HYDAC Understanding Hydraulics1 MAR 2015

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Understanding Hydraulics 1

MEM30100A: Set up basic hydraulic circuits

HYDAC unit number: ST-T01-0
Duration: 24 hours (3 days)
This training unit can be nationally recognised through an association with

This course is designed to provide an introduction to industrial and mobile hydraulic systems. It
provides vital information for a quick start in understanding what a hydraulic system is, and how
it works. This provides a usable groundwork for maintenance technicians, trades people, sales
people and junior engineers. This course promotes safety through the understanding of hydraulic
principles, system components, and the dangers associated with hydraulic systems in general.
At the completion of this course, the participant will use their acquired knowledge to define the
function of a simple hydraulic system. They should be able to identify the major hydraulic system
components on a machine, and be able to describe the expected function of those components.

Day 1
Welcome, introductions and overview
Principles and basics of hydraulics CH99-T02-0
Understanding lubrication
Understanding viscosity
Definitions: Hydraulics, Hydrostatics, Hydrodynamics
Ancient hydraulic marvels to modern brilliance
Simple hydraulic jack Pascals Law and energy conversion
Tipper A simple hydraulic application. The necessity for various system components
Pumps PU99-T01-0
What is displacement?
Positive displacement pumps vs. non-positive displacement pumps
An overview of hydraulic pumps:
Fixed displacement pumps
External gear pumps
Internal gear pumps
Screw pumps
Piston pumps
Vane pumps
Variable displacement pumps
Vane pumps
Radial piston pumps
Axial piston pumps

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Check valves and other poppet valves CH30-T01-0

Check valves
Pilot check valves
Anti-cavitation valves
Shuttle valves
Velocity fuses
By-pass valves
Pre-fill valves
Day 2
Flow control valves CH31-T01-0
Orifices and pressure drops
Throttle types
Fixed flow control valves
Variable flow control valves
Priority flow control valves
Bleed-off flow control
Metering in
Metering out
Pressure control valves CH99-T05-0
Direct operated relief valves
Pilot operated relief valves
Sequence valves
Pressure reducing valves
Unloading relief valves and accumulator charge valves
Directional control valves CH34-T01-0
Spool type DCVs
Manually operated DCVs
Solenoid operated DCVs
Pilot operated DCVs
Poppet type DCVs
Proportional DCVs (Overview only)
Day 3
Hydraulic schematics CH99-T04-0
Standard symbols
Simplex vs. Complex symbols
Standard practices
Circuit interpretation examples
Reference material
Safety - GE99-T01-0
Highlighting hazards in hydraulic systems, in particular:
Suspended loads
Fluid injection
MDG41 in overview. What is that document and what does it imply?
Overview of risk assessments for safety with hydraulic systems.
Assessment tasks
Observational assessment and written assessment.

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Upon successful completion of the course, HYDAC will issue a certificate of acknowledgement to
the participant, stating the course name and other relevant details.
Through our proud partnership with Kangan Institute, a statement of attainment can be issued
for an extra fee. This nationally recognised certificate can only be issued to Australian residents.
MEM30010A, Set up basic hydraulic circuits.
Elements and performance criteria:
1. Determine system requirements
1.1. Instructions regarding system requirements are obtained, understood and clarified as
1.2. Circuit drawings using standard symbols are interpreted correctly.

2. Select components for simple hydraulic circuits

2.1. Suitable fluids are selected for given hydraulic systems from specification charts and in
accordance with safety procedures involving fluids.
2.2. Linear actuators and motors are selected to suit system requirements.
2.3. Control valves are selected to suit system requirements.
3. Verify component selection
3.1. Circuits are set up and operated on laboratory benches.
3.2. Operation is analysed and outcomes are verified against system requirements.

There are no prerequisites for this course, as it is designed for those with little or no experience
in hydraulic technology.
This course can only be provided for those fluent in English. Participants must be able to read and
write, and to follow instructions.

Clothing and equipment

Pens, paper, tools and training resources are provided.
Clothing should be neat casual, or cotton drill work clothing is fine, but they must be clean.
Dirty work boots are not to be worn, fully covered footwear such as runners are acceptable. Open
toed footwear must not be worn.

Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea are provided. If you have any special dietary needs, please
contact HYDAC beforehand to arrange alternatives.

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HYDAC Pty. Ltd.
109 - 111 Dohertys Road
Altona North

Dates and times

Times: 8:30AM to 5:00PM on the following days in 2015:
January 12th to 14th
February 4th to 6th
March 4th to 6th
April 21st to 23rd
May 4th to 6th
June 10th to 12th
July 13th to 15th
August 5th to 7th
September 21st to 23rd

October 7th to 9th

November 16th to 18th
December 2nd to 4th

Course fee
Course fee is AUD $720 per participant, plus GST.
The optional surcharge for a nationally recognised statement of attainment issued through Kangan
Institute is $180 per participant, plus GST.
Therefore, the total fee for the course and the optional nationally recognised statement of
attainment is $900 plus GST.
Maximum class size is 10 people.
Flights, accommodation and taxi charges are not included in the course fee.

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

If you are interested in applying for the nationally recognised statement of attainment, you will need
to come to the course with a USI, (Unique Student Identifier). In 2015 and beyond, a nationally
recognised statement of attainment cannot be issued to an individual without a USI to match it to.
Information about the USI initiative can be found at the Australian Government website:
A USI is linked to the National Vocational Education and Training (VET) data collection. This
means that an individuals nationally recognised training and qualifications gained anywhere in
Australia, from different training organisations, will be kept all together.
If you are a New Zealand resident, you will not be able to create your USI with your New Zealand
passport as identification until you have crossed through customs into Australia. This is because
New Zealand nationals do not need a visa to enter Australia.
If you are an international student from elsewhere, you will be able to create a USI by using your
Australian visa as identification.
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Text book
We also have a 384 page text book available, entitled Basic Hydraulics and Components, it is
the supporting text for this course. It can only be purchased by those who attend the course.
Part No: 3508592
Nett price: $140 plus GST

Technical Training Officer
109 - 111 Dohertys Road
Altona North
VIC 3025
Phone: (03) 9272 8935
E-mail: training@hydac.com.au

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