up? Who has access
to it? Who took it out of storage and why?
III.1.3 Collecting evidence in cybercrime investigation
In cyberspace, it is difficult to define which way to follow when investigating an incident. Usual
computer investigations are rather "host based than network oriented. An attacked computer,
(mainframe, personal computer, or even a personal digital assistant (PDA), etc.) is scrutinised in order
to collect traces of an offence. In the same time, a cybercrime scene should be seen as any other scene
of crime with one further dimension, rather than a fully different space of investigation 33.
The very problem is the nature and kind of the trace to be collected in such a distributed systems
environment as the Internet. The trace can be a "traditional" one, like a fingerprint, but it can also
consist in information characterising for example, some action that the targeted system is not supposed
to perform. When a network is used, traces are distributed all over interconnected systems. This
introduces a new level of complexity in the daily work of an investigator who has to determine quickly
which traces have to be privileged and where to collect them.
The first question is to know what to look for. Three types of evidence can be valuable:
The trace of an action, or a transaction made through one of the concerned systems;
The link between a person and an act (since computer systems can be remotely controlled, the
link between a person and a location is weakened when considered as a potential evidence).
There is often a risk to base the choice of which traces to look for in an emergency and crisis situation,
on the first elements reported by the Information System Manager, who is usually the main
interlocutor of the investigator. She/he has a constraint of business continuity that is not really
compatible with the needs of an investigation. In fact, she/he can also possibly be part of the
malevolent act and have modified some traces in order to lead the investigator on a wrong trail!
The human dimension must absolutely be taken into account, since it could jam the communication
between both parties. As said by Alphonse Bertillon :"One sees only what one looks at, and one looks
at only what one has in the mind". An investigator could be influenced by the traditional forensic way
of exploring the scene of crime. At the same time, a computer scientist or an information systems
manager has a totally different approach of the computer system and its environment. It is very
important for the investigator to question these professionals keeping in mind their cultural grid.
The relative value of the existing traces must also be evaluated according to the life cycle of digital
data. Finally, one must evaluate the interest of discovered traces through their possible value in a
court, compared with the technical difficulties generated by their collection and conservation.
The notion of legal usability of a trace defines the easiness of acceptance of the trace by a court. It
implies a strong reliability of the processes of finding, collecting, and of preservation of the trace. It
should also mean for a digital trace that it has been created during the normal functioning of the
system, rather than by a tool installed because of the occurring incident, and focused on it. This notion
could be associated to her technical counterpart technical usability, related to the level of
specialisation required for the understanding and managing digital traces.
When dealing with cybercrime, the investigator has to locate the place and time of creation of the
traces that could become potential evidences. This is particularly difficult since many actors can be
involved at different moments of the criminal process, and geographically dispersed.
33 Adapted from S. Ghernaouti-Hlie & al. "Evidence for cybercrime investigation" - poster 13th International Forensic
Time location of digital traces could be classified according to the happening of the incident (before,
during or after) as for example:
Before the incident: exploration traces (scans detected); logs of connections from the
attackers IAP or ISP; normal state of the targeted system (traces created by a normal
During the incident: logs of the systems that could have been used, or targeted by the attacker;
content of the swap files; dump of memories (RAM); system process management;
After the incident: attempts of data modification, deletion or erasure, (cleaning traces or
creating false traces); logs of current activity of the targeted system (can reveal rogue
processes); manifestation of the attacker: claim (on Internet Relay Chat, forum, etc.),
blackmail (anonymous mail).
For the space location of relevant traces, the position of the author is not sufficient for the limiting of
the area of investigation. An information system connected trough the Internet, can be distributed
between many locations. For instance, when the servers management is outsourced, data are often
stored on a server situated in a remote facility.
To reach this location, even from inside the company, a criminal would certainly use the infrastructure
of an Internet Access Provider (or ISP). The physical support of the access could be different and each
one of them will have its own policy for connections, logs creation and conservation.
Several space locations to look for digital traces could exist when dealing with:
A local area network (LAN) investigation: some network management tools can have stored
information about the transactions or actions that occurred during the incident as for example:
Firewall logs,
Authentication servers,
Application servers (that could have been used during the crimes realisation),
Internet environment investigation particularities: some of the global carriers (like backbone
operators) log a lot of management information (in order to better manage their quality of
service). This also can provide clues about the real attacker, or his/her true motivation.
Internet Access or Service Provider (IAP / ISP) : Network management tools of the victims
IAP can be invaluable to find the origin of the attack (the attacking system) and the possible
destination of some of the stolen assets (specific data or financial transactions);
On the other hand, the IAP / ISP of the attacking system gives information about
The amount of data exchanged and sometimes when the connection happened (on
permanent connections like ADSL or cable); but this depends on the existence of the
use of monitoring logs;
Logs of incidents;
Which Web pages (or sites) have been accessed, when a proxy is used and configured
to keep a track of when the data stored have been retrieved.
In the forensic field, the life cycle of a trace is very important to be known, if one wants to avoid its
destruction, or its contamination. For instance, investigators are used to handle biological traces in
emergency, since most of those are often usable during only a short period. In the cyberspace,
evidence can also be very volatile.
Depending on the physical support and on the nature of the processes that created them, digital traces
can be more or less resilient.
Four factors are determinant:
The easiness of creation: this factor qualifies the technical difficulty encountered to create the
trace during the normal operations of the system. It has a direct effect on the legal value of the
trace, since a malevolent can create a false trace, or alter a real one when it is technically
The durability of the trace on the support: this criterion helps to define on which kind of
support the first investigations have to be led. The investigator must quickly make research on
the media being the most volatile;
The speed of deletion by the existing tools of the system: usually, the deletion of a file is
easily performed by the operating system. But some applications (like database management
systems, or journalised file systems) automatically clear all or part of the data. The deletion is
therefore more complicated, since all images have to be treated. It is also important to be able
to know when and following which conditional trigger, data are deleted by the normal activity
of the system.
The ability to be fully erased: some physical supports are very difficult to be cleaned.
Specialised actions have to be performed if one wants to completely erase a trace from these
supports. Even if magnetic storage devices are considered as sensitive to wrong use, most of
the data they store are still recoverable after an incident.
Following a specific methodology is always beneficial and allows essential actions not to be omitted,
in order to reach reliable and well-documented conclusions.
The aim of the preliminary phase is to gather information about the place and ICT environment to be
investigated (line of business, ICT resources and infrastructure, type of data, of systems, aim of the
investigation, tools and skills required to intervene, etc.).
Phase 1 should be to freeze the scene of crime in order to prevent the ICT context from being
modified before digital traces are collected, and to avoid giving the malicious person a chance to
modify or destroy evidence. The goal of phase 1 is to avoid the destruction or the dislocation of crucial
data. This means interrupting activities in progress and moving people away, in the same way in
which yellow bands set the limits of a traditional crime scene. To prove the state of data at the time of
intervention, data should be fixed in a reliable way before being manipulated. This is similar to taking
photos or videos of a traditional crime scene.
The identification of relevant material in which data may be found and preserved can lead to specific
hardware being removed from the crime scene, bearing in mind that complete seizure is not always
possible or relevant. The investigator must classify resources to determine which system must be
removed from the scene using the proportionality principle (importance of the relevant material for the
crime committed, versus the importance of the potential nuisance for the owner, if it is taken away).
Identifying traces and collecting them comprises the second phase (phase 2), and this should be
followed by the data safeguarding and preservation phase (phase 3). At this stage, data can be
analyzed (phase 4) and subsequently presented in a comprehensive way for non-experts (phase 5).
To investigate a computer crime within an information system of an organisation, it is consequently
important to define the procedures to be implemented if one wishes to improve the collaboration
among investigators and responsible persons for information technologies security, in order to
facilitate the identifications work of the perpetrators by the justice 34.
III.1.5 ICT security manager and ICT police investigator collaboration
Quality, know-how, different constraints and objectives are at the origin of numerous lacks of
understanding between an investigator and an ICT security manager. The risk is big to see these
differences becoming real obstacles to the proper functioning of the investigation.
Whereas the ICT security manager tries to recover its systems in the briefest time, to ensure the
continuity of the production, the investigator is subjected to the formal constraints of the penal
procedure, which requires from him to obtain as much traces as possible, and to preserve them in
accordance with very precise legal standards.
The concern of reactivity of the ICT security manager is going to incite him to concentrate on the
means needed to stop the aggression and limit its impacts. The problem of identification of the author
is for a security manager, secondary towards the preservation of the activity of the organization. So the
recovery of the system represents for him the end of the incident while it is often situated at the
beginning of the investigators intervention (temporal gap).
The procedures of reboot (restart) of an information system are often contradictory with the
conservation of traces which would allow proving the reality of the attack, to select a group of
suspects, and to obtain possible legally valid evidences.
Furthermore, this gap can also be widened by certain behaviours of an ICT security manager or a
system administrator, if they try to resolve the crime by themselves. They possess generally a partial
knowledge of the legal constraints consecutive to the conducting of a penal investigation. They usually
are not experienced in the correct management of existing traces. Besides, their different attempts will
also have the effect of delaying the implication of the police forces and in many cases, awakening the
attention of the offender. Furthermore, they can be actively involved in the criminal process. All this
will generally have the effect of slowing down, and even hindering, the progress of the investigation.
On his side, the investigator has most often an insufficient vision of the technological, organizational
and human context of the concerned institution.
A certain number of obstacles to the smooth functioning of the investigation are added because
cybercrime also leads, besides the damages provoked directly by its commission, to an erosion of the
image of the attacked organization, which consequently implies a low level of denunciation of the
computer offences. Furthermore, the negative image sometime associated to the supposed weakness of
the investigators technical knowledge, strengthens the hesitation to report officially the undergoing
attacks. The perception of a relative incompetence is strengthened by the real lack of communication
strategy on these subjects on behalf of the police forces.
To be effective, the collaboration between police investigators and security managers, will have to be
based on a certain number of points that cant be ignored by the involved parties. It is not possible to
envisage the reduction of the cultural and technological gap separating policemen and systems
administrators (or security managers) without underlining the mandatory, inevitable character of their
collaboration in case of investigation. It should be based on the understanding of each ones
objectives, and the recognition of the importance of the temporal constraint in the management of their
collaboration. It means in particular that the human dimension of this interaction should be privileged.
The technological aspect should remain a support for the action.
Among practical measures, we can quote some examples:
34 Adapted from S. Ghernaouti-Hlie & al. "Pursuing Computer Crime within an Organisation: a Matter of Collaboration
between the IT Security Manager and the Investigator". Second European Academy of Forensic Science Conference.
Cracow, 12 -16 September 2000.
The risk analysis performed during the elaboration phase of the security policy should lead to
the definition of quantitative parameters, allowing the measuring of how critical the different
log files are;
Practical measures should be an integral part of the specifications of the security policy;
III.2.2.1 Overview
Chapter I of the 11/8/01 Convention contains a brief definition of terms. Chapter II defines measures
that are appropriate to the national level. Chapter II, Section 1 deals with substantive criminal law;
Section 2 deals with procedural law; Section 3 deals with jurisdiction.
The following four categories of offences are presented in Section 1:
Offences against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems
(Title 1);
Chapter II, Section 1 of the 11/8/01 Convention presents four categories of offenses that are to be
subject to criminal law.
Section 1, Title 1 concerns offences against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer
data and systems. Title 1 singles out the following types of transgressions:
Section 1, Title 2 concerns computer- related offences. Title 2 makes the distinction between:
Section 1, Title 3 concerns content-related offences. Title 3, Article 9 deals with offences related to
child pornography.
The additional protocol to the convention on cybercrime (EST 189) concerns the criminalization of
xenophobic acts committed via computer systems. It reads as follows:
Racist and xenophobic material means any written material, any image or any other
representation of ideas or theories, which advocates, promotes or incites hatred, discrimination
or violence, against any individual or group of individuals, based on race, colour, descent or
national or ethnic origin, as well as religion if used as a pretext for any of these factors.
The following activities, in addition to aiding and abetting, are punishable: dissemination of racist and
xenophobic material through computer systems, racist and xenophobic motivated threats, racist and
xenophobic motivated insults, denial, gross minimization, approval or justification of genocide or
crimes against humanity.
Section 1, Title 4 concerns offences related to infringements of copyright and related rights (Article
Section 1, Title 5 concerns ancillary liability and sanctions. Title 5 deals with the following issues:
Article 13 concerns Sanctions and measures. This relates to consequences flowing from the serious
nature of these offences by providing for criminal sanctions that are effective, appropriate and
dissuasive. It reads as follows:
Each Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to ensure that
the criminal offences established in accordance with Articles 2 through 11 are punishable by
effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions, which include deprivation of liberty. Each
Party shall ensure that legal persons held liable in accordance with Article 12 shall be subject
to effective, proportionate and dissuasive criminal or non-criminal sanctions or measures,
including monetary sanctions.
III.2.2.3 Procedural Law
The explanatory report on the 11/8/01 Convention on Cybercrime introduces Chapter II, Section 2
Procedural Law as follows:
The articles in this Section describe certain procedural measures to be taken at the national
level for the purpose of criminal investigation of the offences established in Section 1, other
criminal offences committed by means of a computer system and the collection of evidence in
electronic form of a criminal offence. In accordance with Article 39, paragraph 3, nothing in
the Convention requires or invites a Party to establish powers or procedures other than those
contained in this Convention, nor preclude a Party from doing so.
Section 2 presents five categories of procedural issues. It begins with two general provisions that
apply to all of the articles relating to procedural laws.
Section 2, Title 1 concerns common provisions (Articles 14 and 15).
Section 2, Title 2 concerns expedited preservation of stored computer data. Title 2 makes a distinction
between the following two types of data:
Section 2, Title 3 concerns production order (Article 18). A production order provides a flexible
measure that law enforcement can apply in many cases, especially instead of measures that are more
intrusive or more onerous. The implementation of such a procedural mechanism will also be beneficial
to third party custodians of data, such as ISPs, who are often prepared to assist law enforcement
authorities on a voluntary basis by providing data under their control, but who prefer an appropriate
legal basis for such assistance, relieving them of any contractual or non-contractual liability.
Section 2, Title 4 concerns the search and seizure of stored computer data (Article 19). Its aim is to
modernize and harmonize domestic laws on search and seizure of stored computer data for the
purposes of obtaining evidence with respect to specific criminal investigations or proceedings. Any
domestic criminal procedural legislation includes powers for search and seizure of tangible objects.
However, in a number of jurisdictions stored computer data per se will not be considered as a tangible
object and therefore cannot be secured on behalf of criminal investigations and proceedings in a
parallel manner as tangible objects, other than by securing the data medium upon which it is stored.
The aim of Article 19 of this Convention is to establish an equivalent power relating to stored data.
Section 2, Title 5 concerns real-time collection of computer data. It makes a distinction between the
following two types of data:
Title 5 addresses the problem of data collection by law enforcement authorities and by service
providers. It also deals with obligations of confidentiality.
The section jurisdiction states that each party is required to punish the commission of crimes that are
committed on its territory.
Chapter III of the 11/8/01 Convention presents the following: (i) principles related to international
cooperation, extradition and mutual assistance; and (ii) procedures pertaining to mutual assistance
requests in the absence of applicable international agreements.
Article 35 states that existing police cooperation and mutual assistance modalities need a point of
contact available in each country 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, in order to ensure immediate
assistance in investigation.
In order to criminalize cybercrime, developing countries should adapt their legislations domains. It is
inconceivable to come up with an exhaustive list of law domains, mainly because:
The following is a non-exhaustive list of proposed law domains: (i) Penal; (ii) Civil; (iii) Commercial;
(iv) Telecommunication; (v) Privacy and data protection; (vi) Copyright; (vii) Unfair competition;
(viii) Banking and professional secrecy; (ix) Right of disclosure/access; (x) Statuary obligations for
storage/disclosure; (xi) Accounting.
Sale of data;
All persons have the right to be protected against abuse of personal data, irrespective of the medium
and technology used to collect and process the data. Personal data can be defined as all information
related to an identified or identifiable person.
The first legal problem posed by e-commerce is how to define the geographical area within which the
electronic transaction takes place. Characteristics of the Internet such as international coverage, digital
technology, and mode of operation are incompatible with the concept of geographical state borders.
Information flows do not stop at international frontiers.
Regardless of where the Internet users and servers are located, data and services are accessible and can
be provided remotely. Seller and customer are often transacting from within different countries.
Therefore, a key point of any transaction is to establish which nations law is applicable in the event
of a dispute. It is essential that transactions carried out over the Internet, indicate the offer's limits and
provide specific information on which courts have jurisdiction in the event of a dispute.
The contracting parties may agree on a choice-of-law and court of jurisdiction. In the absence of a
choice of-law clause, it has to be determined whether the contract comes within the scope of: (i) an
international treaty such as the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts (1994); (ii) a
form of netiquette; or (iii) The Hague Convention of June 15, 1955. International treaties are not
binding, unless they have been expressly incorporated into the contract. If none of these solutions is
possible, the rules of contract law apply.
The rules applicable to contracts concluded electronically are generally the same as those that apply to
so-called traditional contracts. A contract has been concluded when one party has made an offer and
the other party has accepted that offer.
For example, Directive 97/7/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, of May 20,
1997, deals with issues of distance sales and e-commerce. It stipulates that in good time prior to the
conclusion of any distance contract, the consumer shall be provided with the following information:
a) The suppliers identity and, in the case of contracts requiring payment in advance, the suppliers
b) The main characteristics of the goods or services;
c) The price of the goods or services, including all taxes;
d) Delivery costs, where appropriate;
e) The arrangements for payment, delivery or performance;
f) The existence of a right-of-withdrawal, except in the cases referred to in Article 6 (3) of the
g) The cost of using the means of distance communication, when it is calculated at other than the basic
h) The period for which the offer or the price remains valid;
i) In the case of contracts for the supply of products or services to be performed permanently or
recurrently: the minimum duration of the contract, where appropriate.
The most important point concerning the conclusion of the contract relates to the definition of what
constitutes an "offer" and what constitutes "acceptance of an offer".
The directive considers that a firm offer has been made, and the contract entered into, when the buyer
accepts or clicks on "Purchase". Intent to buy is not expressed merely by visiting a site, any more than
it would be by entering a shop. The display of goods on a website constitutes an offer only if the seller
indicates the stock on hand and that stock decreases subsequent to the order, or if the nature of the
goods is such that the seller is always in a position to fulfil the order.
The contract is concluded once the recipient of the service, i.e. the consumer wishing to purchase the
goods displayed, receives electronic confirmation from the seller. However, that applies only if both
documents are sent within a short time of each other. Thus, the 5/20/97 Directives make a distinction
between a contract that becomes known to both parties at the same time and one that does not.
Certain conditions must be met in order for an electronic signature 36 to be considered to have
transposed the handwritten signature on a paper document into the digital world. These are the
following: (i) it must be uniquely linked to the signatory; (ii) it must be capable of identifying the
signatory; and (iii) it must be created using means that the signatory can maintain under his sole
For example, Directive 1999/93/EC of December 13, 1999 on a European framework for electronic
signatures distinguishes between three types of electronic signature depending on the degree to which
36 Electronic signature mechanism is explained in part IV of this document.
the encryption mechanisms have been integrated and the level of security afforded. A key concern is
that it is possible for a message to simply be "signed' without the signature being linked to the content
of the message. In this case, anyone could "detach" the signature from the message and use it in the
place of the signature's rightful owner. To overcome this shortcoming, a cryptographic function can be
used to link the signature to the content of the message and to validate the sender's authenticity and the
message's integrity on reception (concept of advanced electronic signature). The 12/13/99 Directive
also discusses secure electronic signatures, which are based on the security provisions of Annex II on
requirements for certification service providers issuing qualified certificates.
The ease with which items can be bought on the Internet can induce some consumers to act hastily. In
this context, the right-of-revocation is especially important.
In the European Union for example, the rightof-revocation is regulated by Directive 1997/7/EC of
May 20, 1997. The 5/20/97 Directive stipulates that for any distance contract the consumer has a
period of at least seven working days in which to withdraw from the contract without penalty and
without giving any reason. The grace period if three months if the supplier has failed to fulfil the
obligations laid down in Article 5, in particular as concerns the conditions and procedures for
exercising the right-of-withdrawal.
Those involved in a dispute arising from a validly concluded contract will have to furnish evidence,
whether the contract was concluded electronically or not. Therefore, it is always advisable to keep a
record of the transaction, such as a copy of the electronic message or a screen print.
Because of the international nature of e commerce, policymakers have devised means for resolving
disputes that bypass the traditional courtroom. The concept of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) was
born of the desire to find immediate solutions to the non-performance of contracts concluded over the
Internet. Conciliation is the basis of this type of dispute resolution: it involves negotiation, mediation
and arbitration. It is quicker, cheaper and more convenient for the users. The drawback is that it is
based on codes of conduct and recommendations, also known as soft law. This makes it difficult to
enforce decisions. A good example of these codes is ICANN's Uniform Domain-Name Dispute
Resolution Policy.
III.3.1 Cyberspace and intellectual property: some basic considerations
Intellectual property rights are protected by several branches of law. These include:
Trademark law;
Copyright law;
Patent law;
This branch of law defines a work as a creation of the literary or artistic spirit; it is individual in
nature, no matter what its value or intended purpose. Creations of the literary or artistic spirit include:
Works with a scientific or technical content, such as designs, plans, maps, or sculpted or
modelled works;
Architectural works;
The author is defined as the physical person who created the work. In the event that authorship is
in question, the presumed author is defined as the physical person who brings out the work until
such time as the author has been designated. Copyright entitles the author to moral and proprietary
Copyright is considered to exist as soon as the work in question is created. It is not necessary to
deposit the work with an office or to register the rights, although some countries do have copyright
deposits. However, creating a work is one thing. Proving that one has created that work is another. The
point is that the burden on the author is not to register the work, but rather to be able to prove actual
authorship. Ideas cannot be protected unless they are set down because only the tangible work can be
"Moral rights" refer essentially to recognition of authorship and to the right to decide whether, when,
in what way and under what name the work can be released. "Proprietary rights" relate to the actual
use of the work. i.e., production and sale of copies, presentation, distribution, broadcast, etc.
Transfer of ownership of the work, whether a copy or the original, does not imply transfer of
copyright. Copyright is assignable and inheritable.
"Neighbouring rights" refers to the rights of performers of phonogram or videogram producers and of
audiovisual communication enterprises. In this context performers is defined as the physical person
who perform a work or who participate artistically in its performance. Neighbouring rights allow a
musician to protect a particular recorded performance of a particular musical work. The actual musical
work itself may very well have been written and copyrighted by a different individual. For example, a
pianist may protect his performance of a piano work composed by Chopin or Beethoven.
The purpose of a trademark is to distinguish the products and/or services of the trademark owner
from those of other companies. The trademark identifies an object rather than a subject of law - an
object that tends to be identified by a name or a company name.
It is not possible to obtain trademark protection for the following:
Forms that correspond to the nature of the product or that are inherent to its use;
Misleading marks;
The company or individual must register the mark in order to benefit from protection. The validity of a
registered mark may be challenged.
The following are reasons why the registration of a mark might be revoked: (i) It is identical to a mark
previously registered for an identical product; (ii) It is identical or similar to a mark previously
registered for similar products and/or services and there is a risk of confusion.
Patent laws apply to for industrial inventions. Patents cannot be obtained for the following: (i)
obvious by-products of technical developments; (ii) plant or animal varieties; or (iii) the biological
processes used to produce plants or animals. Patents can be obtained for microbiological processes and
the products obtained using such processes.
The patent may be granted (under specific conditions) to the inventor, his successor in law, or a third
party who owns the invention on other grounds. If several people invent the same product or process
independently, the patent is granted to the person who files first, or whose filing has priority.
The protection of the intellectual property of a website involves several branches of law. The
registration of the domain name does not as such confer any specific exclusive right to the owner.
Those rights are procured through the following legal bases:
Trademark law;
Competition law.
Regarding the content of the site, and specifically the distribution of works via the Internet:
If the content was created specifically for the site, it is protected by copyright;
The digitization of an existing work and its online distribution are a form of reproduction that
requires the consent of the author of the original;
In the case of links to other sites, the use of a simple hyperlink infringes no exclusive right
since it involves no reproduction. Deep links, which direct the user to a specific page within
another site and bypass the site's home page, are another matter. The issue is whether or not
the page in question is considered to be a work. As a rule, questions like this are regulated by
competition law. The decisive criteria are the way in which the hyperlinks are used. Fair use is
a key concept here.
Policymakers are introducing technical measures to ensure respect for copyright. They are enacting
legislation to ensure that those measures will not be circumvented. Copyright thus enjoys legal
protection, technical protection, and legal protection of the technical protection.
III.3.2 Some legal considerations related to spam
Broadly speaking, spam refers to the sending of unsolicited messages. Its characteristics are as
The messages have a commercial purpose or are malicious in intent. Examples of the latter
include phishing, taking over the computer, or introducing insidious software such as viruses,
adware, and spyware;
Usually the addresses have been obtained without the owner's knowledge, in violation of the
rules relating to the protection of personal data;
Spam is covered by several branches of law in particular data protection and unfair competition law;
spammers also incur criminal liability.
Spamming, can be seen as a particularly aggressive sales method. There is no legal framework specific
to advertising on the Internet, but the advisory opinion held that advertising on the Internet should be
subject to a number of basic rules, whether it is used to conduct "traditional" business or e-commerce,
as for example:
Ease of navigation.
Provides inaccurate or fallacious information on himself, his business, his company name, his
products, his works, his services, his prices, his inventory, his sales or business method or, by
providing such information, provides a third party with an advantage over their competitors;
Displays or uses inaccurate titles or occupational designations of a kind to make others believe
he has certain distinctions or capacities;
Takes measures of a kind to lead to confusion with another person's merchandise, works,
services or business.
Hampers the customer's freedom to decide by using particularly aggressive sales methods.
When spammers act with criminal intent, they incur penal responsibility. Even if their message is
commercial in nature, the content can lay them open to prosecution.
A majority of spam messages invite the reader to visit pornographic sites. In some country, as
Switzerland for example, this is a criminal offence (article 197 of the Swiss Penal Code). It is
considered a particularly grievous offence under the following circumstances: (i) the message makes
the content available to people who do not wish to receive it; or (ii) the message is targeted to persons
under the age of 16. Always as an example, the Swiss Penal Code defines fraud as activity intended to
obtain a financial advantage from the victim for the purpose of self-enrichment. Seen from this angle,
the "Nigerian letter" spam certainly qualifies as fraud. Spam is the chosen method of many criminals
who infect machines with viruses. If the introduction of a virus results in data corruption, the spammer
can be prosecuted. If the victim's data are modified, erased or rendered unusable, it is considered to be
data corruption. Swiss law also prohibits the use of spam to sell medicines (advertising that
encourages excessive, abusive or inappropriate use of medicinal products; and advertising for
medicinal products that cannot be sold on the Swiss market or are obtainable only by prescription).
There are two opposing methods of regulating spam: the opt-in approach and the opt-out approach.
The opt-in approach, which is also called permission marketing, is more respectful toward the Internet
user. It permits the sender to send only the targeted advertising that the recipient has explicitly agreed
to receive (by selecting a box on the screen). Agreement may also be inferred, but in that case the
visitor must be clearly informed of the commercial nature and of the consequences of subscription.
Under the opt-out method, every advertisement sent must give the recipient the option of
unsubscribing from the list. The opt-out method establishes the right to refuse to receive messages
posteriori. Opt-out records can be constituted lawfully (for example by buying an opt-in list) or
harvested using a random procedure.
The European Union tends to favour the opt-in approach. For example, the European Unions
Directive on privacy and electronic communication (Directive 2002/58/EC) uses the opt-in method.
This directive concerns the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic
communications sector.
Because spammers tend to act anonymously and from abroad, litigation is expensive and complicated,
and usually involves engaging a lawyer.
Because legal remedies alone have little impact on the spread of spam, a technological solution is
required. Only by using technical and legal means together can the phenomenon of spam be combated
effectively. Every spammer who is discouraged by a rule of law or effectively prevented from
spamming by a technical solution, means millions and millions of unsent messages.
The impact of spam can be limited by using technical means to restrict: (i) the number of recipients
per message; (ii) the number of messages per source; and (iii) the number of messages per unit of
Blacklists work on the principle that mail can be classified using the server's reputation as a criterion.
The reputation of a mail server that has recently delivered spam is tarnished as it can be assumed that
the server will send more spam in the future. The server can be identified by its IP address.
Key word filters block messages containing certain key words. They are ineffective because spammers
can easily compose their messages to get around the filters.
Profiling technology makes use of a database of contents that has been identified as spam. The
technology is used to profile the content of a given message and compare it to a database of contents
considered to be spam.
A growing variety of "malware" (viruses, Trojan horses, bots, etc.) is being used to install e-mail
servers on infected machines. The aim is to make it easier to propagate spam. Therefore, an important
aspect of fighting spam is to hunt down malicious software.
Anti-spam software can help filter and block spam at the level of the e-mail server and thus limit its
spread, but it is not always effective. Legitimate messages do not always reach recipients and genuine
spam is not always filtered out.
User attitude is a key aspect of the fight against spam. The scope of the problem can be limited if
users treat messages knowledgably. That includes the following: (i) being aware of the risk of identity
theft; (ii) checking what use will be made of their e mail address before divulging it in an online form;
(iii) using several e mail addresses; (iv) avoiding certain types of sites; (v) never opening messages
from unknown senders; (vi) deleting spam without reading it; (vii) never replying to spam; and (viii)
never clicking on the hyperlinks in a spam message.
III.3.3 Summary of the main legal issues relating to cyberspace
The legal issues regarding e-mail are: (i) message content; (ii) mailbox address; and (iii) identity theft,
including the theft of a distinctive sign or a company name. These points are regulated by each
country's civil law.
The legal issues regarding websites are: (i) copyright issues centring on the definition of a work; (ii)
questions of content, responsibility, and protection related to hyperlinks; and (iii) questions relating to
search engines.
In addition to the many legal issues involved, contracting in cyberspace raises challenging technical
issues. What technical mechanisms will be used for actually concluding a contract? What specific
tools and procedures will be used? How can policymakers contend with global impact, intangibility,
and delocalization that defines cyberspace? The following issues are important from the legal point of
view: The offer; its status (whether or not it is distance); what constitutes its acceptance; Advertising
and soliciting; spam; etc; Performance; Online acceptance of the offer and the information technology
used to indicate acceptance; The right-to-withdraw; Choice of law and jurisdiction.
Contracting Electronic documents that are signed electronically raise issues of validity. The aim is to
be able to guarantee the legal validity of the signature in order to identify the signatory and to ascertain
that he intended to sign the document and therefore takes responsibility for the content.
The danger with electronic payments involving credit cards, cheques or electronic money is the risk of
being intercepted by third parties and the relevant information misused. When the service supplier and
the recipient communicate, they are vulnerable to this type of interception.
Domain names are a new form of intangible asset that can have considerable commercial value.
Policymakers need to assess this issue from the following points of view: (i) Trademarks and domain
names; (ii) Distinctive signs; (iii) Business names and domain names. The US Anticybersquatting
Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) is a major piece of legislation that tackles these issues.
Contracting Electronic Intellectual property on the Internet raises issues relating to copyright,
trademarks and patents. A legislative initiative concerned with these issues is for example the WIPO
Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty.
Contracting Electronic Spamming is an infringement of the right to digital privacy.
Many other legal issues have to be considered when defining an appropriate legal framework for use
of the Internet as for example antitrust legislation, the liability of suppliers and technical
intermediaries (to what extent the supplier is liable for the Internet user's activities, criminal activities,
child pornography, etc.) or the inviolability of postal secrecy.
personal information from an Internet user, it is not evident what will happen to that information.
What websites will do with that information is not obvious. Will they share it with other entities? And,
how long do they keep it?
Users cannot easily see or understand the role of web cookies 37 and the information gathered by them.
Most often, cookies invade user privacy in a way or another. Users need to understand what cookies
are used for as well as all means regarding their personal information.
To satisfy users concerns, websites try to make their practices more transparent. But many privacy
policies are models of legal complexity, while others have so little information, rendering them almost
useless. Consequently, website privacy policies do not serve their goal of letting Internet users be
informed of the use of their personal information.
Effective privacy culture and security solutions will contribute to obtain confidence into information
and communication technologies. Nowadays, the needs for privacy and security are not yet wellidentified and satisfied for individuals and enterprises. In fact, the majority of them consider that
information security is only related to anti-spam and antivirus use or to the use of encryption
mechanisms in order to achieve authenticity, confidentiality and integrity services. Privacy needs are
more often neglected or is ignored by ordinary Internet users.
"In developing countries, human rights organizations understand the need for privacy but do not have
the technology. Those in developed countries have the technology but do not think that they need to
protect privacy" 38.
Digital traces are generated by any e-activities. These traces can be stored and handled on a legal basis
or not. Justice and police investigation, computer forensic as commercial and marketing purposes or
state and government policies, for example, could take advantage of personal data, linked to digital
traces, in order to achieve specific objectives.
Technologies such as the Internet, sensors, mobile phones, global positioning systems (GPS),
biometrics, smart durst, cameras and microphones, etc., are all around us. Pervasive computing is a
reality. As information technologies resources continue to propagate and to be interconnected, it will
become possible to gather information about virtually everything and everyone, anywhere and
anytime. Consequently, privacy issues are becoming a major concern for information society citizens
and organizations.
III.4.2 Privacy stakes and challenges
Nowadays, cyber-criminals, hackers or crackers, what ever we call them, represent a real threat to the
society, causing malicious harm to ICT resources, to individuals, organizations and states.
By their capacity to intercept data, to intrude systems and access data, cyber-criminals are able to
affect users privacy. Deployment of phishing attacks 39 as well as social engineering 40 techniques
contribute to end-users losses of personal information (addresses, financial information, account
37 Web / Internet cookies are short programs used by web servers which contribute to identify and to personalize services
to end-users.
38 Robert Guerra (Privaterra) - The pan European ministerial conference of the World Summit on the Information Society. Bucharest.
39 Phishing attacks aim to gather confidential information by luring the user with a message, which seams to come from a
legitimate organization. Phishing attacks rely on social engineering and technical practices. The main motivation is financial
gain. Phishers will either commit fraudulent acts with the collected information or they will sell it online in a public forum.
40 Social engineering: Techniques, procedures and measures used by malicious attackers, who usually take advantage of the
users credulity to, inter alia, obtain their passwords and connection parameters and usurp their digital identity, in order to
trick and breach the system by pretending to be authorized visitors.
information, passwords, etc.). This kind of information represents precious targets for cyber-criminals,
offering them the possibility of use for illegal actions.
The digital identity theft has increased in an exponential manner since 1999. This phenomenon cannot
be ignored and will continue to amplify, since no action is taken to protect and to dissuade. One of the
most utilized methods to carry out such robberies is malevolent software (malware) as virus or
Trojans. Trojans are a kind of virus that can be hidden inside executable files (like mp3 songs, free
games, pictures, movies...). Once the file holding the virus is executed, the Trojan could provide
information to the cyber-criminal in a transparent manner. Most often, the Internet users have no idea
that their private information has been stolen. This information could be used to perpetrate criminal
actions. A stolen identity user is responsible of malicious activities that he didnt perform! In this
context, he has to prove his innocence, which is difficult, even impossible without any help.
Individual criminals as well as organized crime take advantage of the Internet facilities. Consequently,
police investigations in information and communication environments are more and more necessary
and frequent. It relies on computer forensic and digital traces analyses that constitute an emerging
scientific police specialization. This involves information gathering and flow and data monitoring.
These processes must be well mastered and controlled, respecting democratic principles and rights as
they raise issues of privacy. They need to be integrated in an appropriated legal framework, which
must be enforceable, both at national and international levels.
III.4.3 Needs, constraints, policies and tools
Nowadays, society has to deal with major contradictions present, between justice and police
investigation needs and privacy and freedom protection for individuals, corporations, governments and
countries needs.
Many stakes and challenges are related to privacy protection on the Internet. The basic rights of
privacy must be respected and guaranteed to all users wherever they are located. Effective e-privacy
solutions should be implemented in information technologies resources in order to provide the
minimum level of confidence essential for an effective digital economy. Efficient e-business and egovernment activities must integrate information security and privacy solutions.
A trusted information society where democracy is not a virtual concept could be built, if and only if,
security and privacy issues are solved and civil and national security needs taken into consideration.
Privacy stakes couldnt be dissociated from information security stakes. Concrete, simple, efficient,
flexible, comprehensible measures must be taken.
It is only by taking into account the need of privacy protection and security that an enforceable legal
framework could be defined. At the same time, tools should exist and be implemented to contribute to
preserve privacy requirements. To give only one example, the Electronic Privacy Information Centre
(EPIC) 41 offers an Online Guide to Practical Privacy Tools. Many methods are defined and presented
in this guide such as steganography, file wiping, anonymous remailers and encryption.
The steganography is a process of hiding information within others. This method is rather
used by criminals and for malevolent intendings.
It is not common use for the end-users. Often files, which a person believes he has deleted, are
not really destructed. A file wiping program ensures that sensitive material is truly destroyed.
Anonymous re-mailers offer services, which provide a way to send e-mails more or less
anonymously. Few users are aware of these techniques.
The encryption is simply the transformation of data into an apparently random and less
readable form through a mathematical process. Encryption is a part of cryptography, which is
the science of disguising information. The transformation process (the encryption) usually
involves an electronic key, which is a suite of digital bits working like a key to a lock in the
real world. The fact of encrypting data is like putting it into a secure logical folder, shutting it
with a key. The reverse transformation (decryption) may require the same key (symmetric
cryptography) or a different key (asymmetric cryptography) and allows the extraction of the
original data.
Some recommendations relate to the form of privacy policies published on websites, the others affect
directly the contents of these policies.
First of all, the published policy must give at least an answer to the users' needs of understanding
privacy concerns. Simple and clear answers must obligatorily be given to the following questions:
Is there any third party during the transactions between the company and the Internet user?
Will the company share or sell any of the collected personal data?
Will the company notify their users about any changes of the privacy policy?
Secondly, the user must find all the details in only one website (i.e. no need to consult other websites
to have an idea about the policy). Finally, the company has to prove that it will apply all the terms of
the policy. This point is directly related to the laws in the different countries.
As the users need to discern technological and informational elements to build the confidence in
online services, these points could furnish to Internet users informational and technological elements,
necessary for the installing of confidence in E-services and E-business. Without confidence, the
relationship between the E-services' providers and clients is not possible.
After fulfilling the contents of the privacy policy web document, the enterprise must present it in a
readable ergonomic form. The policy document must be clear (with a medium police size and
paragraph separators) and easy to be understood by all users (not a complex model full of technical
terms). The number of pages differs from a company to another, but mostly a document of 3 or 4
pages can contain all details of the privacy policy. An agenda with a hypertext link at the beginning of
the document is recommended. This agenda can help Internet users to navigate within the document
and check only the fields that they are looking for. All these points can increase users' confidence in
online e-services proposed not only by companies but also by governments and public administrations.
III.4.4 A way to preserve privacy
How can one preserve privacy when users offer and relate personal information about them? The best
way to preserve ones private life is not to leave too much of personal information on commercial
servers or on social networks, virtual communities, discussion forums, chat rooms, etc. Internet
servers never forget and when users give personal data to services, applications, or servers outside his
control, they never know how data can be exploited, by whom and for what purpose. Internet users
have to keep in mind that personal data represent valuable assets and they should be protected in
Part IV introduces a technical approach to cybersecurity, presents the most relevant principles of
computer security, and specifies the domains of application of cybersecurity. To ensure the
availability, integrity, confidentiality, and non-repudiation of resources and services in networked
environment, relevant security technologies are explained; some e-mail and e-commerce risks issues
are discussed and security solutions given.
The importance of technical security measures to decrease the number and impacts of cyberattacks is
presented. The need is identified for a complementary technical, procedural and managerial security
approach towards the control and prevention of informational risks, and towards improving the
efficiency of security solutions.
The capability of a system to be utilized. This depends on the availability of hardware and
software resources and services. It is a function of good dimensioning, sufficient redundancy
of resources, back up, recovery and operations procedures adapted to the requirements.
The capability of a system to prevent unauthorized persons and processes from accessing
data. This concerns the preservation of data confidentiality and integrity. These are ensured
by: (i) access control procedures such as identification, authentication and authorization with
respect to certain permissions or access rights; and (ii) encryption mechanisms.
The capability of a system to allow only authorized persons and processes to perform
data modification. Here, an integrity criterion is necessary. This involves access control,
error control and coherency checking procedures.
The capability of a system to prove that actions and transactions have actually taken
place. This involves traceability, proof, administration, audit and non-repudiation of actions
and events.
The capability of a system to carry out actions and provide its expected services under
appropriate conditions of usage and performance throughout its life span. This involves
continuity, reliability, user friendliness and operational soundness.
These various abilities define the security criteria of a system that can be fulfilled through the
implementation of appropriate mechanisms (figure IV.1).
Physical security;
Operational security;
Logical security;
Application security;
Telecommunications security.
Physical security represents the most fundamental and common control for information systems.
Sensitive areas are not only ICT and operations areas, but also those that house indispensable
logistical equipment, such as air conditioning and the electrical power supply. The three main risks
that threaten physical security are (i) physical access; (ii) environment-related dangers (energy
supply); and (iii) intentional or not damage caused by natural disaster (fire, hearth crack, ) .
Physical security concerns all aspects relating to systems and environment control. This includes
hardware, components, cable, sites, power supply, and air conditioning. Without being exhaustive, the
following are basic for physical security:
Protection of the power supply, the environment and access - physical protection of
equipment, distribution centres, connection boards, etc.;
Physical redundancy;
Operational security refers to everything relating to the proper functioning of the system. This
involves the implementation of a set of diagnostic tools and procedures for regular preventive
maintenance and repair as well as replacement of defective entity. It includes systems administration
and control, recovery procedures, and relies upon competent staff. The main key points of operational
security are:
Logical security primary refers to the management of logical access control, which involves
identification, authentication and authorization service (Figure IV.3).
Logical security also refers to all preventive measures against the infection of data and programs
through virus contamination. This includes:
Backup and restore procedures (backup of sensitive information onto extractable hard disks
stored in secure places, etc.);
Logical security mechanisms must be coherent in order to prevent threats, not so much against security
tools themselves, but against attacks that might take advantage of logical dysfunction or
It is far easier to assess the monetary value of hardware than of data. Nevertheless, the major part of
the ICT environments added value comes from the quality of processed data. The organizations
immaterial and human resources constitute its real competitive factors. An organization must
understand the role, strategic importance, and link to decision making of information, in order to
protect that information. The type of information to be handled determines the level of protection
required. It is important to establish a preliminary classification of the data, because that will settle the
degree of sensitivity (normal, confidential, etc.). Only then can the organization identify how many
and what kind of logical locks to apply. This approach is part of the phase of determining the
appropriate security strategy. It is one of the key aspects of the organizations security policy.
Logical security has to do with the resource access control point-of-view. Application security has to
do with the development dimension and the application life cycle of software.
Application security refers to the secure development of appropriate software solutions, and to their
harmonious integration and execution in operational environments.
Telecommunication or network security consists of offering to the end user - to the communicating
applications - reliable and secure connectivity from end to end. Therefore, it must be possible to
implement a communication channel between correspondents capable of conveying the data,
regardless of the number or nature of intermediary systems or networks. This implies having a secure
network infrastructure, including access, communications protocols, operating systems and hardware.
Securing the software and hardware resources linked by the networks depends upon judiciously
separating or isolating these resources from each other. It is equally important to secure the
application infrastructure within which the applications are executed on the end systems, at the level
of the users work environment and the applications. This involves time stamping, origin validation,
non-repudiation, and confidentiality procedures. Application security should make it possible to
ensure the users privacy. Last, the security administration infrastructure must be secured, in order to
achieve a coherent and efficient secure edifice. Telecommunications security cannot guarantee alone
the security of electronic transfer on its own. It is only one required link in the security chain.
Networks should not be the weakest link in the information security chain.
Telecommunication security is not very different from computer security. Although networks are
vulnerable, they are mere end systems. Malicious acts can also take place in the office at the physical
level and not just via transmission lines. Logical security could be ineffective if physical security is
Providing a secure communication environment requires securing all the elements in the information
technology chain and process. An organization must make a specific risk analysis that approaches
telecommunication security as a function of the organizations environmental, human, organizational
and information technology infrastructure. For example, it is insufficient to simply implementing
encryption mechanisms for data transfer without analyzing other risks in the information system.
Resource redundancy;
An organization obtains data security by means of a succession of barriers or protection measures that
raise the level of difficulty involved in accessing the resources. These barriers do not solve a security
problem - they just shift it and transfer responsibility to other entities. In order to obtain genuine
security, an organization must protect and secure the security solutions themselves. This is the
concept of the recursive nature of security.
In a global protection strategy, fighting cybercrime effectively involves:
Increasing the level of effort necessary to perpetrate a crime by effective security technology
and management;
In order to reach these strategic protection goals, information and communication security solutions
have to be implemented. For example, it will require more effort for criminals to hack into potential
targeted resources if the following measures are put in place: (i) access control; (ii) integrity control;
(iii) authentication control; and (iv) monitoring mechanisms. Enforcing network security architecture
through the use of firewalls is a technical measure that makes an attack more difficult to effect. In a
complementary approach, legislative and regulatory measures help to raise the level of risk perceived
by a criminal.
Transforming the data in such a way as to render it unintelligible to unauthorized persons via
encryption/decryption procedures.
Encryption systems rely on encryption algorithms that modify, with the help of a key, the characters
of a given text. They create the appearance of generating random data, thereby producing an encrypted
text that is indecipherable without the decryption key. The original text is called a plaintext. The
encrypted text is called a ciphertext. The latter can be safely transmitted over an unsecured network as
long as any malevolent person who could intercepted it are not in possession of the decryption key or
able to crack the code.
An encryption/decryption key must have a minimum length in order to ensure that it cannot be
cracked too easily. If the key is 16 bits long, it can have 65,536 different values that can be easily
identified through computer processing. The longer the key, the more different possible transpositions
can be built into the code. That means a longer processing time needed to find keys. Code breaking
has become relatively simple for keys that are 40 bits long (1012 different keys, or in other words, a
thousand billion possibilities easily computational). The preference for really sensitive data is to
encrypt with longer keys (at least 128 bits) that require a very powerful information technology
infrastructure and prohibitive processing times to break them. The best means for criminals to break
an encryption system is for them to procure the key directly from the user or from the system that
stores it.
The robustness of an encryption system is determined by the:
The algorithm does not necessarily have to be secret. If it is published and thus made public, its
robustness can be widely tested.
The more specific a key, and the more its use is limited in time, the more effective the security. It is
advisable to change keys very often and to have several keys, rather than just one for the whole
information system.
Architectures with two or three levels of keys are common. For those with two levels, there is a base
key or master key, from which session keys are derived. For those with three levels, there is a base key
for the encryption of session keys in addition to the session keys themselves. The use of a master key,
from which others keys can be ciphered, is recommended to obtain a hierarchy of keys. This can
restrict the number of decryption elements that can be directly apprehended. Minimizing the risk at the
key level implies good key management and a correct understanding of the use of keys.
Confidence in encryption solutions on the market can only be relative, because there are no guaranteed
means of verification. Encryption-based security solutions can be compromised through the
exploitation of back doors in software, or the duplication and dissemination of secret keys. In addition,
there is no guarantee that algorithms currently deemed to be reliable will remain so in the future.
These points constitute inherent limitations of any classical encryption-based security solutions.
A symmetric system requires that the emitter and the receiver agree in advance on the key to be used.
Each communication entity manages as many secret keys as interlocutors. Therefore, it is necessary to
handle as many pairs of different keys as there are pairs of interlocutors. This process can soon grow
to unmanageable proportions. It is badly adapted to Internet, where communication often takes place
between entities that do not know each other in a client / server mode where a secret key of a server
should be shared among several users. Symmetric encryption poses serious problems for key
management and deployment. In order to resolve these problems, another type of encryption system,
termed as asymmetric or public key cryptography exists and is widely employed over the Internet. The
principal symmetric algorithms are AES, 3DES, DES, RC2, RC4, RC5, Blowfish and IDEA 42.
IV.2.2 Asymmetric or public key encryption
A public key encryption system has the capacity to generate, for each interlocutor wishing to
communicate confidential data, two complementary keys: a public key and a secret or private key. It is
imperative that the private key remains confidential.
Consequently, any sender uses the public key of the communicating partners to cipher data to be sent
to them. The sender encrypts the message with the public key of its recipient. On reception, the
recipient use his private key to decrypt the message (Figure IV.5).
42 DES (Data Encryption Standard) from NIST (National Institute for Standards and Technology, USA) dates from the
beginning of the 1970s. A number of different variants, such as Triple DES, DES, DESX, GDES, RDES, are derived from
this algorithm. They use longer keys, which makes them more powerful. The Triple DES takes its name from the fact that it
has three levels of encryption. The IDEA algorithm (International Data Encryption Algorithm) was developed by Ascom
Tech AG in Zurich. It is based on a 128-bit key. RC2, RC4 and RC5 developed by RSA Security Inc. They are proprietary
algorithms with symmetric keys. They use variable length keys that can be as long as 2048 bits. However, only 128-bit keys
are authorized for export from the USA for the RC2 and RC4 algorithms. Blowfish was developed by B. Schneier in 1993.
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is the successor of DES. It was designed by Rijmen and Daemen in 1998 and
approved by the NSA in 2003. AES uses keys of 128, 196, or 256 bits with blocks of 128 bits.
The principal public key algorithms, which bear the names of their inventors, such RSA (R.Rivest,
A.Shamir, L.Adelman); Diffie Hellman; El Gamal for example, most often use key lengths varying
from 512 to 2048 bits. The execution time of these algorithms produces important overheads that
render the encryption of long messages very long and degrade the overall performance of the system.
By reducing these processing overheads, new algorithms based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC)
should solve the problem of excessive resource consumption.
IV.2.3 The best of symmetric and asymmetric systems
The major disadvantage of a public key encryption system is that it takes too much time to process
long messages. Encryption experts have combined the best aspects of symmetric and asymmetric
systems, in order to: (i) reduce the amount of information to be encoded in a public key system; and
(ii) resolve the problem of secret key management and distribution.
When encrypting long messages, the sender uses a session key that is valid for both interlocutors for
the duration of the exchange and is destroyed at the end of the work session. The sender uses a public
key asymmetric algorithm to encrypt the session key, and uses a secret key symmetric algorithm to
encrypt the message itself.
The dialogue process would unfold as follows:
1. One of the partners of a communication generates, by a random process, a secret key called a
session key;
2. The message is encrypted with this session key and a symmetric key algorithm;
3. The session key is then encrypted with the public key of the recipient, which constitutes the
digital envelope of the message;
4. The sender sends the encrypted message and its envelope to the recipient;
5. The recipient decrypts the envelope with his private key in order to discover the session key
that he will use to decrypt the message;
6. The recipient can use the same session key to send an encrypted message to the sender.
IV.2.4 Key management
Like other sensitive data, secret keys need to be protected and memorized in a confidential and reliable
manner. The security of the encryption process, also known as sealing process, relies largely on the
security and confidentiality of the keys used.
The roles of a key management system are as follows:
Ensuring secure storage through encryption of keys and reliable archiving for control reasons;
search for inactive keys that could be used later, evidence in case of disputes;
Support for intrinsic security functions, such as operational test functions malfunction alarm
and recording, key invalidation and key access control (key confidentiality and integrity).
The functions of a key management system reflect the different phases of the keys life cycle These
phases are: (i) creation; (ii) storage; (iii) distribution; (iv) use; and (v) destruction.
The life cycle of an encryption/decryption key depends on its use. It is always a good idea to
periodically change the value of the keys. It may lead to complexity if the key is modified too
frequently. Nevertheless, for all networked applications, it is advisable to change the key for each new
work session or even to use more than one key during a single session. There are several systems with
single keys, such as those used with smart cards.
IV.2.5 Public-key infrastructure (PKI)
A public-key infrastructure (PKI) is a system that can support public-key encryption, digital signature
services and certificate management. It authenticates users based on the users presentation of a digital
certificate. It generally involves multiple certification authorities cooperating to satisfy worldwide
Internet communities.
It is impossible to memorize the public keys of all potential correspondents or request them before
each issuance. However, as it is imperative to obtain these keys if an asymmetric key encryption
system is to be used, one must be able to rely on the services of a third party entity. This is called a
certification authority. It offers the following services: (Figure IV.6):
Generation of one private key public key pair and assignment to an entity or person;
Memorization of the information required for the management of the pair of keys;
Distribution of the public key to the entities that request it and are authorized to obtain it (this
involves the concept of filtering);
Client certificates are assigned by certification authorities who issue digital certificates.
A certification authority has the following tools:
A highly secure administrative server for the management of requests and signatures of
certificates. Its roles are: (i) to notify clients by mail or e-mail of the URL ( where the signed certificate can be found; (ii) to manage the certificates revocation
list; and (iii) to renew certificates;
A database that records various certificates, including public certificates from the certification
authority, server certificates, directories, personal addresses, and electronic addresses.
Certification is the procedure used to validate an entitys identity. It is the means used to confirm that
a given public key actually belongs to a particular entity. Digital certificates can be used to ensure
both communicating partners that the entity on the other end is authentic.
A certificate can be viewed as an entitys electronic passport. It bears the entitys name and a public
key. It contains the expiration date, and the identification and the signature of the certificates issuer. It
also contains various kinds of information of an administrative or general nature.
IV.2.6 Ensuring proof of origin by digital signature
For authentication purpose, a sender creates a message and attaches a digital signature to it, in order to
reassure the recipient that the source of the message is genuine. This contributes to the authentication
of the sender and guarantees non-repudiation of an emission (proof of origin). A digital signature is
based on the converse use of the public key encryption algorithms, according to the following basic
principle (Figure IV.7):
A sender creates a small message declaring identity for example, My name is James.
The sender encrypts the message using his private key, in order to constitute an encrypted
signature that is attached to the message to be sent.
The sender then uses the public key of the addressee to encrypt the message and the signature.
He then sends the message.
After receiving the message, the addressee decrypts it with his private key. He then detaches
the signature and decrypts it with the public key of the sender.
Usually, the short message is simply a summary of the entire message. The sender produces it by the
use of the hash function 43.
The electronic signature system does have weaknesses. There is nothing to stop someone from cutting
out the digital signature from a previous message and reusing it in replacement of the real sender. It is
also possible to create a partners digital signature after having stolen the latters private key.
A more secure variant of this signature mechanism would be to randomly generate the declaration of
identity. This would be sent to the addressee, who would sign it with his private key and resend it to
the sender. Any algorithm could be used for this. In 1994, the NIST and the National Security Agency
of the USA developed an algorithm called DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) to be used with the
DSS (Digital Signature Standard) on the basis of the El Gamal algorithm. The scientific and economic
sectors have been reluctant to adopt this standard because of its governmental origin.
IV.2.7 Ensuring resources integrity
To be sure of data integrity consist be able to verify that information has not been modified during
computation, storage or transmission.
The integrity of the data must be guaranteed by protection against interception and modification. That
can be accomplished by utilizing complementary security mechanisms such as the following:
43 See the following paragraph related to integrity check.
Data encryption;
Malware protection.
A function, known as the digest function 44 or one-way hash function 45, generates a message digest.
The latter is a digital fingerprint that is shorter than the original message and incomprehensible. The
recipient deciphers the message and its fingerprint with the public key of the sender. He then
recalculates the digital fingerprint, using the same hash function on the received message, and
compares it to the one that was transmitted. If the result is identical, the receiver has verified the
identity of the sender and ensured the integrity of the message. If the message is altered, even only
slightly, the digital fingerprint will be considerably modified.
The concurrent use of encryption techniques, signatures and digital fingerprinting makes the stamping
of messages possible and guarantees data integrity and authentication. These procedures consume
processing time and slow down performance in the operational environment considerably, even if a
There is a large number of digest functions. The most common are MD4, MD5, from Ronald Rivest, which produce a
128- bit digital fingerprint, and SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) from NIST, which generates a fingerprint of 160 bits.
The transformation is only made in one direction. Deciphering and same number generation are not possible using two
different messages.
broadband network and powerful systems support that environment. Therefore, it is essential to apply
these techniques only when strictly necessary, after carrying out a preliminary analysis of what should
be protected from which risk. By determining the degree of sensitivity of the data and the security
objectives, an organization limits encryption strictly to pertinent data and the applications and
transactions concerned.
Ensuring integrity through protection against malware. The consequences of malware program
execution can lead to partial or total data or program destruction and to denial of service. Beyond the
technological impact, the infection of an information system is always dramatic. It can even be fatal
for an enterprise.
Malware protection is a permanent concern for the administrator of the information technology park.
It contributes to data and program integrity and ensures service availability, accessibility and
continuity. The following measures for example strengthen the protection of ICT resources from
malware infection:
Application of strict directives concerning the use of software other than that distributed,
authorized and licensed by the enterprise (authorized software only);
Safeguarding of data and programs after verifying the harmlessness of their content;
Checking of emails and their attached files when transiting via mail servers;
Generally, computer security is limited to viral protection. Figure IV.9 illustrates three phases of the
fight against viruses. Those phases are: (i) control; (ii) prevention; and (iii) reaction.
To require the periodic modification of passwords and the verification of new passwords;
Apart from the creation and destruction of user identification, the network manager should only
intervene, in principle, to modify password that has been forgotten. It is not because a system
administrator has the opportunity to spy, to intercept, to look at any transaction or content that he/her
has to do it!
IV.2.9 Ensuring a non-repudiation service
A non-repudiation service provides protection against rejection or denial: (i) that a message has been
sent or received; or (ii) that an action or transaction has taken place. For example, it makes it possible
to prove that a person is linked to a given event or action.
Non-repudiation is based on having a signature or some identification / authentication that proves the
identity of the person who created the message. In order to provide this service, a public key
encryption algorithm is required. A trusted third party or certification authority may assume the role of
notary. The third party officially informs and registers all actions and transactions between the parties,
in order to certify the veracity of the exchanges. For this to be effective, the partners must subscribe to
this service with a recognized organization that is safe and reliable. The trusted third party is a sort of
referee that registers operations carried out between the different parties.
A cyber notary is a new type of intermediary. The demand for cyber notaries is growing in proportion
to the expansion of commercial and financial transactions on telecommunications networks. This role
of veracity guarantee could be extrapolated to all sorts of electronic applications that operate in
Log procedures and tools help to register many kinds of relevant information that could be exploited
for audit procedures, to trace events or activities, identify the origin, circumstances of incidents, etc.
for example. Logs information should be analyzed on a regular basis to learn about operational mode
and behavior of systems and users in order to be able to improve security effectiveness and efficiency.
An incident that occurs at a first time is an error; the same repetitive incident constitutes a fault! It is
not enough to store data if they cannot be retrieve or exploited when required. Moreover, sensible
logged information has to be protected against illicit modifications.
One of the cornerstones of access control is the identification and authentication of information
system actors. Authentication makes it possible to confirm or contest users identities.
The purpose of the authentication service is to ensure that the stated identity is authentic. This is the
concept of proof of identity. One or more of the following factors generally determines
A secret that is known to the entity in question, i.e. a password or Personal Identification
Number (PIN);
A feature unique to the entity, a physical attribute such as a characteristic trait (fingerprint,
voiceprint, or retina print).
The process of identity verification works as follows: The individual requesting access states his
identity and provides an item of proof that he alone is supposed to know or possess. This could be
a password, confidential key, or fingerprint. The authentication service then compares that information
with the data stored in its authentication server.
Mutual authentication refers to authentication of both the user and the server / service requested by the
An authentication server must be extremely well protected. It must be secured by ad hoc mechanisms
providing access control and secure systems management. The data it contains must be encrypted. An
authentication server must not be vulnerable or subject to faults, because the overall security of the
information and telecommunication infrastructure depends on its robustness.
The control access system grants or denies access to on the basis of the identification-authentication
process and on the fact that access rights and permissions 46 exist and that they are managed correctly.
On the basis of an authenticated identification, the access control mechanism allows access, according
to the user's profile, to the requested resources. This presupposes that the identity management,
identity proof management and authorization management have been properly effected vis--vis the
The user profile contains all of the data on which access authorization decisions are based. It must be
carefully devised in accordance with the access management policy. The purpose of authentication is
to associate the notion of identity with a given individual. Access authorization entails selective
filtering of requests for access to the resources and services provided by the network. The system
utilizes a triple control that covers usage rights, coherence with the service requested and the
characteristics of the access device. Then, a three dimensional indicator is used. It contains the
following profiles:
Control of access rights consists of verifying whether the service in question is registered in the user
IV.3.2 Access control based on biometry
Biometric individualization consists of using biometric data for checking the identity of individuals
at the point of access to premises or within the framework of judicial supervision (by the police, etc.).
This includes the following types of data: fingerprint, voiceprint, face, ear, hand geometry, retina, and
iris. Biometric individualization makes it possible to do away with passwords, replacing them with
physical characteristics from which a binary data value can easily be extracted.
The first step is to extract and record the given individuals biometric characteristics in the form of a
"biometric template". Such recordings must be highly reliable and securely stored (Figure IV.11).
46 Permission, as a function of certain access rights, is most often expressed in terms of read; write, creation, destruction and
The authentication process may be lengthy, since the comparison phase has to account for the
variations inherent in the live nature of the compared data. For example, voice samples will never be
completely identical. The comparison is based on statistical and probabilistic processing of the
biometric data. This method is not foolproof. It is impossible to determine with 100 percent certainty
that the person screened is who he claims to be. The error rate of these systems is still high utilized
alone, they cannot provide a high level of security. Nevertheless, when combined with "conventional"
authentication mechanisms based on passwords, the biometric side serves to enhance the level of
security provided. This combining of two different types of authentication mechanisms is called dual
The expanding use of biometric technology raises numerous issues of an ethical and ergonomic, not to
mention economic, legal and technological, nature. These issues include:
The fact that biometric data sensors are often seen as intrusive and are rejected by the majority
of users in cases where a choice is available. They also constitute a threat to the freedom of
the individual, e.g. a large number of sensors, such as video cameras, set up in public locations
and operating without people's knowledge;
Given their lack of precision and continuing high purchase, deployment and operational costs, access
control solutions based on the use of biometric data are not in mainstream use.
Summary of the limitations encountered when using biometric data for access control:
1- Biometric data used in the identification of an individual will vary through time.
2- Biometric data have to be captured and converted into a reference sample for storage
in a database. As they are digitized, the data become fragile (and hence modifiable),
and must be accorded the best possible protection. For each access request, the user's
biometric data must be captured; this raises the problem of consent in regard to the
capture method, and the associated feeling of intrusion.
3- Access control based on biometric data is not 100 percent failsafe owing to the
variability of the human sample to be analyzed. Depending on the system used, the
probability of false positive or false negative identification can be relatively high. In
addition, the reliability of the result will depend on the technology used to record the
biometric data, and the overall quality of the operation.
IV.3.3 Access control based on digital certificate
The use of passwords for the authentication of users of a web server is fairly simple. Nevertheless,
there is a risk that it could be ineffective, because it is difficult to manage an efficient password system
for a very large user population. The large number of servers and users could render such a method
unworkable, since too many users would know the server password.
A security mechanism based on certificates helps to resolve this problem and presents two advantages.
First, it allows for a large number of users, and second, it makes it possible to have distribution of a
decentralized verification system. Therefore, the use of certificates makes it possible to implement a
control mechanism that is relatively selective.
A certificate contains its owners public key and name, the name of the certification authority, a serial
number, and various additional attributes. The latter might include digital or textual information, such
as a postal or electronic address, employer, job position, division/department, office number,
telephone number, date of birth, sex, or nationality. These attributes provide the site administrator with
flexibility in controlling and restricting access as a function of the value of one or a combination of
A browser must present a certificate and proof of ownership in order to contact a server that uses a
certificate-based security mechanism. If the authentication is positive, the server then checks the users
rights to the requested resources, either directly on the basis of information contained in the certificate,
or by consulting a database. In the latter case, the certificate is only used to identify clients, and access
rights are stored in an external database. While this approach makes it possible to separate user
identity from user privileges, it poses problems for the design, update, access and performance of the
database. On the other hand, if user rights are associated with user identity independently of a
database, a server can accept certificates coming from various certification authorities. However, that
method poses the following problems: (i) the system is dependent on the life cycle of the certificate;
and (ii) the system is vulnerable to problems relating to information updates on the certificate, its
pertinence and its validity. Furthermore, the server must be able to manage a certificate revocation list,
which involves accessing an external database, thereby cancelling out the advantages of this solution.
Certification can be an efficient means of carrying out access control, but it is not the ideal solution.
Its limitations involve the following:
Implementing an efficient and reliable way to attribute and manage the certificates. It is fairly
easy to allocate a certificate to a user. It is far more difficult to revoke it.
The user has left the enterprise. After a certificate has been revoked, the server inscribes it into
a Certificate Revocation List (CRL).
It is for the certification authority to administrate revocation lists containing the numbers of all invalid
certificates, and to consult them at every request. The overhead of a systematic consultation of this
database decreases the performance of certification-based access control systems. At present, one
practical way of cancelling a clients certificate is to wait until the expiration date. It is essential that
certificates are designed in the light of this constraint and the internal risks posed by employees.
Sometimes a certificate or a private key becomes altered. Incidents may then occur on the
users workstation or during the update of the users browser. Therefore, ways and means
must be provided for the recovery of the private key.
The benefit of a certificate-based access control mechanism resides in the fact that only the certificate
owner knows the private key corresponding to the public key contained in the certificate. However, it
is possible for criminals to forge digital signatures by guessing the private key or the encryption
Therefore, the confidence in the certificate depends first on the robustness of the encryption algorithm
employed, and second on the level of security applied to the users private key. The latter is generally
archived in encrypted form on the PC and unlocked each time the browser needs it.
The degree of reliability of the certificate depends on the capacity of the certification authority to
verify the veracity of the identification of a user requesting a certificate. The procedures for requester
authentication vary from one authority to the next. It is the certification authoritys responsibility to be
able to effectively track the requesters identity.
The overall security of the system depends on the security of the private key of the certification
authority. Indeed, if this were to be stolen, the thief could issue certificates and pretend to be the real
certification authority.
Servers use switches for the routing function and for interconnecting transmission lines. The physical
connection inside the switches depends on their internal architecture. Several different switching
techniques exist. The choice of switching technique is dependent on the resource sharing mode, the
level of communication desired, and the privileged criteria for service quality.
The routing function determines the best route for data to take between source and destination.
Switches that are called routers often support this function.
The routing policy is a transport strategy choice that reflects the way in which the network
administrator manages the operation mode of the network. It depends, among other things, on the
ability of routers to support these administration choices. Static policies, where routers are predefined
permanently regardless of the state of the network, are distinct from dynamic or adaptive policies. The
latter enable adjustments to be made to information in the routing tables. This allows routers to take a
routing decision based on network characteristics, current traffic, and the state of the lines and systems
(availability, performance, loading).
Ideally, a router should be able to accept all packets. This means that the adjacent router does not
convey data to it if the data cannot be processed. The best route is not necessarily the shortest. The
best route is one that passes through lines and routers that are capable of handling the traffic. A router
should not lose or corrupt data, or mobilize it for too long. It needs to have sufficient memory and an
efficient queue management system.
Performance, quality of service, availability and reliability of the network largely depend on the
intelligence of routers and their ability to adapt to routing decisions and context.
A router can carry out switching of incoming packets on outgoing lines towards the next switch/router,
using addresses contained in its routing table. The routing software utilizes a routing table that is
designed according to a specific algorithm.
Routing table modification must be done in a secure way. Only authorized and authenticated entities
should be able to access the contents. Otherwise, there is a risk of denial of service, illegal address
modification, packet redirection, packet hijacking, packet destruction, etc.
IV.4.2 Name server and security
A name server or DNS (Domain Name Server) provides a directory service and mainly supports the
correspondence between an entitys logical name (URL or email address) known by users or
applications and its IP address (known by routers). Users or software applications only know the name
of a requested entity, and not its IP address, so any communication relies upon name servers. They can
also carry information relating to user or resources identification, permission, access rights and
localization. Name servers security mechanisms are mandatory to prevent several types of attacks as
packet redirection, packet hijacking, intrusion or denial of service for example. Those mechanisms
include consistency checks, duplication, authentication, access control, encryption, and events
IV.4.3 Secure IP Protocol (IPv6 & IPSec)
The need to accommodate security requirements led to a revision of version 4 of the Internet protocol.
There was also a need to provide for a wider range of addresses, increase the number of available
Internet addresses, and allow dynamic allocation of bandwidth to support multimedia applications. As
a result, a revised version of the IP protocol was produced called "Internet protocol next generation"
(IPnG), or IP version 6 (IPv6) 47.
In 1994 48, the Internet Activity Board (IAB) 49 addressed the security requirements of the IP protocol.
Version 6 of the IP protocol (IPv6), which was specified in 1995, includes authentication and
confidentiality facilities.
The main developments in IPv6 in relation to IPv4 relate to the following points [RFC 2460]:
Expanded address space and address hierarchy: address size increased to 128 bits (16 octets)
from 32 bits (4 octets); addresses represented in hexadecimal numbers 50 separated by colons
every two octets (e.g. 0123:4567:89ab:cdef:0123:4567:89ab:cdef), instead of dot-decimal
Adopting IPv6 calls, inter alia, for the modification of the addressing and address management
mechanism 51. It also calls for the installation throughout the Internet environment of systems
supporting IPv6, systems operating with both IPv4 and IPv6, and large-scale synchronization of
version migration.
For all of these reasons, version 6 has not yet been widely installed, and no government incentive or
international recommendation seems to be able to impose adoption of version 6 of the protocol
throughout the network. Only mostly private infrastructures incorporate IPv6.
Implementation of IPv6 with its built-in security functions is uncommon. Therefore, to meet network
security requirements, an intermediate solution called IPSec 52, has been developed and adopted by the
Internet community. IPSec is compatible with both IPv6 and IPv4. The Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF) 53 issued several documents in 1995 (RFC 1825 to 1829) specifying ways of securing an
Internet infrastructure.
IPSec Protocol offers data confidentiality and authentication services at IP transfer level through an
Authentication Header (AH) or an Encapsulating Security Payload header (ESP).
Each application, irrespective of the type of traffic it generates, can use these security services without
any adaptation. IPSec operates in point-to-point mode: the data are secured between a sender and a
receiver via a secure relationship (security association).
The authentication header provides IP packet authentication and integrity services. This guarantees
that the data have not been altered during transmission, and that the source address is the one that
appears on the packet.
The encapsulating security payload header allows the implementation of encryption mechanisms
(symmetric encryption such as DES, Triple DES, RC5 or IDEA), and offers similar authentication
services to those provided by the authentication header.
The encryption algorithms use keys that have to be generated and disseminated. Therefore, encryption
key management is an important component of implementing IPSec-based solutions. Some of the key
exchange protocols are: (i) Oakley key determination protocol 54, based on the Diffie-Hellman key
exchange algorithm [RFC 2412]; (ii) Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol
(ISAKMP) [RFC 2408]; and (iii) Internet Key Exchange (IKE) [RFC 2409].
IV.4.4 Virtual Private Networks
The installation of IPSec protocol at access points to the Internet network makes it possible to
establish a communication channel (IPSec tunnel) between those points whose ends are authenticated
(Figure IV.12).
51 RFC 1886 identified in 1995 the modifications to be made in DNSs to support IPv6.
52 RFC 2401
These ends are located in the organization's systems. This usually ensures that they are physically
protected. Moreover, data carried over the connection may be encrypted, according to the option
adopted. In that way, a secure route can be set up between two points of an unreliable infrastructure.
This is the concept of virtual private network. The term "network" is something of a misnomer, since
only a (virtual) logical connection is established.
IV.4.5 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure
Secure sockets layer (SSL) is software that allows a certain level of security to application
exchanges. Most web browsers on the market support it. The two communicating parties in an SSL
connection are authenticated through a certification procedure and a trusted third party (PKI - Public
Key Infrastructure). They then negotiate the level of security to be applied to the data transfer. The
transmitted data are encrypted for the SSL communication. The SSL software is now widely used,
notably for the purpose of commercial transactions over the Internet. The third release of SSL (SSLv3)
has been adopted by IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) to give way to TLS (Transport layer
Security), considered as a new upgraded version of SSL, based on the same principle.
The installation of SSL / TLS has a significant impact from the point of view of the server. It requires
certification, which necessitates a dialogue with a recognized certificate authority and necessitates
firewall application relays that support SSL operation. Certification is sometimes considered to be an
impediment holding back the deployment of this solution.
A different solution exists, called Extension to the HTTP protocol (secure HTTP, or S-HTTP). It
offers the same security facilities as SSL, with the same certification constraints, but only supports
HTTP data flows. This solution has not been widely adopted. Most application protocols have a secure
version, which generally allows authentication of correspondents and encryption of transmitted data.
An alternative to installing new secure versions of application protocols is to establish a common
security mechanism offering generic security services for all applications.
The extensive use of hypertext documents and the downloading of content, whether active or passive,
pose numerous security problems relating, inter alia, to: source, author, authenticity, harmfulness, etc.
Some responses to this new dimension of information system security are beginning to emerge. These
include: (i) techniques for signature of XML documents; (ii) watermarking; and (iii) management of
electronic rights. It has to be possible to maintain a given level of security, even if the object to be
secured falls outside the physical borders of the environment in which its security is usually managed.
Firewalls are generally categorized according to the kind of data and protocol filtering provided: IP,
TCP, UDP, FTP, HTTP, etc. The type of firewall used depends on the nature of the analysis and
processing to be carried out.
An application firewall, also known as a proxy (proxy server, proxy firewall), acts as an application
relay. Operating on the user's behalf, it establishes the required service. The purpose of the qualified
proxy system is to provide address masking by application relay and to make the organization's
internal environment transparent. It serves as a mandatory crossing point for all applications requiring
Internet access, and calls for the installation of a relay application on the user's workstation and on the
A firewall is only one of the hardware and software components used in implementing the security
policy. A firewall on its own does not provide adequate protection. Implementing firewall is not
enough to obtain a coherent overall security level. Other tools, measures and procedures, that are
concomitant with the security objectives, should accompany a firewall installation. A firewall's
effectiveness will depend essentially on its positioning vis--vis the systems it is to protect, and on its
configuration and management.
IV.5.1 E-mail security issues and solutions
The electronic mail (e-mail) application is widely deployed all over the world for private or business
uses. It facilitates the sending of non-structured information (the message itself) and documents (files
attached to the message) across the network to any person having an electronic mailbox.
The risks of using an electronic mail system involve:
Infection of systems through viruses in attached documents - within spam, for example. This
constitutes the most widespread risk;
Usurping of user identity: an intruder pretends to be someone else; an element of the system
emits, listens to and intercepts messages for which it is not the addressee; this is the concept of
masquerade/fake mail;
Denial of service;
All of the risks previously identified, linked to networks and their operational modes such
risks as attacks on routers or name servers.
Examples of risk associated with e-mail - Spoofed, fraudulent e-mails, that claim to come from the
website of a well-known entity. The e-mail may attempt to redirect users to a malicious website. Often
that malicious website will masquerade as the official website of the given well-known entity. Often it
will install a Trojan horse designed to capture all typed information, including passwords, as soon as
the user accesses some predetermined banking websites.
A variation of this scheme would be a fraudulent e-mail that claimed that the recipient had received a
web card from a friend. The e-mail would include the link to download it, which would, of course take
the user to a malignant site. Another variation would be a fraudulent e-mail that declared, We have
dedicated music for you. It would include a link to listen to the music. As soon as the user clicked on
the link, he would be redirected to a bogus website where a keylogger could be immediately
downloaded on his computer.
Cybercriminals can send a fraudulent e-mail that claims to come from a well-known anti-virus firm,
The e-mail warns recipients that a worm has infected their computer. In order to remove the worm,
users are requested to click on a URL address provided. This link redirects the users to a fake website
hiding a malicious code that installs a keylogger designed to gather banking account information.
Because the content of the messages circulates unencrypted on the network 55, this limits the use of the
mail system to the transfer of non-confidential data. Furthermore, the multiplicity of systems,
networks, software, and the fact that there is no end-to-end connection when a message is transmitted,
makes the security implementation of mail systems difficult. To offset this inconvenience, new
versions of mail software integrate encryption features in order to ensure confidentiality, integrity and
authentication of information exchanged between the correspondents.
Security needs for e-mail service are:
A traditional mail system does not encrypt message content that is readable, and does not offer any guarantee of the
authenticity of the message or its sender.
The UIT X.509 recommendation was the first standard to have specified the types of information contained in a
certificate. It has contributed largely to the definition and the development of applications, such as mail systems or
name servers.
Authentication of the identity of all actors of the e-mail system; this includes users,
intermediate elements, message memory, and message transfer agents.
The initial protocol of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) in the Internet environment has been
enhanced over time to support multimedia contents and security mechanisms. Several are currently
available. These include: (i) Secure Multi-purpose Internet Mail Exchange (S/MIME); (ii) PrivacyEnhanced Mail (PEM) 57; and (iii) Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) 58.
Some e-security solutions consist of installing an anti-virus on each end-user system and on the mail
server. However, users tend to deactivate them, because the anti-viruses slow processing time.
Furthermore, an anti-virus only protects from the viruses it was designed for. It offers no protection
from new forms of infection. The alternative comes down to implementing a server that systematically
examines all the messages and their attached documents. Several anti-viruses can be used
simultaneously, thereby increasing the probability of a corruptive message being detected.
Spam and malware propagation is a major concern for all parties involved in information security,
including ISP, web hosting service providers, organizations, and individuals. It can spread over instant
messaging (spim) and voice over IP telephony (spit). Fighting against spam requires an anti-spam
strategy, awareness, and international collaboration. It requires both legal and technical solutions. In
spite of the existence of several guidelines and best practices, spam remains a nuisance.
IV.5.2 E-commerce security issues
Electronic commerce is a commercial reality that represents considerable volumes of business. The
cornerstones of e-business and e-commerce activities are security measurements and suitable
procedures for marketing and selling on the Internet.
E-commerce security problems may arise for the customer at any of the following levels:
The risks to the customer are related to the disclosure or illicit use of confidential or private
information, and to lures or malware infections. The problems of security at the network level are
expressed in terms of degraded performance - prohibitive response times, incapacity to transfer the
traffic, unavailability, dysfunction, routing errors, etc. A major risk for commercial enterprises is the
unauthorized access to private servers through the Internet e-commerce server. That makes the
enterprise vulnerable to a whole series of malicious actions and incidents, including robbery,
destruction, and diversion. The potential consequences are loss of money, production, image, knowhow, or competitiveness.
The security of commercial transactions depends on:
A secure Internet connection can be established between a navigator and a web server, by using
SSL/TLS. The latter is integrated into the navigator, and ensures, in a transparent manner, that the
coding of the data has been rendered confidential via cryptographic mechanisms. This establishes a
encrypted. The users secret key or keys are memorised locally in encrypted form. This set of functions, which are executed
in a UNIX, PC or Mac environment, is relatively easy to implement and well documented.
level of security that is sufficiently reliable to transmit sensitive information such as a credit card
number to the network. In fact, the risk taken by the customer is no greater than the risk he would take
while paying with his credit card in person.
Establishing a reliable way to transmit a credit card number confidentially is not sufficient to protect
the commercial transaction. It is necessary to protect all sensitive information related to the transaction
during the entire process. The salesman must ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information while
it is being stored, and while the user is making requests for authorization of payment.
The principal credit card operators - Visa, Mastercard, and American Express - and many actors of the
Internet world try to promote the deployment of SET (Secure Electronic Transaction). This solution
is based on the use of digital certificates and procedures of certification. It authorizes the global
security of a commercial transaction in real time. SET requires the use of a public key infrastructure
(PKI) to have the certification facilities, including the digital signature. The use of digital certificates
guarantees the recipient that the electronic signature of a received document is valid. The major
disadvantage of this solution, like all those based on the use of digital certificates, lies in the
management, distribution, and validity of the certificates. All the actors of the commercial transaction
must be registered with the same certification authority to perform trusted business transactions. The
certification authority must be recognized, reliable, and independent. SET has been replaced by
several solutions as for example (i) 3-D Secure (Visa); (ii) Mastercard Secure Code (Master Card) or
(iii) J/Secure (Japan Credit Bureau).
To secure an e-commerce server, it is necessary to secure the servers information system, and to
control the requests that the server receives. Beyond the strict configuration of a system called to lodge
the e-commerce server, it is generally judicious to protect the system from outside with a firewall. A
firewall is a system that can be placed at different points of the network to isolate and protect certain
resources. The configuration of a firewall depends on the security criteria defined to filter the traffic.
The information system security policy must define the configuration criteria before actual
deployment. The tools and procedures established should be user-friendly, and authorize effective
work methods. While it is essential to be able to limit access to data, it is also essential to ensure that
data is readily available to authorized users. This can be achieved through effective software and
configuration management, back-up procedures, systems and network dimensioning, resource
redundancy and network management. All aspects relating to user support (help desk) and customer
assistance (telephone support) may be regarded as part of the security of the server. Design,
ergonomics, user-friendliness and facility of use are also important to support e-commerce services.
Beyond the organizational and technical aspects related to the installation of any commercial activity,
it is important to be able to materialize the concept of a contract during e-commerce exchange.
Confidence is the foundation of any exchange. Certification authorities can be used to accredit
exchanges. These third-party organizations that intervene as guarantors in commercial transactions
determine the success of e-commerce. Truly, the entire authentication process depends upon them.
The development of e-commerce is primarily dependent on the use of certification, which relies on key
public infrastructure and on legal aspects related to immaterial transactions. Only the transborder and
international dimensions of the electronic exchanges, which impose a coordinated strategy of
certification and control at the international level, pose a problem for the deployment of e-business.
Technical solutions exist; their implementation and use on a large scale must refer to a specific legal
framework to prevent any abuse.
The effective management of information assets is essential in order to protect the individual privacy
rights of the customer and the financial assets of the company proposing the e-commerce. An adequate
insurance infrastructure must be developed in order to minimize the financial risks for every actor.
The security solutions for financial transactions over the Internet must offer the following services: (i)
identification and authentication of the trading partners; (ii) data integrity and confidentiality during
the transfer; and (iii) a service of no-repudiation. This involves infrastructure services that are based
on public-key technologies, digital certificates and digital signatures.
At the application level to secure the application protocols (S-HTTP, PGP, SMIME, etc.);
At the transport level for example, by SSL / TLS mechanisms to offer a secure connection
between distributed entities;
Figure IV. 14 summarizes the various alternatives of Internet security protocols implementation.
Each of these solutions has its advantages and disadvantages. Whatever the security solutions are,
their implementation affects the network architecture and the systems configuration, and they share the
same security needs in terms of the following:
Use of cryptographic mechanisms - the same algorithms must be used to encrypt and decrypt,
the sender and the receiver must be able to negotiate the algorithm to be used for a given
Security measures are also related to: (i) network configuration and management; (ii) operational
system maintenance; and (iii) human resources management. Security technology alone is not enough
- a robust cryptographic algorithm is ineffective if users divulge his secret keys!
Security technologies mainly depend on the following:
Security of transmissions can be realized by producing line scrambling, i.e. by transmitting nonsignificant information in order to mask a flow of relevant data within an uninterrupted flow of
unimportant data. However, it would be highly problematic if there were a need to protect
transmissions against passive eavesdropping through capture of the electromagnetic radiation induced
by the signal carried via the transmission media. If that event, the transmission media would have to
be fully isolated in Faraday cages. Clearly, such a protection measure would be implemented only if
absolutely necessary.
It is essential to properly set up and maintain the physical security of transmission media, hub,
connection equipments, etc. The transmission infrastructure must be protected from any form of
radiation that could compromise the data transmission process. It must be protected from passive
attacks, such as data snooping, and active attacks, such as the modification, destruction or creation of
Knowing how to protect user connections is of paramount importance. To this end, the network has to
identify the user, locate the user, and identify the requirements of the user. By responding to the
general question "who does what and where", the network can identify the various security
requirements pertaining to transport.
Securing the transfer of data comes down to integrating the security process into the communication
infrastructure. Therefore, the latter must be capable of assimilating that process in its entirety. This
usually requires the updating of all of the routers a situation that can in some cases lead to problems
of router interoperability and change management.
Encrypting data at the network level generates data packets that are larger than unencrypted packets,
with the result that transfer occupies more bandwidth and communication resources. The encryption
process increases the packet processing time. Therefore, the implementation of security at this level
can have a significant effect on network performance. The main advantage of encryption at the
network infrastructure level is that it allows independence of the application and of the encryption
mechanisms associated with the transfer, which are thus fully transparent for the user.
Implementing transaction security at the application level means that data is encrypted as close as
possible to the data-handling application. This modifies the application itself, because the data is
encrypted upstream of its delivery to the network protocol that will route it to its destination. A session
key is authenticated and negotiated during the dialogue set-up phase between the application entities.
The complexity of this phase can vary, and the establishment time varies proportionately. Once this
phase has been completed, encryption is generally quite rapid. It is independent of the execution
platform and communication infrastructure.
Protection at the level of the work sphere of a user implementing a distributed application no longer
depends on the data carrier or network. It now depends on the user's immediate environment.
The difficulty of protecting applications lies in the fact that the protection afforded has to encompass
the following:
Protecting applications comes down to the question of individual user rights in regard to workstations,
applications and the physical area within which they operate.
The basic functions of the operating system installed on the user's workstation play a prominent part in
the following:
Mirroring and duplexing operations, such as protecting data by duplicating them on disks, and
performing write-operation and equipment redundancy.
Securing the transport infrastructure or securing the application comes down to addressing the same
issue at different levels:
Ensuring that the sender and the recipient use an identical encryption/decryption algorithm;
Ensuring that each communicating entity is in possession of the algorithm and the
encryption/decryption keys;
When properly implemented, system and network management activities can ensure the levels of
availability and performance that are necessary to achieve security. Those activities include network
surveillance and anomaly or incident detection tasks that make a major contribution to the overall
security of the network and of the information system it serves.
Good network management helps to keep infrastructures, services and data available with a high
degree of efficiency. Through network management - particularly configuration, performance and
incident management - it is possible to ensure availability and integrity.
Furthermore, the aspect of network management known as accounting management makes available
all of the data necessary not only for invoicing users but also for performing essential surveillance and
audit functions. This can serve in the verification of actions in the context of proof or of nonrepudiation.
Network management also contributes to achieving the confidentiality objective, insofar as it ensures
the absence of snooping or unauthorized access to the data. The access control function that is a
component of network management is essential to the operational implementation of security.
The performance, quality of service, availability and reliability of a network depend to a large extent
Updating the routing tables of major networks is a real operational headache for network
administrators. Any changes to the values in the tables must be synchronized in order to avoid
malfunctioning and loss of data in transit. The network management protocols are designed to enable
the updating of routing tables.
Network management can contribute to router security by:
In order to prevent unauthorized individuals from introducing changes, it is crucial for network
managers to be able to provide the necessary protection by blocking or detecting the following actions:
Flow monitoring;
It is important to be able to secure the processes whereby data are routed through telecommunication
networks. Network service providers must protect all entities involved in this process, particularly
routers and name servers. The quality of the routing service must meet the security criteria of
availability (the service is operational), confidentiality (the data are delivered to the right recipients)
and integrity (the data are not modified during transfer).
A network service does not guarantee the delivery of data to authorized parties. The delivery service
does not verify that data delivered to a given address are actually delivered to the parties authorized to
receive them. This would require an additional check of the "access control" type. Moreover, if the
data are sent without encryption, and are tapped into en route, they will be intelligible to unauthorized
third parties. It is important for sensitive data to be encrypted.
Monitoring of an information network requires constant observation of its functioning. In addition to
ensuring an acceptable level of service, effective monitoring ensures the detection of problems,
incidents, errors and anomalies that degrade network performance and could jeopardize the security of
the resources. In the sphere of auditing, network monitoring allows for the tracing of actions and
events, so that they can be logged for subsequent analysis. It also helps to ensure resource availability
by verifying that the network is functioning correctly. Therefore, it is therefore a crucial function
within the framework of network management, since it plays a part in performance, incident,
configuration, user and security management.
Security measures should be updated in regard to evolving technologies and the accompanying risks.
Security must be proportional to the risks incurred, and must be implemented only to protect values
that are actually under threat. A security manager must search for a balance between relevance and
performance. Security measures and procedures are coherent when they are optimal yet simple when
they allow for an acceptable performance level and an ergonomic usage of computer and
telecommunication resources.
Part V focuses on managing risks and security in a context of business intelligence. It contributes to
understanding how to build a cybersecurity strategy, define a cybersecurity policy, and implement
security measures.
The objectives of this part are to:
Present a global approach for controlling information technology risks & security governance;
Define security measures with a special focus on protection against system intrusion, crisis
management, and disaster recovery plans;
Indicate the principal criteria for auditing and evaluating security levels.
The objective of information systems security is to guarantee protection for the organization. This
consists of: (i) reducing the likelihood that threats will occur: (ii) limiting the number of vulnerabilities
and incidents; and (iii) enabling a return to normal operations within an acceptable period of time and
at affordable costs.
The type of incidents include: (i) human error; (ii) natural disasters and accidents (such as flooding
and fire) and (iii) criminal and malicious action (such as theft or vandalism). Security might not bring
monetary gain but it does prevent monetary loss.
Organizations and states can develop services capable of stimulating an economy by having a good
cybersecurity approach. It is no less than a defensive strategy that is part of an economic intelligence
approach (Figure V.1)
Security and quality approaches share the common goal of providing process, information and
services for which quality is guaranteed (Figure V.2).
Achieving security is possible through managing a dynamic and endless process that requires several
capabilities and competences (Figure V.3).
Global security efficiency does not just depend on security tools. It also depends on a coherent
strategy and the application of a complementary set of procedures. This requires an adequate structure
control through which the organization can successfully manage, implement, validate and control
security measures.
The responsibilities and the appropriate security procedures and directives should be well specified.
The structure control must be coherent with the enterprise and information technology plans. To this
end, a strategic vision of the global security is necessary.
A security policy must offer a graduated response to a specific security problem in regard of a
particular risk situation.
The choice of security measures to be implemented is determined by making a trade-off between the
cost of the risks and the cost of their reduction, and by balancing the need for production with the need
for protection (Figure V.4). This involves short, middle and long-term analyses of security
requirements and means.
The following fundamental principles facilitate the implementation and administration of information
technology security in an organization:
Vocabulary principle: There is a need to agree, at the organizational level, on a common language to
be used in the field of cybersecurity.
Coherency principle: An accumulation of security tools is not sufficient to achieve a global and
coherent security structure. The security of an information system is the result of the harmonious
integration of tools, mechanisms and procedures relating to prevention, detection, protection and
correction of damage caused by error, malicious intent or natural elements.
Management engagement principle: It is the managements responsibility to provide the necessary
means for the implementation and administration of a security plan. This principle results directly
from the consideration of information as an organizations strategic resource.
Financial principle: The cost of security and the control measures must be proportional to the risk.
Simplicity and universality principle: Security measures must be simple, flexible, and
understandable and applicable to everybody.
Dynamic principle: Security must be dynamic in order to integrate the time dimension and the
changing requirements.
Continuum principle: An organization must continue to function even after an incident. This requires
emergency and recovery procedures.
Evaluation, control and adaptation principle: An organization must set up the measures, procedures
and tools that allow for a permanent and dynamic assessment of the security level of an information
system. This enables the organization to have a better understanding of: (i) the variability of the
security criteria; and (ii) the adequacy of the present level of security compared to real security needs,
which are by nature evolutionary.
The following points constitute the main conditions of success for a security approach:
Expression, control, respect and validation of security clauses in contracts; business ethics
regarding legal constraints;
Figure V.5 presents a cybersecurity approach from a long-term perspective to a short one. The
strategic or long term axis is represented vertically. It consists of generalized directives that are
determined by the organizations security policy. The operational axis is represented horizontally. It
consists of generalized tools for a day-to-day operational management. The tactical axis (or middle
term) is represented diagonally. It consists of generalized measures to be realized by specific
technological and procedural measures. The organization determines what kind of measures to take
(tactical level) by assessing how the tools available can best be utilized to achieve the directives
specified by the strategic level.
The security approach of an organizations information system integrate the following points
belonging to a virtuous circle (Figure V.6):
Defining the vulnerability perimeter related to the use of information and communication
Realizing and validating the organizational and security technical measures, tools and
Optimizing performance of the information system according to the security level required;
The goal of security governance is to ensure that organizations use the most suitable security measures
at each given place and time. This concept revolves around the following simple questions:
Who are the players who develop the rules, define and validate them, implement them and
exercise control over them?
exploit them before the patches have been applied. It is therefore imperative to continuously update
the security solutions, and thereby maintain a consistent level of security.
Published alerts and patches allow the administrator to control the update process (by choosing
whether or not to install those patches). It is also possible to put the update process into automatic
mode, effectively delegating the responsibility for regular and systematic patch installation to the
software publisher.
This raises the question of responsibility. What are the legal consequences of a software update that
has been declined, when problems arise from the exploitation of an uncorrected vulnerability? Since
numerous attacks do just that, the question of who has responsibility is crucial.
The dynamic dimension of security represents a crucial challenge not only for the providers of security
tools and software publishers, but also for system and security administrators, who rarely have the
time needed to incorporate all of the patches and updates that are available.
Computer managers, security administrators and system administrators possess full access to the
organization's ICT resources. Therefore, the organization must apply strict surveillance and control
procedures for their activities, proportionate to the risks to which these individuals potentially expose
the systems under their control. The organization must also ensure that staff has irreproachable
personal integrity.
Service providers who offer anti-virus and anti-spam filters effectively take over a part of the security
management for their customers. This trend is starting to change the distribution of roles and
responsibilities in security matters. Security will increasingly be shifted onto the service provider or
technical provider. Of course, this shift does not resolve the problem. It merely transfers it to the
service provider, who becomes responsible not only for the availability and performance of the
service, but also for the management and maintenance of a certain level of security.
Publishers of anti-virus software typically offer an automatic update service. The addition of this new
dimension of service makes software rental increasingly attractive, because the responsibility for
maintenance is transferred to the publisher for a lengthy period. It also fuels a broader trend towards
the outsourcing of applications, and a concomitant business model.
The question of outsourcing or delegating all or part of the security mission is not purely technical. It
is also strategic and legal, and raises the fundamental issue of dependence on suppliers.
A security outsourcing strategy may include:
Access management;
Firewall administration;
Back-up management.
A quality-control process must accompany the choice of a contractor, It may take into account such
things as: (i) experience; (ii) in-house expertise; (iii) technologies used; (iv) response time; (v) support
service; (vi) contractual arrangements (e.g. guaranteed results): and (vii) sharing of legal
Security prevention is, by definition, proactive. It involves the human, legal, organizational, economic
(ratio between implementation cost/level of security/services offered), and technological dimensions.
As of now, ICT environment security has concerned itself largely with the technical dimension. This
way of understanding information systems security, emphasizing the technical dimension to the
neglect of the human dimension, creates a serious problem in controlling the technology risk
associated with criminal acts. Crime and delinquency are primarily a human issue, not a technical one.
Therefore, a purely technical response is inadequate.
The typical approach toward ICT related crime is one of reaction and prosecution. Therefore, action
comes after the occurrence of an incident, which, by definition, has highlighted a gap in the protective
measures. An organization needs: (i) to prevent and deter cyberattacks by developing
investigative/criminal mechanisms, and (ii) to identify those measures that are needed to respond to
attacks and prosecute the attackers. It must design and implement back-up and continuity plans,
incorporating the constraints related to the investigation and prosecution of cybercrime within the
different work processes and objectives, with specific time-scales.
From data, software and services perspectives, protection needs implies that the following security
properties must be assured by technical and procedural measures:
Confidentiality (no illicit access) - keeping information secret by giving access only to
authorized entities;
Availability (no delay) - maintaining uninterrupted access to services and data without
Durability (no destruction) - maintaining data and software applications for the necessary
Security measures must guarantee these properties in proportion to the value and life cycle of the
information. Tools with specific capabilities and persons with specific skills are required to implement
those measures. Sound administrative and audit procedures are required to manage and validate them.
Cybersecurity depends on a coherent set of measures, procedures, people and tools.
4. Protective measures, such as coherence checks, intrusion, fire, humidity and transmission
error detection, and firewalls their role is to block attacks and to limit the effect of any
incidents that do occur;
5. Recovery measures, such as insurance and lawsuits their role is to limit losses following an
6. Palliative or corrective measures, such as backup, continuity plans, redundancy, repair, and
correction Their role is to repair damage caused by an incident;
Cybersecurity risks are those associated with information processing, telecommunication and
cyberspace. They are also referred to as computer risks, information risks or technology risks. A solid
analysis of these risks must inform the security strategy for digital infrastructures. They need to be
identified along with the strategic, social, and environmental risks facing the organization.
ICT risks are operational by nature. A sound analysis of security needs makes it possible to define a
security strategy and security policy. The process of making this analysis revolves around the
following questions:
What tools and methods are available? How reliable are they?
What is a risk?
Risk may be defined as a danger that can be anticipated to some extent. It is quantified by the
likelihood of damage and the resulting harm. Risk expresses the probability of an asset or value being
lost due to a vulnerability connected with some hazard or danger.
In deciding on the desired level of protection and the types of security measures to put in place, it is
necessary to balance the magnitude of the risk (in financial terms) against what it would cost to reduce
it. At a minimum, the organization must identify the assets to be protected, along with the rationale for
protecting them. The strategy will depend on actual constraints and the available organizational,
financial, human and technical resources. The measures taken must be effective, and must reflect a
balance between performance and cost-effectiveness.
Mastering ICT risks means elaborating a risk management strategy, defining a security policy and
deciding on its tactical and operational implementation.
A risk can be viewed as a function of three variables:
For an organization, mastering information technology and informational risks implies the definition
and implementation of a security policy. Whatever the method used to specify a security policy, the
objectives remain unchanged. The mains steps for defining a security policy are:
To identify values, the level of vulnerability linked to specific threats and potential losses
associated to risks (what is to be protected, against whom, and why?);
To implement preventative measures (i.e. tools and procedures that minimize risks);
To implement an audit process, through which to check the pertinence and coherence of the
security policy and the appropriateness of the tools used.
The risk analysis phase is very important to the process of determining what preventative security
measures should be implemented (Figure V.8). Mastering information technology risks means
reducing them to an acceptable level for the organization.
Security organization is specific to an institutions organizational structure. There are as many security
policies and tools as there are organizations and security requirements. A security policy must offer a
graduated response to the specific security threats that have been identified during the risk analysis
phase. Management is responsible for the evaluation of risks, the definition of a security policy and the
implementation of the organizational structure to support that policy. Risks and policies must be the
object of constant evaluation and update. Therefore, the securing process includes risk analysis,
prevention, reaction, verification and validation steps (Figure V.9).
The security approach is an organizational project. It is similar to the concept of total quality in that it
concerns each and everyone. Developing an institutional security ethic will enable the organization to
reinforce the validity of its security approach.
The following questions are relevant for the development of a security approach:
What are the available means (money, skills, resources, etc.) for achieving the desired level of
An organization defines general security norms or security references or rules that are common to all
of its members. These norms concern for example: identity management, access control, permissions,
etc. The organization must also stipulate what the security demands are regarding external partners.
The organization must identify:
Technical and organizational constraints. This is necessary in order to determine the technical
and organizational feasibility of the security policy for each objective;
Inherent and applicable security resources and mechanisms. This includes configuration,
parameters, user administration, and the like.
The risks and the possible scenarios of an incident. This includes usage and parameter errors,
accidents, malevolence, sabotage, software attacks, and the like.
The security policy translates the organizations perceptions of the risks and their impact into security
measures for implementation. It facilitates both prevention and remedial action in response to security
problems. While it is impossible to eliminate risk entirely, and difficult to anticipate all the emerging
threats, it is important to reduce the vulnerability of environments and resources that are to be
An organization should not measure the effectiveness of a security policy on the basis of budget size,
but rather, on the quality of the risk analysis and of the risk-management policy. The quality of
cybersecurity depends primarily on (i) identification and evaluation of the information assets, (ii)
operational deployment of appropriate security measures based on a well-conceived security policy;
and (iii) effective management.
A security policy is a set of rules and directives that are designed, on the basis of a risk assessment, to
minimize the likelihood of an attack; and to repair the damage in the event of an incident. The former
are called preventive measures, and the latter corrective measures. ISO information security
standardsrelated presents a number of recommendations or controls to be implemented. According to
ISO 17799 and ISO 27000 family standards, the purpose of information security is to ensure business
continuity and minimize business damage by preventing and limiting the impact of security incidents.
ISO/IEC 17799:2005 (Information technology Security techniques Code of practice for
information security management) establishes guidelines and general principles for initiating,
implementing, maintaining, and improving information security management in an organization. The
objectives outlined provide general guidance on the commonly accepted goals of information security
management. ISO/IEC 17799:2005 contains best practices of control objectives and controls in the
following areas of information security management:
Security policy;
Asset management;
Access control;
The control objectives and controls in ISO/IEC 17799:2005 are intended to be implemented to meet
the requirements identified by a risk assessment. ISO/IEC 17799:2005 is intended to be a common
basis and practical guideline for developing organizational security standards and effective security
management practices that will help build confidence in inter-organizational activities.
ISO/IEC 17799:2005 proposes recommendations intended for the persons in charge of the definition,
implementation and maintenance of an organizations information security. It defines information
security as the protection of the availability, integrity and confidentiality of the information assets
whether in written, spoken or digital form. That is to ensure business continuity and damage reduction,
but also to maximize the return on investment of information systems. The ISO 17799 standard
provides an approach to plan out suitable policies, procedures and controls, in order to better manage
information technology risks. This process is balanced between the following types of security:
physical, technical, procedural, and human-related. This standard is applicable to:
Software assets;
Assets related to the services, such as informatics and communication departments, general
services, and the power supply.
The other standard applicable to information security management is ISO 27001:2005 (Information
technology -- Security techniques -- Information security management systems Requirements).
ISO/IEC 27001:2005 specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring,
reviewing, maintaining and improving a documented Information Security Management System
within the context of an organizations overall business risks (Figure V.10). It contains
recommendations for the implementation of security controls. These recommendations are customized
to the needs of individual organizations or parts of organizations. It is designed to ensure the selection
of adequate and proportionate security controls that protect information assets and provide confidence
to interested parties.
The first stage is related to the creation of a managerial framework for the information
system. It is about fixing the directives, intentions and objectives related to information
security, and planning out the strategic policy of the top management.
The second stage is related to the risk identifications and evaluations undertaken in order to
define the proper managerial actions to undertake. The aim is to fix priorities to control the
information security risks.
are identified, adapted controls can be selected. These controls must ensure that information
technology related risks are assessed and mitigated those risks must then be reduced to an
acceptable level. These controls involve policies, practices and proceedings related to the
organizations structure.
Assigns responsibilities to the competent staff members possessing the authority and
necessary means;
Identifies security targets for each area (software, hardware, and organizational) in the
information system requiring a certain level of security;
This last item is as important as the results of the analysis that guide the security choices for the whole
of the enterprise.
Security management implies data classification and identification of data properties. An efficient
classification system indicates the degree of protection required for each datum. The organization must
designate specific procedures for delivering and cancelling resource access authorizations. It should
not overlook the establishment of reporting and supervision procedures for information system
Phase 2: Quantification and implementation of security measures
One approach of information technology security is to describe what is expected of the component
elements of the information system architecture. This process generates valuable recommendations
that must subsequently be validated by management. Next, security rules are broken down into tools,
mechanisms and procedures that are required to reach the security levels set for each target area. This
includes the following:
Application development;
Security administration;
A security audit authorizes the evaluation of the global coherence of security solutions in regard to the
stated objectives.
The active audit of a network makes it possible to see exactly what is happening inside; it contributes
to the monitoring of the networks behavior. This provides a proactive overview of the constituent
elements of the network and their operating mode, so that the organization can react dynamically to
dangerous situations. This includes audit of connections, detection of possible intrusions, and file logs
analyses. This approach is usually integrated into network management. The progressive installation
of the networks history through the systematic memorization of events constitutes its operational
lifes memory. The organization can use this recorded information in log files (statistics, connections
frequency, use of resources, etc.) to obtain a better understanding of the conditions surrounding an
incident occurrence. Consequently, it can adopt appropriate security or network management policies.
Beyond the simple technical reconstitution, this history makes it possible to prove the reality of some
events, and sometimes even the identity of their authors.
Cybersecurity is lived out on a daily basis and is never acquired definitively. It should be continuously
adapted, according to the evolution of technologies, needs and risks.
Audits make it possible to evaluate the security level of a given environment, and to measure any
variations from the desired level. Thus, audits contribute to identify the steps and security actions that
an organization needs to undertake.
Audit procedures evaluate and verify that the security level of each target conforms with those defined
in the security policy. They must be done periodically in order to guarantee the adequacy of security
means and tools to real risks.
A technological security survey can be seen as a continuous audit process of general security risks and
market solutions. It falls under the step of anticipation of security requirements and solutions, and is
related to the strategic, tactical and operational security aspects. It allows the company: (i) to remain
vigilant; (ii) to identify potential threats before they occur; (iii) to discover new software faults; and
(iv) to determine the signature of acts of vandalism.
The definition of a security strategy and its translation into security policy make it possible to identify
the level of security that the organization must attain. It is then possible to translate those
specifications into concrete actions and measures, by establishing the most suitable technological,
organizational and procedural tools. Security is above all a matter of common sense (Figure V.11).
In the interest of cost effectiveness, it is prudent to secure only strictly essential resources.
The inherent costs of a security approach vary according to the following:
The reliability of the components of the information system and employed technologies;
The presence of an inventory of all the ICT resources and an effective resource management
There are several actions to be carried out in-house, before the intervention of security experts, that
contribute in reducing the costs of a security system. This involves correctly identifying the following
The participants in the information system, including persons, responsibilities, sites, and
Concentrate on high-risk areas in order to identify the threats that can paralyse the companys
core business. This helps the organization to think about security in a business context, instead
of undertaking security just for the sake of it;
Focus on opportunities to implement high-profile projects that increase the value of the
information system brand. Security is not simply about risk avoidance. Numerous security
projects can result in significant cost savings for the entire business, and can also enable
business to function in a way not otherwise possible;
Concentrate on operational efficiency - look at what is consuming time, money and human
resources. Elimination is the process of determining and removing unnecessary procedures,
technologies or resources that do not add value to your security position.
Insuring against risk is an economic protection measure and not a preventive measure. It is a proactive measure and a complementary action, which helps minimize the financial losses caused by a
disaster. The insurance policies for electronic and data processing installations generally cover
deterioration or destruction occurring suddenly and without warning. They cover damage resulting
from an external event caused by the following:
Upsets or falls;
Fires or explosions;
Risks may originate from several different factors, and be of different types, including specific
information technology risks, and general risks, such as a fire that affects information technology. Not
all risks are insurable. The organization needs to accurately assess the value of the object to be
insured. This presents the complex problem of quantifying the value of the information, and the
amount to be disbursed for a future potential claim. This is a classic problem for the actuarial sciences.
Premiums are calculated on a case-by-case basis, as a function of multiple factors, and are often
expensive and subject to numerous restrictions. It is regrettable that insurance companies do not offer
bonus systems when organizations implement effective security measures.
Insurance policies usually cover hardware damages and data loss. This concerns the value of all the
elements (when new) mentioned in the policy, and the costs related to continuity of operations after a
disaster. However, because it is difficult to estimate the financial value of information, and of all the
related economic consequences, insurance policies only cover the cost of information reconstitution
provided the organization can prove that some external action actually resulted in its disappearance or
alteration. In developed countries, insuring information technology infrastructures and security is a
major issue that still has to be adequately addressed.
Currently some insurance companies offer policies covering informational risk. However, the
premiums are too high and not affordable to small and medium-sized enterprises.
The following are other reasons why insurers are sceptical about covering informational risk 59:
Insurers have to contend with the problem of moral hazards. These hazards occur when
insured firms either intentionally cause a loss or take too few measures to prevent one from
occurring. For example, firms may slacken their security if they know they have coverage.
The risk of moral hazard requires insurance companies to invest in infrastructure enabling
them to observe applicants who need to be reviewed constantly.
Internet security externalities arise from interdependencies that stem from interconnectivity.
Computer systems have interdependent security, meaning an event on one system may
affect all its peers, even if they are under different administrative control. Because of the
possibility of aggregating cyber risk exposures, a major concern for insurance companies is
single Internet security events causing damage to many policyholders simultaneously.
Because all risks are not insurable, alternatives must be found when no coverage is possible.
Three simple elements of response may be considered to minimize such risks:
Diminish as much as possible the chance of an incident occurring: (i) by paying particular
attention to the relevant preventive measures; (ii) by duplicating data and programs that are
not covered (with reliable backup procedures); and (iii) by eliminating as well as possible
environmental risks, such as fire and flood;
Use good practices for infrastructure operation and maintenance (prevention of breakdown).
Analysis of the effective threats and risks, leads to the specification of a security policy that takes into
account the protection need of specific resources.
An organization must compile a resource classification in order to determine the degree of sensitivity
of each of its resources and how important is it to prevent the loss, alteration or disclosure of them.
The more serious the consequences for the organization are, the more sensitive (or critical) the
resource is; the greater its value and the need to protect it.
For the security or network manager, data sensitivity is important in determining the level of
robustness required for systems to protect data and attribute resource access permissions. Users are
attributed access permissions as a function of the degree of sensitivity of the data they handle.
The process of determining the degree of sensitivity of data starts with identifying the generic classes
of data and their degree of sensitivity. A coherent data classification gives the organization a metric
that quantifies the importance of its data.
The following is an example of what the resource classification of one particular enterprise data might
look like:
degree of sensitivity - 0
degree of sensitivity - 1
degree of sensitivity - 2
degree of sensitivity - 3
Top secret
degree of sensitivity - 4
This classification can be refined according to the specific requirements of specific situations.
Classification of resources can be done with the cooperation of several types of actors as auditors or
security and network managers. Each one brings a complementary vision of the problem in order to
establish a common view of the level of criticality of given data.
The advantage of using auditors is that they are free of the constraints of technical development. This
gives them a less biased view of the vulnerability of the organization subsequent to a potential loss,
deterioration or disclosure of data. Auditors and administrators may have different perceptions
regarding the degree of data sensitivity. If the organizations approach toward assessing data
sensitivity is not harmonized, it will likely lead to a proliferation of security measures and restrictions
that undermine system performance and prevent users from working in an optimal manner. The
organization must find a judicious compromise between the conflicting needs of protecting resources
and creating a user-friendly cyber-environment. Too few barriers compromise security, but too many
barriers compromise facility of use!
The network administrator will depend on the security manager to implement logical access control.
The existence of quantifiable security metrics that define all users access authorization will facilitate
the process (Figure V.12).
Figure V.12: Classification: a tool facilitating the identification of resources protection level
The information security policy determines: (i) the security objectives; and (ii) the measures,
procedures, and tools through which those objectives can be reached. In practice, security is
implemented incrementally and rarely through a global managerial framework. In many respects,
network administrators and technical support are firemen treating the most urgent issues by patch
and fix type interventions. In this context, there is everything to gain from working with products
with a security level that can be evaluated or quantified - and to benefit from the security guarantee
that those products provide.
Ratifying the security policy, which contains the philosophy of the security program and the
complete set of laws, regulations and practices that govern the manner in which sensitive
information is administered, protected and published;
Creating and maintaining the information and training programs for the staff;
Organizing and maintaining a crisis management committee and a business continuity plan to
make decisions in the event of major disasters;
Depending o organizations size, several high levels managers could be involved in risks and security
management as for examples: Chief Executive Officer (CEO); Chief Financial Officer (CFO); Chief
Information Officer (CIO); Chief Security Officer (CSO); Chief Information Security Officer (CISO);
Chief Legal Officer (CLO); Chief Risk Officer (CRO).
Security audit
In order to establish an effective security program, the various security targets must be subject to an
audit. The auditors should be external and mandated by the directors.
The organization needs to have an auditing process in place for each of the following areas. The audits
should be carried out within a predefined reference framework:
1. Financial and Organizational Audit
Verification of the suitability of the information technology strategy, program and budget;
Legal provisions.
2. Security Audit
Verification of documentation;
Security administrators are persons in contact with the security targets (resources to be protected).
They have the responsibility of maintaining operational condition. They mainly carry out the
following tasks:
Management and administration of security means and measures necessary for the target they
are responsible for;
Definition of access privileges in a manner that does not permit end users to access or interfere
with the resources of other users;
Supervision of the security target through the analysis of all incidents compromising security
and definition of actions required to resolve them.
In the context of security management, human resources managers have the following responsibilities
when recruiting new staff, as for example:
Inform new recruits of their responsibilities in the security domain; transmit them the security
directives and their first passwords;
Ensure that new employees sign professional secret declarations stating they will not
reproduce sensitive information, and that they will adhere to the security policy;
Coordinate, with the security manager, particular actions having to be carried out at the end of
every work contract.
Ensure that their staff and consultants are informed about the security policy so they can
respect its directives;
Inform the relevant security administrators of all modifications having a potential impact on
the level of security or its management;
Analyze, validate and take position on resource access requests presented by their staff;
Inventory sensitive information held by members of the team and recover it when they leave
the company.
Use the enterprise information technology resources made available to them only for
professional ends;
Inform the security administrator of any element having a potential impact on security.
An organization must have a coherent business security ethic including an ICT security ethic that is
adopted by all the actors. This ethic should be laid down in a charter that is recognized and honored
by all. It is not sufficient for all involved to sign a security charter; they must also be able to respect it.
A professional code of ethics governing the use of data processing and Internet resources must include
items related to:
The rules for a professional, rational and honest use of the resources;
Confidentiality limitation;
An organization often needs extensive training and dissemination of information on the stakes, risks
and preventive measures relating to security, in order to educate its entire workforce on its security
approach. The organization should also publicize its application of dissuasive measures as well as
penal consequences resulting from non-compliance with security obligations.
Preventive measures, such as the controlling, monitoring, and safeguarding of vital data, and
active audits;
Measures of dissuasion, such as notification of the recording of actions and events, and
complaints lodged with the police force;
Measures of report and notification, such as recording malicious acts, reporting and verifying
the infringement, and notifying management and victims;
A prevention strategy consists of setting up appropriate security measures and monitoring the overall
computer and network activities. The log of events and their analysis can facilitate the identification of
abnormal situations leading to potential security problems.
Several attack recognition software programs - called Intrusion or Incident Detection Systems
(IDS) - are available. They function in a very similar way to anti-virus software. They identify attacks
according to a certain signature, which is called an attack pattern. The development of new types of
attacks implies that it is vital to constantly upgrade incident detection systems.
Some of these programs follow attack recognition methods based on predictable user behavior. This is
called derivation of normal procedure. Their efficacy depends especially on their capacity to correctly
distinguish normal activities from those leading to intrusions. Once a system has detected a suspicious
event, it should be capable of recording it, generating a report, and alarming the users to activate
security mechanisms or to end connections in progress. Warning may be sent by electronic messages
or by pager alerts to operators.
Identifying the phase of intelligence gathering is important in order to prevent an attack from being
carried out. A strategy of attack recognition will be more effective if the person in charge of security
knows the strengths and the weaknesses of the established security measures. Human resources
management adapted to security needs is an important component for internal risk prevention. The
security administrator should have an idea of how attractive a given system is to potential criminals.
Higher attractiveness leads to higher attack risks.
A reaction strategy involves five types of action:
To prevent threats, an organization must have in-depth knowledge of the environment to be protected
and of the values to be preserved. An elementary rule is to avoid the attribution of excessive privileges
to users when systems are configured, even if it means increasing users rights gradually according to
need, and then, only for a limited duration.
The following steps increase the security level of an organization: (i) warning users about security
problems; (ii) obtaining users promise to use the information technology resources only for
professional means; and (iii) implementing authentication procedures, non-permissive configurations,
and monitoring mechanisms.
A Business Continuity Plan (BCP) 60 contains different procedures and time scales for different
levels of failure. In the aftermath of an incident, a BPC incorporates emergency procedures to ensure
the safety of all affected staff members, and covers the planning and procedures to resume normal
operations upon recovery. It includes procedures for re-establishing the telecommunications and
network services used by the organization.
An emergency program is a technical and organizational structure that makes it possible to ensure a
minimum service of critical applications after a disaster. It should do the following:
Identify the minimum time lapse between an incident and recovery - this is the concept of
critical delay;
Identify the events and actions required to make a successful recovery - these include
synchronization, distribution of actions, insurance declaration, and identification of
exceptional costs.
Figure V.14: Structure of a business continuity plan and disaster recovery plan
An organization should integrate its emergency plan into a project management approach. A design
methodology ensures that the steps of an emergency plan are carried out in a well-controlled and
systematic manner.
The strategic analysis step is built around four principal tasks (Figure IV.15):
1. Project Organization and Management: Identifying a team and an organizational structure;
The project leader should have centralized responsibility, an enlarged visibility and
appropriate authority; Planning - coordination and organization of the implementation and
update of the emergency program; Training and assistance of persons working on the security
2. Risk Analysis: Risk evaluation and definition of potential disasters;
3. Impact Analysis: Definition of fragility criteria and risk sensitivity of applications; Analysis
of different breakdown, error and malfunction consequences; Evaluation of strategic and
tactical impacts;
4. Definition of Normal and Minimum Service Levels for each critical application: Definition
of maximum inactivity delay, operational instructions, restore priorities for critical
applications, recovery procedures; Identification of planning requirements.
After strategic analysis, the next step is operational implementation. This consists of solution
analysis to identify, evaluate and select the most appropriate solution in light of the strategic criteria.
Rendering the emergency program operational requires: (i) assigning responsibilities; (ii) informing
and training responsible persons in the execution of recovery procedures; and (iii) maintaining full
documentation of the emergency program.
Next is the validation step. This implies testing the program and its efficiency by simulating alerts and
documenting and analyzing the results. Part of its operational management is updating changes in
personnel and modification applications on a day-to-day basis.
The objective of the emergency program audit is to determine the established programs quality.
First, the audit identifies the sensitive areas of the organization. Next, it evaluates the programs
provisions, procedures, tasks and actions for coping with an incident. Then, it makes
Figure V.15: Design methodology of a disaster recovery plan (strategic analysis step)
The following points should be kept in mind when dealing with cybersecurity issues:
The hardest thing is not deciding which technology to implement, but rather identifying why it
should be implemented and on what.
Security is never definitively acquired and should be lived out on a day-to-day basis.
The quality of security tools depends on the security policies they serve.
A security policy should not be designed on the basis of the limitations of specific systems
(operating systems, applications software, etc.).
The greater the reward, the greater the risk of penetration of a system (notion of attractiveness
of an organization as a target);
-AAccess control
Mechanism that serves to protect a resource (a service, system, data or program) from inappropriate or
unauthorized use.
Unforeseeable incident causing prejudice to an entity.
Active attack
Attack which alters the targeted resources (affecting integrity, availability, confidentiality).
Adware, meaning advertising supported software, is a piece of software bundled with a program. It is
designed to automatically download or display advertising banners as soon as the computer user
installs the program. An adware is different from a spyware in the sense that an adware does not aim
to collect private information in order to perform theft. But a controversy still takes place with adware,
as some adware actually gathers information about the user in order to send more personalized
Anomaly detection
Anomaly detection analyses a set of characteristics of the system and compares their behaviour with a
set of expected values. It reports when the computed statistics do not match the expected
Characteristic of an entity whose name is unknown or which does not reveal its name, allowing an
entity to use resources without being identified (incognito). Provision should be made to respect the
wish of certain users who may have a valid reason for not revealing their identity when making
statements on the Internet, in order to avoid excessive restriction of their freedom of expression, to
promote the free expression of ideas and information and ensure protection against unauthorized
online surveillance by public and private entities. On the other hand, judicial and police authorities
should be able to obtain information on individuals responsible for illegal activities, within the limits
set by national law, the European Convention on Human Rights and other international treaties such as
the Convention on Cybercrime.
Program designed to detect a kind of malevolent code (virus).
Something that has a price and which represents a form of capital for its owner (concept of sensitive
asset). In terms of security it is important to determine assets and to classify them by degrees of
importance, in order to implement the requisite adequate measures of protection and thereby avoid
losing them or at least minimize the adverse impact of their loss.
heavily protected than normal access routes. They are also a point of concern because they are usually
hidden from anyone except from the original developer, who may retain access privileges even after
termination from the company.
Kind of malicious software that multiplies so rapidly that resource become exhausted, thus creating a
denial of service attack. A program that entirely absorbs some classes of resources is called a
bacterium or a rabbit.
A type of malware that creates many instances of themselves or run many times simultaneously, in
order to consume large amounts of system resources. This creates a denial of service effect as
legitimate programs may no longer be able to run, or at least may not run properly.
Backup plan
The set of technical and operational means foreseen to ensure the sustainability of information and the
continuity of activities, no matter what the problems encountered.
Back up
A copy of a program or data file for the purposes of protecting against data losses if the original
becomes unavailable.
Behavioural evidence
Any type of forensic evidence that is representative or suggestive for a given behaviour.
Behaviour evidence analysis
The process of examining forensic evidence, victimology and crime scene characteristics for
behavioural convergences before rendering a deductive criminal profile.
Business continuity management
A management process that identifies potential risks and their impacts on the institution and provides a
framework for building resilience and capabilities to respond to these risks, hence to reduce their
impact on the organizations reputation, image and value created activities.
Bots are programs, generally executable file installed on a computer in order to run a set of functions
automatically and allow an illegitimate user to gain remote control through a communication channel.
Bots never work alone; they are part of a big network of infected computers (or zombies), called botnet
(standing for bots network). In every bot, a back door has been installed to be able to listen to
commands. An IRC channel or Peer-to-Peer network allows the cybercriminal to centrally control the
zombies and to launch coordinated and simultaneous attacks.
Effect of or deterioration resulting from an act of aggression or attack whose impact may be: tangible
(physical or material alteration, logic malfunction, disorganization of procedures, etc.); logical (nonavailability, loss of integrity, breach of confidentiality); strategic (in particular as concerns finance,
additional costs for hosting, transportation, telecommunications, expertise, purchase/rental of
hardware and software, personnel, outsourcing, operating losses (profit margin, cash flow, customer
losses), loss of funds or goods, etc.).
Buffer overflow
A buffer is a temporary data storage area with a limited storage capacity. A buffer overflow occurs
when a program tries to store more data in a buffer than the storage capacity. The data will overflow
into another buffer, and thus overwrite and corrupt the data stored in these adjacent buffers. Hackers
often launch buffer overflow attacks with extra data that contain specific instructions to corrupt the
system or to send instructions to the targeted computer, in order to damage, change or gather
confidential information.
Fault in machine, computer system or program.
A programming error. By analogy, a conceptual or implementation defect that is revealed by
Bogus email and/or website are bugs intended to induce victims to voluntary disclose information.
Byzantine failure
A Byzantine failure refers to misbehaviour, malfunctioning of a system or network. It could have a
malicious origin.
-CCertificate, public-key certificate
The set of data issued by a certification authority (trusted third party) and used to provide security
services (confidentiality, authentication, integrity). A digital certificate uses public-key encryption.
The certificate includes the value of the subject's public key, attested by the fact that the certificate is
signed by the issuing certification authority.
Certification Authority (CA)
Trusted third party for the establishment, signature and publication of public-key certificates.
Chief security officer (CSO)
The person in charge of the security of information technology systems.
Encryption algorithm used to transform plain text into ciphertext.
Ciphertext see Cryptogram.
Conformity, agreement with; compliance with standards.
Computer crime
The mean or the target of an illicit action is a computer (theft of computer services, unauthorized
access, software piracy, theft of digital information, extortion committed with the assistance of
computers, ).
Computer forensics
Computer forensic consists of computer investigation and analysis to examine, identify, collect and
preserve digital evidence. It is the act of looking for and preserving digital evidence of a crime for
eventual uses in Court. This process often involves the investigation of computer systems to determine
whether they are or have been utilized for illegal or unauthorized activities. Computer forensics
experts identify sources of documents or other digital evidence; preserve and analyze the evidence and
present the findings.
Computer virus
A computer virus is a program that inserts itself into one or more files and then performs some kind of
malicious action.
A boot sector infector is a virus that inserts itself into the boot sector of a disk.
A multipartite virus is one of a kind that can infect either boot sectors or applications.
A terminate and stay resident (TSR) virus stays active (resident) in memory after the application (or
bootstrapping, or disk mounting) has terminated.
A stealth virus is a virus that conceals the infection of files.
An encrypted virus enciphers all virus codes except a small decryption routine.
A polymorphic virus is a virus that changes forms each time it inserts itself into another program.
A macro virus is a virus composed of a sequence of instructions that are interpreted, rather that
executed directly.
Computer worm
A computer worm is a variant of a virus, it is a program that copies itself from a computer to another.
Keeping information and transactions secret. The nature of that which is secret. A security objective
aimed at preventing the disclosure of information to unauthorized third parties and at protecting that
information from reading, eavesdropping and illicit copying, whether accidental or deliberate, while it
is being stored, processed or transported (concept of data confidentiality).
Contingency Plan
Documented organized process for implementing emergency responses, back-up operations and postdisaster recoveries, being maintained for a management information system as part of its security
program to ensure the availability of critical assets (resources) and facilitate the continuity of
operations in case of emergency.
Continuity Plan
Plan by which information technologies and telecommunication capabilities are recovered and
restored following the occurrence of a significant emergency, incident, crisis or event.
Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT)
Control Objectives for Information and related Technology is a set of IT governance and security
guidelines that were first published in 1996. COBIT, issued by the IT Governance Institute, is gaining
by day an increased international acceptance amongst IT specialists and accepted as good practice for
information control, IT and related risks.
Piece of program written to Internet users' hard disk without their knowledge, when they access certain
websites, and that collect data on the users web behaviour, in principle, to customizing the web
services offered.
A copyright is a type of intellectual property consisting of a set of exclusive rights that limits and
regulates the use of a protected content.
Corpus delicti
Refers to essential facts that show a crime has taken place (body to the crime).
A term from jurisprudence that refers to the principle in which it must be proven that a crime has
occurred before a person can be convicted of having committed a crime.
System security function, measure, procedure or mechanism aimed at reducing the level of
vulnerability and at countering a threat before it becomes a reality.
A person who breaks the copy protection of a software.
An individual who breaks into computers much like a safecracker would break into safes.
A person who enters a computer system without permission. Motivations behind the trespassing action
may be malicious or based on curiosity. Some altruistic crackers might be willing to notify the system
administrator of vulnerabilities they discover.
A program that could detect weak passwords or break them.
Activities that involves breaking the law. An illegal act or activity that can be punished by law.
Crime reconstruction
Determination of actions surrounding crime commitment. This may be done by utilizing the
statements of witnesses, suspect confessions, statements of living victims or by examination and
interpretation of physical evidence. (Some refer to this process as crime scene reconstruction, when
only actions are being reconstructed)
Crime scene
A location where a criminal act took place.
Crime scene characteristics
The discrete physical and behavioral features of a crime scene.
Crime scene type
The nature of relationship between offenders behaviour and the crime scene in the context of an entire
criminal event.
The set of methods used to analyse previously encrypted information in order to decrypt it;
cryptanalysis is therefore also referred to as decoding. The more robust the encryption system, the
more difficult cryptanalysis becomes.
Cryptogram, ciphertext
Data that have been cryptographically transformed. Encrypted data, text or message. Data obtained by
Cryptographic algorithm
Algorithm used for data encryption in order to make the data confidential; it is based on a
mathematical function and an encryption key.
Cryptographic period
Period of time during which a systems keys are not changed.
The mathematical application used to write information in such as a way as to render it unintelligible
to those who do not have the means of decrypting it. See Encryption.
A computer system is the mean or the target of a crime committed using Internet technologies.
Cyberinsurance covers a number of areas not usually spelled out in traditional policies. These areas
include denial-of-service attacks that bring down e-commerce sites, electronic theft of sensitive
information, virus-related damage, losses associated with internal networks crippled by hackers or
rogue employees, privacy-related suits, and legal issues associated with websites, such as copyright
and trademark violations.
The place created trough the interconnection of computer systems by the Internet.
Act of registering a popular domain name address for the purpose of reselling it later to its rightful
trademark owner in order to acquire profits. Cybersquatting can be considered as extortion.
The use of computer networks for stalking and harassment behaviours. Many offenders combine their
online activities with more traditional forms of stalking and harassment (telephoning the victims for
A kind of terrorism utilizing cyberspace and ICT resources to attack critical infrastructures or to
optimize classical terrorism activities.
Any digital data left by a victim or an offender into systems and networks in order to lead to some
identification (of a place, of an individual, of an action, etc.).
-DDDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)
A saturation (or denial of service) attack launched from several systems simultaneously.
A distributed denial of service attack uses a large number of computers infected by a worm or a Trojan
horse to launch simultaneous attacks at a target in a very short time. For example, Zombie computers
can bombard a system with thousand of emails causing a denial of service at the Mail server and thus
denying service to legitimate users. The continuous growth of bot networks and their increasingly
better coordination can explain the rise in DoS attacks.
Variation from a normal to an abnormal behaviour.
Demilitarized zone (DMZ)
The DMZ is a portion of a network that separates a purely internal network from an external network
such as Internet.
The string of characters formed when a hash cryptographic function is applied to a series of data.
Digital evidence
Any digital data that can establish that a crime as been committed or that can provide an alibi or a link
between a crime and its victim or a crime and its perpetrator.
Any information of probative value that is either stored or transmitted in digital form.
Digital investigator/digital crime scene technician
Individual responsible for data searching and gathering at a computer related crime scene.
Digital signature
By analogy to a handwritten signature, the digital signature obtained via an asymmetric encryption
algorithm is used to authenticate the sender of a message and to ascertain the messages integrity.
Direct losses
Identifiable losses resulting directly from a security defect.
Means used to deter malicious attackers from carrying out an attack, by persuading them that what
they stand to gain is negligible in comparison to the losses that the system they threaten to attack could
point of entry that an attacker may attempt to use in order to gain access to the system or data; is
considered a problem according to some reasonable security policies.
Malfunction, breakdown making the resource unavailable.
A firewall is a system that mediates access to a network, allowing or disallowing certain types of
access on the basis of security policy rules. A filtering firewall performs access control on the basis of
attributes of headers of IP packets analysis (source, destination addresses).
Technique that consists of sending large numbers of inappropriate messages in order to undermine the
credibility of a discussion group.
A malicious program utilized to slow down communications between the access provider and the
Internet user, or to disconnect the user.
Wilful deceit; trickery as: blackmail, illegal downloading of software, music, movies (piracy), online
fraud: Internet auctions, advanced fee frauds, Internet fraud actions. (Internet auction sites can be used
by thieves to access an international market to sell stolen items (Internet as a market for stolen goods).
Nigerian letter/Scam: A typical letter claims to come from a person needing to transfer large sums of
money out of the country. As the Nigerian letter variation of fraud has become well known, the gangs
operating the scams have developed variations to that. The target is often being told that they are the
beneficiary of an inheritance or are invited to impersonate a beneficiary of an unclaimed estate.
Telemarketing fraud: Telemarketing fraud is a term that generally refers to any defraud scheme in
which the persons carrying out the scheme use the telephone as their primary means of communication
with prospective victims and try to persuade them to send money to the scheme.
A person who practices fraud.
-GGuest account
An account that does not have a specific, individual User ID associated but rather a more generic ID
such as guest. Such accounts are generally intended for temporary use by authorized visitors, they
must be kept to a minimum and must be restricted to captive accounts.
A guideline is typically a collection of system specific or procedural specific suggestions for best
practice. They are not requirements to be met, but are strongly recommended. Effective security
policies make frequent references to standards and guidelines that exist within an organization.
The act of entering a system illicitly.
A person who, for whatever reason, enters someone elses system without authorization and
unlawfully. The attack may be passive or active.
The series of operations used to breach an information technology system.
Political activism and social protest that uses hacking tools and techniques.
Hash function
In the context of encryption, this is also referred to as the digest function. Starting from the message
data, it generates a message digest, i.e. a kind of digital fingerprint, which is shorter than the original
message and incomprehensible. This is then encrypted with the sender's private key and attached to the
message to be transmitted. On receipt of the message and its fingerprint, the recipient decrypts the
fingerprint with the sender's public key, recalculates the fingerprint from the message received using
the same hash function, and compares it with the fingerprint received. If the result is the same, the
recipient has thus verified the sender's identity and is assured of the message's integrity, since, if the
message is altered, even only slightly, its fingerprint is significantly modified and the message has
been deleted.
Hidden crime
Criminals acts that tend to go largely unobserved, unnoticed and unrecorded in official assessments
and measures of criminal activity.
High risk transaction
A none secured transaction (or its security is out of date) that is performed in a hostile environment.
Hijacking means taking control of an established communication between two entities.
Two major forms of hijacking are browser hijacking and TCP session hijacking. Browser hijacking
consists of the redirection of the user to a different website than the one he requested. The attacker can
perform this attack by accessing the DNS records stored on the server and modifies them by changing
the expected webpage into the fake webpage. The TCP session hijacking is an attack on a user session.
The attacker seizes control of the communication between two legitimate nodes by inserting
commands or fraudulent traffic into the data stream and by disguising himself he becomes a legitimate
and authenticated user.
An unpatched, default system whose goal is to attract and log the probes and attacks of malicious
hackers and crackers. These traps primarily aid in data collection and do not offer any direct protection
to a network. Honeypots can be used to glean data about illegal activities and analyze potential system
weaknesses. Honeypots can also provide an environment for post-attack forensic analysis.
Behaviour that is thought to be morally offensive.
The process by which one can recognize a previously identified entity.
Information used to designate and distinguish, if possible in a unique and unambiguous fashion, a
specific entity within a naming domain.
Identity theft
A crime in which a fraudster illegally obtains confidential and personal information, such as credit
card number, social security numbers, passwords or banking account numbers in order to impersonate
the victim. Once the criminal is in possession of these credentials, he can either access the victims
account, perform withdrawals, purchases or open new accounts such as credit card accounts or cell
phone accounts, by using the stolen identity. In order to steal this information, the attacker might break
into the system or lure its victim with phishing attacks.
Expresses the level of consequences produced by an attack (financial impact: cost of the attack; logic
impact: undermines availability, integrity, confidentiality; strategic impact: detrimental to the
organizations survival; tangible impact: a real, directly observable effect).
Impact gravity
Assessment of the seriousness of an incident, weighted by its frequency of occurrence. It is important
to quantify impact gravity in order to pinpoint and prioritize security requirements, for example:
no/negligible impact (0), little impact (1), moderate impact (2), strong impact (3), disastrous
impact (4).
The quality that makes it possible to impute an operation to a user at a given time with certainty. The
fact of being able to identify who is to be held accountable in the event of a violation of the rules.
Indirect losses
Losses generated indirectly by a security defect.
Information dominance
The act of controlling information.
Information security risk assessment
A calculation of the probability of loss or injury based on possible threats to existing or future
infrastructure. The organizational impact of these threats should be carefully assessed before
introducing information safeguarding measures.
Information system
Information and communication infrastructures and resources (computer, network, data, program, etc.)
belonging to an organization, organized and managed in order to contribute to realize the organization
Information warfare
The activity of competing in aggressive ways with another group, company, etc. using information as
A person who knows about the internal working manner of an organization.
Intangible goods
Goods owned by organizations but impossible to be perceived by the senses (digital information).
The state of something that has remained intact. Security criterion which, if met, makes it possible to
ensure that a resource has not been altered (modified or destroyed) in unauthorized fashion.
Intellectual property
Property that derives from the work of an individuals mind or intellect.
Early copyright law aimed to protect the economic interests of book publishers rather than the
intellectual rights of authors. Modern copyright law protects the labour of elaborating an idea, but not
the idea itself. The concept of discovery also plays a role in intellectual property rights: a patent is
awarded to one who can demonstrate that he or she has invented something not previously known.
In law, property is something that is owned or possessed. Concepts of property vary widely among
Publicly accessible computer network connecting many networks from around the world for the
purpose of exchanging data electronically. Internet is a network of networks.
An organizations internal, private network using internet technology and usually insulated from the
internet by firewalls.
Intrusion detection system (IDS)
System for detecting incidents that could result in violations of security policy and diagnosing
potential breaches.
IPSec (Internet Protocol Security)
A version of the Internet Protocol that offers security services. IPSec opens a logical communication
channel (IP tunnel) between two correspondents on the public internet. The tunnel ends are
authenticated and the data transported through them can be encrypted (concept of encrypted channel or
virtual network).
IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6)
Update of IPv4, incorporating, inter alia, built-in mechanisms for implementing security services
(authentication of source and destination entities, confidentiality of transported data).
IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
Internet Relay Chat is a form of real-time conversation through the Internet (synchronous messaging
system conferencing). Group communications as one-to-one communication are possible.
IRC are designed to enable Internet users to join online discussion in forums, called channels. IRC is
not limited to just two participants. IRC are commonly used by criminals to exchange ideas, attacks
tools or to send command to zombies and launch large attacks. IRC forums could be also a meeting
place for criminals.
ISO 17799, ISO 2700x
Information security management standards set by the International Organization for Standardization.
The right of a Court to make decisions regarding a specific person (personal jurisdiction) or a certain
matter (subject matter jurisdiction).
Encryption or decryption logical key of an encryption algorithm. Unless they are public, encryption
keys should not be disclosed: they are a secret means of protecting another secret (the information that
was encrypted in order to ensure its confidentiality).
Keylogger is a program that monitors the keys typed by the user and then either stores the gathered
information on the computer or directly sends it back to a server. It is often through a Trojan horse, a
virus or a worm that a keylogger is installed on a computer. For example, one Trojan horse activates
the keylogger as soon as some specific words like credit card, account and social security
number appear in a browser. The malicious program will then record everything that has been typed
by the user during a legitimate transaction and will send the recorded information to the cybercriminal.
Keystroke-logging utility is a diagnostic tool used in software development that captures the users
keystrokes. It can be useful to determine sources of error in computer systems and it is sometimes used
to measure employees productivity on certain clerical tasks.
Key management
Management of encryption keys; generation, distribution, archiving, destruction of keys in keeping
with security policy.
-LLogic bomb
A malicious program triggered by a specific event such as a birthday date and intended to harm the
system in which it is lodged. A logic bomb is a program that performs an action that violates a security
policy when some external event occurs.
Logging is the recording of events or statistics to provide information about system use and
Loss of essential service
Total or partial unavailability or malfunction of the resources required for a system or organization to
operate properly.
Low risk victim
An individual whose personal, professional, and social life does not normally expose him to a
possibility of suffering harm or loss.
Said of hostile actions liable to harm an organization's resources, which may be committed directly or
indirectly by people inside or outside the organization (theft of hardware, data, disclosure of
confidential information, illicit breaches, etc.).
Malware malicious software
A generic term for a program such as a virus, worm or Trojan horse, or any other form of attack
software that acts more or less independently.
Man in the middle attack (MiM)
A man-in-the-middle attack is an attack in which an attacker is able to read, insert and modify at will,
information transferred between two parties, without either party knowing that the link between them
has been compromised.
Type of attack based on system decoy.
Method of approach
Offenders strategy for getting close to a victim.
Modus operandi (MO)
A method of operating that refers to the behaviours that are committed by an offender to realize an
The action of watching and checking something carefully for a period of time to discover information
about it.
Multi-factor authentication
Multiple proof of users identity when accessing a system (password, biometry, etc.).
The capacity to prevent a sender from subsequently denying having sent a message or performed an
action. Guarantees the availability of evidence that can be submitted to a third party and used to prove
that an event or action occurred. Evidence that a message was sent by a specific person at a given
time, without having been subsequently modified. Such evidence should be verifiable by a third party
at any time. Without non-repudiation, information senders and recipients could deny that they received
or sent the information in question.
Service in which the customers cannot choose how the information on them is used (possibility that
their right to data privacy will be infringed).
Registration of data for the purposes of evidence.
-OOne-way hash function
A function that can be used to calculate the data fingerprint, but not to generate data that have a
specific fingerprint. This function must avoid producing collisions, i.e. the same profile being
generated from different messages.
-PPacket sniffing
Attack, which consists of using a sniffer in order to intercept the traffic over a network.
Passive attack
Attack which does not alter a target (passive listening, breach of confidentiality).
Confidential information to be produced by an authorized user in order to prove his identity during the
authentication procedure for requesting access to a resource.
A software update aimed at repairing a weak spot identified after the software was installed.
Penetration tests
These are used to analyse and test the degree to which systems are protected and the robustness of
security mechanisms.
Cyberattack aiming to redirect a websites traffic to another (bogus) website.
Phishing attacks aim to gather confidential information by luring the user with a message which seems
to come from a legitimate organization. Phishing attacks rely on social engineering and technical
practices. The main motivation is financial gain. Phishers will either commit fraudulent acts with the
collected information or they will sell it online in a public forum.
The illegal use or misuse of telecommunication services (by a phreaker) at the individual or operators
expense. The classic early example of phreaking was the use of cereal-box toy whistles which, when
blown into a telephone handset, hit a pitch normally used to phone technicians to signal the system to
allow free calls.
An unauthorized duplication of goods protected by intellectual property law.
Port scanning
Sending a series of messages and queries to each port of the computer in order to obtain information
on network services the computer provides, on the level of security and on which port numbers are
opened. By scanning a computers ports, the attacker will also be able to find weaknesses that will
help him to break into the computer.
Set of measures taken to avert a danger, a risk, aimed at preventing threats from materializing, at
reducing the frequency of incidents with a view to protection.
Privacy protection
Protective measures to ensure that information on Internet user activities is not disclosed to any
unwanted parties and is not used for purposes other than those to which the owner has consented. This
refers to the right of individuals to verify the information concerning them that can be collected either
directly, or indirectly by observing their internet behaviour and the sites they visit.
Private key
Key used in asymmetric encryption mechanisms (public-key encryption) that belongs to an entity and
that must be kept secret.
Privilege-management infrastructure (PMI)
Infrastructure supporting management of privileges, authorizations and clearances.
The act of protecting, the state of being protected. Is said of a security measure that helps detect,
neutralize or reduce the effects of an attack.
A proxy is an intermediate agent or server that acts on behalf of an endpoint without allowing a direct
connection between the two endpoints.
A proxy firewall (also applications level firewall) uses proxies to perform access control on the
contents of packets and messages, as well as on attributes of the packet headers.
Public key
Generally speaking, in asymmetrical cryptography, an entitys public key must be made available to
those who wish to send it encrypted data so that it can decrypt the data using the corresponding private
Public-key cryptography
An asymmetric encryption system that uses two-key ciphers, or a key pair: one is a secret private key,
the other a public, publishable key. The two keys are complementary and indissociable. It is not
possible to use the mathematical relationship between them to calculate the private key.
Public-key infrastructure (PKI)
Infrastructure supporting the implementation of asymmetric (public key) encryption, including, inter
alia, management and distribution of encryption keys and digital certificates.
-QQuantum cryptography
Quantum cryptography uses quantum mechanics to secure communications. At present, quantum
cryptography is only limited to secret key distribution.
- R
A systems capacity to function without incident for a given period of time.
The fact of denying that one has taken part in all or part of an exchange.
Notification that a private key has lost its integrity. The corresponding public key certificate must no
longer be used. In respect of contracts, also refers to the right to withdraw an offer or acceptance of an
The relative likelihood that a threat will materialize, measured in terms of probability and impact.
Risk analysis, risk assessment
Process of identifying and assessing risks (estimation of probability of occurrence and impact).
Risk management
Ongoing process of risk assessment conducted by an organization in order to control risks and keep
them to an acceptable level. Can be used to determine the security policy best adapted to protect the
organizations assets.
Root kits
A rootkit consists of a set of software tools that help the attacker to mask intrusion, to hide running
processes or system data and to gain access to the root whilst escaping detection.
Return on Security Investment (ROSI)
The point of maximum return on security investment is where the total cost of security is the lowest
including both the cost of security events and the cost of the security controls designed to prevent
A malicious act, vandalism, deliberate harm aimed at preventing an organization, an infrastructure, a
service or a resource from operating normally; can result in losses.
The quality of that which is not harmful.
US legislation to ensure internal controls or rules to govern the creation and documentation of
corporate information in financial statements. It establishes new standards for corporate accountability
and sets penalties for corporate wrongdoings. Sarbanes-Oxley passed in 2001 in the wake of corporate
accounting/governance scandals from big public companies including Enron, Worldcom and Global
Social engineering
Techniques, procedures and measures used by malicious attackers, who usually take advantage of the
users credulity to, inter alia, obtain their passwords and connection parameters and usurp their digital
identity, in order to trick and breach the system by pretending to be authorized visitors.
An unsolicited electronic message sent in bulk, usually by email.
Someone who engages in spamming.
Technique involving the sending of unsolicited messages to an electronic message system.
Spear phishing
Spear phishing are more targeted attacks than lure phishing techniques. In order to launch these
targeted phishing attempts, attackers have to collect or steal inside information to strengthen the
feeling of legitimacy. For example, the phishing attackers will target a certain company, organization
or agency and send a message that looks like it would come from a colleague or the employer.
Spim is a type of spam targeting users of Instant messaging services.
Spam over Internet telephony.
Someone who engages in spoofing.
Technique used to usurp IP addresses in order to breach a system.
Program that sends sensitive information from the infected computer to the attacker. Spyware are
programs that watch users activities, gather information and transmit this information back to the
creator of the spyware or the publisher without the users knowledge. Spyware can represent a threat
to privacy with more and more cases of identity theft, data corruption and personal profiling.
Generally, spyware is bundled with another desirable program or downloaded in a peer-to-peer
Repeated harassing or threatening behaviour in which an offender persistently contacts, follows,
approaches, threatens or otherwise subjects a victim to unwelcome attentions.
Technique used to hide an item of information within another in order to transport or store it covertly.
Continuous monitoring.
System intrusion
The entry of an external and unauthorized person or software into a system.
The possibility of trouble, danger or disaster.
Sign, indication, harbinger of a danger. Action or event liable to take place, to turn into an attack on an
environment or resource and breach security. A person or thing that is likely to cause trouble.
Traffic analysis
Observation and study of information flows between source and destination entities (presence,
absence, amount, direction, frequency, etc).
The capability to watch and understand the functioning mode of a system, a software, or hardware.
Trapdoor see Backdoor.
Trojan horse
A malicious program hidden within a legitimate program and introduced into systems for the purpose
of hijacking them (theft of processor time, corruption, modification, destruction of data and programs,
malfunctions, eavesdropping, etc.). A Trojan horse is a program with an overt (documented or known)
effect and a covert (undocumented or unexpected) effect. A propagating (or replicating) Trojan horse
is a Trojan horse that creates a copy of itself.
The belief that somebody / something is good, sincere, honest.
Assured reliance on someone or something (a qualitative, subjective, highly relative criterion).
-UUser charter
Document drawn up by an organization listing the rights, duties and responsibilities of its employees
in respect of the use of the information technology and telecommunication resources it makes
available to them, signed by the parties concerned.
User profile
List of user attributes that help to manage the network and systems to which the users are connected
(identification and authentication parameters, rights of access, authorizations and other useful
information) for the purposes of access control, billing, etc.
-VVirtual private network (VPN)
This concept refers to the use of IPSec to open a secure private communication channel over a nonsecure public network. It is often used by an organization to connect its various sites via the Internet
while guaranteeing the confidentiality of the data exchanged.
Malicious program introduced into a system without the users knowledge. The program has the
capacity to duplicate itself (either in identical form or, in the case of a polymorphic virus, by
mutating), to damage the environment in which it is executed and to contaminate other users with
which it is in contact. There are different kinds of viruses, depending on their signature, their
behaviour, how they reproduce, how they infect machines, the malfunctions they cause, etc. Worms,
Trojan horses and logic bombs are malicious codes belonging to the generic family of viruses.
A security defect that could result in an intentional or accidental breach of security policy.
A thorough study of all available victims information (age, sex, height, family, friends, acquaintances,
education, personal habits, etc.).
Watermarking is a steganographic application that consists in placing indelible marks on an image.
Web and email spoofing
see Spoofing
Website defacement
Attack that consists of substituting original pages of a website with different pages or of disfiguring an
original homepage by electronic graffiti pages. This attack is often used by hacktivists to spread
political messages.
A system that has been hijacked by a criminal and utilized (without its owners knowledge) to send
spam or malicious codes and attack systems.
164 - Information dedicated space about the legal issues concerning Internet end
network - The University of Dayton School of Law (USA) - The UCLA Online Institute for Cyberspace Law and Policy (USA)
Some related privacy protection issues websites - Privacy protection - Privacy protection - Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) Project - Cyberrights &cyberliberties protection - Electronic privacy Information Center
Some computer crime related issues websites - Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) (USA) - National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) (USA) - National Strategy for the Protection of
Children from Sexual Exploitation on the Internet - Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section/United States
Department of Justice - The Computer Crime Research Center (CCRC) - National Internet Fraud Information Center - Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) - Financial Action Task Force (FATF-GAFI) - United Nations Crime and Justice Information Network
Some law enforcement related issues websites - The Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Interpol international police organization - Interpol Financial and High-tech crimes - Internet High Technology Crime Investigation Association - The Cyber Crime Investigation Cell of Mumbai Police India - The Swiss Coordination Unit for Cybercrime Control
Others websites of interest - Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia - Site of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) - OCDE website Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Information Security and Privacy - Europes Internet Safety portal - Warning, advice and reporting point (UK) - Actions against
Economic and Organized Crime Council of Europe