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Maths Olympiad

Contest Problems
Volume 2

Australian Edition

Exploring Maths Through Problem Solving

Contains APSMO Maths Olympiad Papers
From 1996 to 2005



Contest Problem Types



For All Readers:

1. How to Use This Book .................................................................................................. 1
2. Why We Study Problem Solving? ................................................................................. 3
3. Characteristics of Good Problems................................................................................. 4
4. What Every Young Mathlete Should Know .................................................................. 5
5. Some Common Strategies for Solving Problems ........................................................ 10
6. Selecting Problems for a Purpose ................................................................................ 11
7. Attempting to Solve a Problem .................................................................................... 11
8. Solving Problems in a Contest Setting......................................................................... 12
For the PICO (Person In Charge of Olympiad):
9. Why We Teach Problem Solving ................................................................................. 14
10. Why Should We Do APSMO Contests........................................................................ 16
11. Building a Program...................................................................................................... 17
12. Conducting Practice Sessions ...................................................................................... 19
13. Conducting Practices After Each Contest ................................................................... 21
14. Topping Off the Year ................................................................................................... 21

Olympiad Problems: Division J: Sets 1 10


Olympiad Problems: Division S: Sets 11 17



Division J............................................................................................................................... 112
Division S .............................................................................................................................. 122



Division J............................................................................................................................... 130

Division S .............................................................................................................................. 133

Percentages Correct


Division J............................................................................................................................... 136

Division S .............................................................................................................................. 139

Solutions: Strategies and Follow-Ups


Division J............................................................................................................................... 142

Division S .............................................................................................................................. 243

Also from APSMO


Maths Olympiad Contest Problems Volume 2

Contest Problem Types

Many but not all contest problems can be categorised. This is useful if you choose to work with
several related problems even if they involve different concepts.
KEY: the lists below organise the problems by type and are coded by page number
and problem placement on that page. For example, Long division: J (36BD, 43C);
S (84A) refers to three problems in Division J and one in Division S, all involving
long division. The three Division J problems are questions B and D on page 36 and
problem C on page 43, and the Division S problem is question A on page 84.
Addition patterns see Number patterns
Age problems: J (46B); S (109E)
Algebraic thinking: J (24D, 25E, 26C, 27E, 28C, 30B, 32D, 34E, 35D, 37C, 48AB, 53E, 54C,
57AE, 59AC, 61A, 62A, 64CD, 65C, 70B, 71B, 73B); S (79B, 81CE, 84A, 85D, 86B, 88B,
89C, 90D, 91B, 92C, 95C, 98D, 99DE, 103A, 104AD, 105AD, 106A, 108B)
Area: J (27B, 30D, 33D, 34E, 41D, 43C, 48D, 50D, 55E, 58D, 59D, 61D, 62D, 63D, 66E,
71D, 72D); S (76E, 77E, 80E, 81B, 82C, 85B, 87E, 90C, 92E, 94C, 95D, 98E, 102E, 103E,
and perimeter: J (31D, 39B, 44D, 45D, 46D, 49E, 52B, 57D, 60D, 64D); S (100D,
101E, 107D)
Arithmetic operations and properties: J (24AD, 25D, 29A, 30AC, 31A, 33B, 34A, 35A,
42A, 49A, 54A, 56C, 59A, 61D, 66A, 69A); S (78E, 81C, 86D, 86A, 89A, 91A, 92D, 93A,
97C, 99B, 102A, 104B, 106A, 107A, 109AD, 110D)
Arithmetic sequences and series see Number patterns
Averages (arithmetic means): J (29E, 36A, 46E, 52C); S (76B, 92A, 96D, 97E, 102B, 103B,
107B, 109C)
Weighted: J (67E); S (81D)
Binary numbers: J (37D)
Business problems: J (39C, 47B, 65B); S (82D, 89D, 91C)
Calendar problems: J (65D, 68A); S (84C, 86A, 100E, 104C)
Certainty problems: J (57C); S (87A)
Circles: J (24C, 56D); S (79E, 80AE, 84E, 90C, 94C, 98E, 106D)
Clock problems: J (26A, 28D, 31C, 42C, 46C, 52A, 71E); S (83D, 91E, 110E)
Coin problems: J (28C, 45B, 51E); S (98B)
Combinations: J (24C, 30E, 56B, 63C, 64B); S (80A, 84E, 106B)
Congruent figures: J (26B, 29B, 30D, 39D, 40D, 44D, 45D, 47C, 49E, 51B, 53D, 62D, 65E,
68D, 69BD); S (76E, 77A, 81B, 82C, 90C, 92E, 93D, 94C, 97E, 98E)


Consecutive numbers: J (36D, 38B, 60A); S (83B, 89C, 98AC, 100C, 110D)
Consecutive odd or even numbers: J (31E, 39E); S (107B)
Cryptarithms: J (25C, 33C, 38D, 43A, 47D, 48C, 50B, 55C, 57B, 63E, 72C); S (82B, 84D,
85E, 88C, 95A, 97A, 104A, 106C)
Cubes and rectangular solids: J (25B, 33A, 47C, 50D, 58D, 62D, 63D, 65E, 68D, 69B,
70E); S (76A, 108A)
Painted cube problems: J (36E, 40D, 53D)
Cycling numbers: J (26A, 32C, 34C, 36C, 42E, 47A); S (77B, 90B, 100E, 102D, 103C)
Decimals see Fractions
Digits: J (32C, 36C, 39A, 41A, 42AE, 45C, 46B, 47A, 49C, 50A, 51A, 53B, 56A, 59B, 60E,
62B, 64E, 71C); S (77D, 78D, 81A, 82A, 83B, 85A, 89A, 90B, 92B, 93B, 94A, 95E, 96E,
also see Cryptarithms and Divisibility
Distance problems see Motion problems
Divisibility: J (31B, 33E, 36BD, 37A, 43D, 58E, 63E, 66B, 68B, 70A, 71C); S (78AB, 80C,
84D, 85E, 87C, 90E, 96A, 99B, 107C, 108C, 110AD)
Even vs. odd numbers see Parity
Exponents: J (32C); S (76D, 91A, 95BE)
Factorials: S (82E)
Factors: J (27C, 28A, 32A, 38D, 43E, 72B); S (76D, 79D, 82AE, 84B, 85E, 102C, 103B,
common factors: J (31A); S (85B, 86D)
Fibonacci numbers: S (103C)
Fractions, decimals, percentages: J (24D, 26CE, 27A, 28E, 30A, 33E, 41B, 52E, 66D, 73E);
S (78E, 83C, 86CD, 87BD, 89D, 90A, 91BC, 92D, 93A, 94BE, 100B, 101C, 102A, 104D,
105DE, 106E, 108BE, 109C, 110C)
Logic: J (34B, 38E, 44B, 45C, 48E, 49C, 50AC, 51A, 52D, 53C, 54E, 55A, 56AE, 58B,
59B, 60B, 61C, 69C, 70C, 71A, 73D); S (78C, 79A, 80B, 81A, 94A, 97D)
Motion problems: J (27D, 35C, 45E, 69E); S (88D, 93E, 98D, 99D, 106E)
Multiples: J (55D, 63B, 72A); S (76B, 92A, 105B)
Common multiples: J (29C, 31B, 34D, 39C, 43D, 44C, 49C, 51D, 54D, 59E, 70A,
71C); S (77B, 99B, 102D)


Maths Olympiad Contest Problems Volume 2

Number patterns: J (24AB, 31E, 34C, 37B, 38C, 39D, 42D, 51BC, 53A, 54B, 61B, 62CD,
64E, 65D, 69D, 70B, 72E); S (90D, 93D, 97C, 101A, 103C, 104C)
Odd vs. even numbers see Parity
Organising data: J (24C, 29A, 30E, 31E, 37E, 41AC, 43B, 49ABD, 51C, 54A, 56BC, 60E,
61E, 63C, 64B, 68C); S (76C, 77D, 78BD, 83B, 85A, 86E, 92B, 93B, 94A, 96CE, 101D,
105E, 107E)
Palindromes: S (92B, 96B)
Parity (odd vs. even numbers): J (36D, 40A, 49C, 62B, 63B, 67B, 70A); S (77C, 78AB,
82D, 84B, 90E, 94A, 97B, 98C, 103C)
Paths see Taxicab geometry:
Perimeter: J (32B, 35B, 47C, 67D, 73C); S (77A, 79E, 99C, 106D, 108D, 109B)
also see Area and perimeter
Prime numbers: J (31A, 67B); S (77C, 79D, 82E, 97B, 103D, 109D, 110AD)
Probability: J (72B, 73E); S (93B, 108C)
Process of Elimination: J (33C, 40AD, 52D, 66B); S (82D, 104B)
Ratios and proportions: J (27D, 29C, 32B, 37C, 40C, 46A, 54C, 55B, 58C); S (80D, 81E,
88D, 93C, 95C, 99AE, 103E, 110C)
Rectangles and squares: J (27B, 28B, 30D, 31D, 32B, 33D, 35B, 39B, 41D, 43C, 44D,
45D, 46D, 48D, 49E, 52B, 55E, 57D, 58D, 59D, 60D, 61D, 63D, 64D, 66E, 67D, 71D, 72D,
73C); S (76E, 77AE, 79E, 80E, 81B, 82C, 85B, 87E, 89E, 92E, 94C, 99C, 100D, 101E,
102E, 104E, 106D, 107D, 108D, 109B)
Rectangular solids see Cubes and rectangular solids
Remainders: J (25D, 26D, 34C, 37A, 42E, 44C, 52A, 59E, 62E, 63D, 68E, 72A); S (78A,
86A, 89B, 96A, 104E, 107C)
also see Calendars
Sequences see Number patterns
Shortest paths see Taxicab geometry
Signed numbers: J (47E); S (88A, 94B, 95B, 99A, 100C)
Squares see Rectangles and squares
Square numbers: J (31E, 42D, 73A); S (79D, 93D, 105B, 107E, 109D)
Target problems: J (35E, 40A, 61E); S (76C, 104B)
Taxicab geometry: J (37E, 70E); S (83E, 88E)

Terminal zeroes: J (28A, 43E); S (82E)

Tests of divisibility see Divisibility
Tower problems: J (26B, 29B, 39D, 40D, 51B)
Triangle inequality: S (105C)
Triangles: J (27B, 30D, 59D, 66E, 69D, 71D, 72D); S (77E, 80A, 81B, 83A, 86E, 93D,
95D, 96C, 97E, 101A, 103E, 105C)
Triangular numbers: J (24C, 29B, 30E, 34C; 51B, 63C, 64B, 67A); S (79A, 85A, 90D,
Venn diagrams: J (29D, 66C); S (79C, 86C, 94D, 108C)
Volume: J (25B, 39D, 47C, 58D, 65E, 68D)
Well-known problems:
Asterisk Array problem, the: J (31E)
Clock-Angle problem, the: S (91E)
Ducks problem, the: J (39E)
Interesting Date problem, the: S (82A)
Maths Olympiad problem, the: S (77B)
Number Recycling Machine problem, the: J (36C); S (90B)
Quiz Game problem, the: S (91D)
Triangle Inequality problem, the: S (105C)
Wandering Pet problem, the: S (80E)
Working backwards: E (28E, 30A, 37B, 41B, 45A, 47E, 58A, 65B); S (79B, 84A, 103A,
105D, 110B)



For the Reader
This book was written for both the participants in the Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical
Olympiads and their advisors. It is suitable for mathletes who wish to prepare well for the
contests, students who wish to develop higher-order thinking, and teachers who wish to develop
more capable students. All problems were designed to help students develop the ability to think
mathematically, rather than to teach more advanced or unusual topics. While a few problems can
be solved using algebra, nearly all problems can be solved by other, more elementary, methods.
In other words, the fun is in devising non-technical ways to solve each problem.
The 425 Maths Olympiad contest problems contained in this book are organised into 17 sets of
five contests each, every set representing one years competition. Ten of the sets were created
for Division J for students in Years 4-6, and the other seven for Division S for students in Years
7-8. These problems exhibit varying degrees of difficulty and were written for contests between
1996 and 2005, inclusive.
The introduction is arranged into three parts. Sections 1 to 5, written for all readers,
contain discussions of problem solving in general. Sections 6 to 8 offer many suggestions
for getting the most out of this book. Sections 9 to 14, designed for the advisor, called the
Person-In-Charge-of-the-Olympiads (PICO), include recommendations related to the various
aspects of organising a Maths Olympiad program.

1. How to Use This Book

Establishing a Study Schedule
A little learning every day is more effective than large chunks of learning once a month for two
reasons. The mind needs time to absorb each new thought, and constant practice allows frequent
review of previously learned concepts and skills. Together, these foster retention. Try to spend
10 or 15 minutes daily doing one or two problems. This approach should help you minimise
the time needed to develop the ability to think mathematically.
You might want to track growth over time by recording success rates for these problem sets.
Since you are probably changing the way you think about mathematics, your growth needs
time to become apparent. Before long, you are likely to find solving problems intensely and
increasingly rewarding.

Maths Olympiad Contest Problems Volume 2

Set 1: Olympiad 1

What is the value of the following, in simplest terms?


Roni starts with the number 5 and counts by 8s. This results in
the sequence 5, 13, 21, 29, 37, and so on.


(20 24 28 32) (10 12 14 16)

What is the twenty-fifth number in the sequence?

A line segment (such as ED as shown) that

connects any two points of a circle is called a
chord of the circle. How many different chords,
including ED, can be drawn using only points
A, B, C, D, and E?


(Note: ED is the same as DE)



A represents a counting number. Find the value of A if:

Ben and Jerry start with the same number of trading cards. After
Ben gives 12 of his cards to Jerry, Jerry then has twice as many
cards as Ben does.
How many cards did Ben have at the start?


Maths Olympiad Contest Problems Volume 2

Hints: Division J
Set 1, Olympiad 1
1A. Compare each number in the first set of parentheses with its counterpart in the second
1B. What would happen if each number were increased by 3?
1C. How could you use a tree diagram to answer this question?
1D. Why is A a multiple of 3?
1E. Draw a stack to represent Bens starting collection of x + 12 cards.
Set 1, Olympiad 2
2A. Suppose Marty gave the 10 pogs to a third person, who then gave them to Jen.
2B. Draw a picture of the box made from 2-cm cubes.
2C. What are the possible values for B? How does the number of places in the partial
products affect the choices?
2D. A remainder of 4 means that each answer must be a divisor of what number?
2E. Suppose only adults buy tickets.
Set 1, Olympiad 3
3A. What time is it 24 hours from now? 48 hours?
3B. How many cubes are in each stack, or in each layer?
3C. How many games did the Panthers lose?
3D. Suppose there are three more students. How many students would be left over then?
3E. Draw a diagram, letting a box represent one-third of the number.

Set 1, Olympiad 4
4A. What does of 100 mean?
4B. Find the area of one square. How many different ways can you find to solve this problem?
4C. Make an organised list of factors, pairing each with its cofactor.
4D. How far will the car travel in 3 minutes?
4E. How much should a purchase of 5 pens and 5 pencils cost?

Set 1, Olympiad 5
5A. A terminal zero is produced by multiplying any even number by 5.
5B. Dont forget the squares that are tilted.
5C. What is the largest number of 25c coins possible?
5D. Draw the clock.
5E. Work backwards.


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