Oacle DBA: Posted by Narashim Reddy .R On September 2, 2009
Oacle DBA: Posted by Narashim Reddy .R On September 2, 2009
Oacle DBA: Posted by Narashim Reddy .R On September 2, 2009
5 Votes
Again, if you have exhausted question 1 and 2 you may never get to this question. But if you have been
apprehensive to opening up and explaining yourself, take note that you may have an issue and the interviewer
might also be already getting tired of the interview process. If you get to this question consider yourself in
trouble. You really need to forget all your hang-ups and start explaining what it is that you like to do as a DBA,
and why you want to work for this particular company. You are going to have to reel this interviewer back into the
interview process or you might not get to the true technical question part of the interview.
4. Do you consider yourself a development DBA or a production DBA and why?
I take this as a trick question and explain it that way. Never in my database carrier have I distinguished between
development and production. Just ask your development staff or VP of engineering how much time and money
is lost if development systems are down. Explain to the interviewer that both systems are equally important to
the operation of the company and both should be considered as production systems because there are people
relying on them and money is lost if either one of them is down. Ok you may be saying, and I know you are, that
we lose more money if the production system is down. Ok, convey that to the interviewer and you wont get
anyone to disagree with you unless your company sells software or there are million dollar deals on the table that
are expecting the next release of your product or service.
5. Are you a nuts-n-bolts DBA or a tools-n-props DBA
This question begs for me to give definition around the terms I basically group DBAs into. These are not good or
bad groups but something I like to think about when talking to DBAs. A nuts-n-bolts DBA is the type that likes to
figure out every little item about how the database works. He/she is a DBA who typically hates a GUI
environment and prefers the command line to execute commands and accomplish tasks. A nuts-n-bolts DBA like to
feel in control of the database and only feels comfortable at the command line and vi as an editor. The tools-nprops DBA is mostly the opposite of a nuts-n-bolts DBA, they like the feel of a GUI, the ease at which things can
be accomplished without knowing much about the database. They want to get the job done with the least amount
of intervention from having to figure out what everything is doing behind the scenes. Now the answer, I would
explain myself as a combination of the two. I, having been in this business for over 20 years, have grown up in a
command line era where the GUIs never seemed to work. There was high complexity in systems and not much
good documentation on how things worked. Thus, I had to learn everything about most aspects of the database
environment I was working in and thus became a nuts-n-bolts DBA. I was a true command line and vi bigot. Times
have changed and the GUIs are very reliable, understand the environment they are installed on, and can generally
get the job done quicker for individuals new to database administration. I too am slowly slipping over to the dark
side of GUI administration. If you find yourself as a tools-n-props DBA, try to convey that you are aware of
some tasks that require you to be a nuts-n-bolts DBA.
Technical Oracle
This is the part you have all been waiting on. Please if you have just skipped to this section, go back to the
personal section and read it. There is much to be gained by the personal section and conveying to your
interviewer who you are and how you tick from day to day. Also, the answers I am giving here are off the cuff
and are not intended to be the definitive answer to these questions. There are many aspects to these questions
that just cannot be answered here and honestly, you will not have time to explain any of these questions fully in
the interview process. It is up to you to make sure your interviewer understands that you understand the
question and have given enough information that they know you understand the concept.
1. Explain the difference between a hot backup and a cold backup and the benefits associated with each.
A hot backup is basically taking a backup of the database while it is still up and running and it must be in archive
log mode. A cold backup is taking a backup of the database while it is shut down and does not require being in
archive log mode. The benefit of taking a hot backup is that the database is still available for use while the
backup is occurring and you can recover the database to any point in time. The benefit of taking a cold backup is
that it is typically easier to administer the backup and recovery process. In addition, since you are taking cold
backups the database does not require being in archive log mode and thus there will be a slight performance gain
as the database is not cutting archive logs to disk.
2. You have just had to restore from backup and do not have any control files. How would you go about
bringing up this database?
I would create a text based backup control file, stipulating where on disk all the data files where and then issue
the recover command with the using backup control file clause.
3. How do you switch from an init.ora file to a spfile?
Issue the create spfile from pfile command.
4. Explain the difference between a data block, an extent and a segment.
A data block is the smallest unit of logical storage for a database object. As objects grow they take chunks of
additional storage that are composed of contiguous data blocks. These groupings of contiguous data blocks are
called extents. All the extents that an object takes when grouped together are considered the segment of the
database object.
5. Give two examples of how you might determine the structure of the table DEPT.
Use the describe command or use the dbms_metadata.get_ddl package.
6. Where would you look for errors from the database engine?
In the alert log.
insight that you know more than just the simple answer to some of these questions. Also, be sensitive to the
interviewer getting tired of you talking too much. Well here they are.
21. How would you determine the time zone under which a database was operating?
select DBTIMEZONE from dual;
22. Explain the use of setting GLOBAL_NAMES equal to TRUE.
Setting GLOBAL_NAMES dictates how you might connect to a database. This variable is either TRUE or FALSE
and if it is set to TRUE it enforces database links to have the same name as the remote database to which they
are linking.
23. What command would you use to encrypt a PL/SQL application?
24. Explain the difference between a FUNCTION, PROCEDURE and PACKAGE.
A function and procedure are the same in that they are intended to be a collection of PL/SQL code that carries
a single task. While a procedure does not have to return any values to the calling application, a function will
return a single value. A package on the other hand is a collection of functions and procedures that are grouped
together based on their commonality to a business function or application.
25. Explain the use of table functions.
Table functions are designed to return a set of rows through PL/SQL logic but are intended to be used as a
normal table or view in a SQL statement. They are also used to pipeline information in an ETL process.
26. Name three advisory statistics you can collect.
Buffer Cache Advice, Segment Level Statistics, & Timed Statistics
27. Where in the Oracle directory tree structure are audit traces placed?
In unix $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/audit, in Windows the event viewer
28. Explain materialized views and how they are used.
Materialized views are objects that are reduced sets of information that have been summarized, grouped, or
aggregated from base tables. They are typically used in data warehouse or decision support systems.
29. When a user process fails, what background process cleans up after it?
41. What view would you use to look at the size of a data file?
42. What view would you use to determine free space in a tablespace?
43. How would you determine who has added a row to a table?
Turn on fine grain auditing for the table.
44. How can you rebuild an index?
45. Explain what partitioning is and what its benefit is.
Partitioning is a method of taking large tables and indexes and splitting them into smaller, more manageable
46. You have just compiled a PL/SQL package but got errors, how would you view the errors?
47. How can you gather statistics on a table?
The ANALYZE command.
48. How can you enable a trace for a session?
49. What is the difference between the SQL*Loader and IMPORT utilities?
These two Oracle utilities are used for loading data into the database. The difference is that the import utility
relies on the data being produced by another Oracle utility EXPORT while the SQL*Loader utility allows data to
be loaded that has been produced by other utilities from different data sources just so long as it conforms to
ASCII formatted or delimited files.
50. Name two files used for network connection to a database.