Anish Shankar: Curriculum Vitae
Anish Shankar: Curriculum Vitae
Anish Shankar: Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
20102014 B.Tech with Honours in Computer Science, International Institute of Information
Technology, Hyderabad, CGPA 8.7 .
20092010 Senior Secondary CBSE AISSCE, Padma Sheshadri Senior Secondary School,
Chennai, 95.25%.
In top 1% (National)
20072008 Secondary AISSE, Padma Sheshadri Senior Secondary School, Chennai, 91.25%.
In top 1% (National)
ACM ICPC 18th place in the ACM ICPC World Finals 2012 , held in Warsaw, Poland in May
2012 2012. Highest Indian Team Rank at ICPC till date.
ACM ICPC 42nd place in the ACM ICPC World Finals 2011 , held int Orlando, Florida in May
2011 2011. The ACM ICPC is one of the most prestigious competitive programming
contest at the collegiate level. Our Team qualified for the finals after multiple
regional rounds.
IOI 2010 Represented India at International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) 2010 held at
Waterloo, Canada. Came 46th and Secured a Silver Medal. The IOI is the most
prestigious competition for algorithmic and programming skills at the School level.
APIO 2009 & Secured Bronze Medals in Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad (APIO) in 2009 and
2010 2010
Topcoder Currently ranked 9th in India on topcoder with a rating of 1832.
Codeforces Currently ranked 19th in India on codeforces with a rating of 1867. (Codeforces
Handle: phinfinity)
Internships/Work Experience
Summer 2013 Facebook Inc. Software Engineering Intern , Interned in Facebooks Site
Reliability Team at their HQ in Menlo Park. I worked on instrumenting and
analyzing several critical error processing pipelines, and also wrote an application to
easily deploy and monitor new pipelines.
Summer 2012 Google Inc. Software Engineering Intern , Interned at Googles Mountain
View campus to work on a Software Engineering Project in Google Plus. The project
involved evaluating Social Post Similarity and experimenting with new algorithms
and evaluating the performance of approaches.
2013 Realtime Twitter interestingness search - TREC Microblog 2013, Developed a
searching model that was capable of searching for most relevant and most interesting
tweet corresponding to a query, in real-time. It included the usage of Information
Retrieval and Extraction techniques.
2012 Distributed Tweet Clustering System, Implemented a distributed tweet clustering
and classification engine which takes a stream of tweets and clusters tweets based
on its topic.
Misc. Other small projects: Search Engine for Wikipedia (40GB dataset), Virtualization
Orchestration Layer using libvirt, A basic custom Linux Shell with job handling, A
simple Multi-Threaded Proxy Server with caching, GPS Location Route Recording
Android Application for Shepherds, A simple Racing game in OpenGL, Grade
Management System - A web portal for easy grade management,
Fun Stuff I love hacking on fun projects, In the past Ive hacked on a DD-WRT router to setup
transparent proxying, and another where I managed to turn a DD-WRT router into
a digital binary clock
2012 Programming Club - Coordinator, I was the coordinator for the Programming
club in IIIT-H , and helped organise several of the group activities.
20112013 Helped organize several college events including Codecraft, TLE/Optimus and
several other Felicity-Threads events which saw International participation across
multiple years. Also helped organize some other events such as Felicity Buzz.
2011 Assistant Coach at the IOITC International Olympiad in Informatics Selection/Training camp during Summer 2011. Took up many aspects such as Problem
Setting, Test data preparation and Test Evaluations apart from Teaching Algorithmic
and Programming aspects to the Students.
C, C++, Java, PHP
Bash, Python
HTML, CSS, Javascript
Others Version Control(git, svn), MySQL, Hadoop, Linux Socket Programming, OpenGL,
Linux System Calls, Config Management Sytems, Error Processing Systems
Interest Areas Algorithms, Cloud and Bigdata, Systems, Software Design