Biological Synopsis of Largemouth Bass

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Biological Synopsis of Largemouth Bass

(Micropterus salmoides)

T.G. Brown, B. Runciman, S. Pollard, and A.D.A. Grant

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Science Branch, Pacific Region
Pacific Biological Station
3190 Hammond Bay Road
Nanaimo, B.C. V9T 6N7 CANADA


Canadian Manuscript Report of

Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2884


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Canadian Manuscript Report of

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BASS (Micropterus salmoides)


T.G. Brown, B. Runciman, S. Pollard, and A.D.A. Grant

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Science Branch, Pacific Region
Pacific Biological Station
3190 Hammond Bay Road
Nanaimo, B.C.
V9T 6N7


Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2009

Cat. No. Fs 97-4/2884E ISSN 0706-6473

Correct citation for this publication:

Brown, T.G., Runciman, B., Pollard, S., and Grant, A.D.A. 2009. Biological
synopsis of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Can. Manuscr.
Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2884: v + 27 p.

ABSTRACT........................................................................................................... v
1.0 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................1
1.1 NAME, CLASSIFICATION AND IDENTIFIERS..........................................1
1.2 DESCRIPTION...........................................................................................2
1.2.1 Taxonomy and genetics.......................................................................3
2.0 DISTRIBUTION...............................................................................................3
2.1 GLOBAL NATIVE DISTRIBUTION..............................................................3
2.2 NON-NATIVE DISTRIBUTION ....................................................................4
3.0 BIOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY............................................................6
3.1 AGE AND GROWTH ..................................................................................6
3.2 PHYSIOLOGICAL TOLERANCES .............................................................6
3.2.1 Temperature ........................................................................................6
3.2.2 Dissolved oxygen and pH ....................................................................7
3.2.3 Turbidity ...............................................................................................7
3.2.4 Salinity .................................................................................................7
3.3 REPRODUCTION ......................................................................................7
3.3.1 Spawning behaviour ............................................................................8
3.3.2 Larval care and development...............................................................8
3.3.3 Factors affecting reproductive success................................................9
3.4 FEEDING AND DIET..................................................................................9
3.4.1 Juvenile diet.........................................................................................9
3.4.2 Transition to piscivory ..........................................................................9
3.4.3 Adult diet............................................................................................10
3.5 HABITAT REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................11
3.5.1 Aquatic vegetation .............................................................................11
3.6 INTERSPECIFIC INTERACTIONS ..........................................................12
3.7 BEHAVIOUR AND MOVEMENTS............................................................12
3.7.1 Translocation .....................................................................................12
3.7.2 Diel movements .................................................................................12
3.7.3 Feeding behaviour .............................................................................12
3.8 DISEASES AND PARASITES..................................................................13
3.8.1 Largemouth bass virus.......................................................................13
3.8.2 Bass tapeworm ..................................................................................13
4.0 USE BY HUMANS .......................................................................................14
4.1 RECREATIONAL FISHING ......................................................................14
4.2 COMMERCIAL FISHING..........................................................................14
4.3 AQUACULTURE ......................................................................................14

5.0 IMPACTS ASSOCIATED WITH INTRODUCTIONS ....................................15
5.1 IMPACTS ON FAUNA ..............................................................................15
5.1.1 Plankton, zooplankton, and macroinvertebrates ................................15
5.1.2 Fish other than salmonids..................................................................15
5.1.3 Salmonids ..........................................................................................16
5.1.4 Wildlife ...............................................................................................18
5.2 IMPACT SUMMARY ................................................................................18
6.0 LITERATURE CITED...................................................................................18

Brown, T. G., Runciman, B., Pollard, S., and Grant, A.D.A. 2009. Biological
synopsis of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Can. Manuscr.
Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2884: v + 27 p.
This synopsis reviews biological information on the largemouth bass in support of
a risk assessment evaluating the impacts of its expansion into non-native areas
of Canada. Largemouth bass is native to the fresh waters of eastern-central
North America. Its North American expansion started in the late 1800s and it is
now one of the most widely distributed fishes in the world, mainly because of its
popularity among anglers. Largemouth bass reside in swamps, ponds, lakes,
reservoirs, creeks, estuaries, and large rivers. They are more tolerant of low
dissolved oxygen and pH than are smallmouth bass and feed primarily by sight.
Adult bass are primarily piscivorous and consume a wide variety of small-bodied
and juvenile fish. Introduced bass usually alter fish communities through
predation, especially on small-bodied fish such as minnows and can extirpate
some populations. Largemouth bass also consume juvenile salmonids, especially
when they are migrating.

Brown, T. G., Runciman, B., Pollard, S and Grant, A.D.A. 2009. Biological
synopsis of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Can. Manuscr.
Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2884: v + 27 p.
Le prsent synopsis examine les donnes biologiques sur lachigan grande
bouche pour appuyer une valuation des risques portant sur les effets de
lexpansion de son aire de rpartition vers des rgions non indignes au Canada.
Lachigan grande bouche est un poisson deau douce indigne du centre-est
de lAmrique du Nord. Lexpansion de son aire de rpartition en Amrique du
Nord a dbut la fin des annes 1800 et il sagit aujourdhui de lun des
poissons les plus rpandus dans le monde, principalement en raison de sa
popularit auprs des pcheurs la ligne. Lachigan grande bouche frquente
les marcages, les tangs, les lacs, les rservoirs, les ruisseaux, les estuaires et
les grands cours deau. Il est plus tolrant que lachigan petite bouche une
faible teneur en oxygne dissous et un pH faible. Cet achigan dpend de sa
vue pour reprer ses proies. Lachigan adulte est surtout piscivore et consomme
une grande varit de juvniles et de poissons de petite taille. tant de grands
prdateurs, les achigans introduits altrent les communauts de poissons,
particulirement les poissons de petite taille comme les mns, et peuvent
causer la disparition de certaines populations. Lachigan grande bouche
consomme galement des salmonids juvniles, particulirement pendant leur

The introduction of non-native species is a serious threat to fish communities in
Canadian lakes and rivers. Highly adaptable species can spread far beyond their
initial point of introduction, along many pathways, with effects that range from
simple competition and predation to subtle but far-reaching alterations of
communities and ecosystems.
Largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides is native to North America. It is a
capable invader, a strong competitor, and a known predator on native fish
species. Its range in Canada has expanded west to British Columbia and east
into New Brunswick. Invasive largemouth bass should be considered a potential
threat to freshwater biodiversity not only through its ability to alter native minnow
communities but also for the potential to impact salmonid populations.
The purpose of this synopsis is to provide background biological information that
can be used to estimate the level of risk inherent in expansion of largemouth
bass range in Canada. The synopsis summarizes the biology, life history, current
distribution and known impacts of the species.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Suborder: Percoidei
Family: Centrarchidae
Genus: Micropterus
Species: salmoides
Scientific Name: Micropterus salmoides Lacepde (1802)
Common name (English): largemouth bass
Common name (French): achigan grande bouche
Integrated Taxonomic Information System Serial Number: 168160
Sources: Zip Code Zoo; Animal Diversity Web (all 2008).
The scientific name for largemouth bass is derived from the Greek micropterus,
small fin and the Latin salmoides, trout-like. The small fin naming is a
misnomer based on a specimen with a damaged fin. The common name
describes its most obvious physical characteristic; numerous other regional
common names can be found in Scott and Crossman (1973).

Members of the sunfish family have two dorsal fins that appear joined. The
anterior fin has spines and the posterior one has soft rays (Scott and Crossman
1973). Although members of the sunfish family are usually laterally flattened
(compressiform), basses tend to be slightly more fusiform (streamlined), with an
emarginated tail. This implies that they can swim faster in open water and have
excellent acceleration.
The body of largemouth bass is slightly compressed laterally, but oval in cross
section (Scott and Crossman 1973). In Canada, the species is most commonly
caught between 200 and 380 mm in length, although larger fish are taken in
tournaments (Scott and Crossman 1973). Specimens up to 500 mm long have
been caught in British Columbia (McPhail 2007). The present record largemouth
bass was caught in Georgia in 1932; it was 827 mm long and weighed 10.1 kg
(Scott and Crossman 1973).
The most distinctive feature of the largemouth bass is its very large, sloping
mouth that extends past the eye. The pharyngeal jaws are well-developed, with
fine brush like teeth in the upper and lower pharynx (Scott and Crossman 1973).
No teeth are found on the tongue. The notch between the anterior and posterior
dorsal fins is deep.
The top of the head and back of largemouth bass are dark to light green
(Figure 1), while the underside of the head and belly are lighter (Scott and
Crossman 1973). A lateral stripe or black shading may run along the lateral line
from the snout to the tail, especially in juveniles (Moyle 2002). The eye may have
a black opercular spot. Males tend to be darker during breeding, and bass will
vary in colouration when taken from lakes with different substrates (Scott and
Crossman 1973).
Smallmouth and largemouth bass can be easily told apart. While the maxilla of
the smallmouth is roughly even with the pupil of the eye and the upper jaw
reaches to near the rear margin of the eye, the largemouth bass upper and lower
jaws extend past the back edge of the eye. The largemouth has a more
pronounced notch between the spiny and soft parts of the dorsal fin irregular bars
forming a strip along the side. The eye of largemouth is gold, while the
smallmouth bass eye is often red.

Figure 1. Largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides. Image courtesy of the New

York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany NY.
1.2.1 Taxonomy and genetics
The Centrarchidae or sunfish family is native to North America and is the second
largest on the continent, with 30 species (Scott and Crossman 1973). Male
centrarchids build nests and guard eggs (McPhail 2007). The genus Micropterus
contains eight species of bass (Near et al. 2003) one of which is the largemouth
There are two subspecies of largemouth bass, commonly referred to as the
Northern and Florida subspecies (Bailey and Hubbs 1949). Micropterus
salmoides salmoides Smith (1965) originally inhabited the lower Great Lakes
drainage, middle Mississippi system, Florida, and coastal watersheds from
Georgia to Virginia. This Northern subspecies has 15 abdominal vertebrae. The
Florida subspecies Micropterus salmoides floridanus LeSueur (1949) now
inhabits Florida and some parts of Georgia. The two subspecies will hybridize,
with the Florida strain becoming dominant (Moyle 2002).

Largemouth bass are native to North America, and its native range was generally
restricted to the fresh waters of eastern-central North America including the lower
Great Lakes (Scott and Crossman 1973; Figure 2). The native range extended
south from Ontario to Iowa, through Texas and into north-eastern Mexico, and
east to Florida and Virginia (McPhail 2007).

Largemouth bass native

Largemouth bass introduced

Figure 2. Native and non-native range of largemouth bass from Tovey et al.
Largemouth bass is now one of the most widely distributed freshwater fishes in
the world, mainly because of its popularity as a sports fish. In the U.S., it is
absent from only Alaska (Scott and Crossman 1973). Its North American
expansion started in the late 1800s, aided by extensive stocking and the species
adaptable nature. It is now abundant throughout the Appalachian and Ozark
Ranges, most of the north-eastern U.S. from Maryland to Maine, and eastern
Canada. A largemouth bass was captured in the Magaquadavic River, New
Brunswick, in 2006 (ASF 2006). Largemouth bass are now available to more
U.S. anglers than any other species of fish.
In Ontario, largemouth bass are found in the lower Great Lakes and inland
waters of southern Ontario, and have expanded their range further north in
eastern Ontario and into south-western Ontario. In 1990, they were estimated to
inhabit 1,275 lakes in the province (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 1990).

In Quebec, largemouth bass are found in the Saint Lawrence River and in the
Richelieu-Lake Champlain system (Scott and Crossman 1973). Expansion to the
north has been more limited.
Largemouth bass have been introduced into the Prairie Provinces. Langhorne et
al. (2001) and Nelson and Paetz (1992) described their introduction into Alberta
as unsuccessful; the attempts included Lakes Minnewanka, Sylvan, Gull, Pine,
Buffalo and Cooking (in 1908), Ministik Lake in 1924 and Pigeon, Wabamun and
Lac La Nonne in the 1990s. In Saskatchewan, successful introductions were
made into Boundary Reservoir on the Souris River (Langhorne et al. 2001). In
Manitoba, largemouth bass were introduced into Fort Whyte Nature Centre, Lake
Minnewasta, and Lake of the Woods; pockets of survivors persist (Langhorne et
al. 2001).
Both large and smallmouth bass are thought to have entered southern B.C.
through natural dispersal from Idaho by way of Washington (Scott and Crossman
1973; McPhail 2007), where non-native centrachids, ictalurids, percid, and
salmonids were introduced by the U.S. Fish Commission during the late 19th and
early 20th centuries (Wydoski and Whitney 2003; Bonar et al. 2005). The first
largemouth bass in B.C. were recorded in Vaseaux Lake in 1909 (Field and
Dickie 1987) and in the Kootenay River system in 1921 (Dymond 1936). Bass
have dispersed within the Columbia, Kootenay and Okanagan regions through
natural movements and illegal introductions. In the Fraser Valley, largemouth
bass were introduced into the Sumas River and have spread into numerous
water bodies including Hatzic and Silvermere Lakes and the Pitt and Salmon
Rivers (McPhail 2007; Runciman and Leaf 2009). The species has recently been
confirmed in two Vancouver Island lakes (Runciman and Leaf 2009).
Brown et al. (2009a,b) discuss modes of invasion and rate of spread of yellow
perch and smallmouth bass. Seven key non-authorized pathways for introduction
and spread were examined; authorized introductions were also considered.
Largemouth bass introductions are likely to follow a similar pattern. In British
Columbia spread likely occures through illegal introductions into new water
bodies, from which they can move through interconnected waterways to invade
adjoining streams and lakes.
Authorized introductions or transfers of largemouth bass have been made in B.C.
Five such recorded transfers took place between 1987 and 1993 in the
Okanagan and Kootenay regions. A transfer of largemouth bass from Osoyoos
Lake to landlocked Deadman Lake in 1987 was the only recorded transfer in the
Kootenay Region. Several transfers of largemouth bass were made in the
Okanagan Region in 1988-89. Largemouth bass have also invaded many of the
streams and backwaters of the lower Fraser River Basin. McPhail (2007)
concluded that illegal introduction of bass and perch species is of particular
concern to fisheries and ecosystems managers.

Rapid growth of bass fry is critical to their surviving the first winter. Growth of
young-of-the-year bass was positively related to water and air temperatures in
June-August (Scott and Crossman 1973). Length of the growing season
determined the size of bass fry entering winter, and size of young-of-the-year in
autumn is linked to over-winter survival (Jackson and Mandrak 2002). Shuter et
al. (1980) noted that growth of smallmouth bass ceased and the winter starvation
period began when temperatures dropped below 7-10OC. The critical size at the
end of the growing season was dependent upon the length of the starvation
period. Winter temperature and duration, combined with factors such as
geographic origin, food availability, and initial body size were major factors
influencing recruitment of age-0 largemouth bass (Fullerton et al. 2000). A
young-of-the-year recruitment index has been developed for largemouth bass in
Ontario lakes (Minns et al. 2005).
Growth rates and body size at age vary throughout the bass range (Garvey and
Marschall 2003). Growth rate is typically higher in southern regions, and
depends more on availability of the right size of forage. Hill and Cichra (2005)
presented a table of length to weight for largemouth bass. In Lake Washington,
Stein (1970) measured growth rates and developed size tables for nine yearclasses of largemouth bass. A rough estimate of largemouth biomass for Lake
Washington was 1,340 kg or 0.5 kg/acre. In Ontario, it takes largemouth bass 4-5
years to reach 30 cm (Scott and Crossman 1973), and average normal adult
growth over a wide mid-eastern area was estimated to be 450 g/year (Stuber et
al. 1982). It takes about 1.8 kg of food to produce 0.5-kg of largemouth bass
(Scott and Crossman 1973).
The maximum age of largemouth bass in Ontario is 13-15 years, at which time
the fish may reach 55 cm and weigh around 2 kg. The largest Canadian
largemouth bass was caught in Preston Lake, Ontario in 1948, and weighed 4.7
kg (Scott and Crossman 1973).
3.2.1 Temperature
Temperature requirements vary depending upon the life stage and activity. The
temperature for optimal growth of adult largemouth bass is 24-30 OC (Venables
et al. 1978; Stuber et al. 1982). The minimum temperature that permits growth is
15 OC and the maximum is 36 OC (Stuber et al. 1982). For spawning and
incubation, optimal temperature is 20-21 OC (Clugston 1964) with a range of 1326 OC (Kelley 1968). Survival of eggs and embryos is unlikely above 30 OC
(Kelley 1968) or below 10 OC (Kramer and Smith 1960). Fry growth is optimal

between 27 and 30 OC, and growth will cease below 15 OC and above 32OC
(Strawn 1961; Stuber et al. 1982). The growth rate of sub-adult largemouth bass
was fastest at temperatures between 26 and 28 OC (Coutant and Cox 1976).
3.2.2 Dissolved oxygen and pH
Largemouth bass are more tolerant of low dissolved oxygen and pH than are
smallmouth bass (Scott and Crossman 1973; Lasenby and Kerr 2000).
Largemouth bass avoid waters with dissolved oxygen below 3 mg/l but can
survive at 1.5 mg/l when temperatures are optimal (Scott and Crossman 1973).
Levels below 1.0 mg/l are lethal (Stuber et al. 1982). Lower oxygen levels, plus
the weedy environment they prefer, may subject largemouth bass to winterkill
(Scott and Crossman 1973).
The optimal pH range for largemouth bass is 6.5-8.5 (Stroud 1967). They will
tolerate short-term exposure to a pH minimum of 3.9 and maximum of 10.9;
however, bass will not spawn at pH less than 5.0, and eggs do not survive at pH
above 9.6 (Stuber et al. 1982).
3.2.3 Turbidity
Largemouth bass are intolerant of high turbidity (suspended solids) and do best
at turbidities below 25 ppm, although some growth can occur in ponds between
25-100 ppm (references cited in Stuber et al. 1982). No young-of-the-year were
found above 100 ppm. Optimum suspended solid levels were assumed to be
between 5 and 25 ppm, with low productivity at the minimum value (references
cited in Stuber et al. 1982).
3.2.4 Salinity
Largemouth bass generally inhabit waters that range from fresh to oligohaline
(0.5-5.0 ppt), although some individuals have been reported from tidal freshwater
and estuaries with salinities up to 24 ppt (Moyle 2002; Peer et al. 2006). Tebo
and McCoy (1964) noted that largemouth bass abundance declined above
approximately 4 ppt. Embryonic development was impaired at 1.5 ppt, and
survival was zero at salinities above 10.5 ppt. Fry growth declined at 1.7 ppt and
was zero at 6 ppt (Tebo and McCoy 1964).
Female largemouth bass commonly attain nine years of age, while males reach
six years. In Canada, males reach sexual maturity by ages three to four, and
females at four to five (Scott and Crossman 1973; Roberge et al. 2001; McPhail
2007). In warmer southern regions, females can mature much faster, allowing for
year-round growth (Stuber et al. 1982).

3.3.1 Spawning behaviour
Spawning starts in late spring and continues into early summer or even August,
with peak spawning in mid-June (Scott and Crossman 1973). Nest selection and
construction by males commences when water temperature reaches at least
15.6OC (Roberge et al. 2001; McPhail 2007). The male begins the spawning
process by clearing out a nest or small saucer-shaped depression with its tail
about 1 m in diameter (Moyle 2002). Nests are generally found in sand, gravel,
debris and soft mud near reeds, bulrushes and water lilies (Roberge et al. 2001;
Moyle 2002; McPhail 2007). The nests are constructed in shallow water, often
around 1 m deep (Moyle 2002; McPhail 2007). Suitable spawning areas may
hold multiple bass nests but these will be about 2 m apart due to the aggressive
nature of the males (Scott and Crossman 1973; Moyle 2002; McPhail 2007).
Scott and Crossman (1973) stated that largemouth bass may spawn with very
little nest preparation, and eggs can be deposited on submerged rootlets, logs,
as well as submerged vegetation in the prepared site.
Most spawning occurs at dusk or dawn (McPhail 2007). Courtship begins when a
gravid female approaches a nest. Not all eggs are shed in the first spawning and
females may spawn again with the same or another male (Roberge et al. 2001;
McPhail 2007). A female largemouth bass may lay 4,000-14,000 eggs per kg of
body weight (Scott and Crossman 1973). As body size is highly variable, this
may represent from 2,000 to 94,000 or more eggs (Moyle 2002). Stein (1970)
reported bass fecundity in Lake Washington by age as ranging from 21,000 at
age 3 to 46,015 at age 7. Large adults spawn earlier, which may advance the
time of swim-up for larval bass, thus improving growth rate and next years
recruitment (Goodgame and Miranda 1993).
3.3.2 Larval care and development
After the female bass leaves the nest, the male guards the eggs and developing
larvae. Eggs hatch within three to five days (Scott and Crossman 1973;
Roberge et al. 2001) at the water temperatures typically found in Canada. Upon
hatching, young largemouth bass fry are transparent and approximately 3 mm in
length (Hardy 1978). The young remain in the nest until the yolk is absorbed (10
days), then rise from the nest (Hardy 1978), by which time they are 5.9-6.3 mm
long (Scott and Crossman 1973) and have turned a light brown to pale green
(McPhail 2007).
Scott and Crossman (1973) noted that predation on young bass and nest
deterioration were two of the major causes for poor survival of eggs and youngof-the-year. While the larvae of most sunfish species disperse soon after rising
from the nest, largemouth bass larvae stay in a protected brood swarm for 3-4
weeks (Scott and Crossman 1973). On average there are about 5-7,000 fry per
nest (Scott and Crossman 1973), dispersed during the day, but the swarm

becomes more compact at night (McPhail 2007). After the swarm disperses, the
male bass resumes feeding and may even consume young bass.
3.3.3 Factors affecting reproductive success
Like smallmouth bass, largemouth spawning success can be attributed to good
spawning locations and stable weather during spawning. Factors affecting
reproduction and survival include water-level fluctuation (Hill and Cichra 2005),
wind and wave action, water quality, cover, temperature (especially a rapid drop),
predation and human activities (Allan and Romero 1975). If conditions are not
favourable, largemouth males may abandon the nest and the eggs and fry can
be consumed by other fish.
3.4.1 Juvenile diet
Stein (1970) examined the feeding and diet of largemouth bass young in Lake
Washington, dividing the fry (< 100 mm) into 20 mm size classes. The smallest
size class (21-40 mm) consumed cladocera, copepoda, dipteran larvae, dipteran
pupae, and amphipoda. When fry reached 61-80 mm, they ate less cladocera,
copepoda and dipteran larva, and more dipteran pupae, ephemeropteran
nymphs and small cottid fish (5%). By the time the bass were 81-100 mm, fish
are found in 29% of the stomachs, along with mysids, ephemeropteran nymphs,,
isopoda , dipteran larvae and pupae, cladocera and copepoda. There was thus a
continuing diet shift from small zooplankton to small insect larva to larger insect
pupae and nymphs to larger mysidacea and isopoda, and finally to fish.
3.4.2 Transition to piscivory
Stein (1970) examined adult largemouth bass diet in Lake Washington, and
found fish in 57% of the stomachs of bass > 10 cm in length. In the larger bass,
fish prey represented 87% of total gut volume. The main fish species found in
adult largemouth bass stomachs were cottidae (44.6%), salmonidae (13.9%),
cyprinidae (11.7%) and centrarchidae (5.6%). Crustacea (13% by volume) were
also a major food item. Insecta represented only 0.6% of the gut volume;
chironomid pupae and larvae were the most frequent items.
The dietary shift from insects to fish appears to be crucial to growth and survival
(Post 2003). A diet of fish provides higher energy and corresponds to faster
growth later in the season (Keast and Eadie 1985). In Lake Opinicon, Ontario, a
growth discrepancy of 26 mm in young-of-the-year largemouth bass in
September was attributed to size-dependent differences in diet and prey
availability (Keast and Eadie 1985). Post (2003) felt that a 10-day variation in
hatching dates and a higher than average growth rate was required to cause an
early switch in diet, sustain piscivory in the first summer, increase growth rate,

and decrease mortality. The availability of specific prey items may also be critical
in the transition from an entomostracan diet to a diet of fish; Applegate and
Mullan (1967) noted that chironomid larva could bridge the gap at this crucial
Largemouth bass swallow prey whole, and the ratio between gape and prey size
is critical in determining when largemouth bass become piscivorous (Hill and
Cichra 2005). The size at niche shift (to fish diet) is highly variable. The shift
from insects to gizzard shad in an Arkansas reservoir occurred at 40 mm
(Applegate and Mullan 1967), earlier than the Lake Washington study cited
above (Stein 1970). In a non-vegetated lake in Florida, the shift took place at 60
mm, while in a vegetated lake in Florida it occurred at 120 mm. In a vegetated
Texas Lake, a shift to a fish diet did not occur until 140 mm (Hill and Cichra
3.4.3 Adult diet
Adult bass are primarily piscivorous and consume a wide variety of small-bodied
and juvenile fish; prey items and the authorities cited can be found in Lasenby
and Kerr (2000), who list more than 20 species including minnow, bullhead,
yellow perch, other sunfish and rainbow trout. Largemouth bass are also
cannibalistic; Scott and Crossman (1973) stated that cannibalism is higher than
in smallmouth bass, and that up to 10% of the food of largemouth bass 203 mm
and over was fry of the same species. Crayfish, frogs, and salamanders are also
consumed (Scott and Crossman 1973; Hickley et al. 1994; Lasenby and Kerr
2000). Schindler et al. (1997) reported that the aggregate bass diet did not
change over 10 years of study, although each bass sampled might consume
different items. Re-examination of individual bass revealed that a given fish
exhibited high diet consistency, independent of population densities.
Crayfish may play an important role in adult largemouth bass diet, but are more
likely to represent a higher portion of the smallmouth bass diet (Scott and
Crossman 1973; Moyle 2002). This may be due to differences in the preferred
habitat types: crayfish are abundant in rocky areas that would be preferred by
smallmouth bass, while minnows are more abundant in the weedy habitats
favoured by largemouth bass (Mueller and Rothaus 2001).
For the two years examined, fish represented 80% and 88% of largemouth bass
diet in Lake Sammanish, Washington (Pflug 1981). Largemouth bass consumed
a higher percentage salmonids than did smallmouth bass. Bonar et al. (1994)
found that largemouth bass diet corresponded to the availability of forage fish in
three Washington lakes. If forage fish and insects were abundant, bass diet
consisted almost entirely of fish. In a bass-crowded lake, insects were more
significant. As largemouth bass size increased, so did prey size.

Largemouth bass reside in all types of water, including swamps, ponds, lakes,
reservoirs, creeks, estuaries, and large rivers (Scott and Crossman 1973), and
have been reported to utilize inundated southern floodplains (Hill and Cichra
2005). Lacustrine environments tend to be preferred (Scott and Crossman 1973;
Stuber et al. 1982). The best largemouth bass lakes have considerable shallow
littoral zones, extensive submergent vegetation and, in northern latitudes,
enough area to provide over-wintering habitat (Winter 1977; Stuber et al. 1982).
Pflug (1981) described largemouth bass in Lake Sammamish, Washington as
occupying sites with moderate to dense growths of aquatic vegetation, shallow
water and substrates of silt and sand.
Lasenby and Kerr (2000) described the general habitat requirements of
largemouth bass in Ontario. Largemouth bass prefer ponds greater than 0.1 ha
in surface area with a muddy or gravel substrate. They occupy waters generally
less than 6 m deep. Preferred habitats exhibit little current, have slight to
moderate water clarity, and should support moderate densities of aquatic
vegetation. Bass prefer shaded areas and seek protect from light during all
stages of life (Baker et al. 1993).
Riverine largemouth bass habitat is characterized as wide and slow-moving, with
pools and backwaters, mud/silt bottoms, aquatic vegetation, and relatively clear
water (Scott and Crossman 1973; Stuber et al. 1982). The species prefers weedy
backwaters of larger systems and clear floodplain lakes (Moyle 2002).
3.5.1 Aquatic vegetation
The importance of aquatic vegetation for largemouth bass has been well
documented (Scott and Crossman 1973; Stuber et al. 1982; Roberge et al.
2001), and the relationship between bass and rooted aquatic weeds may be
complex. Dense aquatic vegetation may reduce predation on young bass, and
prey densities may be higher. Largemouth bass are ambush predators that use
the weeds for concealment. Following removal of aquatic vegetation (hydrilla) in
Lake Seminole, Georgia, largemouth appeared to change feeding strategies from
ambushing to searching, had increased daytime movement, but remained within
the treatment area (Sammons et al. 2003). Adult largemouth bass are less
accessible to anglers in dense vegetation (Brown and Maceina 2002). In B.C.,
the spread of aquatic Asian milfoil may enhance largemouth bass habitat
(Hatfield Consultants Ltd. 1996).
Deeper Nebraska lakes supported a low density of largemouth bass, but the
population contained a high proportion of large fish (Paukert and Willis 2004).
Abundance was greater, year class recruitment was more stable, and the
proportion of large bass increased with the extent of emergent vegetation cover.

Adult largemouth are not normally predated upon because of their size,
swimming ability, and spines on their back. Small juvenile largemouth bass are
preyed upon by many fish, bird and other vertebrate species including yellow
perch, walleye, northern pike, heron, osprey and kingfisher (Scott and Crossman
3.7.1 Translocation
Largemouth bass are active in the warmer seasons and quiescent in the winter
(Demers et al. 1996). In Lake Seminole, Georgia, tagged largemouth ranged
further in summer than in winter, although less than 50m/hr in all seasons and
times of the day (Sammons and Maceina 2005). Funk (1957) noted that each fish
species in the Mississippi River had both sedentary and mobile individuals;
largemouth bass were characterised as semi-mobile. They seldom traveled
more than 40 km.
Acoustic telemetry was used in an eastern Ontario Lake to monitor 20
largemouth bass (Hanson et al. 2007). Individuals exhibited different seasonal
movement patterns: some bass held discrete home ranges, while others were
transient. Largemouth bass movement was positively correlated with water
temperature. Fish movement varied by month. During winter, largemouth bass
spent 95% of their time swimming at minimal speeds compared to faster
swimming rates in late autumn and spring. Although their spatial distribution is
more confined in winter, a few fish did undertake localized movements under the
3.7.2 Diel movements
Largemouth bass move into shallow water at night to feed (Scott and Crossman
1973). During the day, largemouth bass may cruise above aquatic plants at
depths of 1-3 m, or rest under lily pads or in the shade of overhanging structures.
In Lake Seminole, Georgia, largemouth were offshore in deeper water near
woody structures during the day, but moved towards the shoreline at dusk for
foraging (Sammons and Maceina 2005). In the more northern waters of eastern
Ontario, Hanson et al. (2007) reported similar diel behaviour, but noted that this
pattern was only apparent in the spring and was characterized as elevated
activity during the day, with slightly higher peaks at dawn and dusk.
3.7.3 Feeding behaviour
Largemouth bass feed primarily by sight, but also sense odours and vibration
(Scott and Crossman 1973). McMahon and Holanov (1995) found that

largemouth bass foraging success was greater than 95% a light levels ranging
from low intensity daylight to moonlight, but foraging success declined to 62% in
starlight and was near 0% in darkness. They calculated that differences in water
clarity could dramatically limit the feeding depth of largemouth bass, especially at
night during a full moon or under starlight. The available feeding depth for low
clarity water was 67-75% less than for moderate and high water clarities.
McMahon and Holanov (1995) concluded that water clarity and available light
could have important ramifications for largemouth bass feeding and predator
prey interactions.
In mainland B.C., 48 largemouth bass from three locations were examined for
parasites (Bangham and Adams 1954). Although 47 were infected with
parasites, infections were considered light, and only four species of parasites
were found. Gill flukes were common, and the bass cestode Proteocephalus
ambloplitis was present as larval cysts but not as adults. This compares to 26
different species in Wisconsin and 18 in Florida, where parasites such as
protozoa, copepods, roundworms, tapeworms, flatworms and leeches are
common on Florida largemouth bass (Hoffman 1967; Craig 1987). In Florida, the
ectoparasitic protozoan Scyphidia tholiformis is one of the most common.
3.8.1 Largemouth bass virus
Largemouth bass virus (LMBV) has been responsible for a number of largemouth
bass kills in eastern North America from 1995-2002. Since it was first discovered
in Florida in 1991, LMBV has spread north into 18 eastern U.S. states including
Michigan and Illinois (Grizzle and Brunner 2003; Great Lakes Fishery
Commission 2006). The virus is easily transmitted through fish to fish contact,
consumption of infected prey or through the water, and it can survive in boat live
wells for up to 7 days (Grizzle and Brunner 2003). The virus appears to infect a
number of other fish species including smallmouth bass, but has only been
associated with the death of largemouth bass (Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2006). The virus has not been found in western North America.
3.8.2 Bass tapeworm
The bass tapeworm Proteocephalus ambloplitis life cycle was described by
Gillilland and Muzzall (2004). It usually involves a primary host (copepod or
amphipod), a secondary host (usually a fish), and a definitive fish host (i.e.
largemouth bass or smallmouth bass). Eggs and mature proglottids are shed with
the feces of the definitive host and infect the copepod. The overall intensity of
infection was higher in smallmouth than in largemouth bass for a Michigan Lake
(Gillilland and Muzzall 2004).

The bass tapeworm is considered a problem for trout and salmon management
in the Pacific Northwest because the worm can develop after ingestion of
copepoda, an important food item for rainbow trout, cutthroat trout and coho
salmon (Becker and Brunson 1968; Antipa 1974). Pleroceroid larvae are often
found in the body cavities and internal organs of fish, and may cause sterility
(Antipa 1974). The tapeworm is currently widespread in North America and
considered to be an important issue in Ontario (Fisher and Freeman 1969) and
Quebec (Boucher 2005). It may be spreading north with climate change
(Marcogliese 2001).
Lasenby and Kerr (2000) felt that the stocking of bass can contaminate native
fish. They cite the incidence of largemouth bass not reaching their stocking
destinations alive because of a heavy parasite load. They also blame the
stocking of largemouth bass for the introduction of parasites into new
geographical areas. Proteocephalus ambloplitis was introduced into
Saskatchewan reservoirs through the release of infected bass fingerlings (Szalai
and Dick 1998).


Largemouth bass are the most popular sport fish in North America (Lasenby and
Kerr 2000). Huge recreational fisheries include tournaments and derbies.
Fisheries management actions include regulations, habitat enhancement, and
hatchery augmentation. In 2001, a survey by the US Fish and Wildlife Service
indicated there were 34.1 million anglers who generated $U.S. 35.6 billion; 11.3
million of these people fish for bass (United States Department of the Interior
There is no commercial fishery focusing on largemouth bass in Canada. Like the
smallmouth, largemouth bass were targeted as a commercial species until 1936,
when they were designated a sport fish (Scott and Crossman 1973). Bass are
highly regarded as sport fish and must be released when caught in commercial
gear (Smith and Edwards 2002).
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO 1996)
acknowledged that the number of fish species used in aquaculture is continuing
to grow, and largemouth bass culture for food was reported by this organization
for the first time in 1994. In the U.S., largemouth bass are cultured at private,
state, and federal facilities primarily for recreational fish stocking programs

(USDA 2006), although food fish are also sold into Asian markets (Tidwell et al.
2002). In 2005, 192 U.S. farms reared largemouth bass, with estimated sales of
$10.6 million (USDA 2006).
The farming of largemouth bass is extremely limited in Canada, with most
facilities in Ontario. Farm production of bass in Canada is designed for outplanting for recreational purposes, and smallmouth bass production dominates.
An excellent review of bass stocking and transplanting was compiled by Lasenby
and Kerr (2000), who noted that survival rates of stocked largemouth bass
depended on life stage and habitat type. In ponds, survival ranged from 50 to
90% for fry, 1 to 93% for fingerlings, and 50% for adults. In lakes, survival
ranged from 0.13 to 35% for fingerlings and 4-11% for adults. One out of six lake
stockings with adult largemouth bass was considered to actually establish a


5.1.1 Plankton, zooplankton, and macroinvertebrates
Because largemouth bass soon shift to a diet composed primarily of fish (Scott
and Crossman 1973), their ability to directly consume small organisms and alter
the zooplankton community is limited to young-of-the-year. However, bass
consume large numbers of small-bodied fish, many of which are consumers of
plankton, algae and zooplankton, so it is not surprising that changes in lake
ecosystems have been noted following largemouth bass introductions. Spencer
and King (1984) found that ponds with largemouth bass had very low
phytoplankton biomass and supported dense populations of submerged
macrophytes, while ponds without bass featured intense algal blooms and low
zooplankton biomass. Lasenby and Kerr (2000) reported that, following
introductions of largemouth bass into Cuba, there was a rise in cases of human
malaria attributed to largemouth bass consumption of native fish species that had
fed upon mosquito larvae.
5.1.2 Fish other than salmonids
Largemouth bass compete with a number of other fish species for food and
space. A list of potential competitors is given by Lasenby and Kerr (2000), who
concluded that bass are typically the larger and more aggressive fish species
and will out-compete other fish. They also felt that largemouth bass would outcompete smallmouth in the majority of cases if the two were stocked in the same
small lake. Kerr and Grant (1999) did not recommend the stocking of largemouth
and smallmouth in the same system.

In Southern Africa, largemouth bass were introduced as a sport-fish and have
eliminated three native species (Hickley et al. 1994; Impson 1998). The
introduction of the largemouth black bass into Lago de Ptzcuaro and Lago
Chapala in Mxico has established commercial and sports bass fisheries, with
the loss of the local and highly appreciated pescado blanco and charal fisheries
(Ciruna et al. 2004).
Black basses are characterized as an invasive alien fish in Japan, and
smallmouth bass have been described as the worlds most disastrous invasive
species by Iguchi et al. (2004). Invasive bass constitute a serious biohazard
and the bibliography written by Hosoya and Nishi (2003) promotes their
eradication in Japan.
In North America, the direct predatory impact of bass on other fish has been
documented for lakes (Tonn and Magnuson 1983; Findlay et al. 2000; Jackson
2002) and for streams and rivers (Power et al. 1985; Harvey et al. 1988). In
Adirondack lakes, native minnow richness was dramatically reduced when
largemouth bass and other predators were present (Findlay et al. 2000). In Clear
Lake, California, prickly sculpin Cottus asper were uncommon in the stomach of
all piscivorous fishes except juvenile largemouth bass, which have reduced
sculpin abundance (Broadway and Moyle 1978). In rivers and streams, the
effects of largemouth bass on small-bodied fish may be greater than those of
smallmouth bass (Harvey et al. 1988).
In Canada, the impacts of bass introductions on native fish species have been
well documented (Jackson and Harvey 1989,1993; Crossman 1991; Kerr and
Grant 1999; MacRae and Jackson 2001; Jackson and Mandrak 2002; Jackson
2002; Vander Zanden et al. 2004). Introduced bass likely alter the fish
community through predation and there is a strong negative association between
small-bodied fish (i.e. cyprinids) and largemouth bass (MacRae and Jackson
2001). Lakes containing bass have fewer species of cyprinids than lakes lacking
bass. Largemouth bass have been blamed for decimating forage fish species
such as fathead minnow and golden shiner (Kerr and Grant 1999).
The negative relationship noted between bass and cyprinids was not apparent for
lakes with salmonids and cyprinids (MacRae and Jackson 2001). There is a
strong negative association between largemouth bass, dace and fathead
minnows, whereas brook trout showed a strong positive association with these
cyprinids. A possible reason for these contrasting relationships is habitat
overlap. Bass occupy the littoral zone in summer as do most of the cyprinids,
whereas trout and cyprinids have limited overlap in their summer habitats.
5.1.3 Salmonids
Largemouth bass consume salmonids, especially when juveniles are migrating.
Fayram (1996) found that salmonids were an important diet item for largemouth

bass in Lake Washington. Pflug (1981) found a similar situation in Lake
Sammamish, although consumption of hatchery salmonids may have contributed
to this finding. In a small sample of largemouth bass from Lake Washington, one
contained a juvenile chinook salmon (Tabor et al. 2004). The same study
examined largemouth diet in Lake Washington from February through June.
Salmonid occurrence in largemouth bass varied by season, and was highest in
June. Migrating young coho, chinook, and sockeye salmon were all eaten; the
major salmonid prey item was coho. Largemouth bass predation on salmonids
was observed in fish between 159-264 mm; of the 280 stomachs examined, 31
salmonid smolts were found. Seventy-five percent of the diet consisted of nonsalmonids, of which sculpins dominated.
Bonar et al. (2005) examined predation on coho fry and smolts by piscivorous
fish in three shallow Pacific Northwest Lakes. An average of 94% of the coho
salmon found in the diets of all the fish each year was taken by largemouth bass,
who accounted for 51% of the total numeric catch of fish in the three lakes, and
98% of the coho salmon predation after the relative number of bass was taken
into consideration. Most predation occurred in spring, when coho smolts were
migrating through the lakes or coho fry were moving from creeks into lakes.
There were no coho in the stomachs of age-0 largemouth bass.
In Oregon, interactions between largemouth bass and salmonids occur in coastal
lakes with tributaries used by coho salmon, steelhead, and cutthroat trout
(Temple et al. 1998). The primary introduced predatory species is the largemouth
bass. Coho are the native species most susceptible to predation because of their
small size as fry and their migratory behaviour into the lake. Summer rearing of
coho fry no longer occurs in some lakes. The juvenile coho that enter Oregon
coastal lakes in autumn and winter are less susceptible to bass predation
because they are larger and more pelagic. Sea-run cutthroat trout and steelhead
smolts migrate to the sea at a larger size, spend less time in the lakes, and are
less susceptible to predation. Examination of 192 largemouth bass stomachs
from Ten Mile Lake in 1989-90 showed salmonids present in 11% of the nonempty stomachs (Temple et al. 1998).
Slaney and Roberts (2005) noted that invasive fish like largemouth bass have
been illegally introduced into several urban Lower Mainland lakes and rivers.
They felt these invasive fish have the potential to harm juvenile cutthroat trout
through competition and predation. Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and
largemouth bass usually do not compete for food because of habitat differences
(Scott and Crossman 1973). However, Hodgson et al. (1991) found that, when
bass and rainbow trout occupied the same lake, they did compete. Rainbow
trout became predominantly zooplanktivores and largemouth bass became more
generalized in their prey selection.
Predation on salmonids by introduced species may be an insignificant contributor
to the large declines observed in west coast populations when compared to the

effects of habitat modification, fishing, and climate change. It can, however, make
it harder for salmonids to recover. Alien fish such as largemouth bass are
introduced into water-bodies already altered by human activities; once the
introduced fish establish thriving populations it is difficult for damaged
populations of salmon or trout to become re-established (Lackey 1999).
5.1.4 Wildlife
The reputation that largemouth bass consume very large prey may be
exaggerated. The size of their gape limits the size of the prey they are able to
consume (Hill and Cichra 2005). Largemouth bass have been reported to
consume mussels, snails, frogs, small rodents such as mice, voles and rats,
salamanders, small turtles, ducklings, snakes, and small muskrat (Hill and Cichra
2005). Many of these food items are mimicked with bass fishing lures. However,
the ability of bass to influence wildlife communities is questionable, as most of
this kind of feeding is highly opportunistic.
Largemouth bass provide recreation throughout North America and are
considered to be the premier freshwater game fish. This popularity has given rise
to numerous introductions and has resulted in rapid spread of the species.
Largemouth bass are significant predators on small-bodied fish. Their role in
alteration of fish communities and reduction in abundance of minnows and other
small fish is the biggest reason to consider introductions as potentially
There is also ample evidence for impact on salmonid populations, mainly through
predation on out-migrating juveniles, although the contribution of large numbers
of hatchery-produced salmonids can make the findings difficult to interpret. For
already-depressed salmonid populations, recovery can be hindered by the
presence of a competent predator like largemouth bass.


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