Holistic Railway System Control: International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Holistic Railway System Control: International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Holistic Railway System Control: International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
In this paper, we have demonstrated a prototype of our holistic railway control system. By incorporating track-crossing gate
control [1], track switching [2], signaling and collision avoidance [3], we have created this prototype. Arduino Development
Board has been used to control these different operations. The ultrasonic sensor module has been used to achieve collision
avoidance. For the track switching module, we have come up with a unique idea of using a part of CD-ROM. This part scans
the CD laterally using Laser. This paper considers fixed number of cases for the gate control operation and proposes
prototypical hardware implementation for the same.
We name our railway control system prototype as holistic because it unifies four different railway control operations
under Arduino Development Environment. We have utilised a simple toy train set to implement track-crossing gate
control, track switching, signalling and collision avoidance. We control these operations individually as well as
simultaneously. We need to consider fixed number of cases to demonstrate the simultaneous operation of gate-control,
signaling and track switching.
Our gate control design further develops on the idea stated in the ref. [1] for reducing the time for which the gate
remains closed. It provides solution to the most complex scenario possible for the railway network design considered
for implementation of the proposed system. The device proposed in the ref. [2] can be the practical implementation of
the switching operation achieved in this prototype using the specific CD-ROM part. Also, scope of the transportation
system proposed in the ref. [3] in regard to our prototype has been discussed extensively. The same system considers the
level of safety as one of the success determinants in the railway transport industry. Our prototype addresses this
particular determinant by incorporating collision avoidance whose implementation has been studied through the ref.
We chose Arduino because of its flexible IDE which helped us to achieve the required functionalities. Also interfacing
it with other components like IR transmitter-receiver pair is easy. We have used both preassembled and custom-made
Arduino development boards i.e. Arduino Uno as shown in Fig. 3.1 for complex operation of gate control and
customized Freeduino USB 2.0 and ARKduino for the other relatively simpler operations.
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Gate control has been implemented to control transit of trains on three parallel tracks as shown in Fig. 4.1. Each track
has two pairs of Infrared sensors on the either side of the railway gate and equidistant from it. A pair of sensor detects
arrival of train while other detects departure. Two pairs have also been placed near railway gate closing to achieve the
same functionality in case of a road vehicle transit.
Figure 4.2 Track switching operation using the CD scanning part of the CD-ROM
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To determine timing of switching & the train which should be given priority over the other, human judgment and
intelligence is required. If automatic switching system is developed, there might be following problems. Consider a
situation when passenger train is running behind its schedule. It is about to arrive at the switching junction but a freight
train is detected earlier by the automatic switching system than the passenger train and is given passage. It will cause
more delay in arrival of the passenger train at its destination. Vice versa, freight train might not be given passage for
prolonged time because of dense passenger train traffic at a busy junction. Also another problem can be that the
automatic switching system, due to some glitch, might not stop one train and two train arriving at the junction might
collide leading to casualties and property loss.
To address the above problems, the automatic railway system requires artificial intelligence. It has to be trained with
priority information based on various factors like passenger train schedule, type of freight a freight train carrying,
length of a freight train etc. Development of such a smart system [3] comes under the domain of Neural Networks &
Fuzzy Logic. As future enhancement, we will work in this direction.
We have considered a case where a train from the side track is mistakenly routed on the main track while other train is
already waiting on that track. The ultrasonic sensor has been used on the entering train to avoid this collision. Output
pin of the sensor is connected to ARKduino. One of the output pins of Arduino controls motor of the train. When the
waiting train is within the braking distance, the ultrasonic sensor senses it and informs the Arduino, which stops the
motor. So, the train comes to a halt.
The actual prototype thought of by us is shown below in Fig.5.
Gate control and related signaling is achieved using Micro-controller module 1 i.e. Arduino Uno.
Track switching and related signaling is achieved using Micro-controller module 2 i.e. Freeduino USB 2.0
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When the gate is open, all the three signals are red.
5.1.2 Switching/Signaling (Consider signals with circled numbers)
When switch 1 operates, signal-1 is green and signal-2 is red.
When switch-2 operates, signal-2 is red and signal-3 is red.
5.1.3 Anti Collision
If two trains come on the same track, then the ultrasonic sensor will stop the trains.(only one such case is possible)
Considering the fact that this system is a prototype, railway traffic is dense when trains are present on any two of the
three tracks or all three tracks at the same time. Our gate control design handles this situation by imparting absolute
priority to railway passage. Road vehicles are allowed to pass only after the two specific conditions are satisfied. This
ensures security while managing rail and road traffic at the same time. Signaling indicates the action being taken
dynamically at a given time.
Number of trains in the network is incremented by switching a train from the side track to the outermost track of the
network. This train is further switched from the outermost track to middle track. In both the cases, gate control operates
smoothly. Yet in the worst case, when two trains come on the same track because of switching fault, collision avoidance
module stops one of the trains. In this way, our prototype observes safe and timely passage of maximum four trains
running simultaneously in the network.
[1] J. Banuchandar, V. Kaliraj, P. Balasubramanian, S. Deepa, N. Thamilarasi,Automated Unmanned Railway Level
Crossing System, in International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Volume.2, Issue.1, Jan-Feb
2012 pp-458-46
[2] M and K., Track switching device for two-rail type tracks, U.S. Patent No. 4109584, (1978) August 29
[4] Nils Gageik, Thilo Mller, Sergio Montenegro :OBSTACLE DETECTION AND COLLISION AVOIDANCE
Wrzburg, Aerospace Information Technology (Germany) Wrzburg September 2012
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