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The key takeaways are about channeling, psychic abilities, and spiritual concepts like soul twins and essence roles.

The book is a compilation of channeling readings from an entity called Michael on various spiritual topics like channeling, psychic abilities, and essence roles.

Task companions are people who agree to help with a specific task or lesson during a lifetime. They are chosen based on their essence roles, overleaves, and other qualities to best accomplish the task.

Cover photography by TA Sullivan

Michael on Channeling, Guides and

Other Topics
By T Sullivan

An IM Light Book
Edited and Published by the IM Light Publishing Company
copyright 2005 by IM Light Publications
and T Sullivan
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in
the United States by IM Light Publications, Tampa, Florida.

No portion of this material can be reproduced in any form without specific written permission
from the authors.
Downloading or copying of this PDF document without payment constitutes a breach of the
copyright laws, and leaves the owner of such copies open to fines and imprisonment.

This book is a compilation of readings and insights offered by the channel, IM-Light, who
originally communicated the readings from the entity calling itself Michael. The readings offered
here were culled from the hundreds of readings accumulated by this channeler because they
offered the most comprehensive and insightful information.
To protect the channelers privacy the initials IML were substituted for her own. All other
initials referenced in the readings were also changed.
The opinions, comments and suggestions given by the entity Michael appear in sans serif font and
do not necessarily agree with the attitudes, opinions, convictions or beliefs of anyone else
connected with this book.
For purposes of space, Michaels name has, at times, been abbreviated to simply M.
Asterisks (* * *) have been used to indicate where a time lapse has occurred between various
readings relating to the same topic.
T Sullivan

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1
CHANNELING ............................................................................................................................................ 3
CENTERING, COLORS AND CHANNELING .................................................................................................... 6
USING PROPS .............................................................................................................................................. 7
The Power of Prayer........................................................................................................................... 10
Palm Reading...................................................................................................................................... 11
Astrology............................................................................................................................................. 13
Numerology......................................................................................................................................... 16
Rituals ................................................................................................................................................. 19
PSYCHIC ABILITIES............................................................................................................................... 21
LINKING TO OTHERS................................................................................................................................. 23
ACCESSING INFORMATION ................................................................................................................ 25
AKASHIC RECORDS .................................................................................................................................. 26
FOCUSING ENERGIES ........................................................................................................................... 29
ASTRAL PROJECTION ................................................................................................................................ 31
GUIDES....................................................................................................................................................... 33
ASTRAL GUIDES ....................................................................................................................................... 34
CAUSAL PLANE GUIDES ........................................................................................................................... 36
Naming Conventions........................................................................................................................... 37
Influencing the Physical Plane ........................................................................................................... 39
INCARNATE GUIDES ................................................................................................................................. 40
Teachers, Guides, Ascended Masters, or Archangels ......................................................................... 42
Connecting With Your Guides............................................................................................................. 43
Astral Guides ...................................................................................................................................... 45
PLANAL STUDIES.................................................................................................................................... 47
ASTRAL PLANE ......................................................................................................................................... 48
OBE..................................................................................................................................................... 51
GHOSTS AND ECHOES .......................................................................................................................... 53
HIVE SOULS AND PETS ......................................................................................................................... 59
PATTERNS AND PETS ................................................................................................................................ 62
PLANAL POWER POINTS AND LEY LINES ...................................................................................... 67
THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE ........................................................................................................................ 70
TIME AND CHOICES .............................................................................................................................. 73
MATTER AND TIME................................................................................................................................... 76
TIME AND ALTERNATE REALITIES ............................................................................................................ 77
Earth Timelines................................................................................................................................... 78
TIME AND LIVES ....................................................................................................................................... 79
Alternate Realities............................................................................................................................... 82
SCIENTIFIC THEORIES ............................................................................................................................... 83
STORIES, MYTHS AND LEGENDS ............................................................................................................... 90
RELIGION.................................................................................................................................................. 95

WHO OR WHAT IS GOD?........................................................................................................................... 96

What is the Tao? ................................................................................................................................. 97
Superstition and Portents.................................................................................................................... 98
THE STORY OF JESUS ................................................................................................................................ 99
The Apostles...................................................................................................................................... 101
The Words of Jesus ........................................................................................................................... 104
GLOSSARY .............................................................................................................................................. 109

Michael on Channeling, Guides and Other Topics

"Channeling is the merging of energies of one who is not upon
the Earth plane with one who is. Usually this requires that the
personality of that one upon the Earth plane be moved aside, so that
the essences can more easily merge and communicate.
To bring the information through to the physical, that is, make
it a physical object, do you need to allow the manipulation of the
physical form by that energy essence not normally incarnate. For
when focused upon the physical as you, does personality control the
body. But when the discarnate one controls the physical form, there is
no personality unless the energy is that of one who is upon the astral,
and then the personality is milder and easier to control.

That is the Michaels brief definition of channeling. However, they had a lot
more to say regarding channeling, including the what, hows, and even the whys.
In the course of their discussing channeling, other topics came up, including what
exactly are psychic talents, what other planes exist besides the physical and the astral, and
what types of information can we physical beings get from speaking with these entities
existing on the other planes.
Within this book, we hope to answer some of those questions and perhaps give
you even more to think about and ponder.
As always, Michael and I bring you this information in the spirit of loving
acceptance with the hope that it can help you along your lifes path.

T Sullivan

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Michael on Channeling, Guides and Other Topics

Ive always channeled Michael, but I was nearly twenty-five before I realized
what the ability was called. Now, I wont say that what I channeled when I was a child
was as clear as that message in the Introduction. When I was young, the Michaels
primarily came through while I was writing my poetry or short stories.
When I truly attempted to go into a trance-like state, I needed a prop (like Tarot
cards) to get me started. The shuffling and rhythmic motions helped me move myself
aside and let Michael come through.
However, when I was nearly thirty I finally caught up with my essence twin (refer
to Michaels Teachings and Philosophy and the story of Karma and Your Essence Twin).
The combined energy allowed me to let go of personality without any props, because my
twins energy gave me the necessary feeling of safety and comfort I needed to prove to
myself that I could do thischannel freely.
Once I let Michael through, and felt the full power of their energies flowing
through me and the full power of their truths flowing through me, I realized that I wanted
to continue feeling like this. The fear that had tried to keep me from experiencing this
was finally released. I no longer needed any type of prop or preparation; I simply needed
to slip sidewaysat least thats sort of how it felt to melike I was slipping sideways
out of the way, and allowing Michael to come through.
Now, I know that some channels say that they can speak while channeling, but I
find that using the voice keeps me (my personality) too close to the body. Ive been told
that this is due to my centering (moving part of the intellectual). So because my body
needs to be in (some type of) motion in order to communicate, we (Michael and I) use
automatic writing. The motion of writing, combined with a slight rocking motion, allows
the communication to flow that much more smoothly.
When I asked Michael about our relationship, this is what they said:
M: If we confine ourselves to this life in which you are known as IM Light, then we have
been channeling with you for 47 years; however, we have only been writing our answers
to your questions for 37, although you realized it not. For always did you suspect, but not
completely would you release self. But we have channeled information to you through 7
other lifetimes, so it is not completely unknown to you. Also do you have little to fear now
that you have reached the level of awareness that you have, and for this reason does
the channeling come easily and almost automatically.

T Sullivan

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Q: How would someone else channel either you or some other teacher or guide?
M: As to how someone would channel, we could explain the mechanics, and yet still
would there be those who could not master it. For they are driven by fear and cannot let
personality go, even for a moment. For them there is only awareness of fear and so do
they find what we say frightening and beyond belief. This is their choice, and is not to be
taken personally.
To channel or communicate with one not of your plane, do you need to shift focus from
the physical plane to that of the energy levels of astral or causal. To shift the focus
requires that the personality be shifted or its attention diverted (if you will), so that
essence may be forefront. Once this occurs, it becomes easier for those guides to
communicate or make contact with you.
As to how this communication would occur is dependent on each individual. For each
would respond differently. Some would hear internal voices, where others would see
pictures or movies, and still others perceive mathematical symbols or musical
The communication methods used depend on the role of both the guide and the
channeler, for if both are scholars then might the information come through as words or
mathematical computations. If one is artisan then might it be in the form of music or
artistic endeavors. If of the leadership roles (king, warrior, or priest), then might the
information come through as a plan of action. So each will receive the information in
their own way, but only if the path or channel is cleared, and the energies allowed to
For that is how the information is exchanged, by the merging of energies between
channeler and guide. How the information is interpreted depends on the grouping of
fragments and how they perceive the information.
To shift the personality must you sometimes occupy it with other things with other
actions or thoughts. Then will it be distracted and the focus not on the objects and
reality of the current here and now, but rather will it be on the beads or cards or mantra
with which it is focused. This allows then for the essence to control and lead, and for
awareness to move to the other planes where the communications can then occur.
These then are the mechanics.
Anyone can channel, this is merely a way of opening oneself to and listening to ones
higher selfthe part of self not focused on the physical plane.
The term higher self is misleading, for it is not that that portion of your self is better than
the rest of you. Rather it only indicates that it is the portion of you not focused on, not
encased in, not constrained by the physical world. Therefore, the perspective is broader
and the wisdom more clear, for the memory is unimpeded by personality and fear.
However, to be brought forward to the physical realm, requires that the information be
filtered through the personality to the physical being that you are. If personality is

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strong, then the information may never come through. If personality is that strong, then
the channeling will probably never occur.
However, if personality can be moved aside and a channel for information created, then
wisdom can be communicated. If, however, the information creates fear or conflict
(conflicts with the chosen personality), then either the information is blocked or the
personality becomes radically changed.
These then, are similar to your life-altering situations. For they are little more than
essence contact. A contact of a fragment with itself, which frightens it so much as to
cause the instant removal of personality and the fragment then operates only from
essence. This causes the lessons and karmas and tasks to be abrogated, for personality
is chosen to facilitate the learning and the experiencing. But if personality is lost
through some life-shattering experience, then the play is interrupted and will need to be
set up and experienced at some other life time.
Those who would channel some thing or some one other than their higher selves,
would need to seek out one of their guides, or to have had an agreement in place. You
have had an agreement with us for the past 7 of your lifetimes, for it has taken many of
your lives for us to develop a good enough rapport that channeling then becomes
possible. For the understanding of language is not easy. We think and communicate in
terms of thought, you use words, music, mathematics, emotions, and all manner of
communication methods. Therefore, for us to communicate easily and distinctly that
which we wish to say becomes a learning experience for us both.
We do not influence your thoughts so much, as we do direct you toward those ideas
and concepts that facilitate the learning and communicating. Most would channel astral
guides, for these require no agreements, nor do they require extensive preparation. For
those in the astral are still close enough to the physical that communication flows easily
and with little blockage. It is only as you move toward the causal and buddhic planes that
communications become more difficult and so requires the agreements of several life
times so that the links and connections can be created that aid in the communication

Q: Who can channel, anyone? And what does it take to do so?

M: As we have stated, all can channel, if they learn how; however, if they do not have
agreements, then the only voice channeled will be their own 1 this is not to say that
channeling ones higher self is not good works, it is just that we know the question will
arise. For you must understand that no entity would think to invade anothers space
without that prior agreement.
Most common, are agreements between an astral guide or host and a fragment. For
these require no long preparatory work, nor do they require translators or interpretations.
Therefore, most will channel either themselves 2 or a guide or host from the mid-astral

they refer to a persons higher-self.

they refer to a persons higher-self.

T Sullivan

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level, for they are attuned to the physical plane and will readily respond to those whose
questions/thoughts/essence push into their realm.
These discourses require no prior contact for attuning or adjusting, nor do they require
translators or an establishing of a compatible language, for these guides are already
familiar with all physical plane methods of communicating. Those with agreements to
contact others beyond the mid-astral have probably already been doing so, but not in a
conscious way. Rather are they doing so through sleep, day-dreams, and creative
pursuits, such as art, poetry, storytelling, and similar activities. For these allow the
ego/personality to be moved aside and a type of communication to take place. It is
during these times that the establishment of a common language and symbology
emerge, so that the communication, when addressed directly, can be more clear and
precise, and not 2 entities trying to communicate in differing terminologies.
Some can have agreements with causal entities, others with messianic entities, and
some with mental plane entities. Few (perhaps 1 or 2 on your planet) have agreements
with entities on the buddhic plane, for they have little desire to communicate with those
still in kindergarten. Even those from the messianic plane are few, for they are not
expected to teach those not yet free of physical constraints, but it is their nature to do so
if they find it challenging or creatively stimulating. So, there are approximately 12
messianic entities willing to communicate with those in the physical. Of those, 4 do have
agreements to speak with fragments on Earth, though not all are human agreements.
Some are with cetaceans, for they more readily communicate in those frequencies
We on the causal plane also have many connections with those still on the physical and
these may last through many of your lifetimes. For our teaching agreement may start in
your life 200 and conclude after you have cycled off to the astral.
The differences in teachings are the perspective. We have a broader/wider perspective
than do those on the astral, and those on the mental plane have a greater perspective
yet, than do we. However, the further away in frequency the plane is from the physical,
the harder it is for communication to occur, for our concept of language is not very
similar to yours, just as those on the buddhic plane have a different concept of
communication than do we. This is why pathways or gateways must be built and
maintained, and why precepts and concepts must be shared via this gateway prior to
actual communication taking place. For without a common starting point, all
communication becomes meaningless gibberish.

Centering, Colors and Channeling

Q: I would love to channel, but am not sure this is possible with my overleaves...I
understand that those with an intellectual centering find it harder to channel than
someone with a different centering.
M: It is not the centering so much that would preclude the meditating or the channeling,
but rather is it the attitude. For this one would we see the need to first access self before
moving on to those guides first astral, and then, perhaps, those of the lower causal.
That the questioner has guides on the astral and the lower causal, as well as the mental
and the physical is true. That he recognizes them and their works, is not. For most often

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do they work during sleep cycles, for that is the only time that this scholar is free from
those filters/traits that would keep their information from being "heard".
All can meditate, and all can channel. However, some are more adept then others, for
their fears are not so strong. Who one channels depends on those agreements made.
For not all have agreements to channel any others than those within the astral, while
others have agreements to channel only those upon the mental. For the questioner do
we see primary agreements with self and those who would be astral guides. Also is
there one who would come through from the lower causal if the agreement to create a
channel were invoked.
The mechanics of channeling are merely a shifting of focus, so that the physical world no
longer predominates the life. Then rather is the attention or focus on the astral or other
level. It is through this shifted focus that the information comes. For us (IML and
ourselves), the connections grow stronger and her (IMLs) attachment to the physical
less, so that the shifting of focus becomes almost automaticsomething she can do
without thought or awareness. For others does it require more practice and
concentration, for giving up the physical focus causes much fear and so becomes a
struggle rather than a natural act.
The warrior (JM) especially, is one such. For she fears the loss of control that occurs
when personality is set aside and so does she fight herself so as to retain her focus in
the here and now. When she does achieve shifted focus, her questions and
concentrations are still on those matters of a physical nature. Her guides would assist in
these issues, but she listens not. She must allow the mind to quiet, so that the guides
may speak. However, she creates so much inner noise that they become lost in all that

Q: Can colors or certain frequencies of light help us channel?

M: Silver will raise ones vibrations, but gold is a more harmonizing color and raises the
vibrations ten fold of all within its light. Gold is the color used by those who would contact
us, while silver will aid most to raise their vibratory levels enough to easily contact those
within the upper astral levels.
White light is the color of the Buddhic plane and so does this color help raise ones
vibrations enough to reach those upon that level. To reach the Tao do you need to reach
beyond the physically visible spectrum of light, for the Tao contains all light and all sound
and all aspects of everything.

Using Props
Q: Is it okay to use props like tarot cards or runes or other such items?
M: We would see the using of props as the means of moving aside personality and
allowing the essence that is you to come forward. Whether it be the counting of beads or
the chanting of prayers, or the using of tarot cards, or the tossing of dice or bones, all of
it helps occupy the physical side of the body, thus allowing the essence to move forward.

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To use the props as a means of communication can be done, but it limits greatly the
communication. For the tossing of bones may give you a symbol or other meaning, but
relating that symbol to the question or concern requires that essence be allowed to
You (IML) used Tarot cards, and the meanings given for those cards were then
expanded on by us. But even then did you find the information limited and not easily
interpreted. When the prop was released and the channel opened completely, did we all
find the communications more satisfying and more easily accomplished.
For you, the shuffling of the cards gave you the practice you needed in laying aside
personality so that we could communicate. Once this was learned, the prop was no
longer needed. So it is with mantras or bead counting or any manner of repetitive
motions or sounds. They are simply ways in which those in the physical move aside
personality so that they may speak with their higher selves or with their guides.

Q: So are you saying that the I Ching is no good?

That the symbols on the I Ching do not clearly reflect the modern world is true.
Therefore, cannot the messages gained through its use be wholly and fully expressed in
a clear manner.
It is the same with what we teach and what Buddha taught and what The Christ taught.
For the language shifts and the message is transmuted.
The energy behind The Christ was more important than the words spoken, yet the words
were spoken in a manner understandable to those first, second, and third cycles of his
day. That those words spoken are the same as exist in your Bibles today, is not true. For
The Christs words have gone through many iterations, and many translations.

Q: But isnt the Tao perfect and unchanging?

No, the message of the Tao does not change, but those receiving it do. Does the Tao
change? Yes. For all things living change. If they did not, would they become stagnant,
and that, to us, is worse than death. For in death do you simply cease to exist
something impossible to dobut in stagnation do you simply cease to grow.
That the I Ching has benefit is not in question, for many props have benefit. Tarot cards,
playing drums, or even rhythmic rocking are all beneficial, yet the messages gained
through such actions must be weighed against the amount of personality present at the
time, as well as the motivations of that one bringing forth the message.
The I Ching was developed by a warrior race and its messages are geared toward that
civilization. Therefore, do they (the symbols) have little truth behind them anymore
when used within todays various societies.
If there is one message that the Tao would impart, it is that all should live. For that is the
purpose of what we all dolive, experience, enjoy.

Q: So are you saying that those using tarot cards or runes are fakes?

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M: We did not say this. There are those who use these items to move aside ego so that
they might better communicate whether with themselves or their guides. In this way can
they then answer the questions put to them. Other times do those who use these props
simply read the questioners auras thereby seeing the path or paths available to the
Not all who claim to be able to read tea leaves, tarot cards or other devices are without
guile. For many would simply make claims in order to obtain payment. What they tell the
questioner is usually contrived to appease the questioner based on an insightful reading
of human nature or through downright trickery. It is up to the questioner to determine
who is truthful and who is not.
This is true of anything. For always is there a need to validate for self whether someone
is good or bad. That we do not perceive good and bad as you do, still do we
understand the concept of deceit and honesty.
Therefore, if you would seek a fortune teller or tarot reader, then we would recommend
seeking within yourself whether there are any links between the two of you, and whether
those links constitute a lesson or an agreement of aid.
The use of cards, runes, bones or other objects, while not particularly useful for most, is
dependent upon the reader. For if the reader is one capable of seeing auras and skilled
at the interpretation of same, then will it seem as if their reading of the cards, runes or
other object is most accurate. Therefore, it is not the object but the reader and their
abilities that matter.
You may attend many tarot readings and find none useful, yet you may attend one
session wherein the person reads chicken bones, or tea leaves and find the information
completely accurate. It is not the tea leaves nor the chicken bones, but the person who
has read your energies that has made the difference.
Having no knowledge or understanding of this, however, will lead someone to believe
that tarot cards are not believable while tea leaves are. Neither viewpoint is accurate,
however, it is the persons perception, and we find that nothing will change that if they do
not wish it to be changed.
To read auras is not a skill learned so much as it is a choice made prior to birth. For this
is an ability that must be blended into the readers energies when they create the body.
By linking their brow with the mental plane can they then always connect to the higher
mental center and channel the information regarding the person presenting the
questions. That most would also connect the communications center so that the loop is
complete is also true. For without the full link can one know the information but be
unable to communicate it to anyone.
Channeling is merely the linking of the higher centers to those corresponding planes so
that a fuller more intense connection is created. Not all centers need to be linked, just
those from where the information would come. If you would channel emotional or astral
beings, then would you link your higher emotional center (heart chakra) to the astral
plane along with your communications center so that which you feel and experience can
you also communicate.

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If you would channel us, or one like us, would you link your higher mental center along
with your communication center. To channel those of the buddhic plane, would you
connect your upper four chakras, for you need to use them all in order to reach those
who dwell there.
To use the lower centers allows you to communicate not with those of other planes, but
rather does it open your being to experience those creatures that dwell on your own.
Those who are most in tune with those creatures of the Earthdogs, cats, birds, fish
do have their higher physical centers connected (thorax, root and base) for this then
allows them to more easily sense what these creatures are experiencing/thinking.

The Power of Prayer

Q: Does saying prayers really work; such as for healing or improving a situation or
M: We see the art of payer as accomplishing two objectives. The first is that it helps
those who would pray to focus their energies. The second objective met is that of
clearing ego and allowing a clearer communication with essence.
That this can help bring about the desired change is true. For much can be gained
through a focusing of energies, and from a clearer pathway that allows essence the
opportunity to make its choices known to that physical mind and ego.
By indulging in a group prayer, can much be accomplished. For the focus of energies
causes a clearing of the pathways, thereby allowing essence a better/less encumbered
opportunity in directing the situation towards that goal which they seek.
Most often does the prayer(s) move aside ego, thereby allowing essence to move easily
follow those choices most sought by essence. That the pathway may suddenly seem
smoother, easier, less troubled is because ego no longer is leading, attempting to direct
the life in opposition to the goals of essence. That most attribute the "sudden" ease to
the interventions of God, angels, or other deified bodies, is true. However, the truth is
merely that essence has control now of the life.
Those indulging in a group prayer for another whose life seems troubled, do also create
a "difference". For through their focused energies can they affect enough of a change to
allow (again) essence to move forward and aid the troubled one toward that goal/path
most wanted to follow. Or if the one being prayed for is ill, can the focused energies
create a vortex in which essence can decide whether the lesson has been learned and
so will allow the body to heal.
If however, the lesson would continue, then the focused energies bring about calm,
insight, comfort, and feelings of loving support to that one who is sick. That this is good
works is true, and always greatly appreciated by essence, whether it would be healed or
We see the use of "negative" prayers as also holding some power. For again, is it a
focusing of energies. That the energies directed seek to harm or frighten another, makes
little difference. For energy focused at another can, if allowed to do so, create much hurt

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or much good. It is based first upon the intentions of those who would direct the
prayer(s), and secondly on those toward whom the prayer(s) are directed. For if they
refuse to accept either those energies of a positive or negative intent, then will the
energies create little or no impact. For it always is the choice of those involved as to how
or what their lives shall be.
If the one at whom the energies are directed, is weak of body or physical mind, then
might the energies focused upon them override their choices, thereby affecting further
their physical condition. If it was not their choice to be healed, yet a healing focus was
given, then might a debt be incurred. Also is it true that if a death was not intended, and
the focused energies do indeed inflict more harm, including death, that this might also
engender a debt. For when weakened while within the physical plane, is it possible to
override another's energies and choices with your own. However, this is to take
responsibility away from another without their choosing you to do so. Therefore, does it
make you indebted to them.
For you, by giving them health or illness/death, have gone against their choices and so
do you now owe them. So, although prayers are little more than focused energies, care
should be taken before invoking them for any purpose, unless sought by the one who
would be focused upon.

Palm Reading
Q: What about those who supposedly read palms? Are they really just reading your mind
or your auras or something?
M: We see the reading of palms and hands as a valid talent, if the reader is well-versed
in their craft. For the details of the life are not contained thereon, but the overall
milestones planned are. There is indeed the number of agreements for mating shown on
the palm, as well as, major interactions and monads. To ascertain the nature of the
relationships or monads, one must look to the aura, but the fact that they were planned
is noted on the palms. This information is also "noted" on the soles of the feet, but few
were ever schooled in the reading of these.
It was thought to help the individual "remember" by making a visual representation of
their plan. But as societies and cultures changed, the ability and knowledge was lost to
all but a few, and for those few it is still looked upon now, as something of an oddity.
This is not to say that what is on the palm must be adhered to, anymore than that "plan"
in your root and base must be. It was simply a means of communicating the plans you
had made, so that you could better make your choices on life. There are those who,
when they read someone's palm, are also reading the person's energies. This is not
wrong or right, it simply is. For if more information can be gotten that would aid the
person whose palm was being read, then what matter what part of that person the
information comes from?
Those who read faces or bumps of the head or other similar things are either reading the
person's energy field or inventing information. For there is no valid information "written"
on the body other than the palms and soles. Therefore, to tell someone that because
they have thin lips they are a cruel person, or because there are 3 bumps at the crown of
their head that they will marry 3 times is, to us, a most amazing fallacy.

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Of course, all readings done by someone other than oneself means that the information
must be weighed and evaluated, for only the person being read can decide what is valid
and true. The reader may or may not be honest, knowledgeable in their craft, up to par
(balanced, centered and healthy), and unbiased. For most all have an agenda of their
own, which will color the information. This is to be understood.
If one is not knowledgeable in their craft, whether it be reading palms, energies, or
thoughts, then again, the information may not be completely valid. This is why only the
person for whom the information is intended can decide.
The "reading" of tea leaves, or bones, or dice, or rune cubes, tarot cards, and all manner
of devices are simply thatdevices to aid the diviner. Some use it to mask their inability
to read the energies, others use it as a way to get to a state where communication either
with their higher self or other off-plane entities can take place, while still others use them
as the means of communicating because they do not "channel" any other way.
Again, it is not the method of communication that is questioned, but the
channeler's/reader's ability to "decipher" and "interpret" the message. For if the message
is interpreted incorrectly or from one viewpoint only, then the information's value will be
questionable. Therefore, the clarity of perception in the communication whether it be
through autowriting, tarot cards, vocalizations, or bone tossing, is what matters.
This then becomes a matter of how well the reader/channeler can move aside
personality so essence can communicate with essence. For if personality is strong, then
the information received is more likely to be "shaded" in some way. This can vary on a
day-by-day basis, as the channeler/reader may find that they just cannot clear
personality on one reading, when the next day they have no problems. This is why we
say that even the best channelers/readers have only about an 80% accuracy rate.
Does this clarify things?

Q: What does it mean if your life line has a break in it?

M: A breaking in the life line can indicate several things. It depends on how the life line
restarts and breaks. For if the line is forked when restarted, then a major choice faces
the one with the break, and they would do well to think hard about what they do.
If the life line restarts with a chain, then a major illness is the result of some major crises
or event in the life. If the life line breaks with a chain, then restarts cleanlythen the
illness will cause the life to dramatically change.
If the life line ends cleanly and restarts the same way, the life is abruptly changed
through some action that may or may not be the choice of the one whose life line is
being analyzed.
If the life line ends in an X and restarts cleanly, then a rescue of someone will cause the
change in the life. If the reverseclean break, starting in an X then someone will
rescue them causing them to restart their life.

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If the life line fades out, then fades in, there will be a gradual changing leading to a point
whereat the person may spend more time off plane than on, before resuming their life in
a more spiritual way.
It is only if the break resumes not, that a death occurs.
The branching of the life line where both lines are of equal weights, indicates a point
where two choices of equal importance and equal chance/probability await selection.
Once one is selected, it is usually found that the line/path not chosen, will begin to fade
on the palm.
Remember the palm is an indication of the life's plan, not a definitive "road map". For
everything in the life is still choice, and the individual may decide to go in totally different
directions than those originally outlined on the palm.

Q: Is there any correlation between astrology and the planetary terms used in discussing
body types? And if so, would you see the body type represented somewhere in a person's
birth chart?
M: That the various body types are named for the planets within your solar system is
true. For the body type also reflects the same energy pattern as those astrological
bodies. That this gives an affinity to certain configurations within the heavens, is true
also; for you would pick a moment wherein your vibrational pattern and the vibrational
pattern of the physical world are most compatible. That this would include the
configuration of the planets around Earth and the sun is true. Therefore, is the astrology
of the birth period reflected in a condensed version by the body selected.

Q: Can astrology predict your life?

M: That astrology can actually predict what your life will be like is no more true than to
say that we (Michael) can predict what will happen. For your life is your own, made up of
all the choices that you make.
However, astrology, like palmistry, if done correctly, can tell you what your lifes template
isthe milestones that you decided on for the particular life you are living. That any of
these milestones *must* be met, is not true. They are simply guidelines established by
you while discarnate and in preparation of the life you now lead.
There are some methods of astrology more precise than others, which can also show
the path on which you travel and can, therefore, pinpoint more accurately those
agreements, vectors, and meetings that are coming into play.
However, most practitioners of astrology know not the nuances to see beyond the global
template that each person creates, so can do little besides identifying the major
milestones originally set up.
Astrology is a valid way in which to remind yourself of those tasks and debts that you
would try to complete within the current life. That it can tell you that you will wed

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someone tall, dark, and loving is not true, for only the basics are recorded on your aura
at your inception (birth).
What you carry inside is more precise than any information that can be gleaned from
those who read the heavens. For what you carry inside is imprinted on your energies
(auras) at that precise moment of entering the physical plane. However, those that use
astrology can give a broader, less detailed, outline of your lifes goals. Their range of
time, and therefore their precision, is affected by the physical plane and its measurement
of time.
For while you may truly have been connected to your physical form at 11:31a.m., the
recording of your birth may not have occurred until 11:50a.m. or even 12:20p.m., if
complications arise. Therefore, can you see that those who practice astrology must allow
a greater range of flexibility in their interpretations of your goals to allow for the fallibilities
of those involved in the birthing process.
The confluence of stars and planets at the moment of inceptionnot conceptionalso
influences the type of body one selects. For if one selects a mercury body, but is born
when mars is high, will they find themselves struggling against energies that seem
determined to hold them back.
At certain times when mars is predominant, will they find themselves unable (or
seemingly struggling) to do those tasks that usually come so easily. This is true for many
of the body types, except solar. For solar can adapt to any cosmic configuration.
If a mercury/mars body was chosen and mars is predominant in the cosmic orientation at
birth, then will it ease the tensions during that cycle and allow the body to operate
So always is it best to allow the child to select when it would be born, rather than forcing
the labor as is often the practice. For by forcing the labor, do you not allow for the proper
confluence of energiesthe confluence sought by the child fragment when the body
types and life goals were planned.
It is also wiser for the fragment being born to select a combination body type, for this
would stave off many of the poor confluences that might arise otherwise. However, there
may be lives in which a singular body type is to be experienced, and this is also fine.

Q: What is astrology, though? How can the motion or position of the stars and planets
affect us? I mean, is it real?
M: The placement of the stars and planets within your galaxy is an indication of the
cycle of energies within that particular area of the physical plane. For each section of
the physical plane has its own cycles and rhythms, just as each has its own forms of
sentient life.
Your world and all those who dwell on it align themselves to the cycles within your entire
realitythat this includes all those stars and planets within your galaxy is true; that it
includes all those stars and planets within the galaxies next to yours is only partially true.
For their impact is only moderate for you; while for those living within those galaxies is it
more important.

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That is not to say that you live within a closed universe, for that is not what we mean.
What we identify is that the astrology of the universe is structured in a way that flows first
around that galaxy most affected, then outward, like rings on a tree, to affect others.
Therefore, do you align yourselves with your own heavens, then with those heavens of
the other galaxies.
The more in tune one is with all the energiesastrological, world, planalthe more
easily do they manifest that which essence desires.
If one were to travel from galaxy to galaxy, would they note anomalies caused by the
shifting or realigning of energies. For the energies from one galaxy flowing into another
do create ripples where they meet. These ripples create anomalies that you perceive
at times to be black holes, tears or rips, or even shifts in time and place. That these
same anomalies do occasionally impact the Earth itself is true, but it is rare.
That that area known as the Bermuda Triangle is such an area is only partially true. For
there are occurrences of these types of anomalies there, but primarily the odd energy
fluctuations experienced by those so affected, are due to the residual effects from those
experiments conducted both by those called Atlanteans by youthough that was not
their true namingand by those of the current government of that nation known as
United States.
The rotation and placement of stars and other heavenly bodies is part of the template.
Therefore, has it always been used as one of the markers to indicate not only the
passage of time, but also the cycle of realities.
The patterns created within the stars are similar to those patterns within each entity. An
entity chooses its passage into physicality based on the configuration of those energies
comprising the heavensor what you (all) term the astrological chart.
Part of the game is to be born within those patterns most in tune with your own, and
those most out of tune with your own. For when you choose to be born within an
astrological configuration not attuned to your own energies, do you need to work harder
in order to make the simplest tasks a reality.
When you use the expression that the heavens are against me it is true. For if the
energy alignment of the heavens is off in relation to your own energy pattern, does it
impede the flow of your own energies, thereby impeding your abilities to manipulate your
own reality.
Remember, you are comprised of energy, just as the world (on all levels) is. Therefore,
when you choose your moment of birth, you are choosing that moment when all
energiesphysical (and that includes all planetary and astrological energies), astral,
causal, mental, and Buddhic energies are as you want them to be.
If you choose a point at which the energies astrological are in opposition to your own
entity energies, will you find that your life is a most difficult one. For if you attempt to

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manifest a specific job, but the energies oppose this, then you must either expend more
energy or manifest a different job.
If the astrological, as well as the physical, energies are in opposition to the entitys
energies, will you find the life short and problematic. For it will be most difficult for any
fragment with that much opposing force to maintain a presence.
The configuration of the stars and planets do contain valid information for those who can
read them. However, few are adept at this. We find that those following the Veddic
method of astrology do the best at understanding the nuances of the energy fluctuations
caused by the shifting planets. That is not to say that other astrologers are not adept
we did not mean that nor did we say that. Only that those using the Veddic methodology
show a higher percentage of accuracy than most others.
Once a configuration is selected and birth occurs, can the astrologer use the knowledge
of your birthing configuration to try to determine other configurations coming up and how
they may affect the life based on the energy pattern chosen for birth.
That the best astrologers are also readers of energies is true. For they will not only
determine which cycle of planets you have chosen to live in, but also what your personal
energies are like. Therefore, can the astrologer compare the two and determine more
accurately just how the planetary configuration will affect you.
Those who give general astrology information are rarely accurate. For they have little to
go on except the overall configuration of the astrological energies. While for some an
interpretation of those general energies might mean joyous tidings, for others will it mean
a death in the family. It depends on the combination of personal energy and planetary
configuration energy.
Is astrology real? All things are realeven those things only conceived within your own
mind and never expressed. For even thoughts are energy, so that makes them real. So,
yesthe affects of the planets and stars upon your lives is real.

M: We see this as a way to determine a mathematical formula to explain a persons
behavior. That certain numbers carry specific vibrations is true, just as it is true that a
persons name carries specific vibrations.
If you wish to designate a vibratory frequency with someones name, then would we
suggest using the numbers 0 7.
0 = null; that is, it has no vibration at all.
1 = is the lowest vibratory frequency and corresponds to the root chakra
2 = base
3 = thorax
4 = heart
5 = throat
6 = brow
7 = head

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For us, do we associate the name and its vibratory rate with the overall vibratory rate of
the fragment. The channeler is the sum of all her energies (frequencies) including her
birth name. Therefore, do we see her as a seven. That this corresponds to a particular
body type or personality type is not true, rather is it simply one number out of several
hundred that defines you to us.
If you were to use a type of numerology to define a persons characteristics, would you
need to know more than just their name. For you would need to know their birth month,
body type, role, cycle, level, and connection point.
We refer to the point of connection between them and their guides. For those whose
connection point is the brow (mental) are a high 6, while those whose connection point is
the root (grounding/physical) are a high 1. Each role and cycle has a primary connecting
point inherent in them, but a person may select another connection point if they have set
agreements to channel (a teacher from one of the other planes), or act as energy
manipulators, or otherwise change their vibratory frequency. That many would do this
without having selected energy manipulation or channeling is not true. However, there
are those who would experience having an elevated vibratory pattern based on one
particular connection point.
A third cycle sage with an elevated communications center (connected at the throat
chakra) would experience the ability to convince anyone of almost anything. They are
the fragments that can sway entire towns, states, countries to do what they want them
to. Hitler was one such fragment, although not third cycle, he was, through elevated
communications and mental centers, able to convince entire countries to do his bidding.
Others, through connections to the base or root, can work seeming miracles when it
comes to healing the Earth or those creatures that dwell there. They will have a
seemingly uncanny ability with animals and plants.
By raising their frequency in that way, do they change their overall frequency, so that the
normal configurations no longer apply.
As we stated, this is an uncommon occurrence, and usually leads to many imbalances,
but it is also something that does occur.
In terms of the numerology that is used on common practice we must say that it offers
little other than amusement. For it holds little truth to it.

Whats in a Name
Q: How can you figure out who is being referred to with just a name?
M: We see the name as having a particular vibration. We then locate that vibration in
your timeline. This is verified by the thread from you to the one who contacted you. This
is a very fine filament, but gives us confirmation that we have located the correct
fragment. We use the Akashic records when searching for more details regarding pasts
and lessons and karmas. For only the emotional and/or basic details are contained in the
base of the individual. If more information is required, then we come here to retrieve it.

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The name is a vibration both in written and verbalized form, for the thought always
precedes the action or event. Therefore you must think the name before writing or
saying it, and this is what we "see". We see not the letters you scribble, rather we see
bursts of energy that indicate similar bursts inside your mind. This is the closest we can
come to explaining.
For we are not physical and the world you live in is perceived by you (global you) at only
one level. We see not that level. Rather do we see the energy levels that actually
comprise your reality. So we see the individual lines of energy that go into building your
world and you see the whole construction. This, then, is the main difference.
Those seeking photographs or telephone communication are seeking to "feel" the
energy or create a link with the individual in order to "read" them. It is what you would
do, also. For it is only when you can actually view someone in person that you can see
the entire person present here within the physical realmyou understand what we mean
by "entire person"?
IML: Yes, Michael....you mean their physicality as well as their energies that reside in the
physical plane.
M: Exactly. Otherwise you, too, must link to them and either view their energies via what
you term remote viewing or simply through "feel" once linked. We are not limited in that
way, being outside of the physical frequency.

Q: What about those people that have names that are the same and/or common, like
Harry Jones or Peter Smith?
M: Those individuals who share names do not share energies. Therefore, we look to the
source of the name. If it is not the bearer of the name, but another who has requested,
then we follow their link to the person who bears the name. Once the energy is
identified, do we then dispense the information to the scholar (IML). For all persons
despite their name or lack thereof, are individual in their energies/vibrations. Even twins
(essence) do not have identical energies. For they come from different entities.
Remember, we do not have the limitations that are placed upon you as part of the
physical realm, so we do not see the person/fragment as do you. Rather do we see a
particular collection of energies and vibrations that signify that fragment. And it is within
that vibrational field that all the individual's information is storedsuch as role, cycle,
pasts, and goals. It is this then that we read. Does this clarify it for you?
We prefer to have the entire birth name and not the "nick name" for this then allows us to
identify properly the fragment that would question us. There are instances wherein a
childs given name is "incorrect". That is, the energies match not the name given.
Usually then has the child/youth abandoned that birth name and taken on the one that is
more appropriate. You, questioner, are a good example, for the given name was not
"you", and so did you change it appropriately.

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There are those who use their middle names rather than first given name for that same
reason. For the second given name is the one that more accurately reflects the energies
and so is the one used and adopted by the fragment.
Still others may adopt a name that is of none of those given. Those that would adopt
names as affectations are primarily those with energies that are unbalanced and chaotic,
or of a sage or artisan type. For both seek attention or to create a "stir" or atmosphere,
and the taking of an unusual name would cause/create this.
Therefore, do we need to know the full name given you at birth when asking us for
information. For if the name is Robert, but we are told Bobby, are we likely to obtain
incorrect information. If, however, the name is Robert Anthony, and Anthony is the name
used, then would it (the information) be more accurate if we were informed of that, but
still would we require the full name first.
The name of the fragment identifies the fragment in as much as it shows the location
the reality and time line, being experienced by that fragment. For another fragment of
that same essence would hold a different name and so be located in a different reality
and/or a different time line. This is why we need to know the name so as to identify the
appropriate fragment and the appropriate time line and reality.
If given every permutation of each persons name, would we then be most accurate in
our identification; however, not even the fragments themselves know each and every
name that is assigned to them. So the best we can do is to work with that name
assigned at birth or assigned to self while a youth. For that is what will resonate most
closely with the fragment and allow us to review their experiences and choices "thus far".

Q: Is it important or necessary for someone to chant or create symbols (such as
pentagrams and the like) in order to contact their guides?
M: The chanting or repetitious vocalizations of a name or phrase or even meaningless
sounds is not what makes the connection. But rather does this practice cause ego to be
distracted. Then can essence "commune" with self (higher) or any of their guides.
The same is true of any truly repetitive action or device. Beating a drum in a slow
rhythmic manner would assuage the moving center and allow ego to step aside while
essence then came forward to commune with those it needed to.
Meditation is the focusing of energies, that this can occur through the chanting of names
or phrases, or through the beating of drums or cymbals or bells, or through the rhythmic
breathing of yoga movements is true, for the result is the samethe distraction of ego
so that essence may "drive".
Some would focus upon crystals, or listen to the sounds of water flowing, or breathe in
rhythmic ways, or continuously toss dice or runes. The rituals are used to aid in the
distraction of ego, they are not always needed, nor is it necessary to follow them exactly
each time by all participants. For some may find the beating of drums distracting not
quieting. Others may find the sounds of the ocean stimulating, not meditative. Each must
find their own way in which to move aside ego, and allow essence its guidance.

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Those who follow rituals without knowing why they do so, will rarely achieve that which
they seek. For without understanding the purpose for the ritual, will the energies not be
focused except on the ritual. The ritual is **not** the focus. The focus is the allowing of
essence to commune with self or those guides or teachers not of self. So focusing on the
ritual will teach you much about memorization and repetition, but it will gain you little in
terms of awareness.
If, when given a ritual to follow, the only reason offered for following same, is that it has
always been, do we recommend analyzing the pieces that comprise the ritual so as to
discern what it was the originators were truly trying to accomplish. For the pieces of
rituals can offer guidance as to their purpose, even if those perpetuating the rituals no
longer remember or understand why they do them.
To stand in a circle or star and move hands up and down is but a way to distract the
moving center. The sitting and staring upon a candle or fine crystal, is but a way to
distract the intellectual center The repetitious vocalizations of names or phrases is the
distraction of the emotional center. Those that would practice ritualized breathing
techniques are also looking to distract both the emotional and the moving centers.
So, there is always some purpose, but most times has it been lost in the zealousness of
preserving the ritual itself. So rather than follow a ritual, do we recommend finding those
techniques of distraction that tend to work for you, and to use the one(s) appropriate for
the moment and the need.

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Psychic Abilities
Q: Do you need to be psychic to channel ?
M: What you term "psychic senses" is to us normal precepts. All will follow the pull of
threads (vectors) whether awake or not. Those who are awake enough may begin to
understand what the "pull" means, while others may even have an "inkling" of it before it
happens. This is a natural process of beingof becoming aware of oneself as more than
just a physical being.
As to emotions, all those considered empathic, and many who know no better, send
links from the heart to everyone around them, thereby allowing them to experience and
know another's emotions. Others may leave their heart chakra too open, putting
themselves out of balance and allowing everyone else's emotions to override their own.
Thoughts are energy, as are the emotions, and as such they can be "received" by others
who are either in complementary vibration with the thoughts and the one sending them,
or by the receiver linking to the other's thought center.
What we mean by psychic talents are those talents that allow one to consciously and
with awareness on all levels, go in and manipulate the energiesnot only on this, the
physical plane, but on all other planes, as well.
It is this awareness combined with the ability that gives one the talent for healing
(whether it be physical, spiritual, mental, psychical, or emotional), and it is this same
combination that allows one to "look" at other's lives and see the threads that cause the
vectors and to "read" when the vectors will most likely become active. They were at
times called sorcerers, wizards, magicians, and witches. Whatever term is used, matters
not to us. More is it important that they exist, for they are the ones that put balance back
where the energies flow unevenly or are blockedwhether in some one, some thing, or
some where/when.
We do not mean to imply that they are better than the man who builds bridges or the
person who cares for flowers. For all talents and all skills are needed. For the
experiences gained are what adds to our overall creativity.
However, the talents you (the questioner) speak of as psychic could be taught to anyone
awake enough to learn. But the psychic talents we speak of must be chosen and honed
throughout the lifetime.

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Psychic Powers in your terms are the reading of thoughts, accomplished through either
cording or auric reading; but since most cannot read other's auras, it is usually done
through cording.
Precognition is the awareness of events based on cords or energy broadcast. Those not
to be part of a "death" will be "warned" to stay away so they will not board the plane,
bus, or go to a certain location. Sometimes these signals are picked up by others on the
"frequency" or those who truly are psychic. Other times it is a matter of knowing before
they make it "real". They may try it in the astral first, then go ahead and make it happen.
So it seems precognitive.
Empaths are those that are cording other's emotional centers, or being overwhelmed
always by other's auras. Balance and a closing down of the emotional centers to some
degree will stop this.
Remote viewing can, in a limited way, be done by cording, but usually requires one who
can manipulate all energies not just their own.
Psychokineses requires a real psychic, though some with only "psi" talents have
manipulated objects within their sphere of influence slightlyusually, however, they do
not know what they have done or how, and they cannot do it if the object is outside of
their aura.
To be psychic in the sense of knowing anothers thoughts or emotions, or seeing
anothers place or location, requires that the auras or energies be linked. This requires
that one create an attachment of their energy to anothers. This attaching then lets you
sense or know what another does.
There are different types of links, for those who would marry or have children together,
do they create an agreement to do so usually before incarnation. This agreement is
present as an energy link, one to the other, so that when they meet the desire or need to
be together is recognized at least at an essence level, if not by the personality.
For others are there also links or cords that connect them due to an imbalance between
them. What we call karma. This link creates an urge within the players/fragments to
come together so that the balance may be re-established. They may choose not to reestablish balance, and this is their choice, but the links will cause them to at least meet
and confront that choice.
Then there are links of lessons or monads. These again are created prior to incarnation
and indicate a very special type of agreement. These are agreements to share a
particular type of experience or lesson with each other. These lessons are a segment
of life in which two peopleyou and anotherare the primary or key players. For the
focus of the drama is yours and your partners.
The final type of linking is that which you create when you wish to know what someone
thinks or how they feel or when you wish to control that other person. For these are the
links that create what you term psychic bonds.

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You reach out with part of your energies and connect yourself to anothers brow or heart
or thorax or base. In doing this, you can hear what another thinks (brow), or send
thoughts to them thereby controlling what they think. Or you can feel their emotions
(heart) or make them feel what you want by sending them your emotions through the
link. You can take from them their energy (thorax) or add yours to theirs, or you can
influence their creativity or sexual desire or feel theirs by linking to their base.
This then is what you call psychic abilities. It is merely the reaching out of self at an
essence or energy level and connecting to anothers essence or energy level. We do not
recommend this behavior often, though. For most remember not to remove these links,
nor do they accurately know how to control them. And by leaving them too long on
anothers energy can it cause problems for the other persons physical form.
Therefore, do we suggest short probing extensions rather than full links, and only if
agreed to by the other you would connect to. For never should you simply link to one
without their knowledge or approval, for again, the balance between the two can become
skewed and this then would create a karmic debt. Always is it balance that is sought, so
always must you give and take, not just take.
Is this then more clear?

Linking to Others
Q: So, are you saying that anyone could link to someone else and hear their thoughts?
M: The mechanics of hearing thoughts or knowing emotions of another are easily
done and commonly done. However, few know on a physical mind level what or how
they do it. Not all connections are clear, some will be filled with static, and others
seemingly unreadable or silent. Most times this is caused by the fragments being of such
varying vibratory frequencies that they cannot easily match the frequencies enough to
make the connections clear.
A warrior may link to a kings brow and either hear the thoughts or control the thoughts
with little distortion or effort, but when tried with a sage they may hear only noise. This
is because the range of frequency between warrior and sage is so distanced that it
becomes difficult for the warrior to match and, therefore, obtain a clear connection.
All things are energy, you and all those around you, as are the animals, trees, couches,
and houses. And each fragment (person) vibrates at a particular frequency. Some
frequencies being more compatible than others, are therefore more easily linked and the
energies of the thoughts or emotions more clearly transferred. With others, are the
frequencies so dissimilar that the energies of the thoughts or emotions do not transfer
well and the messages are not received.
Sages work well with priests and artisans, while warriors work best with kings and
servers. Scholars are the most flexible and can more easily shift their frequencies to
become more in tune with the other roles.
In physical plane terms, you are literally reaching out with part of yourself and attaching
it to another. For the hearing of thoughts do you reach out that part of self nearest your
brow chakra and attach it to the others brow chakra. You can then hear or direct the
others thoughts.

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To know their emotions, do you reach out with your brow and attach to their heart
chakra. To feel their emotions or control their emotions, do you reach out with your heart
energies and attach to theirs. To obtain total influence or to obtain of their physical
energies, do you attach your thorax to theirs. For this then allows you to merge energies
or take of theirs or give of yours.
To control the creative or sexual energies, do you connect at the base. This is all done
through the front of each fragment, for that indicates that both are aware and agreeable
to the exchanges at least on an essence level.
If the connections are made from your front to their back it indicates that they do not
agree to your control and linking. For to attach to ones back is to indicate a reversal of
the normal energy flows for the physical plane, and this is detrimental to the physical
form. Therefore, would essence not often agree to this type of connection.
We would see this type of intrusive behavior as one that could and would most likely
create an imbalance, and would therefore create what you term karmic bonding or
linking. These links (to the back) more than any others are done by those who would
control someone else, dominate someone else, and yet are there no agreements or
acknowledgment of acquiescence by the fragment being controlled.
The physical mind does not control these intrusions and linkings, so much as the
thoughts and the intensity of focus of these thoughts does. For the mind may have no
awareness of these actions, yet the thoughts and focus are there and the intensity of
these both cause essence to respond. Thoughts, like everything else, are energy, and
energy can and is manipulated. For we are all energy, just in a form you do not

Q: What is the biggest difference between a regular channeler and one who is also an
energy manipulatoror is there a difference?
M: We see the primary difference as being the clarity with which the messages come
through. For those who channel and also manipulate energies can more easily clear,
and maintain a conduit that allows the information to flow more freely and clearly.
Whereas, those without that ability are usually more limited in their communications
abilities due to their "inability" to clear the conduit.
If, however, they have an agreement with one in the causal or buddhic planes, then they
(the causal or buddhic entities) can usually create and help maintain the conduit and use
it as a link, as well as an information channel. That is why so many without agreements
or without the abilities to manipulate the energies limit themselves to contacting those
guides on the astral. For the "barriers" and interference is not so great, and so makes it
that much easier to gain contact. This is not wrong or right, it merely is.

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Accessing Information
Q: You said once that "...Information helps you make wiser choices..." How do I access
the information from myself to help with these choices? How do I actively remember past
experiences where lessons learnt may be pertinent to the decisions now? Before, I have
just asked my guides for it, or for help, and either I get the information I need, or my life
just seems to "fall into place".
M: Those who would access or "remember" their own "records", their own experiences,
whether from the life of the fragment they are now, or from other fragments of self, need
to gather about themselves their energies. We mean they need to retire to a place
wherein the body is comfortable and feels safe and secure, then do they need to shift
their focus from the here and now to the two most southern chakras. For within those
two energy centers will they find those memories most pertinent to the events of the
current life.
That the questioner has asked the guides for assistance in this endeavor is fine, for it is
her choice whether to seek the information for self or to rely on other's assistance.
Neither is better than anotherall or any is sufficient if the questions asked are
When one is unaccustomed to working with guides, however, then do they need to seek
within their own energies for the answers. For each fragment, each person, carries
within their own "record" of emotional experiences.
To look within the root is to find those experiences that have taught youthe whole you
(essence and ego), that living near water is dangerous (this could be because in several
lives you drowned), or that darkness should be feared (perhaps because in darkness
were you murdered, raped, or mauled by wild animals), so it causes the body and
physical mind to react in ways of fear. That is, either the mind creates such an extreme
block of fear that you would not conceive of moving near any water, or does the body
create a reaction whether in the form of hives, bloating, sneezing, wheezing, or other
what you call allergies.
To observe the base, will you find those pasts that have some impact on the current life.
We see in the questioner a need for security in a relationship because those pasts most
prominent show abandonment and desertion by those trusted and/or loved. Therefore,
will the predominant fear/need most often be reflected in the base with those pasts
"showing" why the fear/need is so predominant.
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So, always are those previous experiences that have a direct influence on the current life
most prominent in the base and root. That those in the root most often show themselves
as mental fears or physical form reactions is truewhat you call phobias and allergies.
Whereas those from the base do show in both the types of situations in which you
continually find yourself as well as in the way you respond/react to those situations. For
many will they find themselves repeating the same fear-driven response over and over,
until they can finally recognize or realize what and why they do act in that manner. At
that time will they then adjust the behavior to one that is different. We will not say better,
for all responses are right for what they are, but some are more fear-driven then others.
This is each fragment's choice. For they can respond through fear or love or any
variation thereof.
Therefore, whether one asks the guides or seeks within on their own, the answers are
there if you truly wish to find them.

Q: Michael can you restate the order of the chakras for us?
M: Of the chakras, once again will we indicate that they are the thoraxcenter chest
below the closed ribs. This is the energy center and vital to all living physical things.
The second is the root and it is located near the belly button. It is the monitor for the
body, preventing (if it can) anything untoward from happening to the physical form.
The next is the base. This is located an inch or two below the sexual organs, and is the
creative center for all physical beings.
The fourth is the heart. Located near the heart, it is the emotional center and healing
Next is the throat. This center is located mid-neck and is the communications center.
The sixth is located at the juncture of nose and forehead, and is often referred to as the
third eye. This is the intellectual center.
The tao is located one to two inches above the top of the head, and is the spiritual
center. This is the link to allto all other realities, planes, essences, entities, all.

Akashic Records
Q: Do the Akashic records just hold our pasts and futures?
M: Since there is no "future" anymore than there is a "past", then we must state that this
is not what the Akashic records contain. But rather are they records of all the
experiences of every fragment, essence, and entity in all dimensions and all worlds and
all realities. When viewed by you, would you find them showing only that information that
impacts the life you know as yours, but without the advent of conclusions. For there
would be still all choices available to you. You might see that in 10 years (of your time)
were you to meet someone with whom you have agreements to marry. This in no way
changes your life or limits your choices. For you do not have to partake of the meeting if

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you do not wish to. Nor do you need to marry the person after meeting them if you
decide to meet them. The choices are always available to you to make. Knowing what is
planned, does not alter that, it only aids you in understanding why or what and so
perhaps making wiser more essence-driven choices, rather than reactionary, ego-driven
The Akashic shows you, from the physical plane, those pasts (experiences) already had,
and those experiences "planned", but not encountered. But more than that, they cannot
do. For there is no destiny or fate, there is only choice; and until the choices are made,
there is no way to "predict" what a fragment will do.
Even we do not "predict". We merely point out the choices made, the choices possible,
and the paths you have built or started to build based on those choices. That is not
"prediction" it is a stating of what is "obvious" to any who would observe the aura. So,
no, the Akashic does not show past and futures, it only contains those experiences had
by any and all as they participate in their various nows.

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Focusing Energies
Q: What exactly is "focusing" your energy? How do you do it?
M: We see the art of focusing ones energies as that not unlike any other activity
requiring intense concentration. That this concentration can take place both in a
physical, mental, and spiritual sense all at the same moment is what confounds most of
the fragments in the physical realm. For they presuppose that we speak of something
mystical and secret, when we merely indicate a flow or direction in which the energies
are "turned" or "aimed". If you think of yourself as a creature composed of many layers
of different energies, then perhaps you can more easily visualize how and what we
speak of. For the physical mind is free to do whatever it needs and wants in regulating
the physical form, for it is not part of what occurs when the energies are focused.
Thoughts are generated by essence, not the physical mindthis is why we/you/all those
in the physical form are "different" from other animals. For without the incarnation of
essence, the physical form would be just another animal.
So to focus or direct your thoughts to one point, requires that you manage to maintain
concentration on that one focal point for longer than your normal "two seconds". To
create an image of almost physical reality with your thoughts is to build the energies
toward a particular focus. This is why if you truly desire to experience some event you
can, by thinking of it over and over, whether for days or weeks or sometimes years. The
depth of your commitment to this particular thought, the determination shown in
imagining or creating the image will or can eventually create the "reality". Many times
you change your life because your concentration on one aspect or point of the life
becomes the all-consuming focal point. This is why it is often said that you will always
experience your greatest fear. For many are drawn again and again to dwell on that fear,
and what might happen. If one is constantly afraid of being alone, they may think of this
constantly until they find themselves that waywhether through having driven all others
away, or through their own machinations in creating a life of total isolation. You, IML,
refused to be any height other than 5 4", and so grew to that precise height. Just as you
always saw yourself with eyeglasses, and so changed your eyesight by focusing on that
Thoughts are physical objects that are not visible to your physical eyes. They are
however, able to affect the energies that comprise you and your world. To think once
that you are fat is to have little or no affect on your physical form. If, however, you repeat
that thought a 1000 times, you will soon find yourself growing larger in ways you had not
considered. You truly are what you think.

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For one without the "abilities" to see or manipulate energies, do they need to create
repetitions or moments of meditation wherein they concentrate or focus on one particular
object, event, image, or person. A mantra, chant, or repeated phrase works to channel
the mind/thought of the fragment so that the energies can begin to be bent or shifted in
the direction sought. One who can see and move energies, merely does so, for the
ability to focus the energies becomes as "natural" to them as breathing does to the
physical form. This is why the path may seem fixed in a positive way, but is then noticed
to begin shifting, perhaps, to a more negative "setting". For someone or someones may
be concentrating/focusing on some action that, given enough time or focus, will cause
the energies to change.
If one is not an energy manipulator, but would cause some change to occur more
"quickly", then would they join with others in a focusing of energies. This is the reasoning
behind rituals and group prayer. For to have many repeat the focusing phrases over and
over, creates a large and powerful effort causing the energies to shift in the direction
desired. Therefore, if a group would wish to harm another or several others, could they,
through ritualistic repetition of phrases, concentrate their energies to cause the other(s)
what could be perceived as a spell of ill luck or accidents. It is merely the creation of a
pocket or small vortex of negativity that they have located on or around another. But also
can it be used for positive means. For to wish someone who is ill, health, could you
group several and have them invoke repetitious prayers and phrases of health and
wellness for the person. This time creating a positive vortex around or on another.
The laying on of hands is an immediate manipulation done by one with the abilities to
shift energies on their own, whether they "consciously" understand what it is they do or
not. But it is also possible to be healed by those wishing you well, if they continue to do
so over time, if it is a serious illness and if the person wishes to be healed. For no one
can or will be healed if they do not wish to be. If this is what you call magic and voodoo,
then yes, it does indeed exist. But remember too, that to manipulate another's energies
without their knowledge or consent (essence level) is to incur/create imbalance. There
are those whose awareness levels allow essence enough "freedom" to "protect"
themselves. For if essence wishes not to be intruded upon by others' energies, it merely
refuses to allow it. There are those that can create energy cords and bonds and vortexes
despite all of essence's protections, though, and these are usually those with which you
already have karmic or monadal bonds. For if they have links to your auras already, it is
quite difficult to keep them from breaching the aura in other ways.
Most, what you would call psychic attacks, are those attacks made to one's energies by
someone with whom there is already some debt owing. Others may occur through a
misuse of "power", for there are instances of those whose abilities to manipulate the
energies is used not for positive reasons, but for reasons of power, greed, and money
and fame. That this occurs often, though, is not true. For most with this ability are either
first cycles or fourth and fifth.
For those who have no conscious knowledge of how to shift energies, even though they
have the ability to do so, do they oftentimes perform their "duties" and use these talents
while astral. That many of those energy manipulators spend much time astrally is true,
but not all "remember" this upon conscious thought. It is not necessary for the physical
mind to know and understand, as long as essence is aware and retains enough control
of the life to accomplish what it seeks to.

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But what is important is that all understand that emotions, thoughts, actions, these are all
capable of changing the energies, not just around you, but around those near you, too.
That is why we say to focus your energies (both mental and emotional) when you
encounter others who are hostile or angry and violent. For to reflect back what you see
only creates more of the same, increasing the hostile environment and potential for
violence exponentially. Rather should you attempt to focus through the energy and
intellectual center. For to reflect through the emotional center only causes more
possibilities for trouble. If the fragment is confident that they can maintain a loving or
calming focus, then using the emotional center to answer an emotional situation would
be most beneficial. For when most are reacting through the emotional center, they do
not respond well to logic or rhetoric. Just as those who are reacting through the
intellectual center respond not well to emotionalism. So, if focus of a proper type can be
maintained in the same chakra, then will the situations resolve themselves more easily.
But when fear is prominent, then are the reactions less controlled" and more prone to

Astral Projection
Q: What can you tell me about the conscious, willful projection into the astral. I'm very
interested in this topic, and Michael's take on it.
M: We are unclear as to your exact question, but if it pertains to what you call having an
out-of-body experience then it is a matter of shifting focus and re-sequencing your
frequencies. You must make the astral frequency primary rather than the physical
vibrational pattern as primary. It is the same with any essence-type communication or
Currently all on the physical plane use their root and base centers as their primary focal
points. It is these frequencies and the focusing of awareness through them that "ties" the
fragments to and allows them to interact with the physical plane and all that it contains.
To shift focus to the next plane(s) closest in vibrational frequencies, the lower astral
planes, would require that essence generate its main energies through the base center
and thorax. This forces the energies to focus on the next level of energies and allows the
essence to move through the lower astral realms.
It is rare that while still physical, someone could shift vibrational frequency enough to
completely release the body. This would almost assuredly result in the destruction of the
physical body due to "neglect" and burn out. For time being so distorted and with no link
remaining, it becomes too easily forgotten that essence needs to return to the physical to
re-animate the physical body. Yet, if you were to shift focus and try to visit any other
plane beyond the lower astral, releasing the physical body completely would be
necessary. Most can learn to shift focus for limited periods, and most usually only
become adept at shifting focus to the lower astral. But it is not without precedent, nor is it
beyond the capabilities to learn to shift focus enough to contact the other planesnot
visit, but contact.
All fragments in the physical plane spend some time each night in the lower astral
planes. For this is where they meet with those they have agreements, or with those
portions of themselves from the different realities, or even with those from other planes.

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It is many of these travels that you bring back as dreams of wonder and awe, if you
remember them at all.
If one seeks to go to the astral planes on an aware basis, we must caution them to
remember that although astral matter has little or no impact on physical matter, you are
not in physical form, and all emotions you take to the lower astral planes with you
become yours. That is, they become your reality while there. So, we urge those who
attempt this to do so with caution and care.
The reaching of any of the planes requires the same technique as reaching the astral
planesthe re-tuning of the frequencies until you are aligned with whichever plane you
wish to contact. To contactnot visit, for again this would cause possible harm to the
physical manifestation that is youthe lower causal or the akashic records, you need to
shift focus from the base and thorax centers to the thorax and heart. This will connect
you to the frequencies of the akashic records. To reach the upper levels where we dwell
you must add the focus of the Tao, or the 7th chakra. This becomes true for all levels
beyond the akashic. For to reach the mental plane requires the focus be through the
heart and throat and tao; the messianic requires the throat, brow and the tao; the
buddhic requires the brow and the tao.
Most on the physical plane, we find cannot maintain the focus long enough to verify the
experience, for it is difficult to neglect the body for longer than 5 or 10 minutes before the
root begins to send interruptive thoughts in an attempt to grab your attention and cause
you to re-focus back to your own physical plane and your own reality.
Many that we work with and through, spent much time in learning to either re-direct that
"little voice" within themselves or to ignore it, so that it would not be able to interrupt us
while we communicate. We have earlier given this scholar (IML) information explaining
meditation techniques which help you identify the different tones or frequencies of each
of your energy centers. This should help you then identify within yourself when you are
focused through the proper centers to accomplish what you wish to do.

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M: As to the guides, all have guides, but not all commune with or partake of the
information that the guides would share with them. For not all are in tune with the
spiritual side of their nature, and so do not accept the presence of their guides, nor do
they choose to perceive those who would guide or advise them. Some have many who
would guide and others only one, but there are none in the physical who have no guides.
Those with many, are usually those whose other fragments, having finished, now await
them on the astral and so would act as guides and advisors until all fragments are
For most, do they share guides. For one of the tasks selected to do by those in the astral
is to guide and advise others. They do not, however, just guide one, but rather do they
guide hundreds because for them on the astral, the time felt by you is not the same.
They can, by your standards, spend 50 years with one person and yet also be with
another 40 (people) during those same years. That is because your time is not the same
for them, although they understand your time sequencing and can abide by it. But also
can they place themselves outside of it and therefore, seemingly appear in many places
at what appears the same time.
The warrior (JM) has 1 guide and 14 fragments that would act as guides. She has,
however, never attuned herself to listen to them, except through sleep and dreams.
While meditating does she still focus on the physical and so hears not the advice her
guides would offer.

Q: At a recent visit to my energy healer she claimed she could sense the presence of
what she called four or five aides, and one guardian angel. Who is he (this guardian) and
who are the helpers? How do I contact them directly?
M: What she calls your guardian angel do we call your astral guide. For he has
agreements with you to be there whenever you have need, whether it be for emotional or
spiritual support and comfort, or physical life intervention.
That he can and sill supply "directions" or advice is true, for if asked would he "direct"
you toward that path most beneficial for what you would accomplish in your life. Those
with him are those who would "train". For they learn how to be guide and guardian.

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Often will there appear more than one guide for a fragment, and this is fine. But most
times will the presence of one, more so than others, be primary. For it is with them that
the agreements are strongest, more "compelling".
All have a primary guide/guardian, for all would make agreements for such. However,
often are there secondary agreements made both by you and by that one who is
primary. This ensures that you are never alone at any time. For always is there at least
one who would guide or guard you, and always is there one to offer support or comfort
when it is needed.
Some do not invoke the agreement and so do not realize that they do indeed have
recourse or help. Rather do they struggle on their own never realizing that there are
those who would help if they were but allowed to. It takes little to invoke the agreements.
For most is it a matter of saying a prayer and asking for someone or something to help
you "find your way". Then will your guide/guardian act upon the agreement and begin
their assistance. It can be as simple as stating that you wish someone would love you,
help you, comfort you, care for you, etc. For once asked, will they then come.

Astral Guides
M: That there are 7 levels of guides, is true. But not all guide those on the physical
plane. For the first two levels do pertain more to those tasks on the transitional plane
directing those coming and going, as well as making sure that all links, agreements,
ribbons, cords, and choices have been taken care of. That any of those essences or
fragments passing through these stages of the astral must work with these guides is not
true. For again it is each fragments and essences choice as to whether they would work
with those available to them.
The third level of guides, are those who would watch over those on the physical plane in
a general way. For they are not assigned per se to any one in particular, but rather do
they watch the global choices being made so as to determine whether alternate realities
need to be created. If this occurson a global level only are we speaking nowdo they
connect with those oversouls whose energies do direct the reality and planet in which
you all dwell, so that a duplicate reality can be made. That this is an exact duplicate is
true. For it is the guides who then introduce those changes necessary to meet the
choices being made.
That this is nearlyin your termsinstantaneous, is true. For to them (the guides) can
they manipulate the time stream interjecting changes as necessary to meet the choices
being made.
Of those within the third level, are there many groups of guides, and each group does
monitor a particular world. For there are many worlds within the physical plane.
Therefore, are there many groups of monitors (or guides) within this third level.
The fourth level of guides are those who monitor more the people. Each guide watches
over a small section of the population of a particular planet, rather than the entire globe.
For they are assigned by way of agreements and astral meetings to monitor those who
they are linked with.

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These guides do communicate with those they would guide primarily through dreams, for
most upon the physical plane do not have enough awareness to be contacted any other
way. However, some do achieve a modicum of awareness, and so are able to perceive
the whispered instruction or caution. For those unable to divine this perception level,
then do the guides rely on those ephemeral contacts that you call dreams. Using
symbols do they then inject messages into your dreams.
The sixth level is that level wherein those of each entity do begin their own lessons. It is
as part of these lessons that they also might reach out and occasionally touch on
your awareness. That many take this as the touching of angels is true. However, it is
merely the touching of entity mates.
The fifth level is where essence begins to re-integrate. Again will you feel (at times) as
though you have been touched by something wondrous. For as the fragments blend
together do you begin to feel the pull towards home.
The final level is where those of each entity have completed their lessons and so do
need to teach. To do so, do they again create agreements to be of assistance and
inspiration. For it is easier for entity mates to work with one another than for those not
within the same frequency band.
So, always are you not alone. For there are always those who would aid, support and
guide you.
That you can request that one or more fragments act as guides is true. For they can,
from the transitional planes attempt to give you guidance. That this guidance is limited is
true, for without integration do they offer only that knowledge gained through their own
physical plane existences.
Those considered by most physical plane dwellers as guardian angels are primarily
those entity mates that would act as counselor, guide, instructor and supporter, or those
of the causal or mental planes. For these integrated beings (to your standards of
integrationfor to us is there more integration to be done) do offer greater insights and
wisdom than do any of those on the other astral levels.
Of guides, do we state that always is there a one for one ratio. For if you are extant with
one astral guide (an agreement made between entity mates) then do you always have
one guide extant upon the planet with you. That you must know this person is not true,
for they can always work through the transitional levels of the astral to reach you. For the
cords are there, and if you call for guidance, and that is their role, then will they come. If
you call for support, and that is their role, will they come. For always does the call echo
through the cord pulling them to you. So it matters not whether you seek guides out
there or up there, a guide will come.
Those of the second and third cycles do not recognize their guides as such. For most
are too involved with the physical plane. However, they are there. Those of the fourth
cycle are more perceptive but inclined to see aliens or angel rather than guides.
We would think the terms guide, counselor, and monitor the most accurate, for these are
their roles in essence, and these are their functions.

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The 7 roles in the astral plane are: counselor, monitor, guide, student, supporter,
guardian, teacher. That these roles in essence correspond to those roles of king, warrior,
artisan, etc. is true. For each of the roles of the physical plane does carry over for the
first three levels. However, these roles are blended with their essence level roles for the
astral, until soon only the astral-level role remains.
That these roles are taken on only after one has completed all their lives on the physical
plane, is not true. For many already function as counselor helping those who are
transitioning, or answering the calls of those who are also still extant upon the planet
or train as monitor. The channeler here does both, for she would, upon completion of
this life, move on to work as monitor, therefore, has she already learned much during
those astral intervals as to how this process works.

Causal Plane Guides

Q: How do Causal plane guides, or more specificallymid-causal guidesdiffer from
one another? And do their variations affect the way they communicate with humans?
M: We vary in frequencies, which causes our interactions (with those on our plane or
your plane or any other plane) to vary. For we are of warriors, priests, and kings
(primarily), and you are a scholar. We and you both shift our energies in subtle ways to
make this interaction possible.
That mid-causal guide known to us as Thomas, is primarily kings, artisans and servers.
Therefore, do we relate easily at the king energy levels, but not so easily at the other
energy levels. That guide known as Charles is primarily warriors, priests and scholars.
So, again do we interact well on some levels, and not so on others.
That our interactions with each other are different than our interactions with you and your
energies on the physical plane is true, but it still requires a tuning of energies to make
the interactions compatible or possible.
Those whose energies are primarily artisans or sages would be more apt to
communicate with those in the physical plane through art or music, whereas those
whose primary energies are warrior or priest might be more apt to communicate through
actions. King and scholar energies are more prone to use words or science/mathematics
to express themselves.
So the difference is in the energies of the mid-causal guide, and in those of the one(s)
they would communicate with.
When guiding, do we all have the primary focus as being one of advisor. That again,
some would use pictures to convey their advisement is true, while others would use
"conversations". For remember, these occur almost exclusively on the astral planes, and
so are not "attended" by nor understood or known about by the physical mind, unless
those images brought forth as a dream are "remembered". For advice given to essence
is then taken or ignored by the fragment.

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If the fragment wishes to heed one of their guides, whether mid-causal, astral, or other,
then will essence seek a way to communicate its choice to ego (if ego is the "driver",
which (again) is true most often). Ego can then heed the advice or ignore the advice.
If ego ignores the advice and essence truly wishes to heed the advisement, then must
essence override ego. This is not always easy, and at times, is it not accomplished. But
then that is why the experiences are but yours and yours alone. For often, even you, as
self, are unaware of what path you will take until you take it. For essence may create a
path that leads toward marriage and children, but if ego refuses to follow that path, and
essence cannot lead, then the path will not be taken. Even with self, is there a need for
balance. For otherwise the pursuing of paths becomes a truly experiential and almost
random occurrence.

Naming Conventions
Q: Why Christian/Western culture names? Why several names for the same causal
being? Why names at all? Why are the names all male, are causal beings male?
M: We are Michael, or so we are called by you and others that we teach. But Michael is
but a name or title given to make the communications easier. We are a blending of
entities and essences and that portion known as Michael to you is but about 1/8th of all
of us. Other "parts" of us are involved in other lessons and other agreements, and other
For those parts of us that interact with those on the physical plane of Earth, do we
maintain variations on the name Michael. For one part of us is Molekai, another is
Malechai, and still another Mikhael.
That portion known as Michael is teacher. That portion known as Molekai is guide. That
portion known as Malechai is creator (of ideas, realities, musics, colors, etc.) So do you
see that we are multi-faceted?
To us we simply areall of us as one doing many tasks and learning many things.
However, to you are we more easily understood in "smaller portions". For you (as a
whole) struggle with the concepts of oneness and unity and of a whole being also aware
of and capable of completing many tasks and functions.
We, like all mid-causal beings, are united but also "separate". For we have learned from
our experiences upon the physical plane how to focus energies in such a way as to
seem a separate functioning being, yet while remaining wholly part of who we are.
Therefore, can we focus our energies into various tasks all occurring now, and either
keep that awareness universal (meaning all of us partake of the experience as it occurs)
or make the experience more focused, thereby allowing many experiences to occur all at
the same now.
Therefore, can we as Michael, teach and guide you and our other physical plane
students, while Molekai guides and support those with whom those agreements were
made, and so on.
You (IML) channel about 1/8th of the entities that is the overall us. That the knowledge
we share comes from the entire being that is us and not just that portion being

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channeled is true, but we need only focus a fraction of what is us toward those who
would be our students, while we focus another portion of what is us toward those who
would seek guidance and/or support, etc.
For that being known as Timothy, is it the same. For they too, would focus only a portion
of themselves into channeling, and a portion into support and guidance, etc.
We (all of us within the causal planes) are all multi-dimensional beings capable of more
than one focus or one task for any given now. Therefore, do we take on many
agreements of various types and so work toward fulfilling those agreements with those
who seek us (all of us) out.
Not all seek to have guides on every plane, and not all will seek their guides once the
agreements are made. That is their choice. But if sought, we do respond.
That warrior (mlv) does indeed have guides on all planes. That she has sought aid from
all is not true. For most times does she remain within the astral realms seeking their
comfort and their advice. Twice has she contacted us, for she, too, would seek aid from
that part of us known as Molekai.
That the scholar (stm) first sought us via the teacher in Canada is true. However, it was
Timothy (the mid-causal guide) he contacted, for it is with them that the agreements for
aid and guidance abide.
We are not all male, nor are we all female. The energies vary and play little part in the
choosing of names. The names are conveniences for our communications with you
when you are not in essence. For in essence, do we all merely locate the frequencies we
and you wish to commune with.
However, being incarnate limits this ability to only those times when essence can step
outside the restrictions of the physical, such as during sleep cycles. For those times
when ego would contact one of the guideswhether mid-causal or otherare names
That these names reflect the energies of the essence or entity they call is not true. They
are merely a means for you to indicate to us or others who it is you would contact and/or
which portion of that being you would commune with.
For those calling for Michael would wethat portion of us that is Michaelrespond. If
they call for Mikhael, would that portion of us then respond. That there are those of us on
the mid-causal that respond to names such as Mary, Maria, Marisa, and Marie is also
true. Just as there are those who respond to Ann, Ahnna, Annya.
That the names seem Christian or American or of a particular type or nationality, do we
say that we (all guides, teachers, advisors) on all planes, except those of the astral,
attempt to let you select names that are comfortable and familiar to you. If you were from
Russia, then would we have Russian-sounding names. If from China, then would we
have Chinese names.
For those we teach who are cetacean, do we respond more to vibratory frequency of
inquiring thought patterns rather than a name. For those we work with on other planets

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do we have "names" or as close as they come to your "naming" criteria that suit their
culture and their communication style.
So, again, it is a convenience for you, not us. We merely attempt to put you at ease and
make the communications of whatever type they might be, more easily accomplished
and more "comfortable" for all those involved.
The variations of the names for our differing "portions" allows us to better respond. For if
one were to call for Michael but it were not one of our students/channelers, then would
we search for the agreement link through the whole of us. By giving you a "name" to
hearken to, do we need only search a smaller "portion" of self to locate that link that is
At essence level, this "naming" is not necessary, for both essences (yours and us) would
know and recognize the links and respond easily. But for you (any of you) to contact us
while ego is "front", works more easily if a name is used. For it placates ego and makes
it comfortable, and aids us in finding the proper essence fragments.
Essence needs, and uses not, names. Names are a contrivance of the physical plane,
for ego is incapable of direct communication. Therefore, does ego need to create words
or names for all things, whether they be objects, people, or ideas. All must be identified
and labeled. That is your nature, that is your way. We simply abide by your rules while
interacting with those of your plane that we have agreements with. As do all those from
the mental, buddhic, etc. planes.
Those of the astral, tend to use the name of the last incarnation remembered. Therefore,
if they were last a Native American, might they contact you with the name of Isti Xtoli. If
of the Asian area, might they use Ye Wah or whatever their name had been. So, another
way to identify the level of your guide or the plane from which they participate is to
determine the "name" by which they are identified to you.
Those who actually channel the mental plane, may find their identifiers as being
numbers or symbols rather than "names", while those of the buddhic planes tend to use
colors. The fact that these planes are rarely contacted through means other than direct
essence-to-essence contact makes their need for "names" very unnecessary. That they
are, or still can be, guides is true, but their ability to connect through ego is very limited.
For they communicate not well with those of the physical, "remembering" not much the
complexities of vocalizations and vocabulary. So 99% of them will only be contacted
directly by essence.
Does this help the understanding any?

Influencing the Physical Plane

Q: Can Michael give other examples of causal teachers or entities influencing humanity
in unique ways? Are artistic or cultural movements like impressionism in art or the
Renaissance within our history influenced by planal guides?
M: The causal guides or teachers "influence" only their students. That their students
then have an impact upon the reality in which they dwell is their choice.

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Those that influenced or impacted greatly upon the society and cultures during what you
term the Renaissance of Europe were those of a 4th and 5th cycle nature. That they had
causal guides is true for some, but not all of influenced were students of anything more
than human nature and the human condition.
That one called Michelangelo was himself a 4th cycle scholar, 5th level, unable to stay
with any one idea for longer than a "minute". He tried to manifest as many as ideas as
he could. That he was student of anyone anything else is not true. He understood much
and simply tried to express it.
Many were that way. For the predominance of 4th and 5th cycles, especially artisans
and scholars, in positions wherein they could create a change was the driving force
behind this seemingly out-of-place band of time.
For the predominance of populace were 2nd and 3rd cycle, and it is this that is reflected
in the politics and societies of the time. That the culture was expansive enough to allow
most of those with 4th and 5th cycle sensibilities to express themselves was true, but
also was it true that intrigue, back-stabbing, and struggles for power and wealth and
position were foremost.
We see the church as extremely forceful in that time, using their position to influence
those in the ruling classes and the poorer classes. Also was there much skullduggery
within the church in the transitionings of power and wealth. For the church more than
any other was the great political arena of the time.
The painters and sculptors were primarily 3rd and 4th cycle artisans. The musicians, 4th
and 5th. That this (term musicians) also includes thespians and troubadours is true.
Those speaking with or seeking guidance outside of the church or other "approved"
methods, risked much, for the power bases were still held by those of 2nd and 3rd cycle,
and the need for conformity was great. It was only in terms of "art" that one was allowed
to be "different". This was permitted as they were creative and so something apart
anyway; but those suspected of any type of activity not sanctioned by the church risked
punishment befitting those accused of witchcraft or conspiracy with the devil.
We see Nostradamus as a great manipulator of energies and one who often sought
advice from guides. The artist Raphael was very "close" with his causal guide, as was
the musician Wilhelm Ter???? (Teutonic name). Mozart, although driven, was very in
touch with essence, but his chief feature of self-destruction was stronger than his love of
life. This period of time lasted until those within the power structure became too
frightened, so required all to become more conforming to the "rules".

Incarnate Guides
Q: You stated (in another reading) that everyone has at least 1 guide incarnate and 1
who is discarnate. How can we figure out who the incarnate one is? And what kind of
guidance or support can this person give?
M: There is always a balance. Therefore do we maintain that you (each of you) always
have at least one guide incarnate and one discarnate for every life you experience. This
balance helps ensure that essence can fulfill its desired goals and/or have some

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recourse in the event that events are more than the fragment believes they can handle.
For they may need someone to give them emotional or physical support, or someone to
help them find their path. Also do they sometimes require additional insight as to why
events work out the way they do.
This is what a guide will do. For they may be friend, lover, spouse, mentor, boss, coworkeranyone who, when needed, will come to the aid and support of the fragment
that "called" them.
Those that require more spiritual or essence guidance, will usually be guided or aided by
those guides that are discarnate. Of these is there usually one in predominanceone
who tends to be the primary contact or guide.
They will respond to events not planned by the essence/fragment, events such as that of
a drunk driver headed toward their charge. For this will they attempt to either warn the
fragment, or to manipulate the energies to alter the course of events. Whether that
means getting the drunk to alter their course, or their charge to alter theirs, matters little,
as long as their charge is not impacted by this unplanned incident.
It may also mean that they aid in the arranging of the energies so as to facilitate a
meeting or union. For there are times when the energies are unstable and their talents
are needed to try and maintain some stability so to ensure the meeting of their charge
and another with whom they have agreements or karma. So do you see, there is a need
for guidance and support on "both sides" of the reality.
To determine who is your incarnate guide, look to those around you whose dedication to
your welfare is most primary with them. For they are most likely the guide for this life. It
may be the grandfather you turn to for advice, or the hairdresser you can tell anything to,
or the brother or friend to whom you always turn for consolation or advice.
No fragment is ever completely alone. They may not recognize their guide/advisor, or
they may not listen to them, but that is their choice. However, it does not change the fact
that the person exists.
The role of guide/advisor/guardian is a choice and an agreement. For one must choose
to take on the role, and then seek agreements with others to perform that role and those
tasks for them. If the agreement cannot be maintained, then will the agreement be
fulfilled by another. But always is there at least one who will be guide/advisor while
incarnate along with or in "partnership" with that primary one who is discarnate.
It is a subtle position and not one that most recognize right away, but it is also an
"important" one as it can aid tremendously those fragments who have made poor
choices either in location/time line/realities or in overleaves. But never is any role more
important than that of the life and experiences. For that is the whole purpose of your
being upon/within the physical realm.

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Teachers, Guides, Ascended Masters, or Archangels

Q: What or who are these Ascended Masters or Archangels that people keep
referring to?
M: These are, for the most part, a way for their conscious minds to cope with and
connect with us and our truths. Many would "speak" but few would hear. Now do they
find it palatable, when told it comes from those angels and archangels. Two others so
"named" (as angels or archangels) are also causal teachers, but again, the message
becomes couched in terms easily digestible to those who are "tuned" in.
The origins of those angels and archangels was, again, a way of dealing with facts that
did not easily fit with the paradigms of those that observed the phenomena. Therefore,
were the occurrences placed within the context of God-events (those events created and
guided by God and merely observed by man). For man would take no responsibility for
these occurrences. The stories of beings described as devils, angels, and other
terminologies through the eons of your time, are most often used to describe either
encounters with astral guides/guardians or those encounters with essence/self that can
be comprehended in no other way. For the archangels especially, do you find them
connected to either encounters with essence or encounters with causal beings. For both
are beyond the comprehension of many in the physical plane.
Those quoted or sought today and called archangels are causal teachers that were
either contacted directly and can only be acceptable by translating the contact and data
into a format acceptable to their limitations and boundaries, or others are simply taking
the information gleaned from other sources and "creating" a format that is acceptable to
others. We see the one brought forth by the warrior as an example as being a 3rd cycle
interpretation of a causal guide's contact, placed within a context that is compatible to
those whose imprinting and/or soul age inhibits them from accepting the information any
other way.
There is truth to be had in the teachings, this is true. But it is a more moderate/watereddown truth, for the terminologies and concepts must be even more "perverted" to
conform to the rigid narrowness of the Christian edict and tenets. That does not make
the truth any less valid, it simply makes it less robust/wide in its overall perspective. For
some data will be excluded as it will fall outside the accepted limits. This is as it was with
the tales of The Christfor any information found frightening, threatening, or otherwise
incompatible with the motivations of those presenting the material, was eradicated.
Of those that present the information in terms of angels, are those who have little
motivation outside of fear, for altering the information. But there are those whose
motivation is greedeither for power or money, just as there are those whose
motivations are seemingly altruistic, but again, are driven by a need to control. So do
they "retune" the words to suit their purposes. So always, must you gauge for yourself
what is true and what is not. We do, however, recommend this advice: That if someone
asks for "angels", that they not be given "causal entities", but rather give them angels. If
the information is valid, then it matters not where it came from.

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Q: Who or What are Angels?

M: Angels are like ghosts, more a matter of perception than anything else. For those
who "see" angels are usually in tune with and able to visualize their own guides. The
guise in which they see them is colored by the person's conditioning and imprinting. For
if they expect to see someone with wings and long robes and haloes, then they will. If
they expect cherubs and innocence, then that is what they will see.
Others will experience only a voice or a warm loving feeling. For all are truly
experiencing the acceptance of either their guide(s) from the astral or others of their
essence or entity. Most ("angels") will "step" in when the entreaties are enough that
intervention is called for, or when it is perceived that an obvious "path" will lead to some
horrendous, and usually not directly chosen, outcomesuch as turning down your usual
route to work will cause you on this morning, to encounter a drunk drivertherefore,
your guide or another from your entity may intervene and "urge" you to change your
route (just enough to avoid the "disaster").
These are then termed as heavenly interventions or the hand of God or having a
guardian angel come to your rescue. It is much easier for the majority of human's to
accept angels than it is for them to accept spirit guides or entity members, etc. For it has
to do with terminologies more than anything else. Angels, after all, are accepted by all
Christians as they exist throughout the Bible, but spirit guides conjure images of
psychics, mediums, and palm readers. Therefore, it becomes easier to accept and
explain by saying it was an angel than it was a guide from the astral plane.
We have no quarrel with any term other than the fact that one perpetuates a mythical
stereotype, and another is more valid for it is closer to truth.

Connecting With Your Guides

Q: How do I connect with my guides? And are guides the same as guardian angels?
M: We see the questioner as using the meditative periods for the calming and soothing
of the soul, as well as for the learning and expanding of the perspective. Of the
contacting of the guide, she would do well to seek that one through the brow, for he is
aware and does come during her sleep periods when the energies are needed and the
links not intrusive.
Some do call the guides guardian angels, as they are the ones who have chosen to aid
you in your experiences on the physical plane. They do not answer prayers so much as
they help you with your "lessons".
Most prayers come from personality and are structured to relieve one of responsibility.
Rather do the guides work to help you seek the most balanced choices. If a danger not
of your choosing is pending, do they try to alert you so as to help you maintain that path
which you have selected.
They do not make your choices, nor do they influence you in your choices, but rather do
they attempt to keep you safe (from those objects and accidents not chosen) and calm
and knowledgeable about life, truth, and the choices and options available to you. Most

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insights are gained by a merging of energies. For much knowledge is gained when
knowledge is shared.

Does It Matter to the Guide if There Are Agreements?

Q: Is there a difference between being an astral guide when you have agreements with
someone and when you don't? If so, what are the differences?
M: Being a guide, astral to physical, or astral to astral, is a unique and interesting
experience. The needing of agreements applies, though, for otherwise would the guide
be trying to respond to everyone.
Rather do you (as guide) always have agreements with those in your essence and entity
to be there for them should they require or request your intervention. That you will
choose for them is not true, but that you bring to bear your influences to aid their "soul's"
desire is true.
The ego may ask you to "rescue" them from poverty, but if essence truly wishes to
experience this condition, then will the guide lend support and comfort, but no more. For
it is only when essence cries out that this was not their choice, that the guides will
influence the reality to shift it, but never will they interfere with other's choices.
They (guides) advise, support, comfort, and offer information, and at rare times, do they
even offer influence on the energies. But mostly do they function as those that would aid
you in your goals or in attaining your "best" path.
Guides "watch" 100's and 1000's of fragments in many realities and many time lines, but
since they can manipulate time it is never difficult for them to seem to be with you 100%
of your life.
Some would call them guardian angels, and in a sense we understand; however, never
will they interfere with essence's wish/choice. Therefore, if danger approaches and it is a
chosen experience, will they not "save" you, for that would interfere with your choices
and they do not wish to cause any imbalances.
Only if the choice is not yours and would interfere with other choices of yours, will they
attempt to "warn" or alter the energies so as to cause the danger to avoid you. However,
if they can only shift the energies to prevent death and not injury, without harming or
killing others, then that is what they will do, for they will take the path of least imbalance.
For they are not gods, simply advisors, helpers, and guardians.
Any with whom you interact as guide to your self, are those with which you have
agreements. A guide, like any other "person" may abdicate an agreement if it becomes
impossible or too difficult to maintain. But without the purely physical realm to interfere,
the abdications are less and the interactions more prevalent.
That some fragments do not recognize or acknowledge their guides can be due to many
reasons; although the primary ones are too deep of an involvement with the physical
world, or the fear that will not allow them to "recognize" or acknowledge this type of
"interaction" or "interference".

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Some can couch it into terms of Bible or Torah or other religious trappings, thereby sidestepping fear and allowing some of the advisements in. Others, however, cannot, and so
all communication except that during sleep cycles is cut off.
These are some of the challenges the guides must deal with and what gives each of
them such unique joys.

Astral Guides
Q: What about these astral guides you spoke of?
M: This is a task taken on by some of the fragments on the astral levels. They "greet"
those that newly arrive and try to acclimate them. Since we (all of us in essence) have
no true physical form, the guides are perceived by others as someone they expected to
seegrandmother, brother, husband, etc.and the surroundings are those that they
also expected.
Therefore, if they expected heaven then that is what they see, if they expect St. Peter,
then that is who will greet them. If they expect nothingness, then that is also provided.
The transition is made as easy as possible, for many do not yet know or understand that
they are not the physical form they just vacatedthat they are truly more than that, that
they are more like the form they currently arethough that is not quite it, either. But the
point is that they usually have some notion or idea of what they will see, sense, and feel
when they die, and the astral level does all it can to accommodate those expectations,
as do the guides.
The guides also facilitate the transition back to the physical plane, if that is where the
fragment is bound, though the guides do try to get the fragment to "pause" and examine
the last life just completed. If this is not possible, and with some it is notthen the
guides merely try to help the fragment make the best choices for their return. Again, this
is not always possible, for some fragments are determined to take the first available
body regardlessthey make no plans and only desire to return as quickly as possible,
forgetting that they will not be able to return to the "game" they just left, for it continues to
progress without them and their new body may be on the other side of your world, let
alone not fully grown. But these are concepts and choices the fragment is unwilling to
deal with, so must deal with once they return to Earth.
Other fragments are more willing to listen to the guide, whether it resembles Aunt Mary
or St. Peter, and so participate in some reflection and reviewstudying what they did
and why, and perhaps, gaining insights and new ideas for the next incarnation. They are
then aided by the guides in their choices of parents, sex, location, socio-economic
status, and major key points of the planned life. The "friends" they made while reviewing
the previous life or from other incarnations are contacted and agreements and lessons
set up. They decide what karmas (if any) they want to resolve or if they might try to do
some lessons which may bring about new karmashard lessons that may really cause
them to struggle and learn.
When all this is done, the guides help the fragment decide on the best overleaves
personality traits, to accomplish all these tasks that they have set themselves.

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Then the fragment is eased back to the physical plane just as the new infant is born. For
as the baby takes its first breath, the fragment finds and situates itself in its new home.
The fragment does not join with the body until birth, though they may watch or guard the
mother and fetus and family in preparation of their arrival.
They watch and get to know the parents and any siblings. This helps them become
acclimatized more quickly once they rejoin the physical world, for now they have an
inkling of the characteristics/traits of all those that they must immediately rely on and
interact with.
It is then that the guides move on to help someone else.

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Planal Studies
Q: How many planes of existence are there? And what are they called?
M: There are seven planes, each with seven levels. The physical plane is that in which
each of you dwell. Beyond that is the astralboth lower and upper. Then there is the
causal planethree low, one mid-causal where we exist, and three upper. Next is the
mental plane, on which is kept the akashic records. This is a complete record of all that
has occurred, is occurring and will occur for each fragment and each entity on each
plane. On the messianic plane, which comes after the mental plane, resides the Infinite
Soul. Beyond this is the Buddhic plane; and beyond that, the Tao.
Since the soul, between lives, is without a physical form, it remains within the lower three
astral levels, primarily that of the transitional level.
Q: You've said that you study different things on different planes, can you be more specific?
M: We on the causal plane study truthspersonal, global, universal, and
pandimensional truths. This then is also what we attempt to teach youthe recognition
and validation of truth within yourself and within the physical plane, as well as for all
other realities and planes. For it is only once truth is recognized do the choices become
more clear.
On the mental plane they study thoughts in all their various forms; forms you would not
recognize or conceive of as thoughts. But thoughts, like everything else, are energy and
so can be used to create art, realities, trouble, and beauty.
In the messianic plane they study dreamsthe creating of, connecting of, and
manipulating of all other realities. It is on this plane that they experiment with reality and
perception, with putting thought and emotion together to get something beyond words to
The buddhic plane, being closer still to the Tao, uses lights, sound (music, tone) to
experiment within and in the creation of the different realities of that plane. They
combine these with the creations learned while on the previous planes.
There is a certain joyousness to be found in just being that much closer in frequency and
to blending to the Tao. So for them to "look down" and watch the "plays" taking place on
the physical plane is not common. It draws their "attention" only when the balance within

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your plane and those physical realities become so off-key that they must somehow
intervene and re-establish that balance across all the planes, and all the realities.
This then is when either the infinite or transcendental soul comes to the physical plane.
For through their vibrational frequency, they shift the focus and increase (raise/heighten)
the vibrational frequency of the physical plane and all things within it, thereby bringing
balance to that plane and all planes and realities.

Astral Plane
Q: Could Michael talk about the astral interval for incarnating fragments. What usually
is done and how is this experienced? How are the choices for the next life made, what
happens when you die, etc?
M: When a fragment opts to incarnate, do they work with those guides in "designing"
the life. For they must decide what experiences they seek to have, what lessons they
would work out, and whether any debts will be paid. Then they must decide in which
timeline and which now they could best learn and experience that which they seek to.
Also, to be considered, is the placement of their entity mates. For if they (the entity
mates) congregate within a reality that is not conducive to that which you would learn,
must you decide whether to alter your choices, or to make agreements with those "new"
to you.
Then do you seek out those with whom you wish to make agreementsagreements for
monads, for karma rebalancings, for marriage/joinings, for children, for employments, for
learning, for support, for aid, etc., and any other types of agreements you may wish to
Once you have agreements for parents, do you then need to decide on your "character".
What traits will help you best experience those lessons and aspects of life that you wish
Again, the counselors will advise if so desired. Also can the various traits be "tried on"
and practiced with before a decision is made. Various body types can be "tried out" as
can the genders.
Once decided, do you again check on those incarnate who agreed to be parents. For
there is a desire to know whether they are still agreeable to the idea, still capable of
complying, and still within the socio-political and economic culture/society that you wish
to participate in. For many changes may have occurred that can make these potential
parents, now not the most viable. If so, will you observe those others with whom you
have agreements, provided you made agreements with more than one set (of potential
parents). Then will you decide on those that will be your parents.
Once this decision is made, do you begin your "schooling". For now you must educate
yourself in the time line's history and "rules". For in this timeline you have chosen,
perhaps magic is the science and science considered forbidden knowledge. These must
be considered before you make your entrance.
Also do you begin to manipulate the energies so as to start the process of conception.
For it is your responsibility to determine sex, coloring, and other genetics (such as body

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type). Also do most remain (within the physical plane) for intervals to acquaint
themselves better with the family into which they will come.
During the creation and growth of the fetus, do you begin to adapt your energies to that
infant, perhaps by changing your appearance to that of a child, by "growing younger and
younger", until at the moment of birth you are ready and prepared for the merging of self
with the infant form.
There are many guides and counselors upon the astral planes. Some would counsel
those who are incarnate, while others counsel those seeking rebirth, and still others work
with those newly arrived, or with those seeking understanding of lives just lived.
For there are counselors or teachers who would work through various scenarios or
variations of events that occurred during a physical life time to aid your understanding of
those choices made and the reactions given to those choices, by others, by self, etc.
Many will do these sessions before deciding to return to the physical world. Others when
newly arrived, need guidance for they may realize not that they are dead, at least in a
physical sense. So do they continue seeking to communicate or interact with those still
physical. The guides then attempt to calm and explain and allow them to fully
understand who and what they truly are.
Others arrive and expect heaven, hell or some other after life. So do the guides provide
this for them until they, too, can be made to accept and understand the truth of who and
what and where they are.
Most transition from physical to astral and understand not where they are or why they
cannot return to that solid form they are familiar with. Still others transition and cannot
understand why there are no white-robed angels with harps and cherubs, so these are
provided them by the guides. Still others expect to see their sister, husband, uncle,
grandparent, etc. So, does the guide take on that appearance for them. For many times
has this person they seek already moved on to either another life on the physical plane,
or to some "training area" where they prepare to become a guide or counselor.
So always are you greeted with that which you seek or wish upon death, and then are
you guided and counseled as to what you would do next.
That some partake not of the counsel or the review is true. For upon finding themselves
unable to return to their physical body, do they seek the next immediate replacement
that they can. For they would return almost immediately, gaining little or nothing from the
previous life, since they take not the time to review and understand. That they will
eventually, is true, but until they do, essence may continue making the same or similar
choices without understanding why the reactions also remain so similar. So little
progress is made until review and understanding takes place.
Those that counsel have access to and viewing capabilities of all realities on every
planet within the physical world. For the astral is part of the physical, just as it is also part
of the causal, and the mental, and all other planes. But the "view" is limited by the
vibratory frequencies of the astral plane. Just as your view is limited by the vibratory
frequencies of the physical plane. Only the Tao can see all, perceive all, and understand
all, for it is all.

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Q: When we're on the astral between incarnations, do we see and hear and have astral
body sensations? Or does perception happen in a different way, and, if so, how?
M: The "astral body" is whatever you wish it to be. For once on the astral plane does the
energy focus more on emotions, not physical form. However, if you wish to create a form
similar to that used while in the physical, then can you do so. For this is your choice. You
can create a whole "world" or reality in replica of a physical life and work through various
options of emotional responses.
The form used while in the astral is one of choice. For most, the initial "reaction" is to
create a form replicating the human bipedal form that they are familiar with. However, as
separation becomes more pronounced, then does the need for a human shape fade.
The form most often used within the astral realms is one of light and color. You would
describe them as glowing orbs or streamers of lights. Many guides assume the human
form, for this makes it easier for those they guide to accept them.
The sensations garnered from the astral relate to emotions not tactile senses, for those
cease being when essence no longer inhabits a physical form. Sight, as you know it,
exists not. For those on the astral, as the rest of us do, perceive the true form with the
whole of us. There is not enough equivalency to any reference point on the physical to
explain it.
We "sense" the energies that are you with the energies that are us. We know the
vibratory frequency that is unique to you, and so know "who" each fragment or essence
When physical incarnation is no longer desired, then does the fragment move to the
second level of the astral plane. If it is the final cycle of all fragments of this essence,
then will the integration process begin. If other lives are to be lived, then only those
abstaining from further incarnations remain within the second level. There they will act
as guides, advisors, and teachers until they either rejoin the physical or until all
fragments agree to end their cycling through the physical plane. Once integrated into
one essence, do you move to the third level.
The first level is that level where those who need to experience heaven or hell or
purgatory or any other between life scenario will create that experience. It is also the
level wherein those still within physical forms can move to while meditating or are for any
reason out of focus with the physical form. For the first level is the transitioning level; the
level where all souls/fragments transition between physicality and non-physicality. It is
also the realm wherein most dream encounters occur, and where some "dreamers"
actually create situations that appear to them as real occurrenceswhether these are
alien abductions or the conversation with the dead grandparent.
For this is the area where all emotional thoughts and fears become manifest. So if you
find yourself there with fear of aliens, most often will you then "encounter" those aliens.
The third level is for various interactions between both astrally-created realities and
yourself. For you can recreate any emotional situation from your physical "pasts" and try
different approaches.

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The integration of fragments back to essence is not so much the blending of character
traits, as you associate with self. For self is truly all that you have experienced as the
person you are now, and as all the others you are in all the different nows, as well as the
sum of all your other fragments' nows. When integrated you merely remove the artificial
barriers that the physical plane has instilled and allow all the yous to be. Always are you
the sum of your parts. Essence/spirit knows all that each fragment knows, it is only the
physical form and the barrier of the physical mind caught in the physical "rules" that
keeps all the nows and all the "memories" separate. So integration is more the removing
of the last of the physical plane barriers that keep you from yourself. We would liken it to
a room filled with dividers that have created 100's of smaller rooms. By removing the
dividers, you have now allowed the energies to flow freely again on all levels and have
removed all the barriers.

Q: Can you explain or define or whatever what an out of body experience is?
M: These occur when focus is shifted from the physical to the astral. What happens is
the focus causes you to be "released", that is no longer restricted by the confines of the
physical form. That is because you are no longer focused on the physical form. The
energies are still there, as is the fragment that is you, however, your focus, your
awareness is now on the essence that is you, that part of you not confined within the
body you created. However, the physical mind or ego or thought patterns still exist, so
forms and shapes and familiar objects are created.
You will see yourself in a body, but it is astral matter and ghost-like. And you will see
rooms and people, but again, they are astral matter and ghost-like. Most are created by
you for your interaction. For instance, if you go to the astral to meet with someone
specifically and "arrive" first, the setting is probably contrived by you, but the other
participant creates his own form, as do you. If, however, you go there simply to go there,
then the participants and other figures are most likely those created by you to populate
your experience.
All have these experiences every night, but most do not remember them. To
"consciously" create this occurrence, requires a shallow meditation, wherein your
objective is merely to shift focus from the here and now and the current physical form, to
the astral. This means raising the vibrations of the subtle bodies and focusing energies
through the heart, throat and brow. This then will cause or allow you to shift from here
and now, to the astral.
There is no real "separation" of a body from another. There is no ghostly form that freely
"walks" away or floats away . That is merely the physical mind's interpretation of what it
"sees" or senses. For it comprehends not the shifting focus and so attempts to
understand the best it can.
The sentience that is you merely shifts its attention from the physical plane and the
physical body that it created to inhabit that plane to the astral plane and the astral "body"
that it created for no purpose other than the comfort of perception. For a body is not
needed except on the physical plane.

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What may seem to be hours, are usually only seconds or the blinking of an eye in your
world. For time distorts very easily once focus is removed from the physical plane. Time
on the physical has no meaning here in the causal, and little meaning on the astral. So
although they (those on the astral plane) can see all times and all timelines, the "moving"
of time does not really occur.
This is why it is wise to have a guide present, so all time is not forgotten and the physical
body does not suffer from dehydration or lack of energy/nutrients. For it is difficult for
those merely "visiting" from the physical plane to comprehend the lack of time and so
remain too long, thereby causing "harm" inadvertently to their physical form.
Does this help?

Q: Why would one want to visit the astral?

M: One would visit the astral for information, lessons not done in the physical, or to work
with others (whether as balancers or cleansers, or guides or interpreters). For all are
aware, and when the body "shuts down" (sleeps) focus of only a minimal sort is required.
The energies that are you do not require this shutting down, so go on to work on other
thingswhether it be lessons or guidingthey are desired by the fragment to grow and
gain in the experiences.

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Ghosts and Echoes

Q: What are ghosts?
M: We are here, we will start now. There are several reasons for the perception of
"ghosts" as you call them. Some of these apparitions are the residual personality and
energies of someone recently discarnate. Other times, it is the crossover of other
realities or other planes (usually the astral), and the energies and the lives taking place
therein become "viewable".
You may suddenly find yourself confronted with a scene from 1793 (from your "past"), as
it seeps through into your reality into your "now". For it is taking place at the same time
and for whatever reason the vibration sequences match up and the realities seep
through and are visible to each otherfor yes, they that are participating in that "past"
can see you, too. They also find it just as disturbing (if not more so) and just as
inexplicable. This would account for a great many of what you term ghosts and
Another instance is a seeping through of astral lessons into your reality. This again,
would appear to be ghostly re-enactments of lives and scenes inexplicable to you, but
which are merely "lessons" being learned in the astral plane. This most often occurs
where a point on the energy matrix that covers the planet and which we discussed
previously, causes the energies to vibrate so similarly that those attuned to the nuances
of such frequencies will see parts of the astral and those in the astral will see parts of the
physical plane.
Dramas that seemingly play out for years, over and over are usually astral projections
and lessons. Other historical or "period" re-enactments that appear randomly are points
at which the frequencies of different realities come close to being identical usually in a
cyclical fashion, so that in both realities the seeping of images seemingly occurs every
30 days, or only when the moon is full, or other similar incorrect measurements. The
moon has no influence on the frequencies or their vibrational cycleit is just that when
the event happens is the type of time measurement being perceived by those who even
notice the anomaly. Rather than conclude that other realities exist, or that time is
simultaneously happening in the same space, people assume that "ghosts" appear
every time the moon is full.

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It is similar in what happens with the images from your own "past". The frequencies are
so similar as to allow the events of each "time period" to be seen by those in the other
"time period" if they are so attuned or adept.
Rare indeed, are the occurrences where an astral being actually tries to contact a
physical plane being, but when it happens, it could be misconstrued and mistaken for
ghosts. These occurrences are usually taken on by those not willing to remain astral for
long, who have strong emotional, and/or essence ties to the physical plane. These are
usually 2nd or 3rd cycle souls.
Some 3rd cycle souls are so fixated on the physical plane that unless they stay within
the body when it actually ceases functioning, they will not realize they are without
physical form and not understand how people can ignore them or why they are not
perceived or understood. These are the ones that must be helped by those guides of the
astral planes. These are some of the tasks taken on by other essences and fragments.
They remain "nearby" and watch and observe. If they perceive that an essence fragment
is having trouble understanding and perceiving the fact that they no longer have physical
form, that they are no longer incarnate, then these guides step in and try to assist that
fragment to understand and learn to "cope" in their new environment.
Many of these types of fragments return almost "immediately" in your timeframehaving
no desire to learn to cope and no willingness to spend time reviewing the lessons just
learned. For them, they are in purgatorynot heaven, not helland they only
understand their need to return to the physical plane and the world they know and
If a 'guide' does not step in quicklybut remember that time has different meanings on
different planes, so what to you might be a year or more, may be a short period of time
on the astral; and for us it is not a concept we even have here, so we must measure by
your standards through youbut if the 'guide' does not come "quickly enough" in
physical plane terms, the fragment may be perceived as "haunting" a place or person as
they continue to try and interact with the physical world and people they know. These
are not common or are usually of short duration.
Have we answered your question sufficiently?

Q: Are ghosts then merely the images of the next realitythe reality layer closest to
M: In some instances this is true, for in some points upon your reality are there thin
spotsplaces where the vibrational frequencies of your world and the alternate reality or
other reality next to yours overlap or meet. This, then, allows a bleeding through of
realities one into the other. Those in the other reality can see into your world and you
into theirs. That most do perceive this as ghosts is true, for it seems the easiest way for
them to explain it (to themselves).
Other instances are actual astral plane viewings. For again, the frequencies do coincide
and so will a portion of what is occurring on the astral be visible. These are usually
reviewing momentsflashes of previous or planned lives by a particular essence that
becomes viewable to those on the physical plane.

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That a spirit or soul would linger for extended periods of time (centuries) is not true. For
always are the guides there to explain and help them move on. That some spirits do
remain for awhile is true, for in some instances it is beneficial for both those incarnate
and discarnate to remain in contact. Mostly these are essences whose lives ended
suddenly and unexpectedly.
The transitional plane is very close to the physical plane and many fragments do linger
here either coming or going. For this is where all would pass when dying or being born.
That a particular fragment would remain for centuries of your time is not true, for
always would the guides move them along.
That some do remain long enough to be sure that all loved ones are connected with and
closure given, is true. For even if the mind knows it not, the essences will connect and
closure and acknowledgement is given.
That there are haints who can and will harm those on the physical plane is not true. For
essence seeks not to harm anyone, and although some retain a type of modified
overleaves when astral, there is not enough remaining to allow them to seek out and
hurt anyone.
Rather, are most haints projections from the viewer based on fears and then
manipulated from the energies around them. That this type of ghost could harm them is
true. For they would be harming themselves and it would be their choice to allow this.
Again, however, there is no reality except that which you create. Therefore, if you wish to
see ghostsmalevolent or friendlythen you will. For always do you create your own
The most common occurrence of ghostly sightings are what we call bleed-throughs.
These are those areas wherein the energies of your reality do overlap with the energies
of the lower astral planes. This then allows those on your plane to view those scenes
being created for review by those on the astral plane.
That these seem (appear) to be the same scene replaying again and again, is not true.
For in reality <grin> variations of the scene so that the reviewer may see all those
permutations of how a particular scene may have been handled. The variations are so
subtle that to those within the physical plane, do they appear the same.
Other occurrences that are common, are those of echoes (your term). For many do
perceive the emotional energies left behind by those who did die or were extremely
emotional in a particular location. The person leaving behind the echo may be alive (in
your terms) but merely living elsewhere. However, the strongest echoes are those left by
those people who were usually killed or died suddenly or who were tortured, or died from
extreme measures such as burning, hanging, rape. Those are just a few of the
occurrences that most often leave echoes.
Those in your reality will sense the anger, hurt, or pain and call it ghost, haunting or
paranormal, when it is merely the residual emotions having embedded themselves into
those object nearby the original incident. That this can be a house, barn, or other

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structure is true, but also can it be the ground itself, a tree or gravestone, boulder or
other inanimate object.
Rarely do these echoes last beyond a decade or two, but there are extreme cases
where the abuse was continued for long periods, and so does the echo then resonate for
a millennia or more. Other times is there so much grief, hate, jealousy or other negativity
created that this will also cause the emotional echo to last for many hundreds of your
Those places of internment and mass death during your World War II are such places,
as are several of the castles within Europe and especially France and England.
True hauntings, if one would use that term, are those fragments so attached to physical
life that they do not realize they are dead or do not wish to acknowledge that they are.
That the etheric spirit remains behind in these cases is true. For the fragment does not
wish to relinquish their hold on the physical. It might be just one place or one object that
they refuse to release, or it might be the entire reality of physicality. Sometimes, they are
so enamored of a particular person that they will attempt to remain with that person. To
that end, will they sink cords into that persons energy layers as a way of remaining
within the physical realm. For by drawing on that other persons energies, do they retain
a semblance of contact more real with the physical plane than when purely astral.
However, doing this (cording another) not only incurs karma, but can often increase the
energy drain on the other person thereby leaving them vulnerable to illnesses or psychic
If these types of cordings are not removed, they can actually cause the other person to
weaken and die. That this then becomes a debt, is true, for they may have hastened the
other persons death by several years.
That astral beings do cord those on the physical plane on a regular basis, is not true. For
most have no reason to do so, and most would see no purpose to it. It only prolongs the
transfer of essence from physical to astral, and impedes the growth. Therefore, do only
those unwilling to relinquish their physicality seek such a way to remain human. And
then only with those they are trying to remain with, whether out of love (or what they
think is love), or a misguided sense of loyalty, or the belief that they must protect this
other person.
That cording between astral beings and physical beings is necessary for communication,
is incorrect. For they need not link to your energies to make their presence known or
their thoughts heard. Rather do they simply flow into your energy layers at least in
part, for this creates only a moderate disruption and allows them to be easily heard. It
does not create any damage to the auras or the physical body.
Primarily, is it their thoughts that they project into your aura and your mind so that they
can dispense warnings, or reassurances.

Q: What are the echoes that I can see in houses, or furniture or letters or other objects?
Are they the same as ghosts?

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M: We would say that what you perceive as echoes is what most would call ghosts. For
many do not know the distinction between an actual presence and the emotional turmoil
left behind. They sense something, and to them that which they sense is a ghost. It
matters not that the energy that remains is static and unchanging, rather than living and
sentient. It is enough that they are able to perceive the energy thereby proving to
themselves (and sometimes to others) that ghosts do exist.
Echoes are real, yes, but they are not ghosts, although they are often thought of in those
terms. That it is possible for these resonancesfor what you are sensing is truly the
emotional resonances remaining of those now deceasedor echoes to be seen or to
register on those measuring devices used by some calling themselves ghost hunters, is
true. For these echoes, as you call them, are energy. They are primarily the energies of
the emotions coloring the energies of the object whether it be house, ground, locket,
stable or other. Echoes occur constantly, but most are weak and so dissipate quickly, in
your terms, while others are extremely strong and so do remain for many years.
That most of these resonances are volatile and perceived as hostile is because that
most of those emotions that are released in sufficient volume and force to remain are
those of a violent nature. It is those emotions of happiness and contentment that are
ephemeral and so do not remain for long, while those of hatred, anger, guilt, and
depression do linger.
What most perceive as hauntings are those emotional left-overs that linger within the
confines of a particular dwelling or within the very ground of where a dwelling once
stood, or simply within the ground of an exceedingly emotional event.
There are areas where those burned as witches that even now hold the anger, despair,
guilt, and hatred of those involved. That these resonances can be removed is true. But
most would refrain from doing so, for they enjoy the notoriety of having a haunted
If one would remove the extraneous emotional energies that linger, whether it be within a
building, the ground itself, or some other physical object (desk, chair, table, etc.) then
would one need to override that residual energy with positive flowing energies. This can
done either through chanting circlesmultiple chanters sitting in a circle around the
object and issuing calming and balancing energy towards itor through the numbing
effects of extreme cold. For cold will nullify those energies remaining, as will pure white
light. Golden light will enhance its effectsits vibratory resonancesmaking it seem
more pronounced and more perceivable to more people, while blue light will calm it and
slow it. Green can help to heal it, although it is not truly an illness.
Using crystals or light or a combination of same will also help to nullify the energies, or
increase the perceptability of them. Those who are strong, emotionally, can absorb the
negativity and bleed it back to the Earth. This washing of the energies through yourself,
will help to nullify it; however, most are not strong enough to do this. For many times the
emotional residue will affect their own emotional center causing them to become as
angry, guilt-ridden or depressed as those who left behind the original echoes. Better is it
to use the other means mentioned.
If the event was repeated, that is many hangings took place over a long period of time,
or many torturings, or many debasements, then will the echoes be extremely strong. At

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these times can those so tortured or hung even be seen, for their echoes will take on not
only their emotions but also their human shape. Although, amorphous, they will at times
be recognizable especially by those so wishing to see.
While these are not sentient or in any way alive, they are enough to convince most that
ghosts are real.
Those who would write or send letters while in an overly emotional state, should note
that those emotions will become embedded within the message. As long as the words
remain readableit matters not whether the words are written and read on paper or
computer screenthose sensitive enough can discern the emotions behind the
message, thereby alerting them to nuances not spoken.
Even those not highly sensitive, can discern anger even if it is couched in the most
eloquent of terms. For the emotions that flare brightest are also those most easily
perceived even by those still in the walking sleep.
Even the most common of objects if handled on a regular basis will be imbued with the
echoes of their owner. For always will objects, which are neutral to start, take on the
energies of those around them. So, if you handle a particular key ring every day, will
someone sensitive to echoes be able to perceive certain information about you through
the handling of that object. That they will know everything about you is not true,
however, they will know enough about you to be able to link to you. Once linked, will
they then be able to better read you and know about you.

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Hive Souls and Pets

M: The hive soul is a fragment of soul that is programmed to react in certain ways. For
it does not function as an individual element but as a piece of the whole collective.
Unlike humans, the hive-souled creature, whether plant, animal, insect or amphibian,
reacts in a manner suited to their species for that is what is recognized and
programmed into them.
That an individual unit within the species may develop other reactions is possible, yes,
but only if the collective brain (what we term an oversoul) determines that this is okay.
(There are more rules and structures than this, but we are attempting to put this as
simply and succinctly as possible so that you (all) can understand.)
If an aberrant behavior is found to be beneficial, then is it added to the whole, and all
within that species will now grow to incorporate that bit of programming. Whereas, if
the aberrant behavior is found to be non-productive or even harmful, will all receive the
programming to avoid such behavior in the future.
Pets, because they interact with humans are slightly different. They are allowed a bit
more latitude in that they are not only programmed, but have (in computer terminologies)
a learning chip imbedded in them. This then, allows them to continue repeating those
behaviors taught to them by their owners. This does not mean just those tricks such as
sitting, standing or chasing a ball or catnip mouse. We also include those learned
behaviors where an owner leaves the dog for too long of a period with no means of
evacuating the bowels, so it does do so on the floor. When the owner returns and
becomes angry, the dog then learns the best way to react to the ownercowering,
playfully ignorant, angry and aggressive, or even combinations of these reactions. If the
dog finds the behavior gains what is wantedaccess to the yard where it can evacuate
the bowels properlythen will it remember and continue the behavior.
We use the dog because they are more pack/group-oriented, and so more prone to react
to the owners behavior in a way recognized by man, since he, too, is a group animal.
The feline, although willing to associate with humans, is not particularly group inclined,
being a solitary predator. Therefore, will their reactions be much more subtle.
Fish react very little to the humans who keep them. That they can, if motivated, learn is
true, but most follow the instinctive center so do not learn much beyond survival.

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Birds use both instinctive and emotional centering so will congregate in groups and can,
again if motivated, learn individualistic behaviors.
The behaviors may or may not be added to the collective. It is dependent upon the
oversouls determination as to whether there is benefit from a learned response. If it is
found to be beneficial, then will the oversoul include this programming for all those of
their species, thus allowing them to grow.
That all do function this way is true. For that is the nature of a hive soul.
Those that observe the etheric remains of a beloved pet that has died, are usually
creating the image from their own astral energies so that they may gain the closure and
solace that they need. For once dead, do the hive souls depart. They do not linger, for it
is not necessary for a piece of the collective to be apart from the whole once separated
from the physical container.
There is no review on an individual basis, for the individual unit cannot and does not
have the capacity or ability for contemplation and review. Rather are the tapes of those
years (days, weeks, months) played back while within the collective so that the
oversoul can determine what behaviors learned can remain and which cannot, and
whether the owner(s) should be allowed another such pet or even whether a lesson or
imbalance involving those owners is needed or occurred.
So do you see, that like your central computer with its peripheral computers, that is how
a hive soul and the collective function?
Those apes and gorillas that show true intelligence are those that are being allowed
the freedom of growth. They are now almost completely free of the collective having
shown great aptitude for growth and spiritual awakening. Now do those of the astral who
do not wish to partake of the human bodies and follow the human cycle of life on your
planet, use said apes to experience life. So it has always been, and most likely will
always be. For this allows them the experience without the massive repercussions that
becoming human entails. For in experiencing life through the apes, do they refrain from
the monads and karmas (most of them), yet do they bring greater awareness to the
Will they continue to help the apes evolve into a sentient species? This has not yet been
decided. The path is there, but it has not been determined whether it will be followed.

Q: So are you saying that animals dont reincarnate? I know my cat has returned, I can
tell its the same animal just in a different body.
M: Animals are hive souls. This means that the essence used to create them is run by
those called oversouls. These are rejoined entities even larger than ours, residing on the
high mental planes.
Oversouls are the creators of the templates that comprise the different physical
worlds. Therefore, when a species is agreed upon, do the oversouls retain the memory
of that template so that when more are needed, such as for an alternate reality on a
global scale, can they refer to those templates.

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The essence used is that of the Tao. For it is drawn forth to create all that is. All
creatures that exist upon your plane, then are ensouled only as much as the oversoul
monitoring that species is ensouledwhich is to say, not at all.
This is hard to describe, for it is beyond your awareness all of you. But the oversouls
do, by using what we term a hive soul, maintain how a species is doing. They can see
a particular herd, flock, pod, group, or they can see the entire species. That is how, if a
human continually abuses ants, the oversoul monitoring those insects can then
determine that rebalancing is needed. So does the oversoul then instruct the ants to
attack that particular human.
So it is with trees, birds, oceans, and all manner of living, but non-sentient, objects and
creatures upon your world and all other physical plane worlds.
Do animals reincarnate? That would be asking whether the oversoul reincarnates. But
since they have not been incarnate, then they cannot re-incarnate.
If you perceive more than just a basic personality within a certain animal or pet, is it
most likely that one of your entity mates or those with agreements to guide or comfort
you has used, or is using, this animal to house a piece of self. For this gives them
access to you without actually reincarnating into another life.
Also, does this method allow a fragment to work through left over issues pertaining to
chief feature. For you may find that a particular pet has developed a sort of impatient
attitude, or a severe stubborn streak. While another is always leaping into traffic or
harms way. This is another way in which a discarnate soul may finish a lesson regarding
chief feature. For if they, perchance, departed with all lessons learned save chief
feature, then can they use this method to complete that lesson.
That animals, insects, fish, plants and all manner of non-sentient life have hive souls is
true. For they are grouped by species into units (hives) and managed by those called
Managing of the various hive-souled species within the physical plane is a task chosen
by those of the high-causal plane and lower-mental plane. That all would choose this
task is not true, for others are there different ways to expand their experiences.
Those with hive souls do react according to their programming. That the programming
can adapt and change is true, but more is it a growth throughout the species rather than
on an individual basis.
If, for example, it is found that there is a need to adapt to smaller feeding ranges, then
will the oversoul adjust the programming of the species so that they no longer need
such a vast range to graze upon. Rather will they be content with smaller fields.
The hive soul allows some flexibility and at the same time does it also allow each
individual creature within a set species to develop characteristics unique to itself. That
these characteristics are remembered at the hive level is true, for the oversoul will take
note of these individualistic character traits while also noting whether the response from
other species (including humans) is positive or negative. If positive, then might the

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oversoul allow these traits to become part of the regular programming. If the response is
negative, then will the oversoul create a record within the hive that those are traits to be
Some would see within their pet a specific, perhaps peculiar, trait, unique (they believe)
to their animal. Then when that animal dies, do they see this same trait manifest within
the next similar animal obtained. This is because the hive soul managerthe oversoul
has noted that this behavior pleased the owners and so having retained the memory at
that global level, do they then feed it back to the new animal.
Create an image of one large computer with many smaller ones attached. All these
peripheral computers will behave in any manner dictated by the main computer. This
isin very basic termswhat the oversoul and the managed species is like.
For if the oversouls determine that the species (those peripheral computers) need to
adapt to a new situation, will they feed that information to all those that they monitor and
maintain. Does it then appear to your scientist that the species is growing and learning.
In a way this is true, but not in the same way that you would learn. For those with hive
souls do not question their existence, they do not question anything. They do not think in
the same way that you understand and perceive thoughts. They are primarily instinctive
or emotionally centered. They simply accept that they are and that they must survive.
They do not name objectsthey do not know a tree from a rock by name, yet they do
know how and where to find food, how to avoid predators and where to build their
homes, though they do not call it a home. They respond to hunger, thirst, and the need
to procreate, and many also know to nurture their young. But they do not know
existence, or love (agape) or truth or lies. They recognize pain and they recognize basic
pleasure, for these are functions of the body.
They do not think beyond survival, and they do not grow beyond their programming.

Patterns and Pets

Q. What are the purposes of patterns in a person's life and does it happen on other levels
of existence, not just earth level?
M: First we would ask the questioner exactly what they mean by patterns. For if they
mean the continuously repeating patterns of ones relationships with others, would we
say that this is a lesson that has yet to be understood. If you would say that it is the
patterns of types of plays in which you find yourself, then we would again say that these
are the lessons or experiences that you have decided to try.
Man, by nature, sees patterns in many things. But those within the instinctive center will
see the patterns much faster, for they have only the instinct of the mammal operating
within them.
Essence calls into play those patterns of energy needed to create the scenarios that it
would experience. Therefore, if your awareness level is such that you can perceive
these patterns, then are you most likely working through essence, primarily.
That there are patterns to all of life is true. For on every level do we pull together
patterns of energy to create the realities in which we all live. That your patterns and your

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energies do take on a more physical form is due to the reality in which you dwell. That
our patterns and our energies are more intuitive and musical in nature is also true. For
that is how our energies work.
Energy is by nature a pattern, of a type. We merely re-arrange this pattern into other
patterns much like a kaleidoscope will rearrange the bits of broken glass or stone that
create the patterns that the eye then sees.
So, yes there are patterns throughout all of life, on every level; however, not all the
patterns are the same, and in fact, we would say that most are not. For our patterns do
not resemble anything that you as human would recognize. Essence might, yes, but you
are not free enough from the physical form to appreciate those patterns that we create.

Q: What types of patterns do animals see? And do pets see different patterns than those
of animals in the wild, and how do these patterns affect them and their behavior?
M: Animals even more than humans, see the patterns within the world. For their hive
souls are very attuned to patterns.
Animals respond to patterns for that is what they see, sense, hear. They observe the
patterns of the ground below them, and if that pattern changes, then do they become
wary, fearful, and sometimes aggressive. They observe the world, note the patterns,
then observe as the patterns shift. If the patterns do not shift in a familiar way, do the
animals then act out of fear and instinctwhether that means attacking or retreating or
investigating depends upon the species.
Squirrels and rabbits usually retreat, while wolves will investigate or attack. Birds will
either scatter or investigate, while fish will usually ignore or flee. So do you see that their
very lives depend upon the patterns ingrained in them?
Dogs live by patterns (or rituals). If their owner always arises at 8 a.m. and suddenly
does not, does the dog then see the pattern as broken or changed. If comfortable within
their home, will the dog most likely investigate. If in circumstances where they are
uncomfortable (such as someone elses home) will they react through fear becoming
either aggressive or cowering.
That the dog always seems to know when you are coming home is not true. What they
see is a pattern. You get up, you do certain things, then you leave. When the sun has
progressed to a certain point on the floor or wall within a particular room of the house, do
you then return. That is the pattern they have observed. If you alter that pattern, do they
either alter their behavior or react out of fear. For some, is it that the dog will then chew
their owners shoes, or pees upon the owners rug, for this, then, indicates that by
changing the routine (the pattern) is the dog upset and displeased, as well as confused
and frightened. Dogs, more so, than cats (of the domestic type) rely on these patterns to
help them relate to their human pack. Since they are solitary animals instead of pack
animals, cats will note the patterns of their human counter parts, but are not so easily
disrupted when the pattern alters. After all, if the disruption does not affect the eating
and sleeping of the cat, then will the cat simply overlook the aberration in the pattern.
Horses, like dogs, are more easily frightened and much prefer their patterns to remain
stable. Herd animals tend to respond as one. Therefore, if the leader notices some

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change in the patterns around it, and declares the aberration something to be frightened
of, then will the whole pack respond in a similarly frightened manner.
Humans and cetaceans have the ability to think through the reasons for the change and
so are less likely to react from the instinctive center. That some still will react in a
visceral or instinctive way is true, for some pattern changes affect the mammalian part of
you more than any other (part) and this can override any logic.
However, most times are the shifts in patterns overlooked as man (and cetaceans) no
longer fully rely upon the instinctive center for survival.
The patterns discerned by animals occur on many levels. For they perceive the entire
world in an intricate movement and weaving of patternsas does man. However, mans
mind does alter the patterns making allowances and offering logical explanations for
changes rather than accepting what it is they perceive at an instinctual level.
Animals are more perceptive to the instinctual center, while you (all of you on the
physical plane) have learned to override the instinctual centerat least most of the time.
Therefore, while a dog will sense it is nearing the time of day when their master arrives
(at home) because of various pattern shifts that have occurred, you will look to your
Time, however, is just another pattern. It is simply one to which man put a name and
devised rules. Therefore, when the trees drop their leaves, do you call it autumn, and
when the sun is at its zenith, do you call it noon. They are simply patterns with names.
Animals gauge many patterns comprised of scent, sight, sound and instinctual senses.
While man also uses these same senses, they are not as emphatic in dictating his
movements and reactions. For man also has reason, logic, and essence to help him
determine what is the best response to the shifting patterns of his world, life, and reality.
View the world as if through a kaleidoscope and you will have a closer idea as to how
the animals see the world. Not that they see only blurs of colors, but more that they see
all things in a pattern of shapes. Without the capacity for profound thought, do they see
brown and green semi-static images and know that these are not harmful, for although
they know not to call them trees, the animals recognize the pattern of them, the shape.
The shapes of these trees are blended with the patterns of grasses, flowers, fields, and
sun along with everything else that comprises their world. The animals see this pattern
and know the world as they perceive it is okay. Then a new shape enters the scene.
This pattern has odd colorations, adds loudness and disjunction to the overall pattern,
and the animals must then decide whether to flee from this new pattern, study it, or
attack it.
That the new shape added to their overall pattern is a human (or more than one human)
is immaterial to the animals. They simply know that the object does not fit the pattern
that they have come to recognize as being safe.
Now should the human pattern prove safe, will the animal be more trusting the next time
and the time after, until (and if) man shows himself to be an unsafe pattern.

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So while the animals do discern the individual trees and the individual flowers, clouds,
and each grass, and the other animals, they also perceive the overall pattern at a level
beyond the comprehension of man.
That is because man has evolved beyond the recognition of mere patterns and gives
names and meaning to the plants, animals, actions, and all object seen and unseen.
A squirrel knows not that wind is what man calls the air movement. A squirrel only knows
that when their fur is ruffled one way it is safe, yet when ruffled another, it means a
storm. Again, it is pattern recognition, not object recognition that the animals use to
determine this.

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Planal Power Points and Ley Lines

M: That which you call ley lines are nothing more than the network or power grid that
helps the Earth maintain its shape and conformity to the rules of the physical plane.
Without the network of power criss-crossing the planet, would the reality that you (all of
you) have created not exist. For it is the power grid that keeps the world as you know it,
in balance, along with all of those who exist within your reality.
This network of power has always existed within and around the planet, for it is along
these junctures that those who would monitor and maintain the earth do link in to your
reality as well as all other realities along your particular physical plane.
The energy grid, ley lines, or power net, encircling the planet is a composite of those
energies that comprise usall of usand do therefore respond to the negatives and
positives of those around them. If those dwelling near a particular energy point do
generate mostly positive energy, then will the ley lines or energy points along those lines
be primarily positive. However, if those dwelling on or near these lines are generating
primarily negative energies, then will the ley line be primarily negative.
This power net, grid, or any other similar term is what makes the Earth the viable reality
that it is. Without the ley lines, would the planet die, for it would no longer contain the
life force that comprises all of usall things.

Q: When I was child, we used to think the house was haunted. There seemed to be a
strange kind of energy that flowed through it, and sometimes we thought we saw ghosts.
Can you explain these phenomena?
M: Your childhood home wasn't so much "haunted" as located on one of the many
"power points" that link different planes with each other. In your case, it was a link to the
astral plane. This allowed the forging of the "bond" or link between you and the essence
you call JA, thus allowing JA to remain in contact with you even though you no longer
live near the power center.
The center, or linking point, makes it possible for those on this plane with enough focus
and perception to more easily see and perceive the astral plane and many of those that
dwell there. It also allows those in the astral to more easily cross to and make
themselves "known" in your plane. This link was even more of a force for you, because
of the fact that Joshua is part of your entity and because Joshua and you have spent

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many 'life times' together (both in the physical plane and in other realities and planes,
If connected, we would find that these points of power or planal power points create a
kind of net or grid across the planeta power grid, if you will. But the power is not stable
or even. It varies from point to point and from section to section (of the planet) based on
several factors: 1) to which other plane(s) the link or point is connected, and 2) whether
the point was activated.
Four primary points actually link all 7 planes, and all realities within those planesthose
are the "most powerful" points. (Powerful being a relative term; for if someone denies
their inner senses, they may never acknowledge the point's existence, although when
tested by scientists anomalies to gravity and other "natural" forces are detected and
noted, though usually left unexplained.)
Other points only link one or two other planes to the physical, such as linking the
physical to the astral, or to the astral and causal, etc. As for being "activated", the points
are activated by thought or emotional stimulus. This is why some points may retain a
negative "feel" to them. For if they were activated by fear or hate, then the "feel" of them
will retain that negative feel/emotion.
If they were activated through joy or love, then they will retain that type of feeling.
However, some points were never activated. They remain passive, unempowered.
If/when something occurs to create a burst of emotional or thought energy strong
enough to activate them, then the link(s) will be forged and another part of the "power
grid" will be empowered.
This grid serves several purposes, one of which facilitates the "communication" between
realities and planes, allowing for a more easily accessed "data base"knowledge
unrestricted by the perceptions of the reality in which you are "bound". Not that we are
smarter or more intelligent, wiser or even betteronly that we are less restricted in our
abilities and our remembrances of how the universes work and interact and through
these points can we more easily pass along that knowledge and make it more
accessible to you.
That is our whole goal right now, to make the information more accessibleto make that
knowledge that we possess more available to everyone who seeks it.
The grid also helps to maintain the balance and stability of the planet and all who dwell
on her. So it is proper that some points be (in your terms) negative and others positive,
for the balance is neutrality. You must experience both sides before you can come to
accept the middle. So are situations created in these emotional centers to facilitate this
Someone, not awake/aware, approaching one of these "negative" centers, may become
more prone to react to a situation in a violent, karma-producing, manner than in a
normal, reasonable manner. This is alright, this is as things should be. For if all things
and all situations were approached from a balanced perspective than no information
would be gained, no lessons would be learned and the whole Earth game would become

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pointless. Those with more developed perceptions, or those more awake and on the
path, will be aware of the centers and will "act" accordingly.
If the energy makes them uncomfortable, then they will avoid the area; if the energy
feels good to them, then they will tend to linger and facilitate the communication we so
seek. Some will come and stay, actually building dwellings on or near the spot. It is
many such occurrences that gain the reputations of being haunted, when in fact, what is
occurring is the cross-over of the realities, the blending of the planes at that point.
Sometimes the energy is strong enough so that even the non-perceptive becomes
aware of something, or sees "something", and suddenly the dwelling is then called

Q: Do the energy points influence the person's behavior or does their behavior and
accompanying emotions influence the energy point?
M: Remember, energy is neutral. It is not evil, bad, negative, or positivebut energy
points activated by certain emotions will continue to attract the same type of emotional
energy to it, until a build-up of emotional intensity becomes unmistakable. Therefore, it is
the emotional overlay that influences the power center, and not the power center itself
that is negative or positive.
To clear one of these points, would require the same type of cleansing that one would do
for their own energy centers and aura. However, in these instances, it would require the
help of those on the linked planes or someone adept at "traveling" or focusing on these
other planes, for the emotional overlay affects not just your plane and your reality, but all
associated planes and realities.

Q: What about the 4 points that connect the Earth to all planeswhat more can you tell
us about them and the other power points?
M: Like a cross through the planet, they radiate. The planet actually contains 2
equatorsone that runs east to west, and one that runs north to south. These, then, are
the 4 primary "points" where the physical plane connects to all others. This is why you
(IML) felt so at home when you went towards the equator. Minor points occur in many
places. There are many around Chicago and the Great Lakes, with others throughout
Ohio and the Mississippi Basin. The west has manyCalifornia has many hostile ones.
The Eastern Seaboard is mixed, with the "negative" ones evenly distributed. The
Southwest is more sparsebut then there has been less population, although the Native
Americans were aware and honored the places of strength (as they called them).
Europe is tumultuous with them. Many negative ones exist in and around Germany,
Poland, Hungary, and that area. England is crowded with points, as is Irelandbut
Ireland's have grown increasingly negative as her "children" stubbornly refuse to mature
and "grow up". France is well-balanced, and Siberia holds the majority of points in the
area of Russia, those being primarily "positive". Italy has many negative vortexes, as
does Palestine and the Middle Eastern areas.
Africa is sparse, but many are becoming activated, and not in a positive way. Tasmania
holds more than Australia or New Zealand, and the smaller islands in that area are quite
powerful and quite positive.

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The main island of Japan holds few active pointsthose currently active are on the
smaller islands where there are still some 4th and 5th cycles with the ability, skill, and
knowledge to activate and care for them. The main island is too heavily populated with
3rd cycles whose only interest is in physical rewards and tangibles such as money,
glamour, and power over someone else. The Pacific Rim overall is a powerful area with
a fairly even distribution of negative and positive points, though slightly more negative
towards the Thailand area.
The islands of the Caribbean are moderately active with some islands containing no
centers and others containing several. Being near the recognized equator, and having
the north-south equator running through them gives them most of their "power". They
are also well-balanced as to positive and negative. South America contains many points
to the northern section of the continent, and few to the south. Those to the north are in
the majority, negative, though more positive ones are being activated.

The Bermuda Triangle

M: What you term the Bermuda Triangle is but a malfunctioning of those magnetic lines
that cross at those points of your world. The ley lines that encircle the globe do create
several cross patterns in that area. That several are still highly charged due to
occurrences involving experiments conducted by those whose land did at one time rest
above the water in that region, is true.
That the ley lines and subsequent power points were never nullified, has long caused
electrical malfunctions to occur in that area so influenced.
That those you call Atlanteans did conduct experiments which did result in a negative
flux of these power lines is true. However, they did not comprehend the severity with
which they impacted the Earths power stabilization. Therefore, was no consideration
given to nullifying those energies.
Now do those energies still fluctuate creating irregularities in the electrical currents and
in the manmade machinery that is caught in these fluctuations. There are not aliens
creating these occurrences, any more than there are devils. Instead, there is merely a
misfunctioning of those energy points within that region once occupied by those who did
destroy themselves with their experimentation.

Q: Do you mean Atlantis?

M: that there existed a continent that those today call Atlantis is true. However, their
name was one of musical and coloration symbols rather than letters, so did those who
wrote about them translate as best they could into their own lettering system.
That those called Atlanteans by you existed at the time of the Ancient Greeks is not
true, for their continent had already been destroyed and their culture and remnants of
their society scattered across the globe.
They were the designers of the Great Pyramids, but not the builders. For the society that
inhabited the area of your Ancient Egypt was quite adept at energy manipulation and so
needed no help with the construction of these buildings.

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Your Atlanteans were most interested in magnetics and so did they conduct many
experiments to this end. That it was these experiments that did contribute to their demise
is true. For they would use the power of magnetics to cross those barriers between
realities. They found a way to alter the polarity of magnetic resonances thereby creating
fluctuations in the flow. These fluctuations allowed them to open gateways between the
different realities. That these gateways existed only for a nanosecond or two was
unimportant. For although they could not cross-over between realities, they found that
they could record the results using the various crystal recording devices of their
The resonance of the crystal recording devices interacting with the fluctuations of the
magnetic resonances created a major fluctuation within the planet itself.
As the poles were pulled more and more out of alignment, the planets surface began
shifting. Eventually, the pull of the fluctuations caused the surface of the planet to slide.
What had been south, was now west; what had been north, was now east.
The subsequent quakes, floods, and eruptions left little of the continent once called Alta
Lantaya besides small islandswhat you call the Azores.
That their experimentation was the sole cause is not true; however, it was the most
devastating and the primary cause.
Other factors contributed, but Earth would not have chosen such a path if those of that
time had not created such a fluctuation within the stabilization grid of the planet.
Within the same time period, was there a mix of cultures. For some were quite far
advanced technologically, while others were not. However, there were also several
cultures whose innate knowledge of the Earth and its energies and the manipulating of
same, was also quite advanced. However, they could not stem the flow of imbalances
coming from their northern neighbor, and so did they also suffer from the consequences.
That those whose actions did result in such global destruction have much rebalancing to
do is true. For many have spent many lifetimes working to preserve the ecological
balance of the planet they were once so cavalier toward.
That is not to say that all who strive towards ecological balance were once part of that
Atlantean culturewe did not say that and we do not mean that. Only are we saying
that many do use those means to burn those ribbons incurred from that life.

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Time and Choices

M: If there is one experience to be experienced on the physical plane, it is the ability to
experience the passage of time, and the visible manifestations brought about over 'time',
in each ensouled fragment, in the artifacts of the species, in geographical 'reality', and in
astronomical events. This is by far the most 'unique' experience possible on the physical
plane-linear time. We cannot say this with sufficient impact, for just as we are not part of
the physical-plane time, so you, being extant upon it, cannot divorce yourselves from it,
nor would it be appropriate to your experience, even if it were possible. From the
development of galaxies to the most perishable bacterium, we would think that the 'cycle'
of life would be considered revealing of the validity of the experience of the physical

Q: Could you be more specific, please?

M: We perceive time in a manner we have already described, based on possibilities and
choices. From our perspective, all available choices are equally valid, and only on the
physical plane can evaluation be made as to which is most 'appropriate' for the fragment
in question. We would think that this is the 'value' of lives on the physical plane, having
possibilities that are chosen and bring about consequences in the context of linear
We would think that by assessing choice in terms of 'what comes next', a valuable tool of
insight is made accessible to all fragments on the physical plane. To be able to see
events 'unfold' is an experience that can only be fully realized in linear time and in the
context of an on-going life. The recognition and validation of experience in a
chronological context provides many opportunities for dealing with personal and world
truths and their evolution within the particular life being led. For example, being able to
place in time the process of learning to read enables the fragment to understand the
personal truth of evolution, from the personal truth of 'I cannot read' to the personal truth
of 'I can read'. The world truth involved here is that it is possible for a human being to
read. Without a concept of time and its passage, such identification is less readily made,
and as a result the lesson of the process is not as well discerned as it is within a
comprehension of time.
We would wish to remind all here present that the process of living on the physical plane
is the focus of the 'reason' for ensouled life on the physical plane. Any life where this
perception is recognized and validated is one in which essence evolution is possible. On
other planes of existence there is no on-going and recognizable manifestation of 'time' or

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the aspects of choice that stem from the hazards of the physical plane. On no other
plane does choice have so many forms of manifestations as it does on the physical
plane, and on no other plane of existence does the nature of the plane itself impinge so
relentlessly on fragments extant there. So you may consider much of your task at hand
related to the process of being on the physical plane, for that is why you have chosen to
be here in the first place. There is no 'shortcut' out of the cycles on the physical plane,
for that would deny the process of recognition and validation. There is only evolution and
for each fragment, evolution is the result of choices made by that fragment.
The progression of days is a valid experience, and all days, no matter how many or how
few, are equally valid. What you are here to do in each and every life on the physical
plane is, in fact, deal with the physical plane and being ensouled in the human species.
Evolution occurs on many levels, not all of them related to hive-soul 3 species.
The human species is in the process of evolution, and each fragment ensouled in the
humanor any other species throughout the physical planeis evolving. It is the nature
of all energy, no matter how expressed, to evolve. Since matter is, as we have said
before, coagulated energy, it, too, evolves in ways readily perceived by the evolution and
extinction of species over long eons, well before mammals, let alone primates, entered
'the picture'.
We would have to remark that the various species that have evolved over time were, of
course, suited to their environment. When they were no longer suited to their
environment, they died out, leaving a 'vacuum' to be filled by other species, which, of
course, evolved to fill the vacated 'niche' more effectively, as the 'niche', as well as the
species, was evolving, too.
We say this in order to remind you that you are not the glorious fulfillment of the
evolutionary process, but only one of its manifestations, and when your species ceases
to be viable, it does not mean that your sun will go nova and the galaxy implode. If that
happened every time an ensouled species went extinct, there would be a constant
eruption of novae all over the physical plane, and ensoulment would shift from species to
species with dizzying speed. That does not mean that the departure of ensouled species
from one planet is without impact. We did not say that, and we did not imply it.
The presence of any species, plant or animal, ensouled or hive-souled, is 'significant'
and its absence impacts the planet and the environment of the planet. We do wish to
remark here, however, that planetary existence does not depend on the presence of
ensouled species for planetary viability. In fact, the presence of ensouled species can be
more a hazard than a benefit to many planets, yours, of course, among them.
Ensouled species impact environments to the degree that their choices can alter the
environments, and their presence or absence is significant to the degree that their
choices lead to environmental impact. All species, no matter how 'insignificant' have
impact on the environment to a greater or lesser degree, and we would have to say that
where the species has the option of manipulating the environment, it will, by the nature

M: Hive-souled species are those species (animals, usually, though there are some insects also) for which
the law of karma stills function (you kill or harm them maliciously and in another life you will probably die
or be injured by them), yet they do not have 'true' souls as you and the cetaceans have souls. You do not
incarnate into animals or other species, for there would be no growth in such an action.

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of its 'hard-wiring' or instinct, for that manipulation is the result of evolution. For example,
the Tyrannosaurus Rex would not have evolved had there not been a plethora of other
dinosaurs to serve as prey, and having evolved for that purpose, the species could not
survive without sufficient prey to sustain it. As the environment of the dinosaurs evolved,
so, of course, did dinosaurs. Those that did not, went extinct.

Q: But if time doesn't occur the way we think, how does that affect us and our choices on
the physical plane?
M: If you will, picture a cable strand composed of many filaments, some of which, but
not all, are being braided into the cable. The cable is the lives you have completed and
the results of choices you have made. There are occasional knots in the cable brought
about by karma, when life choices were taken away either by or from the fragment in
Where the braiding is taking place is the current point in the life. The filaments are of
different lengths, substances, and textures, and some tend to be more 'central' to the
cable than others, but at each and every choice, the filaments are braided in or out,
depending on the ramifications of the choice made. Which is why we do not predict: we
do not predict because we cannot.
Each choice is made by the fragment in question, and each brings new form to bear on
the cable. From our point of view, all the filaments are validthough some are likelier
than othersuntil the choice is made. That is also why there is no destiny, only vectors,
which tend to tangle filamentsbecause the tangling is caused by choice. In other
words, you may be on vectors with another fragment and would have met at the concert
that night, except you chose to look after an injured friend instead. That does not mean
that such a meeting will 'never' take place, but if you choose to have it happen, it will be
in a different venue, under circumstances that were not part of the original agreement.
Not being part of the original plan is not crucial any more than changing the time of a
luncheon appointment to accommodate shifts in schedules.
Those who are more visually oriented may prefer to think of the difference between a
sketch and the filled-in fresco painting, the sort that is made on new plaster. The sketch,
often more than one of many options, which is not an actual 'picture' until the paint is put
on the surface, which is, we need not remind you, the result of choice. Some
modification can take place afterward, but not much, as the paint soaks into the plaster
quickly and is not easily altered. This analogy is not wholly accurate, just as the cableand-filament one is not, but between the two, some sense of how we perceive your lives
is possible.
Let us offer a third analogy, to accommodate the moving as well as the intellectually and
emotional centered: there are a number of connecting routes to the same destination. A
few are more direct than others, but all are equally effective. Where the traveler is on this
complex series of routes is the present. The option to select other routes at every
junction (choice) and every resulting aspect of the journey (ramifications of choice) are
the valid experience of life.
We would think that this might make it easier to comprehend the exigencies of life, as
well as the importance of choice. It can also show how you can complete your journey
without arriving at the destination you had in mind at the beginning. And perhaps it can

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show some of the nature of such things as detours, rough roads, and the intrusions of
the physical plane can do much to make the journey as 'unpredictable' as it is. It is not
amiss to keep in mind that roads do not wash out to ruin your day, they wash out as part
of the hazards of the physical plane. Dealing with the hazard is as much a matter of
choice as any other aspect of life.
Confronted with a washed-out road, you may attempt to go back to the last junction and
take another route, you may curse the road, you may blame yourself for making an
erroneous choice, you may start off beside the washed-out road to keep as much to the
old course as possible, you may choose to do something entirely different than what you
had been doing, you may sit down and wait for the road to be repaired, you may try to
find help over the washed-out part, you may invent some means of getting across, or
any other of the myriad choices available to you in this predicament. All the choices are
valid and any choice you make is as valid as any other. We remind you yet again that
doing nothing is as much a choice as any action or decision you may choose.

Matter and Time

M: The world that you see, the universe, the pandimensional realities, and all planes are
organized and orderly. They have an underlying structure that holds them together and a
foundation from which they were "built". For they are all of the same material that
comprises you and us, and all other creations.
We are all created from the energy and awareness that is the Tao. That is why and how
we are all connected. For all things have awareness, but not all creations have
sentience. Sentience means the taking of responsibility for the choices made, and the
participation in and awareness of the different realities and the different planes.
A chair is made of the same substance as you or us, and that substance is aware, but it
is not sentient. Some people appear to be unaware, but they are still sentient. For
although on a "conscious" level they do not know why they do what they do, at the core
levelthe essence levelthey do, and it is at this level that we make the distinction.
For a chair although composed of the same material as essence, is not essence. It
contains the same energies and "materials", but it contains not the "soul" that gives us
and you sentience. Only 2 species on your planet have that type of awareness:
cetaceans and humans. Each is aware of itself and others. Each is aware of the "rules"
that is that they alone are responsible for themselves, that they make their own choices
and they are responsible for the outcome of those choicesand each is aware that
there is more to "life" than what they are currently experiencing. That is sentience.
Dogs do not have it, cod do not have it, nor do butterflies or birds. For they are
"creations" of those who dwell in the physical plane. You would populate your worlds
with all manner of creatures and what you call matter does its best to accommodate you.
For the oversoul that maintains the reality in which you dwell is a great manipulator of
The creation of the world as you know it, came not as a bang, nor through some timeconsuming evolution process. Rather did it occur as a series of experiments all occurring
simultaneously throughout all the different timelines. For that, too, was an experiment. It
was found that sequencing the events could create even more complexity, thereby

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making the "lessons" that much more interesting. It was also found that by restricting the
body to one particular timeline caused the physical mind to function in a much more
linear fashion. It was thought to be an interesting phenomenon to experience. So,
although all time occurs now, and all realities exist here, the separation of these allows
much more freedom to the individual in the making of choices. So for all the restrictions
placed upon you by this "world" that you all have created, you have in your own way
given yourselves much more freedom with which to experience this world and the
reality/life you have selected at this time.
The more you "forget", the more freedom you give yourself to enjoy the character you
are. However, if you were to never "remember" you would forever repeat the same or
similar lives over and over. This is why the "memory" returns as the lives are lived, so
that new choices can be made and new experiences enjoyed. Essence seeks to
experience all that it can, so it pursues not the path of forgetfulness forever. Rather does
it continuously work its way "forward" into the physical mind's memory, so that different
choices can be made and different situations experienced.
Essence is forever, there is no "death" as you understand the term. Rather is there
stagnation and lack of growth.

Time and Alternate Realities

Q: You always talk of time being simultaneous, yet you said it is not a concept of your
plane, can you explain more about thistime and how it relates to the different planes.
M: You use time to define past from present from future. It is a convenience that helps
in the learning process on the physical plane. The astral, being so closely aligned with
the physical, also uses time, but not in the same way. Those there see time as different
ranges of vibrational frequencies within the overall spectrum of the physical plane. This
allows those there, then, to monitor, choose, and participate in different aspects of the
physical world.
If a fragment were to choose the reality in which Nazi Germany won the war, then they
would find the vibrational range that comprises that realitythat time lineand attune
themselves to it, and join the physical world in that vibrational range. Those desiring to
join in your time line, would attune themselves to the vibrational range of it. But all of
these pasts, presents, and futures are nowthey are the moment in which you dwell, in
which we dwell, in which any fragment or essence dwells. And all of these nows, all of
these moments are occurring simultaneously in the same space, but by vibrating at
different frequencies and using different magnetic waves, they are not perceived by
those who cannot, or will not, attune themselves to them.
Since it is the agreement of those on the physical plane to accept only the reality and the
timeline in which they currently live, they will not acknowledge the existence of the other
realities, the other nows.
In the astral plane can you view all of these realities and all of these nows while they
happen, so for you there, your time of minutes, hours, days, does not existas it does
not exist for us. But those on the astral are more able to attune themselves to it (time)
and link into it since the astral is not that far removed from the physical planein terms
of the overall frequency spectrums of the two planes.

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Even those just visiting the astral plane notice that time becomes distorted while there.
That although they may have the feeling of minutes having elapsed, when they come
back to their body and the physical world, they find that hours have actually gone by. We
have a more difficult time with the concept as we do not interact as often or as much with
the physical or astral worlds. So we must make a "special" effort to acknowledge and
accept your concept and your perception, so as not to cause too much undue
inconvenience while teaching.
Again, time is one of those concepts, like gravity, that is agreed upon when entering the
physical world, but when not in the physical realm it is not needed and it is not a
perception that is used. We are always in the moment, in the "now" and all that it entails
and includes. For us to explain it to you would come closest if we said that our moment,
our now, includes all that ever was, all that is, and all that ever will be. That is where we
dwell in "time".

Earth Timelines
Q: How many time lines are there on Earth? And if I'm primarily focusing my
incarnations on one timeline, do I have to progress through it in linear order or can I
have a life time in the 20th century followed by one in the 14th century? Do most
fragments hop around between different time lines for their incarnations? Do the
versions also go to a variety of different timelines?
M: The number of timelines available at any particular now is never constant. For
timelines end and others begin. The timelines are created by those participating in the
physical plane, and are then maintained and "directed" by those participating within
them. Each fragment selects a timeline based upon the lessons and experiences they
want to have. For if they wish to learn about racial disharmony, then would they select a
timeline and a now wherein the racial instability was quite pronounced. They might
choose to be within the now of Texas when those of the Ku-Klux-Klan were most
powerful and those of the darker skin were very vulnerable. Then they see or experience
racial disharmony.
If they would participate in civil unrest, might they select the now wherein any of the
peasants overthrew or attempted to, their governments, whether it be Paris, or Russia or
Watts. All are valid. So rarely will a fragment follow one timeline from beginning to end.
More is it a selection of that now because it fulfills the desires, needs, and choices. If you
wish to rectify much karma and all those you need to interact with are opting for a
particular timeline, then so will you. There are many variables considered by most
fragments before the decision of when and where is made. Some will simply "grab" the
first agreement they can, simply because they wish to return as quickly as possible. But
most are quite willing to spend some thought in developing their next "character" and
their next "play". That is not to say that a fragment cannot be orderly and begin on one
timeline in a now of 2BC and continue in that timeline progressing to 2AD, 1200AD,
1700, etc. It is always the fragment's own choice. But most do opt for more variety.
That the questioner is one who has "jumped" timelines many times is true. For she
manifests wherever and whenever she can develop the most insights. That you (all of
you) can have more than one fragment within the same reality/timeline is true, but

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**rarely** do they share the same now. Most often will one be within a now either
"earlier" or "later" than another.
Since a "version" is created only when a choice is made by a fragment participating
within a set reality, then will those versions always be in copies of that fragment's reality.
For up until the point of the choice, all will remain the same. Then after the choice will
one continue having the memory of deciding No, while another manifests with a memory
of having said Yes. That all memories to that point will be identical is true, for they are
merely those manifestations of the possibilities created by the choices. The you that you
recognize as self, follow one possibility, while other you's follow all other possibilities that
the choice(s) engendered. Therefore, for them, their path continues straight from past to
now, just as does yours. All are equal.
When all versions of self have completed their "possibility", their life, do they re-integrate
into the fragment, who again must decide on a character, a play, and a setting. So, if the
fragment dwells within a reality of 1990's America, all versions of that fragment do so,
too. For that is how it works. However, if the fragment starts in Europe 1670, then the
versions will also be within that reality when created. The version will not be created in a
reality other than that occupied by the fragment. For the choices occur within that reality,
and must be followed within that reality.
That one has to remain within the time line being experienced now is not true. For if
upon the decision to re-incarnate you do not find the circumstances or situations
compatible with what you would experience within that previous time line, do you merely
choose to try another.
There is no "rule" that states you must even consider your "old" time line for your next
incarnation. Where you go, as well as "when" you go, is your choice, which you should
make based on those experiences you would have, and with whom you would "share"
your world. For if all those you would make agreements with do not wish to partake of
the reality you have selected, do you still have the choice to proceed, thereby meeting
"new" fragments and creating "new" friends and new agreements, or you can follow
along to where the others, with whom you are already familiar, would go.
Each reality/time line has its own "rules" and its own structures, and its own uniqueness.
It may be exactly like the one in which you dwell now, except there is no history of a war
in the 1940's. Or it could be varied by something as minor as your young priest, Nixon,
never having been "forced" from office by his own greed.
All realities are always available to you. You can cycle through a continuous time line or
notit is your choice.

Time and Lives

Q: If all time is now and all the fragments exist at the same time learning all the lessons
at the same time, how do 'we' know how many fragments to break into in the first place?
Do we 'generate' fragments as we need to in order to experience the lessons we want to
learn in a given timeline? What happens if we 'blow' a life, abdicate it or refuse to learn
the lesson or die 'before all lessons are complete, like I did in the architect's life? Does
another fragment just pick up the lessons and go from there? Also, how does this relate

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to something I read/heard/discussed with someone regarding phobias relating to a major

trauma in another life? Funny thing is, I can accept that all life occurs now, it's just the
little details that throw me.
M: The fragments are not broken up at the start. Rather do you start as one essence
with a "life plan"one incarnation with selected milestones. But as choices are made,
major choices such as determining to be male or female, essence splits into all the
possibilities. Therefore, if the possibilities are male, female, neutered, then essence is
now 3 fragments. Then as each fragment makes major decisionsuch as career
choices, that fragment making the choice(s) again splits to cover all the probabilities.
These probable yous may continue on with their own existences in their own timelines,
or they may regroup back to you if their "path" merges back to the primary fragment's
path. Therefore, you are constantly fragmenting and re-integrating as choices are made.
This is why you may suddenly "develop" a talent you always thought about, but did not
realize you had. For the fragment that rejoined with you may have developed that talent,
such as painting, or photography, or business astuteness, etc. So, there are as many of
you as are needed to complete all the probabilities that you create for yourself. But each
primary you is also a fragment. For as you go along you are constantly wanting to
experience more and different things. So you may cast off fragments to start a life in
Africa in the 1800's, or in Indonesia in 10BC, or France in 1200AD, and each of these
lives may create fragments for all of their probabilities.
If a life ends by accident, the fragment will either plan out a "new" life or will re-integrate
with the primary fragment from which it came. Either way, the "lessons" will be done and
balance found. For although you perceive time as something occurring, that leaves you
with a past, present and future, we see time as an object that you visit over and over
again. So, if one fragment ends an existence, there is no reason why that fragment or
another portion of it cannot "pick up" where the first left off, or even visit the same
timeline. What you call doppelgangers are in some cases simply alternate you's
occurring in the same timeline, but with different goals and different tasks. But because
the human mind finds this so disconcerting, it is not a scenario that is selected very
often. Rather do the fragments select similar timelines for their alternates.
Phobias occurring late in life are usually those incurred from that life. But those occurring
from incarnation are usually carryovers from a "previous" existence, or previous visit by
that fragment to one of the timelines. For rather than thinking of time as a line, think of it
as a continuous spiral within a circle within a spiral within a circle within a spiral within a
circle, ad infinitum, layered one upon another, ad infinitum. For each circle represents an
alternate reality and each spiral the primary timeline within it. But as choices are made,
the spiral grows branches, some reaching toward other parts of the same spiral, others
reaching upward or downward to another timeline, and still others creating completely
new timelines. Therefore, we say time is an object, an idea, a thought form, that you
create. Once created, you then initiate the populating of that timeline with fragments of
yourself so that you can experience all of the physical realm. So, as many primary
timelines as you create, and as many alternate realities that you create, is how many
fragments your essence will generate.
If one fragment dies in a fire, when it incarnates again that "memory" remains.
Therefore, that fear is still there. You create your now and from that now do you create

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your futures and your pasts. Each now has different probabilities both "forward" and
"backward", and as you create these "memories" and possibilities, you also create the
fragments to populate them.

Q: I'm still not sure we understand, M, about time and fragments. Does a fragment then
inherit multiple overleaves (personalities) when one timeline merges with another?
M: If we follow essence through a cycle perhaps we can make things clearer. We will
try. Essence decides to be a king with dominance, stubbornness, observation. It begins
life at cycle 1. The choices are made to be in a timeline similar to yours but in the era of
1400AD in North America. Here we have the first branch, where the parents chosen
have a son, and in alternate life A they have a daughter.. Essence is now 2 fragments,
both in *VERY* similar timelines due to a branching from the primary timeline to an
alternate immediately "below" it. However, in their society, females are unwelcome, so
the infant is left to die. The alternate timeline ends and fragment A merges back with the
primary creating essence again.
"Time" in your sense elapses, and the king is a youth. He is invited as a part of a
manhood initiation hunting party. He fragments againfragment A goes on the hunt,
Fragment B does not. Fragment A gets separated from the main party and encounters a
bear, and creates several more fragments. Fragment A1 gets killed by the bear.
Fragment A2 runs away and is branded a coward. Fragment A3 climbs a tree and must
be "rescued" when the others come searching for him. Fragment A4 attacks and is
wounded, but the others come and help. Fragment A5 attacks and is mortally wounded
and dies back at camp a hero. Fragment A6 runs away and tells no one what happened.
Fragment A7 avoids the bear and the bear never sees or knows that he is there.
Fragment A8 calls out to the others causing the bear to notice and attack him. This
causes several more fragmentations to occur.
A2 and A5 rejoin with the primary fragment, for they did not last long enough to create a
major timeline of their own, nor did their separation change much. Therefore, primary
fragment A, who was lost and saw the bear, is now also fragment A1 and A5 in
experiences. A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, and A8 must continue on their own timelines now as
their decisions have not brought them back in conjunction with the primary fragment
from which they came.
Now primary Fragment B, who did not go on the hunt, has decided instead to be a
shaman. So, he meets with the medicine man and is told that he must pass some tests.
These begin and Fragment B finds that one is to climb a mountain while fasting.
Fragment B starts to climb, but is weak from hunger and reaches a point where a choice
to continue must be made. B1 continues; B2 quits and simply says he did it; B3 quits
and admits it; B4 slips and falls, killing himself instantly; B5 slips, but does not die
At the same moment as this life is occurring, the essence that is the king, also decides to
complete some other experiences in a different timeline. So, as king but in submission
with a goal of growth, in the passion mode with a chief feature of impatience, a fragment
is placed in France in the 1750's. This fragment will be doing 2nd cycle lessons and
tasks by drawing on the experiences of Fragments A and B in North America. At this
same moment, another fragment is created with another set of overleaves and it is

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chosen to place this fragment in America during the 1960's to do 3rd cycle lessons.
Again, this fragment will draw on the experiences of the other 3 primary fragments.
Does this then, make it clearer?

Q: Yes, Michael.
M: For although fragments break and re-merge and break again, they do not re-merge
from the different timelines. That is, a primary fragment starting out in the 1500's timeline
will not re-merge with the primary fragment in the 1960's timeline. This re-integration/remerging takes place in the mid-astral planes once all physical plane existences are
complete and incarnation into a physical body is no longer desired by any of the
fragments. It is then that the fragments again become essence, and the experiences of
all fragments are then enjoyed and reviewed by essence. For this is the first step toward
total re-unification.

Alternate Realities
Q: So does each of us exist then in more than one reality?
M: We would have to say that those other yous are you but not you. They are the yous
based on the culminations of the choices on their time line in their realityyou are the
you based on the culmination of choices in your time line. So there are some that no
longer even look like you, and others that could be your twin. Some have died or were
killed, as was wont to happen based on the choices they were making, while others
flourished greatly.
These time lines do not occur every time someone makes a minor choice in their life.
Deciding whether to have a white refrigerator or black one will not result in a "split" in
your now. This occurs when global-type decisions are faced and reached. Will the U.S.
and Russia be allies or enemies? The answers available to that scenario would cause
multiple "splits", or multiple nows, so that all options and combinations and permutations
of options could be played out and all those existing in the originating time line would
then exist in the permutations. Those permutations, then could "split" again, until you are
where you are now, with an infinite array of alternate time lines existing. The "distance"
between one and another is based on how different the world became due to the
permutation. (Distance here being in vibrational frequency.) So, if one time line resulted
in total annihilation of the planet, the "distance" between it and its opposite (total global
peace) would be the complete range of frequencies (permutations) between the two.
You may choose to incarnate in the same time line every single time, or try different but
similar ones, or even try something so totally outrageous that you have very little frame
of reference. This is why when you remember an historical event from a "past life" it may
"vary" from the recorded history of your present time line. In most cases, this is not
noticeable because what is remembered is the emotional content of the life, or details
such as architecture and the costumes of the period. For recording and trying to retain
all the details would become meaningless not only in terms of the lessons, but also in
terms of becoming too limiting then in where/when one could incarnate. So, those whose
remembrances include Lemuria, are actually coming from a time line where that island
continent existed and may or may not have been destroyed. But in your time line it was
not there, so no archeological evidence will ever be found.

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This is why we say learn from the lessons you record, and focus not on the historical
detail. The "time period" is not as important as what occurred and how the participants
reacted or handled the situation. Therefore, when/if the situation occurs again, a different
reaction or a different way of handling it can be utilized. We do not say "better way", for
nothing is better or worse than anotherjust different. All lessons are just different ways
of handling similar situations. You do this until you feel you have experienced all there is,
then you move to other experiences in different realms, in different realities, in different

Scientific Theories
Q. Is string theory an accurate description of the universe?
Definitions: A theory of physics in which particles are described as waves on strings;
strings have length but no other dimension.
A unified theory of the universe postulating that fundamental ingredients of nature are
not zero-dimensional point particles but tiny one-dimensional filaments called strings.
String theory harmoniously unites quantum mechanics and general relativity, the
previously known laws of the small and the large, that are otherwise incompatible. Often
short for superstring theory.
M: That there is a particle <grin> of truth to all theories, is correct, for that is how
theories are derived.
The greatest difficulty man has in understanding the universe in which he lives is that he
is immersed in it. Therefore, he cannot see the truth of what the universe is. If he could
but step outside of the physical world and step beyond the universe of physicality, would
he then have a better grasp of what comprises his reality.
Waves, yes, this is true, like overlapping waves coming on shore. If you call the edge of
the wave a string, then yes, we will agree with your theory. But the string denies the
rest of the energy wave that follows that leading edge.
Each wave is infinite in length and breadth, but so thin that it would appear to your eyes
and instruments as if it were not there. All you can perceive is the leading edge for it is
thicker than the wave itself. So to you, the edge (or string) has substance, where the
wave does not.
Your world your particular reality floats within one of these waves. Your reality is not
just your planet, but your entire galaxy and beyond. The wave underneath your reality is
that reality which is almost the same as yours but varies by just a bitsome small
choice that made it different. This is true of that wave which is flowing across the top of
yours, also. For each is complete in its own way, yet each is just slightly different from
the other.
Now remove the beach, and you have free-flowing waves (we call them frequencies or
frequency ranges) that shift and change as the choices within them change.

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Each major choicea choice of a global naturecauses another ripple within your
wave. That ripple may or may not become another wave. If it does, then it, too, will flow
outward from the Tao in an ever-expanding wave of reality.
We do not see these waves, but rather are they felt. Just as on our own existence level
we, too, create waves within waves based on choices that we make.
Each plane and its subsequent waves flow within a set frequency range. Therefore, do
the waves we create never crash into those created by you (all of you) nor do they
collide with those made by those on the Buddhic level or Messianic level.
So while your scientists are only perceiving and measuring the edge of the wave, do you
see that there is much more to the wave?

Q: In the early 90s, I had a dream in which I understood" that there are no truly
"straight" lines in the universe, only curved ones.
I am now mulling over a "wave" idea that came to me over this holiday... reflecting on
how all of life is a "wave-form" of higher or lower frequency. I am especially
interested in what happens when "waves" encounter each other, intersect, etc, AND
how the "subjectivity/perception/desire" of the wave... affects and is affected by that
M: We spoke briefly about waves and some of their flow patterns when we touched on
the topic of string theory. Being of light and sound, or of the purest of energies you can
barely conceive of, do we all flow on pulse outward from the Tao. Each of us is, in our
purest form, a type of waved energy. Therefore, anything we do think or create is
another wave flowing outward from ourselves.
Imagine a lake on a windless day. It is mirror still without a ripple. Then drop a large
boulder into the middle of it. All those waves generated would be the same as all the
waves generated by the Tao as each of the realitiesphysical plane, mental, causal,
etc. are created. Then have the sky drop rain in drops onto the lake. Those thousands
of millions of ripples are the waves created by each of you and us, by everyone, as we
live our lives.
Your thoughts are waves that flow outward from you. Sometimes they impact anothers
thoughts, and the ripples all flow with equal intensity, and equal frequency between the
swells and dips and you find that both of you have like minds, and like thoughts. At other
times will your wave of thoughts crash into anothers and the ripples distort and break
apart for you both have opposing thoughts.
This also happens on a larger scale, too. For the choices of an entire population of one
nation can clash with the populations thoughts of another nation. This then creates a
vortex of discordance. The discordant energies make those affected by them uneasy.
Negative poles usually get pushed into play and very often wars erupt.
On a larger scale yet, can the outward flow of energies from the Earth reach one of the
other populated regions of the physical plane. If the wave of energies is not compatible,

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again, could it result in a discordant atmosphere. However, each galaxy is surrounded

by a bubble of neutral energies. This keeps the outward flow of energies from your
world from impacting another world in a negative manner.
Waves or flowing motions do describe the way in which all of life is seen by us. For we
see ourselves at the baser level than do you. When we say that we are light and sound,
we do mean that in a literal sense. And since light and sound do travel in terms of
waves, then yes, waves is a very apt description.
Your worldthe Earthis comprised of layers of wave-like energies that flow both
inward and outwardmoving through each other yet neither breaking apart nor
scattering as your scientists would believe.
For the flow of both inward and outward energies also contain all 3 energy types
neutral, positive, and negative. Since like attracts like, will those areas similar stall,
creating a fluctuation or variance in the way in which the reality is perceived. It may
seem that the gravitational forcewhich is a reality only within the physical plane and
not a true force at allmay not flow properly. Or your radio or television waves may
break down, or it could result in what you term dead areas, where electrical forces
seem to be dampened.
These are few, for the magnetic grid lines ley lines, as you term them do also work to
keep the flow steady and even. Also are there grid pointsnorth, south, exact east and
exact westforming a cross or plus sign, that bisect the planet and also work to keep
the energies flowing in a steady and balanced manner.
The moon also has inward and outward flowing rings of energy comprised both of
magnetic energies, as well as the living energies that comprise all things. The balance
of its energies is within the Earths energies, and that is what holds it within the orbit of
your planet. For the moon is still within the bubble of energies that comprise your
world. You call it a gravitational pull, but it is truly the inward and outward flow of the
planet itself.
Other planets within your solar system, have a stronger flow so do they hold more
moons within their flow. There is nothing random to the flow. It is very organized and
very modulated. The other planets exist because you (all of you) wanted them to, and
because they were used as test locations for the creation of the sentient species that
now inhabit the Earth. Different types of atmospheres and body types were eventually
discarded, proving themselves to be not adaptable enough.
These energy waves also encircle each of you. That you call them auras is true, but they
are energy capsules which flow outward and inward from your central coreyour
essence. They flow out and touching other beings or objects, do they then flow back,
carrying with them the information of what they encountered. Most (of you) no longer
acknowledge the data that is carried within and upon the waves of your own energies,
having become too immersed within the maya of physical life. However, those that do,
will often find much valuable information. For this is how one can tell what another truly
thinks/feels about them, or the situation. Or how another is physically (fit or ailing, and if
ailing, how and where). This is how you instantly recognize each other if past lives
were shared or astral meetings held. For the energies meshfor less than a nano

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secondthen flow back with a million bits of information scattered throughout. If an

instant dislike is felt, it is because the energies are incompatible, for the other person
may have a vibratory rate wherein the outward and inward flow are reversed or much
faster or slower than yours causing the waves to crash into each other rather than flow
through one another and back in an easy liquid-like motion.
This, then, will cause you to back up, retreat, or eye someone with distrust, for their
energies disrupt yours.
When energies flow together, can you also leave part of yourself behind. This usually
occurs when two or more choose to be friends, co-workers or even lovers. For then will
you leave part of yourself with them, and they, part of themselves with youwhat we
have called cording.
The outward and inward flow now includes this other person as if they were a moon
caught in your orbit. If the experience is shared, then will they also loop their outward
and inward flow around you. So now both of you have extended the orbit of your
energies to include each other. That this also allows you to locate each other easily is
true. For you could simply acknowledge the information brought back by the inwardflowing energies to know where they are and what they are feeling at the moment.
Those of a different vibratory rateor flow-rate, if you willmay abrade. That is, you
may find that your flow does not match nor is compatible with theirs, and so you are
uncomfortable in their presence, as they are in yours.
The flow-ratethe speed at which your energies flow in and outis determined not just
from your essencefor if that were all, we would all be the same. After all, the Tao has
only flow rate. No, it is determined by your role in essence, your overleaves, your pasts,
your current life, and present location, as well as by how many are within your frequency
(orbit). For if you have no other within your frequency (orbit) then you have a clear
frequency. If, however, you have a mate and children, then will your flow rate (or
frequency) be affected by their flow rate.
Also, does your location affect your flow rate. For as we have explained, temperature in
the physical world, does affect your physical bodies, and this then affects your energies
which affects your flow rate.
Now all this has been under ideal circumstances, with no choices or thoughts being
directed by anyone. If we add in choices and allow thoughts and intentions, do the
patterns of the flow also vary and change. For if you are being meditative and inwardly
contemplative, will there be more inward flow to your energies and will the overall
capsule of energies shrink, by pulling inward closer to the physical form.
If the thoughts and activities are focused outwardrunning a race or planning a
business conquestthen will the outward flow be more pronounced. This forces the
engorgement of the energy capsule and weakens the bubble. For if stretched outward
with little inward motion, will the energies thin and the body (physical) become more
exposed and prone to injury or illness.
For the energies to be scattered, would one need to encounter either anothers energy
that is so opposite their own and much more forceful, that it simply shatters their flow,

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or would one have to become so unfocused that there is no longer a coherent pattern to
the flow.
While artisans can appear scattered, their energies are still following the same flow
pattern (inward and outward) as everyone elses. When we mean scattered, do we mean
one whose personality no longer functions. The body barely subsists, and by all
appearances, there is no one home. This is a shattered or scattered energy. For
essence has lost focus and the energy flow has become erratic.
That essence can return focus, is true, but most times if focus is that lost, it is due to
circumstances that will not be reconciled and the choice was made to abandon the body.
When someone attempts to transcend the body deliberatelywhat you call an out of
body experiencethey are pulling the energies into a tight spiral that is so focused that
very little remains surrounding the physical form. Rather, does the energy all surround
the core of you, leaving the physical form as if just another within the orbit of your
energies. This is why most would see only a small thread leading to the body. For the
flow of energies has been diverted away from the body physical.
That this could lead to extinction of the body is true, for the single flow (cord) is not
enough to sustain the physical form for much more than a day or two. After that, will the
physical form begin to shut down until it eventually ceases to function on its own.
Those on life-preserving equipment, are, many times, trapped by that equipment. Or in
preserving the physical form in that way do they force the essence to remain tethered to
the body rather than allowing them to leave as they wished.
That all may wish to leave when connected in this way is not true, but most have opted
to do so, and find themselves prevented from completing the disconnection process.
Many things can affect the flow of energies, but the primary flow is one of inward and
outward. Because you have seven primary connection points between you (the physical
you) and the different planes of existence, so do you have seven different layers or
waves that surround you.
Some of these layers will be neutral, as others are negative or positive. That indicates
part of the vibratory rate of the overall flow that is you. A 7th cast scholar with a chief
feature of stubbornness living in Canada during the winter would have a moderately
flowing aura, while a server, 3rd cast (stubbornness, in Canada in winter) would be
slightly slower.
If however, the scholar were working out of the negative pole of their role and chief
feature, then would they be faster in their vibratory rate, and would they find it difficult to
mesh with the server at all. For the negative flow increases the speed with which the
energies flow, thus preventing those with many negative overleaves from easily mixing
with others whose flow rates are more normal.
The Tao flows at a rate of seven, for that is the closest to perfect balance that can be
achieved. Those on the Buddhic plane merging with the Tao are also nearing seven,
while the others of us still retain enough variance that we recognize the distance we still
need to go to achieve a vibratory rate close enough to allow us to return to the Tao.

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Fear causes the flow to increase, while love causes the flow to return to its more
normal rate. Fear also causes the energies to contract, that is draw closer to the
source, for fear is an inward thought and expression, while agape, causes the energies
to become expansive, for it is an outward flowing expression.
M: We are here...what would you have us say, and on what topic would you like to

Q: What can you tell me about black holes?

M: You do not choose a simple topic...We begin. These exist as gateways between/to
other realities and other planes. Your scientists are right about that. However, since
most other planes and realities are not physical it would be nearly improbable if not
impossible for a physical body to pass through a black hole and retain its physicality.
The lack of atmosphere and seemingly reversal of gravitational pull is merely the
reaction of the physical plane energy merging and blending with the energies of the
other planes and realities. All energy comes from the same source, as you already
know; however, all energy is not the same frequency or vibrational rate or consistency.
Some energy is denserthat is what gives physical matter its physicalness; some
energy is more fluid, more liquid. When the different types of energy meet they must
blend and merge. It is like the blending of lava with water or lava with land. Different
reactions occur, but none of them leave the original source in the same condition as
before they came in contact with one another. This is the same way in which a black
hole would manage the energies. The energies would react to one another, but they
would not remain the same. Physical energies blending with non-physical energies
would end up half-way between the two, very similar to astral matter, but not really that,
Black holes can be considered gateways, but more, are they the major grid points where
the energies of all the planes and all the realities come together. These
meeting/blending points are important in as much as they help all that there is maintain
and keep the balance of all worlds. Remember that in all things, balance is sought, and
so it is with these points that the energy flows much like a river, as it tries to maintain an
even distribution of all planal energies within every plane. You must have on all planes a
relatively even distribution of other planes energies for the reality that you perceive, to
remain stable. For without the energy from the other planes, the stability of what you call
truth and reality would not hold. Objects would become ghost-like, non-cohesive,
almost like a Dahli painting. Your reality is based on an agreement of those
souls/fragments entering into the physical realm. They agree that objects, people/bodies,
sounds, sights, etc. within a particular vibrational range are the objects of the physical
plane in which they will live and learnit is their agreement that this range will be their
reality. But it requires the energies of all planes to keep the focus, to keep the
cohesiveness of the objects stable.
Think of reality as a layered thing. You see a box, but put another identical box behind
and in front of the original, and shift them slightly so they are seen on an angle to the
original. Then continue to follow that pattern ad infinitum. Now, tell yourself that the only
one you can perceive is the original one, because that one vibrates within the
frequencies agreed upon to comprise the physical plane. However, without all of the

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other boxes to help stabilize and fill out all the other possible frequencies, the energies
of the original box begin to become unfocused and scattered. They try to fill in all those
other frequencies (balance must be maintained) so the physical object now begins to
become ghost-like and unfocused. Therefore, the black holes allow the frequencies of all
planes to link together thereby keeping the balance of all the energies across all the
planes and all the realities, which allows all of us in our own realities and on our own
planes to perceive our worlds in the way in which we agreed. But because your physical
body and objects are not perceivable outside of the physical plane frequencies, they
could not travel through a black holeor at least you could not perceive them if you
did. For once mixed with all the other frequencies, the focus needed to maintain that
physical form, that physical reality, would be lost in the greater need to become one
with and to balance within that blending of all energies.
Do we make ourselves clear?

A: I think so. So, youre saying that the black holes have energy flowing through them?
M: Yes the energies flow like a river or an electrical current. They maintain a constant
flow which keeps all in balance. A pathway it is, but not in the way your scientists think
or theorize.
Pinholes or small black holes are nothing more than the extension of the power matrix
we described earlier. It surrounds the planet, yes, but it also covers all points within the
physical plane, this includes what you call outer space.

Q: Why do black holes seem to contain more gravity; and why cant the scientists seem
to fit gravity into their equations?
M: Gravity is the one force that is not pandimensional. It only exists within the physical
plane; therefore, all attempts to write it into a unifying equation fails. Although, the
rules derived by your scientists only apply while in the physical plane, the truths within
those rules apply across all dimensions, because the objects they would measure
(light, sound, energy, certain forces, etc.) exist across all dimensions. But gravity does
not. It is a convenience agreed upon by those participating in the experience of the
physical plane and does not extend beyond that realm. This is why it seems so strong
near and around those black holes. The energy used in creating gravity congregates
there before being dispersed throughout your plane. It must be compiled and formed into
the energy sequence that makes it what you call gravity before it can be dispersed, so it
only seems that black holes have a great deal of gravitational pull. Gravity is a
compilation of all energy from all planes and all realities. It is this compilation that allows
you to function in and create your world as you go along whether you are cognizant of
what you do or not. Binding you to the planet is an agreed upon explanation for its
purpose, but it hardly covers the importance of what it does within the physical realm, for
it truly is the balancing force governing the entire plane.
Black holes are, in a sense the starting point, the birth point of gravity. Dying planets and
dying stars also seem to have a great deal of gravitational pull surrounding them and
their area. This is because the energy that comprises their gravitational field grows out of
proportion to the planet or startheir energies become unbalanced. Even as they seek
to rebalance themselves, the gravitational experience becomes extreme in their vicinity.

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As balance is sought, several results may occurthe star or planet may, to your
perception, implode, causing the energies to disperse suddenly in one great burst;
thereby putting things back in balance. Or the star or planet may continue in a slower
more progressive fashion to shrinkthat is become less visible within the frequencies
of the physical plane, although their energy does not change, it just becomes no longer
visible to you. But since the gravitational field only exists within the physical plane, it
seems out of proportion to the physical object remaining (to what can be seen of the star
or planet). Eventually, however, all will become balanced again. The energies
comprising the gravitational field will disperse as the field is no longer required, and
balance will be restored. You must remember that your perspectives are limited by your
need to experience time, so what you see as taking decades or longer, to us is

Stories, Myths and Legends

Q: What is the basis of the Adam and Eve story?
M: This is a story perpetrated by those who refuse to face the idea or concept that life
could start without a God or God's intervention. It is based on the handed-down
myth/legend of the coming of the first few couples from your original world to this one. Of
course in the original occurrence and in the original telling of the events there exists no
demons or devils, nor was there any admonition against eating any particular food. For
those having placed you there on your world knew not all the food types of the planet
and could hardly be expected to tell their "seedlings" what to do once they had departed
the arrival mechanism. The entire point was to allow the "seedlings" to live as they
would, and to find their own way in their new world.
Creationists wish to believe in someone or some thing outside of themselves so that
they are not responsible for the world or their actions in it; just as the revisionists want to
change everything, and the Darwinists want to believe in evolution. Although evolution is
closer to the "truth", it is not the truth. For you did not develop from apes, though on this
planet they are the closest to you in function and appearance. Rather did you develop
from genetically altered creatures during a natural occurring cycle of "evolution" of the
Sirius star system. Due to energy bursts within their solar system, they constantly go
through cycles where portions of all creatures living on their planet become genetically
altered. The alterations may show up immediately in those newly born, or they may
never show up. Most times the alterations seem to begin appearing within the 2nd or 3rd
generation of births. Instead of seeing these altered births as freaks they are looked
upon as new and exciting examples of what life can create. They are always watched
carefully for new attributes and signs of sentience. For if signs of sentience begin to
appear, then a new world must be found for them to continue developing on.
This star system is a smorgasbord of life from the smallest celled life form to the largest.

Q: What about mythology and similar stories? Where do they fit in to the scheme of
M: Many of your "stories" are based on "truths", but they become distorted and the
"truth" lost or all but lost in the story. This is caused partly by fear and partly by the
recorder's inability to understand and therefore explain what they have perceived. For
those who cannot fly or can barely make tools, seeing a laser is magic of the highest

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order, or seeing an airplane or helium balloon a miracle. Yet to you, now, they would be
common place objects. So, gods were not just stories, but stories derived by things
observed but not understood.

Q: What about the stories of Lemuria? Is that a misunderstanding, or misunderstood

myth, or whatever, too?
M: This is a cross-over myth. That is, a story brought to you by "story tellers" attuned to
similar but alternate realities. In your time line, in your history, this continent did not exist,
but in a time line very much like yours, they did. It is this time line that gets "picked up"
and the story brought over of a marvelous island that sank beneath the waves.
Some in your time line actually "lived" there and then, and are now in this time and this
reality, and so their remembrances of a "past" in Lemuria is valid (for them), but it was a
"past" experienced in another time line. To assume that everyone remains in the same
time line (reality) every incarnation, or that there is only one time line in which to
incarnate is foolish.
When someone perceives the future and it then does not happen, it only means it did not
happen in your time line. In the alternate reality it did, and the subsequent time lines
derived from there, are caused by the various reactions or consequences that occurred.
There are so many variations just a fraction of a tone away from your reality, but your
focus is here, and your perception is here, so you do not see themnor do they see
you. So many of your tales, stories, and myths, come from those who have either been a
part of those other realities or have visited them during their sleep cycle. For many do
"travel" during sleep, and not just to the astral. Many times you go to visit your other
selves, or "past life" selves and exchange information and help one another.
Your "history" for your time line is another one of those issues that is agreed upon and
"understood" by all of those entering into the game in that time line. They all agree to the
same historical events and the same current events, so that they can all participate
within the same moment, within the same now that they have developed, and all share
the same framework and feelings of continuity. But even historical events are personal.
For everyone's perception of what happened at a place and time are very subjective. So,
even when reading about something that occurred "before" their birth, they will all still
"see" it differently and "feel" it differently. So, only the milestones can truly be identified
and agreed upon, the details are based on an individual's perceptions and/or
We want you to understand that time, although perceived by you as linear, is, in the
physical, more like the scattering of shotgun pellets after being shot from a gun or like
the rings in the water from a tossed stone. Something happens and there are many
reactions to it. You only experience/perceive/see one reaction, one consequence. But
the others exist and are experienced/perceived/seen by others in these alternate

Q: What, if anything, is the basis for the tales or myths of man-animals, such as the
mermaids or centaurs? Is there any reality or truth to them? How 'bout the Norse or
Greek Gods? Are they story or real?

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M: It would be best to take each tale or "god" individually. For some are truly stories,
whereas others have a kernel of truth buried deep within.
Those stories of Thor and his lightning bolts is one such story. It is the way in which a
society unable to understand what it was observing could cope with it. The rational or
physical mind cannot always understand, so it creates a scenario that helps it accept
what it sees or experiences.
The "god" Thor and his lightning was a leftover of a previously "higher-order" society
than that of the Nordic culture where he found himself. His culture included lasers and
the use of energies and minerals to do mining, help control weather, and to
communicate. However, the Norse people understood none of this. So to understand
and accept what they saw, they had to devise some explanation. Therefore, he became
a god with magical powers. Thor's society and culture was one that resided partially on
an island off the Hebrides and also on the coasts of what is now South America.
The reality was that several hundred different societies and cultures existed at many
levels. And as some explorers from the more "advanced' cultures traveled out they
became anomalies and myths and legends. For at that time the concept of sharing the
knowledge let alone world or global communications was not contemplated. For those of
the "more developed" societies did feel themselves to be demi-gods. And the thought of
giving or sharing their knowledge with the "savages" of other lands was quickly quashed.
Others tried to share and were killed for their efforts. The remnants of their efforts can be
found and, in some cases, have been foundthe crystal skull is one such "remnant". It
is primarily a communications object, but it could also be used for protection or as a
weapon. Those who created this skull had great knowledge of mineral energies and their
ability to manipulate these energies was great. But even this knowledge does not keep a
society or culture from destroying itself. By their very nature, in keeping to themselves
and isolating themselves, they eventually died out. Their markers are the stepped
pyramids and the crystals (both carved and mounted).
If the dating of the pyramids were to be more accurately pinpointed, it would be found
that they precede the Aztecs, Mayans, and Toltecs by 10,000 years. Those tribes were
the remnants, now intermingled with the "lesser" peoples of the area who "inherited" the
lands and buildings and crystals, but had little to no knowledge of what they had or how
to use it. The gems and metals became pretty baubles, and the towers and temples
bloody pulpits and sacrificial altars.

Q: Yes, but what about mermaids and centaurs?

M: These, too, are based on some fact. But the era is one so long ago that it will not
found to have any basis. For at one time what is now man, tried different forms. This was
when they were still deciding whether to use this planet or not. Yes, the cetaceans
inhabited the waters, but none inhabited the lands. So different forms were used to
explore and experiment with the planet. The mermen gave the opportunity to interact
with the dolphins and whales. The centaurs gave the opportunity to try "life" without
really entering into the dramas. For this all occurred prior to the arrival of man and the
beginning of the "games".

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However, "memories" are strong and in some realities the body shape taken was not
that of the people you see now in your reality, but rather was it of the imaginary
creatures of stories. For they determined that these body types (the human ones) were
highly inadequate and weak, and so, went with ones more "substantial" and more
animal-like. Therefore, in some respects there was a Pan, and in others there was not.
Within an embryo of man is the ability to be almost anything. That is why, when viewed
in its various stages, the embryo appears at times to be fish-like, or lizard-like. These are
not anomalies, these are opportunities and options created by thought. The "child" can
select the way the body will be, from "healthy and normal", to extremely tall, to having
webbed feet or hands, to having scales and fins, or any other combination. This occurs
because the material is energy and the energy is conforming and growing (not just to
some genetic "plan", but to the thoughts and "wishes" of the soon-to-be child as well as
that of the parents). If the parents are convinced the child will be ill-formed and the
"child" not sufficiently focused enough to counter that, then the body will take on the
shape conforming to the parents' thoughts (fears). If, however, the "child" is sufficiently
focused, aware, then the child is the primary controller of what the body will be, not the
The length of time designated was due in part to the physical body's need to
accommodate and accept the new soul/fragment, as well as the need for that fragment
to learn or relearn how to be physical. It gives the "child" time to learn about the family
dynamics and decide whether they truly want to be part of that family, and it gives the
parents time to grow accustomed to the idea of having the other physical being as part
of their family unit. It also allows for the manipulations of the new body by both the
parents and the child so that the life plan can be accomplished.
If, for example, there is a desire for the body to be deaf or otherwise deformed, then the
necessary "actions" can be made to accomplish this as the baby grows in utero. For as
we have stated, the baby is "formed" based on the thoughts and needs of the soon-to-be
incarnated fragment, with influences also from the mother, and then from the father, and
then from any siblings. So, it is primarily the soon-to-be-incarnate fragment that controls
the growing body. Then is the influence that of the mother, then the father, then the
siblings or any other member of the family such as grandparents or in-laws that lives or
interacts a lot with the parents-to-be.
We digress, however...the stories of odd creatures are mostly "racial" memories of a
time when they were real, and "bleed throughs" of a reality where they do still exist, as
well as our own abilities to create the world in any shape or form we so choose
including creatures of fantasy.
For remember, if you can think of it, it does existsomewhere.

Q: Is there such a creature as Sasquatch or Bigfoot or whatever?

M: There is a creature yes; shy, and reclusive, they are remnants of a man-ape race
that never quite developed fully on this planet. It was thought that they might develop
awareness, but it never happened, so it was deemed feasible to populate the land
portions of the world with your species instead.

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Although larger and thought fiercer than you, they are, in fact, more akin to rabbits in
nature and temperament, preferring solitude and quiet to human contact. They are by
nature herbivores, preferring the trees and shrubs that grow in northern climates. Their
fur or hair makes them more adaptable to the colder climates found in the north and
mountainous regions and this is why they are seldom found in the southern regions.
They do not seek to be found, nor do they seek to harm anyone other than out of fear or

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Q: It seems like the holy people of the various religions all see to follow similar rules for
celibacy and poverty. Why? Does it really help?
M: Those who would appear as holy and devout are taking the same path, or attempting
to, as those who are not physical or those who are final cycle. By those not physical, we
refer to those infinite and exalted souls that use the physical form of others to make
themselves known.
Others of their time did notice that they were asexual, as well as without Interest in
things physicalthat is, without interest in possessions or money or power. For they had
already been of the physical and knew the transitory nature of such things. However,
those observing understood not and so presumed it was through the eschewing of
possessions and sex and all things physical that high spirituality or enlightenment was
reached. Hence did they begin with the rules of celibacy and poverty. But this leads not
to becoming a more spiritual person, for all people are spiritual, and none more so than
another. It does not help in the balancing of self, for in balance would you find the
physical body seeks a certain amount of physical release, as it also does the basic
needs of life and survival. The physical form requires shelter, food, and clothing. So
complete poverty and complete abstinence are absolutes, and what is sought is balance,
not absolutes.
Those who would seek spiritual enlightenment believe they must forsake all that is
physical, but this is not feasible, for they are physical creatures, and to deny that to
themselves is to lie. They do not need to forsake their physicality to be spiritual, they
merely need to find the balance between their physicality and their spirit.

Q: What are the differences between Buddhism and your philosophy, M?

M: The primary difference between our philosophy and Buddhism is that we do not
make dictateswe propose, and you decide. Buddhism has become more of a religion
than a philosophy, for it is no longer discussed, but only adhered to, much as it has
occurred with Taoism, Judaism, and Mohamidism, for they have become religions with
"rules" and rituals that must be observed and adhered to.
The original information from Buddha was to help them (those to whom he spoke and his
words became known) straighten out their social structure. However, the information

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was taken literally and edited to suit those in "power". We have pointed out one such
example, wherein there are indeed 7 cycles to the physical plane; however, there are
100's of lives to each cycle, not just one.
They also believe and propose that transgressions are punished by forcing one to reincarnate as plants, animals, or insects, when this is not a truth. For once the incarnation
cycle begins in the human form, the cycle cannot be interrupted until balance is found.
Nor do plants, animals or insects contain souls. Rather do they share the "intelligence"
of an oversoula collection of souls that monitor their behavior and form, but do not
"dwell" within them as your essence "dwells" within your physical casing.
Nor is there a concept of failure or punishment in our version of truth. For all experiences
are valid, even those wherein the "planned" life did not occur as "planned". For it only
means that other, different experiences were gained rather than those initially chosen.
We do not place one above anotherfor all fragments are equal. It matters not if you are
final cycle or 1st cycle 1st lifeyou are as important to the whole as any other fragment.
We do not propose that once physical existence is complete that the soul then moves on
to some everlasting peaceful haven, for the essence craves experience and growth, so
moves on to more lessons on different planescreating and recreating itself, but never
remaining static.
We seek growth, change, and integration. They seek life-everlasting and perfection.
These, then, are some of the differences we see.

Who or What is God?

Q: Who or What is God?
M: God is a term that has been used to mean many things, but most of all it is a
personification and deification of all those traits that man wishes he himself had. Man
creates a god that reflects his needs and wishes at that time. Society now needs a god
that people can rely on, trust in, and love; therefore, a beneficent, loving, forgiving god is
most commonly brought forth in the churches of today.
When fear was needed by the masses to maintain control, then a wrathful, demoralizing
god was "created". Always is god created in the image needed at the time; when in fact,
God, Tao, All There Is, is what we all are. For it is truly a compilation, a distillation of all
things, and all experiences. It is neither good nor bad, nor hateful nor fear-inducing. The
All is.
"God" is a term your societies use to explain those things that otherwise cannot be
explained or accepted. Always has the unexplainable been explained by being called
gods, acts of god, or miracles. Rather should you be looking at yourselves for
explanations, not at some mythical being that does not exist. For by your very definition
of god, there is no such creature. It is man's way of dealing with a concept that your
limited focus cannot fully accept or understand. It is also your way of off-loading the
responsibility for your lives. For by creating a being that can be all-knowing and be in
charge of your life, rather can you do what you want and then blame "god" when it does
not work out in the manner you wanted. Therefore, "God" becomes the excuse, the
blame, the taker of responsibility, thus relieving you of this odious chore. The attributes

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assigned to your god, all depend on the needs of your society at that time---at that
moment. If the society needs fear, then they create a fearful god, one that is wrathful,
and angry, and demands sacrifices and pain. If the society seeks submissiveness and to
instill "family values" then they create a god that is loving, gentle, filled with kindness
toward children and mothers.
If a responsibility becomes too burdensome, then you create a God on which you offload this burden. If you experience an event so overwhelming and yet inexplicable by
your current science, then it becomes attributable to God. What the physical mind
cannot accept it finds a way to deal with in its own way, and that way is usually to
ascribe it to God. This is why God is usually a creation of such perfection, or such ideals,
so outside of the normal range of human behavior that a mere mortal can never expect
to achieve this ideal, this perfection. And as we have said, perfection is not something
we would ever strive for, for it implies stagnation and lack of change.
That is not to say that the All is not real or that essence does not existbut God and
essence and the All are not the same. For your deification of this figurehead is quite
different than your perception of the spirit. The Tao, the All, is all of those things and
none of those things. For it is in every thing and every one, just as every thing and every
one is part of it. Therefore, what you are, is what the All is; and what your neighbor is, is
what the All is; and what you think is, what the All is, and what your neighbor thinks, is
what the All is. The All is not a thing as much as it is a condition, a time, a place, a
position, an experience. It is all experiences, everywhere, every when. It cares not for
your adoration, admiration, or admonitions. It is, as you are; You are, as it is.
We are not god, yet by your definitions, others would make us so. You are not god, yet
to those you consider more primitive, you would appear as such. The All is awareness,
loving awarenessinterested in experiencing all there is to experience, but not to the
point of making all choices for all fragments. For choices are to be left to those
participating in the various liveswhether on the physical plane or the buddhic plane.
The All is neither all-knowing nor is it unawareit is rather a sentience that learns
through experience, all experience. For we are all "God"we are all part of each other,
and we are all experiencing everything and each other.

What is the Tao?

Q: What is the Tao? Is that the same as God, Jehovah, Allah?
M: The Tao is all there is. It is the beginning and the ending; it is where we started and
where we go. We are the Tao and the Tao is us, for we all are part of the same whole. It
is the sentience of which we are all a part. It cares not what we do, for all experiences
are valid, but it does experience what we do, just as we experience what you do. And all
experience, at least in part, what all do. For truly we are all connected at the very
deepest levels, what you do affects all, and what all do affects you.
The Tao does not "control" a life, nor do they "judge" a life, for all fragments and all lives
are equal and all fragments and all experiences worthwhile and valid. For the goal of all
is experience, change, and growth. For life is constant change and experience; without
that, is only stagnationwhat we call "death".

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Death to you is the ceasing of function of a particular physical form. But that (the
physical form) is transitory. For what is truly you never dies. The physical form ceases to
exist and the energy that comprises that form eventually returns to the fragment that
created the form. Then they either create another form and choose another life, or
remain on another plane working through other experiences, other "lessons".
For the "lessons" are not so much as a school, as they are different ways in which to
approach situations that each fragment has chosen to experience. You can experience
the mother monad 10 different times and never experience it the same way, for every
body, every personality selected alters the perspective and the reactions, thereby
altering the "play".
On the astral, the "lessons" or experiences are more emotional in nature, and so can be
again experienced in many different ways. So on each plane, there are experiences to
be gained, games to be played and joyousness to be experienced. All of this "feeds"
back to the Tao and all those connected to itno matter on which plane they currently
abide. For we are all part of the whole.

Superstition and Portents

Q: Are portents or omens real?
M: Of portents and omens do we see mostly superstition. For all occurrences and
events can be interpreted in a 1000+ ways. For all who see an occurrence see it
uniquely. No two individuals will see the exact same event or the exact same
occurrence. Therefore, the meaning of what is seen or experienced is unique to each
individual and is interpreted within that individuals capacity to do so.
If the event is so outside any experience ever seen, heard, or had, then it takes on the
dimensions of god interactions or myth. For there is little background available to the
individual with which to equate the experience, therefore, there is little knowledge on
which to base an understanding of what occurred. If on the other hand, this experience
is similar enough to other knowledge already obtained, then the experience is placed
within that context or framework. If the individual is an adherent of a particular dogma,
then the experience will be extrapolated as part of that, if it is completely contrary to an
individuals belief system, then it becomes an evil thing. If it is a positive experience,
then it becomes an enlightening or god-induced experience.
Always is an event or occurrence interpreted within the context of ones own beliefs or
perspective. For how could it be otherwise? If an owl does hoot three times it most likely
only indicates an attempt by the owl to pinpoint some prey. However, for those steeped
in the lore of certain beliefs, it could also mean a death soon. It depends upon the
persons perspective. To see 666s means nothing unless you are a Christian. To see a
white dress on someone you love means little, unless you believe that white signifies
So do omens have no meaning unless you give them some. The interpretation of tea
leaves or vague cloud formations, or the presence of some animal or weather pattern,
indicates nothing unless you wish it to.

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The Story of Jesus

Q: I've heard several versions (from Seth and from another Michael source) re: the
Jesus storywhat's correct? What is the real story?
M: We would say that both are true in their own way. The man Jesus was a teacher
until he stepped out and allowed the transcended soul that was the SON to step in. The
very presence of this one was enough to alter the way in which the world path was set at
that time.
We do not say that the drama was not necessaryit was very necessary to make the
point sought with those 2nd and 3rd cycles of the period. The man Jesus did NOT die on
the cross, for he was not in the body, having left previously allowing the transcended
soul to enter. It was the body of the man Jesus that was placed on the cross, and it was
that body that died in the crypt/cave some 2 days later. It was the transcended soul that
was seen periodically afterwards as the message was brought to bear.
The message was that the essence is eternal; that life/awareness is eternal. The body is
merely a shell, a casing used while in the physical plane. It is not who you areit is only
who you think you are because you have narrowed your focus to a pinpoint of
awareness. The transcended spirit tried to push open that focus, to heighten that
awareness and broaden the focus. It was never their intention to start a religion, nor was
it their intention to beget controversyonly awareness.
It always seems, however, that that which you cannot comprehend, you turn into a
religion. As it was with Jesus, so it was with Buddha and the others.

Q: Did Jesus exist on all worlds/planes/realities?

M: The impact of his coming was felt across all planes, but his arrival was not on all
realities. There are some realities where he never existed, there are some (realities)
where the man existed, but the transcended soul did not come. There are some
(realities) where the religion was not started, and others where the outlawing of the
religion was effective. But on all realms where the transcended soul came, was the
impact felt. For they are closer still to the Tao then we are, and their impact on the
vibratory rate of other planes is great.

Q: According to Seth, John the Baptist was part of the Jesus trilogy. I don't understand?
M: We also do not understand what they were trying to say. John the Baptist was one
much like IML, in as much as he was a teacher in touch with a causal entity and so
taught the "word" as he learned it from them.
Jesus was a mana final cycle kingwho made way for the transcended soul. Peter
was a young priest who could not accept what his senses told him, so denied the Christ
(the transcended soul). Judas was not a betrayer, in as much as he was the one
betrayed. He was a skeptic who could not accept, so went along with Roman
conventions. This was known and therefore not a surprise to the Christ (transcended
soul). It only served to speed the message on its way.

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The "play" had been written and the drama needed to be followed if all were to gain what
they needed to from it. Judas needed to see that Christ was lovethat even in the face
of contempt there was still only Love. That no matter how skeptical, there was still only
Love, and that because of Love the eternal validity of the soul could not be denied. That
the flesh was not the man, but that the soul was closer to the "truth" than the body, and
that the soul lived forever. Judas was afraidhe was a 2nd cycle warrior that could not
accept that which did not conform to what he saw as the "rules". He was drawn to the
Christ (transcended soul) power, the power of unconditional Love, the power of the Love
of essence, but he was ruled by personality not essence.
Peter, too, was ruled mostly by personality, and could barely tolerate that which was
outside his normal, and being a skeptic he was wont to dismiss many things. But these
were necessary components if the "drama" were to bring the message needed to
The soul is eternalman is not the be all of the world or the universeit is the essence
that contains life and awareness, not the body.
It is man's way of making it so special that no one has any hope of gaining it, of making it
unique to Christ. This is why they say you must be perfect to be with God. But perfection
is stagnationit is static. We are all growing, changing, creating. To reach perfection
means there is something to measure against, but we have nothing. For there is no
static measure. Even the Tao changes and creates, so to measure against that would
require changing the measurement with every breath. Perfection is "death", and we seek
life, experimentation, creation, and joy.

Q: What about the so-called "missing years" of Jesus? The time when he was from 12 to
M: He taught and lived. There was nothing extraordinary about him, then. He married
and loved, he spoke and worked and lived his life. A journey was made to England, but
as the man, not as the transcended soul. He spoke with some of the residents of that
country, but he was not yet a performer of miracles. That was the province of the
transcended soul, and the transcended soul only held the body for 30 days. Until that
time, it was held by the final cycle king.
The final cycle king performed no miracles, he "knew" his version of the truth and he
spoke of it whenever possible. He traveled for business and sometimes for pleasure,
and always he brought his wisdom with him. But it was not until he went to the desert to
transfer out and allow the transcended soul to move in that "miracles" were performed. It
is the transcended soul that can, while holding focus in the physical realm, also
manipulate the astral matter and other planal energies to concoct "miracles" and
demons and other phenomenon.
Mending of the body is a manipulation of energies using such a tight focusing of all
energies that it is generally beyond the capabilities of those in physical form. We do not
say you cannotfor all things are possiblewe only say it is highly unlikely due to the
extreme focus required.
For 30 days did the transcended soul travel and speak and conduct his "miracles" as he
tried to make the people understand that the physical world and the physical body was

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not the answerit was not the everything, it was only a stepping stone to something far
more wondrous.
Nothing was written of his middle years because there was nothing to write about. They
(the writers and compilers of the Bible and other histories of the period) did not want the
world to know that the messiah was married and a "normal man". This would destroy the
carefully crafted "myth" they had created. The messiah had to be something larger than
life, something beyond what mortal man could ever hope to be. For that is how they
wished to use this miracle man and his message. He had not fulfilled the prophecy as
they understood it, but by manipulating the facts it would seem as if he had. So, when it
was found that those years of normalcy would not "fit", it was left out. Never did they
suspect what controversy they would cause with their careful constructing of their own
messiah and "miracle man".
Joseph of Arimathea was not the uncle of the man Jesus, he was the father-in-law. But
since it could not be brought out that the messiah was married, Joseph became the
uncle. Arimathea was not a placeit was a title given him by his son-in-law out of
respect, like calling him a "wise one", or "teacher", for Jesus had much respect for the
wisdom of Joseph.
The Essenes had their own agenda, and so wrote their own "history" of the events. As
for Jesus, Joseph, and John, they had visited the Essenes, but they visited many places
in their attempts to spread the message. This does not make them members of every
tribe and town they went to.

The Apostles
Q: Can you tell us the overleaves of the 12 apostles:
Simon whom he gave the name Peter
That this one was a 4th cycle scholar is true. The renaming of the fragment was
due to his familiarity with the man Jesus. For Jesus knew him as Peter, and so
continued to speak of him thusly. A goal of acceptance in the passion mode; a
skeptic in the emotional part of the intellectual, with a chief feature of greed. For
he would keep all of the attention and all of the love for self rather than share the
man (Jesus) and his love with any other.
This was a 3rd cycle priest in power, with a goal of growth. A spiritualist in the
emotional part of the intellectual center with a chief feature of impatience.
James son of Zebedee
We see this one as having been a 4th cycle scholar. A goal of growth in
repression. An idealist in the moving part of the intellectual with a chief feature of
John son of Zebedee
That this is a 4th cycle warrior in the moving part of the intellectual with a goal of
growth in the power mode. A stoic with a chief feature of arrogance. These are
his overleaves now, for he exists within the area known as the Isle of Wight.

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As John was he 3rd cycle warrior in the moving part of the intellectual. A skeptic
with a goal of submission and a chief feature of impatience.
This was a 4th cycle scholar with a goal of growth in passion. A realist in the
intellectual part of the intellectual center with a chief feature of martyrdom.
This is a 4th cycle priest in the moving part of the emotional, with a goal of
growth and a chief feature of stubbornness. A spiritualist in the observation
He was then a 3rd cycle priest in the emotional part of the intellectual center with
a goal of acceptance in the caution mode. A stoic with a chief feature of selfdestruction.
That this was a 3rd cycle priest in the emotional part of the intellectual center with
a goal of growth and a chief feature of arrogance. A cynic in the passion mode.
This was a 3rd cycle priest in the moving part of the intellectual center. A goal of
growth in the aggression mode, an idealist with a chief feature of stubbornness.
James son of Alphaeus
That this was a 4th cycle priest in the emotional part of the intellectual center,
with a goal of growth, a realist in the passion mode with a chief feature of selfdeprecation.
Simon the Zealot
This is a 5th cycle warrior with a chief feature of stubbornness. That he was a 4th
cycle warrior in the moving part of the intellectual center, with a goal of growth in
the power mode and a pragmatist, is true.
He abides now as a printer and graphic artist in the Kentucky area.
Thaddeus son of James
That this is also a 5th cycle warrior is true. But he abides more westward, living
within the area of Arkansas. That he farms and raises cattle is true, for he rests
now having completed several rather arduous life times.
He was then an early 5th cycle warrior with a goal of growth in the caution mode.
A pragmatist in the moving part of the intellectual with a chief feature of
Judas of Iscariot
That this one exists now is true. For he is 4th cycle, early, and abides within the
area of Greece raising sheep and growing figs. For he was 2nd cycle priest with
a goal of rejection in the repression mode. A skeptic in the moving part of the
intellectual center with a chief feature of self-destruction.

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The apostles' agreements were with the man Jesus. That they remained when the
Infinite Soul manifested is not unusual. For the power of that one was not to be ignored.
Their grouping together was a focusing of the energies so as to aid in the arrival and
walking in of the Infinite Soul. For their number 12 plus one, created a pyramid of power
that tightly focused and funneled the energies of the One through to the man Jesus. That
this was crucial in creating that channel or link by which the Infinite Soul could
coordinate his manifestation is true.
That the Christ did "call" those whose talents did include channeling and balancing is
true. For he gave to them the needed focus to aid in the balancing of the planet and all
those abiding upon her within that reality.
That these manipulators numbered in the 100's is true. For they felt the power of the
Infinite Soul whether they "met" him or not. For some met not the Christ but still did they
hear and heed the "call" to create balance, where balance was wanted.
The lessons learned and the experiences had were many. For those whose task it was
to aid in the transitioning of soulsboth Jesus to the Christ and from the Christ to the
Infinite Soul, did they encounter many experiences that either contradicted what they
"knew", or were totally beyond their understanding. But the tasks were completed, and
no threads were left behind. The same for those who chose to aid in the sheltering,
conveying, feeding, and taking care of the man Jesus. For these tasks sometimes
proved very difficult indeed. But all fulfilled their tasks and many (8 of the 12) moved
forward a cycle through the awareness found by working with Jesus but especially with
Those who did not were Simon, Peter, John, and James. For they closed themselves off
and accepted not the awareness brought by the Infinite Soul. That this was their choice
is true. For they decided to accept not the truth as revealed by the Christ.
That Judas of Iscariot rejected the information is true, but only at an ego level. For his
imprinting and his overleaves allowed him not to be comfortable with that which was
shown him. However, essence was willing to "listen" and did accept the awareness
given by the Christ, so although the priest ended the life out of turn, did much growth
take place when the lessons were reviewed within the astral levels.
Those who were labeled as disciples traveled not with The Christ, but with the man
Jesus. For he was a teacher in his own right. They had agreements with the man Jesus
to aid and support, to carry forth his messages, to bring comfort to him and those around
him, for conveyance, for sustenance, and for care. That there was also an agreement for
betrayal is not true. For that was done through fear, and would have incurred karma,
however, The Christ redressed the balance by taking not the debt. This forgiveness, this
awareness of what had been given so freely to him is what caused the priest (Judas) to
give in to his chief feature of self-destruction.
That he (Judas) was only 2nd cycle made it difficult for him, but he had agreed to
participate in the pyramid of power created by the twelve plus one. Originally his role
was one of guardian and defender. But all he saw ran opposite to all that he had been
taught and the fear caused him to retreat to those he was more comfortable with. That

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these were the very Romans that sought The Christ's destruction was not his intention.
What he truly sought was reassurances that what he was seeing was not true, and was
not possible, for it was contrary to all he believed.
Two of those called disciple also had agreements with The Christ. For they were to aid in
the transitioning both during the walk-out and walk-in of the two essences, and also after
the ordeal of the torture. For it was known already that The Christ would be crippled and
killed by the Romans. The play had been set in motion for many years and was found
that that the now selected was the most fitting. Therefore, did they aid The Christ to
transition themselves into the human form, while aiding he who had been Jesus to walk
out. Then did they transition The Christ from the physical form, which could no longer
support life, to a mental plane one. Visible when they wanted it to be, but otherwise

The Words of Jesus

Q: Why can the word of Jesus or the Bible be interpreted in so many ways? Was it
intentional so as not to remove our choices? Or what?
M: The one called Jesus spoke in a way that transmitted the truth as he knew it to those
on Earth in a way that they could not only perceive it, but also accept it. They were
primarily 3rd and 2nd, with mostly 2nd and their understanding of good and evil was very
black and white. They did not see the shadings of life that you do, nor did they
understand the act was not the person. So, Jesus presented to them parables or stories
that they could identify with and understand; thereby, bringing the message closer to
The Bible was written and rewritten by scholars and sages hundreds of years later, and
their stories also were told to provide a particular "truth" to those who would read the
information. That the "truth" was not the same as that brought to bear by the man Jesus
or by the transcended soul that was The Christ, matters not. What was important was
that the information contradicted not the government of the time. For only the
government and the church (which were many times the same) could control the people
and they did so through similar means---that of manipulation. Therefore, the Bible
became their way of controlling those masses that they wanted controlled, for the Bible
was either rewritten or interpreted to embrace the governing powers.
The Infinite soul, Christ, spoke in the terms and words of the time. However, he also
spoke in a way that the masses could understand in their own limited fashion. The
majority of those present at that time were predominately 2nd cycle. Therefore, he had
to present his message in a way that all cycles could understand and that would not
frighten those of the younger cycles. For they, more than the others, needed this
message. The man spoke more for the 5th and 4th cycles, but the Infinite soul spoke for
all. It was this message that can be and is interpreted, perceived, and used in so many
ways. For each cycle would understand only that part of the message that did not and
does not frighten them. The rest becomes just so much rhetoric and "noise".
The Bible is different, in as much, as the original was a compilation of stories and
exaggerations and memoirs of those occurrences that took place in and around the time
of Jesus' incarnation and the appearance of the Christ. The other passages such as the
old testament were added later and contain again those stories, parables, myths and

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other tales to which the oldsters and others of the tribes referred when attempting to
make a point, whether it be within the family or as part of a tribal law gathering.
As Christianity took hold, the Bible became a tool with which to manipulate the masses.
This is why it became necessary to change or amend the stories and accounts to
conform to the leadership and political climate of the time. If the populace believed that
they would come back and relive those things that they inflicted on others, then how
could the governments possibly expect to coerce and convince the people to do as they
(the government) wished? Therefore, all mention of those types were removed, as were
all other similar comments and passages of life after life. Rather were they changed to
life after death, eternal life, heaven and hell, and the ever-popular, an eye for an eye.
These are just some of the ways they reworked the Bible to manipulate the populace.
Others include the missing passages that truly explain Jesuswho and what he/they
was/were. For although the prophets spoke of a messiah, Jesus was not recognized as
such until some 1000 years later. For in his own time he was a philosopher, teacher, and
shaman, but not the recognized messiah. For they never expected the true messiah to
be so completely human, nor did they expect one who would not fight for the changes
they believed were needed.
Jesus ate, and wept, and slept, and sweated. This was a man, not a god or demi-god;
and they wanted and expected some sort of god. He also brought not a "magic sword" to
help destroy their perceived enemies, therefore, he could not possibly be the one they
were looking for.
They were moving from 2nd to 3rd cycle, and anger and oppression were the foremost
emotions of the region and the time. Therefore, someone preaching peace, love, and
salvation through acceptance was not what they wished to hear. Rather did they want
someone to lead them to war, to reach out and smite their "enemies" with lightning bolts
or other phenomenon. When none of this occurred, they quickly turned to the warrior for
leadership. For he was willing to fight, even though without magnificent powers, for he
had the anger and the coercion to win them over.
The Bible then had to be changed if the people were to recognize the pacifist and martyr
as the messiah, now. So the true birth details were "lost" to the details of the messiah
prophecy and tale. Jesus became the chosen one only after his death. For then was it
understood what his presence had truly meant to the world. For although partially
ignored by those in the seat of political power while alive, his presence was exceedingly
missed when dead.
For although his presence was there and felt, his "body" was not and this more than
anything brought "home" to the masses the true meaning of life after death. For they
truly began to realize that even without physical form, the presence and energy that was
Jesus still existed. This then is what truly began the mass "hysteria" that soon became a
religion. For they (the masses) would believe that they, too, once "perfect" (as they
perceived Jesus to have been), could also be "alive" after death. However, this left the
question then of what happened to those who were not "perfect"....where did they go
after death? This is when Hell ( a mystical mythical place filled with horrors and demons)
came into being. For only if you were perfect could you live forever, and all others then
went to hell. But it was soon realized that none could ever hope to achieve that
perfection that was Jesus, so it became more of a division of how good was good vs.
bad, both becoming extremely subjective in nature of determination. For to one group or

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sect, some act (and thereby the person /people doing it) was bad and to another group
or sect the same act was not. This, too, then caused the eventual separations of the
religion. For although many claim to be "Christian", few "believe" in or follow the same
rituals, beliefs, or tenets.
We do not advocate any of theserituals, belief, or tenetsfor they do not make you a
better person. Rather do they inhibit learning by locking the mind into a set pattern of
behavior that cannot or should not be deviated from. This is fear, not love. This is stifling,
not growing or expanding. We see no reason for these games, though we do understand
the need of some to have structure and a framework in which to function. But do not let
the framework limit your growth. Rather let it guide you, not restrict you.
The only choices the Christ "interfered" with, was the choice of the world to effect a
change. They needed to grow into a 3rd cycle nation and globe, and were unable to
break through the restrictions and structures they had placed on themselves. Therefore,
the Infinite soul came to help this transition. His information, like ours, was never given
to abrogate choices. But rather was it given to express what the people already knew but
had forgotten. That the information was recorded after the fact some 300-1000 years
later in such a way as to make it appear that man had no choice, is inaccurate. For they
never make choices for you, they merely explain the realities of life, thereby allowing
humanity to, hopefully, make better, and wiser choices.
As we have said regarding the ability of the information to be taken or interpreted in
many ways, the Christ did speak to all on many levels. The people understood at
whatever level best suited them. For a 2nd cycle will not understand at a 5th cycle level.
Therefore, they spoke at all levels for all cycles and the people heard and understood
only that which suited and worked for themmuch as you and all those around you do
still now.
The Bible was written by man for man to perpetuate a way of control over common man.
The reason it can be interpreted in many ways, and understood in many ways is
because it uses language. Language as a means of communication is not direct, and
words change what they mean, how they impact, and how they are used. This causes
the many interpretations of what is stated in the Bible and any other book. Those not
there when Jesus/Christ, Buddha, or any other Infinite soul spoke and existed on the
physical plane are attempting to understand what happened and what was said through
a murky medium called language.
Both the Christ and Buddha spoke in a language not even used today, and was then
translated and rewritten over a 1000 times. Each translation caused new interpretations
as to what was being said based on many factors. For the translator's knowledge of the
originating language, as well as how they are feeling that day, as well as the political
climate in which they currently exist all contribute to the overall way in which something
is translated and written.
When the political climate would no longer tolerate reincarnation as a possibility, it was
left out of the next iteration of the Bible. When the political climate no longer "backed" or
fostered the existence of certain historical figures, they were written out, also.
To say that the Bible is historic truth, is to state that all those who wrote it, translated it,
and rewrote it are, and were, Tao-inspired or more accurately, representatives of Tao.

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This is beyond comprehension. For the purpose was not to help mankind form a religion.
It was to help them understand and growto understand truth and grow to another level,
another cycle. For that was the period of shifting from 2nd to 3rd cycle.
Again, we reach a point where the population shifts. But whether the need for an Infinite
soul is also established, has not fully been determined.
The language is what makes all statements easily interpretable by many at different
levels. For language can easily be manipulated. The only true communication is pure
thought. For even mathematics can be manipulated and interpreted, though not in quite
as many ways as language. Music is true communication if the thoughts that created it
are taken as well. For only the true originator can really understand and know what it is
they were attempting to "say" through the composition, whether they use music,
mathematics, or words. Unless the thoughts that created the formula, paragraph or
cantata are heard, then the true meaning is "lost".

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Im presenting a glossary of terms, because in order for you to more easily understand
Michaels teachings and philosophy, it helps to understand the terms that they use. These terms
arent special or sacred, in fact Michael insists that as time passes and our language changes, so
do the terms with which he uses to express the concepts and truths they wish to tell us about.
Yet, in order to understand the information in this book, I think it would be helpful to
have a list of the most commonly occurring terms. So, here they are:
Abrading Energies: Most people have the majority of their energy centers
spinning with a clockwise motion. Therefore, when they meet someone whose
energy centers spin in a counterclockwise motion the energies (or auras) will
abrade. There may only be two or three centers spinning in a counter motion to
the person theyre meeting, but even that can be enough to abrade. Many times
this can result in an instant feeling of dislike or discomfort when you meet. It is
often referred to as being rubbed the wrong way.
Acceptance: This is one of the seven goals. Its positive pole is agape, or
unconditional love; its negative pole is ingratiation. It is used for lifetimes
emphasizing love and tolerance. This goal is common for fifth cycles (see
Agape: A state of unconditional love for everything. This is considered the
ultimate goal of all sentient evolution.
Aggression: This is one of the seven modes. Its positive pole is dynamism; its
negative pole is belligerence. In aggression mode, one releases one's energy
Agreement: (Michaels Definition): An agreement is an understanding between essences
or entities to be or do some thing or some action. If we agree to be available and support
you when you seek us, then have we made an agreement of support. If we were to agree
to show you the truth of the planes, then we would have an agreement for teaching. If
you agree to have a child in which another essence would dwell, then have you agreed to
be a mother. That is not to say that you could not have a child without an agreement, but
it would be difficult and the life would most likely abort or be brief without an essence to
direct the host. So always are there agreements, yet not all are fulfilled, and this, too, is
alright. For to fulfill some agreements would you perhaps have to change your path or
abrogate other goals, and this may not be agreeable. So the agreement is abrogated
instead. Always are monads and karmic bonds more compelling than agreements. But
agreements are more compelling than "normal" relationships. So to meet someone with
whom you have agreements will hold your attention longer and stronger than someone

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with whom you have none. As would it be stronger yet with one whom you have monadal
links, and even more secure with one you share a debt.
Agreements are arrangements made between lives that offer aid, support, introductions,
or other benefit. These are not binding, and they are not as compelling as karmic debts.
All: (Michaels Definition): All That Is. It is the awareness of being, the overall
consciousness of sentience. It is the sentient energy from which all things were
createdpeople, animals, the planet, light, heat, chairs, windows, everything.
Sometimes referred to as the Tao.
Arrogance: This is one of seven chief features, or stumbling blocks that a person
chooses when they decide to become incarnate. Its positive pole is pride; its
negative pole is vanity. It is a fear of being judged.
Artisan: This is one of the seven roles. Its positive pole is creation; its negative
pole is artifice or self-deception. Artisans seek originality. (See Roles)
Astral plane: (Michaels Definition): This is one of the closest planes to our own,
the Physical Plane. The focus of this plane is emotionalism. The frequency of this
plane is faster than our own, so when we perceive images they are perceived as
ghostly or gaseous vapors. There are seven layers or frequencies to this (and
each) plane.
Attitude: This is one of the overleaves. The attitude is a person's primary slant
on life. The seven attitudes are stoic, spiritualist, skeptic, idealist, cynic, realist,
and pragmatist. (See Overleaves)
Aura: (Michaels Definition):This is a bubble of 7 energies surrounding our
physical body. These 7 layers of energy are part of the true us, the spirit, the
essence that is us. These energies, which come together to create the physical
form we call a body, link us to the other 6 planes, as well as to the All.
Buddhic plane: (Michaels Definition):This is one of the fastest vibrating planes.
Its medium is pure or abstract kinetic energy. We experience the Buddhic plane
just before fully refocusing our awareness in the All.
Cadence: (Michaels Definition):A frequency or energy pattern found by the
combining of certain frequencies or tones. For example, you (the global you) are
the cadence that comprises your role, position, cycle, and entitythis then, gives
us the cadence. It means little except to essence, for in physical form the
translation to numbers, although informational, means little to the physical mind.
Cadence Companion: (Michaels Definition):Someone who shares a
sympathetic/complimentary cadence vibration. Due to their role and placement in
the entity and other tonalities, their overall vibration is compatible or
complementary enough that you "automatically" feel comfortable and at ease
with them.
Cardinal: Relating to the large or general picture; catalytic. The positive pole is
lucidity. The negative pole is activity. (See also "Ordinal.")

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Cadre: (Michaels Definition) A subset of a cadence, a cadre is a group of 7 entities. We

also refer to a grouping of those students who would study with us as a cadre. That is
because there are usually 7 entities represented within each study group.
This is 7 unreunited entities while a cadence is those entities who are already re-united.
Cadre Companion: (Michaels Definition):This is similar to cadence companion in as
much as it indicates some fragment with whom your vibratory frequencies are similar.
Someone whose vibrations complement yours and make you feel comfortable. One with
whom you would share the studying of that information which we provide.
Caution: This is one of the seven modes. Its positive pole is deliberation; its
negative pole is phobia. In caution mode, one releases one's energy carefully.
Centers: (Michaels Definition):Another term for the energy centers distributed
across your person. Each energy center links one layer of your aura to your
physical form. Each person has seven centers: emotional, higher emotional,
intellectual, higher intellectual, physical, moving, and instinctive.
A person's primary center is the aspect of self from which he dominantly
experiences life and responds to stimulieither the emotional, intellectual,
physical, or moving center (or rarely, the instinctive center). The part of center is
where his secondary responses originate. The higher intellectual and higher
emotional centers are rarely if ever dominant in most people's experience. (See
Channeling: The merging of a non-physical being with one who is physical.
Chakra: One of 7 major energy centers in the body. These are the primary
connectors between your physical body and your essence. They also connect
you to the 6 different planes and the All.
Chief feature: One of the overleaves. The chief feature is a person's primary
obstacle, the focus of his fears and illusions. A person can also have a
secondary chief feature. The seven chief features are self-deprecation,
arrogance, self-destruction, greed, martyrdom, impatience, and stubbornness.
Cording: The act of establishing a cord or connection with another person that
either draws energy from him or adds energy to them. This can be done with or
without the other persons permission. With their permission, the cording is done
on the front of their aura. Without their permission, the cording will appear on the
other persons back.
Cords: (Michaels Definition):The terms cords, links, and threads are very similar
and are many times used interchangeably. The only subtle difference, is that
(most times) cords or cording refers to a non-agreed to energy connection
between 2 people. That is, one person, without the permission of the other,
attaches part of their energy/aura to someone else's aura/energy field.
Cynic: This is one of the seven attitudes. Its positive pole is contradiction; its
negative pole is denigration. Cynics view the world in terms of what isn't, or of
what won't work.
Discarnate: Not incarnate; not in a physical body.

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Discrimination: This is one of the seven goals; called "rejection" in Yarbros

book. Its positive pole is sophistication; its negative pole is prejudice. It is used
for lifetimes emphasizing critical faculties.
Dominance: This is one of the seven goals. Its positive pole is leadership; its
negative pole is dictatorship. It is used for lifetimes that emphasize "winning" and
helping others win.
Ego: (Michaels Definition): This is the blending of those traits chosen and those
traits learned or enculturated.
Emotional center: This is one of the seven centers. Its positive pole is
sensibility; its negative pole is sentimentality. This is also akin to saying the heart
chakra. The heart chakra is your emotional energy center. (See Center)
Energy: The fundamental substance of everything in the universe. Our very
essence is energy.
Entity: A collection of essences whose purpose (to experience and grow) are similar in
intent. They support and help each other, for their vibrations and energies are similar and
Entity Mates: Some one/some fragment with whom you share the entity. Some
other fragment from the same entity as you.
Essence: The true you. The energy, awareness, and sentience that is you.
Essence Contact: Occurs when the personality makes a direct connection with
either its own essence or the essence of another person. Essence contact is
necessary in order for spiritual growth to occur. It can be a powerful and lifechanging experience, or relatively mild.
Essence Twin: (Michaels Definition): Essence twin or soul twin is that fragment
whose energies are most like yours, due to being identical in all instances except
personality, cycle and entity. For you are never of the same entity, but are always
the same role, cadence, essence type. For scholars, their twin may be any other
role, though they much prefer kings, warriors, and scholars. Their ability to shift
frequencies allows them to twin with any of the other roles. The other roles do not
share this ability, so twin only with those of the same role. So, warriors are
always twinned with warriors and kings with kings, servers to servers, and
artisans and sages to artisans and sages, in that order.
The essence twin is a mirror image of oneself-not in personality, but in essence
and role. For it is the closest to true acceptance that one can find in the physical
plane. The essence twin has the same color and frequency. The same innate
qualities that make you 'you', are also what comprise the twin.
Many essence twins will actually come into the physical plane as twins so that
the love and support can last the entire lifetime. Others will come together later
and remain together. For the bond is always there. Even when the essence
twins never meet or are not both incarnate the bond of loving, accepting, and
support is still there.

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Essence twins, when incarnate or when only one is incarnate, are usually linked
at all centers, but are always linked at the thorax, heart, brow, and tao. For this
allows them to love, accept, and support one another whether they ever
physically meet or not. It is also why one essence twin can, in personality,
sometimes display attributes not normally theirs. For the twinning keeps them so
attuned to each other that when they do meet the rapport is instantaneous.
Essence twins are always the same in essence, but of different entities. Only the
scholar, who can shift frequencies with little difficulty, may have a twin that is not
necessarily another scholar. For a warrior would not find the frequency of a sage
or artisan compatible, nor would they be the same color or easily comfortable
with one another; therefore, a warrior is always twinned with another warrior, and
a king with a king, artisan to artisan, etc.
Often the meaning is mistaken for that of soul mate, for the term "soul twin" is
another way of stating essence twin. A soul twin or essence twin, can be a soul
mate, but does not necessarily have to be. Some essence twins can become
overly frightened by the compatibility, by the mirror image, and will actually turn
away from the twin, while others simply enjoy the refuge. And not all essence
twins are of the opposing sexmany are essence twins even to the sex of the
physical body. We have seen essence twins who appeared more as brothers
than did their actual siblings.
The purpose of the essence twin, as we have stated, is to give you closeness
and comfort and acceptance. For even if you never meet, the vibrations and the
links still are there, and the essence still can gain the energies and comfort it
needs from the essence twin.
Causal plane: The central, neutral plane of creation that interconnects the other
six. On this plane the primary pursuit is the study of truthindividual truths,
planal truths, dimensional truths, and pandimensional truths. Within the Causal
plane are the mid-causal, upper-causal and lower-causal.
False personality: False ego; the part of self motivated by fear. This is also
referred to as overleaves, personality, or ego. It is the part of you that most
people think of as their true selves since they dont recognize essence or their
soul as a viable being.
Final Cycle: (Michaels Definition):This is the last life to be experienced by a
particular soul. They have chosen to complete their physical plane experiences,
and, provided they have achieved balance, they will no longer return to the
physical plane. (The channeler for this information was a final cycle soul.)
Fragment: (Michaels Definition): What we mean by this, is one piece of the overall
essence that is you. For you exist in more realities than just this one. And in each, there
exists a "fragment" of the essence that is you within each physical form. For reincarnation
merely represents the probabilities in a time context, that is, portions of yourselves that
are materialized in (to you) a historical context.
Frequency: Rate of vibration of the soul on a scale of one to one hundred. It
gives the essence its "consistency." Slow frequencies feel more solid, medium
frequencies feel more liquid, and fast frequencies feel more gaseous. Each plane
of existence and each alternate reality vibrates at a different frequency. That is

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why we cannot always see or perceive the other realities or planes of existence
that are occurring around us.
Goal: This is one of the overleaves. The goal is a person's primary motivator.
The seven goals are reevaluation, growth, discrimination, acceptance,
submission, dominance, and flow.
Greed: This is one of the seven chief features, or obstacles. Its positive pole is
egotism; its negative pole is voracity. It is caused by a fear of not having enough
of a particular thing, such as money, food, sex, or attention.
Groupings: (Michaels Definition): We could use "pod", perhaps that would
clarify. From version to fragment, to essence to entity, to entity enjoined, to
cadence, to cadence enjoined, to oversoul, to oversoul enjoined, to tao. An entity
enjoined is a grouping of seven entities enjoined but not "merged"; linked but not
blended. A "pod" of entities, would be seven enjoined entities. A "pod" of
oversouls, would be 7 oversouls enjoined.
Envision a ballroom. Now see it with barriers set up dividing the one huge room
into smaller "artificial" rooms. That is a fragment. Now remove 1/4 of the barriers,
and you have an entity. Remove another 1/4 and you have a cadence. Remove
the third fourth and you have an oversoul. Now remove the last of them, and you
have the tao.
"Cadre" is but another term to describe an enjoined entity. The patterns and
configurations of joinings is endless, and we name but only a few. For there are
more than an infinity of such configurations. This is why all experiences are
unique for never have the same configurations of fragments, essences, entities,
cadences, and oversouls been together. Each event is unique, and each
configuration of "groupings" is unique.
Growth: This is one of the seven goals. Its positive pole is comprehension; its
negative pole is confusion. It is used for lifetimes emphasizing learning new
things. People in growth seek stimulation.
Growth Cycle: Michaels Definition): Growth Cycles and Levels (these pertain only to the
essence, not the physical body). There are 5 physical plane cycles with 7 levels each.
Not 7 life times, but 7 levels. It may take many life times to complete a single level for a
single cycle. Each of the cycles is:
1st Cycles are terrified of almost everything. If they perceive the world as hostile,
they will either respond with violence or by completely withdrawing. They truly do
not know the "rules" of life, but they can learn. They are very attuned to the other
planes of existence and to the All.
2nd Cycles lack understanding and depth, but are very aware of society's and
life's rules, and will try very hard not to vary from them. Viewpoints that differ from
theirs and what they perceive as right, will cause them to respond with confusion
and belligerence. They have begun to lose some of their other worldly
connections as they turn their focus on the world in which they now reside.
3rd Cycles are the most attuned to the physical life. They perceive the world as a
challenge and the objects such as money, fame, possessions, as the ultimate
prizes to be won. They have little or no appreciation for or connection with any
world beyond the one in which they live. Death is to be avoided because it
interferes with the pursuit of the physical life.

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4th Cycles are more concerned with family and community. Their focus is turned
more inward, away from the physical world and they begin to see the
competitiveness as less important. They have begun to reconnect with the other
worlds and with the All. They feel a longing but are unsure as to what it is they
5th Cycles are concerned with being and the search for truth. (Truth is
different for everyone, but they usually search for the universal truths, not
the personal truths.) They usually seek the path of least resistance, and
realize that most problems are only those caused by personality. Most
late level 5th cycles can see the games and so avoid the dramas. They
are reconnecting with those no longer incarnate.

Growth Cycle Levels: (Michaels Definition): Each growth cycle has 7 levels:
1st Levels respond at essence without any real perception of the nature of their
2nd Levels begin to learn response and comparison.
3rd Levels begin to consider the consequences of their actions. They learn
discernment and evaluation.
4th Levels begin to gather all their knowledge together and build themselves a
5th Levels start to integrate all of their experiences and learning from previous
6th Levels become aware of the many obligations that they havewhether it be
karmic or other types of lessons and agreements.
7th Levels remember and reflect on all that was learned and begin to teach
Idealist: This is one of the seven attitudes. Its positive pole is coalescence; its
negative pole is abstraction. Idealists view the world in terms of how it could be
changed for the better.
Impatience: This is one of the seven chief features, or obstacles. Its positive
pole is audacity; its negative pole is intolerance. It is a fear of missing outthey
never have enough time to do everything. (This is sometimes confused with
Imprinting: Training, teaching or conditioning by parents, education, religious
groups or society in general.
Incarnate: Living in a physical body as in incarnate soul.
Infinite soul: (Michaels Definition): The infinite soul is that compilation of souls
that usually come from the messianic plane to institute changes of a cosmic
nature. They change not just the social structures, but all of the underlying
"structures" within and without the physical realm. For their very presence causes
the vibratory patterns to shift and become more balanced. They seek to awaken
and make more aware those dwelling in the physical realm. Some are awakened
by their (the infinite soul's) very presence, while others require "tricks" and
messages proving and proclaiming the greatness of the infinite soul.
Instinctive center: This is one of the seven centers. Its positive pole is atomic;
its negative pole is anatomic. (See Center)

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Intellectual center: This is one of the seven centers. Its positive pole is thought;
its negative pole is reason. (See Center)
Karma: (Michaels Definition): The abrogating of or the adding to of someone's life
choices. Karma is a lack of balancenot a punishment. Intention must exist, for
otherwise, it is most likely an accident. For accidents are very real in your plane. The car
crash with the server Diana was an accident. There was no intention to do harm or
remove choices. The driver had a chief feature of self-destruction; however, the choice to
"die" in the crash was the server's and her task companions, so karma was not a result. It
truly was an accident for them, and they used that opportunity to end their physical
existence. They will complete what they want and need to in another life.
Karma is an imbalance in energies caused through the addition or abrogation of
another's life choices without their permission. If you have an agreement to kill
someone, but you make it more painful than was agreed to, you have created an
imbalance. If you give someone a million dollars when they planned on a life of
hardship, you owe them, for you have now given them choices they did not plan
for. This, then, is karma. To balance the energies entails understanding of how
the original situation went "wrong" and a replaying of that situation in reverse. So,
the other person now gives you choices that you did not plan for. The other way
to reconcile the imbalance, is to understand and acknowledge the original
situation, and understand and acknowledge how it created imbalances and agree
to let it go. The energies will then move back into balance without the situation
being actually "lived" again in reverse. This acknowledgement may not be on a
conscious level, it may only occur at essence level, but if both truly understand,
then the lesson is learned and balance is restored.
It is the moving of energies, back and forth, from balance to imbalance and back
that is karma. It is also the understanding of how and why those energies move
that comprise the full lesson. For it is not enough to know that there is imbalance,
also do you need to know how and why the energies move for the lessons of the
physical plane to be completed.
King: This is one of the seven essence roles. Kings seek mastery, which is its
positive pole; its negative pole is tyranny.
Lessons: (Michaels Definition): Lessons are life situations in which you agree to
participate with someone. If you take the position of student (as in the teacher/student
lesson), then the next time you will be the teacher and the other person will be the
The key to everything in life is balanceemotional, physical, mental, and spiritual
balance. Therefore, you need to experience all of life from every possible aspect, so that
you experience all the extremes and all the nuances in between.
Life plan: The overall blueprint for our life. We design our life plan before
incarnating. It includes such things as our life task(s) and overleaves. It also
includes agreements with other souls to be our guides, parents, or children; to
complete monads or karmas with us; and to otherwise help them and be helped
by them. It is like a project plan, but may be completely ignored, or only loosely
followed once the person becomes incarnate.

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Life Goal: The "centerpiece" of our life plan; the most important thing we want to
accomplish in a given lifetime. This may be a major lesson or a karmic debt.
There can be one major task, or several.
Links and threads: These imply that the connection is because of a karmic,
monadal, or agreement bond. These are bonds that the participants have
consented to (usually) prior to incarnation, and the bonds are a way to keep track
of who, what, where, and (sometimes) when. The size and strength of the energy
bond depends on the type. Those of an unwanted, unacknowledged nature, are
usually light, tenuous, and easily "broken" and/or removed. Those having to do
with agreements are more similar in nature to "thread"; being stronger and more
stable than those of the unwanted or unknown kind. Yet, they can also be
"broken" or "removed" with little consequence. Agreements are simply
arrangements that you make with others to facilitate some task or action that you
want to do in the life/incarnation you're planning. They can be agreements
(facilitations) for meeting the person you want to marry, they can be for
employment, or for parents, or for support (mental, emotional, whatever). But
unlike conventional Earthly contracts drawn up by courts and lawyers, there's no
binding clauses or punitive damages or anything if you don't wish to partake of
some or any of the agreements that you made; other than the fact, that those you
made the agreements with may not want to make any with you in any future lives
if you're constantly blowing them off.
Links due to monads are akin to a heavy gauge rope to ensure that all parties will
meet and, so at least consider completing the lesson. Karmic bonds are the
strongest, for they must overcome the fear that causes many to attempt to avoid
those with whom they need to reconcile and re-establish balance.
Martyrdom: This is one of the seven chief features, or obstacles. Its positive pole
is selflessness; its negative pole is mortification. It is caused by a fear of being
unworthy. Many controlling mothers are suffering from martyrdom.
Maya: This is a fear-driven illusion or false belief, particularly on the essence
level (as opposed to false personality). It is a Hindu term referring to the
transitory, illusory appearance of the physical world that obscures the spiritual
reality from which it originates.
Mental plane: This planes energy is about wisdom and enlightenment. The
infinite soul who incarnated as Lao-tzu taught from this plane.
Messianic plane: The energy here is focused on agape. Jesus, as a man, was
linked to this plane and many of his early teachings were greatly influenced by
this link.
Mode: This is one of the overleaves. The mode is a person's primary way of
operating. The seven modes are reserve, passion, caution, power, perseverance,
aggression, and observation.
Monad: (Michael Definition): These are a framework and guide for those on the
physical plane. Each causes the fragment to experience the physical world from
a different perspective, yet allowing them the freedom to select for themselves
how they will handle the experience. Once completed from both sides they need
not be experienced again unless the fragment wishes to do so.

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They also allow the essence to "monitor" the type (difficulty as well as whether it is
relationships, man rules ("right" vs. "wrong"), basic living/surviving skills, etc.) of
experience gained.
For the "lessons" or monads are divided into types of experiences to be gained, rather
than your concept of 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, etc. Rather do we have
relationships, survival skills, internalized or self-lessons. For all lessons not geared
toward survival are geared toward some type of relationshipwhether it be a relationship
with a person (mother, friend, daughter, co-worker) or with a physical plane concept
(relationships with companies, money, power, fame, etc.), or they are "relationships" with
selffat/thin (body type disgust or fascination/fixation), smart/stupid (intelligence
fascination), pretty/ugly, etc. These, then, are your primary monads or lessons, and it is
through these that all of physical life can be experienced.

Moving center: One of the seven centers. Its positive pole is enduring; its
negative pole is energetic. (See Center)
Observation: This is one of the seven modes. Its positive pole is clarity; its
negative pole is surveillance. In observation mode, one releases one's energy
On Vectors: This indicates that two or more people are following their links
towards an agreed upon meeting. The meeting might be for an agreement, a
monad, or other life lesson.
Ordinal: Relating to the small or specific picture; receptive. The positive pole is
responsiveness. The negative pole is passivity. (See also "Cardinal.")
Overleaves: (Michaels Definition): These are the traits chosen by the fragment
for the life being lived. Rarely are these plainly seen, but more are they viewed
through a blending, and are therefore, ego.
Personality traits that "overlay" the essence. They are usually chosen before a
lifetime begins in order to facilitate the purposes of that lifetime, and operate for
that lifetime only. They include the goal, mode, attitude, center, and chief feature.
Oversoul: (Michaels Definition): The oversoul is a **Large** range of frequencies or
tonalities. The cadence a smaller one (compared to the oversoul), entity even more
compact, essence (again) even more limited, and fragment limited even more. So do you
see, it is merely a way of expressing how the overall collection of frequencies are
narrowed to one small portion of the overall. Much like a computer image that you focus
on until all you see is one lone pixel out of the entire picture. You are not just that pixel,
you are the entire picturewe are the entire picturebut you see only that one pixel,
while we see only one square inch.
That there is some awareness in dogs, cats, birds, etc., is true. But rather are they
directed by several oversouls, those sentient beings being comprised of well over a
million entities, and who wish to participate in the physical plane but not as fragments. So
do they instead direct one or more species, or the planet itself, or its weather or other
parts of the set that complete the play.

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Parallel universe: An alternative reality similar to this one. A reality created

when a person, country, group, world makes critical choices. Then at least one
fragment follows the alternate path(s) opened up.
Passion: This is one of the seven modes. Its positive pole is self-actualization; its
negative pole is identification. In passion mode, one releases one's energy
boundlessly, downward and outward.
Perseverance: This is one of the seven modes. Its positive pole is persistence;
its negative pole is immutability. In perseverance, one releases one's energy
Personality: (Michaels Definition): This consists of those traits learned and
enculturated through schools, parents, family, churches, and society.
The essence is the real you, and does to your perception, have little in the way of
"character" or uniqueness, except that its uniqueness is recognized by its
overwhelming emissions of love.
Personality is drama. Personality is a way of looking at and participating in the
world. Without personality, there would be no experiences. For it is personality
that focuses your perceptions and frames your actions and reactions. Without
personality, none of you would *Do* any of the actions, or participate in any of
the "plays" you call life.
When one of youthat is someone participating in the physical and astral
realms, manifests through essence and not through pure personality, it indicates
that personality has been "recognized" as that which colors the perceptions. It is
those traits, those characteristics that make you the person people recognize as
you. It becomes like a pair of colored-lensed glasses that you then can look
through or remove as you wish, because you recognize it for what it is.
Personality distorts events so that you will gain experience by selecting some
action. Essence sees both the scenario and the possible reactions as part of the
"unreality" it is and makes the choice(s) through love not fear. Those in essence,
remove the glasses and decide. Personality leaves the glasses on.
Personality is still there even though a person is living through essence. This only
indicates that they have personality perfectly balancedthere is no fear and so
all choices come from love. Most will manifest only at about 80%. For personality
still comes through, and most often goaded by chief-feature. Only those from the
higher planes manifesting as human or cetacean do not have a "personality". For
they come for a short duration and only wish to create a changenot to
experience the dramas of physical life. It is this "pureness" of essence that draws
the people and makes them either accept and love/adore that person, or fear and
try to destroy them, as it was with the one you call The Christ. For he was both
adored and feared. Those nearing the end of their physical lives will many times
manifest mostly essence and it is this that attracts many people though they may
not understand why. They feel the pull toward essence and the joyousness of the
love, but do not understand why for years they may not have cared for the
person, and now they think the person is wonderful. That is not to say that all
people you suddenly find yourself liking are manifesting essence or dying, we did
not mean that. We simply mean that they become themselves, the person you
have always known, but without any of the "harsh edges" of pure personality.
Some may not lose the harshness or personality until the day or hour of death,

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while others may be without the harshness for 2 years. It is partly due to soul age
and perception, and partly due to the nature of the lessons wanting to be learned
by the fragment. If the lessons have to do with death and dying, then the
personality will remain strong until the very end, for most times this is the best
way to gain the lesson. For others the lessons are best learned by releasing
personality and allowing essence to lead.
The individuality is not "lost" when essence is manifest. More is it the fear that is
lost. The person you know and recognize as "your friend" is still there. However,
they may no longer enjoy gossiping or making every event in their life a dramatic
crises. Rather do they have quiet, what to others may appear boring, lives. For
they do not see the need to create activities or drama and so have very
uneventful lives. And again, not all who lead quiet, "boring" lives are living
through essence. Some are simply avoiding life. Those avoiding life are filled with
fear; those in essence are full of love. This is your primary difference. Someone
in essence will do something just because, while someone in personality does it
with the thought of "what's in it for me?". Always does personality want
something whether it is recognition, a pat on the back, or a return favor. Essence
seeks only to ease the fear and maintain the balance of self and all those around
it. This is the "love". They accept all and do not try change anything, for they
recognize the "rightness" of the world as it is.
The whole of personality is fear-driven, though the character traits one
associates with personality give the fragment its perspective on the world. So,
there are really two aspects to personalitythe fear and the way in which the
fragment views the world in which it lives. The more fear there is, the more the
fragment operates from the negative poles. The more balanced one is the more
essence tends to lead. Personality can be pleasant and operating from the
positive poles, but it is still operating through fear. It is only when personality is
balanced and without fear that essence is more predominant.
The younger souls have a harder time finding that balance, as do some
combinations of personality traits. To operate from positive or negative poles
means you operate from fear. To operate through essence is to achieve balance.
This may be momentarily and only for one event, or it can be for the entire
lifetime. Many who are "preparing" to die operate from a balanced perspective, or
from essence, so have no fear when death actually comes. Others know nothing
but fear their whole lives, and so operate from personality always.
Fear is subtle. You may say "But I'm kind and pleasant, how can that be fear?"
But if that person you are pleasant to asks you do something for them, what is
your response? Do you say to yourself, "But I'm tired", or "It's so far!", or any
other excuse? That is fear. Essence has no need of excuses. That does not
mean that you must like everyone or be willing to do anything. It only means that
essence would be willing to recognize the truth. We did not say that you must say
to someone "I do not like you", but to yourself you would. To yourself you would
be honest. You would not need to find excuses for you would already know.
You fear that working through essence is the equivalent of having no personality.
That is not true. Working through essence, simply means that the life is relatively
"uncluttered", for there are no longer any interests in the "dramas" of the world.
The life becomes easy, or perhaps "boring" to some observers. But that is the
difference then of fear-driven and no fear. Those with fear-driven lives are
experiencing all the extremes and this is what they wish to do. Those living

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through essence are "walking through their parts" with no motivation to

Many will have moments when essence takes over and these will seem like
bright flashes of insight or intuition or wisdom. But then personality takes over
again and the dramas continue. Those whose lives are fairly calm, live in balance
of personality and essence. For they retain their "characteristics" and "traits" that
you recognize as them, but they do not suffer from all the fears that most others
do. That is not to say they never fear anythingwe did not say that. But their
fears are most internalized as are their dramas. They suffer more from the fear of
rejection, or self-worth, not the fear of gaining employment, or of the wife finding
out they are having an affair, or of the boss finding out they have embezzled the
funds. Their dramas are more individualized and less flamboyant (for the most
part). That is not to say that they cannot be flamboyant, for they can choose to
act and react in any way to their own situations, but most tend to choose less
obvious means of coping and/or reacting.
To truly be of essence would require someone to be from the Causal, Mental,
Buddhic, or Messianic planes appearing in physical form. For they would take no
personality, but just a form so that they could function within the physical realm.
They truly are "acting in essence" for there is no personality at all. There is no
fearnot of the physical realm. For their understanding goes beyond that realm
and so is not cowed by any experience to be had there. So there are those who
are completely personality-driven, those that share essence and personality
almost equally all of the time, and those with no personality (though they are rare
Physical center: This is one of the seven centers. Its positive pole is amoral; its
negative pole is erotic. (See Center)
Physical plane: The densest of the seven planes; where we presently reside.
On this plane we learn lessons that can only occur in this realm.
Planes: (Michaels Definition): We on the Causal plane study truthspersonal,
global, universal, and pandimensional truths. This then is also what we attempt to
teach youthe recognition and validation of truth within yourself and within the
physical plane, as well as for all other realities and planes. For it is only once
truth is recognized do the choices become more clear.
On the Mental plane they study thoughts in all their various forms; forms you
would not recognize or conceive of as thoughts. But thoughts, like everything
else, are energy and so can be used to create art, realities, trouble, and beauty.
In the Messianic plane they study dreamsthe creating of, connecting of, and
manipulating of all other realities. It is on this plane that they experiment with
reality and perception, with putting thought and emotion together to get
something beyond words to describe.
The Buddhic plane, being closer still to the All, uses lights, sound (music, tone) to
experiment within and in the creation of the different realities of that plane. They
combine these with the creations learned while on the previous planes. There is
a certain joyousness to be found in just being that much closer in frequency and
to blending to the All. So for them to "look down" and watch the "plays" taking
place on the physical plane is not common. It draws their "attention" only when

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the balance within your plane and those physical realities become so off-key that
they must somehow intervene and re-establish that balance across all the
planes, and all the realities. This then is when either the infinite or transcendental
soul comes to the physical plane. For through their vibrational frequency, they
shift the focus and increase (raise/heighten) the vibrational frequency of the
physical plane and all things within it, thereby bringing balance to that plane and
all planes and realities.
Physical, astral, causal, mental, messianic, buddhic, All. There are seven planes
and seven levels within each plane. Each is a different layer of color and sound;
each has a different vibrational rate. Each layer of the astral plane is within a
specific vibrational range, just as each layer of the physical plane is within a
specific vibrational frequency. It links them all together, while keeping them
separated from each.
Poles: Two aspects of an energy. The positive pole is an energy's true or lovebased manifestation. The negative pole is the distortion or constriction of that
energy by fear.
Position: (Michaels Definition): When we refer to "position", it is a reference to
the vibratory pattern used in the physical plane. Certain portions of that pattern
resonate at different frequencies. Dividing that pattern into 7 positions indicates
along which part you will find the vibratory frequency of each of the roles.
Therefore, the server's vibratory pattern or frequency can be found in the 5th
section of this overall pattern, and the scholar's in the 4th.
Power: This is one of the seven modes. Its positive pole is authority; its negative
pole is oppression. In power mode, one releases one's energy strongly.
Pragmatist: This is one of the seven attitudes. Its positive pole is practicality; its
negative pole is dogma. Pragmatists see the world in terms of what works best or
most efficiently.
Priest: This is one of the seven essence roles. Its positive pole is compassion; its
negative pole is zeal. Priests seek the higher good.
Psychic Talents: (Michaels Definition): What you term "psychic senses" is to us
normal precepts. All will follow the pull of threads (vectors) whether awake or not.
Those who are awake enough may begin to understand what the "pull" means,
while others may even have an "inkling" of it before it happens. This is a natural
process of beingof becoming aware of oneself as more than just a physical
As to emotions, all those considered empathic and many who know no better,
send links from the heart to everyone around them, thereby allowing them to
experience and know another's emotions. Others may leave their heart chakra
too open, putting themselves out of balance and allowing everyone else's
emotions to override their own.
Thoughts are energy, as are the emotions, and as such they can be "received"
by others who are either in complementary vibration with the thoughts and the
one sending them, or by the receiver linking to the other's thought center.

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What we mean by psychic talents are those talents that allow one to consciously
and with awareness on all levels, go in and manipulate the energiesnot only on
this, the physical plane, but on all other planes, as well. It is this awareness
combined with the ability that gives one the talent for healing (whether it be
physical, spiritual, mental, psychical, or emotional), and it is this same
combination that allows one to "look" at other's lives and see the threads that
cause the vectors and to "read" when the vectors will most likely become active.
They were at times called sorcerers, wizards, magicians, and witches. Whatever
term is used, matters not to us. More is it important that they exist, for they are
the ones that put balance back where the energies flow unevenly or are
blockedwhether in some one, some thing, or some where/when.
We do not mean to imply that they are better than the man who builds bridges or
the person who cares for flowers. For all talents and all skills are needed. For the
experiences gained are what adds to our overall creativity.
The talents you speak of as psychic could be taught to anyone awake enough to
learn. But the psychic talents we speak of must be chosen and honed throughout
the lifetime.
Realist: This is one of the seven attitudes. Its positive pole is perception; its
negative pole is supposition. Realists view the world in terms of what is; they
focus on a situation's objective facts.
Re-evaluation: This is one of the seven goals; called "retardation" in Yarbros
book. Its positive pole is atavism or simplicity; its negative pole is withdrawal. It is
used for lifetimes spent processing past experiences.
Reincarnation: The idea that our soul lives multiple lifetimes, gaining experience
through them.
Re-integration: (Michaels Definition) This first occurs on the astral, where you
(the you I am speaking with now) re-unites with all those fragments of "you" that
you created to fill all the possibilities and probabilities. Once this integration is
complete, lessons and growth continue. The integration on the lower causal
plane is of all the fragments from your entity. This blending is even more fulfilling
than the blending of all the you's that occurs on the lower astral. For you now
truly begin to realize and sample of all the experiences gained. To complete the
samplings and understandings and experiencings that accompany integration
can take upward of years in your time frame, but we know no such limitations
and simply enjoy the experiences.
Rejection: (See Discrimination)
Repression: (See Reserved)
Reserved: This is one of the seven modes; called "repression" in Yarbros book.
Its positive pole is restraint; its negative pole is inhibition. In reserve mode, one
draws one's energy inward and upward, in a contained manner.
Retardation: (See Re-evaluation)

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Role: (Michaels Definition) Each fragment selects one of 7 roles and retains that role for
each of its incarnations on Earth. The roles are:
The scholar, at the neutral, is the searcher, the recorder. They seek knowledge
and like librarians or historians they store it away for reference later on. They are
the 4th position.
The 5th position is the server. They strive to bring comfort and to help. They have
an innate sense of what is needed to be done and they will do it.
The priest is in the 6th position. They seek and strive to serve but on a global
scale. They wish to bring the world into their point of view.
The sage is in the 3rd position. They seek enjoyment and entertainment, either to
view or participate in. They cannot tolerate tedium, and will manifest drama if it
does not already exist. For them life truly is a stage.
The artisan is in the 2nd position. They createatmosphere, art works, moods,
outlooks, everything. They bring innovations to light and life.
The warrior is in the 1st position. They strive to conquer. They see everything as
a contest or war to be won, and everyone not in their "camp", as someone to be
The king is in position 7, and they are as the title suggestsrulers. Regal in
bearing, they draw together all the others. For their ability to delegate and
determine the best course, to listen and make positive decisions attracts all, and
gives them (kings) the "power" and "authority" to "rule their kingdom" (which may
be the home, the workplace, the neighborhood, or the local pub).
It is a vibratory range that affects the way in which the essence experiences the physical
Romantic Relationship: (Michaels Definition): We define romance as the
idealization of one by another, and that once the true nature of the other is
realized, does the relationship inevitably deteriorate. That many relationships can
have romantic moments is true, but those based only on romance will not
survive. For romance sees not clearly, and knows the other not truly. For the
only vision is that of one who is beyond reproach, who is without flaw, and who
once placed upon the pedestal of perfection, inevitably falls.
Sage: This is one of the seven essence roles. Its positive pole is expression; its
negative pole is oration. Sages seek insight.
Scholar: This is one of the seven essence roles. Scholars seek knowledge,
which is their positive pole; their negative pole is theory.
Self-deprecation: This is one of the seven chief features, or obstacles. Its
positive pole is humility; its negative pole is abasement. It is a fear of being
Self-destruction: This is one of the seven chief features, or obstacles. Its
positive pole is sacrifice; its negative pole is immolation. It is a fear of losing
Sentient: Self-aware, choice-making consciousness. Humans and cetaceans
(dolphins and whales) are the two sentient species on earth.
Sextet: A configuration of six souls who work together over many lifetimes. The
positions of a quadrate are love, knowledge, power, support (or compassion),
eccentric, and integrator. The first and fourth positions are strongest.

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Server: This is one of the seven essence roles; called "slave" in Yarbros book.
Its positive pole is service; its negative pole is bondage. Servers seek the
common good.
Skeptic: This is one of the seven attitudes. Its positive pole is investigation; its
negative pole is suspicion. Skeptics view the world with doubt.
Soul: (Michaels Definition): What we mean by this, is one piece of the overall essence
that is you. For you exist in more realities than just this one. And in each, there exists a
"fragment" of the essence that is you within each physical formas you term it, the soul.
For reincarnation merely represents the probabilities in a time context, that is, portions of
yourselves that are materialized in (to you) a historical context.
Soul Mate: (Michaels Definition): A soul mate is that one romantic
person/fragment that you wish to participate with in one or several lifetimes.
These are usually someone with whom you have a good rapport and instant
attraction to, however, they are rarely ones with whom you will spend a lifetime
with. The whole concept of soul mates is based on quick passion and extreme
emotions. The concept is best described in the story by the sage Shakespeare.
For he was the one that depicted quite accurately the actions and passions of
most soul mates. Soul mates can be, but rarely are, also your essence twin or
soul twin. For if soul twins are both 4th cycle sages in self-destruct with
passionate natures, then the soul mate scenario is almost guaranteed.
Soul mates are usually those fragments with whom one has agreed to marry for
a particular monadal lesson, whether it be the partnership monad, the
husband/wife, lover/lover monad, or some similar monadal lesson. Most overly
passionate romances explained and told of in your novels are those of
flamboyant, drama-ridden 4th cycle sages and/or artisans, usually in a passion
mode with a chief feature of self-destruction. This would include your Romeo and
Juliet (who actually were also essence twinsfor the story was taken from real
events that your Shakespeare had witnessed and heard tales of), Cleopatra and
Antony, and Heathcliff and Kathy. Star-crossed lovers are rarely essence twins;
more are they overly dramatic fragments seeking attention and creating
melodrama in everything they do. As we have said, melodrama and maya are
very prominent in the lives of most 4th cycles, and especially those of sages and
Those with whom you have mate agreements may instill that type of reaction if
either or both are in passion mode, and/or the body type attraction is
exceptionally strong. Otherwise, most, even 4th cycle sages, will simply have
comfortable attractions and couplings. That is not to say that there cannot be
grand passion without a soul mate, we did not say that and we do not mean that.
We do mean, though, that most grand passions, especially those that result in
death caused by suicide, are due to a soul mate type monad wherein both
participants are in passion mode with a goal of self-destruction. But "grand
passion" like all other terms is open to interpretation by each individual, and what
may seem passionate to one couple, may seem dull to another.
Another definition of soul mate is that one fragment with whom you are most
comfortable with for mating agreements, and so arrange mating agreements with
them for life after life. This is not wrong or right, it simply is.

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Soul Twin: (Michael Definition): Essence twin or soul twin is that fragment
whose energies are most like yours, due to being identical in all instances except
personality, cycle and entity. For you are never of the same entity, but are always
the same role, cadence, essence type. For scholars, their twin may be any other
role, though they much prefer kings, warriors, and scholars. Their ability to shift
frequencies allows them to twin with any of the other roles. The other roles do not
share this ability, so twin only with those of the same role. So, warriors are
always twinned with warriors and kings with kings, servers to servers, and
artisans and sages to artisans and sages in that order.
They are your mirror opposite. If you are a sage, then they are a sage. All soul
twins are the same role, except for those paired with scholars. Since scholars are
the neutral role, they can pair with any other role.
Also known as soul twin. It is the closest bond an essence can have because
they vibrate at almost the same exact rate as you do.
Spiritualist: This is one of the seven attitudes. Its positive pole is verification; its
negative pole is faith. Spiritualists view the world in terms of its possibilities.
Stagnation: Also known as "relaxation" and "equilibrium", this is one of the
seven goals. Its positive pole is suspension or free-flowing; its negative pole is
inertia. It is used for lifetimes of rest or of learning to let go.
Stoic: This is one of the seven attitudes. Its positive pole is tranquility; its
negative pole is resignation. Stoics view the world with serenity, feeling that outer
events aren't of primary importance.
Stubbornness: This is one of the seven chief features, or obstacles. Its positive
pole is determination; its negative pole is obstinacy. It is a fear of change.
Submission: This is one of the seven goals. Its positive pole is devotion; its
negative pole is subservience. It is used for lifetimes that emphasize supporting a
greater cause.
Tao: (See All)
Tasks: (Michaels Definition): We call them tasks, for they are actions requiring limited
amounts of your time that were agreed to prior to incarnation.
Task Companion: (Michaels Definition): A task companion is as its words
suggesta person who aids you in some task. That each person has one or two
set task companions for all of their life, is not true. There are those who will agree
to be task companions life after life, but in one life may the task be small while in
another might it take the entire life time. Some individuals may have no task
companions for any of their lessons, for it is their choice.
But more is a task companion one who would help with a very defined lesson or
event in the life. The companions for tasks are rarely chosen lightly. For much
thought is usually given not only to the task, but also to those best suited (in role,
overleaves, enculturation, and locale) to accomplish this specified task. For to
complete the task of creating a library, would you not want to include a scholar
with a goal of stagnation in observation with a chief feature of self-deprecation,
for you would find they contribute little if anything to the enterprise. So do you

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see, that much comes into play. For the energies blend like a symphony, creating
a synergy unlike any other allowing the work to flow easily and smoothly. But the
harmonics are a combination of both the task and those working on the task. If
one aspect of the overall was changed, then most likely will the harmonics be not
as clear and the synergy not as precise. So, then might the task perhaps not go
as easily (as it could have). That is not to say that the task cannot be done, we
did not say that or mean that. We only state that the further one is from that point
of balance within a task and with the task companion(s), the less will all feel the
ease with which they fulfill the task.
Transcendental Soul: The incarnation of a reunited entity. Gandhi was such a
being. The transcendental soul is a catalyst for social change.
Vectors: This indicates that two or more people are following their links towards
an agreed upon meeting. The meeting might be for an agreement, a monad, or
other life lesson.
Warrior: This is one of the seven essence roles. Its positive pole is persuasion; its
negative pole is coercion. Warriors seek challenge.

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