Code of Conduct For Industrial Harmony
Code of Conduct For Industrial Harmony
Code of Conduct For Industrial Harmony
commits an unfair labour practice. The Industrial Court has been very consistent
in its reliance of
the Code in retrenchment cases. Failure to follow the Code can result in a
retrenchment being
declared an unfair dismissal.
Contents of the Code
The Code lists 50 specific industrial relations practices under four broad areas for
responsibilities employment policy
collective bargaining and
Communication and consultation.
At the level of establishment or undertaking
(1) As employers and workers and trade unions representing them are jointly and
responsible for good industrial relations, the first step is for both management
and trade unions to
accept, at the highest level, the same degree of responsibility for industrial
relations as for other
functions within their respective organisations.
Good industrial relations need to be developed within the framework of efficiency
of the
establishment or undertaking. As such, a major objective of management must
be to develop just
and effective personnel and industrial relations policies which engender the
confidence of all
employees, subject to the purpose for which the establishment or undertaking
was established and
its social obligation to the nation.
Equally, trade unions should ensure that the policies and practices that they
adopt are not only
fair in relation to the function and purpose for which they have been formed but
also take into
consideration national interests.
(2) Good industrial relations depend upon good organisation of work.
Management should
therefore take all reasonable steps to ensure that:
(a) All management personnel understand their responsibilities and what is
required of them,
and have the training and authority necessary to discharge such duties and
responsibilities efficiently
(b) Duties and responsibilities for each group of employees are stated with clarity
simplicity in the organisational structure
(c) Individual employees or work-groups know what their objectives are and are
kept informed of progress made towards achieving them
(d) Where possible, work is organised in such manner so that the individual
employee has
the chance to achieve a sense of job satisfaction.
(3) Where a trade union has been recognised:
(a) Management should take the initiative in seeking to establish, jointly with the
trade union
concerned, effective procedures for negotiation, consultation and the settlement
grievances and disputes(b) Management and the trade union should take all
reasonable steps to ensure that both the
management and union personnel observe agreements reached and use agreed
(c) Management should not discourage employees from joining the recognised
union and
from taking an active part in its legitimate activities.
(4) The supervisor is managements first contact man with the employees and
special attention
should be given to his appointment and his needs on the job. The employer
should ensure that he:
(a) is technically proficient and adequately trained and possesses the personal
required to exercise supervision
(b) Has charge of a work-group of a size that he can supervise effectively
(c) Is an effective link in the interchange of information and views between
management and members of his work group
(d) Is briefed about innovations and changes before they occur so that he can
managements policies and intentions to his work-group.
At national or industry level
(5) Employers association should:
(a) Co-operate with the trade unions in establishing effective procedures at
industry or
national level for the negotiation of terms and conditions of employment and for
settlement of disputes
(b) Encourage the establishment of effective procedures among member
organisations for the
settlement of grievances and disputes at the level of the establishment or
(c) Take all reasonable steps to ensure that member organisations observe
agreements and
agreed procedures
(d) collect, analyse and distribute information to its members concerning
industrial relations
(e) Identify trends and new developments in industrial relations and help its
members to
anticipate and keep abreast of change
(f) Provide an efficient and realistic advisory service to its members on all
matters of
industrial relations.
(6) A trade union can promote the interests of its members effectively only if it
accepts, that, in
common with management, it has an interest in and a responsibility for the
success of the
undertaking and for the national, economic and social well-being of the country
as a whole. This
involves co-operation with the employer in promoting efficiency and good
industrial relations.(7) To secure these aims, a trade union should:
(a) Co-operate with employers association in establishing effective procedures
at industry
level for the negotiation of terms and conditions of employment and for the
settlement of disputes that arise
(b) Co-operate with individual management in establishing effective procedures
negotiation, consultation, communication and the settlement of grievances and
(c) Take all reasonable steps to ensure that their officials and members observe
and use agreed procedures
(d) Make full use of the established procedures for the settlement of disputes.
(8) To ensure that its organisation is effective, a trade union should also:
(a) Have enough officials, full time or otherwise, to maintain regular contacts not
only with
union members but also with management of establishments or undertakings
the union has been recognised
(b) Maintain a communications system which secures the interchange of
information and
views between different levels in the union and ensures that members are
appropriate to his work also helps the individual to develop his potential, to
increase the satisfaction
he finds in his work and to improve his earning capacity.(15) Newly recruited
employees should be given initial instruction covering:
(a) The organisation, its employment policy and welfare and social facilities that
(b) Specific training in the job to supplement previous training and experience.
(16) Younger persons entering employment or the first time should be given
broader basic
instructions covering a general introduction to working life.
(17) In appropriate cases, further training should be provided when there is a
significant change in
the content of the job or in the level of the job being performed.
Payment system
Although payment systems vary according to the nature and organisation of the
work, local
conditions and other factors, the following principles should be observed so as to
ensure that the
system of payment is soundly based and thereby reduces the incidence of
disputes arising:
(a) Payment systems should be as simple as possible
(b) Differences in rates should be related to the requirements of the job which
wherever possible, be assessed by agreed as well established methods
(c) piece-work rates, incentive bonuses, etc should be determined by agreed or
established methods
(d) Rates of payment should be jointly negotiated where a recognised trade
union exists.
Security of employment
Insecurity of employment and fear of the consequences of redundancy and
retirement have a
(ii) Introducing schemes for voluntary retrenchment and retirement and for
payment of
redundancy and retirement benefits
(iii) Retiring workers who are beyond their normal retiring age
(iv) Assisting, in co-operation with the Ministry of Human Resources, the workers
to find
work outside the undertaking
(v) Spreading termination of employment over a longer period
(vi) Ensuring that no such announcement is made before the workers and their
or trade union has been informed.
(b) The employer should select employees to be retrenched in accordance with
objective criteria.
Such criteria, which should have been worked out in advance with the
employees representatives
or trade union may include:
(i) The need for the efficient operation of the establishment or undertaking
(ii) Ability, experience, skill and occupational qualifications of individual workers
by the establishment or undertaking under part (i)
(iii) Consideration for length of service and status (non-citizens, casual,
permanent)(iv) Age
(v) Family situation
(vi) Such other criteria as may be formulated in the context of national policies.
(23) Employees, who are retrenched, should be given priority of engagement/reengagement, as far
as is possible, by the employer when he engages workers.
(24) The appropriate measures and objective criteria should comprise part of the
establishments or
undertakings employment policy.
Working conditions
Good physical working conditions help to achieve good industrial relations. The
first need is
for the employer to ensure that the standards laid down by law are fully complied
But this is not enough by itself, for most work-places could be made safe,
healthier and more
pleasant to work in if more care were taken about the working environment
like improving the
cleanliness, tidiness and general appearance of the work-place; reducing strain
and monotony
involved in the work; encouraging workers and their representatives to cooperate in improving
working conditions and providing for consultation with workers on their
representatives on these
matters. Workers or their trade union representatives should co-operate with
employers in making
the best use of the arrangements for consultation in this field.