Cotton Dust Ash
Cotton Dust Ash
Cotton Dust Ash
An Introduction to
ATINER's Conference Paper Series
ATINER started to publish this conference papers series in 2012. It includes only the
papers submitted for publication after they were presented at one of the conferences
organized by our Institute every year. The papers published in the series have not been
refereed and are published as they were submitted by the author. The series serves two
purposes. First, we want to disseminate the information as fast as possible. Second, by
doing so, the authors can receive comments useful to revise their papers before they
are considered for publication in one of ATINER's books, following our standard
procedures of a blind review.
Textile industry is the second largest industry in the world next to
agriculture. The textile industry contributes substantially to the foreign
exchange earned by exporting countries. The demand for natural cotton fibres
and poly/cotton blend fibres has increased significantly in the past decade
(World Bank, 2004). However, the emphasis on awareness about the
environmental concern such as air, water and noise pollution during the
processing from fibre to fabric is essential in the present circumstances.
Cotton dust is one of industrial waste which is a dust waste generated into the
atmosphere as a result of process of the weaving of cotton fibers in textile
mills. Cotton dust can cause an occupational lung disease which caused by
exposure to cotton dust in inadequately ventilated yarn and fabric manufacture
industries. For decades, engineers and researchers have been interested in
utilizing the waste products for value added to the waste product and reduce
the depletion in natural resources. Currently, cotton dust is used as fuel for
boilers and fertilizer (Li et al., 2003; Balasubramanian et al., 1995). In the
utilization of cotton dust as fuel of boiler in fabric manufacture process, cotton
dust is burned to heat water in boiler to produce steam that will be used to drive
power plants. From the combustion process will be generated cotton dust ash
that has gray-black color. In manures and fertilizers aspect, cotton dust
containing 50-60% moisture can be converted to good quality compost with a
few turning within 20 days (Kolay, 2007). In civil engineering works, cotton
dust is studied for improving the mechanical properties of concrete structures
(Burgueno et al., 2004; Burgueno et al., 2005; Taniguchi, 2003). Owing to the
different applications of concretes, studying the mechanical aspects of concrete
mixed cotton dust ash has been an interesting and challenging topic for many
researchers. The importance of research studies in this area is emphasized by
utilizing CD ash as replacement material in concrete structure. However,
outcome of research lies mainly in their competitive prices and performance.
The effect of natural admixtures usage on concrete mixed can be focused on
the reduction of materials used. Consequent, producing similar or even mix
with less mixture quantities results in a sustainable concrete.
Experimental Details
Detail of Design Mix
The materials used in this study were, Ordinary Portland cement (OPC)
type I, which complied with BS 12:1991 and ASTM C150-12. Ordinary
Portland cement corresponding to ASTM Type I cement with a specific gravity
of 3.16 was used for all concrete mixtures. The chemical composition of these
binders is presented in Table 1. Coarse aggregates were a crushed granite with
a maximum size of 16 mm and a specific gravity of 2.68. Natural siliceous
river sand having a fineness modulus of 1.85 and a specific gravity of 2.54 was
used as a fine aggregate. Both coarse and fine aggregates were batched in a
saturated surface dry (SSD) conditions. Cotton dust (CD) ash used in this
research was generated from combustion of cotton dust which results of the
mechanical processing of raw cotton in the spinning process. Figure 1 shows
the CD ash used in this study. The results of particle distribution analysis of
CD and CD ash are given in Figure 2.
Table 1. Chemical composition and properties of cement and cotton dust ash
Composition (%)
Cotton dust
Cotton dust ash
Loss on ignition
Figure 1. Cotton Dust and Cotton Dust Ash
flexural strength at the age of 7 days were 3.63 N/mm2 and 4.16 N/mm2 and
the values at the age of 28 days were 7.12 N/mm2 and 8.38 N/mm2. Regard to
the rate of increasing in flexural strength, it appeared that the rate of increasing
in strength increased as the content of cement increased. Addition, the highest
rate of increasing in strength per day was at 3 days. The rate of increasing in
strength was 1.37 N/mm2/day when compared with the rate of increasing in
strength of normal concrete with 1.46 N/mm2/day. However, the above results
showed that flexural strength increased with decrease in CD ash volume
fraction; this was due to the additional load taken by the CD ash present in the
matrix. Addition, after increasing the volume percentage of CD ash beyond the
optimum value (5%) improper mixing of CD ash with the matrix took place
due to balling effect of CD ash, this increased the amount of vibrations
required to remove air voids from the mix which in turn caused the problem of
bleeding and decreased flexural strength of the mix. The failure pattern of plain
and CD ash concrete in flexural strength test showed that CD ash concrete
were more ductile as compared to plain concrete. This was because when the
matrix cracked, the load was transferred from the composite to the CD ash at
the crack surfaces, which prevents the brittle failure of the composite.
Figure 3. Rate of Increasing in Compressive Strength
The experimental program reported in this paper dealt with assessing the
compressive, flexural and tensile of concrete mixed CD ash. Based on the test
results of this investigation, the following conclusions can be drawn:
Balasubramanian, J., Sabumon, P.C., Lazar, J.U., Ilangovan, R.1995. Reuse of textile
effluent treatment plant sludge in building materials. Journal of Material Process
and Technology. 48(14), 37984.
Burgueno, R., Quagliata, M.J., Mohanty, A.K., Mehta, G., Drzal, L.T., and Misra, M.
2004. Load-bearing natural fiber composite cellular beams and panels.
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 35, 645656.
Burgueno, R., Quagliata, M.J., Mohanty, A.K., Mehta, G., Drzal, L.T., and Misra, M.
2005. Hierarchical cellular designs for load-bearing biocomposite beams and
plates. Materials Science and Engineering. 390,178187.
Burgueno, R., Quagliata, M.J., Mohanty, A.K., Mehta, G., Drzal, L.T., and Misra, M.
2005. Hybrid biofiber-based composites for structural celular plates. Composites
Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 36: 581593.
Kolay, A.K. 2007. Manures and fertilizers, Atlantic Ltd, New Delhi. Omar, A.D.F.,
Andrzej, K.A., Bledzk, A.C., Hans-Peter, F., and Mohini, S. 2012. Biocomposites
reinforced with natural fibers: 2000 2010. Polymer Science. 37, 15521596.
Li, G., Yu, Y., Zhao, Z., Li, J., and Li, C. 2003. Properties study of cotton stalk
fibre/gypsum composite. Cement Concrete Research. 33(1), 4346. Sadrmomtazi,
A., Sobhani, J., Mirgozar, M.A., and Najimi, M. 2012. Properties of multistrength grade EPS concrete containing silica fume and rice husk ash.
Construction and Building Materials, 35, 211-219.
Taniguchi, T. 2003. Nanofibrils from natural organic fibers as industrial materials.
Technical Report. JP 2001-353840:4. Assignee: Jpn Kokai Tokyo Koho.
World Bank. 2004. Cotton Market Setting, Trade Policies and Issues, World Bank
Policy Research Working Paper 3218, Washington D.C.