Asbestos Management Procedure
Asbestos Management Procedure
Asbestos Management Procedure
Building and construction materials known or assumed to contain asbestos will be managed in such a way as to
prevent the potential exposure of University faculty, staff and students to asbestos fibers.
To protect the health and safety of faculty, staff and students and to ensure compliance with applicable
environmental and occupational health and safety rules.
B. All asbestos surveys and inspections shall be conducted by a person trained, certified and licensed by the
Ohio Department of Health as an Asbestos Hazard Evaluation Specialist.
C. All suspect asbestos containing materials (any thermal system insulation and surfacing material found in
buildings constructed no later than 1980) shall be considered presumed asbestos containing material
(PACM) until three bulk samples of the material have been analyzed by an accredited laboratory and shown
to contain less than 1% asbestos.
IV. Asbestos Awareness Training
A. All Maintenance services, Building Services, Student Union and Residence Life Maintenance and
Housekeeping employees shall be required to attend an Asbestos Awareness Training session on an
annual basis.
B. The University Asbestos Coordinator shall maintain records of employee participation in Asbestos
Awareness training sessions.
C. The Asbestos Awareness Training shall cover the following topics:
1. What is asbestos
2. Uses of asbestos
3. Important definitions
4. Identification of asbestos containing materials
5. Health effects from asbestos exposure
6. Laws regulation asbestos
7. Where asbestos can be found at the University
8. When asbestos is potentially hazardous
9. Asbestos removal techniques
10. Abatement alternatives
11. Storage, transport and disposal of asbestos containing materials
12. Discussion of UTs Asbestos Management Plan
V. Demolition and Renovation Projects
A. The University Asbestos Coordinator shall review all Facilities and Construction demolition and renovation
projects to be completed by outside contractors for the potential to disturb suspect asbestos containing
B. Facilities Maintenance supervisors shall review all work orders for the potential to disturb suspect asbestos
containing material. Facilities Maintenance workers should be alert to identify any suspected asbestos
containing material before disturbing it. Facilities Maintenance personnel are to notify the Asbestos
Coordinator who will make take appropriate action in the case including survey records review, resampling,
and coordinating removal by a licensed asbestos removal contractor. Any work order which requires
cutting, drilling, sawing, grinding or other wise disturbing suspect asbestos containing material will be sent
to the Asbestos Coordinator for appropriate action.
C. The University shall sample any suspect asbestos containing material which could be affected by
demolition and/or renovation activities. No work may be initiated until:
1. Sample results confirm that the area of the facility to be affected does not consist of asbestos
containing material; or
2. All required asbestos containing material has been removed by a certified, licensed asbestos
abatement contractor.
D. Any and all demolition and renovation work must immediately cease of asbestos containing material is
encountered during any project at the University. Work may not resume unless and until the suspect
asbestos containing materials has been sampled, and
1. Has been shown not to contain asbestos; or
2. Has been shown to contain asbestos and has been removed by a certified, licensed asbestos
abatement contractor.
VI. Asbestos Removal Operations
A. The University Asbestos Coordinator or other authorized representative trained in the provisions of the
Asbestos NESHAP and the means of complying with this regulation (Ohio Department of Health Certified
Asbestos Hazard Abatement Specialist) shall be present during stripping, removing, waste disposal and
handling of all ACM during renovation/demolition activities. All persons working on any asbestos
abatement project at the University of Toledo shall be licensed and/or certified by the Ohio Department of
B. All asbestos abatement projects at the University shall comply with Section 112 of the Clean Air Act, as
amended by Section 301 of the 1990 CCA Amendment, and with all of the requirements of the Asbestos
NESHAP at 40 CFR 61.140 and Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3745-20.
C. A detailed description of the project work scope, including the amount in linear or square feet of ACM to be
abated, exact location and type of material, and whether or not a contained work site will be established
shall be prepared by an Asbestos Hazard Abatement Project Designer certified by ODH.
D. Clearance Air Sampling
1. All clearance air-sampling to be analyzed by phase contract microscopy (PCM) shall be conducted in
accordance with the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) method 7400
entitled Fibers published in the NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 3rd Edition, Second
Supplement, August 1987. A minimum of three samples shall be taken and show that the
concentration of fibers for each sample is less than or equal to 0.01 fibers per cubic centimeter of air.
2. All clearance air-sampling to be analyzed by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) shall be
conducted in accordance with the regulations established by the US EPA, 40 CFR Part 763, subpart E,
Appendix A.
3. All clearance air-sampling shall be conducted by as Asbestos Hazard Abatement Air-monitoring
Technician, Asbestos Hazard Abatement Specialist certified by ODH, or CIH or IHIT as certified by the
American Board of Industrial Hygiene.
VII. Maintenance of Asbestos-Containing Flooring Materials
A. The following work practices relating to the maintenance of asbestos containing flooring materials are
1. Sanding of asbestos-containing flooring materials is prohibited.
2. Stripping of finishes shall be conducted using low abrasion pads at speed lower than 300 rpm and wet
methods. Stripping of unwaxed or unfinished asbestos-containing flooring is prohibited.
3. Burnishing or dry buffing may be performed only on asbestos-containing flooring which has sufficient
finish so that the pad cannot contact the asbestos-containing material. In most cases, at least three
layers of wax will provide that margin.
B. Removal of Asbestos-Containing Floor Tile
1. Unbroken, loose floor tiles may be wetted and placed in properly labeled, double bags by Plant
Operations and Maintenance trained supervisors or left in place and removed by the Universitys
abatement personnel or outside contractor.
2. Broken, chipped, cracked or crumbling floor tiles shall be considered friable ACM unless testing results
indicate otherwise and shall be removed using negative containment and wet methods. Handling or
disposal of broken floor tiles by other than an ODH certified Asbestos Hazard Abatement Specialist or
Worker is prohibited.
VIII. Recordkeeping
A. Signed manifests returned from asbestos disposal facilities shall be maintained by the University Asbestos
B. Copies of TDPC, OEPA and ODH notifications shall be maintained by the University Asbestos Coordinator.
C. Information regarding small scale asbestos removal projects (less than 50 square feet/50 linear feet) shall
be maintained by the University Asbestos Coordinator.
1. Location where asbestos containing material was removed.
2. Amount of friable or non-friable asbestos containing material removed.
3. Name and address of abatement contractor
4. Name and address of disposal facility.
D. Information describing the procedures employed for disposal of all asbestos removed during any asbestos
removal operation that is subject to OAC Chapter 3745-20 shall be maintained by the University Asbestos
1. The date of the completion of the asbestos removal operation.
2. The quantity of friable asbestos material removed.
3. The asbestos packaging procedures.
4. The location of the asbestos disposal and disposal procedures employed at such location
5. Copy of the shipping manifest employed.
IX. Asbestos Contractors
A. For asbestos emergency or maintenance abatement or repair, call one of the following local companies in
the order presented.
1. Midwest Environmental Control
Rick Sheets or Scott Sellers
419-382-9200 (24-hour service)
4708 Angola Rd.
Toledo, OH 43615
2. Total Environmental Services
Terry Luhring
1950 Clinton St.
Toledo, OH 43607
IX. Asbestos Exposure Protocol
A. When it has been determined that a potential, or actual exposure to asbestos has occurred on the campus
of the University of Toledo the following steps will be taken.
1. The potential for additional exposures shall be addressed immediately by EHRS. If the ACM can
be removed, or encapsulated it shall be accomplished immediately. Individuals shall be protected
from additional exposure, or removed from the location while this is accomplished. Clearance air
samples shall be performed to confirm the effectiveness of the removal and/or encapsulation
2. Suspect ACM shall be bulk sampled by EHRS and sent to a third party contractor for analysis.
Results shall be maintained and documented in the EHRS department. Results will be provided to
individuals affected is requested.
3. Based on the results of bulk sampling, or on previous positive results for asbestos the individuals
potentially exposued will be informed that they can receive post exposure medical surveillance if
4. The following steps will be taken in regards to compensated medical surveillance at the University
of Toledo and University of Toledo Medical Center:
a. The Department of Family Medicine shall provide a point of contact for all individuals
involved in the potential exposure.