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Scott James AS Media Candidate Number: 1105 Centre Number: 26200

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Scott James AS media

Candidate Number: 1105

Centre Number: 26200

This screen grab is the second shot By using a close up

it draws in the audiences attention to the words and
what our thriller has in it this shot would attract our
audience because of the distinctive newspaper letters
that spell the words 'death' which firstly sparks the idea
of mystery It would also engage our audience because
its dark around the edges of the shot. Also the
shadowing around the words also creates enigma as
you cannot see what is going on around that area. By
using the newspaper it also shows that we are using
quite old fasioned methods of how we are going to put our point across. The fact it is made
from newspaper clipings it represents what's happening in the world today and references
what's going to happen by watching this short opening. Editing has been used here to fade
out the shot to the next shot; we felt as a group that this would be the best transition to used
linking back to the earler thiller conventions. Editing has also been used to add a filter to the
original shot which changes the look of the shot to make it seem dark and to highlight the
main prop in this scene so the audience can see the murder weapon. The sound in this shot
is just being established so there will be very little tension but as the sound continues the
tension will slowly build.
This image would attract our audience because it is a
typical shot from a thriller/ horror film and it intrests the
audience to want to know what is going on. the actual
shot is a mid shot of Lauras neck with what seems to be
a flash light showung Beckys name and darkens the
outside of the shot showing only the key part and leaving
the rest of the shot to the audiences imagination. Editing
was used in this shot to fade from the zoom in towards
Beckys name. This was done so that the character
could be introduced and still continue on to the next shot of the thriller so that the shot looks in
place and not an obvious continuity break. This is important for the audience as they need to
have an understanding as to what character they will expect to see in the thriller. The miseen-scene in this shot reveals Lauras white top and the rope around her neck. The rope
symbolises a darkness to her death and the makeup on her neck makes ot look like there was
a struggle so infers a dark or grusum death. Her white top suggests her innocence and her
purity in the film, the two of these in the same shot conotes that she is an innocent peorsin
that has been killed in a unjustificated way. The setting in this shot is unknown as the picture
only highlights Lauras neck and the rope around it this would lead the audience to question
Lauras death and how she diedand also leave them confused putting them further on edge.
The sound at this point continues to build which increases the tension and the suspicion of
the narrative as I touched upon earlier.
This image is now leading up to the reveal of Lauras
body being discovered dead in the hall. This close up of
the door knob, suggests that somebody is about to enter
the room wher Laura body is so could be the pinical
point of tension. This builds on the enigma and
suspense in the scene already and questions what the
victim will expect to find inside the room. The editing
here has been used, to shoot the grasping of the door
knob and then fading out to the entrance of the room.
The audience will soon be able to see the conclusion of
Lauras discovery which would help reveal some of their subconscious questions. The miseen-scene in this shot again does not reveal as much leaing the audience expecting something
further putting tem on edge so that when the tension drops they will not be expectin it but also
give them a relif because they will then understand the scene.

Scott James AS media

Candidate Number: 1105

Centre Number: 26200

This shot would appeal to the audience as Becky has

just entered the room and is moments away from
discovering Lauras dead body. The long shot almost
shows the whole scene and clealy makes a distintive
gap because in the already visited areas ther is
darkness like arounf the body and on the tables, where
as where Becky entered there is light which could
sighnify the true route or the escape from the crime
about to happen. The editing has been used to jump cut
to the next shot of Lauras body to see more of her
injuries and wounds this also means that the escape is nolonger in sight infers that there is no
escape and that window has passed. Mise-en-scene in this shot shows the chairs and the
table that Laura is lying on.. The sound in this shot has rapidly increased now so that the
music is very quick with loud and minacing banging noises which are ever increasing tempo
that could conote something os coming
our audiences expectations of main conventions of thriller genres from the vox pop
questionnaire were Suspense and tension., Action., Action and some adventure. We felt
that we managed to included action, suspense, tension and fast paced action into our thriller.
We wanted to create a thriller that would appeal and meet our audiences expectations as
much as possible so that we could call our opening a success. So we made our narrative
action based when Scott grabs Becky from behind. We heightened suspense and tension
leading up to the discovery of Lauras body. Finally we included faced paced edits and scenes
towards the end of the thriller. We feel that our target audience would be similar to that of
other films such as the woman in black in that our thriller would attract our audience in the
same way. We used sound in our thriller to intensify the action and the enigma that was
occurring in each scene. Towards the end of the opening we added another more dramatic
sound track to build a crescendo creating more drama and elaborating the faced passed
movements. We used editing in our thriller to add a transitional effect such as a fade to each
scene so that the shots of different footage would merge together and create one smooth
opening. The editing was also used to flash and cut between scenes so that the opening did
not seem like one whole piece of filming. The editing also made our thriller look more
professional. This would appeal to the audience as it would make it look more realistic. Miseen-scene was used in our thriller through the use of props to give off a message of how
dangerous the place we were in and the mystery that is hidden behind them. The props also
gave clues to the story of what actually happened so the audience has to work it out for
themselves which will keep them interested in watching the thriller. Which I feel would have
been very key points in the creating of the film the woman in black which you could say was
one of our main inspirations.

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