Accounting and Financial
Accounting and Financial
Accounting and Financial
MEANING OF MONEY MARKET:A money market is a market for borrowing and lending of
short-term funds. It deals in funds and financial instruments
having a maturity period of one day to one year. It is a
mechanism through which short-term funds are loaned or
borrowed and through which a large part of financial
transactions of a particular country or of the world are cleared.
It is different from stock market. It is not a single market but
a collection of markets for several instruments like call money
market, Commercial bill market etc. The Reserve Bank of India
is the most important constituent of Indian money market. Thus
RBI describes money market as the centre for dealings, mainly
of a short-term character, in monetary assets, it meets the
short-term requirements of borrowers and provides liquidity or
cash to lenders.
1) One of the sections of a financial market where securities
and financial instruments with short-term maturities are traded
is called the money market. Financial assets like treasury bills,
certificates of deposits, commercial paper and bankers'
acceptance are some of the short-term debt securities traded in
the money market.
2) Network of banks, discount houses, institutional investors,
and money dealers who borrow and lend among themselves for
the short-term (typically 90 days). Money markets also trade
in highly liquid financial instruments with maturities less than
90 days to one year (such as bankers'
acceptance, certificates of deposit, and commercial paper),
and government securities with maturities less than three years
(such as treasury bills), foreign exchange, and bullion.
Chapter 3
Financial Market I ( Capital
Meaning of Capital Market:Capital Market is one of the significant aspect of every financial
market. Hence it is necessary to study its correct meaning.
Broadly speaking the capital market is a market for financial
assets which have a long or indefinite maturity. Unlike money
market instruments the capital market instruments become
mature for the period above one year. It is an institutional
arrangement to borrow and lend money for a longer period of
time. It consists of financial institutions like IDBI, ICICI, UTI, LIC,
etc. These institutions play the role of lenders in the capital
market. Business units and corporate are the borrowers in the
capital market. Capital market involves various instruments
which can be used for financial transactions. Capital market
provides long term debt and equity finance for the government
and the corporate sector. Capital market can be classified into
primary and secondary markets. The primary market is a
market for new shares, where as in the secondary market the
existing securities are traded. Capital market institutions
provide rupee loans, foreign exchange loans, consultancy
services and underwriting.
Sources of Long Term Capital/fixed capital:The main sources of Long Term capital are depicted below.
Lease financing.
Now let's briefly discuss each source of fixed capital or long
term finance.
Any Capital Market has two logical segments viz. primary and
Investors: Investors are the most important part of the capital market as
they are the ones who spend capital in the subscribing to the issue issued by
issuers like IPOs, FPOs, Right Issues etc.
Market Regulator: Like any major industry all mature capital markets
have respective regulators such as SEC in U.S, SEBI in India etc.
Issuers: Issuers are the issuers of securities like shares, bonds etc. They
raise capital from investors and usually employ merchant bankers who
advise them on the timing, pricing, market etc.
3. Promotion Of Industrial Growth :The stock exchange is a central market through which
resources are transferred to the industrial sector of the
economy. The existence of such an institution encourages
people to invest in productive channels. Thus it stimulates
industrial growth and economic development of the country by
mobilising funds for investment in the corporate securities.
4. Ready And Continuous Market :The stock exchange provides a central convenient place where
buyers and sellers can easily purchase and sell securities. Easy
marketability makes investment in securities more liquid as
compared to other assets.
Technical Assistance :An important shortage faced by entrepreneurs in developing
countries is technical assistance. By offering advisory services
relating to preparation of feasibility reports, identifying growth
potential and training entrepreneurs in project management,
the financial intermediaries in capital market play an important
6. Reliable Guide To Performance :The capital market serves as a reliable guide to the
performance and financial position of corporate, and thereby
promotes efficiency.
7. Proper Channelization Of Funds :The prevailing market price of a security and relative yield are
the guiding factors for the people to channelize their funds in a
particular company. This ensures effective utilisation of funds in
the public interest.
8. Provision Of Variety Of Services :The financial institutions functioning in the capital market
provide a variety of services such as grant of long term and
medium term loans to entrepreneurs, provision of underwriting
facilities, assistance in promotion of companies, participation in
equity capital, giving expert advice etc.
9. Development Of Backward Areas :Capital Markets provide funds for projects in backward areas.
This facilitates economic development of backward areas. Long
term funds are also provided for development projects in
backward and rural areas.
10. Foreign Capital :-
Chapter 4
Working of Stock Exchanges
3. Safety of Transactions:
In stock market only the listed securities are traded and stock
exchange authorities include the companies names in the trade
list only after verifying the soundness of company. The
companies which are listed they also have to operate within the
strict rules and regulations. This ensures safety of dealing
through stock exchange.
4. Contributes to Economic Growth:
In stock exchange securities of various companies are bought
and sold. This process of disinvestment and reinvestment helps
Profit sharing
Corporate governance
Stock exchanges impose stringent rules to get listed in them.
So listed public companies have better management records
than privately held companies.
NSE ( National Stock Exchange ):Formation of National Stock Exchange of India Limited
(NSE) in 1992 is one important development in the
Indian capital market. The need was felt by the industry and
investing community since 1991. The NSE is slowly becoming
the leading stock exchange in terms of technology, systems
and practices in due course of time. NSE is the largest and most
Bombay Stock Exchange( BSE):BSE is the leading and the oldest stock exchange in India as
well as in Asia. It was established in 1887 with the formation of
"The Native Share and Stock Brokers' Association". BSE is a
very active stock exchange with highest number of listed
securities in India. Nearly 70% to 80% of all transactions in the
India are done alone in BSE. Companies traded on BSE were
3,049 by March, 2006. BSE is now a national stock exchange as
the BSE has started allowing its members to set-up computer
terminals outside the city of Mumbai (former Bombay). It is the
only stock exchange in India which is given permanent
recognition by the government. At present, (Since 1980) BSE is
Over-The-Counter Exchange Of India (OTCEI) The OTCEI was incorporated in October, 1990 as a Company
under the Companies Act 1956. It became fully operational in
1992 with opening of a counter at Mumbai. It is recognised by
the Government of India as a recognised stock exchange under
the Securities Control and Regulation Act 1956. It was
promoted jointly by the financial institutions like UTI, ICICI, IDBI,
The Features of OTCEI are :1. OTCEI is a floorless exchange where all the activities are fully
2. Its promoters have been designated as sponsor members
and they alone are entitled to sponsor a company for listing
3. Trading on the OTCEI takes place through a network of
computers or OTC dealers located at different places within the
same city and even across the cities. These computers allow
dealers to quote, query & transact through a central OTC
computer using the telecommunication links.
4. A Company which is listed on any other recognised stock
exchange in India is not permitted simultaneously for listing on
Group, the stock of which was listed on its own stock exchange
in 2002, and is monitored by the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC).
chapter 5
Special Finance Companies
VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS:An investment fund that manages money from investors
seeking private equity stakes in start up and small- and
medium-size enterprises with strong growth potential. These
investments are generally characterized as high-risk/highreturn opportunities.
Theoretically, venture capital funds give individual investors the
ability to get in early at a company's start up stage or in special
situations in which there is opportunity for explosive growth. In
the past, venture capital investments were only accessible to
professional venture capitalists. While a fund structure
diversifies risk, these funds are inherently risky.
Mutual Fund:-