This document contains a list of references used in a publication. The references include books, journal articles, websites, patents and other sources from 1950 to 2011 covering topics in chemical engineering, process equipment design, transport processes, reaction engineering, thermodynamics, mass transfer operations, water treatment, crystallization and more. Many of the references are textbooks published by Wiley, McGraw-Hill, Prentice Hall and other major publishers. The list also includes some Indonesian government sources, theses, and company websites.
This document contains a list of references used in a publication. The references include books, journal articles, websites, patents and other sources from 1950 to 2011 covering topics in chemical engineering, process equipment design, transport processes, reaction engineering, thermodynamics, mass transfer operations, water treatment, crystallization and more. Many of the references are textbooks published by Wiley, McGraw-Hill, Prentice Hall and other major publishers. The list also includes some Indonesian government sources, theses, and company websites.
This document contains a list of references used in a publication. The references include books, journal articles, websites, patents and other sources from 1950 to 2011 covering topics in chemical engineering, process equipment design, transport processes, reaction engineering, thermodynamics, mass transfer operations, water treatment, crystallization and more. Many of the references are textbooks published by Wiley, McGraw-Hill, Prentice Hall and other major publishers. The list also includes some Indonesian government sources, theses, and company websites.
This document contains a list of references used in a publication. The references include books, journal articles, websites, patents and other sources from 1950 to 2011 covering topics in chemical engineering, process equipment design, transport processes, reaction engineering, thermodynamics, mass transfer operations, water treatment, crystallization and more. Many of the references are textbooks published by Wiley, McGraw-Hill, Prentice Hall and other major publishers. The list also includes some Indonesian government sources, theses, and company websites.
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Badan Pusat Statistik, 2010, Statistic Indonesia,, Indonesia
Brown.G.George., 1950, Unit Operation 6ed, Wiley&Sons, USA. Brownell.L.E. and Young.E.H., 1959, Process Equipment Design 3ed, John Wiley & Sons, New York. Coulson.J.M. and Ricardson.J.F., 1983, Chemical Engineering vol 6, Pergamon Press Inc, New York. Fogler.A.H.Scott, 1999, Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Prentice Hall International Inc, New Jersey. Geankoplis.Christie.J., 1993, Transport Processes and unit Operation 3th ed, Allyn & Bacon Inc, New Jersey. Himmeblau.David., 1996, Basic Principles and Calculation in Chemical Engineering, Prentice Hall Inc, New Jersey. Kern.D.Q., 1983, Process Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. Kirk, R.E and Othmer, D.F., 2006, Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 4nd ed., vol. 17., John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York. Levenspiel.O., 1972, Chemical Reaction Engineering 2nd edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York. McCabe.W.L. and Smith.J.C., 1985, Operasi Teknik Kimia, Erlangga, Jakarta. Megyesy.E.F., 1983, Pressure Vessel Handbook, Pressure Vessel Handbook Publishing Inc, USA. Melinder, Ake.2007.Thermophysical Properties of Aqueous Solutions Used as Secondary Working Fluids. KTH Energy and Environmentally : Swedia Perry.R.H. and Green.D., 1997, Perrys Chemical Engineer Handbook 7th McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
Peter.M.S. and Timmerhause.K.D., 1991, Plant Design an Economic for
Chemical Engineering 3ed, McGraww-Hill Book Company, New York. Powell, S.T., 1954, Water Conditioning for Industry, Mc Graw Hill Book Company, New York. Raju, 1995, Water Treatment Process, McGraw Hill International Book Company, New York Smith.J.M. and Van Ness.H.C., 1975, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 3ed, McGraww-Hill Inc, New York. Treyball.R.E., 1983, Mass Transfer Operation 3ed, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. Ulmann, 2007. Ulmanns Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. VCH Verlagsgesell Scahft, Wanheim, Germany. Ulrich.G.D., 1984, A Guide to Chemical Engineering Process Design and Economics. John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York. US Patent Office, no. 724275 Production of Alpha Terpineol Utami, Herti, Arief Budiman, Sutijan, Roto, Setiawan, Wahyu Budi. 2011. Heterogeneous Kinetics of Hydration of - Pinene for -Terpineol Production: Non-Ideal Approach. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 80. Vant Land, C.M.2005.Industrial Cristallization of Melts. Marcel Dekker, Belanda Wahyu, 2010, Proses Pengolahan Air,, Indonesia Wallas. S.M., 1988, Chemical Process Equipment, Butterworth Publishers, Stoneham USA. Yaws, C.L., 1999, Chemical Properties Handbook, Mc Graw Hill Book Co., New York http//pt.gunawandianjayasteel.html,2011