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Which medical condition may these people be suffering from? Drag

and drop likely condition onto the corresponding set of
These migrants were in a small boat. Their water supply had run
out six days before they were found
These refugees had been in an open boat in rough weather.
Temperatures have approach freezing at time and it has been
raining continuously
These people were on a raft without shade for several days in
a tropical area

Which of the following is the definition of an Economic Migrant as

described in this program?

A person moving simply in an attempt to obtain a better standard of living

Which of the following is the definition of an Asylum Seeker as

described in this program?

A refugee trying to reach a country where asylum may be granted or

economic migrants claiming asylum, so as not to be repatriated

Which of the following is the definition of an Attempted Stowaway

as described by the FAL Convention?

A person who is secreted on a ship or in cargo which is subsequently loaded

on the ship without the consent of the ship owner or the master or any
other responsible person and who is detected onboard the ship before it has
departed from the port

Which of the following is the correct definition of a Displaced

Person as recorded in this module?

A person who has a result of the actions of the authorities, has been
deported from or has been forced to leave the country of his or her
nationality or former habitual residence

Which of the following is the definition of a Place of Safety by the

IMO Guidelines on the Treatment of Persons Rescued at Sea?

A place where a survivors safety of life is no longer threatened and where

their basic human needs can be met

If a person is discovered hiding in a lifeboat during the vessels pre

departure search, how will he normally be considered within the

As a trespasser

A regular cargo ship is to pick up a group of 16 refugees, who have

been adrift in a small boat in the South China Sea. It will be
sometime before the ship reaches her next port. Which of the
following resources may be seriously impacted by their presence

Water Reserves
Food Stocks
Available Living Space

Amendments to which IMO Convention first made proposals related

to crew and passenger list and specific recommendations
concerning the administration and handling of stowaways?

The Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (1965 FAL


What action is a master, who is in receipt of information that

persons are in distress and is in a position to be able to provide
assistance require to take?

He is bound to proceed with all speed to their assistance, if possible

informing them or the search and rescue services that the ship is doing so

Which of the following does the United Nation Convention on the

Law of the Sea require the master of a ship to do?

He is to render assistance to any person found at sea in danger of being


A ship arrives in port. There are concerns about stowaway activity in

the area. How should the master regard the level of security that
has been declared by the port authority?

He should assess the consequent risk to the vessel of the level and adjust his
own procedures if necessary

You are at sea and discover a stowaway onboard. The man has no
documents or other proof of identity. How is it likely that the
immigration authorities will consider him when your ship arrives in

As an Illegal Entrant

Why should a stowaway be detained in secure quarters onboard?

(Select all applicable answers)

For the stowaways own safety

For the security of the ship
Medical grounds
To lessen the chance of stowaway escaping
To limit contact with the crew
To lessen the chance of the theft or other criminal activity

You arrive in port with stowaway onboard. He is not making any

claim for asylum. Before they consider permitting disembarkation,
what will immigration authorities in variably demand the stowaway

Valid travel documents

The stowaway should with his own crockery and cutlery

The stowaway should be isolated
The stowaway should be supplied with his own bedding
The stowaway should be supplied with clothing and the clothing he was
wearing when discovered should be incinerated
The hiding place in which the stowaway has been hiding should be
Contact control, such as gloves, mask and protective eye glasses should be
employed when searching the stowaway

A stowaway discovered onboard. He is very sick when found. What

practical steps may be taken by master to safeguard the health and
safety of others onboard? (Select all applicable answers)

What is the essential difference between the way in which those

seeking asylum and those considered as refugees will be handled by
the immigration authorities?

Asylum is usually dealt with on case by case basis, while modern refugee
law is written around large scale movements of population

Which of the following sea areas, as listed in this module has

recorded large scale, sea borne migrant and refugee activity
since 1990? (Select all applicable answers)

The Eastern Atlantic Ocean between the Canary Island and South West
The Mediterranean Sea between North Africa and Southern Europe
The Gulf of Aden between Somalia and Yemen

The charterer may be liable for some or all of the costs associated
with stowaways. Under what circumstances could this be the case?

Special provision may be incorporated in the Mates Receipt, indicating the

costs associated with stowaways will be determined by arbitration in the flag
state of the chartered vessel

A group of stowaways is discovered in a container onboard. There

are three males and one female. There are no other females
onboard. Hat is the recommended policy on searching the female

Carry out a minimal non contact search and then isolate stowaway until
proper assistance can be obtain from shore

What significant impact did the introduction of the ISPS Code have
on statistics on stowaway activity since 2004?

In ports which have successfully implemented the appropriate measures, it

has been more difficult for potential stowaways to gain access to a ship

Which of the following is a correct statement?

A person cannot automatically obtain official refugee status

Which of the following maritime codes is generally believed to have

led to a reduction in the number of stowaways in many areas recent

The ISPS Code

If stowaway will not cooperate and give his identity, how might the
master establish it?

He should search the stowaways clothing and belongings. Some clue as to

his identity may be discovered

You discover three male stowaways onboard. They are young, in

good health and willing to work. The ship is on her last passage
before entering dry dock and there is a lot of preparation work in
progress. Why should the master not put the stowaways to work?
(Select all applicable answer)

Because they may claim against the ship - owner for wages
Because the ships work routine and team set up may be disrupted
Because it is illegal under international law
Because there maybe health risks by allowing the stowaways to share work
facilities with the crew
If one of the stowaways is injured in the course of work onboard, he may
claim against the ship owner for compensation

What is the significant legal difference between migrants and

refugees that are rescued at sea and stowaways that are found

Rescued migrants and refugees board a ship with the full knowledge and
permission of the master, but stowaways board a ship without such
permission and consent intending to remain onboard undetected at least
until the vessel is at sea

Does the master have the legal right to require a stowaway to work?
(Select the most correct answer)


It is recommended by the IMO Guidelines on the allocation of

responsibilities to seek the successful resolution of stowaway
cases that a ships master having discovered stowaways onboard
his ship at sea, should divert from his planned voyage to disembark
them? (Select the most correct answers)

No, unless he rescues confirmation that repatriation has been arranged with
sufficient documentation and that permission has given for disembarkation or
unless there are extenuating security or compassionate reasons

Security patrols will check that all appropriate spaces are locked.
What additional purpose do they serve?

They are a visual deterrent to potential stowaways

What practical measures can be taken to prevent persons boarding

illegally and stowing away? (Select all applicable answers)

Access Control
Security Doors and Spaces
Pre departure Searches

Whenever a stowaway is discovered onboard, who is responsible for

the proper and accurate reporting of the relevant details to the
authorities, the owner, charterer and other interested parties?

The Master

A stowaway is discovered onboard. The vessel is at sea, on passage

and in international waters. What legal rights does the stowaway

He has the rights to expect provision to be made for his security, general
health, welfare and safety until disembarkation

As part of gangway security, a record of persons coming onboard

should be maintained. Why will this prove of value as the ship
prepares to leave?

Because a check can be made that every person who boarded the vessel has
subsequently return to shore

In general, which of the following situations will result in a higher

fine for a vessel and her operators?

The vessel arrives in port with a stowaway onboard. The stowaway is

declared to the authorities. During a busy and complex cargo operation on
the first night alongside the stowaway disappears

Your ship is approaching port. You are assigned to secure all storage
lockers, machinery rooms, deckhouses and pump rooms not
required to be open for cargo handling or for safety reasons. What
should you do before sailing each door?

Follow Enclose Space Entry procedures and check that no ships personnel
are working inside

You are conducting a pre departure stowaway search. You find

three men hiding in the rope locker. What you do?

You report your finding to the responsible officer immediately. You do not
attempt to physically restrain the men. You secure the door to prevent their
escape. You stand by for assistance from the shore authorities

According to industry representatives, what is the estimated cost of

stowaways to the shipping industry and their P&I Clubs?

Around US$ 20,000,000 a year

Which of the following is a principle defined in the 1979 IMO

International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue that must
be applied to the rescue of persons in distress at sea?

Rescue must take place regardless of the nationality or status of such a

persons or the circumstances in which that person is found

You have departed Dar Es Salaam in East Africa and are bound for a
European discharge port. You discover a stowaway onboard. Should
he be forced into making a claim for asylum?


For which of the following can a ship be fined? (Select all applicable

Arriving in port with a stowaway onboard

Allowing a stowaway to escape

Specialist equipment for detecting concealed persons may work by

measuring. Which of the following? (Select all applicable answers)

Elevated Carbon Dioxide (CO2) levels

The presence of a heartbeat
Body heat

The ship is approaching a small boat which is believed to contain a

group of refugees, with a view to rescuing them and bringing them
onboard. What at all times must at all time be the main priority to
the master?

The safety of his own ship and her crew

Which of the following may be among those factors taken into

account when planning the rescue of persons in distress at sea?
(Select all applicable answer)

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