Many Faces of Pulmonary Aspergillosis: Clinical Review

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Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 1998

European Respiratory Journal

ISSN 0903 - 1936

Eur Respir J 1998; 12: 705715

DOI: 10.1183/09031936.98.12030705
Printed in UK - all rights reserved


Many faces of pulmonary aspergillosis

O.P. Sharma*, R. Chwogule**
Many faces of pulmonary aspergillosis. O.P. Sharma, R. Chwogule. ERS Journals Ltd
ABSTRACT: Aspergillus is a ubiquitous fungus. It is commonly isolated as an upper
respiratory tract saprophyte and is the most frequent contaminant in laboratory
specimens. Because species of aspergillus are omnipresent, one must be cautious in
ascribing a causal role to the fungus obtained from patients. Aspergillus has low
pathogenicity for humans and animals and rarely invades the immunologically competent host. Although the fungus can affect any organ system, the respiratory tract is
involved in >90% of afflicted patients. Pulmonary aspergillosis, depending whether
the host is atopic or immunosuppressed, may be classified under four categories:
allergic or hypersensitivity syndromes, saprophytic colonization, invasive (infective)
dissemination, and chemical or toxic pneumonitis. These entities differ clinically,
radiologically, immunologically, and in their response to various therapeutic agents.
An increased awareness, an aggressive approach to securing the diagnosis, and instituting early and appropriate therapy are needed to reduce the high morbidity and
mortality caused by many of the aspergillus-related syndromes.
Eur Respir J 1998; 12: 705715.

Aspergillus belongs to the ascomycete moulds, which

together with penicillium form the family of Aspergillaceae. These filamentous fungi are ubiquitous and are
commonly in humid areas, damp soil or agricultural environments, on grain, cereal, mouldy flour, and organic
decaying or decomposing matter. Aspergillus grow by
budding or branching. The former or conidium, 13 m in
diameter, are carried by air and easily inhaled in the lungs.
The branching hyphae are 25 m in diameter, split
dichotomously at a 45 angle, and are best recognized by
methanamine silver stain.
Of more than 350 species that belong to the genus
aspergillus, only Aspergillus fumigatus and A. niger produce disease in humans with any frequency. Under certain
conditions, however, A. clavatus, A. glaucus, A. flavus, A.
versicolor, A. nidulans and A. oryzae can cause infection
in humans and animals.
Humans have a remarkable capacity to eliminate aspergillus with the help of alveolar macrophages which phagocytose and destroy the inhaled spores. Thus, aspergillus
rarely invades the immunocompetent host. Nevertheless,
aspergillus can cause a variety of clinical syndromes ranging from mild, transient asthma to fatal, disseminated disease, particularly in the immunosuppressed host. Aspergillus-related pulmonary disorders may be classified into
four clinical categories depending on whether the host is
atopic, nonatopic or immunosuppressed (table 1). Some of
these clinical entities are well defined and common; others are unusual but recognized; and, still others rare and
controversial [16]. The key points in the pathogenesis,
imm-une response, diagnosis and treatment of each syndrome are summarized (tables 2 and 3).

*USC School of Medicine, Los Angeles,

CA, USA. **Bombay Hospital, Bombay,
Correspondence: O P. Sharma, LAC+USC
Medical Center, Room 11-900, 1200 North
State Street, Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA.
Fax: 1 213 2262738
Keywords: Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, aspergilloma, bronchocentric
granulomatosis, chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis, extrinsic allergic alveolitis, mycotoxicosis
Received: 23 April 1998
Accepted after revision May 6 1998

Allergic or hypersensitive reactions

Allergic asthma
STORM VAN LEEUWEN [1] was the first to attribute a role to A.
fumigatus in the causation of asthma in Leyden. Asp-ergillus is responsible for asthma to the same extent as Alternaria, Penicillium, and other fungi. The illness seems to
be more common in the UK, 1020% of cases with respiratory problems, and in Holland about 15%. Since aspergillus grows in humid dwellings on wood and old furniture,
on dusty belongings, and on indoor plants, asthma episodes are clinically due to domestic exposure in the USA,
such episodes are more common between October and
Table 1. Pulmonary aspergillosis clinical syndromes
Allergic or hypersensitivity reactions
Allergic asthma
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (malt-worker's lung)
Bronchocentric granulomatosis
Invasive (infective) aspergillosis
Generalized or disseminated
Aspergillosis pneumonia
Lung abscess and multiple cavities
Aspergillosis bronchitis
Pleural effusion and empyema
Localized or limited: chronic necrotizing pulmonary
Saprophytic colonization
Aspergilloma (mycetoma or fungus ball)
Mycotoxicosis or chemical pneumonitis



Table 2. Pulmonary aspergillosis: immunological and diagnostic tests

Type I reaction

Allergic asthma
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
(malt-worker's lung)
Pneumonia, lung abscess,
bronchitis, infarction
Multiple cavities, pleural
Chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis

Type III reaction

Serum IgE
May be
May be
May be

Delayed Precipitating
(Arthus) skin antibodies

May be





May be

May be



Other diagnostic tests


Reversible airway obstruction

Bronchogram (high resolution CT,
rarely obtained)
Lung histology, inhalation challenge
(rarely used)
Lung histology
Sputum, blood, urine cultures
Sputum, blood, urine cultures

May be

Lung biopsy


Very high

Chest radiograph, CT


Type IV

*: opinions expressed in the medical literature are divided regarding these findings, but many of these tests will be positive if the highest quality antigen is used and a research laboratory performs the tests. IgE: immunoglobulin E; CT: computed tomography.

February, when aspergillus spore count is high, than at

other times of the year. Although humidity, rain and wind
play an important role in disseminating the spores, the
peak levels are greater during fair weather that follows a
period of rain. At any rate, CHARPIN et al. [2] have demonstrated that the spores of aspergillus are present in all seasons.
An intracutaneous test using aspergillus antigen produces an immediate wheal and flare reaction in asthma
patients who are allergic to the mould. Furthermore, inhalation of the antigen causes rapid bronchospasm. In making
the diagnosis, however, the physician should be cautious,
because 3040% of patients with non-aspergillus induced
asthma may also have a positive reaction to Aspergillus
skin test. Precipitating (immunoglobulin (Ig)G) antibodies
are usually absent in such patients. Treatment includes adrenergic agonists, as needed, to relieve symptoms. Cromolyn or nedocromil sodium can prevent symptoms if the
drug is administered before anticipated exposure to the

Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis

HINSON et al. [7] provided the first descriptions of allergic
bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), followed by
PEPYS et al. [3]. CAMPBELL and CLAYTON [8] reported 87 cases,
FRANKLAND and DAVIS [9] 36 cases, HENDERSON [10] 32 cases,
SIMON [11] 111 cases and EDGE et al. [12] 12 cases, all in the
UK. In the USA, this disorder was thought to be rare.
However, SHAW et al. [13] described 36 cases under the
term "mucoid impaction" in which aspergillus aetiology
was almost certain. The incidence of ABPA varies from
620% of all patients with asthma [14]. It occurs with
equal frequency in both sexes. Most patients are under age
35 yrs at the time of diagnosis. In patients with cystic
fibrosis, the prevalence of ABPA is 0.511%.
The disease manifests itself with low-grade fever, cough,
wheezing, golden, brown mucus plugs, and progressive
shortness of breath. Pleuritic chest pain and haemoptysis
are frequent. PATTERSON and coworkers [1517] have proposed five stages of ABPA. However, these stages are not

Table 3. Pulmonary aspergillosis: clinical syndromes and treatment



Immunological mechanism


Atopic Immunosuppressed
Allergic asthma
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (malt-worker's
Bronchocentric granulomatosis
Pneumonia, lung abscess, bronchitis,
Multiple cavities, pleural effusion
Chronic necrotizing pulmonary

Hypersensitivity (type I)
Hypersensitivity (types I and III)
Hypersensitivity (types III and IV)



Hypersensitivity (types III and IV)

Invasive (infective) localized disease No


Corticosteroids, bronchodilators
Corticosteroids, avoidance of
Amphotericin B

Invasive (infective) disseminated

Invasive, chronic, localized disease



Amphotericin B



Amphotericin B

Saprophytic colonization



Chemical, pneumonitis



Surgery only if haemoptysis

is present, embolization, intracavitary antifungal drugs



Table 4. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: clinical stages


Clinical features

dependent asthma

Chest radiograph

Serum IgE
Peripheral Precipitating
Total IgE-Af eosinophilia antibody to Af

Cough, wheezing, fever, sputum

plugs may be present
Usually no symptoms

Transient lung infiltrates


No radiographic infiltrate



Fever, cough, and wheezing may

be absent
Persistent disabling wheezing

Pulmonary infiltrates


Pulmonary infiltrate usually






Dyspnoea, wheezing, clubbing of

the fingers, cyanosis, chronic
sputum production

Extensive fibrosis/honeycombing, segmental/

lobar atelectasis



IgE: immunoglobulin E; Af: Aspergillus fumigatus; IgE-Af: specific IgE direct against Af. +: presence of; -: absence of.

Predn mg

necessarily phases of the disease, and there is not always

an inexorable progression of the disease from stage I to
the end stage fibrosis of stage V (table 4).
Physical examination may reveal a prolonged expiratory phase and diffuse rhonchi in almost all patients; whereas, crackles or crepitations are present only in those with
pulmonary infiltrates.
Eosinophilia is almost always present with absolute
counts over 500 cellsmm-3 and usually over 1,000 cells
mm-3; however, ABPA has been identified in patients
without elevated eosinophil counts. Sputum eosinophils
are often present. Levels of total IgE and specific IgE for
aspergillus species (IgE-Af) are increased. IgE-Af determination is useful in excluding mould-sensitive asthmatics without ABPA who either have very low or absent
isotypic antibodies to aspergillus. Serum precipitating antibodies or precipitins (IgG) are positive in >90% of cases,
but one should not exclude ABPA in a patient with con-



Serum IgE IU








2 4 6 8 10


2 4 6 8 10


2 4 6 8 10


24 6

Blood eosinophils %


Fig. 1. Serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels and eosinophilia in a
patient with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. The response to
corticosteroid treatment (: serum IgE; : eosinophils, as percentage of
total white blood cells; - - - - : lost to follow up). Schematic chest radiographs are also shown. Predn: prednisone (daily). : when chest radiographs taken.

sistent clinical and radiographic findings if precipitating

antibody to aspergillus (IgG-Af) is absent. IgE levels are
the best indicator of disease activity and should be monitored regularly (fig. 1). However, occasionally, the total
serum IgE level may remain elevated in a patient who has
otherwise responded to prednisone. In bronchoalveolar
lavage fluid, increased levels of IgE-Af are found, reflecting the role of the lung as a specific immunological organ.
This observation, however, provides no diagnostic or therapeutic assistance.
Skin test reactivity to aspergillus antigen manifests immediate, IgE-dependent as well as late (48 h) reactions.
Positive reactions may occur in patients with asthma, aspergilloma, and other chronic pulmonary diseases.
Chest radiographs commonly reveal transient, patchy
infiltrates and/or lobar collapse and/or consolidation. Characteristically, these infiltrates favour the upper lung fields.
Mucus plugging may cause segmental, lobar or total collapse of the lung. "Tram line", "gloved finger", and "ring"
shadows reflect inflammation, thickening and dilation of
the bronchial tubes (fig. 2a and b). Bronchiectasis, when it
appears, is typically central in location and involves the
proximal airways (fig. 3). In the advanced stages, loss of
volume of the upper lobes and extensive honeycombing
dominate the picture. High resolution computed tomography (CT) scanning is the best way of demonstrating bronchial and pulmonary effects of ABPA [18].
The pathogenesis of ABPA involves the inhalation, trapping, and subsequent germination of aspergillus spores in
viscid secretions in the airways of atopic individuals, as
well as cystic fibrosis patients. The host response with
production of IgE and IgG sets in motion a series of antibody-antigen reactions that result in eosinophilic infiltration and bronchial wall damage. It is the immune complex
injury that produces bronchiectasis. The presence of IgE
is essential to enhance the tissue-damaging effect of immune complexes. The presence of activated epithelial cells
and the exposure of the basement membrane that occurs
in asthma, together with oxidant stress, may facilitate the
colonization of the asthmatic lung by A. fumigatus [19,
Diagnosis of ABPA requires immunological and radiological confirmation in an appropriate clinical setting.
RICKETTI et al. [21] have proposed a sequential approach to
evaluating patients suspected of having ABPA. First begin
with skin tests (the prick test), and if necessary, an intra-





Fig. 3. Bronchogram in a patient with allergic bronchopulmonary

aspergillosis showing extensive medium sized bronchial involvement.

aspergillus. However, ABPA may complicate cystic fibrosis. The diagnosis then requires clinical and immunological confirmation, not simply isolation of the fungus.
Invasive aspergillosis is not common in cystic fibrosis
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
Fig. 2. Chest radiographs of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
patients showing a) "tram-line" shadows (arrowheads) due to bronchial
thickening and dilatation, and b) "club-shaped" shadows (arrows) due to
saccular dilatation of proximal bronchi.

dermal test using Aspergillus antigen. The immediate

reaction appears in a few minutes and lasts 12 h, and the
late reaction appears after 45 h and lasts for 2436 h.
Only the latter reaction is inhibited by corticosteroids.
Negative skin tests exclude ABPA. On the other hand,
positive results lead to the prompt ordering of serological
tests including total serum IgE, radioallergosorbent test
(RAST) IgE-Af, and IgG [22, 23].
The most effective treatment of ABPA is with corticosteroids [24]. Prednisone is usually given as a single oral
dose of 0.5 mgkg-1day-1 for 2 weeks. The same dose is
then given on alternate days for 23 months and then
tapered to the lowest dose needed to control symptoms.
Corticosteroids control eosinophilia, decrease lung infiltrates, sputum production, and total IgE level. The role of
antifungal drugs is not yet established but there are several
reports that describe the beneficial effects of itraconazole
in ABPA [2527].
ABPA and cystic fibrosis
Aspergillus species are recovered from ~10% of cystic
fibrosis patients. The recovery rates increase with age [25
27]. The clinical significance of the fungus in these patients varies. Many patients are asymptomatic with colonized

In 1928, PASTEUR and GIROUD [28] described five workers in

a distillery who had inhaled massive amounts of A. fumigatus or A. clavatus. Several hours afterwards, dyspnoea
appeared with fever, cough, and crepitations on auscultation. Serum-precipitating antibodies were present in three
patients. The skin test produced a delayed positive reaction. RIDDLE et al. [29] reported a 42-yr old brewery worker
with interstitial disease due to A. clavatus in which the
clinical and immunological findings were similar to those
of farmer's lung disease. RHUDY et al. [30] reported a case
of extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA) due to A. versicolor
in a 43-yr old female, who was exposed to handling
mouldy straw. The EAA caused by aspergillus species is
also called malt-worker's lung. It occurs mainly in nonatopic individuals who work in the whiskey and beer-brewing industries, where germinating barley is contaminated
by A. fumigatus or A. clavatus. After initial exposure,
there is a latent period of variable duration during which
appropriate precipitating antibodies are formed. There are
four modes of presentation: 1) acute episodes of fever,
cough, dyspnoea, and tightness of the chest occurs in about
one third of the patients; 2) progressive dyspnoea seen in
~50% of patients; 3) ~10% present with asthma-like picture (these patients are usually atopic); and 4) a mixed
presentation in the remaining 10% of patients [5].
Physical examination in acute stages may reveal cyanosis and tachycardia. Crepitations are present; wheezing is
usually absent. In advanced cases, there may be features
of right-sided heart failure.
Chest radiographs typically show diffuse, fine nodular infiltration or patchy densities. In the chronic stage,


reticulo-interstitial pattern and honeycombing may be seen.

A lung biopsy specimen in acute stages may reveal granulomatous reaction with lymphocytic infiltration. Fibrosis
and cyst-formation occur in chronic disease.
Lung function studies reveal a restrictive ventilatory defect caused by reduced lung compliance. Vital capacity,
forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and diffusing capacity are decreased. Airways obstruction is present,
particularly in atopic patients. Corticosteroids are effective
for controlling symptoms in acute stages. However, exposure to the aspergillus antigen needs to be avoided in order
to prevent recurrence and progression to pulmonary fibrosis.

Bronchocentric granulomatosis
Although bronchocentric granulomatosis (BG) is a welldefined pathological entity, the clinical diagnosis is often
difficult (fig. 4) [31, 32]. BG occurs both in atopic and
nonatopic individuals. The atopic patients are generally
younger and have a history of asthma. Eosinophilia is
present and mucus plugs contain fungal hyphae. The nonatopic individuals constitute a much more heterogeneous
group. Immunological mechanisms causing BG are not
clearly understood, but the basic abnormality seems to be
a hypersensitivity to fungal organisms. Serum precipitin
antibodies (IgG) are present in ~40% of atopic patients
with BG. Corticosteroids are useful in treating patients
with BG who have asthma. The prognosis is not favourable
in nonatopic patients, but the information available is limited. One patient with bronchocentric granulomatosis developed severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
with peripheral blood eosinophilia. The patient was intubated and treated with high-dose corticosteroid therapy.
The illness subsided and showed no recurrence during the
20-yr follow-up [33].


orted in HIV patients with CD4 cell counts <500 cellsmL-1

[36, 37]. Because neutrophils and other phagocytic cells
are the principal defence against aspergillus, profound neutropenia (<1,000 cellsmm-3) that persists for >3 weeks is
the most significant risk factor. Macrophages are the first
line of defence; they kill conidia. The second line of defence consists of neutrophils, which dispose of mycelia.
Neither humoral antibodies nor T-cell-mediated immunity
play a significant protective role against the fungus [38].
Invasive aspergillosis is rare in normal healthy people and
less than 20 such cases have been described. In immunocompetent hosts marijuana smoking and broad spectrum
antibiotics can contribute to invasive aspergillosis [39, 40].
The typical victim of invasive aspergillosis is a neutropenic (<1,000 cellsmm-3) individual who is receiving cancer chemotherapy. The patients have persistent fever for
which they have either received, or are receiving, multiple
antibiotics. Fever may be associated with nasal and sinus
congestion, chest pain, cough, dyspnoea, and either blood
streaking of the sputum or frank haemoptysis. The following forms of invasive aspergillosis often occur together,
but they may also be seen independently.

Invasive (disseminated) aspergillosis

Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis is characterized by
proliferation of fungal mycelia in the pulmonary parenchyma. Invasion of the pulmonary vasculature may result
in haemorrhagic infarction. Invasive fungal infection can
remain dormant for some time, and then produce septic
shock precipitously [34]. Factors which predispose to the
development of invasive aspergillosis are neutropenia,
leukaemia, carcinoma, immunosuppression with corticosteroids or immunosuppressive agents including cyclosporine, bone marrow or solid organ transplants, and chronic
granulomatous disease of childhood. Therefore, a high
index of suspicion should be maintained in such patients.
Patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are
not at a high risk unless other factors are present. A comparison of aspergillosis in HIV-positive and HIV-negative
patients was carried out by ADDRIZIO-HARRIS et al. [35]. In
both groups, tuberculosis and sarcoidosis were significant
risk factors. In HIV-positive patients, prior Pneumocystis
carinii pneumonia (PCP) also seemed to be a risk factor
as 3 of the 10 HIV infected patients with aspergillosis had
prior episodes of PCP. Invasive aspergillosis has been rep-


Fig. 4. Bronchocentric granulomatosis: a) granulomatous replacement of the bronchiolar mucosa with occlusion of the lumen; b) destruction of the bronchial wall is evidenced by the giant cell reaction with
damaged multilaminated elastic lammallae. (Internal scale bars=25 m.)



Aspergillus pneumonia
The clinical picture resembles any acute bacterial or
fungal pneumonia. Initially chest radiographs show only
a patchy infiltrate or pneumonitis that may progress to
dense consolidation involving one or both lungs [41]. Despite such extensive disease, isolation of aspergillus from
sputum samples has been possible in less than half the
cases [4244].
Angioinvasive aspergillosis
This spreads by vascular dissemination. It causes thrombosis and necrosis. The symptoms are intense pleuritic
chest pain, sudden dyspnoea, tachypnoea and haemoptysis. In approximately one third of patients, the chest radiographs are normal if they are obtained on the day of onset
of symptoms. However, if obtained later, the chest radiograph may show a triangular or oval infiltrate with or
without pleural effusion. CT scans of the chest may reveal
a round or triangular mass with a characteristic "halo".
Pathologically, these lesions represent well-circumscribed
nodules with a pale yellow centre of coagulative necrosis
surrounded by a haemorrhagic periphery [41, 45].
Aspergillus bronchitis/tracheobronchitis
This is a localized form of airway disease characterized
by ulcers and membrane formation. Aspergillus hyphae
invade the airways and form plugs consisting of mycelia,
inflammatory cells, and necrotic debris. These plugs
along with the membranes produce airway obstruction
resulting in wheezing and dyspnoea. Approximately 10%
of pati-ents who have invasive aspergillosis develop tracheobronchitis either alone or with pneumonia. A new
antifungal drug terbinafin has been successfully used to
treat asp-ergillus bronchitis in a lung transplant recipient
[46]. Aspergillus sinusitis can occur in patients with HIV
infection [47].
Pleural effusion or empyema
This is a rare manifestation of invasive aspergillosis.
Diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis
The clinical course of invasive aspergillosis is often fulminant and fatal. In many instances this is traceable to a
delay in the diagnosis. Such delays are partly related to
the fact that the diagnosis is not considered (especially in
immunocompromised hosts) partly because the sputum
smear or culture lacks sensitivity and specificity in establishing the diagnosis. To avoid the diagnostic pitfalls the
clinician must maintain a high index of suspicion for invasive aspergillosis: 1) invasive aspergillosis should always
be included in the differential diagnosis of fever, pulmonary infiltration, cavity formation or pleural effusion in an
immunocompromised host; 2) repeatedly positive sputum
cultures for aspergillus in a susceptible individual should
always point towards this diagnosis; and 3) in a granulo-

cytic patient with acute leukaemia a single isolation of

aspergillus from sputum; bronchial washing or brushing
may be highly significant.
Definite diagnosis, however, requires the demonstration of mycelia, morphologically consistent with aspergillus, invading lung parenchyma in addition to a positive
fungal culture. These are often not considered practical
requirements in patients with acute leukaemia or a recent
bone marrow or solid organ transplant. Empirical treatment should never be withheld in a neutropenic patient in
whom invasive aspergillosis is considered.
Aspergillus from sputum samples in patients with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis can be isolated in approximately half of the cases, but it usually lags behind the
clinical onset by a week [4244]. Similarly, the finding of
aspergillus in surveillance cultures lacks sensitivity. Bronchoscopy has an overall yield of approximately 50% for
recovery of aspergillus. HARVATH and DUNNER [48] analysed
82 lower respiratory tract cultures for aspergillus species
in 80 patients at risk for invasive disease. Definite or probable invasive pulmonary aspergillosis was diagnos-ed in
72% of episodes from patients with haematological malignancy, granulocytopenia or bone marrow transplants; in
58% of those with solid tumours or receiving cortico-steroids; and in 14% with HIV. Thus, recovery of aspergillus
from the lower respiratory tract in susceptible individuals
constitutes presumptive evidence of fungal invasion [48].
Counter immunoelectrophoresis, immunofluorescence
and complement fixation tests are used to detect aspergillus antibodies. However, these tests, as well as radioimmune assays, depend on a normal host immune response
- often absent in immunosuppressed patients. A more
recent technique based on detecting the circulating galactomannan antigen appears to be promising; but further
studies are needed before the test becomes available for
general use [4952].
Similarly, a polymerase chain reaction to detect aspergillus species deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid is under study [53].
Thus, in most cases of immunosuppressed patients,
serological monitoring is insensitive. On the other hand,
in the post lung transplant patients, a situation similar to
aspergilloma patients exists [54]. TOMEE et al. [55] studied
four patients with postlung transplant A. fumigatus infection. Increasing specific IgG antibody levels parallelled
the cytological or microbiological identification and the
lung function impairment. Successful treatment resulted
in a decrease in the antibody level. These observations require confirmation.
Radiographic findings in patients with invasive aspergillosis include solitary and multiple nodules. CT changes
are helpful in detecting early changes that are not present
on chest radiographs. Bronchoscopy and/or high resolution
CT were performed in a study of 33 patients [34]. The sensitivity of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and washings were 33% and 50% respectively. CT signs of fungal
infection were found in 16 (84%) of 19 episodes. More frequent use of bronchoscopy and CT leads to earlier institution of antifungal therapy, resulting in improved survival
[56]. Fibreoptic bronchoscopy and bronchial biopsy are
safe procedures if performed in patients with normal coagulation studies and platelet counts >50,000mm-1. When
fibreoptic bronchial biopsy is negative, and the clinical



suspicion of invasive aspergillosis remains, an open lung

biopsy should be performed.
The treatment for invasive aspergillosis is amphotericin-B. It is begun empirically in neutropenic patients. The
overall response rate to amphotericin-B is 55%. However,
in patients with bone marrow transplants, mortality rates
as high as 94% have been reported [57]. Early treatment
with high doses of amphotericin-B achieves a good response. BURCH et al. [44] empirically treated 15 cases of
invasive pulmonary aspergillosis associated with acute
leukaemia, 13 responded. In another study, 85% of those
treated within 24 h of the onset of aspergillosis in patients
with chemotherapy-induced neutropenia survived as compared with 52% of those who were treated after 24 h [58].
A low or inadequate dose of amphotericin-B does not
effectively control the disease [44, 5961]. AmphotericinB liposomal complex should be given to those patients
who cannot tolerate high-dose amphotericin-B because of
renal toxicity [62]. The combination of amphotericin-B
and flucytosine is not only synergistic but allows the dosage of amphotericin to be reduced to less toxic levels [63].
Ketoconazole has a significant activity against Aspergillus
spp. in vitro, but it is difficult to obtain therapeutic inhibitory serum levels of the drug in patients [64]. The combination of amphotericin-B and rifampin has been used in
those cases where primary resistance to flucytosine was
Itraconazole, a new oral antifungal agent, is active
against the Aspergillus spp. [64]. The drug must be given
with food. DENNING et al. [66] found itraconazole to be as
effective as amphotericin-B, however, its role needs to be
further studied. Itraconazole is also used empirically as a
prophylaxis against aspergillus in high-risk patients with
neutropenia or on long-term corticosteroid therapy [67
In the management of a dreaded disease like invasive
aspergillosis, prevention is the best therapy. The immunosuppressed host should be carefully monitored by: 1) frequent sputum examinations; 2) weekly nasal cultures; 3)
serial chest radiograph films; 4) frequent serological measurements of aspergillus antibody and antigens; and 5)
bronchoscopic examination and BAL.
Chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis
Chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis (CNPA) is
an indolent, cavitating lesion that occurs due to localized
invasion of the lung tissue by aspergillus. In a review of 22
cases, BINDER et al. [72] found these patients to usually be
middle-aged with evidence of generalized immunosuppression in the form of diabetes mellitus, malnutrition,
corticosteroid or radiation therapy, and collagen vascular
diseases. Fever, cough, and expectoration was always present. Chest radiographs showed a patchy infiltrate with a
cavity. In many cases such a lesion can be mistakenly
diagnosed as tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, anaerobic pneumonia, or vasculitis. Diagnosis is established by tissue evidence of invasive aspergillus. Serum
precipitating (IgG) antibodies are present. The treatment
includes antifungal agents and surgical resection of the
lesion [72].

Saprophytic colonization
Aspergilloma or a fungus ball is the most common
form of the clinical syndromes caused by aspergillus, but
there is little epidemiological data to support the assertion.
All species of aspergillus including A. fumigatus and A.
niger may colonize old stable pulmonary cavities, bullae
or cysts. Patients who develop aspergillomas are usually
nonatopic and have chronic underlying lung diseases that
include advanced (Stage IV) sarcoidosis, fibrocystic tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, bronchiectasis, interstitial fibrosis
or emphysema. The most common primary lung disease
that predisposes to aspergilloma is an open healed tuberculous cavity. The interval between the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and development of the aspergilloma
may vary from 1 to 30 yrs. Although aspergillomas, when
discovered, may be asymptomatic and benign in appearance, they have the potential to cause life-threatening haemoptysis. Approximately 7590% of the patients have
haemoptysis; most have minor, insignificant bleeding but
approximately one quarter of these patients may experience massive haemoptysis. The cause of haemoptysis is
erosion of a bronchial artery. Neither the size of the lesion
nor associated clinical features predict the development of
life-threatening haemoptysis.
The diagnosis of aspergilloma is based on the characteristic radiographic findings in the chest of a moveable,
homogeneous opacity inside a cavity. The opacity is usually surrounded by a "halo" or an air-crescent. The necrotic mass of matted hyphae, inflammatory cells, fibrin,
and blood which usually lies free within the cavity is aptly
termed a fungus ball. Although CT scanning dramatically
outlines the crescentic radiolucency surrounding the mass,
chest radiographs including posteroanterior and decubitus
films are all that are required to establish the diagnosis.
The aspergillomas are mostly located in the upper lobes;
however, other parts of the lung may also be involved. The
lesion may be single or multiple and may show calcification. Adjacent pleura are often thickened; this thickening
may precede the development of the fungus ball by
months to years (figs. 5 and 6).
Serum precipitating antibodies (IgG) are almost always
present, initially in high concentrations, but become weaker, and even negative, if the fungus ball is taken out. Spontaneous resolution of an aspergilloma may occur [73].
Treatment of aspergillomas remains frustrating [74, 75].
Medical therapy has a limited role. Except in rare instances, antifungal drugs (whether given orally, intravenously, by inhalation, or by direct instillation into the cavity)
have not been consistently effective [7678]. Amphotericin-B is highly toxic, intraconazole has not been studied
in controlled trials [79]. Furthermore, the incidence of recurrence after intracavitary instillation of antifungal agents
is high. These agents can be instilled either percutaneously or via an intrabronchial catheter. Antifungal agents
so far have included amphotericin-B, miconazole, N-acetylcysteine, natamycin, nystatin, sodium iodide, and aminocaproic acid [79].
RUMBAK and KOHLER [80] treated 11 patients with 12 episodes of massive haemoptysis (>600 mL blood24 h-1).
These patients had advanced lung disease and were




Fig. 5. Posteroanterior view of the chest showing a typical fungus
ball (arrow) in the right upper lobe in a patient with advanced sarcoidosis. Note the adjacent pleural thickening commonly seen in patients
with fungus ball.

unsuitable for pulmonary resection (FEV1 <50% predicted). Haemoptysis stopped within 72 h of intracavitary instillation of potassium or sodium iodide with or without
amphotericin-B (fig. 6). The treatment did not result in
major side-effects. Although bleeding stopped in all patients, resolution of chest radiograph occurred in only three
patients. No patients died of haemoptysis, but five of nine
patients for whom follow-up was available died of respiratory failure within 4 yrs. In another study YAMADA et al.
[81] used amphotericin-B or flucanazole for intracavitary
instillation in 12 patients, four of whom had significant
haemoptysis. Radiographic resolution occurred in only two
patients, whereas, clinical improvement was evident in 10
patients. These are not prospective, double-blind studies.
At the present time data are few and do not strongly recommend intracavitary instillation of antifungal agents as a
routine therapeutic procedure for every patient with
aspergilloma [82]. Furthermore, intracavitary instillation
is not a simple procedure. A trained radiologist or a pulmonary specialist is required to perform the procedure.
Bronchial artery embolization should be considered
in a patient who is not an ideal candidate for surgery and
has not responded to systemic or intracavitary antifungal
drugs [83]. The procedure is often unsatisfactory because
of the difficulty in identifying the bleeding vessel. Furthermore, even, if an attempt to embolize the vessel succeeds, the bleeding may not stop because of the massive
collateral circulation seen so frequently in advanced disease. In one of my patients with advanced sarcoidosis,
four attempts at embolization failed to stop haemoptysis.
The patient finally died of respiratory failure due to extensive fibrosis. Furthermore, it is not possible to eliminate
the fungus ball by embolization.
Surgery offers many clear benefits: the aspergilloma is
removed; haemoptysis is controlled; clinical symptoms
are abated; quality of life is improved; and finally, life
is prolonged. However, surgical resection is a high-risk
procedure, particularly in patients with chronic, advanc-

Fig. 6. Aspergilloma: a) posteroanterior view of the chest showing an

egg-shaped fungus ball in the right upper lobe; and b) intracavitary
instillation of amphotericin-B caused dissolution of the fungus ball.

ed fibrosis, thickened pleura with obliteration of the pleural

space, and marked mediastinal adhesions. In such patients
mortality may be >25% and the incidence of complications related to haemorrhage, bronchopleural fistula, and
empyema approaches 60% [76, 84].
Recently, CHEN et al. [76] have reported their experience
with 67 patients with aspergilloma treated surgically over a
27-yr period. This is the largest series of surgical resection
for aspergilloma. Haemoptysis was present in 61 (91.0%)
patients. Tuberculosis was the most common pre-existing illness. Systemic antifungal therapy and intra-arterial
embolization were unsuccessful in controlling symptoms
and eradicating the disease. Most patients (61.4%) underwent lobectomy. There was one death from pneumonia
following surgery. Fifteen postoperative complications in
12 patients included: empyema (7); massive bleeding (3);
bronchopleural fistula (2), wound infection (2); and Horner's syndrome (1). Postoperatively, most of the patients
were symptom free. These results clearly show that with
advanced planning, appropriate pre-operative management,
and judicious surgical technique, surgery is the preferred
treatment for pulmonary aspergilloma. The authors recommend early surgery in all patients with good lung function


before life-threatening haemoptysis or severe pulmonary

damage related to the primary disease increases the mortality and morbidity of the operation.
Similar conclusions have been reached by EL OAKLEY et
al. [85] from the Royal Brompton Hospital, London. They
categorized their 27 consecutive patients referred for surgical assessment, over a period of 14 yrs, into four groups:
Class I (n=1), fit individual with mild or no symptoms;
Class II (n=17), fit individuals with severe symptoms;
Class III (n=1), unfit individuals with no symptoms; and
Class IV (n=8), unfit individuals with severe symptoms.
Lung resection was performed in all 17 patients with
Class II disease, comprising segmentectomy in five patients, lobectomy and segmentectomy in seven, and a complete pneumonectomy in five patients. Cavernostomy was
performed in seven patients with Class IV disease. There
were no operative deaths in patients treated by resection,
but two of those who underwent cavernostomy died in the
early postoperative period. Surgery was complicated by
prolonged air leaks and empyema. Their results clearly
stress the importance of good surgical technique to reduce
both air leaks and postoperative haemorrhage, and the use
thoracoplasty to obliterate the residual pleural space.
Currently, surgical resection is the only logical therapy
for aspergilloma. Resection should be planned and performed early before the appearance of a massive fatal haemoptysis or progression of the primary pulmonary disease
to such an advanced fibrotic stage making the patient unfit
for surgery [86].

Pulmonary mycotoxicosis
This is primarily a disease of agricultural animals. Inhalation of an overwhelming amount of aspergillus spores
may cause chemical pneumonitis. The clinical picture is
acute in onset and characterized by fever, dyspnoea, chest
tightness and cyanosis. Chest radiographs show diffuse
ground glass haziness and nodular infiltrate. The histological picture consists of a mainly cellular infiltrate of polymorphs, lymphocytes, and plasma cells. The response to
corticosteroids is excellent.








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