L 02 Plant Layout
L 02 Plant Layout
L 02 Plant Layout
sole enterprise is to make interior wooden closet doors for residential homes to simply illustrate
presented concepts.
Production Processes
Production is a process by which raw materials are transformed into usable products. Industrial
engineers generally divide these processing functions into two major categories: primary
processing and secondary processing.
Primary processing takes raw materials in their most basic form and changes them into usable, yet
still very basic, products. Raw timber, for example, is cut and milled into lumber of various types
and sizes. Food processors transform harvested wheat into flour. The textile industry processes
raw cotton and spins it into yarn.
Secondary processing takes the products produced by primary processors and transforms them
further into products which can be used by the ultimate consumer. For example, the door
manufacturer that buys lumber and alters it until it becomes a usable door is a secondary
Subassembly is a step in which product components are brought together to form a part of the
final product. They make the task of final assembly easier. For example, after cutting long boards
into smaller pieces, the closet door manufacturer assembles them into a door frame.
Final Assembly is the step in which all the raw materials, components, and subassemblies are put
together to make the finished product. The door manufacturer glues the exterior panels onto the
door frame. Additional processing may be necessary after final assembly. For example, after
gluing on the exterior door panels, the door manufacturer must plane and sand the door, and cut
holes and mortises for the doorknobs and hinges.
Inspection either during the production process (a form of process control) or end item inspection
of the finished product. In-process inspection consists of the examination of sub-assemblies prior
to their incorporation into the end item. End item inspection means inspection of the completely
finished product.
Packaging is the final step in preparing the product for the customer. The package must protect
the product during storage and transport. Employees at the closet door place the finished doors
in heavy plastic wrapping using corrugated cardboard frames to separate them. During the
packaging step, all necessary paperwork must be included with the product.
Shipping is the last step in the production process. In some facilities, the packaged product goes
to a storage area to wait for someone to purchase it. Other facilities ship the product to the
customer immediately.
Having identified and specified the finished product, the manufacturer must plan the production
process by developing a series of pre-production drawings. These drawings should show the
precise appearance, measurements, and tolerances of the finished product, all subassemblies, and
each component which the manufacturer will either purchase or create from raw material. The
closet door manufacturer, for example, should have drawings showing the finished closet door,
exterior door panels, the assembled door frame, and each frame component to be cut from the
purchased lumber.
These pre-production drawings should be reviewed by the production engineers for producibility.
That is, the company should be sure that it can produce the components or assemble the finished
product as outlined in the drawings. The closet door manufacturer may find that lumber is not
available in the specified sizes or that existing equipment will not hold or cut it at the cited
measurements and tolerances.
The production department must agree that the pre-production drawings are acceptable.
Normally, production feasibility is tested during the first production run, called the "pilot run."
Once all the problems are corrected and the product is considered producible, the pre-production
drawings are accepted by the manufacturer and become the production drawings.
The manufacturer should also consider the make vs. buy decision. In some cases, it may be cost
effective for a company to buy a given component rather than produce it from raw materials. The
closet door manufacturer has decided that it is less expensive to cut the components of the door
frame from the standard lengths of 1" x 6" lumber than to purchase the components already cut to
After confirming the production feasibility of all components to be produced in-house, the
manufacturer must carefully document each production process. Among the items which this
documentation should include are:
F The operation number which the process has been has been assigned in the overall production
F A description of actual processing to occur during the step, including the machinery to be
used and any gauge settings required.
F The finalized production drawing showing the component or assembly following completion
of each process step.
F Identification of the raw material or components which the process will involve.
F A part number assigned to the completed component or assembly.
Once the manufacturer has identified individual processing steps, it is critical to arrange them in
the proper order. Determining the proper order will depend on a number of considerations,
including, the relationship between individual processing steps, the company's equipment
resources, and the layout of the production facility.
In considering these issues, it is important to point out a basic distinction between two types of
production facilities.
Job shops are factories that produce a variety of different products using the same pieces of
equipment. Each product goes through a different series of processing steps, and the individual
steps are arranged in varying patterns. One example, would be a carpentry shop which produces
wooden tables, shelving, and cabinets all using the same saws, drill presses, routers, and sanders.
Another example is a bakery which uses a single mixer, fermentation room, and oven to produce a
variety of breads, cakes, and pastries depending on the orders it has received.
In job shops, equipment is not purchased or arranged according to the production requirements of
a single product. For this reason, manufacturers may have to arrange the sequence of their
processing steps according to equipment location and availability.
Production line manufacturers, on the other hand, produce only one product or a limited series of
products, all of which go through approximately the same processing steps in approximately the
same order. These manufacturers normally produce large quantities of products.
Production line manufacturers purchase and arrange equipment to meet the processing
requirements of their specific products. In production line companies, therefore, the processing
steps are arranged in a fixed pattern with the goal of maximizing total output relative to costs and
anticipated sales requirements. Individual raw materials and components may follow separate
processing paths on their way to the final product. However, the production routings will always
be geared toward producing the maximum amount of final product with the minimum of time,
labor, and materials. The closet door company in our scenario is a production line manufacturer.
The Sequencing of Processing Steps
When arranging the overall process, it is important to assure that operations are not repeated. To
avoid duplication of steps, it is advisable to process any components and raw materials early in the
production process before any assembly is done. Similarly, manufacturers should make
subassemblies early in the process so that operations can be performed on the subassembly and
final assembly can be done quickly. Sometimes, steps may even be added to save time or material
costs or to improve quality.
should move from one production step to another without stopping. If a product cannot move
from one step to another, it must be stored until it can proceed down the production line. Storing
the product, even if we keep it close to the production line, wastes time and labor. Someone must
first store the product and then retrieve it when it can proceed to the next step. Moreover, these
unnecessary extra steps create additional opportunities for parts or materials to be damaged
during handling. Having things pile up is one problem that manufacturers must strive to eliminate.
It is equally important to ensure that workers do not lose time waiting for products delayed in
earlier steps in the production process. In this case, it's easy to see that time wasted equals higher
production costs.
The only way to avoid problems with product flow is to balance product movement throughout
the production process. The manufacturer should always analyze each step in the production
process to determine its precise requirements in both employee and equipment time. The
manufacturer must then allocate these resources to ensure that each production step has a relative
allotment equal to its required output for a unit of finished product.
The closet door company, for example, wishes to assemble 165 doors per day. To do this, it must
set up cutting stations for both door frame components and exterior panels. How many pieces of
equipment should be devoted to each of these two tasks? The following equation allows a
manufacturer to identify the equipment needs at a given stage in production based on machine
capabilities and a stated production target.
8 x .95
2 saws
On the other hand, the company needs 330 exterior panels to go on the 165 door frames. It takes
two minutes to cut each of the panels on a panel saw. Once again, the saw is available eight hours
per day, and their is a 95 percent acceptance rate on finished panels. Let's see how many panel
saws we need to meet the production goals.
8 x .95
In light of the cost of buying an additional panel saw and space limitations of the facility, the
manufacturer decides to round this calculation down and set up only one panel saw station
relative to the two framing saw stations. The line will be approximately balanced, although
production of exterior panels will fall slightly below the target needed for 165 finished doors per
day. One method of making up this shortfall would be to run a panel saw on overtime.
This formula can also determine equipment and staff needs and thereby balance product flow at
every step in the production process. Beginning with the daily production target for finished
product, a manufacturer can identify the daily requirement for processed component parts at each
production step. By applying the formula discussed above, the manufacturer can identify relative
equipment and staff needs for each processing step. Applying this equation all the way through
the production process will allow for balanced output at each production step. Components and
assemblies will not pile up between steps, nor will staff be idle waiting for work to come to their
achieved through changes should be compared to the cost of retooling, retraining, lost
production, and so on.
Following final implementation of the production process, manufacturers should continue to
remain alert for new ideas that reduce costs, save time or space, increase quality, and enhance the
customer's perception of the product. Again, they must weigh these possibilities for improvement
against the relative costs of making the change.
The Facility
Once we have carefully planned the process and defined the manufacturing steps, we must arrange
our factory for the efficient production of high-quality products. To do so, we must consider a
number of factors. First, the plant must be divided into general areas. We must consider where
to place equipment and personnel, depending on our mix of products and their various processing
requirements. Our goal is to make the product as fast as possible, while maintaining a high degree
of quality.
Packaging is the area where the finished product is prepared for shipment. Usually the individual
product is packed first, then the packaged units are bulk-packed for shipment. Space is required
to store the packaging materials. This is also the area where user's manuals, warranty
information, promotional material, product surveys, installation materials, and the like are
included in the packaging. Space must be provided for these items also. Some packaging areas
require special equipment to close packages and bind them for shipment. This equipment and the
workers doing the packaging all require the necessary space to perform their functions.
Shipping is the final area in the process. Some manufacturers store the packaged finished goods
before sending them to the customer. These storage areas require space. Others manufacturers
ship the packaged product directly to the customer, eliminating the need for finished goods
storage. Space is needed to record what is being sent when filling the company's orders. Space is
also needed to bring the packaged goods to the delivery trucks.
different products and each requires a different series of processing steps to be performed in a
different sequence.
Process layouts require the most movement of products from workstation to workstation since
the equipment is arranged without regard to the processing needs of any one product. Job shops
can attempt to reduce this unnecessary handling, however, by assessing movement between
various workstations for each product. They can then determine the total number of product
movements between workstations for all of their products and arrange the different process areas
to reduce the total number of product movements.
Process layouts do have the advantage, however, of maximizing the efficiency of machinery
usage. All products requiring drilling, for example, are moved to the same drill press. Therefore,
the total number of drill presses required is kept to a minimum.
Product layouts, on the other hand, are geared to production line operations which manufacture
only one product or a limited series of products which undergo approximately the same
processing steps in approximately the same sequence. In these cases, equipment and manual
workstations are arranged to mirror the required flow of these specified products through the
steps in the manufacturing process. If the first production process following reception of
incoming raw materials is cutting boards into door frame components, the first piece of equipment
located adjacent to the receiving dock will be a saw. If the next process step is to assemble these
components into a door frame, then adjacent to the first cutting station will be a frame assembly
While product layouts do require handling of products from step to step in the manufacturing
process, they minimize the unnecessary movement of products between related steps by ensuring
their close proximity.
Unlike process layouts, however, product layouts maximize the need for expenditures on
equipment. Studies have shown that savings in process efficiency far outweigh these additional
machine costs. If cutting stations are required at several steps along the processing route, product
layouts would require purchasing separate saws for each step to allow the uninterrupted flow of
work along the line.
of a product with a sprayed coat of lacquer. The sanding generates large amounts of airborne
dust, which can interfere with the spraying process.
When incompatibilities exist between steps, additional processing, such as cleaning steps, can be
added. Additional equipment, like special exhaust fans, may also alleviate some of the problem.
In general, all possibilities should be explored to ensure that movement of products is kept to a
Manufacturers can take these non-flow relationships into account using relationship charts which
indicate the needs and reasons for closeness between all the processing steps and support
Shipping Area
Receiving Area
Panel Storage
Framing Area
Saw Table
Pressing and
Drying Ovens
Final Assembly
Now take a look at a good plant layout solution. Note the main points that were incorporated to
lead to an improved manufacturing process.
The total distance that mateirals must move through the plant is reduced.
A single, linear flow through the plant eliminated criss-cross traffic patterns that lead to
traffic jams.
Reorganized internal spaces result in more efficient cycle time. Processes maybe performed
in parallel instead of seqientally.
Shipping Area
Receiving Area
Framing Area
Panel Storage
Saw Table
Pressing and
Final Assembly
Drying Ovens