What Are The Limbs of Vishnu

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The Limbs of Vishnu - Characteristics of the Constellations

Characteristics of the Constellations:

Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva together form the Trinity of Hindu Gods.
Brahma creates the world.
Vishnu sustains it.
Shiva destroys it.
Limbs of Vishnu: Rasis are the "Unconscious" limbs Vishnu and the Nakshatras and Grahas are Vishnu`s "Conscious" limbs
The whole zodiac is nothing but a manifestation of Lord Vishnus body.
Aries is the head.
Taurus is the face.
Gemini is the arms.
Cancer is the heart.
Leo is the stomach.
Virgo is the hip.
Libra is the space below navel.
Scorpio is the private parts.
Sagittarius is the thighs.
Capricorn is the knees.
Aquarius is the ankles.
Pisces is the feet.
Movable, Fixed and Dual:
(1) Ar, Cn, Li and Cp
Chara rasi or movable rasi.
They are ruled by Brahma, the Creator.
Movable Rasi = Their nature is to move and to be dynamic.
(2) Ta, Le, Sc and Aq
Sthira rasi or fixed rasi.
They are ruled by Shiva the Destroyer.
Fixed Rasi = Their nature is to be stable and constant.
(3) Ge, Vi, Sg and Pi
Dwiswabhava rasi or dual rasi.
They are ruled by Vishnu the Sustainer.
Dual Rasi = They are stable sometimes and dynamic sometimes.
Odd and Even:
(1) Ar, Ge, Le, Li, Sg and Aq
Odd rasi or vishama rasi or oja rasi.
Odd = Male rasi.
(2) Ta, Cn, Vi, Sc, Cp and Pi
Even rasi or sama rasi or yugma rasi.
Even = Female rasis.
This division is used in some dasas and in the determination of the sex of children.
Cruel (Krura) or Gentle (Saumya) Signs:
Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are male signs.
These are also known as malefic or cruel signs.
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are female signs.
These are beneficial or soft signs.
Pitta, Kapha and Vatta + Mix of all 3:
Pitta or bilious nature is a combination of the elements of fire and water.
It shows things that result in transformation in a system.
Ar, Le and Sg are of Pitta nature.
Kapha or phlegmatic nature is a combination of the elements of earth and water.
It shows things that bind a system together.
It shows things that give a structure to a system.
Cn, Sc and Pi are of Kapha Nature.
Vatta or windy nature is a combination of the elements of air and ether.
It shows things that move in and out of a system.
Li, Aq and Ge are of Vatta Nature.
*Cp Ta and Vi are Mixed nature (mix of all 3).

Rasis & Five Elements:

5 elements fire, water, air, earth and ether.
(1) Ar, Le and Sg
Agni rasi or fiery rasi.
Fire is a substance that transforms the state of things.
(2) Ta, Vi and Cp
Bhoo rasi or earthy rasi.
Earth is a substance with a constant and solid state.
(3) Ge, Li and Aq
Vaayu rasi or airy rasi.
Air is a substance with a varying state.
(4) Cn, Sc and Pi
Jala rasi or watery rasi.
Water is a substance with a flexible state.
(5) The 5th element of aakaasa or ether is present in every rasi.
Ether is something that is present everywhere.
(1) Ar, Le and Sg show east (Fire).
(2) Ta, Vi and Cp show south (Earth).
(3) Ge, Li and Aq show west (Air).
(4) Cn, Sc and Pi show north. (Water).
Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas:
Everything in this universe has one of 3 gunas (qualities).
They are called trigunas.
Sattwa (purity) is a quality that gives truthfulness and purity.
Rajas or rajo guna (energy) is a quality that makes one energetic and passionate.
Tamas or tamo guna (darkness) is a quality that makes one depraved
(1) Sattvic signs or Sattwa guna = Cn, Le, Sg, Pi.
(2) Rajasic signs or Rajo guna = Ar, Ta, Li, Sc.
(3) Tamasic signs or Tamo guna = Ge, Vi, Cp, Aq.
Caste (Varna/Class):
People are divided into 4 varnas or classes (1) Brahmanas, (2) Kshatriyas, (3) Vaisyas and (4) Sudras.
Brahmanas pursue knowledge and work as priests or ministers.
Kshatriyas are valiant and they become kings, army chiefs and soldiers.
Vaisyas are the traders and suppliers of various services.
Sudras execute various menial tasks.
(1) Brahmanas (scholars) are represented by watery signs Cn, Sc, Pi.
(2) Kshatriyas (warriors) are represented by by fiery signs Ar, Le, Sg.
(3) Vaisyas (traders) are represented by by earthy signs Ta, Vi, Cp.
(4) Sudras (workers) are represented by by airy signs Ge, Li, Aq.
Day and Night Strong:
(1) Ar, Ta, Ge, Cn, Sg and Cp are night time rasis they are strong during the night time. They are nishaa rasis.
(2) Le, Vi, Li, Sc, Aq and Pi are daytime rasis they are strong during the daytime. They are divaa rasis.
Out of the two rasis owned by a planet, one is a day sign and one is a night sign.
Moon governs all the nishaa rasis and Sun governs all the divaa rasis.
Method of Rising:
Seershodaya = Head Rising.
Prishthodaya = Rising with the feet. prishtha means back
(1) Ge, Le, Vi, Li, Sc, Aq are Seershodaya rasis.
(2) Ar, Ta, Cn, Sg, Cp are Prishthodaya rasis.
(3) Pi rises with both its head and feet.
Planets in Seershodaya rasis give their results in the first half of their dasas.
Planets in Prishthodaya rasis give their results in the second half of their dasas.
Odd-footed and Even-footed:
(1) Ar, Ta, Ge, Li, Sc and Sg
Odd-footed rasis or vishamapada rasi or ojapada rasi.
(2) Cn, Le, Vi, Cp, Aq and Pi
Even-footed rasis or samapada rasi or yugmapada rasi.

Ar shows Red.
Ta shows White.
Ge shows (grass) Green.
Cn shows Pink (pale red).
Le shows Violet.
Virgo is Clear.
Libra shows Blue.
Scorpio shows Orange.
Sagittarius shows Yellow (the color of the husk of grass).
Capricorn is Multi-colored (variegated).
Aquarius shows Brown (color of a mongoose).
Pisces shows Black.
Indications + Descriptions of the Signs:
Aries: Dynamic, enterprising, valiant, ruddy, head, forests, large forehead, hasty, impulsive, restless, thick eyebrows, leadership,
overbearing, dry, lean, tall.
*Aries is blood red in complexion. It has a prominent (big) physique. It is a quadruped sign and strong during night.
It denotes courage. It resides in the east and is related to kings. It wanders in the hills and predominates in Rajo-guna (which is the second of
the three constituent qualities and is the cause of great activity in living beings) and is fiery. Its ruler is Mars.
Taurus: Beautiful, face, stable, sluggish, loyal, meadows, plains, luxury halls, dining halls, eating places, fine teeth, large eyes, luxurious,
faithful, thick hair, stout.
*Taurus has a complexion that is white, and is lorded by Venus.
It is long and is a quadruped sign. It has strength in night and resides in the south.
It represents villages and businessmen. An earthy sign, Taurus rises with its back
Gemini: Chest, garden, communication, journalism, schools, colleges, study rooms, cables, telephone, newspapers, tall, well-built,
prominent cheeks, thick hair, broad chest, curious, learned, jovial.
*Gemini rises with its head and represents a male and a female holding a mace and a lute.
It lives in the west and is an airy sign. It is a biped sign as well and is strong in the night.
It lives in villages and is windy in temperament. It has an even body and a green grass hue. Its ruler is Mercury.
Cancer: Heart, breast, watery fields, rivers, canals, kitchen, food, attractive, small build, emotional, deeply attached, mother-like, sensitive.
*Cancer is pink (pale-red). It represents forests and Brahmins.
It is strong in the night. It has many feet (is a centipede sign) and has a bulky body.
It is satwic in disposition (seen in Gods) and is a watery sign.
It rises with its back and is ruled by the Moon.
Leo: Stomach, digestion, navel, mountains, forests, caves, deserts, palaces, parks, forts, boilers, steel factories, thin, dry, hot, royal, selfpride, insolent, domineering.
*Leo is ruled by the Sun and is satwic. It is a quadruped sign and a royal sign.
It resorts to forests and rises with its head. It has a large white body. It resides in the east and is strong in the day.
Virgo: Hip, appendix, lush gardens, fields, orchards, libraries, bookstores, farms, intelligent, sharp, orator, nervous, physically weak,
discretion, tactfulness.
*Virgo is a hill-resorter and is strong in the day-time. It rises with its head and has a medium build.
It is a biped sign and resides in the south. It has grains and fire in its hands. It belongs to business community and is variegated.
It relates to hurricanes. It is a virgin and is tamasic (a disposition of demons). Its ruler is Mercury.
Libra: Groins, Businessmen, markets, trade centers, banks, hotels, amusement parks, entertainment, toilets, cosmetics, balanced, wise, good
*Libra is a Seershodayo sign rising with its head and is strong in the day-time.
It is black in complexion and it is predominate with Rajo-guna. Its relates to the western direction and resorts to land.
It is destructive and mischievous. It represents Sudras or the 4th Varna and has a medium build and is a biped sign. Its ruler is Venus.
Scorpio: Private parts, holes, deep caves, mines, garages, small small build, dusky complexion, bright eyes, secretive, scheming, occult, best
friend or a worst enemy, peevish, sensitive.
*Scorpio has a slender physique and is a centipede sign. It denotes Brahmins and resides in holes.
Its direction is north and is strong in the day-time. It is reddish-brown and resorts to water and land.
It has a hairy physique and is very sharp (or passionate). Its ruler is Mars.
Sagittarius: Thighs, royal, attorneys, government offices, aircraft, falling, sparse hair, muscular, deep eyes, uproght, honest, genial, gambler.
*Sagittarius rises with its head. It is a sattwic sign and is tawny in hue. It has strength in the night and is fiery.
A royal sign and is biped in first half and its second half is quadruped. It has an even build and adores an arch.
It resides in the east, resorts to land and is splendorous. Its ruler is Jupiter.

Capricorn: Knees, marsh lands, watery places, alligators, beasts, bushes, slender builds, long neck, prominent teeth, witty, perfectionist,
patient, organizer, cautious, secretive, pragmatic.
*Capricorn has predominance of Tamo-guna (a disposition seen in demons).
It is an earthy sign and represents the southern direction. It is strong in the nights and rises with its back.
It has a large body. Its complexion is variegated and it resorts to both forests and lands.
Its first half is quadruped and second half footless moving in water. Its ruler is Saturn.
Aquarius: Ankles, charity, philosophy, tall, bony, small eyes, mountain spring, places with water, ill-formed teeth, coarse hair, hard-working,
stoic, honest.
*Aquarius represents a man holding a pot. Its complexion is deep-brown.
It has a medium build and a biped sign. tt is vcry strong in the day-time. It resorts to deep water and is airy.
It rises with its head and is tamasic. It rules Sudras (the 4th Varna) and the west. Its lord is Saturn, the Sun's offspring.
Pisces: Feet, oceans, seas, prisons, hospitals, hermitages, short, plump, large eyes, large eyebrows, lazy, emotional, timid, honest, irresolute,
talkative, intuitive.
*Pisces resembles a pair of fish, one tailed with the head of the other. It is strong in the night.
It is a watery sign and is predominate with satwic-guna. It denotes resoluteness and is a water-resorter.
It is footless and has a medium build. It rules the north and rises with both head and back. It is ruled by Jupiter.
In the tridosha allocation to signs I have long used (for therapeutic applications connected with Ayurvedic remedies)
-to Pitta = Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and Scorpio (which differs from usual elemental classification of Scorpio as Watery, ie Kapha)
-to Vata = Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius
-to Kapha = Taurus, Cancer, Pisces
Regarding tridosha allocation of planets (which I have followed):
-Pitta = Sun, Mars, Ketu
-Vata = Mercury, Saturn, Rahu
-Kapha = Venus, Jupiter; also Moon in general (ie without regard to Moon phase)
(Note: in the 5 element allocation-as opposed to tridosha for therapeutic purposes-Jupiter is allocated to Ether, ie to "akasha")
Tridosha of specific Moon phases (allocation which I have followed):
Waxing (day of New Moon until day before Full Moon) = mixture of Vata+Kapha
Full (day of Full Moon) = mixture of Pitta+Kapha
Waning (day following Full Moon until day before New Moon) = Kapha
(In old time Western astrology the Moon phases where assigned to the 4 elements: waxing phase to Fire and Air, Full Moon to Fire, waning
phase to Water, dark of the Moon to Earth)

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